Twowheeltractorstriptillagepaper Korea 2012

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Article · January 2012


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6 authors, including:

Israil Hossain Ilias Hossain

Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute


Md ABDULLAH AL Mamun Md Mahbubur Rahman

Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute Bangladesh Wheat and Maize Research Institute


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International Journal of Energy Machinery, Vol. 5, No.1, pp.3541(2012.08) Copyright 2012KOCEN



Md. Israil Hossain1, Ilias Hossain2 , M.A.A Mamun3, NA Siddiquie4 , M Mahbubur Rahman5
and M Sq Rahman6
Principal Scientific Officer (Agric. Engg.),Regional Wheat Research Centre (RWRC), BARI,
Rajshahi, Bangladesh, 2,3,4&5 Senior Scientific Officer, Scientific Officer, respectively of RWRC,
BARI, Rajshahi, Bangladesh, 6 Prof. Dept of AIE, HSTU, Dinajpur Bangladesh

(Received date July4th 2012 ; revised date August 4th 2012)

ABSTRACT Strip till seeding system in which tilling the planting strip, seeding, fertilizing beside
the seeding line and seed covering simultaneously utilize the residual soil moisture for crop
establishment specially in dry areas. Two wheel tractor operated seeder modified as strip till seeding
mechanism by introducing the soil cutting blades in front of the seeding line, inclined plate seed
metering devices with fertilizing attachment and press wheel behind the seeding line for minimal
compaction of seeds. Strip tillage experiment was conducted in Rajshhahi area 2008-10 for wheat,
lentil and mungbean cultivation. The seeder creates 4-6 cm wide planting strip and produce good
seed soil contact which facilities better plant stand. Depth of seed placement can be controlled easily.
Seed placement vary 5-7 cm below the soil surface depending the moisture availability in the soil.
The grain yield is comparatively higher than conventional methods. The rotating strip blades can
operate through moderate crop residues field without plugging. Effective field capacity of the seeder
increased 19% and fuel consumption reduced 21% compared to conventional seeding system. Strip
till saved cost of planting 62% compare to conventional seeding method.

KEY WORDS: Two wheel tractor, strip tillage, residual soil moisture, dry area, effective field capacity
1999). Strip till planting system in which tilling
1. INTRODUCTION the planting strips and seeding can be
accomplished simultaneously thereby reducing
the number of field operations required. In this
Put Agricultural machinery play an important system land is remain untilled between the two
role to reduce drudgery of farm works as well seeding lines. The availability of animal draft
as minimize operational time and production power is decreasing day by day. Hence, the
cost. Land preparation and sowing are farmers are becoming more dependent on
expensive and time-consuming operations for mechanical power. Now a days, power tillers
wheat cultivation. Proper placement and are available all over the country. Survey
distribution of seed and fertilizers into the soil results showed that 11%, 17% and 55% of
is necessary for good germination and plant wheat growers used power tillers for cultivating
establishment for better yield (Ganesh Sah, wheat in 1991, 1992, and 1994, respectively
(Saunders 1991 and Meisner 1994). Wheat
* Corresponding author. sowing period is very limited in Bangladesh.

Md. Israil Hossain, Ilias Hossain, M.A.A Mamun, NA Siddiquie , M Mahbubur Rahman and M Sq Rahman

After harvesting of T. Aman (Monsoon rice), gang at front position of seed furrow opener for
farmers do not have enough time for land tilling and creating a strip in the soil. Between
preparation with traditional ploughing system. the two seeding lines soil remain untilled. The
tynes of the seeder rotating at the speed of 450
Delay in planting is one of the main rpm. Seeding operation was completed by the
constraints to increasing wheat yields; generally drill in one pass –as tilling and creating a strip
10-22 days are required for conventional tillage. of wide 4-6cm, seed and fertilizer placed in the
This conventional tillage includes 4-5 passes strip, and seed covering by the press wheel of
plough followed by 5-6 times laddering the drill (Fig.1). The experiment was conducted
(Meisner et al 1997). Two wheel tractor in Chargat, Godagari, Puthia area of Rajshahi
operated seeder performs tillage operation, district 2008-2010. Wheat, lentil planted after T.
seeding in line and seed covering aman harvested land and mungbean planted
simultaneously. During last few years, after wheat harvest immediate after harvesting
performance of strip till seeder was the previous crop utilize the residual soil
demonstrated at different locations of North moisture of land. The average height of the rice
West Bangladesh. At all the sites the seeder residue was 15 – 20 cm. DAP fertilizer was
gave encouraging results producing placed besides the seeding line below soil
significantly higher yield than that of the surface during seeding operation of wheat
conventional tillage (Elahi and Rabbani, 2000). planting @125 kg/ha. Urea @ 70 kg/ha was
The seeder steer the soil to some extend that for broadcasted as a top dress 21 days after seeding
necessary crop production. This does not (DAS) of all treatments. First irrigation was
disturb the soil production zone to much and applied 20 DAS. Each block was separated into
assists the microbial activities for beneficial use. three parts for the three methods of tillage: (i)
Strip tillage system crop residue on the soil Strip tillage (ii) minimum tillage by PTOS, that
surface helps to preserve moisture and resist to means full tillage in one pass and (iii)
grow weeds especially in dry farming areas. conventional methods.
Strip tillage cultivation is possible with the
same two wheel tractor (power tiller) operated
seeder along with minimum till sowing. The 2.1. Data coolection
objectives of the study were: (i) To establish
crop under strip tillage seeding system The following data were collected during the
utilization of residual soil moisture, (ii) To test: (i) Depth of seed placement (cm), ii)
demonstrate and evaluate strip tillage Travel speed (km/hr), iii) Effective field
performances for different crops cultivation in capacity (ha/hr), iv) Field efficiency (%), v)
dry areas, (iii) To compare the cost of planting Fuel consumption (l/hr), vi) No. of plant /m2,
by strip tillage seeder than that of the viii) Soil moisture, % (ix)Yield/m2 (x) Cost.
conventional methods. The cost was calculated according to the farm
machinery utilization method (Anonymous

2.2. Seed calibration

Two wheel tractor operated seeder has 48
Transparent polythene bags were tagged with
numbers of rotating blades for shallow tilling
each of the six seed delivery tubes. The strip
the soil. The seeding part of the seeder is
till seeder was operated on a pre-measured 20
attached with power tiller replacing the
m travel distance with a sowing width of 120
rotavator part of the power tiller. In strip till
cm, thus providing a 24 m2 area coverage. After
system, rotating tynes were reduced to 24
every 20 m linear distance run, collected seeds
numbers. Only 4 number of tynes remain in the
through tubes were weighed separately and the

- 36 -

total seed weight was also measured. This mungbean were threshed in the laboratory and
method was repeated by acceleration and weight of the clean grain was measured. Same
deceleration of the lever of seed rate control procedure was followed in conventional
until the desired seed rate obtained. Since the method but 1m2 area selected by the hand made
seed metering device was connected by a chain square frame.
-sprocket arrangement to the power tiller wheel
axel, the speed of the tiller should not be a 2.8. Cost analysis
factor in calibration, unless there was excess Both fixed cost and variable costs were
wheel slippage. The seed rate was determined considered for cost analysis.
through calculation by using the following
equation (Michael and Ojah, 1978). 2.9. Fixed cost
Sd = 10 Ws/Am Fixed cost was calculated on the basis of
capital consumption (CC) method. A capital
Where, Sd = Seed rate (Kg/ha), Ws = total wt. recovery factor (CRF) can be used to combine
of seed (gm), Am= measured experimental area, the total depreciation and interest changes into a
m2 series of equal annual payments at compound
interest. These payment plus the interest on the
2.3. Weeding underappreciated amount can be used to
Weeding operation was done by the estimate the capital consumption of farm
application of herbicide (Afinity) in wheat field. machinery (Hunt, 1995).
But in conventional system, generally farmers
do weeding manually. CC= (P-S) CRF + S i
Where CRF= i(1+i)LL
(1+ i ) -1
2.4. Irrigation
Irrigation water applied through flexible Here, P = Purchase price of the equipment, L =
plastic hose pipe. Two irrigations for wheat and Life of the equipment, i = Bank interest rate, %,
no irrigation for lentil and mungbean field. S = Salvage value of the equipment assume
(10% of P)
2.5. Depth of placement
Depth of seed placement is measured 2.10. Variable Cost
randomly in the line of each treatment. Seeding Both fixed cost and variable costs were
depth is the distance between upper soil surface Variable cost was calculated on the basis of (i)
to seed placement position. repair & maintenance cost, (ii)Fuel & oil cost
(iii) Power tiller hire price with operator.
2.6. Plant population
Plant population is the number of plants per
square meter area . It is measured by counting
plant number from each one meter square frame Fig. 1 Type the caption here.
randomly. Then simple calculation made for
plant per square meter. Same procedure is
followed in conventional method but 1m2 area
selected by the hand made square frame.

2.7. Grain Yield

Grain yield was measured from one square
meter area from each plots of crops. It was Fig.1. Strip tillage seed drill
replicated 3 times. Harvested wheat, lentil and

- 37 -
Md. Israil Hossain, Ilias Hossain, M.A.A Mamun, NA Siddiquie , M Mahbubur Rahman and M Sq Rahman

3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Strip till save time 69% compare to

conventional method of seeding.
Field observations and comparisons with the
standard tillage system over 3 years period in Depth of seed placement was found uniform (3-
several farmers field indicate that wheat can be 4 cm) in the strip tillage and seeding depth can
established immediate after rice harvesting be controlled accurately by the depth control
using the strip till system. Performance of strip arrangement. Depth of planting strip can be
tillage, minimum tillage by two wheel tractor increased upto 5-7 cm. Width of strip 4-6 cm
power tiller operated seeder and conventional was enough for wheat seeding. Plant population
tillage were shown in the Table 1. vary among the different seeding methods.
Plant population in strip tillage and minimum
Table 1: Working performance of strip till and tillage methods were higher due to the
minimum till seed drill utilization of residual soil moisture but in
conventional system in farmers’ field plant
Parameter Strip Min. Conven. population was less due to moisture losses
tillage tillage method faster (Fig.2). Applied seed rates 120 kg/ha
- were same in both strip till and minimum till
Travel speed (km/hr) 2.5 2.1
method. The farmers were generally used seed
Effective working - rate 155 kg/ha which was about 29% higher
120 120
width, cm than recommended. Figure 3 showed the plant
Effective field 0.15 - stand in strip till method.
capacity (ha/hr)
Drive wheel - Crop yield was higher in strip tillage method
6 8
slippage (%) due to more soil moisture during plant establish
Fuel 13.6 period. Necessary plant nutrient was available
5.8 9.3
consumption (lit./ha) near the root zone area of crops. In
Total time 17.5 conventional method plants growth was uneven
5.26 6.7
requirement (hr/ha) due uneven depth of planting. Wheat yield in
strip tillage method (4.96 t/ha) was 41% higher
compare to conventional (3.5 t/ha) method of
The effective field capacity of the seeder in seeding. Similarly lentil and mungbean yields
strip till method was (0.19 ha/hr) more than were more than that of conventional method.
minimum till seeding (0.15 ha/hr) . In strip
tillage method, seeder moved comparatively The cost of planting in different planting
faster (19%) than the minimum tillage seeding methods were shown in Table 4. Among the
due to work load variation. There are more three planting methods the cost of strip tillage
tilling blades in minimum till (48) and less system was minimum (Tk.1850.0/ha) and the
number of blades in strip till (24). It was also highest was in conventional method
found that the fuel consumption was less (21%) (Tk.4900.0). Strip till saved cost 62% compare
than normal minimum till seeding method . It to conventional method. The planting cost can
was due to the load reduction on rotary blades. be afford by the farmers both strip tillage and
During operation it was also found that the crop minimum tillage methods.
residue were chopping by high speed rotation of
the rotary tynes and not plugging the rotary Beak-even point of crops for strip till drill is
units. Farmers can complete seeding operation shown in Fig.4. Break-even point is calculated
in strip tillage method one hectare land by 5.26 on the basis of fixed cost and variable cost of
compare to 6.7 hr and 17.5 hr of minimum till strip seed drill considering purchase price,
and conventional tillage method, respectively. interest on investment, machine life, etc (Hunt

- 38 -

1995). Cost per hectare decreased with the profit occurs. The owner of the strip seed drill
increase of land area used annually. Break even must plan for profitable use of seeder over 4.0
point of strip tillage was found 4.0 ha which ha land yearly.
indicated that it is the point where no loss or no

26 Strip till

24 Minimum till

Soil moisture, %







Tillage method
Fig. 2: Soil moisture variation after seeding

Table 2. Comparative performance of strip tillage, power tiller operated seeder and conventional
tillage method 2010

Parameter Strip tillage Minimum till Conventional method

Wheat Lentil Mung Wheat Lentil Mung Wheat Lentil Mung
Seed rate (kg/ha) 120 25 20 120 25 20 155 35 30
Average depth of seed 4-5 3-4 4-5 3-4 3-4 3-4 5.3 3.4 4.6
placement (cm)
Width of planting strip 4-6 4-6 4-6 - - - - -
Plant population/m2 286 195 30 275 205 28 255 180 23-35

- 39 -
Md. Israil Hossain, Ilias Hossain, M.A.A Mamun, NA Siddiquie , M Mahbubur Rahman and M Sq Rahman

Table 4: Cost of planting in different tillage methods

Planting methods Cost of planting

Strip tillage 1850.0
Minimum tillage 1873.0
Conventional method 4900.0
SE 247
CV (%) 13

Fig.3: Strip till planted wheat plot

Table 3: Yield performance of strip tillage over

minimum tillage and conventional method
Tillage method Crop yield (t/ha)
Wheat Lentil Mungbean
Strip tillage 4.96 1.4 1.5
Minimum tillage 4.80 1.2 1.0

Conventional 3.50 0.8 0.75

SE 0.5 0.3 0.6
(CV%) 12 14 11


Meisner C. A. (1996). Report of an on-farm

4. CONCLUSIONS survey of the greater Comilla Region: Wheat
growers practices, Perceptions, and their
implications. Monograph No. 13, BARI,
Observations of the field tests where the rotary Wheat Research Centre, Nashipur, Dinajpur.
strip tillage system was used lead to the Michael,M.A. and T.P.Ojha (1978). Principle of
following opinions and conclusions. Agricultural Engineering, Vol. I. JAIN
i. Good seed bed produced in the tilled strip BROTHERS (New Delhi), 873, East Park
which were 4-6 cm wide and better seed- Road, New Delhi.
soil contact maintained. Plant populations Saunders, D.(1991). Report of an on-farm survey
were more due to extended period of the Jessore and Kustia Districts: Wheat
utilization of residual soil moisture. farmers practices and their perceptions.
ii. Depth of seed placement can be controlled. Monograph No. 8, BARI, Wheat Research
Seed can be placed 5-7 cm below the soil Centre, Nashipur, Dinajpur.
surface in the planting strip.
iii. The rotating strip blades can operate in
moderate residues without plugging.
iv. Seed saving is 29% over conventional
broadcasting seeding method.
v. Field capacity of the strip seeder increased
19% and fuel consumption reduced 21%
compared to minimum full tillage system.
vi. Strip till saved cost of planting 62%
compare to conventional seeding method.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThe author (s) is

pleased to acknowledge Australian Centre for
International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)
and International Maize and Wheat Improvement


Anonymous (1991). Calculation Method of Farm

Machinery Utilization. Farm Mechanization
Planning (Mechanization Management),
Vol.3; JICA, TIATC, Japan.
Baksh,E. and M.G. Rabbani, (2000). Agril.
Econmics research report on wheat under rice-
wheat systems. (Cornell University- wheat
Research Centre's collaborative project),
Wheat Research Centre, BARI, Nashipur,
Ganesh, Sah (1999). Performance Evaluation of
Different Seed Drill in Farmers Fields. Annual
Report. F.Y. 2056/57, Agricultural Implement
Research Centre, Ranighat, Birganj, Nepal.


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