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\INTRODUCTION TO TOURISM - tourism is labor-intensive industry

- tourism is people oriented

- tourism is a multi-dimensional
- the tourist industry is seasonal
Tourism - the industry is dynamic
- it includes a wide array of people,
activities and facilities. 4 ELEMENTS OF TRAVEL

Domestic Tourism - Distance

- resident visitor within the - Length of stay at the destination
country - Residence of the traveler
- Purpose of travel
Outbound Tourism
- resident visitor outside the (Tourists - are temporary visitors who
country make at least one overnight stay)

Inbound Tourism (Excursionists - are temporary visitors

- non-resident visitor within a who do not stay overnight in the place
country on an inward trip they visit)

Internal Tourism (Trip - is defined as “each time person

- resident and non-resident goes to a place at least 100 miles away
visitors within a country as part from home and returns)
of domestic or international trips
National Tourism
- resident visitors within and The Tourist
outside the reference country as - experience and satisfaction
part of either domestic or
outbound trips The Business People
- profits
International Tourism
- resident visitors outside the The Government
country of reference either as part - wealth factor
of domestic or outbound trips and
the activities of non-resident The Host Community
visitors within the country of - employment factor
reference on inbound trips
- are people on a trip between two  natural resources
or more places  built environment
 operating sectors
Visitors  spirit of hospitality & cultural
- are the people who engage in resources

Overnight Visitor (tourist) Tourism Infrastructure

- refers to a visitor who spends - is a comprehensive term which
his/her night away from home includes infrastructure and
Same Day Visitor (excursionist)
- refers to any visitor who does Infrastructure
not spend the night in collective - includes all forms of
or private accommodation in the Construction on and below
place visited ground, required by any inhabited
area in extensive communication
International Visitor with the outside world and as a
- refers to any person who travels basic is for extensive human
to a country outside their usual activity within, such as highways,
environment and other than the railway lines, power houses,
one in which his/her has their communication network, water
usual residence supply system, sewerage,
hospitals, police lines, industries
Domestic Visitor for productive goods and services
- refers to any person who travels essential for living and so on
to a place other than that of
his/her usual environment but Touristic Superstructure
still within his/her country of - it encompasses a wide range of
residence for less than 12 facilities and services, such as
consecutive months and whose lodging, food and catering,
main purpose of the trip is other historical sites, entertainment
than the exercise of an activity houses, shopping centers,
remunerated from within the transportation facilities, tourism
place visited organizations, human resources,
TOURISM SUPPLY COMPONENTS sports, financial facilities, airports,
4 main categories:
 Accessibility
THE NATURE OF A TOUR  Accommodation
 Amenities
Domestic Tourism
- refers to travel taken exclusively CLASSIFICATION OF TOURISM
within the national boundaries of PRODUCTS
traveler’s country
Natural Resources
International Tourism - It can be found all over the world
- involves the movement of people like beaches, islands,
across international boundaries of mountains, hills, deserts,
traveler’s country wildlife (flora and fauna), caves,
glaciers, lakes, waterfalls, and

The Tourist Products Man Made Tourism Products

- it cannot be inspected by - are those which are built by
prospective purchasers before humans
they buy as they can with
washing machines, gadgets, and IMPACTS OF TOURISM
other consumer goods Benefits Of Tourism (Economic)
- increases income
Largely Psychological In Its Attraction - increases gnp
- It is more than a collection of - generates foreign exchange
services such as an aircraft seat
and a hotel room. Standard and Benefits Of Tourism (Social)
quality overtime fixed - improves quality of life

Tourism Product Benefits Of Tourism (Cultural)

- a combination of tangible and - promotes a global community
intangible elements
- It is a tangible item Economic
- causes inflation
- creates social problems
- The act of kindness
 Attractions
- “Hospitare” meaning “receive tourism industry provides those
as a guest” people with services that promote
- Coined from the term “Hospice” travel and vacations.
and old French word, meaning
“To provide care / Shelter for 4. Recreation
Travelers” - Activity that people do for rest,
relaxation, and enjoyment.
HOSPITALITY Types of recreation businesses:

- Open 365 days a year and 24 hrs a. Entertainment

a day b. Attractions
- Products are intangibale c. Spectator Sports
- Products are perishable d. Participatory Sports
- Depends Heavily on shift work
(am shift, mid-shift, pm shift and THE PINEAPPLE TRADITION (How
night shift) Pineapples Became The Ultimate Status
INDUSTRY Christopher Colombus – The
Spaniards named the fruit “Piña” due to
1. Food and Beverage Industry its resemblance to a pinecone
- Also known as the Food service
industry. It consists of businesses George Washington – “None pleases
that prepare food for customers. my taste as do’s the pine”
- QSR (Quick service restaurant)
aka “Fastfoods” James Dole – Pineapple King
- Fine Dining (Formal, Following
sequence) Hawaii – Pineapple capital of the
2. Lodging
- Also known as Accommodation, Pineapple originally cultivated in Brazil,
is a place to sleep for one or Mexico
more nights.
Chicha / Guarapo
- Wine / alcohol

Pineapple symbolizes…
3. Travel
- Is a business of moving people - Luxury
from place to place while the - Mobility
- Wealth Dean - Dr. Lilibeth Aragon

In America Blended Learning – new teaching

- Hospitality modality
- Welcome
- Warmth Chairperson (tourism) – Ms. Ivy
Charisse Pagulayan
In Chinese
- Goodluck Macro Teacher – Sir. Jose Rizalito
- Fortune Cabayan Jr.
- Wealth
3 Unit subject – 10 hrs old allowable

7 absent bago ma drop

UNTWO – World Tourism


Components of Tourism
 Attractions
 Accessibility
 Accommodation
 Amenities
 Activity


LPU President – Atty. Roberto P.
Laurel 1. The Empire Era
The most famous road was the Appian
Egyptians - Greek - Roman empire Way, joining Rome with the “heel” of
Travel by boat because travelers could
use Nile river Has this brief glimpse into ancient
history taught us anything of use today?
Moses - nile river pag narinig sa bible Yes.

Egypt (What comes to your mind when Tourism activities continue to flourish
you hear the word Egypt?) where individuals have

- Pharaoh (feyroh) - Free time

- Pyramid - Travel is easy and safe
- Great Sphinx - There are easily exchangeable
- Nile River currencies
- Hieroglyphs - Common languages are spoken
- Mummies - Established legal systems create a
- Cleopatra perception of personal safety.

The Greek Drachma was the basic unit

of currency in Greece until 2001 when it 2. The Middle Ages and the
was replaced by the euro. The Euro is Renaissance Era
now the only official currency of the
Middle ages are also known as Dark
Romans won against the greek kaya ages.
mas madali nila nakuha ang mga
territories. Travel almost disappeared during the
Middle Ages
The growth of the Roman Empire
- Good roads As the dominance of the Roman empire,
- Water Routes Travel became dangerous and
- (food, water, shelter) – basic needs sporadic. (kasi may pag kakataon na
baka patayin ang mga traveler.)
As these roads were developed, so Dumating ang mga romans para ispread
were Inns, which were located ang Christianity
approximately 30 miles apart, making for Christian vs Muslims – The Crusades
a day’s journey. Fresh horses could be (hidwaan)
hired at the inns and at more frequent
relay stations. With effort, people could
travel 125 miles a day on horseback,
knowing they would have a place to eat Marco Polo is the voyager, the
and sleep at the end of the day. merchant traveler. Naghahanap siya ng
new route.
- hindi niya dinadaanan yung mga
dinadaanan ng mga crusaders
Reports of Polo’s travels and adventures Package Tour - is all in (binili na lahat)
(1275–1295) across the Middle East and
into China continued to heighten interest
in travel and trade. The rebirth in travel THOMAS COOK (tour operator)
emerged slowly during the - can be credited with finally bringing
Renaissance. Trade routes slowly travel to the general public by
began to reopen as commercial introducing the tour package.
activities grew and merchants - he organized the first tour for a
ventured into new territories. group of 570 people to attend a
temperance rally in Leicester,
Cyriacus of Ancona England. For the price of a shilling
- is a tourist who took around the (12 pence)
Mediterranean Sea in a quest to
learn more about and experience
Greek and Roman History. HENRY FORD
- Attributed the idea of traveling for - person behind the mass
the sake of experiences and production of the Model T car
learning. The desire to learn from - he is American
and experience other cultures.


3. The Grand Tour Era - air
- ushered in the era of flight with their
Grand Tour is only for rich English successful test of the airplane in
people. Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, in 1903.
Whole nations moved from an
agricultural and commercial focus to
modern industrialism. 5. The Modern Era

Travel became a business necessity as George Westinghouse

well as a leisure activity, and tourism - created the paid vacation, believing
suppliers rapidly developed to serve the that annual breaks from work for
growing needs of travelers.  employees would increase
4. The Mobility Era Princess Sin Victoria Louisse
- owned by German company named
Mobility era - something to do with Hamburg America line (company
movement of people ng 1st cruise ship)
The growth and development of roads Mass tourism
and railroads helped to increase the - gathering of huge number of people
availability of transportation alternatives
- aka the 20th-century phenomenon
and reduced their costs, attracting more
and more people to the idea of travel.
2 different groups of travelers
appointed by President Ferdinand
Organizational mass tourist “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.
- tourists who buy packaged tours
and follow an itinerary prepared and Wanda Corazon Tulfo Teo - Secretary
organized by tour operators. (mas of the Philippines' Department of
detalyado) Tourism under the Duterte
administration from July 2016 – May
Individual mass tourist 2018.
- These travelers visit popular Bernadette Romulo Puyat - Secretary
attractions independently but use of Tourism under the Duterte
tourism services that are promoted administration from May 2018 to June
through the mass media. 2022.

Travel is not only for Leisure

Parian (wall sa tapat ng gate 2) -
trading place ng chinese at filipinos.

after mag declare ng martial law safe na

mag travel ang mga tourist at may
better services and sanitation facilities

sa bansang Switzerland daw kinopya

lang yung "it’s more fun in the
Christina Frasco - secretary of DOT
(department of Tourism) after being


4. SOCIAL CONTACT - According
Tourists are the main characters in the to Charles Metelka, travel
tourism industry and the tourism industry
increases the “sociability
exists to cater to their needs.
resources” of individuals. It
Tourism businesses acknowledge the makes them more interesting to
fact that their success depends also on
themselves and to others.
how much they know and understand
their tourists. 5. STATUS AND PRESTIGE -
Travel provides the means for
ego or self-enhancement.
Basic Travel Motivators
- The search for knowledge and
truth is inherent in every
individual. Travel offers an
opportunity to satisfy the urge to
people are urged to travel to
Tourist Motivations satisfy personal values such as
the search for spiritual
ESCAPE - The greatest reason
for travel can be summed up in
- Cross cultural exchanges,
one word “escape”
experiencing how other people
live and fostering international
Development in the field of
medicine have influenced travel
for centuries, giving rise to the
HUNTING - To many people, the
concept of health tourism.
joys derived from buying certain
3. SPORTS - Interest in sports,
goods may be the major reason
either as participant or a
for travel.
spectator is attracting a large
segment of the population.
10. PROFESSIONAL AND  Self-esteem - Self-respect, and
BUSINESS MOTIVES - A great esteem from others
 Self-actualization - Personal
number of people travel for
professional and buss. motives.
More than one-half of all airline
Classification of Travelers Based on
travel is done by buss. Travelers.
BEAUTY - Travel can be satisfy Stanley C. Plog - a biological
one’s search for beauty in the researcher, classified travelers based on
their different personalities as:
environment and scenery.
 Psychocentrics- People
centered on self, are inhibited

 Allocentrics- People having
interest and attention on other
persons, are highly
curious and thrive on stimulation
and change.

Classification of Travelers Based

on Purpose of Travel

A. Business Travelers

Maslow’s Theory of motivation and - Regular Business Traveler

Travel motivations - Business Travelers attending
meetings, conventions, and
 Physiological needs - hunger, congresses.
thirst, rest, activity - Incentive travelers
 Safety Needs - Safety and
security, freedom from fear and
 Social Needs - love, affection,
giving, and receiving. B. Pleasure/Personal Travelers
- Resort Travelers
- Family Pleasure Travelers Market Segmentation
 The Junior family -
parents age 20-34 with - Is a marketing strategy in which
pre-school/grade school select groups of consumers are
children. identified so that certain products
 Mid-Range Family of product lines can be presented
- parents age 35 - 44 with to them in a way that appeals to
grade school/HS children their interests.
 Mature Family - parents - Identifying tourism customers and
45 or over with children deciding on how to meet
who are HS or older. their wants and needs. 
- The Elderly - Learn more about the customers
- Making
- Singles and Couples
the heterogeneous market into
a homogenous market
Types of Tourism
- The process through
which potential customers with
similar needs and
characteristics are grouped
together so that a tourism
organization can apply marketing
strategies for the selected market
segment efficiently.
Why Market Is Segmented?

- Travel market is too large to

reach efficiently
- Travel market is too diverse to
- Breaking up the market will make
it easier to manage

Tourist Market Segmentation Identifying Market Segmentation
WHO – who are in the market segment - grouping on how they live, their
that we would like to have? priorities, their opinions, their
attitudes and their interests
WHAT – what are their requirements?
 Personality – psychocentrics,
WHEN – when do we promote to our midcentrics, allocentrics
market segment?
 Lifestyle dimension- activities,
WHERE – where do we promote the interest, opinions
product? Through which distribution
channel? • Demographic Segmentation 
- gender, age, ethnicity, occupation,
HOW – how do we develop marketing educational level, income, household
strategies to reach the market? size and family situation.
Benefits of Market Segmentation - Classified according to gender,
age, ethnicity, occupation,
- Understand the needs and wants of educational level, income, and 
customers household size
- Allocate marketing expenses
efficiently • Product-Related Segmentation 
- Further develop products or services (Behavioral)
- Develop marketing strategies more
precisely - Benefits people seek in the
good or service, the amount of
Types of Tourists Market good or service used and
Segmentation degree of company loyalty

• Geographic Segmentation  - The benefits of people seek in

- grouping potential customers based the good or service
on their location oldest and simplest
basis for market segmentation - The amount of good or
service used
- commonly used geographic
segmentation variables include - The degree of company
nations, regions, states/provinces, loyalty shown by the
countries, cities, and even consumer in relation to the
neighborhood. specific good or service.
• Psychographic Segmentation 
Segmentation Process
Market Segmentation Decision Process

1. Select segmentation approach

2. Create detailed profile of segment
3. Forecast market potential of each segment
4. Estimate likely market share of each segment
5. Decide which segment to target and design appropriate marketing mix

Specialized Tourist Segments

Measures for
QUIZ 1 & 2
1. THMN01H – course code 18. Excursionist / Same day Visitor -
2. Research – LPU mission does not spend the night
3. Nationalism – LPU Core Values 19. Superstructure - facilities and
4. Atty. Roberto P. Laurel – LPU services, such as lodging, food and
President catering, historical sites, entertainment
5. 10 hrs. - 3 unit subject (allowable houses, shopping centers,
hours of absences) 20. Infrastructure - Includes all forms of
6. 3 absences Construction ( such as highways,
7. Guidance Testing Center - GTC railway lines, power houses,
8. Blended Learning – new teaching communication network, water supply
modality system, sewerage, hospitals, police
9. Innovation – LPU Vision lines)
10. Excellence - LPU Vision 21. Domestic Tourism - resident visitor
within the country
11. World Tourism Organization – 22. Package Tour – All in / Binili lahat
WTO 23. To Receive as a guests - Hospitare
12. False 24. Pineapple – Ultimate symbol
13. Attractions - Components of 25. James Dole – Pineapple king
Tourism Product 26. Hawaii – Pineapple capital of the
14. Accessibility - Components of world
Tourism Product 27. Hospice - “To provide care / Shelter
15. Amenities - Components of Tourism for Travelers”
Product 28. QSR – Quick Service Restaurant
16. Accommodation - Components of 29. Rooms – pinakamalaking kumikita
Tourism Product sa hotel
17. Tourist / Overnight Visitor - 30. Dr. Lilibeth Aragon - Dean
spends his/her night away from home
Quiz 3 18. Italy - bansa sa grand tour era na
pang mayaman
1. Money – ambag ng romans
19. France - bansa sa grand tour era na
2. Language – ambag ng romans
pang mayaman
3. Egypt
20. 570 people – umattend sa rally na
4. Pharaoh – Egypt symbol
inorganize ni Thomas cook
5. Pyramid – Egypt symbol
21. 1914 - Henry Ford’s mass
6. Drachma – basic unit of currency
production of the Model T
bago maging Euro
22. Orville Wright - ushered in the era
7. Fresh Horses – hired at inns
of flight with their successful test of the
8. Dark Ages – Middle ages is also
airplane in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina,
known as
23. Wilbur Wright - ushered in the era
9. Catholic – pinalaganap ng romans
of flight with their successful test of the
10. Acre – forgot basta connected sa
airplane in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina,
muslim ‘to hehe
24. Individual Mass Tourist - DIY
11. Marco Polo – Voyager na
25. Homonhon Island
naghahanap ng new route
26. Philippine Tourist and Travel
12. Middle East - Reports of Polo’s
Association - PTTA
travels and adventures
27. It’s more fun in the Philippines –
13. China - Reports of Polo’s travels
Ph slogan
and adventures
28. Wanda Corazon Tulfo Teo -
14. Cyriacus of Ancona - is a tourist
Secretary of the Department of Tourism
who took around the Mediterranean Sea
under the Duterte administration
in a quest to learn more about and
29. Bernadette Romulo Puyat -
experience Greek and Roman History.
Secretary of Tourism under the Duterte
15. The Grand Tour Era - only for rich
administration (latest)
English people
30. Christina Frasco - Secretary of the
16. Switzerland – bansa sa grand tour
Department of Tourism under the BBM
era na pang mayaman
17. Germany - bansa sa grand tour era
na pang mayaman

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