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Writing Research Paper for Publication in Journals

Dr. Jena Angela Perano (02-22-21)


Why publish? To exchange ideas globally.


Why publish in English?

The international language of science
Other scientists WANT to hear from Filipino researchers
Allows you to become an effective science communicator
Number of publications is linked to funding success
Process from completed research to writing Case report
Components. Structure - Descriptive, novel observations
Writing style and language Review
Journal selection - Evidence-based reviews often guide clinical decisions
Peer review - Systematic reviews summarize / synthesize the literature
on a topic
Health Sciences Publication Research Study
1812: New England Journal of Medicine began - Report of original data
1990s: Growth in specialist journals - Observational, Experimental
Today 5,544 journals in Medline - Quantitative, Qualitative
o 133 new journals in 2010
o adds 2,000 to 4,000 new citations daily Books vs. Journals
o 700,000 new citations were added in 2010 Books Journals
for teaching and reference for reporting
WHY PUBLISH? comprehensive record of research in report research as it happens
a field Organized in the simplest
way to understand

The erm monograph refer o a pe of book that
comprehensively covers a very specific subject
Other types of books include:
o Textbooks
o Manuals
o Reference books
o Proceedings
o Handbooks
o Surveys

Electronic books get you more readers
Allows for wider variety of manuscripts
Instant access 24-hours-a-day
Can be read on electronic devices
If i NOT online i in i ible

Writing Research Paper for Publication in Journals
Dr. Jena Angela Perano (02-22-21)


1. Rejection Scientific Publication is a Team Effort
The chances of being rejected the 1st time you submit
Even experienced writers get rejected
Rejection maybe an invitation to make changes to your Editorial
manuscript and resubmit it Office
Be patient because it takes up to 8 months before the
paper is approved for publication
2. Peer Review
Courteous and helpful reviewers
Some comments you make believe are unfair
Draft and re-draf lo of differen versions (Up to
three revised versions) Author Reviewer
Whole process of sending the 1st version of the article to
the journal and seeing it appear in print may take two or
three years
Why not write? Part I: Publication & Peer Review
Common Barriers - Deciding to Publish
Lack of time - Submitted Your Paper
Unfamiliari i h proce don know where to begin) - After Submission
- Overview of Peer Review
Bad experiences (rejection & criticism)
- Purpose of Peer Review
- How it Works
Gi e i a r
- The Role of Editor
Planning strategies can help
- Limitations and Issues
I no reall ha complica ed
Part II: Writing a Scientific Manuscript
Everyone gets rejected but persistence pays
- The Scientific Manuscript
- Word Choice
- The Abstract
- The Introduction
Misconception Response
- The Methods & Materials Section
Everyone else writes better than Expect 4 to 5 revisions. Mc Kay, - The Results Section
me look how beautifully written Experienced researcher and editor - The Discussion Section
the articles in this journal are sometimes make 23 drafts for his paper - Figures, Tables, Equations, and References
If my article is rejected it means High rejection rates in most journals (10% Part I: Publication & Peer Review
m ork no good acceptance). Deciding to Publish and Submitting Your Paper
Submitted manuscript appropriate to What to publish?
jo rnal choo e righ jo rnal - abstract vs full report
If m ar icle rejec ed b one Probabl e er one ho e er p bli hed Choosing your forum
journal, that means no journal anything has had an article rejected by - Which type of journal is best for you?
will accept it one journal but accepted by another - What audience are you targeting?
jo rnal re ie commen re i ed i h Research the journal
trusted colleague and re-submit
- Publication guidelines
All western journals are equally Make a shortlist of suitable journals - Article style
hard to get published in which publish the kind of ar icle o e
ri en and hen o dra p a pecking THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS
order in erm of pre ige 1. Data manipulation, falsification
I m a non-native speaker o i ll You should not be pe imi ic if o re 2. Duplicate manuscripts
be even harder for me to get not a native speaker because there are 3. Redundant publication
published then it would be for a things you can do to lessen any potential 4. Plagiarism
native speaker prejudice 5. Author conflicts of interest
6. Animal use concerns/ Humans use concerns
Non-native Writers: Publishing Strategies 7. Improper author contribution
Journals are beginning to offer a proofreading service to non-native
Get a native speaker in your field to proofread your manuscript
Consider collaborating with your supervisor/ a native speaker and
co-authoring your paper
What constitutes redundant publication?
Data in conference abstract? No
Same data, different journal? Yes
Data on website? Maybe
Data included in review article? OK if later
Expansion of published data set? Yes

Writing Research Paper for Publication in Journals
Dr. Jena Angela Perano (02-22-21)


Good research paper Good science/ Arts & Humanities/ Business & Manuscript Structure
management/ Education Abstract
Good writing Introduction
Publication in good journals Methods (Body of Article)
Good research Novel Results (and)
Mechanistic Discussion and Conclusions
Descriptive Acknowledgements
Good journal Impact Factor References
Immediacy Index Figures and Tables
Part II: Writing a Scientific/Research Manuscript
Things to consider before writing ABSTRACT
1. Time to write the paper? - Has a significant advancement been made? Highly condensed version of the complete paper
- Is the hypothesis straightforward? o commonly 250 words
- Did the experiments test the hypothesis? Structured: organized by headings
- Are the controls appropriate and sufficient? Unstructured: single paragraph without headings
- Can you describe the study in 1 or 2 minutes?
- Can the key message be written in 1 or 2 The ab rac i he mirror of he f ll man crip
sentences? - Vintzileos AM, Ananth CV. How to write and
publish an original research article. American
2. Tables and figures - must be clear and concise Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Apr 2010;
- should be self-explanatory 202(4):344 e341-346
3. Read references - will help in choosing journal Tips:
- better insight into possible reviewers Use words that will help in electronic searching.
4. Choose journal - d in r c ion o a hor Some authors write the abstract first to help organize.
- think about possible reviewers Always double-check before submitting.
- quality of jo rnal impac fac or
5. Tentative title and INTRODUCTION
summary Provide context and rationale
6. Choose authors - Why is this study needed?
- What is the problem being addressed?
After Submission What is known already?
Publication Procedure (6-12 months) - What knowledge gaps exist?
Author submits - How will this contribute?
Editor is assigned to manuscript Include statement of purpose
Editor assigns reviewers (associate editors) to inspect - Usually at end of section
- Hypothesis, if appropriate
Reviewers decide on whether to review paper
Several reviewers inspect and edit
The in rod c ion ho ld incl de a conci e re ie of he rele an li era re
Editor decides on accuracy of revisions and whether to accept paper - Iverson C, American Medical Association. AMA
If accepted, editor sends paper back to author with revisions manual of style: a guide for authors and editors.
Author revises paper and sends it back 10 ed. Oxford; New York: Oxford University
Press; 2007
Possibility of second review process Tips:
Publication! Be concise, but do not underestimate what has been published
Authorship Keep focused don digre
Guidelines on Authorship Know your response purpose and state it clearly.
Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public
responsibility for the content. This participation must include: (a) conception or METHODS
design, or analysis and interpretation of data, or both; (b) drafting the article Study design
or revising it for critically important intellectual content; and (c) final approval Enrolment
of the version to be published. Participation solely in the collection of data
does not justify authorship.
Measurements, data sources & collection
All elements of an article (a, b and c above) critical to its main conclusions
Statistical analysis
must be attributable to at least one author.
The me hod ec ion ho ld be ri en a he recipe for a d de ign o
ha o her can reprod ce he re earch
- Garmel GM. Reviewing manuscripts for
biomedical journals. Perm J. Spring 2010; 14(1):
See if o r jo rnal a hor in r c ion incl de pecific repor ing
guidelines for particular study designs.
Links to the major biomedical reporting guidelines can be accessed
through The National Library of Medicine:

Writing Research Paper for Publication in Journals
Dr. Jena Angela Perano (02-22-21)

RESULTS Online resources

Participants - Paradigm Online Writing Assistant
- Description of sample (excluded, lost to follow-up, etc.)
Primary outcomes - Springer Exemplar
Tables and figures complement text
- Google Scholar
Yo ho ld no organi e hi ec ion b he order in hich o did he ork
In ead make he narra i e a logical progre ion - Purdue Online Writing Lab
- John Fallon, PhD. Prof of Anatomy, U. Wisconsin
(quoted in Kiefer JC. Science communications:
publishing a scientific paper. Developmental
Dynamics. Feb 2010; 239(2): 723-726 HELP YOUR READERS UNDERSTAND
Include only findings that flow from your Methods section. If o can e plain ome hing impl
Be sure data in tables and text match. o don nder and i ell
Remain objective do not interpret or comment on the findings. - Albert Eistein

DISCUSSION Write to express NOT impress

Summarize main findings Consider your audience their native language may not be English
- What new knowledge is contributed?
- How does this compare with what has gone before? Lecture resources:
Limitations Instructions to Authors in the Health Sciences (Mulford Health Science Library, University
of Toledo)
Future research directions
Conclusion Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (International
Committee of Medical Journal Editors)
Thi i he mo diffic l ec ion to write as it requires the author to interpret
(but not over-in erpre hi her re l Research Reporting Guidelines and Initiatives (National Library of Medicine)
- Veness M. Strategies to successfully publish your
first manuscript. J Med Imaging Radiat Oncol. Aug
2010;54(4):395-400 Da RA How to write and publish a scientific paper edition, Oryx Press, 1998.
Tips: Fi cher BA Zigmond MJ Components of a research article
Read similar articles in your target journal for examples. Mar hal GS Writing a peer reviewed article
Hall, JE. Wri ing research papers and ge ing hem p blished
- Presents lists of number/text in columns
Figures Beno D Reich M Peer review and publication in APS journals
- Visual representation of results of illustration of
concepts/methods (graphs, images, diagrams, etc.)
Captions References:
Andy Danzo, Writing & Publishing
- Must be stand-alone
Your Research, UB Primary Care Research Forum
UB Primary Care Master Educator Program 2011
Guidelines for Figures and Tables Warren Raye, PhD, Writing for world-class English journals and books. Senior Life Sciences
High resolution Editor, Edanz Group, 2012
Neat, legible labels Dr. S. Umesha, PhD. Publication of Reseracch articles . Associate Professor
Simple DOS in Biotechnology, University of Mysore, Manasagangotri
Clearly formatted Mysore- 570006
Indicate error
Detailed captions

Check specific referencing style of journal
Should reference:
- Peer-reviewed journal articles, abstracts, books
Should not reference:
- Non-peer-viewed works, textbooks, personal
Common mistakes:
- Format, Format, Format
(Figures & Tables, Equations, and References)
- Redundant Information
Text, Figures, Tables, and Caption
- Type of Reference
Possible resources
- Books
- Style Manuals
- Writing courses
- BUT no al a prac ical


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