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CONTEXT: Oral English´s Exam.

Charo: Lorenzo, Hello?

Charo: Do you remember me? I`m Charo, we are in the same class of Maths.
Lorenzo: Oh!, Yes!! Hello charo!!!!! How are you?
Charo: I`m great thank`s.
Lorenzo: Tha´s fantastic. But, what are you doing here?
Charo: Well, today I have an important oral English`s exam here.
Lorenzo: Oh, Really!, me too.
Charo: Oh!! Really.
Lorenzo: Yes.
Charo: Well, my examen it´s answering questions about a famous person related to my carrer, but in English of
Lorenzo: Yes, that´s right.
Charo: I have an idea, Why don´t we practice a conversation in English?
Lorenzo: That´s sounds great, Charo.
Lorenzo: Ok, but the conversation has to be about a famous person related to our carrer. so
Charo: Yes, you right. Mmmm!!, ok. What dou you think to talk about Martin Vizcarra?
Charo: He is a Civil engineer and we study this carrer too.
Lorenzo: Yes, Lets do it.
Lorenzo: Ok. So, Are you ready!
Charo: Yes, of course.
Lorenzo: Ok, here we go. So, tell me Charo,

¿Why did you chose to talk about Martin Vizcarra?

Because he is an important person in our country.

¿When was he born?

He was born on March 22th in 1963.

Where was he born?

He was born in Moquegua.

How was his childhood?

His childhood was like a simple child.

How were his teenage days?

His teenager was very quiet, because he always was a shy boy.

What does he usually likes wearing?

He likes wearing suits, because he is very polite.

How did he begin his career?

He began his career in a very recognized company about buildings.

What kind of challenges did he face?

Well, he had to live his family in Moquega for his work in Lima

What does he do?

He is the president of Perú.

What is he going to do in the future?

He is going to plan having his own company.

Has he got a big or small family?

He has got a small family.

How old is he?

He is 56 years old.

What places does he like to visit?

He likes to visit tMoquegua and Cusco.

Does he work like an engineer?

No, he doesn´t. Because, he is doing other important things like a president.

What does he want to do in the future?

He wants to be a popular engineer and a great politician.

Should he wear comfortable clothes?

No, he shouldn´t. He needs to wear only formal clothes.

What does he do in his free time?

He likes spending time with his family.

Where is he doing at the moment?

He is traveling around the country to know what type of problems has our population.

Has he ever been in another country for his job?

Yes, he has. He travel a lot of around the world too.

Should he do more important things in our country?

Yes, he should. Because we need to improve more our security.

Lorenzo: Ok, that´s all. We have finished.

Charo: Good job classmate,and good luck in your interview too.
Charo: I hope you pass the exam.
Lorenzo: Thank´s Charo.
Charo: Ok, oh! it´s my turn to give the exam, I hope see you soon.
Lorenzo: Yes sure, Bye.
Charo: Bye.

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