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Cap I
On January 6 in Paris there are three parties (crazy day carnaval, kings
day…) and in the justice palace a play was going to be performed to
celebrate, and there were many people to see the play, but it didn’t start
and the public got angry. Later Pierre Gringoire exhibites his work but
people didn`t like it and in the end they all went to the square with a
drank Jacques Coppelone.

Cap II
When they got to the square, Coppelone said that they were going to
choose the King of crazy boys by doing a test. After doing it, many people
choose a person with a deformed body and a hump. He didn’t understand
what was happening because he was deaf and that’s why he felt sad but
the people walked him through the streets of Paris.

Pierre Gringoire was sad because his work had failed, all the public left
and he was without money and food. He was on the Street and saw
Esmeralda dancing and singing in the middle of people, but Claude Frollo
shouted that this ceremony had to stop and Esmeralda left. Later those
people joined to the procession of the King of crazies.

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