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Paul University
Graduate School, Surigao City





St. Paul University
Graduate School, Surigao City


Peter Pruzan and William Miller’s

Leadership in spirituality plays a pivotal role in

terms of ethics and values, that is to say, in inculcating

and reinforcing personal, team, and organizational values.

Leadership and ethics share a synergistic relationship in

spirituality because leadership ensures ethics and ethics

is central to leadership.

And as leadership roles become more challenging in

this chaotic world, a strong spiritual foundation provides

the character, integrity, and convictions that support

clearer discernment and compassionate decision-making. In

the study of Peter Pruzan and William Miller it emphasizes

the dynamics of leadership in which it promotes responsible

leadership throughout its organization.

Grundfos emphasized leading by values, which entails

repeatedly stating your organization's values until they

become second nature. People thrive in this safe, nurturing

workplace where values take precedence. Values-based

leadership is the idea that leaders should draw upon their

own and others' values—including those established for your

organization— for direction and motivation. At its core,

St. Paul University
Graduate School, Surigao City
values-based leadership philosophy asserts that people are

mostly motivated by values and live according to these


Excel Industries, on the other hand, underscored the

Leadership principles, which are a set of actions or

guiding beliefs that leaders can follow to achieve success.

An organization's, company’s, or business's performance is

directly related to how well the leader inspires and

directs their staff.

Hence, Grundfos and Excel Industries are vanguards of

an emerging phenomenon of deeply committed leaders who have

tapped into a profound and sustainable source of commitment

for corporate responsibility: their spirituality.

St. Paul University
Graduate School, Surigao City


Sarah Javed and Mohammed Suhaib

Organizational spirituality is the acceptance that

people have an inner life that nourishes and is nourished

by meaningful work that takes place in the context of

community organizations that promote a spiritual-cultural

recognition that people have, both a mind and spirit.

Thus, when it comes to approaching spirituality in

organizations, tension between rational objectives and

spiritual realization is an important topic. The worker

wants to find meaning in his or her work in addition to

being productive and efficient. Due to the fact that

personal life has an impact on workplace activities, the

proposed separation of professional and personal life is

found to be ineffective. As a result, programs designed to

balance workers' lives are implemented by businesses.

To acknowledge workplace spirituality is to

acknowledge that individuals carry more than just their

physical and mental faculties with them; rather, they carry

individual talents and distinct spirits. Organizations that

ignore this fundamental fact, which is part of human

nature, now
St. Paul University
Graduate School, Surigao City

investigate spiritual concepts like confidence, harmony,

values, and honesty to achieve their goals.

In addition, workplace spirituality is fundamentally

based on meaningful work. It requires having a strong sense

of purpose and meaning at work. On an individual level,

this dimension represents how workers interact with their

work each day. The practice of spirituality at work assumes

that each individual has his or her own motivations,

truths, and desires to participate in activities that give

their lives and the lives of others greater meaning. While

the search for meaning in one's life is not new,

spirituality emphasizes the importance of finding a deeper

and more objective meaning in one's work, having a dream,

expressing one's needs for inner life through meaningful

work, and contributing to one's coworkers.

St. Paul University
Graduate School, Surigao City


Yuhwang Meng

A goal-oriented trait that aids in achieving one's

goals is called motivation. It encourages a person to put

in a lot of effort toward achieving their objectives. To

influence motivation, an executive must possess the

appropriate leadership qualities. Both the contentment of

the workforce and the success of the business are strongly

influenced by leadership and motivation. As a result, all

businesses must ensure that effective leadership and

employee motivation are linked and interconnected.

The responsibility of the leaders in an organization

is to motivate the workforce in delivering their best by

creating a conducive environment and rewarding the

employees appropriately. A variety of external factors that

could motivate an individual is pay hike, recognition of

performance by promotion, bonuses, insurance benefits and

timely vacation.

Leadership and motivation are key factors

influencing the success of the organization, as well as

St. Paul University
satisfaction. Therefore, the connection and
Graduate School, Surigao City

of successful leadership and proper ways of motivating

employees are essential for all organizations. Leaders who

possess motivational leadership skills can motivate and

empower their team members to succeed. Leaders can assist

their coworkers by utilizing their motivational skills:

Enhance team spirit: Team happiness can be increased by

motivation. Build connections: Teams that are inspired

often feel more connected and engaged.

St. Paul University
Graduate School, Surigao City

“Spiritual Leadership and Organizational Commitment: The

mediation Role of the Workplace

Spirituality is not about people's organized religious

practices; neither is it about God nor about theology. The

acceptance that people have an inner life that is nourished

by meaningful work in the context of community

organizations that promote a spiritual-cultural recognition

of people's mind and spirit is organizational spirituality.

It is thought to give their work meaning and purpose, as

well as a desire to connect with other people.

Additionally, it fosters a sense of belonging within an


Through the application of spiritual principles and

the display of altruistic love in the workplace, spiritual

leadership seeks to intrinsically motivate followers. In

the end, the objective is to encourage high levels of

productivity. Hence, being a good Christian is similar to

being a spiritual leader: love both God and other people.

Essentially, control your own spiritual life. Give it your

St. Paul University
all. Just as you lookGraduate
for aSchool,
promotion or your next fitness
Surigao City
goal, you should keep growing in your relationship with God

and seeking Him.

Spiritual leadership concepts aims to motivate and

inspire through company vision and culture it strives to

facilitate a conducive work environment so that employees

can achieve their spiritual goals hence, incorporating

spirituality into leadership may result in improved

employee perceptions of trust, support, and commitment from

the organization, which may improve performance.

St. Paul University
Graduate School, Surigao City


The Paulinian exemplifies the contribution to the

building of the Body of Christ, through the charism he/she

has received, preserving the unity of the Holy Spirit (1

Cor 12). The Paulinian is thus, a “community person”

respecting tradition and the magisterium of the Church.

The Paulinian is a responsible family member and

citizen, concerned with building communities, promotion of

people, justice, and peace, and the protection of the

environment. Urged on by the love of Christ, the Paulinian

is warm, hospitable, and “all to all”, especially to the


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