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College of Engineering
Electrical, Computer and Telecommunications Department

Tutorial for week 5

Covers material on chapter 04

Question 1: Superposition

For figure 1:
a) Use the superposition method to find Vo and Io.
b) Deduce the power delivered by the voltage source
c) Test your results by comparing the power dissipated to the power developed

Figure 1
We need to remove all other sources expect for one. Only one source must be left. We should also
join the two 10 ohm resistors.

Let’s start by keeping only the voltage source = 7V.

Therefore Vo1:
V o 1=7 × =4.96 V
17+ 7

Solving for Io1, we combine all resistor that we can combine:

I o 1= =0.677 A

We are done with the first source. Keeping current source I 2A, then deactivating V7V voltage source, it
becomes short circuited as shown:

Solving for Vo2:

I 17=2× =0.583 A
7 +17

Vo 2=VI =17 Ω × 0.583 A=9.917 V

Solving for Io2:
Use the delta-star transformation

Put the star transformed back into the network:

I o 2=2 × =0.323 A

Final answers:
V o =V o 1 +V o 2=4.96 V + 9.917 V =14.88 V

I o=I o 1 + I o 2=0.677+0.323=1 A

14.88 V
I Vo= =0.875 A
17 ohm

I 7 ohm=−2+0.875=−1.125 A

Current flowing through the voltage source is:

I source =1−1.125=−0.125 A

Therefore power developed by the voltage source is:

PVs=VI =−0.125 ×7=−0.875 W


Power developed by the current source:

−5 ×1=V currentSource +17 × 0.875

V currentSource =−19.875 V

Therefore current source power is:

PcurrentSource =−19.875 V × 2=−39.75 W

Power dissipated by loads:

P R 1=I 2 R= (1.125 )2 x 7=8.86 W

P R 2=I 2 R= (1 )2 x 7=7 W
2 2
P R 3=I R=( 1 ) x 5=5 W
2 2
P R 4=I R=( 0.875 ) x 17=13 W
2 2
P R 5=I R=( 1 ) x 5=5 W
2 2
P R 6=I R=( 2.216 n ) x 10 ≈ 0W

P R 7=I 2 R=( 2.216 n )2 x 10 ≈ 0W

Developed power = 39.75-0.875 = 38.875 W

Dissipated power = 38.86 W

Question 2: Superposition

For figure 2:
a) Use the superposition method to find Vo.
b) Deduce the power delivered by the voltage source
c) Test your results by comparing the power dissipated to the power developed

Figure 2
(a) Step 1
Start by converting the two current sources into one source, which will give us 32A:

Let start with the source voltage 110V:

Simply the network to:

Further simplify to:

110× 4
V R 4 =V o 1= =20 V
18+ 4

Step 2

Next, lets do source voltage 310V, remove the current source by making them open circuits while
voltage sources are short-circuited:
Simply into:

Simply once again:

−310 × 9.47
V R 9.47=V o 2= =−202.96 V

Step 3
Keep the current source and short-circuit other sources:

It is a hard circuit to solve. We need to use the delta-star transformation to find current in the 4Ω and
11Ω resistors. Lets start with 4Ω resistor and label the nodes:
Use the delta-star transformation to get:

Put the values back into circuit:

32 A × 4.68
current ∈R 4=I 9.79 A = =10.35 A

Repeat the same process to find current in 11 ohm resistor. Label the nodes as follows:

Get the delta-star transformation:

Put the values back into circuit:

32 A ×7.8
current ∈R 11=I 14.2 A = =11.35 A

Therefore current for Vo resistor is:

11.35 A=I Vo +10.35 A

I Vo=1 A
V o 3 =20Ω × 1 A=20 V

Now we add all the Vo values:

V o =V o 1 +V o 2 +V o 3=20 V −202.96 V +20 V =−162.96 V

(b) Solving for power delivered by the voltage sources.

Let’s start by finding the current from the 3 steps we just did:

110 V
I 1= =5 A
18+ 4

We need to find I2 in 18 Ω resistor using 310V source:

Total resistance is 14.47Ω therefore:
310 20
I 2= × =11.28 A
14.47 20+18

We already know the value I3 when we remove all sources except for the current source
which is 11.35A.

Therefore the total current in 11Ω resistor is = 5A + 11.28A + 11.35A = 27.63A

Current in the 4 Ω resistor is:

I R 4=27.63+ =35.775 A

Current in the 1 Ω resistor = 35.775A – 32A = 3.775A

Current in the other 7 Ω resistor = 27.618A – 32 = -4.382A

Voltage across the current sources = -7x4.382 + 3.775x1 = -26.898V

Power developed by voltage sources:

P110V =VI =110 V × 27.618 A=3 037.98 W

P310V =VI =310 V ×35.775 A=11 090.25 W

P32 A=VI =−26.898 V ×16 A=−430.368 W

Take power for only one current source because they are in parallel.

Power dissipated by loads:
P R 1=I 2 R= ( 27.618 )2 x 11=8 390.293W

P R 2=I 2 R= ( 35.775 )2 x 4=5 119.403W

2 2
P R 3=I R=( 3.775 ) x 1=14.251W
2 2
P R 4=I R=( 4.382 ) x 7=134.413 W

Developed power = 3 037.98 W + 11 090.25W −430.368 = 13 697.86 W

Dissipated power = 13 658.359 W
Question 3: Thevenin equivalent

For figure 3
a) Find the Thevenin equivalent of this circuit seen from the terminals A and B.
b) Find to guarantee a maximum power transfer

Figure 3
To find thevenin equivalent model: use successively thevenin equivalent circuits applied to meshes
from the furthest terminals A & B.
V TH 1=110 × =62.86 V

To find equivalent resistance, short-circuit the voltage source like this:

2 ×1.5
RTH 1=1 k + =1.857 kΩ

This is how you re-write the circuit:

Repeat the same process again as follows:

Which looks like this:

V TH 2=62.86× =32.6 V

To find equivalent resistance, short-circuit the voltage source like this:

RTH 2=1.7 k + =2.66 kΩ

This is how you re-write the circuit:

Repeat the same process again one last time as follows:

This looks like this:

V TH 3=32.6× =13.99V

To find equivalent resistance, short-circuit the voltage source like this:

2× 2.66
RTH 3 =0.5 k + =1.642 kΩ

This is how you re-write the circuit, as final answer:

For maximum power transfer RL = 1.642KΩ
Question 4: Thevenin equivalent

For figure 4
a) Find the Thevenin equivalent of this circuit seen from the terminals A and B.
b) Find to guarantee a maximum power transfer

Figure 4

To find thevenin equivalent model: use successively thevenin equivalent circuits applied to meshes
from the furthest terminals A & B. Like this:
Re-write it like this:

V TH 3=57× =35.4 V

To find equivalent resistance, short-circuit the voltage source like this:

47 ×77
RTH 3 = =29.19 Ω
This is how you re-write the circuit:

Add or subtract all the voltages together, add all the resistors together. This is how the circuit should
look like:
Repeat the same process again one last time. To solve the voltage, find the current in loop:

8.4+58 66.4
Current I = = =1.14 A
9+ 49.19 58.19

V TH 3=9 ×1.14−58=−47.74 V

To find equivalent resistance, short-circuit the voltage source like this:

49.19× 9 442.71
RTH 3 = = =7.61 Ω
49.19+9 58.19

This is how you should re-write the circuit:

You will notice that the voltage source is facing downward. Add the resistors and you are done:

For maximum power transfer, RL = 34.61Ω

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