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How to write the introduction (2 sentences) 1* sentence: paraphrase lai de bai 2" sentence: * While S-V, S-V (answer the question) © This essay will examine/discuss .....(answer the question) Example 1 Some believe that more academic subjects such as chemistry, physics and history should be taught in schools, while others believe that students will derive more benefit from studying practical subjects, such as motor mechanics and cooking. Discuss both views and provide your own opinion with relevant examples. The question of whether students should learn academic subjects, such as chemistry, physics and history or practical subjects, such as motor mechanics and cooking has been a matter of debate since the beginning of the twenty-first century. While there are some benefits of studying academic subjects, 1 would argue that it is better to choose vocational subjects Example 2: "In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing. What problems will this cause for individuals and society? Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce the impact of ageing populations.” It is undoubtedly the case that the expected life of an individual is gradually increasing in recent times. While the trend has caused some problems, some of the ways that could be considered in addressing the problem, Example 3: Some people think that instead of preventing climate change, we need to find a way to live with it. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Global warming has been a growing concern in the past few years. While some people argue that we need to accept it rather than try to stop it, I believe that we still have time to tackle this issue and reduce the human impact on the Earth's climate. How to write the conclusion (1 sentence) In conclusion, although SV, SV (paraphase lai ¥ cau 2 mé bai) How to write the Body IEEI —~ hay hiéu don gian la “chi 1 only main idea”, duy nhit 1 idea — 1 luan diém cho mdi body, va minh chi can bao vé that chat ché 1 ludn diém cho body dé la durge. Cau 1 (CAU I - IDEA) di luén vao luan diém, ko vong vo tam quéc. © One of the main reasons why SV is . © The main/first/important reason why SV is. © Futhermore/ On top of that/Nevertheless, SV. CAU 2 (Cau El - EXPLAIN — gidi thich thém cho r6 rang) * This means that/ This is because/ +SV CAU 3 (cau E2 - EXAMPLE) For example/For instance/According to a recent survey, SV. Cau 4 (Cau I Idea) © Therefore/ As a result,SV, Which leads to/makes/helps. y cau I dé chét doan van, khang dinh 1 lan nia cau I dau tién) Examples: The main reason why students are motivated academically by their peers is competition, This is because students who study the same material in the same place usually have a desire to outperform their peers by demonstrating broader knowledge and achieving higher scores. According to a recent survey, students overwhelmingly stated that their peers motivated them to study more than their teachers. As a result, competition with classmates plays a key role. The main reason why the government should implement a rush hour fee is to ease traffic congestion and to diminish some of the pollution in the atmosphere. This is because charging people would make them less likely to drive to work and opt to use alternative means of transportation, such as public transportation and car pool. For example, in London, the government introduced a congestion fee several years ago. AS a result, many people started to carpool, walk, or use public transportation rather than drive to work, which helps reduce traffic congestion and pollution levels thanks to fewer cars on the road. Some people believe that parents should devote more time to helping their children with schoolwork. Others think that they should allocate more time to playing sports with their kids. Discuss both these views and give your opinion Nowadays, there has been a controversy about whether parents should invest more time in helping their children with schoolwork or playing sports with them While there are some benefits of the former view, I believe that the latter view is much more beneficial On the one hand, the main reason why parents provide help with schoolwork is to encourage children to develop an interest in studying. This means that by assisting their children with any problems they have with their work, parents make their children’s tasks seem less difficult, which can result in greater interest in classes and better grades in the long run. For example, research has shown that children whose parents help them solve math problems get better grades than those who do their work on their own. As a result, parents assist children with their schoolwork, which makes children more enthusiastic about studying and provides a basis for their academic success. On the other hand, I belicve that the important reason why playing sports is a better way for parents is to connect with their children. This is because it fosters open communication by making children feel more comfortable about sharing their thoughts with their parents and removing any feelings of nervousness children may have in the presence of their parents. A recent study revealed that children express their opinions more when their parents create a relaxed environment by playing sports with them. Therefore, topics that children may consider too embarrassing or difficult to discuss under normal circumstances are brought up more easily while playing sports, which results in building closer relationships between parents and children In conclusion, although it is apparent that helping with schoolwork is one way parents can support their children, it is undeniable that playing sports together is more important.

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