The 3 D's of Adventuring Monsters of The Multiverse Plane Test

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There is a large number of varies species some with their own Movement Speed: This list how fast

st how fast a creature can move during a

unique subspecies and cultural differences. While the term single melee round, if the creature has another movement option
“monster” is use throughout the 3D’s to adventuring, it’s application like flying, swimming, or burrowing they will be mentioned here
in this games doesn’t referrer to the creature’s appearance in along with the rate at which they can move in a melee round.
contrast to humans or human-like humanoids. Rather the term
“monster” is being used in the context to describe any creature that Hit Dice: This is the number of Hit dice the creature has as well as
is hostile or actively aggressive to other creatures and is likely to the dice type, if it has multiple different kind of dice, they will be
attempt to attack another creature. Thus, any creature, even races mentioned here fallowed by their total constitution bonus for all
of creatures that the player character belong to, are monster by this their hit dice. A pre written hit point total is written in parathesis
definition. They are still NPC’s and it is the Dimension Master’s next to their hit dice and constitution modifier for ease of use for
responsibility to figure out how to use them in their adventure or the DM if they don’t want to roll for the creatures hit points, the hit
campaign setting. An example of social structure, common tactics, as point total written in ( ) is always the maximum number of hit points
well common biology and magical abilities are described for most a creature could have plus its total constitution modifier for each hit
monsters, assuming they display any social habits with others of dice.
their species. It should be noted that social structure and combat % in Lair: This entry is the % chance of encountering the creature in
tactics described herein only hold true with any degree of certainty its lair, monster with a higher % chance means they spend more of
in the Dragon’s Reign campaign setting and while they can easily be their time in their lair then outside. The definition of lair is rather
used with other setting with minor adjustment, are completely open broad as it could be a house, a cave, a tree, a village, a castle, or
to even radical change or adjustment to help the species fit better in even a small grove in a forest. It should be noted the usually only
the DM’s custom universe. It should also be noted that alignment of humanoid creatures carry any items on their person and is only its
creatures that call the material plane their home are ever personal gear plus maybe a small handful of coins just in case they
fluctuating, due to genetic mutations, cultural differences between need to pay for a room for the night or such. Most of a monster’s
areas, and degree of mental stability, while creatures like demons or treasure will stored in its lair, in the case of non-humanoids treasure
devil who are born not only on the outer planes, but are born of it is only ever in its lair (though there are a couple of exceptions like
and any such creature attempting to act as an alignment outside of the terrasque, but this is because they have swallowed a large
the one of the plane that they were born in’s will find it a difficult number of wealth and it takes a long time for it to go through its
thing to achieve. As they are born with a innate impulse do to their digestive track). Killing a monster outside of its lair almost always
connection to their birth plane to act in the fashion of the planes result in a lack of treasure for killing it.
own alignment, you may ask why are creatures of the material plane
not affect like creatures born to other planes? This is because the Treasure Type: This is the kind of treasure it keeps in its lair; some
material plane is the only one that is unaligned in any fashion. While monsters might have a small piteous on themselves if they are
there is a random encounter table you can use to generate monster humanoid and that is also usually recorded in paratheses.
encounter, the creatures in this book work best when utilize in a
carefully planned manner so the DM can use the monsters to their # of Attacks: This list the total number of attack in a single melee
fullest and you should always remember that they are living, round they can perform using a full round action. If they have
breathing, thinking creatures (even undead in a confusing way) and multiple options, then an or mean either attack, but only one at a
should always be played as such. time. If they have multiple options, then an and means they can
perform any combination of the attack in a single melee round. A
How to read monster entries creature attack with two class, treat each class as a weapon, giving
them access to two-weapons fighting. The monster bonus on melee
Frequency: This is how rare the encounter of one or more creatures attack rolls will be stated here like thus (+1 Attack Roll), if the
of this type on the material plane. They come in Common (appears creature also has a range attack it will displayed after the melee
around 40 to 50% of the time), Uncommon (appears around 20 to attack roll bonus with a /+1 Range Attack Roll. Monster do get
39% of the time), Rare (appears 10% of the time), Very Rare proficiency bonuses for racial hit dice, but not any kind of favored
(appears 9% of the time), and Unique (There is only one of the weapon bonus and they always treat weapons listed in their
creature and there is only ever 1% chance of running into it under description as well as natural weapon as if they were proficient with
normal circumstances). them.
# Appearing: This entry shows when encountered, how many of Damage (Attacks): This shows each attack a creature has access to
them usually appear together. Some creatures might also list other as well as how much damage it deals including bonuses for high
creatures that might appear with them if it is usually a guaranteed strength.
Special Attacks: This list the special attacks the creatures has access
Armor Class: This shows their normal armor class value, usually to, if it has access to cleric spellcasting or magic-user spellcasting, it
listing if dexterity (dexterity modifier), armor, natural armor is the will be listed here.
cause of their total armor class. Touch armor class if 10 + dexterity
mod + any misc. bonuses that say they function against touch attack. Special Defenses: This lists the special defensive ability the creature
Flat-footed armor class is 10 + any armor (including natural armor) + has, including immunities to certain attack type. If you see a immune
shield + any misc. bonuses that are not derived by the ability to to weapon (+1 or better) that means the monster cannot be damage
evade in some way. unless the weapon is magical with a +1 enhancement bonus or more
on the attack roll and will simply ignore all damage from weapons
otherwise on a successful attack roll. If the paratheses say cold iron
or silver than the monster is immune to all damage unless the The Tier rating is a measurement of how difficult it should
weapon is made out of cold iron or silver respectively. be to kill a creature. A Tier 1 monster should be challenging for a
four member party of 1st level characters. A party of characters who
Magic Resistance: This is how resistant a creature is to spells, spell- manage to get through a monster encounter through diplomacy or
like abilities, and magical effects like a medusa petrifying glare. The by managing to completely ignore a monster encounter through
% value given here is how likely their magic resistance is to stop a stealth get experience points as if they had killed the creatures.
magical effect from having any effect on them including damage Experience point awarded should be evenly split between all party
from physical effect like fire ball if the effect was created by a 11 th members who took part in the fighting, etc. Normal monsters are
level character or a 11 Hit Dice Monster. For every level/hit dice rated from Tier .25 to Tier 17, with 17 being the most powerful
lower the creature using the magic is from 11, the magic resistance monster. However, Archdevils, Demon lords, and gods have their
percent increases by 5% more likely to negate its effect, while for own tiers with α Tier being from Archdevils, Demon Lords, and
every level/hit dice higher than 11, the magic resistance is treated as beings of similar power that do not have a divine rank. β Tier is for
if 5% less likely to negate its effect to a minimum of 0%. If its magic Quasi deities, the lowest kind of gods who have a divine rank of 0
resistance is over 100% then the monster is completely immune to and usually have only a couple hundred fallows or serve another
magical, but not extraordinary or supernatural effects. deity as its vasal. Γ Tier is for the weakest full deities called demi
Abilities: The ability scores of the monsters is listed here, S : deities 1 who have a divine rank of 1 to 10, they have anywhere
Strength, D : Dexterity, C : Constitution, CM : Comeliness, I : from 1,000 to 10,000 worshipers and are very powerful compared to
Intelligence, W : Wisdom, CH : Charisma. The average human non- mortal beings. Δ Tier is for the most common kind of Deity, Lesser
combatant NPC have the fallowing ability scores S 10, D 10, C 10, CM deities who have a Divine Rank of 11 to 20 and have anywhere
10, I 11, W 11, CH 11. between 11,000 and 50,000 worshippers, Lesser deities can have
one or more avatars up to their divine rank though a deity’s avatars
Saving Throws: This show the bonus to saving throws the monster are far weaker than the god’s core self. Ζ Tier is for Intermediate
has, this includes the bonus from racial hit dice, class levels (they deities who are far more powerful than Lesser deities. They have a
only get the better save bonus between racial hit dice and class Divine Rank of 21 to 30 and have anywhere between 51,000 to
level), and bonuses for their ability scores. CGT: Constriction, 500,000 worshippers. Like Lesser deities, Intermediate deities also
Grapple, and Trip;. PPD: Poison, Paralysis, and Death; PP: have avatar with them being able to have a number of avatars equal
Petrification and Polymorph; BWAOE: Breath Weapon and Area of to their divine rank. The Last is Ω Tier which is reserved for Greater
Effect; WRS: Wands, Rods, and Staffs; CC: Charms and Compulsions; deities who have a Divine Rank of 31 to 50, which have over 500,000
SP: Spells and Psionics. worshippers. They can have one or more avatars equal to their
Divine Rank. It takes one year for a deity to create a single avatar.
Alignment: This list the most common alignment members of this
species tend to have, if there are several common alignment the There are two kind of divine being beyond Greater gods, but they
most common alignment will be written out completely while the almost never intervene in mortal affairs and only serve to make sure
less common alignment will be Abbreviated (LG – Lawful Good, LN – the normal gods are doing their jobs properly and likewise cannot be
Lawful Evil, LE – Lawful Evil, CG – Chaotic Good, CN – Chaotic fought. If you were to somehow try, they could instantly snuff you
Neutral, CE – Chaotic Evil, NG – Neutral Good, N – True Neutral, NE – out with but a single thought. The Overdeities are the most powerful
Neutral Evil). If a creature has a tendency, it will be displayed next to active of the gods, functioning like a deity to the normal deities and
its main alignment as tends towards (Chaos, Lawful, Good, Evil, or they work as overseers for the two original beings. They have a
Neutral). While monsters of the material plane can have a wide Divine Rank of 51 to 99 and do not have any mortal worshippers, nor
variance between members of the same species, monster who are do they allow worship of themselves in any kind except by greater or
from the outer planes are tied to the plane they hail from and have a less deities that serve within their cosmology. They report directly to
alignment the reflects the alignment of the plane they are from. The the Omnigods and are tasked with keeping the whole omniverse in
material plane is the only unaligned plane in the omniverse and balance. The Omnigods are two beings and are the originators of the
doesn’t alter creatures’ perception of reality the way other planes entire omniverse and all multiverses, they have a Divine Rank of 100
do. and don’t take any active interest in the affairs of mortals or gods
unless the entire omniverse is threated. They are otherwise, happy
Size: The monsters size category is listed here fallow by the to delegate the day to day business to their Overdeities, the
creature’s height or length in feet and inches. Omnigods don’t have any particular gender nor gender identity, nor
do they identify by any term or classification by mortal or divine
Psionic Ability: This is where whether or not the creature has psionic
abilities. If they do have psionics it will list their total Power points understanding, they are simply beyond all things.
they have access to per day as well as their effective Psionicist level. Tip: A difficult encounter should use a monster of at least a tier two
If they have access to attack modes they will be mentioned in the higher than the highest level character in the player character’s
monster’s description. party. For creatures with a tier less than one, for every four monster
Tier: The monster’s tier rating is given here; this determines how of the same type treat their tier level as one higher. In other words,
common kobolds normally have a tier of .25, but if the encounter
much experience points a character gets for defeating or avoiding
the creature without fighting. has 8 kobolds it is treated as a tier .75 for each kobold rather than
tier .25. For creatures with a tier of one or higher, for every two
Tier additional monsters of the same type passed the first treat their tier
level as one higher. So a encounter with three human brigands who
normally are tier 1 are treated as tier 2 each instead.
Experience Points for Monster Tier .25 – 12 by Character Level
-Monster Tier-
Level .25 .50 .75 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 75 100 125 150 300 450 600 750 1,000 1,250 1,500 1,750 2,000 4,000 6,000
2 100 120 150 175 350 500 650 800 1,200 1,500 1,750 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000
3 125 150 175 200 400 550 700 850 1,400 1,750 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000
4 150 175 200 250 450 600 750 900 1,600 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000
5 175 200 250 300 500 650 800 950 1,800 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000
6 200 250 300 350 550 700 850 1,000 2,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000
7 250 300 350 400 600 750 900 1,200 4,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000
8 300 350 400 450 650 800 950 1,400 6,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 20,000
9 350 400 450 500 700 850 1,000 1,600 8,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 20,000 40,000
10 400 450 500 550 750 900 1,200 1,800 10,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 20,000 40,000 60,000
11 450 500 550 600 800 950 1,400 2,000 12,000 16,000 18,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000
12 500 550 600 650 850 1,000 1,600 4,000 14,000 18,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000
13 550 600 650 700 900 1,200 1,800 6,000 16,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000
14 600 650 700 750 950 1,400 2,000 8,000 18,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000
15 650 700 750 800 1,00 1,600 4,000 10,000 20,000 60,000 80,000 100,00 120,000
140,000 160,000
0 0
16 700 750 800 850 1,20 1,800 6,000 12,000 40,000 80,000 100,000 120,00 140,000
160,000 180,000
0 0
17 750 800 850 900 1,40 2,000 8,000 14,000 60,000 100,000 120,000 140,00 160,000
180,000 200,000
0 0
18 800 850 900 950 1,60 4,000 10,000 16,000 80,000 120,000 140,000 160,00 180,000
200,000 400,000
0 0
19 850 900 950 1,000 1,80 6,000 12,000 18,000 100,00 140,000 160,000 180,00 200,000
400,000 600,000
0 0 0
20 900 950 1.000 1,200 2,00 8,000 14,000 20,000 120,00 160,000 180,000 200,00 400,000
600,000 800,000
0 0 0
21+ 950 1,000 1,200 1,400 4,00 10,000 16,000 40,000 140,00 180,000 200,000 400,00 600,000 1,000,00
0 0 0 0

Experience Points for Monster Tier 13 – Ω by Character Level

Character -Monster Tier-
Level 13 14 15 16 17 α1 Β2 Γ3 Δ4 Ζ5 Ω6
1 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000
2 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000
3 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000
4 14,000 16,000 18,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000
5 16,000 18,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000
6 18,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000
7 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 400,000
8 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 400,000 600,000
9 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000
10 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000
11 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000 1,200,000
12 1,000,00
120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,200,000 1,400,000
13 1,000,00 1,200,00
140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,400,000 1,600,000
0 0
14 1,200,00 1,400,00
160,000 180,000 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000 1,600,000 1,800,000
0 0
15 1,000,00 1,400,00 1,600,00
180,000 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,200,000 1,800,000 2,000,000
0 0 0
16 1,000,00 1,200,00 1,600,00 1,800,00
200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,400,000 2,000,000 3,000,000
0 0 0 0
17 1,200,00 1,400,00 1,800,00 2,000,00
400,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000 1,600,000 3,000,000 4,000,000
0 0 0 0
18 1,000,00 1,400,00 1,600,00 2,000,00 3,000,00
600,000 800,000 1,200,000 1,800,000 4,000,000 5,000,000
0 0 0 0 0
19 1,000,00 1,200,00 1,600,00 1,800,00 3,000,00 4,000,00
800,000 1,400,000 2,000,000 5,000,000 6,000,000
0 0 0 0 0 0
20 1,200,00 1,400,00 1,800,00 2,000,00 4,000,00 5,000,00
1,000,000 1,600,000 3,000,000 6,000,000 7,000,000
0 0 0 0 0 0
21+ 1,400,00 1,600,00 2,000,00 3,000,00 5,000,00 6,000,00
1,200,000 1,800,000 4,000,000 7,000,000 8,000,000
0 0 0 0 0 0
This tier is reserved for Archdevils, Demon Lords, and similar beings.
This tier is reserved for Quasi Deities and similar beings.
This tier is reserved for Demi Deities and similar beings.
This tier is reserved for Lesser Deities and similar beings.
This tier is reserved for Intermediate Deities and similar beings.
This tier is reserved for Greater Deities and similar beings.

Creature Types save throws progression for racial hit dice. A monster’s racial hit dice
count as levels for determining their save throw bonus, if they also
A monster creature type determines what its racial hit dice is, how have class levels then they use the best saves between their racial
they progress with save throws when they don’t have class levels, as and class save throw progression. Monsters have access to
well as attack roll bonus. The good, average, and poor save throw proficiency bonus like classes using their racial hit dice as their level
progressions refers to the three categories of save throw mentioned and if they have class levels, they take the highest bonus between
in the beginning of chapter 3 of the Player’s Guide to the Multiverse their class level and racial hit dice.
(plane test packet). There are subcategories for certain creature
types, these subcategories however do not affect racial hit dice or

Creature Types, their Racial Hit Dice and Save Throw Progression by Racial Hit Dice
Save Throws Progression
Constriction, Poison, Polymorph Breath Weapon Wands, Charms Spells
Creature Racial Grapple, Paralysis, And And Rods, And And
Type Hit Dice And Trip And Death Petrification Area of Effect And Staffs Compulsions Psionics
Aberration d8 Average Good Good Average Poor Good Average
Animal d8 Average Poor Poor Good Average Poor Poor
Aquatic d8 Average Poor Poor Good Average Poor Poor
Avian d8 Good Poor Poor Good Average Poor Average
Celestial d8 Average Good Good Average Average Good Good
Construct d10 Good Good Poor Poor Average Poor Average
Daemon d8 Average Good Poor Good Good Average Good
Demon d8 Good Average Good Good Poor Good Average
Devil d8 Poor Good Average Average Good Good Good
Dragon d12 Good Average Average Poor Good Poor Good
Dragonoid d10 Good Good Good Poor Average Average Poor
Elemental d8 Poor Average Average Good Good Poor Average
Extraplanar d10 Average Good Good Poor Average Good Average
Fey d6 Poor Good Good Average Average Good Average
Giant d8 Good Good Poor Poor Average Poor Poor
Goblinoid d8 Poor Poor Average Average Good Poor Poor
Humanoid d8 Average Poor Average Average Good Poor Poor
Magical Beast d10 Average Average Good Good Poor Poor Average
Monstrous Humanoid d8 Average Poor Poor Average Good Average Average
Ooze d10 Good Good Good Poor Poor Good Poor
Outsider d8 Average Good Good Average Average Average Poor
Plant d8 Good Good Poor Poor Average Average Poor
Reptilian d4 Poor Average Poor Good Good poor Average
Shapechanger d8 Average Poor Good Good Average Good Poor
Undead d12 Good Good Average Poor Poor Poor Poor
Vermin d8 Poor Good Poor Average Average Good Average
and any magic-user levels they might have if their intelligence score
is 17 or higher.
In the Darkrealm it is a well-known fact and many drow consider it
These humanoid creatures are the product of succubi and humans an honor to sire a Dralu-Demon and many drow noble houses try to
having sex; strangely however the resulting offspring is always have at least one Dralu-Demon in their house. Powerful drow magic-
female however thanks to their shapeshifting ability there is nothing users and clerics of L’Jallil will summon a succubus in order to strike
stopping an Alu-Demon taking a male form whenever they want. a deal so that they can produce a Alu-Demon child. If a deal can be
These female humanoids tend to 5’ 6” tall to 7’ tall with tiny vestigial reached the succubus will stay with the drow in question (taking
horns and small bat-like wings which they can use to fly up to 120 male form if the drow is female) for up to 4d4 years plus the time it
feet in a melee round, though their maneuverability is average due takes to become pregnant and give birth to the Dralu-Demon in
to the small size of their wings. 18% of Alu-Demons are born with a which case both drow and succubus will raise the child unlike with
small 1 ½ ‘ to 3’ long tail that ends with a upside down pointed heart normal Alu-Demon where the succubus will become pregnant while
shape. trying to corrupt a mortal and then raise the resulting child
Alu-Demons can easily pass as normal humans if they try and while themselves in the abyss. Once the Dralu-Demon is 4 to 16 years old
a large percent of them tend towards chaotic evil (half of which have the succubus will often leave the child in the care of the drow
neutral tendencies) due to their demonic heritage, 20% of Alu- parent. As such Dralu-Demon lack the antipathy towards succubus
Demons are either Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Good, or Neutral Evil. that normal Alu-Demon have, in fact most powerful Dralu-Demons
While the listed ability scores below can be used for a Alu-Demon, will keep 2d3 succubi as attendants at all time and will take them as
the dimension master can instead generate their ability scores using sexual parent in addition to drow and other creatures. On occasions
the fallowing method: roll 2d6+6 for strength, dexterity, when going into combat the Dralu-Demon will have 2d6 drow with
Constitution, wisdom, and charisma and roll 1d8+10 for Intelligence them, one of which is always a 9th level cleric and a 12th level magic-
and comeliness, make sure to adjust comeliness for their charisma user and any other drow with them will be 5th level fighters.
score. Do not forget to adjust their stats by their ability scores. If In the large drow city of Errdegahr Cress form by eight city-states
their intelligence score is 17 or higher the Alu-demon will have an that are closely interconnected by trade and inter city-state war fair,
additional 1d12 levels of magic-user and have access to psionics as if being the largest city in the Darkrealm there are at least 30 known
a Psionicist of level equal to their total hit dice (including any magic- Dralu-Demons that live in city. One of which is the Matron of the
user’s levels they possess). If in groups or if an Alu-Demon is in a house Yalmrendan and is a powerful cleric / magic-user who
group of other creatures it will always be a leader of the group functions as the leader for the council of eight the ruling body of
(though they may willing let another creature be leader if said Errdegahr Cress. She keeps the other seven city-states and their
creature is their lover), a Alu-Demon Leader will always be a Alu- drow matron’s from destroying each other with their petty wars and
Demon with an Intelligence of 17 or higher. squabbles. She is feared and respected by the matrons, loved and
Alu-Demon are free spirited creatures by nature and even when of revered by the nobles and common drow, and favored by L’Jallil
evil alignment will prefer to keep creatures they work with or have D’Vhid Herself. Vashiurial Yalmrendan is usually in the company
sex with safe. They also never intentional backstab or betray a 15d3 drow soldiers (5th to 8th level, roll 1d4 with a roll of 1 being 5th
creature they work with, but will leave them if they feel it isn’t in level and a roll of 4 being 8th level, with 75% of them being female),
their best interests or if they have tired of the creature. When they 5d4 succubi, 2d6+1 of her full drow noble siblings (9 female drow
do separate from the service of creature or from creatures that work cleric of levels ranging from 9th to 16th level, roll 1d8 like with the
for it, it will usually be on good terms and usually with a way to drow soldiers above when determining level, and 4 male drow, 3
reach the Alu-Demon if something would happen that might fighters of 5th, 9th, and 14th level respectively and a 25th level magic-
endanger its former ally. Regardless, working with, for, or simply user who is fiercely loyal and protective of his youngest sister
becoming their sexual partner the Alu-Demon will always do what despite her being matron).
they can to maintain a lasting and permeant relationship with any She also has three Dralu-Demon children of her own of which there
creature they meet on friendly terms. Alu-Demons do not usually is only a 25% chance of all three being at her side 50% chance that
get along with Succubi except their mothers and even then, the they are in their own quarters, 15% chance shopping outside the
relationship is strained as most Alu-Demons are born out of one house, and a 10% chance that one or more of them will be at the
night stands due to the nature of succubi and few ever even meet local tavern having sex with a common drow in one of the rentable
their fathers or mothers. rooms. If the roll indicates they are in their quarter roll 1d3 to
There are rumors floating around on the surface realm of rare determine if its one or all three. If less than all three are rolled than
unions between drow and succubi, these actually willing unions are roll again for their location this time with a 75% chance of the
said to produce special unique Alu-Demons called by drow, Dralu- remaining Dralu-Demon being at their mother’s side. None of
Demon. These Alu-Demon are always generated using the special Vashiurial’s daughter are the jealous type and will actively share
method (though an example is provided for easy reference), but sexual partners, however only one of the daughters is bisexual and is
there are a few exceptions to how it is generated. Strength, likely to engage multiple sexual partners of both genders
constitution, and wisdom are generated as above, but dexterity is simultaneously. The two older daughters have levels as a cleric and
generated by rolling 2d6+10, charisma is 2d6+4, and both magic-user respectively one being a 9th level cleric and the other
Intelligence and comeliness is generated by rolling 1d8+12. being a 12th level magic-user, the youngest has no additional class
Furthermore, if the Dralu-Demon’s wisdom score is 17 or higher levels but tends to spend most of her time with the magic-user as
they will have 2d6 cleric levels in addition to their normal hit dice
her large bisexual appetite appeals to the younger child who has
only recent had her 74th birthday.

Alu-Demon Dralu-Demon
Type: Demon Demon
Frequency: Rare (Very Rare) Very Rare (Very Rare)
# Appearing: 1 (1d4 + 2d4 other monsters) 1 ( 1d4 +2d6 Drow, including 1 9th level cleric)
Armor Class: 15 (+2 dexterity modifier, +3 natural armor) or variable 17 (+4 dexterity modifier, +3 natural armor) or variable
Movement Speed: 120 feet (120 feet flying) 150 feet (120 feet flying)
Hit Dice: 6d8 + 2d12 (72 hit points) 6d8 +2d12+8 (80 hit points)
% in Lair: 15% 30%
Treasure Type:
# of Attacks: 1 weapon or kiss (+3 Attack Roll) 2 weapons or 1 kiss (+4 Attack Roll)
Damage (Attack): By weapon +1 By weapon +2
Special Attacks: Draining Kiss Draining Kiss
Special Defense: Immune to weapons (+1 or better damage), resistance to Immune to weapons (+1 or damage), resistance to cold,
cold, electricity, fire, and gas effects, and spell-like electricity, fire, and gas effects, spell resistance 37%, and
abilities. spell-like abilities.
Magic Resistance: 30% 30%
Abilities: S 15 (+1), D 16 (+2), C 12 (+0), CM 21 (+5), I 16 (+2), W 10 S 16 (+2), D 20 (+4), C 14 (+1), CM 22 (+5), I 16 (+2), W 16
(+0), CH 18 (+3) (+2), CH 16 (+2)
Saving Throws: CGT +7, PPD +4, PP +11, BWAOE +8, WRS +4, CC +9, SP +4 CGT +8, PPD +5, PP +11, BWAOE +10, WRS +4, CC +8, SP +2
Alignment: Chaotic Evil (20% CN, CG, or NE) Chaotic Evil (20% CN, CG, or NE)
Size: Medium (5 feet 6 inches to 7 feet) Medium (5 feet 2 inches to 7 feet)
Psionic Abilities: Yes, 17 or higher intelligence, varies by total hit dice Yes, 17 or higher intelligence, varies by total hit dice
Tier: 8 9

Alu-Demons can wear armor, but due to their natural armor only creature, but it takes only 1 segment to kiss an already grappled
gains an improvement in armor class if the armor bonus of the creature, at the beginning of each melee round a creature can
armor exceeds +3 or is a magical armor in which case, she gets to attempt another save vs grapple to escape the Alu-Demon’s grasp
add the armors magical bonus to her armor class. If the armor provided it isn’t under the effects of euphoria. The Alu-Demon can
provided a higher armor bonus and is magical then she gets the full only make a kiss on a creature it is grappling once every two
bonus to her armor class. Thus a +1 leather armor only add +1 to her segments, but are not limited to the number of times per round it
armor class rather than +3, but a +1 full-plate adds the full +10 to can kiss the creature it is grappling.
her armor class. Shield function as normal for a Alu-Demon and
provide full benefits. They also treat all weapons as their favored Alu-Demon’s have infravision up to 90 feet and can switch to
weapons and can use any weapon. They often favor swords of all darkvision as a swift action, their darkvision has a range of 60 feet.
kinds, bows including crossbows, and spears. They also use each of the fallowing abilities 3/day, but only one
ability during any single melee round as a free action: charm person,
When a Alu-Demon kisses a creature or engages in sexual ESP, shape change (But only to any human or humanoid form of
intercourse they can choose to suck the life energy from the approximately their own size and weight). The can also 1/day use
creature’s body draining 1d8 hit points from the victim per kiss or dimension door as a action. All of these spell-like abilities function as
minute of sexual intercourse (this isn’t damage and cannot be if casted by 12 level caster and us intelligence as their spell casting
reduced), this permanently reduces the creatures maximum hit ability. The DC for the spell-like ability is 10 + the Alu-Demon’s
points (as well as current hit points) by the rolled amount and the Intelligence modifier. They resistance spells, spell-like abilities, and
Alu-Demon permanently gains half the drained hit points from the all other magical effect, but not supernatural or extraordinary
victim rounded up to the nearest whole number. Each time during effects on a d% roll of 30% or less. Alu-demons also take half
sexual intercourse a creature is drained or is kissed to drain them, damage from cold, electricity, fire, and gas effects like cloud kill or a
the creature must make a save vs paralysis with a DC 15 or be green dragon’s cone of corrosive gas.
overcome by a pleasurable euphoric sensation that makes them
unable to do anything but stay still in sexual bliss for 1d4+1 As mentioned previously, 2 out of 8 Alu-Demon have 17 or higher
segments. A Alu-Demon can use this draining ability during combat intelligence score and 1d12 magic-user levels in addition to their
by kissing a creature, unwilling creature must make a save vs grapple normal hit dice. When determining proficiency bonus, they use their
against a DC 13 (10 + strength modifier + proficiency bonus using total hit dice and will uses the better save between magic-user and
total hit dice) otherwise they are grasped in the Alu-Demon’s loving monster saves. They are treated as gestalt multi-class characters for
hug-like embrace and kissed. They then lose hit points as explained the purpose of casting spells in armor as well as weapon
above and must then make their save to avoid being unable to proficiencies. Alu-Demons of 17 or higher intelligence are always
defend themselves. It takes 3 segments to grapple and kiss a treated as if they were Psionicist, though don’t get any extra hit dice
or saves for this, but they do treat their total hit dice as their level
for the purpose of power points, attack modes, core skills, and other # of Attacks: 2 arming swords (2), 1 knife-whip, 1 hand crossbow, or
Psionicist class features. kiss (+11 Attack Roll/+13 Range Attack Roll)

Dralu-Demon’s have all of the abilities of normal Alu-Demons as well Damage (Attack): by weapon +2
as the falling. They tend to use arming swords, rapiers, whips, knife-
whips, and hand crossbows for their weapons. They resist spells, Special Attacks: cleric spells, Draining Kiss, and magic-user spells
spell-like abilities, and all other magical effect on a d% roll of 30% or Special Defenses: Immune to weapons (+1 or better), resistance to
less. They also have spell resistance of 30% + 1% per hit dice past the cold, electricity, fire, and gas effects, spell resistance 50%, and spell-
1st to a maximum of 50%, this works on spells or spell-like abilities like abilities
that target them or area effects that affects all creatures in their
area, but not effects that creature a physical force to damage. If the Magic Resistance: 30%
spell is a damage dealing effect and fails to get past the Dralu-
Demon’s spell resistance it still takes damage, but only 1/4 th of the Abilities: S 16 (+2), D 20 (+4), C 17 (+2), CM 25 (+7), I 20 (+4), W 18
damage. The spell resistance is reduced by a % equal to the spells (+3), CH 20 (+4)
level if the spell is 2nd level or higher. Spell-like abilities are treated as Saving Throw: CGT +12, PPD +11, PP +17, BWAOE +14, WRS +16, CC
the lowest level version possible, unless its description say a +20, SP +19
particular spell level.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral tends towards good
When fighting with weapons, Dralu-Demons fight with two-weapons
like normal drow do with no penalty or restrictions for two-weapons Size: Medium (6 feet 8 inches)
fighting. Dralu-Demons with levels in cleric will prefer to use either a
whip or a knife-whip, though they will still carry two swords to use Psionic Abilities: Yes, 174 power points (level 36 Psionicist)
just in case. They also have all the same immunities and resistances
Tier: 17
as drow do, including the +2 bonus on saves vs spells.
Vashiurial is beautiful, cunning, and gentle, when necessary, but
In addition to their normal spell-like abilities, they can also use the
deadly when pushed. She will always open first with parleying, trying
fallowing drow spell-like abilities: At will as a swift action they can
to find out what a creature wants with her and negotiate. If the
use dancing light, and each 1/day as a swift action darkness, detect
creature cannot be reasoned with, she will always attempt to strike
magic, discern lies (including its reverse), dispel magic, faeries fire,
first with a mind blast, fallowing it up charm person to make sure
and know alignment. 1/day as a action they can use clairvoyance
the creature is unable to properly resist its effect. If by herself and
and suggestion with levitate being usable 1/day as a reaction. Like
she knows a hostile creature is coming to attack she will cast bless
their demonic spell-like abilities these use intelligence as their
and enlarge on herself and her gear to give her a big enough
spellcasting ability using their total hit dice to determine their caster
advantage, though she will still attempt to parley with the creature
but she will switch to offense on the first sign of breakdown in
2 out of 12 Dralu-Demons have 2d6 Cleric levels and 4 out of 8 have communication.
1d12 magic-user level, they can also have both in rare instances.
If she is with her many attendants and family members, she will
All Alu-Demons and Dralu-Demons are immune to the draining have the succubi lay in wait flying above the rooms entrance ready
effects of other Alu-Demons, Dralu-Demons, and well as the to pin down and drain them on the first opportunity or when
succubi’s energy drain. commanded by Vashiurial. She will have at least 10 drow soldiers
flanking each side of the door way, but they do not attack until
commanded or the creatures start to perform a hostile attack
(drawing weapons or casting spells provokes an attack of
Vashiurial Yalmrendan, Matron of House Yalmrendan opportunity from each of the nearby drow). The houses drow nobles
12/16 level Magic-User/Cleric Dralu-Demon will keep close to Vashiurial and will attempt to flank enemies when
they attempt to get close or pelt them with range attacks and spells
Type: Demon from the distance.

Frequency: Unique When fighting Vashiurial will start with her hand crossbow if the
enemies are at a distance, but switching to one of her arming sword
# Appearing: 1 + 15d3 drow soldiers + 2d6+1 drow noble + 5d4 and he knife-whip when they get within 30 feet of her. Once they
succubi come within engage range she will drop her knife-whip and
Armor Class: 24 (+4 dexterity modifier, +10 (+1) full-plate armor) unsheathe her other arming sword. If she has fireball or lightning
bolt prepared and no allies around enemies while they are a
Movement Speed: 150 feet, 120 feet flying distance away from her, she will attempt to cast them both before
they close the distance. When fighting up close she will attempt to
Hit Dice: 22d8 + 2d12+ 12d4 +72 (320 Hit points) use her draining kiss on melee opponents or attempt to use her
% in Lair: 80% charm person ability on the enemy team magic-user of cleric,
persuading them that their former allies are going to betray them
Treasure Type: the first chance that they get and that the charmed creature will be
a welcomed addition to her house, even offering herself to them if
necessary. Any time after she has been dealt 50 or more hit points of
damage, she will attempt to use her cure spells to heal her up to 30
points short of her maximum hit points. If all seem lost and she has
been reduced to 100 hit points or less she will use her dimension
door ability to leave to some place safe, either here bedroom where
she keeps a rod of rulership in a secret compartment or a safe
house, she has made deep in the darkrealm far away from Errdegahr
Bandits The bands fighters will be wearing chainmail and use longbows,
arming swords, rapiers, or longsword. Thieves will have crossbows,
Occasionally large roaming bands of humanoids patrol the short swords, rapiers, or 5 to 10 daggers for throwing and be
wilderness looking for unsuspecting travelers to attack and rob. wearing leather armor. Magic-user will carry a quarterstaff and a
Normally these bands will be mostly creatures of one species, but on dagger for protection and may have 1d3 potions on them with a 20%
occasions it is possible to encounter bandit group of mix species. chance of a potion being a potion of invisibility, 30% chance of a
Your typical bandit can be composed of any of the fallowing species potion being a potion of strength (which they will give to the bandit
Dragonsoul, Dwarves (Hill or mountain), Elves (high, grey, wood, or leader at the first sign of the band losing), and a 50% chance of being
shadow subspecies), Halflings, Half-elf, and Humans (In a potion of Healing. Roll for each potion they have, it is possible for
Darastrixtoka a band of brigand with humans, usually are slaves to them to have one of each, all of one type, or a mix. The Cleric will be
one of the non-human species in the band. Likewise, a band of wearing padded leather and have a club and their deities favored
human bandits will most likely be escaped slaves, with one or more weapon (The dimension master is encouraged to just pick a local
possible worshiping Ashendarlon if not a cleric of his.) The bandits deity as random if not preplaced).
will be mostly fighters and thieves with one or two being either a
magic-user, cleric, or a magic-user and a cleric. Parleying with The size of the band varies and can be anywhere from 20 to 200, for
bandits is usually a bad idea as the often have two or three thieves every 50 bandits in the band the band will 25% of the time have one
hiding waiting to sneak up behind their targets while the leader and additional magic-user and 15% of the time have one additional
the rest of the band negotiate. cleric. For every 25 bandits in the group, the bandit leader will have
one additional class level. A group of 200 bandits will always be led
When fighting any magic-users and clerics will stay near the bands by a 10th level fighter.
leader to provide aid, furthermore the bandit leader will keep two
other members of the band next to them armed with light 80% of bandit lairs are a informal camp, with 10% being a cave
crossbows and short sword. These crossbow men will fire into melee complex with a secret entrance and another 10% will be a castle
regardless to their allies’ positions on the battlefield. Once the band with 1d4 catapults for defense. At any given time, the bandits will
has lost half of its members there is a 25% chance that the rest of have 2d10 prisoners in their lair, these prisoners will be of some
the band will flee and 50% chance that the bandit leader will flee. If important in the local area (I.E., ransom) and they will have 5d6
the bandit leader is killed and the bands magic-users and cleric still slaves or followers in the lair to help in its upkeeping. At any one
have unused spell slots there is a 20% chance that the band will time the lair will have 4d5 horses for the band to use.
surrender and a 30% chance that the surviving members will just
flee instead. If the spellcasters have used all their spell slot when the Occasionally you can encounter a smaller group of bandits in
leader dies then they are 50% likely to surrender and 20% chance to dungeons exploring for loot, they tend to have 3d4+1 member of
flee. 30% of the time a bandit group will actually parley in earnest which will always include one magic-user, but never a cleric though
before combat, but they will demand a absurd sum 400 to 1,200 gp the leader will have 5d4 potions of healing on hand.
(3d4 times 100) to allow safe passage.
Dragonsoul Dwarf Elves Halfling Half-Elf Human
1st level Cleric, Fighter, Magic-user, or Thief
Type: Humanoid Humanoid (dwarf) Humanoid (elf) Humanoid Humanoid (elf) Humanoid
(dragonoid) (halfling) (human)
Frequency: Common
# Appearing: 2d10 x 10
Armor Class: By armor
Movement Speed: 120 feet (10% 60 feet 120 feet 90 feet 120 feet 120 feet
chance of 150 feet
flying speed)
Hit Dice: 1d4 (4 hit points), 1d6 (6 hit points), 1d8 (8 hit points), or 1d10 (10 hit points)
% In Lair: 20%
Treasure Type:
# of Attacks: 1 by weapon or 2 1 1 1 1 1
Damage (Attacks): By weapon or 1d4 By weapon By weapon By weapon By weapon By weapon
Special Attacks: Breath Weapon None None None None None
Special Defense: Energy Resistance Poison Resistance Immune to None 30% resistance to None
magical sleep, magical Sleep and
90% resistance to charm
Magic Resistance: None None None None None None
Abilities: S 11, D 9, C 10, CM S 11, D 10, C 11, S 11, D 11, C 9, S 10, D 11, C S 11, D 11, C 9, S 11, D 10, C 10,
10, I 11, W 11, CH CM 10, I 11, W 11, CM 10, I 11, W 10, CM 10, I CM 10, I 11, W CM 10, I 11, W
10 CH 9 11, CH 10 11, W 11, CH 11, CH 11 11, CH 10
Alignment: Neutral or Any evil
Size: Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium
Psionic Abilities: None
Tier: 1 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75

share a common coloring scheme between members of each group.

Chromatic Dragons include the red, blue, green, white, and black
dragons who have a primarily single natural color over their body,
Dragons their body color starts lighter then darkens as they age. Metallic
Dragons include the gold, silver, bronze, brass, and cooper dragons
These massive creatures are probable the most well-known monster who body have a metallic color covering their entire body which
you could possibly encounter in the wilderness. They are very starts out dark when they are young, but lightens up as they age.
intelligent, long living, and really powerful beings. While they might There are debates between magic-users whether these dragons
not all fly, they surely do all look reptilian though their official color should be their species name or whether they should be used
taxonomy is Dracogoniods. Dracogoniods are split into two Genus as a subspecies designation. Many magic-user use the taxonomy
Dracogonoid True and Dracogonoid Lesser, the differences between designation Dracogonoid True Chromaticus with the individual
the two classification are often difficult to identify between them to subspecies color for a chromatic dragon, so a red dragon would have
untrained eyes. The most common difference between the two is the name Dracogonoid True Chromaticus Red. While the taxonomy
how they are affected when they age, Dracogonoid True, referred by designation from Metallic dragons used by many magic-user is
the common folk as True Dragons, continue to grow their entire live Dracogonoid True Metallicus, so a gold dragon would have the name
and do not stop growing until they die, as a strange side effect of Dracogonoid True Metallicus Gold.
this is that older a true dragon gets the more powerful, they are.
Dracogonoid Lesser or Lesser Dragons stop growing once they hit It should be noted the in many universes chromatic dragons have a
adulthood and rarely grow past 25 feet in size. True dragons also strong tendency towards evil alignments and metallic dragons have
always have at least one breath weapon, while a lot of lesser a strong tendency towards good alignments. Aside from being a
dragons do not. The most common species of true dragons are split species that often dwell in caves or abandoned dungeons, they
into two categories, though not a true taxonomy designation, they themselves are not often involved in these conversations of
scientific discussions about classification. However, in Darastrixtoka
this isn’t the case as dragons are common queens, kings, lords, dragon’s aura. Creatures with 6 or more hit dice are unaffected by
noblemen, and leaders of entire tracks of land they are very active the dragons hit dice. A dragon can choose to voluntarily suppress
all kinds of discussions, especially is the study of dragonkind. It this aura as a free action, but it requires concentration and the aura
should also be noted that chromatic dragons in Darastrixtoka tend will reactivate if the dragon Is successful hit by an attack or spell.
more towards neutrality than evil. Their personal preference for
taxonomy is Dracogonoid True Mono and Dracogonoid True All true dragons can breathe at least one breath weapon, most
Metallum, with each color using the fallow designation: Red = Rubra, breath weapons come in one of two types a line or a cone. A breath
Gold = Aureus, Green = Viridis, Silver = Argentum, Brass = weapon that is a line has a width and height of 5 feet for dragons of
Aurichalcum, Blue = Caeruleus, Bronze = Aeniolus, White = Candidus, subadult age or less and 10 feet for adult and older dragon, the
Copper = Cuprum, and Black = Atra. length of the breath weapon is equal to twice the dragon’s body
length. While cones are as long as they are wide, with their length
True Dragons being equal to the dragon’s body length. If the dragon’s breath
weapon deal damage, it deals damage equal to the dragons total full
True dragons have twelve categories based on their age, these age hit points (not its current hit points), dragons of old age or older deal
categories help gauge the dragon’s power as older dragons are more twice, triple, quadruple, or quintuple their total hit points in
powerful. If you want to randomly determine a dragon’s age damage. Some dragons like the shadow dragon have special effects
category roll a d12, roll a d% if the result of 6, if under 50% the like draining hit dice/ class level, these effect are multiplied at old or
dragon is a young adult and if it’s over 50% it’s an adult. If the higher age categories. Each melee round a dragon is fighting, roll a d
dragon is adult or older there is a 43% chance that it is a mated %, on a result of 50% or less the dragon will use its breath weapon
dragon which has a 55% chance of having spawn in their lair. If they instead of attacking. A dragon can use its breath weapon 3/day, but
do have spawn roll 3d12 to determine the number of young and every 1d4+12 melee rounds that it doesn’t use its breath weapon it
then roll 1d4 for each spawn, with a 1 is hatchling, 2 is wyrmling, 3 is regains one of its daily uses back, this waiting time is reduced by 1
very young, and result of 4 indicated a egg. If you roll an egg roll a for each age category older than hatchling. So, an adult red dragon
1d10 to determine how long in its 11 month incubation period the who used its cone of fire can regain one of its daily uses every 1d4+7
egg is along. You need to do this for each egg. melee rounds. Dragons with more than one breath weapon can use
Dragon Age Categories each breath weapon 3/day. When caught within the area of a breath
Age Bonus Hit BW damage weapon, most breath weapons allow a save vs breath weapon to
receive half damage on a successful save, some breath weapons
D12 Category Points/ HD Multiplier
1 Hatchling 1 x1 instead allow for a different save dependent on the breath weapon
2 Wyrmling 2 x1 in question that may negate its effect or reduce damage, if the
3 Very young 3 x1 breath weapon functions differently than most breath weapon then
4 Young 4 x1 it will be explained in the individual dragon’s description. The DC for
5 Subadult 5 x1 the save vs breath weapon for the dragon’s breath weapon is 15 +
6 Young Adult 6 x1 the dragon’s age category.
6 Adult 7 x1
7 Old 8 x2 All dragons can make up to three attacks per round two claw attacks
8 Very Old 9 x2 and one bite, some dragons might have more than these attack. The
9 Ancient 10 x3 dragon’s claws have a speed of 3 and bites have a speed of 4. Large
10 Venerable 11 x3 or larger dragons can instead of their normal attacks can use make a
11 Wyrm 12 x4 tail swipe that requires all creatures within 10 feet of the dragon
12 Great Wyrm (Dragon Lord) 13 x5 that are two size category smaller than the dragon must make a save
vs trip or be knocked prone, performing this sweeps take a speed of
6 segments.
All dragons have infravision up to 60 feet and darkvision up to 30
feet. A dragon can also detect the presence of hidden or invisible All dragons can fly and they will always try to be flying while fighting
creature within 10 feet of them per age category, so a Great Wyrm if possible. A dragon needs at least four times their length in height
will know when an invisible creature comes within 120 feet of them to be able to comfortable fly indoors without hurting itself. Younger
more over a dragon can pinpoint their location to within a 10 feet dragons have better maneuverability while flying then older dragons
squared area of their actual location. Adult and older dragons have a as they weigh less and have less mass to move around.
powerful aura that surrounds their body to a diameter equal to
twice the dragon’s length in all directions and creatures within this Dragon Age and Flying Class
aura are affect by an extraordinary fear effect depending on the hit Age Age Flying
dice of the creature. Creatures with 1 or less hit dice (animals Category In Years Maneuverability
trained for warfare can ignore this on a successful handle animal Hatchling Less than 1 year Perfect
general skill check with a DC equal to 15 + the dragons age category) Wyrmling 1 – 2 Years old Perfect
Very young 3 – 5 Years old Perfect
are completely panicked for 4d6 turn running away at the fastest
Young 6 – 15 Years old Perfect
speed possible, no save throw allowed. Creature with 3 to 2 hit dice
Subadult 16 – 25 Years old Good
must save vs compulsion DC 20 + dragon’s age category or have a Young Adult 26 -50 Years old Good
50% of being panic as above (1-50%) or a 50% chance being Adult 51 – 100 Years old Good
paralyzed by fear (51-100%) for 5d4 melee rounds. Creatures of 4 to Old 101 – 200 Years old Average
5 hit dice must make a save vs compulsion DC 20 + dragon’s age Very Old 201 – 400 Years old Average
category or suffer a -1 penalty on all attack rolls while within the
Ancient 400 – 800 Years old Average obsidian, while their peach underbelly turns to the same pinkish red
Venerable 801 – 1,600 Years old Poor their young forms shared.
Wyrm 1,601 – 3,200 Years old Poor
Great Wyrm 3,201+ Years old Poor Red dragons’ breath is a cone of fire that deal 150 points of fire
damage (damage equal to the dragons total hit points) on failed save
vs breath weapon against a DC of 22 and 75 points of fire damage on
Red Dragon a successful save. They can also attack with both claws and a bite
attack in the same melee round. Red dragons also can cast magic-
Type: Dragon
user spells as if a magic-user of the level appropriate for their age
Frequency: Rare category with their magic-user level considered 1 higher for every
four racial hit dice they possess. Red dragons hide is quite thick
# Appearing: 1d4 allowing them to shrug off damage from nonmagical weapons,
though a simple +1 magical weapon can easily bypass this. They also
Armor Class: 21 (+1 dexterity modifier, +10 natural armor)
are immune to all fire damage, but they take double damage against
Movement Speed: 90 feet and 240 Feet Flying cold damage.

Hit Dice: 10d12 +100 (220 Hit Points) A red dragon will always prefer not to fight in its lair, let alone
indoors and they will immediately run away to the nearest exit to
% In Lair: 60% the outdoors if caught inside. If necessary, they will even use spells
like teleport to immediately appear outside where it will plan an
Treasure Type:
ambush. Red Dragons will always begin an encounter in the air and
# of Attacks: 3 (two claws and one bite) will not come down until they are dead or their wings have been
dealt damage equal to 1/10th their total hit points (22 points of
Damage/Attacks: 1d8+5 slashing damage (claws) and 3d10+5 damage using the example adult red dragon), their wings have an
Piercing Damage (Bite) armor class of 15 (+1 Dexterity Modifier, +4 Natural Armor) and
once their wings have taken 22 points of damage the dragon falls to
Special Attacks: Cone of Fire and Magic-user Spell casting
the ground. It takes a dragon’s wings 3d4 + age category years to
Special Defenses: Immune to Weapons (+1 of better), Immunity to heal to the point of being useable again without the aid of magic.
fire damage. Even then only a cure major wounds or greater healing spell can
actually speed up the healing of the wing’s membrane. If the dragon
Magic Resistance: None knows about the upcoming fight, they will cast any spells they have
that provide defensive benefits. If only a single entrance to the
Abilities: S 22 (+5), D 13 (+1), C 18 (+3), CM 19 (+4), I 23 (+6), W 17
dragon’s location exists than the dragon will attempt to immediate
(+2), CH 18 (+3)
cast a spell like fireball or lightning bolt into the entrance at the first
Saving Throws: CGT +15, PPD +9, PP +10, BWAOE +5, WRS +16, CC sight of a creature. A red dragon can be parleyed with and if a party
+7, SP +12 makes a clear offering to the dragon (A item with a value of no less
then 1,000 gp per hit dice and age category of the red dragon) while
Alignment: Chaotic Evil (Neutral Evil in Darastrixtoka) making sure to take no hostile actions towards it, then the red
dragon will react positively to the party giving them a +35% to their
Size: Gargantuan (48 Feet long)
reaction rolls against the dragon. A red dragon could be persuaded
Psionic Abilities: None to serve with a party under the right circumstances, but it will
require a particularly pricey tribute to the dragon before it will even
consider negotiating for its services (three times the normal offering
value) and which the dragon will begin by demanding 95% of all
In the wild red dragons are often found dwelling in great hills or
treasure acquired during adventuring with it, but it can be talked
mountainous regions, usually using a subterranean cave as their lair.
down to 55% though it will insist in getting first pick of all items. A
Out of all the normal kinds of chromatic dragons, red dragons are
red dragon will never willing work with a lawful good aligned
often the most greedy and avaricious as well being the largest
creature, unless it has some far reaching goal that can only be
species of chromatic dragons. Their scales start out with a light,
accomplished with the aid of one and as such, they despise your run
almost pinkish red, with a line on their belly that is almost peach
of the mill paladins.
colored and they have grey horns. As they age their red scales
darken to a crimson blood red hue and their horns become black as
Red Dragon’s Stats By Age Category
Wings Base
Age Hit Dragon Size Natural Natural Level
Category Dic Tier Length Category Armor Armor Magic-User Ability Scores
Hatchling 4 5 3½‘ Small +4 +1 4th S 14 (+1), D 18 (+3), C 18 (+3), CM 25 (+7), I 17 (+2), W
12 (+0), CH 12 (+0)
Wyrmling 5 5 6’ Medium +5 +1 5th S 15 (+1), D 17 (+2), C 18 (+3), CM 24 (+6), I 18 (+3), W
13 (+1), CH 13 (+1)
Very Young 6 6 12’ Large +6 +2 7th S 17 (+2), D 17 (+2), C 18 (+3), CM 23 (+6), I 19 (+4), W
14 (+1), CH 15 (+1)
Young 7 6 18’ Huge +7 +2 9th S 18 (+3), D 16 (+2), C 18 (+3), CM 22 (+5), I 19 (+4), W
15 (+1), CH 15 (+1)
Subadult 8 7 24’ Huge +8 +3 10th S 19 (+4), D 15 (+1), C 18 (+3), CM 21 (+5), I 20 (+4), W
16 (+2), CH 16 (+2)
Young Adult 9 8 30’ Huge +9 +3 11th S 20 (+4), D 14 (+1), C 18 (+3), CM 20 (+4), I 21 (+5), W
17 (+2), CH 17 (+2)
Adult 10 10 48’ Gigantic +10 +4 14th S 22 (+5), D 13 (+1), C 18 (+3), CM 19 (+4), I 23 (+6), W
17 (+2), CH 18 (+3)
Old 11 10 56’ Gigantic +11 +4 15th S 23 (+6), D 12 (+0), C 18 (+3), CM 18 (+3), I 25 (+7), W
18 (+3), CH 19 (+4)
Very Old 12 13 60’ Gigantic +12 +5 16th S 24 (+6), D 11 (+0), C 18 (+3), CM 19 (+4), I 26 (+7), W
19 (+4), CH 20 (+5)
Ancient 13 14 74’ Colossal +13 +5 18th S 25 (+7), D 11 (+0), C 18 (+3), CM 20 (+4), I 27 (+8), W
20 (+4), CH 22 (+5)
Venerable 14 15 97’ Colossal +14 +6 19th S 26 (+7), D 10 (+0), C 18 (+3), CM 21 (+5), I 28 (+8), W
21 (+5), CH 24 (+6)
Wyrm 15 16 118’ Colossal +15 +6 20th S 30 (+9), D 10 (+0), C 18 (+3), CM 22 (+5), I 29 (+9), W
22 (+5), CH 26 (+7)
Great Wyrm 16 17 133’ Macro +16 +7 23rd S 32 (+10), D 9 (+0), C 18 (+3), CM 23 (+6), I 30 (+9), W
23 (+6), CH 28 (+8)

Saving Throw Progression by Age Category

Age Saving Throws
Hatchling +5 +6 +10 +4 +6 +1 +4
Wyrmling +7 +6 +9 +4 +9 +3 +7
Very Young +8 +7 +10 +4 +10 +3 +7
Young +11 +7 +9 +5 +12 +4 +9
Subadult +12 +8 +10 +4 +12 +5 +10
Young Adult +14 +8 +9 +5 +15 +6 +12
Adult +15 +9 +10 +5 +16 +7 +12
Old +18 +9 +9 +5 +19 +9 +15
Very Old +18 +10 +11 +5 +19 +10 +16
Ancient +21 +10 +11 +6 +22 +11 +18
Venerable +21 +11 +13 +6 +22 +12 +19
Wyrm +25 +11 +13 +7 +25 +14 +21
Great Wyrm +26 +12 +15 +7 +25 +15 +22
fodder for their intra noble house war fair that the Lady of Chaos’
worshipers are known for. Though normal common kobolds from
Kobolds tribal villages are perfectly fine to those chaos worshiping drow, the
These little reptilian looking humanoid creatures range from 2 foot 7 well trained Kobold fighters or Praetorian guard for kobold
inches to 3 foot 4 inches with very dark rusty brown to rusty black kingdoms are highly prized with Kobold nobility being the most
rough lizard-like skin. They are hairless, with small tan to white sought after Kobold slave with wide variety of training and skills they
horns on their head. The have a vaguely humanoid shape, with a are taught make them useful in almost anything a drow could desire
somewhat long tail and female have vaguely breast like shapes on them to do. So, Kobold nobility if capture are treated much better
their torso though it is unknown what purpose this serves. They are compared to the vast majority of drow slave especially other
an egg laying species with eggs taking around two to four months to Kobolds, though no more so then you would treat your favored
incubate and hatchlings are young for four to five years before they animal plush or sex toy.
begin to mature into full grown adult with male maturing slower Kobolds tend to feel an actual degree of pity toward humans,
than females. Females tend to have 1 to 3 (1d3) points of comeliness knowing that they have been enslaved by dragon kind for untold
more than males and tend to be anywhere from 2 to 5 (1d4+1) millennia. So much so that they are known to capture and steal
points more intelligent than males as well on average. Females tend human slaves that they see during raids thinking that they can live a
to be larger, yet lighter than males favoring skirt or dress-like garbs better life in the village or kingdom with the kobolds then with their
with a slit that allows their tail to easily move around without dragon, dragonsoul, halfling, or dwarf master even sometimes taking
catching on the fabric. Males favor two piece garbs with a loose them as sexual partners. However, most Kobold don’t understand
tunic and leather hide pants with a slit hold together by a buckle in the difference between the human being a willing participant and
the back to allow their tail some freedom. They tend to favor red, them being forced into sexual intercourse. Lucky, party leader,
orange, or dark brown garbs. chieftains, and Kobold nobility are intelligent enough to recognize
Most villages are small tribes with around 72 to 542, usually in the difference and will attempt to rectify the issue if they discover
caves, gathering of trees in which they could make treehouses like this happening.
overgrown forests, or other dark places with enough space. They Depending on external factors dwarves and kobold can somewhat
don’t care too much for bright light though it only makes it harder get along, but there is tension between them and all it takes is one
for them to see, so they prefer to travel outside their village for raids spark to ignite the powder keg. As dragons and dragonsoul have the
to gather supplies and items of interest at night or in cloudy storm largest trade network, they are hit hard by Kobold raids the most
filled days. Kobolds who have formed actual kingdom prefer to trade often. Thus, they constantly hire mercenaries, bounty hunters, and
with neighboring towns, cities, and kingdoms rather than raid trade adventuring party to go in an exterminate overly greed or careless
routes like kobold tribes thanks to their ease of access to the kobold tribes, lucky for the kobolds and bad for the dragon they
darkrealm and its steady supply of mithril and adamantine of which breed so quickly. Elves other than dark elves and drow are repulsive
Kobolds don’t tend to have the skills or knowledge to know how to by kobolds and view them as vile, evil things. Evil drow (who mostly
forge items out of that material, though if times are hard, they will worship L’Jallil D’Vhid) view kobold as either a curiosity or trifle, but
resort to raiding parties though not without asking for aid first. useful tool for war, full, and pleasure. Dark elves are honestly
Kobolds tend to be polyamorous and don’t usually any negative horrified at what their kind have done to kobolds they found for
views in regards to have multiple lovers, husbands, or wives. millennia after being cursed by the Lady of Chaos, considering many
However, spouses of ruling chieftains, kings, and queens are not of the Silver Dancers more recent converts where probable doing
allowed to marry or have lovers other than the ruling chieftain, king, such acts to the poor creatures before being showed the light makes
or queen they are pledge to as they are expected to serve their the horror of the devolution their kind was sinking too before the
leader exclusively. Silver Dancer gained enough power to truly show them what their
In an average Kobold village or kingdom about 50% of its residence actions were doing to others just makes it that much worse for
are female, 10% are young or hatchlings with anywhere from 30 to them. Moreover, they are saddened how so many tribes of Kobolds
300 eggs incubating during any single month. Chieftains rarely leave resort to pillaging and raiding just to survive, but whenever news of
the village and they will usually have stable or farm area with 1d4+1 a formations of a new kingdom of kobold begins to be whispered the
wild boars and 1d4 giant weasels which functions as extra guards, Silver Dancer’s faithful are usually among the first to offer a hand of
pets, and if need be, steeds. Usually, a village will keep 5d4 fighters friendship and peace in the hopes that these kobolds will do the
to guard the village at all times even if the village sends out multiple same to the other races of the world and perhaps, they will let the
warbands and raiding parties. Silver Dancer’s faithful and T’puuli herself guide them to a better
tomorrow. Unfortunately, most other species view kobolds as
Kobold Kingdoms will usually have four to 8 times the number of annoyances at best and vermin at worst.
kobolds over a much vaster territory usually covering 8 to 10 square
miles both on the surface and into the darkrealm. If close to a As noted above sometimes Kobolds try to breed with or are breed
dwarven stronghold they will often get into small skirmishes over with other humanoid creatures, whether it be with humans, drow,
ore and other resources unless they have worked out an agreement. elves, dwarves, and any race in between it happens. However,
Commonly this tends to be the kobold will gather as much loose ore Kobold breed true. In other words, when a human and a kobold
of mithril and adamantine in return for a small portion of the ore have sex, they can only ever produce a kobold offspring and no one
being used to make weapons for the kobolds in return. The Kobold known why this is. To make matters worse when kobold engage in
kingdoms are often under threat of attack from L’Jallil D’Vhid sex with non-kobold the chance of pregnancy is rather low, though
worshipping drow who like to use kobolds as slaves and cannon how low depends on the gender of the kobold and its partner. If a
human (or other species) male has sex with a kobold there is only a A kobold warband are split into six cast, four warrior casts and two
15% chance that the kobold will become pregnant each time more spellcasting casts.
over every one in ten eggs produced from this paring in stillborn.
Kobold females can produce 8 to 48 (8d6) eggs each pregnancy, with Kobold bowmen use light crossbows, wear leather armor and 3 out
the pregnancy lasting 5 to 8 days before she can lay eggs. If a male of every 10 bowmen (30%) wear a buckler on one arm that provides
kobold has sex with a female human the odds of pregnancy is better them a +1 to armor class when attack from that side once per melee
with a 38% of pregnancy, but only one kobold is produced from such round or they can move it in order to block if they wish, but they
a pregnancy at a time and it always results in a live birth and not in a often don’t attack the same melee round they attempt to defend
egg. This pregnancy also takes a lot long taking 2d3 months to themselves like that. They tend to shoot at any obvious spellcasters
gestate and 50% of kobolds born this way are female and 20% are first before focusing on sneaking creatures relying on the fighters
stillborn. This holds true with all live birth humanoid species that and spearmen to take out melee combatants.
kobolds have sex with, only 10% of Kobold know about any of these Kobold Spearmen usual stick close to either the kobold fighters or
facts about breeding with other races and how difficult it is to bowmen to give their partner some added protection. Spearmen
succeed at it. usually keep at least three to four spears with them usually throwing
Common (Commoner) Kobold the first three in the beginning of combat if possible.
Type: Reptilian Kobold fighter tend to favor the front line, though at least three do
Frequency: Uncommon hold back near the party leader to give them some additional
# Appearing: 4d10 x10 protection. They favor the short sword exclusively and 1 in 10
Armor Class: 13 (+3 dexterity modifier)
fighters (10%) have a buckler in their off-hand for added defense.
Movement Speed: 60 feet
Spearmen will often try to flank an opponent with a fighter.
Hit Dice: 1d4 (4 hit points)
% In Lair: 40% The Party leader is either a font line commander or range supporter
Treasure Type:
giving commands to the bowmen on who to target, they favor the
# of Attacks: 1 (bite or weapon) (+1 Attack Roll) short sword or spear equally and while they may carry one or the
Damage(Attack): 1d4 piercing damage medium sized or other, they can sometimes be seen using both often if with spears,
smaller, 1d3 piercing damage large sized or
they will have two or three in case they want to throw some. Party
larger/ or by weapon.
leaders are always escorted by at least three Kobold Fighters and in
Special Attacks: None
the rare case that there are two leader one will usually function as a
Special Defenses: None
Abilities: S 9 (+0), D 18 (+3), C 12 (+0), CM 7 (-1), I 8 front line command sticking close to three fighters of their own,
(-1), W 12 (+0), CH 13 (+1) while the other commands the bowmen while being flanked by
Saving Throws: CGT +0, PPD +1, PP -1, BWAOE +5, WRS +1, three fighters. 50% of all party leaders carry an iron or steel small
CC +1, SP +1 shield using it in their off hand when using short swords or having it
Alignment: Lawful Evil tendency towards Neutral strapped to their back when using spears.
Size: Small (3 feet tall)
Psionic Abilities: None Kobold Sorcerers will usually have magic missile, burning hands,
Tier: .25 shocking grasp, enlarge, diminish, or sleep in their repertoire. Spells
like sleep, burning hand, and enlarge will usually be casted at the
beginning of combat, while sorcerers will wait to cast magic missiles,
The common Kobold is generally tribal members who shocking grasp, and diminish until a good opportunity presents itself.
don’t often leave the confines of their village, however if encounter When push comes to shove or they used up their spells, Kobold
outside their territory will often (90% of the time) attempt to parley Sorcerers will defend themselves with their bite attack or dagger but
rather than fight even in large numbers. Kobold do have war bands will not actively attack a creature without their magic unless
and raiding parties, but they are usually are specialized casts specific cornered or provoked.
to them. Common Kobold do still tend to travel armed, by are never
wearing armor and are never the first to attack outside of their Kobold Shamans are the spiritual center of the Kobold communities
village or territory and only attack when provoke. However, when as well as wise counselor for the warband. They tend to stay
encountered in their homeland unless the creature in question is towards the back only moving forward to heal a gravely wounded
known to be there in peace, they will attack immediately upon fighter, bowman, or sorcerer. Staying close enough to the party
seeing an intruder with (67% of the time) them fighting to the last or leader to heal them, if need be, out of the fight enough to clearly
until the creature is downed even when there is no chieftain or see who need aid. All shaman are at least 1st level druids though
leader currently present in the village. If escorted by another kobold they usually have either good berry or cure light wounds prepared,
into their village or territory the common kobold will always remain some instead have entangled which they will cast on enemies during
passive. Common Kobolds will generally keep a spear, javelin, or the first round of combat hoping to immobilize them for their
short sword on their person or close on hand, but if push comes to fighters, bowmen, and spearmen to kill the creatures quickly. If push
shove, they can bite a creature dealing 1d4 point of piercing to, either because they are directly attacked or the party leader is
damage. under attack the Kobold shaman will leap into action with their
quarter staff to protect themselves or their leaders.
Kobold Warbands
Kobold Warband Warrior Casts
Kobold Kobold Kobold Kobold
Bowmen Spearmen fighter Party Leader
Type: Reptilian Reptilian Reptilian Reptilian
Frequency: Uncommon Common Common Rare
# Appearing: 3d8+2 (5) 4d12+3 (7) 8d4 +2 (10) 1d2 (1)
Armor Class: 15 (+3 dexterity 15 (+3 dexterity 15 (+3 dexterity modifier, 16 (+3 dexterity modifier, +3
modifier, +2 leather) or modifier, +2 leather) +2 leather) or 16 (+3 studded leather) or 17 (+3
16 (+3 dexterity dexterity modifier, +2 dexterity modifier, +3 studded
modifier, +2 leather, +1 leather, +1 buckler) leather, +1 wooden small shield)
Movement Speed: 60 feet 60 feet 60 feet 60 feet
Hit Dice: 1d4+2 (6 Hit Points) 1d4+2 (6 Hit Points) 1d4 and 1d10+4 (18 Hit 1d4 and 2d10+9 (33 Hit Points)
% In Lair: 40% 40% 40% 40%
Treasure Type:
# of Attacks: 1 (Bite or Light 1 (Bite or Spear)(+1 1 (Bite or Short Sword) 1 (Bite or Weapon) (+4 Attack Roll)
Crossbow) (+1 Attack Attack Roll) (+3 Attack Roll)
Roll/+4 Range Attack
Damage (Attack): 1d4 Piercing damage 1d4 Piercing damage 1d4+1 Piercing damage 1d4+2 Piercing Damage (Bite) or
(Bite) or 1d4 piercing (Bite) or 1d6 (medium) (Bite) or 1d8+1 (medium) by Weapon +2 damage
damage (Light and 1d8 (large) Piercing and 1d6+1 (large) Slashing
Crossbow) damage (Spear) Damage (Short Sword)
Special Attacks: None None None None
Special Defenses: None None None None
Magic Resistance: None None None None
Abilities: S 9 (+0), D 18 (+3), C 16 S 11 (+0), D 18 (+3), C 16 S 13 (+1), D 18 (+3), C 16 S 16 (+2), D 18 (+3), C 18 (+3), CM
(+2), CM 7 (-1), I 12 (+2), CM 7 (-1), I 10 (+0), (+2), CM 7 (-1), I 12 (+0), 10 (+0), I 14 (+1), W 14 (+1), Ch 16
(+0), W 12 (+0), CH 9 W 12 (+0), CH 9 (+0) W 14 (+1), CH 14 (+1) (+2)
Saving Throws: CGT +0, PPD +3, PP -1, CGT +0, PPD +3, PP -1, CGT +3, PPD +4, PP +1, CGT +4, PPD +5, PP +2, BWAOE +5,
BWAOE +5, WRS +2, CC BWAOE +5, WRS +2, CC BWAOE +5, WRS +2, CC WRS +3, CC +2, SP +2
+0, SP +1 +0, SP +1 +1, SP +2
Alignment: Neutral Evil tend Neutral Evil tend Neutral Evil tend towards Lawful Evil
towards Law towards Law Law
Size: Small (3 feet) Small (3 feet) Small (3 feet) Small (3 feet)
Psionic Abilities: None None None None
Tier: .50 .50 .75 1
Kobold Warband Spellcasting Casts
Kobold Kobold
Sorcerers Shamans
Type: Reptilian Reptilian
Frequency: Uncommon Uncommon
# Appearing: 2d4+2 (4) 2d6+1 (3)
Armor Class: 13 (+3 dexterity modifier) 15 (+3 dexterity modifier, +2 leather)
Movement Speed: 60 feet 60 feet
Hit Dice: 2d4 (8 Hit Points) 1d4 and 1d8+2 (14 Hit Points)
% In Lair: 40% 40%
Treasure Type:
# of Attacks: 1 (bite or dagger) (+1 Attack Roll) 1 (bite or quarter staff) (+2 Attack Roll)
Damage (Attack): 1d4 Piercing Damage (Bite) or 1d4 (medium) 1d4 Piercing Damage (Bite) or 1d6 Bludgeoning
and 1d3 (large) Slashing or Piercing Damage Damage (Quarter Staff)
Special Attacks: Spellcasting (1st level Sorcerer) Spellcasting (1nd level Druid)
Special Defenses: None None
Magic Resistance: None None
Abilities: S 9 (+0), D 18(+3), C 10 (+0), CM 12 (+0), I 12 S 9 (+0), D 18 (+3), C 13 (+1), CM 10 (+0), I 13 (+1),
(+0), W 9 (+0), CH 16 (+2) W 16 (+2), CH 15 (+1)
Saving Throws: CGT +0, PPD +1, PP +0, BWAOE +5, WRS +2, CC CGT +0, PPD +2, PP +0, BWAOE +5, WRS +3, CC +1,
+2, SP +1 SP +3
Alignment: Lawful Neutral tend towards Evil Neutral tends towards Lawful
Size: Small (3 feet) Small (3 feet)
Psionic Abilities: None Yes (25%), 15 Power Points
Tier: .75 1

25% of shaman are born with innate psionic talent and know 2 noble family usually consists of a king or queen, their spouses
minor disciplines of 1st level and have access to Psionicist psionic (usually one to five, though sometimes they may be unmarried), and
defense modes Core Skills as if a 1st level Psionicist. If the party usual 5 to 20 princes and/or princess. The noble family usually keeps
leader dies and any of the warband survives 60% of the time (if the a staff of 30 to 300 praetorian guards, with at least six guarding each
enemy isn’t badly wound, otherwise it is only 45%) the shaman will member of the royal family at a time unless asked for privacy. The
sound the retreat, if both shamans and part leaders are dead, there position of next king or queen is usually inherited by the oldest living
is a 90% chance that all surviving Kobolds will flee back home telling child, though some will actually choose a successor from among all
the story of how they were defeated to the village chieftain or the their children. The King or Queen uses a counsel of every chieftain as
ruling nobility if there is one. their royal advisor, when in counsel they will hear from each
chieftain about the state of each village and any grievances they
Kobold Leadership might have. If for some reason there is no living heir to the throne
There are two different types of leadership depending on the size of then the chieftains will gather and vote on who will be the next
territory the Kobold control, a small area of about a single village will ruler, with one vote per chieftain. Kobold Nobles are never
have a single leader who was elected into power by deeds of benefit aggressive, even when threatened and are the embodiment of
to the village earning them the position of Chieftain, this position dignity and grace. Nobles are often the smartest, attractive, and
can be of either gender and is a well respective position. Most charismatic of their race. They will always reason first, only attacking
chieftains have 2 to 5 spouses with anywhere from 5 to 32 children when their life is in danger and will agree to anything that they feel
of varied age. A Chieftain usually has 3 to 8 party leaders who lead is in the best interest of their people. Even evil kobold nobles are
warbands and raid, but also function as counsel for the chieftain kind and respectable to all creatures they encounter, until such is no
along with the village’s shamans. longer an option. Depending on how they are raised and the social
structure of the region a Kobold noble can be a general kobold (i.e.,
Sometimes multiple smaller villages will form around the same area, they don’t have class level), A War Kobold (levels in Fighter, Paladin,
rather than fight against each other for control of the overall or Ranger at the DM’s choice), Magi Kobold (levels in Magic-user,
territory they will all band together forming a Kobold kingdom. Sorcerer, or Warlock) or a Holy Kobold (levels in Cleric, Druid, or
These kingdoms are all monarchies, with a noble family usually Favored Soul, 5 in 100 are actually sword dancers)
started by the strongest chieftain of the combined territory. This
Kobold Leadership
Kobold Kobold Kobold Kobold
Praetorian Guard Chieftain King War King
Type: Reptilian Reptilian Reptilian Reptilian
Frequency: Rare Rare Rare Rare
# Appearing: 3d10 x 10 1 1 1
Armor Class: 18 (+3 dexterity modifier, +5 16 (+3 dexterity modifier, +3 18 (+3 dexterity modifier, 20 (+3 dexterity modifier,
chainmail) or 20 (+3 ring mail) or 18 (+3 dexterity +5 chainmail) +7 plate mail)
dexterity modifier, +5 modifier, +3 ring mail, +2
chainmail, +2 small shield) small shield)
Movement Speed: 50 feet 50 feet 50 feet 40 feet
Hit Dice: 1d4 and 2d10+6 (30 Hit 4d4+8 (24 Hit Points) 6d4+12 (36 Hit Points) 1d4 and 4d10+10 (54 Hit
Points) Points)
% In Lair: 80% 80% 80% 80%
Treasure Type:
# of Attacks: 1 (Bite or Arming Sword) (+3 1 (Bite or Hand Axe) (+2 1 (Bite or Arming Sword) 1 (bite) or 2 (3 with two-
Attack Roll) Attack Roll) (+1 Attack Roll) weapons, Arming Swords)
(+5 Attack Roll)
Damage (Attack): 1d4+1 Piercing Damage 1d4+2 Piercing Damage 1d4+1 Piercing Damage 1d4+2 Piercing Damage
(Bite) or 1d6+1 (medium) (Bite) or 1d6+2 (medium) (Bite) or 1d6+1 (medium) (Bite) or 1d6+2 (medium)
and 1d8+1 (large) Slashing and 1d4+2 (large) Slashing and 1d8+1 (large) Slashing and 1d8+2 (large) Slashing
Damage (Arming Sword) Damage (Hand Axe) Damage (Arming Sword) Damage (Arming Sword)
Special Attacks: None None None None
Special Defenses: None None None None
Magic Resistance: None None None None
Abilities: S 15 (+1), D 18 (+3), C 16 S 16 (+2), D 18 (+3), C 16 S 14 (+1), D 18 (+3), C 16 S 17 (+2), D 18 (+3), C 16
(+2), CM 11 (+0), I 14 (+1), W (+2), CM 10 (+0), I 14 (+1), W (+2), CM 14 (+1), I 15 (+1), (+2), CM 14 (+1), I 15 (+1),
12 (+0), CH 12 (+0) 12 (+0), CH 14 (+1) W 12 (+0), CH 16 (+2) W 12 (+0), CH 16 (+2)
Saving Throws: CGT +3, PPD +4, PP +2 , CGT +3, PPD + 5, PP +1 , CGT +3, PPD +6, PP +3 , CGT +2, PPD +5, PP +2 ,
BWAOE +5, WRS +3, CC +0, BWAOE +7, WRS +5, CC +2, BWAOE +9, WRS +7, CC +4, BWAOE +7, WRS +5, CC +3,
SP +1 SP +3 SP +4 SP +3
Alignment: Lawful Neutral Lawful Evil tends towards Lawful Neutral, LE, LE tends Lawful Neutral, LE, LE tends
Neutral towards Neutral, or NE towards Neutral, or NE
Size: Small (3 feet) Small (3 feet) Small (3 feet) Small (3 feet)
Psionic Abilities: None None None None
Tier: 1 1 2 3

Kobold Praetorian Guards will start combat trying to get between feet, and just like normal kings one out of seven have magical armor
the enemy and the nobles, then they will start targeting major and swords with their Tier being adjusted as described before. Magi
threats first, healer and spellcasters, followed by range combatants Kings are arcane spellcaster either of Magic-user, Sorcerer, or
and stealth user. They never leave the noble by themselves leaving Warlock class (adjust the hit dice type by the classes hit dice, the
at least two to guard them while the rest attacks enemies. 25% of statistic displayed herein is based on the magic-user class) of the
Praetorian Guards will actually have a light crossbow on their back class level equal to his Hit Dice. Suggested spells, 1st level: Armor,
that they can switch to with 20 bolts. magic missiles, sleep, enlarge, diminish, burning hands, shocking
grasp. 2nd level: Invisibility, mirror image, darkness, knock. 3rd level:
Every Kobold village has one Kobold Chieftain, usually the most Fireball, lightning bolt, hold person. 4th level: Charm Monster,
charismatic and capable of the Kobold. They wear heavier armor Polymorph self. 5th Level: Teleport. Holy Kings are divine casters of
than most of the Kobolds that make up the village’s warband, so either Cleric, Druid, Favored Soul, or Sword Dancers of 10 th level.
they move slower. Chieftain usually has at least three party leaders They will always focus on healing their praetorian guards first and
or 8 Kobold fighters attending them that functions as bodyguards for provided support second. Suggested spells, 1st level Cure Light
them. Half of these bodyguards will have light crossbows in addition wounds, resist cold, remove fear, command, bless, entangle (druid),
to their normal gear. faerie fire (druid), shillelagh (druid), moonfire (sword dancer). 2nd
A kobold king can be one of four distinct types based on how they level: Chant, cure moderate wounds, hold person, know alignment,
are raised. Your basic King wears a suit of chainmail of which one out resist fire, spiritual hammer, barkskin (druid), charm person (druid),
of every seven is a magical chainmail of +1 to +5 and a arming produce flame (druid), enthrall (sword dancer), flame blade (sword
sword, for each +1 enhancement bonus their armor has their arming dancer). 3rd level: Cure blindness, cure heavy wounds, dispel magic,
sword is equally magical enchanted and adjust his Tier level by 1 for remove curse, call lightning (druid), protection from fire (druid),
each +1 to a maximum of 7. War Kings have two Identical arming stone shape (druid), water breathing (druid), lesser Spellsong (sword
sword which they will attack with using two-weapons fighting for up dancer), magical vestment (sword dancer), water walk (sword
to 3 attacks, two with their main-hand and one with their off-hand. dancer). 4th level: Cure serious wounds, detect lie, circle of
War Kings also wear plate mail which slows his movement by 20 protection from evil, tongues, produce fire (druid) protection from
lightning (druid), enchant weapon (sword dancer), revivify (sword
dancer). 5th level: cure critical wounds, dispel evil, flame strike, plane (sword dancer), dispel chaos (sword dancer), moonbeam (sword
shift, quest, raise dead, true seeing, animal growth (druid), control dancer) and Rainbow (sword dancer).
winds (druid) sticks to snakes (druid), transmute rock to mud (druid),
wall of fire (druid), air walk (sword dancer), arrow of moonlight

Kobold Leadership (continued)

Kobold Kobold Kobold Kobold
Magi King Holy King Queen War Queen
Type: Reptilian Reptilian Reptilian Reptilian
Frequency: Rare Rare Rare Rare
# Appearing: 1 1 1 1
Armor Class: 13 (+3 dexterity modifier) or 18 (+3 dexterity modifier, +5 13 (+3 dexterity modifier) 21 (+3 dexterity modifier, +8
15 (+3 dexterity modifier, +2 chainmail) or 15 (+3 dexterity field plate) or 23 (+3
armor spell) modifier, +2 leather) dexterity modifier, +8 field
plate, +2 small shield)
Movement Speed: 60 feet 50 feet 60 feet 50 feet
Hit Dice: 8d4+16 (48 Hit Points) 1d4 and 6d8+14 (66 Hit 6d4+6 (30 Hit Points) 1d4 and 4d10+5 (49 Hit
Points) Point)
% In Lair: 80% 80% 80% 80%
Treasure Type:
# of Attacks: 1 (Bite or Dagger)(+4 Attack 1 (Bite or Quarter Staff)(+4 1 (Bite or Whip)(+0 Attack 1 (Bite or Knife-Whip)(+5
Roll) Attack Roll) Rolls) Attack Rolls)
Damage (Attack): 1d4 Piercing Damage (Bite) 1d4 Piercing Damage (Bite) 1d4 Piercing Damage 1d4+2 Piercing Damage
or 1d4 (medium) and 1d3 or 1d6 Bludgeoning Damage (Bite) or 1d2 (medium) (Bite) or 1d6+2 (medium)
(large) Slashing or Piercing (Quarter Staff) and 1 (large) Slashing and 1d4+2 (large) Slashing
Damage (Dagger) Damage (Whip) Damage (Knife-Whip)
Special Attacks: Spellcasting (7th level Magic- Spellcasting (6th level Cleric) Trip Trip
Special Defense: None None None None
Magic Resistance: None None None None
Abilities: S 9 (+0), D 18 (+3), C 16 (+2), S 10 (+0), D 18 (+3), C 16 S 9 (+0), D 18 (+3), C 14 S 17 (+2), D 18 (+3), C 14
CM 12 (+0), I 17 (+2), W 12 (+2), CM 12 (+0), I 14 (+1), W (+1), CM 16 (+2), I 16 (+2), (+1), CM 16 (+2), I 14 (+1), W
(+0), CH 16 (+2) 17 (+2), CH 16 (+2) W 14 (+1), CH 17 (+2) 12 (+0), CH 17 (+2)
Saving Throws: CGT +3, PPD +5, PP +3 , CGT +2, PPD +6, PP +2 , CGT +2, PPD +5, PP +4 , CGT +6, PPD +5, PP +6 ,
BWAOE +7, WRS +10, CC +5, BWAOE +9, WRS +7, CC +4, BWAOE +9, WRS +8, CC BWAOE +6, WRS +3, CC +3,
SP +8 SP +6 +4, SP +5 SP +1
Alignment: Lawful Neutral, LE, LE tends Lawful Neutral, LE, LE tends Lawful Neutral, LE, LE Lawful Neutral, LE, LE tends
towards Neutral, or NE towards Neutral, or NE tends towards Neutral, or towards Neutral, or NE
Size: Small (3 feet) Small (3 feet) Small (3 feet) Small (3 feet)
Psionic Abilities: None None None None
Tier: 4 4 2 3

Kobold Queens come in just the same variety of classes, though last or most of their praetorian guard die. After this they are
Magic Queens and Holy Queens use the same list of favorite spells completely demoralized and will do just about anything if it allows
as kings. The Kobold Queens tends to favor the whip and knife-whip them and their subject to live. This is unlike Kings and Queens who if
to most traditional weapon, which allows them to attempt to trip a forced into fighting will fight to the bitter end unless a compromise
single creature within 15 feet, though the whip isn’t effective when is offered to them that is reasonable. Regardless of nobility, they all
the opponent is within 5 feet the queen isn’t afraid to bite any will always be fighting with at least six praetorian guards and can call
creature that comes to close to her in melee combat. You don’t out to summon additional guards if any are nearby (48% if fought in
touch the queen unless she wants you to and even then, she their palace and 23% is fought outside it). Female Kobold nobility
demands respect. Like common Kobold females, queens tend to value strong, capable, creatures of any species who has a comeliness
have higher comeliness score around 1 to 3 points higher than males score of 15 or higher and are 43% of the time open to relationships
making them less hideous to most humanoid eyes, some have been with such a creature provided they have proven their capabilities in
known to refer to Kobold Queens as cute and adorable looking. combat in some way and for each +1 modifier a creature charisma
score gives them increases the percent by 10%.
Princes and Princess both fight like normal kings and queens do,
however they have less hit dice and are prone to fall to the ground
begging for their life or run as far away as possible if they see the
Kobold Leadership (continued)
Kobold Kobold Kobold Kobold
Magi Queen Holy Queen Prince Princess
Type: Reptilian Reptilian Reptilian Reptilian
Frequency: Rare Rare Rare Rare
# Appearing: 1 1 1d12+4 or 3d10+2 1d12+4 or 3d10+2
Armor Class: 13 (+3 dexterity modifier) or 15 18 (+3 dexterity modifier, 15 (+3 dexterity modifier, 13 (+3 dexterity modifier)
(+3 dexterity modifier, +2 armor +5 chainmail) +2 leather)
Movement Speed: 60 feet 50 feet 60 feet 60 feet
Hit Dice: 8d4+16 (48 Hit Points) 1d4 and 6d8+7 (59 Hit 5d4+5 (25 Hit Points) 5d4+5 (25 Hit Points)
% In Lair: 80% 80% 80% 80%
Treasure Type:
# of Attack: 1 (Bite or Whip)(+4 Attack Roll) 1 (Bite or Whip)(+4 Attack 1 (Bite or Short Sword) 1 (Bite or Whip
Damage (Attack): 1d4 Piercing Damage (Bite) or 1d4 Piercing Damage 1d4 Piercing Damage 1d4 Piercing Damage
1d2 (medium) and 1 (large) (Bite) or 1d2 (medium) (Bite) or 1d8 (medium) (Bite) or 1d2 (medium)
slashing Damage (Whip) and 1 (large) Slashing and 1d6 (large) Slashing and 1 (large) Slashing
Damage (Whip) Damage (Short Sword) Damage (Whip)
Special Attacks: Trip, Spellcasting 7th level magic- Trip, spellcasting 6th level None Trip
user cleric
Special Defenses: None None None None
Magic Resistance: None None None None
Abilities: S 9 (+0), D 18 (+3), C 16 (+2), CM S 9 (+0), D 18 (+3), C 14 S 10 (+0), D 18 (+3), C 15 S 9 (+0), D 18 (+3), C 14
17 (+2), I 17 (+2), W 12 (+0), CH (+1), CM 17 (+2), I 14 (+1), (+1), CM 13 (+1), I 12 (+0), (+1), CM 15 (+1), I 14 (+1),
17 (+2) W 17 (+2), CH 17 (+2) W 12 (+0), CH 14 (+1) W 13 (+1), CH 16 (+2)
Saving Throws: CGT +3, PPD +6, PP +2 , BWAOE CGT +2, PPD +5, PP +4 , CGT +2, PPD +4, PP +3 , CGT +2, PPD +4, PP +3 ,
+7, WRS +10, CC +5, SP +8 BWAOE +5, WRS +1, CC BWAOE +9, WRS +6, CC BWAOE +9, WRS +7, CC
+8, SP +8 +3, SP +3 +4, SP +4
Alignment: Lawful Neutral, LE, LE tends Lawful Neutral, LE, LE Lawful Neutral, LE, LE Lawful Neutral, LE, LE
towards Neutral, or NE tends towards Neutral, or tends towards Neutral, or tends towards Neutral, or
Size: Small (3 feet) Small (3 feet) Small (3 feet) Small (3 feet)
Psionic Abilities: None None None None
Tier: 4 4 1 1
Succubus When found in the material plane, succubi are normally alone or
with mortal creatures they are trying to blend in with. In the
These demons are rather unique for demon kind as they are not only abyss,55% of the time a succubus will be along and 45% of the time
really human looking, thereby able to blend into the mortal realm they will be in the company of 1d4 lesser demons. If found in the
better, but they are also not always evil. The average succubus is palace of a demon lord, up to 3d4 succubi could be found and there
chaotic neutral or chaotic neutral tendency towards evil, only about is a 15% chance that 1d4 of those will be in incubus form. Succubi do
30% of Succubi are actual chaotic evil. Succubi are never of any good not like fighting and will always attempt to parley, unless it is made
or lawful alignment, at least not naturally. Moreover, succubi are a clear that the succubus life is in danger, in which case it will use their
mono gender species, though since succubi have the ability to charm person ability to charm one of the attackers (the strongest
change their shape to any humanoid form of around the same size one that she can tell), asking for the reason for this attack and
and weight it is possible and is not uncommon for a succubus to take commanding the charmed creature to protect her, stating that she
a male form. Mortals call succubi who use a male form incubus and will reward the creature well if they do. If the attacking creatures do
many think that there are male and female members of the species, not immediately try to parley, the succubus will use her suggestion
but this not true and as creatures of chaos the succubi are ok with ability on the next strongest creature demanding that it take is
this misinformation created by the wild guesses of their prey. companion and leave her alone. If that fails and a full fight breaks
Succubi tend to be anywhere from 4’ to 7’6”, they share the same out, see will attempt to cast magic-user spells at the creatures and if
range of hair, eye, skin, and overall appearances as humans, but the possible, she will get close to the party’s magic-user or next
succubus have large bat-like wings, small 1” long pointed horns dangerous member and grapple them to them a kiss so she can
poking out of their hair line, with a thin 5’ long tail ending with a energy drain. The succubus won’t let go of this creature until it
seeming pointy tipped mass resembling a cartoon heart with the tail drains them to death (which it can energy drain 1 level or point of
connecting to it at center where the two round section meet. While constitution per minute) or she takes 15 points of damage. After the
the tip of the tail looks hard, it is in fact soft with a small hole in battle if the charmed creature and her lives, she keeps her promise
which a poison leaks out at the command of the succubus. Succubi to reward the charmed creature granting it any one favor (provided
regardless of whether in male or female form are always extremely it’s within the succubus power to give) or gold, jewels, or magic
supernaturally beautiful and are naturally very charismatic without items up to 1,000 gp in value. If ask to be the charmed creature’s
the use of their innate abilities. sexual companion or to stop all activities related to a demonic
When in the abyss a succubus will usually be in the service of mission the succubus will willing comply (though if asked to not fulfil
another powerful demon and demon lords usually keep harems of its master’s mission, the succubus will demand the creature
succubus on staff to serve their every need or to function as personally protect her for her time on the material plane as well as
personal body guards. However, most succubi hate living in the to allow her to perform her monthly energy drain on them to allow
abyss and when the opportunity to leave the abyss, either being her to continue to live).
sent there by their employer, summoned by a cleric or magic-user, Succubus
or leave through a dimensional rift, they take it. About 47% of all
Type: Demon
succubus are under the employment of a powerful demon or demon
Frequency: Rare
lord and 60% of those are under employment because of coercion, # Appearing: 1
as such if found on the material plane and a attempt to return them Armor Class: 20 (+3 dexterity modifier, +7 natural armor)
to the abyss is made the succubus will always fight to the death to Movement Speed: 120 feet (180 Feet Flying, Perfect)
avoid returning. However, if threaten with the choice to stop their Hit Dice: 6d8 +12 hit points (60 hit points)
current actions or be forcefully returned to the abyss a succubi is % In Lair: 10%
willing to parley 90% of the time with the other 10% being too afraid Treasure Type:
of their demon master to risk its wrath. It should be noted, that # of Attacks: 2 (claws)(+4 Attack Rolls)
Damage (Attacks): 2d3 Points of slashing/unholy damage
most mortal being do not know that using their energy draining (Claws x2)
ability when outside the abyss is essential to their survival, as inside Special Attacks: Bliss Poison, Energy Drain, Spell-like
the abyss their bodies is constantly suppled energy by the abyss Abilities, Spells
itself. However, outside the abyss a succubus doesn’t have access to Special Defenses: Immune to Weapons (+1 or better),
this external energy source and must at least once a month energy Etherealness
drain 1 level or 1 point of constitution from a creature, if they don’t, Magic Resistance: 30%
they lose 1 point of constitution each month that they don’t feed on Abilities: S 19 (+4), D 18 (+3), C 17 (+2), CM 25 (+7), I
a mortal’s life force and they won’t regain their lost constitution 18 (+3), W 12 (+0), Ch 21 (+5)
until they drain a number of levels or points of constitution equal Saving Throws: CGT +10, PPD +6, PP +13 , BWAOE +9, WRS
the number of lost constitution +1. They never gain more +5, CC +11, SP +4
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (possible evil tendencies)
constitution than what they had originally, unless they raise their
or Chaotic Evil (30% chance)
constitution up some other way. If they energy drain a creature and
Size: Medium (4 feet to 7 feet 6 inches)
drain more than the 1 level or point of constitution a month needed Psionic Abilities: Yes. 54 power points
for them to survive, the succubus gains 1d8 temporary hit point for Tier: 9
each level or point of constitution past the first per month. These
temporary hit point stay with the succubus until lost and they are
removed first before their normal hit points when they take Succubi can cast magic-user spells as if a magic-user equal to their
damage. racial hit dice, furthermore 20% of all succubi have 1d10 class level
of either magic-user, cleric, or anti-paladin or a mixer of three. They against a DC 14 (10 + strength modifier + proficiency bonus using
also have access to psionic as a Psionicist of a level equal to their total hit dice) otherwise they are grasped in the succubus’s loving
total hit dice. Succubi also have the fallowing spell-like abilities: hug-like embrace and kissed. They then lose levels or constitution as
darkness, charm person, ESP, clairaudience, and suggestion each of explained above and must then make their save to avoid being
which can be used 3/day and use her charisma as her spellcasting unable to defend themselves. It takes 3 segments to grapple and kiss
ability. 2/day a succubus can gate in demons with a 40% chance that a creature, but it takes only 1 segment to kiss an already grappled
nothing comes through, if a demon does come out roll d100, a result creature, at the beginning of each melee round a creature can
of 1-70% mean a type IV demon comes forth, 71-95% means a type attempt another save vs grapple to escape the succubus’s grasp
VI demon comes forth, and 96-00% mean one of the demon lords or provided it isn’t under the effects of euphoria. The succubus can
princes come forth with a 95% chance that if the succubus serves a only make a kiss on a creature it is grappling once every two
particular demon lord it will be that demon lord who appears. At will segments, but are not limited to the number of times per round it
the succubus can become ethereal or return to a corporeal state and can kiss the creature it is grappling.
she shapeshift in to any humanoid form regardless of gender (but
the form must be approximately their own height and weight) any
time she wants, but changing form takes 4 segments. While a
succubus fingers look like a normal well-manicured finger, they
actual have sharp claws of demonic energy coming out of their
fingernails, however these claws are not normally visible or
corporeal until the succubus wills them too at which time they
appear as a shimmer of energy in the shape of a sharp point at the
end of each finger. When she strikes a creature with her claws, they
take 2d3 points of damage half of which is slashing damage and the
other half is unholy damage. The succubus’s tail holds within in a
poison that it can shoot out up to 10 feet or drip, the poison can be
in ingested, insulated, or absorbed through a mucus membrane.
When a creature is ingested the liquid poison, they must make save
vs. poison against a DC 15 or be overwhelmed by an arousing,
supernatural pleasure that causes the victim to be paralyzed for 3d4
minutes. Once per minute of paralysis the victim must make a save
vs. compulsion or suffer an intense, overwhelming orgasm that
causes the duration of the poison to extend for one additional
minute each time the victim fails its save throw. The poison loses all
potency after it remain in contact with the air for five minutes.

When a succubus kisses a creature (regardless of it being a kiss on

the check or a deep French kiss) or engages in sexual intercourse
they can choose to drain the creature of their life force a full level or
only partial. When drained a full level, the creature loses one class
level or hit dice for monsters permanently (roll a d100 to determine
randomly, if they have more than one class), if they have only level
the creature permanently loses one point of constitution. If their
constitution reaches zero by this the creature dies and its soul is sent
to the abyss where it will reform in 1d4 month as a newly born
succubus and there is no way for the creature to be resurrected or
returned to its original life and form short of a really well worded
wish spell. When drained only partial, the creature loses one point
of constitution, however all constitution lost this way can be
regained if the creature rest for 24 hours as if trying to heal naturally
where it regains one lost point constitution for every 24 hours you
rest. However, if the partial drain reduces the creature’s constitution
to zero, they still die and be reborn as a succubus as mentioned
above. The succubus can drain 1 level or point of constitution per
minute of kissing or sexual intercourse, though using this ability in
combat requires them to grapple the creature if they are unwilling.

Each time during sexual intercourse a creature is drained or is kissed

to drain them, the creature must make a save vs paralysis with a DC
15 or be overcome by a pleasurable euphoric sensation that makes
them unable to do anything but stay still in sexual bliss for 1d4+1
segments. A succubus can use this draining ability during combat by
kissing a creature, unwilling creature must make a save vs grapple

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