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Calculation of Gross Tonnage, Amount

of Crew, Fresh Water, Fuel Oil and
Doc. No. 2 – 04211940000125 GT

Prepared by Approved by
Rev. Date Remark Danutirta
Dr. Emmy Pratiwi , S.T.
Calculation of Gross 02 - 04211940000125 –
Doc. No
Tonnage, Amount of Crew,
Rev No. 0
Fresh Water, Fuel Oil and
Lubricant Page 2 of 10

This section is contain about calculations of gross tonnage, estimating the
ship’s crew list, and requirement of freshwater, fuel oil and lubricant. Accordance “The
International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of ship, 1969” Gross Tonnage is
calculation of all volume of the ship located on under shipboard including volume of
enclosed spaces on board and superstructures. Gross tonnage is foundation about
ship tax. Gross tonnage is total of enclosed space which is sum of volume
displacement, volume freeboard and volume superstructures. The ship at sea
necessary supplies of freshwater, fuel and lubricants. Function of freshwater to fulfill
all crew needs as for cook, drinking until for cooling engine Fuel oil and lubricants is
major aspect for operated main engine worked properly. Ship’s crew list adjusted by
several conditions and requirement of the ship depend on gross tonnage of the ship
and statutory of flag state. One of which is KM-70. Another aspect for ship’s crew list
is provision efficiency; its mean caused limited of space, supplies of food, fresh water
and economic efficiency.

The things that we must understand about this document are:
1. Estimate how many crew in the ship based on KM 70 th. 1998
2. Calculate total Gross Tonnage (GT) of ship
3. Understand crew task in a ship
4. Calculate volume of fuel oil, lubricants, and fresh water

1. Gross Tonnage and Amoung of Crew, Department of Marine Engineering ITS


Table 2.1 List of Abbreviations
No. Abbreviations Explanation
1. LPP Length of Perpendicular
2. B Breadth
3. H Height
4. T Draught
5. GT Gross Tonnage
6. kW Kilo Watt
7. HFO Heavy Fuel Oil
12. SFOC Specific Fuel Oil Consumption
13. SLOC Specific Lubricating Oil Consumption
14. LO Lubricating Oil
15. FW Fresh Water

A. Sailing Route
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Calculation of shipping routes are used to determine the needs of fuel, lubricants,
logistics / food, etc. During sailing and transit vessels. In this general arrangement
plan, the sailing route used by MV. Holy Grail with details as follows:
a. Length Between Perpendicular (LPP) : 130,39 m
b. Breadth Moulded (B) : 22 m
c. Depth Moulded (H) : 11,25 m
d. Design Draft (T) : 8,24 m
e. Service speeds : 18 knot
f. Type of ship : Container Ship
g. Route : Tanjung Priok - Tokyo
h. Sailing Radius : 3990 nautical miles

B. Gross Tonnage
Gross Tonnage is the calculation of the volume of all the space located below the
deck of the vessel plus the volume of the enclosed space located above the deck
plus the contents of the room and all the enclosed spaces located above the


Table 2.2 Design Requirements of Gross Tonnage Calculation
No. Key Equipment Reference Parameter Design
 GT>10000 :
o 12 persons
 3000<GT<10000:
Total crew on o 12 persons
1. deck department
KM 70 1998 article 11
 1500<GT<3000
o 10 persons
 500<GT<1500
o 7 persons
 >7500 kW :
o 9 persons
Total crew on
 3000<kW<7500 :
2. engine room KM 70 1998 article 12
o 8 persons
 <3000 kW:
o 7 persons
Regulation 3, Annex -
Amount of Gross The International
3. Tonnage Convention on Tonnage 𝐺𝑇 = 𝐾1 × 𝑉
Measurement of ship,
D.G.M Watson "The 𝑉𝐻𝐹𝑂 = 𝑃 × 𝑆𝐹𝑂𝐶 ×
4. VHFO Practical Ship Design 𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 × 1.04 ×
book" Vol I 10−6 × 𝜌
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No. Key Equipment Reference Parameter Design

Project Guide Wartsilla
5. Vlubricating Oil
93.736 m3
Project Guide Wartsilla
6. Vcooling water
48.284 m3
 𝑊𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣 = 𝐶 × 𝑛 ×
Weight of D.G.M Watson "The 𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 × (1/24) ×
7. Profvision and Practical Ship Design 10−3
Crew book" Vol I  𝑊𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑤 = 𝑊𝑝𝑟𝑠𝑛 × 𝑛 ×
D.G.M Watson "The
Weight of 𝑊𝑓𝑤𝑑 = 𝑡𝑐 × 𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 ×
8. drinking water
Practical Ship Design
book" Vol I (1/24) × 𝐶𝑓𝑤𝑑
Weight of shower D.G.M Watson "The
𝑊𝑓𝑤𝑤 = 𝑡𝑐 × 𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 ×
9. and washing Practical Ship Design
freshwater book" Vol I (1/24) × 𝐶𝑓𝑤𝑤
Weight of D.G.M Watson "The
𝑊𝑓𝑤𝑐 = 𝑡𝑐 × 𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 ×
10. cooking Practical Ship Design
freshwater book" Vol I (1/24) × 𝐶𝑓𝑤𝑐
D.G.M Watson "The
Weight of engine 𝑊𝑓𝑤𝑒 = 𝑃 × 𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 ×
11. freshwater Practical Ship Design
book" Vol I (1/24) × 𝑐
D.G.M Watson "The
Total weight of FW = Wfwd + Wfww + Wfwc +
12. freshwater Practical Ship Design
Wfwe + Wfwae
book" Vol I
D.G.M Watson "The
Volume of 𝑊
13. Freshwater Practical Ship Design 𝑉𝐹𝑊 = 𝛾 𝐹𝑊
book" Vol I


Table 2.3 Summary Calculation
No. Key of Calculation Summary
1. Volume total of ship 27702,77 m3
2. Gross Tonnage 8001,959 tonnage
3. Volume of fuel oil (HFO) 642,651 m3
4. Volume of MDO 100,063 m3
5. Volume of Lubricating oil 93,736 m3
6. Weight of Provision 0.967 ton
7. Weight of Crews 1.575 ton
8. Volume of Fresh Water 48,284 m3
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1. Calculating Gross Tonnage
Accordance “The International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of
ship, 1969” Gross Tonnage is calculation of all volume of the ship located on
under shipboard including volume of enclosed spaces on board and
superstructures. The calculation of gross tonnage explained based on “Regulation
3, Annex -The International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of ship, 1969”.
Depend on two variable:
- V is total volume ( m3 )
- K is factor multiply according ships volume. (0,22 – 0,32)
Factor K represent volume of the ship expressed as Gross Tonnage. The
value of factor K depend on dimension of the ship, biggest or smallest. Factor-K
had variation value in the range and is calculated by the formula:
GT=K×Vtotal K=0.2+(0.02 Log10(V))
a. Calculating Volume of the ship below the water surface
Tabel 2.4 Volume of Ship
Waterline A [m²] s A.s
0 1250,3697 1
1 1623,3581 4
2 1747,5606 2
3 1780,8637 4
4 1815,9707 2
5 1850,9066 4
6 1897,1741 2,12
7,12 1960,6234 4,48
8,24 2144,0923 1,12
ΣA.s 44604,931
Volume of the ship below the water surface by Simpson Formula;
V ship = 1/3 x h x ΣA.s Where; h = 1.00
= 14868,3104 m3

b. Calculating Volume of Freeboard

Table 2.5 Volume Free Board
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Waterline A [m²] s A.s

8,24 2144,092 1 2144,092

9,75 2490,984 4 9963,935

11,25 2715,092 1 2715,092

ΣA.s 14823,119
Volume Freeboard by Simpson Formula ;
V freeboard = 1/3 x h x ΣA.s Where; h = 1.51
= 7436,265 m 3

c. Calculating Volume Superstructure of the ship

d. Calculating Volume Superstructure of the ship
Table 2.6 Volume Suerstructure
Height Volume
Deck L (m) B (m) Area (m2)
(m) (m3)
Main Deck Defined 540,1425 2,5 1350,4
Poop Deck 16.8 17.656 296.62 949
Boat Deck
Bridge A Deck 3,2
14 12 168 537.6
Bridge B Deck
Nav. Deck
Forecastle Deck Defined 274.434 2,5 948.255
Total 6256

Total Volume of Superstructure Deck = 5398,197 m3

Total Volume all of The ship = 27702,77 m3
Calculate the gross tonnage be like ;
K1 = 0.2 + 0.02 log 10 (V)
= 0.289
GT = K1 x V = 8001.959 tonnage

2. Estimated The Total of Crew

Based on Keputusan Menteri No. 70 year 1998. In the article 11b is about
the crew in deck department, for ship which has 3000 until 10000 GT, the crew is
12 people, and the article 12a is about the crew in engine department, for ship
which has power 7500 kW or above the minimum crew is 9 people.
a. Deck Department
Tabel 2.7 Crew at Deck Department
Department Quantity Job
Master 1 Person Fully reponsible for ship
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Department Quantity Job

Responsible for the vessel's cargo
1 Person operations, its stability, and
supervising the deck crew
Second Responsible for all aspect of ship
1 Person
Officer navigation
Radio Officer 1 Person To communicate with outsiders
Bostwain 1 Person Instructing the crew in the deck
3 Person Steering the ship at the time of sailing
Buffing, scaling, cleaning and
Sailor 2 Person
conducting repair-work on the deck
Total Crew 10 Person

b. Engine Department
Tabel 2.8 Crew at Engine Department
Department Quantity Job
Responsible for all operations and
Chief maintenance that have to do with all
1 Person
Enggneer machinery and equipment throughout
the ship
Second Helping the Chief Engineer/ Ass. Chief
1 Person
Engineer Engineer
Third Helping the Chief Engineer/ Ass. Chief
2 Person
Engineer Engineer
Foreman Instructing the crew in the engine room
1 Person
Maintaining and repairing of engine
Oiler 3 Person room, fireroom, and steering-engine
room equipment
Assisting engineer, foreman engine
Wiper 1 Person
and oiler
Total Crew 9 Person

c. Catering Department
Tabel 2.9 Crew at Catering Department
Department Quantity Job
To prepare meals regularly for the
Chief Cook 1 Person
crew and passengers
Mess Boy 1 Person Responsible to help the chief cook
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Department Quantity Job

Total Crew 2 Person
So, the total of crew is 22 Person.

3. Calculation Of Fuel Tanks, Lubricants And Needs Of Water

Fresh water, fuel and lubricants are very important in supporting the ship's
working system during operation. Therefore it needs to be planned big needs
either fresh water, fuel and lubricants. Determination of the volume of the tank,
determined based on the needs of the crew, machinery, duration of the voyage,
and so forth.
Placement of the tank as such is expected to obtain optimization both in
terms of space requirements and the stability of the ship. The planned tanks
 HFO fuel tank (Heavy Fuel Oil)
 MDO fuel tank
 Lubricant tank and cooling water
 Fresh water tanks
a. Calculation HFO fuel oil
P = Power Main Engine (BHPmcr)
= 10800 Kw
SFOC = Specific Fuel Oil Consumption
= 175 gr/kWh
Endurance = 9.2 day
V = 18 knots
HFO FUEL = P x SFOC x Endurance x 1.04 x 10-6
= 587,037 ton (SFOC = 181 gr/kWh)
= 587037 kg (with : density HFO = 950 kg/m3)
So, the volume of HFO required = 587037 / 950 = 617,934 m3
b. MDO fuel oil
MDO is used for auxiliary engine and starting main engine
WMDO = 15% × 587,037 = 88,056 ton
VMDO = 146.37 / 0.880 = 100,063 m3.
c. Lubricating Oil
WLO = P x LOC x (endurance) x 10^(-6)
LOC = 1.5 gr/kWh
WLO = 3.591 ton
d. Provision and Crew
Weight Provision = 3.5 - 5 kg person/day and taken (C) =5 kg
The weight consists of 1 Kg of clothing and 4 Kg of food.
Wprov = C x tc x endurance x 10-3
= 0.97 ton
Number of Crew (n) = 21 Person
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Wcrew = Wprsn x n x 10-3 (Average weight of person=85 Kg)

= 1.575 tons
e. Fresh Water Tank Required
1. Necessary drink for 1 trip :
Where ;
Tc = 21 person
S = 3990 miles
V = 18 knot
Cfwd = 5 kg/person/day
= 0.005 ton/person/day
Wfwd = tc x endurance x Cfwd
= 0,97 ton
Estimated time for loading-unloading (t) = 20 hours
Wfwd = tc x Cfwd x t
= 0.0875 ton
So, total of fresh water for drinking, Wfwd tot = 1,057 ton
2. For shower and washing
Wfww = tc x endurance x Cfww
= 38,792 ton where : Cfww = 0.2 ton/day
Estimated time for loading-unloading = 20 hours
Wfww = t x Cfww x tc
= 3.5 ton total Wfww = 42,292 ton
3. For cooking on 1 trip
Wfwc = tc x endurance x Cfwc
= 0,776 ton where ; cfcw = 0.004 ton/day
Estimated time for loading-unloading = 20 hours
Wfwc = t x Cfwc x tc
= 0.07 ton total Wfwc = 0.866 ton
4. For necessary of main engine
Wfwe = P x c x endurance x Cfwd
= 0,798 ton where c = 8 gr/kwh
5. For auxiliary engine
Wfwae = (0.1 - 0.2) x Wfwe
Taken value = 0,15 x Wfwe
= 0.1197 ton

From above all calculation and estimated for fresh water necessary ,
Assume that FW total = Wfwd + Wfww + Wfwc + Wfwe + Wfwae = 45,112 ton

Then, volume tank FW is;

VFW = WFW / γ FW ( where; γ FW = 1 ton/m3)
= 45,112 m3
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Figure 2.1 Specification of Main Engine

See attachment of Dwg, No. 01 – 04211940000125 GA

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