GE 1 - 2 - Introduction To Philosophical Perspectives of The Self

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GE 1 – Understanding the Self

March 4, 2022 2. Metaphysics

- Branch of philosophy that is concerned with
Introduction to nature of existence, being in the world
- Foundation of philosophy

- Aristotle calls it 1st philosophy or sometimes
- Subject that deals with 1st causes and principles
Perspectives of the Self of things
Questions often asked:

Philosophy – comes from the Greek words philos  "What is the nature of reality? “
meaning love, and Sophia meaning wisdom  "How does the world exist, and what is origin or
source of creation?"
- It basically means love of wisdom  "Does the world exist outside the mind?
- is about asking questions
 "How can the incorporeal mind affect the
- once questions are asked, they don’t go away, and
physical body? “
stays in one’s mind
 "If things exist, what is their objective nature? “
Philosophers – are people who seek after wisdom and  "Is there a God (or many gods, or no god at all)?"
curious about the world and seek to understand the nature
of things 3. Ethics (moral philosophy)
- Comes from the Greek word ethos meaning
- they are people who ask questions about custom or habit
everything (why, how, when) - How people ought to act, right conduct, good life

The Five Groups of Questioning Ethics – denotes theory of right action and greater
1. Epistemology
- knowledge Morals – the practice of right action and greater good
- study of nature and cope of knowledge and
justified belief; analyzes nature of knowledge and Questions often asked:
how it narrates to several notions like truth, belief,  "How should people act?"
and justification
 "What do people think is right?"
- deals with production of knowledge as well as
 "How do we take moral knowledge
skepticism about different knowledge claims
- the creation issues  "What does 'right' even mean?"
o epistemology as truth – for something to
count as knowledge, it needs to be true 4. Aesthetics
o belief – one cannot know something if he - Greek word aisthetikos meaning “of sense
does not believe in it perception”
o justification – as opposed to believing in - Axiology (the study of value)
something pure as a matter of luck - Branch of philosophy that is concerned with arts,
beauty, good taste
Questions often asked: - Questions about art and beauty
- Examines what makes something beautiful,
 What is knowledge? sublime, disgusting, fun, silly, etc.
 How is knowledge acquired? - Aesthetics
 What do people know? - differences
 What are the necessary and sufficient conditions o aesthetic judgments
of knowledge? o artistic judgments
 What is its structure and limits? o philosophy of art
 How are we to understand the concept of o philosophy of beauty
Questions often asked:
 Is justification external or internal in one’s mind?
 "What is a work of art? “
 "What makes a work of art successful? “
 "Why do we find certain things beautiful? “

GE 1 – Understanding the Self
 "How can things of very different categories be
considered equally beautiful?"
 "Is there a connection between art and morality?”
 "Can art be a vehicle of truth?"

5. Political
- Study of the fundamental questions about the
o State
o Government
o Liberty
o Justice
o Legal code
Questions often asked:
 "What is a government?",
 "Why are governments needed?",
 "What makes a government legitimate?",
 "What rights and freedoms should a government
 What duties do citizens owe to a legitimate?
government, if any?"
 "When may a government be legitimately
overthrown, if ever?"

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