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G. S. CARR , M.A.





1886 .

(All rights reserved )

Q A41

C 3





THE work, of which the part now issued is a first instal

ment, has been compiled from notes made at various periods

of the last fourteen years , and chiefly during the engagements

of teaching. Many of the abbreviated methods and mnemonic

rules are in the form in which I originally wrote them for my


The general object of the compilation is , as the title

indicates, to present within a moderate compass the funda

mental theorems , formulæ , and processes in the chief branches

of pure and applied mathematics .

The work is intended , in the first place, to follow and

supplement the use of the ordinary text-books , and it is

arranged with the view of assisting the student in the task of

revision of book-work. To this end I have , in many cases ,

merely indicated the salient points of a demonstration , or

merely referred to the theorems by which the proposition is

proved . I am convinced that it is more beneficial to the

student to recall demonstrations with such aids , than to read

and re-read them. Let them be read once , but recalled often .

The difference in the effect upon the mind between reading a

mathematical demonstration, and originating one wholly or


partly, is very great. It may be compared to the difference

between the pleasure experienced , and interest aroused , when

in the one case a traveller is passively conducted through the

roads of a novel and unexplored country, and in the other

case he discovers the roads for himself with the assistance of

a map.

In the second place , I venture to hope that the work,

when completed, may prove useful to advanced students as

an aide-mémoire and book of reference. The boundary of

mathematical science forms , year by year, an ever widening

circle , and the advantage of having at hand some condensed

statement of results becomes more and more evident.

To the original investigator occupied with abstruse re

searches in some one of the many branches of mathematics, a

work which gathers together synoptically the leading propo

sitions in all, may not therefore prove unacceptable . Abler

hands than mine undoubtedly , might have undertaken the task

of making such a digest ; but abler hands might also , perhaps ,

be more usefully employed , -and with this reflection I have the

less hesitation in commencing the work myself. The design

which I have indicated is somewhat comprehensive , and in

relation to it the present essay may be regarded as tentative .

The degree of success which it may meet with , and the

suggestions or criticisms which it may call forth , will doubt

I ; have their effect on the subsequent portions of the work.

With respect to the abridgment of the demonstrations , I

may remark, that while some diffuseness of explanation is not

only allowable but very desirable in an initiatory treatise ,

conciseness is one of the chief requirements in a work intended


for the purposes of revision and reference only. In order ,

however, not to sacrifice clearness to conciseness , much more

labour has been expended upon this part of the subject- matter

of the book than will at first sight be at all evident . The only
palpable result being a compression of the text , the result is

so far a negative one. The amount of compression attained

is illustrated in the last section of the present part , in which

more than the number of propositions usually given in

treatises on Geometrical Conics are contained , together with

the figures and demonstrations , in the space of twenty- four

pages .

The foregoing remarks have a general application to the

work as a whole . With the view, however , of making the

earlier sections more acceptable to beginners , it will be found

that, in those sections, important principles have sometimes

been more fully elucidated and more illustrated by examples ,

than the plan of the work would admit of in subsequent

divisions .

A feature to which attention may be directed is the uni

form system of reference adopted throughout all the sections .

With the object of facilitating such reference, the articles have

been numbered progressively from the commencement in

large Clarendon figures ; the breaks which will occasionally

befound in these numbers having been purposely made , in order

to leave room for the insertion of additional matter , if it should

be required in a future edition , without disturbing the original

numbers and references . With the same object, demonstrations

and examples have been made subordinate to enunciations and

formulæ, the former being printed in small, the latter in bold


type . By these aids , the interdependence of propositions is

more readily shown , and it becomes easy to trace the connexion

between theorems in different branches of mathematics , with

out the loss of time which would be incurred in turning to

separate treatises on the subjects . The advantage thus gained

will, however, become more apparent as the work proceeds.

The Algebra section was printed some years ago , and does

not quite correspond with the succeeding ones in some of

the particulars named above . Under the pressure of other

occupations , this section moreover was not properly revised

before going to press . On that account the table of errata

will be found to apply almost exclusively to errors in that

section ; but I trust that the list is exhaustive. Great pains

have been taken to secure the accuracy of the rest of the

volume. Any intimation of errors will be gladly received .

I have now to acknowledge some of the sources from which

the present part has been compiled . In the Algebra , Theory

of Equations , and Trigonometry sections , I am largely in

debted to Todhunter's well- known treatises , the accuracy and

completeness of which it would be superfluous in me to dwell

upon .

In the section entitled Elementary Geometry, I have added

to simpler propositions a selection of theorems from Town

send's Modern Geometry and Salmon's Conic Sections .

In Geometrical Conics , the line of demonstration followed

agrees , in the main, with that adopted in Drew's treatise on the

subject. I am inclined to think that the method of that

author cannot be much improved . It is true that some im

portant properties

of the ellipse, which are arrived at in


Drew's Conic Sections through certain intermediate proposi

tions, can be deduced at once from the circle by the method of

orthogonal projection . But the intermediate propositions can

not on that account be dispensed with, for they are of value in

themselves . Moreover, the method of projection applied to

the hyperbola is not so successful ; because a property which

has first to be proved true in the case of the equilateral

hyperbola, might as will be proved at once for the general case .

I have introduced the method of projection but sparingly,

always giving preference to a demonstration which admits of

being applied in the same identical form to the ellipse and to

the hyperbola. The remarkable analogy subsisting between

the two curves is thus kept prominently before the reader.

The account of the C. G. S. system of units given in the

preliminary section , has been compiled from a valuable con

tribution on the subject by Professor Everett , of Belfast ,

published by the Physical Society of London. * This abstract,

and the tables of physical constants , might perhaps have found

a more appropriate place in an after part of the work. I have ,

however, introduced them at the commencement , from a sense

of the great importance of the reform in the selection of units

of measurement which is embodied in the C. G. S. system ,

and from a belief that the student cannot be too early

familiarized with the same.

The Factor Table which follows is , to its limited extent, a

reprint of Burckhardt's " Tables des diviseurs ," published in

* " Illustrations of the Centimetre- Gramme-Second System of Units.”

London: Taylor and Francis. 1875.
viii PREFACE .

1814-17 , which give the least divisors of all numbers from 1

to 3,036,000 . In a certain sense, it may be said that this is

the only sort of purely mathematical table which is absolutely

indispensable, because the information which it gives cannot

be supplied by any process of direct calculation . The loga

rithm of a number , for instance, may be computed by a

formula . Not so its prime factors . These can only be

arrived at through the tentative process of successive divisions

by the prime numbers , an operation of a most deterrent kind

when the subject of it is a high integer.

A table similar to and in continuation of Burckhardt's has

recently been constructed for the fourth million by J. W. L.

Glaisher, F.R.S. , who I believe is also now engaged in com

pleting the fifth and sixth millions . The factors for the seventh ,

eighth , and ninth millions were calculated previously by Dase

and Rosenberg, and published in 1862-65 , and the tenth

million is said to exist in manuscript. The history of the

formation of these tables is both instructive and interesting. *

As , however, such tables are necessarily expensive to pur

chase, and not very accessible in any other way to the majority

of persons , it seemed to me that a small portion of them

would form a useful accompaniment to the present volume.

I have , accordingly, introduced the first eleven pages of Burckh

ardt's tables , which give the least factors of the first 100,000

integers nearly. Each double page of the table here printed is

* See " Factor Table for the Fourth Million." By James Glaisher, F.R.S.
London : Taylor and Francis. 1880. Also Camb. Phil. Soc. Proc., Vol . III. ,
Pt. IV. , and Nature, No. 542 , p. 462.

an exact reproduction , in all but the type, of a single quarto

page of Burckhardt's great work.

It may be noticed here that Prof. Lebesque constructed

a table to about this extent, on the plan of omitting the

multiples of seven, and thus reducing the size of the table

by about one- sixth. * But a small calculation is required in

using the table which counterbalances the advantage so gained .

The values of the Gamma- Function , pages 30 and 31 , have

been taken from Legendre's table in his " Exercices de Calcul

Intégral," Tome I. The table belongs to Part II. of this

Volume, but it is placed here for the convenience of having

all the numerical tables of Volume I. in the same section .

In addition to the authors already named, the following

treatises have been consulted- Algebras, by Wood , Bourdon ,

and Lefebure de Fourcy ; Snowball's Trigonometry ; Salmon's

Higher Algebra ; the Geometrical Exercises in Potts's Euclid ;

and Geometrical Conics by Taylor , Jackson , and Renshaw.

Articles 260 , 431 , 569 , and very nearly all the examples ,

are original. The latter have been framed with great care, in

order that they might illustrate the propositions as completely

as possible.
G. S. C.

May 23, 1880.

"Tables diverses pour la décomposition des nombres en leurs facteurs

premiers." Par V. A. Lebesque. Paris . 1864.

Art. 13, for - a2b2 read + a²b².

"" 56, Line 1 , 39 3 39 3.9
99 66 , 99 5, " X "" x2.
"" 90, 99 4, "9 numerators 1 , 1, 1 "" 1, a, a².
"" 99, "" 1, 99 denominator r - 1 "" n - 1.
"" 107, "9 1, "" taken 99 taken m at a time.
"" 108, "9 2, 99 (196) "" (360).
" 131, 99 1, 2, "9 5 "" 6.
99 99 "" 5, 99 (-1) 22 (-1)23.
"" 133, "9 3,6,7, 99 6x "" 3x.
"" "" 99 8, 99 4 "" 34.
29 "" "" 9, 99 204, 459 "" 102, 306.
"" 29 "" 10, "" 459 "" 9n.
"" 138, ,, 4, 99 1.2.3 99 .
99 140, "" (g + 1)* "" (q + 1) (*) Notation of ( 96) .

,, 182, ,, 5, "" un -1 in numerator "" 26"-1°

"" 191, 99 4, "" (163) "" (164).
,, 220, 99 6, 99 (x + y + z)² 99 2 (x +y + z)².
"" 221, "" 4, (1) "" square of (1).

"" *237, 99 11 , x2 = 1 "" x² = -1 .

"" 238, 99 5, "" (x²-4x + 8) on left side "" (x²- 4x + 8)³.
,, 239, "" 11, (234) Dele.
"" 248, 29 4, 99 (29) 19 (28).

"" 267, 99 4, (267) 29 (266).

"" 274, " 8, "" 11 "" 2 11.
"" 276, "" 13, "" P+2 "" p + 1.
"" 99 "" 14, 99 (p - 1) "" p- 1.
,, 283, "" 3, 99 x=1 "" a = b.
"" 288, "" 7, "" N--1 "" n + 1.
99 289, " 4, 29 H (r, n - 1) "" H (n, r − 1).
"" 290, "" 2, "" H (r + 1 , n − 1) "" H (n, r).
,, 325, 2 17, "" P2 "" P.
"" 99 99 PPP3, last line but one "" Q1Q₂Q3.
"" 333, "" 3, 99 ( a +b) "" (a+b)™.
3 6 1, "" 7, "" 3528
"" "" 10284.
,, 481 , "" 6, "" n- 3 "" n - 1.
"" 514, 99 4, applying Descartes' rule Dele.
99 517, 99 3, "3 a3 "" x3.
"" 544, 99 Transpose F and f.
"" 551 , "" 1, "" B₁ "" B.
"" 99 "9 "" a - n 93 α- k.
,, 704, "" ( 11 , 12) "" (9, 10, 1) .
22 729, "" (940) "" (960).
Article 112 should be as follows :
1 1 +2 /3 + √2 = 1 + 2 /3 + / 2 = (1 + 2 /3 + /2) (11-4 / 3)
1 +2/3- √√2 (1 +2 /3) -2 11 +4 /3 73
^ Tr




Notation and Definitions of Units ... ... ... ... 1

Physical Constants and Formulæ ... ... ... ... 2
TABLE I.-English Measures and Equivalents in C. G. S. Units 4.
II.-Pressure of Aqueous Vapour at different temperatures 4
III.-Wave lengths and Wave frequency for the principal
lines of the Spectrum ... ... ... ... 4
IV. THE PRINCIPAL METALS ― Their Densities ; Coeffi
cients of Elasticity, Rigidity, and Tenacity ; Expan
sion by Heat ; Specific Heat ; Conductivity ; Rate
of conduction of Sound ; Electro- magnetic Specific
Resistance ... ... 5
V. THE PLANETS -Their Dimensions, Masses, Densities ,
and Elements of Orbits ... ... ... ... 5
VI.-Powers and Logarithms of π and e ... ... ... 6
VII.-Square and Cube Roots of the Integers 1 to 30 ... 6
VIII. Common and Hyperbolic Logarithms of the
Prime numbers from 1 to 109 ... ... 6
Explanation of the Table ... 7
The Least Factors of all numbers from 1 to 99000 ... 8



100 ... ... ... ...


Newton's Rule for expanding a Binomial .... ... ... 12

INDICES ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 29
HIGHEST COMMON FACTOR ... ... ... ... 30

No. of
LOWEST COMMON MULTIPLE ... ... ... ... 33

Square Root and Cube Root ... ... 35

Useful Transformations ... ...... 38

QUADRATIC EQUATIONS ... ... ...... 45

Maxima and Minima by a Quadratic Equation ... ... 58

: : :
The Theorem ... ... ... ... 70
Duplicate and Triplicate Ratios ... ... 72
Compound Ratios ... ... ... ... ... 74
VARIATION ... ... ... ... ... 76

ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION ... ... ... ... ... 79
GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION ... ... ... ... ... ... 83
HARMONICAL PROGRESSION ... ... ... ... ... ... 87
SURDS ... ... ... ... :
: 108
Simplification of √ a + √b
b and Va+ .
√b .. ... ... 121
Simplification of Va + b. ... ... ... 124
BINOMIAL THEOREM ... ... ... ... ... 125
MULTINOMIAL THEOREM ... ... ... ... ... 137
LOGARITHMS ... ... ……
. ... ... ... ... 142
EXPONENTIAL THEOREM ... ... ... ... ... 149
General Theory of same ... ... ... ... 167
To convert a Series into a Continued Fraction ... ... 182
A Continued Fraction with Recurring Quotients ... 186
To form high Convergents rapidly ... ... ... 197
General Theory ... *** ……
. *** 199
Special cases in the Solution of Simultaneous Equations ... 211
Method by Indeterminate Multipliers ... ... ... 213
Miscellaneous Equations and Solutions ... ... ... 214
On Symmetrical Expressions ... ... 219


: : : :


General Theorem of (x) ... ... ... ... ... 243

No. of
EXPANSION OF A FRACTION ... ... ... ... ... ... 248
RECURRING SERIES ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 251
The General Term ... ... ... ... ... ... 257
Case of Quadratic Factor with Imaginary Roots ... ... 258
Lagrange's Rule ... ... ... ... ... ... 263
Interpolation of a term ... ... ... ... ... 267
DIRECT FACTORIAL SERIES ... ... ... ... ... ... 268
INVERSE FACTORIAL SERIES ... ... ... ... ... ... 270
SUMMATION BY PARTIAL FRACTIONS ... ... ... ... ... 272

Sums of the Powers of the Natural Numbers ... ... 276
Sum of a + (a + d) r + (a + 2d) r³ + &c. ... ... 279
Sum of n - n (n - 1) + &c. ... ... ... ... 285
POLYGONAL NUMBERS ... ... ... ... ... ... 287
FIGURATE NUMBERS ... ... : ... 289


Proof that e" is incommensur able ... ... ... 295


INTEREST ... ... ... ... ... 296

ANNUITIES ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... 302
PROBABILITIES ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... 309
INEQUALITIES ... ... ... ... ... ... 330

Arithmetic Mean > Geometric Mean ...... 332

Arithmetic Mean of mth powers > mth power of A. M. ... 334
SCALES OF NOTATION ... ... ... ... ... 342
Theorem concerning Sum or Difference of Digits ... 347
THEORY OF NUMRERS ... ... ... ... 349
Highest Power of a Prime p contained in | m ... ... 365
Fermat's Theorem ... ... ... ... ... ... 369
Wilson's Theorem ... ... ... ... ... 371
Divisors of a Number ... ... ... ... ... 374
S, divisible by 2n + 1 ... ... ... ... 380


FACTORS OF AN EQUATION ... ... ... ... 400
To compute f(a) numerically ... ... ... 403
Discrimination of Roots ... ... ... 409
DESCARTES' RULE OF SIGNS ... ... ... ... 416
To remove an assigned term ... ... 428
To transform an equation ... 430
: :

Practical Rule 445



No. of

: :
Newton's Method ... 452

Rolle's Theorem ... 454



Solution of " +1 = 0 by De Moivre's Theorem... 480
• ... 483

: : :
Cardan's Method ... ... 484

Trigonometrical Method 489

Descartes' Solution ... 492

Ferrari's Solution : 496
Euler's Solution ... ... 499
COMMENSURABle Roots ... 502

Sturm's Theorem 506

Fourier's Theorem ... ... : ... 518

Lagrange's Method of Approximation ... ... 525
Newton's Method of Approximation ... ... ... 527
Fourier's Limitation to the same ... 528
Newton's Rule for the Limits of the Roots ... ... 530
Sylvester's Theorem ... ... ... ... 532
Horner's Method ... ... ... ... ... 533
Sums of the Powers of the Roots ... 534
Symmetrical Functions not Powers of the Roots ... 538
The Equation whose Roots are the Squares of the
Differences of the Roots of a given Equation. ... 541
Sum of the mth Powers of the Roots of a Quadratic
Equation ... ... ... ... 545
Approximation to the Root of an Equation through the
Sums of the Powers of the Roots ... ... ... 548
Definitions ... ... ... 554

General Theory ... ... ... 556

To raise the Order of a Determinant ... ... 564

Analysis of a Determinant ... ... 568


Synthesis of a Determinant ... ... ... 569

Product of two Determinants of the nth Order ... ... 570
Symmetrical Determinants .. ... ... ... ... 574
Reciprocal Determinants ... ... ... ... ... 575
Partial and Complementary Determinants ... ... 576

No. of
Theorem of a Partial Reciprocal Determinant ... ... 577
Product of Differences of n Quantities ... ... ... 578
Product of Squares of Differences of same ... 579
Rational Algebraic Fraction expressed as a Determinant 581
Solution of Linear Equations ... ... ... 582
Orthogonal Transformation ... ... 584
Theorem of the n- 2th Power of a Determinant ... ... 585
Bezout's Method of Elimination ... ... ... 586

:: ::
Sylvester's Dialytic Method ... ... ... 587
Method by Symmetrical Functions ... ... ... 588


ANGULAR MEASUREMENT ... ... ... ... ... 600
TRIGONOMETRICAL RATIOS ... ... ... ... 606
Formulæ involving one Angle ... ... 613
Formulæ involving two Angles and Multiple Angles ... 627
Formulæ involving three Angles ... ... 674
RATIOS OF 45°, 60°, 15°, 18°, &c. ... ... ... ... 690
PROPERTIES OF THE TRIANGLE ... ... ... ... 700
The s Formulæ for sin 4, &c. ... 440 ... ... 704
The Triangle and Circle ... ... ... ... 709

Right-angled Triangles ... ... ... ... 718

Scalene Triangles.-Three cases ... ... ... " 720

Examples on the same ... ... ... ... 859
Quadrilateral in a Circle ... ... ... ... 733
Bisector of the Side of a Triangle ... ... ... ... 738
Bisector of the Angle of a Triangle ... ... ... 742
Perpendicular on the Base of a Triangle ... ... ... 744
REGULAR POLYGON AND CIRCLE ... ... ... ... ... 746
SUBSIDIARY ANGLES ... ... ... ... ... ... 749
LIMITS OF RATIOS ... ... ... ... ... ... 753
DE MOIVRE'S THEOREM ... ... ... ... 756
Expansion of cos no, &c. in powers of sin and cos 0 ... 758
Expansion of sin 0 and cos in powers of ... ... 764
Expansion of cos" and sin" in cosines or sines of
multiples of ... ... ... ... ... ... 772
Expansion of cos no and sinne in powers of sin 0 ……. 775
Expansion of cos no and sin no in powers of cos 0 ……… 779
Expansion of cos no in descending powers of cos 0 ... 780
Sin a + c sin (a +b) + &c., and similar series ... ... 783

No. of
Gregory's Series for 0 in powers of tan 0... ... 791
Formula for the calculation of ... ... ... 792
Proof that is incommensurable ... ... ... 795
Sinan sin (x + a ) .- Series for æ ... ... ... 796
Sum of sines or cosines of Angles in A. P. ... 800
Expansion of the sine and cosine in Factors ... 807
Sin no and cos no expanded in Factors ... 808
Sin and cos in Factors involving ... ... ... 815
e* −2 cos 0 + e¯ * expanded in Factors ... ... 817
De Moivre's Property of the Circle ... ... ... 819
Cotes's Properties ... ... ... ... ... ... 821
ADDITIONAL FORMULE ... ... ... ... ... ... 823
Properties of a Right-angled Triangle ... ... ... 832
Properties of any Triangle ... ... ... ... ... 835
Area of a Triangle ... ... ... ... ... ... 838
Relations between a Triangle and the Inscribed,
Escribed, and Circumscribed Circles. ... ... 841
Other Relations between the Sides and Angles of a Triangle 850
Examples of the Solution of Triangles ... ... ... 859


Definitions ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 870
Polar Triangle ... ... ... ... ... 871
Napier's Rules ... ... ... ... ... 881
Formula for cos a and cos A ... ... ... 882

The S Formula for sin 4, sin la, &c . *** ... ... 884

sin A sin B sin C 894

= = ... ... ... ...

sin a sin c

sin b

cos b cos C cot a sin b - cot A sin C ... ... ... 895
Napier's Formulæ ... ... ... ... 896
Gauss's Formulæ ... ... ... 897
Inscribed and Escribed Circles ... 898

... 900

Circumscribed Circles ... ...

Spherical Excess ... ... ... ... ... 902
Area of Spherical Polygon ... ... ... ... ... 903
Cagnoli's Theorem ... ... ... ... ... ... 904
Lhuillier's Theorem ... ... ... ... 905

No. of
POLYHEDRONS ... ... ... ... ... 906
The five Regular Solids ... ... ... 907
The Angle between Adjacent Faces ... ... ... 909
Radii of Inscribed and Circumscribed Spheres ... ... 910


Reflection of a point at a single surface ... 920
do. do. at successive surfaces 921
Relations between the sides of a triangle, the segments
of the base, and the line drawn from the vertex ... 922
Equilateral triangle ABC ; PA²+ PB² + PC ... 923
Sum of squares of sides of a quadrilateral 924
Locus of a point whose distances from given lines or
points are in a given ratio 926
To divide a triangle in a given ratio ... 930
Sides of triangle in given ratio . Locus of vertex 932
Harmonic division of base 933
Triangle with Inscribed and Circumscribed circles 935
Tangents and chord of contact . By = u² ... 948
To find any sub-multiple of a line ... 950
Triangle and three concurrent lines ; Three cases 951
Inscribed and Escribed circles ; 8, s - a, &c. 953
NINE-POINT CIRCLE ... ... ... 954
Locus of a point from which the tangents to two circles
have a constant ratio ... ... 963
Triangle of constant species circumscribed or inscribed
to a triangle ... .".. 977

Of two Circles ... ... 984


Of three Circles ... ... 997


Inversion of a point ... 1000
do. circle ... ... 1009
do. right line ... ... 1012
POLE AND POLAR ... ... ... 1016
Homologous and Anti-homologous points ... 1037

do. do. chords 1038

xviii CONTENTS .

No. of
Constant product of anti-similitude ... 1043

Circle of similitude ... 1045
Axes of similitude of three circles ... 1046
Gergonne's Theorem ... 1049

PROJECTION ... ... ... ... 1075

On Perspective Drawing ... ... ... ... 1083
Orthogonal Projection ... ... ... ... 1087
Projections of the Sphere ... 1090

Squares of distances of P from equidistant points on a
circle ... 1094
Squares of perpendiculars on radii, &c. ... ... 1095
Polygon with inscribed and circumscribed circles . Sum
of perpendiculars on sides, & c.... ... 1099


Defining property of Conic PS = ePM ... ... 1151
Fundamental Equation ... ... ... 1156
Projection from Circle and Rectangular Hyperbola ... 1158
Definitions ... 1160
CS : CA CX ... ... ... 1162
PSPS = AA ' ... ... 1163
CS AC² + BC² ... ... ... 1164
SZ bisects 4 QSR .. ... ... 1166
If PZ be a tangent PSZ is a right angle ... 1167
Tangent makes equal angles with focal distances 1168
Tangents of focal chord meet in directrix 1169
CN.CT = AC ... 1170
GS : PS e ... ... 1171
NG : NC BC : AC 1172
Auxiliary Circle 1173
PN: QNBC : AC 1174
PN ": AN.NA = DC : 10 1176
Cn . Ct BC² 1177
SY.SY BC² ... 1178
PE = AC ... 1179
To draw two tangents ... ... ... 1180
Tangents subtend equal angles at the focus 1181

No. of
RN² – PN² = BC² ... ... 1183

PR.Pr BC² 1184

CE AC ... ... 1186
PD is parallel to the Asymptote 1187

QR = qr ... ... ... 1188
PL Pl and QV = qV... 1189
QR. Qr = PL2 = RV² - QV² 1191
4PH.PK = CS ... ... ... 1192
QV² : PV . VP' = CD² : CP² ... 1193
PF.CDAC . BC ... ... 1194
PF.PG BC2 and PF.PG ′ = AC² ... 1195
PG.PG CD2 ... ... ... ... 1197

Diameter bisects parallel chords ... ... 1198
Supplemental chords ... : 1201
Diameters are mutually conjugate 1202
CV.CT = CP : ... ... 1203

CN dR, CR = pN ... ... 1205

CN² ± CR² = AC², DR² ± PN² = BC² ... ... 1207
CP² ± CD² = AC² ± BC² ... ... 1211
PS . PS CD² ... ... ... 1213
OQ . Oq OQ . Oq = = CD : CD' ... ... 1214
SR : QL = e ... ... 1216
Director Circle ... 1217
Properties of Parabola deduced from the Ellipse ... 1219
Defining property PS = PM ... ... 1220
Latus Rectum = 4AS ... ... 1222
If PZ be a tangent, PSZ is a right angle 1223
Tangent bisects 4 SPM and SZM 1224

ST SP SG ... ... 1225

Tangents of a focal chord intersect at right angles in
directrix ... ... ... ... ... ... 1226
ANAT ... 1227
NG = 24S ... ... ... 1228
PN2 4AS . AN ... ... 1229
SA : SY : SP ... 1231
To draw two tangents 1232
SQ : SO : SQ ... 1233

4OSQOSQ and QOQ = Q SQ ... 1234

DIAMETERS ... ... 1235
: ::
: :

The diameter bisects parallel chords *** 1238


No. of
QV = 4PS . PV ... ... ……. 1239
OQ . Oq OQ Oq' = PS : P'S ... ... ... 1242
Parabola two-thirds of circumscribing parallelogram ... 1244
METHODS OF DRAWING A CONIC ... ... ... ... 1245
To find the axes and centre ... ... ... ... 1252
To construct a conic from the conjugate diameters ... 1253
Chord of curvature = QV ÷ PV ult. ... 1258
Semi -chords of curvature, ... 1259
In Parabola, Focal chord of curvature = 4SP ... ... 1260
do. Radius of curvature = 2SP² ÷ SY ... 1261
Common chords of a circle and conics are equally in
clined to the axis ... ... 1263
To find the centre of curvature ... ... 1265
MISCELLANEOUS THEOREMS ... ... ... ... 1267


The references to Euclid are made in Roman and Arabic numerals ; e.g. (VI . 19).


I. 4.-Triangles are equal and similar if two sides and the included
angle of each are equal each to each.
I. 5. - The angles at the base of an isosceles triangle are equal.
I. 6. The converse of 5.
I. 8.-Triangles are equal and similar if the three sides of each are
equal each to each .
I. 16.-The exterior angle of a triangle is greater than the interior
and opposite.
I. 20. Two sides of a triangle are greater than the third.
I. 26. Triangles are equal and similar if two angles and one corres
ponding side of each are equal each to each.
I. 27. Two straight lines are parallel if they make equal alternate
angles with a third line.
I. 29. -The converse of 27.
I. 32. The exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the two interior
and opposite ; and the three angles of a triangle are equal
to two right angles.
COR. 1. - The interior angles of a polygon of n sides
= (n - 2) π.
COR. 2. -The exterior angles = 2π.
I. 35 to 38. - Parallelograms or triangles upon the same or equal
bases and between the same parallels are equal.
I. 43. The complements of the parallelograms about the diameter
of a parallelogram are equal .
I. 47. The square on the hypotenuse of a right- angled triangle is
equal to the squares on the other sides .
I. 48. The converse of 47.


II. 4.- If a, b are the two parts of a right line, (a +b) = a² + 2ab + b².
If a right line be bisected, and also divided, internally or
externally, into two unequal segments, then
II. 5 and 6. The rectangle of the unequal segments is equal to the
difference of the squares on half the line, and on the line
between the points of section ; or (a + b) (a - b) = a - b².
II. 9 and 10. - The squares on the same unequal segments are together
double the squares on the other parts ; or
(a + b ) ² + (a − b) ² = 2a² + 2b³.
II. 11. To divide a right line into two parts so that the rectangle
of the whole line and one part may be equal to the square on
the other part.
II. 12 and 13.- The square on the base of a triangle is equal to the
sum of the squares on the two sides plus or minus (as the
vertical angle is obtuse or acute) , twice the rectangle under
either of those sides, and the projection of the other upon it ;
or a² = b² +c² - 2bc cos A (702) .


III . 3.— If a diameter of a circle bisects a chord, it is perpendicular to

it : and conversely.
III. 20. - The angle at the centre of a circle is twice the angle at the
circumference on the same arc.
III. 21.-Angles in the same segment of a circle are equal .
III. 22.- The opposite angles of a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle
are together equal to two right angles .
III. 31. -The angle in a semicircle is a right angle.
III. 32. -- The angle between a tangent and a chord from the point of
contact is equal to the angle in the alternate segment .
III. 33 and 34. - To describe or to cut off a segment of a circle which
shall contain a given angle.
III. 35 and 36.— The rectangle of the segments of any chord of a
circle drawn through an internal or external point is equal
to the square of the semi -chord perpendicular to the
diameter through the internal point, or to the square of the
tangent from the external point.
III. 37. -The converse of 36. If the rectangle be equal to the square,
the line which meets the circle touches it.


IV. 2. To inscribe a triangle of given form in a circle.

IV. 3.- To describe the same about a circle.
IV. 4. To inscribe a circle in a triangle.
IV. 5. To describe a circle about a triangle.
IV. 10. — To construct two-fifths of a right angle.
IV. 11. To construct a regular pentagon.


VI. 1.-Triangles and parallelograms of the same altitude are

proportional to their bases.
VI. 2.—A right line parallel to the side of a triangle cuts the other
sides proportionally ; and conversely.
VI. 3 and A. - The bisector of the interior or exterior vertical angle of
a triangle divides the base into segments proportional to
the sides.
VI. 4.-Equiangular triangles have their sides proportional homo
VI. 5. -The converse of 4.
VI. 6. Two triangles are equiangular if they have two angles equal,
and the sides about them proportional.
VI. 7. -Two triangles are equiangular if they have two angles equal
and the sides about two other angles proportional , provided
that the third angles are both greater than, both less than ,
or both equal to a right angle.
VI. 8.-A right-angled triangle is divided by the perpendicular from
the right angle upon the hypotenuse into triangles similar
to itself.
VI. 14 and 15.— Equal parallelograms, or triangles which have two
angles equal, have the sides about those angles reciprocally
proportional ; and conversely, if the sides are in this pro
portion, the figures are equal .
VI. 19.— Similar triangles are in the duplicate ratio of their homo
logous sides.
VI. 20. Likewise similar polygons .
VI. 23. —Equiangular parallelograms are in the ratio compounded of
the ratios of their sides .
VI. B. - The rectangle of the sides of a triangle is equal to the square
of the bisector of the vertical angle plus the rectangle of
the segments of the base.

VI. C.- The rectangle of the sides of a triangle is equal to the rect
angle under the perpendicular from the vertex on the
base and the diameter of the circumscribing circle.
VI. D.- Ptolemy's Theorem. The rectangle of the diagonals of a
quadrilateral inscribed in a circle is equal to both the
rectangles under the opposite sides .


XI. 4.-A right line perpendicular to two others at their point of

intersection is perpendicular to their plane.
XI. 5.- The converse of 4. If the first line is also perpendicular to a
fourth at the same point, that fourth line and the other
two are in the same plane.
XI. 6.—Right lines perpendicular to the same plane are parallel.
XI. 8.- If one of two parallel lines is perpendicular to a plane, the
other is also.
XI. 20.- Any two of three plane angles containing a solid angle are
greater than the third .
XI . 21.— The plane angles of any solid angle are together less than
four right angles .



INTRODUCTION ... ... ... ... ... ... 1400
Successive differentiation ... ... ... ... 1405
Infinitesimals. Differentials ... 1407

Methods ... ... 1411-21

Leibnitz's theorem ... ... ... ... 1460
Derivatives of the nth order ( see Index) ... ... 1461-71
Distributive, Commutative, and Index laws ... ... 1488
Taylor's and Maclaurin's theorems ... ... 1500, 1507
Symbolic forms of the same ... ... 1520-3
f(x + h, y + k), &c. ... ... ... ... ... 1512-4
Methods of expansion by indeterminate coefficients.
Four rules ... ... ... ... ... ... 1527-34
Method by Maclaurin's theorem ... ... ... 1524
Arbogast's method of expanding ø (z) ... 1536
Bernoulli's numbers ... ... ... ... 1539
Expansions of (x + h ) −p (x) . Stirling and Boole 1546-7
Lagrange's, Laplace's, and Burmann's theorems, 1552 , 1556-63
Cayley's series for 1555
Abel's series for (x + a) ... ... 1572
INDETERMINATE FORMS ... ... ... ... 1580
JACOBIANS ... ... ... 1600

Modulus of transformation ... ... 1604



No. of
QUANTICS ... ... 1620
Euler's theorem ... ... ... 1621
Eliminant, Discriminant, Invariant , Covariant , Hessian 1626-30
Theorems concerning discriminants ... 1635-45
Notation Abc -f², &c. ... 1642
Invariants ... ... ... ... ... 1648-52
Cogredients and Emanents 1653-5
One independent variable ... 1700

: :
Two independent variables ... ... ... 1725
n independent variables ... 1737

: :


Linear transformation ... ... ... ... 1794
Orthogonal transformation ... ... 1799
Contragredient and Contravariant ... 1813

: :
Notation %, p, &c., q, r, s, t ... 1815

One independent variable ... ... 1830

Two independent variables. ... 1841


Three or more independent variables... :. : 1852

Discriminating cubic ... ... ... 1849

Method of undetermined multipliers ... ... 1862


Continuous maxima and minima 1866



INTRODUCTION ... ... ... 1900
Multiple Integrals ... 1905
By Substitution, Parts, Division , Rationalization,
Partial fractions, Infinite series ... ... 1908-19
Circular functions ... ... 1954
Exponential and logarithmic functions ... 1998

Algebraic functions ... ... 2007


Integration by rationalization ... ... ... 2110

Integrals reducible to Elliptic integrals 2121-47

Elliptic integrals approximated to ... 2127




HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS Cosh x, sinh x, tanh x ... 2180

Inverse relations ... ... ... 2210

Geometrical meaning of tanh S ... ... 2213

Logarithm of an imaginary quantity ... 2214
CONTENTS . xxvii

No. of
Summation of series ... ... 2230

Integration by this method ... ... 2258
Change in the order of integration ... 2261

THE INTEGRALS B (l, m) and (n) ... 2280
log F (1 +n) in a converging series ... ... 2294
Numerical calculation of F (x) 2317
Frullani's, Poisson's, Abel's, Kummer's, and Cauchy's
formulæ ... ... ... ... ... 2700-13
Fourier's formula ... 2726
THE FUNCTION ( ) ... ... ... 2743
Summation of series by the function (x) ... ... 2757
(a) as a definite integral independent of (1 ) ... 2766
Derivatives of the nth order ... ... 2852
Miscellaneous expansions ... ... ... 2911
Legendre's function X, 2936
Methods by Simpson, Cotes, and Gauss ... 2992-7



Particular cases... ... ... 3033
Other exceptional cases ... 3045
Relative maxima and minima ... ... 3069

Geometrical applications ... 3070


xxviii CONTENTS .

No. of
Geometrical applications ... 3078
On the general object of the Calculus of Variations ... 3084
Successive variation ... ... ... 3087

Immediate integrability ... ... 3090



DEFINITIONS And Rules ….. ... ... 3158
SINGULAR SOLUTIONS ... ... ... ... 3168
Integrating factor for Mda + Ndy = 0 ... 3192
Riccati's Equation ... ... ... 3214
Solution by factors ... ... ... ... 3222
Solution by differentiation : : 3236
: :


Linear Equations with Constant Coefficients 3238


Depression of Order by Unity ... ... 3262




Approximate solution of Differential Equations by
Taylor's theorem ... ... ... ... ... 3289


Linear first order P. D. Equations ... ... 3381
Non-linear first order P. D. Equations ... ... 3399
Non-linear first order P. D. Equations with more
than two independent variables ... 3409
SYMBOLIC METHODS ... ... ... ... 3470

No. of


Expansion by factorials ... 3730

Generating functions ... 3732
The operations E, A, and d ... ... 3735

Herschel's theorem ... ... ... 3757

A theorem conjugate to Maclaurin's ... ... 3759
INTERPOLATION ... ... ... ... ... ... 3762

: : :
Lagrange's interpolation formula ... ... 3768
Cotes's and Gauss's formulæ ... ... 3777

Laplace's formula ... ... 3778






Cartesian, Polar, Trilinear, Areal, Tangential, and
Intercept Coordinates ... 4001-28


LENGTHS AND AREAS ... ... ... ... ... ... 4032
THE RIGHT LINE . ... ... ... ... ... 4052
Equations of two or more right lines ... ... 4110
GENERAL METHODS ... ... ... ... ... 4114
Poles and Polars ... ... ... ... ... 4124
THE CIRCLE ... ... ... ... ... ... 4136

Co-axal circles ... ... ... ... ... 4161

THE PARABOLA ……. ... ... ... ... ... ... 4200
THE ELLIPSE AND HYPERBOLA ... ... ... ... 4250

Right line and ellipse ... ... ... ... 4310

Polar equations of the conic ... ... 4336
Conjug ate diamet ers ... ... 4346

Determination of various angles ... ... 4375



: :

The rectangular hyperbola ... ... ... 4392


No. of

The ellipse and hyperbola 4402
Invariants of the conic ... 4417
The para bola ... ... ... 4430
Method without transformation of the axes ... 4445
Rules for the analysis of the general equation 4464
Right line and conic with the general equation 4487

Intercept equation of a conic ... ... 4498
SIMILAR CONICS ... ... ... 4522

Contact of Conics 4527




Equations of particular lines and coordinate ratios
of particular points in the trigon ... 4628
ANHARMONIC RATIO ... ... ... ... 4648
The complete quadrilateral ... 4652
Director- Circle ….. ... ... ... 4693
:. :


Conic circumscribing the trigon 4724

Inscribed conic of the trigon ... 4739

: :

Inscribed circle of the trigon 4747

General equation of the circle... 4751
Nine-point circle 4754
Triplicate-ratio circle ... ... 47546
Seven-point circle ... 4754c
On lines passing through imaginary points 4761
Related conics .... 4803
Newton's method of generating a conic ... 4829

Maclaurin's method of generating a conic ... 4830





: :

Abridged notation ... 4907


No. of
Geometrical meaning of ( -1 ) ... 4916

INVARIANTS AND COVARIANTS ... ... ... ... ... 4936
To find the foci of the general conic .... ... 5008



: ::
ASYMPTOTES ... ... ... ... ... ... 5167

: :
Asymptotic curves ... ... 5172

Concavity and Convexity ... 5174
Points of inflexion, multiple points, &c. ... ... 5175-87
CONTACT OF CURVES ... ... ... ... ... ... 5188
: :

ENVELOPES ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5192

... ... ... ...
INVERSE CURves ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5212
PEDAL CURVES ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5220
ROULETTES ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5229
Area, length, and radius of curvature... ... ... 5230-5
The envelope of a carried curve ... ... 5239
Instantaneous centre ... ... ... ... 5243
Holditch's theorem ... ... ... ... ... 5244
Trajectories ... ... ... ... ... 5246
Curves of pursuit ... ... ... ... 5247

Caustics ... ... ... ... 5248

Quetelet's theorem ... ... ... 5249


The cycloid ... ... ... ... ... 5250

The companion to the cycloid ... ... ... ... 5258

Prolate and curtate cycloids ... ... ... 5260

Epitrochoids and hypotrochoids 5262

: :

Epicycloids and hypocycloids ... ... 5266

The Catenary ... ... ... ... 5273

The Tractrix ... ... ... 5279

The Syntractrix ... ... 5282
The Logarithmic Curve ... ... ... 5284

The Equiangular Spiral ... ... ... 5288


The Spiral of Archimedes ... ... 5296


The Hyperbolic or Reciprocal Spiral... ... 5302


No. of
The Involute of the Circle ... 5306
The Cissoid ... ... 5309

The Cassinian or Oval of Cassini ... 5313

The Lemniscate ... ... ... 5317
The Conchoid ... ... ... ... ... ... 5320
The Limaçon ... ... ... ... 5327
The Versiera (or Witch of Agnesi) ... ... ... 5335
The Quadratrix... ... ... ... ... 5338

The Cartesian Oval ... ... ... ... ... 5341
The semi- cubical parabola ... ... ... 5359
The folium of Descartes ... ... 5360

LINKAGES AND LINKWORK ... ... ... 5400
Kempe's five- bar linkage. Eight cases ... ... 5401-5417
Reversor, Multiplicator, and Translator ... ... 5407
Peaucellier's linkage ... ... ... ... ... 5410
The six-bar invertor ... ... ... ... 5419
The eight-bar double invertor ... ... 5420
The Quadruplane or Versor Invertor ... 5422
The Pentograph or Proportionator 5423
The Isoklinostat or Angle- divider 5425
A linkage for drawing an Ellipse 5426
A linkage for drawing a Limaçon, and also a bicir
cular quartic ... ... ... ... 5427
A linkage for solving a cubic equation ... ... 5429
On three-bar motion in a plane ... ... 5430
The Mechanical Integrator ... ... 5450
The Planimeter ... ... 5452



THE RIGHT LINE ... ... ... ... 5507
THE PLANE ... ... ... ... 5545
THE SPHERE ... ... ... ... ... 5582
The Radical Plane ... ... ... 5585
Poles of similitude ... ... ... 5587
Circular Sections ... ... ... 5596


CONTENTS . xxxiii

No. of
Tangent and diametral planes... ... 5626

Eccentric values of the coordinates ... ... 5638
CONFOCAL QUADRICS ... ... ... ... ... ... 5656
Reciprocal and Enveloping Cones ... 5664


RECIPROCAL POLARS ... ... ... ... 5704
THEORY OF TORTUOUS CUrves ... ... 5721

: :

The Helix ... ... 5756

General equation of a surface ... 5780

Tangent line and cone at a singular point 5783

: :
The Indicatrix Conic ... ... ... ... 5795
Euler's and Meunier's theorems ... 5806-9
Curvature of a surface... ... : 5826

Osculating plane of a line of curvature 5835

GEODESICS ... ... ... ... : 5837-48

INVARIANTS ... ... 5856
: :


Guldin's rules ... 5879
Momental ellipsoids ... 5925-40

Momental ellipse ... 5953

: :

Integrals for moments of inertia ... 5978

Rectangular lamina and Right Solid ... 6015
The Circle ... ... 6019
The Right Cone ... ... 6043
Frustum of Cylinder ... ... 6048
The Sphere ... ... 6050
The Parabola ... ... 6067
The Ellipse ... ... 6083
Fagnani's, Griffith's, and Lambert's theorems ...6088-6114
The Hyperbola ... ... 6115
The Paraboloid ... ... 6126
The Ellipsoid ... ... ... 6142
Prolate and Oblate Spheroids... 6152-65


APOLOGIES for the non -completion of this volume at an

earlier period are due to friends and enquirers . The labour

involved in its production , and the pressure of other duties ,

must form the author's excuse.

In the compilation of Sections VIII. to XIV . , the

following works have been made use of :

Treatises on the Differential and Integral Calculus, by Bertrand ,

Hymer, Todhunter, Williamson, and Gregory's Examples
on thes
e same subjects ; Salmon's Lessons on Higher Algebra.
Treatises on the Calculus of Variations, by Jellett and Tod
hunter ; Boole's Differential Equations and Supplement ;
Carmichael's Calculus of Operations ; Boole's Calculus of
Finite Differences, edited by Moulton.
Salmon's Conic Sections ; Ferrers's Trilinear Coordinates ;
Kempe on Linkages (Proc. of Roy. Soc. , Vol. 23) ; Frost
and Wolstenholme's Solid Geometry ; Salmon's Geometry
of Three Dimensions .
Wolstenholme's Problems.

The Index which concludes the work, and which , it is

hoped, will supply a felt want, deals with 890 volumes of

32 serial publications : of these publications , thirteen belong

to Great Britain, one to New South Wales, two to America,

four to France, five to Germany, three to Italy, two to

Russia , and two to Sweden.

As the volumes only date from the year 1800 , the

xxxvi PREFACE .

important contributions of Euler to the " Transactions of

the St. Petersburg Academy," in the last century, are

excluded . It was, however, unnecessary to include them ,

because a very complete classified index to Euler's papers ,

as well as to those of David Bernoulli , Fuss , and others in

the same Transactions , already exists .

The titles of this Index, and of the works of Euler

therein referred to , are here appended , for the convenience

of those who may wish to refer to the volumes .

Tableau général des publications de l'Académie Impériale de

St. Pétersbourg depuis sa fondation . 1872. [ B.M.C.:* R.R.
2050, e.]
I. Commentarii Academiæ Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanæ.
1726-1746 ; 14 vols. [B. M. C.: 431 , f. ]
II . Novi Commentarii A. S. I. P. 1747-75, 1750-77 ; 21 vols .
[ B. M. C.: 431 ,f. 15-17, g.1-16, h.1 , 2. ]
III. Acta A. S. I. P. 1778-86 ; 12 vols . [ B. M. C : 431 , h.3-8 ; or
T.C. 8, a. 11. ]
IV. Nova Acta A. S. I. P. 1787-1806 ; 15 vols . [B. M. C .: 431 ,
h.9-15, i . 1-8 ; or T.C. 8, a . 23. ]
V. Leonhardi Euler Opera minora collecta, vel Commentationes Arith
meticæ collectæ ; 2 vols. 1849. [ B. M. C.: 8534, ee . ]
VI . Opera posthuma mathematica et physica ; 2 vols . 1862. [ B.M.C .:
8534, f. ]
VII . Opuscula analytica ; 1783-5 ; 2 vols . [ B. M. C.: 50, i. 15. ]
Analysis infinitorum . [B. M. C.: 529,6.11 . ]

G. S. C.
LONDON, N.W. , 1886.

* British Museum Catalogue.

C) T


(Corrections which are important are marked with an asterisk.)

Page 1, Line 7 , for volume read weight.

"" 10, ,, gramme-million "" gramme-six.
"" 6, 29 5, "" 1.4971499 "" ⚫4971499.
"" 6, "" .6679358 39 1.1447299 .
*Art. 123, "" 2, "" 215 "" 2/15.
"" 259 , "" 2, "" a²+ B2 "" (a² + B²)n.
99 276, "" 6, 99 3n² + n - 1 "" 3n² + 3n - 1 .
29 291, 29 1, "" δ "" 7.
"" 292, ", 3 & 4, "" a "" a.
99 322, "" 9, "" 45 and 13 "" 35 and 10.
361 , 99 7, 99 3528 "" 8584.
"" 459, "" 3 & 9, 99 -6 "" -16.
99 470, "9 1, 99 Xm "" x .
99 489, "" 9, ""
99 555, 99 14, "" a number of rows "2 two columns.
"" 593, "" 11 & 12,,, R and R "" R₁ and R2.
99 604, "" 2, 99 one-sixtieth "" one-ninetieth .
"" 713, "" 2, "" II. "" III.
99 897, 99 5, 99 cos c 99 sin c.
29 922ii., "" b2+ 2c² "" 262+ c².
"" 949, "" last, "" D "" C.
99 1076, "" 2, dele " The projections ... are parallel."
99 1158, 29 last, "" 1201 99 1217.
"" 1178, "" 4, "" PS "" PS'.
"" 1241 , "" 1, "" parallel "" conjugate.
"" 1413, "" 3, 99 -du dv "" + du dv.
"" 1491 , "" 3, "" - "" =
"" 1849, "" 1, "" + "" --
39 1903, footnote,,, (x) ,, f(x).
"" 1925, supply dx.
19 1954-6, supply x.
,, 2030-2 , erroneous, because 7 in ( 1427 ) is necessarily an integer.
"" 2035, "" 1 , 19 ax 22 a.
* "" 2140, ✓ applies to the whole denominator.
"" 1,
"" 2136, 99 last, "" 2294 99 2293.
19 2354, "" - 99 +
39 2392, 99 xp 99 x -1 .
p T
99 2465, "" "" 2
99 3237, ,, 1, "" (n − 1 ) x 99 (n − 1) .
99 3751, supply ur.
29 4678, dele 2 in the second term .
"" 4680, supply the factor 4 on the left.
"9 4692, "" 5, dele 2 in the second term.
99 4903, 99 3, supply the factor 4 on the left.
"" 5154, 99 4, "" 3155 "" 5155 .
99 5330, "" 2, "" m "" b.
and refer to Fig. 129, Art . 5332 on the cardioid is wanting.



The Centimetre- Gramme- Second system of units.

NOTATION .― The decimal measures of length are the kilo

metre, hectometre, decametre, metre , decimetre, centimetre,
millimetre. The same prefixes are used with the litre and
gramme for measures of capacity and volume. weight
Also , 107 metres is denominated a metre- seven ; 10-7 metres ,
a seventh-metre ; 1015 grammes , a gramme-fifteen ; and so on .
A gramme-million is also called a megagramme ; and a
millionth-gramme , a microgramme ; and similarly with other
measures .
DEFINITIONS . -The C. G. S. system of units refers all phy
sical measurements to the Centimetre (cm. ) , the Gramme (gm. ) ,
and the Second (sec. ) as the units of length , mass , and time .
The quadrant of a meridian is approximately a metre
seven. More exactly, one metre 3.2808694 feet 39-370432
inches .
The Gramme is the Unit of mass , and the weight of a
gramme is the Unit of weight, being approximately the weight
of a cubic centimetre of water ; more exactly , 1 gm . =
15.432349 grs .
The Litre is a cubic decimetre : but one cubic centimetre
is the C. G. S. Unit of volume.
1 litre = 035317 cubic feet = 2200967 gallons .
The Dyne (dn .) is the Unit offorce , and is the force which ,
in one second generates in a gramme of matter a velocity of
one centimetre per second .
The Erg is the Unit of work and energy, and is the work
done by a dyne in the distance of one centimetre .
The absolute Unit of atmospheric pressure is one megadyne
per square centimetre = 74.964 cm . , or 29.514 in. of mercurial
column at 0° at London , where g 98117 dynes .

Elasticity of Volumek , is the pressure per unit area

upon a body divided by the cubic dilatation .

Rigidityn, is the shearing stress divided by the angle

of the shear.
Young's Modulus = M, is the longitudinal stress divided
by the elongation produced , = 9nk ÷ (3k +n) .
Tenacity is the tensile strength of the substance in dynes
per square centimetre.

The Gramme-degree is the Unit of heat, and is the amount

of heat required to raise by 1° C. the temperature of 1 gramme
of water at or near 0°.
Thermal capacity of a body is the increment of heat
divided by the increment of temperature. When the incre
ments are small, this is the thermal capacity at the given
Specific heat is the thermal capacity of unit mass of the
body at the given temperature .

The Electrostatic unit is the quantity of electricity which

repels an equal quantity at the distance of 1 centimetre with
the force of 1 dyne .
The Electromagnetic unit of quantity := 3X1010 electro
static units approximately .
The Unit ofpotential is the potential of unit quantity at
unit distance .
The Ohm is the common electromagnetic unit of resistance ,
and is approximately = 10° C. G. S. units.
The Volt is the unit of electromotive force, and is = 109
C. G. S. units ofpotential.
The Weber is the unit of current, being the current due to
an electromotive force of 1 Volt , with a resistance of 1 Ohm.
It is = C. G. S. unit.
Resistance ofa Wire Specific resistance × Length ÷ Section .

Physical constants and Formulæ.

In the latitude of London, g = 32-19084 feet per second.
= 981.17 centimetres per second.
In latitude A, at a height h above the sea level,
= (980· 6056—2: 5028 cos 2A - 000003 h ) centimetres per second.
g =
Seconds pendulum = ( 99-3562—2536 cos 2A - 0000003 h) centimetres.
THE EARTH.- Semi-polar axis, 20,854895 feet* = 635411 x 108 centims .
Mean semi- equatorial diameter, 20,926202 99 * = 6 37824 × 108 99
Quadrant of meridian, 39-377786 × 107 inches* = 1 · 000196 × 107 metres.
Volume, 1.08279 cubic centimetre-nines .
Mass (with a density 5 ) = Six gramme- twenty- sevens nearly.

These dimensions are taken from Clarke's " Geodesy," 1880 .


Velocity in orbit = 2933000 centims per sec. Obliquity , 23° 27′ 16″.*
Angular velocity of rotation = 1 ÷ 13713.
Precession, 50"-26. * Progression of Apse, 11 "-25 . Eccentricity, e01679.
Centrifugal force of rotation at the equator, 3.3912 dynes per gramme.
Force of attraction upon moon, 2701. Force of sun's attraction, 5839.
Ratio of g to centrifugal force of rotation, g : rw³ = 289.
Sun's horizontal parallax, 8"-7 to 9'.* Aberration, 20" 11 to 20"-79. *
Semi-diameter at earth's mean distance, 16′ 1 ″·82 . *
Approximate mean distance, 92,000000 miles, or 1.48 centimetre-thirteens .†
Tropical year, 365-242216 days , or 31,556927 seconds.
Sidereal year, 365-256374 "" 31,558150 99
Anomalistic year, 365-259544 days. Sidereal day, 86164 seconds.
THE MOON.- Mass Earth's mass × 011364 = 6· 98 1025 grammes.
Horizontal parallax. From 53′ 56″ to 61′24″. *
Sidereal revolution , 27d . 7h. 43m . 11 ·46s . Lunar month, 29d . 12h . 44m . 2 · 87s.
Greatest distance from the earth, 251700 miles, or 4:05 centimetre- tens,
Least 19 225600 99 3.63 99
Inclination of Orbit, 5° 9' . Annual regression of Nodes, 19° 20′.
RULE. (The Year + 1 ) ÷ 19 . The remainder is the Golden Number.
(The Golden Number - 1 ) x 11 ÷ 30 . The remainder is the Epact.
GRAVITATION.- Attraction between masses mm'
= dynes.
m, m' at a distance l } 1 × 1· 543 × 107
The mass which at unit distance ( 1 cm.) attracts an equal mass with unit
force ( 1 dn. ) is = √ ( 1 · 543 × 107) gm. = 3928 gm .
WATER.-Density at 0° C., unity ; at 4°, 1000013 (Kupffer) .
Volume elasticity at 15°, 2-22 × 10¹º.
Compression for 1 megadyne per sq. cm., 4.51 × 10-5 (Amaury and
Descamps ).
The heat required to raise the temperature of a mass of water from 0° to
to is proportional to t + 00002 +0000003 (Regnault) .
GASES.-Expansion for 1° C., 003665 1 ÷ 273.
Specific heat at constant pressure = 1.408.
Specific heat at constant volume
Density of dry air at 0° with Bar. at 76 cm . = 0012932 gm. per cb. cm.
(Regnault) .
At unit pres. (a megadyne) Density = 0012759.
Density at press . p = px 1.2759 × 10-".
°, with p take
Density of saturated steam at tº * 7936098p
n} =
from Table II., is approximately (1 + 003667) 109°
SOUND. -Velocity = (elasticity of medium ÷ density) .
Velocity in dry air at t° = 33240 √(1 + 00366t) centimetres per second.
Velocity in water at 0° = 143000 99 ""
LIGHT.- Velocity in a medium of absolute refrangibility μ
= 3·004 × 10¹º ÷ µ (Cornu ) .
If P be the pressure in dynes per sq. cm., and t the temperature,
μ- 12903 x 10 - P ÷ (1 + 003661) (Biot & Arago).

* These data are from the " Nautical Almanack" for 1883.
+ Transit of Venus, 1871, " Astrom. Soc. Notices," Vols. 37 , 38.


Various Measures and their Equivalents in C. G. S. units. *

Dimensions. Pressure.
1 inch = 2.5400 cm. 1 gm. per sq. cm. 981 dynes per
1 foot = 30-4797 "" 1 lb. per sq . foot = 479 ""
1 mile = 160933 99 1 lb. per sq . in. = 68971 99
1 nautical do. = 185230 "" 76 centimetres
1 sq. inch = 6·4516 sq. cm. of mercury = 1,014,000 99
at 0° C.
1 sq. foot == 929.01 99 lbs. per sq. in. 1
1 sq. yard = 8361.13 99 = 70·307 =
1 sq . mile 2.59 × 10¹º,, gms. per sq. cm. ⚫014223
1 cb. inch = 16.387 cb. cm. Force of Gravity.
1 cb. foot = 28316 99 upon 1 gramme 981 dynes
1 cb. yard 764535 29 "" 1 grain = 63.56777 ""
1 gallon = 4541 99 "" 1 oz . = 2.7811 × 10" 99
= 277-274 cb. in. or the vo 99 1 lb. = 4.4497 x 105 ""
lume of 10 lbs. of water = 4.9837 x 107 99
99 1 cwt.
at 62° Fah., Bar. 30 in. "" 1 ton = 9.9674 × 108 99
Mass. Work (g = 981 ) .
1 grain 06479895 gm. 1 gramme -centimetre = 981 ergs .
1 ounce = 28.3495 29 1 kilogram -metre = 981 × 105 99
1 pound = 453.5926 "" 1 foot-grain = 1.937 × 10³ 99
1 ton = 1,016047 = 1.356 × 107 ""
1 foot-pound
1 kilogramme = 2.20462125 lbs. 1 foot-ton = 3· 04 × 1010 ""
1 pound Avoir. = 7000 grains 1 'horse power' p. sec. = 7.46 × 10° ""
1 pound Troy =€ 5760 99
1 gramme-degree C. = 42 x 10° ergs.
1 mile per hour 44.704 cm. per sec. 1 pound-degree = 191 ×
X 108 99
1 kilometre 99 = 27.777 "" 1 pound-degree Fah. 106 x 108 "9


Pressure of Aqueous Vapour in Values for the principal Lines of

dynes per square centim . the Spectrum in air at 160° C.
with Bar. 76 cm .
Temp . Pressure. Temp . Pressure.
-20° 1236 40° 73200 Wave-length No.ofvibrations
-15° 1866 50° 122600 in centims. per second .

-10° 2790 60° 198500 7.604 x 10-5 3· 950 × 10¹4

- 5° 4150 80° 472900 6.867 99 4.373 ""
0° 6133 100° 1014000 6.56201 99 4.577 ""
5° 8710 120° 1988000 D (mean) 5.89212 "" 5:097 ""
10° 12220 140° 3626000 5.26913 39 5.700 29
15° 16930 160° 6210000 4.86072 22 6.179 ""
20° 23190 180° 10060000 4.30725 39 6.973 ""
25° 31400 200° 15600000 3.96801 29 7.569 ""
30° 42050 3.93300 "" 7.636 ""

Linear Specific Relative of
Rate Elec
. agnt
Density Elasticity Heat
Volume Conduction Specific
Water s Rigidity Tenacit
. y
of between
degree tween
per 0 Sound
of Resistance
.1= M. .
n .
k tivity
. °C.
C. 100
0& C.
& per
sec at

Platinum 21 000027 ⚫0335

000875 1
381 9158
Gold 19.26 000045 001483 1000
1.74 2081
"" 96190
Mercury 13.596 ×0¹2
10.542 0
· 00180 ⚫0330 -
Lead 11:35 1× 0 59
· 0¹2 000086002
2.28 861 180 1.23 19850
"" 1521
Silver 10.47 0000610010
· 55796 973 2.61
898 "" 1615
Copper 8.843
1.234 x
1.684 41.4 0000540010949 75 3.74
99 "" ""
d, rawn
Brass 8.471
1.075 3.66 33.8 "" 00005400193 357 3.56
Iron "" 99 0.964 "9 000033 001111 4.32 ""
7.235 5.32 - 19
, rought
Iron "" 1-963
7-677 99 374
000040 5.06 9827
7.69 1.456 58.6
99 "" "" 99
Steel 000037 5.22

7.849 8.19 1.841 79.3 001260―
"" 99 "" "" 0 7 304 13360
Tin 7.29 3.17 · 000630022
― 99 5690
,cast 7.19 5.17 000088002 ·0927
S 99
, lint
fGlass 0.603
2.942 2:40 0.415 •1770
000015000 81- 4.53 ―
"" 99 99 ― 99


Greatest Diameter
Least Sidereal Inclination
from distance Revolution of
Orbit of
Time in .
Mass .
mean Ecliptic .Rotation .
Days .to

1. = Sun.
from .in

O 8. h
Sun 600
0 888000 354936 0.25
Mercury 0.46669 30750
0 87.9697
0 8 24
5 8 3000 2:01
Venus 0.72826 0.71840 224-701
33 31 23
21 7700 0.883
Earth 1.01678 0.98322 365-256 23
4 7926 1.000 1:00
Mars 1.66578 1.38160 51 5
686-980 22
24 4500 0.132 0.72
Jupiter :45378
5 1
8 40 9 55 26 92000 338.034 0.24
Saturn 10.07328 1 29 10
28 17
29 75000 101.064 0.13
Uranus 20.07612 18.2891630686-821
46 36000 14.789 0.15

Neptune 30.29888 46
59 35000 24.648

TABLE VI.-Functions of π and e.

π = 3.1415926 π ⚫3183099 e = 2.71828183

π2 = 9.8696044 π = •1013212 e² == 738905611
π-3 = 31.0062761 π = ⚫0322515 e-1 = 0.3678794
ata √π = 1 · 7724539 200º ÷ π = 6396619772 e - ² = 0 · 1353353
crr log104971499 180°. T= 57°2957795 log10 e = 0· 43429448
loge π = 06679358 = 206264" 8 log, 10 = 2 · 30258509


No. Square root. Cube root. N. log10 N. log, N.


1.4142136 1.2599210 •3010300 69314718
1.7320508 1-4422496 •4771213 1.09861229
2.0000000 1.5874011 5 *6989700 1.60943791
5 2.2360680 1.7099759 7 ⚫8450980 1.94591015
6 2.4494897 1.8171206 11 1.0413927 2:39789527
7 2.6457513 1.9129312 13 1.1139434 2.56494936
8 2.8284271 2.0000000 17 1.2304489 2.83321334
9 3.0000000 2-0800837 19 1.2787536 2.94443898
10 3.1622777 2.1544347 23 1.3617278 3.13549422
11 3.3166248 2.2239801 29 1.4623980 3.36729583
12 3.4641016 2.2894286 31 1.4913617 3.43398720
13 3.6055513 2: 3513347 37 1-5682017 3.61091791
14 3.7416574 2-4101422 41 1.6127839 3.71357207
15 3-8729833 2: 4662121 43 1.6334685 3.76120012
16 4.0000000 2.5198421 47 1.6720979 3.85014760
17 4.1231056 2.5712816 53 1.7242759 3.97029191
18 4-2426407 2.6207414 59 1.7708520 4:07753744
19 4.3588989 2.6684016 61 1.7853298 4: 11087386
20 4-4721360 2.7144177 67 1.8260748 4.20469262
21 4.5825757 2-7589243 71 1.8512583 4-26267988
22 4.6904158 2-8020393 73 1.8633229 4.29045944
23 4.7958315 2.8438670 79 1.8976271 4-36944785
24 4.8989795 2.8844991 83 1.9190781 4-41884061
25 5·0000000 2.9240177 89 1.9493900 4-48863637
26 5.0990195 2.9624960 97 1.9867717 4.57471098
27 5.1961524 3:0000000 101 2-00432144-61512052
28 5.2915026 3:0365889 103 2 : 0128372 4:63472899
29 5.3851648 3: 0723168 107 2:0293838 4-67282883
30 5:4772256 3: 1072325 109 2.0374265 4.69134788

NOTE. The authorities for Table IV. are as follows :-Columns 2, 3, and
4 (Mercury excepted) , Everett's experiments ( Phil. Trans., 1867) ; g is here
taken 981-4. The densities in these cases are those of the specimens
employed. Cols. 5 and 7, Rankine. Col. 6, Watt's Dict. of Chemistry.
Col. 8, Dulong and Petit . Col. 10, Wertheim. Col. 11 , Matthiessen.
Table V. is abridged from Loomis's Astronomy.
The values in Table III. are Angström's.


EXPLANATION. The tables give the least divisor of every

number from 1 up to 99000 : but numbers divisible by 2 , 3 ,
or 5 are not printed . All the digits of the number whose
divisor is sought , excepting the units and tens , will be found
in one of the three rows of larger figures . The two remaining
digits will be found in the left-hand column . The least divisor
will then be found in the column of the first named digits , and
in the row of the units and tens .
If the number be prime, a cipher is printed in the place of
its least divisor.
The numbers in the first left-hand column are not conse
cutive. Those are omitted which have 2 , 3 , or 5 for a divisor.
Since 22.3.5 = 300 , it follows that this column of numbers
will re-appear in the same order after each multiple of 300 is
reached .
MODE OF USING THE TABLES .-If the number whose prime
factors are required is divisible by 2 or 5 , the fact is evident
upon inspection , and the division must be effected . The
quotient then becomes the number whose factors are required .
If this number, being within the range of the tables , is yet
not given , it is divisible by 3. Dividing by 3 , we refer to the
tables again for the new quotient and its least factor , and so on.

EXAMPLES. -Required the prime factors of 310155 .

Dividing by 5, the quotient is 62031. This number is within the range
of the tables. But it is not found printed. Therefore 3 is a divisor of it.
Dividing by 3, the quotient is 20677. The table gives 23 for the least factor
of 20677. Dividing by 23, the quotient is 899.
The table gives 29 for the least factor of 899. Dividing by 29, the quo
tient is 31 , a prime number. Therefore 3101553. .
Again, required the divisors of 92881. The table gives 293 for the least
divisor. Dividing by it, the quotient is 317. Referring to the tables for 317,
a cipher is found in the place of the least divisor, and this signifies that 317
is a prime number.
Therefore 92881 293 x 317, the product of two primes.
It may be remarked that, to have resolved 92881 into these factors with
out the aid of the tables by the method of Art. 360 , would have involved
fifty-nine fruitless trial divisions by prime numbers.
00 1518
12 21
24 42
45 51
54 66
63 72 75
60 69

7 17
7103197 13
47 0 0 11 0 17 70 19 13 29 0 67
13 7 29 0 31 0 11 0 711
0 0 0 13
17 0 19 7 11 0 17 31 11 13 47
37 29
23 0 0 0 7 0
13 이 1이9
7 17 13 이
0 7 71 0 11 23
0 47
11 이 37
23 17 13 11
7 29
11 7
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0 23
0 이
0 29
17 0 0 29 23 7 11 0 31 79
11 17 0 43 753 13 47 29
0 41 111 19
0 0 01 43 13 0 이
111 이
0 73 17 111
13 0 0 0 0 43 7
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0 19 7 0 이 17 11 401 53 59 31
0 7 이
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0 0 37 7 0 11 이 이 13
0 31 이 611
이 0
이 0 29 71 17
13 41 17
13 0 11 이 이 13
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0 31
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11 이 59
0 17
0 0 70 11 0 43
7 59 2113
0 19 307 0 0 71 53 7 9

CSERE PR875 # 3598 855ER FR8865

04 19
13 31

0 7 31
01 19 7 11 0
103 7 11 0 29 411 11 47 67 0
0 23
이 13 011 591
17 031 19 7 0
47 3
013 0 311
109 37 41 0 43 0

0 7 13 0 720 9 0 이
47 719 37 0 011 11 7 0 71
7 0 19 7 11 0 13 31 11 29 7 0
11 0 이
11 7
59 53 79
0 13
11 17
41 31
29 0 47 23 0 41 0
이 0
11 0 29 11 43 7 23 0 0 17
11 0 13 이

2508 583
19 11



=• 。
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0 43
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이0 109 이0
13 0 11
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19 0 61 0 11
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02 50
20 89

7 이 이
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0 0 0 011 0 17 13
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291 17
이 753 89 0
0 17 37 0 7 401 7 )
43 531
29 이 9
117 7 0 11 이
7 13 3
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31 이 이 11 203
11 41
29 17
0 0 0 13 17
13 17 0
19 7 17 0
0 13 31 19
01 7 29 0 011 17 이 0 0 741
}07 17 이
0 37 0 이 43 0 31 17
이 11 0 11 0 0
13 11 59

13 11 41 0 023 37

82EEZ 85288 ESC85 88375 7 *****

17 38
20 47
41 56
90 62

0 101
0 7
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23 59 6011
7 0 0 17 53 7 이
31 29
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0 0 19 17 013 0
11 19 41 0 7 이
13 59 7103 47
0 17 67 7 13 61
0.. 71 89
0101 7 0 19
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이 1 47 11 0 0 17 0 7 29
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11 ]
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071 11

0 0 37 7 0 17 13 73 0
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0 0 31 29 23 0 13 7

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0 13 0 101 0- 109

11 0 23 41 53 73
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7 0 61 13 41 11 7 0 89
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0 17 0
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0 7
1 이0 0
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97 109 13 107 0 209 23 43
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0 이
17 047 0 이41 0 이
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89 29
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USERS 2875 79528 AJSER F22265

91 75

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0 13 47
0 1 이
이 0 11103 7
0 0 7 이
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7 11 23 0 59 31 7
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01 53 083 13



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이 이 0 17 0
이 73 11 7 0
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109 17 11 79 109
37 0103 0 11 이
723 17 113 43 11
0 53 13 0 0 19
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71 29
0 0 17 11 59 43
7 0 0 29
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713 이
17 31 0 1 7 0 371

940 288382 326

93 29
11 이11
71 0 59 70 503 0 17 7 0 73 29
97 17 19
97 17
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92 04
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49 52
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09 0 0 7 103 11
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៨ ទី ៩ ១ នី
731301 17
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0 01 11 103
0 789 11
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0 17 19 7110 31
0 7
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11 0 97 0 179
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19 41 13 31
0 19 7103
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19 31 401 59 0 7 107
11 7 13 17
11 0 0 89 13 7 107
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407 107
11 19 11
53 0 79 29 1701 0113
713 41
17 7 43

61 13 37 0 19 0


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07 11 0 029 23 0 7 19
17 53
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7 0 109 11 37 0139 1001 7 0 0 11 41 13 0 29 17 97 53 7 3

13 0 0 13 1037 17 97 47 29 13 - 151
41 11 23ས་
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31 61 "

17 43
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11 0 0

3 1







19 37 43 0 0131 0 11 7 0 13 23 17 19 61 11 0 0 83 7 0 0 209 7

00440 O

23 73
67 11 47
127 7 43 013 17 0 11 71 101 29
19 59 7 13 0 0 0
11 7 151 0


29 11 13
23 779
59 031 19 17 7 43 0 37
13 7 61 0 0 11 97 0 23 17 13

31 13 23 11
31 0 7 41 0 0 0 83 97 11 107 0 0 19 7 29 107 23 11
13 0

OOOO3 7303
O2000 2748
37 17 011 29 0 83 107
13 89 109 19 7 37 41
23 7 13 0 71 11 0 59 0



41 0 7 13 0 11 70 53 37
17 23 7113 0 29 101 41 43 07 0137 11
0 13
103 19 0 0 11 23 13 53 0 7 0 0 19
11 0 7 13
43 31

47 29 0 19 11 89 13 017 0 11 79 0 0 139 97 7 13 59
0 0 11 53 44

59 17 7 113 23 11 7 37 0 47 19 73 7131 0 157 61 7 29 11

907 0003
7013 0
9 333 23

·O 00040 1473

23 11 0 71013 37 131 759

1299 6477
013 89 011 103



18 MON

HR077 34070 70779

51 79 03160

59 8
011 0 19
41 이 13 11 107 0 023 7 0 11 13 61 19 0
7 0 67 11 31 713 041 0 0113 0 19 29 。 109 0 7 10171 47


30710 OTRE 5 °

11 0
013 70 19
97 0 23 11
747 13 31 41 7 17 0 11 37 0137 17 3

‫ܬ ܚ‬

41 10007 905

0 7601 23
11 71127
193 0 107 7 11 0 0 0 0 37 7 41 07 0103

007 0075
♡ 0
73 71
23 7 0 59 13 11 70 0 89 0 0 13
11 127 107 0 741

60709 77000

00040 03960

30 COM - 8
77 07791
0 17 19 37011 0 0 79 7 0 53 0 1007 71137 19 0 0 7 1013 11 0
101 13 17
71003 11 107 0 731 0 137
67 13 53 23
0 0 11 0
17 7 47 0 61
83 13 31 41 11 059 0 0 29 013 011 7 97 23 17 0 37 0 7 131 0 11

0 71 0
89 0 11 17 0 013 7 0 73 23
11 31 747 83 13 29 7 0 11 0 0 0 0

91 79 53 1701 11 17
01 7 1009 0 109
711 13
15213 37 0 67
0 7 17 157
11 59 73

97 0 0 2311 101 19 103 17
013 0 59
11 7 53 031 0 41
11 0127

3 5

70W73 O

CSERE PR275 73528 OZEER KR2865




1 87
81 02
99 44
62 65 68
01 0 017 3
1011 0 0 0 29
97 701 0 13 17
230 59 0
43 59 31 97 13
789 71 47
17 37 10139 23 0
711 17

19 13 83 43 17 11 0 0 0 7 59 13 72311 31 170 29 с 133



09 53
41 0 43 0 11 79 17
13 723 31 0 90 0829
09 13 0 7 70 17

700 O

59 0 7 11 017 73 43
13 0 0 53 11
139 13 17 0 11 0

7070 L

0791 O



0113 70 23 0 1109
07 7 307 97
11 0 13 29 0 89 719
127 11 1O57 13
21 13 97 139
23 11 73 047 70131391 0 0 11 43 7 0 059
131 0 7 13 11 0

61 753 19 37
759 083 11 101 0 7 023 13 79
29 19 7 11 0 41

31 0 013 67 19 0 7 137
0 11
31 13
23 0 0 59 11 70 73 19 43

33 0 70 11 29 31 0 0 83 03
10713 1701 0 0 53 0 07 30137
22070 00315

11003 97973


90 990

37 03
1741 601 73 0 67
13 0 19 011 0 32080
29 H 13
37 747
11 0 79 83 41 127 19
37 011 0 89 17 0 31 101 11 0 19
0 0
43 012337 13 731 19 041 17 0 113
11 7 79
0 109 11

7 33
37 971


53689 22578 589

༤༤8 ¢ 8 འབ ༔


23278 OOOOO 710

5300 779

173 000


49 19 0 43 11 0 0 89 17 11 53 67 19
23 0 37 013 139

51 17 37 43 0 29 13 19 0 59 0 11 17 07 53
13 101 113 711


57 0 17 11
13 61 0 43 79 139 11 13 737 0
19 1001 17007





งง ว

งง ว
61 73 19 0 0 0 29 23 7 11 47 13 59 0
17 37
107 61 11
0 19 7 67 0

41 17
11 7
29 0 23 031 0 13 7 11 131 0 73 17 0 71 11 7 101

བྱཱམྦ ༠ 2ཋཌྭ
37 107 71
41 131 6071 0 0 7
19 11 0
43 7 0 23 31 67

100 000

69 0 137
11 713 19 0 67 41 0 7 11 29 0 1003 0 0 0 7
1011 1009 163

717 0 0 103 0 7 0 109
31 0 0 13 0
710117 23 0 0 19 13 0
79 89
717 0 11 0 13 0 407 29 70 011 0 17 0 0 71 31 41 0 83 11 7

010 200717

307 743000



81 0 0 13 17 11 59 0 23
71 307 7 31 011 0 0 7 17 61 0 41 19

་ 7
87 713 0 0 11 70 0 0 161
03 7127 11 103 0 19 47 0 53 17 13 97 11
91 17
19 0 159
003 13 70 0 803 0 31 7 17 13
19 11 0 23 7 999 61

027770 070

93 70 0 61 47
11 70 17 0 19 711 0 0 0 0 13 7 By0 23 67 0 11 0 7


97 53
31 0 713 0 043 11 71 19 0 013 7 23 0 137
11 0 109 7 0 0 013
99 11
013 71
19 0 053 17 0 13 0109 023 0 031
1119 67




3202 HECOR


85 03 06
09 36
39 69
03 06 36 54

03 109 0 7 831 79
17 11 0 73
023 11 0107 17 13 0 29

131 83 97 13 37
023 127 113
137 0 0 11 0 43 0 47 31 101 71

11 107 13 29 23 0 19 0 11 0 17 3
7013 7 0 11
127 43 19 83 13 17

17 0 31 7 311
07 13
53 7 17
29 0 11 0 61 013 0 40 3 11

པ ང་ ་


21 0 11 0 13 70 17 11 7 0 0 19
13 753 17
11 0 7

-05 C






23 70 13 11 0 41 19 0 139 17 31 83 47 103
1037 7 29 11
53 13

11 67 31 0 70 0 17 0 11 13 41 0 0 71 7 101 0 47 13
17 7 0

29 11 7401

07000 гос
719 11 109 702139 803 0 109 7 13 59 11 0 113 31
33 37
19 713 4117
017 61 0 127 31 070111 0 19
41 29 0 7 17 023

39 13 0 0 0 0 29 11 0 670173 19 0 0 0 37 053 59
23 0 7 13 0 17

41 17
083 0 19 0 0 43
11 0 0 0 47 89 711 03131 0 0 029
47 17
4741 7 011 0 029 23 37
19 13 0 0 0 70 0

51 1131
753 0 47 107 79 23 17 11 0 7 67 43 0 0 31 11 109 13 29

00007 911

53 0 107
17 0 0 19
23 53 0 61 11 7 79
043 0 7 109 11

57 17009 31
23 0 7 19
29 11 717 41 7127
13 11 0 43
71 19

093 O

88879 07031



03700 20007 00370

91107 01003 700OO

717 0 3073 - 90007

59 67019 11 13 0 70 0 30117 70 59 17
41 0
139 11 43 53 0
71319 0 0 11 0 7307 13 601 19
31 23 0 67 41 7 59
0 31 209 53 011 13 0 019 7 0 0 0
17 11 79 13 0 131
73 7 0149


NON 82
71 11 1713 19 17 013 67
11 0 023 7 0 .00 0 13 70 0 29 0149 7
7039 0 RAT ‫ܘ‬

77 127
71433 717
23 0 0131 67
7 0 47
97 0 0 11 0 17 149
73 789

6749 10370

groom 00370

07003 70700 CONNOR

70011 3O7O7
81 101 017
79 131 43 89 704113 0 11 1003 7 0 139
40137 83 23
11 0 0
28 =

83 47 023 0 7013
131 0 7790113 0 67
41 11 29 7149
13 17 19 0 11
00300 79



87 0 0 19
11 137 31 0 113
11 0 0 7 0 17 149 4 1 89
7 107
19 0
89 0 29 13
31 0 7 0 0 61
139 0 7 403 13 19
11 0 7 67
107 0 71
0 717
11 137


93 11 0 7 101
17 0 71 0 07 107 11 0 0 83 23 1749 19 0 17 0 11 713 097 0

99 29 70 73
17 101
13 7 11
19 601 79 70 0 13
103 11 17 7 113 43 0 0

12 15
18 24
54 57
23 0 157
741 83
11 17 61 47
053 723 013 11 19
07 113 7 19 11 29 31
11 103 61 37 1027 7 17 13 19 23
11 97
0 00 7

41 793
301 0 1347 0 17 203 11 0 13 163 711 19 0 7 ..17 13


53 103
89 6 70 7 0 19 7 43 29
0 17 70 11 13
31 7 71

0 59 0 0 0 23
11 013 7 17 43 19 0 0 0 13 37 งง
010 11





ง 7
41 0 71
17 719 37 113
13 11 0 67 7 0 43 47 17 0 11 1007 19 0 0 7 23

ง งง
61 89
23 13 11
19 0 0 0 7 0113 17 0 29 11 0 43 47 0 19 97 11 0139

29 151 7011 407 0
127 70 0 109
11 41 7 19 23 0 7 13 11 29 0 71 0

31 0 151 0 17 7103 11 0 19 13 59 7 0 0 0 139 17 711 71 0 13 61 0

711 0

37 19 7209 011 0 0 70131 23 0 0 711

13 0 19 17 0 41
11 163 13



30660 97307
41 71131
9 0 31 1051 7 59 0 11 013 0 19 01279 13 0 07907 103

43 7037 61 17 1051 0 713 19 157

101 0 173 0137 E300
23 0 0113

47 17 23 0 407 7011 151 0 0 19 0 17


179 0 7 71 0

11 7 43 19 13 710103 7 71 11
151 0 737
103 0 0 7 17 0 0 7

13 0 019 7 11 0 0 0 127
41 7 13 17 7 0 0 139
11 109

73 0 0




7000 O
00000 73001


59 0
11709 73 0 13 89 0O 70 23 83 0 11 0 13 0 7
29 0003 11 0

0790O 00030 OFORM 5

O OPEN 19 2

61 0139 0 59 13 17 11 097
23 0 7 43 37
151 29 11 181 7 73
41 0 97 17 71 11


67 703 023 79
0 107
17 0 7
173 0 19 43 61
131 0 13 70
11 7 00

011 -- 29 47

11 7 83
17 0 13
31 7 1
0 1 0 0 0 7131 19970 11 7 43 181 053 709 0
73 031 011 0
13 0 19 717 47
37 11 0 0 0 13 151
023 53

0 743 17 19 83


77 163
67 711 0
37 COO06
7013 101 17 19 0 7127 23 61 7311
47 0 151 71 0 29 7
11 789 0 041 97 31
1117 23 71 7 0 0 29 711 151 13 127 37

9793 O 71
83 1719
039 101 717 67 13
23 61 0 0 0 0 11 713 17 0 0 0 151 11
89 103
61 13
0 11 7 37
017 0 0 0 7 67 31
11 0 53 0 7159
73 0 139 7 13



91 70 0119 267
3 0 31 0 0 13
47 70 0 11 이 19 53 0 23
13 0 7

97 0 0 0 011 71833 10 13 0 139 19

11 023 731 0 29601 0


CERE DRAA5 = 3538 835ER 522355



79377 06000O

3 25
71 01
98 31

01 41
11 0 0 37 0 0
17 31 29
11 10139 0 67
127 11 17 0 131 0
03 607
13 70 163
19 0 723 61
11 0 70 0 37 11 7 13 0


07 0 0103 7 37
10419 13 0 101 0 0 0 0 53 0 11 37 67 17 Co
0 61


09 11
037 70 013
23 47 7131
11 73
31 19 7113 0 133
133071 53
11 7137 0 0
13 177909
19 29
13 7
23 17
0 0 101
173 13 11 0 0 7 0 023 17 59



19 747 053 11
61 0 19 13 0 0 759 11
31 37 0 23 70 13 0 11
41 7
37 17 7119 27 0 53 711 29 67
31 0 103
137 717 23 11
19 0 13 89 47 0 113

27 0 0 0
13 11 7 47 0 19 0 0 157
11 0 29 7 0 ]0 ]

31 13 04111 0 0 23
29 0 79 7 17 47 37 167 0 0 7101 89 0 11 13



33 743 29 11
17 0 23 0 0 13 73 0 0 7 11 0 0 0 67
17 7

0 59
181 11 0


6470 O 07013

011 23 43 19 0 011 741 109
17 0 7 29
13 101
11 0 19 7167 0 0
39 23 11 13 43 1709 53 0 61 59 0 103
19 13 0 31 7 0 0 23 11 0131 7 0
43 13 29 0
103 31 11 43 71 37 13 17
19 0
11 59
61 7 13
83 73

22558 583
0700 ONNGO O **

39710 000




17 107 12 O 101
19 97 7 11

នཧཱུཾཿཱ ॰
13 0 7 0 0 71 31




157 83 19 89 7 0 0 11 37 43 7

29 7113
23 이 이 59 13
109 23
19 7 17 79
11 109
19 717 11 0 713
101 13 이41 0 7 0 37 이
29 53 71 11 013 37
11 103 7 0 이 17 53 31 0

255 686822
13 101
23 73
0 11 0 7 13 0 19 31
131 0 7 173
11 079 0 이 7 53
3031 0 7 0 17
43 0 0 29 83 0 0 13 89 137 이
59 7
307 70 11 13 127
17 0 11
0 13 31 0107 703 113 이
71 13 0 이 0 13
79 47 103
163 이 11
31 73 029 67
37 7 47

59 11
70 83
0 1137
0 41
39 1

ដ 。៩ -

$ 585
78 39
81 17
20 59


11 157
013 0 177 0131
19 0 0 이
7 17
0 이
0 19
0 이
239 이
37 7
23 17
61 1749
0 0 67 0 13

7 11
53 이 0 23 이 13 157
103 0 149
17 157 13
19 7 0 11 0 29
89 11301 0
17 59
09 127 149
19 0
163 97 7 109
0 0
19 7 이 이 이
1 0 0 7 179
11 17
7 이 이 0 이7
1231 0
131 13 7 이
31 11 이
1749 0 29 13 0 0 7 0
0 11 7
23 이
101367 7 29
11 이 19 149 13
0 0 173 7 0 0 23 37

73 0 1739 0173 0 이 11 13 7 0 0 0 23 7 1119
113 이 307 7 11
163 13
103 7
0 167 0 23 11 7 47 53 89
13 0
이 171
7 07
1 이
1049 7 127
73 43 13
11 37 57

11 이
9 이 이1231 179 13 11 67 59 127
13 0 이
17 109
11 이 73 0 0 101 13 103
이 이 23 011 61
1749 0 103
]11 83 41 47 19 0 23 0
0 37 1149
07 71
0 0 131 23 0 0101
97 11 149 47
731 29
791 873 11 0 0 723 0 0 이 111 7181

13 ol
29 0
711 0 이 0 0163 11 23 79 37 0 0
137 19 53 13 11 29 1027 19
11 23 71 17 0113
이 17 59
19 59
པས 107
17 1707 53 61 11
127 11 109 37
157 73 13 139
0 83
89 29
0 11 163
23 7301 이 17
131 41 37 11 7 13 0 0179 19 7 109 11 17

387 25288 45085 883FF 7588


TABLE VI .- Functions of and e.

π = 3.1415926 π 3183099 e = 2.71828183

T² = 9.8696044 π 1013212 e² = 738905611
773 =: 31.0062761 π 0322515 e-¹0:3678794
at √T = 17724539 2009 T = 636619772 e-2 = 0·1353353
r = 14971499
ér log10 180° ÷ = 57° 2957795 log10 e = 0·43429448
log. = 06679358
= 206264" 8 log, 10 = 2 ·30258509


No. Square root. Cube root. N. log10 N. log, N.


1-4142136 1.2599210 •3010300 69314718
1-7320508 1-4422496 4771213 1.09861229
2·0000000 1.5874011 5 6989700 1-60943791
2 :2360680 1.7099759 8450980 1.94591015
2 :4494897 1.8171206 11 1 :0413927 2:39789527
7 2-6457513 1.9129312 1-1139434 2.56494936
8 2.8284271 2:0000000 1.2304489 2-83321334
9 3:0000000 2: 0800837 19 1.2787536 2.94443898
10 3.1622777 2.1544347 23 1.3617278 3.13549422
11 3.3166248 2.2239801 29 1:4623980 3:36729583
12 34641016 2.2894286 31 1 :4913617 3:43398720
13 3.6055513 2 : 3513347 37 1-5682017 3.61091791
14 3.7416574 2 :4101422 41 1-6127839 3.71357207
15 3.8729833 2-4662121 43 1-6334685 3-76120012
16 4.0000000 2.5198421 47 1-6720979 3-85014760
17 4-1231056 2 : 5712816 53 1.7242759 3.97029191
18 4.2426407 2.6207414 59 1.7708520 4-07753744
19 4:3588989 2-6684016 61 1.7853298 4: 11087386
20 4-4721360 2.7144177 67 1-8260748 4-20469262
21 4: 5825757 2.7589243 71 1.8512583 4-26267988
22 4-6904158 2-8020393 73 1.8633229 4-29045944
23 4.7958315 2.8438670 79 1.8976271 4-36944785
24 4-8989795 2-8844991 83 1-9190781 4-41884061
25 5:0000000 2.9240177 89 1.9493900 4-48863637
26 5:0990195 2-9624960 97 1-9867717 4: 57471098
27 5.1961524 3-0000000 101 2-0043214 4-61512052
28 5:2915026 3: 0365889 103 2-0128372 463472899
29 5.3851648 3:0723168 107 2: 0293838 4: 67282883
30 5:4772256 3.1072325 109 2 : 0374265 4: 69134788

NOTE. The authorities for Table IV. are as follows : -Columns 2 , 3, and
4 (Mercury excepted ) , Everett's experiments ( Phil . Trans., 1867 ) ; g is here
taken 981-4. The densities in these cases are those of the specimens
employed. Cols . 5 and 7, Rankine. Col. 6 , Watt's Dict. of Chemistry.
Col. 8, Dulong and Petit . Col. 10, Wertheim. Col. 11 , Matthiessen .
Table V. is abridged from Loomis's Astronomy.
The values in Table III. are Angström's .



EXPLANATION. The tables give the least divisor of every

number from 1 up to 99000 : but numbers divisible by 2 , 3,
or 5 are not printed . All the digits of the number whose
divisor is sought , excepting the units and tens , will be found
in one of the three rows of larger figures . The two remaining
digits will be found in the left- hand column . The least divisor
will then be found in the column of the first named digits , and
in the row of the units and tens .
If the number be prime , a cipher is printed in the place of
its least divisor .
The numbers in the first left-hand column are not conse
cutive. Those are omitted which have 2 , 3 , or 5 for a divisor.
Since 22.3.52 = 300 , it follows that this column of numbers
will re-appear in the same order after each multiple of 300 is
reached .
MODE OF USING THE TABLES .-If the number whose prime
factors are required is divisible by 2 or 5 , the fact is evident
upon inspection , and the division must be effected . The
quotient then becomes the number whose factors are required .
If this number, being within the range of the tables , is yet
not given, it is divisible by 3. Dividing by 3 , we refer to the
tables again for the new quotient and its least factor , and so on.
EXAMPLES . - Required the prime factors of 310155 .
Dividing by 5 , the quotient is 62031. This number is within the range
of the tables. But it is not found printed. Therefore 3 is a divisor of it.
Dividing by 3 , the quotient is 20677. The table gives 23 for the least factor
of 20677. Dividing by 23, the quotient is 899.
The table gives 29 for the least factor of 899. Dividing by 29, the quo
tient is 31 , a prime number. Therefore 3101553. .
Again, required the divisors of 92881. The table gives 293 for the least
divisor. Dividing by it, the quotient is 317. Referring to the tables for 317,
a cipher is found in the place of the least divisor, and this signifies that 317
is a prime number.
Therefore 92881 = 293 × 317 , the product of two primes.
It may be remarked that, to have resolved 92881 into these factors with
out the aid of the tables by the method of Art. 360, would have involved
fifty-nine fruitless trial divisions by prime numbers.
00 09
12 39
18 69
60 72 75 78

107 0 7319
0171 0 47 70 11 107 6719
137 29
0 31
0 119
7213 7 0 이
13 0

0 0 0 13
17 47

23 177
0 0
11 31
23 29
11 19 13 0 이

23 7 0 13 0 19 47 53 29
11 13
23 이
11 0 29 7 53
19 31 0
7 13
29 23 107 79 0
17 0 31 47 431 0 11 19
0 11 43
0 17 11 71233 0 19 37 31
13 0 1
07 11 41 7 23 이
053 11 019 103 7 67

11 0 31 13 23 11 19 이

70 이 이
이 279 0 61 0
0 0 0 13
37 11 129
07 7 001 이
19 13
41 이 0 17 0
0 0

12331 019
11 이 이

0 37
0 7 19
13 11
717 0 31
37 713 0
67 29 이
0 59
]0107 7103 05
79 0 37
01 72199

CERE FR875 = 3 * 23 85522 F22855

01 16
28 34
37 46
40 49
58 64
70 76
73 79

0 0
31 이
0119 13 7 0 0 37 11 69
0 1이3

17 이
011 이29
741 0 11 0 17 019 67
47 0 7 11
2073 13 0 11 59 17 7 41 0 31 7
0 029
0 11
11 0 71
0 13 0 19
17 11 23 01
109 47 291 11 0
17 013
이 37 7 41 0 19 0 17
19 17 이 37 11 0 0 0 13 17
이 0 019 0

1 17 29 0 0 7 19
11 43 11

28582 22578 589

0 0

0 23 37
19 0 7 0 0 13
0 7
37 13 7 59 11 61 23
0 17 11

13 0 19 11

0 11
13 23 0 41 7 29 43 0 13 31 17 0 0 0
11 0 13 01 0 11 41 43 0 37 31 0
0 11 0
29 7 0 이
17 0 11 0 43 41 61 0
0 0 11 31 23 13 0 67 7 71 43 0 0 0 13
0 0 0 23
13 0 19 29 0 73 47 13 43
0 17 0 0 23
13 이
729 53 37
0 7 11 17 0 67 13 31 0
7 19 043 11


02 32
23 41
38 47
50 59
53 62
65 80

3011 7 0 13
이 0 0 0 11 0 71


11 0 17 19
0 11 31
0 13 0
7 이
13 11 23 13 0 111 이
0 779
17 이 53 17 11 0 0 이 377
19 7 0 0 23 이 0 41 53 37 11
0 11 0 이 17 13 0
71 7 이 0
11 0 79
0 0 0
11 13 89 0
17 31 53 7
19 0
11 17 이 23
17 11
13 83 41 0
713 Oj Of 17 7

001 0 0 0 71 61 11
0 0 0 13 7 17
7 11 0 0 0
0 0 0
13 7 11
29 41 0

822 3888 4785 88375

11 17 37 43 0
17 0
431 19
71 13 0

13 7 59 0 0

99 29 11 0 0 59 7 13 11 0 0 41 7 0 이 023 0 11 7 37 0
05 32
17 50
44 53
56 7741
99 08

711 0 37
43 이 1
659 11 17 이31

0 13
41 59 11
23 01 31 13
이 0 0 19 17 01433 07
19 0 59 103 이 47 17 96 71 이23
7 89
0 23
60273 111 1001 41
713 이
37 73 19 7 0 0 31 109
11 0011 0
47 17 29
13 70 109
60 1 111 0 7 41 19 0 01 17 7 11 이 67 0 이8313 7
29 11 67 31 19 01
797 0 이 713
11 0 41 23 0 0 7 00 11 17 0 13
0 17 79 0 19 011 13 0 23
29 0 83 0 0 13 0 이 7 37
0 0
53 0 11 37 0 83 0 71 47 11 7 0 이 0 2709
이 7 101
67 이 13 61 0
37 0
41 11
이 13 이 67 11 13 23 113 O 7

31 이
7 37
83 17
59 0 0 0 23
11 79 109 11 107
0 61 0 13 이11 23 67 107 37 71 0 7 11
83 13 0 53 17 103
41 17
13 73 0
이 31 23 017
0 13 1011 11 01 0

11 이 61 7 29 이 7 97 13 7 0 이 19 17 31 041
0 11 31 이 이 0 0 71
7 29 23 0 13 7
11 19 11 13
89 13
71 0 01 131 19 0
17 이 13 0 53 이
0 이 7 31 109
0101 이
47 0 79
이 23 7 11
29 7 19 731
0 71 이 13
43 이
97 7
61 이 1
7413 0 0 47 13 101 7

29 0
203 이
031 7 이 0
19 61 11 7 891 0 29
7873 0 301 37 이 011 0 17 59
73 0 41 7 23
31 이53
11 이
17 13 0 37 0
61 41 이 70 0 이 67
0 31 17 023 107 11
97 0
1097 이 0 0 0
29 43 23 011 47
170173 이
47 이 이
13 89 70
41 31 29
61 0 13


CSERE PR3R75 = 3438 85522 528855

91 33
09 78

19 0 13 47 7 19 0
0 23 7
101 79 0 53 61 113 11 0 73
41 19
3037 19 701 11 13 0 7 113 0
0 97 103
011 17 71
이 0 59 29 19
23 47 17 37 0 11

13 11 이71
017 29 이 0 0 0 0 23 0 7 0 19 67 11 37 13 7 ]83 47
11 61
7 19 0
31 13 17 11 83 0 0 7 67 0 103
79 19 11

0 11

13 0 11 0 23 33333335329 11 0 0 0
41 11
0 29 7 13 353 23 0 11 7 73 0 19 0 61 59 11 40533

68582 227-8 ♪ **
1113 23
79 이
59 011 0 13 301
이 0 7 17 13
1039 11 0 29 031
4131 0 이 109
0 0 19 11 13 0
7101 71 00 0 1119 17 53 0 23
83 13 71 이
9317 7


43 이 이
79117 0 7
1729 37 31 23
19 13 이7 이
이 741 17 53
7 이
29 이
이 이
0 0 17 609 59 7 11 61 7 0

89 0 101 0
23 73
17 101 0 이 17
53 17 43 29 31 0107
0 0 7 43
67 70 7 191 17 109 61
0 31 13 37 19
이 17 29
171 109
37 13 7 103
0 7
011 이 23 17
113 43 13 7 이 11 0 0
053 0
173 0 7 이 19
11 이7
71 0
29 이
17 59
0 431 31
70 671
29 11 73 이

713 이
17 01
0 11
7 0 37 0 13 0 7 0
29 1

79 23
이 0 89 이
59 이
7 이 이

17 7 13 0 0 731
7 23
037 0 0 이
6 7 0 이

0 이

19 59 23 7 이
7이 431 73 11 29
0 이0 이
713 이11
23 809 0 0

ESEFER 228382 325

31 28
31 40
55 64
92 16
19 67

0 8079 0
41 0 013 이
23 407 0 11 29 0

30717 0101 43
2139 011 0 41 67
13 89 61 73 o 0
61 0 0 43
017 19 97 0 17 111 0
13 23 이
0 103
47 73
0 29 103 이
0 0 0 67 0
23 7 0
133 이
11 37 0 0 13
19 29 17 0 0
7031 17 47 01011 이
29 13 이 0 0
11 13 41
0 19
13 0 0 97 53 11 13 17 0
7 0 11 0 13 23 11 109 7 71 0 7 79
0 11 103
107 0
7 0 37 789 11
101 13 이 0 7 411 47 19 11 7 31 0

7013 0 61
11 17 이 719 67
11 이
0 0 7 0 41 0 이 0 13 7
7043 31
73 이
11 13
19 37 29 0 11 이97 7
79 13 67 이 0 0 11 7 131
11 13 43 617
01 이 0
113 101 0 11 31 7 17
19 29
59 0 7043 11 7 103 29
83 이
7 27 13
이 31 이
411 11 107
47 37 17

11 0 0 7 37

89 13 7 0 107
83 7 이 109
0 이
7 0
59 107
13 11
53 29
79 7
101 0
13 0 13 19
43 41
0 83 0 19 103
59 7 43

61 31
11 7 79 이 023 11
13 307 7 이 이19
이 11 47 이
7 0 203 11 713 0 0 73
53 7 0 11
이 0 7 7
이 41 이 7
23 71 13 71 19
097 이 이
17 이 53 11
79 11
41 0 이
019 0 이

89 0 19 103
93 43 103 7


99 0 11 131 723 107 127

73 3700
9182 00
79 12 15 24
01 013
783 0 71
1139 17 61 0
053 23 13 11 47
0 0
07 113 179 67
29 013 11 1061
3727 31 17 97 13 19 9 41 79 23 0


11 0 31 0 13 0 47 43 0 11 23 7107 0 13 163 0 11 0019 17


13 11 53
103 89 67437 0 7 011 19 0 29 17 0 0 307
31 13 7 71



17 509 70 23
11 19 73
17043 0 0 137 0 337 1007


72 717



71013 1007 3
41 01179
71 37
11 67
70 47
43 11 0 107 19

17 0 7 0 23
61 89 23 13 19
11 0 0 113 17 0 11
29 47

043 19 97 011 139

315 88
151 0 7 11 0 127
47 0 7 0 13
109 11 41 19 0 23 713 11 29
0 71

31 1051 0 17 103 11 19 59
13 0 0 39
1011 17 13 0 71 0
761 19 11 0
07 16


19 209 11 0 0 1031 0 11 1713 63

07617 0 11 41 0






131 31 0151 59 101 0 13 17 19
29 90137 0 7 103

69 7
43 3707 61
17 1051 713 19 157
11 0 1173
037 717
11 0 0113 23 31

O7O73 20090 90
23 0 47 7101 151 0 0 19 17 71
11 7 23 179 083 0 0

49 11 743 13
19 17 103 71 151 11 13 37 0 0
71297 0 0 7
0 19 711 0 0 127
41 139 53 11 7 019 73 109 0 17
11 0




67277 66000
12007 70000

07900 00030 OROM


59 1009 17 73 0 13 89 0 723
083 11 0 0 7 17 0 97 0 OOO729 11 0 13 59
61 0139 0 59 13 1711 0 23 97
0 7 43 151 29 181
11 73
41 0 17 71 7 37
0 11

10009 13
OOOO7 17

0 703 023 709 17

107 0 1773 0 011 0 7 43 61 131 0 13 71911 29 47


71 101
11 83
17 1331 7 011 0 0131 53 0 0 13
11 43
181 0 19 709 0

73 031 11 13 0 0 317
7197 47 11 0 0 7 13 0 23
151 53 0 7 43 17 19 83




9793 O
OTHER 80073

77 163
67 96
7103 017 719
11 37
0 73
2327 0 61 7151 71 0 29
11 70 0 0 97
041 17 11
13 23
7071 29 1911 7 151 13 127
7 139 19 0 0 717
101 67
013 23 61 0 7 0 0 0 11 7 17 0 0 0 151 7 11

89 103 61 13 7011 17 37 0 0 7 67 31
11 7173 59
41 17 0 53 0139 7 23 13

91 0 01192367 7 31 0 47
17 13 7 0 0 11 719 53 0 23 13
30 32

97 7 011 83
13 0113 70139 167
19 11 23 31 029 0 61 0


229 152028


3538 8USER F28355



74 01
80 86
89 92 95 98 01
13 25
28 34
43 31
41 0 7037 0 107 731 11 113
29 0 19 13 0 79 67
127 11 17


03 6741
13 0 7 19 163 0 0 0
723 11 61 •7 0 0 37 11 7 13


07 103
70 0
137 0 19
41 17001
3 0 0 0 7053 0 11 37 31 67 17 0

09 11 0
037 0 203 7131
11 73 17 31 19 7 113 0 13 71 11 53 7 0137


307 ♡

13 19 79 1709 23 13 131
11 17
0 0173 101
0 13 11 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 23 17 59



19 747 53 0 0 11 61 0 13
19 0 31
31137759 0 23 13 0 41
11 7
16820 .

17 7127 0 0 53
11 29 67
137 03 17
70131 23
11 19 0 13 89 47
0 0113



13 0 11 47 0 19 0 0 13 11 17 157 0 29 53 03 31 0 11
31 13 11 41 0 0 23 29 0 79 17 37
47 71001 89 11 103
0040 0772

33 43 17 29 11 7 73
13 7011 0 67
0 13

13 693




07703 107

011 43
23 13
19 0 0 11 7 41 17 109 0 13 101
29 0
19 1767

39 23 11 17 13 43 1709 53 61 59 0 29 19
103 13 0 31 0 23 11 0131
43 13 29 1003 43
11 71
13 19 41
59 61 783
13 73

07007 212

2758 583

42 O 003


77033 170
39710 000
66 273


2 O 2442 32S

0000 040
49 19 0 43
11 0 0 0 80 9 17 0 11 53 67
7109 23 0 37 710339
51 17 307 43 71 0 13
29 19 0 7 0 59 0 17
11 7 53 13 101 113 0 7 11


57 1013
7 11 7 61
47 0 0 43 7 79 139 11 13 0 0 37 19 0 1001 1007


งง อ


งง ว
61 11 703 19 0 0 0 29 23 11 47 13 59 17 7 0137
07 61 11 19 677 13 0 0

63 41 37
29 17 7 023 0 31 0 13 7 11 131 43 70 73
17 013
71 11 7 0101

730 11
67 37 59 7 23 107 131
71 7 61 0 0 0 719 53 029 11
43 0 7 0 023 0 31 67

69 011 137 713 19 607 41 0 7 11 0 1003 0 0 17 11 23 7 0 163
109 97 69
717 0 103 11 7 31 109 0 13 7 0 17 0 23 0 0 0 19 13 0

79 89
17 0 11 7 13 7
4029 7 011 17 0 0 31 41 0 83 11 7





81 0 0 13 17 11 59 203 71 0 37 731 0 11 0 0 7 17 61 0 41 19
87 713 0 0 11 70 0 0 61
13 1727 11 103 0 19 47 7 0 53 17 13 97 11
91 0 11
19 0 0103 59 13 0 70 0 0 83 0 31 7 17
19 11 0 23 61 0

93 70 61
0 11 747
0 17 0 19 70 11 0 0 0 13 7 0 23 67 0 11 0
97 53
31 013 7 043 1
11 0 013 7 23 11
137 1009 7 0 103
99 011
13 71
19 7053 17 0 13 1023
09 0 70 10119 31 6707





85 2 33
36 63
82 00

0109 7 83
17 79
11 70 43
0 7 101107 17 13 029 37 0
131 97 13 37
0 127 113 0
137 0 11 43
0 0 0 11 71
47 31

11 1007 13 29 23 0 19 0 11 7
0 17 0 73 13 011 43
127 7
83 13 17 19

17 0 0 31 13
0353 70 017 29 0 11 601 0 13 0 43 11
0 0


21 7 0 11 13 7107 0 0 011 7 13 19
753 11 0 7 17 0



23 0 70 13 11 7041 19 1039 31
17 83 407 1103
037 0 11 79 13 53
27 11 67
97 0 0 107 113
01 41 0 0 701 011 47 13 70 17

29 0 7 19 11 109 729 013 803 11 4701 0 0 719 13 59 11 1013 31

0397 147
07440 700

33 403 37
19 173 0 61
17 7 0 127 31 0 01 7 11 109 29
41 7 17
7000 7031

39 013 0 2119
0 0 0 67
70 13 19 0 0 37 0 53 59 23 0 13 11


41 17
083 0 7019 0 43 11 13 0 0 107 89
47 11 0 OOOO7 31 13 0 70
20721 2

17 47
41 0 70 011 0 29 0 23 19 37 13 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0
93107 OO

51 71131 53 0 47
0 79 23 1711 0 7 19 67 43 0 0 0 7 31 11 109 13 29

53 107 107 7 011 019 23 53 13 0 601 0 77943
1117 29 0 0 7 0 19 11
57 0 109 0 02313 7019 29 0 11 017 7 0 0 41 0127 7 11 043 71 19



59 19 67 7011 013 0 73
0 07 37
11 0 7 17
13 41 0139 11 43
53 0
63 19
13 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 13 0
737 61 031 19 23 6741 7 59
69 031 29 053 11 13 0 0 19 7 107 0 0 11 79 13 73
131 0149



71 7 113 19 107 13 7 67
11 0 0 23 7 0 0 0 0 13 7 0 209 0149 7

07038 TOOK2 3070


85888585 888 *
77 127
013 107 23 11 0 67
10731 47 97
0 0 11 73
0137 53



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03700 20007 DOMNO -O 。。。

000 97017
79 0 0 13 7041 11 1003 70 0 139
13 71231 0


83 7023
47 13
11 0 1013 79 7 0 67 41 11 29 713
149 107 19 0 11

87 47
0131 31
19 70 43 11 113 0 0 7 0 17 149 41 7
89 107 19 0
89 013
29 70 0 17
139 61
0 7 43 13 11
19 0 7 107 67 0 0 71 17 7 11 137
1333 17907 +2335


93 11 0 7 101
17 071 0 011
7107 083 23 1749 19 0 17 011 7 13 97
0 0
18000 27000

99 29 703 17 13 101 7011 19 0 79

149 7 0 0 13 103 11 17 7 113 43 0 0

69 78
69 81 84
96 99 08
02 11 14 17
29 32 38
41 47

01 31 17 0 0 0103 13
43 7101 1099 23 19 0 97
11 13 41 0 0 7

07 0 29
13 53
193 019 31 0 23 13 70 11 47 0137
107 179 7 139 71 13 11


11 11 31 7 1271 7123 0 11
79 17 37 19 0 29 0 11 53 43 193
13 0 89



0 19 11 0107 013 7167 0
11 0 0 17
43 13 79 7 0 753 31 61 23

17 23 7 19 0 13 47
41 11 0173 31
179 0 83 19
011 13 723 0 43
157 97 0


70 211



19 181 011 0 17
59 0103 31 70 11
37 13 0 7 101 167
1711 7 29 0 19743
75133 0 109
1057 67 7 0 0 0 13 19 17 11 23 0 0 701 13 0 7 31


29 17
7 059 011 7 83 0 31 67 23 0 11 0 17
13 7 0 139 19 41 0 0 7


137 13031 0 17 0 23 37 703 0 13
29 11 0 89 177 53
101 0 41 157


3709 OOOO
0 0 43
23 7011157 103
13 0 0 97 31 11 1027 0 0 13
59 19 7 37


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113 00407
งง งง
23 16711 7
17 79 1943
13 70 11 701 7029 17 13 23 11 0 37 19 0
43 0 0 011 13 7 37 17 0 29 59 7 011 0 0 13 0 7 0 83 0 17 11 7 101

11 19 7013 0 37 0 743
41 167 13 0 23 7 109 19 17 11 67 59 7163 131 13 29

797OO 077
49 13 163 67 11 193 0 0 119
0317 7 11
23 0 1081 83 7 0 029 61 13
11 7 0 73
130 30 6

31 0 7017 0 0 11 23 19 0107 0 70 43 11
41 13 70 97 607 0 0

37 131
7 23
17 11 0 7 139 127
031 0 79
11 0 137 0 29 181 43 61 023 11
13 61 23 0 71011
873 89 13 47 29 70 0 0 11 37 0 7 23 173


0133 80077 31

67 41 37 7 83 0 19 11 0 0 17 67 113 7 0 11 23 13 0 7 19 0 29 53 89

71 37 11 13 0 7 137 89
17 0 7209 13
23 0 0 7 97
71 0 11 1993 0 7 0

37000 6917

0 0 79
011 41 71
97 17 6711 37 0 0 139 7109 0 73 163 11 0



11 9


43 11 0 103 053 109
0 23
11 41
0 19 0 7 31 011 13 0 17 7 79 0
79 109 7 43 011 0 77313 053 47 0 41 29 0 7 0 113 0 11 0 19 7

83 0 0 031 23 43 20191 0 7 0 0 0 0 13 7 0 11 503 0 41 17 0 19

O7OOR 105
89 151 0 19 47 7 0 0 79
11 7103 307 31 11 0 19 0 0 73 7 17
91 11
151 071 89 0 81 0
1761 13 11 19 7 43 003
117 23 7 0 11 13 0 0 47

97 107 0 13 7 011137 0 23 59 0 17013 11 0 0 29
19 193 0 0

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USERE 23275 28522 85522 522855

76901 703070

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73 94
82 88
85 97
85 42 45 48

01 13
89 19
11163 0 7
061 3125 29
13 0 47 0 0109 719 59 11 7010
03 79
59 17
0 31 29 11 139 7 4109
1019 0 7 17 71
0 013 43 191 11 70


07 7 11 23 0 0 13 1751 0157 17
59 29 89
019 97 13 023 0 7 0



09 23 7 0 11
167 19 197
97 0 41 13
17073 0 17 7 0 47 011


13 13 0 7037
12319 11 151 1163
707 710213 0 0 0 13
7 41

95 733



19 79
19 73 76011
173 0 0 0 7 151
23 17 47 0 19 7 13 0 0 0 53 37 7 7 0 0
21 41 71037
1397 79
11 31 61 1751 0 0 13 73 759 11 0 181 167 0211 7

27 73 19 163
17119 0 13 7 0 0 1031 151 103 7 0 17 37 747

31 0 17 23 0109
1513 67 031 41 11 0 59 151 13 37 0 97
7111 1027

33 23 1009 37 1113
7029 740573 179 0 401 11 1051 23 17 70 0107

21 97370


37 083 *
617 1
7059 71
809 1713 79 011 0 13
3 29 0 0 0 11
53 103
71 13 0 70 11 0 017 13 0 11 0 70 31 193
79 19 17 ? 13 11 0

47 11 17
107 0 167
19 713 11 23 97 0 0 0 17 0 0 89
19 0 151 0 0


020 179

7000 30939 707



97 11
107 101 19

37 7 131
007 7 73

13 =
41 7 17 73
53 0
7 13 0 0 7 11 0 0 31

177 이
79 29 13 083 19 89 11 31 107 0 0 43
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23 411

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43 13 0 7 0 0 17 31 0 47 0

7 103 1001 23 73 0 0 011 0 13 0 19 131
31 0 7 173
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31 37 0 0 7 11 0 43 29 83 0 0 이 89
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0 37 11 53
17 11 713 31 1007 0
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19 013 79 |
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0 137
1 1039 13 411
31 97

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72 39

1057 이11
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이 713 103
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0 이 307 7 19 163
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7 67 59 127
0 0
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11149 61 13
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of 7 0 0 11
103 83 23
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371 4731
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149 0 0
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이 019 13 11 이
0 0 27
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17 37 0
19 109

88 = H2 35288 E5585 88355 7858 × 8

53 380
07 104
56 62
56 65 80
68 89
83 92 95 98 10 19
13 22
01 47
1131 19
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07 0 0 59
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0 11 61 713 0 0 31 0 89 0 0 011

11 19 7 17 11 0
31 70 0 41 0 59 0 7 0 17 13
29 7


7 0 23
13 0113 0 73 17
13 0 7 0173 41 29 67 109 7 11 13 23
139 0 7



19 11 193
8343 7 11
17 7011 113
17 181 0 0 0 0 13 23
31 717
1 0

11 0 0

17109 11
19 13 0 7 47 011 0 7211
31 013 83 23 C
127 163
67 19 41 7 0

97 0 170 29
61 13
47 0 11 70 0 0 0 717 137
11 231730 0 13
0 0 0 317 79

43 17
19 0 41 31
37 0103 13 0 43
11 O31 711319 13 02117 11 0 17 0 0 23 13

31 2833 19
011 17
50439 11
167 7 0 29 97 0 7 011 23 13 0


530 19
37 029 47 71 1073 01131 17
7 53 181
19 7113
31 11 167
0 0 17



6700 O
4.1 73 0 13 11 31 7 109
127 107
7 0 43 0113 0 53 11 61
031 13 1031 ]7139 11 0107 29 23
17 13 041 73 0 127
43 7 19 223

131107 00

47 137
107 789103
79 0 17 23 13 0 0 0 0 61 31 0 0 7 0 29 0 7 89
11 43 013 19


191 7
0 0 11 023 13 0 0
3171 9
7011 7 19 71 013 0 7 41 0 11

7030R HOND

70 71 23
013 601 17 29 011 0 13 89
19 711 0 0 17 23 0



13 70 09370

་ CDR 7
59 677 1067 7
407 1063 37
11 13
173 0 73 0 0193 0 2023 0 13 0 17 7
0 19 101 0 7031 13 137 011 29 7 103 0 23 0 0 19 0 011 0 193


67 11 7 0 43 13 0 0101 737 71 41 23 19 7 47 13 109 2023 31 7
157 0 0 29 79 127

71 13 59 109 0 711 53
43 70 13 29 19 011 741 407 163 0 167 0 7 0 11

070 96 82 Or

73 17 031 0 19 72119 13
0 0 0 89 131
53 17
011 0 0 13 19 37 Οι 7
70 177



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77 0 723 47
0 13
197 0 131 7 17 70
1113 83 31 601 7 11 41
79 61
1723 13
70 79
11 0 1001 0 7 43 31
11 17 7 191 0 59 23 0 0 7
83 7011
13 173
31 29
103 71 7 089 179
11 7 19 23 0
43 0
227 7 0 0 13
71 597 0 377 17 0 0 11 0

89 13 19 181
11 023
717 31 29 40137 11 7 0 43 0

41 0 0 0 0
530 79

11 0 8199
91 6719 11 7 0 41
13 0 0 23 0
70 101
11 0 53 719 13 17 0 0 0 7 227 149
97 11
13 767 17 109 0
23 70 11 13 0 041 737
119 7 149 13




CSERE PR27 ♪ = 3528 8556 % FR855

0 6023

51 5 578
57 78
66 96
23 26

83 23 157 0 이 3
701103 29 139
11993 17
11 71149
3 0 1 7011

03 0 17 79 67
1191 113
97 47
0 6701 113
001 149
11 1793 1873
0 3

07 70 73 170513 3 11 17 23 7 0 131
19 31

17 13 0 11 70 13



79 7 139
43 0 61
127 17 0 0 607 01
13 7 29 23 53 11 1001 7107 157
0 13


17 37
3 13
104731 0 723 11 0 031 19
149 70 79 0 0 13
0 71111


19 711
131 23
019 0711 1O49 29 13 89 17 0 113
21 53
13 0 11 23 7 0 107 1 11
730483 0
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0 109

0 11 0 0 1767 83 17
103 11
107 0 0 7 29 13 0 11

109 7107

31 181 1077191 13 71 73 0701119 01
031 11
013 717 43 :041
33 0 19 13 7 0 0 149 0 31
127 0 0 191
13 0 19 11 61 59 7 43





37 019 7 0
70131149 13 0
103 7 97
11 0 7 17
199 13 0139
0 53 1749 0 73 137
97 75119 17 19 0 0 0 011 31 13 7 1067 0
31 79
7101 47
0 0 13
199 59 71 17
07 11 37

11 37

43 29 4111
149 0 13 0 0 723
00000 400


60682 27558 589


1000 400
13 107 790 13 7 1133
49 47
11 0 0 0 7 17 59 89 ი 29 761 131 199
109 0 11
13 7

51 163 7 0 11
029 1709 13 0
179 181 17 7 31
11 2011 23 0 13 37 11 7

57 1731 151
13 0 19 0 047 0 7 17 013
29 73 0 11
41 719 0



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61 67
7013 167
199 11 17 71
13 53
47 0 11
7181 191
0 79 7213
11 70 3
71 0 11 7 0 0 17 .0 59 719 53 37 11 13 0 29 61
67 31 19 67 99
17023 13
11 717 1039 0 029 7 11 0 19 13 0 0 0 17 11

200 121
17 1233 0
89 0 11 19 0 0 0
107 1761 7 0 11 0 0 31 7 0103


73 37 7
199 41
119 7113 67 17 31 97 13 7 0103 0 73 0 23 7 83 013
11 17

79 0 7 1901109 0 713 0 017 11 7 137
23 37 83 61
0 7 19
11 31 0131 7

7303 01
81 0 7017 01131 0 0 7 0 0 19 1051 7 0 17 13 0 53 0 7139 0 0 11 0
87 73 13 7111 7 0 19 023 7 0 0 1091 13 11 7 0 0 151 0
17 7 19 13
11 0

707900 OO

029 023 0 7 19 0 83
11 7097 17 0 0 0 0 11 13 0 0
19 70


93 11
743 107 53 0 0 7 747 11
059 1 0 7 0 19 0 0 13 7
11113 23
197 137
97 0 13
41 7 0 0 211
11 7029 47 0 17
19 7 23 59 0
151 2723 0
99 7173 13 0 43
107 7 0
1197 713 0179 23 71531 61
151 0 0 0


52 97
06 15
58 73
79 88
97 27
33 39
30 36
03 17 1063 0 11 1081 19 37 1023
1127 1709 0 013 0 0 101151



17 11 13 29 0 023 7 179 0 43
101 013 41 7 103
107 11 0 031
11 29 71 61 13 0 7 53 11 47
0 139
37 67 0 11 83 17 1097 31 780191


17 103 23 0107 11 0 17 0 13 7 0 063 11 67 59 0

0 23 13 7 011 0 0




11 761
7 79 7 173 011 703 19 201323 0
717 307 71






23 41 0 13 59
0 37 0 17 7 0 011 19 70 7 67
0181 47
29 11 17 0 0 0

27 53 193 17 7031 97 11 29 157
13 7 0 19 59 1027 11 0103 0 13 0 70

31 11 163 29 131
19 0 7 13
17 73
11 0 223 7 1097 0 2027 713 67 19


33 0 0 570179 19
11 0 139 47 41 031
11 29 17 37 0 0 181 7 0 11


29 107
7 0 0 13 79
011 7 0 17 41 23 711



10 2007O


41 70 0 43 0 7191
11 19 157
103 7 1063 0 89 11 747 23
229 13 29 41 7 17
47 307 19 0 0 1713 29 0 43 0 1797 0 0 11 0 13 139
19 1079 0 0 7 11 73


51 37 7013
11 0 0 0
17 0 47 11 23 013 0 70 053 109 11 7 17 0 31 13 0


60703 093
53 13 0 0 011 2711 0 79
23 1713
711 0 43 7137 07 31 0 0 0 71 7 0 1063


57 167 0 7 101 0 0 023 0 11

59 0 19 7307 179
0 11
13 7 0 0 17
229 709


3370 77330


59 29 11
31 39
107099 011 17
113 0 711331 47 43 7 97 023 0
63 7 97
13 101 19 0 17 131
211 0 7 13 0 29
11 0 023 19 47 103
17 7


3 -
81 070 07370 30

69 0137 31 70131 13 17 0 0 7 157 0 11

23 0 167 7 13 0 7083 29



71 17
199 0 0 13
0103 0 0 0 61 71 17 0 0
11 13 1737 113 73
19 31
19 7 13 61 0 29
179 11 7 23 31 37 0 0 7 47
19011 0 0 89
0 013

90731 07303


88HFZ 85288 E5 88255



81 19
11 0 53 723 0 0 13 711 0 67 61 83 59 19 0 29 0 11 747 0 23
79 17 0 23 197
11 453
719 1037 7 0 11 0 017 7 13 0 31 1009 11 37 7


87 11 0 0 7 13 47
043 109 7 19
101 17 0 0 0 677 79
23 73 7 1097 37 0

0073 170
0 1009 11 701 7 0103 37 0
43 0 7 11 0 13 173
41 0 23 19 0 0 11 0 7 53 13
93 0 127 0 73
719 0 37 11
83 013 043
17 C 7 163 011 019 7 13 1007 0

737 60779 O7 - OO
97 0 7 053 13 11 0 7 0 23 107 0 0 19 7 101 11 43
13 0 47 37

29 67 11

53 51
95 01
07 04
83 92
89 16


01 47
89 19
17 023 79 0 59 0 0 83


07 0 029
59 7 17 011 7 0 13 08391 0 107 023 43

11 719 17
31 70 0 41 0 59 0 7 0 13 17
29 109
23 11 0173 7



13 1013 3*93
71013 11
17 0 7 0 173 41 29 67
109 7 0 ao 23 17 0 0
31 711 139

17 70 11 113
17 181 0 0 61
19 11
0 13 31 17 23 71 193
0 7 11 0 70 41



19 7130 47 11 0 0 7 211
31 0 13
83 23 7 C 127
41 7 67
163 19 79 29 13 011 0


23 6143
11 17
19 0 47
13 011 0 70 0 0 0 0 137
110 7 17 0 53 101 74223
1 31

29 013703 13 70 43 11 031 1713 19 013 0
17211 7
0 11 0 29990
0 7 0 23 13
31 711 0 83
23 19 0 17
43 167
11 0 0 0 0 11
97 0 7 19 131 23 29
13 7 0

37 29 407 71 7173 013
:11 0 17
753 0 19
181 0 167
113 7
31 11 107 0 7 0 17

OC 020

0 0 713 70
11 0141
11 113 0 0 43 7 53 11 0
0 61
43 031 13 1031 7139
011 0 107
7 13 41 8673
437 0 89 70 19 13

47 107
137 7 11
103 79
0 23 13 이
0 7 0 7
61 31 0 13 11 043 0 71
49 19
191 0 02113 13 0 031 17 79 11 013 0 741 0 19
71 59

53 701 0 23 13 71
6017 29 11 0 0 0 0 19 89 11 0 17 13 23 0 7

973 13120



59 67
0 0167 407 7 1063 173
11 7
37 0 73 0 0193 7 223
0 0 13 0 17 7 0
01 19 1001 0 0 731 13
011 029 1703
23 0O 0 19 7 011 0 0· 0 193 37

11 7 04133 1001 7 37 47
71 13
23 223
0 7 157 0 31
0 29 79 127
13 109
0 0 43
711 23 53 0 7 13 29 19 0
11 7 0 47 163 1067 0 7 0 11 17
01731 0 9
17211 13
0 0 0 7 89 131
53 0 11 7 0 0 13 19 37 O 7 0
77 0 이 23 47
0 197
13 0131 7 0 17
0 11 70 83
31 0 61
13 7011 41 53 0
79 17
23 13 7 7911 0 0 101 0 7 0 31
11 17 7 191 0 59 07 23 043 0 0 11
013 11 31 173
37 103
29 71
7 809 13
11 83
179 43
19 23 0
227 0 0 13 79 0

11 0 7 0 0 0 013 7 19 181
11 0 23 17 7 31 29 0 47 13 11 7 0 43 0 0 89 19

67 19 011 3 0
0141 0 0 723 0 11 101 053 13 19 0 7
227 43 149 0

767 713
011 41
0 103
37 149

97 11
13 0 0 0 0 17
79 11 13 601 223



3333 855FR KR85


ཋ ཌ ° ཌྭ b ?
5 3333
02 20
51 87
90 93 96
99 17
23 32

01 783 15723 0 0 0 19
13 7 139
17 11 37 149
70 3 23 7011

03 23 71079 67
29 113
711 0 47 7601 149
01 411
093 83 0

07 73 053 0 11
0 17
23 191

43 013 011 7 0 0 7 19 013

61 0 0 670 0 13 7223 9 53
11 1001 157

09 1707 0

79 7 43 139 27 7

23 11 149
19 0 111

0 70 79 13

13 197 17
0 11 29 437
3 13
01731 70 0


19 717 1
01131 23
019 0 0
711 1049 29 13 89
17 113
11 0 109
19 0

21 05133 0 11 7023 0 17 41
083 731 11 0 19 0 7 0 0 0 7111
27 0 011 0 0 1767 83 0 79
13 107
11 0 0 729 13 011 0

31 107
0181 13 73
71 11 7 019 0 31 0 13
11 17 743 10:499
191 43

33 11 13
019 7 0 01049 127
731 0 103 0 19 11 61 59 7 0



37 13 1003 97
29 7199
7 130

37 149
70 9 0
11 7 0 0 0 17 13 0 139 11
39 이 49
1753 137
0 11 7 59 19 0 0 11 31
13 7 0
167 0 37 17

43 41
29 13 7 0 0 31 193 79 0 7 11 47 199
013 59 71 17 61 11 37 23

00009 400

25558 53 *
700 471

0 0 7 37 59
17 089 29 61 109
199 0 0 23 11 17

51 163 70 0 0 11 29 1709 179 13 0 181 17 731
11 211
0 23 13 11 37

57 1731 151
011 13 0 19 0 0 47 0 7107 0 29 013 73 41 19 11






013 7 199
729 701 53
13 47 0 7 181
11 0 191 0 2711 13 19 0
19 0 73 71 0 1751 023 0 0 11 7 0 0 17 .0 59 19 7 53
37 13 1 0 7 29 61

67 19
031 17 99 23 67
11 13
151 7 17 1039 0 209 7 11 0 19 13 0 0 0 0 17 11
37 41
17 89
23 13 0 0 011 19 7 0 0 0
107 61
17 7 0 11 0 31 7 0 0 103


73 37
7199 107
419 7 67
107 31 97 713 0103 0 73 023 83 0 0 11 13 17
79 0 7 0 19
11 1009 70 13 0 0 0 17
11 723 137 37 83 61 0 7 0 11 31 1031 7
81 0 017 7 0 13
11 0 0 0 0 109 0151 7 0 17 13 0 53 1739 0 11 0
73 713 11
17 19 7023 0 0 1091 13 11 7 0 0 151 17
0 19 11


0 0 29 0 23 19 083 11 7907 17 0 0 0 0 67
11 0 0 19 0

93 43 11 0 17 53 47 759
0111 0 19 0 0 0 13 7 113
11 23 197
137 0
97 0 041 31 11 211 0 70 29 47 19
13 0 23 59
151 0 2723 0


99 1713 73 0 17
43 0
1119 37 13 1079 203 0 61
151 0 7 0





255 6858R2 7858



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03 17 1063 7 011 181 19 727
31 17 09 0 0
111 3 19

53 19 7 11 29
13 0 23 7179 0 0 11 43 13 103
0107 11 0 31


29 61 13 47
75113 139
37 67 0 13 0 11 83 0 197
31 17 7 89 0


103 23 0107 7 11 0 17 13 603 11 67 759 0 013 23 0 11 0



21 11 017 61 19 13
1779 73 11 73 70 1323
2017 70 19 37 71 29


1691 -



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23 41 0 7
013 59 737
017 0 0 19
011 723 67
29 7 11 17 0 0 0

27 753 0193 17 31 7 97
11 101357 59
27 0 0 103 0 13 0 7 0

29 31 11 1763 29 83 19
131 7107 13 7311 223 71097 0 0
227 70 67
13 19 17 0199

FROM 835

0 0 0 59 17 711 19 0 139 0 47 41 0 0 31
11 7 29 17 37
0 181 7 0 11


39 19
23 0 17 0 0 0 0 7 13 79
011 237
70141 11 0





70 0 71191
0 1 19
43 0 13
157 7 1063 0 11
89 7407 229
23 13 29 41 717
07 0 1713 29 0 0 7 197 0 011 013 139
710979 0 0 7 11 73


37 11 13 0 0 0 17 0 7 47 11 23 0 0 0 53 19 11 7 17 31 13 0

13 0 11 2711 0 0 79 73 23 7 13 17 11 0 43 37
7107 31 0 71 1063


167 1701 0 023 0 11 59 0 0 19 179

37 11
013 229



19 00377 30070



29 11
31 071193 1099 0 011 0 113
0 13
7131 43
11 이97 23 0
63 7 97
013 1101
7019 7 0 211
131 0 713 0 11
29 0 19
23 47 17 103 7


70 0137 31 70131 17 0 0 7 157 0 11 23 1067 13 71 0 083 7 29


71 0 0 70127
11303 0 0 0 61 71 7

199 7 17 0 0 11
13 113
37 31
30107 3037

71193 61 0 11 7
29 0 23 31 37 0 0 7 0 0 11 19 47 7
9089 13 7

C4739 7070


6010 07390

81 019 11 72533 0 013 711 0 61

67 83 59 7 19 0 29 11 47 0 0 23
83 779 17 23 11 197 531
7413 0
119 37 7 0 11 0 0 17 0 13 31 011109 37

11 0 713 0 109
043 1101
79 17 0 0 0 7 67 0 11 23 73 7 37
1097 0
12739 137

89 0 0109 11 0 71 7 43
37 0 0 7 11 0 13 41 173 0 23 19 0 11 0 753 13
93 0127 0 73
19 0 11
37 7 013 0 43 17 0 1763 0 11 0 109 13 1007 0

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97 0 7 0 53 13 11 0 7 0 107
23 0 0 19 7 101
11 13 43 0 0 47 37 67

29 011


85 88275 78888
43 49
46 52 64
67 70 76
79 85
88 91 06 09 12 21
15 24

01 013 0 41 0 0 7
19 0 011 47
29 71227 1
07191 23 13
07 53 11 7 47 19 13 7109 17 11 79 0 41 0 0 0 23 13 97 17 73 19
0 0 97 43 11 19 023 223
53 7 0 13 7 41
17 0 113 0139 11 29
11 7




0 713 89 43 0 37
7 1703 17 29 23 0 19
211 101 137 0 41
13 179

19 29 7 17 4
0 3 13 16311 0 0 31 0 7 0 0 13 0 7 0 227
59 11


03. 79


19 1093 0 59 7 31
13 131
139 157 17
7 0 0 11 7 0 29 13
0 0 DO47 71990 0
23 89 0 0 11 13 17
0 131 127 43
59 729 011 0 7 0 179
] 0 0 0 . 211 1930 723
29 11 70 0 37 0 11 53 67

73 17 7 1007 89 7 0 0 23 19 11 7 ས 17 163
149 013
31 1063 11 7 0 031
0 13 0 19
0 11 29 103 7 173 0 13 0 37 7 149 0 0
37 67 137
11 19 73
0 0 0 11 0 17
01 0 0 0 11 7 0 7293131 43 0



00300 07017
41 13 7101 0 37 019 31 23 017 139 7
13 29 OOO 83 0
7149 47 19 13 17 7 011
43 31
53 7 0 67 23 759
1 0 0 19 0 0 97 11 0 7 0 0 041 0 0


47 70 0 23 101 0 11 7 47 0 107 70 127
83 11 0 0 13 7 59 73 0 23 7 17 29
49 0 7017 013 0 19 7 89 0 167 31 0 13 149 11 29 7 23 61 127 197 131
19 0


53 191 731333
31 19 83
59 7 13 229
0 0 131 0 0 0 11 19 0 7

79170 09760

22 640
1966 64371

10700 0000 。 90107

59 111
09 0 7803 13
89211 041 711 17 0371
317 7 19 13 0 47 11 0 7 070 97 61
61 7 0 47 17 11
7313 31
7131 43
19 149
23 7 67
9711 13 17 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 11

07317 97
67 13 0 181
717 0 0149 7101 307 0 59 7 17 19
41 11 13
197 0 23 7

71 139
0 61
9. 0 1049 11 7103 101 329
0 7 17 7 0 0 11 73 13 19 23 0 179 41 0
11 0 7031 59 13 0 0 0 0 19
0 0113 47 0 7 13 0 17 11 71 67 7 0 0 79

77 17 70 167
13 71
149 11 7 "0 181
137 0101 19 17 11 23 47 70173 29 139 43 097
41 0 0 7 107 0 0 11 7 37 13 097
23 7 0 73 11 0 17 233 7 13 43 67
83 17049 0 59 2911 19 013 0 37 23
167 7 11 017 191 0 0 7 13 0 0 19 11 0 ON


7 707
89 11
171737 0 017009 0 0 1003 7 41 19 17 0 7 0 71 167
13 11 199 7037
91 109
0 127 0 1783
73117 29 31 701 13 11 41 0 0 137
131 7 0 17
13 059 11 01277
97 11
83 53
747 0 0 13 0 0 97
59 7 0 .0 19 0 7181 0 0
3111 70



56 65
59 65
74 89
92 13
07 19
22 25 28
01 0 019 0 17 7403 61
11 173
31 0 53
13 101
0 7 229
509 7 0
03 7011 13 29 0 7 43 137 19
17 11 7 0 OC 73 157 79 70 53
11 0 103 17 13

07 61
41 67 17 37 0 0 19
7013 0 11 029 0
17 101 7 31 0 181


09 11 0 0 0 19 70 0 0 11
13 0 7 0 29 0 0 193 711 13 37 0 107

13 53 0 70 67
11 70 0 0 0 0 13 47 0
109 17 7 0101 11 23



19 7013 37
11 117
099 60173 11
29 53 41 31 79 0 17
4319 0 101 0
21 70 0 11 29 2039 17
1 163 59
23 41 139 13 103

22 78

27 113 0
737 61 11 059 0 7 0 0 0 17 23 11 713 29 0 0 0 0 7 0 101 31 0
31 1113
73 0 7 17 011 0 70 0 31 61 59
19 157 7 11 0 0 0 17 13 7 83

33 207191 0 53 7 19
79 17 11
13 0 37 0 0223 0 0 11 0 0 19

03000 70117

37 43
0127 47 23 7 13 11 17 19 71091 0 53
29 7 13 67 83 0241 7 23 31
39 7 19 23 13 113 701 11
227 7 17 0 0 13 109 11 0 53 23
109 0

29 13 19 43 0 0 17 0 41 13 11 7 137 0 19 0 0 67
0 7 13 11

00600 370


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67 229 107
13 71 11 7 29 0 0 0 61 7 139 13 37 19 103 31 O 0
49 0 19 7 0199 11 7 43 13
51 11 107 13 1707 23 0 0 83 0 19 47 0 13 131

137 103
23 713919 17 0 0 11 7 2041 0193 29 0 7 179 0 79 13 7 0 63





61 7 17 29 11 013 753 67 101
041 7011 0 0 17 13 23 7 71 19 11 70 0

937 8
83 0 13
0 0167 11 0 17 99 0 71
099 7 13 11 17 0 29 0 11

13 0 1091 0 7 0 173 1027 1079 7 157
23 0 19 107 0 11 103 59 0


100 207
11 123 7 11 233
191 61 127
263 41 13 017 11 7

59 0 0 7199 03 47 0

000 1930
181 7

011 043
717 19
23 0 711 0 89 101
31 67 47 7 13 11 79 209 63
013 7012381
139 29 0 11 0 7 43 0 131 0 0 0 7 0 11 17 0 0 0 13
31 0

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179 719
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27 71704111 731 79
113 0 23
107 7 43 11 19 109 59 0 7 0 17 0
91 17
7111 107
7023 103 7 47
113 0 0 0 101 7 43 223 0 11 13 29
13 10703
07 0 11
131 37 71137 139
19 7301 11 0 0 71 29 0 7 13 0 0 17
97 31
711 71037 53 0
229 29 711 97
163 0 0 0 0 7 191 17 11 0 0 7
99 0 13
2703 0 67 0
717 0 0 81 0
7153 13 2023 0 7 19
0 37
11 0


255 685222 756858

38 01
47 59
47 83
77 86
89 04
07 16

03 711 013 89 239

717 11
73 0 13
79 31 0 211
717 19
113 713
09 41
31 0 0 29 0 111
07 70 83
07 0 11 01181
3 7 17 101 0


11 761
011 41 163 2'0 41 73
719 227 71
11 723 0 137 67 13 7 11 31 029 19

17 7 19 13 37
97 79 7 29 23
11 109 41 17
13 53
59 019 7 11 67 0 47 0 7 0


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191 19 37 61 11 83
211 0 70 0 0 251
2041 11 41 19 0 713 29 73 11 23






23 17
139 0 23 59 7 0
137 47
011 19 1791 0 0 163
157 737 13 0 197 0 7 67 71
27 23 83 713
11 0 29 0 71 17 19 0 11 59 7 13 0 251
37 23 107 11 0 41 17

10 32

29 53 17 29
13 19 7 11 0 0 103
0 7 0 0 89 13 0 711 107
23 19 0 0 7 83

33 37 59 19 79 7 107
0 13 11 0 0 723 029 031 7 13
11 251 0 0
39 11 31 41 13
223 2733 0 11 89 107 7 37
19 103 0 0 1027 0 7




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41 0 193
193 70 011 0 7 83 71 211
17 19
711 031 0
47 70231
117 101
209 0 7 31
13 83
11 3707 41 0 0
17 0 263
13 0 0 0

51 67
19 0 0 171
73 0 97 61 7 37 17 0 19 7 157 23 29 0 227
139 7 137 11


43 7 0 0 0 13 0 0 7101 11 0 0 0 29 13 53
23 31 47 041 709 7
07 23


57 17 13 0 43 67 0 19
059 013 17
011 71 7 0 0 0 1073 7 11
131 47

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59 7 73
10839 71731 11 173
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6) 151 13
11 7 23 31
97 741 011 743
01139 01113
7 109
11 7 0 13
23 79
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109 11 0 0 43 7 107
47 19 49
17017 0

77 011 29 2711 59 13
017 191 011 0 101
19 23 013
41 011 1137

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17027 13
17 1051 0 7 709 139 47 0 7 13 19 173 11 17 7
29 307 043
83 11 13
193 70 0 151
37 0
11 023 13 1003 7 1001 149 11 0
79 97
031 0

87 0529
717 11 7 10139 2011 0 53 0 11 1049 193 7 17 13 0 67
71 70
760197 13
023 1751 17 0 0 70 19
0113 47 7
:149 0 29
0 107 193

93 167 181
19 23 11 7 0
179 0 1051 11 149 73
13 7 0 37 17 157 011 0 0
- 72000

99 0 43
0 0 17 0 31 167 13 711 0151 0 0 0 23 79 0 11 83 7 0


8888 45585 8835E 185888

48 7
33 42
36 45 72 81
78 84 87
75 90
99 17

01 251 70 0 19 53 11 7013 17
1049 7 73
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97 0
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229 0 10 49 61
43 7 11 13 67 127
151 7 47 53 0DO 11 0)21 7


11 13 0 79
70 31 O123
01149 7 59
13 0 0 19 7 0 0 11
151 0 61 13 17
0 So 07770


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0 11 0157 0 719 0 2051 13 29 7 0 181 17 37 0 7 67 1051 11 107 19 7 0 0


17 29 0 70 1049 0 11
13 0 7 17 601 0 107 73 7 31 11
13 139
43 7 151 23 17
19 029


332 33

11 007

19 23
11 41 149 7 53 0 107
11 0 0 251 107 13 7 1
0 03 11 23 97 7 0 0 29
23 19 13 97 0 113
11 0 29
103 17 013 0 711 53 19 23
181 0 7 109 013 11 17


29 70 0 11 241
173 0 109 0 17 23 7 0193 41 0 0 7 0 13
0 11 0 0 7
31 7107 413
07 11
59 712313 0 0 0 29 7 11 13 0 19
179 0 251
193 83 61 11
7013 17 23
011 53 70 307 13 71 7601 0 0 17 083 7C 13 011 0 23


41 11
97 233
43 0 31
13 0 103
11 7 19 179
89 53 7
0 0 11 0 0 23 1799 0
43 19
3231 61 13
717 29
211 0 0 0 11 7 83 0 0 13 7 17
23 19 11 0 0 7
47 67
0 41
013 719 0 11 0 70 0 0 0 13 0 7 31
11 113
257 199 19 0 37 13

49 711 0 417
07 7 37 257 43
11 70 31 19 23 029 17
11 70 0 13 7 157
0 0 109
23 43 1199
1797 13 7 163

17 05313 7 0 11 29 47 13 7 0 11

97 96390


59 7101137 79
23 67
719 0191 1003 0171
1729 43
53 41 0 7 37 59
11 73
61 19 13
167 0 7 17
37 11 031 0
729 123
70 3 0139 43 17 41 0 13

67 0 0 0 47 7 0 11 13 0
17 7163
167 7101 0 71 13
31 437 29 7 0 11 43
71 759 017 13 0 7 89 0 31 11
193 0 67
013 0 17 0 0 70
011 7131 0 0

73 027
141 711 31 29 233
0 17 7 61
0 0 0 11 7
13 0 97 1
0 73 19
167 7 0 11 103 0 13

207 .


77 7037 0 17 0 41 011 103 0 7 0103 79 0 67 7 019 31 13 0 109 7 0
79 167037 1 0 0 7 13 11
19 70 109
31 37 59 7 11 163 0 017 0 179
241 107
43 11 157 0 0 0 7 61 19
0 1
411 7 47 67 0 73
17 7 0 23
89 13 0 60531 711 43 0 0 197 7 0
13 029 11 0 7 59 17 0 0 20727 257 11 0

91 0 239
89 0 0 79 11 13
31 2570 19 0 0 11 0 0 13 73 70 0 7 17
97 0 0 0 1013 13 11 0 19 67157
0 1773 43
23 47 11 89 7 29 0 0 0 227 31 7 19

22000 790971

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| do7 6 |
31 37
40 43 46 49
52 61
64 73
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07 0 17 13
03 0 19 70
2491 23
0 0 0 17 67 241 61
11 7 19 43 00
229 13 . 11 0 59

07 163
11 70107 47 23 197 13 7 11 41 37 0 0 0O 0 29
83 11 13 167 017 23


223 0 0 11 7 013 109 0
61 7 113
19 11 17 59 0 7 13 0 31 0 0 งง 0723 43 0990
70 13 703 70139 11 17 0 19 83 1713 1031 011 41 53 0 241 0C7



19 0 0 0 19 0 7 13 37 17
137 7 023 0 11 0 0 7 13 01990 71
21 17 7 131
73 0 13 11 127 0 23 19 17 0 0 13 113
11 7 0 67
0 0

70 403 0 109 89 97
181 13 7 0 0 17 11 0 0 7 239 0 113
09 07

40 007
31 37 23
11 19
29 13 70 17 11 0 0 31 0 7 73 0103 13 53
711 19 233
33 29
2717 0 0 11 41
743 0 0 7 47 19
011 257
17 7137 59 61
23 0 729

37 11
19 0 0 1709 89 711 43 17 239 41
13 19 23
47 0 11 37 0 0 0 0
39 103 0 11
37 7 0 19 29 0 7 11 0 23 0 0 0 31 0་ 11 7 13 19
43 233 7 127
101 13 31 0 17 0 43 11 97 89 7 41 61
191 29

11 120

18583 22758 583


64793 000

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19 0 67 7 229
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0 47 0 13
131 31 1099 11 0 7 43 13



57 137 ]
39 19
7123 17 0 11 7 012093
41 29 0 7 37
179 0 79 7 0 0163 181



7 17 29
11 013 7 67
053 101
41 0 7 11 0 0 17
13 23 0 71 19
11 0 7 0
83 0 0 13 167
0 11 71009 0199 31 771 13 11 0 0 0 7 17 0 29 0 0 11

13 0 11 0
191 0 7 1O73 1
0127 7 79 23 157 0 19 0 17 7 0 0 11 0 7 59 0

000 123
181 759
43 11
0 0 1799 0 13
23 0 711 233
191 61 127
263 7 41 13 17 0 11 0 7

11 107 0 743 13 19
23 0 11 7 0 89 101
31 67 47 7 13 011 79 0 29 2763 19 41
0 13 139
23 7 0181 29 101 0 743 0 131 0 0 0 7 0 11 17 0 0 0 7 0 13 31 0


81 23
11 0 0 70
971 0 0 17 719
11 43 157
53 0 0 0 7 0 31 11 13 7 47 0
87 0
219 27 31
179 704131 11 17 73 113
79 0 107
23 7 43 11 19 109 59 0 107 0
91 173
70 19 717
11 0 0 0 23 013 7 113
47 0 0 0 101 7 43 223 29
13 0107 7 1003 0 11 131 37 717 13 139
0 731 11 0 01
729 713 0 0 17
97 011
131 71 131
07 13
53 22929 11
0 97 163 0 0 0 0 791 11
117 083

99 70 113
2013 0 67
70 0 0 53 17 81 013 7201923 37



070 300


44 47
50 59
56 80
77 83
86 13
01 19

03 11 13 89 239
17 73
11 0 13
79 167
31 70 29
23 713

41 29 0 7 107 11 0 0 7 47 83
0 11 13 181 17 7 101 0


11 0 7 11 61
41 163 2041 73
19 11 723 0 137 13 11 31 0 29 19 7

17 7 19 97 37 709 23
11 41 17
13 53
59 0 19 7 11 67 0 47 0 7 0



21 191 37 761 11 83
211 0 70 0 0 251
2041 11 41 109 13 23


30 663

23 17
139 0 0 23 59 47
011137 0 19 1791 0 0 163
17157 737 13 0 197 67

27 23 0 83 7 11 13 029 0 7 71 17 19 759
11 0 37
251 23 107 11 41 17


29 53
17 29 19
13 7 11 0 0 103 0 7 0 89 13 0 11 7 107
23 0 190 0 7 83

33 37 0 71509 779
0 107 0 13 11 0 723 29 031 13 1
17251 0 0
39 11 0 31 0 41 223
13 2733 0 11 89 107 719 37 13 이
0 0 1027 71 7


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19667 33100

16420 70003

90710 3COO7

41 0 7 13 23
41 7
19 0 011 0 7 83 71 17
197 0 711 19 031 0
47 0 11 23 17 2101
09 13
70383 37 41 19 0 107 0 7 13 26323 0 0 0
51 103
19 67 0 73
7 11 0 61
097 37 0 11 19 7 157 23 29 0 227
139 1737 11

53 43 7 0 13 0 1701 11 0 29 13
53 23 11 7 31 47 041 709
57 13
17 0 43 6707 19
059 13 11 71
17 7 0 0 0 0 0 173 7 131


00 141




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31 11 71 173 101 239
13 7 0 1097 11 0 7 0 17 0 13 0 0 227

01411 1063 23
7013 407 11 137
029 0 0 13 0
19 31 7 179 0
6) 151
13 723 239 31 131 97 41 7 0 11 109 13 743 17 113 73
11 7 0 013
23 79

151 011 7 0 17 37 0 0 7 13
109 11 0 403 7 53 107
19 17 1749 0 0
63000 -

77 29
0 7211 13
059 17
191 7 0 11 0 0 101
19 23 13
41 0 011 7 |
17 167

81 0 171327 17 151 70 79 139 47 0 7 13 173

11 29
17 7 37 04431
11 70 151
019 7 11 023 13 0103 01701 149 11
79 0 31
29 0 59 17 1711
0139 0211 0 53 0 11 1193
049 13
717 71 67 0

89 19 7 0 67 0 1713
2351 17 0 0 0 7 19
1049 11 13 747 29 0 193
070 O

93 167 181
19 23 11 7 0
179 0 0 0151 7 11 149 73
13 0 7 307 157
17 011 7 0

99 0 11 43 0 17 167
301 13 7 11 151 0
01 0 23 79 011 83 0 0
730 O


76 81




85 880EE 78-888
29 32 41
38 47
44 53
62 65
50 68
74 07
01 89 79
17 71 7181 257
117 113 0 70181373 107 37 7001
13 107 19 37
11 0107 0 0 13 -0 831
11 0 0 0 19
103 43 0 0 11

11 167
107 1079 19 31
037 1027 17 11 0 199
29 181 0 13 711 23 0 0191 43



13 23 7
17 11 223 13 0 0 0 783 0 0 19 11 59 13 71127 113
23 7 0 11 97 0
11 211
13 97
137 011 199
89 7 67 23 0 0 7 53 37 131
113 29 7



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19 13
101 7 17 37 109 0 7109 0 31
11 0 70 0 61 17 29 0 7 11 19 13 137 53
23 31 0 307 0 7011
19 13 42307 7 59 139
17 0 11 7 0 13 227 281 0 19 7 89

29 151 59
233 13 0 7 11 263 0 0 0 0 731 103 011
13 19 7 29 61 0 0 67 0 7 0
31 13 67 17
23 771
01531 0 0
137 0 0 0 11 7 17 0 0 97
227 13

37 19 0 47
151 11 13 0 403 0 7 0 0 02 11 73 7 193
13 17 0 29 127


41 17 713 41
151 0 31 70 11 0 43 0 7 17 0 0 0
2570 7 11

19 0 7 0

6 67707
43 0 13 0251 7101
017 59 67
7 0 0 13 11 43 0 7 157 0 89 109 17 0
7 37

47 0 89 0 0 109
53 0 7 173
101 19 41 70 0 17 031 11 7 13 0

49 109 11 0 0 17 13 151 753 0 11 179
41 7 0
47 013 19 0 7
53 0 17 013
29 7 11 0 0151 0 737 73
13 89 70 19
230 0 13 0263

43 77


70 03110


59 13 7113 0 17 0 7 0 179 0
47 13 0 7151 19
29 0127 723 0
61 11 269 0 7 61 0233 19 0 711 29 37 0 0101 7 71 2051 281
11 7
19 71 0 0 0

00 12700 07

0 174131 13 0 113 7271
0 17 0 53 23 0 13 19
6717 61800

7097 31 0 17
71 97
13 011
43 70 17 0 41 31
023 713 11 0 0 0 83 109
151 17 7
11 0 0 13 47
037 0 7 13

73 70 47 29 31
11 7 37
19 13 17 89
23 7 0229 11 0 101 51
71181 0 0 0 0 7

77 101157 0 0 70 06 13 193
37 11 73
83 71
59 0 7 163 13 29 0 11 7 0
79 70 127
19 11 13 710 0
43 0 0 7 0 11
113 0 13 70 19 0 0 23 0

83 11 013 759 0 211
03117 0 0 0 13 0
79 7 0 113
103 11 19 0 17 0
89 1091 0 783 37
11 0 019 0 107 43
701113 0
0 7 0 17 13 472510 0

23 7 0

91 157
011 0 7 19 163
13 29 61 191
023 0 0 7 2770113
37 1 19 173
0 17 18111 0

97 17
13 70 0 023 011 59 13
0 0131 17 7 0 0111
2997 109 43
1010 0 137 23

85652 KR : 8.5

7 48
57 81
75 8
21 27
33 66
39 90
96 08
01 0 67
117 31
1713 017 41 11 19 0 0 0 701303 779011
03 0 23 7 0 263
89 19
11 70 0 0 53 17 11
83 199
13 23 1039 19 0
07 7 61 0 11 13 0 0
239 19 0 17 7 0 179
13 29 70437
1 71 11 0 0 7 19
09 0 19 7 0 0 11 70 0 73 0 137 13
29 7 0 17 19 89 31 7 0 041 11 0
13 37 19 1067 7 269
47 79
31 11 17 0 0 0 7 19 011 13 157
7 0,211

21 00




19 139
0 1057 7 193 0 43 53
23 19
167 17 307 13 7191 11
223 31 0103 7
97 73 0
21 7011 17
13 72983 0 199
40131 1793 31
13 0
59 0 7 0 19
11 2029 0 7 13
11 23 99
7 0 0 13 11 41 7127 19 43
29 2023 7 011 13
23 0
257 7 0 131
31 17 257
0 702119 0 0 0 0 307 0 19
31 23 107
131 0 7 67
0 0 11 0
33 53 113 0199 713 17
19 73 11 241 0
39 713
23 11 41
43 0 70 0 029

13 17 7 011 61
27 23
13 277
17 0 097
39 70
11 131
0 67 29 23 0 173
97 47 0 0 701 13 0 43 11

43 19 711 701 13
0 013763 11 0 17 47
13 11 73

58582 22778 58 %



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137 0 23
13 " 0

51 23 63 711 0 0 0 0 7 41 223 197 13 59 11 677 1027 31 19 61 73 11
17 0 109 233
57 59 31 109
73 23 7 61
07 29 741 23 0 13 0 67 7 11 0 307 17 0


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61 0 13 7
0 11 0 7059 23 19
13 0 74117 31 173
17 61 37 7 83 13 11

63 2733 17037
9 17
239 13
11 7 31 0 0 0 0
79 19 29 13 0 7 0
67 0 711
31 0
17 3
123 70 29 0 11 0 0 0 13 17 0 7 0 11 0 193
69 0 053
78923 13 11 163
0 0 17
473 19 11 131
7 227 37
139 0
211 7 23 17


FOR TA - 3
73 023 61 27039 0 17 0 71 127 11
0 0 0 13 43 0 97 37
107 7 11 0 0 197 13

79 89
7011 0 029 17 7013 11
0 0 23 0 47 0 0 0 7 0 17 0 0 19 31




81 107
703 7 167 59 103
13 0 7 0 17 109
23 11 19 37 13 0 31 163 711 43 61 29
37 173 711 0 31 241 0 0 70 19 011 0 167
13 71 41 0 0 0 7 0 0 13 47

91 71 83 0 79 7119
71 7 53 0 0 11 0 7 0 139 13 0 41 17 7 23




93 11 7 19 23 61 790171 0 47 271
79 377 31 0 0 53 11 7 0 0 167 23 83 41

97 23 607 719
013 0 0 170
29 241
7 311
0137 61 7 0 19 0 0 0 7 11 0
17 43
13 0
191 7 11 139
103 19 13
717 73
101 23 083 0 0 59 0




255 686822 7575%

55 8
25 52/ 76 82
85 06
28 37 40
49 52
64 73
79 94 09

03 103 4741
11 157
0 67
43 0 11 71
23 29 0271 711331 0 17
09 163 31 29
11 7 1019
1373 0 41 109
11 79 53 97
713 197 0 39 7
211 19 0 149 0


0 59 113
17 13 711 0 23 0 47 43 41 11 13 17 7 53 0 79 29 7 0 0


17 257 0127
11 7 0 29 19 170103
3 11 0 7 17 2069 11
13 7 0 19 0

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21 7407 0 0 103 7
19 7
1063 1767 233
11 67 7
04233 31 0 19



23 011 803 7 79013 0 0 11 0 73 019
29 0
717 7
40113 47 37 0
27 70 19 0101 0 011 731 0 1269
091 149
137 7 67
0 13 0
29 67
029 797 17 239
181 37 70 47 13 277
23 70 149 0 11 17 7 13
191 0 0 0

33 70173 0 11
101 7 13 0 23 1709 011 17 29 0 31 0 163
71 11 0
39 19
23 7
11 137
79 0181 13
11 17 59 0 19 11 0 7 29


41 13 723 271
0 37 11 17 0 67 1049 13 70 11 0 41 7 29
17 13
23 011

47 7 9193
1107 29 7 149
47 31 73 0 711 0 23 13 37 1153
17 07 61

60607 30
10 70
79170 07

51 0 70
21363 0 0149 19 241
11 271
7101 23
8913 70 1711 29 U 7 019
0 13
- 30

13 0 131 7 0 17 713 2103
09 137
19 70 0 173
11 717



19 41 7
37 17 1003 0 11 23 31 1001 0
251 7 9 11 139
0 13 7 2107
0 23 0
~ 33
32 OO

15300 2000K


37 609

59 11 0149 7031 23 13 07
111 7 0157 263
59 70 013 11 1081 47 17 79 19
7A303 9

149 17 111
0 97 7 73 19 107 29 11 37 53
70 251
61 1729
7231 23 101 0

69 9
1011 71 17 61
31 1
03 0 59 47 7 0 101 0 23 0 7 17
13 011 0 0



71 0 31 0 70 0 0 89
11 13 70 190
17 0 37 11
103 29 0 13 41 7 24! 1O79 0 11
77 0 70
1 3 11
0 0 53 7 17
023 31 70 0173 0 0 0 0 7 19 0 101 103

77900 19 793

81 11 181 97
0131 89 7 97
17 0 0 0
223 0 29 7179 11 0 0 13 73 7 0 47
83 41 011 23 1767 13 0 209 11 719 1031 0 0 7 13 61 11 53 31 0

209 163
23 43
773 11
0 131
79 7 19
347 1 70 11 89 0 101
23 7 0 0109

66097 797
89 269
0 17 0 73
7 11 0 0 13
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61 17
13 179
767 0 11 29 283 19 7 0
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93 1229
7013 7113
219 013 41
193 7 23 059 0 0 7 13 17 19 11

37 77110

- 81000

99 269
197 7 67
11 17313
077 71 227 61 11 7
23 0 0 13 257
53 29 1799 173 11 17


38HF2 85888 E5785 888NE 786888

10 34
28 46

37 52 61
55 49

01 11 13 0 177 167 70 11 31 59 29 0177
27 3 67
11 0013
07 59 79 0 019 17 41 197 139
53 7 0 71
31 11 13 17 7 67 13 029


7239 97 0101 11
229 19 211 13 79 0 0 70

11 17 233 11 0509 0 61 11 283


13 031 17 11 7 713 29 00 0191
1990109 7 0 11 0 7 17 0 0 13

0 0
11 0 19
13 11 0 0 103 717 41 0 33
17 711 7 17
0 73





7 0 11 43 7 0 ERCEE0 0
37 0 31 7 0
13 11 89 0 173 29 13 47 17 0 19
10000 O
13 17
29 0 37
73 163 23
719 71 0 17 0 이 11 0 0 070 0 223 23

25300 70
0 0
113 97 19 101 11 7 0 13 31 0 43 7 0 29 11 23 83 0 7 2913 13
019 37 53

31 0 011 0 759 0 31 0 717
2139 0 0 19 43 7 23 0 11 223 211 7 0 61
163 0 0O 0 0 0 11 7 157 0 23 0 13 7 0 011 47 0 19
0 729 37
0 17 19


41 13 67 59 11 71 181 31 19 29 13 113 0 127 0
167 711 0
37 7
73 13 11 43
43 19 7
197 29 229
11 0 173
13 0 131 7 0 11 0
19 0 37
7 0 97 0 17

47 7 OO 19 23 0
11 47 0 7 2077 223 61
137 13 17
31 17 0 101 239 7




70001 007
49 233 0 13 11 0 89 0 163 2093 7 13
11 0 113
17 0
37 70 73 23 59 0 11


53 11 29 61 0 31
83 13 0101 0 0 11
7263 7 17
23 11 17 0 0


0700 77

37 9717 0 ་
7159 11 37 43 0 41 0 13 0 67 23 3129 101 70 0 11 0 0 17
19 7 0 0
61 127 011 13
041 7 0 31 11 7 19 0 0 53 199
13 7 0103 0 11 0 137
163 7
67 711 0 0 0 173 7 0 239 11 7 41 199
017 0 0 211
019 7 29 11 61 31 0 13 7 0

71 0 0 0 7 709 11 0 19 227 31 71 0 7 0 7 043 0 41 0 13 103 7 181 23 11

១៩៩៨ ១០១ ។ រ៉
023 0 29 7 19 71
139 0 269
7 83 11
0 43
13 7 73
11 73 23
041 7 131

070 00031
FRX805 ម
77 19 711
013 179 0 0 0 7 0 17 0 53 7011 107 019 23
43 71001 31 11 0 17
17 73 70 67
223 11 199 83 19 7 0 107 - 17 7 31 59 97 43
13 0 283 7 257 13 0


83 11
1077097 31 7 47 13 19 0193
17 11
23 7 0
197 0 0 0 7 13 11 0 101 43 0

89 131
701191363 41 723 0 17
011 0 79
31 11 0 0 103 0 109 7

91 199
11 0
7151 23 29 7 0 19
0 11
33713 0229
281 0 0 7 0 79
011 13
97 7023 167 17 151 271
19 13 7 0 011 0 0 0 67
29 17
251 0 7 11 19 0 31
191 0

11 38
20 65
74 83
86 95

01 0 43 0· 19 37
47 0 7
1097 17258 0 11 71 0 19 0 89

03 11 7 7 181 31 11 71 13
17 167 10 0 13 23 61 0 27
20251 0 37

07 13
127 70 113
11 43 151 0 0
13 271 11 19 0229 70 31
0 7 0233 7 11


09 101 53 0 17 241
13 23 0 59 0 47 11 1739 17 137 67
0 7 0

13 17
29 41 7 0 0 13 23 019 7 0151 53
73 0 13 61
283 47 711 0 0 19





263 37
22NER 013
19 11 0
077283 79
47 7 29 0 13 0 151 2741 17 0 19 0 0 7 23 0 13 0 0
C3-03 7

21 71 101
23 0 0191 109 0
17 7 41 151
11 731 0 0 23 0 13 7 11 0 0

27 ས 107
7011 53
13 17
0101 0 7 193 0 11 29 23 151
013 37 19 0 17 0 43
31 0 13 017 127
19 7 11 0 23 0 0 53 0 11
31 17 7 47 19 263 113 0 13
13 11
37 7281 2039 33 103 11
13 0 19 0 0 71 0 0 59
11 7 61 17
13 0


90073 00000

0790008 337


DAY7 :0
31 0137 17
197 0 370 0 0 0 0 19
83 0 79 132000 0 151 0 0 7 11
39 70
41 023 13 139 11 17 101
277 61 0 7 0 037 13 11 7 0 137 19 233 17 0

53 23
43 13 67 11 7 19 0 0 83
731 0 11 0 37
0 7 17 23 29 07 151

003 730 763

49 79
19 17
109 191
29 13 0 7 11 61
41 0 723 0157 47
13 17 11 149
51 71 47 29 0 11 71
713 19 79
0 9237
7 11 41 0 7 0191 53 0 149 719


57 0 11
31 70 023 1031 7 17 11 43 1001 0 7 19 173
127 149 013

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277 7 0131 23
107 7 13 0 0 0 67 7 0 0 11
43 19
107 7 17 0 23

63 0 101 137 23 7053 103 0 0 11 107 31 1007 7 149
101 13 83 11 723 73
67 23 41 031 163
13 0 11 17 7 0 29 257 19 0 2781 13 67
11 0 7 97 43 17 0

69 257
11 13 7 29
19 193 0
0 73 197
7003 013 0 7 0 61 23 11 0 19 0 0 43 13
73 0 7 0 0 47
11 0 7 0 41 241
59 1749 11 09
10179 29 67
193 0 11 7


79 211
53 11 13
729 307 0 23 149
17 7 127
11 19 103 0 7 61 0 701 11 73
7 17

CAS 817003
81 717
139 89
011 19 7 0 0149 0 0 7
47 13 283
11 0 0 41 7 31 0 101
29 11
87 7191237 0 37
11 1749 29 13 0 0 103 7 11 0 017 0 89 7 59 13 131 23
101 7
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91 ,119
89 03 47 713
307 0 0 11 7 0 17 0 0 0 131 7 13 0 11 137 157 31 729 0 0
93 26311
227 0 149
13 1779 43 59 19 0 0 7 67
113 31
013 17 7 0 0 37 11 0 0 7 241
97 157
53 13 7 41 301 11 269 7 19 43
13 23 0
17 113
7 11 59 037 0 7 0 13 0 0
99 11 17
109 0 7 041 53 011 723 43 211
0 607 7 17 11
19 109 13 761 0 0


ESCHER 288382 323

36 51
42 51
63 72 75 90
78 93 99

03 1179
049 713
19 7 0137 41 017 11 29
743 13 109 1707 0 011
09 17 0 7 47 23 201127 0 107 0 022313 17
233 37 211 2077 7 43 0 11 13

13 37 157
7107 011 0 013 0 0 0 711 0 0 0 17 71 13 31 0 47

17 241 0 7 73 181 11
13 31 2723 229
89 0 737 13
23 7 0137 0 ' 이
79 0 11 0
21 711 13
17 0 61 7 0 0 11 0 723 13 3719 17
0 29 753 11 0 0179 7 13



23 7103 41
11 0717 97 0 0271 13
23 7029 0 0 31 7 17
11 13 19 0
43 047 17
139 241
172303 11 181 0 7 509 0173 11 0 71
13 127
83 7 ol 19
729 11 031 79 23 177 0 137 41 11 0 7 012131 19 13 7 11 0 Oi
17 0 747
33 109 23
13 43
11 0 131 0 7 0 37 0
227 741
13 17
0 191
31 891
7 157 0 139
39 이
7607 17
11 0 0 0 0 7 43 19 83
97 711 0 17
53 2769 41 11 0




137 223
73 0 19 797 011 61 73717 43 227
03 7 0 13
19 0 0 7 53
113 233
7127 2913 059 71 0 0 13
19 4113
779 181
241 0 747 11

31 31 7113 17
23 173 01113 0 0 7 703 0 29
59 711 !
13 199
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19 0 37 13
717 0 29 11 0 891 0 0 13
,197 19
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57 11 23 29 0 705139 109
031 797 47 0193 13 0 7 199
'53 17 019

23 7 13 0 113
70 41
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03 7 11
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11303 139 89 67
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31 0
7 7
99 0 11 0 67 0 0 29.

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71 67 191 0 13 2063 7 131 11 23 503

7127 17 0 197
11 37
0 0
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71 31
719 017 011 70 1003 13
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81 2113
037 51
20199 13
117 509 0 7 0 13 0
123 09 27029 107
83 0
17 0 19 7 29
67841 739 109 117
01 13 7 0 163
19 47 0 7 11 0

87 13
29 0 61
19 27051 11
0 13 31 723 37 191 0 101 7 19 0 0 13 29
89 83
13 01 11 47
70 31
0 7 13
53 11 19 0 0 41 0
7 179 29
107 0 7 71 0
93 70139 0 0 O! 89
127 7 11
29 23 107 0 7 19 0 0 0 11 13 70 0 411 0 57
00170 FORM

99 13 0 23 19 0 31 73 193 13 0181 11 '


0 7 0 70 0 7 2051 7 0 710939

3827 85888 E9685 8886R Zˆ6733

70 MOOCH 700000
03 24
18 06
66 3
00 12 36
33 48
54 78
01 73 37
011 031 103 0 0 11 7 023 70013 0 11 0 89
07 7 2013 23 0 7 0 17 0 0 11 7
113 13 193
19 0 11 281 47 17


13 1097 7 0 0
11 83 281 723 0 29 0 19 41 67
0 7 13 0


13 0 229
53 0 70
0 47 13
23 0 59
227 0 7 11 199 0 13 0 0



17 37 0 7023 251
13 0 191 1779 19 47 53 11 0 67

59 11


19 1081 23 7071 167 17 7 31


19 0 11 0 7337

13 7 19
191 7 23
0 17
0 41 13 11
19 017 29 70251 059 11 37 0 131 0 23 103 7 0 711 0 13 269
197 59 11 251
79 02181
29 17 471 0 0 0

711 17 0103 0 0 0

67719 333

31 0
103 0 131
11 013 47 31 1709 29

0 29

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23 0 7 0 0 17 7O 19 0
137 0 31
41 7 227 13
11 173 0


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04000 20800
41 7 61 2011 23 0 0 7 11
31 0 89 271341 82
103 19
11 107 293
127 11 1799 029 31 269
19 13
711 37
73 190 0 0 13 767 47 23 0 0 0
053 7143
031 163
7 79 13 11 0 723 127 29 26 31 0 717 11
49 17653
103 143
737 11
71 3007 17 31 711 67 79 139
23 , 61 13 7
53 0
7059319 69
1 7013 47 0 70 19
0 0 13 53 1123 17

0072O 10000
67079 01003

60371 19671 73970

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59 70ง131 157
97 23 0 73 17 11 0 29
43 31
31 167 0 163 0 1003 0 61
61 263
109 7 0 229
89 29 70 0 13 11 17 :7173 0 47 19 7 11 13


67 023
71 1711 3707 0 73
013 7 0107 11 59
19 7 17
29 0 13 23 43 89 0283

71 0 7 0107 0 61 13 89 470171 031 71179 13 11
23 0 211 0
7 007 1027 43

11 729 0 0 113 163
19 2783 011 0 0 13 0191 17
277 0 11 7 97 19 0 0
13 0 097 0 79 70 19 0123
13 13 7 17 307
0 29 0 11 89 37 13 31 19 7

11 7307 139
17 0 0 11
23 0 79 19 0 31 11 7 70 29
271 0 0 0 0
67193 003 17 95

22 = 8 07

19 29 37
0 0 11 31
23 0 0 0 0 239 11 13 7 109
293 0 0 47 7 173

89 13 23 0 11 67 7 0 0 47
19 7 13 11 0 17 0 7113 312071 23 11 223

91 23 89 19 0 0 43
7011 127 61
13 193 31 0 11 35 70007 7007
307 41 23
17 149
53 7

2 = 708

97 7 0 0 01131 71
0579 0 29
23 13 70 1049 223
17 711 31

JSZAN 23975 79528 855NX K2 % 855



00 709370


10 43
34 61
13 19
16 25
22 31
25 31 46 52
5849 67
011 13 17 139 137
29 233 0 157 7 0 181
23 13 43 31
0 0 17
011 283
13 0

13 0 011 407 0 107 023 7011 0 0 0 7


149 0 11

07 716017 101 19 0 11 7 083 0 0 89 0 7 149
0 00 7 11
17 13 19 0

11 0 0 7 79
013 0 717029 0 37
30 107 19
149 7 730
229 0 23
170 7

11 31 7 39

13 97 723 127
13 17
11 71 7 141
009 011
717 23 00
223 67 0 179
209 0 0 29

227 783 053 17
11 71001 13 0 257
1049 11 0 70 13 307
723 0 277 31 0 11 0 7
21 0 257
19 729 0 0 0 11 0 167
1703 0 23 0 711
19 70 41 181 OOL083
3170 17
27 0 2271
731 27 11
59 672073 0 19 17 0 713
11 0 79 97 211 197 7 0 233 0 0 11 37

31 193 2011 9 07149 17 0 013 711 0 173
59 601 7 0 0 11 13 17 0 37237

33 70 11
4173 149
43 7013 2033 67 0 17 7 0 83 47
251 73 7 19 131 89 11 23 70
194 →



37 23 59
149031 789 37
17 223
11 2771 29 139
101 13 7 0 11 0898 19 23 163 7211
193 0
39 1370241
11 0 0 29
263 041 011 7 17
13 0 239 127 7
0 11
0251 3731
43 181
109 7 113 11
227 17 13
157 0 31 19 23 11 79 0 311
53 107 907



49 151 0 167 11
37 19 0 7 17 241 0 0 0 0 13 43
51 29 151 83 13 1013 1763 0 0
1007 7 19
11 41 0
17 0 0 011 19 11 31 37 67 139 7
57 89 47 51
1723 0
11 0 0 719 29 0157 269
103 7 41
0 71
13 0 67 11



61 29 103
3 7
41 0 19
59 0 11 127 70 2057 13 0 7 31 61
11 0 97 0 7

0 61 17 2711 11 151
41 0 7 0 181
97 713 17 23 19 0 729 127
11 0 109
710193 031 0 0 151 11 4123
17109 37 2027 37 0 11 113 0101 0

13 7 0

370 747

37 07 011
29 7 1051 13 19 741
11 47 0 0 17 0 0
11 313 0 241 0
73 0 43 61
0 0 13
753 11 23
211 79 7 73
19 31 0 713 29 0 0 0 0 0 0


28382 926
79 173
31 13 0 723 11
131 0 70 0 0 1713 11 0 0 0193 0 19 7 13 11


81 70 23 7
2793 11 0
191 3
713 151
19 0 0 0 17 0 23 29
13 7 61
87 BOO TI3072 2
0 41 0 2077 7 11
29 0 70 37 43 0 61 11 7 017 0 0 73011 0

91 0 163
17 59 0 67 53
19 7 37
701 23
11 13 7 17 0 47
43 79 711 29 227 19 13

93 19 13 0 0 7 11 17 0 0 41 7 13 0 11 109 7 29 151 17
43 211 7 13 11 0
97 7 0 47
0 729 13 7311 281 2733 107 19 0 0 151
43 0 0
99 29 7 197
107 13
23 0 0 97 70
1 01
13 173
809 711 43 0







11 20
23 26
02 74
71 77
03 17013
7 0 0241 13 76111 19
139 7 29
11 0
2757 23
41 7


09 17
71 191 67
11 23 83
13 0 70 0 7 131 13
19 199 7037 0

11 0 1779 0 0 71377 101 753
0 23 11 0 019 0103 11 7 29 0 17 31 0



17 10
797 13 113 41 7
0 19 713 0 0 11 17
11 23 2063 0 7 0 61 19 17 7
21 83
131 0 11 7 19
17 07233 0
199 41 7 0 11 2063 0 17 37 13 0 31



23 0 2093 307 23 403 13 1067 19
11 0 0 17 761 7 0 13 0 0 7 11

27 0 0 11 72139 0
17 53 0 70 13 41 0 11 0 0 0 101 0 0 0

29 23 601 71211
27 19
13 11
13 0 101
0 89 783 37 23 0 0
167 7 19 0

33 11 0 0 0 0 0 17 199 629
01 0
23 103
11 037 11 137 7107
1137 53 19



39 037 61 199 13
31 0 7 2011 7 107
89 197
11 7139 43 29 0 0

9 775 03
ឌ ច គ្ន ក ដ

31 7 1007 0 711 47 17
101 67
29 11 0 43 1063

4.7 0 19 83 0 041 139
1331 017 7 101 111
009 019 13 0 23 0




74723 109 11 7013 0 17 0 0 7 11

41 022929 0 239
19 71 113

53 83
17 0 13 11
0 1
0 27 0 2919 177 41 11 101 23 67 59
31 47 0



57 137
4313 11 0 7 0 0 01
0 17 19
13 23 7 0 41
11 0 7 13 17


070 07446

59 713 43 89 11 19 7 179 0 47
13 7 23 11 17 0
223 7 0 0 29
41 11 7

00773 33
011 0 7 43 19 13 0 0 717 1093 0 47 271 06131 11 0 59 7/ 19 0 0

41 89 13 163
23 0 7311
317 107 97 13 0 7 19 157
101 209 2781 0 0 13

10 O70 031

71 13
011 17
23 0 7 71 0 239 137
19 7 13 0 291
2083 2773 69 0 11 0101 79 19
77 53 73
19 70 0 37
4111 0 0 127
31 43
13 1007 70 1001 29

30 30070 O7000 60373


10 67907

O O 60721
81 7039 0
13 11 7 0 0 69
2107 711 163 41 0 0 19 7 43
277 าง0131 0
037 0 11 0 72.123
019 3 0 0 3
5711 59 157
17 771 43
37 13 31
17 6263
07 71 7 0 0 13 0 97 19 0 17 103 0 73 0 7 013 0 11 29 7
89 1O57 97 119791 17 11 59 13 731 1031 61 0 171 0 0 0 13 17 7 0 47 0 0 11
93 17
11 013 19 0 173 0
29 11 7 0 0 59
13 0 0
83 11 19
233 61 7

99 111
0 041 7
17 113 79
11 13 53 47 61 19 83
17 7 29 11 37 0 13
263 7229

* 5288 45685 8887E 786388


30 Log г (n) .

n O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1.00 97497 950019251290030 87555 8508782627 80173 77727

1.01 9.9975287 72855 70430 68011 65600 63196 60799 58408 56025 53648
1.02 51279 48916 46561 44212 41870 39535 37207 34886 32572 30265
1.03 27964 25671 23384 21104 18831 16564 14305 12052 09806 07567
1.04 05334 03108 00889 98677 96471 94273 92080 89895 87716 85544
1.05 9.9883379 81220 79068 76922 74783 72651 70525 68406 66294 64188
1.06 62089 59996 57910 55830 53757 51690 49630 47577 45530 43489
1.07 41469 39428 37407 35392 33384 31382 29387 27398 25415 23449
1.08 21469 19506 17549 15599 13655 1171709785 07860 0594104029
1.09 02123 00223 98329 96442 94561 92686 90818 88956 87100 85250

1.10 9.9783407 81570 79738 77914 76095 74283 72476 70676 68882 67095
1.11 65313 63538 61768 60005 58248 56497 54753 53014 51281 49555
1.12 47834 46120 44411 42709 41013 39323 37638 35960 34288 32622
1.13 30962 29308 27659 26017 24381 22751 21126 19508 17896 | 16289
1.14 14689 13094 11505 09922 08345 06774 052090365002096 00549
1.15 9.9699007 97471 95941 94417 92898 91386 89879 88378 86883 85393
1.16 83910 82432 80960 79493 78033 76578 75129 73686 72248 70816
1.17 69390 67969 66554 65145 63742 62344 6095259566 58185 56810
1.18 55440 54076 52718 5136650019 48677 47341 46011 44687 43368
1.19 42054 40746 39444 38147 36856 35570 34290 33016 31747 30483

1.20 29225 27973 26725 25484 24248 23017 21792 2057319358 18150
1.21 16946 15748 14556 1336912188 1101109841 08675 07515 06361
1.22 05212 04068 02930 01796 00669 99546 98430 97318 96212 95111
1.23 9.9594015 92925 91840 9076089685 886168755386494 85441 | 84393 |
1.24 83350 82313 81280 80253 79232 78215 77204 76198 75197 | 74201
1.25 73211 72226 71246 702716930168337 67377 66423 6547464530
1.26 63592 62658 61730 6080659888 58975 58067 57165 56267 55374
1.27 54487 53604 52727 51855 50988 50126 49268 48416 4757046728
1.28 45891 45059 44232 43410 42593 41782 40975 40173 39376 38585
1.29 37798 37016 36239 35467 34700 33938 33181 32439 3168230940

1.30 30203 29470 28743 28021 27303 26590 25883 25180 24482 23789
1.31 23100 22417 21739 21065 20396 1973219073 18419 1777017125
1.32 16485 15850 15220 14595 13975 13359 12748 12142 11540 | 10944
1.33 10353 09766 09184 0860608034 07466 0690306344 05791 | 05242
1.34 04698 04158 03624 03094 | 02568 | 02048 01532 0102100514 | 00012
1.35 9.9499515 99023 98535 98052 97573 97100 966309616695706 | 95251
1.36 94800 94355 93913 93477 93044 92617 92194 91776 91362 90953
1.37 90549 90149 89754 89363 88977 88595 88218 87846 87478 87115
1.38 86756 86402 86052 85707 85366 85030 84698 84371 84049 83731
1.39 83417 83108 82803 82503 82208 81916 81630 81348 81070 80797

1.40 80528 80263 80003 79748 79497 79250 79008 78770 78537 78308
1.41 78084 7786477648 77437 77230 77027 76829 76636 76446 76261
1.42 76081 7590575733 75565 75402 75243 7508974939 74793 | 74652
1.43 74515 7438274254 74130 | 7401073894 7378373676 73574 73476
1.44 73382 73292 73207 73125 73049 72976 7290872844 72784 72728
1.45 72677 72630 72587 72549 72514 72484 72459 72437 72419 72406
1.46 72397 7239372392 72396 7240472416 72432 72452 72477 72506
1.47 72539 72576 72617 72662 72712 72766 72824 72886 72952 | 73022
1.48 73097 73175 73258 73345 73436 735317363073734 7384173953
1.49 74068 74188 | 74312 744407457274708 74848 74992 | 75141 | 75293

NOTE. This table is taken from Vol . II. of Legendre's work, and not
from Vol. I., as stated in the Preface : the numbers given in Vol. I. being
inaccurate in the seventh decimal place. In Vol II. the values are given to
twelve places of decimals . The figure here printed in the seventh place is
Log г (n). 31

n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1.509.9475449 | 7561075774 75943 76116 76292 76473 76658 76847 77040

1.51 7723777438 77642 77851 78064 78281 78502 78727 78956 79189
1.52 79426 796677991280161 80414 80671 80932 81196 81465 81738
1.53 82015 82295 82580 82868 83161 83457 83758 84062 84370 84682
1.54 84998 85318 85642 85970 8630286638 86977 87321 87668 88019
1.55 88374 88733 | 8909689463 89834 90208 90587 90969 91355 91745
1.56 92139 925379293893344 93753 94166 94583 95004 9542995857
1.57 96289 96725 97165 97609 980569850898963 9942299885 00351
1.58 9.9500822 0129601774 02255 0274103230 | 03723 04220 04720 | 05225
1.59 05733 062450676007280 07803083300886009395 09933 | 10475

1.60 11020 11569 | 12122 | 12679 13240 13804 14372 14943 15519 16098
1.61 16680 17267 17857 18451 19048 19650 20254 20862 21475 22091
1.62 22710 23333 23960 24591 2522525863 | 26504 27149 27798 28451
1.63 29107 29767 30430 31097 31767 32442 33120 | 33801 | 34486 35175
1.64 35867 36563 37263 37966 3867339383 40097 40815 41536 42260
1.65 42989 43721 44456 45195 45938 46684 47434 48187 48944 49704
1.66 50468 51236 52007 52782 5356054342 | 55127 55916 56708 | 57504
1.67 58303 59106 599136072361536 62353 63174 63998 64826 65656
1.68 66491 67329 68170 69015 69864 70716 715717243073293 74159
1.69 75028 75901 76777 7765778540 79427 80317 81211 82108 83008

1.70 83912 84820 85731 86645 87563 88484 89409 90337 91268 92203
1.71 93141 94083 95028 95977 96929 97884 98843 99805 00771 01740
1.72 9.96027120368804667 05650 06636 07625 08618 09614 10613 11616
1.73 12622 13632 14645 15661 16681 17704 18730 19760 20793 21830
1.74 22869 23912 24959 26009 27062 28118 29178 30241 31308 32377
1.75 33451 34527 3560736690 37776 38866 39959 41055 42155 | 43258
1.76 44364 45473 46586 47702 48821 49944 51070 52200 53331 | 54467
1.77 55606 56749 57894 59043 6019561350 6250963671 64836 66004
1.78 67176 68351 69529 70710 71895 73082 74274 75468 76665 | 77866
1.79 79070 80277 81488 82701 83918 85138 86361 87588 88818 90051

1.80 91287 92526 93768 95014 96263 97515 98770 00029 01291 2555
1.81 9.9703823 05095 06369 07646 08927 10211 11498 12788 14082 15378
1.82 16678 17981 19287 20596 21908 23224 24542 25864 27189 28517
1.83 29848 31182 32520 33860 35204 36551 37900 39254 40610 41969
1.84 43331 44697 46065 47437 4881250190 51571 52955 54342 55733
1.85 57126 58522 59922 61325 62730 64140 6555166966 6838469805
1.86 71230 72657 74087 75521 76957 78397 79839 81285 8273484186
1.87 85640 87098 88559 90023 9149092960 94433 95910 97389 98871
1.88 9.9800356 01844 03335 04830 06327 07827 09331 10837 12346 13859
1.89 15374 16893 18414 19939 21466 22996 24530 26066 27606 | 29148

1.90 30693 32242 33793 35348 36905 38465 40028 41595 43164 44736
1.91 46311 47890 49471 51055 52642 54232 55825 57421 5902060622
1.92 62226 63834 65445 670586867570294 71917 73542 75170 76802
1.93 78436 80073 81713 83356 85002 8665188302 89957 91614 93275
1.94 94938 96605 98274 99946 01621 03299 04980 06663 08350 10039
1.95 9.9911732 13427 15125 16826 18530 20237 21947 23659 25375 27093
1.96 28815 30539 32266 33995 35728 37464 39202 40943 42688 44435
1.97 46185 47937 49693 51451 53213 54977 56744 58513 60286 62062
1.98 63840 65621 67405 69192 70982 72774 74570 | 76368 | 78169 79972
1.99 81779 83588 85401 87216 89034 90854 92678 94504 96333 98165

the one nearest to the true value whether in excess or defect. This table, and
the table of Least Factors, have each been subjected to two complete and in
dependent revisions before finally printing off.
49 1051 7 167 37 17
241 0 7011
29 13 043 1007 4119

51 17 29 13 113 19 7

151 83 70 0 0 1763 0 0 13 11 31 37 67 7 0139 41



57 23
89 7 151 0 0 19 7 29 10 57 269
103 0 0 0 71
13 023 67 11

༢༠ -
61 29 711 103
41 r3
0 19
059 0127
11 70 2057 13 0 7 31 11 61
907 0 7


63 617
01 2711 257
11 0 7 0 197
0 11
181 13
717 19
23 0 29 127
163 11 0 109
67 19
7139 0 0 1051 11 41
109 7 137
23 2027 37 0 113
11 101 103 7 0

69 37 0
72191 0 0 0 7 13
0151 19 11 41 47 0 0 17 0 7 11 313 0 241 0

73 0 61
0 7053 13
11 23 211 79 19 17 73 31 0 7 13 29 0 0 0 7 0 0
79 31
173 13 023 71119 43
131 0 0 7 0 17
13 11 7 0 10 93 19 7 23 13 11



81 0 23 017 759 0
293 11 0
191 13 151
7193 0 0 0 7 17 0 0 23 13 29 7 61
87 41 0 0
279 77 713 29
11 0 0 37
043 0 61 11 7 0 0 17 0 0 0 3711 0
91 17 163 59 0 67
41 701 11 23 713 17 0 43 47
151 79 7 11 29 227 19 13

93 19 13 71 0 11 17 0 41 7023 13 0 011 109 7 29 0 43 151 17 211 7 13 11 0


ง .

97 11 0 0 47
0 0 729 13 11 0 281 2733 17 19 0 0 7 0 151 43 0 0 0
99 197
7 07
9 0
1 41 013 173
809 711 0 43 0







0 62
71 89

03 7 113
07 0241 7 61
11 0 67
19 29 13 11 223

09 29 71 293
31 7
11 53 13 70 6711 23 191 7 131 19
13 199 737




‫ܗ ܘ‬
11 11 0 71079 1001 71307 11 0 19 53 023 0 103 11 729 0 17
31 0

17 7 13
197 0
41 7 11 17 0
22363 7
13 0 0 0 11 0 7 61
019 0 17 7


21 131
83 011 23
1719 703 41 70 111
0 99 0 7 2063 17 3713 7 0 0 31


23 2093 37 23 70 43
13 0 717
61 119
067 11 0 7 0 013 79 083 7 11
017 53 011 00 0 13 41 0 0 7
011 61 0

011 0 29
13 0 0


29 23 0 0 1211
727 19 11 0 101 789 11
4313 0 0 83 37 23 0 167
0 7 19 9

11 0 17
0 11 103 13 6
29 1 7 023 03117 137 7 17 107
13 19
53 9
10 0270

39 37 61 199
31 0 89 107 23 2011 0 197
59 19
11 1739 17
43 29
0 -

4000 1999




31 713 1007 7 11 1101
0 7 67 737 157 29
113 11 7 104633 0

47 0 19 23
83 0 41 139
13 0 017 7 101
0 109 11 0 19 13 0 023 0 0

22 43
51 23
747 1009 11 0 7 17 0 7041 11
97 022929 7 0 19 239 11 7 53 90
53 83
17 0 103 0 11 0127 0 19
29 177 41
11 101 0 23 67 47
59 0

183 33070 9744

57 137
11 0
13 0 0 01 17 7 11
13 19
167 023 70 0 41 11 717


00770 0012
59 13 743 0 89 11 19 179 0 59
713 23 |
11 17 0 0223 7 0 29
13 41

0 11 0 0 0743 19 13 0 17 193 407 271 7 6113 11 509 0


13 37
19 41 13
89 163 23 0 31 11 7 37 0 17 97 13 0 7 19 157
11 29 2781 013

02070 03
71 0 13 17 23
11 239
71 19 137 0 7 13 0 2083 29 0 2773 69 11 0101 79 19

77 11 53 19 17
73 109
103 37 11 41 301 241
127 71343
11 0
107 01 7 29

3 -

1411 70
670 000 ..

OO OON Glm 9073O



81 2039 19
713 011 0 0 2069 107
53 0 711 163 41 019 743 277
101131 0
83 137
0 7013 17 0 0 11 0 7223 19
013 0 0 7 53 11 59
17 157 71 7 13

17 67 7011 263 71 0 0 013 0 97 19 7 0 17 103 0 73 0 7 0 13 011 2Ο 9 7

0031 。 79003 OOD

89 157
0 97 1791 19 13
17 731 0 131 61 0 0 7 11 0 0 0 13 17 7 407 0 0 11
93 71117 0 0 19
13 7 0 173
11 0 0 0 13 59 0 77 0 83 11 19
233 61 0

99 11 017 0 41 0 011
1313 53 47 61 19 83 17 7 29 11 37 0 263
13 27029 、

0 06 197 OOO7 27
080 MOMON 70369 PATIO O

5585 888EE 786888

30 Log г (n) .

n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9

1.00 97497 95001 92512 90030 87555 85087 82627 80173 77727
1.01 9.9975287 72855 70430 68011 65600 63196 60799 58408 56025 53648
1.02 51279 48916 46561 44212 41870 39535 37207 34886 32572 30265
1.03 27964 25671 23384 21104 18831 16564 14305 12052 09806 | 07567
1.04 05334 03108 00889 98677 96471 94273 92080 89895 87716 85544
1.05 9.9883379 81220 79068 76922 74783 72651 70525 68406 66294 64188
1.06 62089 59996 57910 55830 53757 51690 49630 47577 45530 43489
1.07 41469 39428 37407 35392 33384 31382 29387 27398 25415 23449
1.08 21469 19506 17549 15599 13655 11717 09785 07860 05941 04029
1.09 02123 00223 98329 96442 94561 92686 90818 88956 87100 85250

1.10 9.9783407 81570 79738 77914 76095 74283 72476 70676 68882 67095
1.11 65313 63538 61768 60005 582485649754753 53014 51281 49555
1.12 47834 46120 44411 42709 41013 39323 37638 35960 34288 32622
1.13 30962 29308 27659 26017 24381 22751 21126 19508 17896 16289
1.14 14689 13094 11505 09922 08345 067740520903650 0209600549
1.15 9.9699007 97471 95941 94417 92898 91386 89879 88378 86883 85393
1.16 83910 82432 80960 79493 78033 76578 75129 73686 72248 70816 |
1.17 69390 67969 66554 65145 63742 62344 6095259566 58185 56810
1.18 55440 54076 52718 51366 50019 48677 47341 46011 4468743368
1.19 42054 40746 39444 38147 36856 35570 34290 33016 31747 30483

1.20 29225 27973 26725 25484 24248 23017 21792 20573 1935818150
1.21 16946 15748 14556 1336912188 11011 09841 08675 07515 06361
1.22 05212 04068 02930 01796 00669 99546 98430 97318 96212 95111
1.23 9.9594015 92925 91840 9076089685 88616 87553 86494 85441 84393
1.24 83350 82313 81280 80253 79232 78215 77204 76198 75197 74201
1.25 73211 72226 71246 70271 69301 68337 67377 66423 65474 64530
1.26 63592 62658 61730 6080659888 58975 58067 57165 56267 55374
1.27 54487 53604 52727 51855 50988 50126 49268 48416 47570 46728
1.28 45891 45059 44232 43410 42593 41782 40975 40173 39376 38585
1.29 37798 37016 36239 35467 34700 33938 33181 32439 31682 30940

1.30 30203 29470 28743 28021 27303 26590 25883 25180 24482 23789
1.31 23100 22417 21739 2106520396 | 19732 19073 18419 1777017125
1.32 16485 15850 15220 14595 13975 13359 12748 12142 11540 | 10944
1.33 10353 09766 09184 0860608034 07466 06903 06344 0579105242
1.34 04698 04158 03624 03094 02568 02048 015320102100514 | 00012
1.35 9.9499515 99023 98535 98052 97573 97100 96630 96166 95706 95251
1.36 94800 94355 93913 93477 93044 92617 9219491776 9136290953
1.37 90549 90149 89754 89363 88977 88595 88218 87846 87478 87115
1.38 86756 8640286052 857078536685030 84698 84371 84049 83731
1.39 83417 83108 82803 8250382208 81916 81630 81348 81070 80797

1.40 80528 80263 80003 79748 79497 79250 79008 78770 78537 78308
1.41 78084 77864 77648 77437 77230 77027 76829 76636 76446 76261
1.42 76081 75905 75733 755657540275243 75089 74939 74793 74652
1.43 74515 74382 74254 74130 | 7401073894 73783 73676 73574 73476
1.44 73382 73292 73207 73125 73049 72976 72908 72844 72784 72728
1.45 72677 72630 72587 72549 72514 72484 72459 72437 7241972406
1.46 72397 7239372392 723967240472416 72432 72452 72477 72506
1.47 72539 72576 72617 72662 72712 72766 72824 72886 72952 73022
1.48 73097 73175 73258 73345 73436 73531 73630 73734 7384173953
1.49 74068 74188 74312 74440 74572 74708 74848 74992 75141 75293

NOTE. This table is taken from Vol. II. of Legendre's work, and not
from Vol. I., as stated in the Preface : the numbers given in Vol. I. being
inaccurate in the seventh decimal place. In Vol II. the values are given to
twelve places of decimals. The figure here printed in the seventh place is
Log г (n). 31

n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1.50 9.9475449 75610 75774 75943 76116 76292 76473 76658 76847 77040
1.51 77237 774387764277851 78064 78281 78502 78727 78956 79189
1.52 79426 796677991280161 80414 80671 80932 81196 8146581738
1.53 82015 822958258082868 83161 83457 83758 84062 84370 84682
1.54 84998 85318 85642 85970 863028663886977 87321 87668 88019
1.55 88374 887338909689463 89834 90208 90587 9096991355 91745
1.56 92139 9253792938 93344 93753 94166 94583 95004 95429 95857
1.57 96289 96725 97165 97609 980569850898963 99422 9988500351
1.58 9.9500822 | 01296 0177402255 02741 03230 | 0372304220 | 04720 | 05225
1.59 05733 062450676007280078030833008860093950993310475

1.60 11020 11569 1212212679 13240 13804 14372 14943 1551916098

1.61 16680 17267 17857 18451 19048 1965020254 20862 21475 22091
1.62 22710 23333 | 23960 | 24591 25225 25863 26504 27149 27798 28451
1.63 29107 29767 30430 31097 31767 32442 33120 | 33801 34486 35175
1.64 35867 36563 37263 37966 38673 39383 40097 40815 4153642260
1.65 42989 43721 44456 45195 45938 46684 47434 48187 48944 49704
1.66 50468 51236 5200752782 5356054342 55127 55916 56708 57504
1.67 58303 59106 59913 60723 61536 62353 63174 63998 64826 65656
1.68 66491 67329 68170 69015 69864 70716 71571724307329374159
1.69 75028 75901 76777 77657 78540 79427 80317 81211 82108 83008

1.70 83912 84820 85731 86645 87563 88484 89409 90337 91268 92203
1.71 93141 94083 95028 95977 96929 97884 98843 99805 00771 01740
1.72 9.9602712 03688 04667 056500663607625 08618 09614 10613 11616
1.73 12622 13632 14645 15661 16681 17704 1873019760 20793 21830
1.74 22869 23912 24959 26009 27062 28118 29178 30241 31308 32377
1.75 33451 34527 35607 36690 37776 38866 39959 41055 42155 | 43258
1.76 44364 45473 46586 47702 48821 49944 51070 52200 53331 54467
1.77 55606 56749 57894 59043 6019561350 6250963671 6483666004
1.78 67176 68351 69529 70710 71895 73082 7427475468 7666577866
1.79 79070 80277 81488 82701 83918 85138 86361 87588 88818 90051

1.80 91287 92526 93768 95014 96263 97515 98770 00029 01291 02555
1.81 9.9703823 05095 06369 07646 08927 10211 11498 12788 14082 15378
1.82 16678 17981 19287 20596 2190823224 24542 25864 27189 28517
1.83 29848 31182 32520 33860 35204 36551 37900 39254 40610 41969
1.84 43331 44697 46065 47437 48812 50190 5157152955 54342 55733
1.85 57126 58522 59922 61325 62730 64140 65551 66966 68384 69805
1.86 71230 72657 74087 75521 76957 78397 79839 81285 82734 84186
1.87 85640 87098 88559 90023 91490 92960 94433 95910 97389 98871
1.88 9.9800356 01844 03335 04830 06327 07827 09331 10837 12346 13859
1.89 15374 16893 18414 | 19939 21466 22996 24530260662760629148

1.90 30693 32242 33793 35348 36905 38465 40028 41595 43164 44736
1.91 46311 47890 49471 51055 52642 54232 55825 57421 5902060622
1.92 62226 63834 65445 67058 68675 70294 71917 73542 75170 76802
1.93 78436 80073 81713 83356 85002 8665188302 89957 91614 93275
1.94 94938 96605 98274 99946 01621 03299 04980 76663 08350 T0039
1.95 9.9911732 13427 15125 16826 18530 20237 21947 23659 25375 27093
1.96 28815 30539 32266 33995 35728 37464 39202 4094342688 44435
1.97 46185 47937 49693 51451 53213 54977 56744 58513 60286 62062
1.98 63840 65621 67405 69192 70982 72774 74570 76368 78169 79972
1.99 81779 83588 85401 87216 89034 90854 92678 94504 96333 98165

the one nearest to the true value whether in excess or defect. This table, and
the table of Least Factors, have each been subjected to two complete and in
dependent revisions before finally printing off."


a²b² = (ab) (a +b) .

a³ - b³ = (a — b) (a² +ab + b²) .

a³ +b³ = (a +b) (a² — ab +b²) .

And generally,

4 a" -b" = (a − b) ( a" -¹ + a" -2b + ... + b" -1) always .

5 a" -b" = (a +b) ( a¹ -¹ — a” -2b + ...— b" -¹) if n be even.
6 a" + b" = (a +b) ( a " -¹ — a" -2b + ... + b" -¹) if n be odd.

7 (x + a) (x +b) = x² + (a +b) x + ab.
8 (x +a) (x + b) ( x + c) = x² + (a + b + c) x²
+(be + ca + ab) x +abc.
9 (a + b)² = a² +2ab + b² .
10 (a - b)² = a² — 2ab +b².
11 (a + b)³ = a³ + 3a²b + 3ab² + b³ = a³ + b³ + 3ab (a +b) .
12 (a - b)³ = a³ -3a2b + 3ab³ - b³ a³ -b³ - 3ab (a — b).

(a +b)' = a² ± 7a®b + 21a³b² ± 35a¹b³ + 35a³b¹ ± 21a²b³ + 7ab® ± b² .

Newton's Rule for forming the coefficients : Multiply any

coefficient by the index of the leading quantity, and divide by
the number of terms to that place to obtain the coefficient of the
term next following. Thus 21x5 ÷ 3 gives 35 , the following
coefficient in the example given above. See also (125) .

To square a polynomial : Add to the square of each term

twice the product of that term and every term that follows it.
Thus, (a + b + c + d)²

= a² +2a (b +c + d ) + b² + 2b ( c + d ) +c² + 2cd + d².


13 a* + a²b² + b* = (a² + ab + b²) (a² — ab + b²) .

14 a* + b¹ = (a² +ab √2 + b²) (a² — ab √2 +b²) .


15 ( x + 1 )² = x² + 1 + 2, (x + 1 )
² = x² + 1 + 3(x + 1 ).

16 (a + b + c)² = a² + b² +c² + 2bc +2ca +2ab.

17 (a + b + c)³ = a³ + b³ + c³ + 3 (b³c + bc² +c²a + ca²

+ ab + ab²) +6abc.

Observe that in an algebraical equation the sign of any

letter may be changed throughout , and thus a new formula
obtained, it being borne in mind that an even power of a
negative quantity is positive. For example, by changing the
sign of c in (16) , we obtain
(a + b − c)² = a² + b² +c² - 2bc - 2ca + 2ab.

18 a² + b² - c² +2ab = (a + b)² — c² = (a +b +c) ( a + b − c)

by (1 ).

19 a² - b² - c² +2bc = a²- (b − c)² = ( a + b − c) (a − b +c).

20 a³ + b + c³ - 3abc = ( a + b + c) (a² + b² +c² - bc - ca - ab) .

21 be² + b²c + ca² + c²a + ab² +a²b + a³ + b³ + c³

= (a +b + c) ( a² +b² +c²).
22 bc²+b²c + ca² + c²a + ab² + a2b + 3abc
= (a + b + c) (be + ca + ab) .
23 bc² + b²c + ca² +c²a + ab² + a²b + 2abc = (b +c) ( c + a) (a +b)

24 be² + be + ca² + c²a +ab² + a²b - 2abc - a³ - b³ —c³

= (b + c − a) (c + a − b) (a +b− c).
25 be² - b³c + ca² — c²a + ab² — a²b = (b − c) (c — a) (a — b) .

26 26 c² + 2c a² +2a²b² —a* —b¹ — c¹

= (a + b + c) (b + c − a) ( c + a − b) (a + b − c) .

27 x³ + 2x²y + 2xy² +y³ = ( x +y) ( x² + xy + y²) .

Generally for the division of (x +y)" -

— (x² + y") by x² + xy + y²
see (545) .




28 Ex. 1 : (a*-3a²b² + 2ab³ + b* ) × (a³ — 2ab² - 2b³).

1 +0-3 +2 + 1
1 + 0-2-2

1 + 0-3 +2 + 1
-2-0 +6-4-2
—2—0 + 6-4-2

170-5 + 0 + 7 + 2−6-2

Result a7-5ab² + 7a³b' + 2ab5-6ab* -2b7.

Ex . 2 : (x − 5x + 7x³ + 2x² -
— 6x −2 ) ÷ ( x* −3x² + 2x + 1 ) .

1 +0-3 +2 + 1 ) 1 + 0-5 + 0 + 7 + 2−6−2 ( 1 + 0−2−2

-1-0 +3-2-1

0-2-2 + 6 +2-6
+2 + 0-6 +1 + 2

-2 +0 +6-4-2
+2 +0-6 +4 +2

Result — 2x - 2.

Synthetic Division .

Ex. 3 : Employing the last example, the work stands thus,

1 +0−5 + 0 + 7+ 2-6-2
-0 0 +0 +0 + 0
+3 +3 +0-6-6
-2 -2 +0 +4 +4
-1 -1 +0 +2 +2

1 + 0-2-2
Result -2x - 2. [ See also (248 ) .

Note that, in all operations with detached coefficients, the result must be
written out in successive powers of the quantity which stood in its successive
powers in the original expression .


3/3 6
29 Multiplication : axa = a + = a³ , or / a5 ;
1 +1 m +n
8% m n
am xa" = = a mn " or " am +".

- 6
Division : a ÷ a = a = a*, or a;
1 1 1 m -n
21 m
a " ÷ a'm = a a
mn or
" Nam-n.

Involution : (a )¹* := a³ × } = at,

(a*) or Va.

Evolution : = aa³ × + = ar, or
a = a².

a -n = =
ans a = 1.


30 RULE . To find the highest common factor of two ex

pressions Divide the one which is of the highest dimension by
the other, rejecting first any factor of either expression which
is not also a factor of the other. Operate in the same manner
upon the remainder and the divisor, and continue the process
until there is no remainder. The last divisor will be the
highest common factor required.

31 EXAMPLE.-To find the H. C. F. of

3x - 10x + 15x + 8 and x - 2x - 6x³ + 4x² + 13x + 6.
1 - 2- 6+ 4 + 13 + 6 3 + 0−10 + 0 + 15 + 8 3
3 −3 + 6 + 18-12-39-18
1 3-6-18 + 12 + 39 +18 2 ) 6+ 8-12 -24-10
−3− 4+ 6 + 12 + 5
3+ 4-6-12- 5
2 ) - 10-12 + 24 +44 +18 -3-9-9-3
- 5- 6 + 12 + 22 + 9 5-15-15-5
3 + 5 + 15 + 15 + 5

5 -15-18 +36 +66 + 27

+ 15 +20-30-60-25

2 ) 2+ 6+ 6+ 2 Result H. C. F. = x² + 3x² + 3x + 1.
1+ 3+ 3+ 1

32 Otherwise . - To form the H. C. F. of two or more

algebraical expressions : Separate the expressions into their
simplest factors. The H. C. F. will be the product of the
factors common to all the expressions , taken in the lowest
powers that occur.


33 The L. C. M. of two quantities is equal to their product

divided by the H. C. F.

34 Otherwise . - To form the L. C. M. of two or more

algebraical expressions : Separate them into their simplest
factors. The L. C. M. will be the product of all the factors
that occur , taken in the highest powers that occur.

EXAMPLE . -The H. C. F. of a² ( b - x )³c'd and a³ (b − x) ³c¹e is a² ( b - x) ²c¹ ;

and the L. C. M. is a (b - x)'c'de.


To extract the Square Root of

a²― 3aa3a41a +1 .
2 2 16
Arranging according to powers of a, and reducing to one denominator, the

16a² -24a + 41a - 24a¹ +16

expression becomes

35 Detaching the coefficients , the work is as follows ·

16-24 +41-24 +16 ( 4-3 +4
8-3 -24 +41
-3 24-9
8-6 +4 32-24 + 16
-32 + 24-16

4a - 3a¹ + 4
Result = a− √a + 1

To extract the Cube Root of "

37 4
8xº - 36x³√y + 66x¹y −63x³y √y + 33x³y² —9x² √✅y + y³. W
The terms here contain the successive powers of x and y ; therefore,
detaching the coefficients, the work will be as follows --
6-3) 12 8-36 +66-63 +33-9 + 1 ( 2−3 +1
-65 -18+ 9 -8

6-9 + 1 12-18 + 9 -36 +66-63 + 33-9 + 1

+9 + 36-54 +27

12-36 +27 12-36 +33-9 + 1

6-9 + 1 -12 +36-33 + 9-1

12-36 +33-9 + 1
Result 2x² - 3x√y + y.

EXPLANATION.-The cube root of 8 is 2 , the first term of the result.

Place 3 x 26 in the first column I., 3 x 2² = 12 in column II. , and 2³ = 8
in III., changing its sign for subtraction.
---36 ÷ 12 = −3, the second term of the result.
Put - 3 in I.; (6-3 ) x ( −3 ) gives 18 +9 for II.
( 12-18 +9) × 3 (changing sign) gives 36-54 +27 for III. Then add .
Put twice ( -3), the term last found, in I., and the square of it in II.
Add the two last rows in I., and the three last in II.
12 ÷ 12 gives 1 , the third term of the result.
Put 1 in col. I. , ( 6−9 + 1 ) × 1 gives 6-9 + 1 for col . II.
( 12-36 +33-9 + 1 ) x 1 gives the same for III. Change the signs , and
add, and the work is finished.

The foregoing process is but a slight variation of Horner's

rule for solving an equation of any degree . See (533) .

Transformations frequently required .

a+ b c+ d
= a› then =
38 If b [ 68.
d a-b c- d

39 If x + y = ar ( x = 1 (a + b).
and x -y = b X = 1 (a − b).

40 (x +y) ² + (x − y) ² = 2 (x² +y²) .

41 (x +y) ³— (x −y)² = 4xy.


42 (x +y) ² = (x — y) ² +4xy.

43 (x− y)² = (x + y)³ — 4xy.


2√a²- b² + √c²x² =
_ 3√a²- bª + √√c² — ď²
2√a² -b² -√ c² —x² 3√a -b - c² — d²²

√2²- 202 √c²- d

= ....... [38.
2a -b 3a²-b
9 ( c² — x³) = 4 (c² —ď²) ,
x = √5c² +4d².

To simplify a compound fraction, as

1 1
a² - ab + b² a²+ab + b²
1 - 1
a² - ab + b² a² + ab + b²

multiply the numerator and denominator by the L. C. M. of all the smaller

(a²+ab + b²) + (a³ — ab + b²) a²+ b²
Result =
(a² +ab + b³) — (a³ — ab + b²) ab


-b ±√b2-4ac
45 If ax² + bx + c = 0, x =

46 If ax²+ 2bx +c = 0 ; that is , if the coefficient of x

a be
-b ± √ b² - ac
an even number , X

47 Method of solution without the formula .

Ex.: 2-7x +3 = 0.
Divide by 2, . /

2-12 x + 3 = 0.

49 -

Complete the square, -3x+ ( 2)²= 18
16 - 3
2 = 25
7 5
Take square root, X- =±
4 4'
7 ±5 = 3 or

48 Rule for " completing the square " of an expression like

x²- x : Add the square of half the coefficient of x.

49 The solution of the foregoing equation, employing formula ( 45) , is

-b ± √b2-4ac = 749-24 = 7 + 5 1
x= = 3 or
2a 4 4 2


If a , ẞ be the roots of the equation ax² + be + c = 0 , then

50 ax² + bx + c =
= a (x — a) (x —B) .
51 Sum of roots = -
a +B =

52 Product of roots aß = 2.

Condition for the existence of equal roots

53 b2-4ac must vanish.

54 The solution of equations in one unknown quantity may

sometimes be simplified by changing the quantity sought.

3x - 1 18x + 6
Ex. ( 1) : 2x + + = 14 (1) .
3x + 1 6x +5x - 1
6x² + 5x - 1 6 (3x + 1 )
+ = 14.
3x + 1 6x² + 5x - 1
6x² + 5x - 1
Put y= (2) .
3x + 1

thus y + = 14.
y - 14y +6 = 0.
y having been determined from this quadratic, x is afterwards found from (2) .

55 Ex. 2 : x² + 1/1 + x + 1/2 = 4 .

(x + 1 ) + (x + 1 ) = 6 .
Put x + = y, and solve the quadratic in y.

56 Ex. 3 : 2² + x + 3√2x²
2 + x + 2 = 2 +1.

2x² + x + 3√2x² + x + 2 = 2,
2x² + x + 2 + 3√2x * + x + 2 = 4.
Put √2x² + x + 2 = y, and solve the quadratic

y² + 3y = 4 .

2 16
57 Ex . 4 : 3/2" + = x
/x" 3
2n 16

3 x3 =

A quadratic in У x3

58 To find Maxima and Minima values by means of a

Quadratic Equation .

Ex . Given y = 3x² + 6x + 7,
to find what value of x will make y a maximum or minimum.
Solve the quadratic equation
3x² + 6x + 7 - y = 0.

Thus x= -3 ± √3y - 12

In order that may be a real quantity, we must have 3y not less than 12 ;
therefore 4 is a minimum value of y, and the value of x which makes y a
minimum is -1.


General solution with two unknown quantities.


59 a₁x + b₁y = c₁ C₁a₂2 -C₂ a₁

" x = c₁b₂-cǝb₁ y
a2x + b₂y = c2 a₁b₁₂- ab₁' b₁a - ba₁

General solution with three unknown quantities .

60 Given a₁x + b₁y + c₁z = d₁

ax + b₂y+ c₂≈ = d₂
ax + by + c¸≈ = ds.
1 2 2 3 1
x = d₁ (b¿cз — bçc₂) + d₂ (b¸ ¢₁ − b₁c ) +d² (b₁c₂ — b₂c₁)
a₁ (b₂cз - bc2) + α₂ (b¸ ¢₁ − b₁ ¢3) +α3 (b¸ c₂ — b¸c₁ ) '

and symmetrical forms for y and z .

Methods of solving simultaneous equations between two

unknown quantities x and y.

61 I. By substitution .— Find one unknown in terms of the

other from one of the two equations, and substitute this value
in the remaining equation. Then solve the resulting equation.
Ex.: x +5y = 23 ...... (1 ) ?
28 ..... (2) S
7y = 28
From ( 2) , y = 4. Substitute in (1 ) ; thus
x + 20 = 23, x = 3.

62 II. By the method of Multipliers.

Ex.: 3x +5y = 36 ...... (1 ) Į
2x - 3y = 5 ...... 8}
(2) S
Eliminate a by multiplying eq . ( 1 ) by 2 , and ( 2 ) by 3 ; thus
6x + 10y = 72,
6x - 9y = 15,
19y = 57, by subtraction,
y = 3;
.. x = 7, by substitution in eq. (2) .

63 III. By changing the quantities sought.

Ex. 1 : x-y = 2. (1)
x² -y² + x + y = 30 .... (2) S ·
Let x + y = u, x― y = v.
Substitute these values in ( 1 ) and (2 ) ,
v= 2
uv + u = 30 )
.. 2u + u = 30,
u = 10 ;
x + y = 10,
x -y = 2.
From which x= 6 and y = 4.

x + y + 10x- y = 9
64 Ex . 2 : (1)
x- y x +y
x²+7y² = 64 ...... (2)
Substitute z for x +y i n (1) ;
x -y
2z+ = 9 ;
22-9z + 10 = 0.

From which z= or 2,

x + y = 2 or

x- y 2
From which x = 3y or 34y..

Substitute in (2) ; thus y=2 and x = 6,

or У= and 2√7.

65 Ex . 3 : 3x +5y = xy ...... (1)

2x +7y = 3xy ....... (2)
Divide each quantity by ay ;
3 5
+ = 1 ...... (3)
y x
+ = 3 ...... (4)
У x

Multiply (3) by 2, and ( 4) by 3, and by subtraction y is eliminated.


66 IV. By substituting y = tx, when the equations are

homogeneous in the terms which contain x and y.

Ex . 1 : 52x² +7xy = 5y³ ...... (1) 2

5x-3y = 17 (2)
From (1), 52x +7tx = 5ť²x²..... (3)
and , from (2 ), 5x-3tx 17 ...... (4)
(3) gives 52 + 7t = 5ť ,
a quadratic equation from which t must be found , and its value substituted
in (4) .
a is thus determined ; and then ม from y = = tx.

67 Ex. 2 : 2x² +xy + 3y² = 16 ...... ( 1 ) ?

3y-2x 4 ...... 385
(2) S
From (1) , by putting y = tx,
x² ( 2 + t + 3ť²) = 16 ...... (3) ?
from (2), x (3t - 2) = 4 ...... (4) $ ;
squaring, x²
2 (92-12t +4) = 16 ;
92-12t + 4 = 2 + t + 3ť²,
a quadratic equation for t.
t being found from this , equation (4) will determine x ; and finally y = tx.


68 If a : b :: c : d ; then ad = be , and 2 = ;

a=b = c a+ b - c + d
a+b = c+d; ;
d a -b c-d

a a
69 If = = = &c.; then = a + c + e + &c .
b d F b+ d+f+ &c . '

General theorem .

70 If
If // = = & c . = k say, then

k = { pa" + qc" + re" + & c. ) 1/1

(pb" +qd" +rf” + &c. S

where p, q, r, &c . are any quantities whatever. Proved as

in ( 71 ) .

71 RULE. To verify any equation between such proportional
quantities : Substitute for a, c, e , &c. , their equivalents kb, kd,
kf, &c. respectively, in the given equation.
Ex.- If ab :: c : d, to show that
√a- b √a- √b
√c- d √c - √ď
Put kb for a, and kd for c ; thus
√a-b ✓kb- b √b√k- 1 √b
= = ==
√c - d ✓kd - d dk- 1 √d
Na - √b √kb- √b √b ( √k− 1) = √b.
also = =
√c- √d √kd - d √d ( k - 1 )
Identical results being obtained, the proposed equation must be true.

72 If a : b : cd : e &c. , forming a continued proportion,

then a : c :: a² : b², the duplicate ratio of a : b,
a : d :: a³ : b³, the triplicate ratio of a : b , and so on.
Also ✔ab is the subduplicate ratio of a : b ,
a : b is the sesquiplicate ratio of a : b .

73 The fraction is made to approach nearer to unity in
value, by adding the same quantity to the numerator and
denominator . Thus
is nearer to 1 than is.
b +x b

74 DEF. -The ratio compounded of the ratios a : b and c : d

is the ratio ac : bd.

75 If a b c : d , and a' : b' :: c' : d' ; then, by compound

ing ratios , aa' : bb' :: cc' : dd .


76 If a ac and bac, then (a + b ) ∞ c and ab∞ c.

gry If a xb , then ac oc bd and a α
and cods' с d'

78 If a xb, we may assume a = mb , where m is some constant.



General form of a series in A. P.

79 a, a + d, a + 2d, a + 3d, ...... a + (n - 1 ) d.
a = first term ,

d = common difference ,
1 = last of n terms,
s = sum of n terms ; then

80 l = a + (n - 1 ) d.
81 s=
= (a + 1) 1/2·

82 s = { 2a + (n − 1) d} ½2.

PROOF. By writing ( 79) in reversed order, and adding both series



General form of a series in G. P.

83 a, ar, ar², ar³, arn - 1.

a first term ,

r = common ratio ,
I last of n terms ,
s = sum of n terms ; then

84 1 = ar" -¹ .

zon. 1- n
85 s= a or a
1- r

If r be less than 1 , and n be infinite,

86 s=
1ª,, since ‚” = 0 .
PROOF .- (85) is obtained by multiplying (83) by r, and subtracting one
series from the other.


87 a , b, c, d , &c. are in Harm . Prog. when the reciprocals

1 1 &c . are in Arith . Prog. ,
b' c ' d '

88 Or when ab : a - bb - c is the relation subsisting

between any three consecutive terms.
89 nth term of the series = [87, 80.
(n - 1) a- (n - 2)

90 Approximate sum of n terms of the Harm . Prog. errata

1 Ja 1a
&c. , when d is small compared with a ,
a+d' a +2d' a + 3d'
(a + d)" — an
d (a + d)"
1 a a²
PROOF.-By taking instead the G.P. + + + ....
a+d (a +d)² ' ( a + d)³

a+ b
91 Arithmetic mean between a and b =

92 Geometric do . = √ab.

93 Harmonic do. =

The three means are in continued proportion.


94 The number of permutations of n things taken all at a

time = n (n - 1 ) (n - 2) ... 3.2.1 = n ! or n (") .

PROOF BY INDUCTION .-Assume the formula to be true for n things .

Now take n + 1 things. After each of these the remaining n things may be
arranged in n ! ways, making in all nxn ! [ that is (n + 1 ) ! ] permutations of
n +1 things ; therefore, &c. See also (233 ) for the mode of proof by
Induction .

95 The number of permutations of n things taken r at a

time is denoted by P (n, r) .

P (n , r) = n (n − 1 ) ( n − 2) ... ( n − r + 1 ) = n (r) .

PROOF.-BY (94) ; for (n - r) things are left out of each permutation ;

therefore P (n, r) = n ! ÷ ( n − r) !.
Observe that r the number of factors.

96 The number of combinations of n things taken r at a

time is denoted by C (n , r) .

n (n − 1 ) (n − 2) ... (n − r + 1) n(r)
C (n, r) = =
1.2.3 ... " r!

= = C (n, n − r) .
r ! (n − r) !

For every combination of things admits of ! permuta

tions ; therefore C (n , r) = P ( n , r ) ÷ r !

97 C (n, r) is greatest when r = in or (n + 1 ) , according

as n is even or odd.

98 The number of homogeneous products of r dimensions

of n things is denoted by H (n , r) .

n (n + 1) ( n + 2) ... ( n + r − 1) = (n +r − 1 )(*)
H (n, r) = ·
1.2 ... r · r!

When r is > n , this reduces to

ata (r + 1) (r + 2) ... (n + r − 1 )
err 99
(x - 1 ) !

PROOF. - H (n, r) is equal to the number of terms in the product of the

expansions by the Bin. Th. of the n expressions ( 1 - ax) - , ( 1— bæ) ´¹,
(1 - cx) ', &c.
Put a = b c = &c. = 1. The number will be the coefficient of x in
( 1 - x) -". ( 128 , 129. )

100 The number of permutations of n things taken all to

gether , when a of them are alike , b of them alike , c alike , &c.
a ! b ! c ! ... & c .'

For, if the a things were all different , they would form a !

permutations where there is now but one. So of b , c, &c.

101 The number of combinations of n things r at a time,

in which any p of them will always be found , is
= C ( n − p , r — p) .

For, if the p things be set on one side , we have to add to them

r-p things taken from the remaining n -p things in every
possible way.

102 THEOREM : C (n − 1 , r − 1 ) + C ( n − 1 , r) = C ( n , r) .

PROOF BY INDUCTION ; or as follows : Put one out of n

letters aside ; there are C ( -1 , r) combinations of the re
maining n - 1 letters r at a time. To complete the total
C (n, r), we must place with the excluded letter all the com
binations of the remaining n - 1 letters r - 1 at a time.

103 If there be one set of P things , another of Q things,

another of R things , and so on ; the number of combinations
formed by taking one out of each set is = PQR ... &c. , the
product of the numbers in the several sets .

For one of the P things will form Q combinations with

the Q things. A second of the P things will form Q more
combinations ; and so on. In all , PQ combinations of two
things . Similarly there will be PQR combinations of three
things ; and so on . This principle is very important.

104 On the same principle, if p, q , r, &c . things be taken

out of each set respectively, the number of combinations will
be the product of the numbers of the separate combinations ;
that is , == C ( Pp) . C ( Qq) . C (Rr) ... &c .

105 The number of combinations of n things taken m at a

time, when p of the n things are alike , q of them alike , r of
them alike, &c . , will be the sum of all the combinations of
each possible form of m dimensions , and this is equal to the
coefficient of a" in the expansion of

( 1 + x + x² + ... + x² ) ( 1 + x + x² + ... + x²) ( 1 + x + x² + ... + œ”) ….. .

106 The total number of possible combinations under the

same circumstances , when the n things are taken in all ways ,
1 , 2 , 3 ... n at a time,

= (p + 1 ) (q + 1) ( r + 1) ... −1 .

107 The number of permutations when they are taken m

at a time in all possible ways will be equal to the product of
m ! and the coefficient of am in the expansion of

23 xp 202 x³ xa
... ... ...
(1 + x + 2
2! + 3 ! + + ) { 1 + * + 2 ! + 3! + + 9
... & c .


108 To reduce 2808. Decompose the number into its
prime factors by (360) ; thus ,
2808 /2³ . 3º . 13 = 6 ³
/ 13,

Va15 blocs as b' cˆ = a" b³ c² b ' c³ = a³ b³ c² Vuc².

109 To bring 5/3 to an entire surd .

5/3 = 5.3 = 1875,

30 15
x³ y¹ z} = x³8 y¹³ zx = √ X yº z¹³.

110 To rationalise fractions having surds in their


1 1 3/49
= √7 = = 3/49
7 7 3/7 3/ 7
7 x 19

3 3 (9 + /80)
111 = = 3 (9+ √80),
9-80 81-80
since (9 − √
/80) (9+ √
/80 ) = 81-80 , by ( 1) .

112 = 1 +2√3 + √2_1 = + 2√3 + √2
1 + 2√3 − √2 ( 1 +2 /3)*-2 11 + 4 /3
/3 + /2 ) ( 11-4 /3)
= ( 1 +2√√

1 1
113 3 = 3* —21°
3/3- √2
Put 3* = x, 2¹ = y, and take 6 the L. C.M. of the denominators 2 and 3, then
= x + x*y +x®y³ + x²y³ +xy* + y³, by (4) ;
x--y x -y⁰
therefore = 3 + 3¹2¹ + 32¹ + 3¹2¹ + 3 } 2} +2}
3-2 31-21
/3 + 4√2.
= 33/9 +3 /72 + 6 + 23/648 + 4¾

114 Here the result will be the same as inthe last example
/3 + √2°
if the signs of the even terms be changed. [ See 5.

115 A surd cannot be partly rational ; that is , a cannot

be equal to b ± c. Proved by squaring.

116 The product of two unlike squares is irrational ;

√7 × √3 = √21 , an irrational quantity.

117 The sum or difference of two unlike surds cannot

produce a single surd ; that is , √a + √b cannot be equal
to c. By squaring.

118 If a + √m = b + n ; then ab and m = n.

Theorems (115 ) to ( 118) are proved indirectly.

119 If √a + √b = √x + √y,
then √ a― √b = √x- Ny.
By squaring and by (118 ).

120 To express in two terms √7 + 26.

Let √7 + 2√6 = √x + √y ;
then x+y = 7 ............... by squaring and by (118 ) ,
and /6) ³ = √49—24 = 5, by ( 119) ;
/ 7² — (2√✓
x—y = √
.. x = 6 and y = 1.
Result 6 + 1.

General formula for the same

121 √a ± √b = √ } (a + √a² − b ) ± √ } (a − √a² — b) .

Observe that no simplification is effected unless a² -b is a

perfect square .

122 To simplify Va + √b.

Assume Va + √b = x + ✔y.
Let c = √ a² - b.

Then a must be found by trial from the cubic equation

4x³ - 3cxa ,

and y = x² ― c .

No simplification is effected unless a² -b is a perfect cube .

Ex. 1 : 7+ 5√2 = x + √y.

/49–50 = - ༤.
c = ³
4x³ + 3x = 7 ; .. x = 1 , y = 2.
Result 1+ 2.

Ex. 2 : 93-11 /2 = √x + y, two different surds.

Cubing, 9√3-11√2 = x√x + 3x√y + 3y√x + y√y ;

... 9 √3 = (x + 3y) √x
; (118)
11√/2 = (3x + y) √y
.. x = 3 and y = 2.

123 To simplify ✓ (12 +4 /3 +4 /5 + 2 / 15) .

Assume / 15 ) = √x + √y + √x.
√ (12 +4√3 +4√5 + 2√√
Square, and equate corresponding surds.
Result √3 + √4 + √5.

124 To express A+ B in the form of two surds , where A

and B are one or both quadratic surds and n is odd . Take q
such that q (A2 - B ) may be a perfect nth power, say p", by
(361 ) . Take s and t the nearest integers to (A+B)²
and ~ /q (A — B)º, then
VA+ B = {√s + t +2p ± √s + t −2p} .

EXAMPLE : To reduce 89 /3 +109 /2.

Here A89 /3, B = 109/2,
A²- B² = 1 ; .. p = 1 and q = 1.

√q (A + B)² = 9 +ƒ f being a proper fraction ;

¾q (A — B)³ = 1 −ƒ ) .. s = 9, t = 1 .
Result / ( √9 + 1 + 2 ± √9 + 1−2) = √3 + √2.


125 (a +b)" =
n n
a* + na" - 'b + " (n— ¹) a " -¹b³ + " ( n − 1) (n − 2) a »-³b³ + &c.
2! 3!

126 General or (r + 1)th term,

n (n − 1) (n − 2) ... (n — r
(n − r + 1 ) un - rbr

127 or an-rbr
(n − r) ! r !
if n be a positive integer.

If b be negative, the signs of the even terms will be changed .


If n be negative the expansion reduces to
128 (a + b) " =

a¯” — na¯n - ¹b+ n a - n -2 z²__n (n + 1) (n + 2) a¯ * -³b³ + &c.

n (n + 1) a
2! 3!

129 General term ,

( −1) , n (n + 1) (n + 2) ... ( n +r − 1 ) a - " - rb " . [ See 98 .


Euler's proof - Let the expansion of ( 1 + x) ", as in ( 125) ,

be called f(n) . Then it may be proved by Induction that the
equation .... (1 )
f (m )Xf ( n ) = f (m + n)
is true when m and n are integers, and therefore universally
true ; because the form of an algebraical product is not altered
by changing the letters involved into fractional or negative
quantities . Hence

f(m + n +p + &c . ) = ƒ (m) ׃ (n ) ׃ (p) , &c.

Put m = n = p = &c . to k terms , each equal , and the

theorem is proved for a fractional index.

Again, put - n for m in (1 ) ; thus, whatever n may be ,
f( -n ) ׃ ( n ) = ƒ ( 0 ) = 1 ,
which proves the theorem for a negative index.

130 For the greatest term in the expansion of ( a + b ) ”, take

r = the integral part of (n + 1 ) b or (n - 1 ) b

a+b a-b

according as n is positive or negative.

But if b be greater than a , and n negative or fractional ,
the terms increase without limit .


Required the 40th term of ( 1 – 2r) “

Here r = 39 ; a= 1; b = - n = 42 .
By (127) , the term will be
42! ( -20 ) 39 30
30 = 42.41.40 ( 2r
3 ! 39 ! 3 1.2.3 (2x)"
3 by ( 96).

Required the 31st term of (a - x) -*.

Here r = 30 ; b = −x ; n = -4.−
By (129) , the term is
(-1 ) 4.5.6 ... -34 ( −x 31.32.33 30
)0 =
1.2.3 ... 30 1.2.3 a34 by (98).

131 Required the greatest term in the expansion of when x = 14.
(1 + x)*
= (1 + x) . Here n = 6, a = 1, b = x in the formula
(1 +x)
(n - 1 ) b = 5x1
= 23} ;
a -b 1-1

therefore r = 23, by ( 130) , and the greatest term

5.6.7 ... 27/1428
= ( −1)23 5 =
1.2.3 ... 23 (14)** (14)**.

132 Find the first negative term in the expansion of ( 2a + 3b) .

We must take r the first integer which makes n − r + 1 negative ; there
fore r > n + 1 = 1 + 1 = 63 ; therefore r = 7. The term will be
17 14 11 8
3 v . j . j . 1 ( − }) (2a) -* (3b)' by (126)
y . 4.
7! 5.2.1 7
7! (2a)**

133 Required the coefficient of a" in the expansion of (2 +3 ) .

2 -2
(2 + 3 )
= (2 +3x) (2-3 ) ² = (2 +3 m ) ² (1 - 3 x20 ) -²
(2-3x)² 2
9 2.3 3x
= ( 1 + 3x + 2 x² ) { 1 + 2
2 (3 ) + 1.2 (320)+ ......
33 3x 34
...... +33 (3x ) * +·3+ ( 3x) + 35 ( 32):)" + &c ....
..... } ,

the three terms last written being those which produce a after multiplying
by the factor (1 + 3x + 2x² ) ; for we have
9 33 34
a² × 33 ( 3x) * + 3.x × 34 3x) + 1x35
4 2 (37
2 (327)*,

giving for the coefficient of x in the result

297 32 33 34
4 7 ( 3 ) " + 102 ( 3 ) " + 35 ( 3 ) ” = 306 ( 3 ) ”.
The coefficient of a" will in like manner be 9n (3) ” -².


12 +1
134 To write the coefficient of ³ +1 in the expansion of (x²
( a² - 11 )2 + 0.
The general term is
(2n + 1) ! x² (2n - r+ 1) • 1 = (2n + 1 ) ! ‚4n - 4r.
(2n + 1 − r) ! r ! (2n + 1 - r) ! r !"
Equate 4n - 4r +2 to 3m + 1 , thus
4n - 3m + 1
Substitute this value ofr in the general term ; the required coefficient becomes
(2n + 1) !
[ ‡ (4n + 3m + 3 ) ] ! [ ‡ ( 4n −3m + 1 ) ] !'
4n - 3m + 1 is an
The value of r shows that there is no term in x8m + 1 unless

135 An approximate value of ( 1 + x) " , when a is small , is

1 + nx, by ( 125) , neglecting a and higher powers of a.

136 Ex.- An approximation to 999 by Bin. Th. ( 125 ) is obtained from

the first two or three terms of the expansion of
= 299
(1000-1 ) = 10-1.1000-10-30 300 nearly.


The general term in the expansion of ( a + bx + ca² + &c .) " is

n (n − 1) (n − 2) ... (p + 1 ) aº b²c" d³ ...

137 X9+ 2r+ 3s +... ,
g ! r ! s ! ...
where p + q + r + s + & c . = n,

and the number of terms p, q, r, &c . corresponds to the

number of terms in the given multinomial .
p is integral, fractional , or negative, according as n is one
or the other.
If n be an integer, ( 137) may be written
138 ·aº bª c" d¸...
ds x²+ 2r+ 38¸
p! q ! r ! s!
[ Deduced from the Bin . Theor.

Ex . 1. — To write the coefficient of a³bc" in the expansion of (a + b + c + d)¹º.

Here put n == 10, x = 1 , p = 3 , q = 1 , r = 5 , s = 0 in ( 138 ) .
10 !
Result = .
3! 5!

Ex . 2. To obtain the coefficient of a8 in the expansion of

( 1—2x + 3x² -4x³) ¹.
Here, comparing with ( 137 ) , we have a = 1 , b = −2, c = 3 , d = — 4,
p + q + r + 8 = 4,
q + 2r + 388,



The numbers 1 , 0, 1 , 2 are particular values of p, q, r, s respectively,

which satisfy the two equations given above.
0, 2, 0, 2 are another set of values which also satisfy those equations ;
andthe four rows of numbers constitute all the solutions . In forming these
rows always try the highest possible numbers on the right first.
Now substitute each set of values of p, q, r, s in formula ( 138 ) succes
sively, as under :
2 1¹ ( − 2) º 3¹ ( — 4) ² = 576
1° (-2 ) 3º ( -4) = 384
2 ! 2!
2; 1º ( −2 ) ' 3º ( —4) ¹ = 864

4! - =
4 1º ( − 2 ) ° 3 ′ ( — 4 ) ° =
— 81
Result 1905

Ex. 3.-Required the coefficient of a in ( 1 + 2x -4x² - 2a³) -¹ .

Here a = 1, b = 2, c = —-4, d = −2 , n = — ; and the two equations are
p +q + r+ 8 = 29

q + 2r + 3s = 4,



Employing formula ( 137) , the remainder of the work stands as follows :

(− 1 ) ( − 3) 1 − ¹³ 2¹ ( − 4) ' ( —2 ) ' — — 3

(- ) ( -3 ) - ( - 4) ( -2) = 6
2! (- )
(-1 (-
) ( -3 ) ( -32 ) 12' ( —4) ' ( −2) " =
음) 15
5 7 35
4! ( -1 ) ( -3 ) ( -3 ) ( - ) - ( - 4) ( 2)" = 8
Result 223

139 The number of terms in the expansion of the multi

nomial (a + b + c + to n terms ) " is the same as the number of
homogeneous products of things of ↑ dimensions . See (97)
and (98) .

The greatest coefficient in the expansion of ( a + b + c +

to m terms) ", n being an integer , is 1
140 m where qm + k = n.
(q !) (g + 1) (*)'
PROOF. By making the denominator in ( 138 ) as small as possible. The !
notation is explained in (96 ) .


142 loga Na signifies that a = N, or

DEF. — The logarithm of a number is the power to which the
base must be raised to produce that number.

143 log, a = 1 , log 1 = 0.

144 log MN = log M + log N.
log = log M - log N.

log (M)" = n log M.

log /M = log M. [142


145 log, a =
log, b

That is - The logarithm of a number to any base is equal to

the logarithm of the number divided by the logarithm of the
base, the two last named logarithms being taken to any the
same base at pleasure.

PROOF . -Let log, a := x and log, b = y ; then a = c ", b = c". Eliminate c.

c = a* = b ; .. a = b" , that is, log, a =
y Q. e. d.

146 log, a = Put ca in ( 145 ) .
loga b

log, N
147 N=
log10 N by ( 145 ) .
log, 10

148 = ' 43429448 ...
log, 10

is called the modulus of the common system of logarithms ;

that is, the factor which will convert logarithms of numbers
calculated to the base e into the corresponding logarithms to
the base 10. See (154) .


c²x² C333
149 a* = 1 + cx + + + & c. ,
2! 3!

where c = (a − 1 ) - (a − 1 ) ² + ( a − 1 )³- &c .

PROOF. a* = { 1+ (a − 1 ) } . Expand this by Binomial Theorem , and

collect the coefficients of a ; thus c is obtained . Assume C2, C3, &c . , as the
coefficients of the succeeding powers of a, and with this assumption write
out the expansions of a , a", and a* + . Form the product of the first two
series, which product must be equivalent to the third . Therefore equate
the coefficient of x in this product with that in the expansion of a . In
the identity so obtained, equate the coefficients of the successive powers of
y to determine C2, C3, &c.

Let e be that value of a which makes c = 1 , then

Xp2 ე3
150 e² = 1 + x + + + & c.
2! 8!

1 1
151 e = 1+ 1 + + + &c.
2! 3!

= 2.718281828 ... [ See (295).

PROOF.-By making a = 1 in (150 ) .

152 By making a = 1 in ( 149 ) and a = c in ( 150 ) , we obtain

a = e ; that is , c = log, a. Therefore by (149)

154 log, a = (a - 1 ) - (a - 1 ) ² + ( a − 1 ) ³- &c .

4,3 Xt
155 log (1 + a) = X ----- + + &c .
2 3 4

-x- = X3
156 log ( 1 - x) : - &c . [154

2 3 4

1 +x X3 Xe
157 ... log = 2 {} x + + + &c. }
1 -x 3 5

m 1
Put for in ( 157 ) ; thus ,
1 3 m 5
158 log m = 2 )
{ + 3(
\m 1) + 5 (
\ m +1) + &c. {} ,

Put for x
a in ( 157) ; thus ,
2n + 1

159 log ( n + 1 ) —log n

1 1 1
=2 + +
2 {
2n + 1 3 (2n + 1 ) 5 (2n + 1 )5 +&c. }.


314159 Proceed as
160 To find convergents to 3.14159 =
in the rule for H. C. F.

7 100000 314159 3 The continued fraction is

99113 300000
1 887 14159 15 7+ 1
854 887 15+ & c .
1 33 5289 or, as it is more conve
29 4435 niently written ,

4 854 25 1 1
3+ & c.
4 66 7+ 15+

29 7

The convergents are formed as follows :

3 7 15 1 25 1 7 4
3 22 333 355 9208 9563 76149 314159
1'7 ' 106' 113 ' 2931' 3044' 24239 ' 100000'

161 RULE. Write the quotients in a row, and the first two
convergents at sight (in the example 3 and 3 + 4 ) . Multiply
the numerator of any convergent by the next quotient , and
add the previous numerator . The result is the numerator of
the next convergent . Proceed in the same way to determine
the denominator . The last convergent should be the original
fraction in its lowest terms .

162 Formula for forming the convergents .

If Pn -2, Pn -1 Pn are any consecutive convergents , and

In-2 In-1 In
an- 2, -1 , an the corresponding quotients ; then
Pnan Pn - 1 + Pn - 25 In = an In - 1 + In - 2 •

The nth convergent is therefore

Pn = anPn-1 +Pn -2 - = F„
In an qn - 1 + gn - 2

The true value of the continued fraction will be expressed


163 F = a'n Pn- 1 + Pn- 2¸

a'n qn - 1+ qn - 2

in which a', is the complete quotient or value of the continued

fraction commencing with a,.

164 Pn¶n - 1 - Pn - 1 ¶n = 1 alternately , by (162 ) .

The convergents are alternately greater and less than the

original fraction, and are always in their lowest terms.

165 The difference between F,n and the true value of the
continued fraction is

1 1
< and >
In In + 1 In (In + In+ 1)
and this difference therefore diminishes as n increases .

Pn -
PROOF . - By taking the difference , Pаp₂ +1 + pu ( 163 )
In a²qn + 1 + qn

Also F is nearer the true value than any other fraction

with a less denominator.

166 FFn +1 is greater or less than F² according as F is

greater or less than Fn+ 1.

General Theory of Continued Fractions.

167 First class of continued Second class of continued

fraction . fraction.

b bз b₁ br b3
F= b₁ V=
a₁+ a + a3 + & c . 01 - az- & c .
a₁ az

a₁, b₁ , &c. are taken as positive quantities .


bba , &c. are termed components of the continued frac

a1 A2
tion. If the components be infinite in number , the continued
fraction is said to be infinite .

Let the successive convergents be denoted by

Pi b₁ P2 = b₁ ; bbs ; and so on .
= P3 = b₁
qi a q2 а₁+ а₂ 93 a₁+ α₂+ Az

168 The law of formation of the convergents is

For F, For V,

Pn = аnPn - 1 + bn Pn- 2 P₂
SP n = аn Pn -1bn Pn - 2
2 Yn = an In - 1 + bn 4 n - 2 ( qn = an In - 1 − bn ¶n − 2
[ Proved by Induction.

The relation between the successive differences of the

convergents is, by ( 168) ,

Pn+1 - _ Pn 二千 bn + 1 ¶n - 1 ( PnPn - 1)
qn + 1 In In +1 In In-1
Take the ― sign for F, and the + for V.

170 ...
Pn¶n- 1 — Pn - 1 ¶n = ( −1 ) π - ¹b¸ b¸b¸ ……
. bŋ. (168)

171 The odd convergents for F, P₁, Ps , &c. , continually

91 93

decrease, and the even convergents , P2, P , &c., continually

92 94
increase . (167)

Every odd convergent is greater , and every even con

vergent is less , than all following convergents. ( 169)

172 DEF. - If the difference between consecutive conver

gents diminishes without limit , the infinite continued fraction
is said to be definite. If the same difference tends to a fixed
value greater than zero , the infinite continued fraction is in
definite ; the odd convergents tending to one value , and the
even convergents to another.

173 F is definite if the ratio of every quotient to the next

component is greater than a fixed quantity.

PROOF.-Apply ( 169 ) successively.

174 F is incommensurable when the components are all

proper fractions and infinite in number .

PROOF. -Indirectly, and by ( 168 ) .

175 If a be never less than b + 1 , the convergents of are

all positive proper fractions , increasing in magnitude, p„ and
In also increasing with n. By ( 167 ) and ( 168) .

176 If, in this case , V be infinite, it is also definite , being

= 1 , if a always = b + 1 while b is less than 1 , ( 175 ) ; and
being less than 1 , if a is ever greater than b + 1 . By ( 180) .

177 V is incommensurable when it is less than 1 , and the

components are all proper fractions and infinite in number .

180 If in the continued fraction V ( 167 ) , we have a, b, + 1

always ; then, by ( 168) ,
P₂n =
= b₁ + b₁ b₂ + b,1 b₂ b + ... to n terms , and q = Pa + 1 .

181 If, in the continued fraction F, a, and b, are constant

and equal, say, to a and b respectively ; then Pn and In are
respectively equal to the coefficients of " -1 in the expansions
h a + bx
of and
1 -ax bx² 1 - ax -bx²*

PROOF . —Pn and In are the nth terms of two recurring series. See ( 168 )
and (251 ).

182 To convert a Series into a Continued Fraction.

1 x X2
The series + + + ... +
u u₁ U₂ Un

is equal to a continued fraction V ( 167 ) , with n + 1 com

ponents ; the first , second , and n + 1th components being
1 u² x un -1 X
u u₂ + ux un + un -jx
[ Proved by Induction .

183 The series

1 X x² Xn
+ + + ... +
vv1 vv₁v2 V V 1 Vz ... V n

is equal to a continued fraction V ( 167) , with n + 1 compo

nents , the first, second , and n + 1th components being

1 VX Vn - 1 X
[Proved by Induction.
v' v₁ + x' vn + x

184 The sign of a may be changed in either of the state

ments in (182) or ( 183) .

185 Also , if any of these series are convergent and infinite ,

the continued fractions become infinite .

186 To find the value of a continued fraction with

recurring quotients .

Let the continued fraction be

by bn+m
x = b₁ where y = bn+1
a₁ + ... + an +y an+i+ ... + an+ m +y

so that there are m recurring quotients . Form the nth con

vergent for æ, and the mth for y. Then , by substituting the
complete quotients an +y for an , and an + m + y for an + m in ( 168) ,
two equations are obtained of the forms

Ay + B Ey +F
x= and y=
Cy + D Gy +H'

from which, by eliminating y, a quadratic equation for de

termining a is obtained .

b₁ bu
187 If
a₁+ + an+

be a continued fraction, and

Pi Pn
91 qn

the corresponding first n convergents ; then 1-1 , developed

by ( 168), produces the continued fraction

1 b₁ b3 b2
bn -1
an + an- 1 + an - 2 + ... + a₂ + a₁

the quotients being the same but in reversed order .


188 Given ax + by = c
free from fractions , and a, ẞ integral values of a and Y wnich
satisfy the equation , the complete integral solution is given by
x = a - bt
y = B + at
where t is any integer.

EXAMPLE . Given 5x +3y = 112.

Then x = 20, y - 4 are values ;
x = 20-3t
y= 4 + 5t )

The values of x and y may be exhibited as under :

t = -2 --1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
x = 26 23 20 17 14 11 8 5 2 -1
y = -6 -1 4 9 14 19 24 29 34 39
For solutions in positive integers t must lie between 20 = 63 and —
that is, t must be 0, 1 , 2 , 3, 4 , 5 , or 6, giving 7 positive integral solutions.

189 If the equation be

ax -by = c

the solutions are given by

x = a + bt

y = B+ at.

EXAMPLE : 4x -3y = 19.

Here a 10, y = 7 satisfy the equation ;
x = 10 + 3t
7+4t furnish all the solutions.
The simultaneous values of t, x, and y will be as follows :
t = -5 -4 3 -2 --1 0 1 2 3
x = -5 -2 1 4 7 10 13 16 19
y = -13 9 -5 -1 3 7 11 15 19

The number of positive integral solutions is infinite, and the least positive
integral values of x and y are given by the limiting value of t, viz .,
10 7
t> - and t > -
3 4
that is, t must be --- 1 , 0, 1 , 2, 3, or greater.

190 If two values , a and ẞ, cannot readily be found by

inspection, as, for example, in the equation

17x + 13y = 14900 ,

divide by the least coefficient, and equate the remaining frac

tions to t, an integer ; thus
4x 2
y +a+ = 1146+ ( 1) ;
13 13
4x -2 = 13t.
Repeat the process ; thus
x = 3t + "
4 4
.. t + 2 = 4u.
Put W == 1 ,
t = 2,
13t + 2
x = = 7 = a;
and y + x + t = 1146, by ( 1 ) ,
y = 1146-7-2 = 1137 = B.
The general solution will be
x= 7-13t ,
y = 1137 + 17t,

Or, changing the sign of t for convenience,

x= 7 + 13t,
y = 1137-17t.

Here the number of solutions in positive integers is equal to the number of

integers lying between - 7 and 1137 ;

13 17

or - 7 and 661 ; that is, 67.


191 Otherwise . -Two values of x and y may be found in

the following manner :
Find the nearest converging fraction to [ By ( 160) .
This is By ( 164) we have
17 x3-13 x 4 = −1 .
Multiply by 14900, and change the signs ;
17 ( −44700 ) +13 ( 59600 ) = 14900 ;

which shews that we may take S a = −44700

B = 59600
and the general solution may be written
x = -44700 + 13t,
y= 59600-17t.
This method has the disadvantage of producing high values of a aud ß.

192 The values of a and y, in positive integers , which

satisfy the equation ax + by c, form two Arithmetic Pro
gressions, of which b and a are respectively the common
differences . See examples ( 188 ) and ( 189 ) .

193 Abbreviation of the method in (169 ) .

EXAMPLE : 11x - 18y = 63.

Put x = 9z, and divide by 9 ; then proceed as before.

194 To obtain integral solutions of ax + by + cz = d.

Write the equation thus

ax + by = d - cz.

Put successive integers for z, and solve for x, y in each case.




√29 = 5+ √/29-5 = 5+
√29 +5'
-3 5
√29 + 5 = 2+ √29 = 2+
4 4
. 29 +3 '

√29 +3 /29-2 =
✓ 5
= 1+ 1+
5 5 √29 + 2'
√29 +2 = 1+ √29-3 = ]+
5 5 √29 + 3'
/29 +3 /29-5 =
√ 1
= 2+ 2+
4 4 √29 + 5 '
√29 + 5 = 10 + √29 − 5 = 10 +
√29 +5°

The quotients 5 , 2 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 10 are the greatest integers

contained in the quantities in the first column. The quotients
now recur, and the surd 29 is equivalent to the continued
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5+ 2+ 1+ 1+ 2+ 10+ 2+ 1+ 1+ 2 + &c .

The convergents to 29 , formed as in ( 160 ) , will be

5 11 16 27 70 727 1524 2251 3775 9801

1' 2 ' 3 5' 13 ' 135' 283 ' 418 ' 701 ' 1820'

196 Note that the last quotient 10 is the greatest and twice
the first, that the second is the first of the recurring ones, and
that the recurring quotients, excluding the last , consist of
pairs of equal terms , quotients equi- distant from the first and
last being equal . These properties are universal. (See 204
-210) .

To form high convergents rapidly.

197 Suppose m the number of recurring quotients , or any


multiple of that number, and let the mth convergent to Q be

represented by Fm ; then the 2mth convergent is given by the

formula F2m =
{F + by ( 203 ) and ( 210 ) .

198 For example, in approximating to 29 above, there are five recurring

quotients. Take m = 2x5 = 10 ; therefore, by
F20 = 1 297
2 { F10 + F10 }

F10 = 9801 the 10th convergent.

9801 1820 192119201
Therefore =
F2 = { 1820 + 29 × 9801 35675640

the 20th convergent to 29 ; and the labour of calculating the intervening

convergents is saved .


199 The process of ( 174) may be exhibited as follows :

√ Q + C₁ r2
= a₁₂ +
r1 √Q + cz

√Q + c2 13
= a₂+
12 √Q + c3
... ...

√Q + cn rn + 1
= a₂ +
In √Q + en+i

1 1 1
200 Then
√ Q = a₁ + a₂+ as + as + &c.

The quotients a1, a2, 3 , &c . are the integral parts of the frac
tions on the left.

201 The equations connecting the remaining quantities are

G₁ = 0 r₁ = 1

C₂ = a₁r₁ — C1 r2 =
Q - cs
C3 a₂r2 - C2 13 =

Q - on
Cnan - 1n - 1 - On - 1 rn
rn- 1

The nth convergent to Q will be

202 Pn = anPn- 1 +Pn-2 [By Induction .

In An In-1 + In-2

The true value of Q is what this becomes when we

substitute for a, the complete

complete quotient
quotient + , of which a
is only the integral part . This gives

( √Q + Cn) Pn- 1 + VnPn-2¸

203 √Q =
= ~ Q + Cn) In -1 + rn In− 2

By the relations ( 199 ) to ( 203 ) the following theorems are

demonstrated :――

204 All the quantities a , r, and c are positive integers .

205 The greatest c is C2, and C2 = a₁.

206 No a or can be greater than 2ɑ .

207 If n = 1 , then c₁ = a₁.

208 For all values of n greater than 1 , a - c, is < rn .

209 The number of quotients cannot be greater than 2a1.

The last quotient is 2a , and after that the terms repeat .
√ Cy
The first complete quotient that is repeated is Q + , and
da, 72, C₂ commence each cycle of repeated terms .

210 Let am, I'm Cm be the last terms of the first cycle ; then
am- 19 7m - 19 Cm -1 are respectively equal to a2, 72, C2 ; Am- 25 7m− 29
Cm-2 are equal to 3, 73, C3, and so on. [ By ( 187 ) .


Special Cases in the Solution of Simultaneous Equations.

211 First, with two unknown quantities .

= C₁₂ -Caα1
a₁x +by 1) x = cab₂ --cab₁ y
aşx + by = c₂S abɔ— a‚b₁' b₁α - ba₁

If the denominators vanish , we have

a1 = b₁
" and x = 0, y = ∞ ;
A2 ba

unless at the same time the numerators vanish , for then

a1 = b₁ = C1 ; 0 0
x= y =
aa b₂ C2 0 0

and the equations are not independent, one being produced by

multiplying the other by some constant .

212 Next, with three unknown quantities . See ( 60 ) for

the equations .
If d₁ , da, d
all vanish , divide each equation by z, and we
-x and " , two
have three equations for finding the two ratios
2 1
only of which equations are necessary, any one being dedu
cible from the other two if the three be consistent .

213 To solve simultaneous equations by Indeterminate


Ex. Take the equations.

x + 2y + 3z + 4w = 27 ,

3x + 5y + 72
% + 1 = 48 ,
5x + 8y + 10z — 2w = 65,

7x + 6y + 5z + 4w = 53 .

Multiply the first by A, the second by B, the third by C,

leaving one equation unmultiplied ; and then add the results .

Thus (A + 3B + 5C + 7) x + ( 2A + 5B + 80 + 6) y

+ (3A + 7B + 10C + 5 ) ≈ + (4A + B − 2C + 4) w

= 27A + 48B + 65C + 53 .

To determine either of the unknowns , for instance x,

equate the coefficients of the other three separately to zero ,
and from the three equations find A, B, C. Then

274 +48B + 65C + 53

A + 3B + 5C + 7


214 x ± 1 = 0.

Divide by a³, and throw into factors , by (2) or (3) . See also
(480) .

215 x³ - 7x - 6 = 0.

x = -1 is a root , by inspection ; therefore +1 is a factor .
Divide by x + 1, and solve the resulting quadratic .

216 a³ + 16x = 455 .

x* + 16a² = 455x = 65 × 7x,

2 2
æ¹ + 65a² + ( 65 )² = 49x²‍+65 × 7x + ( 65
2 ) ”,
65 65
²+ = 7x +
2 2'

a² = 7x; .. x = 7.

RULE . Divide the absolute term (here 455 ) into two

factors , if possible , such that one of them , minus the square
of the other, equals the coefficient of r. See (483) for general
solution of a cubic equation .

217 x* —y* = 14560 , x - y = 8.

Put x = x+v and y = x - v.

Eliminate v, and obtain a cubic in z , which solve as in (216) .

218 x³ —y³ = 3093 , x - y = 3.

Divide the first equation by the second , and subtract from

the result the fourth power of x - y . Eliminate (x² + y²) , and
obtain a quadratic in xy.

219 On forming Symmetrical Expressions.

Take, for example, the equation

(y - c) (z - b) = a².

To form the remaining equations symmetrical with this , write

the corresponding letters in vertical columns, observing the
circular order in which a is followed by b, b by c , and c by a.
So with x, y, and z . Thus the equations become

(y— c) (≈ —b) = a²,

(≈— a) (x− c) = b²,

(x —b) (y — a) = c².

To solve these equations, substitute

x = b + c + x', y = c + a + y' , z = a +b+z ;

and, multiplying out, and eliminating y and z , we obtain

x = be (b +c) — a (b² + c²) ,
bc - ca -ab

and therefore, by symmetry, the values of y and z, by the

rule just given .

220 y² + z² + yz = a² (1),

≈² + x² + zx = b² (2) ,

x² + y² + xy = c² (3) ;

.. 3 (yz + z + xy) ² = 20°c² + 2c²a² + 2a²b² —a * —b* — c* ...... (4).


Now add (1) , ( 2) , and ( 3 ) , and we obtain

2 (x + y + z)² − 3 (yz + zx + xy ) = a² + b² +c² ...... (5) .

From (4) and ( 5 ) , ( x + y + z) is obtained , and then ( 1 ) , (2 ) ,

and (3) are readily solved .

221 x² ―yz = a² ...... ( 1 ),

y³ -
— zx = b² (2) ,

≈² —xy = c² ..... (3).

Multiply (2) by (3) , and subtract the square of ( 1) .

Result -
x (3xyz — x³ — y³ — z³) = b²c² — a¹ ,

x y 2
= = d ……………..
b2c2 -a¹ a²b²-c¹ (4) .
c²a² - b¹

Obtain λ² by proportion as a fraction with numerator

= x² — yz = a³.

222 x = cy + bz (1) ,

y = az + cx (2) ,

z = bx + ay (3) .

Eliminate a between (2) and (3) , and substitute the value of

æ from equation ( 1) .
y² 2°
Result = =
1 - b2 1 - c2 1 - a2*


223 The following are conventions :
That ( -a ) is equivalent to a√(-1 ) ; that a√ (·
vanishes when a vanishes ; that the symbol a (-1 ) is sub
ject to the ordinary rules of Algebra. (-1 ) is denoted
by i.

224 If a + iß = y + id ; then a = y and ß = 8.

225 a + iẞ and a - iẞ are conjugate expressions ; their pro

duct a² + ß³.

226 The sum and product of two conjugate expressions are

both real, but their difference is imaginary.

227 The modulus is + √a² +ẞ².

228 If the modulus vanishes , a and ẞ must vanish .

229 If two imaginary expressions are equal, their moduli

are equal, by (224) .

230 The modulus of the product of two imaginary expres

sions is equal to the product of their moduli .

231 Also the modulus of the quotient is equal to the

quotient of their moduli .


232 If A + Bx + Ce² + ... = A′ + B′x + C′x² + ... be an equa

tion which holds for all values of a, the coefficients A, B, &c .
not involving x, then A = ', B = B', C = C' , & c.; that is ,
the coefficients of like powers of a must be equal. Proved by
putting = 0, and dividing by a alternately. See ( 234) for
an example.


Ex.-To prove that

1 +2 +3 +... + n² = n (n + 1 ) ( 2n + 1 )

Assume 1 +2 + 3 + ... + n² = n (n + 1 ) (2n + 1 ) ;


.. 1 + 2² + 3² + ... + n² + (n + 1 ) ² = n (n + 1 ) ( 2n + 1 ) + (n + 1 )'

= n (n + 1 ) ( 2n + 1 ) + 6 ( n + 1 ) ² _ ( n + 1 ) { n ( 2n + 1 ) +6 ( n + 1 ) }
6 6

= (n + 1 ) (n + 2 ) (2n +3) = n' (n' + 1 ) (2n' + 1 ) "

6 6
where n' is written for n + 1 ;
.. 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n ^ =¸ n' (n' + 1 ) (2n' + 1)
It is thus proved that if the formula be true for n it is also true for n +1.
But the formula is true when n = 2 or 3 , as may be shewn by actual
trial ; therefore it is true when n = 4 ; therefore also when n = 5 , and so on ;
therefore universally true.

234 Ex. - The same theorem proved by the method of In

determinate coefficients .
1 +2 +3 +... + n² = A + Bn + Cn² + Dis + &c.;
.. 1 + 2² + 3² + ... + n² + ( n + 1 ) ² = A + B ( n + 1 ) + C (n + 1)² + D (n + 1 }³ + &c .;
therefore, by subtraction,
n² + 2n + 1 = B + C (2n + 1 ) + D (3n² + 3n + 1 ) ,
writing no terms in this equation which contain higher powers of n than the
highest which occurs on the left-hand side, for the coefficients of such terms
may be shewn to be separately equal to zero.
Now equate the coefficients of like powers of n ; thus
3D == 1 , ... D= ;
20 + 3D = 2, C = " and A = 0;
B + C + D = 1, .. B= ;

therefore the sum of the series is equal to

n n² n³ n (n + 1 ) (2n + 1 )
+ + =
6 2 3 6


In the resolution of a fraction into partial fractions four

cases present themselves , which are illustrated in the follow
ing examples .

235 First.- When there are no repeated factors in the de

nominator of the given fraction.

3x - 2
Ex.— To resolve into partial fractions .
(x - 1 ) (x - 2) (x - 3 )
3α - 2 A B C
Assume = +
(x - 1) (x - 2) (x - 3) x- 1 x- 2 + x-
= 3;

3x-2A (x - 2) (x - 3) + B (x - 3 ) (x - 1 ) +0 (x - 1 ) (x - 2) .

Since A, B, and C do not contain x, and this equation is true for all values
of x, put x = 1 ; then
3-2A (1-2) ( 1-3) , from which A = 2'

Similarly, if a be put = 2, we have

6—2 = B (2−3) ( 2-1 ) ; .. B = -4 ;
and, putting a = 3,
9-2 = 0 (3−1 ) (3—2) ; .. 0=
3x - 2 1 4 7
Hence = + ·
(x- 1) (x- 2) ( x - 3) 2 (x - 1 ) x - 2 2 (x- 3)

236 Secondly.- When there is a repeated factor.

7x³ - 10x² + 6x
Ex. -Resolve into partial fractions X--1 )³ (x + 2 )*

7x³ - 10x² + 6x = A B с D
Assume + + +
(x− 1 ) ( x + 2) (2-1 )* (x- 1 )¹ x--1 x+ 2

These forms are necessary and sufficient. Multiplying up , we have

- 1)³
7x³- 10x² + 6x = A ( x + 2 ) + B (x− 1 ) ( x + 2 ) + C ( x − 1 ) ³ ( x + 2 ) + D (x −
......... (1) .
Make x = 1 ; .. 7-10 +6A ( 1 + 2) ; ... A = 1.

Substitute this value of A in ( 1) ; thus

7x³ - 10x² + 5x -− 2 = B ( x − 1 ) ( ≈ + 2 ) + C ( x -
− 1 ) ² ( x + 2 ) + D ( x − 1 ) ³.
Divide by x - 1 ; thus
7x -3x +2B (x + 2) + C (x - 1 ) (x + 2) + D (x - 1 ) ......... ( 2) .
Make 1 again, 7-3 + 2 = B (1 + 2) ; .. B = 2.

Substitute this value of B in ( 2) , and we have

7x² - 5x - 2 = C (x - 1 ) ( x + 2 ) + D (x − 1 ) ².
Divide by x - 1, 7x+ 2 = C (x + 2) + D (x − 1 ) ...... ………. ..... (3) .
Put 1 a third time, 7 +2 = C (1 + 2) ; .. C = 3 .

Lastly, make x = −2 in (3) ,

-14+2 = D ( -2-1 ) ; .. D = 4.
1 2 3
(2-1 ) ² + (2-1 ); + x
(x−1)² -- 1 + x+
= +422

237 Thirdly.- When there is a quadratic factor of imaginary

roots not repeated .
Ex. -Resolve into partial fractions.
(x² + 1 ) ( x² + x + 1 )
Here we must assume
1 Ax + B Ca + D
= +
(x² + 1 ) (x² + x + 1 ) 23+ 1 2² +x + 1
x² + 1 and x² +a + 1 have no real factors, and are therefore retained as
denominators. The requisite form of the numerators is seen by adding
a с
together two simple fractions, such as +
x+ b x+d'
Multiplying up, we have the equation
1 = (Ax + B) (x² + x + 1 ) + ( Cx + D ) ( x² + 1 ) .......……………….. ( 1 ) .
Let 2²+ 1 = 0 ; .. x² = -1 .
Substitute this value of a² in ( 1 ) repeatedly ; thus
1 = (A + B) x = Ax² + Bx = -A + Bx ;
or Bx-A - 1 = 0.
Equate coefficients to zero ; .. B = 0,
A = -1.
Again, let x²+x + 1 = 0 ;
2 = -x - 1.
Substitute this value of a repeatedly in ( 1 ) ; thus
1 = (Cx + D) ( −x) = -Ca³ - Dx = Сx + C − Dx ;
or (C - D) x + C - 1 = 0.
Equate coefficients to zero ; thus C = 1 ,
D = 1.
1 æ
Hence = x+ 1
(x² + 1 ) ( x² + x + 1 ) x² +x + 1 2 +1

238 Fourthly.-When there is a repeated quadratic factor

of imaginary roots.
40x -103
Ex.-Resolve into partial fractions .
(x + 1 ) ² ( x² - 4x + 8)³

40x - 103 Ax + B Cx + D Ex+F
= + +
(x + 1 ) ³ (x² -4x + 8 ) ³ (x² −4x + 8) ³¹ ( x² - 4x + 8 ) ²¯¯ x² -4x + 8
+ (x+ 1)² + x+ 1 '

40x − 103 = { (Ax + B) + (Cx + D) (x² −4x + 8) + (Ex + F) (x² − 4x + 8 )² } (x + 1 ) ²

+ { G + H (x + 1 ) } ( x² − 4x + 8 )³ ...... ...... (1) .

In the first place, to determine A and B, equate a² -4x + 8 to zero ; thus

x² = 4x - 8.
Substitute this value of a repeatedly in ( 1 ) , as in the previous example ,
until the first power of a alone remains. The resulting equation is
40x103 (17A + 6B) x - 48A - 7B.
Equating coefficients, we obtain two equations
17A + 6B = 40 A= 2
from which
484 +7B = 103 } B = 1.

Next, to determine C and D, substitute these values of A and B in ( 1 ) ;

the equation will then be divisible by x² - 4x + 8 . Divide, and the resulting
equation is
0 = 2x + 13 + { Cx + D + ( Ex + F ) ( x² −4x + 8) } (x + 1 ) ³

+ { G + H (x + 1 ) } (œ² —4x + 8 ) ² ...... ......... (2) .

Equate ² - 4x + 8 again to zero, and proceed exactly as before, when

finding A and B.
Next, to determine E and F, substitute the values of C and D, last found
in equation (2) ; divide, and proceed as before.
Lastly, G and H are determined by equating +1 to zero successively,
as in Example 2.


239 Let a₁ +a₂ + a + &c . be a series , and an, an +1 any two

consecutive terms . The following tests of convergency may

be applied . The series will converge , if, after any fixed term
(i ) The terms decrease and are alternately positive and
negative .
(ii. ) Or if is always greater than some quantity
greater than unity.

(iii. ) Or if is never less than the corresponding ratio
An+ 1
in a known converging series .

(iv. ) Or if ( An + 1 n ) is always greater than some quan

tity greater than unity. [By 244 and iii.

(v.) Or if -n
if ( -1 ) log n is always greater than
An + 1
some quantity greater than unity.

240 The conditions of divergency are obviously the converse

of rules (i . ) to (v.) .

an +1 is
241 The series a₁ + a + ax² + &c . converges , if
always less than some quantity p, and a less than
[ By 239 (ii. )

242 To make the sum of the last series less than an assigned
quantity p , make a less than k being the greatest co
P + k'
efficient .

General Theorem .

243 If Φ (a) be positive for all positive integral values of a,

and continually diminish as a increases , and if m be any posi
tive integer, then the two series

(1) + (2) +4 (3 ) +6 (4) + ......

$ (1) + mp (m) + m²4 ( m²) + m³4 ( m³) + ......

are either both convergent or divergent.

244 Application of this theorem. To ascertain whether the

1 1 1
series 1/2 + 3 +
0+30 + +
1P 2p 4p

is divergent or convergent when p is greater than unity.


Taking m2, the second series in ( 243) becomes

2 4 8
1+ + + + & c .......
2p 4P 8P

a geometrical progression which converges ; therefore the

given series converges .

245 The series of which is the general term is
n (log n)r
convergent if p be greater than unity , and divergent if P be
not greater than unity. [ By ( 243) , (244).

246 The series of which the general term is


ηλ (η ) λ * (n ) ...... X " ( n) { \ r + ¹ ( n ) } p '

where (n) signifies log n , λ² (n ) signifies log { log (n ) } , and

so on, is convergent if p be greater than unity, and divergent
if p be not greater than unity . [ By Induction, and by (243) .

247 The series a₁ + a₂ + &c . is convergent if

nan log (n) log² (n) ...... log" (n ) { logr+1 (n) } r

is always finite for a value of p greater than unity ; log² (n )

here signifying log (log n) , and so on.
[ See Todhunter's Algebra, or Boole's Finite Differences.


4x - 10x2
248 A fractional expression such as may
1-6x + 11x² - 6x³
be expanded in ascending powers of a in three different ways .
First, by dividing the numerator by the denominator in
the ordinary way, or by Synthetic Division , as shewn in (28) .
Secondly, by the method of Indeterminate Coefficients
(232 ) .
Thirdly, by Partial Fractions and the Binomial Theorem.

To expand by the method of Indeterminate Coefficients ,

proceed as follows :

Assume 4x - 10x2
= A + Bx + Ca² + Dx³ + Ex + &c.
1-6x + 11x² - 6x³
.. 4x - 10x2 = A + Bж+ Cx² + Dx³ + Ex + Fæ³ + ...
-6Аx- 6Bx²- 6Сx³- 6Dx¹- 6Ex -...
+11 Ax² + 11 Bx³ +11 Ca¹ + 11Dx² + ...
- 6Ax³- 6B - 6Сx³ -...

Equate coefficients of like powers of X, thus

A= 0,
B- 6A = 4, .. B= 4;
C- 6B + 114 = —-10 , .. C = 14 ;
D - 6C +11B- 6A = 0, .. D = 40 ;
E - 6D +110- 6B = 0, .. E = 110 ;
F- 6E + 11D– 6C = 0, .. F = 304 ;
... ... ...

The formation of the same coefficients by synthetic division is now

exhibited, in order that the connexion between the two processes may be
clearly seen.
The division of 4-10x² by 1—6x + 11æ² - 6x is as follows :
0 +4-10
+6 24 +84 +240 + 660
-11 -44-154-440-1210
+ 6 + 24+ 84+ 240 + 660
0 +4 +14 +40 + 110 +304 +

If we stop at the term 110x , then the undivided remainder will be

304-970 + 6607 , and the complete result will be
3 304-970x + 660x7
4x + 14x² + 40x³ + 110x¹ +
1-6x + 11² -
— 6x³

249 Here the concluding fraction may be regarded as the

sum to infinity after four terms of the series , just as the
original expression is considered to be the sum to infinity of
the whole series .

250 If the general term be required, the method of ex

pansion by partial fractions must be adopted . See (257 ) ,
where the general term of the foregoing series is obtained .


а +a¸x+a²x² +a + &c . is a recurring series if the co

efficients are connected by the relation

251 an = p₁an - 1 + P₂ªn - 2 + ... + Pmªn - m²

The Scale of Relation is

252 - pæ -р²x² —...— Pmxm.

1 -р₁x

The sum of n terms of the series is equal to

253 [The first m terms

-p₁x (first m - 1 terms + the last term)
-p2x² (first m —- 2 terms + the last 2 terms)
-Pa³ (first m - 3 terms + the last 3 terms)
.. ... ... ... ...

-Pm-1-1 (first term + the last m - 1 terms)

-P (the last m terms) ] ÷ [ 1 - p₁x — P²x² —...— Pmx ”] .

254 If the series converges , and the sum to infinity is re

quired, omit all " the last terms " from the formula .

255 EXAMPLE. - Required the Scale of Relation, the general

term, and the apparent sum to infinity, of the series.
4x + 14x² + 40x³ + 110x¹ + 304x³ − 854xº + ....

Observe that six arbitrary terms given are sufficient to determine a Scale
of Relation of the form 1 - px - qa² - ra³, involving three constants p, q, r,
for, by (251 ) , we can write three equations to determine these constants ;
namely, 110 40p + 14q + 4r' The solution gives
304 110p + 40q + 14r . p = 6, q = -11 , r = 6.
854304p + 110g +40r )
Hence the Scale of Relation is 1-6x + 11x² - 6x³ .
The sum of the series without limit will be found from (254) , by putting
P₁ = 6, p₁ = —11 , p¸ = 6, m = 3.
The first three terms = 4x + 14x² + 40x³
-6xthe first two terms = -24x² -84x³
+ 11xx the first term = +44x³
4x - 10x²

4x - 10x²
= 1-6x +112-63
the meaning of which is that, if this fraction be expanded in ascending
powers of X, the first six terms will be those given in the question .

256 To obtain more terms of the series, we may use the Scale of Relation ;
thus the 7th term will be
(6 x 854-11 x 304 +6 x 110) x 2440x7.

257 To find the general term, S must be decomposed into

partial fractions ; thus , by the method of ( 235 ) ,

4. - 10.2 1 2 - 3
= +
1-6x + 11x² - 6x³ 1-3x 1-2x 1 -x
By the Binomial Theorem ( 128) ,
= 1 + 3x + 3²x² + ...... + 3"x",
= 2 + 2x + 2x² + .... + 2 +¹x",
= -3-3x - 3x² -3x².
Hence the general term involving a" is
(3 + 2 +1-3) æ".
And by this formula we can write the " last terms " required in (253 ) , and
so obtain the sum of any finite number of terms of the given series . Also,
by the same formula we can calculate the successive terms at the beginning
of the series. In the present case this mode will be more expeditious than
that of employing the Scale of Relation .

258 If, in decomposing S into partial fractions for the sake

of obtaining the general term, a quadratic factor with ima
ginary roots should occur as a denominator, the same method
must be pursued , for the imaginary quantities will disappear
in the final result. In this case, however, it is more con
venient to employ a general formula. Suppose the fraction
which gives rise to the imaginary roots to be
L+ Mx L+ Mx
a + bx + x² (p - x) (q - x) '

p and q being the imaginary roots of a + bx +a² = 0.

Suppose p = a + iß,

q = a-iß, where i = √1.


If, now, the above fraction be resolved into two partial

fractions in the ordinary way, and if these fractions be ex
panded separately by the Binomial Theorem, and that part of
the general term furnished by these two expansions written
out , still retaining p and q, and if the imaginary values of p
and q be then substituted , it will be found that the factor will
disappear, and that the result may be enunciated as follows .

259 The coefficient of a" -1 in the expansion of

L+ Mx
err (a² +B²) —2ax +x²
will be
L -1 n- 3 -
{ na" -¹B - C ( n , 3) an − ³ ß³ + C ( n , 5 ) a” -5 ß³ — ….. }
B (a² + B )
M n-2 n-4
+ { (n − 1) a" -² ß — C (n − 1 , 3) a” -¹ ß³
B(a² + B²) -1
+ C (n − 1 , 5 ) a” -6 ß³ — ...} ·

260 With the aid of the known expansion of sin no in

Trigonometry, this formula for the nth term may be reduced to

'(L + Ma ) ² + M² ß² ·
sin (no - 4) ,
B² (a² + B²)"

0 = tan -1B -1 MB
in which tan -2
a L+Ma

If n be not greater than 100 , sin ( n0 − q ) may be obtained
from the tables correct to about six places of decimals , and
accordingly the nth term of the expansion may be found with
corresponding accuracy. As an example, the 100th term in
1 +x
the expansion of is readily found by this method
5-2x + x²
41824 .99
to be .

To determine whether a given Series is recurring or not.

261 If certain first terms only of the series be given, a scale

of relation may be found which shall produce a recurring

series whose first terms are those given. The method is

exemplified in (255) . The number of unknown coefficients
P, q, r, &c . to be assumed for the scale of relation must be
equal to half the number of the given terms of the series , if
that number be even. If the number of given terms be odd ,
it may be made even by prefixing zero for the first term of
the series .

262 Since this method may, however, produce zero values

for one or more of the last coefficients in the scale of relation ,
it may be advisable in practice to determine a scale from the
first two terms of the series , and if that scale does not produce
the following terms , we may try a scale determined from the
first four terms , and so on until the true scale is arrived at .
If an indefinite number of terms of the series be given,
we may find whether it is recurring or not by a rule of
Lagrange's .

263 Let the series be

S = A + Bx + Ca² + Dx³ + &c .

Divide unity by S as far as two terms of the quotient, which

will be of the form p + qe, and write the remainder in the form
S'a², S' being another indefinite series of the same form as S.
Next, divide S by S' as far as two terms of the quotient ,
and write the remainder in the form S"x².
" by S", and proceed as before, and repeat
Again, divide S
this process until there is no remainder after one of the
divisions. The series will then be proved to be a recurring
series, and the order of the series , that is, the degree of the
scale of relation , will be the same as the number of divisions
which have been effected in the process .

EXAMPLE. To determine whether the series 1, 3, 6, 10, 15 , 21 , 28, 36,

45, is recurring or not.
Introducing x, we may write
S = 1 + 3x + 6x² + 10x³ + 15x* + 21x + 28x + 36x + 45x³ ....
Then we shall have S = 1-3x + ... with a remainder
3x² + 8x + 15x* + 24x³ + 35x® + &c .
Therefore S3 + 8x + 15x² + 24x³ + 35x¹ + &c . ,
S = 1 x
S' 3 9

with a remainder
9 (x² + 3x³ + 6x¹ + 10x³ + &c. ... ) .

Therefore we may take S" = 1 + 3x + 6x² + 10x³ + &c.

Lastly -= 3-- without any remainder.
Consequently the series is a recurring series of the third order. It is, in
fact, the expansion of
1-3x + 3x² - 23



264 RULE . - Form successive series ofdifferences until a series

of equal differences is obtained. Let a, b, c, d, &c. be the first
terms of the several series ; then the nth term of the given
series is

(n - 1 ) (n - 2) n − 1 ) (n - 2) ( n − 3)
265 a + (n − 1 ) b + c+ d+
1.2 1.2.3

The sum of n terms

n (n - 1 ) n (n − 1 ) (n - 2)
266 = na + b+ c + & c.
1.2 1.2.3

Proved by Induction.

EXAMPLE : a ... 1+ 5 + 15 + 35 +70 +126 + ...

b ... 4 +10 +20 + 35 +56 +...
c ... 6 +10 + 15 + 21+ ...
d ... 4+ 5+ 6 + ...
e ... 1 + 1 + ...

The 100th term of the first series

99.98 99.98.97 4
= 1 + 99.4 + 6+ +
1.2 1.2.3
The sum of 100 terms
100.99 100.99.98
= 100+ 4+ 6+ 4+
1.2 1.2.3

267 To interpolate a term between two terms of a series by

the method of differences .

Ex.-Given log 71 , log 72, log 73, log 74, it is required to find log 72:54.
Form the series of differences from the given logarithms, as in (266) ,
log 71 log 72 log 73 log 74
a ... 1.8512583 1.8573325 1.8633229 1.8692317
b ... ⚫0060742 0059904 ·0059088
C ... -.0000838 -'0000816
d ... - 0000022 considered to vanish.

Log 72.54 must be regarded as an interpolated term , the number of its

place being 2.54.
Therefore put 2:54 for n in formula ( 265 ) .
Result log 72.54 1.8605777.


268 Ex.: 5.7.9 + 7.9.11 + 9.11.13 + 11.13.15 + ...

• d common difference of factors ,

m = number of factors in each term ,

n = number of terms ,

α = first factor of first term -d.

nth term == ( a + nd) ( a + n + 1d) ...... (a + n + m - 1d) .

269 To find the sum of n terms .

RULE . From the last term with the next highest factor take
thefirst term with the next lowest factor , and divide by (m + 1 ) d.

PROOF.- By Induction .
Thus the sum of 4 terms of the above series will be, putting d = 2 , m = 3,
n = 4, a = 3, S=
(3 + 1 ) 2
Proved either by Induction, or by the method of Indeterminate Coefficients.



1 1 1 1
270 Ex.: + + + + ...
5.7.9 7.9.11 9.11.13 11.13.15

Defining d, m, n, a as before, the

nth term =
(a + nd) (a +n + 1d) ... (a + n + m − 1d)'
271 To find the sum of n terms . RULE. - From the first
term wanting its last factor take the last term wanting its first
factor, and divide by (m - 1) d .
Thus the sum of 4 terms of the above series will be, putting d = 2, m = 3,
1 1
5.7 13.15
n = 4, a = 3,
(3-1) 2
PROOF. -By Induction , or by decomposing the terms, as in the following

272 Ex.: To sum the same series by decomposing the terms into partial
fractions . Take the general term in the simple form
(r − 2) j' ( +2)
Resolve this into the three fractions
1 - 1 + 1
8 (r- 2) 4r 8 (r +2) by (235) .
Substitute 7 , 9, 11 , &c . successively for r, and the given series has for
its equivalent the three series
1 ( 1 1 1 1 1 1
+ + + + +
8 5 7 11 13 2n +3
1 2 - 2 2 - 2 2 2
+ -
8 7 9 11 13 2n +3 2n +55 ;}
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ?
+ + + + ****** + + +
81{ 9 11 13 2n +3 2n +5 2n +7
and the sum of n terms is seen, by inspection , to be
1 ( 1 - 1 ---- 1 1 1
+ = 161 --
85 7 2n +5 2n +75 45.7
(2n + 5) (2x
(2n +
+ 7)
7) } ,
, taking 1
a result obtained at once by the rule in (271 ) for the first
term , and for the nth or last term .
(2n + 3) (2n + 5) (2n + 7)

273 Analogous series may be reduced to the types in ( 268 )

and ( 270) , or else the terms may be decomposed in the manner
shewn in ( 272) .

1 4 7 10
Ex.: + + + + ......
1.2.3 2.3.4 3.4.5 4.5.6
has for its general term
3n -2 1 5 4
== +
n (n + 1 ) (n + 2) n n +1 n + 2 by (235) ,
and we may proceed as in (272) to find the sum of n terms.
The method of ( 272) includes the method known as " Summation by
Subtraction," but it has the advantage of being more general and easier of
application to complex series.


274 If the two series

5.6 5.6.7
20 +
(l− x )- = 1+ 5 + 1.2 x²+ 1.2.3 ³
x² + ...

-3 3.4 3.4.5

(1 − x) -³ = 1 + 3x + x²+ ·203+ ·20 +...
1.2 1.2.3

be multiplied together, and the coefficient of a¹ in the product

be equated to the coefficient of a¹ in the expansion of ( 1 − x) -³ ,
we obtain as the result the sum of the composite series + + × 3.4
4! 2.11 !
+ + =
7! 4!

275 Generally , if the given series be

P₁Q₁ + P₂Q₂ + ... + Pn - 1Qn - 1 (1) ,
where Qr = r (r + 1 ) (r + 2) ...· ( r + q − 1 ) ,
and P‚ = (n − r) (n − r + 1 ) ... (n − r + p − 1 ) ;
the sum of n- 1 terms will be

p! q! (n + p + g − 1 ) !
(p + q + 1 ) ! * (n - 2) !


276 Sum of the powers of the terms of an Arithmetical


n (n + 1 )
1 + 2 +3 + ... + n = = S₁

n ( n + 1 ) ( 2n + 1 )
1 + 2²+ 3² + ... + n² = = S2

n ( n + 1 ) 2²
1 + 2 + 3 + ...+ n³ = {n(n + = S3

1 + 2' +3′ + ... + n ' = " (n + 1) (2n + 1) (3n² +3n − 1 ) =

— S..

[By the method of Indeterminate Coefficients (234) .

A general formula for the sum of the 7th powers of

1.2.3 ... n , obtained in the same way is
1 -- 1
ST =
n”+¹ + { n” + A¸n ” -¹ + … .. A¸ - 1n,
r+ 1

where A , A , &c. , are determined by putting p = 1 , 2 , 3, &c .

successively in the equation

2 (p + 1 ) !
A₁ A Ap
= + + +
= (p +2 ) ! r (p) ! r (r − 1) (p − 1) ! 'r (r − 1) ... (r − p + 1 )'

277 a™ + (a + d)™ + (a + 2d) ™ + ... + (a + nd)m

= ( n + 1 ) a™ + S¸ma" -¹d + S¸C (m, 2 ) a™ -² d²
+ S¸C (m , 3 ) am - ³d³ + &c .
PROOF.- By Binomial Theorem and (276) .

278 Summation of a series partly Arithmetical and

partly Geometrical .
EXAMPLE . To find the sum of the series 1 + 3x + 5x² + to n

8 = 1 + 3x + 5x² + 7x³ + ... + ( 2n − 1 ) x²-¹ ,
sx = x + 3x² + 5x + ... + ( 2n − 3) x" ¹ + ( 2n − 1 ) x”,
.. by subtraction,
s (1 − x) = 1 + 2x + 2x² + 2x³ + ... + 2x² - ¹— ( 2n - 1 ) x”
1 - x -1
= 1 + 2x — ( 2n − 1 ) x”,

s = 1- (2n - 1 ) x" + 2x ( 1 − x² - ¹)
1 -x (1 - x)'

279 A general formula for the sum of n terms of

a + (a +d) r + (a + 2d) r² + (a + 3d) µ³ + &c .

is a− (a +n − 1d) r² + dr (1 — p²-¹)
S= 2
l-r ( 1 —r)²
Obtained as in ( 278) .

RULE.-Multiply by the ratio and subtract the resulting


280 1
-x = 1 + x + x² + x³ + ... + x² - ¹ + -

281 = 1 + 2x + 3x² +4a³ + ...

- x)²
trở t (n + 1 ) nước t
( 1 − x)²

282 (n − 1 ) x + (n − 2) x² + (n − 3) x³ + ... + 2x² - ² + x² - ¹

= (n − 1) −n + 1 By (253).
(1 - x)²

n (n - 1 ) (n - 2)
283 1 + n + n (n − 1 ) + + & c. = 2",
2! 3!

1 −n + n (n − 1 ) - n (n − 1 ) (n − 2) + & c. = 0.
2! 3!
By making a bin (125). evrata

284 The series

n- 3 (n − 4) (n − 5) -
___ (n −
—55 ) ( n − 6 ) ( n − 7 ) + ...
1 +
3! 4!

...· + (− 1 ) r - 1 (n — r — 1 ) ( n — r — 2 ) ... ( n − 2r + 1 )

n- 1
consists of or terms , and the sum is given by

S = if n be of the form 6m + 3 ,

S = 0 if n be of the form 6m + 1 ,

S if n be of the form 6m,

S = if n be of the form 6m + 2.

PROOF. - By ( 545 ) , putting p = x + y , q = xy, and applying (546) .

285 The series n " —n

n” -n (n
(n − 1) "+
+?n (n − 1 ) (n- 2)"

_n (n − 1 ) (n − 2 ) ( n − 3) ' + &c

takes the values 0, n !, in ( n + 1 ) !

according as r is < n, n , or =
= n + 1.

PROOF. By expanding (e - 1 ) ", in two ways : first, bythe Exponential

Theorem and Multinomial ; secondly, by the Bin. Th., and each term of
the expansion by the Exponential . Equate the coefficients of a" in the two
results .

Other results are obtained by putting r = n +2 , n + 3, &c .

The series (285 ) , when divided by r !, is , in fact , equal to

the coefficient of a" in the expansion of

22 23 n
(x+ 2
{ 2! +3
3! + }

286 By exactly the same process we may deduce from the

function { e -e-* )" the result that the series

n²—n (n — 2) " + n (n − 1) (n − 4)” — &c.


takes the values 0 or 2" .n !, according as r is < n or = n ;

this series, divided by r !, being equal to the coefficient of ar
in the expansion of
ენ n
{x 3
+3! +3 5! + "


287 The nth term of the 7th order of polygonal numbers is

equal to the sum of n terms of an Arith . Prog . whose first
term is unity and common difference r - 2 ; that is

= ½ { 2+ (n − 1 ) ( r − 2 ) } = n + ³n (n − 1) (r − 2 ) .

288 The sum of n terms

= n (n + 1) + n ( n − 1 ) (n +1) (r − 2) ¸
2 6

By resolving into two series.

Order. nth term .


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
in ( n + 1 ) 1 3 6 10 15 21 28
n² 1 4 9 16 25 36 49

5 In (3n - 1 ) 1 5 12 22 35 51 70
6 (2n - 1 ) n 1 6 15 28 45 66 91
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
T n + n (n − 1) (r − 2) 1 , r, 3 + 3 ( r − 2 ) , 4 + 6 (r − 2) , 5 + 10 (r − 2 ) ,
6 + 15 (r - 2), &c.

In practice to form , for instance, the 6th order of poly

gonal numbers -write the first three terms by the formula ,
and form the rest by the method of differences.
Ex.: 1 6 15 28 45 66 91 120 ...
5 9 13 17 21 25 29 ...
[r- 2 = 4 ] 4 4 4 4 4 4 ...


289 The nth term of any order is the sum of n terms of the
preceding order.
The nth term of the 7th order is

n (n + 1). ... (n +r − 2) =
– H ( n, r − 1) .
[By 98.
( -1 )!

290 The sum of n terms is

n ( n + 1 ) ... ( n + r − 1 )
= H (n , r) .

Order. Figurate Numbers . nth term .

1 1, 1 , 1, 1, ཇ. 1 1
2 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 n

3 n (n + 1 )
1, 3, 6, 10 , 15 , 21

4 n (n + 1 ) (n + 2 )
1 , 4 , 10 , 20 , 35 , 56

5 1 , 5 , 15 , 35, 70, 126 n (n + 1 ) ( n + 2) ( n + 3)

6 1 , 6 , 21 , 56, 126, 252 n (n + 1 ) (n + 2 ) ( n + 3) (n + 4)


291 1+ x + a (a + 1 ) B (B + 1 ) x2
1.Y 1.2.y(y + 1 )

a (a + 1 ) (a + 2) B (B + 1 ) (B + 2)
+ x² + & c .
1.2.3.y (y + 1 ) (y + 2)

is convergent if a is < 1 ,
and divergent if a is > 1 ; (239 ii. )

and if a = 1 , the series is

convergent if y -a -ẞ is positive ,
divergent if y -
-aa-ẞ is negative , (239 iv.)
and divergent if y- a -ẞ is zero . (239 v.)

Let the hypergeometrical series ( 291 ) be denoted by

F(a, B, y) ; then, the series being convergent, it is shewn by
induct ion that

292 F(a, B + 1 , y + 1) = 1
concluding with
F (a, ẞ, y) 1 - k₁
1 - k₂ 1 - kar-1
I- &c. ... I — kąrz r

where k₁, kg, kz, &c . , with z2 , are given by the formulæ

(a + r − 1 ) (y + r − 1 − ß) x
kyr-1 =
(y +2r - 2) (y +2r − 1 )

Kar = (B +r) (y + r − a) x
(y+2r − 1) (y+2r)

22r = F (a + r, B + r + 1 , y + 2r + 1 )
F (a + r, B + r , y + 2r)

withThe continued fraction may be concluded at any point

. When is infinite , % , - 1 and the continued
fraction is infinite .

293 Let
x² a4 x6
f (n = 1
(x)) = + 1
1 + 1 . Y + 1.2.y (y + 1 ) + 1.2.3.y (y + 1 ) (y +2) +&c.

the result of substituting for a in (291 ) , and making
Ba = ∞ .. Then , by last , or independently by induction ,

f(y + 1 ) = 1 P₁ P2 P
f (y) 1+ 1+ 1 + ... + 1 + &c
1+& c.

with P
(y + m − 1) (y+ m)

294 In this result put y = and ½

2 for a, and we obtain by
Exp . Th . ( 150) ,
ey —p¯y
=y y y y²
the 7th component being
e" + e˜¯ÿ 1+ 3+ 5 + &c . 2r- 1

Or the continued fraction may be formed by ordinary division

of one series by the other.

295 e " is incommensurable, m and n being integers . From
the last and (174) , by putting a =


If ľ be the Interest on £ 1 for 1 year,

n the number of years,
P the Principal,
A the amount in n years . Then

296 At Simple Interest A = P (1 +nr) .

297 At Compound Interest A = P ( 1 + r) ". By ( 84) .


298 But if the payments of nq

Interest be made I
times a year ... ... } A = P ( 1 + 5 )" .

If A be an amount due in n years' time , and P the present

worth of A. Then
299 At Simple Interest P= By (296 ) .
1 + nr

300 At Compound Interest P= By (297) .
(1 +r ) *

301 Discount A — P.


302 The amount of an Annu

ity of £ 1 in n years , = n + n (n − 1) ጥ. By (82).
at Simple Interest ...

− 1) r¸ By (299) .
303 Present value of same = n +¹n (n
1+ nr

304 Amount at Compound = (1 +r ) *−1 By (85) .

(1 +r ) — 1 °

Present worth of same = 1- ( 1 + r) -n By (300) .

( 1 + r) −1

305 Amount when the pay. ) (1 + 7)” - 1

ments of Interest
By (298) .
are made q times per
annum ... --1
(1+2)' −1

− (1+
Present value of same

( + )-1

306 Amount when the pay

ments of the Annuity (1 + r ) " − 1
are made m times per 1
annum ... ... ... m { (1 + r) = - 1 }

Present value of same 1− (1 +r) ¯”

m { ( 1 + r) " − 1 }

307 Amount when the In

terest is paid q times 1+
( ) -1
and the Annuity m m
times per annum .... m {( 1+ 2) = -1 }

- (1 + 2)
Present value of same =
m {( 1 ++) =-1 }


309 If all the ways in which an event can happen be m

in number, all being equally likely to occur, and if in n of
these m ways the event would happen under certain restrictive
conditions ; then the probability of the restricted event hap
pening is equal to n ÷ m.
Thus , if the letters of the alphabet be chosen at random ,
any letter being equally likely to be taken, the probability of
a vowel being selected is equal to . The number of un
restricted cases here is 26 , and the number of restricted
ones 5.

310 If, however, all the m events are not equally probable ,
they may be divided into groups of equally probable cases .
The probability of the restricted event happening in each
group separately must be calculated , and the sum of these
probabilities will be the total probability of the restricted
event happening at all.

EXAMPLE.-There are three bags A, B, and C.

A contains 2 white and 3 black balls.
B "" 3 99 4 99
C 99 4 29 5 ""
A bag is taken at random and a ball drawn from it. Required the pro
bability of the ball being white.
Here the probability of the bag A being chosen , and the subsequent
probability of a white ball being drawn = 3.
Therefore the probability of a white ball being drawn from A
2 2
= 13X =
5 15 .

Similarly the probability of a white ball being drawn from B

13 3 1!
= =
3x 7
And the probability of a white ball being drawn from C
1 4 4
= X =
3 9 27'

Therefore the total probability of a white ball being drawn

2 1 4 = 401
= +
15 7 27 945

If a be the number of ways in which an event can happen ,

and b the number of ways in which it can fail , then the
311 Probability of the event happening +b

312 Probability of the event failing =
Thus Certainty 1.

If p, p' be the respective probabilities of two independent

events , then

313 Probability of both happening = pp'.

314 "" of not both happening =: 1 -pp'.

315 99 of one happening and one failing

= p +p' - 2pp'.

316 "" of both failing = (1 — p) (1 — p') .


If the probability of an event happening in one trial be P,

and the probability of its failing 7, then

317 Probability of the event happening times in n trials.

= C (n, r) p” q” -r.

318 Probability of the event failing r times in n trials

= C (n, r) p” -rqr. [ By induction.

319 Probability of the event happening at least r times in

n trials the sum of the first n -r + 1 terms in the expansion
of (p +q)".

320 Probability of the event failing at least r times in n

trials = the sum of the last n - r + 1 terms in the same ex

321 The number of trials in which the probability of the

same event happening amounts to p'

= log (1 - p')
log ( 1 - p )

From the equation ( 1 - p) = 1 - p'.

322 DEFINITION . -When a sum of money is to be received if

a certain event happens, that sum multiplied into the proba
bility of the event is termed the expectation .

EXAMPLE . If three coins be taken at random from a bag

containing one sovereign, four half-crowns, and five shillings ,
the expectation will be the sum of the expectations founded
upon each way of drawing three coins . But this is also equal
to the average value of three coins out of the ten ; that is,
ths of 35 shillings , or 10s. 6d.

323 The probability that , after r chance selections of the

numbers 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 ... n, the sum of the numbers drawn will
be s, is equal to the coefficient of as in the expansion of

(æº + a¹ + æ² + ... + a") " ÷ (n + 1 ) ”.


324 The probability of the existence of a certain cause of

an observed event out of several known causes , one of which
must have produced the event , is proportional to the a priori
probability of the cause existing multiplied by the probability
of the event happening from it if it does exist.
Thus, if the a priori probabilities of the causes be P₁ , P₂
... &c. , and the corresponding probabilities of the event hap
pening from those causes Q1 , Q2 ... &c . , then the probability
of the 7th cause having produced the event is

Σ (PQ)*

325 If P₁ , P ... &c . be the a priori probabilities of a second

event happening from the same causes respectively , then ,
after the first event has happened , the probability of the

second happening is
Σ (PQ )
P.Qr Pr . which is
For this is the sum of such probabilities as
Σ (PQ)'
the probability of the 7th cause existing multiplied by the
probability of the second event happening from it.

Ex. 1.- Suppose there are

4 vases containing each 5 white and 6 black balls,
2 vases containing each 3 white and 5 black balls,
and 1 vase containing 2 white and 1 black ball .
A white ball has been drawn, and the probability that it came from the group
of 2 vases is required .

Here 4
P₁ = P₁ = 2
/ P3
P₁ = 1/1/1
7 7' 7
Q₁ = 5 Q₂2 =
• Q3 =
11' 3
Therefore, by (324) , the probability required is
7.8 99
4.5 2.3 1.2 427
+ +
7.11 7.8 7.3

Ex. 2. After the white ball has been drawn and replaced , a ball is
drawn again ; required the probability of the ball being black.

6 5
Here P₁ = P₂:= P; = 1/1/0
11' 8'

The probability, by (325) , will be

4.5.6 2.3.5 1.2.1
+ +
7.11.11 7.8.8 7.3.3 58639
4.5 2.3 1.2 112728
+ +
7.11 7.8 7.3

If the probability of the second ball being white is required, Q₁Q, Q

must be employed instead of P¦ P'P'.

326 The probability of one event at least happening out of

a number of events whose respective probabilities are a , b, c,

& c. , is P₁ − P₂+P¸3 −P₁4 + &c.

where P₁ is the probability of 1 event happening,

P2 99 "" 2 ""

and so on. For, by (316) , the probability is

1- (1 - a) (1 - b ) ( 1 — c) ·... = Σa - Σab + Σabc- , ...

327 The probability of the occurrence of r assigned events

and no more out of n events is

QrQr+1+ Qr+ 2 − Qr+s + &c.,

where Q, is the probability of the r assigned events ; Q +1 the

probability of r + 1 events including the r assigned events .
For if a, b, c ... be the probabilities of the r events , and
a', b', c' ... the probabilities of the excluded events, the re
quired probability will be

abc ... (1 — a') ( 1 — b') ( 1 — c') ...

= abc ... ( 1 - Σa' + Za'b' - Za'b'c' + ... ) .

328 The probability of any r events happening and no more

is EQ, EQr+1 + ΣQr +2'- &c .

NOTE.- If a = b = c = &c. , then ΣQ, = C (n , r ) Qr, &c.



a₁ + a2 + ... + an
330 + lies between the greatest and least of
b₁+ b₂+ ... + bn

the fractions a a2 an
" ... , the denominators being all of

the same sign .

PROOF. -Let k be the greatest of the fractions, and ar any other ; then
a, <kb . Substitute in this way for each a. Similarly if k be the least
fraction .

a+ b
331 > √ab.

a₁ + a₂+ ... +an

332 > a₁a ... an

or, Arithmetic mean > Geometric mean .

PROOF. - Substitute both for the greatest and least factors their Arith
metic mean . The product is thus increased in value. Repeat the process
indefinitely. The limiting value of the G. M. is the A. M. of the quantities.

m m
b \m
a +b
2 " >(a+b)" ,

excepting when m is a positive proper fraction.

a" + b " = ( " + ¹ ) " { (1 + x) " + (1 − x) " } ,

where x = a-b Employ Bin. Th .

a+ b

m m m m
334 atait ... ta > (a +a + ... +a.
an)" ,

excepting when m is a positive proper fraction .


Otherwise .-The Arithmetic mean of the mth powers is

greater than the mth power of the Arithmetic mean, excepting
when m is a positive proper fraction .

PROOF . Similar to (332 ) . Substitute for the greatest and least on the
left side, employing (333) .

336 If a and m are positive, and a and me less than unity ;

then (1 + x) - > 1 - mx. (125 , 240 )

337 If x, m , and n are positive , and n greater than m ; then ,

by taking a small enough, we can make

1 + nữ > (1 + r )” .

For a may be diminished until 1 + nx is > ( 1 − mx) -1 , and this

is (1 + x)", by last.

338 If a be positive , log ( 1 + x) < x. (150)

If æ be positive and > 1 , x 2² .
log (1 + x) > w− ( 155 , 240)

If a be positive and < 1 , log
log > x. (156)
1 -x

339 When n becomes infinite in the two expressions

1.3.5 ... (2n - 1 ) 3.5.7 ... (2n + 1)

and "
2.4.6 ... 2n 2.4.6 ... 2n

the first vanishes , the second becomes infinite, and their

product lies between and 1 .

Shewn by adding 1 to each factor (see 73 ) , and multi

plying the result by the original fraction .

340 If m be > n , and n > a ,

m+a is < ( n +a)".
\m-- -a n- a

341 If a, b be positive quantities ,

a+ b\ a + b
a b' is > ( a + b)* + *.

a+ b+ c
Similarly aa bb c
a²b³ ° > ( a + b + c) +++ o

These and similar theorems may be proved by taking loga

rithms of each side, and employing the Expon . Th . (158) , &c .


342 If N be a whole number of n + 1 digits , and r the radix

of the scale , N = P₂r” + Pn - 1 ?” - ¹ +Pn - 2 ?¹²¬² + ... + P₁r + Po

where Pn , Pn-19 ... Po ar th di

e e gits .

343 Similarly a radix-fraction will be expressed by

Pi P2 P3
+ + + & c. ,
r 2.2 2.3

where P1 , P2 , & c . are the digits .

EXAMPLES : 3426 in the scale of 7 = 3.7° +4.73 + 2.7 + 6 ;

1 0 5
1045 in the same scale = + 74

344 Ex. - To transform 34268 from the scale of 5 to the

scale of 11.

RULE . -Divide successively by the new radix.

11 34268
111343 -t
11 | 40-3
1-9 Result 193t, in which t stands for 10.

345 Ex. - To transform t0el from the scale of 12 to that

of 7, e standing for 11 , and t for 10.

RULE . -Multiply successively by the new radix.

5 1657
0.2971 Result 5610 ...

346 Ex.- In what scale does 2t7 represent the number 475
in the scale of ten ?

Solve the equation 2² +10r + 7 = 475. [178

Result r = 13.

347 The sum of the digits of any number divided by r - 1

leaves the same remainder as the number itself divided by
r- 1 ; being the radix of the scale. (401 )

348 The difference between the sums of the digits in the

even and odd places divided by r + 1 leaves the same re
mainder as the number itself when divided by r + 1 .


349 If a is prime to b , is in its lowest terms .

a = a1
PROOF.-Let a fraction in lower terms.
b B
Divide a by a,, remainder a, quotient q₁ ,
b by b₁, remainder b, quotient q₁;
and so on, as in finding the H. C. F. of a and a₁ , and of b and b₁ ( see 30) .
Let an and b, be the highest common factors thus determined .

a α = a -91a1
Then, because = a1 2 = 029 (70)
b b₁ b b- q, b₁ ba
and so on ; thus = a1 = aq = &c. ...... = an
b b₁ ხა ba

Therefore a and b are equimultiples of a, and b„ ; that is, a is not prime to b

if any fraction exists in lower terms.

α a
350 If a is prime to b , and = then a and b' are
b b
equimultiples of a and b .

PROOF.- Let reduced to its lowest terms be P. Then P = a ' and ,

9 q b'

since p is now prime to q, and a prime to b, it follows , by 349 , that is

neither greater nor less than b ; that is, it is equal to it. Therefore, &c .

351 If ab is divisible by c, and a is not ; then b must be.

ab a
PROOF .-Let q; ... = 9
с с b
But a is prime to c ; therefore, by last, b is a multiple of c.

352 If a and b be each of them prime to c, ab is prime

to c.
[ By (351 ) .

353 If abcd ... is divisible by a prime, one at least of the

factors a, b, c , &c. must also be divisible by it .

Or, if p be prime to all but one of the factors , that factor

is divisible by p .
(351 )

354 Therefore, if a" is divisible by p, p cannot be prime to

a; and if p be a prime it must divide a.

355 If a is prime to b, any power of a is prime to any

power of b.

Also, if a, b , c, &c . are prime to each other, the product

of any of their powers is prime to any other product of their
powers .

356 No expression with integral coefficients , such as

A + Bx + Cx² + ..., can represent primes only.

PROOF. For it is divisible by r if A = 0 ; and if not, it is divisible by A ,

when A.

357 The number of primes is infinite.

PROOF. Suppose if possible p to be the greatest prime. Then the pro

duct of all primes up to p, plus unity, is either a prime, in which case it
would be a greater prime than p, or it must be divisible by a prime ; but
no prime up to p divides it, because there is a remainder I in each case.
Therefore, if divisible at all, it must be by a prime greater than p. In
either case, then, a prime greater than p exists.

358 If a be prime to b, and the quantities a , 2a, 3a, ...

(b - 1 ) a be divided by b, the remainders will be different .
PROOF. Assume ma - nb = m'a — n'b, m and n being less than b,
a n —n'
= Then by (350).
b m -m

359 A number can be resolved into prime factors in one

way only. [ By (353).

360 To resolve 5040 into its prime factors .

RULE .-Divide by the prime numbers successively.

2 × 5 5040
3 Thus 5040 = 2¹.3.5.7.

361 Required the least multiplier of 4704 which will make

the product a perfect fourth power.

By (196 ), 4704 25.3.72.

Then 25.3¹.7 × 23.3³ . 7² = 2º . 3¹ . 7' — 84*,
the indices 8, 4, 4 being the least multiples of 4 which are not less than
5, 1 , 2 respectively.
Thus 28.33.73584 is the multiplier required .

362 All numbers are of one of the forms 2n or 2n + 1

99 99 2n or 2n - 1

99 99 3n or 3n + 1

99 99 4n or 4n +1 or 4n +2

99 4n or 4n + 1 or 4n - 2
99 99 5n or 5n + 1 or 5n + 2
and so on .

363 All square numbers are of the form 5n or 5n ± 1.

PROOF. By squaring the forms ɔ̃n , 5n ± 1 , 5n ± 2 , which comprehend

all numbers whatever.

364 All cube numbers are of the form 7n or 7n ±1 .

And similarly for other powers .

365 The highest power of a prime p, which is contained in

the product m !, is the sum of the integral parts of
M m m
39 &c .
P p2 , p
m m
For there are
factors in m ! which p will divide ; 2 which
P p²
it will divide a second time ; and so on . The successive
divisions are equivalent to dividing by

m m m+ m +
p" . p ... &c . = p p2

EXAMPLE . The highest power of 3 which will divide 29 !. Here the

factors 3 , 6, 9, 12, 15 , 18 , 21 , 24 , 27 can be divided by 3. Their number is
3 = 9 (the integral part) .
The factors 9, 18, 27 can be divided a second time. Their number is
32 3 (the integral part) .
One factor, 27, is divisible a third time. = 1 (integral part) .
9 +3 + 1 == 13 ; that is, 3¹³ is the highest power of 3 which will divide 29 !.

366 The product of any r consecutive integers is divisible

by r !.

PROOF : n (n − 1 ) ... ( n − r + 1 ) is necessarily an integer, by (96) ,


367 If n be a prime, every coefficient in the expansion of

(a + b)", except the first and last , is divisible by n. By last.

368 If n be a prime , the coefficient of every term in the ex

pansion of ( a + b + c ... ) " , except a" , b" , &c. , is divisible by n.

PROOF. - By ( 367) . Put ß for ( b + c + ... ) .

369 Fermat's Theorem. -If p be a prime , and N prime to

p ; then NP-1-1 is divisible by p.

PROOF : NP = (1 + 1 + ...)" = N + Mp. By (368 ) .

370 If p be any number, and if 1 , a , b, c,.... (p - 1 ) be all

the numbers less than, and prime to p ; and if n be their
number, and a any one of them ; then a" -1 is divisible by p .

PROOF. -If x, ax, bx ... (p - 1 ) x be divided by p, the remainders will be

all different and prime to p [ as in (358) ] ; therefore the remainders will be
1, a, b, c ... (p - 1 ) ; therefore the product
x"abc ... (p - 1 ) = abc ... (p - 1) + Mp.

371 Wilson's Theorem.- If p be a prime, and only then,

1+ ( p - 1 ) ! is divisible by p.

Put p - 1 for r and n in (285) , and apply Fermat's Theorem

to each term .

372 If P be a prime 2n + 1 , then (n ! ) ² + ( - 1 ) " is divisible

by p.
PROOF. By multiplying together equi - distant factors of (p - 1 ) ! in
Wilson's Theorem, and putting 2n + 1 for p.

373 Let N = abc" ... in prime factors ; the number of in

tegers , including 1 , which are less than n and prime to it, is

a ) ( 1-4)
N ( 1-1 -풍) (1- 증 ....
( 1-4))...
PROOF. - The number of integers prime to N contained in a is aº
a ·
Similarly in b , c , &c . Take the product of these,

Also the number of integers less than and prime to

(NX MX &c .) is the product of the corresponding numbers
for N, M, &c. separately .

374 The number of divisors of N, including 1 and N itself,

For it is equal to the number
is = (p + 1 ) (q + 1 ) ( r + 1 ) ...
of terms in the product

(1 +a + ... + a³) ( 1 + b + ... + b²) ( 1 + c + ... + c") ... &c .

375 The number of ways of resolving N into two factors is

half the number of its divisors (374) . If the number be a
square the two equal factors must, in this case, be reckoned
as two divisors .

376 If the factors of each pair are to be prime to each other,

put p, q, r, &c. each equal to one.

377 The sum of the divisors of N is

ap+1-1 -
ba+1 _1 cr+1-1
• ...
a -1 b- 1 c- 1

PROOF. By the product in (374) , and by (85) .

378 If p be a prime, then the p - 1th power of any number

is of the form mp or mp + 1 . By Fermat's Theorem (369) .
Ex.-The 12th power of any number is of the form 13m or 13m + 1.

379 To find all the divisors of a number ; for instance , of 504.

I. II.
504 2
252 2
126 2 8
63 3 3 6 12 24
21 3 9 18 36 72
7 7 7 14 28 56 21 42
84 168 63 126 252 504
N. - Resolve 504 into its prime factors, placing them in
column II.


The divisors of 504 are now formed from the numbers in column II., and
placed to the right of that column in the following manner :
Place the divisor 1 to the right of column II. , and follow this rule
Multiply in order all the divisors which are written down by the next number
in column II., which has not already been used as a multiplier : place the first
new divisor so obtained and all the following products in order to the right of
column II.

380 S, the sum of the 7th powers of the first n natural

numbers is divisible by 2n + 1 .

PROOF : x ( x² — 1²) ( x² — 2²) .… . ( x² — n²)

constitutes 2n + 1 factors divisible by 2n + 1 , by (366) . Multiply out, re
jecting a, which is to be less than 2n +1. Thus, using (372),
x² - S₁x² - ² + S₂22 — ... S. 12² + ( - 1 ) " ( n ) ² = M (2n + 1) .

Put 1 , 2, 3 ... (n - 1) in succession for 2, and the solution of the (n - 1)

equations is of the form S, = M (2n + 1) .


Generalform of a rational integral equation ofthe nth degree .

400 Poxn +P₁xn-¹ +P²x²¬² + ... + Рn - 1x +Pn = 0.

The left side will be designated f(x) in the following

summary .

401 If f (x) be divided by -a , the remainder will be ƒ(a) .

By assuming f(x) = P (x - a) + R.

402 If a be a root of the equation f (x) = 0 , then ƒ (a) = 0.

403 To compute f(a) numerically ; divide f(x) by x - a,

and the remainder will be f(a) . [401

404 EXAMPLE. To find the value of 4x - 3x + 12x -x² + 10 when = 2.

4-3 +12 +0 −1 +0 +10
2 8 +10 +44 +88 +174 + 348
4+5 +22 +44 +87 +174 +358 Thus ƒ (2) = 358.

If a, b, с ... k be the roots of the equati

on f (x) = 0 ;
then, by (401 ) and (402 ) ,

405 f(x) = p。 (x - a) (x − b) (x − c) ... (x− k).

By multiplying out the last equation, and equating coefficients with

equation (400), considering po = 1 , the following results are obtained :

406 -P₁ = the sum of all the roots of ƒ (x) .

the sum of the products of the roots taken
P₂ = two at a time .
the sum of the products of the roots taken
-P3 = three at a time .
... ... ... ...
... ... ...

the sum of the products of the roots taken

(−1)″p, = { r at a time.
... ... ...
(-1)"P = product of all the roots.

407 The number of roots of f(x) is equal to the degree of

the equation.

408 Imaginary roots must occur in pairs of the form

a + ß√ - 1 , a - ẞ√ — 1 .

The quadratic factor corresponding to these roots will

then have real coefficients ; for it will be

x² —2ax + a² +ß². [405 , 226

409 If f (x) be of an odd degree , it has at least one real root

of the opposite sign to P
Thus 7-10 has at least one positive root.

410 If f (x) be of an even degree, and p, negative , there is

at least one positive and one negative root.
Thus a - 1 has +1 and -1 for roots.

411 If several terms at the beginning of the equation are of

one sign, and all the rest of another, there is one , and only
one, positive root.
Thus x + 2x + 3x³ + x³ - 5x - 4 = 0 has only one positive root.

412 If all the terms are positive there is no positive root.

413 If all the terms of an even order are of one sign, and
all the rest are of another sign , there is no negative root,

414 Thus 2-2 + x² - x + 1 = 0 has no negative root,


415 If all the indices are even , and all the terms of the same
sign, there is no real root ; and if all the indices are odd , and
all the terms of the same sign, there is no real root but zero .
Thus x +x + 1 = 0 has no real root, and 25 + x³ +x = 0 has no real root
but zero . In this last equation there is no absolute term , because such a
term would involve the zero power of x, which is even, and by hypothesis is


416 In the following theorems every two adjacent terms in

f(x) , which have the same signs, count as one " continuation
of sign " ; and every two adjacent terms , with different signs ,
count as one change of sign .

ƒ (x) , multiplied by ( -a) , has an odd number of

417 f(x),
changes of sign thereby introduced , and one at least.

418 f(x) cannot have more positive roots than changes of

sign, or more negative roots than continuations of sign.

419 When all the roots of f (x) are real, the number of
positive roots is equal to the number of changes of sign in
f(x) ; and the number of negative roots is equal to the number
of changes of sign in ƒ ( -x) .

420 Thus, it being known that the roots of the equation

x¹ - 10x³ + 35x² — 50x + 24 = 0
are all real ; the number of positive roots will be equal to the number of
changes of sign, which is four. Also ƒ( −x ) = x² + 10x³ + 35x² + 50x + 24 = 0,
and since there is no change of sign, there is consequently, by the rule, no
negative root.

421 If the degree of f (x) exceeds the number of changes of

sign in f(x) and f( -a) together, by μ, there are at least μ
imaginary roots .

422 If, between two terms in f(x) of the same sign, there
be an odd number of consecutive terms wanting, then there
must be at least one more than that number of imaginary
roots ; and if the missing terms lie between terms of different

sign, there is at least one less than the same number of

imaginary roots .
Thus, in the cubic equation a³ +4x - 7 = 0 , there must be two imaginary
And in the equation 2-1 = 0 there are, for certain, four imaginary roots.

423 If an even number of consecutive terms be wanting in

f (x), there is at least the same number of imaginary roots.
Thus the equation 25 +1 = 0 has four terms absent ; and therefore four
imaginary roots at least.


Rule for forming the derived functions .

424 Multiply each term by the index of x, and reduce the
index by one ; that is, differentiate the function with respect
to x.
f (x) = x²+ x + x³ — x³ - x - 1
f' (x) = 5x¹ + 4x³ + 3x² — 2x −1
f (x) = 20x³ + 12x² + 6x −2
ƒ³ (x) = 60x² +24x + 6
f (x) = 120x +24
f (x) = 120
ƒ¹ (x), ƒª ( ) , &c. are called the first, second, &c. derived functions off (x).

425 To form the equation whose roots differ from those of

f(x) by a quantity a.
Put x = y + a in f(x) , and expand each term by the Binomial
Theorem, arranging the results in vertical columns in the fol
lowing manner :
f(a +y) = (a + y) + (a + y) * + (a + y) ³— ( a + y ) ²— (a + y) —1
= as + + a³ - a³ - a -1
+( 5a + 4a³ + 3a² - 2a - 1) y
+ (10a³ + 6a² + 3a - 1) y²
+ (10a² + 4a + 1 ) y³
+ ( 5a + 1) y*
+ yo

Comparing this result with that seen in (424) , it is seen that

426 f(a +y) = ƒ (a) +f¹ (a) y

+ £(a)y + £
ª(a) y + £
(a) y + £
² (a) y
2 3

so that the coefficient generally of y" in the transformed

equation is fr (a)

427 To form the equation most expeditiously when a has a

numerical value, divide f(x) continuously by x - a, and the
successive remainders will furnish the coefficients .

EXAMPLE.-To expand f(y +2) when, as in (425 ) ,

f(x) = x + 2 + x³ - x³ - x - 1 .
Divide repeatedly by a - 2, as follows :
1+ 1 + 1 - 1 1 - 1
2 + 2 + 6 + 14 + 26 +50
1 + 3 + 7 +13 + 25 +49 = ƒ (2)
2 + 2 + 10 + 34 + 94
1 + 5 +17 +47 +119 = f¹ (2)
2 +2 +14 + 62
1 + 7 +31 +109 = Ļ (2)
2 + 2 +18 12 That these remainders
are the required coefficients
1 + 9 +49 = f (2)
3 is seen by inspecting the
2 + 2 form ofthe equation (426) ;
1 + 11 = f* (2) for if that equation be di
14 vided by a = y_repeat
edly, these remainders are
1 = ƒ³(2) obviously produced when
15 a = 2.
Thus the equation, whose roots are each less by 2 than the roots of the
proposed equation, is y +11y +49y + 109y +119y +49 = 0.

428 To make any assigned term vanish in the transformed

equation, a must be so determined that the coefficient of that
term shall vanish.

EXAMPLE. -In order that there may be no term involving y* in equation

(426), we must have f* (a) = 0.
Find f'(a) asin (424) ;
120a + 24 = 0 ; .. a = --중.
The equation in (424) must now be divided repeatedly by + after the
manner of (427) , and the resulting equation will be minus its second term.

429 Note , that to remove the second term of the equation

f(x ) = 0, the requisite value of a is = - ; that is , the
coefficient ofthe second term, with the sign changed , divided by
the coefficient of the first term , and by the number expressing
the degree of the equation.

430 To transform f(x) into an equation in y so that y = (x) ,

a given function of x, put x = ¹ (y) , the inverse function ofy.
EXAMPLE . To obtain an equation whose roots are respectively three times
the roots of the equation a³ - 6x + 1 = 0 . Here y = 32 ; therefore x = 3'
and the equation becomes 27 +10, or y³ - 54y + 27 = 0.

431 To transform ƒ ( x) = 0 into an equation in which the

coefficient of the first term shall be unity, and the other
coefficients the least possible integers .
EXAMPLE .-Take the equation
288x³ +240x³ -176x - 21 = 0.
Divide by the coefficient of the first term, and reduce the fractions ; the
equation becomes 2³ + 25- x²2 - 1130 x --
/ = 0.
6 18 96
Substitute Y for x, and multiply by k³ ; we get
112 77
y³ + 5k y = 0.
6 y³ — 18 96
Next resolve the denominators into their prime factors,
5k 112 7k³
y³ + = 0.
2.3 y³. 2.32 Y 25.3
The smallest value must now be assigned to k, which will suffice to make
each coefficient an integer. This is easily seen by inspection to be 22.3 = 12,
and the resulting equation is y³ + 10y³ — 88y — 126 = 0 ,
the roots of which are connected with the roots of the original equation by
the relation y = 12x.


By expanding f (x +z) in powers of z by (405 ) , and also

by (426), and equating the coefficients of z in the two ex

pansions , it is proved that

f(x) f(x) f(x) + & c. ,

432 ' (x) =
f + +
(x− a) (x—b) (x−c)

from which result it appears that , if the roots a , b, c , &c . are

all unequal, ƒ (a) and f (x) can have no common measure in
volving x.. If, however, there are r roots each equal to a,
s roots equal to b , t roots equal to c, & c . , so that

f(x) = p (x — a) ” (x — b) ³ ( x — c) ' ...


433 “ (x) = f(x) + sf(x) + if(x) + & c .;

x -a x -b (x—b)

and the greatest common measure of ƒ (x) and ƒ' (x) will be

444 (x− a)r−¹ (x — b) ³ - ¹ (x —c) '—¹……


When a ′ (x) , ... fr-1(a ) all vanish .

a, f (x) , ƒ Similarly
when ab, &c.

Practical method offinding the equal roots .

445 X x
Let f(x) = x, x X x x ... X , where
X product of all the factors like (x - a ) ,
X= "" "" (x- a)³,
X; = "" "" (x − a)³.
Find the greatest common measure of f (x) and ƒ′ (x) = F₁ (x) say,
"" 99 F (x) and F (x) = F₂ (x) ,
33 "" F (x) and F (x) = F3 (i ) ,

... ... ... ...

Lastly, the greatest common measure of F -1(x ) and F -1 (x) = F (x ) = 1 .
Next perform the divisions
f (x) ÷ F (x) = (x) say,
F (x) ÷ F, (x) = ½ (x) ,

... ... ...

Fm - 1 (x) + 1 = P (x).
And, finally, $1 (x) ÷ $₂2 (x) = X₁ ,
P (x) +3 (x) = X ,

... ...
Pm-1 (x) + m (x) = Xm - 1 ,
F - 1 (x) = (x) = X · [T. 82.

The solution of the equations X₁ = 0, X, = 0, &c. will furnish all the

roots off(x) ; those which occur twice being found from X,; those which
occur three times each, from X,; and so on.

446 If f(x) has all its coefficients commensurable, X₁ , X2, X3,

&c. have likewise their coefficients commensurable .
Hence, if only one root be repeated r times , that root must
be commensurable.

447 In all the following theorems , unless otherwise stated ,

f(x ) is understood to have unity for the coefficient of its first
term .


448 If the greatest negative coefficients in f(x) and ƒ ( -x)

be p and q respectively, then p + 1 and - (q + 1 ) are limits of
the roots.

449 If a" -" and " -s are the highest negative terms in f(x)
and f ( -a) respectively, ( 1 + √p) and − ( 1 + √g) are limits
of the roots .

450 If k be a superior limit to the positive roots of f (1 ) ,

then will be an inferior limit to the positive roots of ƒ (x) .

451 If each negative coefficient be divided by the sum of all

the preceding positive coefficients , the greatest of the fractions
so formed + unity will be a superior limit to the positive
roots .

452 Newton's method .— Put x = h +y in f(x) ; then , by (426 ) ,

' (h ) + 2 ƒ² (h) + ... + *
f(h +y) = f(h) + yf n
fn (k ) = 0 .

Take h so that f ( h) , ƒ
′ (h) , ƒ² (h) ...f" (h) are all positive ;
then h is a superior limit to the positive roots .

453 According as ƒ (a) and ƒ (b) have the same or different

signs , the number of roots intermediate between a and b is
even or odd.

454 Rolle's Theorem .-One real root of the equation f

' (x)
lies between every two adjacent real roots of ƒ(x).
455 COR. 1.-f(x) cannot have more than one root greater
than the greatest root in f' (x) ; or more than one less than
the least root in ƒ' (x) .

456 COR. 2.- If ƒ (x) has m real roots , fr (x) has at least
m -r real roots.

457 COR. 3.- If f (x) has μ imaginary roots , f (x) has also
μ at least .

458 COR . 4. - If a, B, y ... x be the roots of f

' ( ) ; then the
number of changes of sign in the series of terms
f( ∞ ) , ƒ(a) , ƒ (ß) , ƒ (y) ... ƒ ( —∞ )
is equal to the number of roots of f (x) .


459 To discover the integral roots of an equation .

EXAMPLE.-To ascertain if 5 be a root of 5 ) 105
x -6x +86x2-176x + 105 = 0. 21
If 5 be a root it will divide 105. Add the quotient to the
5 ) - 155
next coefficient. Result, -155 .
If 5 be a root it will divide -155 . Add the quotient to 86
the next coefficient ; and so on. 5 ) 55
If the number tried be a root, the divisions will be effectible
to the end, and the last quotient will be -1, or -po, if po be
not unity . 5

460 In employing this method , limits of the roots may first

be found , and divisors chosen between those limits .

461 Also , to lessen the number of trial divisors , take any

integer m ; then any divisor a of the last term can be rejected
if a - m does not divide f (m).
In practice take m = + 1 and -1.
To find whether any of the roots determined as above are
repeated, divide f(x) by the factors corresponding to them,
and then apply the method of divisors to the resulting equation.

EXAMPLE. Take the equation

x +2x - 17x - 26x + 88x² + 72x - 144 = 0.
Putting = 1 , we find ƒ ( 1 ) = −24 . The divisors of 144 are
1 , 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 16, 24, &c.
The values of a - m (since m = 1 ) are therefore
0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 11 , 15, 23, &c.
Of these last numbers only 1 , 2 , 3, and 8 will divide 24 . Hence 2 , 3, 4 , and
9 are the only divisors of 144 which it is of use to try. The only integral
roots of the equation will be found to be ± 2 and ± 3 .

462 If f(x) and F (X) have common roots , they are con
tained in the greatest common measure of ƒ(a) and F (X) .

463 If f (x) has for its roots a , p (a) , b, p (b) amongst others ;
then the equations f(x) = 0 and f (x ) = 0 have the common
roots a and b.

464 But, if all the roots occur in pairs in this way, these
equations coincide .

For example, suppose that each pair of roots, a and b, satisfies the equation
a + b = 2r. We may then assume a - b = 2z . Therefore f (z + r) = 0. This
equation involves only even powers of z , and may be solved for z².

465 Otherwise : Let ab z ; then f (e) is divisible by ( -a) ( —b )

= x² − 2rx + z. Perform the division until a remainder is obtained of the
form Pr + Q, where P and Q only involve z.
The equations P = 0 , Q = 0 determine z , by (462 ) ; and a and b are found
from a + b = 2r, ab = z.


466 A reciprocal equation has its roots in pairs of the form

a, ; also the relation between the coefficients is
PrP -r, or else Pr = -Pn Pn-r•

467 A reciprocal equation of an even degree, with its last

term positive, may be made to depend upon the solution of an
equation of half the same degree .

468 EXAMPLE : 4x - 24x5 + 57x¹ −73x³ + 57x² - 24x + 4 = 0

is a reciprocal equation of an even degree, with its last term
positive .
Any reciprocal equation which is not of this form may be
reduced to it by dividing by x + 1 if the last term be positive ;
and, if the last term be negative, by dividing by x - 1 or x² -1 ,
so as to bring the equation to an even degree. Then proceed
in the following manner :

469 First bring together equidistant terms , and divide the

equation by a ; thus

4 (2² + 1 ) — 24( π² + 1 ) + 57(x + 1 ) -73 = 0.

By putting a + y, and by making repeated use of the
relation a² + = x + 1 ) -2 , the equation is reduced to
a2 (
a cubic in y, the degree being one-half that of the original
equation .

1 1
Put p for x + " and Pm for + •
x X,m
470 The relation between the successive factors of the form
P may be expressed by the equation
PmPPm-1 -Pm-2 ·

471 The equation for Pm , in terms of p , is

m (m - 3)
Pm = p - mpm -2 + pm —4— …..

m (m— r — 1) ... (m− 2r + 1 )

+ (- 1)" pm -2r + ...

By (545) , putting q = 1.


472 If a be a root of a" -1 = 0 , then a" is likewise a root
where m is any positive or negative integer.

473 If a be a root of " + 1 = 0 , then a2m + 1 is likewise a root .


474 If m and n be prime to each other, " -1 and æ” -1

have no common root but unity.
Take pm - qn = 1 for an indirect proof.

475 If n be a prime number , and if a be a root of a" -1 = 0 ,

the other roots are a, a , a³ ... a".
These are all roots, by (472) . Prove, by (474) , that no two can be equal.
476 If n be not a prime number, other roots besides these
may exist . The successive powers , however, of some root
will furnish all the rest.

477` If a" -10 has the index n = mpq ; m , p, q being
prime factors ; then the roots are the terms of the product
(1 + a + a² + ... + am - ¹) ( 1 +ß + ß² + ... + ß³-¹)
× (1 + y + y² + ... +79-¹),
where a is a root of am - 1 ,
β ‫در‬ x² -1 ,
Y 99 x² -1 ,
but neither a, ß, nor y = 1. Proof as in (475) .

478 If n = m³, and

a be a root of x - 1 = 0 ,
β 99 xm α =: 0 ,
Y "" am — ẞ = 0 ;
= will be the terms of the product
then the roots of a" -1-0
(1 + a + a²+ ... + am -¹) (1 +ß + ẞ² + ... + ẞm - 1)
× (1 + y + y² + ... + ym -¹) .

479 " + 1 = 0 may be treated as a reciprocal equation , and

depressed in degree after the manner of (468) .

480 The complete solution of the equation

xn - 1 = 0
is obtained by De Moivre's Theorem. (757)
The n different roots are given by the formula
2rT 2rT
Xx COS ± √ - 1 sin
n n

in which must have the successive values 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , &c. ,

n n 1
concluding with " if n be even ; and with 2 if n be odd .
2 2

481 Similarly the n roots of the equation

x² + 1 = 0
are given by the formula

1 sin (2r+1) π
x = COS (2r + 1) π ± √
n n
n 2
r taking the successive values 0, 1 , 2, 3, &c. , up to if
n- 3
n be even ; and up to if n be odd .

482 The number of different values of the product

1 1
Am Bm

is equal to the least common multiple of m and n, when m and

n are integers .


483 To solve the general cubic equation

x³ +px² + qx + r = 0 .

Remove the term pa² by the method of (429) . Let the trans
formed equation be x²+qx + r = 0.

484 Cardan's method . The complete theoretical solution

of this equation by Cardan's method is as follows :
x = y + z (i.)

y³ +z³ + (3yz + q) (y + z) + r = 0 .
3yz + q = 0 ; .. y=
Substit 3z*
ute this valu of y, and solv the resul
e e ting quadratic

ihn y . The roots are equal to ys and 23 respect ; and we

ave, by (i.), ively

485 3
x= -
1/2 -
= { − 3 } }} + { −
+ √ } + { − √ } + { }*

The cubic must have one real root at least, by (409) .

- r + 43
Let m be one of the three values of
2 " and n one
{ √ = + 271/3 )
- r - + q
of the three values of { 2 27

486 Let 1 , a, a' be the three cube roots of unity, so that

1 1 1 - 1
α= I + ¹ √—3, and a² = - √−3. [472
2 2 2 2

487 Then, since m³ m2/1 , the roots of the cubic will be

m + n, am + a³n, a³m + an.
Now, if in the expansion of
p }
± + ‹)
2 4. 27S
by the Binomial Theorem, we put
μ the sum of the odd terms, and
the sum of the even terms ;
then we shall have m = μ + v , and nμ - v ;
or else m = μ + v√1, and nμ = - v -1 ;

according as + q³ is real or imaginary.

4 27
By substituting these expressions for m and n in (487) , it appears that
2.2 Å
488 (i. ) If 4 + 27 be positive, the roots of the cubic will be

2µ, −µ + v√ − 3, −µ - v√ − 3.

(ii .) If 2 + 27
2 be negative , the roots will be
2µ, µ + v√3, −µ - v√3.
(iii.) If + 2 = 0, the roots are
4 27
2m, m, - —m ;
since m is now equal to μ.

489 The Trigonometrical method. The equation

x¹³ + qx + r = 0
may be solved in the following manner, by Trigonometry,
when q³
+ is negative .
4 27
Assume x n cos a . Divide the equation by n³ ; thus
cos³ a + q COS a + =: 0.
n² n³
3 cos 3a
But Cos³ α ――――――― COS a - = 0. By (657)
4 4

Equate coefficients in the two equations ; the result is

n = cos 3a = —·4r "
3 )³3
(197 ( 4.q

a must now be found with the aid of the Trigonometrical


490 The roots of the cubic will be

n cos a, n cos ( + a), n cos ( -a) .

491 Observe that, according as + is positive or nega
4 27
tive, Cardan's method or the Trigonometrical will be practi
cable. In the former case , there will be one real and two
imaginary roots ; in the latter case, three real roots.


492 Descartes' Solution.-To solve the equation

x² + qx² + rx + s = 0 (i.)

the term in ³ having been removed by the method of (429) .

Assume (x² +ex +ƒ) (x² — ex +g) = 0 ............... (ii .)

Multiply out , and equate coefficients with (i .) ; and the fol

lowing equations for determining f, g, and e are obtained

g+f = q+ e³, g −f= 2, gf = s ......... (iii .)

e®+2qe¹ + (q² - 4s) e² —r² = 0. (iv.)

494 The cubic in e' is reducible by Cardan's method, when the biquadratic
has two real and two imaginary roots. For proof, take a ± iß and - a ± y as
the roots of (i. ), since their sum must be zero. Form the sum of each pair
for the values of e [see (ii.) ] , and apply the rules in (488) to the cubic in e .
Ifthe biquadratic has all its roots real, or all imaginary, the cubic will have
all its roots real. Take aiẞ and -aiy for four imaginary roots of (i . ) ,
and form the values of e as before .

495 If a², ², y² be the roots ofthe cubic in e , the roots of the biquadratic
will be −1 (a +ß + y) , 1 (a + ß − y) , 1 (ẞ + y − a) , 1 ( y + a − ß) .

For proof, take w, x, y, z for the roots of the biquadratic ; then , by (ii . ) , the
sum of each pair must give a value of e. Hence, we have only to solve the
symmetrical equations
y + z = a, w + x = a,
z + x = B, w + y = -ẞ,
x + y = Y, w + z == Y.

496 Ferrari's solution .—To the left member of the equation

x¹+px³ +qx² + rx + s = 0,
add the quantity ax² + bx + and assume the result

= (x² + ½ x + m).

497 Expanding and equating coefficients , the following

cubic equation for determining m is obtained

8m³ —4qm² + (2pr − 8s ) m+ 4qs — p²s — r = 0 .

Then a is given by the two quadratics

2ax +b
x² + ½ x + m = ± 2 va

498 The cubic in m is reducible by Cardan's method when the biquadratic

has two real and two imaginary roots. Assume a, 6, y, & for the roots of the
biquadratic ; then aß and yo are the respective products of roots of the two
quadratics above. From this find m in terms of aßyd.

499 Euler's solution . - Remove the term in a³ ; then we

x*+qx² + rx + s = 0 .

500 Assume x = y + z + u , and it may be shewn that y³, z² ,

and u are the roots of the equation

q -4s - 2.2
1 + 2/2f² + t = 0.
16 64

501 The six values of y , z , and u, thence obtained , are

restricted by the relation yzu = —
Thus xy +z +u will take four different values .


502 To find the commensurable roots of an equation.

First transform it by putting a = into an equation of

the form n-2
x" +P₁x²¬¹ +P²x²¬² + ... +P₂ = 0,
having Po 1 , and the remaining coefficients integers . (431 )

503 This equation cannot have a rational fractional root,

and the integral roots may be found by Newton's method of
Divisors (459).
These roots , divided each by k, will furnish the commen
surable roots of the original equation.

504 EXAMPLE.-To find the commensurable roots of the equation

81x5-207x - 9x³ + 89x² + 2x − 8 = 0.
Dividing by 81, and proceeding as in (431 ) , we find the requisite substitu
tion to be x= Y
The transformed equation is
y -23y -9y + 801y + 162y - 5832 = 0.
The roots all lie between 24 and -34, ,by (451 ) .
The method of divisors gives the integral roots
6, 4, and 3.
Therefore, dividing each by 9, we find the commensurable roots of the original
equation to be ,, and .
505 To obtain the remaining roots ; diminish the transformed equation by
the roots 6, -4, and 3, in the following manner (see 427) : —
1-23 9 + 801 + 162-5832
6 6-102-666 + 810 + 5832
1-17-111 + 135 + 972
-4 — 4+ 84 + 108-972

1-21-27 + 243
3 3-54-243

The depressed equation is therefore

- 18y81 = 0.
y -
The roots of which are 9 (1+ √2) and 9 ( 1-2) ; and, consequently, the
incommensurable roots of the proposed equation are 1+ √2 and 1 - √2.


506 Sturm's Theorem .—If ƒ (a) , freed from equal roots , be

divided by f' (x) , and the last divisor by the last remainder,
changing the sign of each remainder before dividing by it ,
until a remainder independent of a is obtained , or else a re
mainder which cannot change its sign ; then f (x) , ƒ
' (x) , and
the successive remainders constitute Sturm's functions , and

are denoted by f(x) , f (x) , ƒ: (x) , &c ....... ƒm (x) .

The operation may be exhibited as follows :
f (x) = q₁f (x) —ƒ½ (x) ,
f (x) = ¶½f2 (x) —ƒ3 (x),
f2 (x) = q3f3 (x) —ƒ , (x) ,
... ... ... ...

ƒm-2 (x) = 9m- 1ƒm-1 (x) — ƒm (x) .

507 NOTE .-Any constant factor of a remainder may .be

rejected , and the quotient may be set down for the corres
ponding function .

508 An inspection of the foregoing equations shews

(1 ) That fm (2) cannot be zero ; for , if it were , f (x) and
fi (a) would have a common factor, and therefore f (x) would
have equal roots , by (432 ) .
(2) Two consecutive functions , after the first, cannot
vanish together ; for this would make fm (x) zero .
(3) When any function , after the first , vanishes , the two
adjacent ones have contrary signs .

509 If, as x increases, f (x) passes through the value zero ,

Sturm's functions lose one change of sign.
For, before f(x) takes the value zero, ƒ (x) and ƒ, (x) have contrary signs,
and afterwards they have the same sign ; as may be shewn by making h
small, and changing its sign in the expansion off (x + h) , by (426) .

510 If any other of Sturm's functions vanishes, there is

neither loss nor gain in the number of changes of sign .
This will appear on inspecting the equations.

511 RESULT. - The number of roots off(x) between a and b is

equal to the difference in the number of changes of sign in
Sturm's functions , when xa and when x = b .

512 COR.-The total number of roots of ƒ (a) will be found

by taking a = + ∞ and b = ∞ ; the sign of each function
will then be the same as that of its first term .

When the number of functions exceeds the degree of ƒ (x)

by unity, the two following theorems hold :—

513 If the first terms in all the functions, after the first, are
positive ; all the roots off(x) are real .

514 If the first terms are not all positive ; then , for every
change of sign, there will be a pair of imaginary roots .
For the proof put + ∞ and - co , and examine the number of
changes of sign in each case, applying Descartes' rule. (416) .

515 If (x) has no factor in common with ƒ (x) , and if 4 (x)

and f ( ) take the same sign when f(x) = 0 ; then the rest of
Sturm's functions may be found from ƒ (a) and (a), instead
of f ( ). For the reasoning in (509) and (510) will apply to
the new functions .

516 If Sturm's functions be formed without first removing

equal roots from ƒ (a) , the theorem will still give the number
of distinct roots , without repetitions , between assigned limits .
For iff (x) and f (x) be divided by their highest common factor ( see 444) ,
and ifthe quotients be used instead of ƒ (a) and ƒ, (e) to form Sturm's func
tions ; then, by ( 515 ) , the theorem will apply to the new set of functions,
which will differ only from those formed from f (x) and fi (2) by the absence
of the same factor in every term of the series.
517 EXAMPLE. -To find the position of the roots of the equation
æ³ −4x³ + x² + 6x + 2 = 0 .
Sturm's functions, formed according to ƒ ( x) = x² - 4a³ + x² + 6x + 2
the rule given above, are here calculated . f (x) = 2x - 6x + x+ 3
The first terms of the functions are all f (x) 5x -10x - 7
positive ; therefore there is no imaginary f (x) = X- 1
root. f(x) = 12
The changes of
sign in the func = -2-10 2

1 3 4
tions , as a passes
through integral
f (x) =


values, are exhi

++ | ++


bited in the adjoin f (x) =




ing table. There " f (x) = +

are two changes of f (x) =
sign lost while
passes from -1 to f (x) =
0, and two more No. of chan ges
lost while x passes 4 4 2 2 2 0 0
from 2 to 3. There of sign

are therefore two roots lying between 0 and - -1; and two roots also between
2 and 3.
These roots are all incommensurable, by (503) .

518 Fourier's Theorem.- Fourier's functions are the fol

lowing quantities f(x) , f

' (x) , ƒ
“' (x) …………..ƒ” (x) .
519 Properties of Fourier's functions . As a increases ,
Fourier's functions lose one change of sign for each root of
the equation f(x) = 0 , through which a passes , and r changes
of sign for r repeated roots .

520 If any of the other functions vanish, an even number

of changes of sign is lost.

521 RESULTS . -The number of real roots of f(x) between a

and ẞ cannot be more than the difference between the number
of changes of sign in Fourier's functions when x = a , and the
number of changes when x = B.

522 When that difference is odd, the number of intermediate

roots is odd, and therefore one at least .

523 When the same difference is even , the number of inter

mediate roots is either even or zero .

524 Descartes ' rule of signs follows from the above for the
signs of Fourier's functions , when a = 0 are the signs of the
terms in f (x) ; and when a = ∞ , Fourier's functions are all

525 Lagrange's method of approximating to the incom

mensurable roots of an equation.

Let a be the greatest integer less than an incommen

surable root of f(x) . Diminish the roots of ƒ (a) by a. Take
the reciprocal of the resulting equation . Let b be the greatest
integer less than a positive root of this equation. Diminish
the roots of this equation by b , and proceed as before .

526 Let a, b , c, &c . be the quantities thus determined ; then,

an approximation to the incommensurable root of f (x) will be
1 1
the continued fraction x= a +
b+ c +

527 Newton's method ofapproximation .- If c, be a quantity

a little less than one of the roots of the equation f(x) = 0 , so
that f(c + h) = 0 ; then c, is a first approximation to the
value of the root . Also because
f(c₁ + h) = f(c₁ ) + hƒ' (c₁) + S ƒ" (c₁) + &c....... ( 426) ,

and h is but small, a second approximation to the root will be

C1 - ƒ(c₁) = Cq .
f' (c₁)
In the same way a third approximation may be obtained from
T C₂, and so on.

528 Fourier's limitation of Newton's method. To ensure

that C1 , C2 , C3 , &c . shall successively increase up to the value
cth without passing beyond it, it is necessary for all values
of a between c, and c₁ + h.
(i.) That f(x) and f' (x) should have contrary signs.
(ii.) That f(x) and f" (x) should have the same sign.



FIG. 1. FIG. 2.

A proof may be obtained from the figure. Draw the curve

y = f(x). Let OX be a root of the equation , and ON = c₁ ;
draw the successive ordinates and tangents NP, PQ, QR, &c .
Then OQ = C₂, OS = c,, and so on.
Fig . ( 2) represents c₂ > OX, and the subsequent approxi
mations decreasing towards the root .

530 Newton's Rule for Limits of the Roots. - Let the co

efficients of f (x) be respectively divided by the Binomial
e coefficients, and let ao, a , a, ... an be the quotients , so that

n (n - 1 )
ƒ(x) = α。x² + na₁xn − 1 + a²x² - 2 + ... + na₂ -1x +an •

Let A,, A., Ag ... A, be formed by the law A, = a -a - 1a, +1

Write the first series of quantities over the second , in the fol
lowing manner :
aos a1 Ag as ...... an- 1, an
Ao, A1 , A2, A3 ..... An- 19 An .
Whenever two adjacent terms in the first series have the
same sign, and the two corresponding terms below them in
the second series also the same sign ; let this be called a
double permanence. When two adjacent terms above have
different signs , and the two below the same sign, let this be
known as a variation-permanence .

531 RULE .- The number of double permanences in the asso

ciated series is a superior limit to the number of negative roots
The number of variation-permanences is a superior limit to
the number of positive roots.
The number of imaginary roots cannot be less than the
number of variations of sign in the second series.

532 Sylvester's Theorem. Let f(x +1) be expanded by
(426) in powers of a, and let the two series be formed as in
Newton's Rule (530) .
Let P (1) denote the number of double permanences .
Then P (A) ~ P (μ) is either equal to the number of roots
of f (x) , or surpasses that number by an even integer .
NOTE .— The first series may be multiplied byn , and will
then stand thus ,
n- 3
ƒ" (^) , ƒn-¹ (^) , [2ƒ" -2 (X) , [3 ƒn− ³ (X ) ... | n ƒ (^) .

The second series may be reduced to

Gn ( ) , Gn - 1 (A) ,. Gn- 2 (A) ... G (X) ,

where n − r + 1 fr−1 (X) fr+¹ (X) .

G, (^) = {ƒ” (\ ) } ² - ?

533 Horner's Method.- To find the numerical values of the

roots of an equation . Take , for example , the equation
x* —4x³ + x² + 6x + 2 = 0 ,

and find limits of the roots by Sturm's Method or otherwise .


It has been shewn in (517) that this equation has two

incommensurable roots between 2 and 3. The process of
calculating the least of these roots is here exhibited .
+1 +6

+2 ( 2·414213
-4 -6 0


-3 0 A₁ 20000
0 -6 -19584
-3 B₁ - 6000 A 4160000
4 1104 -2955839
C, 100 -4896 As 12041610000
176 1872 - 11437245184
D, 40 276 B₂ - 3024000 As 604364816
4 192 68161 -566003348
44 468 -2955839 As 38361468
4 208 68723 -28285470
48 C₂ 67600 B -2887116000 As 10075998
4 561 27804704 8485368
52 68161 -2859311296 1590630
4 562 27895072
D, 560 68723 B - 2831416224
1 563 139948 282843 ) 1590630 ( 562372
561 -283001674 1414215
C₁ 6928600
1 22576 139970 28284 ) 176415
562 6951176 Bs -282861704 169706
1 22592 700 2828 ) 6709
563 6973768 -28285470 5657
1 22608 700 282 ) 1052
D, 5640 C. 6996376 Bo -28284770 848
4 11 21 28 ) 204
5644 69974 -2828456 197
11 21 2) 7
5648 69985 B, -2828435 5
4 11
C₁ 69996
4 7
D. 5,656 Root 2.414213562372 .

METHOD . Diminish the roots by 2 in the manner of ( 427) .

The resulting coefficients are indicated by A , B , C₁, D₁.
By Newton's rule (527) , - f (c).; that is, - is an approximation to
f' (c) B₁
the remaining part of the root. This gives 3 for the next figure ; 4 will be
found to be the correct one. The highest figure must be taken which will
not change the sign of A.
Diminish the roots by 4. This is accomplished most easily by affixing
ciphers to A₁, B₁, C₁ , D₁ , in the manner shewn, and then employing 4 instead
of 4.

Having obtained A , and observing that its sign is + , retrace the steps,

trying 5 instead of 4. This gives 4, with a minus sign, thereby proving the
existence of a root between 24 and 2.5 . The new coefficients are A2, B2, C₂, D.

B gives 1 for the next figure of the root .
Affix ciphers as before, and diminish the roots by 1, distinguishing the
new coefficients as A , B , C3, D3.
Note that at every stage of the work A and B must preserve their signs
unchanged. If a change of sign takes place it shews that too large a figure
has been tried .
To abridge the calculation proceed thus :-After a certain number of
figures of the root have been obtained (in this example four), instead of
adding ciphers cut off one digit from B , two from C , and three from D.
This amounts to the same thing as adding the ciphers, and then dividing
each number by 10000 .
Continue the work with the numbers so reduced , and cut off digits in like
manner at each stage until the D and C columns have disappeared.
A, and B, now alone remain, and six additional figures of the root are
determined correctly by the division of A, by B.
To find the other root which lies between 2 and 3, we proceed as follows :--
After diminishing the roots by 2, try 6 for the next figure. This gives A ,
negative ; 7 does the same, but 8 makes 4, positive. That is to say, ƒ (27)
is negative, and ƒ (2· 8 ) positive. Therefore a root exists between 27 and
2.8, and its value may be approximated to, in the manner shewn.
Throughout this last calculation A will preserve the negative sign.
Observe also that the trial number for the next figure of the root given at
each stage of the process by the formula f(c) will in this case be always
f' (c)'
too great, as in the former case it was always too small.



NOTATION . Let a , b , c ... be the roots of the equation

ƒ(x) = 0 .
Let sm denote am +b + ... , the sum of the mth powers of
the roots .

Let smp denote ambr + bmar + amcP + ... through all the
permutations of the roots , two at a time.
Similarly let 8. p. q denote abc + am bed + ... , taking all
the permutations of the roots three at a time ; and so on.


Sm +P1$m-1 + P2Sm- 2 + ... + Pm - 18₁ + mp „ = 0 ,

where m is less than n , the degree of ƒ (x) .

Obtained by expanding by division each term in the value of f (x ) given

at (432), arranging the whole in powers of e, and equating coefficients in the
' (x) , found by differentiation as in (424 ) .
result and in the value of f

535 If m be greater than n , the formula will be

Sm + P₁ Sm- 1 + P2 Sm −2 + ... +Pn Sm-n = 0.

Obtained by multiplying ƒ (x ) = 0 by a" - ", substituting for a the roots

a, b, c, &c. in succession , and adding the results .
By these formulæ 81, 82, 83, &c . may be calculated successively.

536 To find the sum of the negative powers of the roots , put
m equal to n - 1, n − 2 , n − 3 , &c . successively in (535) , in
order to obtain 8-1 , $ _2 , 8-3 , & c .

537 To calculate s, independently.

RULE : 8, rx coefficient of x-r in the expansion of

log f(x) in descending powers of x.
Proved by taking ƒ (x) = (x− a) ( x − b ) ( x − c) ... , dividing by a*, and
expanding the logarithm of the right side of the equation by (156).



These are expressed in terms of the sums of powers of

the roots as under , and thence, by ( 534) , in terms of the roots
explicitly ,
Sm , p = $m$p ――― Sm + p ,

539 $m, p. q = $$$q— $m+ p $q ― Sm+q$p— $p + q $ m + 2$ m+p + q •

The last equation may be proved by multiplying 8m, p by
8 and expansions of other symmetrical functions may be
obtained in a similar way.

540 If P (a) be a rational integral function of a, then the

symmetrical function of the roots of f ( ) , denoted by

$ (a) + p (l ) + p (c ) + & c . , is equal to the coefficient of a" -1 in

the remainder obtained by dividing (a) f' (e) by ƒ(x) .
& ( c)
Proved by multiplying the equation (432) by and by theorem (401) .

541 To find the equation whose roots are the squares of

the differences of the roots of a given equation .

Let F (x) be the given equation , and S, the sum of the 7th
powers of its roots . Let f(a ) and s, have the same meaning
with regard to the required equation.
The coefficients of the required equation can be calculated
from those of the given one as follows :
The coefficients of each equation may be connected with the
sums of the powers of its roots by (534) ; and the sums of the
powers of the roots of the two equations are connected by the
2r (2r - 1)
542 2s, nS2-2rS₁S2r- 1 + S2S2r-2 -... + nS2

RULE . -28, is equal to the formal expansion of (S - S)²r by

the Binomial Theorem , with the first and last terms each mul
tiplied by n, and the indices all changed to suffixes. As the
equi- distant terms are equal we can divide by 2 , and take half
the series .

DEMONSTRATION. - Let a, b, c ... be the roots of F (x) .

Let (x) = (x -− a)² + ( x − b)² + ... (i.)
Expand each term on the right by the Bin. Theor. , and add, substituting
S1 , S2, &c. In the result change a into a, b, c ... successively, and add the ʼn
equations to obtain the formula, observing that, by (i. ) ,
$ (a) + q (b) + ... = 28,.

If n be the degree of F (a) , then n (n - 1 ) is the degree

of f (x) . By (96) .

543 The last term of the equation f(x) = 0 is equal to

n" F (a) F (B) F ( 7) ...

where a , ẞ , y,
... are the roots of I" (a) . Proved by shewing
that F
" (a) F' (b) ... = n" F (a ) F (ß ) ...

544 If F (a) has negative or imaginary roots , f(x) must

have imaginary roots.

545 The sum of the mth powers of the roots of the quad

ratic equation x² -px + q = 0.

m (m - 3) 2
Sm = pm - mpm -2q+ pm -sq² -...

... + ( − 1 ), m (m — r — 1) ... (m− 2r + 1)

pm -2rq" + &c.

By (537) expanding the logarithm by (156) .

546 The sum of the mth powers of the roots of æ” —1 = 0

is n if m be a multiple of n, and zero if it be not.
By (537 ) ; expanding the logarithm by ( 156 ) .

547 If $ (x) = α + α¸æ + α₂æ² + &c . (i . ) ,

then the sum of the selected terms
m n
m + 2n x +2 + & c.
amxm + Am+n xm+n + am

will be s = 1
{ a”-m¤ (ax) +ß”-mÞ (Bx) + y” ¬ ™ þ (yx) + &c . }
where a, ß , y , &c . are the nth roots of unity.

For proof, multiply (i.) by a" -", and change a into ae ; so with ẞ, y, &c. ,
and add the resulting equations .

548 To approximate to the root of an equation by means of

the sums of the powers of the roots .

By taking m large enough , the fraction SmS+1 will approx

imate to the value of the numerically greatest root, unless
there be a modulus of imaginary roots greater than any real
root, in which case the fraction has no limiting value.
549 Similarly the fraction mm +2 +21 approximates , as m
Sm - 15m + 1 ―― Sm
increases , to the greatest product of any pair of roots , real or
imaginary ; excepting in the case in which the product of the
pair of imaginary roots , though less than the product of the
two real roots , is greater than the square of the least of them,
for then the fraction has no limiting value .

- Sm + 18m + 2
550 Similarly the fraction 2 approximates ,
SmSm+2 - Sm + 1
as m increases , to the sum of the two numerically greatest
roots , or to the sum of the two imaginary roots with the
greatest modulus .


Let yª (Ax² + ) +y³ (B₁x³ + ) + ... + y° ( Sx' + ) = 0 ......

………….. (1)

be an equation arranged in descending powers of y , the co

efficients being functions of a, the highest powers only of a
in each coefficient being written .
It is required to obtain y in a series of descending powers
of x.
First form the fractions
a -·b a C -d a- S
――― - ―――― .... ― . (2) .
a- ẞ' αY α ―-8 α1σ
a k
Let = t be the greatest of these algebraically , or
a- n
if several are equal and greater than the rest, let it be the
last of such. Then, with the letters corresponding to these
equal and greatest fractions , form the equation

Auª + ...... + Ku" = 0 . (3 ) .

Each value of u in this equation corresponds to a value of y,

commencing with uat .

Next select the greatest of the fractions

k -l k m k-s
- -
K-λ · (4).
K- μ K- σ
Ji -n
Let = t' be the last of the greatest ones . Form
κ -ν

the corresponding equation Ku" + ... + Nu' = 0 .........

.. (5) .
Then each value of u in this equation gives a corresponding
value of y, commencing with ua".

Proceed in this way until the last fraction of the series ( 2 )

is reached .

To obtain the second term in the expansion of y , put

y = x² ( u +y₁ ) in ( 1 ) ………………………………… . . ( 6) ,

employing the different values of u, and again of ť and u, ť"

and u, &c . in succession ; and in each case this substitution
will produce an equation in y and a similar to the original
equation in y.

Repeat the foregoing process with the new equation in y ,

observing the following additional rule :

When all the values of t, t' , t" , &c . have been obtained, the
negative ones only must be employed in forming the equations
in u.
(7) .

552 To obtain y in a series of ascending powers of a.

Arrange equation (1 ) so that B, Y, &c. may be in as
cending order of magnitude, and a , b, c, &c . the lowest powers
of a in the respective coefficients .
Select t , the greatest of the fractions in (2) , and proceed
exactly as before, with the one exception of substituting the
word positive for negative in (7) .

553 EXAMPLE. - Take the equation

(x + x ) + (3x - 5æ³) y + ( -4x + 7x² + æ³) y² - y = 0.

It is required to expand y in ascending powers of a.
The fractions (2) are ― 3-2 - 3-1 ; or 1, 1 , and .
0-1' 0-2' 0-5
The first two being equal and greatest , we have t = 1.
The fractions (4) reduce to == ť.
Equation (3) is 1 + 3u4u² = 0,
whichgives u = 1 and -- 1, with t = 1.
Equation (5) is -4u² - u³ = 0,
and from this u = 0 and −4³, with ť = .
We have now to substitute for y, according to (6 ) , either
x (1 + y₁) , x ( −1 + y₁ ) , æ³y, or x¹³ ( −4³ + y₁) .
y = ( 1+ y₁ ) , the first of these values, in the original equation , and
arrange in ascending powers of y, thus
−4œ* + ( − 5œ³ + ) Y₁ + ( −4x³ + ) y} − 10x³y¡ — 5x³y; — æ³y{ = 0.
The lowest power only of x
a in each coefficient is here written.

The fractions (2) now become

4-3 4-3 G 4-5 4-5 4-5
0-1' 0-2' 0-3' 0-4' 0-5 '
or 1, 1, - −1, −1, −
From these t = 1 , and equation ( 3) becomes
—4—5u = 0 ; .. u = - 4.
Hence one of the values of y, is, as in ( 6 ) , y₁ = x ( − § + Y₂) .
Therefore - ---
y = x { 1 + x ( − + Y₂ ) } = x — §ƒœ³ + ...
Thus the first two terms of one of the expansions have been obtained .


554 Definitions.-The determinant a1 а2 is equivalent

| b₁ b₂
to a₁b₂- ab₁ , and is called a determinant of the second order.
A determinant of the third order is
A1 A2 A3 = a₁ (b₂c¸ − b₂c₂) + a₂ (b¸¢₁ — b¸ ¢3) + a3 (b₁c₂ — b₂º¹) .
b₁ b₂ bз
C1 C2 C3
Another notation is a, b, c,, or simply (a , b, cs).
The letters are named constituents, and the terms are
called elements. The determinant is composed of all the
elements obtained by permutations of the suffixes 1 , 2 , 3 .
The coefficients of the constituents are determinants of
the next lower order, and are termed minors of the original
determinant. Thus , the first determinant above is the minor
of c, in the second determinant . It is denoted by C. So the
minor of a₁ is denoted by A₁ , and so on.

555 A determinant of the nth order may be written in either

of the forms below
a1 a₂ ... ar ... an а11 a12 ... air ... ain
br ... by
b₁ b ... by
or а21 A22 ... azr ... azn
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
h l½ ... i ... In an ang ... anr ... Ann

In the latter, or double suffix notation, the first suffix indicates

the row, and the second the column. The former notation
will be adopted in these pages .

A Composite determinant is one in which the a1 az aз

number of columns exceeds the number of rows , b₁ by bз
and it is written as in the annexed example .
Its value is the sum of all the determinants obtained by taking
a number of rows in every possible way.
A Simple determinant has single terms for its constituents .
A Compound determinant has more than one term in some
or all of its constituents . See (570) for an example .
For the definitions of Symmetrical, Reciprocal, Partial,
and Complementary determinants ; see (574) , (575) , and (576) .

General Theory.

556 The number of constituents is n².

The number of elements in the complete determinant is •

557 The first or leading element is a, b, c, ... In . Any

element may be derived from the first by permutation of the
suffixes .
The sign of an element is + or - according as it has
been obtained from the diagonal element by an even or odd
number of permutations of the suffixes .
Hence the following rule for determining the sign of an
element .

RULE . Take the suffixes in order, and put them back_to

their places in the first element. Let m be the whole number
ofplaces passed over ; then ( -1 ) will give the sign required.
Ex -To find the sign of the element a , b, c, d, e, of the determinant
(a, b, c, d, e ).
as bз cz d₁ eg
Move the suffix 1, three places... ... 1 4 3 5 2
.. 99 2, three places ... ... 1 2 4 3 5
99 99 3, one place ... ... 1 2 3 4 5
In all, seven places ; therefore ( −1 ) = -1 gives the sign required.

558 If two suffixes in any element be transposed , the sign

of the element is changed .

Half of the elements are plus , and half are minus .

559 The elements are not altered by changing the rows into

If two rows or columns are transposed , the sign of the


determinant is changed . Because each element changes its

If two rows or columns are identical, the determinant
vanishes .

560 If all the constituents but one in a row or column

vanish, the determinant becomes the product of that con
stituent and a determinant of the next lower order .

561 A cyclical interchange is effected by n - 1 successive

transpositions of adjacent rows or columns , until the top row
has been brought to the bottom, or the left column to the
right side . Hence

A cyclical interchange changes the sign of a determinant

of an even order only.

The 7th row may be brought to the top by r - 1 cyclical


562 If each constituent in a row or column be multiplied

by the same factor , the determinant becomes multiplied by it.
If each constituent of a row or column is the sum of m
terms , the compound determinant becomes the sum of m
simple determinants of the same order .
Also , if every constituent of the determinant consists of
m terms , the compound determinant is resolvable into the sum
of m² simple determinants .

563 To express the minor of the 7th row and th column as

a determinant of the n - 1th order.
Put all the constituents in the 7th row and th column equal
to 0, and then make r - 1 cyclical interchanges in the rows
and k- 1 in the columns , and multiply by ( -1 ) ( + ) (n − 1) ¸

[··· = ( − 1)(r − 1 + k− 1) (n −1) ¸

564 To express a determinant as a deter 10000

minant of a higher order . a 1000
Continue the diagonal with constituents Beah g
of “ ones ," and fill up with zeros on one side, y s h b f
and with any quantities whatever (a , ẞ, y, & c . ) d ng fe
on the other.

565 The sum of the products of each constituent of a

column by the corresponding minor in another given column
is zero. And the same is true if we read row ' instead of
' column.' Thus, referring to the determinant in ( 555 ) ,

Taking the pth and qth columns , Taking the a and c rows ,

а„Ÿ+b„B₂+ ... + l„Lq = 0. a₁C₁ + a₂C₂+ ... + a„n C₁ = 0.

For in each case we have a determinant with two columns identical.

566 In any row or column the sum of the products of each

constituent by its minor is the determinant itself. That is ,

Taking the pth column , Or taking the c row,

aAp +bB + ... + l„L₂ = A. c₂C₁ + c₂ C₂ + ... + c₂C₂ = A.

567 The last equation may be expressed by EcpCp = A.

Also, if (a, c ) express the determinant аp аq ; the
Cр са
(a, c ) will represent the sum of all the determinants of the
second order which can be formed by taking any two columns
out of the a and c rows . The minor of (a , c ) may be written
(4p, C ), and signifies the determinant obtained by suppress
ing the two rows and two columns of a, and C cq Thus

▲ = Σ (αp, Cq) (Ap, C ) . And a similar notation when three or

more rows and columns are selected .

568 Analysis of a determinant.

RULE.— To resolve into its elements a determinant of the

nt order. Express it as the sum of n determinants of the
(n - 1)th order by (560) , and repeat the process with each of
the new determinants.
Ar Ag Az As = a₁ b₂ b₂3 b₁ - a, | bვ ს, ხ, | + a, | b,4 b,3 b, - a, | b, ხ, ს,
b₁ bg bз b₁ C2 C3 Cs C3 C4 C1 C4 C3 Ca C1 C2 C3
C1 C3 C3 C4 dą dy dr dз d d₁ d¸ d¸3 d d₁ d₂ ds
dr da dz ds

Again, b₁ br2 b Cg bq C1 bz
^^ C3 | = 6 | 95
d, d , | + 4| 95
C1 C2 & då | + | 32 |
d₁ dą dz
and so on.
In the first series the determinants have alternately plus and
minus signs, by the rule for cyclical interchanges ( 561 ) , the order being even.


569 Synthesis of a determinant .

The process is facilitated by making use of two evident

rules . Those constituents which belong to the row and
column of a given constituent a, will be designated " a's con
stituents ." Also , two pairs of constituents such as ap, ca and
aq, cp, forming the corners of a rectangle, will be said to be
conjugate" to each other .

RULE I.- No constituent will be found in the same term

with one of its own constituents.

RULE II .— The conjugates of any two constituents a and b

will be common to a's and b's constituents.

Ex. To write the following terms in the form of a determinant :

abcd +bfyl +ƒ³h² + 1edf+cghp + 1ahr + elpr
-fhpr―ablr- ach² - 1ƒhg — bdƒª — efhl — cedp.
The determinant will be of the fourth order ; and since every term must
contain four constituents, the constituent 1 is supplied to make up the
number in some of the terms. Select any term, as abcd, for the leading
Now apply Rule I.,
a is not found with e, f, f, g, p, 0 ….. ( 1 ) . c is not found with f,f, l, r, 1 , 0 ... (3) .
b is not found with e, h , h , p , 1,0 ... ( 2 ) . d is not found with g, h, h, l, r, 0 ... (4) .
Each constituent has 2 (n - 1 ) , that is, 6 constituents belonging to it, since
n4. Assuming, therefore, that the above letters are the constituents of
a, b, c, and d, and that there are no more, we supply a sixth zero constituent
in each case .
Now apply Rule II.-The constituents common
to a and b are e, p ; to a and c-f, ƒ ; to b and c- 1, 0 ;
to a and d- y, 0 ; to b and d- h, h, 0 ; to c and d--l, 0.
The determinant may now be formed . The diagonal a e f g
being abed ; place e, p, the conjugates of a and b , either as P b 1 h
in the diagram or transposed . ƒ 0 с r
0 h l d
Then ƒ and f, the conjugates of a and c, may be written.
1 and 0, the conjugates of b and c, must be placed as indicated, because
1 is one of p's constituents, since it is not found in any term with p, and
must therefore be in the second row.
Similarly the places of g and 0, and of 1 and r, are assigned.
In the case of b and d we have h, h, 0 from which to choose the two
conjugates, but we see that O is not one of them because that would assign
two zero constituents to b, whereas b has but one, which is already placed.
By similar reasoning the ambiguity in selecting the conjugates 1, r is
The foregoing method is rigid in the case of a complete determinant

having different constituents. It becomes uncertain when the zero con

stituents increase in number, and when several constituents are identical.
But even then, in the majority of cases, it will soon afford a clue to the
required arrangement.



(P) (Q) (S)

a1 a₂ ... an a1 az ... an = A₁ A₂ ... An
b₁ b₂ ... b n βι β ... B B₁ B₂ ... B₂

l1 l2 ... In λιλ ... λ L₁ L2 ... L

The values of A₁ , B₁ ... L₁ in A₁

Ꭺ = а₁ α₁ + α₂ aş + ... + α, an
the first column of S are an
B₁ = a₁ẞ₁ + a₂ẞ₂ + ... + an ẞn
nexed . For the second column
write b's in the place of a's.
L₁ = αλιταλ + ... + αλη
For the third column write c's ,
and so on.

For proof substitute the values of A₁ , B₁, &c . in the determinant S, and
then resolve S into the sum of a number of determinants by ( 562) , and note
the determinants which vanish through having identical columns.

RULE. To form the determinant S, which is the product of

two determinants P and Q. First connect by plus signs the
constituents in the rows of both the determinants P and Q.
Now place the first row of P upon each row of Q in turn,
and let each two constituents as they touch become products.
This is the first column of S.
Perform the same operation upon Q with the second row of
P to obtain the second column of S ; and again with the third
row of P to obtain the third column of S, and so on.

571 If the number of columns , both in P and Q, be n, and

the number of rows r, and if n be >r, then the determinant
S, found in the same way from P and Q, is equal to the sum
of the C (n, r) products of pairs of determinants obtained by
taking any columns out of P, and the corresponding r
columns out of Q.

But if n be < r the determinant S vanishes .

For in that case, in every one of the component determinants, there will
be two columns identical.

572 The product of the determinants P and Q may be

formed in four ways by changing the rows into columns in
either or both P and Q.

573 Let the following system of n equations in r

... Xn
be transformed by substituting the accompanying values of
the variables ,

а₁x²₁ + a₂x² + ... + ª‚x„ = 0 , x₁ = α₁§1 + α₂§2 + ... + an§ns

b₁x₁ + b₂x₂ + ... + bnxn = 0, X₂ = ẞ₁₁ + B₂$2₂ + ... + ẞ„§n ,

1½ x₁ + 1½ x½ + ... + lnxn = 0, xn = λ₁ &i+ λ &z + ... + λn §n •

The eliminant of the resulting equations in ... En is

the determinant S in (570 ) , and is therefore equal to the
product of the determinants P and Q. The determinant Q is
then termed the modulus of transformation .

574 A Symmetrical determinant is symmetrical about the

leading diagonal. If the R's form the 7th row, and the K's
the throw ; then RK, throughout a symmetrical deter

The square of a determinant is a symmetrical determinant .

575 A Reciprocal determinant has for its constituents the

first minors of the original determinant, and is equal to its
n - 1th power ; that is ,
n- 1
A₁ ... An = a1 ... An PROOF. Multiply both sides.
of the equation by the original
determinaut ( 555 ) . The con
stituents on the left side all
L₁ ... Ln Ն ... In vanish excepting the diagonal
of A's.

576 Partial and Complementary determinants .

If rows and the same number of columns be selected
from a determinant, and if the rows be brought to the top ,
and the columns to the left side , without changing their order,
then the elements common to the selected rows and columns
form a Partial determinant of the order r, and the elements.
not found in any of those rows and columns form the Com
plementary determinant, its order being n - r.

Ex.-Let the selected rows from the determinant (a, b, c, d, e,) be the
second, third, and fifth ; and the selected columns be the third, fourth, and
fifth. The original and the transformed determinants will be
αι Az Aq as Ag and b b₁4 bs b₁ ba
b₁ b₁ bs b₁ bs Cs CA C5 C1 Ca
G1 C₂ C3 C4 C5 es es es e1 Ca
d d d d d As as Az a1 Աջ
e1 Eg eg e4 e5 ds3 d d d da
The partial determinant of the third order is ( b , c, e ) , and its comple
mentary of the second order is (a, d ).
The complete altered determinant is plus or minus, according as the
permutations of the rows and columns are of the same or of different class .
In the example they are of the same class, for there have been four trans
positions of rows, and six of columns. Thus ( -1) ¹º = + 1 gives the sign
of the altered determinant.

577 THEOREM .- A partial reciprocal determinant of the 7th

order is equal to the product of the r- 1th power of the
original determinant, and the complementary of its corres
ponding partial determinant .
Take the last determinant for an example. Here n = 5, r = 3 ; and by the
theorem ,
B₁ B₁ B₁ = A⁹ a1 aa where B, C, E are the
respective minors .
Os C₁ C5 d₁ da
E, E,4 E,
PROOF.- Raise the Partial Reciprocal to the original order five without
altering its value, by (564) ; and multiply it by A, with the rows and
columns changed to correspond as in Ex. (576) ; thus, by ( 570) , we have
B, B B B₁ B, b ა b₁ bs b₁ b₂ | = ▲ 0 0 b₁1 b₁ = A³ | а₁ αq
C₁ C₁ C₂ C₁
C₂ C3 C4 Cg C1 C2 Ο Δ Ο C C d, a .
E, E, E, E, E, es es eg e1 eq 0 0 A e eq
0 0 0 1 0 a₁ ag 0 0 0 a ą

Ag as Az
0 0 0 0 1 d. d d d da 0 0 0 d d₂

578 The product of the differences between every pair of n

quantities a , ag ... An
1 1 1 ... 1
(α - a₂) (α - aз) (a₁ — a₁) ... (a₁ — a₂)
- a₁ a2 as ... an
× (a, —aç) (α¸ — α¸) ...
……. (a₂ — a₂)
a² a² __ a ... a²
× (as - as) ... (a — an)

× (an-1 - an) an - ¹ a -¹ an -¹ ... a -1

PROOF.-The determinant vanishes when any two of the quantities are


equal . Therefore it is divisible by each of the factors on the left ; therefore

by their product. And the quotient is seen to be unity, for both sides of the
equation are of the same degree ; viz. , in ( n − 1 ) .

579 The product of the squares of the) = So $1 ... Sn-1

differences of the same n quantities 81 82 ... Sn
PROOF. - Square the determinant in ( 578 ) , and
write s, for the sum of the rth powers of the roots. Sn - 1 Sn ... San - 2

580 With the same meaning for 81 , 82 ... , the same deter
minant taken of an order r , less than n , is equal to the sum
of the products of the squares of the differences of r of the n
quantities taken in every possible way ; that is, in C (n , r)
ways .
Ex.: 80 81 = (α₁— a₂)² + (α₁ — a3) ² + &c. = Σ ( a₁₂ — a₂)³,
81 83
80 81 82 -a₂) ³ (α1 — α3) ³ (αg — α3) ³.
= Σ (α₁ —
81 82 83
82 83 84
The next determinant in order
= Σ (α₂ — α₂) ² (α‚¸ — à¸) ³ (α¸ — à¸) ² ( α‚ — α¸) ³ (a, —a¸) ² (a, —a¸) ³.
And so on until the equation (579) is reached.
Proved by substituting the values of s₁, 8, ... &c ., and resolving the deter
minant into its partial determinants by (571 ) .

581 The quotient of

а¸x™ + a₁x³¬¹ + ... + a, xm - r + ...

b。 x² +b₁ x²¬¹ + ... + b, x² - r + ...

is given by the formula

Lo xm¬n +91 xm¬n−1 + ... + q, xm¬n-r + ...9

where 1 bo 0 0 ... ao
Ir =
br+1 Ել Ե
bo () ... a1
bą b₁ bo ... a2

br br-1 br-2 ... b₁a,

Proved by Induction .


582 Solution of n linear equations in n variables.

The equations and the values of the variables are arranged

below :

а₁X₁ + a₂ X₂ + ... + án xn = $1, *Δ

§¹‚_x₁ ▲=
= A₁§1 + B₁ §2 + ... + L1 §n

b₁ x₁ + b₂ x2 + ... + bn Xn = $2, x₂A = A½§1 + B₂§2 + ... + L2 §n


hx₁ + l₂ x₂+ ... + ln xn = {n, x„▲ = An§1 + Вn§2 + ... + Ln§n

where A is the determinant annexed , and A1, B1, a1 ... an

&c. are its first minors . .........

Ն ... In
To find the value of one of the unknowns x..

RULE.-Multiply the equations respectively by the minors

of the pth column, and add the results. x, will be equal to the
fraction whose numerator is the determinant ▲, with its pth
column replaced by 1 , 2 ... En, and whose denominator is A

583 If ₁, 2 ... En and ▲ all vanish, then ₁, X22 ... x, are in

the ratios of the minors of any row of the determinant A.
For example , in the ratios C₁ : C₂ : C3 : ... : Cn .
The eliminant of the given equations is now A = 0.

Orthogonal Transformation .
If the two sets of variables in the n equations (582 ) be
connected by the relation

x₁ + x² + ... + x²n = §; + §²2 + ... + & ..... (1 ) ,

then the changing from one set of variables to the other, by

substituting the values of the E's in terms of the a's in any
function of the former, or vice versâ, is called orthogonal
transformation .

When equation (1 ) is satisfied , two results follow.

I. The determinant A = ± 1 .

II. Each of the constituents of ▲ is equal to the corre

sponding minor, or else to minus that minor according as ▲ is
positive or negative .
PROOF.- Substitute the values of ₁, 19 ... En in terms of x1, x2 ... Xn in
equation ( 1 ) , and equate coefficients of the squares and products of the new
variables. We get the n' equations
a² + b² + = 1 AgA₁ + b₂b₁ + = 0 аzα₁ + b₂b₁ + = 0
ana, + bqb , + = 0 a² + b²2 + = 1 AzAg + bgbg + = 0
anas + bხვ + = 0 Agаz + b₂b¸ + = 0 a² + b²3 + = 1
.... ...
a₁an + b₁b₁₂ + = 0 ) aşa + b,b, + = 0 azan + b3bn + = 0
Also A = a₁ b₁ ... l₁ Form the square of the determinant A by the
aqb₂ ... lg rule ( 570) , and these equations show that the
product is a determinant in which the only con
asbs ... lg
stituents that do not vanish constitute a diagonal
... of ' ones.' Therefore
amb ... In A1 and A = ± 1 .

Again, solving 2 the first set of equations (a₁A = A₁ + A‚0 + A¸0 + = A,

for a (writing a, as a, a,, &c. ) , the second а ▲ = A₂0 + A₂ + A30 + = A₂
set for a , the third for a,, and so on, we
а¸▲ = ¸0 + ‚0 + A¸ + = Ag
have, by (582) , the results annexed ; which
proves the second proposition. &c. &c.

585 Theorem .-The n - 2th power of a determinant of the

nth order multiplied by any constituent is equal to the corre
sponding minor of the reciprocal determinant.

PROOF.- Let p ρ be the reciprocal determinant of A, and ẞ, the minor of B,

in p. Write the transformed equations (582 ) for the x's in terms of the E's,
and solve them for . Then equate the coefficient of x, in the result with its
coefficient in the original value of 2.
Thus p , = A (B₁₁ + ... + ß‚æ‚ + ... ) , and = b₁x₁ + ... + bx + ….. ;
:: Aß, =
Δβ, pb, = An -1b, by (575) ; .. B, == A"-2bp.

586 To eliminate a from the two equations

ax™ + bxm -¹ + cam - 2 + ... = 0

ax ...... (1) ,
a'x" + b'x"-¹ + c'an -2 + ... = 0 (2) .

If it is desired that the equation should be homogeneous

in x and y ; put instead of x, and clear of fractions . The
following methods will still be applicable.

1. Bezout's Method. -Suppose m > n.

RULE . Bring the equations to the same degree by multi

`plying (2) by xm-n¸ Then multiply (1 ) by a', and (2) by a, and

Again, multiply ( 1 ) by a'x + b' , and (2) by ( ax + b) , and


Again, multiply ( 1 ) by a'x² + b'x + c' , and (2) by ( ax² + bx + c) ,

and subtract, and so on until n equations have been obtained.
Each will be of the degree m - 1 .

Write under these the m - n equations obtained by multi

plying (2) successively by x. The eliminant of the m equations
is the result required.

1 Ex. Let the equations be ax + bx + cx³ + dx² + ex + f = 0,

a²x² + b²x² + c'x + d
' = 0.

The five equations obtained by the method , and their eliminant, by (583) ,
d₁ are, writing capital letters for the functions of a, b, c, d, e, f,
d A₁2* + B¸½³ + C₁²² + D¸æ + E₁ = 0 A, B, C, D, E₁ = 0.
1, Aqx¹ + Bgx³ + Сqx² + Dqïx + E₂ =
= 0 A, B, C, D,2 E,
Ag + Bzi + Czπ² + Dzx + Ez = 0 and A, B,3 C, D,3 Es
a²x² +b²x² + c' x² + d' x = 0 a b c d 0
a´x³ + b²x² + c′x + d′ = 0 O a b c d'

Should the equations be of the same degree, the eliminant will be a sym
metrical determinant.

587 II. Sylvester's Dialytic Method.

RULE. - Multiply equation ( 1 ) successively by x, n - 1 times ;

and equation (2) m - 1 times ; and eliminate x from the m + n
resulting equations.
Ex.-To eliminate x from aa³ + bx² + cx + d = 0
2 81.
px + qx + r = 0
The m +n equations and their eliminant are
px² + qx + r = 0 O o p q r = 0.
px³ +qx² + rx =0 O p q r 0
px¹ +qx³ + ræ² = 0 and p qr 0 0
ax +bx + cx + d = 0 O a b c d
ax +bx +cx² + da =0 a b c d 0

588 III. Method of elimination by Symmetrical Functions.

Divide the two equations in (586) respectively by the

coefficients of their first terms , thus reducing them to the
forms ƒ (x) = x" + P₁x™ -¹ + ... + Pm = 0 ,

$ (x) = x² + ¶₁x” -¹ + ... + 9₂ = 0.

RULE.- Let a, b, c ... represent the roots of f(x) . Form

the equation (a) $ (b) ¢ (c) ... = 0. This will contain sym

metrical functions only of the roots a, b , c ... .

Express these functions in terms of P1, P2 ... by (538 ) , & c . ,
and the equation becomes the eliminant.

Reason of the rule. -The eliminant is the condition for a common root of
the two equations . That root must make one of the factors ( a) , ¢ (b) ...
vanish, and therefore it makes their product vanish .

589 The eliminant expressed in terms of the roots a, b , c ...

of f (x) , and the roots a, ß, y ... of (x ) , will be
(a− a) (a —ẞ) (a− y) ... (b — a) (b − ß) (b − y) ... &c .,
being the product of all possible differences between a root of
one equation and a root of another.

590 The eliminant is a homogeneous function of the co

efficients of either equation , being of the nth degree in the
coefficients of ƒ ( x) , and of the mth degree in the coefficients
of (x) .

591 The sum of the suffixes of p and q in each term of the

eliminant mn. Also, if p, q contain z ; if p₂, q2 contain z² ;
if P3 , 3 contain z³, and so on, the eliminant will contain zn

Proved by the fact that p, is a homogeneous function of r dimensions of

the roots a, b, c ...3 by (406) .

592 If the two equations involve x and y, the elimination

may be conducted with respect to a ; and y will be contained
in the coefficients P1, P2 , 91 , X2
Q2 ··· ·

593 Elimination by the Method of Highest Common Factor.

Let two algebraical equations in æ

x and y be represented by
A = 0 and B = 0.

It is required to eliminate a.
Arrange A and B according to descending powers of x a,
and, having rejected any factor which is a function of y only,
proceed to find the Highest Common Factor of A and B.

The process may be exhibited as follows :

C₁A = q₁B + r₁R₁ C1 , C2 , C3 , C4 are the multipliers re

quired at each stage in order to avoid
c₂B = q₂R₁ + r₂ R₂
fractional quotients ; and these must
C3 R₁ = q3 R₂ + r3 R3
be constants or functions of y only.
c₁R₂ = q₁ R₂ + r₁ 91, 92, 93, 94 are the successive quo
tients .

T₁R₁, T₂R₂, TзRз , r, are the successive remainders ; 71, 72, 73, 74
being functions of y only.

The process terminates as soon as a remainder is obtained

which is a function of y only ; r, is here supposed to be such
a remainder.

Now, the simplest factors having been taken for C1, C2, C3, C4,
we see that

1 is the H. C. F. of C1 and ri The values of x and y,

d2 and 2 which satisfy simulta
99 "" C1
neously the equations
C1C2 and rs
ds 99 "" A=0 and B = 0 , are those
d2 obtained by the four pairs
C1C₂Cs and r of simultaneous equations
d "" ""
da ds following :

r₁ = 0 and B = 0 ....... (1) The final equation in y,

Ta which gives all admissible
= 0 and R₁ = 0 .........
.... ( 2 ) values , is
73 71727374 = 0
= 0 and R₂ = 0 .... (3) 2
dods d
If it should happen that
= 0 and R₁ = 0 ........
... ... ( 4) the remainder r, is zero ,
i = the simultaneous equa
tions ( 1 ) , ( 2) , (3 ) , and (4) reduce to
R₁ T3 = and
r₁ = 0 and 0 R₂ = 0.
B = 0; 2 = 0 and = 0;
Rз ds = 0 R3

594 To find infinite values of x or y which satisfy the given

equations .
Put x = Clear of fractions , and make z = 0 .
If the two resulting equations in y have any common
roots , such roots, together with x = ∞ , satisfy simultaneously
the equations proposed .

Similarly we may put y = 1214·



600 The unit of Circular measure is a Radian , and is the

angle at the centre of a circle which subtends an arc equal to
the radius . Hence
601 Circular measure of an angle =

602 Circular measure of two right angles = 3.14159 ... = T .

603 The unit of Centesimal measure is a Grade , and is the

one-hundredth part of a right angle.
604 The unit of Sexagesimal measure is a Degree , and is
the one- ninetieth part of a right angle.

To change degrees into grades , or circular measure , or

vice versa, employ one of the three equations included in
D G 2R
605 = = 2
90 100 π

where D, G, and C are respectively the numbers of degrees ,

grades , and radians in the angle considered .


606 Let OA be fixed , and let the B

revolving line OP describe a circle
round 0. Draw PN always perpen
dicular to AA'. Then, in all posi
tions of OP, A N
= the sine of the angle AOP,
ON = the cosine of the angle AOP,
= the tangent of the angle AOP.

607 If P be above the line AA' , sin AOP is positive .

If P be below the line AA', sin AOP is negative.

608 If P lies to the right of BB' , cos AOP is positive.

If P lies to the left of BB' , cos AOP is negative .

609 Note, that by the angle AOP is meant the angle through which
OP has revolved from OA, its initial position ; and this angle of revolution
may have any magnitude. If the revolution takes place in the opposite
direction, the angle described is reckoned negative.

610 The secant of an angle is the reciprocal of its cosine,

or cos A sec A = 1 .

611 The cosecant of an angle is the reciprocal of its sine,

or sin A cosec A = 1 .

612 The cotangent of an angle is the reciprocal of its tangent,

or tan A cot A = 1 .

Relations between the trigonometrical functions of the

same angle.

613 sin2 A +cos2 A = 1 . [I. 47

614 sec² 4 = 1 +tan² 4 .

615 cosec² A
4 = 1 + cot² 4 .

sin A
616 tan A = [ 606
cos A

If tan A = √ a²+b²
ī a
617 sin A = A
√ a² + b² b

cos A = [606
√ a²+b²

tan A 1
618 sin A = " cos A = [617
✓1 +tan A √1 +tan² A

619 The Complement of A is = 90° —A.

620 The Supplement of A is = 180° — A.

621 sin (90° -A) = cos A ,

tan (90° -4 ) = cot A , P
sec (90° — 4) = cosec A.

622 sin ( 180° - A ) = sin A ,

cos ( 180° — A) = − -cos A ,
tan ( 180° — 4 ) = —tan A.
In the figure
4Q0X180 ° -A. [607, 608

623 sin (-4) = sin A.

624 A) =
cos (-4) cos A.
By Fig., and (607) , (608) .
The secant, cosecant, and cotangent of 180° -A , and of
-4, will follow the same rule as their reciprocals , the cosine ,
sine, and tangent . [610-612

625 To reduce any ratio of an angle greater than 90° to the

ratio of an angle less than 90°.
RULE .-Determine the sign of the ratio by the rules ( 607) ,
and then substitute for the given angle the acute angle formed
by its two bounding lines, produced if necessary.
Ex.- To find all the ratios of 660°. B
Measuring 300° ( = 660° -360°) round
the circle from A to P, we find the
acute angle AOP to be 60°, and P lies
below AA' , and to the right of BB' . A' A

- sin 60° = √3
sin 660° = -
cos 660° = cos 60° = B'
and from the sine and cosine all the remaining ratios may be
found by (610-616 ) .

INVERSE NOTATION . -The angle whose sine is a is denoted

by sin- ¹æ.

626 All the angles which have a given sine , cosine , or tan
gent, are given by the formulæ

sin¹x n + ( − 1 )" 0 .... (1 ) ,

cos¯¹x = 2nπ ±0 (2) ,
tan -¹a = nπ + 0 .... (3).

In these formulæ is any angle which has a for its sine, cosine, or
tangent respectively, and n is any integer.
Cosecx , seca, cota have similar general values, by ( 610-612 ) .
These formulæ are verified by taking A, in Fig. 622, for 0, and making
n an odd or even integer successively.



627 sin ( A + B) = sin A cos B + cos A sin B,

628 sin ( A − B) = sin A cos B - cos A sin B,
629 cos ( A + B) = cos A cos B - sin A sin B,
630 cos (A - B) = cos A cos B + sin A sin B.

PROOF . -By ( 700 ) and ( 701 ) , we have

sin C = sin A cos B + cos A sin B,
and sin C sin (A + B) , by ( 622) .
To obtain sin (A - B) change the sign of B in (627) , and employ ( 623 ) ,
(624) , cos (A + B) sin ( 90° -A) -B} , by ( 621 ) .
Expand by (628) , and use ( 621 ) , ( 623 ) , (624) . For cos ( A - B) change the
sign of B in (629) .

tan Atan B
631 tan (A + B) =
1 -tan A tan B

- tan A - tan B
632 tan ( A — B) =
1 +tan A tan B'

cot A cot B - 1
633 cot (A + B) =
cot Acot B

cot 4 cot B + 1
634 cot (4 - B) =
cot B - cot A
Obtained from (627-630 ) .

635 sin 24 = 2 sin A cos 4. [627. Put B = A

636 cos 24 = cos² A - sin² A ,

637 = 2 cos² 4 - 1 ,

638 = 1-2 sin² A. [ 629, 613


639 2 cos² A = 1+ cos 24 . [637

2 sin² A = 1- cos 24. [ 638

A 1 cos A
sin [640
=V 2

1+ cos A
642 COS [639
14 = V
v 2

A 1 - cos A 1- cos A sin A

643 tan = = ·
1+ cos A sin A 1+ cos A
[ 641 , 642, 613

1- tan² 2 tan
2 2
646 cos A = sin A = [643, 613
1 + tan² 1 + tan²

648 cos A =
1 + tan A tan

649 (45° -
sin (45°+ 4) = cos (
= √1 +sin A [641
4) 2

- 1- sin A
= sin [642
650 cos ( 45 + 4 ) (45° vi
·1/2 ) = √ 2

A 1 + sin A 1 + sin A cos A

= =
651 + 4
tan( 15 + 1
= √1
1-+ sin A cos A 1 - sin A

2 tan A
652 tan24 = [ 631. Put B = A
1- tan² A

cot² A - 1
653 cot 24 =
2 cot A

1 + tan A
654 tan (45° + 4 ) =
1 - tan A

1 - tan A
655 tan (45° -4) := [631 , 632
1 + tan A

656 sin 34 = 3 sin A - 4 sin³ A.

657 cos 344 cos'A - 3 cos A.

3 tan Atan³ A
658 tan 34 =
1-3 tan'A
By putting B = 24 in ( 627) , ( 629) , and ( 631 ) .

659 sin (A +B) sin ( A — B) = sin² A — sin² B
= cos² B -
— cos² A.

660 cos (A +B) cos ( A - B) = cos² A -

— sin² B
cos2 B - sin² A.
From ( 627) , &c.

661 144 +
+ cos 4 = ± √1 + sin 4 .
[Proved by squaring.
662 sin COS 4 = ± √1 -
− sin A.
14 - c

A 1
sin = -
663 { √1 + sin A
4 − √1 − sin 4 } .

664 -
COS 4 = 1 { √1 + sin A + √1— sin 4 } ,

when 4 lies between -45° and

+ 45°.

665 In the accompanying diagram the

signs exhibited in each quadrant are the
+ +
signs to be prefixed to the two surds in

the value of sin according to the quad


rant in which lies .

For cos
4 change the second sign.

PROOF. By examining the changes of sign in ( 661 ) and (662) by ( 607) .


666 2 sin A cos B = sin ( A + B) + sin ( A — B) .

- -
667 2 cos A sin B = sin ( A + B) — sin ( A — B) .

668 2 cos A cos B = cos ( A + B) + cos ( A — B) .

669 - cos ( A + B) .
2 sin A sin B = cos (AB)
A- B
670 sin A + sin B = 2 sin 4 + B COS
2 2

A+ B A- B
671 sin Asin B = 2 cos sin

A+ B A- B
672 cos A + cos B = 2 cos COS

A+B A- B
673 cos B - cos A = 2 sin sin

A+ B A-B
Obtained by changing A into 4+ " and B into 4—¹, in (666–669) .
2 2
It is advantageous to commit the foregoing formula to memory, in words,
thus 2 sin cos = sin sum + sin difference,
2 cos sin sin sum - sin difference,
2 cos cos = cos sum + cos difference,
2 sin sin cos difference cos sum .
sin first + sin second = 2 sin half sum cos half difference,
sin first sin second 2 cos half sum sin half difference,
cos first + cos second = 2 cos half sum cos half difference,
cos second - cos first = 2 sin half sum sin half difference.

674 sin (A + B+ C)
= sin A cos B cos C + sin B cos C cos A

+ sin C cos A cos B - sin A sin B sin C.

675 cos (A + B + C)
= cos A cos B cos C-cos A sin B sin C

- cos B sin C sin A - cos C sin A sin B.

676 tan (A + B + C )

tan A + tan B + tan C - tan A tan B tan C

- tan A tan B*
1 - tan B tan C - tan C tan A —

PROOF.- Put B + C for B in (627) , ( 629) , and (631) .


If A +B +C = 180°,

12 42T

32 32 323
677 sin A + sin B + sin C = 4 cos COS
cos 2

sin A + sin B - sin C 4 sin COS

678 cos A + cos B + cos C = 4 sin sin sin +1 .
cos A + cos B - cos C = 4 cos COS sinGe-
81/2 2

679 tan A + tan B + tan C = tan A tan B tan C.

680 cot + cot + cot tcot
= cot cot
2 2

681 sin 24+ sin 2B + sin 2C 4 sin A sin B sin C.

682 cos 24+ cos 2B + cos 2C - 4 cos A cos B cos C - 1 .

General formulæ, including the foregoing, obtained by

applying (666-673) .
If A + B + C = , and n be any integer,
24 sin nB
in nA nC
683 4 sin sin
2 2

nA -n ) -sin
= sin (" - n4 ) + sin ( B ) + sin (

nA nB nC
684 4 cos COS cos 2

TnA ) + cos ( TnB ) + cos ( nC ) + cos 2

If A + B + C = 0 ,
nA nB nC
685 4 sin sin sin = -sin nA - sin nB- sin nC.
2 2 2

nA nB nC
686 4 cos COS COS cosnA +cosnB + cosnC + 1 .
2 2 2

RULE.-If, in formula (683) to (686) , two factors on the left

be changed by writing sin for cos, or cos for sin, then, on the
right side, change the signs of those terms which do not contain
the angles of the altered factors.

Thus , from (683) , we obtain

nA nB nC
687 4 sin COS COS
2 2 2

= sin ( n4 ) + sin (" - nB ) + sin (" — nC) + sin " ,

A Formula for the construction of Tables of sines , co

sines, &c.

688 sin (n + 1 ) a - sin na = sin na— sin (n - 1 ) a -k sin na,

where a = 10", and k = 2 ( 1 — cos a) = ' 0000000023504 .

689 Formulæ for verifying the tables—

sin A +sin ( 72° + A ) —sin ( 72° — A ) = sin ( 36° + A) — sin ( 36° —A) ,
cos A +cos ( 72° +4) + cos ( 72° + A) = cos (36° + A ) + cos ( 36° —A) ,
sin (60° +4) -sin (60° -A ) = sin A.


690 sin 45° = cos 45° = tan 45° = 1 .
691 sin 60° = √3 cos 60° = tan 60° = √3.
2 2'

√3-1 cos 15° = √3 + 1

692 sin 15° = "
2√2 2√2
tan 15° 2√32
cot 15° = 2 + √35·

√5-1 √5 + √5
693 sin 18° = cos 18° = "
4 2√2
5-2 /5
tan 18° =
√5 - √5
694 sin 54° = √5 + 1 cos 54° = "
4 2√2

tan 54° = √ 5+2 √


695 By taking the complements of these angles , the same

table gives the ratios of 30° , 75°, 72° , and 36°.

696 PROOFS .-sin 15° is obtained from sin (45° -30°) , expanded by (628).

697 sin 18° from the equation sin 2x = cos 3x, where x = 18°.

698 sin 54° from sin 3x = 3 sin x- 4 sin³ x, where x = 18°.

699 And the ratios of various angles may be obtained by taking the sum,
difference, or some multiple of the angles in the table, and making use of
known formulæ. Thus
12° 30° -18°, 71° = 9 &c., &c.


700 c = a cos B +b cos A.

a b
701 = =
sin A sin B sin C

702 a² = b² +c² -2bc cos A. B D

PROOF.- By Euc. II. 12 and 13, a = b +c - 2c . AD.

b²+ c² - a²
703 cos A =

a+ b+c
If s = and ▲ denote the area ABC,

704 sin (s - b) 8-c) COS

9 08/4/2 = √√s
V (s— a).
AA4 = bc bc

[641 , 642, 703, 9, 10, 1 .

tan (s - b) (s - c)
s (s - a)
706 sin A = √s (s — a) (s — b) (s — c). [635 , 704

707 A= [707, 706

be sin A = √ s (s —a) (s — b) (s —c) ,

708 = √20°c² + 20° a² +2ab -a -b' - c'.


The Triangle and Circle.

r = radius of inscribed circle,
r. radius of escribed circle
touching the side a ,
R = radius of circumscribing
709 r= B

ra ጥሪ
[From Fig., A = + +

a sin sin
710 1°
A Ta

[ By arcot + r cott

711 ra = [By A = + 2
S -a
a cos COS
2 2 B
712 ra [ From a = r, tan + rtan 9

a abc
713 R = =
2 sin A 44

[ By (III. 20) and ( 706)

sec² 4
= } √ { (b + c) ª sec² 4 + ( b −c ) °cosec² 2} B a

[ 702

Distance between the centres of inscribed and circum

scribed circles
716 = √R²—2Rr. [ 936

Radius of circle touching b , c and the inscribed circle

717 r' = r tan² 1 (B + C ) . [By sin4 = r+r"



Right- angled triangles are solved B

by the formulæ

718 c² = a² + b² ;
a = e sin A ,
719 b c cos A ,
a = b tan A ,
&c .

Scalene Triangles .

720 CASE I.- The equation

a b
= [ 701
sin A sin B b a

will determine any one of the four

quantities A, B, a, b when the re

maining three are known . с

721 The Ambiguous Case.

When, in Case I. , two B

sides and an acute angle
opposite to one of them
are given, we have, from a a
the figure ,
e sin A A D
sin C =

Then C and 180 - C are the values of C and C', by (622) .

Also b = ccos Ava -csin A,

because = AD + DC .

722 When an angle B is to be determined from the equation

b sin
sin B = A,
and is a small fraction ; the circular measure of B may be approximated
to by putting sin ( B + C) for sin A, and using theorem ( 796) .

723 CASE II.- When two sides b , c and the included angle
A are known, the third side a is given by the formula
a² = b² +c² -2bc cos A, [702
when logarithms are not used .

Otherwise, employ the following formula with logarithms ,

B- C b- c
724 tan = cot
2 b +c th

b- c sin B - sin C
Obtained from (701 ) , and then applying
b+c sin B +sin C
(670) and (671) .
B- C
having been found from the above equation, and
2 being equal to 90° . we have
B +C B- C B +C B- C
725 B= + C=
2 2 2 2

B and C having been determined , a can be found by Case I.

726 If the logarithms of b and c are known, the trouble of taking out
log (b- c) and log (b + c) may be avoided by employing the subsidiary angle
0 tan-1. b and the formula
727 tan (B - C) tan (0 [655
( 0-1 ) cot /1,
Or else the subsidiary angle -1 €, and the formula
= cos¹
728 tan } (B— C ) = tan² 2/2 cot 2 [ 643

If a be required without calculating the angles B and C, we may use the

A [ From the figure in 960, by
(b +c ) sin
2 drawing a perpendicular
729 α=
cos (B - C) from B to EC produced .

730 If a be required in terms of b, c , and A alone , and in a form adapted

to logarithmic computation , employ the subsidiary angle
-1 4bc
0 = sin- ' ( (b + c)" cos2 4),
and the formula a = (b +c) cos 0. [702, 637

CASE III - When the three sides are known, the angles
may be found without employing logarithms, from the formula
b²+ c² —a²
731 cos A = [703

732 If logarithms are to be used , take the formulæ for

sin COS or tan ; (704) and (705) .
2' 2' 2


a² + b² — c² -
— d²
733 cos B = B
2 (ab + cd)
From AC a + b² -2ab cos B = c + d + ს
2cd cos B, by (702) , and B + D = 180°.
sin B = 2Q [613, 733
ab + cd® C

735 Q = √ (s —a)(s—b) (s — c) (s — d)
= area of ABCD,
and 8 = (a + b + c + d) .
Area = ab sin B + cd sin B ; substitute sin B from last.

736 AC2 = (ac + bd) (ad + be) [702, 733

(ab + cd)
Radius of circumscribed circle

737 = [ 713, 734, 736
4Q✓ (ab +cd) (ac+bd) (ad +be).

If AD bisect the side of the triangle ABC in D,

738 tan BDA =

739 cot BAD 2 cot A + cot B.

740 AD² = } ( l² + c² + 2bc cos A ) = } ( b² + c² — } a²) .

If AD bisect the angle A of a triangle ABC,

B- C b+c Α
742 tan BDA = cot - tan
2 b- c taAva
2bc A
743 AD = COS
b +c

If AD be perpendicular to BC,

744 AD = bc sin A = b2 sin C + c sin B

a b +c
ī b³ -c² tan B-tan C
745 BD ~ CD = =α
α tan B +tan O'


Radius of circumscribing circle = R.

Radius of inscribed circle = 1.
Side of pol ygo n = a. R
Number of sides = n.
a π π

746 R= cosec " r= cot.- .

2 n n a

Area of Polygon

748 == na² cot = InR² sin = nr² tan .
n n n


749 To adapt ab to logarithmic computation .

Take b
0 = tan- ¹ ; then a +b = a sec² 0.
750 For a − b take 0 = tan- ¹ (
( ); thus

a- ba√2 cos (0 +45°)


751 To adapt a cos C ± b sin C to logarithmic computation.

Take -1¹ a ; then
a cos Cb sin C = √ (a + b ) sin (0+ C). [ By 617
For similar instances of the use of a subsidiary angle, see ( 726) to ( 730) .

752 To solve a quadratic equation by employing a subsidiary

If x² -2px +q = 0 be the equation,

x = p ( 1 ± √1-3 ) . [ By 45

L = sin' 0 ; then
CASE I. —If q be < p², put
0 0
x = 2p cos 9 and 2p sin' [639, 640

CASE II. -If q be >p , put = sec0 ; then

xp (litan 9) , imaginary roots . [614
Case III.-If q be negative, put 9 = tan20 ; then
x = √q cotth and —vqtan [644, 645
2 2

sin tan 0
753 = = 1, PT
0 0

when 0 vanishes .
For ultimately = = 1. [601 , 606 0. N

754 n sin = 0 when n is infinite. 0
By putting for in last.
n n
755 COS - = 1 when n is infinite .

PROOF. —Put ( 1 - sin² ) , and expand the logarithm by ( 156) .


756 (cos a +i sin a) cos ẞ + i sin ẞ) ... &c .

= cos (a +B + y + ... ) + i sin ( a + B+ y + ...) ,
where i✔
i= -1. [ Proved by Induction.

757 (cos +i sin 0) " = cos no +i sin no.

PROOF.- By Induction, or by putting a, ß, &c. each = 0 in ( 756) .

Expansion of cos no, &c. , in powers sin and cos 0.

758 cos no cos " 0 - C (n , 2 ) cos " -20 sin² 0

+ C (n , 4) cos" -40 sin¹0- & c.
759 sin non cos" -10 sin 6 - C (n , 3 ) cos" -30 sin³ 0 + & c .
PROOF. - Expand ( 757) by Bin. Th., and equate real and imaginary

n tan 0 - C (n , 3) tan³0 + &c .

760 tan no =
1 - C ( n, 2) tan²0 + C ( n , 4) tan¹0 -&c .
In series (758, 759) , stop at, and exclude, all terms with indices greater
than n. Note, n is here an integer.

Lets, sum of the C (n , r) products of tan a, tan ß, tan y,

&c. to n terms.

761 sin (a +B +y + &c .) = cosa cos B ... ($1−83 + $3− &c .) .

762 cos (a +B+ y + &c .) = cos a cosẞ ... ( 1 − s₂ + s₁− &c . ) .

PROOF. -By equating real and imaginary parts in (756) .

763 tan (a +B +y + &c .) -

= $1−83 + $5−87+ &c .
1-8₂+ 84-86 + &c.

Expansions of the sine and cosine in powers of the angle.

03 05 02 0+
764 sin 0 0— + - & c. -
cos e = 1 ·
+ . + &c.
3! 51 2! 4!
PROOF.-Put for in (757) and n = ∞ , employing ( 754) and ( 755) .

766 eie cos 0 +i sin 0. e -io = cos 0 - i sin 0. By ( 150)

768 ei +e - i = 2 cos 0. eio - e - io = 2i sin 0.

eio-e - io 1 +itan 0
770 itan 0 = io e2i0
e¹º +e - ¿Ð ° 1 - i tan o

Expansion of cos" and sin" in cosines or sines of

multiples of 0.
772 2n -1 cos" 0 = cos no + n cos (n − 2) 0

' (n , 2) cos (n − 4) 0 + C ( n , 3 ) cos (n − 6) 0 + &c .
773 When n is even ,
- -
2" -¹ ( −1 )³" sin" 0 = cos n0 - n cos (n − 2) 0

+ C (n , 2) cos (n − 4) 0 — C (n , 3) cos (n − 6) + &c. ,

774 And when n is odd,
n -1
2″-¹ ( −1 ) = sin” 0 = sin n0 — n sin ( n − 2) 0

+ C (n, 2) sin (n − 4) 0 — C (n , 3) sin (n − 6) 0 + &c .


Observe that in these series the coefficients are those of the Binomial
Theorem, with this exception : If n be even, the last term must be divided by 2.
The series are obtained by expanding ( e" + " )" by the Binomial Theorem,
collecting the equidistant terms in pairs, and employing (768) and ( 769 ) .

Expansion of cos no and sin no in powers of sin 0.

775 When n is even,
n² n² (n²-2²)
cos n0 = 1 − 2+ sin² 0 + sin' 0
n² (n² —2²) (n² —4²)
sin® 0+ & c .

776 When n is odd ,

- n² -1 (n² — 1 ) ( n² — 3²)
cos ne = cos @ { 1 – ~²71 sin0 + sin'
2! 4!
(n² —1 ) ( n² — 3²) ( n² - 5°)
6! sinº 0 + &c. } .

777 When n is even,

n² -22
sin non cos 0 sin 0
- sin³ 0+
(n² — 2¹) ( n² —4²) sin
sin³ 0—
³0 — ( n² — 2²) ( n² — 4³) ( n² — 6²)
5! sin²0 +&c .} .
778 When n is odd,

sin n✪ = n sin 0 — n (n² —1) sin³0 + n (n² - 1) (n² - 3²) sin'

3! 5!
n (n² — 1 ) ( n² —3²) ( n² — 5²)
sin' + &c.

PROOF. -By (758 ) , we may assume, when a is an even integer,

cos no 1+ 4, sin' 0+ A, sin * 0 +... + A2, sin² + ....
Put 0 +x for 0, and in cos no cos nx - sin no sin ne substitute for cos na and
sinne their values in powers of na from (764 ) . Each term on the right is of
the type A2, ( sin cos x + cos sin x) . Make similar substitutions for cos x
and sine in powers of x. Collect the two coefficients of a³ in each term by
the multinomial theorem ( 137 ) and equate them all to the coefficient of a
on the left . In this equation write cos' for 1 - sin' everywhere, and then
equate the coefficients of sin"" to obtain the relation between the successive
quantities A , and A2 +2 for the series (775).
To obtain the series ( 777) equate the coefficients of x instead of those of æ³ .
When n is an odd integer, begin by assuming, by (759) ,
sin no A, sin 0 + A , sin³ 0+ &c.

779 The expansions of cos no and sin no in powers of cos 0

are obtained by changing 0 into 1-0 in ( 775 ) to ( 778) .

780 Expansion of cos no in descending powers of cos 0.

2 cos no = (2 cos 0) ” — n (2 cos 0)~~² + n (n − 3)

(2 cos 0) -4

... + ( − 1) , n (n — r — 1 ) ( n — r — 2) ... (n − 2r + 1) (2 cos 0)n - 2r +


up to the last positive power of 2 cos 0.

PROOF. By expanding each term of the identity

log (1 - zz) + log ( 1-2 ) = log ( 1-2 ( x + 1 ))

by (156) , equating coefficients of z", and substituting from ( 768 ) .

783 sin a +c sin (a +ẞ) +c² sin (a +2B) + &c . to n terms

sin a - c sin (a - B) —c" sin (a + nẞ) + c” + ¹ sin ( a + n − 18}
1-2c cos 8 +c²

If c be < 1 and n infinite, this becomes

784 = sin a -c sin (a - B)

1-2c cos B + c²

785 cos a +c cos (a +B) + c² cos (a +28) + &c . to n terms

= a similar result , changing sin into cos in the numerator .

786 Similarly when c is < 1 and n infinite.

787 Method of summation . — Substitute for the sines or

cosines their exponential values ( 768) . Sum the two resulting
geometrical series , and substitute the sines or cosines again for
the exponential values by (766) .

788 c sin (a + ß) ++ sin (a
(a +28)
+ 28) +
+ sin (a + 3ß) + &c . to

infinity = eccos sin (a +c sin ẞ) -sin a.

c² C3
789 ccos (a +B) + cos (a + 28) + cos (a + 38) + & c . to
21 3!

infinity = ec cosß cos (a + c sin ẞ) — cos a .

Obtained by the rule in ( 787) .
2 A

790 If, in the series ( 783 ) to ( 789 ) , B be changed into 3+ , the signs of
the alternate terms will thereby be changed .

Expansion of 0 in powers of tan✪ (Gregory's series) .

tan³0 tan50
791 0 = tan 0 - + - &c .
3 5
The series converges if tan be not > 1 .
PROOF. -By expanding the logarithm of the value of e² in ( 771 ) by (158).

Formulæ for the calculation of the value of π by Gregory's

-1 1
792 7 = tan -¹11 + tan 11 =
= -tan -1
0 4 tan -111-08 [791
4 12+ 3 239

-1 1 1
794 = 4 tan tan + tan -¹
1 -te 70 99

PROOF. By employing the formula for tan ( 4 ± B ) , ( 631 ) .

To prove that is incommensurable.

795 Convert the value of tan in terms of from ( 764) and ( 765 ) into
Ө 62 02 03
a continued fraction, thus tan 0 = ; or this result may
1-3-- 5-7- & c.
may be obtained by putting it for y in ( 294) , and by ( 770) . Hence
1 - Ꮎ = 02 89 02
tan U 3.――― 5-7- & c.
π π²
Put for 0, and assume that π, and therefore " is commensurable. Let
2 4
π3 = m m mn mn
" m and being integers. Then we shall have 1 =
4 20 3n - 5n - 7n- &c.
The continued fraction is incommensurable, by ( 177) . But unity cannot be
equal to an incommensurable quantity. Therefore is not commensurable.
796 If sinn sin (x + a), a = n sina + sin 2a + sin 3a + &c.
2 3
ทา m3
797 Iftanan tan y, a = y - m sin 2y + sin 4y sin 6y + &c .,
2 3
1 n
where m =
1+ "
PROOF - By subs'ituting the exp mential values of the sine or tangent ( 769)
and (770) , and then eliminating x.
(a² + b²)
798 Coefficient of a" in the expansion of ear cos ba = cos no,
where a = r cos 0 and b = r sin 0. n!
For proof, substitute for cos be from (768) ; expand by (150) ; put
a = r cos 0 , b = r sin in the coefficient of a " , and employ (757) .

√1-- €²
799 When e is < 1 , = 1 + 2b cos 0 + 252 cos 20 + 2b³ cos 30 + ....
1 - e cos 0
where b = e
1+ 1 - e²
For proof, put e = and 2 cos 0 = x + 1, expand the fraction in two
1+ び x
series of powers of a by the method of ( 257 ) , and substitute from ( 768 ).

800 sin a +sin (a +ß) + sin ( a + 2ẞ) + ... + sin { a + ( n − 1) ß }

sin ( a + " > ¹8) sinß

sin B

801 cosa + cos (a +ß) + cos ( a +2ß) + ... + cos { a + ( n − 1)ß }

cos ( a + 18) sin "B

sin B
802 If the terms in these series have the signs and
alternately, change ẞ into ẞ + in the results.

PROOF.-Multiply the series by 2 sin 2 " and apply (669) and (666) .

803 If ẞ = in (800 ) and ( 801 ) , each series vanishes .

804 Generally, If ß = " and if be an integer not a

multiple of n, the sum of the 7th powers of the sines or cosines
in ( 800) or ( 801 ) is zero if r be odd ; and if r be even it is
= 2r C (r, 1) ; by (772) to ( 774) .

General Theorem . -Denoting the sum of the series

805 c + cx + cx² + ... +cx" by F (x) ;
then ccosa + c₁ cos (a + b) + ... + c, cos (a + nß ) = } { e¹• F (e¹³) + € ¯¹ •F (e −¹³) } ,
806 csina + c, sin (a +ß ) + ... + c„ sin ( a + nß) = 1; { c¹ªF (e¹³) — e¯¹ªF(e¯iª) } .

Proved by substituting for the sines and cosines their exponential values.
(766), &c.

Expansion of the sine and cosine in factors.

807 x²” — 2x¹ y” cos no + y²n

= { x²- 2xy cos 0 +y' } { ' -2ry cos (0 + 2n ) + y

-2.ry ..

to n factors , adding to the angle successively .

10)) " .
PROOF. By solving the quadraticon the left, weget x = y ( cos no + isinn0
Then values of x are found by ( 757) and ( 626 ) , and thence the factors. For
the factors of æ” ± y ” see ( 480 ) .

-1 π
808 sin no = 2" -¹ sin & sin ( + sin ( +27)

as far as n factors of sines .

PROOF. - By putting x = y = 1 and 6 = 24 in the last .

809 If n be even ,
π 2π
sin2 sin' - sin2
sin n = 2″ -¹ sin & cos $ ( sin² a² ) &c.
n $) ( n

810 If n be odd , omit cos and make up n factors , reckoning

two factors for each pair of terms in brackets .
PROOF. From (808 ) , by collecting equidistant factors in pairs , and
applying ( 659) .

811 cos no = 2″ 2 )... to n factors .

2" -¹ sin ( ☀ + ) sin ( +
PROOF. -Put + for 4 in (808 ).

812 Also , if n be odd ,

π 3πT -
2n - 1 cos
cos no = 2"-¹ ( sin² 2n sin² 4) ( sin² 2n sin³ $)

813 If n be even, omit cos p .

PROOF. As in (809 ) .

-1 sin π 2π 3π (n - 1 ) π
814 n = 2" -¹ sin sin ... sin
n n n n
PROOF.-Divide (809) by sing , and make o vanish ; then apply (754) .

815 sin 0 0
{1 - (--) } { 1 - (-
-)* T )33
20 20 20
816 cost = { 1- ( 9) } { 1- ( ) } { 1- (9) }
PROOF. Put & = in (809) and ( 812 ) ; divide by (814) and make n

817 e -2 cos 0 +e¯ *

= 4 sin ' ( 1+ }{ 1+ (210 ) } { 1+ (110) }
2 2 0 for 0 in (807),
Proved by substituting a = 1 + 2 , y = 1 − 2 and
2n 2n n
making n infinite , and reducing one series of factors to 4 sin 2 by putting
z= 0.

De Moivre's Property of the b

Circle. - Take P any point , and E B
POB = 0 any angle ,

BOC COD = & c . = ;
n 美

QP = x; OB = r.

819 x² -2x cos no + p²n

= PB2 PC² PD2 ... to n factors .
By (807) and ( 702 ) , since PB² = x² - 2xr cos 0 + r² , &c .
820 If x = r, 2p" sin = PB.PC.PD ... &c.

821 Cotes's properties .— If 0 = 9
x" ~ " PB.PC.PD ... & c.
822 +p Pa . Pb . Pc ... & c.


823 cot A +tan 4 = 2 cosec 24 sec A cosec A.

824 cosec 24 + cot 24 = cot A. sec A1 +tan A tan


826 cos A cos*.4 - sin 4

tan A + sec A = tan (45° +

tan A +tan B
828 = tan A tan B.
cot A +cot B

829 sec² A cosec² A sec² 4+ cosec² 4.


830 If A + B + C = 2 ,

tan B tan C + tan C tan A + tan A tan B = 1 .

831 If A + B + C = π,
cot B cot C + cot C cot A + cot A cot B = 1 .

π -1 π
832 sin-11313 +
+ sin -1. = tan -
/ + tan 1111= 11010·
5 445 2 3 4

In a right-angled triangle ABC, C being the right angle,

a² -b2 2ab
833 cos 2B = tan 2B =
a²+ b² ° a² —b²°

834 R +r = (a + b) .
tan } 4 = √ ( +b

In any triangle,
835 sin (A - B) := cos C.
a+ b
cos } ( A - B) = sin C.
sin A - B a²-b2 tan 14 + tan B
836 = =
sin A +B tan A - tan B

837 (a² + b² + c ) = be cos A + ca cos B + ab cos C.

838 Area of triangle ABC = be sin A

sin B sin C - sin A sin B
} a²
={ = 1 (a²— b²)
sin A 1
sin ( A — B) `
839 = cos 4 cos B cos C.
a+ b+ c

840 = (a + b + c) ² tan A tan B tan C.

With the notation of (709) ,

841 r= (a + b + c) tan 4 tan Btan C.

842 2Rr = A = √rrarore.
a+ b+c'

843 a cos A +b cos B +c cos C = 4R sin A sin B sin C.


844 R+r = (a cot A + b cot B÷c cot C) = sum of per

pendiculars on the sides from centre of circumscribing circle .
This may also be shown by applying Enc. VI . D. to the circle described
on R as diameter and the quadrilateral so formed .

845 rarore abc cos 4 cos B cos C.

846 r = √ (rorc) + √ (re ¥a) + √ (rab) .

1 1 rra
847 = +11/2+ • tan 14 = √
r 1/1/10
ra rorc

849 If O be the centre of inscribed circle,

OA = cos 4.
a+ b+ c

850 a (b cos C - c cos B) = b² - c².

851 b cos B +c cos C = c cos (B — C) .

852 a cos A +b cos B+c cos C = 2a sin B sin C.

2a sin B sin C
853 cos A + cos B + cos C = 1+
a+ b+c

854 If s = (a + b + c) ,
1 - cos² a - cos2 b - cos² c +2 cos a cos b cos c

= 4 sin s sin (s — a) sin ( s — b) sin (s — c) .

855 -1 + cos² a + cos2 b + cos² c + 2 cos a cos b cos c

= 4 cos s cos (s — a) cos (s — b) cos (s — c) .

a b
856 4 co
2 2 2

= coss + cos (sa) + cos (s — b ) + cos (s — c) .

a b с
857 4 sin sin sin 2
2 2

―sin s + sin (s — a) + sin (s — b ) + sin (s — c) .

858 = 6 ( 1+
6 1 ( 1 + 1/2 + 3 + ... ) = 8 ( 1 + 1
32 + 3 +...
sin 0
PROOF.- Equate coefficients of in the expansion of by (764) and
(815) or of cos by ( 765 ) and ( 816 ) .


859 Examples ofthe Solutions of Triangles.

Ex. 1 : CASE II . ( 724) .— Two sides of a triangle b, c, being 900 and 700
feet, and the included angle 47° 25' , to find the remaining angles.
B- C b- c A 1
tan = cot = cot 23° 42′ 30″ ;
2 b +c 2

therefore log tan (B - C) = log

log cot 4 -log 8 ;

therefore L tan (B- C) = L cot 23° 42' 30 " -3 log 2,

10 being added to each side of the equation.
.. L cot 23° 42′ 30 ″ = 10 · 3573942* (B - C) = 15° 53' 19:55 "
3 log 2 = •9030900 and (B + C ) = 66° 17′ 30″

.. L tan (B- C) 94543042 B 82° 10' 49.55"

And, by subtraction , C = 50° 24' 10-45".

Ex. 2 : CASE III. ( 732 ) .- Given the sides a, b, c = 7, 8, 9 respectively,

to find the angles.
A (s — b ) ( s — c) = 4.3 2
tan 14= =
s (s - a) 12.5 •√
therefore L tan 4 = 10 + } ( log 2−1 ) = 9 ·650515 ;
therefore A 24° 5' 41'43".*
B is found in a similar manner, and C = 180° — A — B.

Ex. 3. In a right-angled triangle, given the hypotenuse c = 6953 and

a side b = 3, to find the remaining angles.
Here cos A = But, since A is nearly a right angle, it cannot be
determined accurately from log cos A. Therefore take
A cos A 3475
2 = 2 6953
therefore L sin = 10 + 1 ( log 3475 — log 6953) = 9 ·8193913 ;
therefore = 44° 59′ 15·52",*
therefore A = 89° 58′ 31 04" and B = 0 ° 1 ′ 28 · 96 ″ .

* See Chambers's Mathematical Tables for a concise explanation of the

method of obtaining these figures .


870 Definitions.-Planes through the centre of a sphere

intersect the surface in great circles ; other planes intersect
it in small circles . Unless otherwise stated, all arcs are
measured on great circles .
The poles of a great circle are the extremities of the
diameter perpendicular to its plane.

The sides a, b, c of a spherical triangle are the arcs of

great circles BC, CA, AB on a sphere of radius unity ; and
the angles A, B, C are the angles between the tangents to the
sides at the vertices , or the angles between the planes of the
great circles. The centre of the sphere will be denoted by O.
The polar triangle of a spherical triangle ABC has for its
angular points A', B', C' , the poles of the sides BC, CA, AB
of the primitive triangle in the directions of A, B, C respec
tively (since each great circle has two poles ) . The sides of
A'B'C' are denoted by a' , b' , c'.

871 The sides and angles of the A'

polar triangle are respectively the
supplements of the angles and b
sides of the primitive triangle ;
that is ,
a' + A = b' + B = c' + C = π,
= π.
a + A' = b + B' = c + C' = . G H
Let BC produced cut the sides A'B', B B a C'
C'A' in G, H. B is the pole of A'C ' , D
therefore BH = π . Similarly CG = т
2 "
therefore, by addition, a + GH= π and GHA', because A' is the pole of BC .
The polar diagram of a spherical polygon is formed in the same way, and
the same relations subsist between the sides and angles of the two figures.
2 B

RULE .- Hence, any equation between the sides and angles

of a spherical triangle produces a supplementary equation by
changing a into π - A and A into T --a, &c .

872 The centre of the inscribed circle , radius r , is also the

centre of the circumscribed circle, radius R' , of the polar
triangle , and + R' = ! π .

PROOF. In the last figure, let O be the centre of the inscribed circle of
ABC ; then OD, the perpendicular on BC, passes through A ' , the pole of BC.
Also, OD = r; therefore OA' -r. Similarly OB' = OC' -r; there
fore 0 is the centre of the circumscribed circle of A'B'C', and r + R' = ½ ″.

873 The sine of the arc joining a point on the circumference

of a small circle with the pole of a parallel great circle , is equal
to the ratio of the circumferences or corresponding arcs of the
two circles .

For it is equal to the radius of the small circle divided by the radius of
the sphere ; that is, by the radius of the great circle.

874 Two sides of a triangle are greater than the third .

[ By XI. 20.
875 The sides of a triangle are together less than the cir
cumference of a great circle. [By XI. 21.

876 The angles of a triangle are together greater than two

right angles .
For π- A + B +π - С is < 2m, by (875) and the polar triangle.

877 If two sides of a triangle are equal , the opposite angles

are equal. [ By the geometrical proof in (894) .

878 If two angles of a triangle are equal, the opposite sides.

are equal. [ By the polar triangle and ( 877) .

879 The greater angle of a triangle has the greater side

opposite to it.
PROOF. If B be > A, draw the arc BD meeting AC in D, and make
▲ ABD = A , therefore BD = AD ; but BD + DC > BC, therefore AC > BC.

880 The greater side of a triangle has the greater angle

opposite to it. [ By the polar triangle and ( 879) .


881 Napier's Rules . In the triangle ABC let C be a right

angle, then a , ( π — B) , (¦π − c) , ( -A) , and b , are called
the five circular parts. Taking any part for middle part,
Napier's rules are
I. sine ofmiddle part = product of tangents of adjacent parts.
II. sine of middle part = product ofcosines of opposite parts.
In applying the rules we can take A, B, c instead of their
complements , and change sine into cos , or vice versa, for those
parts at once. Thus , taking b for the middle part ,
sin b tan a cot A = sin B sin c.

Ten equations in all are given by the

rules .
- b
PROOF. From any point P in OA, draw
PR perpendicular to OC, and RQ to OB;
therefore PRQ is a right angle ; therefore OB
is perpendicular to PR and QR, and therefore 0
to FQ. Then prove any formula by proportion
from the triangles of the tetrahedron OPQR, a
which are all right-angled . Otherwise, prove
bythe formule for oblique-angled triangles. B


882 cosa cos b cos c +sin b sin c cos A.

PROOF. Draw tangents at A

to the sides c, b to meet OB, OC p
in D and E. Express DE by
(702) applied to each of tho
triangles DAE and DOE, and D
subtract. R B

π N
If AB and AC are both >
produce them to meet in A', the a
pole of A, and employ the tri
angle A'BC.
If AB alone be > pro

duce BA to meet BC. F

The supplementary formula, by (871 ) , is

883 -cos B cos C +sin B sin C cosa.
cos A = -

884 sin = sin (s - b) sin (s c)
sin b sin c

A sins sin (s -- a)
885 084 =
2 sin b sin c
sin (s -b) sin (s - c)
886 tan
1/4/1 = where 8 = (a + b +c).
sins sin (s - a)
A =
PROOF.-Sin² (1 - cos A) . Substitute for cos A from ( 872) , and
throw the numerator of the whole expression into factors by (673). Similarly
for cos

The supplementary formulæ are obtained in a similar way,

or by the rule in (871) . They are
887 COS = cos (S— B) cos ( S − C) ¸
s” . sin B sin C

= cos S cos ( S - A
888 sin
te V sin B sin C

--cos S
tan = cos ( S — A)
1/2 cos (S - B) cos ( S - C)
where S = (A + B + C) .

890 Let σ = √ sin s sin ( s — 1! ) sin ( s — b ) sin ( s — c)

= ✓1 + 2 cos a cos b cos c - cos² a -cos² b - cos² c.

Then the supplementary form , by ( 871 ) , is

891 Σ ==
= √ —cos S cos ( S — A ) cos ( S — B) cos ( S − C)

= ½ √ 1 −2 cos A cos B cos C — cos² A - cos² B- cos˚C.

20 ΩΣ
892 sin A = sin a =
sin b sin c sin B sin C
[ By sin A 2 sin COS and (884, 885) , &c.

893 The following rules will produce the ten formulæ

(884 to 892)
I. Write sin before each factor in the s values of sin

COS tan 4 , sin A, and ▲,
A, in Plane Trigonometry ( 704–
707), to obtain the corresponding formula in Spherical Trigo
nometry .
II. To obtain the supplementary forms of the five results ,
transpose large and small letters everywhere, and transpose
sin and cos everywhere but in the denominators, and write
minus before cos S.

sin A sin B sin C

894 =
sin a sin b sin c
PROOF.-By (882 ) . Otherwise , in the figure of 882 , draw PN perpendi
cular to BOC, and NR, NS to OB, OC. Prove PRO and PSO right angles
by I. 47, and therefore PN = OP sin c sin B = OP sin b sin C.

895 cos b cos C cot a sin b - cot A sin C.

To remember this formula, take any four consecutive angles
and sides (as a , C, b, A) , and , calling the first and fourth the
extremes, and the second and third the middle parts, employ
the following rule :
RULE. -Product of cosines of middle parts cot extreme
side X sin middle side - cot extreme angle X sin middle angle.
PROOF. In the formula for cos a (882) substitute a similar value for
sin a
cos c, and for sin c put sin C
sin A
sin (a - b) cot C
(1 ) tan ( A - B) = b .
sin (a + b)

cos (a —b) cot C

(2) tan ( A + B) =
cos (a + b)
sin ( A - B)
(3) tan (a - b) := tan
sin (A + B)
= cos (A — B)
(4) tan (a + b) : tan 2.
cos (A + B)
RULE. - In the value of tan (A - B ) change sin to cos to
obtain tan 12/24 (A + B ) . To obtain (3 ) and (4) from ( 1 ) and ( 2) ,
transpose sides and angles, and change cot to tan.
PROOF. -- In the values of cos A and cos B, by ( 883 ) , put m sin a and
m sin b for sin A and sin B, and add the two equations. Then put
m = sin A + sin B and transform by (670-672) .
sin a sin b '


sin ( A + B) cos (a - b)
(1 )
cos C cos c

sin } ( A − B) = sin (a - b)
cos C sinc

cos ( A + B) cos 14 (a + b)
sin C cos c

cos (A - B) sin (a +b)

sin C sinc

From any of these formulæ the others may be obtained

by the following rule :

RULE - Change the sign of the letter B (large or small) on

one side of the equation , and write sin for cos and cos for sin
on the other side.

PROOF. Take sin (A + B) = sin A cos B + cos A sin B,

substitute the s values by (884, 885 ) , and reduce.


898 Let r be the radius of the in

scribed circle of ABC ; r, the radius of
the escribed circle touching the side a,
and R, R.a the radii of the circumscribed
circles ; then
(1 ) tan rtan 4 sin (s - a) = sin
2 sin a
(3) = sin sin B sin C
sin A
(4) D
2 cos A cos B cos C
cos S + cos ( S - A ) + cos ( S − B) + &c.
PROOF. -The first value is found from the
right-angled triangle OAF, in which AFs - a .
The other values by (884-892).

899 (1 ) tan r₁a = tan 14 sin s =•
sin (s - a)
2 sin a
( 3) = sin 4 cos B cos C
sin A
(4) =
2 cos A sin B sin ≥C
—cos S ― cos ( S — A ) + cos ( S − B) + cos ( S − C
') '

PROOF . From the right-angled triangle O'AF

' , in which AF's.
NOTE. The first two values of tan ra may be obtained from those of
tan r by interchanging s and s -a.

tan a cos S
900 ( 1 ) tan R =
cos (S - A ) Σ

sin a
(3) =
sin A cos ab cos c
2 sina sin b sinc
(4) D B

-sins +sin (sa) + sin (s - b) + &c.

PROOF . The first value from the right-angled

triangle OBD, in which ▲ OBD = S - A. The other
values by the formulæ ( 887-892).

901 (1) tan Ra = = cos (S - A )
-- cos S Σ

sin a
(3) =
sin A sin b sinc

2 sin la cosb cos c


sin s — sin (s — a ) + sin (s — b ) + sin (s — c) ¸


PROOF. From the right-angled triangle O'BD, in which 4 O'BD = -S.



902 area of ABC = ( A + B + C −π) r² = Er²,

where E = A + B + C -T, the spherical excess.

PROOF. - By adding the three lunes


and observing that ABF CDE,

we get (4 + π + c
π ) 2wr² = 2«r² + 2ABC.


n being the number of sides ,

Area = { Interior Angles- ( n - 2) π } r

= { 27
-Exterior Angles } r
= { 27 - sides
of Polar Diagram} ².
The last value holds for a curvilinear area in the limit.

PROOF. By joining the vertices with an interior point, and adding the
areas of the spherical triangles so formed .

904 Cagnoli's Theorem .

sin E = ✓ { sins sin (s — a ) sin (s — b) sin (s — c) }

2 cosa cosb cos c

PROOF . - Expand sin [ ½ ( A + B ) − 12 ( π - C) ] by (628) , and transform by

Gauss's equations (897 i ., iii . ) and ( 669, 890) .

905 Llhuillier's Theorem.

tan E = { tans tan (s — a) tan ( s — b) tan (s — c) } .

PROOF. -Multiply numerator and denominator of the left side by
2 cos (A + B - C + ) and reduce by ( 667, 668) , then eliminate (A + B)
by Gauss's formulæ (897 i., iii. ) Transform by (672, 673) , and substitute
from ( 886).


Let the number of faces , solid angles , and edges , of any

polyhedron be F, S, and E; then

906 F+ SE + 2 .

PROOF. Project the polyhedron upon an internal sphere. Let m =

number of sides, and s = sum of angles of one of the spherical polygons so
formed . Then its area = {s— (m − 2) π } r², by (903 ) . Sum this for all the
polygons, and equate to 4m².


Let m be the number of sides in each face , n the number

of plane angles in each solid angle ; therefore

907 mFnS = 2E.

From these equations and (906 ) , find F, S, and in terms of m and

n, thus,
1 m 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- 1
= +
}F = 2 (m + n - ) S = 2 (m + n - 2 ) E m n 2
1 1 1
In order that F, S, and E may be positive, we must have + >
m n 2"
a relation which admits of five solutions in whole numbers , corresponding to
the five regular solids . The values of m, n , F, S, and E for the five regular
solids are exhibited in the following table :

m F S E

Tetrahedron ... ... 3 3 4 4 6

Hexahedron ... 4 3 6 8 12

Octahedron ... 3 4 86 12


Dodecahedron ... 5 3 12 20 30

Icosahedron 3 5 20 12 30

908 The sum of all the plane angles of any polyhedron

= 2π (S - 2) ;

Or, Four right angles for every vertex less eight right angles,

909 If I be the angle between two adjacent faces of a

regular polyhedron ,
sin I = cos ÷ sin .
n m

PROOF. -Let PQ == a be the edge, and S

the centre of a face, T the middle point of
PQ, O the centre of the inscribed and circum
scribed spheres, ABC the projection of PST
upon a concentric sphere. In this spherical
π π π B
C= A = 9 and B = = PST.
2 n m
Also STO = I.
Now, by (881 , ii. ),


cos Asin B cos BC; m

π π
that is, COS == sin sin I.
n m
Q. e. d . P

If r, R be th ra
e dii of the inscri and circu
bed scrib
spher of a regul p ed
es ar olyhedro
π n π
910 r = tan I cot " R = 2 tan } I tan
m n
PROOF . — In the above figure, OS = r, OP = R, PT = 2 ; and
OS PT cot tan I. Also OP = PT cosec AC, and by (881 , i . ) ,
sin AC tan BC cot A cot I cot ; therefore , &c.


920 To find the point in a given line QY, the sum of whose
distances from two fixed points S, S' is a minimum .
Draw SYR at right angles to QY, R
making YR = YS. Join RS', cutting
QY in P. Then P will be the required
PROOF.- For, if D be any other point Y
on the line, SD = DR and SP = PR.
But RD + DS' is >RS'; therefore , &c.
R is called the reflection of the point S,
and SPS' is the path of a ray of light S
reflected at the line QY.
If S, S' and QY are not in the same plane, make SY, YR equal perpen
diculars as before, but the last in the plane of S' and QY.
Similarly, the point Q in the given line, the difference of whose distances
from the fixed points S and R' is a maximum, is found by a like construction .

The minimum sum of distances from S, S' is given by

(SP + S'P) = SS2 +4SY. S'Y'.

And the maximum difference from S and R' is given by

(SQ - R'Q)² = ( SR ) -4SY. R'Y'.

Proved by VI . D. , since SRR'S' can be inscribed in a circle.

921 Hence , to find the P P

shortest distance from P
to Q en route of the lines
AB, BC, CD ; in other B
words , the path of the ray P b
reflected at the successive

surfaces AB, BC, CD. A a

Find P₁ , the reflection of Pat
the first surface ; then P , the
reflection of P, at the second sur
face ; next P,, the reflection of P,
at the third surface ; and so on if D

there be more surfaces . Lastly, join Q with P,, the last reflection, cutting
CD in a. Join aP,, cutting BCin b. Join bP , cutting AB in c. Join cP.
PcbaQ is the path required.

The same construction will give the path when the surfaces are not, as
in the case considered , all perpendicular to the same plane.

922 If the straight line d from the vertex of a triangle

divide the base into segments p, q, and if h be the distance
from the point of section to the foot of the perpendicular from
the vertex on the base , then

b² +c² = p² + q² +2d² + 2h (p − q) . [II . 12, 13.

The following cases are important :

(i.) When pq, b² +c² = 2q² +2d² ;

i.e., the sum of the squares of two sides of a

triangle is equal to twice the square of half
the base, together with twice the square of the
bisecting line drawn from the vertex. q P

(ii.) When p2q, 2b² +c² = 6q² +3d². (II. 12 or 13)

(iii. ) When the triangle is isosceles ,

b² = c² = pq + ď².

923 If O be the centre of an equilateral triangle ABC and

P any point in space . Then

PA²+PB²+ PC² = 3 (PO² + 0A²) .

PROOF. - PB + PC = 2PD² + 2BD". (922, i.)
Also PA' +2PD260D² +3P0³, (922, ii.)
and BO = 20D ;

therefore, &c. B

COR.-Hence , if P be any point on the

surface of a sphere, centre O, the sum ofthe squares of
its distances from A, B, C is constant . And if r , the radius
of the sphere, be equal to OA, the sum of the same squares is
equal to 672.

924 The sum of the squares of D

the sides of a quadrilateral is equal
to the sum of the squares of the
diagonals plus four times the square
of the line joining the middle points F
of the diagonals . (922, i .)

925 COR. -The sum of the squares

of the sides of a parallelogram is
equal to the sum of the squares of the diagonals.

926 In a given line AC, to find a point X whose distance

from a point P shall have a given
ratio to its distance in a given
direction from a line AB.

Through P draw BPC parallel to the
given direction. Produce AP, and make P
CE in the given ratio to CB. Draw PX
parallel to EC, and XY to CB. There are
two solutions when CE cuts AP in two
points. [ PROOF.- By (VI . 2) . B

927 To find a point X in AC,
whose distance XY from AB parallel
to BC shall have a given ratio to its Y
distance XZ from BC parallel to AD.

Draw AE parallel to BC, and having to

AD the given ratio. Join BE cutting AO in
X, the point required. [ Proved by (VI. 2 ) . B D Z

928 To find a point X on any

line, straightor curved , whose
distances XY, XZ, in given direc
tions from two given lines AP, AB, Y
shall be in a given ratio. P

Take P any point in the first line.

Draw PB parallel to the direction of XY,
and BC parallel to that of XZ, making B

PB have to BC the given ratio . Join PC,
cutting AB in D. Draw DE parallel to A
CB. Then AE produced cuts the line in
X, the point required, and is the locus of
such points. [PROOF.-BY (VI. 2) .

929 To draw a line XY through a given point P so that

the segments XP, PY, intercepted by a given circle, shall be
in a given ratio.
Divide the radius of the circle in that ratio,
and, with the parts for sides, construct a triangle P
PDC upon PC as base. Produce CD to cut the
circle in X. Draw XPY and CY.
Then PD+DC radius ;
therefore PD = DX ;
But CY = CX ;
therefore PD is parallel to CY (I.5 , 28) ; therefore
&c., by (VI. 2).

930 From a given point P in the A

side of a triangle, to draw a line PX
which shall divide the area of the tri
angle in a given ratio . P

Divide BC in D in the given ratio, and

draw AX parallel to PD. PX will be the line
ABD : ADC = the given ratio (VI . 1 ) , and X
APD = XPD (I. 37) ; therefore, &c.

931 To divide the triangle ABC in a given ratio by a line

XY drawn parallel to any given line AE.

Make BD to DC in the given ratio. Then

make BY a mean proportional to BE and BD,
and draw YX parallel to EA.

PROOF. -AD divides ABC in the given ratio

(VI . 1) . Now
ABE XBY :: BE : BD, (VI. 19 )
or :: ABE : ABD ;
therefore XBY ABD. B E Y

932 If the interior and exterior vertical angles at P of the

triangle APB be bisected by straight lines which cut the base
in C and D, then the circle circumscribing CPD gives the
locus of the vertices of all triangles on the base AB whose
sides AP, BP are in a constant ratio .

= a right angle ;
therefore P lies on the circumference of
the circle, diameter CD (III . 31 ) . Also
AP : PB :: AC : CB :: AD : DB
(VI. 3, and A. ) , a fixed ratio.

933 AD is divided harmonically in B and C ; i.e. , AD : DB :: AO : CB ;

or, the whole line is to one extreme part as the other extreme part is to the middle
part. If we put a, b, c for the lengths AD, BD, CD, the proportion is
expressed algebraically by a : b :: a - c : c - b, which is equivalent to
1 1 = 2
a b
934 Also AP : BP OA : 00 = 0C : OB
and AP : BP² = OA : OB, (VI. 19)
ᎪᏢ - ᎪᏅ : CP : BP- Ᏼ . (VI. 3, & B.)

935 If Q be the centre of the inscribed circle of the triangle

ABC, and if AQ produced meet the circumscribed circle ,
radius R, in F ; and if FOG be a diameter, and AD perpendi
cular to BC ; then
(i.) FC=FQ =FB = 2R sin 4.

(ii.) ▲ FAD = FAO = } (B — C),

and CAG = (B + C ) .
PROOF OF ( i .)— H
▲ FQC = QOA + QAC.
But QAC QAB = BCF ; (III. 21)
.. FQC = FOQ ; .. FCFQ.
Similarly FB = FQ.
Also GCF is a right angle, and
FGC = FAC = } A ; (III. 21 )

.. FO = 2R sin 4.

936 If R, r be the radii of the circumscribed and inscribed

circles of the triangle ABC (see last figure) , and O, Q the
centres ; then OQ' = R²- 2Rr.

PROOF. - Draw QH perpendicular to AC ; then QHr. By the isosceles

triangle AOF, OQ³ = R² — AQ.QF (922, iii. ) , and QF = FC ( 935, i .) , and
by similar triangles GFC, AQH, AQ : QH :: GF : FC ;
therefore AQ.FC = GF. QH 2Rr.

The problems known as the Tangencies.

937 Given in position any three of the following nine data
viz., three points , three straight lines, and three circles , -it is
required to describe a circle passing through the given points
and touching the given lines or circles. The following five
principal cases occur. •

938 I. Given two points A, B, and the straight line CD.

ANALYSIS.-Let ABX be the required
circle, touching CD in X. 4 Therefore
CX CA.CB. (III. 36)
Hence the point X can be found, and the
centre of the circle defined by the inter
section ofthe perpendicular to CD through
X and the perpendicular bisector of AB.
There are two solutions.
Otherwise, by (926 ) , making the ratio X
one of equality, and DO the given line.

COR.-The point X thus determined is the point in CD at

which the distance AB subtends the greatest angle. In the
solution of (941 ) Q is a similar point in the circumference CD.
(III. 21, & I. 16)

939 II. Given one point A and two straight lines DC, DE.
In the last figure draw AOC perpendicular to DO, the bisector of the
angle D, and make OB OA, and this case is solved by Case I.

940 III. Given the point P, the straight line DE, and the
circle ACF.
ANALYSIS.-Let PEF be the required
circle touching the given line in E and the 2012.
circle in F. I
Through H, the centre of the given H
circle, draw AHCD perpendicular to DE.
Let K be the centre of the other circle.
Join HK, passing through F, the point of
contact. Join AF, EF, and AP, cutting CE
the required circle in X. Then
4 DHF LKF ; (I. 27) P
therefore HFA = KFE (the halves of equal
angles) ; therefore AF, FE are in the same
straight line. Then, because AX.AP AF.AE, (III. 36)
and AF.AE AC . AD by similar triangles, therefore AX can be found .
A circle must then be described through P and X to touch the given line,

by Case I. There are two solutions with exterior contact, as appears from
Case I. These are indicated in the diagram . There are two more in which
the circle AC lies within the described circle. The construction is quite
analogous, C taking the place of A.

941 IV. Given two points A, B and

the circle CD.

Draw any circle through A, B, cutting the

required circle in C, D. Draw AB and DC,
and let them meet in P. Draw PQ to touch
the given circle. Then, because P Q
PC.PDPA . PB = PQ³, (III. 36)
and the required circle is to pass through
A, B; therefore a circle drawn through A, B, Q
must touch PQ, and therefore the circle CD,
in Q (III. 37) , and it can be described by Case
I. There are two solutions corresponding to D
the two tangents from P to the circle CD.

942 V. Given one point P, and two circles , centres A and B.


M o K

ANALYSIS.-Let PFG be the required circle touching the given ones in F

and G. Join the centres QA, QB. Join FG, and produce it to cut the
circles in E and H, and the line of centres in O. Then, by the isosceles
triangles, the four angles at E, F, G, H are all equal ; therefore AE, BG are
parallel, and so are AF, BH ; therefore AO : BO :: AF : BH, and O is a
centre of similitude for the two circles. Again, HBK := 2HLK, and
FAM = 2FNM ( III. 20) ; therefore FNM = HLK = HGK ( III. 21 ) ; there
fore the triangles OFN, OKG are similar ; therefore OF . OG = OK . ON ;
therefore, if OP cut the required circle in X, OX.OP = OK . ON. Thus
the point X can be found, and the problem is reduced to Case IV.
Two circles can be drawn through P and X to touch the given circles.
One is the circle PFX. The centre of the other is at the point where EA
and HB meet if produced, and this circle touches the given ones in E and H.

943 An analogous construction, employing the internal centre of simili

tude O ', determines the circle which passes through P, and touches one given
circle externally and the other internally. See (1047-9) .
The centres of similitude are the two points which divide the distance
between the centres in the ratio of the radii. See ( 1037).
2 D

944 COR. - The tangents from 0 to all circles which touch

the given circles , either both externally or both internally,
are equal.
For the square of the tangent is always equal to OK. ON or OL . OM.

945 The solutions for the cases of three given straight lines
or three given points are to be found in Euc. IV. , Props . 4 , 5 .

946 In the remaining cases of the tangencies , straight lines

and circles alone are given. By drawing a circle concentric
with the required one through the centre of the least given
circle , the problem can always be made to depend upon one
of the preceding cases ; the centre of the least circle becoming
one of the given points .

947 DEFINITION . -A centre of similarity of two plane curves

is a point such that, any straight line being drawn through it
to cut the curves, the segments of the line intercepted between
the point and the curves are in a constant ratio.

948 If AB, AC touch a circle at B and

C, then any straight line AEDF, cutting
the circle , is divided harmonically by
the circumference and the chord of con
tact BC.
Proof from AE. AF AB². (III. 36) α
AB BD . DC + AD², B
and BD . DC ED.DF. (III. 35)

949 If a , ß, y, in the same figure , be the

perpendiculars to the sides of ABC from
any point E on the circumference of the
circle , then By = a³.
PROOF. Draw the diameter BHd ; then EB² ßd, because BEH is a
right angle. Similarly EC = yd. But EB . EC = ad (VI. D.) , therefore &c .

950 If FE be drawn parallel to the base A

BC of a triangle, and if EB, FC intersect
in O,
0, then F E
AE : AC : EO : OB :: FO : OC.

By VI. 2. Since each ratio = FE : BC.

COR.-If AC = n . AE, then
BE (n + 1) OE. B

951 The three lines drawn from the angles of a triangle to

the middle points of the opposite sides , intersect in the same
point , and divide each other in the ratio of two to one.
For, by the last theorem, any one of these lines is divided by each of the
others in the ratio of two to one, measuring from the same extremity, and
must therefore be intersected by them in the same point.
This point will be referred to as the centroid of the triangle.

952 The perpendiculars from the angles upon the opposite

sides of a triangle intersect in the same point .

Draw BE, CF perpendicular to the sides, and let

them intersect in O. Let AO meet BC in D. Circles
will circumscribe AEOF and BFEC, by (III . 31 ) ;
therefore LFAO = FEO = FCB ; (III. 21)
therefore ▲ BDA = BFC = a right angle ;
i.e., AO is perpendicular to BC, and therefore the
perpendicular from A on BC passes through 0.
O is called the orthocentre of the triangle ABC. B D

COR. -The perpendiculars on the sides bisect the angles

of the triangle DEF, and the point O is therefore the centre
of the inscribed circle of that triangle.
PROOF . From ( III. 21) , and the circles circumscribing OEAF and OECD.

953 If the inscribed circle of a triangle ABC touches the

sides a, b, c in the points D, E, F; and if the escribed circle
to the side a touches a and b, c produced in D' , E', F
" ; and if
s = (a + b + c) ;
BF' = BD
' = CD = s — c,
and AE' AF' = s ;

and similarly with respect to

the other segments .
PROOF. -The two tangents from
anyvertex to either circle being equal, F
it follows that CD+c = half the
perimeter of ABC, which is made up
of three pairs of equal segments ;
therefore E'
CD = s− t.
AE +AF AC + CD + AB + BD
= 28 ;
therefore AE ' = AF' = s.

The Nine-Point Circle.

954 The Nine-point circle is the circle described through

D, E, F, the feet of the perpendiculars on the sides of the
triangle ABC . It also passes through the middle points of
the sides of ABC and the middle points of OA , OB, OC ; in
all, through nine points .
PROOF.-Let the circle
cut the sides of ABC
again in G, H, K ; and
OA, OB, OC in L, M, N.
▲ EMF = EDF (III. 21 )
= 20DF (952, Cor.) ;
therefore, since OB is the
diameter of the circle cir
cumscribing OFBD (III.
31 ) , M is the centre of
that circle (III. 20) , and
therefore bisects OB.
Similarly OC and OA
are bisected at N and L. B
Again, MGB = MED (III. 22) = OCD, (III. 21) , by the circle circum
scribing OECD. Therefore MG is parallel to OC, and therefore bisects BC.
Similarly H and K bisect CA and AB.

955 The centre of the

nine-point circle is the
middle point of OQ, the
line joining the ortho
centre and the centre
of the circumscribing
circle of the triangle
For the centre of the N. P. R
circle is the intersection of N
the perpendicular bisectors
of the chords DG, EH, FK,
and these perpendiculars
bisect OQ in the same point
N, by (VI. 2).

956 The centroid of

the triangle ABC also lies on the line OQ and divides it in
R so that OR = 2RQ. 4
PROOF. The triangles QHG, OAB are similar, and AB = 2HG ; there
fore AO = 2GQ ; therefore OR = 2RQ ; and AR = 2RG ; therefore R is the
centroid, and it divides OQ as stated ( 951 ) .

957 Hence the line joining the centres of the circumscribed

and nine-point circles is divided harmonically in the ratio of
2 : 1 by the centroid and the orthocentre of the triangle.
These two points are therefore centres of similitude of the
circumscribed and nine-point circles ; and any line drawn
through either of the points is divided by the circumferences
in the ratio of 2 : 1. See (1037. )

958 The lines DE, EF, FD intersect the sides of ABC in

the radical axis of the two circles .
For, if EF meets BC in P, then by the circle circumscribing BCEF,
PE.PF = PC . PB ; therefore ( III . 36) the tangents from P to the circles
are equal (985) .

959 The nine-point circle touches the inscribed and escribed

circles of the triangle .
PROOF.- Let O be the orthocentre, and I, Q
the centres of the inscribed and circumscribed A
circles. Produce AI to bisect the arc BC in T.
Bisect AO in L, and join GL, cutting AT in S.
The N. P. circle passes through G, D, and
L (954) , and D is a right angle. Therefore
GL is a diameter, and is therefore R QA
(957) . Therefore GL and QA are parallel.
But QA = QT, therefore
GS = GT = CT sin 4 = 2R sin². (935, i.)
Also ST2GS cos 0
(0 being the angle GST = GTS) . 0
N being the centre of the N. P. circle, its B G D C
radius = NG = 4R ; and r being the radius of
the inscribed circle, it is required to shew that T
NING- r.
Now NISN' + SIª —2SN . SI cos 0. (702)
Substitute SNR- GS;
SI = TI— ST = 2R sin4-2GS cos 0 ;

and GS 2R sin' A, to prove the proposition.

If J be the centre of the escribed circle touching BC, and r, its radius, it
is shewn in a similar way that NJ = NG +r。.

To construct a triangle from certain data.

960 When amongst the data we have the sum or difference
of the two sides AB, AC ; or the sum of the segments of the
base made by AG, the bisector of the exterior vertical angle ;
or the difference of the segments made by AF, the bisector of

the interior vertical angle ; the following construction will

lead to the solution .
Make AE AD AC. Draw
DH parallel to AF, and suppose
EK drawn parallel to AG to meet
the base produced in K ; and
complete the figure. Then BE
is the sum, and BD is the differ
ence of the sides.
BK is the sum of the exterior
segments of the base, and BH is
the difference of the interior seg
ments. ▲ BDH = BEC = {A,
LADO EAG = (B + C) , B H F
4 DCBDFB = (CB).

961 When the base and the vertical angle are given ; the
locus of the vertex is the circle ABC in figure (935) ; and the
locus of the centre of the inscribed circle is the circle , centre
F and radius FB. When the ratio of the sides is given,
see (932).

962 To construct a triangle when its form and the distances

of its vertices from a point A' are given .
ANALYSIS.- Let ABC be the required triangle. On
A'B make the triangle ABC ' similar to ABC, so that
AB : A'B :: CB CB. The angles ABA' , CBC will
also be equal ; therefore AB : BỜ :: AA′ : CƠ , which A
gives CC , since the ratio AB : BC is known. Hence
the point C is found by constructing the triangle
A'CC ' . Thus BC is determined, and thence the tri
angle ABC from the known angles. B

963 To find the locus P
of a point P, the tan
gent from which to a
given circle, centre A,
has a constant ratio to
its distance from a given
point B.
Let AK be the radius of
the circle, and pq the
given ratio. On AB take
AC, a third proportional to
AB and AK, and make
AD : DB = p² : q².
With centre D, and a radius

equal to a mean proportional between DB and DC, describe a circle. It will

be the required locus.
PROOF. Suppose P to be a point on the required locus. Join P with
A, B, C, and D.
Describe a circle about PBC cutting AP in F, and another about ABF
cutting PB in G, and join AG and BF. Then
PK² = AP² —AK² = APª —BA . AC (by constr. ) = AP² -PA.AF (III. 36)
= AP.PF (II. 2) = GP.PB (III . 36) .
Therefore, by hypothesis ,
p² : q' = GP.PB : PB² = GP : PB = AD : DB (by constr. ) ;
therefore ▲ DPG = PGA (VI. 2) = PFB (III. 22 ) = PCB (III. 21 ) .

Therefore the triangles DPB, DCP are similar ; therefore DP is a mean pro
portional to DB and DC. Hence the construction .

964 COR. - If pq the locus becomes the perpendicular

bisector of BC, as is otherwise shown in ( 1003) .

965 To find the locus of a point P, the tangents from which

to two given circles shall have a given ratio . (See also 1036.)

Let A, B be the centres, a, b the radii K P

(a>b), and p q the given ratio. Take c, so
that cbpq, and describe a circle with a T
centre A and radius AN = √a² -c² . Find the
locus of P by the last proposition, so that A B
the tangent from P to this circle may have
the given ratio to PB. It will be the re
quired locus.

PROOF.-By hypothesis and construction,

22 PK2 c² PK +c² AP² - a² + c² AP²-AN'
= = = = =
q³ PT v2 PT + BP BP2

COR. -Hence the point can be found on any curve from

which the tangents to two circles shall have a given ratio .

966 To find the locus of the point from which the tangents
to two given circles are equal.

Since, in ( 965 ) , we have now p = q, and therefore c = b, the construction

simplifies to the following :
Take AN = √ (a² — b²) , and in AB take AB : AN : AC. The perpen
dicular bisector of BC is the required locus. But, if the circles intersect,
then their common chord is at once the line required . See Radical Axis

Collinear and Concurrent systems ofpoints and lines.

967 DEFINITIONS .-Points lying in the same straight line are

collinear. Straight lines passing through the same point are
concurrent, and the point is called the focus of the pencil of
lines .

Theorem.-If the sides of the triangle ABC, or the sides

produced , be cut by any straight line in the points a , b, c
respectively, the line is called a transversal, and the segments
of the sides are connected by the equation

968 (Ab bC) (Ca : aB) (Bc : cA ) = 1 .

Conversely, if this relation holds , the points a , b, c will be

PROOF. Through any vertex A draw AD A

parallel to the opposite side BC, to meet the
transversal in D, then
Ab : bC AD : Ca and Bc : cAaB : AD
(VI. 4), which proves the theorem.
NOTE . In the formula the segments of the
sides are estimated positive, independently of d B C
direction, the sequence of the letters being pre
served the better to assist the memory. A point may be supposed to travel
from A over the segments Ab, bC, &c. continuously, until it reaches A again.

969 By the aid of (701 ) the above relation may be put in

the form

(sin ABb : sin bBC) ( sin CAa : sin a AB) ( sin BCc : sin cCA) = 1

970 If O be any focus in the plane of the triangle ABC, and

if AO, BO , CO meet the sides in a, b , c ; then, as before ,
(Ab : bC) (Ca : aB) ( Bc : cA ) = 1.

Conversely, if this relation holds , the lines Aa , Bb, Cc will

be concurrent.
PROOF.-Bythe trans
versal Bb to the triangle A
AaC, we have (968)
(Ab : bC) (CB : Ba)
× (a0 : 0A ) = 1. PO
And, by the transversal
Cc to the triangle AaB,
(Be cA) (AO : 0a)
x (aC: CB) = 1 . R
Multiply these equations

971 If bc , ca, ab, in the last figure, be produced to meet the

sides of ABC in P, Q, R, then each of the nine lines in the
figure will be divided harmonically, and the points P, Q, R
will be collinear.

PROOF. ( i . ) Take bP a transversal to ABC ; therefore, by (968) ,

(CP : PB) (Bc : cA ) ( Ab : bC) = 1 ;
therefore, by (970), CP : PB Ca : aB.

(ii. ) Take CP a transversal to Abc, therefore

(AB : Bc) (cP : Pb) ( bC : CA) = 1 .
But, by (970) , taking O for focus to Abc,
(AB : Be) (cp : pb) (bC : CA ) = 1 ;
therefore cP : Pb = cp : pb.

(iii.) Take PC a transversal to AOc, and b a focus to A0c ; therefore, by

(968 & 970), (Aa : a0) (OC : Ce ) (cB : BA ) = 1,
and (AppO) (OC : Ce) (cB : BA) = 1 ;
therefore Aa : a0 Ap : pO.
Thus all the lines are divided harmonically.

(iv.) In the equation of (970) put Ab : b0AQ = : QC the harmonic.

ratio, and similarly for each ratio, and the result proves that P, Q, R are
collinear, by (968) .

COR. -If in the same figure qr, rp, pq be joined , the three
lines will pass through P, Q, R respectively.

PROOF.- Take O as a focus to the triangle abc, and employ (970) and the
harmonic division of be to show that the transversal rq cuts bc in P.

972 If a transversal intersects the sides AB, BC, CD, &c.

of any polygon in the points a, b, c, &c. in order, then

(Aa : aB) (Bb : bC) ( Cc : cD) (Dd : dE) ... &c . = 1 .

PROOF. Divide the polygon into triangles by lines drawn from one of the
angles, and, applying ( 968) to each triangle, combine the results .

973 Let any transversal cut the sides of a triangle and

their three intersectors AO, BO, CO (see figure of 970) in the
points A' , B' , C' , a' , b' , c' , respectively ; then , as before ,

(A'b' : b'C') ( C'a' a'B') ( B'é : c'A') = 1 .

PROOF . Each side forms a triangle with its intersector and the trans
versal . Take the four remaining lines in succession for transversals to each
triangle, applying (968) symmetrically, and combine the twelve equations.
2 E

974 If the lines joining corresponding vertices of two tri

angles ABC, abc are concurrent, the points of intersection
of the pairs of corresponding
sides are collinear, and con
PROOF. Let the concurrent lines
Aa, Bb, Cc meet in 0. Take bc,
ca, ab transversals respectively to
the triangles OBC, OCA, OAB, ap
plying (968), and the product of the
three equations shows that P, R, Q B
lie on a transversal to ABC.
975 Hence it follows that, if the lines joining each pair of
corresponding vertices of any two rectilineal figures are con
current, the pairs of corresponding sides intersect in points
which are collinear.
The figures in this case are said to be in perspective , or in
homology, with each other. The point of concurrence and
the line of collinearity are called respectively the centre and
axis of perspective or homology. See ( 1083 ) .

976 Theorem . When three perpendiculars to the sides of a

triangle ABC, intersecting them in the points a, b , c respec
tively, are concurrent, the following relation is satisfied ; and
conversely, if the relation be satisfied , the perpendiculars are
concurrent .
Ab² - bC² + Ca² — a B² + Bc² — cA² = 0 .
PROOF. If the perpendiculars meet in O, then Ab³ - bC² = A0²— OC³,
&c. (I. 47) .
EXAMPLES. By the application of this theorem, the concurrence of the
three perpendiculars is readily established in the following cases :
(1 ) When the perpendiculars bisect the sides of the triangle
(2 ) When they pass through the vertices. (By employing I. 47. )
(3) The three radii of the escribed circles of a triangle at the points of
contact between the vertices are concurrent. So also are the radius of the
inscribed circle at the point of contact with one side, and the radii of the two
escribed circles of the remaining sides at the points of contact beyond the
included angle.
In these cases employ the values of the segments given in ( 953 ) .
(4) The perpendiculars equidistant from the vertices with three con
current perpendiculars are also concurrent.
(5) When the three perpendiculars from the vertices of one triangle upon
the sides of the other are concurrent, then the perpendiculars from the
vertices of the second triangle upon the sides of the first are also concurrent.
PROOF.- If A, B, C and A', B, C' are corresponding vertices of the tri
angles, join AB , AC′, BC′, BA', CA' , C'B' , and apply the theorem in conjunc
tion with (I. 47 ) .

Triangles ofconstant species circumscribed to a triangle.

977 Let ABC be any triangle, and O any point ; and let
circles circumscribe AOB, BOC, COA. The circumferences
will be the loci of the vertices of a triangle of constant form
whose sides pass through the
points A, B, C.

PROOF.- Draw any line bAc from circle

to circle, and produce bC, cB to meet in a.
The angles AOB, COA are supplements
of the angles c and b ( III. 22 ) ; therefore
BOC is the supplement of a ( I. 32 ) ; there B
fore a lies on the circle OBC. Also, the
angles at O being constant, the angles a , b, c
are constant.

978 The triangle abc is a maximum when its sides are per
pendicular to ОA , OB, OC.

PROOF. -The triangle is greatest when its sides are greatest . But the
sides vary as Oa, Ob, Oc, which are greatest when they are diameters of the
circles ; therefore &c., by (III. 31 ) .

979 To construct a triangle of given species and of given

limited magnitude which shall have its sides passing through
three given points A, B, C.

Determine O by describing circles on the sides of ABC to contain angles

equal to the supplements of the angles of the specified triangle. Construct
the figure abc0 independently from the known sides of abc, and the now
known angles ObCOAC, OaC = OBC, &c. Thus the lengths Oa, Ob, Oc
are found, and therefore the points a, b, c, on the circles, can be determined .
The demonstrations of the following propositions will now be obvious.

Triangles of constant species inscribed to a triangle.

980 Let abc , in the last figure , be a fixed triangle, and O

any point . Take any point A on be, and let the circles cir
cumscribing OAc , OAb cut the other sides in B, C. Then
ABC will be a triangle of constant form, and its angles will
have the values A Oba + Oca, &c . ( III . 21.)

981 The triangle ABC will evidently be a minimum when

OA , OB, OC are drawn perpendicular to the sides of abc .

982 To construct a triangle of given form and of given

limited magnitude having its vertices upon three fixed lines
bc, ca, ab.

Construct the figure ABCO independently from the known sides of ABC
and the angles at O, which are equal to the supplements of the given angles
a, b, c. Thus the angles OAC, &c are found, and therefore the angles ObC,
&c., equal to them ( III. 21 ) , are known. From these last angles the point (
can be determined, and the lengths OA, OB, OC being known from the inde
pendent figure, the points A, B, C can be found.
Observe that, wherever the point O may be taken, the angles AOB, BOC
COA are in all cases either the supplements of, or equal to, the angles c, a , b
respectively ; while the angles aOb , bОc, coa are in all cases equal to C ± c,
A ± a, B ± b .

983 NOTE .- In general problems , like the foregoing, which

admit of different cases , it is advisable to choose for reference
a standard figure which has all its elements of the same affec
tion or sign. In adapting the figure to other cases , all that
is necessary is to follow the same construction , letter for
letter , observing the convention respecting positive and
negative , which applies both to the lengths of lines and to
the magnitudes of angles , as explained in ( 607-609) .

Radical Axis .

984 DEFINITION .-The radical axis of two circles is that

perpendicular to the line of centres which divides the dis
tance between the centres into segments , the difference of
whose squares is equal to the difference of the squares of the
radii .
Thus , A, B being the centres , a , b the radii , and IP the
the radical axis , AI³ —BI² — a² — b².


985 It follows that, if the circles intersect , the radical axis

is their common chord ; and that , if they do not intersect , the
radical axis cuts the line of centres in a point the tangents
from which to the circles are equal (I. 47) .
To draw the axis in this case , see (966 ) .

Otherwise let the two circles cut the line of centres in C, D and C′, D'
respectively. Describe any circle through C and D, and another through
Cand D ' , intersecting the former in E and F. Their common chord EF
will cut the central axis in the required point I.
PROOF.-IC.ID = IE . IF = IC . ID ( III . 36) ; therefore the tangents
from I to the circles are equal.

986 Theorem .-The difference of the squares of tangents

from any point P to two circles is equal to twice the rectangle
under the distance between their centres and the distance of
the point from their radical axis , or
PK -PT = 2AB . PN.

B Y'


PK' -- PT² = (AP²- BP²) — - (a² — b³) = ( AQ³ — BQ²) — (AIª— BI²) , '
by (I. 47) & ( 984) . Bisect AB in C, and substitute for each difference of
squares, by ( II. 12 ) .

987 COR. 1. - If P be on the circle whose centre is B, then

PK2 = 2AB.PN.

988 COR . 2. -If two chords be drawn through P to cut the

circles in X, X' , Y, Y' ; then , by (III . 36) ,
' - PY.PY' = 2AB.PN.

989 If a variable circle intersect two given circles at con

stant angles a and ẞ, it will intersect their radical axis at a
constant angle ; and its radius will bear a constant ratio to
the distance of its centre from the radical axis . Or

PN : PX a cos a - b cos ẞ : AB.


PROOF. In the same figure, if P be the centre of the variable circle, and
if PX = PY be its radius ; then, by ( 988) ,
PX (XX -YY') = 2AB . PN.
But XX' 2a cos a and YY' = 2b cos ß ;
therefore PN: PX a cos a - b cos ß : AB,
which is a constant ratio if the angles a, ẞ are constant.

990 Also PX : PN = the cosine of the angle at which the

circle of radius PX cuts the radical axis . This angle is
therefore constant.

991 COR.-A circle which touches two fixed circles has its
radius in a constant ratio to the distance of its centre from
their radical axis .
This follows from the proposition by making a = ß = 0 or 2″ .

If P be on the radical axis ; then (see Figs . 1 and 2 of 984)

992 (i .) The tangents from P to the two circles are equal ,

or PK PT. (986)

993 (i . ) The rectangles under the segments of chords

through P are equal, or PX . PX' = PY . PY'. (988)

994 (iii. ) Therefore the four points X, X ' , Y, Y' are con
cyclic (III . 36) ; and , conversely, if they are concyclic , the
chords XX ' , YY ' intersect in the radical axis .

995 DEFINITION. -Points which lie on the circumference of

a circle are termed concyclic .

996 (iv .) If P be the centre , and if PX = PY be the radius

of a circle intersecting the two circles in the figure at angles
a and ẞ ; then, by ( 993 ) , XX' = YY' , or a cos a = b cos ß ;
that is , The cosines of the angles of intersection are inversely
as the radii of the fixed circles.

997 The radical axes of three circles (Fig . 1046) , taken two
and two together, intersect at a point called their radical centre.
PROOF.- Let A, B, C b: t'e centres, a , b, c the radii, and X, Y, Z the points
in which the radical axes cut BC, CA , AB. Write the equation of the defini
tion (984) for each pair of circles. Add the results, and apply ( 976).

998 A circle whose centre is the radical centre of three

other circles intersects them in angles whose cosines are
inversely as their radii ( 996 ) .

Hence, if this fourth circle cuts one of the others or

thogonally, it cuts them all orthogonally.

999 The circle which intersects at angles a , ẞ, y three fixed

circles , whose centres are A, B, C and radii a , b , c , has its
centre at distances from the radical axes of the fixed circles
proportional to

b cos B - c cos y
y, c cos y a cos a B
a cos a- b cos ẞ

And therefore the locus of its centre will be a straight line

passing through the radical centre and inclined to the three
radical axes at angles whose sines are proportional to these
fractions .
PROOF . The result is obtained immediately by writing out equation (989)
for each pair of fixed circles.

The Method of Inversion.

1000 DEFINITIONS . Any two points P, P' , situated on a
diameter of a fixed circle
whose centre is 0 and radius
k, so that OP . OP ' = k² , are
called inverse points with re R P'
spect to the circle , and either
point is said to be the inverse P
of the other. The circle and D'
0 D
its centre are called the circle
and centre of inversion , and
k the constant of inversion .

1001 If every point of a plane figure be inverted with

respect to a circle, or every point of a figure in space with
respect to a sphere, the resulting figure is called the inverse
or image of the original one.
Since OP : k : OP' , therefore
1002 OP : OP' = OP² : k² = k² : OP²².

1003 Let D, D
' , in the same figure , be a pair of inverse
points on the diameter OD . In the perpendicular bisector of
DD , take any point Q as the centre of a circle passing through
D, D' , cutting the circle of inversion in R, and any straight
line through O in the points P, P. Then, by (III . 36) ,
OP.OP OD . OD OR² ( 1000 ) . Hence

1004 (i . ) P, P
' are inverse points ; and, conversely, any
two pairs of inverse points lie on a circle.

1005 (ii .) The circle cuts orthogonally the circle of inver

sion ( III . 37 ) ; and , conversely, every circle cutting another
orthogonally intersects each of its diameters in a pair of
inverse points .

1006 (iii . ) The line IQ is the locus of a point the tangent

from which to a given circle is equal to its distance from a
given point D.

1007 DEF . -The line IQ is called the axis of reflexion for

the two inverse points D, D ' , because there is another circle
of inversion, the reflexion of the former, to the right of IQ ,
having also D, D' for inverse points .

1008 The straight lines drawn from any point P, within

or without a circle ( Figs . 1 and 2) , to the extremities of any
chord AB passing through the inverse point Q, make equal
angles with the diameter through PQ. Also , the four points
O, A, B, P are concyclic , and QA . QB = QO.QP.

A (1) (2)


PROOF.- In either figure OP : OA : OQ and OP : OB : 0Q (1000 ),

therefore, by similar triangles, ≤OPA = OAB and OPB = OBA in figure
( 1 ) and the supplement of it in figure (2) . But OAB = OBA (I. 5) , there
fore, &c .
Also, because ▲ OPA = OBA , the four points O. A, B, P lie on a circle in
each case ( III. 21 ) , and therefore QA . QB = QO . QP ( III. 35, 36) .

1009 The inverse of a circle is a circle , and the centre of

inversion is the centre of similitude of the two figures . See
also (1037) .
PROOF.In the figure of ( 1043) , let O be the point where the common
tangent RT of the two circles, centres A and B, cuts the central axis, and let
any other line through O cut the circles in P, Q P, Q. Then, in the demon
stration of (942) , it is shown that OP . OQ' = OQ . OP = k² , a constant
quantity. Therefore either circle is the inverse of the other, k being the
radius of the circle of inversion.

1010 To make the inversions of two given circles equal

RULE . - Take the centre of inversion so that the squares of
the tangents from it to the given circles may be proportional to
their radii (965) .

PROOF.- (Fig. 1043) AT : BR = OT : OR = OT : k³, since OT : k : OR.

Therefore OT² : AT = k²³ : BR, therefore BR remains constant if OT ∞ AT.

1011 Hence three circles may be inverted into equal circles ,

for the required centre of inversion is the intersection of two
circles that can be drawn by (965) .

1012 The inverse of a straight line is a circle passing

through the centre of inversion.

PROOF. -Draw OQ perpendicular to the

line, and take P any other point on it. Let
Q, P' be the inverse points. Then OP . OP =
02.00 ; therefore, by similar triangles, P
4OPQOQP, a right angle ; and OQ' is
constant, therefore the locus of P is the
circle whose diameter is OQ.

1013 EXAMPLE.-The inversion ofa poly

gon produces a figure bounded by circular
arcs which intersect in angles equal to the
corresponding angles of the polygon, the
complete circles intersecting in the centre
of inversion.

1014 If the extremities of a straight line P'Q ' in the last

figure are the inversions of the extremities of PQ, then

PQ : P'Q
' = √ (OP.OQ) : √ (OP' . OQ
') .
PROOF. By similar triangles, PQ : PQ OP : OQ and PQ : PQ =
OQ OP. Compound these ratios.

1015 From the above it follows that any homogeneous

equation between the lengths of lines joining pairs of points
in space, such as PQ.RS. TU := PR.QT. SU, the same
points appearing on both sides of the equation , will be
true for the figure obtained by joining the corresponding
pairs of inverse points .

For the ratio of each side of the equation to the corresponding side of the
equation for the inverted points will be the same, namely,
(OP.OQ.OR ...) : √ (OP . OQ . OR ...).
2 F

Pole and Polar.

1016 DEFINITION .- The polar of any point P with respect

to a circle is the perpendicular to the diameter OP (Fig. 1012)
drawn through the inverse point P.

1017 It follows that the polar of a point exterior to the

circle is the chord of contact of the tangents fron the point ;
that is, the line joining their points of contact.

1018 Also , PQ ' is the polar of P with respect to the circle ,

centre 0, and PQ is the polar of Q. In other words , any
point P lying on the polar of a point Q' , has its own polar
always passing through Q' .

1019 The line joining any two points P, p is the polar of

Q' , the point of intersection of their polars .
PROOF.-- The point Q' lies on both the lines PQ' , p'Q', and therefore has
its polar passing through the pole of each line, by the last theorem.

1020 The polars of any two points P, p, and the line joining
the points form a self- reciprocal triangle with respect to
the circle , the three vertices being the poles of the opposite
sides . The centre O of the circle is evidently the orthocentre
of the triangle ( 952 ) . The circle and its centre are called the
polar circle and polar centre of the triangle.
If the radii of the polar and circumscribed circles of a
triangle ABC be r and R, then
24R2 cos A cos B cos C.

PROOF.- In Fig. ( 952) , O is the centre of the polar circle, and the circles
described round ABC, BOC, COA, AOB are all equal ; because the angle
BOC is the supplement of A ; &c. Therefore 2R . OD
= OB.OC (VI. C )
and = OA . OD = OA . OB . OC ÷ 2R. Also, OA = 2R cos A by a diameter
through B, and ( III . 21 ) .

Coaxal Circles.

1021 DEFINITION.-A system of circles having a common

line of centres called the central axis, and a common radical
axis, is termed a coaxal system .

1022 If O be the variable centre of one of the circles , and


OK its radius, the whole system is included in the equation

012- OK² = ± 8°,

where & is a constant length.




1023 In the first species (Fig. 1 ) ,

OI -OK² = 8²,

and is the length of the tangent from I to any circle of the

system (985) . Let a circle, centre I and radius 8, cut the
central axis in D, D'. When O is at D or D' , the circle whose
radius is OK vanishes . When O is at an infinite distance,
the circle developes into the radical axis itself and into a line
at infinity .
The points D, D' are called the limiting points.

1024 In the second species (Fig. 2) ,

OR² - O12 = 8⁹,

and is half the chord RR common to all the circles of

the system. These circles vary between the circle with
centre I and radius 8, and the circle with its centre at infinity
as described above . The points R, R' are the common points
of all circles of this system. The two systems are therefore
distinguished as the limiting points species and the common
points species of coaxal circles.

1025 There is a conjugate system of circles having R, R' for

limiting points , and D, D' for common points , and the circles
of one species intersect all the circles of the conjugate system
of the other species orthogonally ( 1005 ) .
Thus , in figures ( 1 ) and ( 2) , Q is the centre of a circle
of the opposite species intersecting the other circles or

1026 In the first species of coaxal circles , the limiting

points D, D' are inverse points for every circle of the system,
the radical axis being the axis of reflexion for the system.
PROOF .-(Fig. 1) OI² -
— ♪² = OK³,
therefore OD . OD = OK³, (II. 13)
' are inverse points (1000 ).
therefore D, D

1027 Also , the points in which any circle of the system

cuts the central axis are inverse points for the circle whose
centre is I and radius 8. [ PROOF. Similar to the last.

1028 PROBLEM. - Given two circles of a coaxal system, to

describe a circle of the same system- (i . ) to pass through a
given point ; or (ii . ) to touch a given circle ; or (iii . ) to cut a
given circle orthogonally.

1029 I. If the system be of the common points species, then, since the
required circle always passes through two known points, the first and second
cases fall under the Tangencies. See (941 ) .
1030 To solve the third case, describe a circle through the given common
points, and through the inverse of either of them with respect to the given
circle, which will then be cut orthogonally, by ( 1005 ) .
1031 II. If the system be of the limiting points species, the problem is
solved in each case by the aid of a circle of the conjugate system. Such a
circle always passes through the known limiting points, and may be called a
conjugate circle of the limiting points system. Thus,
1032 To solve case (i. ) -Draw a conjugate circle through the given point,
and the tangent to it at that point will be the radius of the required circle.
1033 To solve case (ii .) -Draw a conjugate circle through the inverse
of either limiting point with respect to the given circle, which will thus be
cut orthogonally, and the tangent to the cutting circle at either point of
intersection will be the radius of the required circle.
1034 To solve case (iii. ) —Draw a conjugate circle to touch the given one,
and the common tangent of the two will be the radius of the required circle.
1035 Thus, according as we wish to make a circle of the system touch, or
cut orthogonally, the given circle, we must draw a conjugate circle to cut
orthogonally, or touch it.

1036 If three circles be coaxal , the squares of the tangents

drawn to any two of them from a point on the third are in
the ratio of the distances of the centre of the third circle from
the centres of the other two.

PROOF. - Let A, B, C be the centres of the circles ; PK, PT the tangents

from a point P on the circle, centre C, to the other two ; PN the perpen
dicular on the radical axis. By ( 986) ,
PK = 2AC .PN and PT = 2BC . PN,
therefore PK' : PT2 = AC : BC.

Centres and axes of similitude.

1037 DEFINITIONS . - Let 00

′ be the centres of similitude
(Def. 947) of the two circles in the figure below, and let any
line through O cut the circles in P, Q, P, Q. Then the
constant ratio OP : OP = OQ : 0Q is called the ratio of
similitude of the two figures ; and the constant product
OP.OQ = OQ . OP is called the product of anti- similitude.
See ( 942 ) , ( 1009 ) , and ( 1043 ) .
The corresponding points P, P' or Q, Q on the same
straight line through O are termed homologous , and P, Q
' or
Q, Pare termed anti-homologous.

1038 Let any other line Opqp'q be drawn through 0.

Then, if any two points P, p on the one figure be joined , and
if P
' , p' , homologous to P, p on the other figure , be also joined ,
the lines so formed are termed homologous. But if the points
which are joined on the second figure are anti-homologous to
those on the first , the two lines are termed anti-homologous.
Thus, Pq, Qp' are anti-homologous lines .

1039 The circle whose centre is 0, and whose radius is

equal to the square root of the product of anti- similitude, is
called the circle of anti-similitude.

1040 The four pairs of homologous chords Pp and P'p',

Qq and Q'q' , Pq and P'q , Qp and Q'p' of the two circles in the
figure are parallel. And in all similar and similarly situated
figures homologous lines are parallel .
PROOF.- BY (VI. 2) and the definition (947) .



1041 The four pairs of anti-homologous chords , Pp and

Q'q, Qq and P'p' , Pq and Qp', Qp and P'q ', of the two circles
meet on their radical axis .
PROOF. OP . OQ = Op . Oq' = k² ,
where k is the constant of inversion ; therefore P, p, Q ', ' are concyclic ;
therefore Pp and Q'g' meet on the radical axis. Similarly for any other pair
of anti-homologous chords.
1042 COR . From this and the preceding proposition it
follows that the tangents at homologous points are parallel ;
and that the tangents at anti-homologous points meet on the
radical axis . For these tangents are the limiting positions of
homologous or anti-homologous chords . (1160)

1043 Let C, D be the inverse points of O with respect to

two circles , centres A and B ; then the constant product of
OP.OQ or OQ . OP' = OA . OD or OB . OC.




PROOF. By similar right-angled triangles,

OA : OT : OC and OB : OR : OD ;
therefore OA . OD OB . OC . (1 ) ,
and also OA . OC = OT² = OP . OQ, (III. 36)
and OB . OD OR OP . OQ ;
therefore OA . OB . OC.OD = OP . OQ . OP
′ . OQ,
therefore &c., by (1) .

1044 The foregoing definitions and properties ( 1037 to

1043 ) , which have respect to the external centre of similitude
0, hold good for the internal centre of similitude O ', with the
usual convention of positive and negative for distances.
measured from O' upon lines passing through it .

1045 Two circles will subtend equal angles at any point on

the circumference of the circle whose diameter is OO, where
0,0 ' are the centres of similitude (Fig. 1043 ) . This circle is
also coaxal with the given circles, and has been called the.
circle of similitude .
PROOF. -Let A, B be the centres, a, b the radii, and K any point on the
circle, diameter 00' . Then, by (932) ,
KA : KB = AO : B0 = AO′ : BO′ = a : b,
by the definition (943) ;
therefore a : KA = b : KB ;
that is, the sines of the halves of the angles in question are equal, which
proves the first part. Also , because the tangents from K are in the constant
ratio of the radii a, b , this circle is coaxal with the given ones, by (1036 , 934) .

1046 The six centres of similitude P, p , Q, q, R, r of three

circles lie three and three on four straight lines PQR, Pqr,
Qpr, Rpq, called axes
of similitude.
PROOF. - Taking any
three of the sets of points
named, say P, q, r, they are 1
shewn at once to be col
linear by the transversal Y
theorem (968 ) applied to B
the triangle ABC.
For the segments of its
sides made by the points
P, q, r are in the ratios of
the radii of the circles.

1047 From the investigation in ( 942) , it appears that one

circle touches two others in a pair of anti -homologous points ,
and that the following rule obtains :
RULE. -The right line joining the points of contact passes
through the external or internal centre of similitude of the two
circles according as the contacts are of the same or of different

1048 DEFINITION.-Contact of curves is either internal or external ac

cording as the curvatures at the point of contact are in the same or opposite
directions .

1049 Gergonne's method of describing the circles which touch

three given circles.
Take Pqr, one of the four axes of similitude, and find its poles a, ß, y
with respect to the given circles, centres A, B, C ( 1016 ) . From O, the
radical centre, draw lines through a, ß, y, cutting the circles in a, a, b, b',
c, c'. Then a, b, c and a, b , c will be the points of contact of two of the
required circles.
PROOF.-Analysis.-Let the circles
E, F touch the circles A, B, C in
a, b, c, a', b', c'. Let bc, b'e meet in
P ; ca, c'a' in q; and ab, a'b' in r. A
Regarding E and F as touched by E
A, B, C in turn, Rule ( 1047) shews
that aa', bb', cc' meet in O, the centre
of similitude of E and F ; and ( 1041 ) •B
shews that P, q, and r lie on the F
radical axis of E and F.
Regarding B and C, or C and A,
or A and B, as touched by E and F
in turn, Rule ( 1047) shews that P, q, r
are the centres of similitude of B and p
C, C and A, A and B respectively ;
and ( 1041 ) shows that O is on the radical axis of each pair, and is therefore
the radical centre of A, B, and C.
Again, because the tangents to E and F, atthe anti-homologous points
a, a' , meet on Pqr, the radical axis of E and F (1042 ) ; therefore the point
of meeting is the pole of aa' with respect to the circle A ( 1017) . Therefore
au passes through the pole of the line Pqr (1018) . Similarly, b ' and ce
pass through the poles of the same line Pqr with respect to B and C. Hence
the construction .

1050 In the given configuration of the circles A, B, C, the

demonstration shews that each of the three internal axes of
similitude Pqr, Qrp, Rpq (Fig . 1046 ) is a radical axis and
common chord of two of the eight osculating circles which
can be drawn. The external axis of similitude PQR is the

radical axis of the two remaining circles which touch A , B,

and C either all externally or all internally.

1051 The radical centre O of the three given circles is also

the common internal centre of similitude of the four pairs of
osculating circles . Therefore the central axis of each pair
passes through 0, and is perpendicular to the radical axis .
Thus, in the figure, EF passes through 0, and is perpen
dicular to Pqr .

Anharmonic Ratio.

1052 DEFINITION.-Let a pencil of

four lines through a point O be cut L
by a transversal in the points A, B,
C, D. The anharmonic ratio of the
pencil is any one of the three frac Ho
or or

1053 The relation between these three different ratios is

obtained from the equation

AB.CD+ AD . BC = AC . BD.
Denoting the terms on the left side by p and q, the three anharmonic
ratios may be expressed by
pq, pp + q, q : p + q.
The ratios are therefore mutually dependent. Hence, if the identity
merely of the anharmonic ratio in any two systems is to be established, it is
immaterial which of the three ratios is selected .

1054 In future, when the ratio of an anharmonic pencil { 0 , ABCD} is

mentioned, the form AB . CD : AD . BC will be the one intended, whatever
the actual order of the points A, B, C, D may be. For, it should be observed
that, by making the line OD revolve about O, the ratio takes in turn each of
the forms given above. This ratio is shortly expressed by the notation
{0, ABCD}, or simply { ABCD} .
1055 If the transversal be drawn parallel to one of the lines, for instance
OD, the two factors containing D become infinite, and their ratio becomes
unity. They may therefore be omitted . The anharmonic ratio then reduces
to AB : BC. Thus, when D is at infinity, we may write
{ 0, ABC∞} = AB : BC.

1056 The anharmonic ratio

AB.CD sin AOB sin COD
AD . BC sin AOD sin BOC'
2 G


and its value is therefore the same for all transversals of the
pencil .
PROOF.- Draw OR parallel to the transversal, and let p be the perpendi
cular from A upon OR. Multiply each factor in the fraction by p. Then
substitute p.AB = OA . OB sin AOB, &c. ( 707) .
1057 The anharmonic ratio ( 1056) becomes harmonic when its value is
unity. See (933) . The harmonic relation there defined may also be stated
thus : four points divide a line harmonically when the product of the extreme
segments is equal to the product of the whole line and the middle segment.

Homographic Systems of Points.

— If x , a , b , c be the distances of one
variable point and three fixed points on a straight line from a
point O on the same ; and if a' , a', b' , c' be the distances of
similar points on another line through 0 ; then the variable
points on the two lines will form two homographic systems
when they are connected by the anharmonic relation
(x - a) (b − c) = (x
' —a') (b ' - c')
1059 -
(x− c) (a −b) (x
' — c') (a' — b')'
Expanding, and writing A, B, C, D for the constant coeffi
cients , the equation becomes
1060 Axx + Bx + Cx + D = 0.
From which
Cx + D Bx+ D
1061 x and x =
Ax + B ' Ax +C®

1062 THEOREM .-Any four arbitrary points 2 , X2, X3, X₁ on

one of the lines will have four corresponding points 1 , 2, 3 ,
on the other determined by the last equation , and the two sets
ofpoints will have equal anharmonic ratios .
PROOF. This may be shown by actual substitution of the value of each z
in terms of ', by (1061) , in the harmonic ratio { x }.

1063 If the distances of four points on a right line from a

point O upon it , in order, are a, a , ß, ẞ', where a , ß ; a', ẞ are
the respective roots of the two quadratic equations
ax² + 2hx + b = 0 , ′ = 0;
a'x² + 2hx + b
the condition that the two pairs of points may be harmonically
conjugate is
1064 ab' + a'b = 2hh'.

PROOF.- The harmonic relation, by (1057) , is

(a − a') (b − f') = (a − ẞ') (a' — ß).
Multiply out, and substitute for the sums and products of the roots of the
quadratics above in terms of their coefficients by ( 51 , 52 ) .

1065 If u . u, be the quadratic expressions in ( 1063 ) for two pairs of

points, and if u represent a third pair harmonically conjugate with u, and u ,
then the pair of points u will also be harmonically conjugate with every pair
given by the equation u₁ + Au₂ = 0, where A is any constant. For the con
dition (1064) applied to the last equation will be identically satisfied .

Involution .

1066 DEFINITIONS . -Pairs of inverse points PP ', QQ ' , &c. , on

the same right line , form a system in involution , and the rela
tion between them, by (1000) , is
' = & c. = k².
A 0 P Q B Q P

The radius of the circle of inversion is k , and the centre

O is called the centre of the system . Inverse points are also
termed conjugate points.
When two inverse points coincide , the point is called a
1067 The equation OP² = 12 shows that there are two foci
A, B at the distance k from the centre , and on opposite sides
of it, real or imaginary according as any two inverse points
lie on the same side or on opposite sides of the centre.

1068 If the two homographic systems of points in (1058)

be on the same line, they will constitute a system in involu
tion when B = C.

PROOF.-Equation ( 1060) may now be written

Axx +H (x +x') + B = 0 ,
Η H H² B
or = k²,
(x + 1 ) ( x² + = 42 A
a constant. Therefore - is the distance of the origin O from the centre
of inversion. Measuring from this centre, the equation becomes = k³,
representing a system in involution.

1069 Any four points whatever of a system in involution on

a right line have their anharmonic ratio equal to that of their
four conjugates .

PROOF.- Let p, p′ ; I, q' ; r, r' ; s, s' be the distances of the pairs of inverse
points from the centre.
In the anharmonic ratio of any four of the points, for instance { pqrs},
substitute p² ÷ p', q = k² ÷ q, &c., and the result is the anharmonic
ratio { p'qr's' } .

1070 Any two inverse points P, P

′ are in harmonic relation
with the foci A, B.
A 0 P B P

PROOF. - Let p, p' be the distances of P, P from the centre 0 ; then

p k
pp'k', therefore = " therefore p'+ k = k +P ;
k P p' -k k-P
that is, = (933)

1071 If a system of points in involution be given, as in

(1068 ) , by the equation
0 ....
Axx + H (x + x) + B = 0 (1) ;
and a pair of conjugate points by the equation
ax² +2hx + b = 0 ...... ..... (2) ;
the necessary relation between a , h , and b is
1072 Ab +Ba = 2Hh.

PROOF. -The roots of equation (2) must be simultaneous values of x, x′ in

(1 ) ; therefore substitute in ( 1 )
2h b
x+ x = and xx' = (51)
a a
1073 COR. A system in involution may be determined from two given
pairs of corresponding points.
Let the equations for these points be
ax² +2hx + b = 0 and a'a + 2hx + b′ = 0.
Then there are two conditions ( 1072) ,
Ab +Ba = 2Hh and Ab' + Ba′ = 2Hh',
from which A, H, B can be found.
A geometrical solution is given in (985) . C, D ; C, D are, in that con
struction, pairs of inverse points, and I is the centre of a system in involution
defined by a series of coaxal circles ( 1022 ) . Each circle intersects the
central axis in a pair of inverse points with respect to the circle whose centre
is O and radius d.

1074 The relations which have been established for a system of collinear
points may be transferred to a system of concurrent lines by the method of
(1056 ) , in which the distance between two points corresponds to the sine of
the angle between two lines passing through those points.

The Method of Projection.

1075 DEFINITIONS .-The projection of any point P in space
(Fig. of 1079 ) is the point p in which a right line OP, drawn
from a fixed point O called the vertex, intersects a fixed plane
called the plane ofprojection.
If all the points of any figure, plane or solid , be thus pro
jected, the figure obtained is called the projection of the
original figure.

1076 Projective Properties. The projection of a right line is

a right line. The projections of parallel lines are parallel . The
projections of a curve , and of the tangent at any point of it, are
another curve and the tangent at the corresponding point.
1077 The anharmonic ratio of the segments of a right line
is not altered by projection ; for the line and its projection are
but two transversals of the same anharmonic pencil . ( 1056 )
1078 Also , any relation between the segments of a line
similar to that in (1015) , in which each letter occurs in every
term, is a projective property. [ Proof as in ( 1056) .

1079 Theorem .-Any quadrilateral PQRS may be projected

into a parallelogram .
Produce PQ, SR to
meet in A, and PS,
QR to meet in B.
Then, with any
point 0 for vertex,
project the quadri 0
lateral upon any
plane pab parallel to
OAB. The projected P
figure pqrs will be a
parallelogram .
PROOF . -- The
planes OPQ, ORS in
tersect in OA, and R
they intersect the

plane of projection
which is parallel to
OA in the lines pq,
rs. Therefore pq and
rs are parallel to OA,
and therefore to each
other. Similarly, ps,
qr are parallel to OB.

1080 COR. 1.-The opposite sides of the parallelogram pqrs meet in two
points at infinity, which are the projections of the points A, B; and AB
itself, which is the third diagonal of the complete quadrilateral PQRS, is
projected into a line at infinity.
1081 Hence, to project any figure so that a certain line in it may pass to
infinity-Take the plane of projection parallel to the plane which contains the
given line and the vertex.
1082 COR. 2.-To make the projection of the quadrilateral a rectangle,
it is only necessary to make AOB a right angle.

On Perspective Drawing.
1083 Taking the parallelogram pqrs, in ( 1079 ) , for the original figure,
the quadrilateral PQRS is its projection on the plane ABab. Suppose this
plane to be the plane of the paper. Let the planes OAB, pab, while
remaining parallel to each other, be turned respectively about the fixed
parallel lines AB, ab. In every position of the planes, the lines Op, Oq, Or,
Os will intersect the dotted lines in the same points P, Q, R, S. When the
planes coincide with that of the paper, pqrs becomes a ground plan of the
parallelogram, and PQRS is the representation of it in perspective.
AB is then called the horizontal line, ab the picture line, and the plane of
both the picture plane.

1084 To find the projection of any point p in the ground

plan .
RULE.- Draw pb to any point b in the picture line, and draw OB parallel
to pb, to meet the horizontal line in B Join Op, Bb, and they will intersect in
P, the point required .
In practice, pb is drawn perpendicular to ab, and OB therefore perpendi
cular to AB. The point B is then called the point of sight, or centre of vision,
and O the station point.

1085 To find the projection of a point in the ground plan ,

not in the original plane , but at a perpendicular distance c
above it.
RULE.- Take a new picture line parallel to the former, and at a distance
above it = c cosec a, where a is the angle between the original plane and the
plane of projection. For a plane through the given point, parallel to the
original plane, will intersect the plane of projection in the new picture line
so constructed.
Thus, every point of a figure in the ground plan is transferred to the
1086 The whole theory of perspective drawing is virtually included in
the foregoing propositions. The original plane is commonly horizontal, and
the plane of projection vertical. In this case, cosec a = 1, and the height of
the picture line for any point is equal to the height of the point itself above
the original plane.
The distance BO, when B is the point of sight, may be measured along
AB, and bp along ab, in the opposite direction ; for the line Bb will continue
to intersect Op in the point P.

Orthogonal Projection.
1087 DEFINITION . - In orthogonal projection the lines of
projection are parallel to each other, and perpendicular to the
plane of projection . The vertex in this case may be consi
dered to be at infinity .

1088 The projections of parallel lines are parallel, and the

projected segments are in a constant ratio to the original
seginents .

1089 Areas are in a constant ratio to their projections .

For, lines parallel to the intersection of the original plane and the plane
of projection are unaltered in length, and lines at right angles to the former
are altered in a constant ratio. This ratio is the ratio of the areas, and is
the cosine of the angle between the two planes .

Projections ofthe Sphere.

1090 In Stereographic projection , the vertex is on the sur
face of the sphere , and the diameter through the vertex is
perpendicular to the plane of projection which passes through
the other extremity of the diameter . The projection is there
fore the inversion of the surface of the sphere ( 1012) , and the
diameter is the constant k.

1091 In Globular projection, the vertex is taken at a dis

tance from the sphere equal to the radius 2, and the
diameter through the vertex is perpendicu lar to the plane of

1092 In Gnomonic projection , which is used in the construc

tion of sun-dials , the vertex is at the centre of the sphere.

1093 Mercator's projection , which is employed in navigation ,

and sometimes in maps of the world , is not a projection at
all as defined in ( 1075) . Meridian circles of the sphere are
represented on a plane by parallel right lines at intervals.
equal to the intervals on the equator. The parallels of lati
tude are represented by right lines perpendicular to the
meridians , and at increasing intervals , so as to preserve the
actual ratio between the increments of longitude and latitude
at every point.

With r for the radius of the sphere, the distance, on the chart, from the
equator of a point whose latitude is A, is = r log tan (45° + ^).

Additional Theorems.
1094 The sum of the squares of the distances of any point
P from n equidistant points on a circle whose centre is 0 and
radius r = n (r² + OP ) .
PROOF . - Sum the values of PB , PC², &c. , given in (819), and apply ( 803) .
This theorem is the generalization of (923 ) .

1095 In the same figure, if P be on the circle, the sum of

the squares of the perpendiculars from P on the radii OB, OC,
& c. , is equal to nr .
PROOF.- Describe a circle upon the radius through P as diameter, and
apply the foregoing theorem to this circle.
1096 COR. 1.- The sum of the squares of the intercepts on the radii be
tween the perpendiculars and the centre is also equal to ur³. (I. 47)

1097 COR . 2. - The sum of the squares of the perpendiculars from the
equidistant points on the circle to any right line passing through the centre
is also equal to ½nr³.
Because the perpendiculars from two points on a circle to the diameters
drawn through the points are equal.
1098 COR. 3. - The sum of the squares of the intercepts on the same
right line between the centre of the circle and the perpendiculars is also
equal to nr². (I. 47)

If the radii of the inscribed and circumscribed circles of a

regular polygon of n sides be r, R, and the centre 0 ; then ,

1099 I. The sum of the perpendiculars from any point P upon the sides
is equal to nr.
1100 II . If p be the perpendicular from O upon any right line, the sum
of the perpendiculars from the vertices upon the same line is equal to np.
1101 III. The sum of the squares of the perpendiculars from P on the
sides isn ( ² + OP²) .
1102 IV. The sum of the squares of the perpendiculars from the vertices
upon the right line is n (p² + 1 R³).
PROOF. In theorem I., the values of the perpendiculars are given by
r- OP cos ((0
0++2 ) , with successive integers for m . Addtogether the n
values, and apply (803 ).
Similarly, to prove II.; take for the perpendiculars the values

p - R cos ((0+
0+ 2mx).

To prove III. and IV. , take the same expressions for the perpendiculars ;
square each value ; add the results, and apply ( 803 , 804) .

For additional propositions in the subjects of this section ,

see the section entitled Plane Coordinate Geometry.


1150 DEFINITIONS .-A Conic Section or Conic is the curve

AP in which any plane intersects the surface of a right cone.
A right cone is the solid generated by the revolution of
one straight line about another which it intersects in a fixed
point at a constant angle .

Let the axis of the cone, in Fig. ( 1 ) or Fig. ( 2 ) , be in the plane of the
paper, and let the cutting plane PMXN be perpendicular to the paper. (Read
either the accented or unaccented letters throughout. ) Let a sphere be inscribed
in the cone, touching it in the circle EQF and touching the cutting plane in
the point S, and let the cutting plane and the plane of the circle EQF inter
sect in XM. The following theorem may be regarded as the defining property
of the curve of section.

1151 Theorem.— The distance of any point P on the conic

from the point S, called the focus , is in a constant ratio to
PM, its distance from the line XM, called the directrix, or
PS : PM = PS ' : PM' = AS : AX e, the eccentricity.
[ See next page for the Proof.]

1152 COR. - The conic may be generated in a plane from

either focus S, S' , and either directrix XM, X'M' , by the law
just proved .
1153 The conic is an Ellipse, a Parabola , or an Hyperbola,
according as e is less than, equal to , or greater than unity.
That is , according as the cutting plane emerges on both sides
of the lower cone, or is parallel to a side of the cone, or in
tersects both the upper and lower cones .

1154 All sections made by parallel planes are similar ; for

the inclination of the cutting plane determines the ratio
AE : AX.

1155 The limiting forms of the curve are respectively-a

circle when e vanishes, and two coincident right lines when e
becomes infinite.
2 H

PROOF OF THEOREM 1151. -Join P, S and P, O, cutting the circular section

in Q, and draw PM parallel to NX. Because all tangents from the same
point, O or A, to either sphere are equal, therefore RE = PQ = PS and
AE AS. Now, by (VI. 2) , RE : NX = AE: AX and NX := PM;
therefore PS : PM = AS : AX, a constant ratio denoted by e and called
the eccentricity of the conic.

(1) (2)





Referring the letters either to the ellipse or the hyperbola in the

subjoined figure, let C be the middle point of AA' and N any other point on
it. Let DD, RR' be the two circular sections of the cone whose planes pass
through C and N; BCB and PN the intersections with the plane of the
conic. In the ellipse, BC is the common ordinate of the ellipse and circle ;
but, in the hyperbola, LC is to be taken equal to the tangent from C to the
circle DD'.

1156 The fundamental equation of the ellipse or hyperbola

is PN : AN . NA' = BC² : AC .

PROOF.- PN = NR . NR and BC = CD. CD (III. 35, 36) . Also, by

' : CD = A'N : A'C.
similar triangles (VI . 2, 6), NR : CD = AN : AC and NR
Multiply the last equations together.

1157 COR. 1.- PN has N K

equal values at two points
equi- distant from AA.
Hence the curve is sym
metrical with respect to
AA and BB.
These two lines are B'
called the major and mi
nor axes, otherwise the B
transverse and conjugate R R
axes of the conic .
When the axes are
equal, or BC = AC, the
ellipse becomes a circle, B
and the hyperbola be
comes rectangular or

1158 Any ellipse or hyperbola is the orthogonal projection

of a circle or rectangular hyperbola respectively.

PROOF.-Along the ordinate NP, measure NP' = AN . NA' ; therefore by

the theorem PN : P′N = BC : AC. Therefore a circle or rectangular hyper
bola, having AA' for one axis, and having its plane inclined to that of the
conic at an angle whose cosine BC ÷ AC, projects orthogonally into the
ellipse or hyperbola in question, by ( 1089) . See Note to ( 1201 ) .

1159 Hence any projective property (1076-78 ) , which is

known to belong to the circle or rectangular hyperbola , will
also be universally true for the ellipse and hyperbola respec


Joint properties of the Ellipse and Hyperbola.

1160 DEFINITIONS . -The tangent to a curve at a point P

(Fig. 1166 ) is the right line PQ, drawn through an adjacent
point Q , in its ultimate position when Q is made to coincide
with P.
The normal is the perpendicular to the tangent through
the point of contact .

In ( Fig. 1171 ) , referred to rectangular axes through the

centre C (see Coordinate Geometry) ; the length CN is called
the abscissa ; PN the ordinate ; PT the tangent ; PG the nor
mal ; NT the subtangent ; and NG the subnormal. S, S are
the foci ; XM, X'M' the directrices ; PS, PS the focal dis
tances, and a double ordinate through S the Latus Rectum .
The auxiliary circle (Fig. 1173) is described upon AA
' as
diameter .
A diameter parallel to the tangent at the extremity of
another diameter is termed a conjugate diameter with respect
to the other.

The conjugate hyperbola has BC for its major, and AC for

its minor axis (1157).

1161 The following theorems ( 1162 ) to ( 1181 ) are deduced from the
property PS : PM = e obtained in ( 1151) .
The propositions and demonstrations are nearly identical for the ellipse
and the hyperbola, any difference in the application being specified.

1162 CS : CA : CX, and the common ratio is e.

M P M' M M




PROOF.-By (1151) , e = = = = or
AX A'X } (A'X ± AX) CA CX®

1163 In the ellipse the sum, and in the hyperbola the dif
ference, of the focal distances of P is equal to the major axis ,
or PSPS AA' .
PROOF. With the same figures we have, in the ellipse, by (1151 ),
= and also e = = therefore & c.
For the hyperbola take difference instead of sum.

1164 CS2 AC² - BC in the ellipse.

[ For BS AC, by ( 1163) .
CS AC² + BC in the hyperbola.
[ By assuming BC. See (1176).

1165 BC2 = SL.AC.

PROOF. (Figs. of 1162) SL : SX = CS : CA, (1151 , 1162)
.. SL . AC = CS . SX = CS (CX ~ CS) = CA³ ~ CS (1162) = BƠ (1164).

1166 If a right line through P, Q, two points on the conic ,

meets the directrix in Z, then SZ bisects the angle QSR.

M M'

PROOF.-By similar triangles, ZP : ZQ = MP : NQ = SP : SQ ( 1151 ) ,

therefore by (VI. A.)

1167 If PZ be a tangent at P, then PSZ and PSZ

' are
right angles .
PROOF.- Make Q coincide with P in the last theorem.

1168 The tangent makes equal angles with the focal dis
tances .
PROOF.-In ( 1166) , PS : PS
′ = PM : PM' (1151 ) = PZ : PZ
'; therefore,
when PQ becomes the tangent at P, 4 SPZ = SPZ, by ( 1167) and (VI. 7) .

1169 The tangents at the extremities of a focal chord inter

sect in the directrix .
PROOF. (Figs. of 1166) . Join ZR ; then, if ZP is a tangent, ZR is also,
for ( 1167) proves RSZ to be a right angle.

1170 CN.CT AC².

PROOF. (Figs. 1171.) = (VI. 3, A.) = PM (1151 ) =
therefore TS + TS NX + NX 20T 20X
= or =
TS - TS NX - NX 2CS 2CN'
therefore CN.CTCS . CX = AC². (1162)

1171 If PG be the normal ,

' : PS' = e.



~ ) A

PROOF. -By (1168 ) and (VI. 3, A.) ,

= = = e. (1162)
But, for the hyperbola, change plus to minus.

1172 The subnormal and the abscissa are as the squares of

the axe s , or NG: NC BC² : AC².

PROOF. (Figs. 1171. )

Exactly as in ( 1170 ) , taking the normal instead
of the tangent, we obtain CS = CX' .. CG = CS = CS (1162),
.. = or = (1164) .

1173 The tangents at P and Q, the corresponding points on

the ellipse and auxiliary circle , meet the axis in the same point
T. But in the hyperbola , the ordinate TQ of the circle being
drawn, the tangent at Q cuts the axis in N.

B Q 74

PROOF. For the ellipse : Join TQ. Then CN . CT = CQ' ( 1170) ; there
fore CQT is a right angle (VI. 8) ; therefore QT is a tangent.
For the hyperbola : Interchange N and T.

1174 PN: QNBC : AC.

PROOF.--(Figs . 1173 ) . NG . NT = PN², and CN.NT = QN². (VI . 8)
Therefore NG : NC PN : QN ; therefore, by ( 1172) .
This proposition is equivalent to ( 1158 ) , and shows that an ellipse is the
orthogonal projection of a circle equal to the auxiliary circle.
1175 COR.- The area of the ellipse is to that of the auxiliary
circle as BC : AC ( 1089) .

1176 PN2 : AN . NA' = BC² : AC².

PROOF.- By ( 1174) , since QN² = AN . NA′ (III . 35 , 36 ) . An independ
ent proof of this theorem is given in ( 1156) . The construction for BC in
the hyperbola in ( 1164 ) is thus verified.

1177 Cn . Ct BC².
PROOF.-(Figs. 1173.)
Ct PN Cn . Ct = PN2 PN2 PN2
= .. = (VI. 8) = (III. 35, 36).
Therefore, by ( 1170 ) and ( 1176) , Cn . Ct : AC² = BƠ² : AC³.

1178 If SY, S'Y ' are the perpendiculars on the tangent,

then Y, Y' are points on the auxiliary circle , and
SY . S'Y' BC².



PROOF -Let PS meet SY in W. Then PS = PW (1168 ) . Therefore
SW= AA′ ( 1163 ) . Also, SY = YW, and SC:= CS'. Therefore CYS W
= AC. Similarly CY' AC. Therefore Y, Y' are on the circle.
Hence ZY' is a diameter ( III . 31 ) , and therefore SZ = S'Y', by similar
triangles ; therefore SY . SZ := SA . SA' ( III. 35, 36) = CS ~ CA (II . 5 )
= BC (1164).
1179 COR .- If CE be drawn parallel to the tangent at P,
then PE = CY AC.

1180 PROBLEM.- To draw tangents from any point 0 to an

ellipse or hyperbola.
CONSTRUCTION.- (Figs. 1181. ) Describe two circles, one with centre 0 and
radius OS, and another with centre S and radius == AA', intersecting in M,

M. Join MS, M'S. These lines will intersect the curve in P, P ', the
points of contact. For another method see (1204) .
PROOF.- By ( 1163 ) , PS ± PS = AA' = SM by construction. There
fore PS = PM, therefore OPS = OPM (1. 8) , thereforo OP is a tangent
by ( 1168).
Similarly P'S = P'M', and OP ' is a tangent.

1181 The tangents OP, OP subtend equal angles at either

focus .



PROOF. The angles OSP, OSP are respectively equal to OMP, OM'P,
by (I. 8), as above ; and these last angles are equal, by the triangles OSM,
OSM' , and ( I. 8). Similarly at the other focus.

Asymptotic Properties of the Hyperbola .

1182 DEF. The asymptotes of the hyperbola are the
diagonals of the rectangle formed by tangents at the vertices
A, A , B, B'.
1183 If the ordinates RN, RM from any point R on an
asymptote cut the hyperbola and its conjugate in P, P', D, D




then either of the following pairs of equations will define both

the branches of each curve

RN2 - PN2 = BC² = P'N² — RN² (1) ,

RM² - DM² AC D'M² - RM² (2) .

PROOF. Firstly, to prove ( 1 ) : By proportion from the similar triangles

RNC, OAC, we have = =
by (1176 ) , since AN . NA = CN² —AC². By (II. 6)
Therefore = by the theorem (69) ;
therefore RN2 -PN = BC .
Also, by (1176 ) , applied to the conjugate hyperbola, the axes being now
reversed, = = by similar triangles ;
therefore P'N'- BC = RN² or P'N'- RN² = BC².
Secondly, to prove (2) : By proportion from the triangles RMC, OBC, we
RM2 A03 DM²
have = =
by (1176) , applied to the conjugate hyperbola, for in this case we should
have BM.MB CM²— BC².
Therefore = ; therefore RM² — DM² = AƠ³.
Also, by (1176) , since CM, D'M are equal to the coordinates of D',
=== = similar triangles ;
D'M -AC AC2 RM2' by
therefore D'M²-AC² = RM² or D'M² - RM² = AC².

1184 COR. 1. - If the same ordinates RN, RM meet the

other asymptote in r and r' , then
PR.Pr BC² and DR . Dr' = AC². (II. 5)
1185 COR. 2.-As R recedes from C, PR and DR con
tinually diminish. Hence the curves continually approach
the asymptote .

1186 If XE be the directrix , CE = AC.

PROOF.- CE : CO CX : CA = CA : CS and CS = CO. ( 1164)

1187 PD is parallel to the asymptote .

PROOF. = = (1183) = DM2 (69) .
Therefore RN : PN = RM : DM; therefore , by (VI . 2) .

1188 The segments of any right line between the curve and
the asymptote are equal, or QR = qr .





PROOF. QR: QUqR : qU Compound the ratios,

and Qr : Qu = qr : qu' S ' and employ (1184).

1189 COR . 1.- PL PL and QVqV.

1190 COR . 2.— CH = HL . Because PD is parallel to IC.


1191 QR . Qr = PL² = RV²— QVª =

— Q'V² —RV² .
PROOF.- QR : QU = PL : PE ? Compound theratios. Therefore, by (1184) ,
and Qr : Qu Pl : Pe S QR. QrPL . PI = PL ( 1189) .

1192 4PH.PK CS².

PROOF. PH : PE = C0 : 00 ) : . PH.PK : PE . Pe = C0³ : 0°²
and PK : Pe Co : Oo = CS : 4BC ; therefore, by ( 1184) .

Joint Properties of the Ellipse and Hyperbola resumed.

If PCP' be a diameter , and QV an ordinate parallel to the

conjugate diameter CD ( Figs . 1195 and 1188 ) .
1193 QV² : PV . VP
′ = CD² : CP2.

This is the fundamental equation of the conic, equation (1176) being the
most important form of it.

Otherwise :
In the ellipse , QV : CP - CV CD : CP2.

In the hyperbola , QV² : CV²— CP² — CD² : CP² ;

and Q'V : CV²+ CP2 CD2 : CP2.

PROOF.-(Ellipse. Fig. 1195 . ) - By orthogonal projection from a circle.

If C, P, P', D, Q, V are the projections of c, p, p , d, q, v on the circle ;
qu² = pv.vp and cd = cp . The proportion is therefore true in the case of
the circle. Therefore &c., by ( 1088 ) .
(Hyperbola. Fig. 1188 )
= = = = or (1191 )

1194 The parallelogram formed by tangents at the extremi

ties of conjugate diameters is of constant area , and therefore ,
PF being perpendicular to CD ( Figs . 1195) ,

PROOF.- (Ellipse. )-By orthogonal projection from the circle ( 1089 ) .

(Hyperbola. Fig . 1188 . ) - CL . Cl = 4PH.PK = CO . Co ( 1192) ; there
fore, by (VI. 15) , ALCI = OCo = AC . BC.

If PF intersects the axes in G and G' ,

1195 PF.PG BC2 and PF.PG' AC2.


L G'

n n


PROOF. PF.PG = PK.PN Cn . Ct BC ( 1177) . Similarly for


1197 COR.- PG.PG' = CD² = PT.Pt. By (1194)


1198 The diameter bisects all chords parallel to the tangent

at its extremity .
PROOF.- (Ellipse. Fig. 1195 .) - By projection from the circle (1088 )
QV = VQ'. (Hyperbola .) By ( 1189. )
1199 COR . 1. - The tangents at the extremities of any chord
meet on the diameter which bisects it.
PROOF.- The Secants drawn through the extremities of two parallel chords
meet on the diameter which bisects them (VI. 4) , and the tangents are the
limiting positions of the secants when the parallel chords coincide.
1200 COR . 2.- If the tangents from a point are equal , the
diameter through the point must be a principal axis. (I. 8)
1201 COR. 3.- The chords joining any point Q on the curve
with the extremities of a diameter PP' , are parallel to con
jugate diameters , and are called supplemental chords.
For the diameter bisecting PQ is parallel to PQ (VI. 2) . Similarly the
diameter bisecting PQ is parallel to PQ.

1202 Diameters are mutually conjugate ; If CD be parallel

to the tangent at P, CP will be parallel to the tangent at D.
PROOF. (Ellipse. Fig. 1205. ) - By projection from the circle (1088) .
NOTE . Observe that, if the ellipse in the figure with its ordinates and
tangents be turned about the axis Tt through the angle cos¹ (BC ÷ AC) , it
becomes the projection of the auxiliary circle with its corresponding ordinates
and tangents .
(Hyperbola. Fig. 1188 . ) -By ( 1187, 1189) the tangents at P, D meet the
asymptotes in the same point L. Therefore they are parallel to CD, CP (VI. 2.)

If QT be the tangent at Q, and QV the ordinate parallel

to the tangent at any other point P,

1203 CV.CT = CP .

(1) (2)



T P с T P
PROOF. - CR bisects PQ ( 1199) . Therefore PW is parallel to QR.
Therefore, by (VI. 2) , CV : CP = CW : CR = CP : CT.

1204 COR .- Hence, to draw two tangents from a point T, we may find
CV from the above equation, and draw QVQ
' parallel to the tangent at P to
determine the points of contact Q, Q

Let PN, DN be the ordinates at the extremities of con

jugate diameters , and PT the tangent at P. Let the ordinates
at N and R in the ellipse , but at T and C in the hyperbola ,
meet the auxiliary circle in p and d ; then
1205 CN = dR , CR = pN.



PROOF.-(Ellipse.) Cp, Cd are parallel to the tangents at d and p ( Note to

1202). Therefore pCd is a right angle. Therefore pNC, CRd are equal
right-angled triangles with CN = dR and CR = pN.
(Hyperbola.) CN.CT AC² ( 1170) ,
and DR . CT = 2ACDT = 2CDP = AC . BC ( 1194) ;
.. = (1174) , .. = (similar triangles) .
But = PN (VI. 8) ; .. CR = pN. Also Cp = Cd ; therefore the tri
angles CpN, dCR are equal and similar ; therefore CN = dR and dR is
parallel to pN.

1206 COR. DR : dR = BC : AC.

PROOF.- (Ellipse. ) By (1174 ) . (Hyperbola .) By the similar right-angled

triangles, we have dRpN = CR : TN = DR : PN ;
therefore dR: DR pN : PN AC : BC ( 1174) .

In the same figures ,

1207 (Ellipse .) CN2 + CR2 = AC2 ; DR + PN² = BC².

1209 (Hyperbola .) CN2 — CR² = AC² ; DR² — PN² = BC².

PROOF.-Firstly, from the right-angled triangle CNp in which pN = CR

(1205) .
Secondly, In the ellipse, by (1174), DR +PN : dR + pN' BO : AỞ,
and dR +pNAC , by (1205). For the hyperbola, take difference of squares.

1211 (Ellipse .) CP² + CD² = AC²+ BC².

1212 (Hyperbola .) CP² - CD² = AC² — BC².
PROOF.- (Figs. 1205. ) By ( 1205-1210) and ( I. 47) , applied to the
triangles CNP, ČRD.

The product of the focal distances is equal to the square

of the semi- conjugate diameter, or
1213 PS . PS' CD³.

PROOF. (Ellipse. Fig. 1171.) 2PS . PS (PS + PS') ' — PS² – PS"
= 4A0-20S -2CP (922, i.) = 2 (AC + BC - CP ) ( 1164) = 2CD² ( 1211 ).
′ = PS² + PS" — (PS′ —PS)² = &c .
(Hyperbola. ) — Similarly with 2PS . PS

1214 The products of the segments of intersecting chords

QOq, Q'Oq' are in the ratio of the squares of the diameters
parallel to them, or
OQ . Oq : OQ' . Oq' = CD2 : CD's.

PROOF. (Ellipse. ) By projection from the circle ( 1088) ; for the propor
tion is true for the circle, by (III. 35, 36) .
(Hyperbola . Fig. 1188. ) Let O be any point on Qq. Draw IOi parallel
to Ee, meeting the asymptotes in I and i ; then
OR . Or - OQ . Oq = QR . Qr (II. 5) = PL (1191 ) ......... (1) .
OR PL Or Pl OR . Or PL CD2
Now = and = ; .. = =
ΟΙ PE' Oi Pe ΟΙ . Οι PE . Pe BC (1184).
Therefore = ; or, by (1), OI.Oi- BC2 = BO
OI.Oi-BO² B02
Similarly for any other chord Q'Og drawn through 0.
Therefore ′ = CD³ : CD².
OQ . Oq : OQ . Oq

1215 COR. - The tangents from any point to the curve are
in the ratio of the diameters parallel to them.
For, when O is without the curve and the chords become tangents, each
product of segments becomes the square of a tangent.

1216 If from any point Q on a tangent PT drawn to any

conic (Fig. 1220) , two perpendiculars QR, QL be drawn to the
focal distance PS and the directrix XM respectively ; then
SR : QL = e.
PROOF. Since QR is parallel to ZS ( 1167) , therefore, by (VI. 2 ),
SR : PS = QZ : PZ = QL : PM;
therefore SR : QL PS : PM = e.
COR.-By applying the theorem to each of the tangents from Q, a proof
of ( 1181) is obtained.


1217 The Director Circle.- The locus of the point of inter

section, T, of two tangents always at right angles is a circle
called the Director Circle.




PROOF. Perpendiculars from S, S' to the tangents meet them in points

Y, Z, Y', Z', which lie on the auxiliary circle. Therefore , by ( II. 5 , 6) and
(III. 35, 36) , TO ~ ACTZ.TZ' SY . S'Y' = BƠ². (1178)
Therefore TC² = AC² ± BC³, a constant value.

NOTE. -Theorems (1170) , ( 1177) , and ( 1203) may also be deduced

at once for the ellipse by orthogonal projection from the circle ; and, in all
such cases, the analogous property of the hyperbola may be obtained by a
similar projection from the rectangular hyperbola if the property has already
been demonstrated for the latter curve.

1218 If the points A, S ( Fig. 1162 ) be fixed , while C is

moved to an infinite distance, the conic becomes a parabola .
Hence, any relation which has been established for parts of
the curve which remain finite , when AC thus becomes infinite ,
will be a property of the parabola.

1219 Theorems relating to the ellipse may generally be

adapted to the parabola by eliminating the quantities which
become infinite, employing the principle that finite differences
may be neglected in considering the ratios of infinite quantities.

EXAMPLE.-In (1193) , when P

′ is at infinity, VP
′ becomes = 2CP ; and
in (1213 ) PS becomes = 2CP. Thus the equations become
QV2 2CD2 CD2
= and PS =
Therefore QV = 4PS . PV in the parabola.


If S be the focus , XM M
the directrix , and P any point
on the curve, the defining pro
perty is Y
1220 PSPM

and e = 1. (1153 ) T X A S N G

1221 Hence

1222 The Latus Rectum = 4AS.

PROOF. SL = SX ( 1220) = 2AS.

1223 If PZ be a tangent at P, meeting the directrix in Z,

then PSZ is a right angle.

PROOF. As in (1167) ; theorem ( 1166) applying equally to the parabola.

1224 The tangent at P bisects the angles SPM, SZM.

PROOF. - PZ is common to the triangles PSZ, PMZ ; PS = PM and
▲ PSZ = PMZ ( 1223) .

1225 COR. ST SP = SG. (I. 29, 6)

1226 The tangents at the extremities of a focal chord PQ

intersect at right angles in the directrix .

PROOF.- ( i . ) They intersect in the directrix, as in ( 1169) .

(ii.) They bisect the angles SZM, SZM' ( 1224) , and therefore include a
right angle.

1227 The curve bisects the sub-tangent . AN = AT.

PROOF.- ST = SP (1225) = PM = XN, and AX = AS.

1228 The sub-normal is half the latus rectum. NG = 2AS.

PROOF. - STSP = SG and TX = SN ( 1227) . Subtract.

1229 PN2 4AS . AN.

PROOF.- PN TN . NG (VI. 8) = AN . 2NG (1227) = 4AS . AN ( 1228).
Otherwise, by ( 1176 ) and ( 1165) ; making AC infinite. See ( 1219) .

1230 The tangents at A and P each bisect SM, the latter

bisecting it at right angles .
PROOF.- (i .) The tangent at A, by (WI. 2) , since AXAS.
(ii ) PT bisects SM at right angles, by (I. 4) , since PS PM and
4 SPY = MPY.

1231 COR. SA : SY : SP . [By similar triangles.

1232 To draw tangents from a point O to the parabola.

CONSTRUCTION.- Describe a circle, centre M
O and radius OS, cutting the directrix in
M, M'. Draw MQ, M'Q ' parallel to the axis,
meeting the parabola in Q, Q. Then OQ,
OQ will be tangents.
PROOF - OS, SQ OM, MQ ( 1220) ; 0
therefore, by (I. 8 ) , ▲ OQS = OQM ; there
fore 0Q is a tangent ( 1224) . Similarly
OQ' is a tangent .
Otherwise, by ( 1181 ) . When S moves
to infinity, the circle MM' becomes the

1233 COR. 1.-The triangles SQO, SOQ' are similar, and

SQ : SO : SQ' .
PROOF. 4 SQO = MQO = SMM' = SOQʻ. (III. 20)
Similarly SQ'O = SOQ.

1234 COR. 2. - The tangents at two points subtend equal

angles at the focus ; and they contain an angle equal to half
the exterior angle between the focal distances of the points .
PROOF. LOSQ = OSQ, by (Cor. 1 ).
Also 4QOQ
' = 8OQ + SQO = −OSQ = QSQ.

1235 DEF. -Any line parallel to the axis of a parabola is

called a diameter .

1236 The chord of contact QQ' of tangents from any point

O is bisected by the diameter through 0.

PROOF. This proposition and the corollaries are included in ( 1198–1200),

by the principle in ( 1218 ) . An independent proof is as follows.
2 K

The construction being as in ( 1232) , M al

we have ZM = ZM' ; therefore QV= VQ
(VI. 2).

1237 COR . 1. - The tangent
Z P V 1.
RR' at P is parallel to QQ' ; and
PROOF. -- Draw the diameter RW. w'
QW = WP; therefore QR = RO (VI. 2).
Similarly Q'R' = R'O.
1238 COR . 2.-Hence , the dia
meter through P bisects all chords parallel to the tangent at P.

If QV be a semi-chord parallel to the tangent at P,

1239 QV24PS.PV.

This is the fundamental equation of

the parabola, equation (1229 ) being the
most important form of it.
PROOF.-Let QO meet the axis in T.
By similar triangles ( 1231 ),
and 4 SPR = OPR ( 1224) . Therefore
Otherwise : See ( 1219) , where the
equation is deduced from ( 1193) of the

1240 COR. 1.- If v be any other point, either within or

without the curve , on the chord QQ' , and pv the corresponding
diameter , vQ.vQ' = 4pS.pv. (II. 5)

1241 COR. 2.- The focal chord parallel to the diameter

through P, and called the parameter of that diameter , is equal
to 4SP. For PV in this case is equal to PS.

1242 The products of the segments of intersecting chords ,

QOq, Q'Oq' , are in the ratio of the parameters of the diameters
which bisect the chords ; or

OQ.Oq : OQ' . Oq' = PS : P'S.

PROOF.-By ( 1240) , the ratio is equal to 4PS.p0 : 4PS . p0.

Otherwise : In the ellipse ( 1214) , the ratio is = =
CD" PS.P'S (1213)
= when S' is at infinity and the curve becomes a parabola ( 1219) .

1243 COR. - The squares of the tangents to a parabola from

any point are as the focal distances of the points of contact .
PROOF. As in ( 1215 ) . Otherwise, by ( 1233) and (VI. 19) .

1244 The area of the parabola cut off by any chord QQ ' is
two-thirds of the circumscribed parallelogram, or of the tri
angle formed by the chord and the tangents at Q, Q'.
PROOF.- Through Q, q, q' , &c., adjacent points u
on the curve, draw right lines parallel to the
diameter and tangent at P. Let the secant Qq
cut the diameter in O. Then, when q coincides
with Q , so that Qq becomes a tangent, we have
OP = PV (1237). Therefore the parallelogram
Vq = 2Uq, by (I. 43) , applied to the parallelogram
of which OQ is the diagonal. Similarly vq = 2uq',
&c. Therefore the sum of all the evanescent par
allelograms on one side of PQ is equal to twice
the corresponding sum on the other side ; and
these sums are respectively equal to the areas
PQV, PQU. (NEWTON, Sect. I. , Lem. II.)

Practical methods of constructing the Conic.

1245 To draw the Ellipse.

Fix two pins at S, S (Fig. 1162) . Place over them a loop of thread
having a perimeter SPSSS +AA'. A pencil point moved so as to keep
the thread stretched will describe the ellipse, by (1163).

1246 Otherwise.- ( Fig. 1173. ) Draw PHK parallel to QC, cutting the
axes in H, K. PK = AC and PH = BC (1174) . Hence, if a ruler PHK
moves so that the points H, K slide along the axes, P will describe the ellipse.

1247 To draw the Hyperbola .

Make the pin S' ( Fig. 1162) serve as a pivot for one end of a bar of any
convenient length . To the free end of the bar attach one end of a thread
whose length is less than that of the bar by AA' ; and fasten the other end of
the thread to the pin S. A pencil point moved so as to keep the thread
stretched, and touching the bar, will describe the hyperbola, by ( 1163) .

1248 Otherwise :-Lay off any scale of equal parts along both asymptotes
(Fig. 1188) , starting and numbering the divisions from C, in both positive
and negative directions.
Join every pair of points L, l, the product of whose distances from C is
the same, and a series of tangents will be formed ( 1192) which will define
the hyperbola. See also ( 1289) .

1249 To draw the Parabola.

Proceed as in ( 1247) , with this difference : let the end of the bar, before
attached to S', terminate in a " T-square," and be made to slide along the
directrix (Fig. 1220) , taking the string and bar of the same length.
1250 Otherwise :-Make the same construction as in ( 1248) , and join
every pair of points, the algebraic sum of whose distances from the zero
point of division is the same.
PROOF. - If the two equal tangents from any point T on the axis (Fig.
1239) be cut by a third tangent in the points R, r ; then RQ may be proved
equal to rT, by ( 1233) , proving the triangles SRQ, SrT equal in all respects.

1251 COR.-The triangle SRr is always similar to the isosceles triangle


1252 To find the axes and centre of a given central conic.

(i.) Draw a right line through the centres of two parallel chords. This
line is a diameter, by (1198) ; and two diameters so found will intersect in
the centre of the conic.
(ii.) Describe a circle having for its diameter any diameter PP' of the
conic, and let the circle cut the curve in Q. Then PQ, PQ are parallel to
the axes, by ( 1201 ) and ( III. 31 ) .

1253 Given two conjugate diameters , CP, CD, in position

and magnitude : to construct the conic.
On CP take PZ = CD² ÷ CP ; measuring
from C in the ellipse, and towards C in the
hyperbola (Fig. 1188) . A circle described
through the points C, Z, and having its
centre O on the tangent at P, will cut the
tangent in the points where it is intersected
by the axes.
PROOF. -Analysis : Let AC, BC cut the
tangent at P in T, t. The circle whose
diameter is Tt will pass through C (III. 31),
and will make

CP.PZ = PT . Pt (III. 35 , 36) = CD² (1197).

Hence the construction .

Circle and Radius of Curvature.

1254 DEFINITIONS . -The circle which has the same tangent
with a curve at P (Fig . 1259 ) , and which passes through
another point Q on the curve, becomes the circle of curvature
when Q ultimately coincides with P ; and its radius becomes
the radius of curvature .

1255 Otherwise .- The circle of curvature is the circle which

passes through three coincident points on the curve at P.
1256 Any chord PH of the circle of curvature is called a
chord of curvature at P.
1257 Through Q draw RQ' parallel to PH, meeting the
tangent at P in R, and the circle in Q' , and draw QV parallel
to PR. RQ is called a subtense of the arc PQ.

1258 THEOREM. -Any chord of curvature PH is equal to

the ultimate value of the square of the arc PQ divided by the
subtense RQ parallel to the chord : and this is also equal to
QV² ÷ PV.
PROOF. - RQ RP² ÷ RQ (III. 36) . And when Q moves up to P, RQ '
becomes PH; and RP, PQ, and QV become equal because coincident lines.

1259 In the ellipse or hyperbola, the semi- chords of cur

vature at P, measured along the diameter PC, the normal
PF, and the focal distance PS, are respectively equal to
the second being the radius of curvature at P.




PROOF.-(i . ) By (1258), PH = PV = (1193) = in the
limit when VP ' becomes PP = 2CP.
(ii.) By the similar triangles PHU, PFC (III. 31 ) , we have
PU.PF CP . PH = 2CD , by (i.)
(iii.) By the similar triangles PIU, PFE (1168) , we have
PI.PE PU . PF = 2CD , by (ii.) ; and PE = AC ( 1179) .

1260 In the parabola , the chord of curvature at P (Fig.

1259) drawn parallel to the axis , and the one drawn through
the focus , are each equal to 4SP, the parameter of the dia
meter at P (1241 ) .
PROOF.- By ( 1258 ) . The chord parallel to the axis = QV¹ ÷ PV = 4PS
( 1239) ; and the two chords are equal because they make equal angles with
the diameter of the circle of curvature.

1261 COR.- The radius of curvature of the parabola at P

(Fig. 1220) is equal to 2SP2 SY.

PROOF. (Fig. 1259.) PUPI sec IPU = 2SP sec PSY (Fig. 1221 ) .

1262 The products of the segments of intersecting chords

are as the squares of the tangents parallel to them ( 1214-15 ) ,
( 1242-43) .

1263 The common chords of a circle and conic (Fig. 1264)

are equally inclined to the axis ; and conversely, if two chords
of a conic are equally inclined to the axis , their extremities
are concyclic .
PROOF. The products of the segments of the chords being equal (III.
35, 36), the tangents parallel to them are equal (1262) . Therefore, by (1200).

1264 The common chord of any conic and of the circle of

curvature at a point P, has the P
same inclination to the axis as
the tangent at P.
PROOF. - Draw any chord Qq parallel
to the tangent at P. The circle circum
scribing PQq always passes through the
same point p (1263 ) , and does so, there
fore, when Qq moves up to P, and the
circle becomes the circle of curvature.

1265 PROBLEM.-To find the centre of curvature at any given

point of a conic.
First Method . (Fig. 1264.) Draw a chord from the point making the
same angle with the axis as the tangent. The perpendicular bisector of the
chord will meet the normal in the centre of curvature, by ( 1264) and ( III. 3) .

1266 Second Method. -Draw the normal PG and a perpendicular to it

from G, meeting either of the focal distances in Q. Then a perpendicular to
the focal distance drawn from Q will meet the normal in O, the centre of

PROOF.- (Ellipse or Hyperbola .) By (1259),

the radius of curvature at P P

= CD2 = CD2 PG (1195) = AC PG (1194)

S 0
= PG sec S'PG = PO.
For AC PE (by 1179) .
(Parabola.) By ( 1261 ) . The radius of curvature
= 2SP ÷ SY = 2SP sec SPG PO.
For 2SP PQ, because SP = SG (1125 ) .

Miscellaneous Theorems.

1267 In the Parabola (Fig. 1239 ) let QD be drawn perpendicular to PV,

then QD² = 4AS.PV. (1231 , 1239)
1268 Let RPR be any third tangent meeting the tangents OQ, OQ′ in
R, R; the triangles SQO, SRR, SOQ are similar and similarly divided by
SR, SP, SR ( 1233–4) .
1269 COR. OR . OR = RQ.RQ.

1270 Also, the triangle PQQ 20RR. (1244)

With the same construction and for any conic,
1271 OQ : OQ' = RQ . RP : RQ. PR. (1215, 1243)
1272 Also the angle RSR = 1QSQ. (1181)
1273 Hence, in the Parabola, the points O, R, S, R are concyclic, by (1234).

1274 In any conic (Figs . 1171 ) , SP : ST = AN : AT.

PROOF. SP = SP = CA (69, 1163) = CN (1170) =
ST S'T CT CA AT (69).
1275 COR.- If the tangent PT meets the tangent at A in R, then SR
bisects the angle PST (VI. 3) .

1276 In Figs. (1178 ) , SY' , S'Y both bisect the normal PG.
1277 The perpendicular from S to PG meets it in CY.
1278 If CD be the radius conjugate to CP, the perpendicular from D
upon CY is equal to BC.
1279 SY and CP intersect in the directrix.

1280 If every ordinate PN of the conic ( Figs. 1205 ) be turned round N,

in the plane of the figure, through the same angle PNP, the locus of P' is
also a conic, by ( 1193 ) . The auxiliary circle then becomes an ellipse, of
which AC and BC produced are the equi-conjugate diameters.
If the entire figures be thus deformed, the points on the axis AA' remain
fixed while PN, DR describe the same angle. Hence CD remains parallel to
PT. CP, CD are therefore still conjugate to each other.

Hence, the relations in (1205-6 ) still subsist when CA, CB are any con
jugate radii. Thus universally,
1281 PN : CR = DR : CN or PN . CN = DR . CR.

1282 If the tangent at P meets any pair of conjugate diameters in T, T',

then PT . PT is constant and equal to CD³.
PROOF.- Let CA, CB (Figs. 1205 ) be the conjugate radii, the figures
being deformed through any angle. By similar triangles ,
PT : PN = DRY therefore PT . PT : PN . CN = CD³ : DR . CR.
PT : CNCD : CR } ,
Therefore PT . PT′ = CD, by ( 1281 ) .
1283 If the tangent at P meets any pair of parallel tangents in T, T,
then PT. PT CD , where CD is conjugate to CP.
PROOF. Let the parallel tangents touch in the points Q, Q. Join PQ,
PQ, CT, CT. Then CT, CT are conjugate diameters ( 1199 , 1201 ) . There
fore PT.PT CD (1282) .
1284 COR.-QT. QT = CD², where CD is the radius parallel to QT.

1285 To draw two conjugate diameters of a conic to include a given

angle. Proceed as in ( 1252 ii . ) , making PP in this case the chord of the
segment of a circle containing the given angle (III. 33 ) .
1286 The focal distance of a point P on any conic is equal to the length
QN intercepted on the ordinate through P between the axis and the tangent
at the extremity of the latus rectum.
PROOF.-(Fig. 1220) . QN : NX = LS : SX = e and SP : NX = e.
1287 In the hyperbola ( Fig. 1183 ) . CO : CA = e. · (1162 , 1164 ).
If a right line PKK' be drawn parallel to the asymptote CR, cutting the
one directrix XE in K and the other in K' ; then

1288 SP = PK = e . CN - AC ; SP = PK ' = e . CN+ AC.

PROOF.- From CR = e . CN ( 1287) and CE = AC ( 1186 ) .
1289 COR. -Hence the hyperbola may be drawn mechanically by the
method of ( 1249) by merely fixing the cross- piece of the T- square at an
angle with the bar equal to BCO.

1290 DEFINITION.-Confocal conics are conics which have the same foci.
1291 The tangents drawn to any conic from a point T on a confocal conic
make equal angles with the tangent at T.
PROOF. (Fig. 1217. ) Let T be the point on the confocal conic.
SY : SZ SZ : SY ′ ( 1178) .
Therefore ST and ST make equal angles with the tangents TP, TQ ; and
they also make equal angles with the tangent to the confocal at T ( 1168 ) ,
therefore &c.

1292 In the construction of (1253) , PZ is equal to half the chord of

curvature at P drawn through the centre C ( 1259 ) .


1400 Functions . -A quantity which depends for its value

upon another quantity a is called a function of x. Thus , sin x,
log x, a*, a² +ax +x² are all functions of x. The notation
y=f(x) expresses generally that y is a function of a. y = sina
is a particular function .

1401 f(x) is called a continuous function between assigned

limits , when an indefinitely small change in the value of a
always produces an indefinitely small change in the value of
A transcendental function is one which is not purely
algebraical, such as the exponential, logarithmic , and circular
functions a* , log æ, sinæ , cos æ, &c .
If ƒ(x) = ƒ( −x) , the function is called an even function .
If f(x) = -ƒ(-a) , it is called an odd function .

Thus, and cos az are even functions, while a³ and sin x are odd functions
of ; the latter, but not the former, being altered in value by changing the
sign ofx.

1402 Differential Coefficient or Derivative.- Let y be any

function of a denoted by f(x) , such that any change in the
value of a causes a definite change in the value of y ; then a
is called the independent variable , and y the dependent variable .
Let an indefinitely small change in a, denoted by da, produce

a corresponding small change dy in y ; then the ratio , in

the limit when both dy and de are vanishing, is called the

differential coefficient, or derivative, of y with respect
to x.
2 L

1403 THEOREM .-The ratio dy : de is definite for each value

of a, and generally different for different values .
PROOF. ―― Let an abscissa ON
(Defs . 1160 ) be measured from 0
equal to x, and a perpendicular or e
dinate NP equal to y. Then, what
ever may be the form ofthe function S
y = f(x), as x varies, the locus of
P will be some line PQL. Let
OM = x', MQy' be values of x
and y near to the former values . T N M
Let the straight line QP meet the
axis in T; and when Q coincides with P, let the final direction of QP cut the
axis in T.
Then QS or y - y = And, ultimately, when QS and SP vanish,
SP x'--x NT
dy PN
they vanish in the ratio of PN : NT'. Therefore dr = NT = tan PTN, a

definite ratio at each point of the curve, but different at different points.

1404 Let NM, the increment of a, be denoted by h ; then,

when h vanishes , dy_f(x +h) -f(x)

=ƒ" (x),
dx h

a new function of.a, called also the first derived function.

The process of finding its value is called differentiation .

1405 Successive differentiation . — If d or f' (x) be differ
entiated with respect to a, the result is the second differential
coefficient of f(x) , or the second derived function ; and so on
to any number of differentiations . These successive functions
may be represented in any of the three following systems of
notation :
dy d'u d³y d'y dry ;
dx' dx da dx dx

f ( c ), f " (ư ) , f '' ( 2 ) , fi ( ), ...... ƒ" (x) ;

Yx Y2x Y&x Yax ……………
. Yne

The operations of differentiating a function of a once ,

twice, or n times , are also indicated by prefixing the symbols
d d2 dn d d d
... ; or
dx' dx² dam dx' ()
dx (

or, more concisely, de, ders dnx .

* See note to ( 1487 ) .


1406 If, after differentiating a function for æ, æ be made

zero in the result , the value may be indicated in any of the
following ways : dy , f' (0) , Yxo , " dro
dxo dx .
If any other constant a be substituted for a in y , the
result may be indicated by. ya .

1407 Infinitesimals and Differentials . The evanescent
quantities de, dy are called infinitesimals ; and, with respect
toa and y, they are called differentials . da , d'y are the second
differentials of x and y ; da³ , d³y the third , and so on.
1408 The successive differentials of y are expressed in terms
of de by the equations
dy = f (x) dx ; d'y = f" (x) dx² ; & c. , and dry = ƒ" (x) dx” .
Since f' (x) is the coefficient of de in the value of dy , it has
therefore been named the differential coefficient of y or f(x) . *
For similar reasons f
' (x) is called the second, and f" (a) the
nth differential coefficient of f (x) , &c .
1409 Two infinitesimals are of the same order when their
ratio is neither zero nor infinity.
If dæ, dy are infinitesimals of the same order, dæ² , dy³ , and
dedy will be infinitesimals of the second order with respect to
dx, dy ; dx³ , dx²dy , &c . will be of the third order , and so on .
da, da² , &c. are sometimes denoted by x, x, &c.

1410 LEMMA.-In estimating the ratio of two quantities , any

increment of either which is infinitely small in comparison
with the quantities may be neglected .
Hence the ratio of two infinitesimals of the same order is
not affected by adding to or subtracting from either of them
an infinitesimal of a higher order .

EXAMPLE . dy- dx² = dy - dx = dy

" for de is zero in comparison with
dx dx da
the ratio . Thus, in Fig . (1403), putting PS = de, QSdy ; we have
ultimately, by (1258 ) , QR = kda², where k is a constant . Therefore
PN = RS = dy -kdx² = dy
the limit, by the principle just enunciated ;
NT' PS dx dx in
that is, QR vanishes in comparison with PS or QS even when those lines them
selves are infinitely small.

The name is slightly misleading, as it seems to imply that f' (x) is in

some sense a coefficient of f (x) .



Let u, v be functions of a, then

d (u +v) du dv
1411 +
dx dx dx

d (uv) du dv
1412 = v +u •
dx dx dx

သ - dv
d x v = (v du
Z (H) dx dx:)
u do ) +0°.

PROOF.-(i. ) d (u + v ) = (u + du + v + dv) — ( u + v) = du + dv.

(ii.) d (uv) = (u + du) (v + dv) —uv = v du + udv ― du dv,
and, by (1410) , dudu disappears in the ultimate ratio to dr.
u + du น vdu- udv
(iii. ) d = =
(뜸) v + dv v (v + dv) v '

therefore &c., by ( 1410) ; vdu vanishing in comparison with v³.

Hence , if u be a constant = c,
d (cv) dv c dv
1414 = C and
dx dx dx v²
d ( ) === dx


If y be a function of z , and z a function of x,

dy = dy dz
dx dz dx

PROOF . Since, in all cases, the change de causes the change dz, and the
change dz causes the change dy ; therefore the change da causes the change
dy in the limit.
Differentiating the above as a product, by (1412) , the successive differ
ential coefficients of y can be formed . The first four are here subjoined for
the sake of reference. Observe that (y :) = Y2=%x•

1416 Yx = Yz≈x
1417 Y 2x = Y 2x
2 ~² + y z~2x •
1418 Y3.x = Y 3z ≈x3 + 3y zz ~ x ~ 2x + yz ~3x •

1419 Y₁v = Y₁₂ ~ + 6Y3₂ ~* ~2x + Y2z ( 3 ~2x + 4≈¸µ≈3x) + Yz≈µ •



If u and v be explicit functions of x, so that u = p (x) and

v = f (x),
dF (u, v) dF du dF dv
1420 +
dx du dx dv dx

Here dF in the first term on the right is the change in

F (u, v) produced by du, the change in u ; and dF in the
second term is the change produced by dv , so that the total
change dF(u, v) may be written as in ( 1408)
dF dF
dF₁ + dF₂ = du + -dv.
du dv


__f(x + h) —f (x) when h vanishes , we have the

Since dy
da h
following rule for finding its value :

1421 RULE.-Expand f (x + h) by some known theorem in

ascending powers of h ; subtract f (x) ; divide by h ; and in
the result put h equal to zero.
The differential coefficients which follow are obtained by
the rule and the theorems indicated .

1422 y = x". = n-1
PROOF.—Here ƒ (≈ +h) —f(x) = (x + h)" - x" = na" -¹h + C (n, 2) x" -²² +
h h h
(125) = no" -1 + 0 (n, 2) 2" -2h + ... = na"-1, when h vanishes.

1423 COR.
d'y dry
= n (n − 1) ... (n − r + 1) x² -r. n
dx dx"

dy = 1
1424 y = loga x ; •
dx x log, a
Proor .— By ( 145) , log , (z + ) — log. = { log. ( 1+ ) } + h.
h x log, a
Expand the logarithm by (155) .

dry = ( -1 ) -¹ [ n - 1 Put n = -1 in (1423)

1425 COR. and rn- 1.
dxn x" log a

1426 y = a* ; = a* log, a.
PROOF. = a* (a - 1) Expand a by (149) .
h h

1427 COR. = a* (log, a)".

Function. Derivative. Method ofProof by Rule (1421)

and Limits (753).

1428 sin x. cos . Expand by (627, 629) , and

- sin x. put 1 - cosh = 2 sin² 2.
1429 cos x.
sec² x. Expand by (631 ), observing
1430 tan x.
- cosec²x. 1
1431 cot x. By cota = tan a and (1415) .

1432 secx. tan x secx. 1

By seca = " and (1415).
1433 cosecx. - cota coseca. Similarly.

1434 sin-¹ x 1 If sin xy, x = sin y,

士 therefore
cos -1x √ (1 − x²)* da
= cos y = √1 − x² ;
-1 1 dys
1436 tan-¹x 1
cot-1 x 1+ therefore dy =
dx √1-2
1438 sec¹x 1
± Similarly for the rest.
cosec-1 x } · x √ (x² −1) *

- 1
1440 /x); = (x³), = }æ¯ ‡ =
(√ (1422)

== (1422)
1441 (- ) = ( -) =---- = 2" +1°

1442 { (a + x²)³ ( b + x³) ² } = 3 ( a + x²) ² 2x ( b + x³)² + 2 ( b +x³) 3x² (a +x²) ³

= 6x (a +x²) (b + x³) (b + ax + 2x³) . (1412, '15, '22)

e. 4
1443 = (e +e *) ( * + e ) - (e - e-*) ( e* —e¯ *) =
ete / 2 (e*+ e-*)³ (e*+ e¯*)³°
( 1413 , 1426)

1 4 log tan a
1444 d. (log tan a) = 2 log tan a tanx seca =" şin 2x (1415, '24, '30) .

Some differentiations are rendered easier by taking the logarithm of the

function. For example,
1 - x2
1445 y= therefore log y = log ( 1 - x ) — 3 log ( 1 + x² ) ;
(1 +2²)3
1 dy 1 -2x - 3 2x
therefore =
y da 2 (1 - x ) 2 (1 +x²)
therefore dy - 2x (2 - x²) = -2x (2 - x²)
dx = 1 - x¹
(1 + ∞²) ³ (1 -
− ∞²) **
1446 y = (sin x) ; therefore log y = log sin x ;
• 1
therefore yx = log sin x + cos x ; (1415 , '24, '28)
y sin x
therefore = (sin x) (log sin x +x cot x).
Otherwise, by (1420) , y . = x ( sin x) -¹ cos x + ( sin x) * log sin x (1426)
= (sin x) (x cota + log sin x) .


1460 Leibnitz's Theorem. - If n be any integer ,

(yz) nx = Y nxz + ny(n −1) x ≈x + C (n , 2) Y(n− 2) x ≈2x + ...

... + C (n, r) Y(n−r) x ≈rx + ... +ynx

PROOF.-By Induction (233) . Differentiate the two consecutive terms

C (n, r) Y(n - r) x Zrz + C ( n, r + 1 ) Y(n −r− 1) z ²(r + 1 ) z9
and four terms are obtained, the second and third of which are
C (n, r) Yu - r) z Z (p + 1) z + C ( n , r + 1 ) Y (n - r) z z ( +1)
= { C (n, r) + C ( n , r + 1 ) } Y (n - r ) z (r + 1 ) z = C ( n + 1 , r + 1 ) y ( 71-771 ) ( + 1 )2
by (102) .
This is the general term of the series with n increased by unity. Similarly,
by differentiating all the terms the whole series is reproduced with n in
creased by unity.


1461 (sin ax) nx = a" sin (ax + ¼nπ) . By Induction

and (1428 ) .
1462 (cos ax) nx = a" cos (ax + ½µπ) .

1463 (ex)nx = an eªx. ( 1426)

1464 (exy)nx = eax (a + dx)" y,

where , in the expansion by the Binomial Theorem , dry is to

be replaced by Yra ( 1460, '63)

1465 (ex cos bx) nx = r²eªx cos (bx +no),

where arcos and b = r sin p.

PROOF.- By Induction. Differentiating once more, we obtain

y” eªx { a cos (bx +np) −b sin ( bx + ng) }
= p²+ ¹ª² { cos & cos (bx + ng) — sin ø sin (bx + ng) }
= p² +1ear cos (bx + n + 14) .
Thus n is increased by one.

1466 (x² -¹log x) nx = | n − 1 ÷ x. (1460) , ( 283)

1467 = (-1)" 2 (1423)

1 + xnx (1 +x)n+1 [n.

1468 (tan-¹x)nx = ( -1 ) " - ¹ | n − 1 sin " ✪ sin no,

where 0 cot-¹x.

PROOF.-By Induction. Differentiating again, we obtain (omitting the

(n sin" -10 cos 0 sin n✪ + n cos no sin” 0) 0,
= sin"-10 (sin no cos 0+ cos no sin 0) ( -sin' 0).
Since, by (1437), 0, = - (1 + x²) -1 = -sin² 0.

Therefore (tan¹ ) (n + 1) = ( −1 ) " [ n sin" + ¹0 sin (n + 1 ) 0,

n being increased by one.

= (-1)" n sin +1 sin ( n +1 ) 0 .

1469 (1 )Nx (1436, 1468)

= ( −1) ” | n sin” +¹ 0 cos (n + 1) 0.
1470 ( )
=x n
PROOP - By (1460), ( ) NE = (----) ร+ (----)
1 2:
Then by ( 1469) .

1471 Jacobi's Formula.

d(n −1) x ( 1 − x²)" −¹ = ( −1 ) " − ¹ 1 . 3 ... (2n - 1 ) sin (n cos¯¹x) ÷ n.
PROOF.- Let y = 1 - a2 ; therefore
(y" + ¹) nz = − ( 2n + 1 ) (xy " ) (n - 1) z• Also (y" ) ,z = (yy" -}) nz•
Expand each of these values by ( 1460) and eliminate (y" - )( - 2) , the deriva
tive of lowest order. Call the result equation ( 1 ) . Now assume ( 1471 ) true
for the value n. Differentiate and substitute the result, and also (1471 ) on
the right side of equation (1 ) to obtain a proof by Induction.

1472 Theorem .- If y, z are functions of x, and n a positive

integer ,
Zynx = (YZ)nx —N (YZx) (n− 1) x + C (n , 2 ) (y≈2x) (n - 2) x ... + ( − 1 )" Y≈nx•
PROOF.-By Induction. Differentiate for x, substituting for zyne on the
right its value by the formula itself.


1480 If u = f(x, y) be a function of two independent vari

ables, any differentiation of u with respect to a requires that Y
should be considered constant in that operation , and vice versa.
Thus , or a signifies that u is to be differentiated succes
sively twice with respect to x, y being considered constant .
d'u *
1481 The notation or Uar sy signifies that u is to be
da dys
differentiated successively twice for x, y being considered
constant, and the result three times successively for y, a being
considered constant .

1482 The order of the differentiations does not affect the

final result, or Uxy = Uyx •
ƒ (x + h. u ) —f (x, y) in limit. (1484)
PROOF.- Let u = f(xy) ; then u₂ =
Uxy = du, =
_ f(x + h, y + k) −ƒ ( x, y + k) —ƒ (x + h, y) +ƒ (x, y) in limit.
dy hk
Now, if u had been first formed, and then u,, the same result would have
been obtained. The proof is easily extended . Let u₂ = v ;
then Wzxy = V zy = v.yx = Uy ; and so on .


1483 Let the symbols , Y, prefixed to a quantity, denote

operations upon it of the same class , such as multiplication or
differentiation . Then the law of the operation is said to be
distributive, when
• (x +y) = Þ (x) + Þ (y) ;

* See note to ( 1487) .

2 M

that is , the operation may be performed upon an undivided

quantity, or it may be distributed by being performed upon
parts of the quantity separately with the same result.

1484 The law is said to be commutative when

p¥x = Yox ;

that is , the order of operation may be changed , operating

upon a producing the same result as operating upon Þæ.

1485 pm denotes the repetition of the operation & m times ,

and is equivalent to ❤❤ ... a to m operations. This definition
involves the index law,
††" x = Þ” +” x = Þ” +” x,

which merely asserts , that to perform the operation n times in

succession upon a, and afterwards m times in succession upon
the result, is equivalent to performing it m + n times in suc
cession upon æ.

1486 The three laws of Distribution , Commutation, and the

law of Indices apply to the operation of multiplication , and
also to that of differentiation ( 1411 , '12) . Therefore any
algebraic transformation which proceeds at every step by one
or more of these laws only, has a valid result when for the
operation of multiplication that of differentiation is sub
stituted .

1487 In making use of this principle, the symbol of dif

ferentiation employed is > or simply dx prefixed to the
quantity upon which the operation of differentiating with
respect to a is to be performed . The repetition of the opera
de ds
tion is indicated by da' d ' dady³
15 ' & c . , prefixed to the

function. An abbreviated notation is de, da , dзx, dzxsy , &c .

Since dxdd in the symbolic operation of multiplication ,
it will be requisite , in transferring the operation to differentia
tion, to change all such indices to suffixes when the abbreviated
notation is being used .

NOTE. The notation Y. , Y , U23y, daзy, &c. is an innovation. It has, how

ever, the recommendations of definiteness, simplicity, and economy of time in
writing, and of space in printing. The expression requires at least
dx dys
fourteen distinct types, while its equivalent 23y requires but seven. For

such reasons I have introduced the shorter notation experimentally in these

pages. ......
All such abbreviated forms ofdifferential coefficients as y'y" y" ...
.. or yyy...,
though convenient in practice, are incomplete expressions, because the inde
pendent variable is not specified .
The operation day, and the derived function sy, would be more
accurately represented by (d ) and (u ) , the index as usual indicating the
repetition of the operation. But the former notation is simpler, and it has
the advantage of separating more clearly the index of differentiation from the
index of involution.
In the symbols y' and y2 , the figure 2 is an index in each case : in the
first, it shows the degree of involution ; in the second, the order of differentia
tion. The index is omitted when the degree or the order is unity, since we
write Y and yz
The suffix takes precedence ofthe superfix. y means the square of Yx.
dz (y ) would be written (y ) , in this notation .
As a concise nomenclature for all fundamental operations is of great
assistance in practice, the following is recommended : dx or y, may be read
"yfor x," as an abbreviation of the phrase, "the differential coefficient of y
day d²u d'u
for, or with respect to, a." Similarly, or the shortened
dx ' dxdy' dx dy³¹
99 66
forms Yaz, Uzy, U23y, may be read "y for two x," u for xy,'," "u for two x, three
y," and so forth.
The distinction in meaning between the two forms yn and y , is obvious .
The first (in which n is numerical and always an integer ) indicates n succes
sive differentiations for ; the second indicates two successive differentiations
for the variables x and z.
The symbols dy or yxo and dzy or 220, may be read, for shortness ,
dxo dr²
"y for x zero," "y for two x zero "; dzzz3y y (xy) can be read " d for two a
three y of p (xy) .'
Although the notation v, is already employed in a totally different sense
in the Calculus of Finite Differences, my own experience is that the double
signification of the symbol does not lead to any confusion : and this for the
very reason that the two meanings are so entirely distinct . Whenever the
operation of differentiation is introduced along with the subject of Finite
Differences, the notation dy must of course alone be employed .

Thus , in differentiation , we have

1488 THE DISTRIBUTIVE LAW d (u +v) = d¸u + d¸v . (1411)

1489 THE COMMUTATIVE LAW d. (d¸u) = d, (d¸u)

or dzy u = dyxu. (1482)

1490 THE INDEX LAW d™ dru = dm+nu,

that is, dma dnx u (1485)
= d(m+n) x U.

1491 EXAMPLE.—
ry + d2y.
(d₂ — d,) ² = (d¸ —− d¸ ) ( d¸— d₁) = d¸d₂ - d₂d - d¸d¸ + d¸d₁ = d₂ - 2dxy
Here dd - dd, or d , = dy , by the commutative law. (1489 )
dd, = d by the index law. (1490)
Also (d - 2dy + dy ) u = d₂u - 2du +du, by the distributive law.
Therefore, finally, (d - d, ) u = du - 2du + dzu .
Similarly for more complex transformations.
1492 Thus d, may be treated as quantitative, and operated upon as such
by the laws of Algebra ; d being written de, and factors such as dd,, in
which the independent variables are different, being written d¸y, &c.



h2 hn
f(x+h) =f(x) +hf
' (x) + 1.2ƒ
" (x) + ... + 1n ƒ" (x + 0h),

where is some quantity between zero and unity, and n is

any integer.
PROOF. (i.) Assume f(x +h) = A + Bh + Ch³ +&c.
Differentiate both sides of this equation,-first for a, and again for h,-and
equate coefficients in the two results.
1501 (ii. ) Cox's Proof.—LEMMA.—If ƒ ( 2 ) vanishes when x = a, and also
when x = b, and if f (x) and f' ( x) are continuous functions between the
same limits ; then f (x ) vanishes for some value of a between a and b.
For f ( ) must change sign somewhere between the assigned limits (see
proof of 1403 ) , aud , being continuous, it must vanish in passing from plus to
1502 Now, the expression

ƒ(a + x) →ƒ(a) − xƒ′ (a) — ... n -f" (a)
+ : {(
2"+1 [ n + 1 {ƒ (a +h) −ƒ (a) —hf ( a) —

vanishes when x = 0 and when x = h. Therefore the differential coefficient

with respect to a vanishes for some value of a between 0 and h by the lemma.
Let Oh be this value. Differentiate, and apply the lemma to the resulting
expression, which vanishes when 0 and when a = 00h. Perform the
same process n + 1 times successively, writing Oh for 00h, &c. , since ✪ merely
stands for some quantity less than unity. The result shews that
In + 1 h"
f" +¹ (a + x) — 1 +17 { ƒ (a + 1) − ƒ (a) — 15
″ (a) —... - Hƒ «) }
h +1 n
vanishes when x = 0h. Substituting Oh and equating to zero , the theorem
is proved .

1503 The last term in ( 1500) is called the remainder after

n terms. It may be obtained in either of the subjoined forms ,
the first being due to Lagrange ,
h" h”
n -Jin (+ 0h ) n -1 (1—0)n-¹ƒ” (x + Oh) .

1504 Since the coefficient diminishes at last without
limit as n increases (239 , ii. ) , it follows that Taylor's series
is convergent if f (x) remains finite for all values of n.

1505 If in any expansion of f (x + h) in powers of h some

index of h be negative, then f(x), ƒ' (x) , ƒ'' (x) , &c . all become

1506 If the least fractional index of h lies between n and

n + 1 ; then f +1 (a ) and all the following differential coeffi
cients become infinite.

PROOF . -To obtain the value of f" (x) , differentiate the expansion n times
successively for h, and put h = 0 in the result.


Put 0 in ( 1500) , and write a for h ; then , with the

notation of ( 1406 ) ,
222 xn
1507_ƒ(x) = ƒ (0) + xƒ
“ (0) + 1.2“ ƒ"
' (0) + ... + n -ƒn (0x) ,

where 0, as before , lies between 0 and 1 .

Putting y = f(x) , this may also be written

dy x² d²y X3 dry + &c.

1508 y = yo + x + + 3
dxo 1.2 da 1.2.3 da

1509 NOTE. If any function f (x) becomes infinite with a finite value of
æ, then ƒ ′ (x) , ƒ” ( x) , &c. all become infinite. Thus, if ƒ ( x) = sec¹ (1+ ) ,
' (x) is infinite when a == 0 ( 1438 ) . Therefore ƒ" (0 ), ƒ''' (0) , &c. are all
infinite, and ƒ (x) cannot be expanded by this theorem .

Bernoulli's Series.-Put ha in ( 1500) ; thus ,

1510_ƒ(0) =ƒ(x) −xƒ (x) + 12ƒ′̃ (x) − 1.2.3ƒ¨ (x) + &c.

1511 If (y + k) = 0 and
(y) = x ; then
x² - Xx3
k=―xyx + 1.2 Y2x Y& +&c.

y = ¢ ¹ (x) = ƒ (x) , and let y + k = f (x + h) ;
therefore x + h = (y + k) = 0.
2:3 --
Therefore y + k = ƒ (0 ) = ƒ (x) −xƒ′ (x ) + 122 ƒ″ (x ) − &c., by ( 1510) ;
which proves the theorem .

EXPANSION OF ƒ (x + h , y + k) .

Let f(xy) = u. Then, with the notation of ( 1405 ) ,

f(x + h, y + k) = u + (hu₂ + ku,) +
1.2 (h³U2x +2hku.xy + k²U2y)

1.2.3 (h³U3x +3h³kUqxy + 3hk³U12y + k³U3y ) + &c.

1513 The general term is given by (hd¸ +kd ) " u ,


where, in the expansion by the Binomial Theorem, each index

of dx and d, is changed into a suffix ; and the coefficients
2x9 &c. are joined to u as symbols of operation (1487) ;
da, dae,
thus H is to be changed into us .

PROOF. - First expand f (x + h, y + k) as a function of (x +h) by ( 1500) ;

thus, f(x + h, y + k) = f (x, y + k) + hfx ( x, y + k) +
1.2 h²ƒ2x (x, y +k) + &c.
Next, expand each term of this series as a function of (y + k) . Thus,
writing u for f(xy),
1 1 732
f(x, y + k) = u + ku, + 12 Uw 34 -k⭑Usy + ...
+3 +141 Wus
hf, (x, y + k) = hu₂ + hku + •hk³uzz
x29y + hk³uzзy + ... ... ...
2 13
1 1
f2x (x, y + k) h²uzz + h² kuzzy + h²k² Uzzzy + ...
|_2 224
/ 12 22

h³uzz + h³kuszy + ... ... ... ...
13 ·fx (x, y + k ) = 31 13 ...


h¹ 1
ƒœ (x, y + k) = 4 h⭑Usx + ... ... ... ...

The law by which the terms of the same dimension in h and k are formed,
is seen on inspection . They lie in successive diagonals ; and when cleared
of fractions the numerical coefficients are those of the Binomial Theorem.

The theorem may be extended inductively to a function of

three or more variables . Thus , if u = f (x, y , z ) , we have
1514 f(x+ h, y +k, z + 1) = u + (hu + ku, + lu₂)
+1 (h²u2x + k²U2y + l²u2z + 2kluyz + 2lhuz.x + 2hku,
xy ) + ….. ,
the general term being obtained as before from the expression

1 (hd, +kd¸ +ld )" u .


1515 COR .- If u = f (xyz) be a function of several inde

pendent variables , the term (hu + ku, + lu ) proves , in con
junction with ( 1410 ) , that the total change in the value of u,
caused by simultaneous small changes in x, y , z , is equal to
the sum of the increments of u due to the increments of x , y , z
taken separately and superposed in any order.
This is known as the principle of the superposition of small

1516 To expand f (x, y) or f (x, y, z, ... ) in powers of x, y,

&c., put x, y , z each equal to zero after differentiating in
(1512) or ( 1514) , and write x, y , ... instead of h, k , &c .

1517 Observe that any term in these series may be made

the last by writing x + 0h for x, y + 0k for y , &c . , as in ( 1500) .


The expansion in ( 1500 ) is equivalent to the following

1520 f(x +h) = ehdf(x).
PROOF.- By the Exponential Theorem ( 150 ) , writing the indices of d, as
suffixes (1487),

ehdzf(x) = (1 + hd₂ + } h²d₂ + :.. )ƒ(x) = f(x) + hƒz ( x) + ¥ h²ƒ½ (x) + ..., by (1488) .
COR. ▲f(x) = f(x +h) —ƒ( x) = ( ehdɛ — 1 )ƒ(x) ,
therefore ▲³ƒ(x) = ( ehd, −1)²ƒ(x) ,
and generally "f (x) = (e¹d, −1 ) "ƒ(x),

the index signifying that the operation is performed n times

upon f(x).

hd kd ƒ
1521 Similarly f(x + h, y + k) = e' + y (x, y) .
ehd₂ +kdyf(x, y) = { 1 + hd₂ + kd, + } ( hd, + kd,) ² + (hd, + kd, ) ³ + ... } ƒ (x, y)
=f(x +h, y + k) , by ( 150) and (1512).

1522 And, generally , with any number of variables ,

f(x +h, y + k, + l ... ) = hd, + kd + ld₂+ ... f( ,y , ... ) .

COR. As in ( 1520) ,
Af(x, y , z ... ) = (ehd¸ +kd¸ +……..−1 ) f ( 2,3, ...) .

1523 If u = f(x, y) = p (r , 0) , where a = rcos0, y = rsin0 ;

and if arcos (0 + w) , y'rsin (0 +w) ; then f(x'y' ) is
expanded in powers of ய by the formula

= p²
f(x' , y') = e (xd, −ydz)ƒ(x, y) .

PROOF. -By ( 1520) , r being constant,

ø (r, 0 + w) = ewdo q (r, 0) = ewd,ƒ ( x, y) .
Now a and y are functions of the single variable 0 ; therefore
Ug = UxXq + UyYə = u₂ ( ―r sin 0) + u, (r cos 0) = 2lyy
The operation d, will be transformed by the same law ( 1492 ) ; therefore
dad, -yd ; therefore
ƒ(x', y′) = ew(xd, −yd¸) f(x, y) = 1 + w (xu , −yu₂) + } w²(x²u», — 2xyu»y + y²U2 ) + &c.

1524 EXAMPLES . -The Binomial, Exponential, and Loga

rithmic series for ( 1 + x)" , a *, and log ( 1 + x) , ( 125 , 149 , 155 ) ,
are obtained immediately by Maclaurin's Theorem ( 1507) ; as
also the series for sin a and cos a (764) , and tan-¹a (791 ) .
The mode of proceeding , which is the same in all cases , is
shewn in the following example ; the test of convergency
(1504) being applied when practicable.
2 17 62
1525 tan x
x== x
x ++ 1/3 203 + x05 + x² + x + &c .
15 315 283 5

Obtained by Maclaurin's theorem , as follows :-Let

ƒ (x) = tan x = y Therefore y = z and z , = 2yz ;
′ (x) = sec² x = %
ƒ y and z being used for shortness.
ƒ" (x) = 2 sec² x tan x = 2yz,
' (x) = 2 (zy, + yz,) = 2 (z² + 2y³z) ,
fiv (x) = 2 (4y² + 4yz² + 4y³z ) = 8 (2yz² + y³z) ,
f (x) = 8 (2% + 8y²z² + 3y²x² + 2yz ) = 8 (2z³ + 11y²x² + 2y^z) ,
fvi (x) = 8 (12yz³ + 22yz³ + ... ) = 272yz³ + ...,
f (x) = 272z + ... & c.,
the terms omitted involving positive powers of y, which vanish when a is
zero, and which therefore need not be computed if no term of the expansion
higher than that containing a is required."

Hence, by making ∞ = 0, and therefore y = 0 and z = 1 , we obtain

ƒ(0) = 0 ; ƒ
' (0 ) = 1 ; ƒ" ( 0) = 0 ; ƒ" (0 ) = 2 ; ƒiv ( 0) = 0 ; ƒ' ( 0 ) = 16 ;
fi(0) = 0; fvil (0) = 272.
Thus the terms up to 27 may be written by substituting these values in
(1507) .

In a similar manner, may be obtained

5 61
24 + X6 + &c .
1526 sec x = 1 + 1/2 a² + 24

Methods of expansion by Indeterminate Coefficients.

1527 RULE I.- Assume f ( x ) = A + Bx + Cx² + &c . Differ

entiate both sides of the equation . Then expand f' (x) by some
known theorem , and equate coefficients in the two results to
determine A, B, C, &c.

-1 1 x3 1.3 a 1.3.5 x
1528 Ex. sin¹x = x + + 2.45 + 2.4.6 + &c .
23 7
Obtained by Rule I. Assume
sin ¹a A + Вx + Сx² + Dæ³ + Ex¹ + Fæ³ +
Therefore, by ( 1434), ( 1 − x²) ¯ = B + 2Cx + 3Dx² + 4Ex³ + 5Fc* + .
1.3 1.3.5 2
But, by Bin. Th . (128) , ( 1 − x² ) ¯ * = 1 + ' æ² + 2.4 2*+ 2.4.6 +........
1 1.3
Equate coefficients ; therefore B = 1 ; C = 0 ; D = = , ;;; E = 0 ; F =
2.3 2.4.5
&c. By putting = 0, we see that A = ƒ ( 0 ) always. In this case
A sin-10 = 0.

In a similar manner, by Rule I. ,

x2 3x 8.x5 3.8
1529 esin = 1 + x + - + &c ......
& c...
2 4 5 6

1530 RULE II. - Assume the series , as before, with unknown

coefficients. Differentiate successively until the function re
appears. Then equate coefficients in the two equivalent series .

1531 Ex.- To expand sin x in powers of x.

Assume sinx = A + Bư + Cử +D +Ec + F +
Differentiate twice, 3
COS = B + 20x + 3D² + 4Ex³ + 5Fx + ....
-sina 20 + 3.2Dx + 4.3Ex² + 5.4Fa³ +
Put 0 in the first two equations ; therefore A = 0, B = 1.
Equate coefficients in the first and third series.
2 N

Thus -20A, . 0 = 0; -3.2DB, .. D 1 ;
-4.3E = C, .. E = 0; -5.4FD, . F= &c.'
23 25
Therefore sin x = x + - &c., as in ( 764).

1532 RULE III . -Differentiate the equation y = f (x) twice

with respect to x, and combine the results so as to form an
equation in y, yx, and Y2x. Next assume y = A + Bx + Cx² + &c.
Differentiate twice, and substitute the three values of y, yx , yx
so obtained in the former equation. Lastly, equate coefficients
in the result to determine in succession A, B , C , &c.

1533 Ex.-To expand sin me and cos me in ascending powers

of sin or cos 0.

These series are given in ( 775-779) . They may be obtained by Rule III.
as follows :
Put x = sin 0 and y = sin mo sin (m sin -¹æ) .
-1 m
Therefore Y₂ = cos (m sin¨¹ ) ( 1434) ..... (i.)
√1 - x³
-1 m -1 mx
Y2 = -sin (m sin¯¹x) + cos (m sin-¹x)
1 - x2
(1 -x²) *
Therefore, eliminating cos (m sin- ¹a) , (1 - a²) Y 2x − xY₂ + m²y = 0 .........(ii )
Let y = A + A₁x + Agµ³ + ...... + A„æ” + . (iii.)
Differentiate twice, and put the values of y, Y., and Y2 in equation (ii.) ;
thus 0m² = ( A + A₁x + A₂x² + А¸æ³ + ... + A„ x” + ………. ..)
− (4 + 24, +34 +... +n4 + .)
+ (1-2 ) { 24, + 2.3A +
+ (n - 1 ) nA² + n (n + 1 ) An + 1æ" ~ ¹ + ( n + 1 ) ( n + 2) An + 2x" + ... } .
Equating the collected coefficients of a" to zero, we get the relation
n² - m³
An+2 = An ..... ........ (iv.)
(n + 1 ) (n + 2)
Now, when = 0, y = 0 ; therefore A = 0 , by (iii. ) . And when x = 0,
y = m, by (i. ) ; and therefore A , = m, by differentiating (iii. ) . The relation
(iv. ) furnishes the remaining coefficients by making n equal to 0, 1, 2, 3, &c.
in succession.
Cos me is obtained in a similar way.

1534 RULE IV .- Form the equation in y, yx, and yx, as in

Rule III. Take the nth derivative of this equation by applying
Leibnitz's formula (1460) to the terms, and an equation in

Y(n+2) x x and ynx is obtained .

Y(n+ 1) x9 Put x = 0 in this ; and
employ the resulting formula to calculate in succession y3x0 ,
Yo, &c . in Maclaurin's expansion (1507) .

1535 Ex. easin¨¹x = 1+ ax + x² + a (a²+ 1) X3
1.2 1.2.3

a²(a² + 22) 14
+ 2 + a (a² + 1) (a² + 32) x + &c .

Obtained by Rule IV. Writing y for the function, the relation found is
( 1 − x²) Y 2x − XYx — a³y = 0.
Differentiating n times, by ( 1460 ) , we get
( 1 − x²) Y( n + 2) x '-
− (2n + 1 ) xу(n + 1) x − ( a² + n²) Ynz = 0.
Therefore ( +2 ) 0 = (a² + n²) Ynro , a formula which produces the coeffi
cients in Maclaurin's expansion in succession when yo and Y20 have been


where az a3
≈ = a + a₁x + 1 .2 x2 +
z x³ + & c . ......... (i .)

Let y = $ (z ) . When x x=
= 0, y = ( a) ; therefore, by
Maclaurin's theorem (1508 ) ,
x2 Xv3
y = $ (a) + xyxo + 1.292.x0 + 1.2.3 Ysxo + &c. ...... (ii .)

Hence , in the values of Ya, Y. , & c . , at (1416 ) , æ has to be

put = 0.
Now, when a = 0 , z = a ; therefore yz, Y2z, &c . become ' (a) ,
" (a) , &c.; and Zr0, 220, 230, &c . become a , a , as, &c . Hence

Y20 = · ' (a) a₁ ,

Y2x0 = $
'' (a) a² + f
' (a) a₂ ,
Y3.x0 = 4″ (a) a³ + 34" (a) a¸a , + $
' (a) az, &c.

1537 EXAMPLE.- To expand log ( a + bx + cx² + dx³ + &c.) .

Here a = b, a‚ = 2c, a¸ = 6d, p′ (a) = — , 4″ (a) = a² 4 '" (a) = 2.
b 22 2c 263 6bc 6d
Therefore Yx0 =11/17 Y2x0 = - a² + " Y3x0 = a³ +
a a a a
Therefore, substituting in (ii.) , we obtain as far as four terms,
b с bc
log (a + bx +cx² + ... ) = log a + a x + (~ -12/24)x²+(30 212
a 3as a²

1538 Ex. 2. To expand (a + a¸æ + ª‚x² + ... + ª‚ ") in powers of x.

Arbogast's method may be employed ; otherwise, we may proceed as
follows. Assume (a +a +aµx² + ... α„x” ) ′ = ¸0 + ‚¤ + µò +
Differentiate for a ; divide the equation by the result ; clear of fractions,
and equate coefficients of like powers of x.


x2 Xce
15391- + B -- B +B - &c.
2 6

where B2, B4, & c. are known as Bernoulli's numbers . Their

values, as far as B₁ , are
1 1 1 1 5
B₂ = =
B= B& = By:= B10=
6' 30' 42' 30' 66
691 7 3617 43867
B12 = B14 = B18 = B18 =
2730' 6' 510 ' 798

They are found in succession from the formula

1540 nB -1 + C ( n , 2) B„ -2 + C ( n , 3) B₂-3 + …..

.. + C ( n , 2) B¸ — ¹n + 1 = 0 ,

the odd numbers B3, B5, &c . being all zero .

PROOF. -Let y = Then, by ( 1508) ,
y = yo + Yox + Y220 + Y320 +11.00 + &c.
2 3 14

Here = ( -1 ) + B . Now yo = 1 and yo =-1, by ( 1587) . Also

yey + . Therefore, by ( 1460 ) , differentiating n times,
e² { Y nx ++ NY
e* ny nμ - 1) x + C ( n , 2 ) Yin - 2) x + ... + ny, + y } = Ynz
Therefore NY(n - 1 ) 20+ C ( n , 2 ) Y (n - 2 ) 10 + ... + nyo + Yo = 0.
Substitute B -1, B - 2 , &c., and we get the formula required.
B3, B5, B7. &c. will all be found to vanish. It may be proved, à priori,
that this will be the case : for
X x
1541 + = x e²+ 1
ex - 1 2 2e - 1
Therefore the series ( 1539 ) wanting its second term is the expansion of the
expression on the right. But that expression is an even function of a ( 1401 ) ;
changing the sign of a does not alter its value. Therefore the series in ques
tion contains no odd powers of x after the first.
1542 The connexion between Bernoulli's numbers and the sums of the
powers of the natural numbers in (276) is seen by expanding ( 1 - e²) -¹ in
powers of e', and each term afterwards by the Exponential Theorem (150) .

x x x2

—— B
~+ 1 = ོ 2 + B,(2' − 1) ——B
, (2-1) — 4 (2−1) 7 + &c.
et+ 1

] = 2 { B.(2-1) ——B
.(2−1) 7+ B
‚ (2−1) 7−&c.
6 }.

x x 2x e -1 2 x
PROOF. = and =1
e*+1 et- 1 e²x-1 e*+1 e* +1 , and by (1539).
x e²

1 1 22n-12n B
1545 1+ 2 + 32 + + ........ = 2n
42n 1.2 ... 2n
a e*+ 1
PROOF . In the expansion of ( 1540) substitute 2i0 for 2, and it
2 e -1
becomes the expansion of 0 cot 0 ( 770) . Obtain a second expansion by differ
entiating the logarithm of equation (815, sin 0 in factors) . Expand each
term of the result by the Binomial Theorem, and equate coefficients of like
powers of in the two expansions .


1546 (x + h) —Þ (x) = hp' (x) + A¸h { p′ (x + h) −4′ (x) }

+ A₂h² { 4″ (x + h) −p” (x) } + &c.,
where A2n = ( −1 ) " B2n + 2n and A2n +1 = 0.

PROOF.-A1, A2, A3, &c . are determined by expanding each function of

+h by (1500) , and then equating coefficients of like powers of x. Thus
1 A₁ - 1 - A₁ A2
-A₁ = 0 ; -A₂ =
: 0; -A, = 0; &c.
12-4, 3 2 4 3 2

To obtain the general relation between the coefficients : put (x) = e",
since A1, A2, &c . are independent of the form of p. Equation ( 1546)then
produces · = 1 — А₂h — Аgh³ — Agh³- &c .;
e" -1
and, by (1539 ) , we see that, for valucs of n greater than zero,
A2n +10 and A2n = ( -1 )"B₂n ÷ | 2n.


1547 (x + h) —4 (x) = ' (x + h) +☀p (x)}

A¸h { $

+ A¸h² { 4” (x +h) + $" (x) } + &c.

PROOF.-A,, A , A,, &c . are found by the same method as that employed
in Stirling's Theorem.

For the general relation between the coefficients, as before, make (x) = e*,
and equation ( 1547) then produces
e -1
= A¸h + A₂h² + Azh³ + &c. ;
e +1
and, by comparing this with ( 1544) , we see that
A2n = 0 and A2n-1 = (-1 ) -1B2n


1550 DEFINITION . -An equation f(x, y) = 0 constitutes y

an implicit function of a. If y be obtained in terms of a by
solving the equation , y becomes an explicit function of a.

1551 LEMMA. ――― If y be a function of two independent

variables x
a and z,

d¸ { F (y) yz} = d. { F (y) yx } •

PROOF. By performing the differentiations, we obtain
F' (y) YzY: + F (y ) Yzx and F' (y) Y: Y₂ + F (y) Y
which are evidently equal, by ( 1482) .


1552 Given y = x + xp (y) , the expansion of u =f(y) in

powers of a is
xn dn-1
° (≈) + ... +
ƒ(y) = ƒ(≈) +x$ (≈) ƒ
" (~) ] +
'n dz −1 [ { $ ( ~ ) } " ƒ
PROOF.-Expand u as a function of x, by ( 1507) ; thus, with the notation
x2 x"
of ( 1406) , u = Up + x Uxo + 2 U2x0 + ... + n Unxo + &c.

Here u is evidently ƒ( z) .
Differentiating the equation y = 2 + xø (y) for x and z in turn, we have
Yx = $ (y) + x¢́ (y) Yz and y₁ = 1 + xp' (y) Y
Therefore , (y) y ; and, since u, f' (y) y, and u, - = ƒ' (!) Y₂,
therefore also Uz = $ (y) Uz. (i.)
The following equation may now be proved by induction, equation (i. )
being its form when n = 1.
Assume that Unx = d(n- 1) x [ { † (y) } " u.] (ii.)
Therefore U(n + 1) = d(n - 1 ) , d, [ { p (y ) } " u, ] ( 1482 )
= d₁n - 1), d: [ { p (y ) } " u, ] ( 1551 ) = dn: [ { p (y) } " + ¹u; ] , by ( i.)

Thus, n becomes n + 1 . But equation ( ii. ) is true when n = 1 ; for then

it is equation (i . ) ; therefore it is universally true.
Now, since in equations ( i . ) and (ii. ) the differentiations on the right are
all effected with respect to z, a may be made zero before differentiating instead
of after. But, when x = 0, u, = ƒ′ (z) and (y ) = (z) , therefore equa
tions (i. ) and (ii. ) give
uzo = 9 (z) ƒ' (z) ; Unzo = d(n − 1) z [ { 4 ( z) } "ƒ′̃ (z) ] •

1553 Ex . 1.— Given y³ - ay + b = 0 : to expand log y in powers of

b 2,3
Here y = +
a a - ; therefore, in Lagrange's formula,
1 b
x= ; 2= ; f(y) = logy ; + (y ) = y³ ; and y = z + xy³.
a a
Therefore u₁ = log z ; Ux0 = ~
23 1 = 2 ;
Unzo = d( n−1) 3 ( 2ª¹n 1 ) =
= ((3n - 1)
3n − 1) (3n
(3n —2)
— 2 ) ... ( 2n + 1 ) z²”.

Therefore, substituting the values of x

≈ and z, (1552) becomes
b b2 1 (3n ″ 1
- 1 ) (3n − 2) ... ( 2n + 1 ) b²
log y = log + a² a + ... + +.……………
a 1.2 ... n a²" an

1554 Ex. 2. Given the same equation : to expand y" in powers of

f(y) is now y", and, proceeding as in the last example, we find
b" b2 1
y" = 1 +n. + n (n + 5) b 1 + n (n + 7) (n + 8 ) 7° 1
{1. a² a 1.2 a¹ a² 1.2.3 a as

+ n (n + 9) (n + 10 ) ( n + 11 ) b³ 1 + &c. as }
b b2 64 1 66 1 78 1
If n = 1, y= +3 +12 +55 + &c. ......
a (1+ 2/3
== 2/2 a² 2213
a a as

中 (2)
1 A2 n
A" (- )" -
= A- ~ :[
[( ~ $ ( ~) ] 2= + ... + 4 1
" nz
1.2 .2 ... ~=
( — ~ ) n' [ ≈ { $ (~) } * ~ ¹]„₂ + … .. ,
where A =
$ (0)*
PROOF . Differentiate Lagrange's expansion ( 1552) for z, noting that
dy 1 y ; and therefore
= Replace a by ' (y) =
. Put f
dz 1 − xo'´ (y) ' (y) (y)
f ( ) := since ƒ is an arbitrary function. Then make y = 0.
$ (z)'


1556 To expand f (y) in powers of a when

y = F { z + x$ (y) } .

RULE.Proceed as in Lagrange's Theorem, merely sub

stituting F (z) for z in the formula .

1557 Ex. 3. -To expand e' in powers of a when y = log (z +x sin y) .

Here ƒ(y) = e" ; F (z ) = log z ; $ (y ) = sin y ;
In the value of unro (1552 ) , ( z ) becomes { F (z) } = sin log z ;
f(z) becomes ƒ{ F (z) } = elog² = 2 ; therefore ƒ′ (z) = 1 .
Thus the expansion becomes
ez + sin log z + .. + d -1) (sin log z) ".

1558 Ex. 4. — Given sin y = x sin ( y + a) : to expand y in powers of a.

Here y = sin¹ (x sin y +a) , with z = 0 .
f(y) = y ; F (z) = sin¹z ; 4 (y ) = sin (y + a) .
(z) in (1552) becomes $ { F (z ) } = sin (sin¯¹z + a) .
f(z) becomes f { F (z ) } = F ( z ) = sin - ¹z ; therefore F " (z ) = ( 1-2 ) - §.
Thus y = x sin (sin-¹z + a) ( 1 − z²) − ś
+ ¼æ³d¸ { sin² (sin‍¹z + a) ( 1 − z²) −³ } + fx³d½23 ¦ sin³ ( sin¯¹z + a) (1 − ≈³) − $ } +
with z put = 0 after differentiating . The result is, as in ( 796) ,
y = x sin a + sin 2a + æ³ sin 3a + &c.


1559 To expand one function f (y) in powers of another

function (y) .

RULE .- Put x = 4 (y) in Lagrange's expansion , and there

fore (y) (y - z) ÷ 4 (y) ; therefore

y- z
1560_ƒ (
y) = f(x) +4 (
v) { $
(3 )° ®) } y=
,_.2 + …..

{4 (y) } " d"-1

n dy1 { (47 )ƒ˜ (
v) } ,y=2
_, + &c.

Here y signifies that after differentiating z is to be sub

stituted for y.

1561 COR. 1.- Since x = 4 ( y ) , y = 4-1 (x) ; therefore ( 1560 )

becomes, by writing a for (y) ,
xn dn -1 n
ƒ{µ˜¹ (x) } = ƒ(≈) + ... + = + ...
n dy • { ( ~~) ƒ * w , 3=2
) }....

But since the variable y is changed into z after differentiating,

it is immaterial what letter is written for y in the second
factor of the general term.

1562 COR. 2. - If ƒ (y) be simply y, the equation becomes

xn dn-1 y n
y- z
4¯¹ (x) = x +x + ... +
\+ (y) ' ‚ y =z + - + ~ —
n dyn-1 { (~~~~
y )" } ,_
U=S +

1563 COR . 3. - If z = 0 , so that y = xp (y) , we obtain the

expansion of an inverse function ,
xn dn-1 n
x (+(
4¹ (x) = x y).-•+ ... +
税 ) y =0 ndy- {(xy )" }
an_dy"-1 y=.0 +
) ..

1564 Ex. 5.- The series ( 1528) for sin-¹ may be obtained by this
formula ; thus,
Let sin-¹xy, therefore x = sin y = ↓ (y) , in ( 1563) ; therefore
y x² yz 23
sin-1 = x + &c.
= = = (1sin , y=0 + 1.2
2 )... 1 2 ( sin
1 ) yo + 1.2.3 ( sin
ay) 240

20 1
1565 Ex . 6. - If y = = − √ ( 1—2²) , then, by Lagrange's
1+ √ (1 - x ) x
theorem (1552) , since y = 84 2122x0 we find
+ .
n+2 nn + 2r - 1 x n+2r
y" = ( 2 ) " + n ( 2 ) " ' ' + ... + + .....
r n + r (232)
Put 2t, thus
n \ n + 2r - 1
1566 (1-4 ) ) " = t" + nt" "' + ... +
(¹ − √2 tn+r+
ir n+ r
Change the sign of n, thus
n _n \ n — r— 1 p ±
1567 '1+ √ ( 1—4t)
:= 1 − nt + ... ( −1 ) ″
2 │r │n - 2r
This last series, continued to +1 or +1 terms, according as n is even
2 2
or odd, is equal to the sum of the two series, as appears by the Binomial
theorem .

Also, by Lagrange's Theorem,

2r - 1 2r
1568 log 2/2 + (
log y = log ( 2) +...
)²+...++ r 0+
or, by putting = 2√t,
/(1-4 ) = t+ ... + 2r - 1 ť +
1- √
1569 log
2t rr

1570 Ex. 7.- Given xylogy ; to expand y in powers of x.

The equation can be adapted as follows :
y = exv, therefore xy = xe² .
Put xy = y , therefore y = xe", from which, by putting z = 0 in ( 1552 ) ,
y may be expanded, and therefore y

Ex. 8. - To expand e" in powers of yet .

Here x = yeb , ¢ (y) = y - z e-by, if we take z = 0. Therefore
1571 ev = 1 + aye™ +a (a − 2b) yey +a (a − 3b)² 2.3 +
1.2 1.


1572 If Φ (a) be a function developable in powers of e ; then

a (a − 2b) q″ (x + 2b) + ...

$ (x + a) = $ (x) +af
' (x + b) +

a (a — rb) "-¹
+ " (x +rb) +
1.2 ... r
PROOF .-Let $ (y) = A + A₁e + ‚e² + Á¸3 ‹³ + . (i. )
Put y = 0, 1 , 2, 3, &c. in ( 1571 ) , and multiply the results respectively by
Ao, A₁e , Age , &c. Then the theorem is proved by equation ( i. ) .

1573 COR .- If ( x) = x" , Abel's formula gives

(x+a)” = x” + na (x + b) " -' + C (n , 2) a ( a − 2b ) ( x + 2b) " − 2 + …..

.... + C ( n , r) a ( a — rb) ”- ¹ (x +rb) "- " + &c.


0 (x)
1580 Forms > RULE .— If be a fraction which
↓ (x)

takes either of these forms when x = a ; then º (a) = — o´ (a) or

(a) (a)
p" (a)
the first determinate fraction obtained by differentiating
" (a) '

the numerator and denominator simultaneously and substituting

a for x in the result.

1581 But at any stage of the process the fraction may be

reduced to its simplest form before the next differentiation .
See example ( 1589) .

PROOF.- (i .) By Taylor's theorem ( 1500 ) , since ¢ (a ) = 0 = ↓ (a),

$ (a + h) = (a) + ho' (a + 0h) = (a + 0h) = ' (a)
(a + h) (a) + hp' (a + Oh) ' (a + th) ' (a)'
when h vanishes.
$ (a) = 1 1
(ii.) If (a) = (a) = ∞ ,
(a) (a) (a)'
which is of the first form , and therefore
(a) ' (a) { (a)} ' (a) ' (a)
= ÷ ( 1414) = Therefore $ (a) =
{4 (a) }³ ' { ø (a) { (a)} ' (a) (a) 4 (u)'

1582 Vanishing fractions in Algebra are of the indeter

minate form just considered , and may be evaluated by the
rule, or by rejecting the vanishing factor common to the
numerator and denominator.
x³-as = 0 (x− a) (x² + ax +a²) 3a² 3
Ex.-When x = a ; = =
(n + x) (n − x) = a.
- 2a

1583 Form 0 × ∞ . RULE.- Iƒ p (x) × ↓ ( x) takes this form

when x = a, put p (a) × 4 (a) = ¢ (a) ÷ which is of the

form 0.

1584 Forms 0°, ∞ ° , 1 °. RULE.— If { (x) } (x) takes any of

these forms when x = a, find the limit of the logarithm of the
expression. For the logarithm = (a) log (a) , which, in each
case, is ofthe form 0 × ∞ .

1585 -
Form ∞∞ . RULE. - Iƒ p (x) —4 (x) takes this form
e- (a) 0
when xa , we have e (a) - (a) = = of
e-4(a) 0 ; and if the value

this expression be found to be c, by (1580) , the required value

will be log c.

(a) , which is of
1586 Otherwise : 4 (a) —4 (a) = ø (a) {1 – £(a)}} ,

the form ∞ X0 ( 1583) .


x =0 =
1587 Ex. 1. - With x = 0, y= (1580) = 1.
e -1 0
Also, with a = 0,
e - 1- re *
= 0 = e* — e* — xe* = -x -0 =- 1 = 1
Yx0 = 2e* 2
(e*-1)* 0 2 ( -1 ) e* 2 ( -1 )

1588 Ex. 2. - With x = 1 ;

log 0 cos² ( x)
cot ( x) log x = = (1580 ) = =
tan ( x) πX T

1589 Ex. 3.— With x = 0 ;

(log )" = 00 n (log x)"−1 =In
2" (log æ)" =
x -m ∞ -MX-m -m = 0,
(—m )" x
by (1581 ), differentiating n times and reducing the fraction to its simplest
form after each differentiation.

1590 Ex. 4. - With x = 0 ; y = (1 + ax) = 1°.

By ( 1584) , log y =
log ( 1 + ax) = 0 = (1580) = a ; ..y = e .
x 0 1 + ax
1591 Ex. 5.-— With ∞ == ; y = (π — x) sinx = 0º.
log (π- x) -∞ sin x
By (1584) , log y = sin x log (π- x) = = =
cosec x ∞ (π - x) cos x
2 sin x cos x = 0;
( 1580 ) = 0 .. y = 1. .
—cos x -− (π —x) sin æ

1592 If ƒ (x) and a become infinite together , then

ƒ(x) = ƒ ′ (x) =ƒ(x + 1) −ƒ(x) .

PROOF. f(x) = ∞0 =f' (x) (1580) =f = f(x
(x + 1 )) -f(x) ( 1404) ,
æ ∞0 1
since, when x = ∞ " h may be taken = 1 .

Indeterminate forms involving two variables .

1592 RULE .- First : If the values x = a , y = b make the frac
tion Φ (x, y) = 0 ; the true value is = ቀ. if , and 4, both
4 (x, y) 0 te
vanish .

1593 Secondly : If x = 4x = y : 4, = k, the true value of

the fraction is k.
PROOF.—( i .) By ( 1703) (x, y) = + , and y being an arbitrary
(x, y) 4x+4yYz
function of x, —that is, independent of a, -the value of the fraction is inde
terminate unless , and 4, both vanish.
(ii.) If we substitute = ky, and ₁ = ky,, the fraction becomes = k.


1600 Let u, v , w be n functions of n variables x, y , z (n = 3 ) .

The following determinant notation is adopted :

Uix Uy U Xu Xv Xw
Vz = d (uvw ) d (xyz)
Vx Vy " Yu Yv Yw =
d (xyz) d (uvw)
Wx Wy Wz Zu Zv Zw

The first determinant is called the Jacobian of u, v, w with

respect to x, y, z , and is also denoted by J (uvw) , or simply
by J.

d (uvw ) d (xyz)
1601 THEOREM. X = 1.
d (xyz) d (uvw)
PROOF.- If the product of the two determinants be formed by the rule in
(570) , first changing the columns into rows in the second determinant ( 559 ) ,
the first column of the resulting determinant will be
Uz Xu + Uy Yu + UzZu = Uu and the whole Wu Vu Wu 100
Uz Xo + Uy Y v + Uz Zv = Uv " determinant Uv Vv Wo = 010 = 1 .
Uz X w + Uy Y w + Uz Z ₂ = Uw will be И го иго Иго 001

1602 If u, v , w are n functions of n variables a, B,

ß, y (n = 3) ,
and a, ẞ, y, functions of x, y , z ;
d (uvw) d (aBy) = d (uvw)
X •
d (aBy) d(xyz) d (xyz)
PROOF - Form the product of the two determinants, changing columns
into rows in the second as in ( 1601 ) . The first column of the resulting
determinant will be
u_a₂ + u₂ẞ₂ + u₁Y₂ = u₂ and the whole de Ux Vx W x
u_a₁ + Up P²y + u,Y₁ = Uy { , terminant will Uy Vy Wy = d (uvw)
B + u₁Y₁ = U₂
u_a₂ + uß₂ be Uz Vz Wz d (xyz) '

since rows and columns may be transposed (559) .

1603 COR .- If a , ß , y are only given as implicit functions

of x , y , z, by the equations = 0, x = 0 , 40 , involving the
six variables ; then

d (4x4) d (aBy) = d (4x4) .

X = (-1)8
d (aßy) d (xyz) d (xyz)
PROOF.-By (1737) , .ª₂ + ¢ ‚ ß₂ + 9,7% , where . is the partial
derivative of . Thus u , v , we, in the determinant, are now replaced by
-923 -X21-42 ; So with y and z ; and by changing the sign of each element,
the factor (-1) is introduced ( 562) .

1604 If u, v, w , n functions of n variables x, y, z (n = 3) , be

transformed into functions of E, n , by the linear substitutions

= a₁§ + an + α¸} ] then d (uvw) = M d (uvw)

y = b₁§ + b₂n + b;} } ; d (sns) d (xyz)'
z = c₁§ +c₂n + c3} or ' = MJ ,

where M is the determinant (a, b , c ) called the modulus of

transformation ( 573) .
PROOF. J= u, ly Uz M= a₁ b₁ c₁ J' = uz un us
Vz Vy Vz ag by Ca " " "ટ્
Wx Wy Wz az bs cs η w5
We wn
Form the product MJ by the rule in (570) . The first element of the
resulting determinant is u,a, + u, b, + u₂c₂ = U₂x¿ + UyY& + uzu . Similarly
for each element. Then transpose rows and columns, and the determinant
J' is obtained.

1605 When the modulus is unity , the transformation is said

to be unimodular.

1606 If, in ( 1600) , 4 ( uvw) = 0 , where $ is some function ;

then J (uvw) = 0 ; and conversely,
PROOF. -Differentiate o for x, y, and z separately, thus
Pubz + QvVz + PwWx = 0 ;
similarly y and z ; and the eliminant of the three equations is J (uvw) = 0 .

1607 If u = 0 , v = 0 , w = 0 be a number of homogeneous

equations of dimensions m, n, p in the same number of vari
ables x , y , z ; then J (uvw) vanishes, and if the dimensions
are equal J , J , J₂ also vanish .
PROOF.- By ( 1624), xux + yu, + zu, = mu
xvx + yv , + zv₂ = nv ; .. Jx = A₁mu + B₁nv + C₁pw.
xwx + ywy + zw₂ = pw
By (582), A₁, B₁ , C₁ being the minors of the first column of J. Therefore,
if u, v, w vanish, J also vanishes.
Again, differentiating the last equation, J+ xJ¸ = ømu₂ + B₁nv₂ + C₁pwz.
Therefore, if m = n = p, J+ xJ₂ = m ( A₁u₂ + B₁v₂ + C₁w₂ ) = mJ.
Therefore J, vanishes when J does.

1608 If u = 0, v = 0, w = 0 are three homogeneous equations

of the second degree in x, y , z , their eliminant will be the
determinant of the sixth order formed by taking the eliminant
of the six equations u, v , w , J , Jy , Je.

PROOF. -J is of the third degree, and therefore J , Jy, J, are of the second
degree, and they vanish because u, v, w vanish, by ( 1607) . Hence u, v , w ,
J., Jy, J, form six equations of the form (x , y , z ) ² = 0 .

1609 If n variables x , y , z (n = 3 ) are connected with n

other variables , n, L, by as many equations u = 0 , v = 0 , w = 0 ;

then dx dy dz = d (uvw ) = d (uvw)

de dŋ dě d (sns) d(xyz)
PROOF.-By (562 ) we have
Ux Uy Uz Ux xz Uy Yn U= 25 Из ипn из
de dy dz
de dn d
Vx Vy Vs = Vx XE Vy Yn V₂ 25 = '' t V.η 25
Wx Wy Wz W₂x wyyn w =75 w พ


1620 DEFINITION. -A Quantic is a homogeneous function of

any number of variables : if of two , three variables , &c . , it is
called a binary, ternary quantic , & c . The following will
illustrate the notation in use. The binary quantic

ax³ + 3bx²y + 3cxy² + dy³

is denoted by (a, b , c, dxx, y ) when the numerical coefficients

are those in the expansion of (x +y) ³ . When the numerical
coefficients are all unity , the same quantic is written
(a, b, c, dxx, y)³ . When the coefficients are not mentioned ,
the notation (x, y)³ is employed .


If u = f (x, y) be a binary quantic of the nth degree, then

1621 xux +yu₂ = nu.
1622 x²u2x + 2xyuxy + y³U2 = n (n − 1 ) u.
... ... ... ...

1623 (xd¸ +yd¸) ” u = n (n − 1 ) ... (n − r + 1 ) u . (1492)

PROOF.-In ( 1512) put hax, kay ; then, because the function is
homogeneous, the equation becomes
(1 + a)" u = u + a (xu₂ + yu,) + } a² (x²u₂ + 2xуuzy + y³Uzy) + ............
Expand (1 + a)", and equate coefficients of powers of a.

The theorem may be extended to any quantic, the quan

tities on the right remaining unaltered . Thus , in a ternary
quantic u of the nth degree,

1624 xu¸ + yu₂ + zu₂ = nu ; and generally

1625 (xd + yd, +zd¸) ” u = n (n − 1 ) ... ( n − r + 1 ) u .


1626 The Eliminant of n quantics in n variables is the

function of the coefficients obtained by putting all the quantics
equal to zero and eliminating the variables (583 , 586 ) .

1627 The Discriminant of a quantic is the eliminant of its

first derivatives with respect to each of the variables (Ex .
1631 ) .
1628 An Invariant is a function of the coefficients of an
equation whose value is not altered by linear transformation
of the equation , excepting that the function is multiplied by
the modulus of transformation ( Ex . 1632) .

1629 A Covariant is a quantic derived from another quantic ,

and such that, when both are subjected to the same linear
transformation , the resulting quantics are connected by the
same process of derivation (Ex . 1634) .

1630 A Hessian is the Jacobian of the first derivatives of a

function .
Thus , the Hessian of a ternary quantic u , whose first
derivatives are u , uy , uz, is
u2x Uxy Wxz
d (u¸uu₂)
= Uyx Uzy Wyz
d (xyz)
Uzx U zy U2z

1631 Ex. Take the binary cubic u = ax³ + 3bx³y + 3cxy + dy³ . Its first
derivatives are
u₂ = 3αx² + 6bxy + 3cy² , 3a 6b 3c 0
u₁ = 3bx² + 6cxy + 3dy³. 0 3a 6b 3c
3b 6c 3d 0
Therefore (1627 ) the discriminant of u 0 3b 6c 3d
is the annexed determinant, by (587) .
1632 The determinant is also an invariant of u, by ( 1638) ; that is, if u
be transformed into v by putting a = a + n and y = a + ẞ'n ; and, if a
corresponding determinant be formed with the coefficients of v, the new
determinant will be equal to the original one multiplied by (aẞ' - a'ß) .

1633 Again, u₂ = 6ax + 6by, U₂ = 6cx + 6dy, Uzy = 6bx + 6cy.

Therefore, by (1630) , the Hessian of u is
Uzz Uzy - uzy = (ax + by) (cx + dy) - (bx + cy)
= (ac- b³) x² + (ad - be) xy + (bd - c³) y³.
1634 And this is also a covariant ; for, if u be transformed into v , as
before, then the result of transforming the Hessian by the same equations
will be found to be equal to 22y -vy. See ( 1652) .

1635 If a quantic , u = f(x, y , z ...) , involving n variables
can be expressed as a function of the second degree in
X1 , X2 ... Xn- 1 , where the latter are linear functions of the
variables , the discriminant vanishes .
PROOF.-Let u = ¢ X} + & X, X₂ + XX₁Xz + &c.,
where X₁ = α₁x + b₁y + c₁z + & c.
The derivatives u , u,, &c. must contain one of the factors XX, ... X„ -1 in
every term, and therefore must have, for common roots, the roots of the
simultaneous equations X₁ = 0 , X, = 0, ... X, -₁ -1 = 0 ; n - 1 equations being
required to determine the ratios of the n variables . Therefore the dis
criminant of u, which (1627) is the eliminant of the equations u = 0, u, = 0 ,
&c., vanishes, by (588) .

1636 COR . 1.- If a binary quantic contains a square factor ,

the discriminant vanishes ; and conversely.
Thus, in Example ( 1631 ) , if u has a factor of the form (Ax +By) , the
determinant there written vanishes .

1637 COR . 2.- If any quadric is resolvable into two factors ,

the discriminant vanishes .
An independent proof is as follows :
Let u = XY be the quadric, where
X = (ax + by + cz + ... ) , Y = ( ax + b'y + cz + ….. ) .
The derivatives u , u , u, are each of the form pX + qY, and therefore have
for common roots the roots of the simultaneous equations X = 0, Y = 0 .
Therefore the eliminant of u₂ = 0 , u, = 0, &c. vanishes ( 1627 ) .

1638 The discriminant of a binary quantic is an invariant .

PROOF.-A square factor remains a square factor after linear transforma
tion. Hence, by ( 1636 ) , if the discriminant vanishes, the discriminant of
the transformed equation vanishes, and must therefore contain the former
discriminant as a factor (see 1628 ) . Thus the determinant in ( 1631 ) is an
invariant of the quantic u.

The discriminant of the ternary quadric

1639 u = ax² + by² + cz²+ 2fyz + 2gzx + 2hxy
2 P

is the eliminant of the equations

1640 u = ax +hy+gz = 0 a h g
that is , the
u, hx + by +fz = 0 hb f
}u₂ = gx +fy + cz = 0 gf c
1641 abc +2fgh- af — by² —ch² = A.

1642 The following notation will frequently be employed.

The determinant will be denoted by A, and its minors by
A, B, C, F, G, H. Their values are readily found by differ
entiating ▲ with respect to a , b, c , f, g , h ; thus ,
bc -f² = A ,
A = be B = ca - g² = A , C = ab — h² = Ac,
F = gh— af= 4,, G = hf- bg = 4,, H =fg — ch = } → n •

1643 The reciprocal determinant is equal to ▲² or

AHG ah g 2
HBF = h b f By (575) .
GFC g ƒ c

1644 The discriminant of the quaternary quadric

u = ax² +by² +cz² + dw² + 2fyz + 2gzx +2hxy

+2pxw + 2qyw + 2rzw
is the eliminant of the equations

1645 u = ax + hy +gz +pw = 0 that is , a h g p

u, = hx + by +fz + qw = 0 the h bf q
Zuz = gx +fy + cz + rw = 0 deter gfcr
zuw = px + qy + rz + dw = 0 p q r d

The determinant will be denoted by A' , and , by decom

posing it by (568) , we have
1646 A' = d . ▲ — Ap² — Bq² — Cr² — 2Fqr — 2Grp — 2Hpq.

1647 A' = } ',) + d.A .

{ (p Ap + q¹ + rA

1648 THEOREM . —If ₫ (ry) be a quantic of an even degree,

$ (d,, — d¸) $ (x, y)

is an invariant of the quantic.

PROOF. - Let the linear substitutions ( 1628) be

x = a + bn, y = a'¿ + b′n (i . )
Solve for and n. Find Ex, y , z, 7 , and substitute in the two equations
d₁ = d¿ ¿y + dn ny i d₂ = de Ex + dn nx.
The result is
d = { ad₂ + b (-de ) } ÷ M ; -d₂ = { a'd, + b' ( —de ) } ÷ M...... (ii .) ,
where Mab - a'b, the modulus of transformation . Equations (i . ) and (ii. )
are parallel, and show that the operations d, and -d, can be transformed in
the same way as the quantities and y ; that is, if p (x, y ) becomes ↓ (§, n) ,
then (dy, —dz) becomes (dŋ , −d§ ) ÷ M", where n is the degree of the
quantic p. But ( d,, —d, ) p (x, y) is a function of the coefficients only of
the quantic p, since the order of differentiation of each term is the same as the
degree ofthe term ; therefore the function is an invariant, by definition ( 1628).

1649 EXAMPLE . Let (x, y) = ax + bx³y + exy +fy . The quantic must
first be completed ; thus, p (xy) = ax + bx³y + cx²y² + exy³ +fy*, (c = 0) ; then
• (d¸, −dz) p (x, y ) = (ad — bdзx + cdzy2x − edy3x +fd4x) 4 (x, y)
= a.24f- b.6e + c.4c - e.6b +f. 24a4 ( 12af- 3be + c²) .
Therefore 12af- 3be +c² is an invariant of p, and = ( 12AF − 3BE + C²) ÷ Mʻ,
where A, B, C, E, F are the coefficients of any equation obtained from by a
linear transformation.
But if the degree of the quantic be odd, these results vanish identically.

1650 Similarly, if (x, y) , 4 (x, y) are two quantics of the

same degree, the functions

$ (dy, — dx) 4 (x , y) and (d,, — d¸) $ (x , y)

are both invariants .

1651 Ex . If ¢ = ax² + 2bxy + cy² and 4 := a'x² + 2b'xy + c'y² ; then

(ada - 2bdy + cd₂ ) (a'x² + 2b'xy + c´y³ ) = ac' + ca' -2bb' , an invariant.

1652 A Hessian is a covariant of the original quantic.

PROOF. Let a ternary quantic u be transformed by the linear substitu

tions in ( 1604) ; so that u = (x, y , z ) = ↓ ( §, n , 5 ) . The Hessians of the
two functions are d (Uz Uy Uz) and d ( uz u uz) (1630) . Now
d (xyz) d (Eng)
ท uz) = μd
d ( uz un
M ( uz u₁ uz) = M d (1¸u„ u.) ==
ƒƒ½d (µ‚µ‚µ₂ )
d (Ens) d (xyz ) d ($45) d ( xyz)
The second transformation is seen at once from the form of the determi
nant by merely transposing rows and columns ; the first and third are by
theorem ( 1604) . Therefore, by definition ( 1629 ) , the Hessian of u is a

1653 Cogredients . - Variables are cogredient when they are

subjected to the same linear transformation ; thus, x, y are

cogredient with a ' , y' when

x = aέ+bn x' = a§' + bn'
y = c§ + dn y' = c§' + dn'

1654 Emanents.-If in any quantic u = (x, y) , we change

x into x + px' , and y into y + py' , where x' , y' are cogredient
with x, y ; then, by ( 1512),

(x + px' , y + py')
= u + p (x'd₂ + y'd, ) u + \p² (x'd¸ + y'd₁ ) ²u +&c.,
and the coefficients of p, p², p³, are called the first , second ,
third , ... emanents of u.

1655 The emanents , of the typical form (a'd, + y'd¸)” u , are

all covariants of the quantic u.
PROOF. - If, in (x, y), we first make the substitutions which lead to the
emanent, and afterwards make the cogredient substitutions, we change
a into +px', and this into a + by + p (a + bŋ).
And if the order of these operations be reversed , we change
æ into a + bŋ, and this into a ( ¿ + pë′) + b ( n + pn') .
The two results are identical, and it follows that, ifΦø (x, y) be transformed
by the same operations in reversed order, the coefficients of the powers of p
in the two expansions will be equal, since p is indeterminate. Therefore, by
the definition ( 1629 ) , each emanent is a covariant.

1656 For definitions of contragredients and contravariants, see ( 1813-4) .

For other theorems on invariants, see ( 1794 ) , and the Article on Invari
ants in Section XII.



If y and z be functions of a, the successive application of

formula ( 1420) gives , for the first, second , and third deriva
tives of the function $ (y, z) with the notation of ( 1405 ) ,

1700 Þx (YZ) = $vYx + z2x•

1701 2 (y ) = $zyYz + 2¢yzYx≈x + 2x ≈x + y Y 2x + 8=%2x·


1702 3x (YZ)
Psx ( yz) = $syys + 3$2yzY& ≈x + 3&y2zYz ~+x + Þ3= ~3
+3 (P2yYx + $yz≈x) Y2x + 3 (P2z≈x +ÞzyYx) ≈2x
+ QyY3x + $z≈3r•

By making z = in the last three formulæ, and conse

quently z = 1 , z = 0 , or else by differentiating independently,
we obtain

1703 pc( g) = $yyx+ x•

1704 $2x (xy) = $2yY% + 24.xvY± + $2x + QyY2x•

1705 By
$3x (xy) = $3yys + 3+2yxYx + 3$y2xYx +$3x•

+3 ( + ) t
1706 In these formule the notation , is used where the differentiation
is partial, while p (x , y) is used to denote the complete derivative of (x, y)
with respect to x. Each successive partial derivative of the function (y, z )
(1700 ) is itself treated as a function of y and z, and differentiated as such by
formula ( 1420 ) .
Thus, the differentiation of the product 4, y, in (1700 ) produces
(Py)zYz+ PyY2x = ( P2yYz + PyzZz ) Yz + PyYzx •
The function , involves y and z by implication. If it should not in fact
contain z, for instance, then the partial derivative 4 vanishes. On the other
hand, Y., Y½ , &c. are independent of z ; and z,, Z2 , &c. are independent of y .

1707 If (xy) = 0 , its successive derivatives are also zero ,
and the expansions ( 1703-5 ) are then called the first, second,
and third derived equations of the primitive equation (xy) = 0 .
In this case , those equations give, by eliminating Y ,
- 2
dy ―― d³y _
= 24.x, Þ. Þy — Þ22 zy P32
2x Þ3 — Þ¿y
1708 -$ ;
dx dx2 3

1710 Similarly, by eliminating y, and y2r, equation ( 1705 )

would give y in terms of the partial derivatives of Φ (xy) .
See the note following ( 1732 ) .

1711 If
If (xy) = 0 and dy = 0 ; y =- ;
dx dx2
1712 and d³y =
_ 32x¤xy — ¤3xÞy¸
dx $1
PROOF.-By (1708) , = 0. Therefore (1704) and ( 1705) give these
values of Y2x and yar

1713 If x and ቀ. both vanish , yr in ( 1708 ) is indeterminate .

In this case it has two values given by the second derived
equation ( 1704) , which becomes a quadratic in yr.

1714 If p2r, Pry, and pay also vanish, proceed to the third
derived equation ( 1705 ) , which now becomes a cubic in yxı
giving three values , and so on .

1715 Generally, when all the partial derivatives of p ( x, y ) of

orders less than n vanish for certain values xa , y = b , we
have , by ( 1512 ) , ( a , b ) being zero ,
(a + h , b + k) = = (hd + kdy)" (xy) , a, + terms of

higher orders which may be neglected in the limit. (x, y are

here put = a, b after differentiation . ) Now, with the notation

of 1406 ) , họx,a + kpy.b = 0 ;

k P.x,a = dy
therefore -
h Py,b dx

the values of which are therefore given by the equation

1716 (hd + kd,)" (x, y), a,b = 0.

1717 y, becomes indeterminate through a and y vanish

If Yx
dy =
ing, observe that in this case, and that the value of
dx x
the latter fraction may often be more readily determined by
algebraic methods .

If x and y in the function Φ (x, y) are connected by the

equation (x, y) = 0, y is thereby made an implicit function
of a, and we have
1718 Þz ( x, y) = Þ ¥y—¥ Þv

1719 x + (P2x ¥y− ¥2x Oy) Vi

2x (x, y) = { (Pzv ¥y— ¥2v Py) ¥%

−2 ( Putyx ) x :
PROOF. ( i. ) Differentiate both and for r, by (1703), and eliminate yx.
(ii. ) Differentiate also, by ( 1704) , and eliminate y, and y

If u , y , z are functions of x, then , as in ( 1700) ,

1720 $z (uyz) = $„ ux + QyYz + PzZx•

1721 $2x (uyz) = $2uUx + 2yYz + $22≈2

+24yzYx =x + 2 zu ≈ x Ux + 20 uyuxYx

+ Þu Uzx + yY2x +ÞzZ2x •

1722 To obtain p (xyz) and 2 (xyz) , make u = x in the

above equations .

Let U = (x, y , z , E) be a function of four variables con

nected by three equations u = 0, v = 0, w = 0, so that one of
the variables ,, may be considered independent .

1723 We have, by differentiating for E,

$z X¿ + Þy Y € + $z ~ +d; − U¿ =
: dU
= d (puvw ) 1
Uz xz + Uy y z + Uz ≈§ + U§ αξ d (xyz§) J³

Vz Xz + Vy Yz + Vz ZE+ V§ where J = d (uvw)·

WxX¢ + WzY& + W₂≈z +w¢ d (xyz)
1724 == d (uvw) 1 == d (uvw ) 1
वहु d((Eyz)1
૫૪) /
J; वह d (x ) Ji
dz d (uvw ) 1
dé d (xyέ) J

Observe that U stands for the complete and for the

partial derivative of the function U.

PROOF .- (i . ) U is found by taking the eliminant of the four equations,

separating the determinant into two terms by means of the element -U§›
and employing the notation in ( 1600 ) .
(ii.) xg, Y and Z are found by solving the last three of the same equa
tions, by (582 ) .


1725 If the equation (x, y , z) = 0 alone be given , y may

be considered an implicit function of a and z. Since a and z
are independent, we may make z constant and differentiate
for a ; thus , for a variation in a only, the equations ( 1703-5)
are produced again with p Φ (x, y , z ) in the place of 4 (x, y) .

1726 x be made constant , z must replace x in those equa

If a
tions as the independent variable .
Again , by differentiating the equation ( xyz) = 0 first for
, making z constant, and the result for z , making a constant ,

we obtain
1727 $xz + $yxYz + $yzYx + $zy Y x Yz + $y Yzz = 0 .
From this and the values of Yxy, and y., by (1708) ,
Þux ÞµÞz + ☀uz Þ« Þz¬Þx= 6; —Þ›r Þ- Þ2y¸
1728 z=

1729 If x, y, z in the function Φ (x , y , z ) be connected by the

relation (x, y , z) = 0 , y may be taken as a function of two
independent variables a and z. We may therefore make z
constant , and the values of p (x, y , z ) and 2 (x, y , z ) are
identical with those in (1718 , '19) if x, y , z be substituted for
a, y in each function .

1730 By changing a into z the same formulæ give the

values of (x, y , z) and p2z (X, Y , Z) .
1731 On the same hypothesis , if the value of ò̟x (x, y , z ) , in
forming which z has been made constant, be now differen
tiated for z while a is made constant, each partial derivative
Px, y, &c. in (1718) must be differentiated as containing x, y,
and z , of which three variables a is now constant and y is a
function of z .
The result is

1732 yx ¥y— ¥y= $y) ¥zVj

pxz (x, y, z) = { (Pxz ¥y— ¥xz6v) ¥³ — ($y=
- -
— (Þyz¥y— ¥yzÞy) ¥x4% + (Þ¿y ¥y− ¥zy $y) ¥x ¥z ¥v } ÷ ¥}

In a particular instance it is generally easier to apply such rules for

differentiating directly to the example proposed, than to deduce the result in
a functional form for the purpose of substituting in it the values of the partial
derivatives .
1734 EXAMPLE . - Let (x, y , z ) = lx + my + nz and ↓ (x , y, z) = x² + y² + z²
1, 2 and z being the independent variables ; 9, (x, y, z) aud p .I ( e, y, z) are
required. Differentiating p, considering z constant,
x dy 2
Pz (x, y, z) = 1 + m dy = l- m ; since == +2 ==
dx y dx 4,
P2x (x, y, z) = -m 2 = ―m y² +
y❜ y³
a result which is otherwise obtained from formula ( 1719) by substituting the
values 4₂ = 1, Py = m, P₂ = n ; P2x = P2y = $2 = 0 ;
4₂ = 2x, 4, = 2y, 4 = 2z ; 42x = 424:= 422 = 2.
Again, to find P. (x, y, z), differentiate for z, considering a constant in
the function
do = 1 d'o xy du L. == 2
— m² ; thus = +m = -m m23 , since ==
dx dx dz y' dz 4x y

1735 Let U = p (x, y , z , E , n) be a function of five variables

connected by three equations u = 0 , v = 0 , w = 0 ; so that two
of the variables , may be considered independent. Making
n constant , the equations in (1723 ) , and the values obtained
for Us, x , y , z , hold good in the present case for the varia
tions due to a variation in E, observing that p, u, v, w now
stand for functions of n as well as of E.

1736 The corresponding values of Uŋ , æŋ, Yn , Z, are obtained

by changing into n.


1737 The same method is applicable to the general case of

a function of n variables connected by r equations u = 0 , v = 0,
w = 0 ... & c.
The equations constitute any n - r of the variables we
please, independent : let these be , n , .... The remaining r
variables will be dependent : let these be x, y, z ... ; and let
the function be Up (x, y, z ... E, n , L ... ) .
For a variation in & only, there will be the derivative of the
function U, and r derived equations as under .

1738 •x x¿ + dy Y€ + Þz~ + ... + &ε

&E = Uε 9

Uz X& + Uy Y ε + Uz ~ε + ... + uε = 0,

Vx XE + Vy Y # + V½2 ≈ε + ...· + vε = 0,
... ... ... ... &c. ,

involving the r implicit functions E, Y , Z , &c. The solution

of the requations , as in ( 1724) , gives
dx dy
1739 == d (uvw ... ) 1 ; == d (uvw ...) 1
d¿ d (Eyz ...) J d (x§z ...) † ; &c.,

d (uvw ...) dU d (puvw ) 1

1740 where J= Also =
d (xyz ...) d d (xyzέ) J

The last value being found exactly as in (1723) .

1741 With replaced by n we have in like manner the

values of x , y , Un ; and similarly with each of the inde
pendent variables in turn .

1742 If there be n variables and but one equation

• (x, y , z ... ) = 0 , there will be n - 1 independent and one depen
2 Q

dent variable. Let y be dependent . Then for a variation in

a only of the remaining variables , the equations (1703-5)
apply to the present case , p standing for (x, y , z ... ) . If æ
be replaced by each of the remaining independents in turn ,
there will be, in all, n - 1 sets of derived equations .


If y be any function of a, and if the independent variable

be changed to t , and if t be afterwards put equal to y , the
following formulæ of substitution are obtained , in which p = y :
dy Yt 1
dx X't Xy

Differentiating these fractions , we get

d'y -
Yu Xt Xu Yt X2y
1762 = PPy
da xv ม
d³y Xi {Y& Xi ― X3Y1} — 3X2 { Y2X1 — XuYi} ¸
das x.t
3x324 — XyX3¥
1766 == PP² + P²P²y •

ro¡ї Ex.— If x = r cos 0 and y = r sin 0 ; then
dy re sin 0+r cos 0 d'y r² +2r² ― rrǝe
1768 = = ·
dx r。 cos 0 -r sin 0 dx² (r, cos 0 —r sin 0)³
PROOF. -Writing 0 for t in (1760) and ( 1762) , we have to find , yan
20 Y20 ; thus,
x = r. cos () -
—r sin 0 ; X29 = 2, COS 0—2r, sin 0--r cos 0 ;
y = r, sin 0 + r cos 0 ; Y20 = , sin 0 + 2r, cos 0 — r sin 0.
Substituting these values , the above results are obtained .

To change the variable from a to t in (a +ba)" ynx, where
(a + ba) = e , employ the formula

1770 (a + bx) " Ynx = b" ( de — n — 1 ) ( d — n — 2) ... ( d — 1) yı.

in which, multiplication by d by the index law signifies the

repetition of the operation d, (1492) .

PROOF.- d { (a + bx) ” Y «x } = { n ( a + bx) " - ¹ bynx + (a + bx) ” Y(n+ 1) x} Xt•

Now be, ea +ba. Substitute this, and denote (a + b ) " by Uni
therefore de ( Un) = nUn + — Un - 19 or Ub (d - n) Un.
Therefore U = b (de — ñ - — 1) U„ -1 and U„ -1 = b (d; —ñ — 2) Un- 2, &C.,
and finally U₁ =: b (d, -1 ) U.
But U₁ = (a + bx) x = bx, ! '₂ = byt
Therefore U„ = b” (d; — n − 1) (d — ñ — 2) ... ( de − 1) Yt.

1771 COR .- (a + x) " ynx and a" yn

nx are transformed by the
same formula by putting b = 1.

1772 Let V = F (x, y) , where a, y are connected with E , n

by the equations u = 0, v = 0 . It is required to change the
independent variables x, y to E, n in the functions V, and V„ .
1773 RULE . To find the value of V -Differentiate V, u, v,
each with respect to x, considering E, n functions of the inde
pendent variables x, y ; and form the eliminant of the resulting
equations ; thus ,
― √x
1774 η
V¢§x + Vnnx¬Vx = 0 Vε V
Už Šx + Un Nx + U¸ = 0 .. Uε un = 0.

Vn Nx + V₂ = 0
r Ex + vn
re Vn Vx

Similarly, to find Vy'

1775 Ex.- Let xr cos 0 and yr sin ; then

sin 0 cos
V₁r = V, cos 0 - V. V₁ = V, sin 0 + Vo
1° r
PROOF. ur cos 0 -x, v =r sin 0 - y, V, V. -V₂l
and the determinant in ( 1774 ) takes the form cos r sin 0 -1 = 0.
annexed by writing r and 6 instead of ¿ and ŋ . sin 0 r cos 0 0
A similar determinant gives Vy.
sin 0
To find V2 , substitute V, cos - V, in the pl . ce of V in the value of
V ; and in differentiating for r and 0, consider V, and V, as functions of
both and 9. Similarly, to find V, and V. Thus,
2 sin cos 0 siu2 0 sin2 0
1777 V₂ = V22r , cos 0+ + Vr + √20
(— V.—V.) r για 2.2
@ cos² 0 cos Ꮎ
1778 V2y = V22r - ( 2 sin cos 0 + V,
, sin³ 0 — + √20
r r r 7.3

By addition these equations give

1779 V₁2x + V₁ = V 2r + 1/2 V₁ + 1 V 20.

‫زاده‬ ‫راندر‬

1780 Given V = f(x, y , z ) and E , n, known functions of

x, y, z ; V , V , V, are expressed in terms of V , V , V₂ by
the formulæ
dV dV _ d (¿ VC) dV d ( nV)
= d ( Vns) ÷ J, = ÷ J, = ÷ J.
αξ d (xyz) dn d (xy ) dr d ( xyz )
PROOF. -Differentiate V as a function of V&E + Vynz
η + Vghz = V29
, n, with respect to independent variables
VεEy + V» »y + Vz5y = Vy,
x, y, z. The annexed equations are the result.
Solve these by (582) with the notation of ( 1600). V¿§₂ + V_n₂ + V¿5₂ = V..

1781 Given V = f (x, y, z ) , where x , y , z are involved with

, n, in three equations u = 0, v = 0, w = 0, it is required
to change the variables to E , n , ¿ in V¸ , V„ , and V½.
Applying Rule ( 1773 ) to the case of three variables , we have
V +V +V - V = Vεૐ V₁η V; − Vz
g &x + un Nx + U¿ 5x + Ux = 0 ปะ
Uş ž un uz

Vx = 0.
og §x + Vn Nx + V§ 5x + Vx = 0 re Vn
VE η V5
wę Śx + w»ŋx + w¿5x + w¿ = 0 · η
wę wn Ws

The determinant gives V, in terms of V , V , V, and the deri

vatives of u , v , w. V, and V, are found in an analogous manner .
1782 Similarly with n equations between 2n variables .

1783 Ex. - Given

x = r sin cos & ; y = r sin sin ; ≈ = r cos 0.

The equations u, v, w become

r sin 0 cos - x = 0 ; r sin @ sin -y = 0 ; r cos 0 -z = 0.
Writing r, 0, instead of E, n, 4, the determinant becomes.
V. V. V₁ -V₂
sin 0 cos r cos 0 cos o ―r sin 0 sin p −1
= 0.
sin 0 sin r cos o sin r sin 0 cos
cos 0 -r sin 6 0 0
From which V, is obtained . Similarly, V, and V.; and, by an exactly similar
process, the converse forms for V , V., and V. The results are

* In writing out a determinant like the above, it will be found expeditious

in practice to have the columns written on separate slips of paper in order to
be able to transpose them readily. Thus, to find the coefficient of V., bring
the second column to the left side, and, since this changes the sign of the
determinant, transpose any two other columns, so that the coefficient of V,
may be read off in the standard form as the minor of the first element of the

cos e cos - V sing

1784 V = V, sin cos + V.
y r sin u
cos @ sin ቀ cos
1785 V, = V, sin 0 sin + V. + V₂
r sin e
sin 0
1786 V, V, cos 0 -
– V.

1787 V₁ =
V, V, sino cos + V, sin 0 sin + V, cos 0.
1788 V₁ =
V. V₂r cos 0 cos + V, r cos 0 sin - V₂r sin 0.
1789 V₁ = - Vr sin 0 sin + V, r sin ✪ cos p.

1790 To find V, directly ; solve the equations u, v, w, in ( 1783) , for r, 0,

and ; the solution in this case being practicable ; thus,
r = √ (x² + y² + z³) , 0 = tan- ¹ √ (x² + y²), $ = tan -¹ Y
22 x
Find r₂, 0 , 0, from these, and substitute in V₂ = V‚ï₂ + V, 0₂ + V. Simi
larly, V, and V. Also V, = Vxr + VyYr + V₂ #r. Similarly, V, and V..

1791 To obtain V,, substitute the value of V, in the place of V, in the

value of V,, in ( 1785) , and, in differentiating V, V , V , consider each of
these quantities a function of r, 0, and ø .

2x + V2y + V289
To change the variables to r , 0, and 4 , in V2
the equations ( 1783 ) still subsisting . Result

1792 V2x + V2y + V23

2r + 2 V, ++ ( V₂ cot 0 + V₂ + V½
V₁r 24 cosec² 6).

PROOF.-Put r sin 0 = p, so that = cos and y = p sin ,

1 Ve
therefore, by (1779) , V₂ + V2y = √₁₂ + +t p² V2 ......... (i.).
Р 17OB
Also, since z = r cos 0 and p = r sin 0, we have, by the same formula,

V₂ + V₂ = V₂ + g⁰= V₁
Vr + 1 29...... ... (ii .) .

Add together (i. ) and (ii. ) , and eliminate V,, by (1776) , which gives
cos Ꮎ
V, = V, sin 0+ V. ·

If V be a function of n variables x, y , z ... connected by

the single relation , a² +y² + ~ + ... = p² (i.) .

1793 V2x + V2y + V22+ & c. = V + n - 1 ,

PROOF. = V,,
VV, r₂ = V, since r₂ = " by differentiating (i .) ,
r ጥ
x r xvx
therefore V2 = Vr« — + V.T (1 - 23).
r + V, " —2.2"'z = Var =

Similarly V₁₂ = Var 2 — — 1/2 ) , &c.

+ V, ( r
Thus, by addition,
n - n- 1
Var ²² + y² + - + V · _ ²
2x + V₂ + &c. = √₂
V₁₂ på V., ( ~T ~ ~² + y² + - - ) = √₂2r + " g
~ 1 y


1794 If V = ƒ (x, y , z) , and if the equations u, v , w in

(1781) take the forms
x = a₁§ + b₁n + cs , A = A₁x + A₂y + Az~,
y = a‚§+ b¸ŋ + c₂Š > then Δη = B₁x + B₂y+ B¸≈
Aŋ ~,
≈ = a +b + cs sc
AL = C₁ x + C₂ y + Czz ,

by (582 ) , ▲ being the determinant (a,b,c ) , and A, the minor

of a₁, & c .

1795 The operations de, d,, d, will now be transformed by

the first set of equations below ; and de, dn, de by the second

d¸ = ( A‚d + B₁d,η + C₁d ) ÷ A ) d = a₁d₂ + ad¸ +ad¸

d, = ( A₂d¸ + B₂d„ + C₂d¿) ÷ ▲ d„ = b₁d¸ + b¿d„ +będz
d. = (Agde + B3d + C₂d;) ÷ A · d¿ = c₁d₂ + c₂ d₂ +cz dz
PROOF. By dde , + d,η n₂ + d₂ , and de = d + dy + d.z ; and the
values of ,,, & c. , from the preceding equations.

1797 From ( 1795) , V = a₁V₂ + a₂Vy + az Ve • Operating

again upon V , we have

2Æ = · (a₁d₂ + ady + azd₂) V¢ = α₁ ( V¢) x + α2 ( Vg) y + α3 ( V£) 29

, with V2 ,
and by substituting the value of V , and similarly
V2259, we obtain the formulæ,


V₂ ยะ + 2α, α₁1 Vx +2α₁α₂Vxy
25 = a; V₂ + a² V2y + a3 V₂ + 2a,az Vyz
V2n = b; V2x + b² V2y +b² V₂ + 2b2b3 Vyz + 2b3b₁ Vzx + 2b₁ b₂ Vxy
* = c₁ V₂
V26 -24 +C3 V2z + 2C₂ C3 Vyz + 2C3 C1 Vx + 20₁₂ Va
2x + c₁₂ V₂


1799 If the transformation is orthogonal (584) , we have

x² +y² + ≈² = §² +n²+ 5² ;
and since, by (582 , 584) , A = 1, 4₁ = a₁ , & c .; equations
(1794) now become
1800 x = a₁§ + b₁n + c₂ b § = а₁x + a₂y + azz ·
y = a‚§ + b¸ŋ + c₂Š n = b₁x + b₂y +b3≈
≈ = as$ + b₂n + cs ( ) [ = c₁ x + c₂ y + C3 ≈
And equations ( 1795 ) become
1802 d₂ = a₁d₂ + b₁d₁ + c₁d} ] d = ad + ad, + ad

d₁ = a₂d¿ + b₂dη +c₂d¿ d₁η = b₁d¸ + b₂d₁ + bçd₂

d₂ = açd₂ + b3dη + csd dz = c₁ dx + c₂ d₂ + cзdz

The double relations between x, y , z and E, n , Z , in the six

equations of ( 1800-1 ) , and the similar relations in ( 1802-3)
between dedd, and dedde, are indicated by a single diagram
in each case ; thus ,

1804 ≤ n 5 de d dz
x a₁ b₁ c₁ dx a₁ b₁ c₁
y az b₂ cg dy a, b, c,
2 az b3 C3 d. az bz cz

1806 Hence, when the transformation is orthogonal , the

quantities x, y , z are cogredient with de , dy , d₂, by the defini
tion (1653) .

1807 Extending the definition in ( 1629) , it follows that any

function u = (x, y , z ) , when orthogonally transformed , has ,
for a covariant, the function (dx, dy , d₂) u . That is , if by
the transformation ,

u = $ (x, y , z) = 4 (§, n , () ,
then also
$ (dx , d¸ , d₂) u = ¥ (d¸, dŋ , d¿) u.

1808 But if u be a quantic, then , as shown in ( 1648 ) ,

(d¸, dy , d₂) u is always a function of the coefficients only of u ,
and the covariant is , in this case, an invariant.
1809 Ex - Let u or (x, y, z) = ax² + by + cz² + 2fyz + 2gxx + 2hxy,
.. $ (d„ d„ d¸) u = au₁₂ + bu₂y + cu₂₂ + 2fuy + 2gu₂ + 2hury
= 2 { a² + b² + c² + 2f + 2g + 2h² } , and this is an invariant of u.

1810 When V = ƒ (x, y , z ) is orthogonally transformed ,

V2x + V2y + V22 = V2¢ + V2n + V25 •

PROOF. By adding together equations ( 1798) , and by the relations

a + b + c = 1 , &c., and a, a, + b₁ b₂ + c₂ C₂ = 0 , &c . ,
established in (584).

1811 If two functions u, v be subjected to the same ortho

gonal transformation , so that

u = $ (x, y, z) = • (§, n , ) and v = 4 ( x, y , z) = Y ( §, n , L) ;

then $ (dx, dy , dz) v = ♣ (d¸, d„ , d¿) v .

1812 Ex. -Let u = ax² + by² + cz² + 2fyz + 2gzx + 2hxy =

= a&
² + b'n² + c′5² + 2ƒ˜ » 5 + 2g*CE + 2h'En = &,
and let v = x² + y² + z² = 5² + n² + 6² = ¥ and Y.
Then 4 (d₂, d¸, d₂) v = av₂ + bv₂y + CV22 + 2ƒvya + 2gVzz + 2hvzy ,
and ℗ (d§, dn, dz) v = av2¿ + b'v2n + c' v25 + 2ƒ* vn5 + 2g´vs¢ + 2h´v§n*
But V2 = 2, and = 0, &c. Hence the theorem gives a+b +c
= a + b + c' ; in other words, a + b + c is an invariant.

1813 ―――
Contragredient. When the transformation is not
orthogonal, ( 1795) shows that d, is not transformed by the
same, but by a reciprocal substitution , in which a₁ , b₁ , c₁ are
replaced by the corresponding minors A1 , B1 , C₁. In this case
de, dy, d, are said to be contragredient to x, y, z.

1814 Contravariant .— If, in ( 1629) , the quantics are sub

jected to a reciprocal transformation instead of the same, we
obtain the definition of a contravariant.

1815 When z is a function of two independent variables a

and y, the following notation is often used :
313 S13

dz dz dp = d2%
= p, =9, = r,
dx dy dx dx²

dp dq dz dq d²
= = = 8, = = t.
dy dx dx dy dy dy

Let p (x, y, z ) = 0. It is required to change the inde

pendent variables from x, y to z, y. The formulæ of trans

formation are

dx 1 dx d2x
1816 = = L; ---
dz dy dz2


d'.x _ 28pq — tp' —rq² ; d²x

1819 = qr—ps
3 3
dy p dydz p⁹
PROOF. -Formulæ ( 1761 , 1763 ) give 2, and 2z, because, since y remains
constant, may be considered a function of only two variables, a and z .
Formule (1708-9) give x, and in terms of partial derivatives of ø,
since z is now constant, and may be taken as a function of the two variables
x and y.
But (x, y, z) = 0 is equivalent to (x, y) -z = 0 ; and the partial
derivatives of with respect to x and y are the same as those of ; and
therefore the same as those of z when x and y are the independent variables.
Hence z may be written for 4 in the formula.
ďc dx IPx-Pqx 1 = gr-ps
Lastly, = (-2) = (-1 ), da = 2
dydz pi P ps .
The independent variable is here changed from z to z, without reference
to the equation = 0 ; and this is allowable, because y is constant for the
time being in either case.


Maxima and Minima values of a function of one

independent variable.

1830 DEFINITION.-A function (x) has a maximum value

when some value xa makes (x) greater than it is made
by any value of x indefinitely near to a. Similarly for a
minimum value, reading less for greater.

1831 ILLUSTRATION. — If the

ordinate y in the figure be al
ways drawn = f (x) , it has E
maximum values at A, C, E, D
and minimum at B and D
( 1403).
NOTE. For the algebraic
determination of maxima and
minima values by a quadratic каB к
equation, see (58) .

1832 RULE I.- A function p Φ (x) is a maximum or minimum

when ' (x) vanishes, and changes its sign as x increases from
plus to minus or from minus to plus respectively.
2 R

1833 RULE II.--Otherwise (x) is a maximum or minimum

when an odd number of consecutive derivatives of (x) vanish,
and the next is minus or plus respectively.
PROOF.- (i . ) The tangent to the curve in the last figure becomes parallel
to the x axis at the points A, B, C, D, E as a increases ; therefore, by (1403),
tan 9, which is equal to f
' (x ) , vanishes at those points, while its sign changes
in the manner described.
(ii.) Let f (x) be the first derivative of f(x) which does not vanish when
z = a, n being even ; therefore, by ( 1500 ) , ƒ ( a ± h) =ƒ(a) + **
n ƒf" (a + 6h ) .
The last term retains the sign of ƒ" (a) , when h is small enough, whether h
be positive or negative, since n is even. Therefore f (x ) diminishes for any
small variation of a from the value a if ƒ" (a) be negative, but increases if
f"(a) be positive. Hence the rule.

1834 NOTE . - Before applying the rule for discovering a

maximum or minimum, we may evidently

(i.) reject any constant factor of the function ;

(ii ) raise it to any constant power, paying attention to sign ;
(iii ) take its reciprocal ; maximum becoming minimum, and
vice versá ;
(iv.) take the logarithm of a positive function .

1835 Ex. 1.—Let (x) = 7-7-35x + 1,

therefore ' (x) = 7xº - 28x³ - 35 = 7 (x³ - 5 ) ( x³ + 1 ) .
Also " (x ) = 7 ( 6æ³ - 12x²) . Therefore x = 3/5 makes p′ (x) vanish, and
p" (a) positive ; and therefore makes (a) a minimum.

1836 Ex. 2.- Let (x) = (x − 3) (x - 2 ) ". Here

- 3 ) ¹³ ( ≈ −2 ) ¹¹ + 11 ( ≈ −3)¹ (x - --
p'′ (x) = 14 ( x − − 2 ) ¹ = (x −3 ) ¹³ (x − 2)¹º ( 25x — 61 ) ,
and we know, by (444) or by ( 1460) , that, when x = 3, the first thirteen
derivatives of (x) vanish ; and 13 is an odd number. Therefore ( x) is
either a maximum or minimum when x = 3.
To determine which, examine the change of sign in ' (x) . Now (x - 3) ¹s
changes from negative to positive as a increases from a value a little less
than 3 to a value a little greater, while the other factors of p′ (x) remain
positive. Therefore, by the rule, (2) is a minimum when x = 3 .
Again, as a passes through the value 2, (e) does not change sign , 10
being even. Therefore 2 gives no maximum or minimum value of p (x).
Lastly, as a passes through the value 6 the signs of the three factors
in ' (x) change from ( - ) ( + ) ( − ) to ( − ) ( + ) ( + ) ; that is, ' (x) changes
from + to ; and, consequently, p (a) is a maximum.

1837 Ex . 3. - Let p ( x, y) = x* + 2xy -y³ = 0. To find limiting values

of y.

Here y is given only as an implicit function of x. Differentiating, in

order to employ formula ( 1708, 1711) ,
P₂ = 4x³ + 4xy, P₂ = 12x² + 4y, 4,y = 2x² - 3y' ;
10 makes ₂ = 0. Solving this equation with (x, y) = 0, we get
z = ± 1 , y = −1 when y, vanishes.
And then y -=
8, positive ; therefore, when ±1,
Py 2-3
y has --1 for a minimum value.
Similarly, by making y the independent variable, it may be shewn that,
8 4
when y = - z has both the maximum and minimum values + √6.
9' 9

1838 A limiting value of (x, y) ,

subject to the condition ¥ (x, y) = 0 .........
.. (i . ) ,
is obtained from the equation φ.Ψ.
Þx4y = $y¥x
中 ...... (ii .)
Simultaneous values of a and y, found by solving equa
tions (i .) and (ii . ) , correspond to a maximum or minimum
value of p.

PROOF.- By ( 1718) , ø being virtually a function of a only ; and, by (1832) ,

9, (xy) = 0.

1839 Ex - Let (x, y) = xy and (x, y ) = 2x³ - xy + y³ = 0 ………….. (i .)

Equation (ii. ) becomes y (3y² —x) = x (Cx² —y) .
Solving this with (i . ) , we find y³ = 2x³ and æ² (4x — 3/2 ) .
Therefore = 3/2, y = 1/4 are values corresponding to a maximum
value of p . That it is a maximum, and not a minimum, is seen by inspecting
equation (i . )
1840 Most geometrical problems can be treated in this way, and the
alternative of maximum or minimum decided by the nature of the case.
Otherwise the sign of (xy ) may be examined by formula ( 1719 ) for the
criterion, according to the rule.

Maxima and Minima values of a function of two

independent variables .

1841 Φ (x, y) is a maximum or minimum

RULE I. —A function 4
when Px and Ps both vanish and change their signs from plus to
minus or from minus to plus respectively, as x and y increase.
1842 RULE II. - Otherwise , p , and 4, must vanish ; P2xP2y — Pxy
must be positive, and p2x or p2y must be negative for a maximum
and positive for a minimum value of p.
PROOF.- By ( 1512) , writing A, B, C for P2x, xy, P2 , we have, for small .
changes h, k in the values of x and y,
(x +h, y + k) -p (x, y) = hp₂ + kpy + ½ (Ah² + 2Blk + Cl2) + terms
which may be neglected, by (1410) .

Hence, as in the proof of ( 1833 ) , in order that changing the sign of h or

k shall not have the effect of changing the sign of the right side of the equa
tion, the first powers must disappear, therefore 4, and o, must vanish . The
next term may 2be written, by completing the square, in the form
だ h
22 { ( 4 )k + B3)) ² + AC — B² } ; and, to ensure this quantity retaining its
sign for all values of the ratio hk, AC - B² must be positive . will then
be a maximum or minimum according as A in the denominator is negative
or positive .
It is clear that A and B might have been transposed in the proof. Hence
B must have the same sign as A.

1843 A limiting value of (x, y, z) ,

subject to the condition
. ¥ (x, y, z) = 0.……………….. (i .) ,
is obtained from the two equations

1844 $x¥y =
= $v¥x·
l ...... (ii . ) , $24₁ = $ 42 ...... (iii .) ;

1846 or, as they may be written , =Φ» =

– Φε ...... (iv.)
ป. 41 42
Simultaneous values of x , y , z , found by solving equations
(i . , ii . , iii . ) , correspond to a maximum or minimum value of .

PROOF.- By ( 1841 ) , being considered a function of two independent

variables a and z, and, by (1729, 1730) ,
(x, y, z) = 0 gives (i . ) , and p (x, y , z) = 0 gives ( iii. )
The criterion of maximum or minimum in ( 1842 ) may also be applied
without eliminating y by employing the values of 2 and 2 in ( 1719 , '30 ) .

1847 Ex.- Let $ (x, y , z ) = x² + y² + z²

and (x, y , z ) = ax² + by² + cz² + 2fyz + 2gzx + 2hxy - 1 = 0 .. (i . )

Equations (ii . ) and (iii . ) here become

x y 2 1
= = = , say, (iv.)
ax + hy + gz hx + by +fz gx +fy + cz R

Therefore, by proportion (70) and by (i . ) , x² + y² +z² = R¬¹ = p .

From equations (iv. ) we have

1848 ax + hy + gz = Rx a -R h g
hx + by +fz = Ry ; .. h b- R f = 0,
gx +fy + cz = Rz g f c- R

1849 or
(R - a) (R - b) (R − c) + 2fgh
- (R - a) ƒ² - (R — b) g² — (R — c) h² = 0 , or (see 1641 )
R³ — R² (a + b + c) + R (be + ca + ab -f2 -g² - h²) —A = 0 ,

This cubic in R is the eliminant of the three equations in

x, y, z . It is called the discriminating cubic of the quadric (i .) ,
and its roots are the reciprocals of the maxima and minima
values of a² +y + z² .

1850 To show that the roots of the discriminating cubic

are all real.

Let R₁, R, be the roots of the quadratic equation

R-b f
1851 ...
.. (v.)
| f R £ ¸ | = (R — b ) (R — c) — f² = 0.…..
R₁b and c, and b and c > R2.
Make R = R₁ in the cubic, and the result is negative, being minus a
square quantity, by (v.) . Make R = R , and the result is positive . There
fore the cubic has real roots between each pair of the consecutive values + ∞ ,
R, R.; that is, three real roots . But since the roots are in order of
magnitude, the first must be a maximum value of R, the third a minimum ,
and the intermediate root neither a maximum nor a minimum.

Maxima and Minima values of a function of three

or more variables.

1852 Let p (xyz) be a function of three variables . Let

P22, P2y , P2z, Pyz, Pr, Pry
xy be denoted by a, b, c , f, g , h ; and let
A, B, C, F, G, H be the corresponding minors of the deter
minant A, as in (1642) .

1853 RULE I .—$ (x , y, z) is a maximum or minimum when

Px, y,
z all vanish and change their signs from plus to minus
or from minus to plus respectively, as x, y, and z increase.

1854 RULE II .— The first derivatives of 4 must vanish ; A

and its coefficient in the reciprocal determinant of ▲ must be
positive ; and will be a maximum or minimum according as
a is negative or positive . Or , in the place of A and a , read B
and b or C and c.

PROOF.-Pursuing the method of (1842) , let , y , be small changes in

the values of x, y, z. By (1514) ,
$ (x + E, y + n, z +5) − p (x, y , z )
= {0₂ + ng + 59 ; + § ( a¿² + bn² + c$ ² + 2ƒn % + 2g + 2h&n ) + &c.
For constancy of sign on the right, 4 , 4 , 4. must vanish. The quadric
may then be re- arranged as under by first completing the square of the terms.
in , and then collecting the terms in 5, 4, and completing the square . It
1 (Cn - F )2 BC-F2
thus becomes
24 { (a5 +hn +95)² +
2a 0 + C 5 }.

Hence, for constancy of sign for all values of E, n , 5, it is necessary that C

and BC- F should be positive. This makes B also positive. By symmetry,
it is evident that A, B, C, BC - F , CA - G, AB - H' will all be positive.
The sign of a in the first factor then determines, as in ( 1842) , whether is a
maximum or a minimum.

1855 The
The condition may be put otherwise . Since
BC- Fa▲ by (577) , the condition that BC2 - F2 must be
positive is equivalent to the condition that a and ▲ must have
the same sign. Hence we have also the following rule :

1856 RULE III . —px, y , p₂ must vanish ; the second of the four
determinants below must be positive, and the first and third
must have the same sign : that sign being negative for a max
imum and positive for a minimum value of p ( x , y, z) .

1857 2x фах ф.гу " Pax Pry Pxz 9 P2x Pxy Prz Prw
Pyx Pay Pyx Pay Puz Pyx Pzy Pyzyw
Pzxzy Paz Pzx Pay $22 $210
wx Pwy
Pwr wz Pew

1858 The theorem can be extended in a similar manner to

。 (x, y , z , W, ... ) , a function of any number of variables . Form
the successive Hessians of ( 1630 ) for one , two , three, & c .
variables in order as shown above ; then—

1859 RULE.-In order that p (x , y, z , w, ... ) may be a max

imum or minimum , Px , Py, Pz , Pw , &c . must vanish; the Hessians of
an even order must be positive ; and those of an odd order must
have the same sign , that sign being negative for a maximum and
positive for a minimum value of the function p.
For a demonstration in full, see Williamson's Diff. Calc. , 4th Edit., p. 433 .

1860 Ex -Required a limiting value of the function

u = ax² + by² + cz² + 2fyz + 2gzx + 2hxy + 2px + 27y + 2rz + d.
The condition in the rule produces equations ( 1 ) , (2 ) , (3 ) . Equation (4)
results from Euler's theorem ( 1624) , thus ; introducing a fourth variable w,
as in ( 1645) , we have xu₂ + yu, + zu₂ + wu, = 2u,
which reduces to (4) by means of ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) , ( 3 ) , and the value of u, putting
w = 1.
1861 Ju₂ = ax + hy + gz +p = 0 ...... ( 1) ah g P
u, hx + by +fz + q = 0 ...... (2) h bf q
... = 0.
ugx +fy + cz + r = 0 ...... (3) gf c r
px + qy + rz + du...... (4) p q r d- u

The determinant is the eliminant of the four equations, by ( 583 ) , and is

equivalent, by the method of ( 1724, Proof. i . ) , to A' — Au = 0, or u = A' ÷ A
(Notation of 1646) .
To determine whether this value of u is a maximum or minimum , either
of the conditions in ( 1854, ' 6) may be applied ; and since, in this example,
U₂ = 2a, U₂y = 2b, &c. , the letters a , b, c, f, g, h may be considered identical
with those in the rule.

1862 To determine a limiting value of p (x, y , z, ... ) , a func

tion of m variables connected by n equations u₁ = 0, u , = 0 , ...
u₂ = 0.
RULE . ----- Assume n undetermined multipliers A1, A2, ... λα
with the following m equations : —
4x + λ1 (U₁)x + λ₂ (U2)x + ... + λn (Un)x = 0 ),
... + λn (Un )y = 0,
Py + λ1 (U1)y + λ2 (U2)3 +
... ... ... ... ...
making in all m + n equations in m +n quantities , x, y , z , ...
and A1 , A2, ... An. The values of x, y , z , ... ,. found from these
equations, correspond to a maximum or minimum value of p.
PROOF. -Differentiate and u₁, U2, u, on the hypothesis that x, y, z, ...
are arbitrary functions of an independent variable t. Multiply the resulting
equations, excepting the first, by A₁ , λ , …
.. A, in order, and add them to the value
of p . The coefficients of x , y , z , ... may now be equated to zero, since the
functions of t are arbitrary, producing the equations in the rule.

1863 Ex. 1.- To find the limiting values of r²x² + y² + z² with the
conditions Ax² + By + Cz² = 1 and lx + my + nz = 0.
Here m3, n = 2 ; and, choosing A and μ for the multipliers, the equa
tions in the rule become
2x +2 Aλα + μι = 0 ...... ( 1 ) Multiply ( 1 ) , (2 ) , ( 3 ) respectively by
2y+2Bλy + µm 22
μm = 0 ...... (2) æ, y, z, and add ; thus μ disappears,
and we obtain
2z + 2Cλz + μη
µn = 0 ...... (3) )
x² + y² + z² + (Ax² + By² + Cz²) λ = 0, - p³.
therefore λ = —
Substitute this in ( 1 ) , ( 2) , (3 ) ; solve for x, y, z, and substitute their values
in lx + my + nz = 0.
72 m² n³
1864 The result is + + = 0, a quadratic in r².
Ar² -1 Br2-1 Cr²-1
The roots are the maximum and minimum values of the square of the
radius vector of a central section of the quadric Aa² + By + Cz² = 1 made by
the plane la + my + nz = 0.

1865 Ex. 2. To find the maximum value of u = (x + 1 ) ( y + 1 ) ( z + 1 ) ,

subject to the condition N = a* b* c*.

This is equivalent to finding a maximum value of

log (x + 1 ) + log (y + 1 ) + log ( z + 1 ) ,
subject to the condition log N = x log a + y log b + z log c.
The equations in the rule become
1 1 1
+ λ log a = 0 ; +λ log b = 0 ; 2 + 1 + λ log c = 0.
x+ 1 y+1
By eliminating A, these are seen to be equivalent to equations (1846) .
Multiplying up and adding the equations, we find A, and thence +1 , y + 1 ,
z + 1 ; the values of which, substituted in u, give, for its maximum value,
u = { log (Nabe) } ÷ 3 log a log b³ log c³ .
Compare (374) , where a, b, c and x, y, z are integers .

Continuous Maxima and Minima.

1866 If pr and p ,, in ( 1842 ) , have a common factor , so that

$x = P (x, y) , Φυ = .........
= Q4 (x, y) ……
........ ( i . ) ,
where P and Q may also be functions of x and y ; then the
equation (x, y) = 0 determines a continuous series of values
of x and y. For all these values $ is constant, but , at the same
time, it may be a maximum or a minimum with respect to any
other contiguous values of p , obtained by taking æ and y so
that (xy) shall not vanish.

1867 In this case, p2rPay- py vanishes with

P2xP2y -Pry , so that the
criterion in Rule II. is not applicable .

PROOF. -Differentiating equation ( i. ) , we have

$2 = P₂ + P↓ ) ry = P₁ ++ P↓,?
42y = Qy4 + Q4, Š Pyz = Qx4 + Q&s
If from these values we form 2x02y - Pzy × Pyx , will appear as a factor of
the expression.

1868 Ex.--Take z as (xy ) in the equation

z² = a² — b² + 2b √ ( x² + y³) − x³ — y³ (i.) ,
b b
22x = x and −
− 1)
· ( √(x² + y² ) − zz, = y' ( √(x² +y²) − 1) .
The common factor equated to zero gives x² + y² = b², and therefore z = ±a ….. (ii.)
Here a is a continuous maximum value of 2, and -a a continuous minimum.
Equation (i. ) represents, in Coordinate Geometry, the surface of an anchor
ring, the generating circle of radius a having its centre at a distance b from
the axis of revolution Z. Equations (ii. ) give the loci of the highest and
lowest points of the surface.

For the application of the Differential Calculus to the

Theory of Curves , see the Sections on Coordinate Geometry.


1900 The operations of differentiation and integration are

the converse of each other. Let f(x) be the derivative of
(x) ; then (x) is called the integral of f(x ) with respect to x.
These converse relations are expressed in the notations of the
Differential and Integral Calculus , by

do (x) =
dx =f(x) and by Sƒ(x) dx = $ (x).

1901 THEOREM. -Let the curve y = f (x) be drawn as in

(1403) , and any ordinates Ll, Mm , and let OL = a , OM = b ;
then the area LMml = $ (b) —p (a).

PROOF. - Let ON be any value of x, and PN

the corresponding value of y, and let the area
ONPQ = A ; then A is some function of x. Also,
if NN' = dx, the elemental area NN'P′P = dA Q
= yde in the limit ; therefore = y. Thus A
is that function of x whose derivative for each
value of x is y or f(x) ; therefore = (x) + C, NN' M
where C is any constant. Consequently the area
LMml = (b) — ( a) , whatever C may be.
The demonstration assumes that there is only one function (x) corres
ponding to a given derivative ƒ (x) . This may be formally proved.
If possible, let (x) have the same derivative as ( x ) ; then, with the
same coordinate axes, two curves may be drawn so that the areas defined as
above, like LMml, shall be ( x) and (2) respectively, each area vanishing
with 2. If these curves do not coincide, then, for a given value of x, they
have different ordinates, that is, g' (x) and ' (x) are different, contrary to the
hypothesis . The curves must therefore coincide, that is, p (x) and ↓ (x) are
2 s

1902 Since Φ ( b ) — ( a) is the sum of all the elemental areas

like NN'P'P included between Ll and Mm , that is , the sum of
the elements yda or f(x) de taken for all values of a between
a and b, this result is written

S" f(x) dx = $ (b) — ( a) .

1903 The expression on the left is termed a definite integral

because the limits a, b of the integration are assigned. *
When the limits are not assigned , the integral is called inde

1904 By taking the constant C = 0 in ( 1901 ) , we have the

ONPQ = 4 (x) = √ƒ(x) dx.

NOTE. In practice, the constant should always be added to

the result of an integration when no limits are assigned .


1905 Let f(x, y , z ) be a function of three variables ; then

the notation
ƒ(x, y, z) dx dy dz

is used to denote the following operations .

Integrate the function for z between the limits z = 21 , Z = %29

considering the remaining variables x and y constant . Then ,
whether the limits Z1 , Z2 are constants or functions of x and y ,
the result will be a function of x and y only. Next, consider
ing a constant, integrate this function for y between the limits
y₁ and 2, which may either be constants or functions of x.
The result will now be a function of a only. Lastly, integrate
this function for a between the limits X1 æg.
a, and Xq.
Similarly for a function of any number of variables .

1906 The clearest view of the nature of a multiple integral

is afforded by the geometrical interpretation of a triple in

* The integral may be read " Sum a to b, f (x) dx " ; f signifying " sum.”




Taking rectangular coordinate axes , let the surface

z = p (x, y) (XYom in the figure) be drawn , intersected by the
= 4 (x) (RMNnm) , and by the plane
cylindrical surface y =
x = x (LSml) . The volume of the solid OLMNolmn bounded
by these surfaces and the coordinate planes will be
( (x) x1 (¥ (x) C $ (x, y)
'S* (*) 4 (x, y) dx dy = ' С+ →)So dx dy dz.
S* S* (* S0+( 0, 0)

PROOF. - Since the volume cut off by any plane parallel to OYZ, and at a
distance from it, varies continuously with a, it must be some function of x.
Let V be this volume, and let dV be the small change in its value due to a
change da in x. Then, in the limit, dV = PQqp × da, an element of the solid
shown by dotted lines in the figure. Therefore
dv (4 (x)
PQqp = [*
dæ 0 (*) (x, y) dy, by ( 1902) ,
being constant throughout the integration for y. The result will be a
function of a only. Making a then vary from 0 to x, we have, for the whole
( (x, y)
volume, [
" { 0 (x, y) dy } dax = '
0' { [*0 (*) [ ˜*(*.
0 ”) dz] dy } dz,
since (x, y) = z. With the notation explained in ( 1905 ) , the brackets are
not required, and the integrals are written as above.

1907 If the solid is bounded by two surfaces z₁ = 41 (X, Y ) , %, = ¢, (x, y) ,

two cylindrical surfaces ₁₁ (x) , y₂ = 4, (x) , and two planes x = x1 , x = X2,
the volume will then be arrived at by taking the difference of two similar
integrals at each integration, and will be expressed by the integral in (1905 ) .
If any limit is a constant, the corresponding boundary of the solid
becomes a plane.



1908 The formula is √ (x) dx = §4 (x) dx dz,

where z is equal to f (x), some function chosen so as to facili
tate the integration .

RULE I.- Put x in terms of z in the given function , and

multiply the function also by x ; then integrate for z.
If the limits of the proposed integral are given by x = a,
x = b , these must be converted into limits of z by the equation
x = f¹ (z) .

The following rule presents another view of the method of

substitution, and is useful in practice .

1909 RULE II .— If (x) can be expressed in the form F ( z) z、;

S4 (x) dx = S F (2) z,dx = SF ( 2) dz.

Ex . 1. —To integrate² + v²) · Substitute = x + √ (x² + a³) ;

dz r 2
therefore = 1 + = x + √(x² + a²) =
dx √(x² + a² ) √ (x² + a²) √(x² + a²)'
1 dx dz
dz = log z = log { x + √ ( x² + a²) } .
√ √(x² + a²) dz d² = [ ²2 =

5 + 2a³ 5x-6 +2x-3

Ex. 2. dx = 5 dalog (x +x˜³) .
S x + x¹ s x +x
1 -·(5x - 6 + 2x - 2) .
Here x = x˜³ + x¯², F (z) = -—-— " ‫ܠܰܐ‬

1 - cx2 dx x-2 - c dx
Ex. 3. =
( 1 + ca² √ (1 + ax² + c²x*) Sx² + cx √ ( c²x² + x - ² + a)
d, (x1+cr) dr
= -Si( x¯ ¹ + cx) √ { (x¯¹ + cx ) ² + a − 2c }
1 ¸x √ (a − 2c) + √ ( 1 + ax² + c²x*) ¸
✓(a- 2c) 1 + cx²
or cos -1 x √(2c —a)
√ (2c - a) 1+ ca³
By (1927) or (1926) . Here x = x¯¹ + cx.

In Examples (2 ) and (3) the process is analytical, and leads to the dis
covery of the particular function z, with respect to which the integration is
effected. If z be known, Rule I. supplies the direct, though not always the
simplest, method of integrating the function.


1910 By differentiating uv with respect to a, we obtain the

general formula Suvda = uv —

The value of the first integral is thus determined if that
of the second is known .
RULE . Separate the quantity to be integrated into two
factors . Integrate one factor, and differentiate the other with
respect to x. If the integral of the resulting quantity is
known, or more readily ascertained than that of the original
one, the method by " Parts " is applicable.

1911 NOTE.- In subsequent examples, where integration by Parts is

directed, the factor which is to be integrated will be indicated. Thus, in
example ( 1951 ) , “ By Parts Jezda " signifies that ea is to be integrated and
sin bæ differentiated afterwards in applying the foregoing rule. The factor 1 is
more frequently integrated than any other, and this step will be denoted by dx.

1912 A formula is

S(a+bx")" dx = aS(a+bx" ) " -' +bSx" ( a +bx")" =¹ dx :
The expression to be integrated is thus divided into two terms ,
the index p in each being diminished by unity, a step which
often facilitates integration .
Similarly, S (a + bx” +cx™) º dx
= a (a + bx" + cx™) ” - ¹ + bx” (a + bx" + cx™ ) ” - ¹ + cx” ( a + bx" + cx” ) p-!.

1913 Ex -To integrate [ √ (x² +a² ) dæ.

- x dx
By Parts ( dz, √√(x² + a²) dx = x √ (x² + a³) − √ √ √ (x² + a³)*
a❜dx x2dx
By Division, [ √ (x² + a²) dx = √ √(x²+ ac²) +
√ (² 4 a²)
√ √ (2 + a³)
Therefore, by addition,
√ √ (x² + a³) dz = $x √ (x² + a³) + +S
[ √ √ (x² + a³)
= {} x √ (x² + a³ ) + } a² log { x + √ ( x² + a²) } , by (1909, Ex. 1) .


1914 In the following example, 6 is the least common de

nominator of the fractional indices . Hence , by substituting
z = x+, and therefore x = 6z³ , we have

x -1 - dx 78
[ x³
xt= da
-1 dx = [ z²=1
- 1 d²
dz dz = 6 [ = { dz

- 1
— z³
= 6 [ (~ +2 − 2 +2 −2 + 1 — ——
— 1) de.

Each term of the result is directly integrable by ( 1922 ) and

(1923 ) . For other examples see ( 2110) .


1915 Rational fractions can always be integrated by first

resolving them into partial fractions . The theory of such
resolutions will now be given .

1916 If (x) and F (x) are rational algebraic functions of æ,

(a) being of lowest dimensions , and if F (x) contains the
factor ( -a) once , so that

F (x) = (x− a) ¥ (x) . (1) ;

(x A X (x) and A = $ (a)

1917 then = + (2) .
F (x) x-a (x) F' (a)

PROOF. -Multiply equation (2 ) by ( 1), thus

• (x) = A ¥ (x) + ( x − α ) x ( x) .
Therefore, putting xa, (a ) = A (a) . _ Also, by differentiating ( 1 ) , and
putting aa afterwards, F (a) = (a) . Therefore A = (a) ÷ F' (a) .

1918 Again, if F (x) contains the factor ( -a) , n times , so

that F(x) = (x − a)" ↓ (x) .

(x) A₁ A2 A
Assume = X(x)
+ + ... +
F (x) (x-a)" (x− a) ”–1 x-a (x)

To determine A₁, Ag ... A. Multiply by (x - a)" ; put

x = a and differentiate, alternately .

1919 If F (x) = 0 has a single pair of imaginary roots


aiß ; then , applying ( 1917 ) , let

(a + iß) $ (a- iẞß)

= A ― iB ; .. = A + iB ;
F' (a + iß) F' (a— iß)

and the partial fractions corresponding to these roots will be

A - iB A+iB 2A (x − a) +2BB
x— a— iß x -a + iß (x- a)² + B³

For practical methods of resolving a fraction into partial fractions in the

different cases which occur, see (235-238) .


When other methods are not applicable , an integral may

sometimes be evaluated by expanding the function in a con
verging series and integrating the separate terms .

eas a²x² a³x³ a*x*

Ex. + + &c. (150)
[ 2 dx = log x + ax + 1.22 + 1.2.3


1921 Some elementary integrals are obtained at once from

the known derivatives of simple functions . Thus the deri
vatives (1422-38) furnish corresponding integrals . The fol
lowing are in constant use :

xm + 1
1922 x • = log x.
√ a dx =
Sam +1 Sda

Sadx = Loga Se= e.

dx 1 a 1
= cos -1 or - sin- 1 . [ Sube. x
1926 Sv
x √ (x²—a²) a X a x

dx 1 Xx 1
1927 S√(a²± ² a log a+ √ (a²± ²)
) == [ Substitute

= (1909, Ex. 1)
1928 S√
(x³± ³) = log { x + √ ( x² ± a²) } .

dx 1 x
= sin -¹ or -cos -1 x
1929 (1434)
√√α -a³) a a
x dx
= ± √ (a² ±x²).
1930 √√(
@² ± ²)

1931 By Parts, Division , and adding results (1913 ) , we obtain

√ √(x² ± a²) dx = } x√ (x² ± a²) ± } aª log {x + √ (x² ± a²) } .

1932 By Parts , Division, and difference of results ,

x² dx
( x + a²) \ x√ (x² ± a²) ‡ ¦a² log { x + √ ( x² ± a²) } .

-1 X
1933 + ½ x √ (a² — x²) .
√√(a²—x²) dx = { a² sin¬¹ a
[As in (1931 )
x² dx x -
1934 = a² sin -¹ ½ x √ (a² — x²).
√(a² —x³) a
[As in (1932)

dx 1 x 1 x
1935 = tan -1 or - -cot-1 (1436)
Six² + a² a a a α

dx 1 x- a
1936 = log [ By Partial fractions
S x² -a² 2a x+a

dx 1 a+ x
1937 = log · [ Do.
S a² -x² 2a a- x

sin x dx = — cos x. cos x dx = sin x.

1938 Ss Sco

- cot x dx = log sin x.

1940 Stanada = log cos æ. Sco
1942 secxdr = log tan
se cosecx dx = log tan
(1 + 1) Sco 2
METHOD .-( 1940, '2) , substitute cos x. ( 1941, ' 3), substitute sin x.

1944 sin‍¹ x dx = x sin¯¹ x + √ (1 − x²) .


1945 cos¹x dx = x cos¹x - √ (1 - x²) .


tan - ¹x dx = x tan-¹a - log (1 +x²) .
1946 Stan

cot-1 x dx = a tan¹a + log (1 + x²) .

1947 S

sec¯¹ x dx = x sec¯¹ x −log { x + √ ( x² − 1 ) } .

1948 S sec

cosec¯¹ x dx = x cosec¯¹x + log { x + √ ( x² − 1 ) } .

1949 S
METHOD.- ( 1944) to ( 1949) , integrate by Parts, Sdx.

1950 log x dx = xlog x - x. [ By Parts, Sda


dr 2
1951 tan -1
a + b cos x - { tan√( + )}
√ (a² — b³)
1 √ (b + a) + √/ (b - a) tan r
1952 or log
✓ (b² — a³) √ (b +a) −√ (b — a) tan ½ x
according as a is > or < b.
[ Subs . tan , and integrate by (1935 or '37)



cos" dx. cosec" dr.

1954 Ssin" da. Sc So
METHOD. -When n is integral, integrate the expansions in ( 772-4) .
Otherwise by successive reduction, see ( 2060) . For cosec” da, see (2058) .

n-3 x
tan" n-5 x
tan" -1r
tan” rdr = - - &c .
1957 Sta n-l n-3 n- 5
PROOF.-By Division ; tan" x = tan " -2x sec² a -――― tan" -2x, the first term of
which is integrable ; and so on.

dx -1
= a² —b²) -4 S (a − b cos x) ¹¹ dz.
1958 S(a+b cos a)" -
2 2
METHOD. By substituting tan 2 = tan 2
√( 6) . Similarly with
sin 20 in the place of cos x, substitute 7 - x.

cos x cos x sin" x sin' x

dx. dx. dx. dx.
195 9 Scos nx sin nx Scos
t nx Ssin nx
2 T

METHOD. -By ( 809 & 812 ) , when p and n are integers, the first two
functions can be resolved into partial fractions as under, p being < n in the
first and < n - 1 in the second. The third and fourth integrals reduce to one
or other of the former by substituting -2.
cospx 1 ሽ (-1) +1 sin (2- 1 ) @ cos? (2r - 1 ) 0 with @ = π
1963 = "
cos nx n Σ**】 cos x - cos (2r − 1) 0 2n
COSP x 1 - (- 1) +1 sin² rû cos² rů with 0 = π
1964 =
sin ne n sin x r-1 cos c - cos ro' ገሊ
The fractions in ( 1963) are integrated by ( 1952 ) ; those in ( 1964) by (1990) .

Formula of Reduction.
cos nx 'cos (n − 1 ) x dx co dx
1965 dx = 2 - ' s (n − 2) x
Sco S cos -1x Sc cos x
cos nx sin (n - 1) x 'cos (n − 2) x dx
dx = --2 dx +
1966 sin x
Sco S sing -1x Sco sing x
sin nx 'sin (n - 2) x
dx = 2 cos (n − 1) x dx + S dx
1967 S sin' x S sin -1x sing x
sin nx sin n--1) x 'sin ( n − 2) x dx
dx = dx
1968 S cose c 2 fsi cosp-1x Jsi cos c
PROOF. - In (1965). 2 cos x cos (n - 1 ) x = cos nx + cos (n − 2) x, &c.
Similarly in ( 1966-8 ) .

1969 sin x sin nx dx

sin x cos nx p
+ sin² -¹x cos ( n - 1) x dx.
p+ n p+n S

1970 cos x sin nx dx

cos x cos nx
+ cos -1a sin ( n - 1 ) x dx.
p+ n p+n S

1971 sin x cos nx dx

S si
sin" a sin nx p
= - sin -1 sin (n - 1) x dx.
p+n p+n S

1972 cos² x cos nx dx

cos x sin nx n
+ cos - ¹ x cos (n - 1) x dx.
p+n p+n S

PROOF.- (1969) . By Parts, S sin ne dæ. In the new integral change

COS NA COS into cos (n - 1 ) x- sin næ sin x . By successive reduction in
this way the integral may be found . Similarly in ( 1970-2 ) .
Otherwise, expand sine or cos" in multiple angles by ( 772-4) , and
integrate the terms by the following formulæ.


sin px nx dx = 1 ( sin (p — n) x
pa sin na sin (p+n) x).
Ssi 121 ( p- n p+ n
and so with similar forms , by (666-9) .

cos px dx sin px dx are found from

1976 and
S cos nx Ssi cos nx

i cos pr — sin pæ dx = 2 zp+n−1 dz

s cos nx s 1 + z²n

when p and ʼn are integers , by equating real and imaginary

parts after integrating the right side by ( 2023 ) .
PROOF.-Put cos x + i sin x = z ; therefore iz dx = dz . Multiplying nume
rator and denominator of the fraction below by cos na + i sin næ, we get
cos pa + i sinpå = 2 cos (p + n) x + i sin ( p + n ) x = 2 zp+n
cos nx 1+ cos 2nx + i sin 2nx 1 + 22n
cos pr + i sin pa dx = — 2P + n -1 dz
therefore 2i 2n
s cos nx S 1 + z²n

cos px dx sin px dx
pa da
and are found in the same
1978 S sin nx (sisinnx

px +i sin px dx = 2
cos pa zp + n - 1 dz
way from
s sin nx S 1-22n
PROOF. As in (1976), by multiplying numerator and denominator of
cos pa + i sin pa by cos nx — i sin næ.
sin næ

cos x dx sin æ dr
1980 and
(cos nx) S=
* (cos nx)
cos i sin æ
Putting y = " we find tan na = i ( 1 — y") , and therefore
*/(cos nx)
ydx = -idy
Hence, multiplying by i, we have
2 —y"`
i cos x-- sin x dy
dx =
J: (cos nx) S 2 - yn
The real part and the coefficient of i in the expansion of the integral on
the right by (2021 , ' 2) , are the values required .

dx 1
1982 = tantan x [ Subs. tan 2
a cos + b sin' a √(ab) √a) .
dx 1
1983 a+b tande a²+ b² { b log (a cosx + b sin x) + ax}. [ Subs . tan e

dr =
1 tan‍¹ √(a + b)
1984 [Substitute cot a
a + b sin² x √(a² + ub) cot x va

sin x cos² a dx 1 cos x

1985 = 3 tan - ¹ ( a cos x) - [ Substitute a cos x
S 1 + a² cos² æ a a²
cos x dr = 1 a sin x sin
1986 tan -1 [ Subs . sin a
S 1 - a² cos²x a³ √ (1 — a²) √ (1 — a²) a²

1987 cos ≈ √ / ( 1 − a² sin² ) + 2a sin ¹ ( a sin x) .
/ ( 1 — a² siu² æ) dæ = 1 sine √
[ Substitute a sin a
1988 sin x √ (1 — a² sin² æ) dx = — − } cosæ √ ( 1 — a³sin³æ)
I sin 1 - a².
log a cosx + ( 1 - asina) . [Subs . a cos x
1989 sin a ( 1 − aa² sin *a ) *da
dæ = − } cos x (1− sinx)

+ (1 - a ) [ sin ᏍᏆ. ( 1 - a² sin³æ) dæ. [ Subs. a cos a

= log { (u cosecæ + b cotæ) ° tanª½æ}¸
1990 a²-b²
sina (a +b cos x)
1 a- b cos x - 12 sin x
By =
sina (a + b cos x) (a - b ) sin x (a³ — b²) (a + b cos x)

tan a da 1
1991 = COS¸-1 cos x ✅ (b − a)
√(a + b tan² a) √(b− a) √6
[ Subs . cos x (b− a)

(a +b sin x) dxb
= √b cos x
1992 cos-1
sin æ √ (a + b)
-a log { a cota + (a cosec² a + b) }.
METHOD.-By Division ( 1912 ) , making the numerator rational, and in
tegrating the two fractions by substituting cote and cos a respectively.

dr dx dx
1993 = c ( -
a + 2b cosx + ccos 2x m {S 2c cosx + b - m S2c cosx +b + m;},
where m = {b - 2c (a - c) } . Then integrate by (1953) .

dx de
1 (1953)
1994 Sa cos a + b sin a + c ·√√(a² +b²)cos 0 + c
METHOD. -Substitute = a - a, where tan a = a

F (sin x, cos x) dx
Saa cos x + b sina +c
F being an integral algebraic function of sin x
a and cos x.
METHOD. Substitute 02 -a as in ( 1994) , and the resulting integral
f( sine, cos 0 ) 20 (cos A) 10 sin (cos 0)
takes the form 0 +
( A cos + B =11 A cos 0 + B S A cos +B '
since ƒ contains only integral powers of the sine and cosine, and may there
fore be resolved into the two terms as indicated .
To find the first integral on the right, divide by the denominator and
integrate each term separately. To find the second integral, substitute the

F (cos x ) dr
1996 S (a₁ +b¸ cos x) (a, +b₂ cos x) ... (a +b, cos x

where F
' is an integral function of cos x.
METHOD . - Resolve into partial fractions . Each integral will be of the
form dr
(1951 ) .
Į A + B cos x

A cosa + B sina + C
1997 dx.
S a cos x + b sin a + c

METHOD. Let (x ) = a cos x + b sina + c ; .. q′(x) = -a sina +b cos x.

Assume A cos + B sin æ + C = Xp ( x) + µ q' (x) + ". Substitute the values of
₫ (x) and p′ (x) , and equate the coefficients to zero to determine A, μ, v. The
integral becomes
ν V
λαμ ' (x) + de Xa +μ log (x) + +打 dx,
[ {" $ (+) $ (1) } (x)
and the last integral is found by (1991) .


1998 Se F (x) da can be found at once when F (x) can be

expressed as the sum of two functions, one of which is the
derivative of the other, for

* {$ (x) +$
' (x) } dx = e*¢ ( x).

1999 ear cos" bx dx and sin" ba da are respectively 1

Sear Senz
a cos bx + nb sin br n (n - 1 ) b²
e¹ cos" -¹ bx + ex cos"-2 bx dx.
a² + n²b² a² + n°b³ S Se

a sin br - nb cos bx n (n - 1 ) b²
ear sin" -1 bx + eax sin"-2 bx dx.
a² + n²b² a² + n²b² Se

PROOF. —In either case, integrate twice by Parts, Sex dx.

Otherwise, these integrals may be found in terms of multiple angles by
expanding sin" and cos" x by (772-4), and integrating each term by ( 1951-2).

2000 Se* sin" a cos " a da is found by expressing sin” æ and

cos " a in terms of multiple angles .

Ex.: Se sin x cos x dx. Put ez in ( 768) ,

(2i sin x) (2 cos x)² = (z - z -1) ³ ((z≈ + z - ¹)²
= (z — z ¯¹) ³ (z² — z˜²) ² = ( z7 — z¯7 ) —3 ( 25—2−5) + ( 2³ — z˜³) + 5 ( ≈z −z¯¹ ) ;
26 e sin x cos x = e* (sin 7x − 3 sin 3x + sin 3x + 5 sin x) .
Then integrate by (1999) .

2001 THEOREM. -Let P, Q be functions of a ; and let

= =
SPdx = P₁, SPQada SPQda P₂, P3, &c. Then
n- 2
1 2 3 ... ± n P,
P₁₂ +1•
SPQ" dx = P¸Q" —nP¸Q"-¹ + n (n − 1) P¸Q¹ -'—
PROOF. -Integrate successively by Parts, JP dx, &c.

2002 THEOREM . -Let P, Q, as before , be functions of x ; and

let P₂ = P Ps Then
P₁ = ((); (
=( ); (4)
r₁ = (();, &c.
P P₁
dx =
S& (n − 1) Q₂Q” (n − 1) (n − 2) QnQ”
P3 1
+ n-1 dx.
- 3
(n − 1) (n − 2) (n − 3) Q¿Q” n- SPA

- Qx dx.
PROOF. —Integrate successively by Parts, — (n − 1) Qr


2003 (log x)" dx

Xrm n n - n
= == (bIn ―
− 2 1In-1 In-2.
- 3 + " (n − 1) po
m m Įn --s—
2 — ... + ( − 1) » | ??
m² m"
xm xm xm
METHOD . BY (2001 ) . P₁ = P₁ = 29 P3 = 739 &c.


dx = Sa™ {1 +nx log æ + } (næ log a)² +&c. } dx,

Sam +mz
[ By ( 149)
and each term of this result can be integrated by ( 2003 ) .

Sa (log x)"
m l-n+2 m² 1- n +3
Am + +
n- 1 +&c. )
(n − 1 ) (n − 2) (n − 1) ( n − 2) (n − 3)
n 1
m" x"m- 1 dx
n-·1 S log x

METHOD.-By (2002) . Px = x , P₁ = mx™ -¹, P₁ = m²x™ -¹, &c.

The last method is not applicable when n = 1. In this

case, writing for log æ,
m-1 dx m212 m³13 m $74
= log l + ml + 1.22 + + + & c.
2006 S log x 1.2.32

xm -1 em log a
METHOD : = Expand the numerator by ( 150) , and inte
log x x log x

See also (2161-6) for similar developments of the expo

nential forms of the same functions .


dx 1 1 -
2007 =
s x" (x - 1)" ni { (1 - x)"2-1 -}
n n (n + 1 ) ... 2 (n − 1 ) lo X
+ + g
+= N= ·2 {( (1-2)
= ( 1 − x )=" -−2 x=22-2
= - =
- == }
-- 1.2 ... (n - 1 ) I-¿®
n being even. (1918)

= cos -1
2008 [ (1+ a²²)√ ( 1-2²) √ (1 + a³) √
√ (17 ).
√ (1-22)
[ Subs.

2009 (1-2)/(1 +2) = √12 log # √2 + √( 1 + z³)
√ (1 - x³)
dx x
(1 + )/( - 1) = √1
/2 log # √2 + √ (a²- 1)

dr 1
2011 = sin -1 br)),
(2² (ae— ac ae > bc
(c + ex²) √ (u + bx*) ✓(ace - be²) √(
1 ¸c √ (a + bx² ) + x√ (be² — ace)
= log ae < bc
✓ (be²- ace) √ (c + ex²)

dx 2 √(a + ba") -√a 1

2012 = log [ Subs. 73
x√ (a + bx") n√ a √2n √2

(1 + x²) dx 1 æ √2 + √ ( 1 + a³) æ√2

2013 =
V₂ log 1 −x²
[ Subs .
( 1 − x²) √/ ( 1 + æ¹) √2
da 1 2 √2
= sin -1 2√ [ Subs.
2014 ) √ (1+ )
√(1+2² √2 1 + x²° 1+x

2015 √√(1+x)
1 -x da = 17/18 { log
+2") dx (1 + 2 )+ 2/2 +sin- 1 /2 }

2016 S(1- ( + ) 4√2 { log ( +2 + 2√2 - sin -12√2 }
1 -)x²
[ Substitute ( 1 + x¹ ) = x√2 in (2015-6)

2017-2² dx (2x²-1) -2 - x
) = log tan-1
(1 − x²) (2x² − 1 )* (2x² − 1 )* + x - 1)**
(2x² —
[ Substitute a ≈ ( 2.c² — 1 ) *

dx X
2018 = tan-1
(1 + e
x*) { √ ( 1 + x*) − x² } * / ( 1 + x*) -x
{√ − ∞² } $
[ Substitute √√ /
√ (1 + æ³) ---
{ − x* }

dx 1 2 /1 - x³ -x ³/(1 − x³)
= log √ x +/- 2³ — tan -1 [ Subs.
/ (1- ³) √3 x √3 x

dx x
2020 reduces to ( 2019 ) by substituting 1+
√ (1 + x) / ( 1 + 3x + 3 «°)

" ±1

If I and n are positive integers , and 1-1 < n ;* then, n

being even,

* If l = n , the value of the integral is simply log (x* —1 ) .
x² + 1°

x²-1 dx 1
= log (x − 1 ) + (−¹ ) ' log ( x+1)
2021 Sa n n

+ = Σcosrlßlog( x² —2x cosrß + 1) −2Σsinrlẞtan - 1 —cosr‍ß

sin rß
where ẞ = , and Σ denotes that the sum of all the terms
obtained by making r n- 2
2 , 4, 6 ...n successively , is to
be taken .

If n be odd ,
2022 n 1 = n log ( x - 1)

+ = Σcosrlßlog (x² —2x cos rẞ + 1 ) −2Σ sin rlßtan‍¹ª — cos rß

n sin rß
with r = 2 , 4, 6 ... n - 1 successively .

If n be even,
n == Σ cos rlẞ log (x² -2x cos rẞ + 1 )
2023 Sa +1 n

Σ sin rlẞ tan -1 - cos rß

n sin rß
with r = 1 , 3 , 5 ... n - 1 successively.

If n be odd ,
x²-1dx (−1 ) ²-¹
2024 = log (x + 1 )
x +1 n
- 1Σcos rlßlog ( a² — 2x cos rß + 1 ) + 2Σsinrlẞtan -1 x - cosrß
n n sin rß
with r == 1 , 3
, 5 ... n - 2 successively .

PROOF .- (2021-4) . Resolve into partial fractions by the method
x" ± 1
(a) a²-1 am
of (1917). We have = " since a" 1. The different
F' (a) nan -1 n
values of a are the roots of " ± 10, and these are given by x = cos rẞ ±
i sin rẞ, with odd or even integral values of r. ( See 480, 481 ; 2r and 2r + 1
of those articles being in each case here represented by r.) The first two
terms on the right in (2021 ) arise from the factors 1 ; the remaining
terms from quadratic factors of the type
(x -cos rß-i sin rẞ) (x - cos rß + i sin rß) = (x - cos r³) ² + sin² rß.
These last terms are integrated by (1923) and (1935) . Similarly for the
cases (2022-4 ) .
2 U

2025 If , in formulæ ( 2021–4 ) , F Σ ( 3π - ‚ß) sin rlß be
added to the last term for the constant of integration , the
integral vanishes with a, and the last term becomes

x sin rß
F ² Σ sin rlẞ tan - ¹
n 1 - x cos rẞ'

reading in (2021-2 ) , and in ( 2023-4) .

m +1
dx n
2026 dz,
a+ bxn = 4
Sandr ab( 4) Sd
1 + x"
where az" bx” . Then integrate by (2023-4) .

am - 1 + xn - m-1 4 -1 x — cos rß
2027 dx = Σ sin mrẞ tan
xn+1 n sin rẞ

where B ÷ n , and r = 1 , 3 , 5 , ... successively up to n - 1

or n - 2, according as n is even or odd .

xmm -1 ―――·xnn - m - 1 2
dx = E cos mrß.log ( x² −2x cos rẞ+ 1 ) ,
x +1 n

with the same values of r ; but when n is odd , supply the

additional term ( −1 ) m 2 log (x + 1 ) ÷ n .
PROOF. Follow the method of ( 2024, Proof) .
Similar forms are obtainable when the denominator is a" -1 .

x -1 dx 1
= Σ cos (n − 1) . tan -¹ ª — cos
x² -2x" cos no +1 n sin no sin

- Σ sin ( n - 1) 4.log ( x² - 2x cos +1 ) ,

where - 0+ and r = 0, 2 , 4, ... 2 (n - 1 ) successively.
x sin o
But if the integral is to vanish with a, write tan - ¹
1 - x cos p
as in (2025 ) .

PROOF. By the method of ( 2024 ).- The factors of the denominator are
given in (807), putting y equal to unity.
INTEGRATION OF Sx™ (a + bæ² ) ?. 331

'x¹¹ (log x)" dx = F (r ß)'

2030 (rß) ™ { cos ( rlß + 3mm )
Sa x + 1 n
-1 x - cos rẞ
Xlog (x² -2x cos rẞ+ 1 ) −2 sin (rlẞ+ mπ) tan "
sin rß
with the values of ẞ and r in ( 2021-4) .

PROOF. - Differentiate the equations (2021-4) m times with respect to 1,

by (1427) and ( 1461-2) . If m be negative , integrate m times with respect
to l, and the same formula is obtained by ( 2155–6) .

In a similar manner , from (2027-8 ) and (2029) , the general

terms may be found for the integrals
x - m - 1} (log x)"
{ am - ¹ ± ( −1 )º¸n x²-1 (log x)" dx
dx and
Sham-2: x"±1 Sa-2x" cos no + 1'

INTEGRATION OF Sx™ ( ax+ bx”) dx.

2035 RULE I.- When is a positive integer, integrate
by substituting z = (a + bx" ) . Thus
m + 1 -1
༧ .- n
Xpm" ( a +bx") " dx = 1 ( ~2= a **** dz.
2S SxP+9-1 ( b

Expand the binomial , and integrate the separate terms by (1922) .

2036 But if the positive integer be 1 , the integral is known

at sight , since m then becomes n - 1.

m +1
2037 RULE II.- When + P is a negative integer ,
n q
substitute z = (ax - " +b) . Thus
m +1 p -1
- 29-b n
zp+q -
Sx" (a +bx")}" dx = − nu
£ § 2º • -' (2º—
—b) * ~ * ~* ` dz.

Expand and integrate as before.

2038 But, if the negative integer be -1 , the integral is

found immediately by writing it in the form
m + np
[ x " + " ( ax¯ * + b) " dx = [ x =" -1 (ax¯* +i) " dz

- q
na (p +q) (ax¯ * + b) * * !!

m +1 =
2039 To find Sa* ( 1 + x*) * da . Here m = } , n = } , p = 2, q = 3 , =3,
a positive integer. Therefore, substituting y = (1 + *) *, x = (y³ − 1)',
x = 6y³ (y³ - 1), and the integral becomes
dy6- 1)° dy,
[( -1) y³ da
the value of which can be found immediately by expanding and integrating
the separate terms.

2040 x³ (a + bx*)* dx = (a + bx*)*.
{ 166
For m +1 = 1 (2036) ; that is, m + 1 = n, and the factor 2 is the derivative
of .

2041 [ (1 + √x)² dx, or ( 毹 (1 + x¹) ¹ dæ. Here m = −}, n = }, p = 2,

m +1
q = 3, + P = -2, a negative integer. Therefore, substitute
n q
y = ( x¯* + 1 ) ³, x = (y³ — 1 ) -², x¸ = — by³ (y³ — 1) -³ . Writing the integral in
the form below, and then substituting the values, we have
Sx¯² (x¯ * + 1 ) * x, dy = — 6 S y* (y³— 1 ) dy,
which can be integrated at once.

dx m +1
= + P ==-1;
√x (a +bx" ) = √x¹ ( a + ba " ) -¹ de . Here n q
therefore, by (2038) , the integral
-2-1 1
log (ax + b).
= √ x - " - ¹ (ax¯ " + b ) - ¹ dx = − na

REDUCTION OF S x™ (a +bx”)º dx.

When neither of the conditions in (2035 , 2037) are ful
filled , the integral may be reduced by any of the six following
rules , so as to alter the indices m and p, those indices having
any algebraic values .

2043 I. To change m and p into m +n and p - 1 .

Integrate by Parts , Sxm dx.

2044 II. To change m and р into m - n and p + 1 .

Integrate by Parts , Sx -¹ (a + bx") " dx.

2045 III. To change m into m + n.

Add 1 to p. Then integrate by Parts, Sx dx ; and also

by Division , and equate the results.
REDUCTION OF S ” ( a + bæ″)² dx. 333

2046 IV. To change m into m - n.

Add 1 to p, and subtract n from m. Then integrate by

Parts, Sx dx ; and also by Division , and equate the results .

2047 V. To change p into p + 1 .
Add 1 to p . Then integrate by Division , and the new
integral by Parts , Sx" -1 (a + bx")".
2048 VI. To change p into p - 1 .
Integrate by Division, andthe new integral by Parts,
Sx"-¹ (a + bx")".


I. m +n, p- 1 By Parts (m) .

II. m- n, p + 1 | By Parts (p) .
III. m +n (p + 1 ) , Parts (m) and Division.
IV. m- n (p + 1 , m - n) , Parts (m) and Division.
V. p +1 (p + 1 ), Division, and the new integral by Parts (p) .
VI. p- 1 Division, and the new integral by Parts (p) .

By applying the rules , Formula of reduction are obtained .

Thus, any of the six values below may be substituted for the

integral xm
Sx™ (a+bx™)º dx.

___ bnp
+¹ (a +bx ")" - m+n
I. xm (a + bx ") -¹ dx.
m+ 1 m + 1J

‚m −n + ¹ (a +bx”)p + 1
xm m- n+ 1
II. xm
bn (p + 1 ) bn p +1 Sam- " (a + bx ") + ¹ dx.

Xm +1·¹ (a + bx”)p + 1 ___ b (m+ n + np + 1 ) +n

III. +” (a +bx”)º dx.
b (m + n + up + 1) S x”
a (m + 1 ) a (m + 1 )
m - n +1
IV. + ¹ ( a + bxn) p + 1 - a (m - n + 1 ) xm-n
Sæ™ ¯" (a +bx”)” dx.
b (m + np + 1 ) b (m + np + 1 )

V. - xm +1 (a +bxn)p+1
аст (a + bx")p +¹ dæ.
+ m + n + np + ¹ √x™
an (p + 1 ) an (p +1)

xm +1 (a + b.x")p anp
+ Sam (a +bx")º -¹ dx.
m + np + 1 m + up + 1

2056 To find √ (a²->³) dr. Apply Rule I. or Formula I .; thus
√ x³

Sx˜³ (a² — x²) ¹ dx = — § x¯² (a² — x²) ¹ + } § x¯¹ ( a² — x²) ¯ * dx (1927 ) .

2057 To find dr. Apply Rule II . or Formula II .; thus
S(a² — x²) }

Sæ¹ (a² — x²) −¹ dx = x³ ( a² — x²) − ¹ — 3 § x² ( a² —x²) -¹ dæ (1934) .

2058 Scosecode. Substituting sin , the integral becomes

do -m -
sin- 0 dx =
s dx =S√ 2¯ " ( 1 − x² ) − + dx.
Apply Rule III.; thus, increasing p by 1 and integrating, first by Parts
Sa - da, and again by Division ;
2¹- (1-2) 1 22 -m
( 1 − x² ) ¹ dx =
√2-m 1 -m -m fr² = ( 1 − x³) −¹
+ 1= −

da - -
(x- (1—2 ' )' de = √2 f
S " (1—29) —+ dz— [2² * (1—22²)
') " + dz.
Equating the results, we obtain
21-1 -m
-m -
2059 x¯" (1 − x²) - * dx = 1 —m (1 −x²) ¹ + 12= x² - m ( 1 − x²) −¹ dx .
Š = -mm ( x² - (
By repeating the process, the integral is made to depend finally upon
- or -
[x¯¹ (1 − x²) − ¹ dæ [(1 − 2² ) − + dz,
according as m is an odd or even integer ( 1927, '29) .

2060 Ssinode is found in a similar manner by Rule IV. The integral

to be evaluated is Sam ( 1 - x ) -de ; and the integral operated upon is
Sam - 2 ( 1 - x²) ¹ dæ. Otherwise apply Formula IV. See also ( 1954) .

2061 To find Apply Rule V. p = -r, and increasing p by
√(x²+1 )-
1, we have, first, by Division,

dx --
[ (x² + a²)! " de = [ 2² (x² + a²) * dz + a° f (x² + a²) · " dz.
a²) ¹ -r
Integrating the new form by Parts, Sx (x² + a²) - " da, we next obtain
[x² (x² + a²) - * dx = ² (x² + a³) ¹ - r - 2 (1— r) f (x² +a³)¹-"dz.
2 (1 - r) [ "
Substituting this value in the previous equation, we have, finally,
dx x 2r-3 dx
( x²+a²) " = 2 (r − 1) a² (x² + a²) ” -¹ a²( 272
a² (2r )!
− 2) ↓ (x² +a²) ” ¯¹°
REDUCTION OF Ssin" e cos" edo. 335

This equation is given at once by Formula V. Thus r is

changed into r - 1 , and by repeating the process of reduction ,
the original integral is ultimately made to depend upon ( 1935 )
for its value if r be an integer .

Another formula for this integral is

dx (−1)”-¹ dr-1 X
2063 +8) = 1.2 tan -1
S 1.2 ... (r −-11)) dB 12/8)
( 8

PROOF.- Write ẞ for a² in ( 1935) , and differentiate the equation r— 1

times for by the principle in ( 2255 ) .

2064 To find √ (a² + æ²)³ dæ. Apply Rule VI . By Division, we have

n- 1
dx = a*
f( a² +z?) ' dz a² f (a² + z') ' -' dz + [ 2° ( @²+ 2°) b = ¹ dz.
The last integral, by Parts, becomes
n ¹dx 1 - 1
x² — n
[2° (a² + z ? ) !" —' da = n
!= x ( a² + z ?) }" = ! { {((a²
a? +2 !) !".

Substituting this value in the previous equation, we obtain


2065 n +a²)
S(a² + x²)¹* dx = ² (a² na²1 §
+ 1 " + n+ S (a² + x²) ¬¹dx ,

a result given at once by Formula VI .

If n be an odd integer, we arrive , finally, by successive

reduction in this manner, at ( a² +x² ) * dx ( 1931 ) .

2066 The integral Ssin" cos " do is reducible by the fore

going Rules I. to VI. , if, in applying them, n be always put
equal to 2 ; if p be changed into p ± 2 instead of p ± 1 ; and
if Division be always effected by separating the factor
cos 01 - sin20 .

PROOF. S sin cos 0 d0 = √ x™ (1 − x²) ³ » -¹) dx , where x = sin 0. Thus
n = 2 always, and the index ( p - 1 ) is increased by 1 by adding 2 to p.

Thus, Rule I. gives the formula of reduction

sin +10 cos? -10
sin" cos" 0d0 = + sinm+20 cos? -20d0.
Ssir m +1 m+1 S

But the integral can be found by substitution in the fol

lowing cases :
If r be a positive integer,

2068 cos2 +1 x sin x dx =

cos (1 - x )"' "dz, where z = sinæ .
Scos² + 1

2069 sin2r+1x cos? x dx = —- ( (1—2²) "z" dz , where z = cosx.


If m +p2r,
S sin”
si x cos” xdx =√ (1 + 2²)-- ¹z " dz, where z = tanz .

FUNCTIONS OF a + bx + ca².

The seven following integrals are found either by writing

2071 a + bx + cx² = { ( 2cx + b) ² + 4ac - b² } ÷ 4c,

and substituting 2cx +b ; or by writing

2072 a + bx - cx² = {4ac +b²- (2cx — b) ² } ÷ 4c ,

and substituting 2cx - b.

1 2cx +b - √ (b2-4ac)
2073⋅ Sa+bx +cx² = log
√(b³ —4ac) 2cx + b + √ (b² -4ac)
2 2cx +b
or tan -1
√(4ac- b³) √(4ac - b³)'

according as b² > or < 4ac (2071 , 1935-6) .

dx 1 √ (b² +4ac) + (2cx —b)

= log
2074 Sa+ba - ca b²+4ac √ (b² +4ac) — (2cx — b) *
(2072, 1937)

( a + arter") === log { 2er +b +2√
/ (a +bx +cx²) } .

1 2cx - b
= sin-1
2076 S√(a +br - cr) √c √ (4ac +b³)*
(2071-2, 1928-9)
FUNCTIONS OF a + bx ± cx² . 337

2077 √ (a +bx +cx²) dx = }c >#

¿c¯ ‡ √ √ (y² + 4ac — b²) dy.

2078 S√(a +bx−cx²) dx = ¿ c¯¹ S√ (4ac+b² —y °) dy,

where y = 2cxb. The integrals are given at ( 1931–3 ) .

dx dy
2079 = 22-1-1
(a + bx + cx²) ² S (y² +4ac - b²)P'
[ By (2071 ) , the integral being reduced by (2062-3) .

(lx + m) dx
(a + bx + ca²)
ι (2cx + b) dx bl
= -
+ m
2cJ (a +bx+cx²)p ( 2c S (a+bx + cu²) ³·

The value of the second integral is ( a +be + ca²) ¹ - P ÷ ( 1 − p) ,

unless p1 , when the value is log (a + be + ca² ) . For the
third , see (2079) .
METHOD. Decompose into two fractions, making the numerator of the
first 2c + b ; that is, the derivative of a + bx + cx².

2081 px² + q dx may be integrated as follows :-

Saa+ bx² + cx*
-b ± √ (b² - 4ac) , and,
I. If b² > 4ac , put a and ẞ for
by Partial Fractions , the integral is resolved into
{Spat 2
dx - SPB+q dx }.
c (a- B)

II. If b² < 4ac, put = n² and 2√ (ac) — b = m², and the
с C
integral may be decomposed into
1 -
2082 2mne {§ I—pn) x + qm dx -
x² + mx + n ·S
-S q=
x² pm)
- mxx =n
+ dx} ,
qm dx

the value of which is found by (2080) .

III. If b³ = 4ac,
x 1 b
2083 tan (2062)
Sa+ ba² + cx² = 2a + bx² + √( 2at) √3a)
~~(~~ .
2 x

x dx 2a
2084 Sa+be +car
b (2a + bx²)*
x²dx 2a S 1 X
2085 = tan~ (~ √za --
a+ ba² + ca b√(
2ab) ( ~ √22a + bar}
20 +ba
4 ) - 2a

REDUCTION OF Sæ™ ( a + bæ" + cæ²" ) º dæ.

NOTE. In the following Formula of Reduction, for the sake of clearness,
x™ (a + bx” + cx²”) ” is denoted by (m , p) , and the integral merely by § (m, p) .

(m + 1)f
' (m, p) = (m+ 1, p )

.. (1 ) .
—bnp S (m+n, p −1) —2cnp J ( m+ 2n , p − 1 )

2087 bn (p + 1) S (m, p) = (m − n + 1 , p + 1 )

− (m — n + 1) S(m — n, p + 1 ) −2cn (p + 1 ) √ (m + n, p) … ..(2) .

2088 2cn (p + 1 ) S (m, p) = ( m − 2n + 1 , p + 1 )

− (m −2n + 1) S(m−2n, p + 1) −bn (p + 1) {( m— n, p

) ...(83) .

(m + np + 1) S (m, p) = (m+ 1 , p)

. (4) .
+ anp S ( m, p − 1) —cnp S (m + 2n , p − 1) ..

(m + 2np + 1) S (m, p ) = ( m + 1 , p)

. (5) .
+2anpS(m, p− 1) +bnp S (m + n, p− 1)

2091 b (m +np + 1) S
' (m, p) = (m − n + 1 , p + 1 )

—a (m —n + 1) S(m — n, p) —c ( m + 2np +n + 1) S(m + n, p )

. (6) .

2092 bn (p + 1) § (m, p) = − (m − n + 1 , p + 1 )

+ (m +2np + n + 1 ) S(m− n, p + 1) −2an (p + 1 ) J (m −n , p )

... ( 7) .
REDUCTION OF Sæm (a + bæ" + ca² ) " dx. 339

en (p + 1 ) √ ( m, p) = ( m —− 2n + 1 , p + 1 )

+an (p + 1 ) √(m− 2n , p) − ( m + np − n + 1) √(m − 2n , p + 1)

......(8) .

2094 an (p + 1 ) √ (m, p) = − (m + 1 , p + 1 )

+ (m + np + n + 1 ) S(m,p + 1) + en ( p + 1)√(m+ 2n , p ). … ..(9) .

2095 2an (p + 1) S (m, p) = − (m +1, p + 1)

+ (m + 2np +2n + 1) S (m, p + 1) −bn (p + 1) S (m +n, p)

.. (10) .

= (m + 1 , p + 1 )
2096 a ( m + 1) ( (m, p)

−b(m + np + n + 1 ){(m + n, p) —c(m + 2np + 2n + 1 )√(m + 2n ,p)

....... (11 ) .

2097 c (m+2np +1) S

√ (m, p ) = ( m − 2n + 1 , p + 1)

−b (m + np —n + 1 )S(m —n,p ) —a (m −2n + 1) f(m− 2n , p)

.. ( 12) .

PROOF.- By differentiation, we have

S ( m − 1, p ) + bnp S ( m + n − 1 , p −1 ) + 2cnp S ( m + 2n − 1 , p − 1 ) .
'(m, p) = m√
Formula (1 ) , (2 ) , and (3 ) are obtained from this equation by altering the
indices m and p, so that each integral on the right, in turn, becomes (m, p).
Again, by division,

2099 S(m, p) = aS ( m, p − 1) + b S ( m + n, p − 1 ) + c√ (m + 2n, p − 1).… .. (A).

And, by changing m into m -n, and p into p + 1 ,

2100 S (m −n, p + 1 ) = a §S ( m − n , p ) + b § ( m, p) + c ¦ (m + n, p ) .....(B) .

Formula (4) to ( 12) may now be found as follows :-- :

(4) , by eliminatiug S ( m + n, p − 1) between ( 1 ) and (A) ;

(5) , by eliminating (m + 2n, p − 1 ) between ( 1 ) and ( A) ;
(6), by eliminating (m - n, p + 1 ) between ( 2) and (B) ;
(7) , by eliminating (m +n, p) between ( 2) and ( B) ;

(8), from (4), by changing m into m - 2n, and p into p + 1 ;

(9) , from (4) , by changing p into p +1 ;
( 10) , from ( 5 ) , by changing p into p + 1 ;
(11 ) , from ( 6) , by changing m into m + n ;
(12) , from (6) , by changing m into m - n.

If a and B are real roots of the quadratic equation

a + bx² + cx²n = 0 , then, by Partial Fractions ,
dx 1 m dx
dx )
2101 S atba" Feat √ 2 " dr - Sande } ,
c (a B
- ){ S x n a Ᏸ
and the integrals are obtained by ( 2021-2) .
But, if the roots are imaginary ,
m dx m+1
a 2n
= 47)= SI- 22 (2029)
2102 Sa+be + ca² 1(
a 2 " cos no +2

b 2n
where cos no = and 2=
· = (-2
a) + x.
2√ (ac)

2103 is reduced to ( 2079-80) by (2097) .

dx dy
, (2075)
2104 a + bx + ce²) = -S
(x + 4 ) √ ((a −√ √(4+ By + Cy²)
where y (x +h) −¹ , A = c, Bb - 2ch, C = a - bh + ch².

dx = 1 -11 + 2 1 -11 +hx

2105 COS = cosh
S (x + h) √x²- 1 √1- h² x+h √h' - 1 x+ h
dx 1 1 + ha
= sin-1 [ By (2181 ) .
2106 √h - 1 x+h
|( +11) VI- 403
METHOD. - Substitute (x + h) , as in ( 2104) . Observe the cases in which
h = 1.

dx yr-¹dy
/ (a + bx + cx²) = -S
(x +h) " √ √;
• √ (A + By + Cy³)'

with the same values for A, B, C, and y as in ( 2104) . The

integral is reduced by ( 2097) .

(lx + m ) dr
S x² +ß²) √ (a + bx +cx²) *

METHOD .- Substitute 0 by putting a = ß tan (0 + 7) , and determine the

constant y by equating to zero the coefficient of sin 20 in the denominator.
L cos 6 + M sin 0
The resulting integral is of the form do.
S √ (P + Q cos 20)
Separate this into two terms, and integrate by substituting sin in the first
and cos in the second.

(x) dx
(x) √ (a + bx + cx²) '

where (a) and F (x) are rational algebraic functions of x,

the former being of the lowest dimensions .

METHOD.- Resolve (x)

into partial fractions . The resulting integrals
are either of the form (2107) , or else they arise from a pair of imaginary roots
(Ax + B) dx
of F(2) = 0, and are of the type [ { (x − a ) ² +1) ²) √ (a + bx + ca³)' Substitute
z-a in this, and the integral (2108) is obtained.


In the following articles , F denotes a rational algebraic

function . In each case, an integral involving an irrational
function of is , by substitution , made to take the form
SF (z) dz. This latter integral can always be found by the
method of Partial Fractions ( 1915 ) .

2110 SF{ x , (a
(F +b ) , (a
f+gx +b );, &c. } dr.
a + bx =
Substitute z , where is the least common de
f+ gx
nominator of the fractional indices ; thus ,
p lp
fz¹ -a dx 12-1 (bf- ag) 1+ bx\ a =
x = = 2 , & c. ,
b- gz¹¹ dz (b -gz¹) ( f+gæ)l
the powers of z being now all integral.

2111 S - F { a " , (a+
g”") , (a+b );, &c. } dr.

Reduce to the form of (2110) by substituting a".


Subs . √ (a + √mx + n) .
2112 SF { √ (a + √mx + n) } dx.

Substitute x =
2113 SF{x, √ (bx±cx²)} dx. F

bz dx 2bz
And therefore
√ (bx ± cx² ) = z² = c' dz
(z² + c) **

SF { x, √( a + be +cx²) } dr.

Writing Q for a + be + ca² , F may always be reduced to

A+B√ Q
the form in which A, B, C, D are constants or
C + D √ Q'
rational functions of x. Rationalizing this fraction , it
takes the form L + MQ. Thus the integral becomes

[ Lde + MQde, the first of which two integrals is

rational, while the second is equivalent to dx , which
S √Q
is of the form in (2075) .

2115 OTHERWISE .- (i . ) When c is positive, the integral may be made

rational by substituting
a - cz2 dx = 2c (bz - cz² - a) a - cz²
x= " √(a + bx + cx²) = √//c 6 + ²).
2cz -b ' dz (2cz- b)* 2cz - b

(ii ) When c is negative, let a, ẞ be the roots of the equation

a + bx - cx² = 0 , which are necessarily real (a, b, and c being now all
positive ) , so that a + bx - cx² = c ( x− a) (ẞ — x) . The integral is now made
rational by substituting
caz² +B dx = 2 (a − ẞ) cz (B - a) cz
x= √(a + bx — cz²) =
cz² + 1' dz (cz³ +1)² cz² + 1

In each case the result is of the form SF (z) dz.

Sx"F {x", √a+bx" +cx²" } dæ,
m +1
when is an integer, is reduced to the form (2114) by
substituting a".

a + bx
Substitute ²=
{F {x, √(a +be), √(f+gr) } dæ. ƒ+gx'

a -fz² = z /(ag -bf

and, therefore , x = √(a + bx)
gz² — b ' √ (gz² —b)
√(ag - bf) dr
= 2 (bf- ag) %
f+ gæ) =
√ (gz - b)' dz (gz² — b)²

The form SF , √ (gz² — b) } dz is obtained , which is

comprehended in (2114) .

2118 Sa#F {x" , √ (a + b²x²”) , bx" ± √

/( a + b²x²") } dx,
when m +1 is an integer , is reduced to the form SF (2) dz
by substituting z = bx" ± √ (a + b2a2") , and therefore
22-a z² + a
xn = √(a + b²x²n) = ;
2bz 2z
m + 1 -1
dr n
dz = 216
1² 2nb ( 2 ) ta
( + )

2119 Sa™ ( a +be"
1 ) F ( x ) de
1 is rationalized by substituting
m+ 1 m +1 + P
either ( a + ba") or (ax + b) according as or
n n q
is integral, whether positive or negative.

-1 m
xm-¹ F { x™ , x" , (a +bx") " } dar , when is either a
2120 Sa n
positive or negative integer, is rationalized by substituting
(a+bx ") ",


2121 F { x, √ (a + bx + cx² + dx³ + ex¹) } dx .

Writing X for the quartic, the rational function F may

always be brought to the form P+QX
P +Q'X'
and this again, by rationalizing the denominator, to the form

M+ NX, where P, Q, P' , Q' , M, N are all rational functions

of x.
Mdx has already been considered ( 1915 ) .

where R is rational.
/ Xdx = SNX dx or √X'

By substituting a = 2+ , and determining p and q so

that the odd powers of y in the denominator may vanish, the
last integral is brought to the form

√√(a +by² +cy¹)*

R being a rational function of y, may be expressed as the

sum of an odd and an even function ; thus the integral is
equivalent to the two

yF (y ) dy F₂ (y²) dy
2123 +
√ (a +by³ + cy¹) √ (a + by² + cy*)*

The first integral can be found by substituting √y.

a + bx²
The second, by substituting for y , can be made to
c+ da
depend upon three integrals of the forms

dx 1 - k²x² dx
2124 S
Si√ 1 - a 1 - ka S√I
√1 - x²

(1 + nx²) √1 − x².1 — k²x²´

By substituting = sin- ¹x, the above become

2125 S√1- k² sin² 4 1 - k² sino do,
' S√1-k

S(1 + n sin³ ) 1-1 sin³¿

These are the transcendental functions known as Elliptic

Integrals. They are denoted respectively by

2126 F (k, 4), E (k, 4), II (n , k, 4) .



When k is less than unity, the values of F (k, p ) and

E (k,), from the origin = 0 , in converging series , are
k2 1.3.k 1.3.5.k
A₂ + A—- ·AB + ...
2127 _F (k, 4 ) = 4—
1.3.5 ... n - 1 kn
...· + ( − 1 ) ³n An, & c .
2.4.6 ... n 2-1

k? 1.k¹ 1.3.k
A2 A₁+ A。 - ...
2128 E (k , 4) = &
4+ ½ 4₂
+ 22 2.4.23

+ (− 1)in +11.3.5 ... n — 3 kn An & c. ,

2.4.6 ... n 2n -1
sin 20 [n being an even integer.
A, =
A₂ - &,

sin 44 ― 4 sin 24
4₁ = +36,
4 2

A6== sin 64 -6 sin 46 15 sin 24 _104 ,

6 4 + 2
... ... ... ... ... ...

An= sin non sin (n - 2) , C ( n , 2) sin (n − 4) o

n +
n-2 n-4
C (n, 3) sin (n· ·6)
+ ... + ( −1 ) ¹" ↓ C (n , ¹n) 4.
PROOF. - In each case expand by the Binomial Theorem ; substitute from
(773) for the powers of sing , and integrate the separate terms.

The values of F (k, p ) and E (k , p) , between the limits

$ = 0, $ = 1 , are therefore
2 2 2
1k2 4
' ·
F ( k, ) = = { ¹ + ( )' ~' + ( 2.4
1.3 ) ' + (1.3.5)²
2.4.6 + &c . }
2 1.324 1.3.52k
E (k , 2) = 2
= { - ( 1 )' ~
( 1 − ' - (2.4
- )' ' - (2.4.6
3.5) }.
- &c. }

But series which converge more rapidly are

2 2 2
π• n)

2) = = (1 + "
F (4, 5 ') { 1 + ( 2
1)' ~' + ( 2.4
1-3)'n' + (1.3.5)'n'
2.4.6 + &c. }


2 2
π π
E ( k, 1+ n² — no
E (4 , 2
5) = =
2 (1 + ) { 1 + ( 3) " " + (2 113 ) "" + & c. };
2 . ) n ' + (2.4.6

where n = 1
1- √ (1
+√ −k
(1 - k)

F (x) dx
when F ( ) can be ex
2133 S
ST√ (a + bx + cx² + ba”+ax*) '

pressed in the form (x − 1 ) (x+ 1 ) , is integrated by
substituting +· •
If b is
is negative , and F (a) of the form (2+ 1 ) ƒ (x − 1) ;
substitute x-

F (x) dx
√(a + bx+ cx² + dx³ +cx¹ +bx³ + ax“) *
Substitute x+ 2.
dx 1
Hence = dz,
√₁·³ 12/1
( ≈12 2√3+ 2

and the integral takes the form

P+ Q √ ~ −4 √≈ + 2 − √ ≈ −2 d≈,

√ { a ( ≈3—3≈) +b (≈²− 2) +cz + d} 2√2-4

where P, Q are rational functions of z . Writing Z for the
cubic in z , we see that the integral depends upon
P dz Q (≈ ± 2 ) dz
√ Z (≈ ± 2) fe
√Z (≈ ± 2)
the radicals in which contain no higher power of z than the
fourth . The integrals therefore fall under ( 2121 ) .

√ (a + bx² + cx ' + bx" + ax`)*
Expressing F(a ) as the sum of an odd and an even func
tion, as in (2123 ) , the integral is divided into two ; and, by
substituting a , the first of these is reduced to the form in
( 2121 ) , and the second to the form in ( 2134) with a = 0.

F (x) dx
Sz(a +ber av +dx)

Put a = y + a , a being a root of the equation a + be + ca² + da³ = 0 ;

and , in the resulting integral, substitute zy for the denominator .
The form finally obtained will be

S(P+ Q √a+ß~¹) dã,

which falls under ( 2134) , P and Q being rational functions
of z .

2137 F (x) dx
√ (a + bx² + ca¹) *

Expressing F (e) as the sum of an odd and an even func

tion, as in (2123 ) , two integrals are obtained . By putting
the denominator equal to z in the first , and equal to az in the
second , each is reducible to an integral of the form

S(P+ Q √a +B= ¹) dã,

which falls under (2121 ) .

2138 F
Sa/(1 ) =
x¹) √12 ( 24 ) [Expand by (2127).

2139 F
= 1 ( —2, 4).
√1 + ∞¹

PROOF. Substitute cose in (2138) , and 2 tan - ¹ x in (2139 ) .

dx 2 2a /b
√ (2ax — x²) (b − x) ZF (√ 6)
) or √ 2a '
F (√2u ),

according as b is > or < 2a.

PROOF. Substitute accordingly, a 2a sin' p or a = b sin² p.

da 2 ―b
2141 S√√(a −x) (x− b) (x + c) √ (a + c) ( a+ c $).
PROOF.-Substitute a = a-
— ( a − b ) sin² , a being <a and > b .


2148 In conformity with the notation of ( 1487) , let the

operation of integrating a function v , once , twice , ... n times
for a, be denoted either by

v, v, ... v, d_nx
2x nx , or by d29 d- 29 ... d- 12)

the notation d , indicating an operation which is the inverse

of d Similarly, since yx , Y2x , Yзr , & c . denote successive
derivatives of y, SO Y - x, Y - 25 Y - 3 , & c. may be taken to repre
sent the successive integrals of Y with respect to a.

2149 Since a constant is added to the result of each in

tegration, every integral of the nth order of a function of a
single variable must be supplemented by the quantity
n n- 2
а₁xr - 1 a2xn
. x
n- 1 + n - 2 + .. + a₂ -1 + a₁ = ( 0,

A3 ... a, are arbitrary constants.

where a₁, ag, as


The six following integrals are obtained from ( 1922 ) and

(1923) .
When p is any positive quantity,
Xp + n
2150 XP = 0.
SNX + Co.
(p + 1 ) (p + 2) ... (p + n)

When p is any positive quantity not an integer , or any

positive integer greater than n,

1 = (-1)"
nx Xp +f o
2151 S (p − 1) (p − 2) ... (p— n) x²-n Nx .

When P is a positive integer not greater than n, the fol

lowing cases occur
1 (-1) -1 lo
2152 = g Jpx0.
C px XP p− 1
\ +S

1 ·1)p−1
2153 (x log x − x) + 0,
(p+1) x XP p-1 (p + 1)

1 -
(\ 1)p-1 Xr
p-I ( -1) (aloga) -
- ( + ) 0.
2154 S(p+r) x XP = == } +S x

For the integral within the brackets , see (2166 ) .

The following formula is analogous to (1461-2)

sin 1 sin
2155 ax =
nx COS } an cos (ax— \ nπ) +(Nx0,


Leibnitz's Theorem ( 1460) and its analogue in the Integral

Calculus are briefly expressed by the two equations

2157 Dnx (uv) = (dx + 8 )" uv , D_nx (uv) = (dx + dx)˜ ” uv ;

where D operates upon the product uv , d only upon u , and ♪

only upon v. Expanding the binomials , we get

2159 − 1) ,U(n- 2) xV2x + &c.

Dnx(uv) = Unxv + nu (n- 1) xV₂ + n (n1.2

2160 D_nx(uv) U_nxV

D_µz(uv) = U_nsv— nu_ (n + 1) x Vx + n (n
1.2 2x -
+ 1) u_ (n + 2) x V2x − &c .

PROOF. - The first equation is obtained in ( 1460 ) . The second follows

from the first by the operative law ( 1483) ; or it may be proved by Induction,
independently, as follows
Writing it in the equivalent form
n (n + 1 ) Uv2x- &c. ...... (i.) ,
uvx +
NX ( v ) = {__uv
↓__ nx — n (n + 1) x 1.2 Į(n +2) x
make n = 1 ; then Jan "] = ( an )"
x UV 2x-
- & c. ....
2xwe₂ + [3x (ii.) ,

a result which may be obtained directly by integrating the left member suc
cessively by Parts. Now integrate equation (i . ) once more for a, integrating
each term on the right as a product by formula (ii. ) , and equation (i . ) will
be reproduced with (n + 1 ) in the place of n.

2161 eax am = eax (a + d¸ ) ¯ "a" +S 0. Or, by expansion ,

ear nm m -2
earx x -1 + n (n + 1) m (m — 1) 0.
an { com 10m -² _ & c . } + [,nx

|__ªzym = ctx a 1.2 a²

If m be an integer, the series terminates with ( −1) ™ nm) ÷ a” .


Similarly, by changing the sign of m,

ear = ear 1 กา n (n + 1 ) m ( m + 1 )
+ axmi + 0.
Snx x m an xm 1.2 a2x +2 + & c. } + √,nx

PROOF.-Putting u = eªx, v = x² in ( 2158 ) , the formula becomes

earxm = (dx + dx ) ¯neaxxm = (dxeªr + eªx d¸) -N
−¹µm = eªx ( a + dx) ¯ˆx™ .
Here ea is written before & within the brackets, because & does not
operate upon ear. Observe, also, that the index -n affects only the opera
tive symbols dx and d , but it therefore affects the results of those operations.
Thus, since de produces aea , the operation d, is equivalent to aX, and is
retained within the brackets, while the subject ea , being only now connected
as a factor with each term in the expansion of (a + ) ", may be placed on
the left.

ex m -
· xm -
2164 Se"
Seamx" dx = a {x" - a -1+ m (ma²−1 ) a - ³ — &c . }

eax eax 1 m m (m + 1 )
dx =
m + аxm +1 + m + 2 +&c. }
2165 S Xm a

PROOF.- Make n = 1 in ( 2162 ) and ( 2163 ) .

2166 xm. [ Subs. log .
Nx (loga) ™ = √_e(
Nx P+") = a*.

Hence the integral of the logarithmic function may be

obtained from that of the equivalent exponential function
(2161 ) .
For another method , see (2003-5) .


2180 DEFINITIONS . -The hyperbolic cosine, sine , and tan

gent are written and defined as follows :

2181 cosh x == 1 (e² + e¯*) = cos (ix). (768)

2183 sinh c =· 1 (e* —e¯ *) = −i sin (ix) .

tanha = e -e
2185 = -i tan (ix). (770)
e² + e¯ *

By these equations the following relations are readily

obtained .

2187 cosh 0 = 1 ; sinh 0 = 0 ; cosh co – sinh = .

2191 cosh r – sinh r = 1 .

2192 ở coshy + cosha sinh y .

sinh ( + y ) = sinh æ
2193 cosh (x +y) = cosha cosh y + sinh x sinh y.

tanh +tanh y
2194 tanh (x +y) = 1+tanha tanhy

2195 sinh 2 = 2 sinh æ cosh .

2196 cosh 2x = cosh² + sinh² x.

2197 = 2 cosh r− 1 = 1+ 2sinh .

2199 sinh 3r = 3sinh + 4sinh .

2200 cosh 3r 4 cosh³r - 3 cosh x.

2 tanha
2201 tanh2r =
1 + tanh
3tanha +tanh3r
2202 tanh3x =
1+ tanhör

x cosh a - 1 cosh +1
2203 sinh = ; cosh =
2 2 2

x cosh x---1 cosh v ―――――― 1 sinh

2205 tanh = = =
2 cosha + 1 sinh cosh +1
2 tanh }
2208 cosh x = 1 + tanh ; sinh = ·
1 – tanh gử 1– tanh


2210 Let u = coshx, .. x = cosh¹ u = log (u + √ u² − 1) .

2211 v = sinh æ , .. = sinh- v = log ( v + √ v² + 1) .

2212 w = tanhx, .' . ~ = tanh¯¹w = log ( + )



2213 The tangent of the angle which a radius from the centre
of a rectangular hyperbola makes with the principal axis , is
equal to the hyperbolic tangent of the included area.
PROOF. - Let be the angle, r the radius, and S the area, in the hyperbola
x² — y² = 1 or r² = sec 20 ; then
S= sec 20 de = log tan ( +0). (1942)
1 + tan 0 es.-e -S
Therefore e28 = ; therefore tan 0 = = tanh S. (2185)
1 - tan 0 es+e


2214 log (a +ib ) = } log ( a²+b²) +itan¬¹b .

1 +i
a + ib a
PROOF.- log = log = itan -1 By (771 ).
√(a² + b²) b a



2230 [f(x) dx = [f(a) +f(a+ dx) +

+f(a +ndx) ] dx,

where n increases and dæ diminishes indefinitely , so that

ndxb - a in the limit.

2231 Ex. 1. - To find the sum, when n is infinite, of the series

1 1 1 1 α
+ + Put n = ; thus,
n n+ 1 n+2 n + n dx
dx dx dx dx dx
+ + + + = = log 2.
a a + dx a + 2dx 2a a x

2232 Ex. 2.- To find the sum, when n is infinite, of the series
n n n n 1
+ Put n = then
n²2 + 1² n²+ 22 + n²+32 + ...... + n² + n²² da
dx dx dx dx π
+ + ……………. + = = (1935)
1+ (da)' ' 1+ (2dx)² 1+ (ndx) 0 1 +x² 4



2233 [ Substitute a - 2.
S & (x) dx =√˜p
0 (a−x) dx.

2234 |
[ S***p (x) dx,
" $ (x) dx = 2(

or zero, according as p (x) = (a - x) for all values of a

between 0 and a.

— 2
Ex. cos x dx = 0.
[ sinædz = 2 fisin zdz. S.

If (x) = p ( −x) , that is , if ( x ) be an even function

(1401 ) for all values of a between 0 and a.
a 1 a

-a (x) dx =S *p(x) dx = ½§° -α$ (x) dx.
2 1 2
Ex. cos x dx = dx cos x dx.
‫؟‬. ·S² cosa da = }} " ,πT

If Φ (x) = ( x) , that is , if (a) be an odd function

for all values of a between 0 and a.

φ and SÞ(
S˚ x) dx = 0.
2238 §°_p(x) dx = −S*$ (x) dx

Ex. 2
sin x dx = 0.
Stinzda = -fisin zde and fini

Given a < c < b, and that x = c makes ( x) infinite, the

value of a (e) da may be investigated by putting μ = 0 ,

after integrating, in the formula

2240 __$$ (x) dx =[a "$ (x) dx +§* 4 (x) dx.

If the function (a ) changes sign on becoming infinite , this

expression, when u is an indefinitely small quantity, is called
the principal value of the integral .
2 z

1 dx dx dx 1
Ex. -
C₁ ပိ
-1 = = [<-1 ~ + Cμ = 2*2 + 1
x = - 3 2 − 1 + 2μ²
1 = 0,
which is the principal value. If, however, u be made to vanish, the expres
sion takes the indeterminate form ∞∞ .
-b 4 (x) dx
2241 Given a < c < b , the integral will always be
a (x —c)"
finite in value while n is less than unity.
PROOF. -Let μ in ( 2240 ) be taken so near to c in value that (x) shall
remain finite and of the same sign for all values of a comprised between
c . Then the part of the integral in which the fraction becomes infinite,
CC +μ dr
and which is omitted in ( 2240 ) , will be equal to )" multiplied by
a constant whose value lies between the greatest and least values of (x)
which occur between ( c - µ ) and ( c + µ ) . By integration it appears that
the last integral is finite in value when n is < 1 .

2242 ƒ(x) dx = (b − a)ƒ{ a + 0 (b − a) } ,


where lies between 0 and 1 in value .

The equation expresses the fact that the area in (Fig. 1901 ) , bounded by
the curve y = f (a ) , the ordinates ƒ (a), f (b) , and the base b - a is equal to
the rectangle under b - a and some ordinate lying in value between the
greatest and least which occur in passing from f(a) to ƒ(b) .

If (x) does not change sign while a varies from a to

a= b,

2243 [ƒ(x) 4 (x) dx =ƒ{a + 0 (b − a) } ["4 (x) dx.

2244 If Φ (x, is a symmetrical function of a and
1 ( x, 21
00 1
( p( x, 4) dt x = 2√0 4 (x, 4) dr

PROOF. - Separate the integral into two parts by the formula·S = S + S·

1 0
and substitute in the last integral .


2245 RULE I.- Substitute a new variable, and adjust the

limits accordingly.
For examples, see numbers 2291 , 2308, 2342, 2345, 2416, 2425, 2457,
2506, 2605, &c.

2246 RULE II.- Integrate by Parts ( 1910) , so as to intro

duce a known definite integral .

For examples, see numbers 2283, 2290, 2430 , 2453, 2465 , 2484-5,
2608-13, 2623 , 2625, &c.

2247 RULE III .- Differentiate or integrate with respect to

some quantity other than the variable concerned ; if a known
integral is thus obtained, evaluate it, and then reverse the
operation of differentiation or integration before performed
with respect to the secondary variable.
For examples, see numbers 2346-7 , 2364, 2391 , 2417, 2421-4, 2426 , 2428,
2497-8, 2502-4, 2571 , 2575-6, 2591 , 2604, 2614, 2617-8, 2632, & c .

2248 RULE IV. - Substitute imaginary values for constants ,

and thus transform the expression into one capable of inte
For examples, see numbers 2430, 2494, 2577, 2594, 2598, 2603, 2606,
2615 , 2641-2.

2249 RULE V. -Expand the function, if possible, in a finite

or converging series , and integrate the separate terms .
For examples, see numbers 2395-7, 2402-3, 2418-9, 2479, 2506 , 2571 ,
2593, 2598, 2614, 2620, 2625 , 2629, 2630-2, 2639 .

2250 RULE VI .-Decompose the integral into a number of

partial integrals, and change all these by some substitution
into integrals having the same limits. By summing the
resulting series , a new integral is obtained which may be a
known one .

For examples, see numbers 2341 , 2356-61 , 2572 , 2638.

2251 RULE VII . - Separate the function to be integra ed

into two factors , and replace one of them by its value in the
form of a definite integral taken between constant limits with
respect to some new variable. The double integral so obtained
may frequently be evaluated by changing the order of integra
tion as explained in ( 2261 ) .
For examples, see numbers 2507, 2510, 2573, 2619.

2252 RULE VIII . — Multiply a known definite integral which

is discontinuous between certain values of a constant which it

contains, by some function of that constant, such that the

integral of the product with respect to the constant is known.
A new definite integral may thus be obtained.

For examples, see numbers 2518, 2522.

Particular artifices not included in the foregoing rules are employed in

2293, 2305, 2310, 2314-5, 2317, 2367-9, 2404-15, 2422, 2429, 2456, 2495,
2514, 2518, 2585, 2600, 2626 , 2635, 2637.
Additional formulæ for integration will be found at 2700 , et seq.



Let u = [ ƒ(r) da, where a, b, and ƒ( « ) are independent

of each other ; then

du du
2253 db =ƒ(b) and =
da -f(a).

PROOF.-Let u= (b) (a).

Therefore u₂ = $
' (b) = ƒ(b) and u₁ = −q'´ (a ) = −ƒ(a).

Let u =
Sf(x, c) dæ . Then, when a and b are inde
pendent of c ,

2255 u = S {f and Un..c = [

" ]" {
ƒ( x, c) } „,.d.r.
* (x, c) } dx
PROOF. du dx -
de = { ["aƒ (z, c + h) dz− ['aƒ (z, c) de } + h

= f(x, c + h) − f(x , c) da (since h is constant relatively to x) = b df(x, c) dx.

·Sofx.c+ h
( de

But if a and b also are functions of c,

du db da
2257 =
de 1 —f
x : ©) } dx +f (b , c) de
= [ { df(de − (a , c)

PROOF. -The complete derivative of u with respect to c will now be

uc+ u₁bc + u₁αc. But u = f (b, c) and u, -j (a, c) , by (2253-4).



2258 -
Ex. 1. eªx) na dx = dna | eax dx (2256)
√ x ™ q² = dx = [ ( 6° 2) ma S
= dna (eara¹) = eªx (x + da) " a¯¹,
by (1464) , a and a being transposed .

2259 Ex. 2. bx na ear

Ser sin beded for sinbeda.
The last integral is given in ( 1999) , putting n = 1 .

2260 Ex. 3.
a²-1 1
= x
[zu²-' dz = f (aº), dz = (faʼdz) = (1 a
log a). log ).
log a ( -a


When the limits are constant ,

2261 SS
" (x, y ) dxdy = S" ["f(x, y) dydx.

That is, the order of integration may be changed .

But an exception to this rule occurs when , at any stage
of the integration , an infinite value is produced . The double
integrals above will not then have the same value .



2262 “
Sf( x) dx = af (a) — 1.2ƒ
“ ( a) + _ $ ……..
__ƒ″̃ (a) —

(-1 )"
+ (−1)"−¹a" ƒn-¹ (a) + 1 . 2 ... n Jo xnf (x) dx.
1.2 ... n Sa

PROOF .-Integrate successively by Parts, Sdx, Sædæ, &c. Or change

f' (x) into f (x) in ( 1510 ) .


= (b−a)² ƒ' (a) + (b −a)³ ƒ' (a) +&c .

Sf(x) dx (b − a)f(a) + 1.2 1.2.3

PROOF. -Put f(a) for ' ( a ) in the expansion of the right side of equation
( 1902), by Taylor's theorem ( 1500 ) ; viz . ,
(b -a)2
[*f(x) dx = 4 (b) −4 (a) = (b − a) q′ (a) + 1.2 p" (a) + &c.

The following is a nearer approximation :---

Let (b - a) = nh, where n is an integer ; then

2264 ( f(x) dx = h { }ƒ(b) + }ƒ(a) +ƒ(a + h) + ... +f(b − h) }

h²B₂ h&B
ƒ′̃ (b ) −ƒ
__¹³¹³ { ' (a) }
° ( a) } + "'B³ {ƒ˜" (b) —f

_h°B₁ {ƒ³ (b) —ƒ' ( a) } + &c.


PROOF.-Expand ( enhdx - −- 1 ) ÷ ( ed x − 1 ) by ordinary division, and also

operate upon f(x) with each result ; thus, after multiplying
by ( 1539) , and
by h, we obtain, by ( 1520) ,
h {f(x) +f (x + h ) +ƒ ( x + 2h) + ... +ƒ (x + n − 1h ) }
= dx h⭑B₁
d3x +
h +12 ; d
· {ƒ (x + nh) −ƒ(x) } ( d_ , − 2 .. ),

which expression , by changing æ into a and x + nh into b, is equivalent to

the above, since d_z {ƒ (x + nh) − ƒ (c)} = { * * * *ƒ (x) dx.

Sa+F (x) dx 2hf(a - h) , 3h°f (a — 2h) 43h3 '(a - 3h)
= + &c .
+ +
1.2 1.2.3
PROOF.- Assume x = ceh Then is equal to the coefficient of
in the expansion of —log ( 1 - e ) . Thus
2hc2 32h2c3 43h3
x=c+ + + + ...
1.2 1.2.3
Substitute d for x, and therefore de-hdx for сc in this equation , and operate
with it upon √ (x +h) dæ , employing ( 1520) . Finally, write f(x) for ' (x) ,
and a for x.

A more general result , obtained in the same way, is

a+ nh h2
2266 F(x) dx = nhf(a − h) + n (n + 2) 2
a ½ƒ′ (a − 2h )

+ (n + 3)² 3
af" (a - 3h) + &c .
THE INTEGRALS B ( 1, m ) AND г ( n ) . 359

THE INTEGRALS B (l , m) AND г ( n) .


The three principal forms are—

I. B ( l, m) = ("'x²-¹
0 (1 — a') " - ¹dx = B ( m ,l) . [By (2233 )
2281 II . B (l , m) = √ (1 + a +m dx. [ By substituting 1 -x
in I.

xm 1 -x
in I.
2282 III . B ( l , m) = (" +m da. [By substituting x
(1 + x)¹+

When I and m are positive , and I is an integer,

1 (2-1)
2283 B (l , m) = m ()•

If m be the integer, interchange and m . If both and

m are integers , the forms are convertible .

PROOF. -Integrate (2280) by parts, thus,

2-1 7-1 -2
[0 2 - ' (1 – m
− 2 ) - - d z = ==
= [' ~'~' (1–2) ".
Repeat this step successively.


n being a real and positive quantity,

000 1 \n-1
2284 г (n ) = √ e-xxn-¹dx = = √ (log = )" ddx.

The second form being obtained by substituting e in the first.

2286 r (1) = 1, r (2) = 1 .

2288 г (n + 1 ) = nº ( n ) = n ( n − 1 ) ... ( n — r) г ( n — r).

2290 г ( n + 1) = n , when n is an integer.

∞ ∞ .ܶ
n 1
PROOF . -By Parts, "x"dæ.
[ = = = = de =
= nex
===] 0 =
The fraction becomes zero at each limit, as appears by ( 1580 ) , differentiating
the numerator and denominator, each r times, and taking r > n.

000 n- 1
г (n) -1
e-kxxn-1dx = ) dx.
2291 " dx = "kn
e- "a" --¹³dæ
Se¯¯x " x- (log
") = S

PROOF. Substitute ke in the first integral, and so reduce it to the form

(2284) . In the second integral, substitute -log æ, reducing it to the former.
When n is an integer, (2291 ) may be obtained by differentiating n - 1
e-kda =
times for k the equation ( ed k'

When μ is an indefinitely great integer,

1.2.3 ... P
2293 г (n) = μη
n ( n + 1 ) ... ( n + μ)

PROOF.- log
x = lim.1 µ ( 1 – x² ) ( 1583 ) . Give it this value in (2285 ) ,
and then substitute y = x ; thus, in the limit,

I (n ) = µ* ~ ¹ f'(1 — x"' ) " -' | y " -1 ( 1 — y) " - 'dy .

dx = µ " ("
- 'dæ Then, by (2283),
changing μ finally into μ + 1 in the fraction.


2294 Let n be < 1 , μ an indefinitely great integer, and

1 1 1
S₁ = 1+ + + ...
. . then
2r 3r μα
log г ( 1 + n) .
2295 =
(log μ - S₁)n + S¸n²— } S¸n³ + } S¸n * — } S¸n³ + &c .

2296 == -
sin nu + (log µ — S₁) n— } S¸n³— } S¸n³— & c .

nπ (1 - n )
2297 = ½ log sinnï (1 + n) + n (1 +log μ - S₁ )
n³ - n5
- ? (1 − 5 ,) + ( 1 − 5, ) + &c.

Nπ 1 +n
2298 = log -log + 4227843n
sin nπ 1 -n

-0673530n³ - 0073855n-· 0011927n - 0002231nº -

— &c.
μ" 1.2.3 ... μ
PROOF. - By ( 2293 ) , F ( 1 + n) =
(n + 1 ) ( n + 2) ... ( n + µ) '
since μ = 1, when μ = ∞ . Whence
log F (1 + n ) = nlµ − 1 (1 +n ) −1 ( 1 + 2 ) − 1 ( 1 + 3 ) —...—− 1 ( 1 + 1 ) .
THE INTEGRALS B ( 1 , m) AND г (n) . 361

Developing the logarithms by (155), the series (2295) is obtained . The next
series is deduced from this by substituting
S₂n² + } S¸n * + {} Sqn + 4S,n³ + & c . = log na - log sin na,
a result obtained from ( 815) by putting 0 = n and expanding the logarithms
by (156 ) .
The series (2297) is deduced from the preceding by adding the expression
1+ n
0 = -log - n + n + 3 + 5 + &c., from ( 157) .

г (1) г (m )
2305 B (l , m) =
T (l + m) *
PROOF. - Perform the integrations in the double integral
‫ا‬ -1
¿ ¹ + m − 1¹ y¹ − ¹ dxdy, ¸
e¯xx (y + ¹1)) x²
「 」 。- ,,
first for x, by formula ( 2291 ) , and then for y, by ( 2281 ) , and the result is
B (l, m) F ( l + m) . Again perform the integration, first for y , by (2291 ) , and
the result is ( 1) г (m) , by ( 2284 ) .
NOTE . The double integral may be written by the following rule : :
Write xy for x in F ( 1) , and multiply by the factors of г (m + 1 ) . We
‫م‬. е -xy
thus obtain ‫ر‬e- (xy)¹¹ רex dx dy,

which is equivalent to the integral in question.

2306 B (l, m) B ( l + m, n ) = B ( m, n ) B ( m + n , l)
= B (n , l) B ( n +l, m)

2307 = г (1) г (m ) г (n) [By (2305).

[ ( l + m + n)
2308 =
al+m-1B (l, m ) . [ Substitute 2.
S® x²-¹ (a—x)=-¹dx

2p +1
If p and q are positive integers , p < ¶ , and if m =
X2p π
2309 dx =
So 1 + x²¶ 2q sin mπ
x2p π
2310 dx =
1-0 029 2qtan ma
PROOF.- (i . ) In ( 2023) put 1 = 2p + 1 , n = 2q, and take the value of the
integral between the limits ∞ . The first term becomes log 1 = 0 ; the
second gives the series
π ἱπ 31π π
sin + sin + ... + sin (2q - 1 ) lπ =
={ {C 2q 2q 2q { 1= } q sin ma'
by (800 ) . The integral required is one-half of this result , by ( 2237 ) .
(ii. ) ( 2310 ) is deduced in a similar manner from ( 2021 ) .

. 1
pm π xm -1 π
dx = dx =
2311 S 1 + x. sin mπ' 0 1 - x tan ma'

where m has any value between 0 and 1 .

2p+ 1
PROOF. - By substituting a² in ( 2309-10) . by
Also , since m =
taking the integers p and q large enough, the fraction may, in the limit, be
made equal to any quantity whatever lying between 0 and 1 in value.

2313 = m being < 1 .
г ( m ) г ( 1 — m) sin m
PROOF. Pat 1 + m = 1 in the two values of B (1, m ) (2282) and (2305) ;
am -1 π
thus, - dx =
r (m) r (1 — m) = [0 1 + x sin ma by ( 2311 ) .

2314 COR. T ( ) = √π.

The following is an independent proof :
-z² dz.
JO e → e¯ + dx = 2 [ e- v" dy = 2 [
r (b ) = {"

Now form the product of the last two integrals, and change the variables to
r, by the equations
y = rsin ( ) d (yz) dr d0 = r drdo . Hence
2 = rcoses,} , from which, by (1609 ) , dydz = d (ro)
+22) dy dz = 4
{r ( ) } ' = 4 | | e-ly e-r²r drdo = ;
0 0
the limits for r and 0 being obtained from
p² = y² + z² , tan 0 = Y

3 (2π) ".
2315 r n n ... r (" n ¹) = v n

PROOF. Multiply the left side by the same factors in reversed order, and
apply (2313) thus
- n
r ( 1 ) r (1 − 1
n ) r (2n ) r (1– 2 n )... r (" — ¹ ) r ( 1— " —¹)
772-1 2n -1
= =
π 2π (n − 1 ) π n " by ( 814) .
sin sin ... sin
n n n

nnx n- l n-1
2316 I =
nF( nr) ™ (x) ( x + 4 ) ... (
n ¹) = √
(x+ 2= √(27n)--
THE INTEGRALS B (1, m) AND г (n) . 363

PROOF. - Call the expression on the left (x) . Change to + r, where

ris any integer, and change each Gamma function by the formula
r (x + r) = x( ) T (x) (2288 ) . The result after reduction is (a ) . Hence
• (x) = (x + r) , however great r may be. Therefore (x) is independent of
x. But, when x = 1
n, (2 ) takes the value in question by ( 2315 ) . There

fore (a ) always has that value.

The formula may also be obtained by means of ( 2294 ) .


2317 All values of (a) may be found in terms of values

lying between г ( 0) and r ( ).
When a is > 1 , formula ( 2289) reduces F (x) to the value
in which a is < 1 ; and when a lies between 1 and , formula
(2313 ) reduces the function to the value in which a lies
between 0 and 1.

Values of (a) , when a lies between 0 and 1 , can also be

made to depend upon values in which a lies between and ,
by the formulæ ,
T (2x) √π (
2318 г(x) = 21-2 /π =
T (x) :
г (1 + x) ' 21- cos r
cos ( 14)

PROOF.---- To obtain (2318) , make n = 2 in ( 2316 ) . To obtain ( 2319 ) ,

put m = ( 1 + x) in ( 2313) , and change a into in ( 2318) , and then
eliminate r

Methods of employing the formulæ-

2320 (i . ) When a lies between and 1 , reduce F ( x) to
T (1 - x) , by (2313 ) .

2321 (ii. ) When a lies between and , reduce by ( 2319 ) ,

the limits on the right of which will then be and

2322 (iii . ) When a lies between 0 and , reduce by ( 2318 ) ;

( + ) will then involve the limits and , and will be
reducible by case (ii . )
If 2x is < , reduce T ( 2x) by ( 2318 ) , writing 2a for æ. If
this gives 4 , reduce again by the same formula , writing
4x for x, and so on.

2323 The figure exhibits the

curve whose equation in rect
angular coordinates is y = (x) .
Let the unit abscissa be OA =
AB = 1 . Then the ordinates
AD, BC are also each = 1 by
(2286-7) .
The minimum value of (a) D
is approximately 0.8556032 , cor
responding to a = 1.4616321 .
The values of log F (x) in
the table at page 30 correspond
to ordinates taken between B
AD г(1 ) and BC = г (2) .


m- 1
x²¬¹ + xm
2341 1+ m dx = B (l, m).
S (1 + x) ²+

PROOF. Add together (2281 ) and ( 2282) . Separate the resulting in

and substitute in the last part .
tegral into [ + S, x

-¹ ( 1 − x) m-– 1 B (l, m) x + ax
2342 dx = [ Substitute
S (x + a) + m a™ (1 + a)" x +a

[ Substitute 2".
2343 Sa- (1 - a") " ' da = 1B (1, m).
1 ax
x²-1(1 - x)m -1 1
2344 dx B (l, m) . [ Subs .
0 {ax + b (1 − x) } ' + m' a'b በዚ '(a − b) x + b'

The integral is also equivalent to

2 sin2-10 cos2m- 10
11+ m de, and similarly in other cases .
Jo (a sine +b cos 0)"

x²-1dx 1 br
2345 = [ Substitute
So (a + bx) +1 nab a + bx

xn-1dx 1 (m-1) 1
2346 =
So (a + bx) +n n(m) ambn°
PROOF.-Differentiate (2345) m - 1 times for a. (2255)

Xm + n- 1 π
2347 S. dx = C (m , n) m< 1.
(1 + x) +1 sin mπ

PROOF . Substitute a = ay in ( 2311 ) , and then differentiate n times for a.

000 20
xm-1dx π Mπ xm-1dx π Mπ
2348 = cosec = cot
So 1 +x" n n S 1- x n n

where m and n are any positive quantities , and m is < n .

m 1
PROOF .-Change m into in (2311-2) , and then substitute " .

When n is positive and greater than unity,

dx π π dx
= Cosec-• = #cot .
2350 S. 1+ an n n So
0 1 - xn n n
PROOF. Substitute am in (2311-2) and change m into n

‫וי‬ dx π π dx π π
2352 = Cosec = cot
Jo 1 - x" n n Jo
S 1 + xn n n

x x
PROOF.-Substitute in ( 2350) , and 21 in ( 2351 ).
2/1 +x" /1 -xn

When m lies between 0 and 1 ,

xdx π Mπ xdx
== sec -
2354 S 1 +x² 2 2' Si1ze = tan 27
0 - x²
PROOF. - Make n = 2 and write m +1 for m in ( 2348-9).

·xm- 1 + x-m π xm-1 - x-m π

2356 dx = dx =
1 +x sin mπ Sav 1 - x tan mʊ'
where m lies between 0 and 1 .

PROOF. - Separate ( 2311-2) each into two integrals by the formula

and substitute a-1 in the last integral.
[0 = [] + [

Otherwise, in (2601 ) substitute e- *, and change a into rα- .

m -m m
·x + x π Mπ xm -x Mπ
2358 dx =Ensee detan
1 + x² 2 S0 1 - x²

PROOF. From (2354-5) by the method of (2356 ) .

pm - 1 + xn - m- 1 π MT
2360 dx = Cosec
1 + xn n n
1 n- m-1
x"m - 1 - -x π MT
2361 dx = cot
1 - an n n

PROOF. - In the same way, from ( 2348–9 ) .

xn - m- 1.— xn + m −1 π Mπ
2362 dx = sec
1 + x²n 2n 2n
xn-m- 1 -·xn + m − 1 π MT
2363 dx = tan.
·x²n 2n 2n

PROOF. - In ( 2601 ) substitute e 2n and put a = 2n In (2595) substi
tute e n and put a =

000 (n - 1)
dr 1." π
2364 = n in " being an integer .
(x² + a²)” 22 2a

PROOF. ―― By successive reduction by (2062) , or by differentiating

dr π
= 2 n- 1 times with respect to a². (2255)
៤. x²+ a³ a

x -1dx T Cosec Mπ 1+ bx
2365 in [ Subs. (2311)
1 -x
(1 +bx) ( 1 − x) ™ (1 + b)

― npha - 1
2367 dx = log n.
SP x 1 - xn

PROOF. -The value when a = 1 is log n. The difference, when the value
-1-1 1 pna -1 - ·xn -1
dx -n

is a, is dx,
1-x S0 1 - xn
which, by substituting a" in the second integral, is seen to be zero .

F(x ) being any integral polynomial ,

'+1 F (x) dx =
2368 S 1-4) AT, where A is equal to the constant
* (

term in the product of F

' (2 ) and the expansi
on of (1-1 ) *.

PROOF. By successive reduction by ( 2053 ) , we know that

F (x) dx dx
= ¢ (x) √ ( 1 − x² ) + A . ( 1) ,
√ √ ( 1 − x²) S √ (1 − x²)
where (a) is some integral polynomial and A is a constant. Therefore the
integral in question = A. To determine A write the last equation thus,
F (x) . dx.
( i@ x)( 1- 1 ) + 0dx = ix 4 (x) ( 1 − 1 ) ~* + 1 ( 1/2 ix ( 1-3 )
Expand each binomial ; perform the integrations and equate the coefficients
of the two logarithmic terms in the result.

F(x) being an integral polynomial of a degree less than n ,

b 1
F(x) d" -1 b-c
dx = n- 1 de - F (c) log
2369 S.a ( c) a
·b F (x)
(b 1 •b ( -1
PROOF. dx = dx . (2255)
a (x− c) " 22 1 a don -1 ( F4
x -)
c) }
But F (x) = f (x, c) + F (c) , where ƒ is of a dimension lower than n - 1
x-c x- c
(421 ) , and therefore din -1) сc f (x, c) = 0. Hence the integral on the right
dn -1 ( F (c) dn-1
= dx = F (c) log }.
dc"-1 Sa x - c den -1 {



CH x dx
Selog.rd = log ( p + 1 ) .
2391 r = +1
(p + 1 )⁹· o logr
PROOF. - These are cases of (2292) . Otherwise ; to obtain the first
integral differentiate, and to obtain the second integrate, the equation
x dx = with respect to p ( 2255 and 2261 ) .
S0 p+1

- г (n + 1 )
(" a" (loga) " dx = ( − 1 ) " (p + 1)" +1"

PROOF . -See ( 2292) . Otherwise, when n is either a positive or negative

integer, the value may be obtained, as in (2391 ) , by performing the differ
entiation or integration there described, n times successively, and employing
formule (2166 ) , and ( 2163 ) in the case of integration.

1 XP -
— x²
2394 dx = logP + 1 [ By (2392 ).
logx q+1

2n - 1 000
22n-2 2n x²n-1
2395 (log ) ² - 1 dx B₂n² = — dx.
0 1 -x n ==["
" e -1
2n - 1 000
22n-1-1 2n x2n-1
2397 S¹ (
loga) dx B₂2n = — dx.
1 +x 2n -Jo e²+ 1

PROOF.- Expand by dividing by 1x, and integrate by (2393 ) ; thus

(log )2-1 dx = - | 2n − 1 ( 1 1 1
'(log1 2
-x + 2n + 32n + 42n + &c. ),

1 | 2n − 1
' (10g
( 1+20)x2n - 1 dx = ( 2n - 1 (1 - + - + & c.).

The first series is summed in ( 1545) . The difference of the two series mul
tiplied by 2-1 is equal to the first ; this gives the value of the second series.

¹log x 1 1 1
dx = = 1. -- - &c. =
S'log (1
x- x) 22 32 42 6
1 -x

log x 1 1 Ti 2
2400 dx = 1 + 3/12-2233 . &c . ==
L 1 +x
Jo + 42 12

PROOF. As in ( 2395-7) , making n = 1 .

The series (2399) may also be summed by equating the coefficients of ³
in ( 764) and (815 ) .

1 1 1
2401 S'log a dx = −1 - - - &c. =
32 52

PROOF. The integral is half the sum of those in ( 2399, 2400) .

1+ x π⁹
2402 dx =
x a)
S¹ log (1+ 12' Clog 1 - X de

PROOF.- Expand the logarithms by (155) and ( 157) and integrate the
terms. The series in ( 2400-1 ) are reproduced.

log ( 1 − x) dx =
2404 Let = $ ( a) , a being < 1.

Substitute 1 - x = y ; therefore, writing l for log,

(a) == ly dy ly dy - p - aly dy

Sa1 - y S0 1 - y 0 1-y
The second integral by (2399), and the third by Parts, make the right side
•1 - a
T² + la l (1 - 7 (1 - y) dy. Therefore
6 − a) —
0 10У

2405 $ (a) +4 ( 1 − a) = log a log ( 1 — a ) —¿π² .

i log (1 − x) dx =
If a = 29 = } (log 2)² – 12:
x l ( 1 - x) 2²)
Again, (x) = dx, .. (by 2253 ) q′ (x) = 1 (1—
S0 x 2 x) ... (i.) :
1 1 1
d= ¢ (——_~) = (1 − − ) ; Φ•
- x)³ ´ (_-—
' -— ) = ¸x (1-_- ) ¹ 1—
x—= -x
—by (i .),
1 dx x 1 dx x 1
9 ι ι ι
··( ) =[ 0 = 1 x x~ (x - 1 ) =I 0 = 1 1 - x+
A I S = 1 -x = 2
= } { l (1 − x) } ³ − p (x).
Put for a ; then
1 +x

$ (−x)
a) +4 ( + ) = ↓ { log (1 +x) } *.



Also, +
• (@) = − (* ( 1 + 3/2 + 3 4 + &c . )
- (x + + + 43 + &c. ) .

Hence 22 + 32 + &c. ) = 1 4 (x²) .


• (x) + • ( − x) = − 2
/ (2x².

Eliminate (-a) by (2406) ; thus

2407 $ ) +14 (x²) —4 (x) = } { log (1 +x) } ².
\x +
Let +1 = 2², and therefore x = - 1/2 + 1/2 √5 = ß say,
.. by (2407) , 232 ¢ (ß³) − 4 (ß) = = { l (1 +ß) } ',
or 61
[ = - ẞ and 1 +ẞ =
232 ¢ (1 − ß) — 4 (B) = —
2 (lr)² ; = 1/3 ;
— —— -',
and by (2405) • (1 −ß) +¢ (ß) = 2 ( 1ß)² —
1 1
.. — r² and 4 (1 —ß) = (1ß)' — 15 π², that is,
• (B ) = ( 1/3) ² — 10
2 2
log (1 - x) -
2408 dx = (log√5—1)²— 10
Ꮖ —°
3- √5
2 2
2409 log (1 - x) dx = ( log ) -I
x 2 15

2410 Let a be > 1 , then (a) contains imaginary elements, but its
value is determinate . We have
7 (1 - x) (a (1 − x) dx
* (a) = f' 1 (1 2= ²) dz + [" 1 (
1 20— ²) da = = = (x - 1) "
² + (" i + 1 x
0 1 1
3 B

the integration by 2399, and 7 ( −1 ) = πi by ( 2214) . The last integral

dx ra dx
ι -
==ila + [ { le +1 ( 1-2 ) } ==== x 1/12
ila + ( la ') + [[ 1 ( 1 − 1∞ ) /2=
1 =
Substitute y in the last integral, and it becomes

7 (1 - y) (1 - y) a (1 — y)
dy = -
11/1/14 y 6-C -
= ['0 ' (1 y− 1) dy = f0 ¹ ( y− 1) dy = - - - •(금
(! ).

Hence , when a is > 1 ,

2411 4(a) +4 ( 1 ) = − ²
3 + wi loga + } (loga) ².

If a = 2, this result becomes , by employing (2405) ,

log (1 - x) dx = πT⁹
2412 (* - +πi log 2.
x 4

1 +x
2413 Let (*. 2x log 1 dx.
(x ) = √1
0 1-+x d

Therefore ι
+ (
x) = 2x
11 (1±²), 4+ )
(1 = →

therefore 4 (2) ++ ( 1-2)

+ 2x
= [ ( 1+ ) dr, therefore

2414 *( x) +4 ( +) = log . log 1 - x

The constant vanishes , by ( 2403 ) and (2401 ) , putting a = 1 .

Let x = 1 -x. and therefore a 2-1 ; then, by (2414) ,

/2-1 1 + x dx
2415 log = — } { log ( √/ 2—1) } ³·
Sov 1-x x

(' log (142) dx = 8
= log2 .

PROOF.-Substitute = tan-¹x ; then, by (2233) ,

(†1 (1 +tan 4) dp = (†
0 1 { 1 + tan ( = −9 ) } dp = [ ' ,_ tan , d
1 + in

2417 By differentiating or integrating the equations (2341 )

to (2363 ) with respect to the index m, the integrals of func

tions involving loga are produced ; thus , from (2356) , by

integrating for m between the limits and m , we have
-m Mπ
xm-1- x
2418 dx = log tan (1943)
(1 +x) logx 2

Otherwise, this result may be arrived at by forming the expansion of the

fraction in powers of a, and integrating the terms by (2392) ; the reduction
is then effected by 815-6.
In a similar manner, we obtain the more general formula

m n +p m +2p n +3p ...

2419 S¹ (am -1 - x - 1) dx = log
(1 +x ) logx n m +p n + 2p m + 3p

m- 1
xm - n - m - 1 Mπ
2420 dx = log tan
(1 + x" ) logx 2n

PROOF.-Integrate (2360) for m from 2n to m.

x² — x² + xª (r − p) log x
2421 2 dx
(log x)²

= (p + 1 ) log (p + 1 ) — ( r + 1 ) log( r + 1 ) + (r −p ) { 1 + log(q + 1) }

PROOF.-Integrate (2394) for p between the limits r and p.

S ' '(
q− r) ax²² +
—r) +((r
r− − p) x² + (p − q) x” dx
(log x)²
= log { (p + 1 )(p+ 1) (ar) (q + 1 ) (a+ 1) (r−p ) ( r + 1) (r +1)(p−q)} .

PROOF .-Write ( 2421 ) symmetrically for r, p ; p, q and q, r. Multiply

the three equations, respectively, by q, r, p, and add, reducing the result by
(2394) .

2423 'log ( 1 + a²x²) dx =

log ( 1 +ab ) .
S® b²+ x²

PROOF. -Differentiate for a, and resolve into two fractions . Effect the
integration for a , and integrate finally with respect to a.

dx b
log ( 1+ 2 ) log ( 1 + 4) = 2 ( +1 ) log ( 1 + a
4 ) -2a
PROOF. — In ( 2423 ) put a = 1 , and substitute x = y ; multiply up by b,
and integrate for b between limits 0 and " and in the result substitute by.

2425 e-kx² dx = [Substitute k².
√ 1/2√

2n +1
2426 e- kx²x²n dx = 1.3 ... (2n - 1) k 2 √π.
S 2n + 1

PROOF . - Substitute k . Otherwise, differentiate the preceding equation

In times for k.

000 -bx - ·e ax
2427 dx = log a - log b.
08 bx - -ax
-e -cx (c — b) e b'ac
2428 dx = c - b + log
0 x2 x a³c

PROOF.—Making n = 1 in (2291 ) , Ce dx = 1.
е-az de Integrate this for a
between limits b and a to obtain ( 2427) ; and integrate that equation for b
between limits b and c to obtain ( 2428) .

-bx ax - -ax
-b) b
2429 See dx = a - b + b log
0 x

PROOF.- Make c = a in (2428) .

Otherwise. Integrating the first term by Parts, the whole reduces to
00 e -ax --e -bx
[e- az x- e- ba]" + b x
The indeterminate fraction is evaluated by ( 1580) and the integral by (2427).

000 -bx -e-ax ax

e-ax (a—b)² e¯** } dx
√" {e¹ — e—~ _ (a − b) e~~
2430 0 { Xx 3 X2 2x

= } { a² + 3b² - 4ab + 2b² (loga - logb) } .

By two successive integrations by Parts, S昳dx, &c.,
— p - ax e-bε -e
— e˜a€ -be
dx = ae˜aε -be 1 l²e-br — a³e-ax. dx.
+ +
[ x3 2€* 2€ 2S√ x
e-ax -αe •∞ -ax
с ae
Also dx = dx.
S 22 ε € x
Substitute these values, and make e = 0 . The vanishing fractions are found
by ( 1580) , and the one resulting integral is that in (2427) .
In a similar manner the value of the subjoined integral may be found.

・eax -ax e-as -ax
S" {e-he² _ (a — b) e- ∞ _ (u—b)" e= "
* _ (a—b)² e-"
203 1.2x2 1.2.3 x³ } dx.


NOTATION. - Let a signify the continued product of n
factors in arithmetical progression , the first of which is a , and
the common difference of which is b , so that
2451 a!") = a (a + b) (a + 2b ) ... { a + (n − 1) b } .
Similarly , let
2452 a") = a (a − b) (a − 2b) ... { a— (n − 1 ) b } .

These may be read , respectively, " a to n factors, differ

ence b"; " a to n factors, difference minus b."

ἐπ n -1
2453 sin ” d = n -2 x dx .

PROOF. - By ( 2048) ; applying Rule VI ., we have, by division,

sin" x dx = sin" -2 x dx- sin " -2a cos xia,
s ·С f .
sin"n - 1 x cos x 1
and by Parts, sin"-2a cosa dx = + sin" a dx.
n- 1 n - 1i
1 •π
Therefore sin”
["0 sin" - ' z cos'z dz = n 0" sin" zdr.
The substitution of this value in the first equation produces the formula.

If n be an integer , with the notation of ( 2451 ) ,

2(n) CAT (n)

2 1.2
sin2n +1xdx = and sin2n
sin x dx =
2454 S0** 3 ) 2 (n) 2

PROOF. By repeated application of formula (2453) .

Wallis's Formula .- If m be any positive integer, we have

(m - 1) 2 (m − 1) 2
2456 2m
12m) > > (2m - 1 ) { 1 (m)

And since the ratio of these limits to each other constantly

approaches unity as m increases, the value of either of them
when m is infinite is .

Ex.- With m = 4 , 7 lies in magnitude between

PROOF. - Put 2m = n, then

and "=1(" sin" -1xdx

[" sin" -zde, [" sin" zdz, n 0
are in descending order of magnitude ; the first and second because sine is
< 1 ; the second and third by (2453 ) ; then substitute the factorial values by
(2454-5) .

= π
tan2m - ¹pdo [ Subs. x =
= tan' in (2311) .
2457 S 2 sin mπ

2458 2 0 sin"” adx.
С"sin" adx = 2(" [ By (2234).

2459 sin ” 2 cos” cdr = 2 " sin" a cos" a da or zero,


according as p is an even or odd integer. [ By ( 2234) .

•π T
sin ” r cos ” rdr = sin? r cos ” rd . [ By (2233) .
2461 S S
'n +
2462 dx = { B ( " + ¹ , P + 1 ) . [ Subs. sin'z (2280 ).
"sin" a cos" ædæ

Let either of the integers n and p, in ( 2461 ) , be odd , and

the other either odd or even ; thus , let n be odd and
= 2m +1 , then
sin22m +1¹x cos² x dx = 2(m)
2463 (2451)
(p + 1 ) (m + 1)

PROOF. -Transposing the indices by ( 2461 ) , we have, by Parts (2067) ,

π 2m f sin 2 cos2m - 1
sina cos2m +1 x dx = xdx.
[ P+1 St
By repeating the reduction, the integral finally arrived at is
T 1
2464 sin 2m x cos x dx =
1 P + 2m + 1

If both the indices are even, then

말ㅠ 1,(m) 12) P
2465 sin2m x cos² x dx = 2 (2451 )
S 2m (m +p) 2

PROOF. - Reduce by Parts as before. The final integral is sin22m + 2px dx,
the value of which is given at (2455) .

2466 Should either of the indices be a negative integer , the

value of the integral is infinite , as the foregoing reduction
shows , for the factor zero will then occur somewhere in the
denominator .

2467 {0" cos nx cos pa dx = 0,

S"sin næ sin på dæ = S

when n and p are unequal integers .

2469 sinnx cos px dx = or zero,
S n² -p

according as the difference of the integers n and p is odd or

even. [ By ( 1973-5 ) .
S" sin³næ dx =[" cos² nx dx = } ″ ,
when n is an integer .

PROOF .-Express in terms of cos 2nx, and then integrate.

말ㅠ n-1
sin ” dr = cos" x dx = 1 - x²) * dx.
2472 Sts
S =£'
S =f' (1 - a³)

The following four integrals ( 2473-9 ) all vanish for in

tegral values of n and p excepting in the cases here specified .
Oπ n- 1
2 π
x с
2474 "sin" æ sin nædæ = ( −1 ) C (p, " 2 ") —
P and n are both odd, and n is not greater than p.

2475 But if p be even, and n odd, the value is

n S 1 C ( p, 1 ) C (p , 2)
( − 1) ² 2p-2
== {" - p2 −
--p² = -
= +
n² — (p − 2)* — n² — (p — 4)³ - ***
... ( − 1 ) C ( p , } p) } .

2476 si x´cos nxdx
S sin " .r coswedr = (− 1)ic (p, 27 " ) ,
when P and n are both even , and n is not greater than p.

2477 But if p be odd and n even, the value is

P-1 1
(−1) =¹
P - C (p , 1 ) (p - 2) + C
C ( p , 2) (p − 4)
(p . 2 )(p - 4) ..
2p-2 D² -
— n² (p — 2)² —n² (p -4) -n²

© -
... (− 1 ) = € { p , } ( p − 1) } } , .
1 - n²

2478 x "
" cos"
S cos nxdx = C (p, P ")
when P and n are either both odd or both even, and n is not
greater than p.

2479ccos e sin nede, when p ~ n is odd , takes the value

n s 1 C (p , 1 ) C (p , 2)
p-2 + + + & c . },
2P n³- (p - 2)² n²-(p — 4)³

the last term within the brackets being

c (p , P- when P is odd and

2 1) C (p , 2 ) when p is even
n even, or and n odd.
n² -1 n²

PROOF. (For 2474 to 2479. ) - Expand by (772-4), and apply ( 2467-2470)

to the separate terms.

COROLLARIES .-n being any integer,

π π
cos" x cos nx dx = 9 cos" x cos nx dx =
2480 ca 2n St 2″+1 °
2482 sin2" x cos 2nxdx = ---1) " ;
2n +1 π
sin² +¹a sin (2n + 1 ) x dx = ( −1 ) ” 22
„ n +1

−1 ) p-2
2484 "cos" æ cos nxdx = P (p - 1) [ " cos" -²x cos nx
Lo p² -n³

cos " xsin nxdx = P (p − 1) -
p(p−1 ) S cos -2x sinnx dx —
S p²-n² 0 p²-n²

PROOF .- (For either formula) By Parts, Scos ada ; and the new integral
of highest dimensions in cose, by Parts, Scos" -¹a sin ædæ.

2486 cos" -2x sin nx dx —
**cos" -2x cos nx dx = 0. Sc 1

PROOF.- Make pn in (2484-5) .

When k is a positive integer,

2488 cos¹-2kx cos nx dx = 0 ,


(n + 2k)(*) π
2489 cos" +2 x cos nxdx = 1 (k) 2n +2k+1 •

PROOF. The first, by putting pn - 2, n - 4, ... n - 2k successively in

(2484) and employing ( 2486 ) . The second, by putting p = n + 2, n + 4,
... n + 2k successively and employing (2481 ) .

When k is not an integer,

cos"-2x cos nx dx = 22 - " + ¹ sin kπ B ( n − 2k + 1 , k) .

2490 S
PROOF.-In ( 2706) take ƒ ( a) ; = " -2k, and transform by ( 766 ) . The co
efficient of i vanishes by (2239) , and the limits are changed by (2237 ) .

1 22 23
2491 cos" a sin nr dx = 2a +1 ( ² + 2 + 3 ++ ...
... +
+ 2 ).

PROOF. By successive reduction by (1970) , making m = n, aud the

integral definite .

2492 When p and n are integers , one odd and the other even ,
− 1 ) (p + n ± ¹ ) 1 (p) with p odd ,
cosx cos nx dx =
S { +, with p even.
(n — p) 1p+ ¹)
PROOF.- Reduce successively by ( 2484) . The final integral, according as
P is odd or even, will be
Chr cos NT
cosa cos na de = = (-1) In or cos nx dx = sin3nr _ ( −1)¥ -"}
1 - n² 1 Joh
0 n n
3 c

2493 cocos x cos nxdx = sin ? r cosp− n xdr ,
S 1," S

where n and p are any integers whatever such that p - n

is > 0.

PROOF. - When p — n is odd , each integral vanishes , by ( 2478 ) and (2459) .

When p - n is even, let it = 2k ; then, by ( 2488) ,
(n) (k)
(n + 27:) ? π + 2k ) 1 " 12 π
cos"+2x cos nx dx = = (n
Sta 1(k) 2-2k+1 (72) nk) 2

= (by 2465 )
(" +2 (n) )" [" nin " z cos " zdz,
1½″) 0
But n + 2k = p, and by ( 2234 ) the limit may be doubled . Hence the result.

2494 x cos" -2 x sin nəxdx =
2″ (n − 1 ) '
PROOF.-In ( 2707) , put k = 1 and f (x ) = x². Give eine its value from
(766) . The imaginary term in the result vanishes, and the limits are changed,
by (2237) . Finally, write a instead of 0.


(*"ƒ” (cos x) sin²™ x dx = 1.3 ... (2n - 1 ) ("ƒ(cos x) cos nx dx.

PROOF . - Let z = cose. By ( 1471 ) , we have

sin nx
d(n − 1) z ( 1 −− z²)″ - 4 = ( −1 )” - ¹1.3 ... “(2n − 1) (i.)
Also, by integrating n times by Parts,

[' _¸‚ƒ″̃ (2) (1 — 2²) " -4 dz = ( − 1) " (" -1

' ƒ( 2) d₂z (1 — 2²)* -4 dz

= -1.3 ... (2 −i ) f'¸ƒ (2) d. (sin n²) dz, by (i .)

Then substitute z = cos x.

Otherwise. Let f (z) = A + A₁² + Aq≈² + &c . = 2A, z³,

.. ƒ” (z) = Σp (p − 1 ) ... (p − n + 1) A„ zº¯ ”,

.. x cos nx dx
(cos r) cos næ dx = 24, (* cos
= 1 fn
- 1) ['0ƒª (cos x ) sin²" dɛ, by (2493 ).
1.3... ( 2n −

dr π
2496 = (1982)

0 a cos r + 0 sin 2ab

cos2 xdx π
2497 ** = [ Differentiate ( 2496 ) for a.
Jo (a cos² x + b² sin x) 4a*b

sin2 x dx π
= [ Differentiate (2496) for b.
2498 S. (a² cos³ a +b² sin* a )² 4ab3

dx π 1
2499 =
(a² cos² x + b² sin² x)² 4ab a + }b2).
[Add together ( 2497-8)

dx π 3 2 3
= + + 음)
2500 So** ( 16ab a a² ,2 .
cosx + b sin * c )

dx π 5 3 3
2501 S 6
32abas+ + a'b + b
Jo** (a cos* + b sin a) a b²

(2500) and (2501 ) are obtained by repeating upon (2499) the operations
by which that integral was itself obtained from ( 2496) .

2502 de = log (a + 1 + a²) .
S x√ (1 - x )

PROOF. -Denote the integral by u.

du dx π 1
= [by (2008)
da = So0 (1+ a² )VI= 2 2 √ ( 1 + a²)'
T a da π
..u = ( 1928)
== 2 √ 0 √ ((1ta²)
+ 2 log ( 4+ √1 +a").

tan- ¹ax π
2503 dx = log (1 +a) .
So x ( 1 +x²)

PROOF. - Differentiate for a. Integrate for a by partial fractions, and

then integrate for a.

2504 Stantan- b log { ( 1+ ) ( 1 + 4) ' } .

PROOF.-From (2503) we obtain

tan-la dx
= π log ( 1 + a )
√ox(a²+x²) 2 a²
Integrate for a between limits and co , and in the result substitute bx.

tan-¹ax -tan- ¹br a

2505 dx = log
So x H 877.

PROOF.-Applying (2700) , $ ( 0 ) here vanishes. Also, by Parts, we have

1 b dx
tan ´¹ (bx) dx = π
Stan x 2 λ x

since be is infinite and therefore tan -¹ (bx) = in every element of the

integral. Hence the required value is

π dx π
= log .
H2 λ 20

x sin x πT⁹
2506 dx =
1 + cos² a 4

PROOF. (i . ) Substitute - , and the integral is reproduced, and is

thus shown to be
sin y π
= dy == (tan-¹cos -tan-¹ cos 0) =
2 S0 1+ cos² y RA

(ii .) Otherwise, expand by dividing by the denominator, and integrate

each term of the result by Parts . Employing (2478 ) we obtain the series
π - 1 + 1 -1 [ By ( 2945) .
(1 5 7 + &c. ... ) = =² .

cos x π sin x
2507 dx = = dx.
So √x =√
/ x

PROOF. -By the method of ( 2251 ) , putting

1 2
e-xv² dy ,
J₂ === [0
the integral becomes
2 2 -
е xy³ e (2261)
0 ]0e con a dady = т[0 [
[0 * cos z dy dz

= 2 y❜dy
35 .0 1+ y (2610) == √√
The second integral is obtained in a similar manner.

"cos y dy ==
2√2 " siny'dy.

PROOF. - Substitute y³, and ( 2507-8) are produced.


When n and p are integers ,

dx = P-1e-2 sin" x dzdx.
2510 Side = 1.2 ) SS=
1.2 ... (p- 1 0

The integration for x in the double integral is given in

(2608-9) , and the original integral is thus reduced to the
integral of a rational fraction.

PROOF. - By the method of ( 2251 ) , putting

1 ~∞
= 1
e-** p-1dz. [By (2291 ).
XD г (p) 0

sin2x ‫ܣ‬
dz π
2511 dx = 2 = [By (2510).
So x02 2」0 22+4 2'

sin' x dz
dx = 6 = [ By (2510)
2512 Ssi x 6 S. (~
² + 1)(~
2² + 9) 4 & (2081).

cos qx -cos px dx =
2513 log P
So x q
PROOF.- By (2700) . Transforming the numerator by (673), and putting
(p + q) = a, (p -q) = b, this becomes
sin ax sin bx 0 a+ b
2514 dx = lo 8
S x g

2515 på dx = = (p −q) .
cos qx —cos px
So x²

PROOF. -Integrate (2572) for r between the limits p and q.

If a and b are positive quantities ,

sin ax cos br
2516 dx = or 0 ,
So x

according as a is > or < b.

PROOF.-Change by ( 666) , and employ (2572 ) .

sin ax sin bx πb
2518 dx = Ta or
So x2 2 2'

according as a or b is the least of the two numbers .


PROOF.- From ( 2515) , exactly as in ( 2513 ) .

Otherwise, as an illustration of the method in (2252) , as follows. De
noting the integral in ( 2516 ) by u, we have, ( i. ) when b is > a,
ra та
Sudb = [ 2 db a
ab+ f0db == 2;
πα sin ax cos bæ sin ax sin bæ
that is, db dx = dx . (2261 )
==CC x ୮0 x³
(ii.) When b is < a,
[ udb = [ = db = =b.

If a is a positive quantity ,
sin³æ cos ax dx = — (2 — a) or 0 ,

according as a is or is not less than 2.

PROOF. æ { sin (1 + a) x + sin (1

sin x cos axsin x - a)
(1 − a) x};
and the result then follows from ( 2318) , the value of the integral being in
π π π - π
the two cases =0 and
4 4 4 ( a - 1 ) = — (2 — a) .

sin² x sin ax π Uπ
2522 dx = or
So X3 1-4),

according as a is > or < 2.

PROOF. -Denote the integral in ( 2520) by u ; then, when a is > 2, the

present integral is equal to

[ uda = [ (2a) da + (*
[ 00 da = 1/2

πα - πα
And, when a is da = 2
4 (2−a)
Suda =SC
<2, Sud



е- ax sin rx
2571 dx = tan-¹2
S 30 a

PROOF. Differentiate for r, and integrate by (2584).

Otherwise. -Expand sin ra by ( 764) , and integrate the terms by (2291 ) .
Gregory's series (791 ) is the result.

sin ræ π
2572 dx =
Sosi x &M

PROOF.-(i .) By making a = 0 in (2571) .

(ii. ) Otherwise. By the method of ( 2250) . First, observing that the in
tegral is independent of r, which may be proved by substituting ra, let r = 1 .
sin x "sin x (2π sin x [3π sin x
Then dx = dx + dx + dx + &c.
0 x 0 x ୮π 2 2π x
Now, n being an integer, the general term is either
2nπ sin -sin ydy
dx = by substituting x = (2n − 1 ) π + Y,
(2n - 1) T 2 S (2n - 1 ) + y'
(2n - 1) sin x sin ydy
or dx =
by substituting x = (2n − 1 ) π — y ;
(21-2) π x 0 ( 2n -
= So − 1 ) π —-y
sin æ 1 1 1 1 1 --
dx = + + - &c. dy
[" sin y {
-y +y 3π - y ST +Y 5π----- у c. }
У π
=¥ sin y tan ½ dy
dy (2913
(2913)) = [" sin³½ dy = 5
S /

Cosrx r cos x
2573 dx = e-r = o
So T r²+a dx.
0 1 +x² 0
1 e- (1 + x²)y²)
PROOF.-(i. ) By (2251 ) , putting = 2 (2291),
the integral takes the form

cos rx e¯ (1 + ²² y dx dy = 2 S "yers, cos rx dydz

0 60
25 0 S.
= 47
= √ = []0 ~~~~ dy (2614 ) = " C2" ( 2004 ).

sin aa cos ba
(ii .) Otherwise. By the method of (2252) , putting u = dx,
S0 x
it follows from (2516) that
[ ueda = [0 Ooda + [ 2 2
" da = —e" .
π b sin ax cos bæ cos ba
Therefore e-ada dx = da, by (2583) .
2 =Sain
SS x [0 1 + x²

x sin ræ
2575 dx =
1+ a 76 .

sin ræ
2576 dx = 7 (1 — e¯”).
lo x ( 1 + x²)
PROOF. For (2575 ) differentiate, and for (2576) integrate equation
(2573) with respect to r.

sin г (n) sin (n tan-¹

e-axxn -1 (bx) dx =
2577 Se-as COS (a² +b²) in cos 음)

PROOF .—By (2291 ) , " e-- *** 22** =-¹1 dx = ºk"

[ (n ).

Put k = a + ib, and ar cos 0, b = r sin 0 ; thus TPM

dx = (cos no — i sin n☺) ™(n) ,
°e−(a + ib) x x* -¹dz
៤. q.n

by (757) . Substitute on the left side for e - i from (767) , and equate real
and imaginary parts. Otherwise, as in ( 2259) .

Xn - 1
г (n) sin / nT
2579 √2-1 COS Sin (be ) dx =
S b" sin(
cos ?2

PROOF.- Make a = 0 in ( 2577) .

sin (b.x)
COS bm - 1π
2581 dx =
S Xm sin /mπ
I ( m) 2 cos 2

PROOF.- Put n = 1 - m in ( 2579) , and employ

π т
In г (1 - n) = =
sin n sin ma

000 200
b a
2583 e-ar sin bx dx = e-ax cos bx dx =
S a² +b²· Se a²+b²

PROOF. - Make n = 1 in (2577-8) .

Otherwise.-Directly from ( 1999) , putting n = 1 , and a for a.

2585 cos" -"-10 sin" -10 sin (p0, d0 — Ã( p —n) г (n ) sin( në

COS T (p) cos 2

where n is a positive integer > 1 .

PROOF.- In (2577) , put tan-1 = 0, thus, writing p for n,

arp- 1 sin bx dx = г ( p)
cos" sin po .

Multiply this equation by b - db = a* tan” -¹0 sec O do.

and integrate from b = 0 to ∞o , by (2579). Then the corresponding limits
in the integration for will be 0 and 17.

2587 sing -20 |(p0) d0 =
St COS 2
+sin (""
) -1
PROOF. Put n = p - 1 in (2585) .

à (n) cos ” 0
e-xxn-1 sin } (x tan 6) dx = ' 6 no.
2589 ( e-* COS

PROOF.-In ( 2709) , let (x) = cos (x tan 0) ;

-= tan20 tan¹0
.. by (765), A = 1, A, " A. = &c.; A , A, &c.
vanishing. Therefore
e- a - 1 cos ( tan 0) dx
1_a (a + 1 ) tan³0 + a(4) tan 0 tanⓇ 0+ ... ‫ہیں‬ 200
1.2 1(4) 1(6)
e-xxa-1 dx

The series on the left = (1 + i tan 0) -a + ( 1 - i tan 0 ) -a , which by the

values (770 ) and ( 768 ) reduces to cos ao cos" 0. Then change a into n.
Similarly, with sine in the place of cosine.

0000 -ax
e e
2591 sin bx dx = ta
n-¹ -tan-¹ .
So 30

PROOF. -Integrate ( 2583) for a between a = a and a = ß.

2592 е cos ax sin" x dx,

where n is any positive integer.

See (2717-20 ) for the values of this integral.

eaxte ax 1 em-e-m
2593 sin mx dx =
0 πα 2 em +2 cos a + e¯m³

a being < T.

PROOF.- The function expanded by division becomes

(ex + e- ax) sin mx ( e - " + e - 3″* + e + & c. )
Multiply in and integrate by ( 2583) . The result is
m m
Σ +Σ
{ (2n - 1 ) π - a}
a ²+ m² { (2n − 1 ) π + a }* + m²
But this series is also produced by differentiating the logarithm of equation
(2953) . Hence the result .
3 D

ex-e-ax sin a
2594 -πX cos mx dx =
C e em +2 cos a + e-m²

PROOF. -Change m into i0 in ( 2593) , thus

ar sin 0
¸ax + ¸¯ax) ( eºx − e−0x) dx =
[* еπx TI= cos a +cos @
Now change a into im and write a instead of 0.

ex-e-a tanla sin mx dx 1 e‡m —e-‡m
2595 eT.C - e-T dx = =
2 。 si
Se eπ -e-πc 4 emte+e¯‡m
PROO .- Mak m0 in ( 2594 ) , and a = 0 in ( 2593 ) .
F e

800 TX -πX
eπεte 1 em+e- m
2597 sin mx dx =
lo e * -e-¹ 2 em -e

PROOF. Make a = in (2593 ) .

x2n-1dx 22n -1
2598 B2n
。 ex- e- x 4n

PROOF. -Expand sin me on the left side of ( 2596 ) by ( 764 ) . The right
side is = - tan ( im) by (770) . Expand this by ( 2917) , and equate the
coefficients of the same powers of m.

eax-e-ax 2 (em -e-m) sin a

sin mx dx = 2m
2599 S e³™‚
x + e˜³ ™‚
¤ e2m +2cos2a +e

eat+e-ax 2 (e" +e-") cos a

cos mx dx = 2m
2600 S e‡*x + e¯ }** e2 +2 cos 2a +e- 2m'

PROOF . -To obtain ( 2599) , put a + and a successively for a in

equation (2593) , and take the difference of the results. (2600) is obtained
in the same way from (2594) .

2601 po dx sec a.
0 ete

PROOF. - Make m = 0 in ( 2600) .

2602 (" sin

sin (ex)² dx =
( er) ' dr = [" cos (ex) ² de = 2072

PROOF.-By (2425) dx
[ e-a²s dit = √7

Put a = 1 + i C. Substitute on the left from ( 766) , and equate real and
imaginary parts.

2604 е - (~² + 2 ) dx = √ e-2a

PROOF .- Denote the integral by u. Differentiate the equation for a, and

α du
substitute in the resulting integral to prove that = -2u , and there
x da
fore u Ce-2a. When a = 0, we get

e- dx = 0, .. C√ (2425) .

-( x² + 2) * dx 2ak
2605 = √π e
Se 2√k

PROOF. -Substitute xk, and integrate by (2604) .

cose cos
2606 ( e-( +) sin 25 ( + ) sin 6] dr

-2a cose COS

= √T
sin 2a sin 0 + 2).

PROOF. - In (2605 ) put k = cos 0 +i sin 0 ; substitute from (766) , and

equate real and imaginary parts.

-ax sin2n +1 x dx =
e-a 1.2.3 ... (2n + 1)
2608 Se
(a + 1 ) ( a² + 3 ) ... ( a² + 2n + 1 ') '

1.2.3 ... 2n
e-ax sin2n x dx =
2609 Se a (a² +2º) (a² +4²) ... (a² + 2n³) '

a a (2n + 1 ) 2n
e-ax cos2n+1 x dx = a² +(2n + 1 )² + (a² + 2n + 1²) ( a² +2n − 1º)

a (2n + 1 ) 2n (2n - 1 ) (2n - 2) a2n + 1

+ + +
(a + 2n + 1') (u² + 2n - 1 ) (a² + 2n - 32) (a² + 2n + 1 ') ... (u² + 1 )

a 2n (2n - 1)
e-az cos² x dx =
2611 Se-as a² +(2n)² + (a² +2n²) (a² +2n — 2º)

a 2n (2n - 1 ) (2n - 2) (2n − 3) a 2n

+ + ... +
(a²+2n') (a² + 2n - 2 ) (a² + 2n - 4 ') (a² +2ñ³) ... (a² + 2³) *

PROOF OF (2608-11 ) . - Reduce successively by ( 1999 ) . The integral

part after each reduction disappears between the limits in the cases (2608–9),
but not in the cases ( 2610-1 ) . See also ( 2721 ) .

ат ат
1.2.3 ... (2n + 1 )
e-ax cos2n +1x dx = ·(e² + e
- }π (a² + 1 ) (a² + 3°) ... (a² + 2n + 1')

ar an
1.2.3 ... 2n
а : cos²n x dx =
е --ax (e 2 e
uf -
a (a² +2°) (a² +4³) ... (a² + 2n²)

PROOF. -By successive reduction by (1999) .

000 "/

2614 e-a¹³ cos 2bx dx = e

fo 2a

PROOF.- Denote the integral by u, then

du ~00 2bu
= 26
e-a²x² 2x sin 2bx dx = cos 2bx dx =
db S ୮0 a² a³
the second integration being effected by parts, Se-a²² 2x dx.
log u = log C- 12 √π
; and b = 0 gives C = (2425 ).
a² 2a

Otherwise.-Expand the cosine by ( 765) , and integrate the terms of the

product by (2426) . Thus the general term is
(-1)" S e-е a²x²x²dx = ((− 1)".(2b) ² 1.3.5
−1)n ... (2n − 1) √ R.
2 +122n +1
2n 0 | 2n
2n 1
== (− 1)" Υπ b " which gives the required result by ( 150).
2a ( -1/2
a ) ** 1.2 n

2615 e-a²x² cosh 2bx = √π ¿(4)². (2181)
Se 2a

PROOF .-Change b into ib in (2014).


2617 е - ²* æ sin 2bxdx = b√
e e- ".

√π dn
e-2 +1 sin (2bx + n ) dx = 2n+1 dbn (be-¹³).
2618 Se

PROOF.-To obtain (2617), put a 1 in (2614) , and differentiate for b.

To obtain (2618) , differentiate, in all, n + 1 times for b.

100 -ax
COS — e
2619 dx = log a.
So 20

PROOF. - By (2251 ) putting x = [ edy (2291) , and changing the

order of integration, the integral becomes

e-*v dy dx =
(cosx - e-ax) e-xy (e- cosx - e-(a + v) x) dy dx
0 0
+ y³ a+y ) dy (2584, 2291 ) = log a.
= 5. (ity

2620 ("log (1—2a cos x +a³) dx = 0,

when a is equal to , or less than , unity ; but is equal to

2 log a, when a is greater than unity.
PROOF. — (i . ) a = 1. By (2635) , since
log 2 (1 - cos x) = log 4 + 2 log sin x.
(ii ) a < 1. By integrating (2922 ) from 0 to .
(iii ) a 1. As in (2926 ) , integrating from 0 to π.

2622 (1 - n cos x) dx.
log (1
When n is less than unity, the values of this integral depend
on those of (2620) . See (2933) .
a sin x dx π
2623 S 1-2a cosx + a² Zlog
a ( 1 + a) , or a log ( 1 + 1) ,

according as a is less or greater than unity .

PROOF. -Integrate log ( 1-2a cos 2 + a²) de by Parts, Sea, and apply
(2620) .

πα Tu
cosra log ( 1-2a cos x +a ) dx = — " or —
2625 S r r

according as a is less or greater than unity.


PROOF. -Substitute the value of the logarithm obtained in (2922) . T

integral of every term of the resulting expansion, excepting the one in which
ur, vanishes by (2467) .

sin a sin ra dx -1 πα- (r + 1 )

" or
2627 S 1-2a cosx +a² 2 2

according as a is less or greater than unity.

PROOF. - Integrate (2625) by Parts, Sccos rx dr.

cos rx dx πατ
2629 = a being < 1 .
S 1-2a cos x +a² 1 - a2'

PROOF. -The fraction = cos r (1 +2a cos x + 2a² cos 2x + 2a cos 3x + ...)
(1 - a ) , by ( 2919), and the result follows as in (2625).

1 dx π 1 + ae
2630 S 1+2 1-2a cos ex +a² = 2 (1 — a³) 1 —ae¯°

PROOF. -Expand the second factor by (2919) , and integrate the terms
by (2573).

2631 ( log (1−2a coscx +aº) dx = log ( 1 - ae¯ ) .

PROOF.- Expand the numerator by ( 2922) , and integrate the terms by

(2573) .

x sin cx dx π
26327 =
S. ( 1 + x²) ( 1—2a cos cx +a²) 2 (eº -a)*

PROOF.-By differentiating (2631 ) for c.

Otherwise.-Expand by (2921) , and integrate the terms by (2574).

ἐπ log (1 + ccosx ) dx =
2633 12 -
cos x { 4 — (cos¯¹c)²}.

PROOF. - Put a = 1 in ( 1951 ) , and take the integral between the limits
O and , then integrate for b between limits 0 and c ; the result is
log( 1 + ccosa) dx = 2 1

tan-1 db,
COS 2 √1-62 √
and the integral on the right is found by substituting cos¹ b.

2634 da sin - 1 c.
+c cos x)
(* log (1cos

PROOF. As in ( 2633) , by taking 0 and for the limits of x.

log = log a
2635 "log sin x dx = l dx.
S™ log 1/3 S √ (1 − x²)
PROOF. - sin x dx = cos x dx (2233) . Add these integrals and sub
f "
0 0
stitute 2x, applying (2234) to the result.

2637 x log sin x dx = log .

PROOF. x² log sin x dx = " ( -2) ' log sin a da , by (2233 ) . Equate the
-S0 0
difference of these integrals to zero.

2638 x log sin² xdx = -n' ' log 2, n being an integer.


PROOF. -Method of (2250) ,

no 2π Mπ
al sin' x dx = xl al sin x dx + ... + xl sin' x dx
0 =[ "0 al sin'a da + [ "π xis +(-1)
‫הי‬ π
l l
= ["0 al sin' z da + ["0 (x + y ) I sin ' y dy +...+ ["0 { ( n − 1 ) = + y
y )} I sin³ y dy.

Each integral reduces by (2635) and (2637) ; for example,

[* (x + y ) 1 sin' y dy = 2 " (x + y ) ? sin ydy = 2 ["0 Isinydy + 2ylsiny dy
== 22log 2 - ³log 2 = 3 log 2 .
The result is { 1 + 3 + 5 + ... + (2n - 1 ) } log 2 = -n²² log 2.

sin mx
2639 dx
S e2x. -1 1 (1m 11
== 2 1 + 1/3 - 1/12)

PROOF.-Develope sin me by (764) ; integrate the terms by (2396), and

sum the series by (1539) .

sin mx 1 π
2640 dx = -m
2m Mπ
e +1 e

PROOF. -Develope sin ma by ( 764) ; integrate the terms by (2398). The

1 π
resulting series is = 2m + 2i cosec ima, bу (2918) , which is equivalent to the
above by (769).

2641 cos (m log x) — cos (n log x) dx = 4 log¹ + m²

S log x 1+ n³·

¹ m — tan¯¹n .
sin ( m log x) —sin ( n log x) dx = tan‍-1
log x

PROOF.-Put pim and q = in in (2394) , and equate corresponding

parts. See (2214) .

sin (n log x) dx vers (n logr) 1
tan -¹n . dx = {log 1 +n²²
S log x S0 log x

PROOF.-Put m = 0 in (2641 ) and (2642 ) .



+ (bx) dx ,
2700 x (bx) dx = $(0) log
S” Þ (ax) =4 log / x )

h being = ∞ , and the last term generally = 0 .

PROOF . — In the integral (* 2 (2) −9 (°)
22 (9) dz substitute z = az and z = bz,
and equate the results thus ,
b (bx) a! (0) dx,
(ax) dx =
fo 9 (xm²) da -ft 9 (
2. = √² x
+ 2(0) dx = √² + 10

(bx) dx (0)
or (ax) (bx) dx 9 dx = 4 ( 0 ) log ---
fe h 2) a
0 ၃ (or)-
=စ ( hr
) da - fe
씀 (hr
) da = (

Then make infinite. For applications see ( 2513 ) and (2505 ) .


2701 **(ar)
"$ (a —4 (br) dx = (a −b) (
" * (*) dx
S x² S x

aa (ö ¢(bx) dx,
+p (0) (log77 −a +b) — (a −b) $(h) +,
+ X2
with h∞ .
a ' (ax)
PROOF. da =
d. {f² 9 (ar) de } = 0 q' (or)
{ ^ x h)
de - 9 (1

(2257) = [ '* '(x)

x dxdz - q' (0) la- 2 (^),
by making b = 1 in the proof of (2700) . Integrate for a between limits.
h h
a (bx)
a and b, thus dx
0 ( ar)de -fie(hr) de
= --b) q′ (x) dx + p′ (0 ) { a la — blb — a + b } − (a − b) o (h) ,

x — h
and the left is = dx (bx) dx.
— 9 (hr) dz− ( h* $ (h
·[ ² + (ax) a²


*ƒ(a +e¹*) +f( a + e-ix) dx =
2702 1 —a²ƒ(a+ c) ,
0 1-2e cos x + c²

c being < 1 .

PROOF. -By Taylor's theorem ( 1500 ) , and by (2919) , the fraction is equal
to the product of the two expansions
1 1
2 {ƒ(a) +ƒ′ (a) cos x + 1.2 f" (a) cos 2x + 1.2.3 f" (a) cos 3x + …..
... }
and { 1 + 2c cos x + 2c² cos 2x + 2c³ cos 3x + ... }
divided by (1 — c³) . By ( 2468) the integral of every term of the product

vanishes, except when it is of the form 2 cos'nx, and this is , by
(2471 ). Hence the result.


ƒ(a + e¹²) +ƒ(a +e¯¹ *) ( 1 – c c

·c cos x) dx = π
# {f(a + c) +f(a ) } .
1-2c cos x + c²


*ƒ(a + e¹x) −ƒ(a + e¯ix) sin x dx =

Srf(a1-2c cos x + c² in
с {
ƒ(a +c) —ƒ(a) } ·

PROOF. As in (2702 ) , adding unity to each side of (2919) , and employing

(2921 , 2467, 2470).
3 E


Given that F(x +a) can be expanded in powers of e - ª ,


2705 dt =
= πF(x + a) .
S® F (x + iut) + F(x− iat)

PROOF.-Assume F (x + a) = 4 + 4₁e - a + A₂e- 2a + Aze¬³a + &c . ,

: . F (x + iat) + F (x − iat) = 2A +24 , cos at +24, cos 2at + &c.
Substitute and integrate by ( 1935) and ( 2573) .
dt π
Ex.-Let F (x) = =
x , then [ ( 1 + 1³ ) (2² + a² ) = 2x (x + a )
= 1


2706 Sƒ(2x cos @e" ) etikº d0 = sin kπ (' (1—2)* ~ ¹ƒ(az) dz.

PROOF.- If h = xe2i0 , then x + h = 2x cos 0 eie by ( 766 ) . Substitute these

values in the expansion of f (x + h) by ( 1500 ) ; multiply by e2ike and in
tegrate ; thus, after reducing by (769),
x²f" (x) -
{if(n) _ af (x) +
(*-T_f (2.2 cos Dei elilê do = sin k k +1 1.2 . (k + 2) &c. }
= p in (1500 ) , multiply
Again, putting h ing by -1 do, and in
tegrating, we have ( p -if (x - xp) dp = the foregoing series within the
− xq)
brackets . Equating the two values and changing into 1-2, the formula
is obtained.
For an application see (2490 ) .

2707 When k is an integer,

S** e²itº 0d0 =
S™, f(2x cos 0e¹ ) elik³ cos
2ik" (
" ' (1–2) *~¹ƒ(xz) dz.

PROOF.-- Divide equation ( 2706 ) by sin kπ, and evaluate the indeterminate
fraction by (1580) , differentiating with respect to k.
For applications see ( 2490) , (2494) .

2708 If X be a function of a so chosen that

Xf (i.) ,
a k) dx = C, .............
a Xƒ (2, 0) dæ
and if the series

Aof(x, 0) + A₁f(x , 1 ) + A₂ƒ(x, 2 ) + &c . ... = 4 (x) ... (ii .) ,


where Φ is a known function , then

Xp (x) dx
AoCo + A₂C₁ + A₂C₂ + &c. .. = S₂
...(iii .)
Xf(x, 0) dx

PROOF.-Multiply (ii.) by X, and integrate from a to b, employing (i.)

2709 If the sum of the series

4 +A + A² + Aga³ + &c . ... = p (x)

be known, then

4 + 4₁a+ 4₂a ( a + 1 ) + A¸a ( a + 1 ) (a + 2 ) + &c ....

e¯*x²-1 (x) dx

e-xx -1 dx

PROOF.-In (2708) let Xe- a- 1 and f(x, k) = x*. Then since, by

Parts, we have e-* x² + k-¹ dɛ = a (a + 1 )... (a + k − 1) [" e-xx -1 dx,
୮0 0
it follows that Ca (a + 1 ) ... (a +k- 1) . Hence, conditions (i. ) and (ii.)
being fulfilled, result (iii. ) is established.
For an application see (2589) .

f (x + iy) = P + iQ. (i.)
b dQ dx dy b dP
= (ii.)
2710 Then a Sa dy SoSodre
a a dx dydex .....

dᏢ β b
2711 ('(" dP dxdy = -S®S° de dy dx... (iii )
a dy a da

PROOF. - Differentiating (i.) independently for a and y,

f' (x + y) = P + iQx, if' (x + y) = P₁ + iQ ,
.. P₂ + iQx = Q - iPy, . P = Qy and Q - Py.
Hence by (2261 ) the equalities (ii. ) and (iii.) are obtained.

Ex. Let f (x + iy) = e− (x+ iy)³ = e- e (cos 2xy — i sin 2xy) .

Here Pee cos 2xy, Q - e- esin 2xy, therefore, by (iii. ) ,
Cefa cos 2ẞx -ea² cos 2ax) dx = (e-b sin 2by-e-a sin 2ay) dy.

Put a = a = 0, b = ∞o ; therefore

eß2 e-x2 cos 26x dx = - dx.

* e~~² (efª cos 2ß³x − 1 ) dx = 0, .'. · =[0
0 *|

2712 Let 2n
x²n F(x²) dx = A₂n, n being an integer , then

F 1 dx
S x² P { ( x — 4 ) } dx

= A + n (n + 1) A₂ + (n (4) (n - 2) (6)
1.2 (" −(4) 1 (6)) " A₂ +&c.
1 ) " 4 , + (" −2

PROOF. — In the integral (*_ 22" F (2²) dz
da = 24₁ , substitute z = x— x
1 2n dx
and it becomes X- F x (i.)
( ( ~ - x
- ) " ( + x
- ) ³ } (- - - ) ' } x = 20
{ (1)
Let the integral sought be denoted by Can then
1 dx
F x x2n+1 F { ( x − 1 ) } dx = C₂n
x2 n +1 = { (~— 1 }= x=-=[ [ x X
[0 = ( D ) )
} [ ¹
This is proved by substituting in the first integral . Therefore by addition
+ ) F { (x − 1 ' = 202n . (ii.)
[ ( ~² + + 21.1
S x) }d 20 = 20½m
Now, in the expansion of cos ( 2n + 1 ) 0 ( 776) , put 2 cos 0 = x + and
2i sin x— 1, where 2 eie by (768–9) , and multiply the equation by
F { (x− 1) x " and integrate from
x ' } da
0 to x = ∞o . Then, by (i .) and
(ii.), the required result is obtained .

2713 Ex. - Let F (x) = ear, then

1.3 ... ( 2n − 1) Υπ
2n = x²ne-ax³ 1x =
V and A =
[ 2n +1 an 2√a
[*0 e *( *· 2 dz
e- 2a√π 1+ n (n + 1 ) + (n - 1 )(4) + (n - 2)(6) + (n − 3)(8)
2√a { 4a 12) 42a2 13)43a 14* a* + &c. }.


2714 Theorem (2255) may be extended to the case of a

finite change in the value of a quantity under the sign of

Let a be independent of a and b, and let A be the differ

ence caused by an increase of unity in the value of a , then

S"Ap(x, a) dx = ▲Sp(x,
a a) dx.

2715 Ex. 1. [ode = 1, Ae-ax da that is

୮0 dx a !α "
" sode = A 금
ax (e- x - 1) dx ==
0 0 = a (a + 1)'
Also, by repeating the operation,
Ane- ax dx = A. 1, that is
S a
(-1)" \ n
2716 е ( dæ =
-1 )* dx
a (a + 1 ) ... ( a + n)"

2717 Ex. 2. -In (2583-4) put k for a and (2a - m) for b, then
2a -m
e-k A sin (2a - m) x dx = ▲ . (i.) ,
୮0 k² + (2a - m)³
e-ka A cos (2a - m) x dx = ▲ . (ii. ) ,
0 k² + (2a − m)²
In (ii. ) let m = 2p, an even integer, then
A cos (2a - 2p) a = cos ( 2a + 2p ) x - 2p cos (2a + 2p - 2) x + ...
... +cos (2a - 2p) a
= cos 2ax [cos 2px -2p cos (2p - 2) x +C ( 2p, 2) cos (2p - 4) x -...
... + cos 2px]
-sin 2ax [ sin 2px -2p sin (2p - 2) x + ...
...-sin 2px] ,
The coefficient of cos 2ax, in which equidistant terms are equal, is
== ( -1 ) 22 sin x (773) ; while the coefficient of sin 2ax vanishes because
the equidistant terms destroy each other. Therefore
A2P cos (2a - 2p) a = ( -1 )" 22" cos 2ax sin² x.
Hence (ii. ) becomes
kx (−1)" A2p k
2718 e- cos 2ar sin²x dx =
Se 22p k² + (2a −2p)²*

2719 Again, in (i. ) let m = 2p + 1 , an odd integer, then

A2 +1 sin (2a - 2p - 1 ) x = sin (2a + 2p + 1 ) x -− (2p + 1 ) sin (2a +2p - 1 ) x
+ C (2p +1, 2) sin (2a + 2p - 3) x -... sin (2a - 2p - 1 ) x
= sin 2ax [cos (2p + 1 ) x- ( 2p + 1 ) cos (2p - 1) x + ...-cos (2p + 1 ) x]
+ cos 2ax [sin (2p + 1 ) x- (2p + 1) sin (2p - 1) x + ... +sin (2p + 1 ) ].
The coefficient of sin 2ax vanishes as before, while that of cos 2ax is
= (-1)" 22p+¹ sin2p+1 (774).

Therefore equation (i. ) becomes

(-1)" A2p +1
e-kkx cos 2ar sin +1rd =
Se 2a -2p - 1
22p+1 k² +(2a -2p - 1)³°

To compute the right member of equation (2718) , we have

k 1
A²p 2= k
k² +(2a - 2p) [l² +(2a +2p)²
2p C (2p, 2) - ... + 1
k² + (2u + 2p - 2)³ ' k² + (2a + 2p —4)³ k² +(2a )².] .
- 2p)
Let a = 0, then the equidistant terms are equal, and we obtain in this case

k (−1) 1.2 ... 2p.2

2721 A²p
k² + (2a − 2p)² k (k² +4) ( k² + 16) ... { k² + (2p) ² }*

Thus formula (2609) is proved .

Similarly, by making a = 0 in ( 2720) after expansion, formula ( 2608) is
obtained .

Let P
be any integer , and let q and a be arbitr
ary , but
q < 2p in (2722 ) , and < 2p + 1 in (2723 ) .

cos 2ɑx sin²x dx = ~9+1
(-1)" Ap dz.
So X9+1 22Pг (q +1) S ≈² + (2a − 2p)²

cos 2ar sin2p + 1 x0
(-1)" A²p+1 (2a -2p- 1 ) ~ dz,
= 2²p + ¹r (q + 1) So
0 x²+ (2a - 2 )²

where ▲ has the signification in ( 2714) .

PROOF. -Employing the method of (2510), replace

1 1
by r (2 + 1) √ e ====² dz,
x7 +1 0
q being integral or fractional ; therefore
cos 2ax sin²º x dx = 1
cos 2ax sin² re¬** zª dz dx,
xX +1 F (2 +1) S. S.
by changing the order of integration. Substitute the value in ( 2718 ) for
the integral containing a, writing the factor 2 under the operator ▲, since it
is independent of a.
Similarly, with 2p + 1 in the place of p, we substitute from ( 2720) .

It may be shown that , whenever a > p , formula ( 2722 )

reduces to

cos 2ar sin² x (-1) +1
dx = ▲²º (2a - 2p) ¹.
So X9+1 qπ
22p +¹r (q + 1 ) sin

For a complete investigation, see Cauchy's " Mémoire de l'Ecole Poly

technique," tome xvii.

2725 Ex. Let a 2, p = 1, q = },

cos 4a sin² a π
a dx = ▲² (2a — 2) *,
0 8r (4) sin 6

and ▲² (2a− 2) * = (2a + 2 ) * —2 ( 2a) * + (2a −2) * = 6* −2.4* + 2*.


sin ax
2726 (x) dx = 표 中 (0) ,
So sin c

when a∞ and h is not greater than .

PROOF.- (i. ) Let (x ) be a continuous, finite, positive quantity, de

creasing in value as a increases from zero to h.
2π 3πT 1π
sin ax a a a
4 (x) dx =- S² + Siπ + b2π + + √~
_ + ↓ · ........ (i. ) ,
sin x 0 (y- 1) π
a a
rπ π
™ being the greatest multiple of contained in h. h. The terms are alter
a a
nately positive and negative, as appears from the sign of sin ax. The fol
lowing investigation shows that the terms decrease in value. Take two
consecutive terms
(n + 1 ) π (n + 2) T
a sin ax a sin ax
(x) dx.
Nπ sin æ (x) dx, |(n + 1)π sin x
a a
Substituting x in the second integral, it becomes
(n + 1 ) π
a sin ax π
π (x + α ) da,
"π sin -
a (x + = a
and since decreases as x increases, an element of this integral is less than
the corresponding element of the first integral.

Now, by substituting axy, we have

(n + 1 ) T
a sin ax (n + 1) = siny (n +1 ) * sin
(x) dx = Φ dy ... (ii.),
si nx (1 ) dy = 4 (0)
"π nπ a sin У Nπ У
a a
when a is infinite, because then ( 2a ) = ( 0 ) and a sin a = y .
n siny dy ,
Hence the sum of n terms of (i .) may be replaced by (0 ) [ "
0 y
which, when n is infinite, takes the value ( 0 ) by (2572) ; while the sum
of the remaining terms vanishes, because (the signs alternating ) that sum is
less than the n + 1th term, which itself vanishes when n is infinite.
(ii. ) If (x) , while always decreasing, becomes negative, let C be a con
stant such that C + (a ) remains always positive while a varies from 0 to h.
The theorem is true for C + ( x ) , and also for a function constant and equal
to C, and it is therefore true for the decreasing function whatever its sign .
If (x) is a function always increasing in value, (x) is a decreasing
function . The theorem applies to the last function, and therefore also to ø (x).

2727 COR . - Hence the same integral taken between any

two limits lying between zero and , vanishes when a is
infinite .

sin ax
2728 (x) dx
sin x
So Si

= π { {Þ (0) +4 (π) +4 (2″) + ... + 4 (n − 1 ) π + 4 ( nπ) } ,

when a is an indefinitely great odd integer, and n is the

greatest multiple of less than h . But when a is an indefi
nitely great even integer, the second and alternate terms of
the series have the minus sign.
sin ax [ sin ax ch sin ax
PROOF. (x) dx = · p (x) dx + \n \ .(i.) ,
si n æ si n æ sin Ꮛ ₫ (x) dæ……………
^0 Sim
decompose the second integral into 2n others with the limits 0 to 1 , to ,
π to 3π, ... (2n - 1) to nл ; and in these integrals put successively = y,
π − y, π + y , 2π — y , 2π + y, nπ - y. The new limits will be 0 to 1 , π to
O alternately, with the even terms negative, so that, by changing the signs of
the even terms, the limits for each will be 0 to T. Also, if a is an odd in
sin ax
teger, sin æ is changed into sin ay by each substitution , so that (i.) becomes
sin y
sin ay hp { (h − xu) 6+ ··· + ( li + ±) $ + (fi− ×) 6+ (fi) 6 } ;
sin y
St ch si ax
+ (x) dx ....... . (iii .)
Rπ si n
sin.ay minus
But, when a is even, the substitution of r Y for x makes sin

whenever r is odd. The limit of the first part of (iii. ) is

{ø (0) + 2p (x) + 2p ( 2π ) + ... + 2¢ (n − 1 ) π +4 (nx) } , by (2726) .

In the last part of (iii. ) put = n +y, and the integral becomes
[h- nn sin ay π
sin (nx + y) dy = 9 (n ), if h ― n is , by (2725) .
S0 y
If h- n lies between 1 and T, decompose the integral into two others ;
the one with limits 0 to 7 will converge towards (n ) , while the other
with limits to h- n becomes, by putting y = π— %,
sin az
St sin z [ (n + 1 ) −z ] dz = 0 ,
(n +1) -h
the limit by (2727) . Hence the last term of (iii . ) is ḍ (n ) . Substi
tuting these values, (2728) is obtained.

2729 a2r2 COS 2bx dx = √π e==
Ex.--By ( 2614), 2a
Put b = 0, 1 , 2 ... n successively, and add, after multiplying the first equa
tion by , thus
e-a²x³ ( + cos 2x + cos 4x + ... + cos 2nx) dx
Se -as 4
e e a² ...
==2a={ + + + + + + = }.

The left side e-a²x² sin (2n + 1) x da , by ( 801),

==[~•~ sin
and, if n∞ , becomes

{ + e - ²² + e −4m²² +e- n³a³ + ... } , by ( 2728) ;

· · π { } + e¬¤²a² + e −4п²a² + e - dπ²α³ + ... } = √={ste a te a³te a² + ... }.
Put aa and = 6; therefore
2730 √a { + e-a²+ e '+ e -9a²+ ... }
= √ẞ { } + e¬³¹² + e¯¹² + e - 98²+ ... } ,

with the condition aß = .

sin ax
2731 Soh $ (x) dx = — Þ (0) ,
x 2

when a is an infinite integer.

PROOF. The integral may be put in the form

sin ax sin x
sin x (x) dx, where (x) = a (x),

3 F

therefore, by (2726 ) , when h is , and by (2728) , if h is > , the value

is Þ (27) , &c. all vanish. But
(0), since in ( 2728) ♣ ( # ) , ♣ (0) (0) .
Hence the theorem is proved.

When a and ẞ are both positive ,

sin ax sin ax
2732 $(x) dx = 0 = (x) dx.
a x S-α x
Bsin ax
2733 ро $ (x) dx = πφ (0 ) .
-α x
a π т
= - =
3 —
PROOF .—(i.) [ ( = 2 (0) 2 (0), by ( 2729) .
0 0

(ii.)· S₁ = 2 (0 )+ 플 + (0),
(ª-a = p²-a + 11-10
₂ S
by substituting - in the second integral.

" + (x) cos uxdu dx = = $ ( 0),
SoS when a = ∞ .
sin ax a
= cos ux du.
cos Substitute this in ( 2731 ) .

When a and ẞ are positive , the limit when a is infinite of

a cos tu cos uxdudæ ,
or of
["Þ(x) sin tu sin uxdudx,

is ( t ) , if t lies between a and ẞ , 1 ″ ( t) if t = a , and zero

for any other value of t.

PROOF . - When a = ∞ we have, by ( 668 ) , and integrating with respect to u,

(B sin a (x - t) sina (x + t)
4 (a ) cos ux cos tu dx du =4 [° 4 (x) dx + 3 (* (x) dx
SS. a x- t x+t
B- t sin az B+ ' sin az
2 p (z + 1) dz + 1 ø (z - t) dz
−t) ...... (i .) ,
a- t a+ t 2
by substituting z = a - t and za +tin the two integrals respectively.
When a is infinite, the limit of each integral is known .
When a and 3 are positive and t lies between them in value, the
limit of (i. ) is π ø ( t) , by ( 2732-3 ) ......... .... (ii.)
When a and B are positive and t does not lie between them, the
value is zero, by ( 2732) ... (iii.)

If at in (i .) , the first integral becomes == (t) by (2731), and

the second vanishes as before ; so that the value, in this case, is τ ( t) ... (iv. )
The same demonstration applies in the case of (2736) , transforming by
(669 ) instead of (668) .

Hence, by (ii .) , if t be always positive ,

(x)cos tu cos ux du dx == (1)

2737 SS (x) cos tu cos
SS ( x) sin tu sin ux du dx.

2739 Ex.-Let (x) = e¯ax,

ax cos tu cos ux du dx = π
0 0
a cos tu π
Therefore, by (2584) , du =
S0 a²+ u³

which is equivalent to (2574) , with t = 1.

The expressions in (2737-8) being even functions of u, we have, supposing

t to be always positive,

S__S0 4 (2) cos tu cos uz dude = x 4 (t) = [* [*0 ( 2) sin tu sin uz du de ...(i .)

Replacing (2) by ( -x) , and afterwards substituting -x, these

equations become
SS. (a) cos tu cos ux du dx = p ( −t)
ux du da.........(ii.)
S__.. (2) sin tu sin
= -S..S
From (i ) and (ii. ) , by addition and subtraction, we get
Φ (x) cos tu cos ux du dx = π [p (t) +ø ( −t) ],
2741 00
(x) sin tu sin ux du dx = [p (t) − ( −t) ] .
SL 18
Whence, by addition,

18 cosu (t−x) dudx = 2π¢ (1),

the original formula of Fourier's.



The function de log r(a) is denominated (x) .

1 1 1 1
2743 (x) = log μ - - - ... -
x x+ 1 x+2 x+μ²
when μ is an indefinitely great integer.

PROOF. - By differentiating the logarithm of (2293) .

2744 COR. (1 ) == log μ - 1 — — — — — —

when μ = ∞ ,
μ + 1’

= -0.577215,664901,532860,60 ... (Euler) .

All other values of 4 (2) , when a is a commensurable
quantity, may be made to depend upon the value of (1) .

When a is less than 1,

2745 4 (1 - x) - (x) = π сot πx.
PROOF. - Differentiate the logarithm of the equation
T (x ) г (1-2) = sine (2313) .

2746 (x) + ( x+ 1
n)+ (x + 2
n)+... + (x + n 1)
= ny (nx) -n log n.
PROOF. Differentiate the logarithm of equation ( 2316) .

2747 To compute the value of 4(목) when P is a proper

fraction. q

Find from the two equations


2748 = π cot Pπ,

+ (1–2)-4(2) : (2745)

↓ 2p log ( 2 vers 27)

(1-2) + (2 ) = 2 { (1) —log q + cos 2p
Арп брп
+ cos 4 log( 2 vers 1 ) + cos 6 log ( 2 vers ) + &c . } .
q q զ
THE FUNCTION (x) . 405

The last term within the brackets , when q is odd , is

cos (2-1 ) p * log ( 2 vers (2-1 ) = ) ;

q Չ
and when q is even, the last term is log 2 according as p
is even or odd .

PROOF.-Equation (2743) may be written

1 1 + 14 + 2
1 -=
+ 12- 1 -
+ 1 § -—-... -
x x+1 + 1} ~. x+μ μ+1'

μ being an indefinitely great integer.

1 2 3
Replace a successively by " > ... 1 ; where q is any in
teger ; thus q q q q
== q - 9 +151
+ 14
+ (-
/ q + 12— — + 1 -
9 +1 2q+1 3q+1
== q + 14 9 +15/12-
+ (2/2). 2 + 12-12 + 18 3q +2
... ... ... ... .. (i.)

== L+12— 9 -+ 11· +151-

+ (2=1) 2-1 29-1+18- 4q-1
2q-1 3q-1
(1) = -1 + 72-1 +71 ㅎ ++74 렣 글 +7
2п 4п 6п
Now, if be any one of the angles " ... 2 (q − 1 ) π, we shall have
q q q Չ
1 = cos qp = cos 2qp = cos 3gp = &c......... ......... (ii. ) ,
coscos (q + 1) = cos (2q + 1) = cos (3q + 1 ) + = &c.......(iii. ),
cos +cos 24+ cos 30 +... +cos (q - 1 ) + 1 = 0 by (803) ...... (iv .)
By means of the relations (ii .) and ( iii .) , equations (i . ) may be written

cos ф ¥ == q cos + cos $ 12 — I cos (4 + 1 ) + cos pl ,

/ 2+1
cos 244 ( 2) -옴 cos 24 + cos 2012-12
9+2 cos (2 + 2 ) + cos 2p 13—,

== cos 34 + cos 3412 - cos (q + 3) + cos 3413—,

cos 344 (232)
(-1/2 - 1/8
3 2+3
... ... ... ... ... ...

cos (2-1) p + ( q
(2 — 1 ) =
= − 7 -- 1 cos (q - 1 ) + cos (q - 1) 12

2 cos (2q - 1 )
+ cos (q -
− 1 ) pl— ,
(1) = - 1 + 12 - 1- + 3912323509 -
Upon adding the equations, the coefficient of each logarithm vanishes, by (iv.)
The remaining terms on the right form a continuous series, and we have
cos 44 ( 12) +cos 244 (22) + ... + cos (q − 1 ) 44 ( 2− 1 ) + 4 (1)
== q {cos + cos 20+ cos 30+in inf. }
= log (2-2 cos p) by (2928) ....... (v.)

Let = W. Then, by giving to in equation (v.) its different values w,
2w, 3w ... (q - 1 ) w, we obtain q - 1 linear equations in the unknown quanti
ties To solve these equations for (2)
·( 21) + ( 2) ... (2 q — 1).
p being an integer less than q, multiply them respectively by
cos pw, cos 2pw ... cos (q - 1 ) pw,
and join to their sum equation ( 2746 ) , after putting a = and n = q.
The coefficient of in the result, & being any integer less than q, is
( 从)
cos pw cos kw + cos 2pw cos 2kw + ... + cos (q − 1 ) pw cos ( q − 1 ) kw +1 .
By expanding each term by ( 668) , we see by (iv.) that this coefficient
vanishes excepting for the values kq -p and k = p, in each of which
cases it becomes = 9. Hence, dividing by 19, we obtain

4 (2−2) + + ( 2 ) = 24 (1) −2lq + cos pwl (2—2 cos w )

+ cos 2pwl (2-2 cos 2w ) + ...... + cos (q - 1 ) pwl { 2-2 cos (q - 1 ) w } .

The last term = cos pol (2-2 cos w) = the third term ; the last but one
= cos 2pwl (2-2 cos 2 ) = the second term, and so on, forming pairs of
equal terms. But, if q be even, there is the odd term
cos gpw log (2-2 cos qw ) = ± 2 log 2,
according as p is even or odd.

EXAMPLES .-By (2748-9) we obtain

2750 (4 ) = ↓ (1 ) −3 log 2+ , ↓ ( 4 ) = ↓ ( 1 ) — 3 log 2 -

π π
2752_4 ( 3 ) = 4 ( 1 ) —log 3 + 2/3'3, ¥ ( ) = 4 ( 1 ) — § log 3 — 2√3'

2754 ↓ (}) = ↓ (1) -

− 2 log ( 2) .

When a is any integer,
2755 + (a + x) = $ (a) + = +++++
a +2 +... +
+1 +2 a +x-1

PROOF. -By ( 2289 ) , putting n = a + x - 1 and r = x − 1 ,

г (a + x) = (a + x - 1 ) ( a + x − 2 ) ... ( a + 2 ) ( a + 1 ) a г (a) .
Differentiate the logarithm of this equation with respect to a.

¥(a +x) = 4 (a) +2 Ꮖ (x -1) x (x - 1) (x- 2)

2756 (a +x) +
2a (a + 1) 3a (a + 1) (a +2)
x (x - 1 ) (x - 2) (x - 3)
+ &c .
4a (a + 1 ) (a +2 ) ( a + 3)
THE FUNCTION (x) . 407

If a be a positive integer, the number of terms in this

series is finite, and the value of (a +a) can be found from
that of (a).
Hence, by this or the preceding formula, in conjunction
with (2747) , the value of 4 (N) , when N is any commensurable
quantity, may be found in terms of (1 ) .

PROOF.- Let (a + x) = A + Bx + Cx (x - 1 ) + Dx (x - 1 ) (x - 2 ) + &c.

Change a into x + 1 ; then,
s (a + x) = ( a + x + 1 ) − ( a + x) = d, { log F (a +x +1) -log T (a + x) }
= d, log (a + x) ( 2288) =
a+x '
A 1, Ax (x - 1 ) = 2x, Ax (x - 1 ) (x - 2 ) = 3x (x - 1), &c. Therefore
B +20x +3Dx (x - 1) + 4Ex (x - 1 ) (x - 2 ) + ,
a +x
Δ 20 +2.3Dx +3 . 4Ex (x - 1) + ,
A2 2.3D+ 2.3.4 . Ex + ,
a +x
A³ - = 2.3.4E +.
Put 20 in each equation to determine the coefficients A, B, C, D, &c.;
thus 1 1 -1 1
A = ↓ (a), B = 11 , 20 = A = =
a a a +1 a a (a + 1 ) '
1 1 2
2.3D = A2 =A =
a a (a + 1 ) a (a + 1) (a + 2) '
2.3.4EA . 1 2 2.3
=A = and so on.
a a (a + 1) (a + 2) a (a + 1 ) (a + 2) (a + 3)'


2757 Formula I. a a a
b + b+c + b+ 2c +... + b + ne

= 응 - 음악 с (음 +1)+ 음악 (음 +1 + 1)
PROOF.- Let S de
note the n terms of the series to be summed . We have
a a b b

B -8 = + (с + n + 1) = с [ [↓ ((2 +++n + 2)
) − 4 ( + n + 1 ) ] (2288)
or α a
8.. с ++ 2) = 8- с ↓ ( + ~n + 1 ).
Hence the difference is independent of n, and therefore
↓ ↓
80-0 ( +0 + 1) = 80- 응 (응+1) = 응- 응 (응+1)

1 1
2758 Ex. 1+ + + + = 1 − 14 ( ¦ ) + ļ ↓ (n + 1) .
2n + 1

a a a - a
2759 Formula II. % -b+c + b+2c
b + (2n + 1 ) c
ac a - b + 3c
b (b +c) + 2 { Ψ 2c30) - ↓ ( b+20)
+ (b + 2c + + ( b +20 2c + n) } .
2c + n) − + ( b +30

PROOF. The series is equivalent to

a a a a - S_a a a
b + b + 2c + b+ 4c + ... + b + 2nc {6+40 + b+c +20 + b+c +2xe }"
and the result follows by Formula I.

2760 Formula III.—

1 1
+ ... in inf.
1/2 -6=0
b+c b+ 2c
с 1 b+ 3c
= ψ (b + 3c) — + ( b + 2c) }
= 3= {+
+ 2c 2c
b (b + c) +
PROOF.-Make n∞ in Formula II. The last two terms become equal .

2761 Ex. 1. - In ( 2760) let b = c = 1, then

1 - + - + & c. = · 1 + } { ↓ ( 2 ) - ( ) } = log 2.
For (2) = 1 + ( 1 ) , by ( 2755 ) ; & ( ) = 2 + ↓ ( 1) −2 log 2 , by (2754–5) .

2762 Ex. 2.- In ( 2760) let b = 1 , c = 2, then

1 − } + } − ↓ + &c. = } + 14 (3) − 14 ( 4 ) = — ·

4 (1 + a) = (
' ' x²—1
J = dx + 4 ( 1) .

PROOF. a (a − 1) ¸ a (a − 1) ( a − 2) _ &c . [by (2756)

( 1 + a) = 4 (1 ) + a — a (a − 1) +

But 1- (1-2) = α a (a - 1) x+ a (a- 1) (a - 2) ² — &c .,

X 1.2 1.2.3
therefore 1 − (1 − x)ª dx + 4 (1) .
↓ (1 + a) = [" 20
Substitute 1 - x in the integral .

xa -
2764 dx. [By (2763)
* (1 +a) −4 (1 + b) ==S=====
0 x
THE FUNCTION (x) . 409

Ex.-Put b = − a ; then

↓ (1 + a) −4 (1 − a) = 1 +4 (a) −4 (1 − a) (2756 ) = 1 -π cotα (2745) .

a a
x² - x 1
2765 Therefore dx = -π сot τα.
0 x -1 a


ux -1
2766 ↳
( x) = −S log u + 1
." (1 I ) du.

PROOF. - 1
(x) = log μ
1 1
with μ (2743) .
2 +1
x+μ - 1
1 1 zx-1 -N-2x+μ- 1
But + + ... + = dz,
x x+ 1 a +μ - 1 1 -%
by actual division and integration.
Also log μ = dz (2367) .
=√0 ( 1== 1
1-2 2x+μ- 1 uzkμ
dz + dz, μ =∞ ......
... (i.)
·· + (x ) = ["0 1-2 [0 { 1--% 1- M
Put zy" in the first integral, therefore
1 μ- 1 -
yμ —μ yu −¹ dy = µ y ?4-1
μ 1— μ dy.
S0 1 -y" S0 1 - ум
Replace y by z, and suppress the term common with the second integral
≈≈+μ-1 μzμæ dz.

of (i.), and we get (x) =

{ 1- % 1 }
Pat z = u, and this becomes
U με ux - 1
& (x) = du.
0 1-
μ (1 — u" )

But when μ∞o the product μ ( 1 - u ) has -log u for its limit (1584) ;
and u 1. Hence the result.

2767 (x) = √ •
) "" { e =² = (
x + x)= } da

PROOF. ' (x) = ["0 e¯* 2 * -' da ;

I d₂T (x) = [[ e-*z* -1 log z dz.
900 az
But, by ( 2427), log z = [ ====" da ,
0 a
3 G

I R e - a - e - az
.. dr (x) = e dz da
0 0 a
1 C ·
dz - e− (1 + a) z zx - ¹ dz
][··· [ [" = = 1 ] da a

-a da
˜ ” [e-
= I («x)· [ - (1 + a) = ] a
[e-•² - a ( 2291 ),
which establishes the formula since
dr (x) F (x) = d₂ log г (x) = (x) .

e-- e dę
2768 log I ( x) ==S
" [ (x − 1 ) e -t 1-e

= ( [²
== +11]
−x +
= -x =/.
] ds

e- x
) =√0 [ 7 - ;I====
€] -e ] d5

PROOF. -Integrate ( 2767) for x between the limits 1 and x, observing

that log F ( 1 ) = 0 ; thus
(1 + a)-1- (11++ a) -* }) da
a)== da
log I ( x) = [* { (x − 1 ) e−a . a
log (1 +a)
Subtract from this the equation obtained from it by making = 2, and
multiplying the result by x - 1 . We thus obtain

_ (1 + a) ~' — (1 + a) - * da
log F (x) =·[" [ (x − 1) (1 + a) -² — a - ] log (1 +a)*
Substitute & = log ( 1 + a) , and ( 2768 ) is the result. To obtain ( 2769 ) , sub
stitute z = (1 +a) . Lastly, (2770) is the result of differentiating (2768)
for x.


2771 The second member of ( 2768) can be divided into two parts, one of
which appears under a finite form, and the other vanishes with x. If we put
1 e-§ 1
P = (x − 1 − 1 =—-e - s ) and Q :=
E' ¿ ( 1 − e− )'
then log r
T (x) = (P+ Qe− c) de ....... (i.)
If Q be developed in ascending powers of , the terms which contain
negative indices are Only
C+ = R say.

Put F (x) =
= [ (P+ Re -try di
0 —-—
(' 1 −®) ) ] ] =
=— ¹ - ( (11)

0-5 + ( 1 + 1 ) 0-620
] 00
and • ( x) e " e-Ex de (iii .)
= [ ( Q - R) -e
t = d; = [] ( 1- 1-1 - 1 - 1)2 - (1 )
Then, by (i.), log F (x) = F (x) + (x) ... (iv.)
F (x ) can now be calculated in a finite form, and (e) will have zero for its
limit as a increases.

First, to show that F (4 ) and ≈ ( 4 ) can be exactly calculated .

1 - --
• (1) = )e-1
Tl Ἐ - 12/1
12/17 1 1/2-1

and, by substituting ,

~ ( ) =·[ (1 2 - 2 e-$ 15 . (v.)

( - 1--28 2) - α²
1- -
2Ę 1

Again, putting a = 1 in ( iii. ) , we have

1 1 de
(1)= ( e .. (vi.) ;
~ S 2 ) +-+ 24.
12e- - | - |
and, by substituting ,
(1) e-25 .. (vii. )
= () = [ [0 ( 1-1- - 1 24 - 1 ) + ".....d.
The difference of ( vi. ) and ( vii. ) gives
1 2 - e-$ 1.
0: e -έ de ....(viii.) ,
-e- 2 24 1-6-² )e
=5 0(
since e - e-25 = e
-e 1 - e-2$ - e -25*
Subtract (viii.) from (v.) , thus
∞ --- e
@ (1 ) = 4 + 2 e- 25
+ [[0 ( - - - ) d = 2
1 - log2 ( 2429).

Also, by (iv. ) , F ( } ) + ∞ ( } ) = l r (} ) = } l «, .. F ( } ) = } log ( 2π ) —§ ….. ( ix . )

F(x) may now be found by calculating F (x) -F ( ) as follows : —

− 31 )) e
By (ii .) , F (x) — F (4) = []0 [ (≈x − -ε+ 12 ) (e -tx - e - t ) ] d
e0 − + + ( 1/2 + 1/1)
g е -Ex
[ ° e −εx − e−+ ε + E (x - 1) e ds +
= [ 0-60 * 2'
e-te--it d

= } −x + (x − 1 ) logx (2427-8 ) ,
.. F (x) = log ( 2π) + (x - 1) log x - x, by (ix.) ;
.. by (iv.) log I (x) = log ( 2π ) + ( x− ) log x - x + ( x) .............. (x. ) ;
2772 .. F (x) = e-xxx - √ (2π) e≈
е (x) . (xi. )

When is very large, e (*) differs but little from unity. For (x) diminishes
without limit as a increases, by the value (iii.)
Replacing ( ) in ( x.) by its value (iii . ) , and observing that
log F (x + 1 ) = log + log F (x),
we get log (x + 1 ) = } log (2π ) + ( x + ¦ ) log x - x
e . (xii.)
+√ 10
(1-1/2-2 - -
- ---/
/ ) 0-to 15 .
Now, by (1539) ,
22n -g
1 -- BE + 2n 2n + 21 22n
± F
/12 1
/ = B₂
1 -11/1) 1
-s - 1 1.2 1 ...2n 1 ... 2n + 2'
where is < 1 . Also
2μ ...
e—§x ¿2µ d¿ = 0e−6x22n №5
d¿ = 0, 1 ... 2n
Sog = X2μ + 1 ' [Be-
୮ tr 22n +1
So that equation (xii. ) produces

log (2π)
2773 log (x + 1 ) = + ( x + 1) log x− x

B B₁ 0B2n+2
+ 1.2.x 3.4a³ + ...+ (2n + 1) (2n +2) a²n +1•

This series is divergent, the terms increasing indefinitely. The comple

mentary term, which increases with n and is very great when n is very great,
is, however, very small for considerable values of n. For instance, when
20 = 10, the values obtained for log г ( 11 ) , by taking 3, 4, 5 , or 6 terms of
the series, are respectively,
16-090820096, 16 104415343, 16-104412565, 16-104112563.



2774 Let x, y , z be connected with E , n , by three equations

u = 0, v = 0, w = 0.
Then, when the limits of the integral containing the new
variables can be assigned independently , we have
x2 ya
(**(" (" F (x, y , z) dx dydz
x1121 d (urw)
d (§nb) d§dŋdɩ,
-- ( ( √² + ( §, n ,
- *10 "
n1 Si (ε, n . 5) d (uvw)
d (xyz)

where is what F becomes when the values of x, y , z, in terms

of E , n,, obtained by solving the equations u, v, w , are sub
stituted .

PROOF. dx dy dz
F(x, y, z) dx dy dz = (E, n, 5) dë dŋ d .
SSS SSS de dn d

To find a consider and constant, and differentiate the three equations

u, v, w for ¿, as in ( 1723) . To find y , consider and a constant, and differ
entiate for 7. To find zg, consider and y constant, and differentiate for .
We thus obtain
d (uvw) d (uvw) d (uvw ) d (uvw)
dx dy dz = - d (Eyz) d (nz ) d ( En) = — d ( Eng)
de dn d d (uvw) d (uvw ) d (uvw) d (uvw)
d (xyz) d (yz ) d (zen) d (xyz)

observing that two interchanges of columns in a determinant do not alter

its value or sign ( 559) .
Similarly in the case of any number of independent variables .

When, however, the limits in the transformed integral

have to be discovered from the given equations , the process
is not so simple .

In the first place, we shall show how to change the order

of integration merely .

2775 Taking a double integral in its most general form, we shall have
( (x) (v)
F (x, y) dx dy = 2 * * F (2, y) dy d. ..... (i.)
(x) Y (y)
The right
denotes member
their sum. will generally consist of more than one integral, and Σ
The limits of the integration for a may be, one or both,
constants, or, one or both, functions of y. is the inverse ofthe function 4,
and iswith
obtained bytosolving equation y = 4 (2) , so that
larly regard 4 and the
4. Y (y) . Simi

An examination of the solid figure described in ( 1907 ) , whose volume

this integral represents, will make the matter clearer. The integration, the
tion of which
orderofthe solidhas to be
upon changed,
the plane ofextends
xy, andover an area
which which isby
is bounded projec
thethe two
straight lines = a, 2 = b, and the two curves y = (x) , y = P (x) .
The summation of the elements PQgp extends from a to b, and includes
in the
questionone integral on the left of equation (i. ) the whole of the solid in
But, on the right, the different integrals represent the summation of
elements like PQqp , but all parallel to OX, between planes y = a, y = ß, &c.
drawn through points where the limits of a change their character on account
the boundaries y = 4 (x), y = q (x) not being straight lines parallel
of OX
to .

2776 EXAMPLE . Let the figure represent the pro
jected area on the xy plane, bounded by the curves
y = ↓ (x) , y = 4 (x ) , and the straight lines x = a, x = b.
Let y (x ) have a maximum value when a = c.
The values of y at this point will be ( c) , and at the a
points where the straight lines meet the curves the
values will be (a) , (b) , 4 (a), (b) .
According to the drawing, the right member of
ป (2 )
equation (i. ) will now stand as follows, U being written
for F (x, y ) ,
( (a) rb (& (a) ($ (b) (c) Þ₂ (y)
(b) for (1) Udy
So de + fola
(a) fu dyde + for(a) (y) Udyde + f$ (b) f Udyda.

The four integrals represent the four areas into which the whole is divided
by the dotted lines drawn parallel to the X axis . In the last integral, 4, (y)
and 2 (y) are the two values of a corresponding to one of y in that part of
the curve y ( x ) which is cut twice by any a coordinate.

2777 To change the order of integration in a triple integral,

from z, y , x to y, x, z, we shall have an equation of the form

"X2 (¥2 (X) [$2 (X, Y) (¥2 (≈) (≈, x)

z) y, z)
[*[ (x) * [ (x, * ")
y) F (x, y , 2) dzdy dz = 2 ["
≈1 JY₁ (2) JP1 (≈, x)) F ( 2 , 3 , 2 ) dz dzdy
. ( ii. )
Here the most general form for the integrals whose sum is indicated by Σ
is that in which the limits of y are functions of z and x, the limits of a func
tions of z, and the limits of z constant. Referring to the figure in ( 1906) ,
the total value of the integral is equivalent to the following . Every element
dx dy dz of the solid described in ( 1907 ) is multiplied by F (xyz), a function
of the coordinates of the element, and the sum of the products is taken.
This process is indicated by one triple integral on the left of equation (ii ) ;
the limits of the integration for z being two unrestricted curved surfaces
z = 41 (x, y ) , z = 9, ( x , y) ; the limits for y, two cylindrical surfaces y = ¥ ₁ (x),
y= (x) ; and the limits for x, two planes x = X1 , X = Xq .
But, with the changed order of integration , several integrals may be
required . The most general form which any of them can take is that shown
on the right of equation (ii. ) Solving the equation = P1 (x , y) , let
- (z, a) be two resulting values of y ; then the integra
Y1 = 1₁ (z, x) , Ya
tion for y may be effected between these limits over all parts of the solid
where the surface z = 1 (x, y) is cut twice by the same y coordinate.
The next integration is with respect to a, and is limited by the cylindrical
surface, whose generating lines, parallel to OY, touch the surface z = 9₁ (x, y).
At the points of contact, a will have a maximum or minimum value for each
value of z ; therefore d,, (x, y) = 0. Eliminating y between this equation
and that of the surface, we get x = Y₁1 (z) , ∞ = Y, (z ) for the limits of x.
Lastly, the result of the previous summations is integrated for z between
two parallel planes z = z,, z = z9, drawn so as to include all that portion of
the solid over which the limits for x and y, already determined , remain the

The remaining integrations will take place between = %, and similar

successive parallel planes ; and, according to the portion of the solid which
any two of these planes intercept, the limits of a for that integral will be one
or other of the bounding surfaces, curved or plane, the limits of y , one or
other of the curved surfaces.

The general problem to change the variables in a multiple

integral, and determine the limits from the given equations ,
may now be solved .

2778 First, in the case of a double integral ,

(**(** (*)F (x, y ) dxdy (iii) .,

x1µ₁ (x)
to change from x, y to E, n, having given the equations u = 0 ,
v = 0, involving the four variables .

η, eliminate between these equations ; thus y = f(x, n)

To change y for 7,
and dy = f (x, n) dn. Substituting these values, we shall have
F (x, y) dy = F { x, ƒ (x, n ) } ƒn (x, n ) dn = F, (x, n) dn.
Also, if n₁ corresponds to y₁, the equations y₁ = µ₁ (x) and y₁ = ƒ (x, n₁ ) will
given , (x) . Similarly n = ( ).
Hence the integral (iii.) may now be written
x2 (42 (x) "ท Y₂ (1)
F₁ (x, n) dŋ dx ......... (iv.) ,
x141 (x) I can do dân = 2 J₁ (n)
the form on the right being obtained by changing the order of integration, as
explained in ( 2775 ) .
Next, to change a for E, eliminate y between the equations u = 0, v = 0 ;
thus, x = g ( , ) and dege = ( , n) de. Substituting as before, we shall have
F (x, n) dx = F₂2 (§, n ) dž.
Also, & corresponding to a,, the equations ,, (n ) and 2, = g ( 1 , n) pro
duce = m, (n), and in the same way = m, (n). Hence, finally,
(na (ma (n)
(** (μ2 (*)F (x, y) dx dy = Σ ........... (v.)
F₂ (§, n) dn dɛ ......
me (x)
xi Jμ₁ S71
In thewhich transformati
last may on from the most general
be included undera Σtohas, been chosen. When form
anyof the
limits of x are the
constants, process is simplified.

2779 Again , to chang the variab from x, y, z to E, n, 4,

e les
in the riple i n tegral ,
(xa (¥2 (x) (X2 (X, Y)

F(x, y , z) dxdy dz ........ (vi. ) ,

x141 (x) X1 (x, y)

having given the equations u = 0 , v = 0, w = 0 between the

six variables x, y, z , E , n , L.

First, to change from z to , eliminate and n between the three

equations, and let the resulting equation be z = f (x, y, ). From this
dz = f (x, y, z) d ; therefore
F (x, y, z) dz = F { x, y, ƒ (x, y, 5 ) } f¿ (x, y , 5) d¿ = F₁ (x, y, ?) dz.
Also, if corresponds to the limit z₁, the equations ₁ = X₁ (e, y) and
₁ =f(x, y, ) give = (x , y) . Similarly ₁ = 9, (x, y) .
The integral (vi . ) may therefore be written
(¥2 (x) ($2 (x, y) CS2 '2 (5) (♣a (5, x)
(** )( * )F (x, y , 5) dx dy dɩ = Σ 2 F (x, y, t) de dxdy
|41 (x) ↓ $1 (x, y) | 51 J ¥₁ (5) J •、 (5, x) ......... (vii.) ,
the last form being the result of changing the order of integration, as ex
plained in (2777) . We have now to change from y to " ; we therefore
eliminate z and from the equations u, v, w, obtaining an equation of the
form y = f (5, x, n ) , and proceed exactly as before. The result, as respects
the general form of integral in (vii. ) , will be
(Sa (¥2(5) (^2 ( (5,
5 x))
F, (x, n, 5) d¿dx dŋ ..... ... (viii. )
(51 J¥₁ (5) J^₁ (5, x)
The order of x and ʼn has now to be changed by ( 2775) . Since is a
constant with respect to integrations for x and n, (5 ), (5 ) will also be
constants, while λ, ( 5 , x) , № (5 , x ) will be functions of the single variable x .
Suppose (5, 2) gives x = A , (5, 7 ) . Similarly, z = A, ( , n) may be
the other limit.
At the point where x = ₁ ( ) and _n = \, ( 5 , x) , we shall obtain by
eliminating , say, n = μ, (5 ) . Similarly, from x = Y, ( ) and n = λ (5, x)
suppose, we get nu, ( ) for the next limit ; then a general form for the
transformed integral will be
(52 (5, n)
(fa fuas fals.") F, (2, 1, dx .......
n, 4) dzandæ ..... (ix.)
| 51 (5) JA₁ ( 5, n )
It now remains to change from the variable x to E. Eliminating y and z
between the equations u, v, w, we have a result of the form =ƒ (§, n, ?).
Substituting for a and da as before, we arrive finally at the form
(5₂ (μg (5) [v₂(5, n)
…………….. (x.)
JM₁ (5) Ju₁ (Sn)I( B) đã công đã
It should be noticed that the limits = A, (5, n ) , x = A, ( 5, n) , in (ix.) , are
not necessarily different curves. They may, in some of the partial integrals,
be different portions of the same curve. This was exemplified in the last
integral of (2776) .


The following theorems , ( 2825 ) to ( 2830 ) , which are

given for three variables only , hold good for any number.
Let x, y , z be quantities which can take any positive values

subject to the condition that their sum is not greater than

unity ; then
-x- y
г (1) г(m) г (n)
2825 SS S x²-¹ym - 1-1dx dydz
г(l + m + n + 1 )'

Here x +y +z = 1 is the limiting equation.

PROOF.- Integrate for z ; then for y by ( 2308) ; finally for x by ( 2280) ,

and change to the gamma function by (2305) .

el-ln" r((4) r (7 ) r (7)

2826 = a²ß"y"
SSS§¹¹ „, ” —¹ x® –¹ d§dŋ dš pqr m n
( +3 +4 + 1 )

when (5) = 1 is the limiting equation.

a ² + (3 )* + ( - )" =

PROOF.-Substitute x = (틈) ,, 3y =
( 3 ) ", - = ( — ) ', and apply (2825).

2827 When the limiting equation is simply & + n + 2 = h ,

the value of the last integral becomes

h²+m+n _F (1) г (m) г (n) `.

г (l + m + n + 1 )'

2828 The value of the same integral , taken between the

limits h and h + dh of the sum of the variables , is

hl+m+ n- 1 г (1) г ( m ) г (n) dh.

T (l + m + n)

PROOF.- Let u be the value in ( 2827) ; then, by Taylor's theorem, the

value required is
du r (1) г (m ) г (n) dh,
·dh = (1 + m + n) h² + m + n - 1
dh г ( l + m + n + 1)
which reduces to the above, by (2288).

SSSæ¹-¹y"-12"-¹ƒ(x+ y+z) dx dydz

= г( [ ƒ (h) h²+m +*~ ¹ dh,

г (m) г (n) (°
1) '
T(l + m + n)
3 H

if x + y +z = h and h varies from 0 to c. In other words , the

variables must take all positive values allowed by the condi
tion that their sum is not greater than c.

PROOF. - For each value of h the integration with respect to x, y, z gives,

n − 11 F ( 1 ) г ( m ) г (n)
m ++ n-
f(h) W²+!+ m
by (2828), dh,
r (l + m + n)
the variations of x, y, z not affecting h. This expression has then to be in
tegrated as a function of h from 0 to c.

n-1 η
} }'` ` ` ` ` ƒ³ { ( )² + ( 73 ) ² + (5)"} dědnáš

m r T Mi 2 m n
" ) г #
( ) г #
( ) g + +
aBy " o hP dh ,
pqr m n r
S ( ) -
( + + )

with the limiting equation (5a ) + ( ;β)'" + ( 3 )* = c.

PROOF. From (2829) by substituting = ((4)', &c.

2831 If x, y, z ben variables , taking all positive values

subject to the restriction a² +y² + 2 + ... + 1 ; then

dx dydz . &c. + (n + 1)
√ (1 − x² — y³ —z &c .) ¯¯ 2″ r { } (n + 1 ) } '
° — &c.)

But, if negative values of the variables are permitted , omit

the factor 2" in the denominator.

PROOF. - In (2830) pnt l = m = &c. = 1 ; a = B = &c. = 1 ; p = q = &c. = 2 ;

f(h) = √ ( 1 ) ; c = 1 ; and the expression on the right becomes
7, ਨੂੰ n - 1

{ r ( ) }" dh.
2" ( n ) o (1 - h) *

The integral is = B ( n, ) (2280) = T ( n) T ( ) (2305) .

Hence the result. T { } (n + 1 ) }

But if negative values of the variables are allowed under the same re
striction, +y ++... 1 , each element of the integral will occur 2 " times
for once under the first hypothesis. Therefore the former result must be
multiplied by 2".

2832 If n positive variables , x , y , z , &c . , are limited by the

condition a² + y² + z² + & c.1 , then

[[['$ (ax +by+cz +&c .) dxdydz ...

π³ (n − 1)
= 2 ~ ~' r , † ( ki§) ( 1 − g³) i œ» –› d§,
' { } ( n + 1) } S.

where k² a² + b² + c² + & c .

PROOF. Change the variables to E , n, by the

orthogonal transformation ( 1799 ) , so that y ...

a +b +c + &c. = k , and ax + by + cz + &c. = k kĘ..



The integral then takes the form 5 k k


be sole
SSS dɛ dŋ b
[[[9 (ke) d£ dy d5… .. with £ +n² +6 + &c. $ 1 .
η k

Now, integrate for n, 4, &c., considering con
stant, by adapting formula (2826) . The limiting a b"
< ...
equation is k k
2 2
η Հ

( (-e)) + ( ´(1.- )) + &c. to n − 1 terms,

= 1.
Therefore put l = m = &c. = 1 ; p = q = &c . = 2 ; a = ß = &c. = √ ( 1−5) .
The result is (kk) de,
[ + (42) (1-2 )² T ({ } ( -1)
(n − 1 ) ++11 }
which is equivalent to the value above .

2833 With the same limiting equation for n variables and

the same value of k,

(ax + by + cz + &c .)
dx dydz ...
√√ (1 − x² — y² — z²— &c .)
= 2 ~~ T (¿n) § L
. $ (k§) (1 — §¹) ¹ » ~1 d§.

PROOF. Making the same orthogonal transformation as in (2832) , the

(k ) de dn d ...
integral changes to
SSS ... √ (1 -- n²- &c. )'
Considering constant, the integration for the remaining variables is effected
by (2830) . Adapting the integral to that formula, we have
(7:E) TE dn d ...
12 - 59
- &c.
√ {1 1-2 1-2---- }
n 2
( √(2-8) ) * + ( ~ 1—85 ) )' + &c., to n − 1 terms, > 1
for the limit ing equa tion .

Here 1 = m = &c. = 1 ; p = q = &c. = 2 ; a = ß = &c. = √(1 - E) ;

f (h) = ; c = 1 ; and the reductions are similar to those in (2832) .
√ (1 - h)

2834 If in (2832-3) negative values of the variables are

admitted (since the limiting equation is satisfied by such) ,
each element of the integral with respect to n , % , &c . will then
occur 2-1 times , and therefore the result in each case must
be multiplied by 2"-1, and the limits of the integration for
will be - 1 and 1 instead of 0 and 1 .



The expansion of a function by Maclaurin's theorem ( 1507 )

can be at once effected if the nth derivative of the function is
known, or if merely the value of the same , when the inde
pendent variable vanishes, is known . Some nth derivatives of
different functions , in addition to those given at (1461-71 ) ,
are therefore here collected . When the general value would
be too complicated , the value for the origin zero alone
is given .


The following is a general formula for calculating the nth

derivative of a function of a function.

If y be a function of z , and z a function of x,

dy d'y d" ༧
2852 Σ
rd zr da a
dxn = < ZZZ ( - ) ,

where r = 1 , 2 , 3 , ... n successively , and a is put = z in each

term of the expanded binomial , after differentiation .

A, An
PROOF. -Assume nr = A₁y₂+ -Y2z+ Y32+... +
+ AayYne
| 2LEA
A 3 n

To determine any coefficient A,, form r equations from this by making

y = z, z³, z³, ... z" in succession : multiply these r equations respectively by
rz -¹, -α (r, 2) z-², C (r, 3 ) z˜³, ... ( -1 ) + ", and add the results. All the
coefficients excepting A, disappear. This is shown by differentiating the
equation (1 − x) ” = 1 − rx + C (r, 2) x² — C (r, 3) x³ + ... ± x"

successively for zx, and making a zero after each differentiation. Thus, finally,
– nx
(x²)nz (2³)nx -
; = ( -1)
4 { 2ar z3 (2 ) nz + C (r, 3) (6)
C (r , 2) ... ( 1 ) - ( ) }

= de· ( -1),

with a put = z, after expanding and differentiating the binomial.

2853 EXAMPLES .-The formula may be applied to verify

equations (1416–19) .
Jacobi's formula (1471 ) may also be obtained by it.

2854 d(n +1) x sin¯¹ x

1.3 ... (2n - 1) n 1.3C (n , 2)

= Z+ Z²
− a ) " (1 -
2 ″ (1 - — x²) } { } 2n - 1 2n - 1.2n -3

1.3.5 C (n , 3) 1 -x
Ꮓ + ... ± Z " } ,
Z³ where Z =
2n -1.2n - 3.2n - 5 1 +x

PROOF. (sin¹ ) (n + 1) x = { (1 − x) ¯³ ( 1 + x) ¯ * }nz (1434) .

Expand the right member by ( 1460) .

2855 dne nx tan-¹x. This derivative is obtained in ( 1468 ) .

The following is another method , which also includes the
result in ( 1469) .
1 1
d tan- ¹ x = = i ( 1 -
1 +x 2x +i x -2

n - 1 ( −1 )" S 1 1
.. by (1425) de tan-¹ x = ......... (1) .
2i( −1)* {{ (x + i) =n = (x
- ¿)= }
Put a cot , therefore i = √ ( 1 + x²) ( cos 0 ± i sin 0) , which values
substituted in (1 ) convert the equation, by ( 757), into
(tan- 2) = (- 1 ) -n − 1 sin" 0 sin no.
| n-

2856 dnx { e cosa cos (x sina)} = ex cosa cos (x sin a +na) .

PROOF.-By Induction.


2857 Lemma.-The nth derivative of a function u ==f(x)

will, by Taylor's theorem ( 1500 ) , be equal to 1.2 ... n times
the coefficient of h" in the expansion of f (x +h) in powers of
h by any known method .

Let u = a + bx +ca², and therefore u = b + 2cx ; then

drx (a + bx + cx²) " is equal to either of the following series ,
with the notation of (2451-2) .

( -1) (r) clu¹

n_ 1 cu n_(r−p)
2858_1 * u* -*u; { 1+ 1(r-2) us +...
+ + +
1 (P) 1 (r -2p) u²p ...}

2859 or, putting 2n = m and 4ac - b² = q²,

(r) (2) (2p)
r r
un- r { u —=
; +n 2
uz — quz¯² + ... + C (n, p ) -1
2r (2p) q²º . }}. .
M (2)
-1 =p} q uz 2 .
m <-1 +
PROOF.-Changing a into + h in u", it becomes (u + u¸h + ch³) ". Then ,
by (2857) , du" will be = r times the coefficient of h" in the expansion of
this trinomial. (2858 ) is the result, and it may be obtained by expanding
{(u + u, h) + ch }" as a binomial, and collecting the coefficients of h" from the
subsequent expansions . The value (2859) is found by taking
(u + u¸h + ch³) " un
(c + b +c ) = " { ( 1+"2u A) + ( g ) } " ;

expanding, collecting coefficients of h", and multiplying by 1.2 ... r, as


2860 Ex. To find dna (a² + x )". Applying formula (2859) , we have
u = a² + x², u₂ = 2x, q = 2a, r = n. Therefore
n² (n− 1)
dnz (a² + x²) ” = (2n ) '" { x” + 2n (2n - 1 ) a²x” -²

+ n³ ( n − 1 ) ² ( n − 2 ) ( n − 3 ) a*z * -* + &c. } ·
1.2.2n ... (2n − 3)

n (21)
ear +... +
2861 { a”
d„ e²² = e^ s² { (2x ) "
a” (2x ) " + ...+ 1= 1, a " -" (2x )*-² +&c .} ,

with r = 1 , 2 , 3 , &c . in succession .

PROOF. - By the method of ( 2857) . Putting eª ( + )² = ¸ªr² ¿laxh ¿ah², expand

the factors containing h by ( 150 ) , and from the product of the two series
collect the coefficients of h".

sin sin
2862 dn x² = (2x) " x2
COS COS1 +27) +...
n n - 2r sin x2
...+ 1 ) ( 2x ) = -2 COSim ( x² + ( −2r) *) + &c.

PROOF. dx (COS x² + i sin x² ) = dnreix . Expand the right by ( 2861),
putting ¿" - " = e¹¹n (n -r)
- r) \”,
" , since, by ( 766), eli = i sin
2 = i. Also put
- r)
eix²+i (n −r) }π = COS
{ x² + (n −21) = } + i sin { a² + (n−¹)
2 *} ,
and then equate real and imaginary parts .

2864 d = ( - 1 ) " [ e * + { n + 1−2" } e(n −1)z

e +1

+ C (n + 1, 2) -2" ( n + 1 ) + 3 " e(n - 2) x

+ { C (n + 1, 3 ) − 2 ″ ′
C ( n + 1 , 2 ) +3 ” ( n + 1 ) −4" } e(n =3) ≈ + &c . ]

PROOF. - Let u be the function. By differentiating u it is seen that

(e + 1) +1 Unx = Anex + An - 1e - 1) x + An - 2 e(n − 2) ≈ + ... + A₁e*,
the A's being constants. To determine their values, expand_u = (e* + 1) -¹ ,
and also (e + 1 ) +1, by the Binomial theorem ; thus
Unx = ( - 1 ) " { e - * - 2 ″ e - 2x + 3″ e - 3-4″ e - 4x + &c . } ,
(e + 1 ) +1 = e(n + 1) ≈ + ( n + 1 ) en≈ + C ( n + 1 , 2 ) e(n - 1) + C ( n + 1 , 3 ) e(n - 2) x + &c .
From the product of the two expansions the coefficients A , An-1, &c. may
be selected.

n -1
2865 dnzo tan - ¹x = (-1) 2 n - 1 or zero ,

according as n is odd or even.

PROOF.- By Rule IV. ( 1534) . The first and last differential equations
(see Example 1535 ) are, in this case,
( 1 + x² ) ¥ 2x + 2xY₂ = 0 ...... (i. ) ; Y(n + 2) xo + n (n + 1 ) Ynxo = 0 ………….. (ii. ) ;
with 101 and 20 = 0.
Otherwise.-By ( 1468 ) , putting ≈ = 0.

2867 dxo sin¹ x = 1.3º.5º ... (n - 2) ² or zero ,

according as n is odd or even.

PROOF. By differentiating ( 1528).

Otherwise. As in (2865) where equations (i . ) and (ii . ) will become in this
case Y(n +2) x0 = n²ynxo ...... (ii .)
(1 − a) 2 = ......(i )

2869 duro (sin¹x)² = 2.2° .4³.6² ... (n - 2)² or zero ,

according as n is even or odd .

PROOF.-As in ( 2865 ) ; equations (i . ) and ( ii. ) being identical with those

in ( 2867) .

2871 nx0 cos (m sin-1x)

— ( — 1 ) " m² ( m² — 2² ) (m² — 4³) ... [ m³ — (n - 2)²] ,

or zero ; according as n is even or odd and >0 if even .

2873 dro sin (m sin-¹ x)
= ( −1) 2 m (m² — 1 ) (m² — 3²) ... [ m²— (n — 2) ² ] ,

or zero ; according as n is odd or even and > 1 if odd .

2875 dno cos (m cos¹x)

n-1 Mπ
= ( −1 ) = m (m² — 1 ) ( m² —3²) ... [ m² — (n — 2) ²] sin
— 9
2876 or
n Mπ
= (− 1) m° (m² 2²)) ((m
(m − 2 m² −4
— ) ... [m— (n − 2 )* ] cos

according as n is odd and > 1 , or even and >0 .

2877 dnzo sin (m cos¹ x)

— ( −1) ¼m² (m² — 2°) (m³ —4³) ... [ m²— (n — 2) ² ] sin mπ,
2879 or
n +1
= ( -1 ) m (m² - 1 ) ( m² - 3²) ... [ m²- ( n - 2) ² ] cos mπ,
according as n is even and > 0, or odd and > 1.
Observe that , in (2871-3) , sin-100, and in (2875-9) ,
cos-10 = . are the only values admitted .

PROOF. For (2871-9). As in (2865) ; equations (i.) and (ii . ) now be

coming in each case
(1 - x ) Y2x - 2y + m³y = 0 ...... (i. ) Y(n + 2) x0 = (n³ — m³) Ynão ......
.. (ii. )
Otherwise. By the method of ( 1533) .

2880 Let y = x cotx, then

n cos 271 ,π = Yo sin 22π + +Y‰Ão C
... +Yrz ′ (n ¹¹½” ㅠ
(n,, r) sin " π + …..

...• +Y (n -1) xon sin

with integral values of r, from 0 to n - 1 inclusive .


2881 Thus , denoting no shortly by yn, we find , by making

n = 1 , 2 , 3 , &c. successively in the formula ,
2 8 32 128
Y₂ = 3• Y₁ = • Y6 = Ys =
15 ' 21 ' 15

PROOF. Take the nth derivative of the equation x cos x = y sin x by

(1460) , reducing the coefficients by ( 1461-2), and putting a finally = 0.
2882 The derivatives of an odd order all vanish . This may be shown
independently, as follows :
Let y = p (x) , then ₫ Φ (x) is an even function of ≈ ( 1401 ) ; therefore
p²n +1 (x) = − q²n +1 ( −x) ;
2n +1
.. 82n + 1 (0) == p² +1 (0) ; .. 21 (0) = 0.

m 2-1
2 (n)
2883 do { (1 + x²) sin (m tan -¹x) } = ( -1 ) m -1
") or zero ,
according as n is odd or even.
m n- 2
2 (n)
2885 Anxo { ( 1 + x²)
duzo cos (m tan¯¹a) } = ( −1 ) m²) or zero ,
according as n is even or odd.

PROOF. As in (2865) . Equations (i. ) and (ii. ) , both for (2883) and
(2885), are now ( 1 + x² ) Y2x - 2 ( m − 1 ) xyx + m (m − 1 ) y = 0 ... . (i.) ,
and Ynxo
Y(n + 2) 20 = - (m - n) (m - n - 1) ynro (ii. )
Formula (ii. ) gives the factors in succession, starting with yo = 0, y = m
in ( 2883) ; and with yo = 1 , y = 0 in (2885) .

m n
2887 dnxo { ( 1 + x²) cos (m tan¯¹x) } = ( −1 ) m(") or zero ,
according as n is even or odd.

PROOF. Change the sign of m in (2885) .

NOTE . In formulæ (2883-7) zero is the only admitted value of tan -¹ () .

n -1
x 2
2889 dnx = ( −1) BB₁ or zero ,
daro( 2 )

according as n is even or odd ; by (1539) .

2891 When p is a positive integer,

-1 b
duro (xº eª² cos bx) = n²) (a² + b²) 2 cos
{(n −p) tan¹1 2}
or zero, according as n is > or < p .

PROOF. Put year cos be and z = 2 in (1460), employing ( 1465) .

3 I


The following series are placed here for the sake of

reference, many of them being of use in evaluating definite
integrals by Rule V. (2249) . Other series and methods of
expansion will be found in Articles ( 125–129 ) , ( 149–159 ) ,
(248-295) , (756-817) , ( 1460) , ( 1471-1472 ) , ( 1500-1573) .
For tests of convergency , see ( 239–247 ) .
Numerous expansions may be obtained by differentiating
or integrating known series or their logarithms . These and
other methods are exemplified below.

1 1 1 1
2911 cot x = +
X π- X π+x 2π-x

1 1 1
+ - - &c .
2π + x 3п - х 3π + x

PROOF. By differentiating the logarithm of equation ( 815 ) .

1 1
2912 T cot πα = 11 + 1+ +
x x+ 1 x-2 1

1 1 1
·3 *x+3 + &c.
+ x+2 +

PROOF. -By changing x into 2 in ( 2911 ) .

1 1 1
2913 tan x = -

X + π- x
1/2π + x
1 1

-3π+x + =
- =
x - =
- =x + & c.
ㅠ+ 닭

PROOF. By changing a into - in ( 2911 ) .

1 1 1 1
2914 cosec x = + -
x π -X π+x 2π - x

1 1 1 1
+ + +& c .
2π + x 3π - x 3π + x 4π - x

PROOF. -By adding together equations (2911 , 2913 ) , and changing a

into .

πT 1 1 1
2915 = ――――
sin mr m + ・m 1+m

1 1 1
— + - - .&c .
-m + 2+ m 3 m 3+ m

PROOF. By putting x = m in ( 2914) .

1 22Bx 2B 2B5 -
2916 cot x = - &c.
x 2 4 6

For proof see (1545) . The reference in that article (first edition) should
be to (1541 ) not ( 1540) .

22 26 -
tan x = 2º (221 ) 2 (21 ) B³ + 3 Bot" + &c.
2 4 6

1 2 (2-1)
2918 cosec x = + Box
x 2

++ 2 (29—1 ) B¸³ + 2 ( 25—1) B¸æ³ +&c .

4 6

PROOF.- By (2916) and the relations

tan x cota - 2 cot 2x, cosecx = cotx - cot x .

1 - a³
= 1 + 2a cosx + 2a³ cos 2x + 2a³ cos 3x + &c .
1-2a cosx + a²

cos x
1-2a cosx +a²
+ 1 +a² ( cosx + a cos 2x +a³cos 3x +a³ cos4x + &c...)

sin x
= sin x + a sin 2x +a² sin 3x +a³ sin 4x + &c .
1-2a cosx +a²

PROOF. -BY (784-6) making a = 6 = x and ca.

When a is less than unity and either positive or negative ,


a² a³
log (1 + 2a cosa +a³) = a cosæ cos 2x + cos 3x- &c.
2 3
a sin x 2 a³

2923 tan-¹ a sin x - sin 2x + sin 3x- & c.
1 + a cos x 2 3

PROOF. -Putting za (cos +i sin x) , we have

log ( 1+z ) = log (1+ a cos x + ia sin x)
a sin x
= log ( 1 + 2a cos x + a²) + i tan -¹ (2214),
1 +a cos x
and also 2- 22 +
log (1 + * ) = 2— 222 + 2 + &c.
3 4
Substitute the value of z and equate real and imaginary parts.
2924 Otherwise. —To obtain ( 2922) ,
log (1 +2a cosx + a³) = log ( 1 + aei*) + log ( 1 + ae - ix) .
Expanding by (154) , the series is at once obtained by (768) .
2925 Otherwise.-Integrate the equation in ( 786) with respect to a , after
changing a and ẞ into x, and c into -- a.

2926 When a is greater than unity, put

log (1 +2a cosx + a²) = log a² + log ( 1 + 2a¹ cos x+a¯²) ,
and the last term can be expanded in a converging series by
(2922) .

log 2 cos x= cosx - cos 2x + cos 3x - 1 cos 4x + &c .
log 2 sin x = cos x - cos 2x - 3 cos 3x-- cos 4x - & c .

2929 1x = sin x - sin 2x + 3 sin 3x - 4 sin 4x + & c.

2930 (π- x) = sin x + sin 2x + sin 3x + sin 4x + &c .

PROOF. ( 2927-30) Make a ± 1 in (2922-3) .

2931 sin x + sin 3x + sin 5x + &c .

2932 π = 2√✓√
/2 (1 + } −} ~ } + } + 1\ — & c .) .
PROOF. Add together (2929-30) , and put a = π.

When n is less than unity , and a = 1 ± √ ( 1 + n³) ,

2933 log ( 1 + n cos x) = log ( 1 +2a cosx + a²) —log ( 1 +a²) ,


and is therefore equal to twice the series in ( 2922) , minus

log ( 1 + a²) . But if a be greater than unity, expand , as in
(2926) , by
2934 log (1 + n cos x)
= log ( 1 +2a¹ cos x + a- 2) + log a² — log (1 +a²) .

(1 +2a cos x)" = 4 + 4, cos x + 4, cos 2x + 4,3 cos 3x + &c . ,

A = 1 + C (n , 2) 2a² + ... + C ( n , 2p) C (2p, p) a² + ...,

A₁ = 2a { n + C (n, 3) 3a² + ... + C (n , 2p + 1 ) C ( 2p + 1 , p) a² + ... } ,

and A¸-1 (n − r + 1) a — rA,

Ar+1 =
(n + r + 1 ) a
If n be a positive integer, the series terminates with the
n + 1th term , and the values of A and A, are also finite .

PROOF. - Differentiate the logarithm of the first equation ; multiply up

and equate coefficients of sin reæ after transforming by (666) ; thus A.+1 is
To find A and A₁, expand ( 1 +2a cos x)" by the Binomial Theorem, and
the powers of cos 2 afterwards by ( 772) .


2936 (1-2ax + a²) ¯ * = 1 + X, a + X,a² + ... + X„a” +

1 dn
with Xn =
X₁ (x²- 1)".
2nn dxn

PROOF.- Expand by the Binomial Theorem, and in the numerical part

of each coefficient of a" express 1.3.5 ... 2n - 1 as 2n ÷ 2" | n •

Consecutive functions are connected by the relation

2937 d¸Xn+1 = (2n + 1 ) Xn + dxXn-1·

PROOF.- Differentiate the factor once under the sign of differentiation in

Xn +1 and X -1 given by the formula for X, in (2936).
the values of X1

A differential equation for X, is

2938 (1 - x²) d₂X -2x d¸X, + n ( n + 1 ) X₁" = 0.

2939 When P is any positive integer,

1 +2 + 3 +. +(n − 1)
NP +1 np B₂n¹ -1 Bn -s B₁n¹-5
+ - &c.
= 2 { p + 12p
£ 2 │p − 1 4 p − 3 + 6 \ p−5

concluding, according as n is even or odd , with

(−1)¿p +1 B₁n or (p + 1) __Вpp- 1 ²

(−1)$ (p + 1)
Te p-1 2
ent-1 ent- 1 x
PROOF. = • Expand the left side by division, and
e -1 x e -1
each term subsequently by ( 150). Again, expand the first factor of the right
side by ( 150 ) , and the second by ( 1539) , and equate the coefficients of a in
the two results .
See (276) for the values of the series when p is 1 , 2, 3, or 4. But the
general formula there is incorrectly printed.

Let the series (2940-4) be denoted by San , Sen, Son , $2n + 1 , as

under, ʼn being any positive integer ; then
1 1 1 22n- 1
2940 S₂n = 1 + 22n + 32 4² + &c. ...: = 2n ²

1 1 1 22n -1-1 2n
2941 S2 = 1- Ben
22n + 32 42n
+ &c.... = 2n

1 1 21 2n
2942 S2n = 1+ ++ &c . N Bin
32n + 52n 2 2n

PROOF.- (i. ) San is obtained in (1545) .

20 - S2n = 226
(ii.) San 127 =-+ &c. ) = 2. This give Să
(;1 + 14
(iii.) 82n = ( S2n + S₂n) .

1 1 n - 1) x cotπx
2943 82n = 1 + 2 + 52 ++ &c. =
422n - 1
x = 1.
1 1 1 πd2nx
., cot πα
2944 ――――
S² +1 = 1 2n + & c. =
32n + 1 + 52 + 1 42 +1 2n

x = 1.
PROOF. - By differentiating equation (2912 ) successively, and putting
x = in the result. To compute de cot , see ( 1525) .

2945 The following values have been calculated by formulæ

(2940-4) .
πT¹ π-6 πTS
S₁ = T , S, = S& = S -
90' 945' 9450 '

7π* 3176 127TS

S2 - -
S₁ = S = S' = ;
12' 720' 30240' 1209600

π 17π³
S2 " S6 = S8 =
96 960' 161280

575 617
$3 = $5 = =
si = ===; 32' 1536' 184320

cos t — Cos a = x2
2946 ( 1-2
1 - cos a a ) [1 (2x —a)³] [1– (2π + a)²
(4π- a ) ²] [1- (4-7
× [1 - (kr—a) ) ]... &c.,
(4π + a)³
cos x + cos a = x2
2947 1 1.
1+ cos a ~π
- [ ¹- ~
- α ·] [ ¹ ——-—.)·
~.) α ] [ ¹- (
(x+ a)² (
3z- a ]
3π «)
× [ 1- ( 3x + a) ] [1– c.
[ 1- ( x² ] ... &
COS 2 = cos a
PROOF. = sin ↓ (a + z) sin (a − 2) . Expand the sines by
-cos a
1- sin' a
(815) . The two n + 1th factors of the numerator divided by the corresponding
ones of the denominator reduce to
2ax -x²
(1-2x + 17) (1 + 4n'
-a 1737 - a

- x
(1. 2ηπ -a) (1+ 2uπ+a) (1+ 2 πx²-
. a) ( 1-2m² +a )

= (1- (2a) ) (1- (2n + a )').

Similarly with ( 2947) employing ( 816).

a 2x 2x
2948 cos + tan - sin 2 = ( 1 + π-а
22 ) ( 12 3π
382 28
+ ) (1 + 37-a
x ( 1–2 ) ( 1 + 2 ) ( 1–2 5πτ ) ... ,
a 2x 2x 2x
2949 COST-- cot sin x =
2 a ( 1+ 2π -a) (1
( 1 – 220) 27 + a
2x 2x
x (1+ 2 ) (1-2 ) (1+ 2 )... &c.
a cos ( a - x)
PROOF . Expand the cosines by ( 816) ,
cos + tan -
2 sin x = cos a
and reduce. Similarly with (2949) , employing 815 .

ex -e-*
' -
2950 2 = x [ 1 + ( - ) ] [( 1 + ( - ) ] [( 1 + ( 3π
-- ) '])....

1+·( 2) ]
2951 2
+ = [1 + ( 2/2 ) *] [ ¹ + ( 2/2) *] [:
PROOF.-Change 0 into iz in ( 815 ) and ( 816 ) .

e - 2 cos a + e¯*
2952 2 (1 - cos a)
2 2
&c .
= [¹ + (~
- ) '] [ ¹ + ( —_—
_— ) * ] [ ¹ + ( -—-—
+ ~) '][ ¹ + ( 4π-a


_-_) ']……
e* +2 cos a + e *
2 (1+ cos a)
... &c.
= [( 1 + ( ~
——-—~ ) ′] [ ¹ + ( —-—-—-
~-~ ) ′] [ ¹ + ( 3——-_-a) *] [ ¹ + ( 3——
+ a ) *] ···
PROOF.-Change ≈ into ix in (2946-7) .



2955 When a x has any value between 1 and -1,

2 =0
= nã (v —x) dv ……. (i.) ,
(x) = n=1 S (v) cos ...
// S_ p (v ) do + = = == _-1$ ( ι

where n must have all positive integral values in succession

from 1 upwards
But, if x = l or -7, the left side becomes lp (1) + lp ( −1) .

PROOF. -By ( 2919 ) we have, when h is < 1 ,

1- h
= 1 + 2h cos 0 + 2h³ cos 20+ 2h³ cos 30+ &c....
1-2h cos 0 + h³
Put 0 =·* (v −r) ; multiply each side by ø ( v) , and integrate for v from
-1 to 1; then make h = 1. The left side becomes, by substituting zv − x,
cl - x
(1 - h³) (v ) dv = (² - x ( 1 - h²) ( x + z) dz
π v --x)
-1 1-2h cos + h³ -1-2 (1 - h) + 4h sin
l 21
When h = 1 each element of the integral vanishes, excepting for values of v
which lie near to z. Therefore the only appreciable value of the integral
arises from such elements, and in these z will have values near to zero, both
positive and negative, since z has a fixed value between 1 and -1. Let these
values of z range from -ẞ to a. Then between these small limits we shall
sin' TZ #222
have and ( + ) = (x),
21 4/2

and the integral takes the form

a dz
(1 − k²) 4 (x ) [˜_g (1− h)² + 1173-3

= ( 1 +h) l ( ) ( tan - ¹ 7απ γη
( 1 − h) +tan -117(14)) = 214
2lp (x),
πνι ( i h)
when h is made equal to unity, which establishes the formula.
In the case, however, in which æ = l, sin? vanishes at both limits, that
is, when z = 0 and when z = = -21. We have therefore to integrate for z
from 6 to 0, and also from -21 to -21 +a, a and 3 being any small
quantities. The first integration gives lo ( 1) as above, putting a = 0. The
second integration, by substituting y = 2 + 21, produces a similar form with
limits 0 to a, and with p (x - 27) in the place of (a ) giving lp ( -1) when
1. Thus the total value of the integral is lo (1) + lo ( -1) . The result
is the same when x = — 1.
That the right side of equation (i . ) forms a converging series appears by
integrating the general terms by Parts ; thus
nπ (v− x) dv == ι S Nπ (v -x)
$ (") cos $ (v) sin
၂ ( ၈) l ηπι し -2
ι ・Z V
- Nπ ' ' (C ) sin ™ ( v2)
1 de,
which vanishes when n is infinite, provided (v ) is not infinite.
Hence the multiplication of such terms by h" when n is infinite produces
no finite result when h is made = 1 , although 1 " is a factor of indeterminate
value .

2955a A function of the form ( x) cosne, with n infinitely

great, has been called " a fluctuating function," for the reason
that between any two finite limits of the variable a, the func
tion changes sign infinitely often , oscillating between the
values (a) and (e) . The preceding demonstration shows
that the sum of all these values , as a varies continuously
between the assigned limits , is zero.

By similar reasoning , the two following equations are

obtained .
2956 If a has any value between 0 and 1 ,
nã (v — x) dv
Σ ... (2) .
• (x) = 21.
1 √ 4 (v) dv + + ≥ 0 (v ) cos し

But if x = 0 , write (0 ) on the left ; and if x = l , write

16 (1).
If a has any value between 0 and 1 ,
2957 0 = dv
0 (v ) cos "
21.Sp (r ) dr ++ ; Sp (rι +r) dv ...(3) .
3 K

But if x = 0 , write ( 0) on the left ; and if a = l , write

1 (1).

2 ηπι
cos COS "T
cos ™þ (r ) dv
2958 + ( x ) == √4 (v) dv + cos " 0 dr
. (4) .
This formula is true for any value of a between 0 and 1 ,
both inclusive.
But if x be > 1 , write ( x ~ 2ml) instead of ( x) on the
left , where 2ml is that even multiple of 7 which is nearest to x
in value .
If the sign of a be changed on the right, the left side of
the equation remains unaltered in every case .

2959 • ( v) = = Σ7" sin "T " ("0 sin "T ......….. ( 5) .

ι" $ (r) dv

This formula holds for any value of a between 0 and 7

exclusive of those values .
If a be > l , write ± 4 (x ~ 2ml ) instead of Φ (x) on the left,
+ or - according as a is > or < 2ml , the even multiple of l
which is nearest to a in value .
But if a be 0 or 1 , or any multiple of 1 , the left side of this
equation vanishes .
If the sign of a be changed on the right, the left side is
numerically the same in every case , but of opposite sign .
PROOF. For (2958-9 ) . To obtain (4 ) take the sum, and to obtain (5)
take the difference, of equations ( 2 ) and (3 ) . To determine the values of
the series when a is > l, put a = 2ml ± x', so that a' is < l.


For all values of a, from 0 to inclusive,

π 4 cos 3x cos 5x
2960 x = ――― cos a + +
2 (
п { 32 52 '+&c.}.
PROOF.-In formula ( 4) put p (x) = x and l = , then
[v sin uv cos nv 2
v cos nv dv = + = or 0,
୮ n n² F
according as n is odd or even.
Similarly, by formula ( 5) , equation (2929) is reproduced .

For all values of a , from — 1 π to 1 π inclusive .

4 S sin 3r sin 5æ
2961 x= +
π { sin a 32 52 -&c.}.

PROOF. -Change a into - in ( 2961 ) .


π eax - e-ax sin x 2 sin 2r 3 sin 3x

2962 = ―― + &c.
2 eª -e- ап a² + 1 a²+ 22 a²+3²
PROOF. - In formula ( 5) put o («x) = ear -e-ax and l = ; then

( − 1)n + 1 ¹ (eª¤ —- ¸¯аñ )
(ev -
— e - a ) sin nv dv =
S a² + n*

2963 If (x ) be not a continuous function between a = 0

and a = l , let the function be (a) from x = 0 to x = a , and
(e) from x = a to x = 1 ; then , in formulæ ( 4) and ( 5 ) , we
shall have (a ) or (c) respectively on the left side, according
to the situation of a between 0 and a, or between a and l.
But, if a = a , we must write ( a ) +4 ( a ) } for the left

PROOF. In ascertaining the value of the integral in the demonstration

of ( 2955 ) , we are only concerned with the form of the function close to the
value of a in question . Hence the result is not affected by the discontinuity
unless aɑ .
In this case the integration for z is from -ẞ to 0 with (x)
for the function, and from 0 to a with (a) for the function , producing
(a) +4 (a).

2964 Hence an expression involving

a in an infinite
series of sines of consecutive multiples of may be found ,
such that , when a lies between any of the assigned limits
(0 and a , a and b , b and c , ... k and 7) , the series shall be equal
respectively to the corresponding assigned functions
fi (x) , ƒ2 (x) , ƒ3 (x) ... f (x),
provided that the integrals

[0 sin(" T") ; (2 ) de, [

"asin ","
ι f (x) de
, ... [ sin (" T ") . (2) de

can all be determined .

2965 The same is true , reading cosine for sine throughout,

with the additional proviso [ as appears from formula ( 4) ] that
the integrals

[fi (e) dit, ffe(2) dx, ... S

[fu (x) dix
can also be determined .

2966 Ex. 1.- To find in the form of a series of cosines of multiples of

z a function of x
a which shall be equal to the constants a, b, or y, according
as a lies between 0 and a, a and b, or b and π.

Formula (4) produces, putting l = ″,

1 -b
dx dx
= {[" ade + [" B dx + [[vide }]
n= 1 nx " a cos nx
π Σ΄・not N con ne {[ na de + [" Becos ne de + [" youane de }
= =
π { a (a −ß) + b (b− y) + *y }
2 1 -
n =*
π Σ ** n²2 cos në ¦ (a − ẞ ) sin na + (ẞ− y ) sin nb + y sin na }.

2967 Ex. 2. To find a function of having the value c, when a lies

between 0 and a, and the value zero when a lies between a and 1.
By formula (4), we shall have
ήπι ηπι dv = cl Nπα
COS (v) dx = c COS sin
ι ι Nπ
0 0
since (v) = c from 0 to a, and zero from a to l.
ca 2c Ta πX 1 Ωπα Ωπη
Therefore (x) = + sin COS + sin COS
ι π { ι ι 2 ι ι
1 3πα υπο
+ sin COS +
3 ι ι -&c. }.
When xa, the value is [ (a ) +0 ] = c, by the rule in (2963 ) . This
may be verified by putting a = -1 in ( 2923).

2968 Ex. 3. - To find a function of a which becomes equal to a when

a lies between 0 and 1, and equal to k ( l - a) when a lies between 1 and 1.
By formula (4) ,
NπV 17 ηπυ ηπύ
(v) cos 7 dv = kv cos dv + k (lv) cos ι dv.
[ い Si
7.12 4/12
This reduces to cos nл -·11 ) ==
= 9 or 0,
π2112 (2 cos 2575 #²n²
according as n is, or is not, of the form 4m + 2. Also
17 -1 11
k [₁₂ , (lv) dv =
[ + ( c) dv = 2 ( v dv + k [ 2 4

7:l 87:1 1 COS 2πx + 1 COS σπα + 1 COS 10x

$ (x) == 73 22 ι 62 ι 102 し +&c. }.


2991 Let f (x) de be the integral , and let the curve

y = f(a) be drawn . By summing the areas of the trapezoids ,

whose parallel sides are the +1 equidistant ordinates

Yo, Y1 ... Yn , we find , for a first approximation ,

b- a
Sf(x) dx = b+ (yo + 2y₁ + 2y₂ + ... + 2y - 1 + yn ) ...... (i . )


2992 If y, be the ordinate intermediate between y = f(a)

and y½ = ƒ (b ) , then , approximately ,
b- a
Sf(x) dx = (y +4y + y2) (ii .)
PROOF. Take n = 3 in formula (i . ) ; write y, for y , and suppose two
intermediate ordinates each equal to ₁ The area thus obtained is equal to
what it would be if the bounding curve were a parabola having for ordinates
Yo, y₁, y, parallel to its axis. Otherwise by Cotes's formula ( 2995) .

2993 A closer approximation , in terms of 2n + 1 equi

distant ordinates , is given by Simpson's formula,
(f(x) dx 6n [Yo+ Y2n + 4 (Y₁ + Ys + ... +Y2n−1)

+2 (y₂ +Ys + ... +Y₂n -2) ] ……………. (iii .)

PROOF.-We have
1 2
dx dx + [ 'ƒ (4) de+... dx.
[0 ƒ (e) de = ['^0 ƒ (6) de + [ _ƒ(1) da
12 n
Apply formula ( ii. ) to each integral and add the results, denoting by y, the
value of y corresponding to a =

2994 When the limits are a and b , the integral can be

changed into another having the limits 0 and 1 , by sub
stituting aa + (b − a) y .


Let n equidistant ordinates , and the corresponding

abscissæ , be
1 2 n-1
Yo , y1 , Y2 ... Yn - 1, Yn and 0, " ... > 1.
n n n

2995 A formula for approximation will then be

r (iv.) ,
[ƒ(x) dx = Aoo + A‚y₁+ ... + A‚Y » + … .. + AnYm
1 (n)
-· 1 ) n + r
where A r
A₁ = -1dx. (2452)
1° n - r o nx - r

PROOF. -The method consists in substituting for f ( ) the integral

n -1 y . ... + ( − 1 )" (nx) "}
¥ (x) = ( −1 )" [ ( x) (2 ) Yo ... Yr ...
Lnx n (nx − r) [ r [ n— r
(na)( )1
... + (- 1)" Yn"},
(ux- n )\ n
r taking all integral values from 0 to n inclusive . When er, we have
(r) == y ; so that (a) has n + 1 values in common with f (x) . The

approximate value of the integral is therefore (e) da, and may be written
as in (iv.)
By substituting 1-2, it appears that
(nx) ) (n )! )
dx = ( dr;
nx - r - 1)"(". nx- (n −
- r)
and therefore 4, = A- Consequently it is only necessary to calculate
half the number of coefficients in (iv.)

2996 The coefficients corresponding to the values of n from 1 to 10 are

as follows. Every number has been carefully verified , and two misprints in
Bertrand corrected ; namely, 2089 for 2989 in line 8, and 89500 for 89600 in
line 11 .

n = 1 : 4 = 4₁ = -

n = 2 : A。 = A, ==1/1/0 4₁
A1 = //

n= 3: Aq = 43 = " == 4₁
4₁ = A2 = 3

7 16 2
n = 4 : A¸ = A¸¯= 90 " A = 4Ag = 4A2=
45 15

19 25 25
n = 5 : 4 = 45 = A, =
4, == 4 " A₂ = Ag = 144
288' 96

41 9 9 34
n = 6 : A = A。 = A₁ = 4₂ = 35 A₂ = 4₁ = 280' A3 = 105'

751 3577
n = 7: AA, = A₁ = A& =
17280' 17280'
49 2989
A₂ = A5 = 640' 43 = 4 =

989 2944 464

n = 8 : 4 = Ag = A₁ = A = A₂ = Ag
28350' 14175' 14175'
5248 454
A =A = A₁ =
14175' 2835'

2857 15741 27
n = 9 : A。 = A, =
= A₁ = Ag = 89600' A₂ = Ar = 2240'
1209 2889
43 = Ag = 5600' A₁ = 4, =

16067 26575 16175

n= 10 : Ao = A10 = A₁ = 4, = A₂ = Ag == 199584'
598752' 149688'
5675 4825 17807
A = A7 = 12474' A₁ = Ag = 11088' A5 == 24948


2997 When f (x) is an integral algebraic function of degree

2n , or lower, Gauss's formula of approximation is

Sf(x) = A «
f(x ) + ... + A ¢ƒ(x,) + ... + Anƒ(xn) (v. ),

where a。....... a, are the n + 1 roots of the equation

¥ (x) = d(n+1) x { x²+¹ (x − 1 )n +1 } = 0 ...... (vi. ) ,

and 4, = (x− −x 。) ……. (x —x,-1 ) ( x — x, + 1) ….. (x — xn) dx
S0 (X‚— · . (X‚ —Xr−1) (X¸ — X¸+1) ...
Xo) …… ……. (Xp — Xn) ....
... (vii. )
The formula is evidently applicable to a function of any
form which can be expanded in a converging algebraic series
not having a fractional index in the first 2n terms. The result
will be the approximate value of those terms .
PROOF.-Let if (x) = (xx ) ( x − x,) ... (x - x ),
and let ƒ(x) = Q¥ (x) + R (viii. ),
where f(x ) is of the 2nth degree, Q of the n - 1th, and R of the nth, since (a)
is of the n + 1th degree .
Then the method consists in choosing a function (x) of the n + 1th degree,
so that ' (x) de shall vanish ; and a function R of the nth degree , which

shall coincide with f (x) when x is any one of the n +1 roots of ( x) = 0 .

(i. ) To ensure that ( Q4 (2 ) dx = 0. We have, by Parts, successively,
writing N for (x) , and with the notation of (2148 ) ,

{ 2ºN = x² [_N— p ƒ (x² -¹ [_N)

= 2º [| N — po² 1 [ _2xN + p (p − 1 ) ( ( 2~~~~
2x )
&c. &c.

1 p - 2 3x (ix.)
= 2º {_N− p 2 " -¹ 2x N + 2 (p − 1 ) 2 - [ _N - ...± 2 ( (p„ .+1), x N
Now Q (x) is made up of terms like a (x) with integral values of p from
0 to n - 1 inclusive . Hence, if the value (vi . ) be assumed for (r) , wo

see, by (ix .), that ( 24 (e) de will vanish at both limits, because the factors
x and x - 1 will appear in every term .
(ii. ) Let R be the function on the right of equation (v. ) Then, when
x = x , we see, by (vii . ) , that 4, = 1 , and that the other coefficients all vanish.
Hence R becomes f(x) whenever a is a root of ¥ (x) = 0 .

The values of the constants corresponding to the first six values of n,

according to Bertrand, are as follows. The abscissæ values, only, have been
recalculated by the author.

n = 0: Xo = *5, A, - 1.

n= 1: x = 21132487, A。 = A₁ = · 5 , log 9-6989700 ;


n = 2: 211270167, 4, = 4, = 89, log = 94436975 ;

x₁ = 5 ;
x = 88729833, A₁ = 4 , log 9.6478175.

n= 3: 206943184, A, = A, = 1739274, log = 9.2403681 ;

₁ = 33000948, A₁ = A, = 3260726, log = 95133143 ;
xg = •66999052 ;

n =4: x = 04691008, A, = A, = 1184634, log = 9.0735834 ;

x = 23076534, 4, = 4, = 2393143, log = 9.3789687 ;
X'z = 5, A, = 2844444, log = 94539975 ;
2,76923466 ;
x = 95308992 .

n = 5: = 03376524, A, = A, 0856622, log = 8.9327895 ;

æ₁ = 16939531 , 4, = 4 , 1803808 , log = 9-2561903 ;
x = 38069041 , A, = A, = 2339570, log = 9.3691360 ;
61930959 ;
x = 83060469 ;
a = 96623476 .

As a criterion of the relative degrees of approximation obtained by the

foregoing methods, Bertrand gives the following values of
dx = log 22721982613 .
' log (1+r)
( 8
Method of Trapezoids, n = 10, 2712837.
Simpson's method, n = 10 , 2722012.
Cotes's 99 n = 5, 2722091 .
Gauss's "" n = 4, 2721980.
For other formulæ of approximation , see also p . 357 .


3028 Let y = ƒ (x) , and let V be a known function of x, y,

and a certain number of the derivatives Y., Yar, Yзr, &c. The
chief object of the Calculus of Variations is to find the form
of the function f (x) which will make

U= ST Vdx .. (i.)
a maximum or minimum. See (3084) .
Denote yr, Yaz, Yзx, &c. by p , q, r, &c .
For a maximum or minimum value of U, SU must vanish.
To find SU, let dy be the change in y caused by a change in
the form of the function y = f (x) , and let dp , dq, &c . be the
consequent changes in p, q, &c .
Now, p = Yx.
Therefore the new value of p , when a change takes place in
the form of the function y, is

p + &p = (y + dy) x = Yx + (dy) .x,

therefore Sp = (dy) ; that is , 8 ( du ) = d (Sy)
Similarly, &q = (dp) x,
dr = (8q)x, &c. (ii.)

Now SU = (" SVda (1483 ) . Expand by Taylor's theorem ,

rejecting the squares of dy, Sp, dq, &c . , and we find

8U = [” (V„ ôy + V„ &p + V« ôq …
+ ..) dæ,
or, denoting V , Vp, Vq, ... by N, P, Q, ...,

8U = [” (N&y + P&p + Q&q .…….)

+ dæ …….………………….(iii.)
3 L

Integrate each term after the first by Parts , observing that by

(ii.) ( dp dæ = dy , &c. , and repeat the process until the final

integrals involve Sy da. Thus

[ Ndy dr is unaltered ,

[ Pôp dx = Pêy - P8ydx,

[ Q&p dx = Q&p — Q₂dy + √ Q₂dy dx,

| Rôr da = Rôq― R₂dp + R₂dy —f R₂dy dx,

... ... ... ...

3029 Hence , collecting the coefficients of dy, dp, dq , &c . ,

SU = √ (N− P₂ + Q22 2x − R3 +...) Sydx
+dy₁ (PQ₂ + R₂ -... ) — Sy。 (P - Qx + R2x -... ) 。
+ Sp₁ (Q - R₂ + S2x -... ) 1 - Spo ( Q − Rx + S2x − ….. ) 。
+ dq₁ (R - S₂ + T2x -... ) 1—8qo (R - S₂ + T₂ -... ) 。 + &c. (iv.)

The terms affected by the suffixes 1 and 0 must have a

made equal to a, and a, respectively after differentiation .
Observe that Px, Qx , &c. are here complete derivatives ;
Y, P, q , r, &c. , which they involve , being functions of x.
Equation (iv.) is written in the abbreviated form ,

3030 SU = √* K dy dx + H₁— H。 (v.)

The condition for the vanishing of SU, that is , for mini
mum value of U, is

3031 K = N- P₂+ Q2x − R3x + &c. ....

0 ......... (vi .) ,
3032 and H₁ - H₁ = 0 ........................ (vii .)

PROOF.- For, if not, we must have

Kdy de = H -H₁ ;
that is, the integral of an arbitrary function (since y is arbitrary in form) can
be expressed in terms of the limits of y and its derivatives ; which is impos
sible. Therefore H₁ -H = 0. Also K = 0 ; for, if the integral could vanish
without K vanishing, theform of the function dy would be restricted, which is
inadmissible .

The order of K is twice that of the highest derivative contained in V. Let

ʼn be the order of K, then there will be 2n constants in the solution of equa
tion (vi. ) and the same number of equations for determining them. For
there are 2n terms in equation ( vii . ) involving dy₁, dyo, dp₁ , &c. If any of
these quantities are arbitrary, their coefficients must vanish in order that
equation (vii. ) may hold ; and if any are not arbitrary, they will be fixed in
their values by given equations which, together with the equations furnished
by the coefficients which have to be equated to zero, will make up, in all, 2n


3033 I.- When V does not involve a explicitly, a first

integral of the equation K = 0 can always be found . Thus ,
if, for example,
V = 4 (y, p, q, r, s) ,

a first integral will be

V= Pp

+ QPx - QxP
+ RP22 - RxPx + R2xP
+ SP3x - Sx P2x + S2x Px - S3xP + C.

The order of this equation is less by one than that of (vi .)

PROOF.-We have V₁ = Np + Pq + Qr + Rs.
Substitute the value of N from ( vi. ) , and it will be found that each pair of
terms involving P, Q, R, &c . is an exact differential .

3034 II.- When V does not involve y , a first integral can

be found at once , for then N = 0 , and therefore K = 0 , and

we have P₂ - Q2x + R32- & c. = 0 ;

and therefore P - Qx + R2x- &c . = A.

3035 III.- When V involves only y and p,

V = Pp + A , by Case I.

3036 IV. When V involves only p and q,

V = Qq + Ap + B. See also (3046) .

PROOF. K - P₂ + Q₂ = 0, giving, by integration, P = Q₂ + A.

Also V₁ = Pq + Qr = Aq + Qzq + Qr.
Integrating again, we find V = Qq + Ap + B,
a reduction from the fourth to the second order of differential equations.

3037 Ex. To find the brachistochrone, or curve of quickest descent,

from a point O taken as origin to a point y₁, measuring the axis of y down
Velocity at a depth y = √2gy.

Therefore time of descent = Jos 1 t+ypp²
e dia.
Sxo √2gy

Here V= 1 +p² = p³ + A, by Case III.

y √ { y ( 1 +p²) }

By reduction, y (1 +p³) = 14 2a, an arbitrary constant.

That is, since p = tan 0, y = 2a cos² 0, the defining property of a cycloid

having its vertex downwards and a cusp at the origin
H - H reduces to { (pdy) - (pdy) } = 0.
If the extreme points are fixed , dy, and dy, both vanish.
The values ₁, Y₁, at the lower point, determine a.
Suppose ₁, but not y , is fixed . Then dy, is arbitrary ; therefore
its coefficient in ( 3) ( P - Q + &c .) , must vanish ; that is, (V ) , = 0, or
p = 0, therefore p₁ = 0, which means that the tangent at the
{ √y ( +p²) 15 },1
lower point is horizontal, and the curve is therefore a complete half cycloid.

3038 In the example of the brachistochrone, it is useful to notice that—

(i. ) If the extreme points are fixed, dyo, dy, both vanish.
(ii ) If the tangents at the extreme points have fixed directions, Po, dp₁
both vanish.
(iii.) If the curvature at each extremity is fixed in value, dpo do, dp₁, dqi
all vanish .
(iv.) If the abscissæ , only have fixed values, dyo, dy, are then
arbitrary, and their coefficients in H₁ - H, must vanish.

3039 When the limits a , a, are variable, add to the value of

SU in (3029 ) V₁da₁ - Vodx。.

PROOF. The partial increment of U, due to changes in x and x , is

dU dU
·dæ₁ + da = Vida - Vodro By (2253).
da dxo

3040 When x and y₁ , 。 and y, are connected by given

equations , Y₁ = 4 (x ) , Yo = x (xo).
RULE .-Put
Sy₁ = { (x₁ ) —p₁ } da, and dy
% {x' (x ) —p } dæɔ ,

* The Calculus of Variations originated with this problem, proposed by John Bern ulli
in 1696.

and afterwards equate to zero the coefficients of da, and dæo,

because the values of the latter are arbitrary.

PROOF. -y, + dy, being a function of ₁,

(y₁ + dy₁ ) + d¸¸1 (y₁ + dy₁ ) dx₁ = ¥4 (x, + dx₁ ) = 4 ( x₁) + 4′ (x₁) dæ₁ ;
therefore dy, +p₁dx₁ = (x₁ ) dx,, neglecting dpdx .

Ex.- In the brachistochrone problem (3037) , the result thus arrived at

signifies that the cycloid is at right angles to each of the given curves at its

3041 If V involves the limits xo, 21 , yo, 1, Po, P₁ , &c. , the

terms to be added to SU in (3029) , on account of the varia
tion of any of these quantities, are
To { V₂, + V₁P₁ + Vp &1 + … ..} dæ

+dx。 [*
To { Vzo + V„«Po + V» 20 + ...} dæ
+ [ { Vvo , &Yo + Vv₁ & Y ₁ + Vpo &Po + V„‚ §P₁ + &c . } dx.

In the last integral, Syo, dy , Spo , &c. may be placed outside

the symbol of integration since, they are not functions of a.
Hence , when involves the limits x。 , x₁ , Yo, Y₁ , Po, P1 , &c. ,
and those limits are variable, the complete expression for
SU is

3042 SU = S* { N— P₂ + Q2¬R₁ + &c . } Sy dx


+ { V₁ +S® ( V₂ + VnP₁ + Vm & +

…… .) dx}' `dæ

- -
— { Vo − Po 20 +
( Vz + Vv Po + V₂ ...) dx} dx,

+ { (P− Q₂+ R20 −...) 1 +(* V₁dx} dy₁


- -
— {(P— Q. + R₂—
...).—S“, V, dx } dy.

+ { (Q − R₂ + S2 − ... )1+S* V,
„, dx } Sp₁

— { (Q - R₂ + S₂ -...) .— SV, Po dx } Sp₂ + &c .

3043 Also, if y₁ = (x ) and y = x (x ) be equations re

stricting the limits , put

dy₁ = {4′ (x,) — p₁ } da, and Syo = { x' (xo) —Po } dx。 •
dy, (3040)

The relation K = 0 is unaltered , and , by means of it, the

additional integrals which appear in the value of H₁- H。
become definite functions of a.

3044 Ex. To find the curve of quickest descent of a particle from some
point on the curve yo = x (x ) to the curve y₁ = ¥ (x,) .
1 1 1 +p 1 +p , and contains y,
As in (3037), t = dx, V=
√ (2g)[* y -yo y -yo
P, and y.. Equation ( 3042) now reduces to

SU = -
[" (N−P¸) èy dz + V, dz, — { Vo —[ " Vv.Pode} dx。
+ P¸dy, — { P。 - ["xo
. Vy, da } dy. ….….…...(1).

Now K = 0 gives N- P, = 0 ; therefore V = Pp + A (3035) ;

2 2
therefore 1 +p² = p² +4.
y -yo √ (y - yo) ( 1 +p²)
Clearing of fractions, and putting A = this becomes
(y - yo) (1 +p²) = 2a... (2) .

Also p = P
P = V, = (3).
√ - yo) ( 1 + p*)}
(y ·— ✓(2a)
Hence V:= 1+ p² ; Vy。
V₁₁ = -V₁y = −N = -P, (by K = 0),

therefore ......... (4 ) .
[" ,Yode = P₁ - P₁ = Po (2a)
To V -P

Substituting the values ( 2) , ( 3 ) , (4), in (1 ) , the condition H₁ - H, produces

(1 +p²) dx- (1 +Pop₁) dxo + p₁ dy₁ — P₁dyo = 0.
Next, put for dy, and dy, the values in (3040) ; thus the equation becomes
{ 1 +p₁ ' (x₁) } dx, - { 1 + p₁ x' ( xo) } dx。 = 0 ........ ..... (5) ;
dx₁, dr, being arbitrary, their coefficients must vanish ; therefore
P₁ ' (x ) ==
= -1 and P₁x (x ) = −1 .
That is, the tangents of the given curves and x at the points y and x,y,
are both perpendicular to the tangent of the brachistochrone at the point x,y,.
Equation (2) shews that the brachistochrone is a cycloid with a cusp at
the starting-point, since there y = yo, and therefore p∞ = .


(Continued from 3036. )

3045 V. - Denoting Y, Y , Y2x ... ynx by y , P1 , P2 ... Pn ;

and y Vp,
V₁₂ Vp ... V by N, P1, P2 ... Pri

let the first m of the quantities y, P1, P2, &c . be wanting in the
function V ; so that
V = f (x, Pm, Pm+1 ... Pn) .
Then Kdma Pm - d( m + 1) x· Pm + 1 + ... ( −1 )” -” dnx Pn
P₂ = 0 ,

which equation , being integrated m times, becomes

Pm- da Pm +1 + dx Pm +2— ... ( − 1 ) ” - md(n - m) x Pn

= co + c₁x + ... + cm- 1xm - 1 ...... (i.) ,

a differential equation of the order 2n - m .

3046 VI.- Let x also be wanting in V, so that

V = f (Pm , Pm + 1 ... Pn) ;

then K = 0 is the same as before , and produces the same

differential equation (i .) From that equation take the value
of P , and substitute it in

V = PmPm+ 1 + Pm + 1Pm+ 2 + ... + Pn P₂+1•

Each pair of terms , such as Pm +2 Pm + 3 - d2gPm + 2Pm+1 , is an

exact differential ; and we thus find

V = c + Pm+ 1Pm+ 1 + ( Pm+2 Pm+2¬d₂ Pm +2 Pm+ 1) + ...

+ (PnPn¬dzPnPn-1 + d²x PnPn-2) — ... ( −1 ) n - m− ¹d(n − m- 1) xPnPm+1

+f (co + cæ + ... + cm -12m −¹) Pm+1 dæ.

The resulting equation will be of the order 2n - m - 1 , or
m +1 degrees lower than the original equation .

3047 VII.- If V. be a linear function of p , that being the

highest derivative it contains , P, will not then contain P.
Therefore dr P, will be, at most , of the order 2n - 1 . In
deed, in this case, the equation K = 0 cannot be of an order
higher than 2n - 2. (Jellett, p. 44.)

3048 VIII.- Let Pm be the lowest derivative which V in

volves ; then, if P = f(x) , and if only the limiting values of
a and of derivatives higher than the mth be given, the problem
cannot generally be solved . (Jellett, p . 49. )

3049 IX.- Let N = 0 , and let the limiting values of x alone

be given ; then the equation K = 0 becomes
Px - Q2x + Rзx- &c . = 0 ,
or, by integration, P - Q +R₂- &c . = c,

and the two conditions furnished by equating to zero the co I

efficients of Sy₁ , dyo, viz . ,
(P − Qx + &c.)₁ = 0 , (P − Qx + &c.)。 = 0 ,
are equivalent to the single equation c = 0, and therefore
H₁ - H0 supplies but 2n - 1 equations instead of 2n , and
the problem is indeterminate.

3050 Let U = [ " Vdx + V′ , where

V = F (x, y , P , q ... ) and V' = f ( xo , x1 , Yo , Y1 , Po , P₁ , &c . )
The condition for a maximum or minimum value of U arising
from a variation in y, is , as before , K = 0 ; and the terms to
be added to H₁ -
— Н。0 are
V₁ dx + Vข Sy。 + Vp Spo + ... + V₁₁dæ₁
x1 + V₁₁dy₁ + & c .
If the order of V be n , and the number of increments do , yo,
&c . be greater than n + 1 , the number of independent incre
ments will exceed the number of arbitrary constants in K, and
no maximum or minimum can be found.
Generally, U does not in this case admit of a maximum
or minimum if either V or V' contains either of the limiting
values of a derivative of an order or > than that of the
highest derivative found in V. (Jellett, p. 72.)


3051 Let V be a function of two dependent variables y , z,

and their derivatives with respect to a ; that is , let I
V = f (x , y , p, q ... z , p' ‚ q …… . ) ....
' ... ...... ( 1 ) ,

where P, p, q,q, ..., as before , are the successive derivative of y ,

and p
p'',, q
'' , ... those of z .
Then , if the forms of the functions y , z vary , the condition
for a maximum or minimum value of U or " Vda is
SU =
xo ( Kdy + K'dz) dx+ H‚— H₂ + H¸'— H' = 0 ... (2 ) .
Here K' , H' involve z , p ' , q' , ..., precisely as K, H involve
y, p, q, ... ; the values of the latter being given in (3029) .

3052 First, if y and z are independent, equation (2) ne

cessitates the following conditions :
K = 0, K' = 0 , H₂ - H + H₁' — H ' = 0 ......
………….. (3) .

The equations K = 0 , K ' = 0 give y and z in terms of x,

and the constants which appear in the solution must be deter
mined by equating to zero the coefficients of the arbitrary

quantities Syo, Sy₁ , Spo, sp₁ ... Szo , Sz1, spó' , Spí' , ... ,
which are found in the equation

H₁ - H₂ + H₂ - H,' = 0 .... (4).

3053 The number of equations so obtained is equal to the

number of constants to be determined .

PROOF.-Let V = f(x, y , yz, Y2 ... Ynx, 2, 2 , 22x ... Zmx) ,

K is of order 2n in y, and .. of form 4 (x, y, YxI ... Yinx, Z, Z ... %(m + n) x) ... (i.),
K' is of order 2m in z, and .. of form 4 (x, y, Yx ... Y (m+
2+ 2) 29 2, Zx ... Z2mx) ... (ii.)
Differentiating (i. ) 2m times, and ( ii. ) m + n times, 3m +n + 2 equations are
obtained, between which, if we eliminate z, x ... Z(3m +n)x ? we get a resulting
equation in y, of order 2 (m + n), whose solution will therefore contain
2 (m +n) arbitrary constants . The equations for finding these are also
2 (m +n) in number, viz., 2n in H₁ - H and 2m in H¡ -H .

3054 NOTE. -The number of equations for determining the constants is not
generally affected by any auxiliary equations introduced by restricting the
limits. For every such equation either removes a term from (4) by an
nulling some variation (dy, dp , &c . ) , or it makes two terms into one ; in each
case diminishing by one the number of equations, and adding one equation,
namely itself.

3055 Secondly, let y and z be connected by some equation

3 M

+ (xyz) = 0 . y and z are then found by solving simultane

ously the equations

(x, y , z) = 0 and K : 4, = K' : ..

PROOF (x, y, z ) = 0 , and therefore (x , y + dy , z + dz) = 0 , when the

forms of y and z vary. Therefore p₁dy + p₂dz = 0 ( 1514) . Also Koy + K´dz = 0,
by (2 ) . Hence the proportion.

3056 Thirdly, let the equation connecting y and z be of the

more general form

≈, p' , q′ ...) = 0 ............... (5) .

$ (x, y , p, q ... %,

By differentiation, we obtain

Pï dy + p p dp + q &q + ... $z
¢ z8% + ¢‚ ' + ... = 0 ... ( 6) .
„· &p' + ¢q· dq

If (which rarely happens) this equation can be integrated so

as to furnish a value of 8z in terms of dy, then Sp' , dq' , & c .
may be obtained, by simple differentiation , in terms of dy, Sp.
Generally, we proceed as follows :

&V = N&y + P&p + Q&q + ... + N'dz + P'dp' + Q'dq' + ... ... (7) .

Multiply (6) by A , and add it to ( 7) , thus

& V = (N + λp,) dy + ( P + λpp ) dp + ...
... + (N' + λp₂) 8z + ( P' + λpp.) dp′ + ......... (8) .

The expression for SU will therefore be the same as in (2 ) , if

we replace N by N+ λp , P by P + App, &c. , thus

3057 SU = (" [ { (N + λ4, ) −(P +λp,) x+…..} dy

+ { (N' + λþ₂) — (P' + λpp ) x + … .. } dz] dx

+ { P +λøp− (Q + λ$q) x + ….. } 1₁dy₁

− {P + dø, − ( Q + d$q) x + ….. } 0ody。

+ { Q +λ6, − (R +뤂)x +….. } 1 dp₁

— { Q+ λ4, − (R + λ¤r) x + ….. } odpo
&c . &c.

+ similar terms in P, Q ... p' , q' ... &c. . , . (9) .

3058 To render &U independent of the variation dz, we must


then equate to zero the coefficient of dz under the sign of

integration ; thus

N' +λo, — (P' + dpp') x + ( Q´ + λpg )22 &c. = 0 ...... ( 10),


the equation for determining λ.

3059 Ex. (i.) - Given V = F(x, y, p, q ... 2), where

= Svde and v = F (x, y, P, Q ...) .
The equation Φ is now z -Svdz 0 or v — z, = 0,
$y = vy ?p = vp Pq = vq, &c.,
Pe== 0, Pp= -1, = 0, the rest vanishing.
Substituting these values in (9) , we obtain

¿ U = [ "' [ { N + \ v, − ( P + \ v₂ ) z + ( Q + λvg) 2−
... } ¿y + { N' +λ ; } 8: ] dz
+ { P+ λv₂- (Q + λv q) z + ... } ₂ dy₁ = { P + λv, − ( Q + λ v q ) x + ... }o dYo
+ { Q + λvq− (R + λvr) x + ... } 1 dp₁ — { Q + λv , - ( R + λ v,) z + ... } 0。 &P₂ + &c.
For the complete variation DU add V, da, - Voda . To reduce the above so
as to remove dz, we must put N' + λ = 0, and therefore λ = - N'da. Let
A be the solution, u being a function of x, y, p, q ... z. Substituting this
expression for λ, the value of ¿ U becomes independent of dz .

Ex. (ii .) —Similarly, if z in the last example be = Sv (2148) , o becomes

v- ,, = 0 ; and, to make N' + ,, vanish, we must put λ = -SN'.

3061 Ex. (iii.)-Let U= √ √ 1+ y² + 2 da ...... (1) .

Here N = 0 ; N' = 0 ; P = P P= p'
Q =0;
√1 + p² + p²² √1 +p² +p²
Q = 0; and the equations K = 0, K′ = 0 become
P p'
P = 0, P = 0, or 12 = α, = b.
√1 + p² + p³ √1 + p² + p³
Solving these equations, we get
yx = m ; 2x = n ; or y = mx + A ; z = nx + B.

3062 First, if 21 , y1 , 21 , Xu, Yo, zo be given, there are four equations to

determine m, n, A, and B.
This solves the problem, to find a line of minimum length on a given
curved surface between two fixed points on the surface.

3063 Secondly, if the limits a,, 2, only are given, then the equations
(P), = 0, (P)。 = 0, (P′) , = 0, (P′)。 = 0,
are only equivalent to the two equations m = 0, n = 0, and A and B remain
undetermined .

3064 Thirdly, let the limits be connected by the equations

(X1, Y1, 1) = 0, 4 (xo, Yo, ≈0 ) = 0 .

We shall have ($x, + Pv. P₁ + Qz, Pí) dæ¸ + ¢„‚ Èy₁1 + ¥z₁dz₁ = 0.
Substitute = M₁ $x, $z₁ = n₁Px, P₁ = m, pi =
: n ; thus
(1 + mm, + nn, ) dx, + m , ¿y, + n, dz₁ = 0.
Eliminate de, by this equation from
V₁dx₁ + ( P) ₁ ¿y₁ + (P′), dz₁ = 0,
and equate to zero the coefficients of dy, and dz₁ ; then
m₁V₁ = (P) , (1 + mm₁ + nn₁) ; n₁V₁ = (P
′) , ( 1 + mm, + nn₁) .
Replacing V₁, P,1 by their values, and solving these equations for m and n,
we find m = m₂, n = n₂.
Similarly from the equation ( o, Yo, Zo) = 0 we derive m = m。, n = n。.
Eliminating 1, Y1, 1, xo , Yo, zo between these equations, and
y₁ = mx₁ + A ; z₁ = nx₁ + B ; y = mx + A ; z₁ = nx¸ + B ;
(x1, y1, 1 ) = 0 ; (to, Yo, Zo) = 0 ;
four equations remain for determining m, n, A, and B.

3065 On determining the constants in the solution of (3056) .

Denoting p, q, r ... by P1, P2, P3 ..., we have
V = F (x, y, P1, P2 ... Pn, ≈, Pí , P2 ... P'm ) ;
and for the limiting equation,

(x, y, P1, P2, ….. Pw, Z, P1 , P2, ... pm ) = 0.

Vis of the order n in y and m in z.
is of the order n' in y and m ' in z.
3066 RULE I.- If m be > m' , and n either > or < n' , the

order of the final differential equation will be the greater of the

two quantities 2 ( m + n ') , 2 (m' + n) ; and there will be a
sufficient number of subordinate equations to determine the
arbitrary constants .

3067 RULE II . —If m be < m' , and n < n' , the order ofthe
final equation will generally be 2 (m' +n') ; and its solution
may contain any number of constants not greater than the least
of the two quantities 2 (m' -m) , 2 ( n ' - n) .
For the investigation, see Jellett, pp. 118-127.

3068 If V does not involve explicitly, a single integral of

order 2 (m + n) -1 may be found . The value of V is that
given in (3033), with corresponding terms derived from z.

PROOF. dV = Ndy + P₁dp, + ... + Pdp + N'dz + Pidpi + ... + Pmdpm

Substitute for N and N' from the equations K = 0, K' = 0, as in (3033 ),
and integrate for V.


3069 In this class of problems , a maximum or minimum

value of an integral, U₁ = [" V₁da, is required , subject to the


condition that another integral , U, = V, da, involving the

same variables , has a constant value .

RULE. Find the maximum or minimum value of the func
tion U₁ + aU ; that is, take V = V₁ + aV₂, and afterwards
determine the constant a by equating U,2 to its given value.
For examples , see (3074) , (3082) .


3070 PROPOSITION I.- To find a curve s which will make

' (x, y) ds a maximum or minimum, F being a given function
of the coordinates x, y.

The equation (5 ) , in ( 3056 ) , here becomes

p³ +p² = 1 ;
where px , py,, x and y being the dependent variables, and s the in
dependent variable.
In (3057) , we have now, writing u for F (x, y),
N = U«, _N' = Uy, &p = 2p, Pp = 2p ';
the rest zero. The equations of condition are therefore
" u,—d, (\x¸) = 0 and u, -d, ( ^y, ) = 0 ........ . (1) .
Multiplying by *,, y, respectively , adding and integrating , the result is
λ = u,
the constant being zero. *
Substituting this value in equations ( 1 ) , differentiating ux, and uy,, and
putting u, uz, + u, y,, we get
y, (uzy, -u, x,) = UX28....... ... (2) ,
x¸ (µ‚x¸ — UxYs) = UY28•••••• ....... (3).

* See Todhunter's " History," p. 405.


Multiplying (2) by y , and ( 3) by a,, and subtracting, we obtain finally

u (Y, X28 — X8Y28 ) = UxYs — Uy X89 or
u du dy du dx
3071 = (4),
P dx ds dy ds

p being the radius of curvature.

To integrate this equation , the form of u must be known ,
and, by assigning different forms , various geometrical theorems
are obtained .

3072 PROPOSITION II.-To find the curve which will make

...... ... (1)

[F(x, y) ds + [f(x, y) dx

a maximum or minimum, the functions F and ƒ being of given

form .
Let F (x, y) and f (x, y) = v.
Equation (1) is equivalent to f(u + vx ) ds.
In (3057) we now have Vu +vp ; and for 4, p² +p" = 1 , as in ( 3070) .
Therefore N = u₂ + pvz j P = V₂ = v ; Pp = 2p ;
N' = uy + pvy ; = ' ; the rest zero.
Therefore, equating to zero the coefficients of dx and dy, the result is the two
equations u₂ + pv₂- (v + λp) , = 0,
u₁ +pv₁ — (\p'), = 0 ;
or d, ( x ) + v₁ = U₂ + x , vz
d. (xy ) = U₂ + xzvy•
Multiplying by x , y, respectively, adding, and integrating, we obtain, as in
(3070) , λ = u, and ultimately,
1 du dy du dx dv
3073 = ——— -
P u d
11 ( x ds dy ds dy

3074 Ex . To find a curve s of given length, such that the volume of the
solid of revolution which it generates about a given line may be a maximum.
Here (y²x, -a²) ds must be a maximum, by (3069), a³ being the arbitrary
constant. The problem is a case of (3072),
u = a², u¸ = 0, u; = : 0, v = y³, v₁ = 2y.
1 = 2y
Hence equation (3073) becomes
Р a³

Giving p its value, - (1 + p³)³ where P = and integrating, the result

PPy (wh dy),
1 y²+b² (y² + b² ) dy
= ; from which x =
√1+p³ a¹ S√a^ — (y² + b³)


3075 Let V = f(x, y , z , p, q , r, s , t) ,

in which a, y are the independent variables , and p, q , r, s , t
stand for Z , Z , Zax Zxy , Zy respectively ( 1815) , z being an in
determinate function of a and y .
x1 y1
Let U=
༢ (" Vdx dy,

and let the equation connecting x and y at the limits be

(x, y) = 0. The complete variation of U, arising solely from
an infinitesimal change in the form of the function z , is as
follows :
Let V , V , &c. be denoted by Z, P, Q, R, S, T.
Let Φ = (P— R¸ − 1 S₁ ) dz + 1S8q + Rdp,
4 = (Q — T, — S¸) 8z + S&p + T8q,
x = (Z − P₂ - Qy + R2x + Sxy + T2y) Sz.

The variation in question is then

-- dy - dy
3076 SU = √ (4vy=y1
= -4vy== yo
x + Þvy ==yo
v. do &y=v.
dx — - Þv = du;
Ax ) dx
x =x1 (ທ
+ zo y
yo + dy ] x = x0 J J X dx dy .
[ S"

PROOF.- ♪ [ [" V dx dy = [ [ "&Vdz dy
๔o Jo [[ " evdady
= (Zdz + P&p + Qoq + Rèr + Sès + Tôt) dx dy

= [ [ dx + d
Yo { d² dy + x } dady ,
as appears by differentiatin the values of $ and . But
yi d d 1 d
dy = dx -Py-y₂ y
ody + 4y- vo dy
yo dx dx ["ody. dx

by (2257) , and
Yo dy dy = 40 - v₂ - 4v - vo
Hence the result.

3077 The conditions for a maximum or minimum value of

U are, by similar reasoning to that employed in (3032) ,
Φ = 0, 4 = 0, x = 0.


3078 PROPOSITION I.-To find the surface, S, which will

make [[ F(x, y , z) dS a maximum or minimum, F'being a given

function of the coordinates x, y , z . [Jellett, p. 276.

Here , putting F (x, y , z) = u, V = u√1 + p² + q² ;

du up uq
z = √1 + p + q dz ; P = √1 + p2 +q² = √1
√1 +p³
+p +g
+ q² '
and V , V, V, are all zero.
dP P du du
= + u (1+ g²) r - pige
√1 +p³
d = √1+ + q³ (de
dx + ddz) + ( 1 +p² + q²) §

dQ = 9 du t− pqs
(du u
dy = √1
dr + p² +
√1 +x² dz ) + (1 + p ) -py
y +8 d
+ q³ ( dy
(1 +p² + q³) s
The equation x = 0 or Z - P - Q, = 0 gives
(1 + q ) r − 2pqs + (1 + p²) t 1 du du - du
+ u√ 1 + p² q² dx
(p₁= + q dy dz = 0.
(1 +p³ + q³) } + +

If R, R' be the principal radii of curvature, and l , m, n

the direction cosines of the normal, this equation may be
1 du
3079 1/2
R + 1/2
R + = dx + m dy + n du) = 0 ,
u (idu

and according to the nature of the function u different

geometrical theorems may be deduced .

3080 PROPOSITION II.-To find the surface S which will make

[ F ( , y , z) d8 +||f (@ , J ,≈ didy

a maximum or minimum ; Fand ƒ being given functions of

the coordinates x, y, z.

Let F (x, y, z ) = u and ƒ (x, y, z) = v . Proceeding throughout as in

(3078), we have V = u√l + p² + q³ + v,

Z = √1 +p² + q³ Uz + V29
and the remaining equations the same as in that article if we add to the
resulting differential equation the term - on the left.


This equation may then be put in the form

du du du dv
ι ――
3081 R+ R' = dx +mdy + n dz de)
dz .

where l, m , n are the direction cosines of the normal to the


3082 Ex . To find a surface of given area such that the volume contained
by it shall be a maximum.

By (3069) , the integral [[ (x - a√1 +p³ +q³) dødy

must take a maximum or minimum value. The problem is a case of (3080) .
We have u = —a, v = z, Ux = 0 , Uy = 0, U₂ = 0, v₂ = 1 ;
and the differential equation of the surface ( 3081 ) reduces to
q) ³ = 0 ;
(1 +q³) r − 2pqs + (1 +p³) t + — ( 1 + p² + °

1 1 1
or =
3083 R + Ꭱ a




3084 DEFINITIONS . -A function whose form is invariable is

called determinate, and one whose form is variable , indeter
Let du be the increment of a function u due to a change
in the magnitude of the independent variable , du that due to a
change in the form of the function, Du the total increment
from both causes ; then
Dudu + Su.

Thus , in (3042) , the terms involving da, and da, constitute du,
and the remaining terms du ; the whole variation being Du.
Su is called the variation of the function u.

3085 A primitive indeterminate function, u, of any number

of variables is a function whose variation is of arbitrary but
constant form ; in other words , & u = 0.
3 N

3086 Letv F.u be a derived function , -that is , a func

tion derived by some process from the function u ; F denoting
a relation between the forms , but not between the magnitudes ,
of u and v.
The general object of the Calculus of Variations is to
determine the change in a derived function v, caused by a
change in the form of its primitive u.
The particular derived functions considered are those

whose symbols are d and [ , denoting operations of differ

entiation and integration respectively .


3087 Let the variation of the variation , or second variation

of V due to a change in the form of the involved function,
y = f(x) , be denoted by 8 (SV) or 82V; the third variation by
83V, and so on.
By definition (3085 ) , y being a primitive indeterminate
function, and dy its variation, y = 0 ...... (1).

3088 The second variation of any derivative of y is also

zero, i.e., p, q, &c. all vanish .

PROOF ( x) = d ( ¿Ynx) =· { d ( dy) } nx = ( d²y) nx = 0 by (1) .

3089 If V = f (x, y , p , q, r, &c . ... ) , where y is a primitive

indeterminate function of x, then

SV = (Syd, + Sp d, + Sq d₁ + ... ) " V,

where , in the formal expansion by the multinomial theorem,
Sy, Sp, &c. follow the law of involution, but the indices of dy,
dp, &c. indicate repetition of the operation d,, dp , & c . upon V.
PROOF. First, V = ( dy d + dpd₂ + dqdq + ... ) V.
In finding 2V, each product, such as dy d, V, is differentiated again as a
function of y, p, q, &c.; but, since the variations of dy, dp, &c. vanish by ( 2) ,
it is the same in effect as though dy, dp, &c. were not operated upon at all.
They accordingly rank as algebraic quantities merely, and therefore
V = (dyd, + op d₂ + dqdq + ... ) ' V.
Similarly for a third differentiation ; and so on.


3090 DEF.- When the function V (3028) is integrable
without assigning the value of y in terms of a, and therefore

integrable whatever the form of the function y may be, it is

said to be immediately integrable, or integrable per se.

3091 The requisite condition for V to be immediately

integrable is that K = 0 shall be identically true.

PROOF. V de must be expressible in the form
(x₁ Y₁ P₁₁ ... ) — (XoYoPo Lo ….. ),
where is independent of the form of y. Hence, a change in the form of y,
which leaves the values at the limits unaltered, will leave
င် Vda = 0 ; that is, (" Kòy = 0.
8 [" vda =
But the last equation necessitates K = 0 , since dy is arbitrary. And K = 0
must be identically true, otherwise it would determine y as a function of x.


3050 By differentiating ordinary algebraic equations , and

eliminating constants or functions , differential equations are
produced. Some methods are illustrated in the following
examples .

3051 From an equation between two variables and n

arbitrary constants , to eliminate the constants .

RULE. -Differentiate r times (r < n) , and from the r + 1

equations any r constants may be eliminated , and thus C ( n , r)
different equations of the rth order (3060) obtained, involving
d'y dr-ly, &c . Only r + 1 , however, of these equations will be
dx "' dxr-1 '
independent. By differentiating n times and eliminating the
constants, a single final differential equation of the nth order
free from constants may be obtained.

3052 Ex. To eliminate the constants a and b from the equation

y = ax² + bx (i.)
dy = 2ax + b
Differentiating, we find (ii.)
Eliminating a and b in turn, we get
x + bx = 2y, x dy = ax² +y ……………………….. (iii., iv.)
dx dx
Now, differentiating (iii .) and eliminating b produces the final equation of
the second order,
23 dy -2x + 2y = 0 ...... (v.)
dx² dx
The same equation is obtained by differentiating (iv.) and eliminating a.

3053 To eliminate the function & from the equation z = 4 (v) ,

where v is a function of x and y . We have
%x = p' (v) vx, Zy = p' (v) vy.
Therefore Zx Vy = Zy Vx·

3054 To eliminate Φ from u = (v) , where u and v are func

tions of x , y , z .
Consider x and y the independent variables , and differ
entiate for each separately , thus

Ux + Uz%x = ' (v) (Vx + V₂ ²x) ,

Uy + Uzzy = p′ (v ) ( Vy + Vzŵy ) ,
and , by division, p' ( v) is eliminated .

3055 To eliminate 1, 2, ... P from the equation

F (x, y , z , p1 (a₁) , P₂ ( α₂) , ... Pn (an) } = 0 ,

where a₁ , a , ... a, are known functions of x, y, z .

RULE .-Differentiate for x and y as independent variables ,

forming the derivatives of F of each order, up to the (2n - 1)th
in every possible way ; that is, F ; Fr , Fy ; F22, Fry , Fay ; &c .
There will be 2n² unknown functions , consisting of 91 , 92, ... Pn
and their derivatives, and 2n² + n equations for eliminating
them .

3056 To eliminate E , 41 (E) , 2 (E) , ... P„ (E)

(E) between the
F { x, y , z, E, p1 ( §) , P2 ( E) ... P„ ( E ) } = 0 ,
ƒ {x, y , z , E , p1 (E) , P2 ( E) ... Pn ( E ) } = 0 .
RULE . -Consider z and functions of the independent
variables x, y , and form the derivatives of F and f up to the
2n - 1th order in the manner described in (3055) . There will
be 4n² +n functions, and 4n2 +2n equations for eliminating
them .

3057 To eliminate from the equation

F {x, y , z , w , (a , ẞ) } = 0 ,
where a, ẞ are known functions of x, y, z, w.

RULE . - Consider x, y, z the independent variables . Dif

ferentiate for each, and eliminate p, pa, Ps between the four


3058 Ordinary differential equations involve the derivatives

of a single independent variable .

3059 Partial differential equations involve partial deriva

tives , and therefore two or more independent variables are
concerned .

3060 The order of a differential equation is the order of the

highest derivative which it contains.

3061 The degree of a differential equation is the power to

which the highest derivative is raised .

3062 A Linear differential equation is one in which the

derivatives are all involved in the first degree.

3063 The complete primitive of a differential equation is

that equation between the primitive variables from which the
differential equation may be obtained by the process of differ
entiation .

3064 The general solution is the name given to the complete

primitive when it has been obtained by solving the given
differential equation .
Thus, reverting to the example in (3051 ) , equation (i .) is the complete
primitive of (v.) which is obtained from (i.) by differentiation and elimination.
The differential equation (v. ) being given, the process is reversed.
Equations ( iii . ) and (iv. ) are called the first integrals of (v.) , and equation
(i.) the final integral or general solution .

3065 A particular solution , or particular integral, of a

differential equation is obtained by giving particular values to
the arbitrary constants in the general solution.
For the definition of a singular solution , see ( 3068) .

3066 To find when two differential equations of the first

order have a common primitive .

RULE . - Differentiate each equation, and eliminate its

arbitrary constant. The two results will agree if there is a
common primitive, which, in that case, will be found by elimi
nating y between the given equations.

Ex.-Apply the rule to equations (iii. ) and ( iv.) in (3052) .


3067 To find when two solutions of a differential equation,

each involving an arbitrary constant, are equivalent.

RULE.-Eliminate one of the variables. The other will also

disappear, and a relation between the arbitrary constants will
Otherwise, if VC, v = c be the two solutions : V and v
being functions of the variables , and C and c constants ; then
dV dv dV dv
dx dy dy dx

is the required condition .

PROOF.- V must be a function of v. Let V = p (v) ; therefore V₂ = $vVæ

and V, = ,, ; then eliminate 。.

Ex. -tan- (x +y) + tan ' (x - y) = a and 3 + 2bx = y3 + 1 are both solu
tions of 2xy y = x +y + 1 . Eliminating y, z disappears, and the resulting
equation is b tan a = 1 .


3068 DEFINITION. " A singular solution of a differential

equation is a relation between x and y which satisfies the
equation by means of the values which it gives to the differ
ential coefficients yr, y2r, & c. , but is not included in the com
plete primitive." See examples (3132-3 ) .

3069 To find a singular solution from the complete primitive

(x, y , c) = 0 .

RULE I - From the complete primitive determine c as a

function of x, by solving the equation y = 0, or else by solving
x = 0, and substitute this value of c in the primitive. The
result is a singular solution, unless it can also be obtained by
giving to c a constant value in the primitive.

3070 Ifthe singular solution involves y only, it results from

the equation y = 0 only , and if it involves x only, it results
from x = 0 only. If it involves both x and y, the two equa
tions x = 0, y = 0 give the same result .


3071 When the primitive equation 4 (xyc) = 0 is a rational

integral function, 4.0 may be used instead of x = 0 or
Yc = 0.
PROOF.- Let (x, y, c) = 0 be expressed in the form
y = f (x, c) ..... ... (1) .
Then, if c be constant, Yx =fx (2 ) ;
and, if c varies , Yz = fz +fccz (3).
When cс is constant, the differential equation of which ( 1 ) is the primitive is
satisfied by the value of y, in ( 2 ) . But it will also be satisfied by the same
value of y, when c is variable, provided that either f. = 0 or f, = ∞ , and in
either case a solution is obtained which is not the result of giving to ca
constant value in the complete primitive ; that is, it is a singular solution .
But fe = 0 is equivalent to ye = 0, and f∞ makes y, = ∞ , and therefore
2 constant.


3072 Since the process in Rule I. is identical with that

employed in finding the envelope of the series of curves
obtained by varying the parameter c c in the equation
(x, y, c) = 0 ; the singular solution so obtained is the equa
tion of the envelope itself.
An exception occurs when the envelope coincides with one
of the curves of the system .

3073 Ex .- Let the complete primitive be

C 20
y = cx + √1 − c³, therefore y = x— ; y = 0 gives c =
vi √1 + x²
Substituting this in the primitive gives y = √1 + 2², a singular solution . It
is the equation of the envelope of all the lines that are obtained by varying
the parameter c in the primitive ; for it is the equation of a circle, and the
primitive, by varying c, represents all lines which touch the circle. See also
(3132-3) .

3074 "The determination of c as a function of a by the solution of the

equation y = 0, is equivalent to determining what particular primitive has
contact with the envelop at that point of the latter which corresponds to a
given value of x.
" The elimination of c between a primitive y = f(x, c) and the derived
equation y = 0, does not necessarily lead to a singular solution in the sense
above explained.
"For it is possible that the derived equation y. = 0 may neither, on the
one hand, enable us to determine c as a function of x, so leading to a singular
solution ; nor, on the other hand, as an absolute constant, so leading to a
particular primitive.

" Thus the particular primitive ye being given, the condition y = 0

gives e0, whence c is + if a be negative, and -∞o if a be positive.
It is a dependent constant. The resulting solution y = 0 does not then
represent an envelope of the curves of particular primitives, nor strictly one
of those curves . It represents a curve formed of branches from two of them.
It is most fitly characterised as a particular primitive marked by a singularity
in the mode of its derivation from the complete primitive. "
[ Boole's " Differential Equations," Supplement, p . 13.



3075 RULE II .—Any relation is a singular solution which ,

while it satisfies the differential equation , either involves y and

makes p, infinite, or involves x and makes (), infinite.


3076 " One negative feature marks all the cases in which a solution
involving y satisfies the condition p₁ = ∞ . It is, that the solution , while
expressed by a single equation , is not connected with the complete primitive
by a single and absolutely constant value of c.
" The relation which makes p, infinite satisfies the differential equation
only because it satisfies the condition y. = 0, and this implies a connexion
between c and x, which is the ground of a real, though it may be unimportant,
singularity in the solution itself.
"In the first, or, as it might be termed, the envelope species of singular
solutions, c receives an infinite number of different values connected with the
value of by a law. In the second, it receives a finite number of values also
connected with the values of a by a law. In the third species, it receives a
finite number of values, determinate, but not connected with the values of x .”

Hence the general inclusive definition

3077 "A singular solution of a differential equation of the

first order is a solution the connexion of which with the com
plete primitive does not consist in giving to c a single constant
value absolutely independent of the value of x.'

[ Boole's " Differential Equations,” p. 163, and Supplement, p. 19.



3078 RULE III.- When Py or is made infinite by

(1) ,
equating to zero a factor having a negative index, the solution
may be considered to belong to the envelope species."

3079 " In other cases , the solution is deducible from the


complete primitive by regarding c as a constant of multiple

value , its particular values being either, 1st, dependent in
some way on the value of x, or , 2ndly, independent of x , but
still such as to render the property a singular one."
[Boole's " Differential Equations," p. 164.

3080 RULE IV. —A solution which, while it makes p, infinite

and satisfies the differential equation of the first order, does not
satisfy all the higher differential equations obtained from it, is
a singular solution of the envelope species .
Ex.: yx = my m has the singular solution y = 0 when m is > 1.
m -r
Now ገቢ
Yrx = m (m− 1) ... (m − r + 1) y
and, when r is > m , the value y = 0 makes y, infinite. The solution is,
therefore, by the rule of the envelope species.

3081 RULE V.-—" The proposed solution being represented by

u = 0, let the differential equation, transformed by making u
and x the variables , be u、 +f (x , u) = 0. Determine the in
tegral f as a function of x and u, in which U is either

equal to f (x, u) or to f (x , u) deprived of any factor which

neither vanishes nor becomes infinite when u = 0. If that
integral tends to zero with u , the solution is singular " and of
the envelope species. [ Boole, Supplement, p . 30.

3082 Ex.- To determine whether y = 0 is a singular solution or par

ticular integral of Yx = y (logy) ³.
dy 1
Here uy, and =-
Soy (logy) log y
As this tends to zero with y , the solution is singular.

Verification .—The complete primitive is y = e- , and no constant value

assigned to c will produce the result y = 0.

3083 Professor De Morgan has shown that any relation

involving both xa and y, which satisfies the conditions p,,
Pr = , will satisfy the differential equation when it does not
make yr, as derived from it , infinite ; that it may satisfy it
even if it makes y , infinite ; and that, if it does not satisfy the
differential equation, the curve it represents is a locus of
points of infinite curvature, usually cusps , in the curves of
complete primitives . [ Boole, Supplement, p. 35.


3084 M+ N dy = 0, or Mdx +Ndy = 0 ,


M and N being either functions of x and y or constants .


3085 This method of solution, when practicable, is the

simplest, and is frequently involved in other methods .
Ex. xy (1 + x³) dy = ( 1 + y²) dx,
ydy = dx
1+ y² (1 +x²)'
and each member can be at once integrated .

3086 Here M and N, in (3084) , are homogeneous functions
of x and y, and the solution is affected as follows :
RULE.-Put y = vx, and therefore dy = vdx + xdv, and
then separate the variables. For an example, see ( 3108) .


3087 Mdx +Ndy = 0 is an exact differential when

My = N ,
and the solution is then obtained by the formula

SMdx + S { N − d, (§ Mdx) } dy = C.
PROOF. If V = 0 be the primitive, we must have V, = M, V, = N;
therefore Vry = M, = N. Also V = [ Mdx + (y ) , (y ) being a constant
with respect to x.
Therefore N = V, = d, Mdx +4′ (y) ,
(y) = { { N ― d, [Mdx} dy + C.

3088 Ex. (x³ -3x²y ) dx + (y³ — x³) dy = 0.

Here M, ==-3x² = N. Therefore the solution is
4 −xy + [ { y'- 2' - d, ( —'— x'y ) } dy
C= =
= =* -
— -
4 y * —x³y .
4 — x*y + { y* dy = x * +

3089 Observe that , if Mda + Ndy can be separated into two

parts, so that one of them is an exact differential, the other
part must also be an exact differential in order that the whole
may be such.

3090 Also , if a function of x and y can be expressed as the

product of two factors, one of which is a function of the
integral of the other, the original function is an exact differ

1 x x COS x dy = cos 2ydx - xdy

3091 Ex.- COS dx = 0.
y y y У y y*
Here is the integral of the second factor. Hence the solution is
sin = C.


When this equation is not an exact differential , a factor

which will make it such can be found in the following cases .

3092 I.When one only of the functions Mx + Ny or
Mx - Ny vanishes identically, the reciprocal of the other is an
integrating factor.

3093 II.- If, when Mx + Ny = 0 identically, the equation

is at the same time homogeneous, then x - ( +1 ) is also an in
tegrating factor.

3094 III.-If neither Mx +Ny nor Mx - Ny vanishes identi

cally , then , when the equation is homogeneous , Mx + Ny is an

integrating factor ; and when the equation can be put in the

form (xy) xdy + x (xy) y dx = 0 , is an integrating
Mx - Ny

PROOF. - I. and III.-From the identity

M dæ + Ndy = } { (Mæ + Ny ) d log xy + (Mz – Ny) d log # } ,

assuming the integrating factor in each case, and deducing the required
forms for M and N, employing (3090) .

II.—Put v = 2, M = x" p (v), _N = x" ↓ (v) , and dy = xdv + vdx in

Mdx +Ndy and Mx + Ny.

3095 The general form for an integrating factor of

Mdx +Ndy = 0 is
My-Nz dv,
No - Muy

where v is some chosen function of x and y ; and the condition

for the existence of an integrating factor under that hypothesis
is that
M - Nx must be a function of v.
Nv -Mvy

PROOF. -The condition for an exact differential of Muda + Nudy = 0 is

(Mµ)y = (Nµ) x (3087) . Assume µ = ( v) , and differentiate out ; we thus
φυ = M - N
φυ Nux - Mvy

The following are cases of importance.

3097 I.- If an integrating factor is required which is a

function of a only, we put up (x) , that is , v = x ; and the
necessary condition becomes

M -N
must be a function of x only.

3098 II.- If the integrating factor is to be a function of xy,

the condition becomes, by putting xy = v ,

M - N must be a function of xy only.

Ny -Mx

3099 III.- If the integrating factor is to be a function of

1, the condition is
a² (N₂ - My) must be a function of Y.
Mx +Ny x

If Ma +Ny vanishes , (3092) must be resorted to.


In this and similar cases , the expression found will be a

function of v = if it takes the form F (v) when y is re
placed by vx.

3100 IV. - Theorem. - The condition that the equation

Mdx + Ndy = 0 may have a homogeneous function of a and y
of the nth degree for an integrating factor, is

x² (N¸ - M₁ ) + nNx_
= F(u) , where u = Y.
Mx +Ny x

3101 The integrating factor will then be obtained from

µ = xn√P(u) du

PROOF. Put μ = v = x" ↓ ( u ) in (3097) , thus

= M - Nx
ย Nvx- Mvy
Perform the differentiations , and, by reduction , we get
' (u) = x² (N¸ − M₁) + nNx
( u) Mx + Ny
The right member must be a function of u in order that (u) may be found
by integration.

3102 Ex. - To ascertain whether an integrating factor, which is a homo

geneous function of x and y, exists for the equation
(y³ + axy³) dy — ay³ dx + (x + y) (x dy —y dx) = 0.
Here M = -− ( ay³ + xy + y³ ) , N = (y³ + axy³ + xy + x³) .
Substituting in the formula of (3100) , we find that, by choosing n = : −3,
the fraction reduces to axy -3xy , and, by putting y = ux, it becomes α -3u

a function of u.
a - 3u a
du = -3 logu,
u³ 26
ar +3 log ax
μ = x --3³e 82)
= y -³₂=4,

the integrating factor required. It is homogeneous, and of the degree -3

in x and y, as is seen by expanding the second factor by (150) .

3103 If by means of the integrating factor μ the equation

µMdx + µNdy = 0 is found to have VC = for its complete
primitive , then the form for all other integrating factors will
be uf (V) , where ƒ is any arbitrary function .

PROOF. -The equation becomes

μMf (V) dx + µNƒ ( V) dy = 0 .
Applying the test of integrability (3087) , we have
{uMf ( V ) }, = {pNf (V )} .
Differentiate out, remembering that
(-M ), = (uN )x V = pN , V₁ = µM,
and the equality is established .

3104 GENERAL RULE . -Ascertain by the determination of an

integrating factor that an equation is solvable, and then seek to
effect the solution in some more direct way.


3105 (ax +by +c) dx + (a'x + b'y + c') dy = 0 .

This equation may be solved in three ways .

I.-Substitute x= -a, y = n - ß,

and determine a and ẞ so that the constant terms in the new

equation in and ʼn may vanish.

II. Or substitute ax + by + c = E , a'x + by + c' = n .

3106 But if a : a'b : b' , the methods I. and II . fail. The

equation may then be written as a function of ax + by.
Put zaxby, and substitute bdy = dz - a dx, and after
wards separate the variables x and z .

3107 III.-A third method consists in assuming

= 0,
(An + C) d§ + (A´E + C′ ) dn

and equating coefficients with the original equation after sub

stituting E = x + m₁Y , n = x + m₂y.

m₁, m₂ are the roots of the quadratic

am² + (b + a') m + b′ = 0 .
The solution then takes the form
{ (am, —a') (x + m, y) + cm, —c' }
1 = C.

{(am₂ — a') (x +m₂y) +cm₂ — c' }


3108 Ex. (3y - 7x + 7) dx + ( 7y - 3x + 3) dy = 0 .

Puta, yn - ß, thus
(3n — 75) de + ( 7n — 34) dn = 0 ...... (i.) ,
with equations for a and ß, 7a - 36 + 7 = 0 ; 3a − 7ẞ + 3 = 0 ;
therefore a = -1 , ẞ := 0........... .... (ii. )
(i.) being homogeneous, put = v , and therefore dŋ = vd + dv (3086) ;
dz 7v-3
.. (7v³ — 7) ¿ dë + (7v − 3 ) dv = 0 , or + dv = 0.
E 7v² -7
The second member is integrated, as in ( 2080) , with b = 0, and, after
reduction, we find 5 log (n + ¿) +2 log (ʼn —¿) = C.
Putting -1 and ny, by (ii. ) the complete solution is
(y +x - 1 ) (y - x + 1 ) ² = C.

3109 When P and Q are functions of a only, the solution

of the equation

e dx
dy + Py = 0 is Ce-SP
y= C (i.)

by merely separating the variables .

3110 Secondly, the solution of

dy + Py = Q is
dx ' + √ QcSP.d² d.x' } .
y = e¯SPd² { C

This result is obtained by the method of variation of

RULE.-Assume equation (i . ) to be the form of the solution ,
considering the parameter C a function of x. Differentiate (i.)
on this hypothesis, and put the value ofy, so obtained in the
proposed equation to determine C.
Thus, differentiating (i.) , we get y₂
Yx = Сe¯fraz¸
Cz -Py ,
therefore Q = O₂e¯[Pdx therefore C Qe
= √ Qc√ml³ dx +0.
Then substitute this expression for C in equation (i .).
Otherwise, writing the equation in the form (Py- Q) dx + dy = 0, the
integrating factor Par may be found by (3097) .
3111 Yx + Py = Qy"
is reduced to the last case by dividing by y" and substituting
z = y! ".

*3212 P₁dx + P₂dy + Q (x dy —y dx) =

: 0.

P1 , P.2 being homogeneous functions of a and y of the ph

degree, and Q homogeneous and of the qth degree , is solved
by assuming

P₁ = " + (2 ), P₁ = "4 (2 ), Q = rx (2).
Put y = va, and change the variables to a and v. The result
may be reduced to
da x4 (v) x (v ) x − p + 2
dv p (v) + vf (v) p (v) + v4 (v) '
which is identical in form with ( 3211 ) , and may be solved

3213 (A₁ + В₁x + С₁y) (x dy — y dx) — ( A + B + C₂y) dy

- (A +B + Csy) dx = 0.
To solve this equation, put = & + a, y = n + ß,
and determine a and B so that the coefficients may become homogeneous,
and the form of ( 3212 ) will be obtained .

3214 ux + bu² = cxm ...... (A) .
Substitute yue, and this equation is reduced to the
form of the following one, with n = m + 2 and a = 1. It is
solvable whenever m (2t + 1 ) = - 4t, t being 0 or a positive

3215 xy -ay + by² = can .. (B).

I. This equation is solvable, when n = 2a , by substituting
y = va", dividing by aa , and separating the variables . We
thus obtain -xa -1dx.
c - bv2

Integrating by ( 1937 ) or ( 1935 ) , according as b and c in

equation (B) have the same or different signs , and eliminating
by yvaa, we obtain the solution
2x (be)
Ce a +1
3216 y = √ Xra ... (1 ) ,
√1-3 2x (be)
Ce a -1

* The preceding articles of this section are wrongly numbered. Each number and
reference to it, up to this point, should be increased by 100. The sheets were printed off
before the error was discovered.
3 P

3217 or y = ……….. ( 2) .
= √ (− 1)la^
an tan { C_a^ ✓
/ a
( —bec) } .....

3218 II. - Equation (B) may also be solved whenever

n - 2a
= t a positive integer.

RULE .-Write z for y in equation (B) , and nt +a for a

in the second term , and transpose b and c if t be odd.
Thus, we shall have
xz- (nt + a) z + bz ca" (when t is even) ...... (3) ,

Xzxx (nt + a) z + cz² = ban (when t is odd) ...... (4) .

Either of these equations can be solved as in case (I. ) , when

n - 2a
n = 2 ( nt +a) , that is , when t . z having been de
termined by such a solution , the complete primitive of ( B)
will be the continued fraction
a Xn Xon Xn
y = Xon
n+a 2n+a + ... + (t − 1) n +a
b + + + (5) ,
k ≈

where k stands for b or c according as t is odd or even.

3219 III. - Equation (B) can also be solved whenever

n + 2a
t a positive integer. The method and result will be
the same as in Case II. , ifthe sign of a be changed throughout
and the first fraction omitted from the value of y. Thus
Xon xn Xin
y = Xon
n- a 2n -a (t − 1 ) n - a
+ + ... + + ( 6) .
C b k 1

PROOF. -Case II.-In equation (B) , substitute y = A + " and equate
a Y1
the absolute term to zero. This gives A = or 0.
Taking the first value, the transformed equation becomes
x dy, − (n + a) y₁ + cy =
= bxn.
n xn
Next, put y₁ = 2+ a + " and so on. In this way the tth transformed
C Y2
equation (3) or (4) is obtained with z written for the tth substituted variable yt.

Case III.-Taking the second value, A = 0 , the first transformed equa

tion differs from the above only in the sign of a ; and consequently the same
series of subsequent transformations arises, with -a in the place of a. The
successive substitutions produce (5) and ( 6) in the respective cases for the
values of y.

3220 Ex. u₂+ u² = cx-1 (3214)

du =
Putting u = 2
x dx x²
and the equation is reduced to xy − y + y² = cx of the form (B) . Here
n + 2a
a = 1 , b = 1 , n = 3, and = 2, Case III. By the rule in (3218) ,
changing the sign of a for Case III., equation (3) becomes
xz, -z +z² = cx³.
Solving as in Case I., we put zvx = , &c.; or, employing formula ( 1 )
Ceb√cx + 1 23
% = ✓cx+ ; and then, by (6), y =
Ceb√cx³ — 1 1 zi

3c Z
is the final solution.


3221 Type
n n- 1
dy dy dy
= 0 …………
+ ...+ P n -1 dx +Pn = .. ( 1 ) ,
dx)" + P, ( d

where the coefficients P1, P2, ... P, may be functions of a

and y .


3222 If ( 1 ) can be resolved into n equations ,

yx -P₁ = 0, yx -P₂ = 0, ... Yx -Pn = 0 ...... (2) ,

and if the complete primitives of these are

V₁ = C₁, V₂2 = C2 , ... Vn = Cn .... . (3) ,

then the complete primitive of the original equation will be

( V₁ — c) ( V₂ — c) ... ( V₂ — c) = 0 . . (4) .

PROOF. - Taking n = 3, assume the last equation . Differentiate and

eliminate c. The result is
(V₂- Vs)² (Vs — V₁ ) ' ( V₁- V₁ ) ' dV₁dV₂dv₂ = 0 ...............
......... (5) .
By (2) , dV₁ = (y - p₁) dx, &c., where μ, is an integrating factor . Sub
stitute these values in ( 5 ) , rejecting the factors which do not contain differ
ential coefficients, and the result is
(Yz —P₁) (Yx —Pr) (Yr —Ps) = 0,
which is the differential equation (1 ) .

3223 Ex. - Given y² + 3y, +2 = 0.

The component equations are y , + 1 = 0 and y, + 2 = 0 , giving for the
complete primitive
(y + x − c) (y + 2x − c) = 0 .


3224 CLASS I.- Type (x, p):= 0.

When a only is involved with p, and it is easier to solve

the equation for a than for p , proceed as follows .
RULE.-Obtain x = f (p) . Differentiate and eliminate dx
by means of dy = pdx. Integrate and eliminate p by means
of the original equation.
Similarly, when y = f (p ) , eliminate dy, &c.

3225 Ex - Given a = ay, + by , i.e., x = ap + bp³ ............. ….. ( 1 ) ,

deadp + 2bpdp, therefore dy = pdx = apdp + 2bp³dp,
therefore y = ap² + 2bp +0.
2 3

Eliminating p between this equation and (1) , the result is the complete primitive
(ax +6by - be) = (6ay -4x² - ac) (a² +4bx) .

3226 CLASS II .- Type

x¢(p) +y+ (p) = x (p) .

RULE.-Differentiate and eliminate y if necessary. Inte
grate and eliminate p by means of the original equation .
If the equation be first divided by (p), the form is
simplified into

3227 y = xp (p) +x (p) .

Differentiate, and an equation is obtained of the form
x₁₂ + Px = Q, where P and Q are functions of p .
This may be solved by (3210) , and p afterwards eliminated .

3228 Otherwise, a differential equation may be formed

between Y and P, instead of between a and p.

3229 Or , more generally, a differential equation may be

formed between a or y and t, any proposed function ofP, after
which t must be eliminated to obtain the complete primitive .

3230 Clairaut's equation, which belongs to this class , is of

the form y = px +f(p).

RULE.-Differentiate, and two equations are obtained—

(1) ...... P = 0, and .. p = c ; ( 2) ...... x +ƒ' (p ) = 0 .

Eliminate p from the original equation by means of ( 1 ), and

again by means of ( 2) .
The first elimination gives y = cx + f (c) ,
the complete primitive. The second gives a singular solution .
PROOF.- For, if Rule I. (3169 ) be applied to the primitive y = cx +f (c) ,
we have x +f' (c) = 0 ; and to eliminate c between these equations is the
elimination directed above, c being merely written for p in the two equations.

3231 Ex. 1 . y = px + x√1 +p².

This is of the form y = xp (p), and therefore falls under (3227) . Differ
entiating, we obtain adp + da √1 +p²+ = 0,
√ (1 +p³)
since dy = pda ; thus
1 dx
p = O₁
√ (1 +p²) + 1+µ³) dp + x
in which the variables are separated .
Integrating by ( 1928) , and eliminating p, we find for the complete
primitive +y² = C..

3232 Ex. 2. y = p² + √b² — a²p³.

This is Clairaut's form (3230) . Differentiating, we have
dp = 0.
x {x_
dda . √ (b²-a²p³)

The complete primitive is y = cx + √ (b² − a²c²) ;

and the elimination of p by the other equation gives for the singular solution
a²y² - b²x² = a²b², an hyperbola and the envelope of the lines obtained by
varying c in the complete primitive , which is the equation of a tangent.

3233 Ex. 3.-To find a curve having the tangent intercepted between
the coordinate axes of constant length.

The differential equation which expresses this property is

y √1 +p² _ x √1 + p² = a ,
or ap
y =px + . (1) .
√1 + p²
ap {"
dp a
Differentiating gives x+ =0 (2) .
(1 +p²) #.}
Eliminating p between ( 1) and (2) gives,
1st, the primitive y = cx + (3);
√1 + c²
2nd, the singular solution +y = a} (4) .
(3) is the equation of a straight line ; (4) is the envelope of the lines.
obtained by varying the parameter e in equation (3).

3234 CLASS III .- Homogeneous in x and y.

Type Xn 0.
x* p (21/2,
x p) = (

RULE . Put yvx, and divide by x" . Solve for p, and

eliminate p by differentiating y = vx ; or solve for v, and

eliminate v by putting v = Ꭹ ; and in either case separate the


3235 Ex. y = px + x√1 +p².

Substitute y = væ, and therefore p = v + xv . This gives v = p + √1 + p³.
Eliminate p between the last two equations, and then separate the variables.
dx 2v dv
The result is + = 0,
æ 1 + v²
from which x (v² + 1 ) = C or a² +y = Cx.
The same equation is solved in ( 3131 ) in another way.


3236 To solve an equation of the form

F {þ (x, y, yx) , 4 (x, y, yx)} = 0.

RULE. -Equate the functions and respectively to arbi

trary constants a and b. Differentiate each equation, and
eliminate the constants. If the results agree, there is a common


primitive (3166) , which may be found by eliminating y, between

the equations = a, b, and subsequently eliminating one
of the constants by means of the relation F (a , b) = 0 .

Ex. x- YYx +f(y² - y²y ) = 0.

Here the two equations -yya, ƒ (y² - y¹ya) = b,
on applying the test, are found to have a common primitive. Therefore,
eliminating y , we obtain
ƒ{y³- (x− a)³ } = b.
Also, by the given equation, a + b = 0.
Hence the solution is ƒ{y³— (x + b)² } = b .


dry dy
+ p, d"-¹y
3237 Type 1 + ... +P (n - 1) x - + Pny = Q ,
dan dan -1 dx

wher P . P" and Q are eithe funct of a or cons .

e ₁ .. r ions tant
LEMMA.- If Y₁,
y₁ , Y2,
Y2 , ... Y
Yn be n different values of y in terms
of x, which satisf (3237 ) , when Q = 0 , the soluti
y on in that
case will be y = C₁y₁ + C₂Y₂ + ... + Cnyn •

PROOF.-Substitute y₁, y , ... y, in turn in the given equation. Multiply

the resulting equations by arbitrary constants, C1, C2, ... C₂ respectively ;
add, and equate coefficients of P1, P2, ... P with those in the original


3238 Ynx + a₁y (n - 1) x + ... + a (n - 1) yx + any = Q .........

... …….. (1) .

3239 Case I.- When Q = 0.

The roots of the auxiliary equation

m" + a₁m" -¹ + ... + a₂ - 1m + an = 0 (2)

being my, my, ... m₂, the complete primitive of the differential
equation will be

3240 y = C₁e + С₂e² + ... + Сen (3) .

If the auxiliary equation ( 2) has a pair of imaginary roots


(aib) , there will be in the value of y the corresponding


3241 Aer cos bx + Beax sin ba ...... ( 4 ) .


If any real root m ' of equation (2) is repeated times , the

corresponding part of the value of y will be

3242 (A + A₁x + 4x² + ... + 4, -1x - 1) em'x .

And if a pair of imaginary roots occurs times, substitute

for A and B in ( 3241 ) similar polynomials of the r — 1th degree
in x.

PROOF.- (i .) Substituting y = Cema in ( 1 ) as a particular solution, and

dividing by Cem , the auxiliary equation is produced, the roots of which
furnish n particular solutions, y = С₁emix, y = C₁em , &c., and therefore, by
the preceding lemma, the general solution will be equation (2).
(ii.) The imaginary roots a ± ib give rise to the terms Ceax + ibx + Ceax - ibr
which, by the Exp. values ( 766 ) , reduce to
(C + C) ex cos bx + i (C - C') ex sin bæ.
(iii.) If there are two equal roots m, = m₁ , put at first m, m₁ + h . The
two terms Ce + Ce(mh) become ema ( C₁ + Ce ) . Expand ehr by (150 ) ,
and put C₁ + Cg = A, C,h = B in the limit when h = 0, C₁ = ∞ , C₁ = —∞
By repeating this process, in the case of r equal roots, we arrive at the form
(A + A₁ + Aga² + ... + Ar - 12 - ¹ ) ex ;
and similarly in the case of repeated pairs of imaginary roots.

3243 Case II.— When Q in (3238 ) is a function of x.

First method.- By variation of parameters .
Putting Q = 0 , as in Case I. , let the complete primitive be

y = Aa + BB + Cy + &c . to n terms ............ (6) ,

a, ẞ, y being functions of a of the form em . The values of

the parameters A, B, C, ... , when Q has its proper value
assigned, are determined by the n equations

3244 Aa + Bxß +ton terms 0,

Axɑx + B&B.x + "" = 0,
Ayax + BxB2x + 99 - 0,
*** ... ...

Axɑ (n− 1) x + Bxß (n -1) x + "" Q,₂

= Q₁

A , B , &c . being found from these equations , their integrals

must be substituted in (6) to form the complete primitive .

PROOF.-Differentiate (6) on the hypothesis that A, B, C, &c. are func

tions of x ; thus
Yx = ( Aαx + Bẞx + ... ) + ( 4¸α + Bxß + ... ) .
Now, in addition to equation ( 1) , n - 1 relations may be assumed between
the n arbitrary parameters. Equate then the last term in brackets to zero,
and differentiate y, in all, n - 1 times, equating to zero the second part of
each differentiation ; thus we obtain
Yx = Aux + Bẞx + &c. and Axα + B&B + &c. = 0,
Y2x = Aɑ2x + Bẞ2x + &c. and Ara + BxBx + &c . = 0,
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Y(n-1) x = Aα (n- 1) x + Bẞ(n- 1) x + &c. and A -2) x + Bß(n-2) x + &c . = 0 .
The n quantities A , B , &c. are now determined by the n - 1 equations on
the right and equation ( 1 ) . For, differentiating the value of y(n- 1) , we have
ynx = { Aanx + Bẞnx + &c . } + { Azα (n -1) x + Bxß(n - 1 ) x + &c. } ,
and if these values of yx, Y2x1 ... Ynx be substituted in ( 1) , it reduces to

Axα( n - 1) x + Bxẞ(n -1) x + &c. = Q,

for the other part vanishes by the hypothetical equation
Ynx + α₁Y(n - 1) x + ... + any = 0 ,
since the values of yx, ... Y(n-1) , and the first part of yx, are the true values
in this equation .

3245 Case II.— Second Method . - Differentiate and eliminate

Q. The resulting equation can be solved as in Case I. Being
of a higher order, there will be additional constants which
may be eliminated by substituting the result in the given

3246 Ex.- Given Y2x - 7yx + 12y = x ...... ......... (1 ) .

1st Method.- Putting ≈ = 0, the auxiliary equation is m³ - 7m +12 = 0 ;
therefore m3 and 4. Hence the complete primitive ofy2-7y + 12y = 0
is y = Ae² + Be¹* ........ ……………………
. (2) .
The corrected values of A and B for the primitive of equation (1) are found
3.x + 1-3x+ α.
Ae³+ В₂e = 0 ) .. A = -xe-3 and 4 =
" 9
34, e +4B, ex = S
4x +1
B₁ = xe- and B = e -4x+ b..
* +b

Substituting these values of A and B in ( 2) , we find for its complete primi

12x +7
tive y = ae³x + be¹² +

3247 2nd Method. Y₂ - 7y. + 12y = x ...... …………………. (1).

3 Q

Differentiating to eliminate the term on the right, we get

3r + 1242 = 0.
Y₁x -713x
The aux. equation is m -7m³ + 12m³ = 0 ; therefore m = 4, 3, 0, 0.
Therefore y = Ae¹ + Be³ + Cx + D ..... (2) ;
y = 4Ae + 3B + 0 ; Y2x1 64e +9B .
1 7
Substitute these values in ( 1 ) ; thus C = ; D=
12 144
x 7
therefore, substituting in (2) , y = Ae + Bee + + as before.
12 144

3248 When a particular integral of the linear equation

(3238) is known in the form y = f(x) , the complete primitive
may be obtained by adding to y that value which it would
take if Q were zero .
x 7
Thus, in Ex. ( 3247) , y = + is a particular integral of ( 1 ) ; and
12 144
the complementary part Ae¹ + Be³ is the value of y when the dexter is zero.

3249 The order of the linear equation (3238 ) may always

be depressed by unity if a particular integral of the same
equation, when Q = 0, be known.
Thus, if Y3x + P1Y2x + Payx + P3y = Q ..........
.. ...... (1) ,
and if y = z be a particular solution when Q = 0 ; let y = vz be the solution
of (1 ) . Therefore, substituting in (1 ) ,
(≈3x + P₁₂x + Pqx + P₁z ) v + &c. = Q,
the unwritten terms containing v , V2x, and vår:
The coefficient of v vanishes, by hypothesis ; therefore, if we put v₂ = u,
we have an equation of the second order for determining u . u being found,
v = Ju dx + C.

3250 The linear equation

(a + bx)"ynx + 4 (a + bx) " ¯¹y (n -1) w + B (a +bx )" − ²y (n - 2) x+…..

... + Ly = Q,

where A, B, ... L are constants, and Q is a function of a, is

solved by substituting a + bae , changing the variable by
formula (1770) , and in the complete primitive putting
t = log (a + bx) .
Otherwise , reduce to the form in (3446) by putting
a + beλ , and solve as in that article.


3251 Type F (x, y, dy, dy ... = 0.
dx' dxn:) =


3252 F(X, Yrx, y(r +1) x ...

··· Ynx) = 0 .

When the dependent variable y is absent, and yra is the

derivative of lowest order present , the equation may be de
pressed to the order n - r by putting yaz. If the equation
in z can be solved, the complete primitive will then be

y =
= [ræ%+
+0 (2149) .

3253 F (y , Yrx, Y(r + 1) æ .. Ynx) = 0.

If a be absent instead of y, change the independent vari

able from a to y, and proceed as before.
Otherwise , change the independent variable to y , and
make p ( y ) the dependent variable.

For example, let the equation be of the form

3254 F (Y, Yx, Y2x, Y3x) = 0 ....... ...... (1) .
(i. ) This may be changed into the form
F (ỵ , u au su) = 0 by (1761 , '63, and '66) ;
and the order may then be depressed to the 2nd by ( 3252) . The solution
will thus give in terms of y.

3255 (ii. ) Otherwise, equation (1 ) may be changed at once into one of

the form F (y, P , Py, P2y) = 0 , by ( 1764 and '67) ,
the order being here depressed from the 3rd to the 2nd . If the solution of
this equation be p = (y, c₁, c₁) , then, since dy = pdx, we get, for the com
x= dy
plete primitive of (1 ) , + Cg.
So(v ,c, c)

3256 Ynx = F (x).

Integrate n times successively , thus

y = { nx_F (c ) + C₂x® −¹ + C₂am − ² + ... +¤n •


3257 Y2x = F (y) .

Multiply by 2y, and integrate, thus
dy dy
( dv)
dæ y) dy + c₁
= 2 [F ( = f
x = √ √( 2 ( F (y) dy +c,Ì + C2.
{2 dy + c₁ }

3258 Ynx = F {Y(n-1) x} ,

an equation between two successive derivatives .
Put y
Y(n−1) 7x = F (z) , from which
(n-1) x = , then z,
=== +c .... (1) .
= √F

If, after integrating , this equation can be solved for z so

that z = p (x, c) , we have y(n - 1) x = (x, c) , which falls under
(3256) .

3259 But if z cannot be expressed in terms of x, proceed as

follows :
Y(n -1) x = 2 ; Y(n-2) x =
= √zda = √√( F a ) =;
dz dz
Y(n-3)x = z; ...
F(z) ĮF (z)
dz dz dz
Finally, ... z;
y = √ F(2) √ F ( 2)
F (2)

the number of integrations and arbitrary constants introduced

being n - 1 .

3260 Ynx = F {Y(n−2) x} •

Put Y(n - 2) =
; then 2x = F(z) , which is ( 3257) , the
solution giving a in terms of z and two constants . If z can be
found from this in terms of a and the two constants , we get
ឌ or Y(n-2) x = p (x, C1 , C2) ,

which may be solved by (3256) .

3261 But if z cannot be expressed in terms of a, proceed as
in ( 3259 ) .


3262 When F (x, y , Yx, Y2x , ... ) = 0

is rendered homogeneous by considering

X, Y, Yxı Y2x1 Ysx , &c .

to be of the respective dimensions 1 , 1 , 0, -1 , -2 , &c .; put

x = eº, y = ze° , &c .

The transformed equation will contain the same power of e in

every term , and will reduce to the form

F (z, Ze, Z20 , ... ) = 0 ,

the order of which is depressed by unity by putting zu.

3263 When the original equation is of the 2nd order, the

transformed equation in u and z may be obtained at once by
changing x, y, yx, y2x into 1, z, u + z , u + uu,, respectively.
The solution is then completed , as in example (3264) .

PROOF.-We have we ; y = ze" ;

Ya = %₂ + ; Y2xe (%26 + % ) ; Y3x = e- 20 (23 -z.) ; and so on.
The dimensions of x , y , yx, &c . with respect to e, are 1, 1, 0, −1 , −2, &c .
Therefore the same power of e' will occur in every term of the homogeneous

3264 Ex.: * 2 = (y− y ) .

Making the above substitutions for x, y , yx, and Y2x, the equation becomes
220 + 20 = -73.
Put % = u ; thus
u³ + u = --
— Uo = -uuz therefore u2 +1 = -Uz = -dz,
u² + 1
therefore tan- lua - z ( 1935) , therefore z, u = tan (a — z) ,
therefore de cot (a - z) dz, therefore == log b sin (a - z ) (1941) .

But 0 = log x and 2= y2

therefore ba cosec or be sec
(a— 11
x ), ( 0+ 1 ),
by altering the arbitrary constant.

3265 When F (x, y, yx, Y2x, ... ) = 0

is made homogeneous by considering x, y, ya, Y2x, &c . to be of

the respective dimensions 1 , n , n - 1 , n - 2 , &c.; put

x = eº, y = zene,

and depress the order by putting z, = u, as in ( 3262) .

3266 When the original equation is of the 2nd order , the


final equation between u and z may be obtained at once by


x, y, yx, Yax into 1 , ≈ , u + nz, uu₂ + (2n − 1 ) u + n (n − 1) ≈,


3267 Ex.: 2x 20 = y ...... ...... (1 ).

With the view of applying (3265 ) , the assumed dimensions of each
member of this equation , being equated, give
n − 2 + n − 1 = 1 + n, therefore n = 4.
Thus e; y = ze¹ ; Yx = e³ ( z, + 4% ) ; Y2x = e²º (≈29 + 7 %. + 12%) .
Substituting in ( 1 ), e disappears ; and by putting z. = u, z₂ = uu,, the equa
tion is reduced to
(u² +4uz) du + (7u² + 40uz + 48%² - z) dz = 0,
which is linear and of the 1st order. This equation is also obtained at once
by the rule in (3266) .

3268 When F (x, y, yx, Y2x, ... ) = 0

put y = Sudx
is homogeneous with respect to y, ya, yax, &c. , put y = "
and remove e as before by division. The equation between u
and a will have its order less by unity than the order of F.

3269 Ex.: Y2x +Pyx + Qy = 0 ***** (1) ,

P and Q being functions of x.
Here y = eSuax ;; Y = uy ; 2 = (ux + u³) y.
Substituting, the equation becomes u +u + Pu + Q = 0, an equation of the
1st order. If the solution gives up (a, c), then f (x, c) dx = log y is
the complete primitive of (1).


3270 Let dU = 4 (x, y, Yx, Y2x1 ... Ynx) dx = 0

be an exact differential equation of the nth order. The highest

derivative involved will be of the 1st degree .

3271 RULE FOR THE SOLUTION ( Sarrus) .— Integrate the term

involving yx with respect to y(n - 1) x only, and call the result U₁.
Find dU , considering both x and y as variables. dÜ – dÜ₁
will be an exact differential of the n - 1th order.

Integrate this with respect to y(n -2) x only, calling the result
U2, and so on.
The first integral of the proposed equation will be
U = U₁ + U₂2 + ... + U₂ = C.

3272 Ex.: Let dU = {y² + ( 2xy − 1 ) yx + xу2x + x²Yзx} dx = 0 .

Here U₁ = x²y2x, dU₁ = (2xу2x + x²узx) dx ;
dU- dU₁ = {y² + ( 2xy - 1 ) yx - xу2x } dx = 0 ;
.. U = -xy , du ,= − (y + z )d , du - du - du, = (y +2yy ) đư ;
therefore U₁ = xy³ , and U = x²у2x − xyz + xy² = C
is the first integral.

3273 Denoting equation (3270) by dU = Vda, the series of

steps in Rule (3171 ) involve and amount to the single condi
tion that the equation

N- P₂ + Q2x - R3x + &c . = 0 ,

with the notation in ( 3028 ) , shall be identically true . This
then is the condition that V shall be an exact 1st differential .

3274 Similarly, the condition that V shall be an exact 2nd

differential is
P- 2Q₂ +3R2-4S3
2x 3x + & c . = 0 .

3275 The condition that V shall be an exact 3rd differential

S 3.4.5
is Q - 3R , +3.48 zx- T3x + & c. = 0 ,
1.2 1.2.3
and so on . [ Euler, Comm. Petrop. , Vol. viii.


3276 0 ......
= 0
Y2x + Pyx + Qys = (1) ,
where P and Q are functions of a only.
- -2
The solution is y =
= [e¯SPdx
√e-S· ( 2ef
√ Qc − 2 [ Pd®dx) -¹dæ.

PROOF. —·Put e√ Pdz = z, and multiply ( 1 ) by z ; then, since z = Pz,

zy, + Qzy = 0. Put zy, = u ', .. uu, = Qz¯²,
Q₂ -², .. u = √ (2√ Qz¯²dx), &c .

3277 Y2x + Qy + R = 0 ...... (1),

where Q and R are functions of y only.

The solution is x =
·√√ (2 ) Re² dy) * dy.
PROOF.-Put = z, and multiply (1 ) by z.
.. (zy,), = Rz, ..zy, (zy,), Rz²y,, .. (zy,)² = 2 ( Rz²dy, &c .

3278 Y2x + Pyx + Qy" = 0,

where P, Q involve a only.
Put y % , and the form (3211 ) is arrived at.

3279 Y2x + Pyz + Qy" = 0 .

This reduces to the last case by changing the variable from æ
to y by (1763) .

3280 For a few cases in which the equation

Ya + Py² + Qy + R = 0
can be integrated , see De Morgan's " Differential and Integral
Calculus ," p . 690.

3281 Y2x = ax + by.

Put ax +byt ( 1762-3) . Result t₂ = bt. Solve by (3239)
or (3257) .

3282 (1 − a ) 2 − y + y = 0 .
Put sin¹æ = t , and obtain y2t + q³Y = 0 .
Solution , y = A cos (q sin¯¹a) + B sin (q sin¹æ) .

3283 (1 + ax²) Y2x +axyx ±q³y = 0.

Put = t, and obtain y ± qy = 0 as above.
√ (1 + ax²)

3284 Liouville's equation, Y2x +f(x) yx + F (y) y2 = 0 .

Suppress the last term . Obtain a first integral by (3209) , and
vary the parameter . The complete primitive is
F(y) -Ĵf(x) dx
A dx + B.
Se↓ P(1) dy dy = Se

3285 Jacobi's theorem. -If one of the first integrals of the

equation Y2x =f(x, y) is y = $ (x, y, c) ……………………
. (i., ii.) ,

the complete primitive will be

Sp. (dy—4dx) = c.
PROOF.-Differentiating ( ii. ) , we obtain + = f (x, y) , and differen
tiating this for c, re+
xc + PcPyy + Pyc
y = 0. But, by (3187), this is the condition
for ensuring that p.dy - p.pdx = 0 shall be an exact differential ; therefore 4.
is an integrating factor for equation (ii. ) , y, - (x, y , c) = 0 .

Equations involving the arc s, having given

3286 ds² = dx² + dy² or Sx = √1 + yå.

3287 s = ax +by.

Here √1 + y = a + by . Find y, from the quadratic equation .

3288 X28 = a.

Change from s to a by (1763) ; .. — 87³8

2x = a, .' . 87² = 2ax + c ,
or 1 +y = .. y
2ax +c 1 = √√ (2ax²+
+ ec −1 ) da + c' .



3289 The following example will illustrate the method :

Given 2 = x ty, .. Yзx = (x² + 2 ) Yx +ixy.

Generally, let ynx = Anyx + Bny

Anyx + Bny ;; Y(n
Y (n ++1) x=
1) x = An + 1Yx + B₂ +1Y.

But, by differentiation ,

Y(n +1) x
20 = (An ~ + An + Bn) Yx + ( An + B'₁) y ,

·· An+ 1 = An ~ + A + Bพ and Bn +1 = An + B'n •

But Ax, B = 1 , .. A = x² + 2, B¸ = x ;

A₁ = x³ + 5x, B₁ = x² + 3 , &c .

Now, when xa, let y = b and y = p ; then, by Taylor's

theorem ( 1500 ) ,

y = a +p (x − a) + (A‚p + B¸b) (x —a)²

21 + (Ÿµ + B3b) (x−a)³
+ &c . ,
which converges when a - a is small . [De Morgan, p. 692.
3 R




3301 Let Ynx = $ (x, y , Yx Y2x ... Y(n - 1) x) ……………...... (1 )

be the differential equation , and let its complete primitive be

y = f (x, a, b, c ... 8)
s) ......... ...... ( 2 ) ,

containing n arbitrary constants .

3302 RULE . - To find the general singular solution of ( 1) ,

eliminate abc ... s between the equations

y = f, yx = f、,
y₁ Y2x = fgx ...9
.. ....... (3)
Y(n − 1) x = f(n− 1) x ...
and fa fax fa²x ... fa (n- 1) x
fb fbx fbx ... fb (n - 1) x
= 0 ... (4) .
... ... ...

fsS fsx fs2x ... fs (n- 1) x


The result is a differential equation of the n - 1th order, and

the integral of it, containing n - 1 arbitrary constants , is the
singular solution .

PROOF. -Differentiate (2) , considering the parameters a, b ... s variable,

thus y = fx +faªx + ... +ƒ‚§x. Therefore, as in (3171 ) ,
y = fx if fa az +fo b₂ + ... fs 8 = 0,
Y2x = f2x if faxªz +ƒvxbx + ... fsx 8x = 0, as well ;
and so on up to ynxfnx Eliminating a , b , ... s, between the n equations
on the right, the determinant equation (4) is produced with the rows and
columns interchanged .

3303 Ex.: Y− x Y x + 3 x ² Y 2x — Y₁₂ — ( Yx — XY2x ) ² = 0 ………………………………….. ( 1 ) .

The complete primitive is y= + bx + a² + b² ..... · (2).
From which Yx = ax + b ...... . (3),
and the determinant equation is
1x² +2a, x
=0 or 94+ 2bx = 2a .............. (4) .
| x +2b, 1 |

Eliminating a and b from (2) , ( 3) , and (4) , we get the differential equation
4dy + (2x + x ) da
= √ (1 +x²) dæ (5) ,
✓ (16y +4x + x*)
the integral of which, and the singular solution of ( 1 ) , is
√ (16y + 4x² + x*) = x √ ( 1 + x²) + log { ~ + √ ( 1 + x² ) } + C.
[Boole, Sup., p. 49.

3304 Either of the two first integrals ' (3064) of a second
order differential equation leads to the same singular solution
of that equation .

3305 The complete primitive of a singular first integral of

a differential equation of the second order is itself a singular
solution of that equation ; but a singular solution of a singular
first integral is not generally a solution of the original equa
Thus the singular first integral ( 5) of equation (1 ) in the
last example has the singular solution 16y +4 + x = 0, which
is not a solution of equation (1 ) .



3306 RULE . -Assuming the same form (3173) , a singular

solution of the first order of a differential equation of the nth
order will make d (ynx)
infinite ; a singular solution of the
d (y(n-1) x)
d (ynx) d (ynx)
second order will make both infinite ;
d (y(n - 1) x) ' d (y(n − 2) x)
and so on. [Boole, Sup., p . 51.

3307 Ex. -Taking the differential equation ( 3303) again,

Y− x yz + } x²у 2x - 12- (Y₂ - XY2x ) ² = 0 ................ ( 1 ) ,

and differentiating for y, and y2 only,

{}x² + 2x (Yx − XY2x) — 2Y2x } d (Y2x) − { x + 2 ( Yx − xy ∞ ) } d (Yx) = 0 .

The condition d (Y2x) = ∞ requires

d (y )
}x² + 2x ( Yx − xY2x) — 2Y2x = 0.
Substituting the value of y2 obtained from this in equation (1 ) , and rejecting
the factor (x + 1) , the same singular integral as before is produced (3303,
equation 5 ).


3320 Pdx +Qdy + Rdz = 0 .... (1 ) .

P, Q, R being here functions of x, y , z, the condition that this

equation may be an exact differential of a single complete
primitive is

3321 P (Q. - R„) + Q (R¸ − P₂) + R (P, —Q₂) = 0 .

PROOF. - Let μ be an integrating factor of Pd + Qdy + Rdz = 0. Then
-μPdx = μQdy + μRdz, and, by (3187) , for an exact differential, we must
have (μQ), = ( R) . Write this symmetrically for P, Q, and R, differentiate
out, and add the three equations after multiplying them respectively by P,
Q, and R.

To find the single complete primitive of equation ( 1 ) .

3322 RULE. - Consider one of the variables z constant , and

therefore dz = 0. Integrate, and add 4 (z) for the constant of
integration. Then differentiate for x, y, and z, and compare
with the given equation (1 ) . If a primitive exists , 4 (z) will be
determined in terms of z only by means ofpreceding equations.

The complete primitive so obtained is the equation of a

system of surfaces , all of the same species, varying in position
according to the value assigned to the arbitrary constant .

3323 Ex.: (x − 3y — z) dx + (2y − 3x ) dy + (z − x ) dz = 0 ………………. . (1 ) .

Condition (3321 ) is satisfied ; therefore, putting dz = 0, we have
(x− 3y — z) dx + (2y — 3x) dy = 0 .
Applying (3187) , M, = -3 = N , and integration gives
x² - 3xy —zx + y² + 9 (z) = 0 .
Differentiating now for x, y, and z,
(x −3y - z) dx + ( 2y −3x) dy + { ø' (z) − x } dz = 0.
Equating coefficients with ( 1 ), p´ (z) = z, therefore (z) = z² + C.
Hence the single complete primitive is
x²+2y² + x² - 6xу - 2x = C,
the equation of a system of surfaces obtained by varying the constant C.

3324 When the equation Pdx + Qdy + R dz = 0 is homo

geneous , put x = uz , y = vZ . The result , when the coefficient
of dz vanishes , is of the form
3325 Mdu +Ndv = 0,

solvable by ( 3184) . Otherwise it is of the form

3326 = M du + Ndv,

and the right will be an exact differential if a complete primi

tive exists .

3327 Ex.: yz dx +zxdy + xy dz = 0 ........... .. (1) .

Condition (3321 ) is satisfied . Putting
x = uz, y = vz, dx = udz + zdu, dy = vdz + z dv,
(1 ) becomes dz + du + = 0,
። 3u 3v
and the solution is log (zu¹v³) = 0
C or xyz = 0.

When the equation

Pdx + Qdy + Rdz = 0 …………… ... (1)

has no single primitive :

3328 RULE . -Assume 4 (x, y , z) = 0 ........

…………. (2)

and differentiate ; thus

dx + , dy + ₂dz = 0 ..... (3) .

The form of being given , eliminate z and dz from (1 ) by

(2) and (3) . The result, being of theform
Mdx + Ndy = , 0 ,

can be integrated, and the solution taken with (2) constitutes a

solution of equation ( 1) , and represents a system of lines (by
varying the constant of integration) drawn on the surface
(x, y, z) = 0 .

3329 Ex.: (1 + 2m) x dx + ( 1 − x ) y dy + z dz = 0.

The condition (3321 ) not being satisfied, assume x² +y² + z² = ² as the
function , therefore ada + ydy + zdz = 0 ; and by eliminating z and dz,
2mdx - ydy = 0, the integration of which gives y² - 4mx = C, a cylindrical
surface intersecting the spherical surface in a system of curves (by varying
C), whose projections on the plane of xy are parabolas.

The condition that

3330 Xd + Ydy + Zd ~ + Tdt = 0 ,

where X, Y, Z, T are functions of x, y , z, t, may be an exact

differential, may be shewn , in a manner similar to that of (3321 ) ,

to be expressed by any three of the equations

3331 Y (Z, −T₂ ) + Z ( T, − Y₁ ) + T ( Y₂ - Z₁ ) = 0 ,

Z (T₂ - X ) + T ( X₂ − Z₂ ) + X ( Z₂ — T₂ ) = 0,
T ( X ,−Y ) + X (Y − T, )+ Y (T − X ) = 0 ,
X ( Y₂ — Z, ) + Y( Z , −X₂ ) + Z ( X, − Y₂ ) = 0 ,

the fourth being always deducible from the other equations.

If this condition is fulfilled , the solution of equation (3330)
is analogous to ( 3322) .
2 and t were constant, and therefore dz and
Integrate as if z
dt zero, adding for the constant of integration (z , t) .
Differentiate next for all the variables , and determine Φ by
comparison with the original equation .

3332 If a single primitive does not exist , the solution must

be expressed by simultaneous equations in a manner similar
to that of (3328 ) .




3340 Let the first of n equations between n + 1 variables be

Pdx +P₁dy + P₂dz + ... + P₂dw = 0 ...... (1 ) ,

where P, P₁ ... P may be functions of all the variables .
Let a be the independent variable . The solution depends
upon a single differential equation of the nth order between
two variables .
Solving the n equations for the ratios de : dy : dz : & c . , let
dx dz dw
= dy = = = "
Q Q₁ Q₂ Qn

dy dz dw Qu
= = Q₂ =
dx Q da Q da Q

Differentiate the first of these equations n - 1 times , substi

tuting from the others the values of %, ... w , and the result

is n equations in Y , Yar ... Yar, and the primitive variables

x, y, z ... w .
Eliminate all the variables but x and y , and let the differ
ential equation obtained be
F (x, y , Yx ... Ynx)
Ynx) = 0.

Find the n first integrals of this , each of the form

F (x, y , Yx ... Y(n -1) x) = C, and substitute in them the values of
Yes Y2 ... Yne, in terms of x, y, z ... w , found by solving the n
equations last mentioned. Thus a system of n primitives
is obtained, each of the form F (x, y , z ... w ) = C.

3341 The same in the case of three variables .

Heren 2. Let the given equations be
P₁dx + Q₁dy + R₁dz = 0,
P₂dx + Q₂dy + R₂dz = 0 .
da dy dz
3342 Therefore = =
Q₁R₂- Q₂R₁ R₁P₂ - P₂R₁ P₁Q₂ — P₂Q1

From these let x = 4 (X, Y , Z) , Zx = 4 (x, y , z) .

Therefore Y2x = Þx + PyYx + PzZx•
Substitute the value of 2,, and eliminate by means of
yx = (x, y , z) . x9 yax
An equation of the 2nd order in x, y , yx,
is the result. Let the complete primitive of this be
Then we also have p (x, y , z ) = d¸x (x , a, b) .
y = x (x, a , b ) .
These two equations form the complete solution .



3343 In equations of this class , the coefficients of the

dependent variables are constants, but any function of the
independent variable may exist in a separate term.
Such equations may be solved by the method of ( 3340) ,
but more practically by indeterminate multipliers .

dx dy
3344 Ex. (1 ) : + 7x - y = 0, + 2x + 5y = 0.
dt dt
Multiply the second equation by m and add. The result may be written
d (x + my) 5m -1
= 0 .... ........
..... ( 1 ) .
dt + (2m + 7) { x + 2m + 7 y }

5m - 1
To make the whole expression an exact differential , put = m. This
2m + 7
-1+i 1 -i
gives m = m' = ****.. (2) ;
2 2

(1 ) now becomes d (x + my)

+ (2m + 7) (x + my) = 0,
and the solution is a + my = ce'- (2m + 7) and a + m'y = c'e (2m '+7) t
Solving these equations, and substituting the values (2) ,
iy = ce - (6 + i) t — c´e- (6 - i) t = e − 6t { ( c - c′ ) cos t ― i (c + c ) sin t } ,
e- 6t
iz = e . " • { ( 2 ++2 ) cost + ( +
2 ) sint } ,
or yet (C cost- C'sin t) , a = let { ( C + C′) cost + ( C − C′) sin t} .

3345 Ex. 2 : x₁ + 5x + y = e², Y; + 3y - x = e²t.

Multiply the second equation by m, and add to the first
d (x + my) 1 + 3m
dt } x + - m y } = e' + me²t.
+ (5 − m) {
1 + 3m
Put = m, thus determining two values of m, and put a + my = z ; thus
5- m
Zt+ (5 ― m ) z = e +met . This is of the form (3210) .
NOTE. The equations of this example, written in the symmetrical form
dx dy
of (3342) , would be = = dt.
et -5x - y eat + x - 3y

3346 General solution by indeterminate multipliers.

dx dy dz
Let = =
P P₂ Ps
be given with
P₁ = a₁x + b₁y + c₁ z + d₁₂
P₂ = ax + b₂y + CqZ
z+ dą,
+ d29
P3 = а3x + b3y + C3 z + dz.

Assume a third variable t and indeterminate multipliers l, m, n such that

dt - Ida + mdy + ndz Idx + mdy + ndz
t IP₁ +mP₂2 + nPs (1) .
λ (lx + my + nz + r)
The last fraction is an exact differential, and , to determine λ, l, m, n, r,
we have
a₁l + am + a¸ n = λl, a₁ -λ Az az

b₁l + b₂m + b₂ n = λm, b₁ b₂-λ ba = 0.

c₁ l + c₂ m + c₂ n = λη , C1 Ca Cz- λ
d₁l + d₂m + d¸n = λr,

The determinant is the eliminant of the first three equations in l, m, n.

The roots of this cubic in A furnish three sets of values of l, m, n, r, which,
being substituted in the integral of ( 1 ) , give rise to three equations involving
three arbitrary constants ; thus,
qt = (hx + my + mz + r,)}, c₂t = ((lx + nï
x + my + nz + r ) ^
Czt = (lzx + mzy +Ng + rz) ^s.
Eliminating t, we find for the solution two equations involving two
arbitrary constants .
A similar solution may be obtained when there are more than three

dx dy dz
3347 To solve = = &c . ... (1),
P₁ -xP P₂-yP P- P
where Pax + by + c, P₁ = α₁x + by + c₁ , &c.
Assume p = a + bn + c5, p₁ = α₁ + b₁n + cs, &c. ,
de = dn = d
and take ..... (2) ,
Pi Pa P
the solution of which is known by (3346) . Substitute = a , n = ys, and
these equations become
xd + ¿da_yd
= ydb ++ ¿dy
¿dy =
— d¸
P1 P2 P
and therefore Zda = Zdy = dz
P1 -xp Pa-yp P
Dividing numerators and denominators by 4, the first equation in (1 ) is pro
duced, and therefore its solution is obtained by changing , in the solution
of (2) into x and y .

Certain simultaneous equations in which the coefficients

are not constants may be solved by the method of multipliers .
Thus ,

3348 Ex . (1) : x + P (ax + by) = Q, Yt + P ( ax + b'y) = R,

P, Q, R being functions of t. Multiply the second equation by m, add, and
determine m as in (3344) . The solution is obtained from
-(a+ma") Pdt (a +ma')
x + my = e e ma")[rdt ( Q + mR) dt } ,
1 pa² 10+ √ (3210)
with two values of m.

2 1
3349 Ex. (2) : ∞, + (x − y ) = 1 , Ye + } (x + 5y ) = t

are equations solvable in a similar manner, and the results are

x +y =· 1/2 ( a + 12 + 1) x + 2y = 1/1 (
( C₂ + 2 .+ 16 ) .
4 S+응
[Boole, p. 307.
3 s


3350 THEOREM.-n simultaneous equations of any orders

between n dependent variables and 1 independent variable are
reducible to a system of equations of the first order by sub
stituting a new variable for every derivative except the
highest .
3351 The number of equations and dependent variables in
the transformed system will be equal to the sum of the indices
of order of the highest derivatives . This will , therefore, in
general be the number of constants introduced in integrating
those equations. If, after integrating, all the new variables
be eliminated , there will remain n equations in the original
variables and the above-named constants . These equations
form the complete solution .
In practice, such reduction is unnecessary. The following
are methods frequently adopted :

3352 RULE I.-Differentiate until by elimination of a vari

able and its derivatives an equation of a higher order in one
dependent variable only is obtained.

3353 RULE II .-Employ indeterminate multipliers.

3354 Ex. (1) : xax + by, Y2 = ax + b'y.

By Rule I., differentiating twice for t and eliminating y and yet, we obtain
Xst (a + b ) x2 + (ab' - a'b) x = 0,
which may be solved by (3239) .
Otherwise by Rule II . , exactly as in (3344) , we find
- b = 0,
a'm² + (a − b') m −
and for the exact differential
(x + my) 21 = (a + ma') (x + my) ,
the solution of which, by (3239) , is
+ma') t + O₂e - √(a + ma ') t
x + my = C₁eva +n
in duplicate with the two values of m.

3355 Ex. (2) : x₂ - 2ay; + bx = 0, Y₂ + 2ax¿ + by = 0.

Differentiate, and eliminate y, yt, Yat ; thus
Xst +2 (2a² + b) x2 + b²x = 0,
and solve by (3239) . Otherwise assume
a = cos at + ŋ sin at, y = n cos at- sin at,
and the given equations reduce to
E2t = (a
(a³ + b) 4, Nat = (a² + b) n,
which are solved in (3257) . [Boole, p. 311.

3356 Ex. (3 ) .— Let u = 0, v = 0, w = 0 be three equations in x, y, z, t,

involving derivatives of t up to a Yet 27t
To obtain an equation between 2 and t. Differentiate each equation
6 +7 = 13 times, producing 3 + 13 × 3 = 42 equations involving derivatives
of t up to 16t, Y19t9 201 Between these 42 equations eliminate y, yt, ... Y19t
24, 2t9 ... %20t, in all 41 quantities , and an equation of the 16th order in and t
is the result. [ De Morgan.

3357 If a number of equations involve the quantities x , xat,

æst, &C . , Yt , Yst, Yst, &c . , all in the first degree , these quantities
may be eliminated by assuming

x = L sinpt, y = M cos pt.

3358 If there be n linear homogeneous equations in n vari

ables x, y , z , ... and their derivatives of the 2nd order only,
the equations may be solved by putting

x = L sin pt, y = M sin pt, z = N sin pt, &c.

3359 Ex.: x2t = ax + by, Yat = gx +fy.

Putting x = L sin pt, y = M sinpt,
(a +p²) L + bM = 02 " .. a +p², b
gL+ (f+p²) M = 0S ₁ ƒ+p² | = 0,
p and the ratios L: M are thus found.
Suppose L = -kb and M = k (p² + a) ,
then x = -kb sinpt, y = k (p² + a) sin pt,
and k and t are arbitrary constants.


3380 An equation is termed a general primitive or a com

plete primitive of a partial differential equation , according as
the latter is obtained from it by eliminating arbitrary functions
or arbitrary constants, as illustrated in (3150-7) .


3381 To form the P. D. equation from the primitive

u= (v) , where u and v are functions of x, y , z.

RULE.- Differentiate for x and y in turn , and eliminate

(v) . See (3054) .
Otherwise.-Differentiate the equations u = a , v = b ; thus
udx + udy + udz = 0 ,
v、 dx + v¸dy + v₂dz = 0.
dx dy dz
Therefore = where P = d (uv) &c.
P = 37: R' d (yz) '

Then the P. D. equation will be

Pz₂ + Qzy = R.
PROOF. Since z is a function of x and y, z,dx + zdy = dz. But dx = kP,
dy = kQ, dz kR, therefore kPz₂ + kQzy = kR.

3382 Ex . The general equation of a conical surface drawn through the

y- b
point (a, b, c) is y=b
x- α = 4 (zx-=c),
the form of being arbitrary.
Considering as a function of two independent variables x and y , differ
entiate for x and y in turn, and eliminate as in (3154) . The result is the
partial differential equation
(x− a) z₂ + (y — b) z, + z — c = 0 .

3383 To obtain the complete primitive ; that is , to solve

the P. D. equation , P%₂ + Qzy = R,

P, Q, R being either functions of x, y, z or constants .

RULE.-Solve the equations

dx dz
P3 = 31/03 Ꭱ

Let the two integrals obtained be ua, v = b;

then u = $ (v)
will be the complete primitive.

Propositions (3381 ) and (3383 ) extended to any number

of variables .

3384 To form the partial differential equation from the

primitive $ (u , v , ... w) = 0 .... (1) ,

where u, v, ... w are n given functions of n independent vari

ables x, y, ... z and one dependent t.

RULE.-Differentiate for all the variables thus,

Pu du + p,dv + ... + wdw = 0 .... ...... ( 2) .

Therefore, since p is arbitrary, du, dv ... dw must separately

vanish, giving rise to the n equations

du = u, dx + u, dy + ... +u, dt = 0 ,
dv = v, dx + v, dy + ... +v, dt = 0 ,
... ... ... ...
dw = w,dx + w,dy + ... + w.dt = 0 .

Solving these for the ratios, by (583 ) , we get

dx dy dz dt
= ... =
= Q (3) ,

P, Q ... R, S being functions of the variables or else constants.

Now , t being a function of all the rest,

t, dx + t, dy + ... + t₂dz = dt ... (4) ,

therefore, by (3) and (4) , the partial differential equation

required is

3385 Pt + Qty + ... + Rt₂ = S.

3386 If u, v ... w be n functions of n variables , x, y ... t, the

condition of interdependence of the functions or existence of
some relation expressed by equation ( 1 ) is J (u, v ... w) = 0
(see 1606) ; that is, the eliminant of equations (2) must vanish.

3387 Conversely, to integrate the partial differential equa

tion .....
Pt + Qt, + ... + Rt₂ = S ……
.. (1).

RULE .- Solve the system of ordinary equations

dx dy dz dt
= & c. = = ..... (2) ,
P = Ꭱ S

and let the integrals obtained be ua, vb, ... w = k ;

then (u, v, ... w) = 0 will be the complete primitive.

If P, Q ... R, S are linear functions of the variables , the

integrals of equations (2) can always be found by the method of
(3346) .

NOTE . -Suppose , in equation ( 1 ) , that any coefficients P, Q

vanish ; then, by (2) , dx = 0, dy = 0, and therefore the cor
responding integrals are a a, y -= b. The complete primi
tive thus becomes
$ (x, y, u, v ... w):= 0.

3389 When only one independent variable occurs in the

derivatives of the partial differential equation, the equation
may be integrated as though the others were constant , adding
functions of the remaining variables for the constants of
integration .

3390 (Ex . 1) : dz = У
Integrating for ≈ as though y were con
dx √y² — x²
stant, the complete primitive is
-1 x
z = y sin + (y) .

Some equations are reducible to the above class by a transformation.

Thus :

3391 Ex. (2) : #zy = 20² + y². Put zu,

therefore Wy
u = x² + y³, therefore u = , = x²y + }y³ ++ (x),
therefore z = {x³y + }xy³ + [ ¢ (x) dx + 4 (y ) ,
or z = } ( x³y + xy³) + x ( x) + ¥ (y) .

3392 Ex. (3) : (x − a) zx + (y — b) z₁ = c — z .

dx dy dz
Solving by ( 3283) , = = •
x-a y z- c
The integrals are
log (y -b)-log (x - a) = log O y- b — c = C' ,
" or = C,
log ( c) -log (x - a) = log C'S 2- a x- a
y- b
therefore = 9 (2 ) is the complete primitive.
x- a
For the converse process in respect of the same equation, see (3382) .

3393 Ex. (4) .— To find the surface which cuts orthogonally all the
spheres whose equations (varying a) are
x² + y² +z² — 2ax = 0 …………….. (1).
Let Φ (x, y, z ) = 0 be the surface . Then
(x− α) z + y + zz = 0
by the condition of normals at right angles. Substitute the value of a from
(1 ) , and divide by ; thus,
(x² - y³ —z³) z₂ + 2xyz₁ = 2zx.

da dz
By (3383), = dy =
x² — y² —-22
z² 2xy 2zx'
dy dz
= gives y = c for one integral.
y x 22
Substituting y = cz, we then have
- dz
x³ -
— ( c² + 1 ) z² 2zx'

which, being a homogeneous equation in x and z, may be solved by putting

x² +y² +2²
z = vx (3186 ) . The resulting integral is = C. Hence the com
x² + y² + z² = Y
plete primitive is z ) and the equation of the surface sought.
2 »·((212

3394 Ex. (5).- To find an integrating factor of the equation

(x³y — 2y¹) dx + (xy³ — 2x¹) dy = 0 ....... ...... (1 ).
Assuming z for that factor, the condition (Mz), = ( N≈) , ( 3087) pro
duces the P. D. equation
(xy³ — 2x¹) zx + (2y¹ —x³y) z , = 9 ( x³ —y³) z.. . (2).
The system of ordinary equations (3283) is
dx dz
= dy =
xу³ - 2x+ 2y¹ - x³y 9 (x³ -
— y³) z
The first of these equations is identical with ( 1) (and such an agreement
x y
always occurs). Its integral is +12/23 = C.
y² x²

Also y dx +xdy dz
xy¹ — 2x¹y + 2xy¹ -
— x*y 9 (x³ - y³) z
3dx 3dy dz
which reduces to + + = 0;
x y 2
and thus the second integral is a³y³z= c.
Hence the complete primitive and integrating factor is
1 X
2³ys Φ ( 1/2
y2 + 1/17).

Any linear P. D. equation may be written as a homogeneous

equation with one additional variable ; thus , equation (3387)
may be written
3395 Pu₂ + Qu₂ + ... + Ru = Su .


3396 PROP. I. - The solution of such equations may be made

to depend upon a system of ordinary 1st order differential

equations having a number of variables exceeding by more than

one the number of equations .
Let there be n equations reduced to the homogeneous form
(3395) involving one dependent variable P and n + m inde
pendent . Select n of the latter, x, y ... z , and let the remaining
m be , n .... From the n equations find P , P, ... P, in
terms of P , P,η ... Ps, and arrange the results as under :

P¸x + a₁Pƒ + b₁P„η ... + k₁1 P¸ = 0 )

P₂ท .... + k₂P₂ = 0
P₁ + a₂ P¿ + b₂ P, (1) .
... ...

Pz + ɑnP¿ + b„P,η ...• + k₁₂P₂

n = 0)

Multiply these equations by A1, A2, ... A, respectively, and add ;

thus ,

…... + λ„P₂ + E (λa) P§ + Σ (№b ) P„ ... + Σ (λk) P¿ = 0

y ..
λ¿Ð¸ + λ½Ð¸
. ( 2) .
From this , as in (3387) , we have the auxiliary system
dx dy dz dk dn d
= ... = = = ... = (3) ,
λι λε λ ∙n Σ ( λα) - Σ (26 ) Σ ( λι)

and, by eliminating A1, A2 ... Ans

de - ada - ady ... -a, dz = 0

dn - b₁dx - body ... ― b₁dz == 0
0 ... (4) .
... ... ...
- -- -
dɩ — k¸dæ — kądy ... — k„ dz = 0

Then, if u = a, vb, &c . be the integrals of (4) , they

will be values of P satisfying the equivalent system ( 1 ) , and
the integral of that system will be F ( u , v, ... ) = 0 .

3397 PROP. II .— To integrate a system of linear 1st order

P. D. equations.
Let ▲' = ad¸„ + bd, ... + kd.,

so that AP = 0 represents a homogeneous linear P. D. equa

tion of the 1st order.

RULE . " Reduce the equations to the homogeneous form (1) ;

express the result symbolically by

ΔΡ = 0 , ΔΡ = 0 , ... AP = 0 ,

and examine whether the condition

(A;A; —A;A;) P = 0

is identically satisfied for every pair of equations of the system.

If it be so, the equations of the auxiliary system (Prop. I.) will
be reducible to the form of exact differential equations, and
their integrals being ua, v = b, w = c , ... , the complete
value of P will be F (u , v, w, ... ) , the form of F being
" Ifthe condition be not identically satisfied, its application
will give rise to one or more new partial differential equations.
Combine any one of these with the previous reduced system , and
again reduce in the same way.
"With the new reduced system proceed as before, and continue
this method of reduction and derivation until either a system
of P. D. equations arises, between every two of which the above
condition is identically satisfied, or, which is the only possible
alternative, the system P, = 0 , P, = 0 , ... appears. In the
former case, the system of ordinary equations corresponding to
the final system of P. D. equations, will admit of reduction to
the exact form, and the general value of P will emerge from
their integrals as above. In the latter case , the given system
can only be satisfied by supposing P a constant."

3398 " Ex.: Pa + ( + xy + xz) P₂ + (y + z - 3x) P₂ = 0,

P₁ + (xzt + y − xy) P₂ + (zt −y ) P = 0 .
Representing these in the form A‚P = 0, A‚P = 0, it will be found that
--▲,4₁) P = 0 becomes, after rejecting an algebraic factor, P₂ + Pt = 0,
(4,4, —
and the three equations prepared in the manner explained in the Rule will
be found to be

Pa+ (3x² + t) P = 0, P, + yP = 0, P + xP₂ = 0.

No other equations are derivable from these. We conclude that there is but
one final integral .
"To obtain it, eliminate Pa, P , P. from the above system combined with
Pada +Pdy + Pdz + P₁dt = 0,
and equate to zero the coefficient of P, in the result. We find
dz- (t + 3x²) dx - ydy - x dt = 0,
the integral of which is a- t− − - } = c.

"An arbitrary function of the first member of this equation is the general
value of P." [ Boole, Sup., Ch. xxv.
For Jacobi's researches in the same subject, see Crelle's Journal, Vol . lx.
3 T



3399 Type F (x, y, z, Z、, Z ) = 0 ... (1) .

CHARPITS'S SOLUTION . - Writing p , q instead of z, and zy,

assume the equations
dx dz dp
= dy = = (2) .
-Xp q-Pqp qx + pqz

Find a value of p from these by integration, and the corres

ponding value of a from the given equation , and substitute in
the equation
dz = pdx + qdy. . (3) ,

and integrate by (3322) to obtain the final integral.

PROOF. Since dz = pdx + qdy, we have, by the condition of integrability,

Puq . Express P and q on the hypothesis that z is a function of x, y ;
p a function of x, y, z ; q a function of x, y, z , p ; considering a constant when
finding p , and y as constant when finding 4. Equating the values of p, and
1. so obtained, the result is the equation
Ap + Bpy + Cp: = D,
in which A, B, C, D stand for -1 , 1, q - PL» Qx Iz +PYz•
Hence, to solve this equation, we have, by (3387) , the system of ordinary
equations (2) .

3400 NOTE.- More than one value of p obtained from equations ( 2) may
give rise to more than one complete primitive.
The first two of equations (2 ) taken together involve equation (3) .


RULE . Let the complete primitive of a P. D. equation of
the 1st order be
z = f (x, y , a, b) ….. . (1) .

3401 The general primitive is obtained by eliminating a

between = f { x , y, a , 4 (a) } and fa = 0 .... (2 ) ,
the form of being specified at pleasure.

3402 The singular solution is obtained by eliminating a and

b between the complete primitive and the equations

fa = 0,
f₁ f =0 (3) .

PROOF. By varying a and b in ( 1 ) ,

p = fx +faªx +fvbx, q = ƒy +faªy +frb„ •
Therefore, reasoning as in ( 3171 ) , we must have
faaz +fbx = 0 and faa, +fb,, = = 0
0 ........ (3),
therefore either fa = 0, f = 0, leading to the singular solution ; or, elimi
nating fa, fb, ab - a, b, = 0,
and therefore, by (3167) , b = 4 (a). Multiply equations ( 3) by dx, dy re
spectively, and add, thus fada +fdb = 0. Substitute bp = (a) in this and
in (1) , and the equations ( 2) are the result.



3403 RULE.-Eliminate P and q from the differential equa

tion by means of the equations

Zp = 0, zq = 0.

PROOF. Let the D. E. be z = f(x, y , p, q) , and the C. P. z = F (x, y, a, b) .

Now P and q being implicit functions of a and b, we have, from the first

equation, =
ZapPa + Zqar Z = Zp Pr + % q qv•
Hence the conditions z = 0, z = 0 in ( 3 ) involve, and are equivalent to,
z = 0, zq = 0.

3404 All possible solutions of a P. D. equation of the 1st

order are represented by the complete primitive , the general
primitive , and the singular solution. [Boole, p. 343.

3405 To connect any given solution with the complete

primitive .
Let F(x, y , a , b) be the complete primitive , and
z= (x, y) some other solution .
Determine the values of a and b which satisfy the three
equations F = 4, F₂
Fx = x, Fy = y•

If these values are constant, the solution is a particular

case of the complete primitive ; if they are variable so that
one is a function of the other , the solution is a particular case
of the general primitive ; if they are variable and unconnected ,
the solution is a singular solution .

3406 COR.-Any two solutions springing from different

complete primitives are equivalent .

3407 Ex.: z = px + qy +pq ....... (1).

dx dz
By (3299) , p (2) ,
A = dy == D
A == &p = xy + z
and we have q = 2 = p²² ;
p +y (p + y) = ;
2pz + yz - p²x ; D = qx +Pqz = -p -P ++P p = 0.
C = q - Pl₂ =
(p +y)3 P +y
(p + y)³ dx = dy = (p + y) dz =
Hence (2) becomes = dp ;
xy + z 2pz +yz - p³x
2 - ax
.. dp = 0, p = a ; .. q = Substituting in dz = pdx + qdy,
a +y
z- ax
dz = a dx + dy .... . (3) .
adx dy
By (3322) , making constant, + = 0,
z - ax a+y
therefore -log (z - ax) + log ( a + y ) = ¢ (z) .....· (4) .

Differentiate for x, y, z, and equate with (3) , thus ' (z) = 0, therefore
(z) constant (say -log b) ; therefore, by (4), z = ax + by + ab, the C. P.
of (1) .

3408 To find a singular solution by (3402 ) , we must eliminate a and b

between a == 0, z = 0 ; that is, a +b = 0 and y + a = 0,
therefore z = −xy ― xy + xy = xy
is the singular solution .
To find the general primitive by ( 3401 ) , eliminate a between the two
equations z = ax + (y + a) o ( a) and x + (y + a) q′ (a) + ¢ (a) = 0 .



3409 PROP.- To find the complete primitive of the differ

ential equation
F (X1, X2 ... Xn, Z, P1, P2 ... Pn) = 0 ... ..... (1) ,

dz dz
where P₁ = > P2 = 9 &c .
dx dx

3410 RULE . -Form the linear P. D. equation in denoted by

dF\ dø dF / do do
2,r {(dF + Prdz / dpr - Ca + Pr = 0,
dp, dx, dz

the summation extending from r = 1 to r = n. From the

auxiliary system (3387 ) n - 1 integrals
P₁ = α19 Pμ- 1 = An -1
P₂2 = A2, ... On-1

may be obtained . From these equations, together with ( 1 ) , find

P1, P2 ... Pn in terms of X1 , X2 ... Xn, substitute the values in
dz - P₁dx₁ + p₂dx, ... + Pdxn

and the integral of this last equation will furnish the solution
required in the form
f (X1 , X2 ... X , Z, a₁, a ... a ) = 0.
[ Boole, Diff. Eq., Ch. xiv., and Sup., Ch . xxvii.


3420 Type F ( x, y , z , zx , Zy , Z2x , ≈xy , ≈2y) = 0 .

The derivatives Zx , y , Zax , Zxy , Zey are briefly denoted by
P, q, r, s, t respectively.
z being a function of the two independent variables ≈ and
y, the following values are of frequent use

3421 dz = pdx + qdy ; dp = rdx + sdy ; dq = sdx +tdy.

If u be any function of x , y , and z , the complete deriva

tives of u are indicated by brackets , thus

3422 (ux) = ux + puz (Uy) = U₂ + qU₂•

A linear 2nd order P. D. equation is of the type

3423 Rr +Ss + Tt = V ..... (1 ) ,

in which R, S, T, V are functions of x, y, z , P, q.

PROPOSITION.-Any P. D. equation of the 2nd order which

has a first integral of the form u = f( v) , where u and v involve
x, y , z , p , q , is of the form

3424 Rr + Ss + Tt + U (rt — s²) = V.......

= V (2) ,

where R, S, T, U, V are functions of x, y , z , p , q, and

3425 U = UpVq — UqVp .... (3) .

PROOF . -Differentiate u = f (v ) for x and y separately, considering x, y, z,

P, q all involved in u and v, and eliminate ƒ' (v) . The result is equation ( 2 ) ,
with the values

-- -
3426 µR = up (vy) — ( Uy ) vp, µT = vq (Ux) — (Vx) Uqɔ
- -
µS = v₂ (u¸) — (v¸) Up − Vq ( Uy) + (Vg ) Uqs
µU = Up Vq — UqVµ, µV = ( " ,) ( vx) — (Uz) (Vy) ,
with the notation ( 3422 ) , µ being an undetermined constant.

3427 COR. - The condition to be fulfilled in order that

equation (1) may have a first integral of the form u = f ( r ) is
UpVq— UqVp = 0.


3428 Rr + Ss + Tt = V.

RULE . -Write the two equations

Rdy -Sdxdy + Tdx² = 0 ………….. ( 1) ,

= 0
Rdpdy - Vdx dy + Tdqdx = 0 .... ( 2) .

Resolve (1) into its factors, producing the two equations

dy - m, dx = 0 and dy - m, dx = 0 .

From dy = mdx and equation (2) combined, if necessary,

with dz = pdx + qdy, find two 1st integrals u = a , v = b ;
then u = f(v) will be one 1st integral of the given equation.
Similarly from dy = m, dx find another 1st integral .

3429 The final 2nd integral may be found from one of the
1st integrals by Lagrange's method (3383 ) .

3430 Otherwise, determine p and q in terms of æ, y , z from

the two 1st integrals ; substitute in dz = pda + qdy, and then
integrate by (3322 ) to obtain the final integral.

3431 If equation (1) is a perfect square, there will be only

one 1st integral, and Lagrange's method only is applicable .

PROOF. By (3427) we may put u = mup , vq = my,; and also

dz = pdx + q dy ( 3321 ) in the complete derivatives
(du) = u , dx + u , dy + u, dz + u, dp + u, dq = 0 , (dv) = &c . = 0 ;
... by (3422) (ux) dx + (u„) dy + u, (dp + mdq) = 0 }
(3) .
(v.) dx + (v ) dy + v, (dp + m dq) = 0 )
Solving these equations for the ratios de : dy : dp + mdq, we obtain at once
dx dy +mdx mdy dp + m dq
= = = ********* (4) ,
with the values of R, S, T, V in (3426) .

Equations (1 ) and ( 2) are the result of eliminating m from (4). These

two equations with dz = pda + qdy suffice to determine a first integral of
(3428) when it exists in the form u = ƒ (v) .

3432 Ex. (i .) : q ( 1 + q) r− (p + q +2pq) s +p ( 1 +p) t = 0 .

Solving the quadratic equation ( 1 ) , we find
pdx + qdy = 0, or (1 + p) da + ( 1 + q) dy = 0 ...... …………………. ( 5 ) .
First, dz = pdx + qdy = 0, .. z = A.
Monge's equation ( 2 ) is q ( 1 + q) dp dy +p ( 1 +p) dq dx = 0,
dp = dq ; and, integrating , 1 +2 = B.
which, by pdx = -qdy, gives
1 +P 1 +q 1 +9

Hence a first integral is 1+ P = 4 (2) ..... .... (6) .

Next, taking the second equation of (5 ) with
dz = pdx + qdy, dx + dy + dz = 0, ..x + y + z = C.
Also, by (5 ) , equation (2) now reduces to gdp = pdq, and by integration ,
p = qD; therefore the other first integral is p q¥ (x + y + z ).
For the final integral integrate p − q4 = 0 ; i.e., 2x - 42, = 0, by (3383 ) ;
.. dx = ―――― dy = dz .' . z = A , and da =
da + dy + dz
¥ (x + y + z ) 0' 1 −4 (x + y + z ) `
.. x = d (x + y + z)
= F (x + y + 2) + B.
S1−4 (x + y + z)
Hence the second integral is a -ƒ ( x + y + z) = F (≈) .

3433 Ex . (ii.) : ≈2.x — a²22y = 0.

(i.) Here, in (3428) , R = 1, 80, T - a , V = 0 ; therefore ( 1 )
and (2) become dy³ — a³dx² = 0, dpdy - a'dqdx = 0 .
From (1 ) dy +ade = 0, giving y + ax = c, and converting (2) into
dp +ad0, which gives p +aq = c' ; therefore a first integral is
p + aq = 4 (y + ax) ... (3) .
Similarly, from ( 1 ) , dy - a da = 0 gives rise to another first integral
p -aq = (y - ax) ..... (4) .
Eliminating p and q by means of ( 3) and (4) from dz = pda + qdy, we find
dz = (2a) -1
-¹ {p (y + ax) (dy + a dx) -
−4 (y — ax) ( dy — a dx) } ,
therefore, by integrating, z = ( y + ax) + ¥ (y − ax ) .
For the symbolic solution of the same equation, see (3566) .


3434 Rr + Ss + Tt + U (rt — s²) = V ................ (1) .

Let m₁, m, be the roots of the quadratic equation

3435 m²- Sm + RT+ UV = 0 (2) .

Let u₁ = a , v₁ = b, and u₂ = a' , v, b' be respectively
the solutions of the two systems of ordinary differential
equations .

3436 Udpm₂dy - Tdx dx

Udpm, dy - T da
Udq = m₁ dx - Rdy (3) , Udq = madx - Rdy (4) .
dz = p dx + q dy dz = p dx + qdy.

Then the first integrals of ( 1 ) will be

= f (u ), g = f(" ).
To obtain a second integral :
3437 1st. ― When m₁ , m, are unequal, assign any particular
forms to fi and f₂, then substitute the values of p and q, found
from these equations in terms of x a and y , in dz = pdx + qdy,
which integrate. Otherwise , assign the form of one only of
the functions fi, f2, involving an arbitrary constant C, solve
for p and q, and integrate dz = pdx + qdy, adding an arbitrary
function of C for the constant of integration.

3438 2ndly. When m₁, m, are equal, and therefore , by (2) ,
S¹2 = 4 (RT + UV) ...... (5) .

Equations (3) and (4) coincide , and , since m = 1S,

reduce to

3439 Udp8dy - Tdæ ...... . (6) ,

S dx - Rdy
Udq = 48 (7) ,
dz = p dx + q dy .... (8) .
Here Py
P₁ = 4 , and therefore the last equation is integrable
if the values of p and q, obtained by integrating (6) and ( 7) ,
be substitut in it . Let u = a , v = b be the integrals of (6)
and (7) ; and let z = p (x, y , a, b, c) (9)

be the integral obtained from ( 8) .

The general integral is found by making the parameters
a, b, c vary subject to two conditions bf(a) , c = F (a) ;
that is , by differentiating

z = 。 {x, y, a, f(a) , F(a) }

for a, and eliminating a.

3440 The general integral therefore represents the envelope

of the surface whose equation is (9) .

PROOF. (Boole, Sup., p. 147. ) Assuming a 1st integral of the form

u = ƒ (v ) , eliminate u and v from equations (3126 ) by multiplying (i. ) by
(u ) uq, (ii.) by ( u ) up, ( iv. ) by ( ux) (uµ) , ( v. ) by upuq, and adding. Again,
eliminate μ and v by multiplying (i .) by (u ) ², (ii . ) by ( u„) ², ( iii . ) by (ux) (u,) ,
(v.) by (ux) u₂ + ( u„) uq , and adding. The two resulting equations are
R ( ux) uq + T ( u„ ) up− U ( u¸) ( u„ ) + Vup W
? q=0
.. ( 10) .
R (ux)² + S ( ux) ( U„ ) + T ( u„ ) ³ + V { ( ux) u₂ + ( uz ) uq} = o

Multiply the 2nd of these by m, divide by V, and add to the 1st equation ;
the result is expressible in two factors either as ( 11 ) or ( 12) ,
{R (u,) + m, ( u, ) + Vu„ } { m, ( u₂) + T (uy) + Vuq } = 0 ......... ( 11 ) ,
{R (uz) + m₂ (u₁ ) + Vu, } { m, ( u₂) + T ( u , ) + Vu , } = 0 .....……….. ( 12) ,
m , m. being the roots of the quadratic (2) . By equating to zero one factor
of ( 11 ) and one of ( 12) , we have four systems of two linear 1st order P. D.
equations. Taking each system in turn with the equations
(u₂) + ru₂ + suq = 0,
(u ) + su + tuq = 0,

and eliminating (u,) , ( u ) , up, u , we have the de R M1 V
terminant annexed for the case in which the 1st ma T 0
factor of ( 11 ) and the 2nd of ( 12) are equated to 1 0 = 0,
2 S
zero. In this case, and also when the 2nd factor
0 1 8 t
of ( 11 ) and the 1st of ( 12 ) are chosen, trans
posing m₁, m, in the determinant, the eliminant is equivalent to

V { Rr + Ss + Tt + U (rt — s²) — V } = 0,

having regard to the values of mm, and m₁ + m, from (2).

When the 1st factor of both ( 11 ) and ( 12) is taken , the 2nd order P. D.
equation produced by the elimination is

Vt - R (rt - 82) = 0,
and when the 2nd factor of each is taken, the elimination produces
Vr- T (rt - s³) = 0.
Hence the hypothesis of a 1st integral of ( 1 ) , of the form u = ƒ (v) ,
involves the satisfying one or other of the systems of two simultaneous equa
tions, ( 13 ) or ( 14) , below :

R (u,) + m (u¸) + Vu₂ = 0 } R (u ) + m₂ ( u ) + Vu„ == 0}

= 0 } ... (14).
m₂ (u₂) + T (u₂) + √u₂ = 0 } ... (13). m₁ (u₂) + T ( u₂ ) + Vuq
Now multiply the 2nd equation of ( 13 ) by A and add it to the 1st .
In the result, collect the coefficients of ur, uy, Up, Uq Uz• The Lagrangean
system of auxiliary equations (3387 ) will then be found to be
dx dy -dp = dq = dz du
= =
R + ama my + XT V XV Rp + m ,q + λ (Tq + m,r) 0

Eliminating A, equations ( 3) are produced. Treating equations ( 14) ir

the same way, equations (4) are produced.
3 U


3441 P = (rt- s²)" Q,

where P is a function of p, q, r, s , t , and homogeneous in r , s,

t ; Q is a function of x, y, z , and derivatives of z , which does
not become infinite when rt - s2 vanishes , and n is positive.

RULE .- Assume q = (p ) and express s and t in terms of p

and r ; thus, rt - s vanishes, and the left side becomes a func
tion of p, q, and qp.
Solve for a 1st integral in terms ofp and q, and integrate
again for the final solution.
PROOF.- 8 = qx = YpPx = 9p² ;t = qy = LpPy = q; r ;
therefore rt -s² = 0. Also P is of the form (r, s, t)" = ™ (1 , Ip, 93) ™.
Hence the equation takes the form ( 1 , qp, q )" = 0.


3442 Rr + Ss + Tt + Pp + Qq + Zz = U ............
………………………….. ( 1 ) ,

where R, S, T, P, Q, Z, U are functions of x and y only.

Let two integrals of Monge's equation (3428)
Rdy -Sdady + Tda² = 0
be p (x, y) = a, 4 (x, y) = b.
Assume E = p (x, y) , n = 4 (x, y) .

3443 To change the variables in equation ( 1) to ₹ and ŋ,

we have

P ="
P = 7x =" + " ;
t ¶ = %y = %¢ ¾y + %‚ ¹y ;
* = 72x = %28 ++ 2 # §n Exnx + %2n nå +44 52x + %n Nex ; ( 1701 )

t = % 2y = %25 53 + 2 %¢n Ey¹y + Z2n ng + Z§ 52 +2 , 12y ;

8 = %xy = 72€ 5x5y + %±n NxNy + Zên ( Ex¹y + Eyŋx ) + Z§§xy + %ŋŋxy •

The transformed equation is of the form

Ꮴ ......
Zεn + Lizε + M2₂ + Nz = V ..... (2) ,

where L, M, N, V are functions of and n. This equation

may be written in the form
(dg + M) (d„ + L) z + (N − LM — L¿ ) z = V ……………. . (3) .
If (4) ,
N- LM - L¿
' = 0
we shall have

(d + M) = V with ( + ) = %,

and the solution by a double application of ( 3210 ) is obtained


2 = e -SLan %'
{ Þ ( 5) + √ ½ ' e√Lan an } ,
z = e-SMAE
{ 4 (n) + [ VeS Ma£ JE} .
By symmetry, equation (1) is also solvable , if
N- LM- M = 0 (5) .

But if neither of these conditions is found to hold, find z

in terms of from (3) . It will be of the form
2 = A¿ + Bz' + C,
where A, B, C contain and n . Substitute this for z in
(d, + L) z = z' , and the result is of the form

# + M' %', + N'z' = V ' .

' %'s
Zen + L

The same conditions of integrability, if fulfilled for this equa

tion, will lead to a solution of ( 1 ) , and , if not fulfilled , the
transformation may be repeated until one of the equations ,
similar to (4) or ( 5) , is satisfied .

3444 COR . - The solution of the equation

Zen + azε + bz η + abz = V

is ' b ean +be Vdn de.

2: e¯an ø ( 5) + e− ¹³ ↓ (n ) + e - an-of

3445 For the solution of equation (2 ) , when L, M, V contain also z, see

Prof. Tanner, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., Vol. viii. , p . 159 .

LAW OF RECIPROCITY . [ Boole, ch. xv.

3446 Let a differential equation of the 1st order be

(x, y, z, p , q) = 0 ...... ( 1 ) .

Let the result of interchanging ≈ and p , y and q , and of

changing ≈ into px + qy - z, be

(p , q, px + qy — z, x, y) = 0 ............ . (2) ;

then, if z (x, y) be the solution of either ( 1 ) or ( 2) , the


solution of the other will be obtained by eliminating and n

between the equations

x = d;4 (§, n) , _y = d¸ ¥ (§, n) , x=

= §x +ny— ¥ (§, n) .
3447 Ex - Let z = pq ******· ( 1) , px + qy - z = zy ...... (2) ,
be the two reciprocal equations.

The integral of ( 2) is z = xy + xj ( 2 ) , •• 4 (En) = En + xƒ ( 27)⋅

E, ŋ
η have now to be eliminated between
x= n z = En ...... (3 ) .
= " - } ƒ ( 2 ) + ƒ ( 2 ), y = £ +ƒ' (7 ) ,

Each form assigned to ƒ gives a particular integral of (1 ) . If ƒ ( 2 ) = a 2 + b,

the equations (3) become an + b, y = & + a, z = En ,
and the elimination produces z = (x − b) (y — a) .

3448 In an equation of the 2nd order, the reciprocal equa

tion is formed by making the changes in (3446) , and , in
addition, changing
t - S r
r into s into t into ;
rt-s22 rt - s2 rt

then, if the 2nd integral of either equation be z = ↓ (x, y ) , that

of the other will be found by the same rule.

3449 The above transformation makes any equation of the

$ (p, q) r + 4 (p, q) s + x (p , q) t = 0
dependent for solution upon one of the form
x (x, y) r−¥ (x, y) s + ¢ (x, y) t = 0 .

3450 And, in the same way, an equation of the form

Rr+ Ss + Tt = V (rt — s²)
is dependent for solution upon one of the form
Rr + Ss + Tt = V.
See De Morgan, Camb. Phil. Trans ., Vol. VIII.


Q denoting a function of 0,
3470 (d. — m) -¹Q = emeSe -me Qdo .

PROOF. The right is the value of y in the solution of day - my = Q by

(3210) . But this equation is expressed symbolically by (d. - m ) y = Q (see
1492 ) , therefore y = ( d. — m ) ¹Q.
Let xe , therefore dead, = and ad0dx. Hence
(3470) may be written

3471 (xd¸ — m) ¯¹ Q = x™ Sæ¬m-¹ Qdx.

3472 COR. (do - m) -¹0 = Ceme,

3473 or (xd - m)-10 = Cxm.

Let F (m) denote a rational integral function of m ; then ,

since demememe , d2 20 eme = m²eme, & c. , the operation d is
always replaced by the operation mx . Hence , in all cases ,

3474 F(do) eme = eme F (m).

3475 F (de) e¹º Q = emo F (d¸ + m) Q.

Formula ( 2161 ) is a particular case of this theorem .

3476 eme F(d.) Q = F ( d. — m) em² Q.

Also, by (3474-6) ,
3477 F (m) = e -me F (da) eme.

3478 F (d₂ + m) Q = e -m° F (d.) emº Q.

3479 F (d.) Q = e−m²

e-m° F (d. — m) e¹º Q.

To the last six formulæ correspond

3480 F (xdx ) x¹ = x¹ F (m) .
3481 F (xd¸) xQ = x™ F (xd¸ + m) Q.
3482 xm
x"F (xd ) Q = F (xd, —m) x™ Q.

3483 F (m) = x¯ ™ F (xdx) x™.

3484 F (xd, + m ) Q = x¯¹F (xd¸) x™ Q.

3485 F (xd¸) Q = x¯ ™F (xd¸ — m) x™ Q .

If U = a + bx + cx² + &c . , then, by ( 3480 ) ,

3486 F(xd ) U = F (0) a + F ( 1 ) bx + F ( 2) cx² + &c .


3487 F-1 (xd ) U = F-¹ (0 ) a + F -¹ ( 1 ) bx +F -¹ ( 2) cx² +&c .

m z
3488 F(xd , yd¸, zd., ... ) x™y" ≈” ... = F (m, n , p ... ) x™y”≈º …

3489 x" unx = de ( d. — 1 ) ( d. − 2) ... ( d. − n + 1 ) u ,

or, more succinctly, writing D for de,

D (D - 1 ) ... (D − n + 1) u or Du ( 2452 ) .

3490 Otherwise " unx = xd (xd — 1 ) ... (xd¸ - n + 1 ) u .

PROOF. As in (1770) . Otherwise, by Induction, differentiating again,

and remembering that x = x.

NOTE. In the symbolic solution of differential equations ,

we may either employ the operator ad directly, or the
operator d, after substituting e for a. Formulæ ( 3480–5 ) or
(3474-9) will be required accordingly.

3491 { + (D) ere} " Q

= enre $ (D + nr) $ (D + n − 1.r) ... $ (D + r) Q

= ¢(D) $ (D — r) $ (D − 2r ) ... Þ { D— (n − 1 ) r } enrº Q.

PROOF. By repeated application of ( 3475 ) or ( 3476) .

For ready reference , formulæ ( 1520 , '21 ) are reprinted

here .

3492 f(x +h) = ehdzf(x).

3493 f(x+h , y +k) = ehd¸ + kdyƒ(x, y) .

Let а + а₁ x + а₂x² ... + a n

, x" = ƒ (x) ,
then, denoting d. by D,

3494_ƒ ( D) uv = uf(D) v + uf (D) v + 1;½ƒ

' (D) v + &c.,

where f' (D) means that D is to be written for x

a after differ
entiating f(x) .
PROOF.-Expand uv, D. uv, D³.uv ... D" .uv by Leibnitz's theorem (1460) ;
multiply the equations respectively by a , a , a, ... a,, and add the results.

3495_uf(D) v =ƒ(D) .uv −ƒ' (D) u‚¸v + 1.2
—¿ƒ“ D.u„ v—&c.

PROOF. - Expand uv,, uv₂ , UV39

uvs, ... uv, by theorem (1472) , and proceed as
in the last.

sin sin
3496 F (der) mx = F (-m²) mx.
A more general theorem is

3497 F (T²) (Uim + U - im) = F ( —m²) ( U¡m + U_im) ,

where u and have the meanings assigned below (3499 ) ,
and i = √ - 1 .

Theorem. — If p and denote any algebraic functions of a

and y, it may be shown, by ( 3474) and (3475 ) , that

3498 ¥ (d +y) f(x) = $ (d, + x) ¥(y) .

3499 Let u , or, more definitely, " n, = (x, y, z , ... ) " , represent
a homogeneous function of the nth degree in severable vari
ables , and let
3500 π = xdx + yd, + zd₂ + &c .

Then , by (3480) ,
3501 πи = nu, π²un²u , ³u = n³u , &c.

3502 Hence F (T) u = F (n) u .

REDUCTION OF F ( π₁ ) TO ƒ( π) .

3503 Let u be any implicit function of the variables , and

let = ₁ + 2 , where ₁ operates only upon a as contained in
u, and , only upon a as contained in Tu, &c . after repetitions
of the operation π. Then

3504 пiu — пи , πu = ( π - 1 ) πε ,
... ... ...

3506 -
π¸u = (π — r + 1 ) ... ( π — 2 ) ( π — 1 ) πи .
PROOF. πικ = (π - π. ) u = πω ,
since , has here no subject to operate upon.
T₁U = (T — T₂) TU = (π — 1) TU,
for, zu being of the 1st degree, 7, and 1 are equivalent as operators . In the
next step, and 2 are equivalent, and so on .

COR . When u is a homogeneous function , we have, by


(3501 ) , π'u = n'u, therefore and n are equivalent operators

upon u. Hence (3506) may be written

3507_u = (n − r + 1 ) ... ( n − 2 ) ( n − 1 ) nu = n } u ,
which is Euler's theorem of homogeneous functions ( 1625 ) ,
since in that theorem the operator is confined to u.

3508 As an illustration, let u = (xd, + yd, ) u = ₁u ,

then au = ( ² dax + 2xydzy + y² day) U, π²u = ( πιμπ. ) που = πu + ποπι .
Here ποπηu = (xd, + yd ) ( xd, + yd ) u ,
the operation being confined to a and y in the second factor ( 3503 ) , and there
fore producing (xd, + yd, ) u merely .
Hence 2u = (x²d2x + 2xy dxy + y²d2y + xdx + yd, ) u, which proves (3505) .

If U = u₂ + u₁ + u₂ + ..., a series of homogeneous functions

of dimensions 0 , 1 , 2 , ..." then, by (3502 ) ,

3509 F (T) U = F (0) u。 + F ( 1 ) u , + F (2 ) u₂ + ….. ,

3510 F-¹ (T) U = F−¹ (0 ) u。 + F− ¹ ( 1 ) u , + F−¹ ( 2) u₂ + ...

3511 Ex. 1 : a* U = u¸ + aµ₂ + a²u₂ + …….,

3512 a¯* U = u₂ + a¯¹µ₁ + a¯² u₂ + …..

Ex. 2 : If u have the meaning in (3499) ,

u2 28
F (T) e" = F (0 ) 1 + F ( n) u + F ( 2n ) +F
' (3n) + &c . ,
1.2 1.2.3
and similarly for the inverse operation F -¹ ( #) .
PROOF. -By (3502 ) applied to the expansion of the subject by (150).

C (n, m) un = Σ a dpxy'd≈ zd rz ……. Un
"d„ s
m! p ! q! r ! ..
where p + q + r + ... m, and p ! = 1.2 ... p .

PROOF. - Equate coefficients of a" in the expansion of

( 1 + a) * U = (1 + a) ,(1 + a) ,(1 + a) ... U ,
reducing by (3490) .

3515 The general symbolic solution of the equation

F (do) u = Q is
u = F-¹ (do) Q + F- 1 ( de ) 0 , by ( 1488–90 ) .

3516 The solution of the equation (3238 ) , viz . ,

Ynx + α₁y(n - 1) x + ... + a (n - 1) yx + any = Q ......... ( 1 ) ,

where Q is a function of a , is most readily obtained by the

symbolic method . Thus m , m2, ... mn being the roots of the
auxiliary equation in ( 3239) , and A , B, C ... Ñ the numerators
of the partial fractions into which (m² + a₁m” -¹ + ... + an) ¯¹ can
be resolved , the complete primitive will be
y = { A ( d¸ — m₁) -¹ + B (d¸¯m₂) ¯¹ ... + N (d¸
„ —m„) ¯¹ } ( Q + 0) ,
where = em²
(d — m) -¹Q = emxSe - ma Qda, ( 3470)

and the whole operation upon zero produces, by (3472) , for

the complementary term ,
3518 C₁emix +C₂ em² ... + Cnem .

PROOF.-Equation ( 1 ) may be written

(dx + a₁d(n - 1) x + azd(n
2 - 2) x ...
•• + an) y = Q,
or (d₂ — m₁) (d₂ — m,) ….. (dx— mn) y = Q,
.. by (3515), y = { (d₂— m₁ ) ( d₂ — m₂) ... (d¸ — m„ ) } ¯¹ ( Q + 0),
which, by partial fractions, is converted into the formula above.

If r of the roots m1, M2, ... are each m , those roots give
rise in (3517 ) to a single term of the form
... -mx
3519 e Q.
(A + Bd₂ + Cd2 ……. + Rd¸» ) em²[1x

PROOF. -By (1918) , the r roots equal to m will produce

{ A′ (d, —m) ¯ " + B′ ( d, —m) -r + ¹ ... + R' (d, —m) −¹ } Q,
or (A + Bd₂ + Cd2 ... + Rd,x) ( dz - m) - " Q.
3520 emx e - m² Q dx
But, by (3470) , (d¸ - m) -² Q = ( dx — m) - ¹ emzJe da
= emx e-mxemx e'mx e mx Qda,
***[ { ' *' *'* Je
for - **
m² Qde } de = " [_2x ' Qile, and so on

3521 Ex. (1) : Yar -Y2x-5yz - 3 = Q.

Here m³ —m² — 5m - 3 = (m − 3 ) ( m + 1 ) ,
1 1 1 1
and =
(m −3) (m + 1)❜ 16 (m - 3) 16 (m + 1 ) 4 (m + 1 )2'
therefore - -1 -2
y = 1% (d, —3 ) ˜'Q— ' ( d₂ + 1 ) ´¹ Q − 4 ( d¸ + 1 ) −² Q
= 1fe² Se - ² Qda - 16 * Se * Qdx - 4e - SSe* Qd« x². (3520)
3 x

3522 Ex. (2) : u2x + a²u = Q,

therefore -1
u = (dx + u²) ¹ Q.
Here -1 -1 -
(m² +a²) -¹ = (2ia ) -¹ { ( m — ia) -¹ — ( m + ia) ´¹ } ,
therefore -1
u = (2ia) -¹ { (d, —ia ) -¹ Q− (d¸ + ia) − ' Q}
= (2ia) -¹ {etaxSe-iaz Qdx — e- iax Seiax Qdx'} (3470)
= a¹ sin ax cos ax Q dx - a¹cos axSsin ax Qdx,
by the exponential values ( 766-7) .

3523 COR. 1.- The solution of u₂ + a²u = 0 is

u = A cos ax + В sin ax.

3524 COR . 2.— The solution of u₂ - a²u = 0 is

u = Aeax + Be -ax.

Change a into ia in the fifth line of (3522) , and put Q = 0 .

3525 When Q is a function whose derivatives of the nth and

higher orders vanish, proceed as in the following example.
Ex. (3) : U₂ + a²u = (1 +x) ²,
therefore u = ( d₂x + a²) -¹ ( 1 + x) ² + ( d₂ + a³ ) -¹ 0
= (a¯² — a¯¹d² + a˜ºd₁x− - &c . ) ( 1 + 2x + x² ) + (d² + a³) -¹0
= a² (1 + x) ² - 2a + A cos ax + B sin ax,
the last two terms by (3523) .

Exceptional Case of the Inverse Process.

3526 Ex . (4) : U2x + a³u = cos nx,

.. u = (d₂ + a²) ~ ¹ ( cos nx + 0) = 1 ( d₂ + a²) -¹ (einx + e - inx +0)

= } (einx + e - inx) ( - n² + a²) - ' + A cos ax +B sin az by (3474) and (3523)
= cos nx (a² — n³) -¹ + &c.
Now, if n = a, the first term becomes infinite. In such cases proceed
as follows :
cos nx- cos αx
Put A = A′ - (a² — n²) -¹, and find the value of " when
x sin ax
na. By ( 1580) it is = Thus the solution is
æ sin ax
u= + A'cos ax + B sin ax.

The same result is obtained by making Q = cos ax in the solution of (3522) .

For another example, see (3559) .

3527 Ex. (5) : Y2x-9y +20y = x²²²,

therefore 3x
y = { (d, —4) (d, −5) } - ¹ x²e³ + { (d, -4) ( d, —5) } -¹0
=· e³ { (d, −1 ) ( d, −2 ) } - ¹ x² + Ae¹² + Bex. (3475, 3517, 3472)
(m²— 3m + 2 ) -- ¹¹ = † ( 1 — 3m—m³) 2 ¨¹
- 3m -- m² 2
1 + 3
= }+ {{ 1+
= = m² + ·( 3m -- m² ) +&c. }
Hence the solution becomes
y = e² { } + 3d, + Jd2 + &c . } x² + Ae¹ +Bear
3x 7
= e3x
= o' { " + 3/2 2 + } } + de ' + Be“.

3528 Ex . (6) : (d₂ - a)" u = eаx,

therefore u = (d, − a) ¯ " eax = eax ( d¸) ¯ " 1 (3476) ear (2149)
( d,) - * 1 nx .
= e²² ( ~ 7 +С.0)

3529 Ex. (7) : (d, + a)³ y = sin mx,

therefore y = (d, + a) ² sin mx + ( d, + a ) -20
=· (d¸ — a) ² (d²x— a² ) -² sin mx + e - ax ( d¸) -20 [ by ( 3478 ) with Q = 0]

= ( -m³ — a³) -2 (d, -a) sin mx + e - ax (Ax + B) (by 3496)

- 2am cos mx + a² sin mx ) + e¯ªx (Ax + B) .
= (m² + a³) -² ( —m² sin mx —


- a
3530 S 9 = { SQdx— (n − 1), x -¹SQxd.x

+ C (n, 2), a*=³SQa²dæ... ±SQx™-1dx,
where n - 1 ! = 1.2 ... n .

PROOF. - By ( 3489 ) dxQ = e = "" (d. — n + 1 ) ( d, ―n + 2 ) ... d. Q ... ... ... ( 1 ) ,
therefore d_nxQ = { (d, ―n + 1 ) (d, −n + 2 ) ….. d. } ¯¹e¹º Q
= · { (d。 — n + 1 ) - ' --— ( n − 1 ) (d, —n + 2) -¹
n -1 ! -1
+ C (n, 2) (d, ―n + 3) -¹- &c . } e" Q (3517)
n = 1 } { e ™ -¹) • (d.) ¯ ¹ e* — (n − 1) e '* −2) • (d.) −¹ e² + &c . } Q.

Then replace e' by x.

The equation

3531 axymx + bx" ynx + &c . = A + Bx + Cx² + &c. = Q


may, by (3489) , be transformed into

{ a (xd¸) ) + b (xd¸) + & c . } y = Q_or F (xd ) y = Q.

The solution is then obtained from

3532 y = F¹ (xd ) Q + F- 1 (xd ) 0 .

The value of the 1st part is given in ( 3487) .

3533 If a, ẞ, y, &c. are the roots of F (m) = 0, the second

part gives rise to the arbitrary terms

C₁x² + C₂x² + & c .

3534 If a root a is repeated times , the corresponding

terms are
p a
№ª { C₁ (log x) ” -¹ + C₂ (log x) ”- ² + ... + C,} .

PROOF. The partial fractions into which F-1 (ad,) O can be resolved, as
in ( 3517 ) , are of the type C (ad¸ - m) -¹0 , m being a root of F (x) = 0. But
(xd, —m ) -¹0 = Cam (3473) , C being an arbitrary constant.
For a root m repeated r times, the typical fraction is C (xd, —m) ˜º, p
being less than r. Now
(xd - m)" Cx (log x) = ( d. — m ) º Cem³ (jp-¹ = e™ ³ (d.) COP- 1 (3475) = 0,
therefore (xd - m)-0 = Ca" (loga)P-1.

The equation

3535 ayme + byne + &c . = ƒ

' ( eº , sin 0 , cos 0)

is reducible to the form of (3531 ) by a e ; or, substituting

from (768) , it may be written

F (do) y = Σ (Ameme) ,
and the solution will take the form

3536 y = ΣAmeme F -1 (m) + F - ¹ (d.) 0 ,

for the last term of which the forms in ( 3533-4) are to be

substituted with a changed to eº.

3537 Ex. (1 ) : x³узx = axm + bxn

ad, ( dr− 1)( dr− 2) y = a.” + biển ,

y = { dax (2 ,−1)( d,−2)}- (a +b )+ { da ( d − 1)( d,−2)}-10
axm bxn
= + + A + Bx + Cx²,
m (m - 1 ) (m - 2) n (n - 1 ) (n - 2 )
by (3180) and (3533 ) . A result evident by direct integration.


3538 Ex. (2) : x²Y2x + 3xYx + y = ( 1 — x) −². By (3490)

{xd (xd - 1 ) + 3xd, +1 } y = ( xd¸ + 1 ) ² y = 1 + 2x + 3x² + &c. ,
..y = (xd + 1 ) ² ( 1 + 2x + 3x² + ) = ( 0 + 1 ) -² + 2 ( 1 + 1 ) ² ≈ +3 ( 2 + 1 ) −²x² +
x A log a B
(3480) = 1+ +3393 + & c. + + = ——
x x x log (1 − x) + &c.

3539 Ex. (3) : Y2x + (4x − 1 ) Yx + ( 4x² −2x + 2) y = 0 .

Let d, + 22. Then the equation may be written
π (π - 1 ) y = 0, ..y = { ( -1 ) } - ' 0 = ( -1 ) -10 -- ¹0 .
Let ( —1) -¹0 = u , .' . (π -
— 1 ) u = 0, or u₂ + (2x - 1 ) u = 0 , .. u = Ae** - *.

3540 The solution of a P. D. equation of the type

a +b + & c . = u₁ + u₂ + &c. ,

where u₁, U2, &c. are homogeneous functions of the 1st , 2nd
degrees , &c . in x, y, and ₁ = æd, + yd, ( 3503 ) , is analogous to
(3531 ) , and is obtained from that solution by substituting
U1, U2, &c. for Ba, Ca² , &c .; and , for such terms as Ca", an
arbitrary homogeneous function of x and y of the same degree.

3541 Solution of F (T) u = Q,

where n-2
F (π) = π” + A¸π” ¬¹ + Â½π” ¬² + An,
and Q = u₂ + u₁ + u₂ + & c . ,
a series of homogeneous functions of x, y, z , ... of the respec
tive dimensions 0, 1 , 2 , & c .

Here u = F -¹ (π ) Q + F¬¹ ( π) 0 .

3542 The value of the 1st term is given in (3510 ) . For the
general value of the last term (see Proof of 3533 ) , let
F (m) = 0 have r roots = m ; then

3543 C (π - m) º0 = C { u (log x)p- ¹ +v (log x)” -2 ... + w } ,

where u, v, ... w are arbitrary functions of the variables all of

the degree m.

3544 COR. (π— m) -¹0 = (x, y, …..)™,
that is , a single homogeneous function of the variables of the
degree m (1620) .

3545 -
Ex.: x²≈2x + 2xYzxy + Y²Z₂, —α (xz¸ + yz „ ) + az = um + Un
um, un being homogeneous functions of the mth and nth degrees . The equation
may be written ( ²а₁ + α) z = Um + Un ;
) )( ""n + " n = 2 ( 1
or, by (3505 ) ,
0 ₁−{ ( 1 − 1 ) ( 1 − 2 ) } + (" n + " n ) 、 - { ( I − 1) ( − 1) } = ≈
Ит Un
= + + Ua + U1.
(m — a) ( m − 1) ' (n — a) (n − 1 )
The first two terms by formula (3502) ; the last two terms are arbitrary
functions of the degrees a and 1 respectively, and result from formula ( 3543)
by taking p1 and ma and 1 .

3546 To reduce a P. D. equation , when possible , to the

symbolic form
n -1
1 ”~¹ + A₂II " -2 ... + A „ ) u = Q
(II” + A₁II ........ ( 1 ) ,
Q ...
where ] = Md + Nd, + &c . ,

and Q , M, N, &c. are any functions of the independent

variables .
Consider the case of two independent variables ,

(Md₂ + Nd, ) ² u = M² U2x + 2MNUxy + N² Uzy

+ (MM₂ + NM₁) Ux + (MNx + NN₁ ) u ... (2) .

Here the form of II is obtainable from the right by con

sidering the terms involving the highest derivatives only, for
these terms are algebraically equivalent to (Mdx + Nd₁)³.
The reduction being effected, and the equation being
brought to the form of ( 1 ) ; then , if the auxiliary equation

3547 m" + A₁m² - ¹ + A₂m" -2 ... + A₂ = 0 ......


have its roots a, b, ... all unequal , the solution of ( 1 ) will be

of the form

3548 u= ( ............
-a) -¹Q + ( II — b ) -¹Q + &c . .... ……………….. (4) .

The terms on the right involve the solution of a series of linear

first order P. D. equations , the first of which is

3549 Mụx + Nu₂ + ... - au = Q,

and the rest involve b, c , & c .

If equal or imaginary roots occur in the auxiliary equation ,
we may proceed as in the following example.

3550 Ex.:
(1 +x²)² 2x - 4xy ( 1 + x²) %xy + 4x²y²zay + 2x ( 1 + x² ) %x + 2y ( x² − 1 ) % , + a²z = 0.
Here II = (1 + x²) d - 2xydy, and the equation becomes ( II +a²) z = 0.
Let the variables x , y be now changed to E, n, so that II = de. Therefore,
since II (E) = 1, II (4) = (1 + x³) Ex - 2xy = 1.
dx = dy
Therefore, by (3383) ,
1 + x² -2xy = de,
from which, by separating the variables and integrating, we obtain
x²y + y = A ...... . (1) ,
and, by (1436 ) , =
Etana +B (2) .
Also, since II ( n ) = n = 0 , ( 1 + æ³) n₂ - 2xy n₁ = 0.
dx dy dn
Therefore = ==
1+x² -2xy
the solution of which is equation ( 1 ) . Thus
= tan and n = x²y + y.
The transformed equation is now (d2 + a²) z = 0 ,
and the solution, by (3523) , is
z = $ (n) cos a& + (n ) sin ak,
arbitrary functions of the variable, which is not explicitly involved, being
substituted for the constants (3389) . Therefore finally,
z= (x²y + y) cos ( a tan - ¹x) + (x²y + y ) sin ( a tan - ¹x) .


3551 U2x + U2y + U2z = 0 .

Put day + d₂ = a² . Thus 2x + a²u = 0, the solution of which, by ( 3523) ,
• is u = 4 (y, z) cos ax + (y, z) sin ax,
arbitrary functions of y and z being put for the constants A and B. Expand
the sine and cosine by ( 764-5) ; replace a² by its operative equivalent, and ,
in the expansion of sin ax, put a¥ (y, z ) = x ( y , z ) ; thus
22 2
u = 4 (y, z) —-2017 (day + drz) $ (y , z) +
4! Φ (y, z) — &c.
(day + d2z) $
23 28
+ xx (y, z) — 3! (day + d2z) x (y , z) + (day + daz) x (y, z ) — &c .
[See (3626) for another solution.

ux + u₂ + u₂ = xyz .
Here u = (dx + d₂ + d₂) ˜¹ (xyz + 0 )
= {d_z ― d_2 (d, + d₂) + d_з (dy + d₂ ) ³ — ... } (xyz + 0) .
Operating upon xyz, we get
u = } x²yz —zx³ (z + y) + 17x*,

the rest vanishing. For symmetry, take rd of the sum of three such
expressions ; thus
u == } { zz (x * + y * + z¹ ) − f ( x³y + xy³ + y³z + yz³ + z³x + zx³) + } xyz (x + y + z) } .

Operating upon zero, we have, in the first place, dx0 = ¢ (yz)

instead of a constant, therefore d- 20 = xp (yz), &c.
The result is
{ 1 − x (d„ + dz) + { œ² (d„ + d₂ ) ² — ... } ¢ (yz ) = e − x ( dy + dz} ¢ (yz) = ¢ (y − x, z — x)
(3493) the complementary term.

3553 Otherwise, putting d, + d₂ = D , we have, by ( 3478 ) ,

(dx + D) −¹ xyz = e− xDd_xexDxyz = e − x®d_x { x (y + x ) ( z + x ) } , (3493)
= e −xD { { x²yz + } x³ (y + z) + } x* }
= x² ( y — x ) ( z -
— x) + } x³ (y + z − 2x) + 1x¹,
which agrees with the former solution .

3554 au¸ + bu + cu₂ = xyz.

Substitute x ak, y = bn, z = c , and the equation becomes
uε+ u + uz = abcns,
which is solved in (3552) .

The same methods furnish the solution of

3555 au¸ +bu, + cu₂ = x”y"zº.

3556 x≈x +yz₁ = 2xy√

/a² —z² .
Put z = a sin v,
.. TZ = α cos v . TV, .. πυ - 2xy, sin (ay + c).

3557 axu™ +byu, + czu, —nu = 0 .

Put = , y= n, x= ; 1 1 1
.. Eu¿ + nu„ + Su¿— nu = 0, .. by (3544) u == (x , y , z ) "..
z² )”

3558 The solution of any P. D. equation of the type

F (cd », yd , dạ , ... )u = EA ” y” ...

is, by (3488) and (3557) ,

Axmy" 1
u= Σ + 0.
F (m, n , p, ...) F (xd , yd , zd₂, ...

3559 Ex.: xu +yu, ―au = Qm

where Q (x, y) m ( 1620) .

Here u = (m — a ) ¹Qm + Ua. When am, this solution becomes inde

terminate. In that case, as in ( 3526 ) , assume
- Va Qa "
Ua =
U₁ :: u = Qm -Qa + Va.
m -a m -a
Differentiate for a, by ( 1580) , putting Qa first in the form

{ F (1 ) + (税 ) } ;
thus u= Qm (log x + log y) + Vm

Similarly , the solution of

3560 xux + yu + zu₂ - mu = Qm

is u= Qm (log + log y + log z ) + Vm²

3561 xu¸ +yu₂ + zu₂ = c .

The solution, by ( 3560) , is

u = c (log x + log y + log z ) + V。.

3562 ≈2x - 2a≈xy + a²≈2y =

=00 or (d - ad₁ ) ² z = 0.
z = (d - ad,) -20 = (d - ady ) ¹ ¢ (y) eaxdy (3472 )
by putting ad, for m and (y) for C. The second operation produces, by
(3476) , z = eaxdy { xp (y ) + (y ) } = xp (y + ax) + (y + ax) . (3492)

3563 X²≈2x − Y²Z2y + XZx — yz₁ = 0.

This reduces to (xd₂ + yd ) (xd, —ydŋ ) z = 0 .
Here xd, + yd,, and m = 0 in (3544) , 0
therefore * =
(, ) +( ,y ) ,
the second term being obtained by substituting y¹y', and so converting
the second factor into (xd, + y'd, ) . The above may also be written
2 F
= P ( ) + ( y),
F and ƒ being integral algebraic functions.

3564 ≈2x - a²≈2y + 2abz, + 2a²b≈, = 0.

Putting yan, this equation is equivalent to
(d, ―dn + 2ab) (d, + dn) z = 0 ;
3 Y

putting a log a' and n = log n' , this gives, by (3544) ,

z = (e³, e-¹) - zab + ( e*, e" ) " = e -zabx & ( e² + " ) + ↓ (ext- ")
= e - abxF (y + ax) +ƒ (y - ax),
the functions being algebraic and integral.

3565 -
U2x — a²u₁₁
2 = $ (x, y).
.. u = (d₂ — a²d2y) −¹ ¢ (x, y ) (3515)
= - - (3470)
(2ad¸ ) −¹ { (d¸ — ad¸) ´¹ — (d₂ + ad,) − ¹ } ¢ ( x, y)
· ( 2ad,) −¹ { eazdy fe ‑azdy 4 (x, y) dx —e-azdy feazdy o (x, y) dx } (3470 )
·(2a) -¹ [ { •, (x, y + ax) − •¸2 (x, y — ax) } dy ,
since caxdy 4
Φ (x, y) = 4 (x, y + ax) (3492) .
Here 1
℗, (x, y) = [ 4 (x, y — ax) dx + 4 (y) ,
❤¸ (x, y ) = √ p (x, y + ax) dx +x (y ) .

3566 If Φ (x, y ) = 0 , the solution therefore becomes

u= (y + ax) +x₁ (y—ax) [Boole, ch. 16.

For the solution in this case by Monge's method , see

(3433) .

3567 ≈x − az₁ = em cos ny.

z = ( d¸ — ad¸) ¯¹êm² cos ny = card, fe - axdy em² cos ny da (3470)

= eaxdy em.x cos n (y -ax) dx ( 3492) , and this by Parts, or by ( 1999) , is
= eaxdy emx {m -1
m cos n (y - ax ) — an sinn (y — ax) } (m² + a³n²) -¹ +eardy ¢ (1 )
.*. % = emx -
m cos ny —an sin ny } (m² + a²n²) ˜¹ + ¢ (y + ax), by (3492) .

3568 Zt - Az2x = 0.
z = (d - ad ) ¹0 eat d2p (p) , by (3472) ,
(x) taking the place of the constant C.
Therefore z = 4 (x) + at 2x + }a²t²₁x + &c. ( 3492 )
Otherwise, to obtain z in powers of a , we have, putting b² = a¯¹ ,
22 - b³zt = 0,
.. % = { (d₂ +bd}) (d¸ + bd}) } ~ ¹0 = ebxdip (t) + e - bædi ↓ (t) (3518 ) ;
then expand by (150) .

3569 22x + 2y = cos nx cos my.


z = (d2x + day) ¹ cos nx cos my.

Treating da, and cos my as constants, we have, by ( 3526) , putting day for a²,
z = cos nx (d₂, —n²) -¹ cos my + A cos ax +B sin ax, or by (3496) ,
- -1
= cos nx cos my ( — m² — n³ ) −¹ + ¢ (y ) cos (xdy ) + (y ) sin (xd,) ,
A and B becoming (y ) and (y) .

3570 ≈24 + 2%64 +≈24 + a²z = cos (mp + n¥) .

Therefore ( + ia) (π- iα) z = } { e! (m * + n ) + e −i ( ma + mv)} ,
where = dd . Therefore, by ( 3510) , with xe , ye ,
ei (mø +n¥) e−i(mp+n¥)
+ (e³, ev) -ia + (e*, ev) ia,
= } { a² — = (m + n)" }}
= (m + n)² + a² —

or z = cos (mo + n¥) + (e*, ev) -ia + (e*, e*)ia.

a² - (m + n)²

3571 PROP. I.- To transform a linear differential equation

of the form

(a +bx +cx² ... ) Unx + (a' + b'x + c'x² ... ) u (n - 1 ) x + &c . = Q ... ( 1 )

into the symbolical form

fo (D) u +fi (D) e'u +f2 (D) e²° u + &c. = T ......

.... (2) ,

where Q is a function of x, T a function of 0 , x = eº and

D = d..
Multiply the equation by a" ; then the 1st term on the left
becomes , by (3489) ,

(a + be + ce²º + ... ) D (D − 1 ) ... (D — n + 1 ) u .

This reduces, by the repeated application of formula (3476)

with the notation of (2451 ) , to

3572_aD ) u + b (D − 1 ) (" ) e° u + c (D − 2) (n ) e²º u + &c .

The other terms admit of similar reductions .

3573 Conversely , to bring back an equation from the sym

bolic form (2 ) to the ordinary form ( 1) , employ formula (3475)
so as to transfer eme to the left of the operative symbol .

3574 Ex.: ² (x²u₂ + 7xu₂ + 5u) =: e² { D (D − 1 ) + 7D + 5 } u
= e20 (D3 + 6D + 5 ) u = e² (D + 1 ) (D + 5) u
= (D − 1) (D +3) e² u (3476) .

For the converse reduction, the steps must be retraced, employing ( 3475) .
See also example ( 3578 ) .

3575 PROP. II .-To solve the equation

u +a₂$ (D) e'u + a¸¢ ( D) $ (D − 1 ) e²º u ...

+ a„$ (D) $ (D − 1 ) ... $ (D − n + 1) e¹º u = U,
where U is a function of 0.

By (3491 )
$ (D) $ (D − 1 ) ... ¢ (D − n + 1 ) e¹º u = {+ (D) eº } " u .

Putting pu for this , the equation becomes

(1 + a + a² ... + a, ç” ) u = U.
3576 Therefore
u = · { A₂ ( 1 -
− 919) ˜¹ + A₂2 (1 − (29) ˜¹ ... + A „ ( 1—9„9 ) −¹ } U,

where 41 , 42 ... qn are the roots of the equation

an = 0 ,
q" + a₁q" ¹ + A27" -2 ... + α₂
and A, =
(Ir − 41) (Ar − 42) ...
··· (Ir — In)`
The solution will then be expressed by

u = ¸µ₂ + ¸µ½ ….. + Anun
where ur
Изо is given by the solution of the equation
3577 -
u, —q,$ (D) e' u, = U.

3578 Ex .:
(x² + 5x³ + 6x ) U₂ + (4x + 25x² + 36x³) u₂ + (2 + 20x + 36x³) u = 20x³.
Putting ae , and transforming by (3489 ) ,
(1 + 5e + 6e²º) D (D − 1 ) u + ( 4 + 25e* + 36e²º) Du + ( 2 + 20e + 36e²) u = 20e³ .
The first term = D (D − 1 ) u + 5 ( D − 1 ) ( D − 2 ) e ° u + 6 (D − 2) (D − 3) e² u
by applying (3476 ) . The other terms similarly ; thus, after rearrangement,
(D + 1) (D + 2) u +5 ( D + 1 ) ² e' u + 6D (D + 1 ) e² u = 20e³.

Operating upon this with { (D + 1 ) ( D + 2 ) } - ¹ , we get

D+ 1 D 20e39
u +5 eᵒu +6 e20uu= = e , by (3474) ;
D+2 D+2 (3 + 1 ) (3 + 2 )
or (1 + 5p + 6p²) u = e" , if p = (D + 1 ) ( D + 2 ) -¹e' ;
therefore u = { 3 ( 1 + 3p) -¹ −2 ( 1 + 2p ) ¯¹ } e³ = 3y — 2z,
if y = (1 + 3p) ¹³ and z = (1 + 2p) ¹ e³.

Hence 30
(1 + 3p) y = e³° or y +3 (D + 1 ) ( D + 2 ) -¹ e ° y = e³ ;
therefore (D + 2) y + 3 (D + 1 ) e ° y = e³ ( 3 + 2 ) , by ( 3474) ,
or (D + 2) y + 3e° (D + 2) y = 5e³°, by (3475 ) ;
that is, (x +3x²) y₂ + 2 ( 1 + 3x) y = 5æ³.
Similarly (x +2x²) % +2 (1 + 2x) z = 5æ³.
Solve these by (3210) , and substitute in u = 3y - 2z.

3579 PROP. III .-To transform the equation

u +4 (D) e¹ºu = U_into_v + 4 (D + n) e™º v = V,

put u = enov and U = ene V.

PROOF.- By (3474) , because (D) e(n + r) • v = e¹º p (D + n) e** v.

3580 PROP. IV.-To transform the equation

u+ ¢ (D) erº u = U into v+ (D) e™º v = V,

u = P₁ ? (D) v Φ
put and U = Pr + (D) V,
(D) (D)

3581 where P Ф Φ (D— ?) p

= $ (D) ø Φ (D − 2r) …..
(D) 4 (D) 4 (D — r) 4 (D − 2r) *

PROOF.- Put u = f (D) v in the 1st equation, and erƒ (D) v = ƒ (D — r) e™ v

(3476) . After operating with f-1 (D) it becomes
v +¢ (D) ƒ (D — r) fƒ˜¹ (D) e²° v = ƒ˜¹ (D) U,
therefore ø (D) ƒ (D — r) f−¹ (D) = ↓ (D) by hypothesis ;
therefore ƒ(D) = • (D) ƒ (D − r) = (D) (D- r)
f(D - 2r) ,
↓ (D) (D) (D - r)
and so in inf. Also Uf (D) V.

3582 To make any elementary factor x (D) of ¢ (D) be

come, in the transformed equation, x (Dnr), where r is an
integer ; take (D) = x (D ± nr) X1 (D) . See example (3589) .

x (D)
3583 To make any factor of (D) of the form
x (D ± nr)
disappear in the transformed equation , take (D) = x₁ (D),
where X1 (D) , in each case, denotes the remaining factors of
(D). See example (3591) .

3584 In the application of Proposition IV. , differentia

tion or integration will be the last operation according as
P $(D) (3581 ) has its factors , after reduction , in the
" (D)
numerator or denominator, and therefore according as (D)
is formed by algebraically diminishing or increasing the several
factors of Φ (D) . However, by first employing Proposition III. ,
the given equation may frequently be so prepared that the
final operation with Prop . IV. shall be differentiation only.
See example ( 1 ) .
For further investigation, see Boole's Diff. Eq., Ch. 17, and Supplement,
p. 187.

3585 To reduce an equation of the homogeneous class

(3531 ) to a binomial equation of the same order of the form
»a + q = X.
The general theory of such solutions is as follows . Let
the given equation be

u + q { (D + a,) (D + a₂) ... ( D + a„ ) } ¯¹e¹º u = U ... (1) ,

a1, a2, ... a, being in descending order of magnitude. Putting
ue-av, by Prop . III . ,
- -1
v + q { D (D — ã₁ — α₂) ….. (D — ภ— α₂ ) } ¯¹ enº v = eª‚º U ….. (2 ) .
To transform these factors , regarded as (D) , by Prop. IV.
into (D) = D(D − 1 ) ... ( D - n + 1 ) , we convert D into D + rn
(3582 ) , r being an integer .
Hence for the pth factor we must have
D + rna₁ + a₂ ap = D - p + 1 ,
3586 and therefore a₁ - a, = rn +p − 1 ..... ...... (3) .
If this relation holds for each of the constants a ... an
equation ( 1 ) is reducible to the form

3587 y + q { D (D − 1) ... ( D − n + 1 ) } ¯¹enºy = Y ...... (4) ,

which, by (3489) , is equivalent to Ynx + y = Y₂x
nx = X.
y being found in terms of a from the last equation, and ,
P $ (D)
v being n y (3580) , the solution will result from
3588 u = e−ap (D − 1 ) (D− 2) ... (D − n + 1) ,y;
(D − a₁ +a²) ... (D − a₁ + an)
while U and Y are connected by the same relation as u and y.

3589 Ex. 1 : Given a³uз + 18x²u₂ + 84xu¸ + 96u + 3x³u = 0.

Puttinge and employing ( 3489) , this becomes
{ D (D − 1 ) (D − 2) + 18D ( D − 1 ) + 84D + 96 } u + 3e³ u = 0,
or (D + 8) (D + 4) (D + 3 ) u + 3e³ u = 0,
therefore u +3 { (D + 8) ( D + 4) ( D + 3) } - ¹e u = 0 ......
........ .. (1) .
Employing Prop . III. , put u = e- 80 v,
therefore (3476) v +3 { D (D - 4) ( D - 5) } - ¹ e³° v = 0 ........ (2) .
To transform this by Prop. IV. into
y +3 { D (D − 1) (D − 2) } - ¹³ y = 0 ................ ( 3) ,
we have
PP (D) = D (D- 1) (D - 2) (D - 3 ) (D − 4) ( D − 5 ) ··· =
— (D − 1 ) (D − 2) ,
(D) D (D- 4) (D - 5) ( D - 3 ) ( D − 7) (D - 8) ...
.. v (D - 1) (D - 2) y, .. u = e-8 (D - 1 ) ( D - 2) y ......... (4),
and the solution is obtained by differentiation only, performed on the value
of y as obtained by the solution of ( 3) , that equation being equivalent to
D (D − 1) (D − 2 ) y + 3e³ y = 0, or, by ( 3489) , Yзx + 3y = 0 .
If, however, Prop. IV. were used to pass directly from ( 1 ) to ( 3) , we
should have
PP(D) = D (D − 1) (D− 2) ( D − 3) (D − 4) (D − 5) ...
(D) (D + 8) (D + 4) (D + 3) ( D + 5 ) (D + 1 ) D ...
= (D+ 8) (D + 5 ) (D + 4) ( D + 3 ) ( D + 2) ( D + 1 ) '
and equation (4) would involve integrations of y as high as D- y.

3590 NOTE. By the literal application of Rule IV. , the right side of
equation (3) ought to be V = { (D − 1 ) ( D − 2 ) } -10 ; but no such term is
required when the original and transformed equations are of the same order,
for in such cases the arbitrary constants introduced by the operation upon
zero disappear with the terms containing them in the final differentiation .
The result is the same as if the operation upon zero had not been performed.
In the following example, V has to be retained.

3591 Ex. 2 : (x − x³) U₂ + ( 2−12x²) u, -

− 30xu = 0 …………………………………........... ( 1) .
Multiply by a, transform by (3489) , and remove e to the right of each
function of D by (3476) , thus
u (D+ 4) (D + 3) e²º u = 0 ........... .... (2) .
D (D + 1)
Transform this by Prop . IV. into
D + 32v = V
v *****... *.***.... (8) .
D+ 1
We have u = P₂ - v = (D + 4) (D + 2) v,
V = { (D +4) (D + 2 ) } - ¹0 = Ae-2 + Be-" (3518 ) .
The operation upon zero is required in this example (see 3590) , because (3)

is of a lower order than (2) ; but only one term of the result need be retained ,
because only one additional constant is wanted . Hence (3) becomes
(D + 1) v- (D + 3 ) e² v = (D + 1 ) Ae-2 - Ae-2 .
Changing again to x, this equation becomes
(x³ — x³) v¸ − 4x³v + A = 0 .
The value of v obtained from this by (3210) will contain two arbitrary con
stants . The solution of ( 1 ) will then be given by
u = (D + 4) (D +2) v.

3592 Ex. 3 : u₂ - n (n + 1 ) x-² u — q³u = 0, [Boole, p. 424.

n being an integer.
Multiplying by a and employing (3489) , this becomes
u− q³ { (D + n ) (D — n − 1 ) } - ¹ e² u = 0.
This is changed by Prop . III. into
v - q' { D (D — 2n − 1 ) } - ¹ e²v = 0, with u = e ="" ,
and this, by Prop . IV. , into
y - q { D ( D- 1 ) } e2 y = 0 or y2 - q'y = 0 (3489) .
y being found from this by ( 3524) , we then have
P D- 1 (n)
u = ene ₂ y = e-ne
e- " (D - 1) y = x-" (xd, -1 ) y.
D- 2n - 1
But, by (3484 ), F (xd, ―m) = x™ F (xd₂) x¯”,
.. u = x¯” x (xd₂) x−¹ . x³ (xd¸) x−³ ... x²n−1 (xd₂) x−²n +¹y,
or u = x¯(n+ ¹) (x³d¸) " x−2n + 1 .y
= x-" -¹ (x³d,) " x -2-1 (Ae + Be *) (3525) .
This may be evaluated by substituting z = x². (See Educ. Times Reprint,
Vol. XVII., p. 77.)

3593 Ex. 4 : — (n + 1 ) x²u = 0.

The solution is derived from that of Example ( 2 ) , by putting q = ad,,
and arbitrary functions of y after the exponentials instead of A and B ; thus
- 2n ++ 11 { eardy (y) + e - ard n ( y ) }
u = x- " -¹ (x³d,) " x
= x= "-¹ (x³d,)" x− 2 + 1 { p (y + ax) + (y + ax ) } , by (3492) .
[Boole, p. 425 .

3594 (1 + ax²) u2x +axu¸ ± n³u = 0 .

To solve this equation or its symbolical equivalent obtained

by (3489) , viz . ,
a (D − 2)² ±n² e²º u = 0 .
3595 u+ e20
D (D- 1)
Substitute t = dx
in the solution of u ±n²u = 0 , by (3523–4) .
√√√(177 9237)

3596 Similarly, to solve the equation

(x² +a) x²u₂x + (2x² +a) xu¸ ± n²u = 0,

or, the same in its symbolical form,

(D − 1) (D − 2) e20u = 0.
3597 u+
aD² ± n²
Substitute t = in the solution of un'u = 0.
Sx√(x² + a)
(3596) is obtainable from (3593) by changing 0 into -0.

3598 Pfaff's equation,

(a + bx") x³u₂x + ( c + ex” ) xu¸ + (f+gx”) u = Q.

When Q = 0, the symbolical form becomes

b (D— n) (D — n − 1 ) + e (D − n) + 9 eno u = 0 ………………………….. ( 1 ) .
น+ .........
aD (D - 1) + cD + f
If n be not = 2, substitute 20′ = n0, and therefore 2d. = nd..

3599 Thus b (D - a₁ ) (D —
-α ) 20' u = 0 ………………………………… ..
u+ ……………... (2) .
a (D - B₁) (D - B₂)
where a,, a, are the roots of the equation
b ( nan) ( na - n - 1 ) + e ( nan) + g = 0 ........ (3) ,
and ẞ₁, ẞ, are the roots of
a ền ( nß − 1) + cần +f = 0.
Four cases occur

3600 -
I.- If a₁ - a, and ß₁ —ß, are odd integers, (2 ) can be reduced by
b (D - a, ) (D - a, -1) e20'v =
Prop. IV. (3581) to the form v + = 0,
a (D — ß₁) (D— ß₁ — 1)
and then resolved into two equations of the first order.

3601 II.-If any one of the four quantities a, -ß₁ , a₁ — ß₂, ɑ‚— ß1 , ɑ2 — ß₂
is an even integer, ( 2 ) can be reduced by Prop. IV. to an equation of the
first order .

3602 III .-If ß, -6, and a, + u, --B, are both odd integers, then, by
Props. III. and IV. , (2) is reducible to (3595) .

3603 IV.- If a₁ - a, and a₁ + a, -ß₁ - ẞ, are both odd integers, ( 2) is

reducible in like manner to (3597) . [Boole, p. 428.
NOTE. The integers may be either positive or negative, and when even
may be zero.

3 z



3604 CASE I.- Solution of the linear differential equation

fo (D) u -fi (D) erº u = 0 or f (xd ) u -fi (xd¸) x” u = 0 ,

in which fo (D) , fi (D) are polynomial expressions of the form

а + a₁D + ª‚о ….. + a, D" and ƒ (D) = (D — a ) ( D — b ) ( D — c) ……..
3605 Let (D) = ƒ₁ (D) ÷ƒ。 (D) , and let

3606 (a) = 1 + ¢ ( a + r ) x² + ¢ ( a + 2r) ¢ ( a + r) æ²r

+ (a + 3r ) (a + 2r ) $ (a + r) æ³r + &c .
Then the solution will be

3607 u = AxªÞ (a ) + Bx³Þ ( b) + Cxˆ • ( c) + &c .

PROOF.-Operating with f¹ (D) and writing p for (D) erº,
u—pu = f (D) 0 = Ae + Bebe + &c. (3518 )
Therefore, by (3515 ) , u = ( 1 - p) -¹ ( Aeª® + Be¹º + ... )
= (1 + p + p²+ ... ) Aeª® + ( 1 + p + p + ... ) Beb + &c.
Now in each term substitute for p", the value in ( 3491 ) , and remove D by
formula (3474).

CASE II.- Solution of

3608_ƒ (D) u +fi (D) e° u +ƒ½ (D) e²º u ... +ƒn (D) e¹º u = 0
... (1),
fo (D) = (D — a) (D — b) (D — c) ...
Let (a) = 1 + F₁ (a + 1 ) x + F₂2 ( a + 2 ) x² + & c . ,
where the coefficients F (a + 1) or v₁ , F (a + 2) or v₂, &c . are
determined in succession by the formula
3609 f (m) vm +fi (m) vm-1 ... +fn (m) vm -n = 0 and v = 1
......(2) .
The solution will then be expressed by

3610 u = Axª ¥ (a) + Bæ³ ¥ (b ) + Сx° ¥ ( c) + &c .

PROOF. From (1)
........ (3 ) ,
= { 1 + ¢ , (D) e ° ... + ‡n (D) enº } −¹ƒ˜¹ (D) .0 …………………………………..
where Pr (D) = fr (D) ÷ƒ。 (D) .
Here f¹(D) 0 = { ( D — a) ( D — b ) ... } -¹0 = Aeª²º + Bebº + ... ( 3518) ;
and { 1 +41 (D) e° ... + ¢n ( D) e¹º } −¹ = 1 + F, ( D ) e° + F, (D) e² + ...

To determine F₁, F₁, &c. , operate upon each side with { 1 +¢ ( D) e ° + &c . } ,
and equate coefficients of powers of e ; thus formula ( 2) is obtained . (3)
now becomes
u = { 1+ F₁ (D) e° + F₂ (D) e²º + ….. } ( 4eª® + B¸¹º + ... ) ......... (4) .
Multiply out ; apply (3474) , and put a for e .

3611 Ex.: x²u2x- (a + b - 1 ) xu + abu - qx³u = 0,

or, by (3489) , (D - a) (D - b) u - ge²º u = 0.
Here f。 (D) = (D − a) (D — b) , fı (D) = 0, ƒ½ (D) = -9.

Therefore (2) becomes (m - a) (m — b) vm = qvm -2,

therefore F₁, F , &c. vanish, and F. (a) = 1,
qF, (a) =
F, (a + 2) =
(a + 2− a) (a + 2 — b ) = 2 (a +2
qF, (a + 2) = q²
F. (a + 4) =
(a +4 - a) (a + 4- b) 4.2 (a + 4 - b) (a + 2 − b) '
qx² 9224 + ...
Therefore (a) = 1 + +
2 (a +b - 2) 4.2 (a - b + 4) ( a − b + 2 )
Similarly we find F, (b + 2) , F (b + 2) , &c. , and thence (b) ; and, sub
stituting in (3610), we have

น= Ax²+ Aqxa +2 Aq²x +4

+ + ...
2 (a -- b- 2) 4.2 ( a − b + 4) ( a − b +2)
Bqxb+2 Bq2ab+4
+ Bx² + + + ...
2 (b - a +2) 4.2 ( b - a + 4) ( b - a + 2)

3612 The solution is arrived at more quickly by formula (3607) . We

have q
$ (D) =
(D— a) (D — b)'

.. ¢ (a + 2) = 2 ( a + 2 — b ) ' $ (a + 4) = 4 (a +4—b) ' &c.,

producing the same series by the value of ( a) . Similarly with ♣ (b) .

3613 When f (D) has r factors each D - a, the corres

ponding part of the value of u in equation (4) will produce

3614 4 + 4, log x + A , (log x)² ... +A ,-1 (log x) ”−¹,

where the coefficients A , A1, ... are each of the form

Coxª + C₁xa + ¹ + C₂α¶ + 3 + ...

3615 But if any one of the quantities F, ( a + r) = 0 ( 3608 ) ,

then C, = 0 also.

PROOF.-f (D) now contains a term ofthe form

e²º (c₂ + c₂0 ... + c,or - 1) = ev, say.
The corresponding part of u in (4) is

{ 1 + F₁ (D) e ° + ... } eª°~

= { eª° + e( a + 1 ) • F₁ ( D + a + 1) + e(a+2)•F₂(D + a + 2) + ….. } v by (3475 ) .

Expand each function F by Taylor's theorem in powers of D, operate upon v,
and arrange the result according to powers of 0.

In practice, proceed as in the following example.

3616 Ex.: xu2x + u₂ + q²xu = 0.
Multiplying by ≈ and changing by (3489) , this becomes
D'u + q'e²º u = 0. D'u = 0 gives u = A + BO.
Substitute this value and operate with D, considering A and B as variables,
and equate to zero the coefficients of the powers of 0 ; thus
D³A + q²e²ºA +2DB = 0 , D³B + q³e²ºB = 0.
Then change D into m , and eºA into am-r, to obtain the relations
m³am +q³am-2 + 2mbm = 0 ; m³bm + q³bm-2 = 0 ,
which determine the constants successively in terms of a and b, (which are
arbitrary) in the equation
v = ao tay ta *+ ... + logæ (b + bc + b *+ ...) ,
which thus becomes the solution sought. [Boole, Diff. Eq., p. 439.


3617 Laplace's method. - The solution of the equation

x$ (d₂) u +¥ (dx) u = 0 (1)

is u= C t +Svet de ( pt) -¹ } dt (2) ,
•cf{e +S

the limits being determined by

e Svet
_zt+Su =0
ttdt = 0 ....
PROOF.-Assume u = ezt Tdt, and substitute in (1 ) , putting (d,) et
u = efc=
= (t) et (3474) , thus

[ xe*t4 (t) Tat + f

√ e* 4 (t) Tdt = 0 .

This method of solution is merely indicated here, and the reader is referred to Boole's
Diff. Eq., Ch. xviii., for a complete investigation.

Integrating the first term by parts, this becomes

eat (t) T-
-Sf ex [ d, { ø ( t) T } − ↓ (t) T] d
. ..........
. .4.) ,
an equation which is satisfied by equating each term to zero. The second
term thus produces a value of T by integration by (3209) , and this value
substituted in the first term, and in the value of u, gives the results (3)
and (2).

3618 Ex. ( 1 ) : xu2x + au - q²xu = 0* .... ........ (4) .

Here (d ) = d , —q², 4 (d₂) = ad¸, ¢ (t) = tª — q², 4 (t) = at. Hence
(2) and (3) become
u = C | e≈t (tª³ — q') ; ´¹dt ; eªt ( t −q¹³)i = 0 ;

a being positive, the limits are t ± q, and, putting tq cos 0, we find

u = 0 ew cos ° sin♥ -1 Ꮎ dᎾ ... ... (5) .


3619 The solution in series by (3608) is as follows. Equations (1 ) and

(2) of that article are in this case
D (D + a- 1) u - qeu = 0 and m (m + a − 1 ) vm − q²vm-2 = 0 .
Thus, a in (3608 ) = 0 , and b = 1 - a . Therefore (3610) becomes
q²x² 9*2*

= 4 { 1 + 2 (a + 1 ) + 2.4 (a + 1) (a + 3) + &c. }
+ Bx¹- 1+ ..... (6) .
+ &c. }
{ 1 + 2 (3 — a) + 2.4 (3 — a) (5 —a)
Both series are convergent by ( 239 ii . ) .

The results deduced by Boole are these

3620 (5) is equivalent to the particular integral represented by the first
series of (6).

3621 A second particular integral, by assuming u = el - a) v, is found to

be, when 2 - a is positive,
r COSO sin¹- 0do
u = O₂x¹-a ["ea ……………….. (7) .

3622 When a lies between 0 and 2, the complete integral is

u = C₁ ea cose° sinª¬¹0d0 + С₂ï¹ - a e co sin¹- do .........
………………….. (8) .
afte S0

* The method by definite integrals is elucidated by Boole chiefly in the solution of this
important equation.

3623 But, if a = 1 , the solution becomes

น = excose (9).
S 4+B log (≈ sin³ 0) } do

3624 If a does not lie between 0 and 2, then, if a be negative, put

aa - 2n, and replace the first term of (8) by
earcose sing -¹do ... (10),
C¸ (xd¸ + a
′ −1 ) (xd¸ + a
′ —3 ) ... (xd¸ + a
' — 2n + 1 ) (*
the transformation being effected by (3580) .

3625 And if a be positive and > 2, put u = e(l- a) • v = l - av . This con

verts a into 2 — a, a negative quantity, and the case is reduced to the last

3626 Ex. (2 ) .— To solve by this method the P. D. equation

Uqx + U2y+ U2z = 0 ............... ..... ( 1 )

when r = √ (x² + y²) .

Eliminating and y, ( 1 ) becomes

ru₂ + ur + ruzz = 0 ……………… (2) .
Now the solution of this equation is number (9) of Example (1) , if we
change a into r, q into id₂, and A and B into arbitrary functions of z. We
thus obtain
u= ……………
. (3) ,
0 ercoso id₂ { p (2) +4 (2) log ( r sin³ 0) } de …………....
or, by (3492) ,
{ z + ir cos 0 } do ++ (z + ir cos 0) log (r sin³ 0) d☺…………
.. (4) .
S &{ =
See ( 3551 ) for another solution.

3627 If u be the potential of an attracting mass at an external point,

and if u F ( ) when r = 0 ; then, since logr∞ , (z) must vanish ;

F (-) = ["4
0 (2) d0 = *4 (x) .

Hence (4) reduces to น = == F { z + ir cos 0 } do.

π 0

Parseval's Theorem.

3628 If, for all values of u,

A + Bu + Cu² + ... ==$ ( u)

and -2
A' + B'u-¹ + C'u² + ... = 4 ( u) ..... ..... (1) ,

' + ... =
= 2π
=ƒ˜” [ ¤ (e¹ ) & (eº ) + ¢ (e¯ * ) * (e−*)] do

PROOF. - Form the product of equations (1), and in it put u = e¹ and e - iº

separately, and add the results. Multiply by de, integrate from 0 to π, and
divide by 2π.



3629 By means of Fourier's theorem ( 2742) , the solution

of the equation
Uzt− h² (U2x + U2y + Uzz) = 0
may be deduced by a general method in the form

u = (1 + də)SSSSSS ei (4+Bht) ↳
ป (a , b, c) da db dc dλ dµ dv,

the limits of each integration being ― ∞o to co , and the func

tion being arbitrary and different in the two terms arising
from the operator (1 + de) .

Boole, Ch. xviii. , and more fully in Cauchy's Exercice d'Analyse Mathé
matique, Tom. I., pp. 53 et 178.

3630 Poisson's solution of the same equation in the form of

a double integral is
π 2π
u = (1+
(1 + dt) ("* S ** t sin (x +ht sink sinn, y +ht sin cos n , z + ht cos ) didn
0 0
with the same latitude in the interpretation of 4.
[ Gregory's Examples, p. 504.



3631 THEOREM I. (Boole) .-" If /y 1, Y2 ... Yn are the n roots

of the equation
y" —ay" -¹ + 1 = 0 ..... ...... (1),

and if the mth power of any one of these roots be represented


by u, and if a = eº , then u as a function of satisfies the

differential equation

u− (n = ¹D + m −1 )" " (2 - m −1 ) [ D ] -¹e" u = 0,

and the complete integral of the same will be

m m m72
u = Cig +Cu +… ... + Cu

3632 " COR. I.- If m = -1 and if n be >2 , the differential


D(n-1) u
n (n =

n 1 D - 1-1
n )(" -" ) , eno u = 0

has for its general integral

u = · С₁₁¹ + С₂у¹ ... + Cμ - 19-12

y , y ... Y - 1 being any n - 1 roots of (1) .

" If be changed into -0 , and therefore D into -D, the

above results are modified as follows :

3633 " COR. II.- The differential equation

u− (D− 1) ' [ (" = ¹ D− m) " ' (

P + m )]
¯* e* u = 0

has for its complete integral

m m
u = C₁₂ + C₂y ... + Cnyn ,

Y1 Y2 ... Y being the roots of the equation

ay" —y" -¹ + a = 0 (2) .

3634 " COR. III .-The differential equation

\ eno
u— n (D − 2)(* - ¹) [ (n=1 D+ 1
n ) * ¯¹ ]¯`*e* u = 0,

supposing n > 2 has for its complete integral

u = Civil+ C, z ... + C -13-2 ,

Y₁, Y₂ ... Y.-1 being any n - 1 roots of ( 2) .


" Theorem II. (Harley) .

3635 " The differential equation
n m
a² ( xd,¸) '") u — ( " = " xd, + n − 1 ) " " ( xd - m - 1) " xru
is satisfied by the mth power of any root of the equation

y" —xy"- " + a = 0,

u being considered as a function of a.

3636 “ COR. - The differential equation

n-r (n - r)
nn -
( " =" xd — m²) " ¯ " (xd ) () u
r ጥ

-(n - 1 ) ( ad.-- 1 ) au = 0

is satisfied by the mth power of any root of the equation

y" —ny"-" + ( n - 1 ) x = 0. ”
[Boole, Diff. Eq. , Sup. 191--199.
3637 See also Boole, Phil. Trans . , 1864 ; Harley, Proc. of the Lit. and
Phil. Soc. of Manchester, Vol . II .; Rawson, Proc. of the Lond. Math. Soc.,
Vol. 9.

4 A



3701 In this branch of pure mathematics a function ( )

is denoted by u , and ( + ) consequently by x +h The
increment h is commonly unity. If Ar denotes the increment
h , and Au, the consequent increase in the value of u , we have

3702 ▲Ux = Ux+ Ax— Ux•

3703 When A diminishes without limit, the value of

Aux Ux+ Ax ― Ux dux
or is
Ax Ax dx

3704 The repetition of the operation A is indicated as

follows :
ΔΔu 2 = Δu , ΔΔ κα = A³ux, and so on.

3705 Ex.: Let u₂ = x²,

x = 1 2 3 4 5 ...

x² = 1 4 9 16 25
Ax² = 3 5 7 9 ... ...
A²x² = 2 2 2 ... ... ...


If *x =a +b + ca ”- + & e .,

3706 A'u = an (n − 1 ) ... ( n − r + 1 ) æ” ¯r + c¸æn -r-¹ + &c.,

3707 Anu ∞ an (n - 1 ) ... 3.2.1 .


3708 Hence the nth difference of a rational integral func

tion of the nth degree is constant .

3709 So also An " = 1.2.3 ... n.

3710 NOTATION. - Factorial terms are denoted as follows :

UxUx- 1 ... Ux −m+ 1 = u(m) x "
3711 = u ( m) ·
WxUx+1 Ux + m - 1
3712 Thus x (x− 1 ) ... (x −m + 1 ) = x(m) "¸
3713 = x( m).
x (x + 1 ) ... (x + m - 1 )

Hence m , m !, and mm) are equivalent symbols .

3714 According to ( 2452) , (m) would here be denoted by am) . The

suffix, however, being omitted , it may be understood that the common differ
ence of the factors is always -1 .

3715 Ax(m) = mx(m - 1) , ▲nx(m) = m (n) x(m− n) , m"(m),

▲ mx(m) = m
and, if m < n, Ana (m) = 0 , since Ac0 if c = constant .

3718 = — mx(−m− 1) ,
Ax -m) — Anx( m) = ( m)(n) x -m- n) .

3720 Au(m) = (ux + 1 - ux - m + 1 ) um− 1 "

Au!-m) = (u₂ux+ m) u!
Δι u¯m- m − 1) .
3722 Ex.:
▲ (ax + b)(m) = am (ax +b) (m - 1), ▲(ax + b)( - ) == —am
- am (ax + b)( - m − 1),

Ux +1
3724 Alog u x = log { 1+ Aའu }, A log um-1)
20 = log
Ux - m +1

3726 Δα* = (a − 1) a*, Anamx = (am — 1)" amx.

sin a
3728 ΔΗ
2 ein
COS (ax +b) = ( 2 sin =)" COS { ax +b + " (a2+*) } ,

PROOF. A sin (ax +b) = sin (ax + a + b)-sin (ax + b)
= 2 sin sin ( ax + b ++* ).
That is, ▲ is equivalent to adding to the angle and multiplying the
sine by 2 sin 2.

3729 Conversely, the same formula holds if the sign of n

be changed throughout .


3730 If A" (0) denote the value of A" (x) when x = 0 ,

then $ (a) = $ (0 ) +Aḍ (0) x + A²º (0) ∞( + 4³ (0) x(3) + &c.
2 2.3

3731 If Ax = h instead of unity, the same expansion holds

good if for A" (0) we write (A" (x) ÷ h") = 0 ; that is, making
a0 after reduction .

PROOF .-Assume (x) = a + a₁x + ɑqx( ²) + ɑzx(³) + &c .

Compute Ap (a) , ▲ªp (x) , &c., and put x = 0 to determine a , a , a,, &c.


3732 If ut be the general term in the expansion of (t) ,

then ( t) is called the generating function of u, or ( t) = Gu
Ex.: ( 1 - t ) ² = G (x + 1 ) , for +1 is the coefficient of t in the
Gux+n = $ (t)
3733 Gu = 4 (1) , Gux+1 = $ (t), ... tn

3734 Gau , = (-—-— 1) 4 (1) , … .. GA" u, = ( — −1 )** (1).

PROOF. GAU Gux+1 - Guz, &c.


3735 E denotes the operation of increasing a by unity,

Eu¸x = Ux+1 = u¸ + Au¸ = ( 1 + ▲) u¸•

The symbols E and ▲ both follow the laws of distribution ,

commutation, and repetition (1488-90 ) .

3736 E = 1 + A = ex or CD *
PROOF.- Eu = Ux + 1 = Ux + dxux + ½ d²x²x + 2.3 du₂ + &c.
=· (1 + dx + } d 2x + 2.3 = eªzU
2¹² 3 dax + &c.) u₂ = x

By ( 1520), Ae being unity.

* The letter d is reserved as a symbol of differentiation only, and the suffix attached to
it indicates the independent variable. See (1487) .

3737 Hence Ae" -1 and D = log E.


3739 Consistently with (3735) E-¹ denotes the diminishing

a by unity ; thus E-¹ux

30 Ux- 1 .

For Eux-1 = x, . Uz- 1 E- ¹u

ux+n in terms of u, and successive differences.

3740 Ux + n = Ux + n ^u» + C ( n , 2) ▲²u¸ + C ( n , 3) ▲³ux + &c .

PROOF. (i. ) By induction, or (ii. ) by generating functions, or (iii. ) by

the symbolic law :
(ii.) Gux+n
Gill, .. = ( -) " () = { 1+ ( −1 ) } ** ( 0.
Expand by the Binomial theorem, and apply (3734) .
(iii.) ux = ( 1 + A ) " u¸
Ux+ n = E" u₂ ux•
Apply the laws in (3735) by expanding the binomial and distributing the
operation upon u

Conversely to express A" u, in terms of ur, U +19 Ux+2, &c.

3741 Au₂ = Ux+n − nux+ n -1 + C ( n , 2 ) Ux+n− 2 ... ( −1 ) ” Ux•

PROOF. Aux = (E - 1 ) " (3736) .
Expand, and apply ( 3735 ) as before. Putting x = 0 , we also have

3742 ▲
"u。 = u₁₂ - nu₂ - 1 + Cn, 2un - 2 ... ( —1)" u。.

3743 ▲" x" = (x + n) ” — n (xn − 1)"

+ C (n , 2) (x + n − 2)™ — & c .

3744 ▲" 0" = n” —n (n − 1 ) " + C ( n , 2) (n − 2)™

-C (n , 3) (n - 3) +&c.
3745 Ex.: By (3717) ▲"0" = n ! Hence a proof of theorem ( 285) is
obtained .

3746 ▲" uv =
' - 1 ) " u¿V.x
( EE
where E operates only upon u, and E' only upon vx.
PROOF. Aux — Ux + 1 Vx + 1 — Ux Vx = Eux . E'vx — u¸²¸ = ( EE′ — 1 ) UxVx·

Applications of (3746) .
3747 Ex. ( 1) : xVx = ( -1 ) " ( 1 - EE') " UxVx•
▲" uv u₂ vz•
Expand the binomial, and operate upon the subjects u , v,; thus

3748 " u,v, = ( - 1 )” { Uz vz − NU₂+ 1 Vz + 1 + C (n , 2) Uz+ 2 Vz+2— &c. } .


3749 Ex. ( 2) : To expand a sine by successive differences of sin æ.

A" a sin x = { E ( 1 + ▲′) -
− 1 } " a ′ sin æ = { ▲ + E ▲' } " a² sin æ

= { A" + nA” -¹EA' + C' (n , 2) ▲" -² E² ▲² + &c . } a sin e

+1 -2
= ▲" a*. sin x + n▲ -¹az + ¹ ▲ sin x + C ( n , 2) ▲ n - ² a² + 2 A² sina + &c.

= a* { (a − 1 ) " sinx + n ( a− 1 ) ” - ¹ a ▲ sin x + C

' (n , 2 ) ( a− 1 ) " -² a² ▲² sin x + &c. } ,
by (3727) , while ▲" sina is known from (3728) .

3750 Ex. (3) : To expand A" u, v , in differences of u, and v, alone : put

E = 1 + A , E' = 1 + A′ in ( 3746) , thus
▲¹µ¿vx = (A + A′ + AA') ” Uz Vz
which must be expanded.

Au, in differential coefficients of u .

+1 n+ 2
3751 ▲" u₂
ux = d" u¸ + A₁d™ +¹ + ød™x ²u¸x + & c .
PROOF. ▲"u¸ = (eª² — 1 )” u, (3737) .
Expand by ( 150) and ( 125) as if d, were a quantitative symbol. See also
(3761) .

in successive differences of u .
3752 =
{ log (1 + 4) } " u.

The expansion by (155) and (125) will present a series of

ascending differences of u.
PROOF. edx = 1 + A, .. d₂ = log ( 1 + A) .

du A²u Δu A¹u
3753 Ex.: If n = 1 , = Au + + &c.
dx 2 3 4

If C be a constant ,

3754 (D ) C = 4 ( ▲ ) C = p (0 ) C and ( E) C = 4 ( 1 ) C,

Since every term of (D) , or of ( A ) C, operating upon C, produces 0 ;

and every term of (E) operating upon C produces C.


3757 $ (e²) = $ (E) eº.t

3758 = (1) +4 (E) 0.t + $ (E) 0² . 1.2 + &c .

PROOF.- Let (et) = A + A₂et ... +Anet

= Aet + A₁Ee.t ... + A₂E"e" .t = ( A + A₂E ... + A„ E„) eº. ¿
= ¢ (E) eº . t = ¢ (E) { 1 + 0.t + 1.2+ &c. } ,

and (E) 1 ( 1 ) by ( 3756) .


3759 $(t) = $ (D) e° .t

3760 = 4 (0) +4 (d ) 0.t + 4 (d ) 0² 1.2 + & c .

PROOF. $ (t) = (loge') = (log E) et (3757)

= 4 (D) e.t (3738 ) = (D) 1 + 0.t ++ &c.

{ &c. } ,
and • ( D) 1 = ¢ (0 ) ( 3754 ) .

n being a positive integer ,

dru An On + 1 dn + ¹u AnOn +2 dn+2
Anu = + +
dxn 1.2 ... (n + 1) dan+1 + 1.2 ... (n +2) dx +2

PROOF. -By ( 3758) , putting ( et) = (et — 1 ) ",

t2 12
(e* —1 )" = (E — 1 ) " 0.t + ( E − 1 ) " 0º . - + &c. A" 0.t + A" 0² . + &c .
1.2 1.2
Put td , and employ (3736 ) and (3737) .


Approximate value of u, in terms of n particular equi

distant values.

3762 If u 2 is an integral algebraic function of the degree

n − 1 , ▲" ux vanishes , and therefore by making a = 0 , and
writing a for n in (3740) ,

3763 u₂ = u₂ + x^u₂ + Cx , 24³uo ... + Cx , n - 1 ▲ -¹u .

This is formula ( 265 ) . The given values are u。, ▲u。 , ▲²u。,
& c . , corresponding to a , b , c , ...

3764 For an application of the formula to the problem of interpolation,

see (267) , in which example = 154 and u = log 72:54.

3765 When the term to be interpolated is one of a set of

equidistant terms , employ (3741) . " u0, as in ( 3762) ;

3766 u - nu - 1 + Cn, 2 Un - 2 — Cn, 3 n -3 ... + ( − 1 ) ” u = 0 .

3767 Ex.: From sin 0, sin 30°, sin 45°, and sin 60° , to deduce the value
of sine 15°.
The formula gives sin 0-4 sin 15° +6 sin 30° -4 sin 45° + sin 60° = 0,
or -4 sin 15° 3−2√2 + } √3 = 0,
from which sin 15° = } ( 6-4 √2 + √3 ) = " 2594.
The true value is 2588 ; the error 0006.


3768 Let a, b, c, ... k be n values of a, not equidistant , for

which the values of u x are known ; then generally

(x —b) (x −c) ... (x −k) (x — a)(x−c) ... (x − k)
ux = Ua + ur
(a—b) (a — c) ... a- k) b— a) (b − c) ... (b − k)

(x− a) (x −b) (x − c) ...

(k— a) (k — b) (k— c) ….. '
PROOF.-Assume - ... (x −k)
u₂ = A (x − b) (x −c) …
+ B (x − a) (x − c) ... ( x − k) + C ( x − a) (x − b) (x − d) ... (x −k) + &c.,
and determine A, B, C, &c . by making a = a , b, c, &c . , in turn .

If the values of a , b, c, ... kare 0, 1 , 2 , ... n - 1 , ( 3769)

reduces to
x (x − 1 ) ... ( x − n +2)
3770 Ux = Un− 1
1.2.3 ...
(n- 1)

--- x (x− 1 ) ... ( x − n + 3) ( x − n + 1 )

n- 2 ... (n — 2)

x (x - 1 ) ..
... ( x − n +4) ( x − n + 2) ( x − n + 1) _ &c . , or
+ Un-s ... ( n −3)
x(n) Un-1
Ux = - Cn - 1,1 Un - 2 Cn - 1,2 Un –3 —
- &c . } .
(n = 1) : { x = n + 1 x−=1 n + 2
3 + x- n + 3


The area of a curve whose equation is yu, in terms of
n + 1 equidistant ordinates u, u19 ... un, is approximately

3772 nu+
+ 2 su
x +
nu+ +(( − 1 ) + 4 +( − x² + » ²) —

n5 3n¹ Δu
+ ( x²-
5 3y² +11m²
3 - 3n²) =

no 35n¹ 50n³ Ağu

+ -2n³ + +12m²)
- 6
(27/03 4 3 5!

15n6 +17n³ — 225n *

+(W -15 274n³ Au
- ·60n²
6 4 3 6!
PROOF.-The area is = ude. Take the value of u in terms of
U U₁ ... u₂ - 1 from (3763) and integrate.

3773 When n = 2, udx = u +4u₂ + u².
Su 3

3774 n = 3, Su,dr = 3 (n + 3u, +3u ;+us ),

14 (u + u¸) +64 (u₁ + u3) + 24u2

3775 n = 4, u₂dx =
Sou 45
n = 6, Su,dx = 10
} { u + us + u , + us +5 ( u ,+us) +6us} •

In the last formula , which is due to Mr. Weddle, the co

efficient of Au is taken as 10
3 instead of 146, its true value .
These results are obtained from (3772) by substituting for
each ▲ its value from ( 3742) .


3777 These give the area of the curve directly in terms of

fixed abscissæ.
They are obtained by integrating Lagrange's value of "
(3769-71 ) , and are fully discussed in articles (2995–7) .
4 B


3778 Su_dx = = " + " +", ... + 1/2
- -
− 1 (Au¸— ▲u ,) + 24
½ (A³µ‚— ▲²u,) —&c.,

the coefficients being those in the expansion of

t { log ( 1 + t) } - ¹.
PROOF. Aw₂ = d₂ { log (
1 + A) } wr, by (3736) ,
Δ' Δ
= d, { 1 +/-
/ 1
/2 + 21-19
24 720 A + & c. } w

Hence, putting u₂ = Awx,

file = " +
Suda 2 - A12 + A-
24 & c. ,

uzdx U₂
S "_dz = " +" 24
- A12 + A- .,

and so on ; then add together the n equations.

3779 Formula (3778 ) contains Aun , A²un , &c . , which cannot

be found from uo, U1 ... Un •
The following formula does not involve differences higher
than Aun -1.

3780 = Աջ ...
" ude = 1/2 + " + "
[ + "/2

- -
1—12 ( Au „ -1 — Au, ) — —4 (A²u „ -1 —A³u«) — &c.

Δ -AE-1
PROOF. — In the proof of ( 3778) , change log ( 1 + 4 ) into E log (1 -AE -¹)'
and put E- ¹w, w₂-1 (3739 ) after expansion, and proceed as before.


3781 Definition : Eu, u + a+1 + a + ... + u₂ - 1 ·

3782 Theorem : Σu₁₂ = A¯¹u₁₂ + C,

where C is constant for all the assigned values of x.

PROOF. - Let (2) be such that Ap (x) = x, then (x) = ▲ -1

therefore u = ( a +1 ) − ¢ (a) . Write thus, and add together the values of
Ua, ya + 1, ... Uz- 1 . Therefore, by (3781 ) , Eu, = p ( x ) — (a) = ▲ -¹u - q (a),
and (a) is constant with respect to x.
Taken between the limits xa , x = b - 1 , we have the
notation ,
x= b- 1
3783 Συ
Zuz or Eu = Σκ - Συ = Δ--Δ - Μα
x =α

Functions integrable in finite terms :

x(m +1)
3784 Class I. Σx (m) = + C.
m+ 1

(ax+b) (m +1)
3785 Σ (ax +b) (m) = + C.
a (m + 1)

(-m +1) By (3718), i

3786 Class II. Σx(-m) = + C. and notation (3711 ) .
-m + 1

(-m + 1)
= C− (ax +b)
3787 Σ (ax + b) (- )
a (m− 1 ) *

Formulæ (3785) and ( 3786 ) are equivalent to the rules

(269) and ( 271 ) . They are the direct results of theorem

3788 Σa*
Σα = [By ( 3726) .

Class III -If u, be a rational integral function,

3789 Σa+ ¹u₂ = { x + Cx, 2 ^ + Cx, 3 ^² + ... } ua.

PROOF. -By (3735) and (3736 ) ,

Ex- 1 (1 + A)* −1 Wa
Ua + Wa + 1 ... + Wa + x - 1 = ( 1 + E + E² ... + Ex - ¹) va = Wa =
E- 1
= the expansion above.

3790 The formula has been given at (266) and an example of its appli
cation. The series there summed is 1+ 5 + 15 +35 + 70 + 126 + to 100 terms .
The function u, which gives rise to these terms is found by (3763 ) to be
ux = (x² + 10x³ + 35x² + 50x +24 ) ÷ 24.

3791 If this function be presented as u,, and u , be required, we
first find u = 1 , u , = 5, u, = 15, &c.; then the differences Au , A³u , ... A⭑u =
1 , 4, 6, 4, 1 , and then , by ( 3789) , the required sum, as in the example re
ferred to .

3792 For another example, let Σ" æ³ = 1 + 2³ ... + n³ be required .

Here Ax³ = 3x² + 3x + 1 , A²x³ = 6x + 6, A³x³ = 6,
therefore 401, A306, = ................. ……………. (1),
may now be expressed in factorials, and the summation may then be
effected by (3784) . First, by (3730) ,
x³ = x + 3x (x − 1 ) + x ( x − 1 ) ( x − 2) ;
therefore, by (3784) , Σ" x" = Σ (n + 1)* (3783),
Σ" x³ = n (n + 1 ) + 3 (n + 1 ) n (n − 1 ) + (n + 1 ) n ( n − 1 ) ( n − 2) =
— n² (n + 1)*
2 3 4 4

3793 Otherwise, by (3789) , taking a = 0, we have

u₂ = x³, u = 0, Au = 1, A²u = 6, A³u, = 6, as above.
-1 n (n − 1) 6n (n − 1 ) (n - 2) + En (n - 1 ) (n - 2) (n - 3) = n² (n - 1)
x" ~ ' u, = n ( n − 1 ) +
2 1.2.3 4
(n + 1 )² n³
therefore, changing n into n + 1 , Σu, = 4

3794 Class IV. -When the general term of a series is a

rational fraction of the form

A + Bx + Cx² + where u = ax + b,
Ux Ux +1 ... Ux+ m

and the degree of the numerator is not higher than a +m - 2 ;

resolve the numerator into

A' + B'u₂ + C'u¿U¸x + 1 + ... + D'UzUx + 1Ux +2 ••• Ux + m− 29

by (3730) . The fraction then separates into a series of frac

tions with constant numerators which can be summed by

3795 If the factors u ... U +m are not consecutive , introduce

the missing ones in the denominator and numerator, and then
resolve the fraction as in the foregoing rule .

1 1 1
3796 Ex.: To sum the series + + + to n terms.
1.4 2.5 3.6

1 (n + 1 ) (n + 2)
The nth term is =
n (n + 3) n (n + 1 ) (n + 2) (n + 3 )
n (n + 1) + 2n + 2 1 2
= = +
n (n + 1 ) (n + 2 ) (n + 3 ) (n + 2) (n + 3) (n + 1 ) (n + 2) (n + 3)
n (n + 1 ) (n + 2) (n + 3) '
The sum of n terms is, therefore, by the rule ( 271 ) ,
2 1 2
(13 -n1 + 3 )+1
(1 − 3) + (2² 3 - ( +2 )( +3 ) + 3 ( 2.3 − (n (n +
+ 11 )) (n
(« +
+ 2)
2) ((n +
+ 3)
11 - 3n² +12n + 11
18 3 (n + 1) (n + 2) (n + 3)'
If the form in (3787) is used, the total constant part C is determined finally
by making n = 0, which gives C = 18

3797 Theorem . ƒ( E) a*p ( x) = a *

f(aE) ¢ (x) ,
f being an algebraic function .
PROOF. Let ae , then the left
f (E) em²
=ƒ e' p (x) = ƒ ( e") ex p (x) ( 3736 ) = exƒ (eP + m ) ø (x) (3475)
= a*f(aE) (x).

Class V.-If Ф (a) be a rational integral function ,

ar a²
− A$
Za² + (x) == a
_" " { • ( x) — a
—___1 ^p ( x) + (a—
— ~ 1)? A*• ( x) − &c. } .
The upper limit is understood to be a - 1 , and a constant is to
be added , (3781-2) .
PROOF.— Zap (x) = ▲ ¯¹a*p (x) = ( E − 1 ) -¹ap (x ) = a* (aE − 1 ) ´¹ ¢ (x)
-1 ax -1
( 3797) = a* { a (1 + ▲) −1 } ˜¯`• (~) = a-1
~1 (1 + _
_1 ) • (x).
Then expand the binomial.

Zap (x) in successive derivatives of p (x) .

an A2
3799 £u*p(x) = a - · { 1 + 4 , $'( x) + 1.2
4.3 $¨ ( x ) + &c. } ,
An E - 1 -1 αΔ
where On .
4. = (aa-1 — 1 ) " 0" = ( 1 + a"- )
l "0".
PROOF.-By (3757) , 4 (e¹ ) = ↓ (E) e°.D ; therefore (see last proof)
a² (aE- 1 ) -¹ (x) (putting E = eº ) = a* (aE - 1 ) -¹ eº · D p ( x)
a* 02
~1 (1+
= a-l 1 + 0.0
) { 1+ 0.D ++ 11.2;D² + &c .· } } ;# ( #).

3800 Ex .: To sum the series 2.1 + 4.8 + 8.27 + 16.64 + to n terms.

We require 2 + Σ2*x³ = 2 *x³ + 2² ( x³ −24x³ + 2²A²x³ — 2³A³µ³)

= 2ºæ³ + 2º { x³ −2 (3x² + 3x + 1) +4 (6x + 6) −8.6 }
= 2º { 2x³ — 6x² + 18x - 26

3801 If A-" u, be known for all integral values of n , and if
v be rational and integral,

Σ κ
Σu¸v¸ = Σ'u¸ • Vx -1 − Σ²ux . Avx - 2 + Σ³ux · A²vx - 3— &c .
PROOF. Euv x = ( EE' — 1 ) −¹ u¸v¸ = (▲ E′ + ▲) −¹ u,v (3746) and (3736 ) .
Expand the binomial operator, observing ( 3738) .


Σ"u¸v¸ = u„Σ "v¸ - n ▲ un + ¹vx + 1 + Cn , 2 A² u₁₂ + 2vx + 2- &c .

PROOF. Σ"Uxvx = (A´ + AE ′) - " u¸vx, as in ( 3801 ) ,
-N -n -2
= ▲˜" vxx ― n (A - " - ¹E) v¸▲ u₂x + Сn,? (A˜ " -²E²) v „A²u , - &c .,
producing the above by (3735) and ( 3782) .
Observe that, in (3801 ) and (3802 ) , two forms are obtainable in each case
by expanding the binomial operator from either end of the series.

3803 Ex.: To sum the series sin a + 2² sin 2a + 3' sin 3a + to æ terms.
The sum is a² sin ax + x² sin ax. Taking u, = sin ax and v₂ = x², we
know A-" sin ax, by (3729) ; therefore (3801 ) gives

Σæ² sin ax = ( 2 sin §a) ¯¹ sin { ax— § (a + π ) } ( ≈ −1) ²

- -3 -
— (2 sin a) -² sin { ax − (a + π) } ( 2.x −3) + ( 2 sin la ) ¨³ sin { ax− (a + π) } 2.


3820 The most useful formula is the following

B, du - B₁ d³u
Σu + &c.
2u, = C + Su, dx + 1
2 + 21 de 4
/ ! de

1 dur 1 d³u 1 d'ur

―――― +
= C+ Su‚d
c + Su x+
, de + 2++ 12 dx
de 720 dx³ 30240 dx5
1 ďux 1 d³u*
+ &c .
1209600 da 47900160 dax⁹

PROOF.- Eu , = (e" -1 ) -¹u . Expand by (1539) with D in the place

of x.

Ex. 1 : The value of " at (2939) is given at once by the formula.

1 1
... + imately,
3821 Ex . 2 : To sum the series 1+ 1242+
1 3 x approx
1 - 1 - 1 + 1
1 + C + logx — 2x &c.
x + 1 = x
x 12x³ 120x

Put = 10 to determine the constant ; thus

1+ 1 + 1 ... + 1 = C + log 10+ 1 - 1

+ &c.,
2 3 10 20 1200

from which C = 577215, and the required sum is

1 - 1 1
•577215 +log + + &c .
2x 12x2 120x¹

1 1
3822 Ex. 3 : 1+
+ 31/323+ 33 + 48 + &c . ,
1 1 3B2 5B4 7B9B
Σ =C + - +
143 2.x2 2x³ 2.¹ 2x6 2x8 2x10'
1 1 1 -- 3 5
Σ113 = 14+ 124+
ე3 4 11/2+ 12 20

The convergent part of this series, consisting of the first five terms , is an
approximation to the sum of all the terms.

3823 A much nearer approximation is obtained in this and analogous

cases by starting with the summation formula at a more advanced term .
1 1 1 1
E.g .: 1+ + + + Σ39
23 33 43 x3
2035 + 1 + 1 + 3B₂ --- 5B + &c.
1728 2.52 2.53 2.54 2.50
2035 1 1 1 1
+ + + + &c.
1728 50 250 2500 187500

The converging part now consists of a far greater number ofterms than before,
and the convergence at first is much more rapid.

3824 Ex. 4: The series for log F ( +1 ) at (2773) can be obtained by

the above formula when a is an integer. For, in that case,
log F (2 + 1 ) = log 1 + log 2 + log 3 ... +log x = log a + loga,

and (3820) gives the expansion in question, the constant being determined
by making a infinite.

3825 dx
Formula (3820) may also be used to find fud e by the
process of summation , and thus answers the purpose of
Laplace's formula (3778) .

Zu, in a series of derivatives of u,.

3826 Lemma.—
n — 1 ! (e² −1 ) − ” = ( —1 ) " − ¹ (d, + n — 1 ) (d, +n − 2)
... (d₂ + 1 ) { e' − 1 } -¹.
PROOF. -Put v, for n - 1 ! ( e - 1 ) -" . Then
Vn+ 1 = − (d₂ + n) v₂ = (d, + n) (d, + n − 1) v „ - 1.
"u may now be developed.

3827 Ex.-To develope u,, (Boole, p . 97)

2 (e² − 1) −³ = («₂ + 2) ( d₂ + 1 ) { e' − 1 } -¹
= -1
(d + 3d, + 2 ) +44 +&
with 420, and
- 3 2
A2r + 1 = ( - 1 ) " B₂r + 1 ÷ ( 2r + 2 ) ! =
ts t2 + ²² + (24, + 34, −1 )

+ Σ° { ( r + 2) ( r + 1 ) Ar + 2 + 3 (r + 1 ) Ar.1 + 2A, } ť.
Therefore, changing t into d,, we get
3 19 du- &c .
Σu₂ = u₂dx Uz+
SSS 2 SS u₂ dx + Ju, dx = 3
8 240 dx

3828 ¹u, in a series of derivatives of u̟ - ņ .

Let a" cosec" x = 1 - C² + C * - &c . , then
D 2
= D - " { 1+ C₂ (2 )² + C. ( 2 ) * + &c. } u₂
[Boole, p. 98.

$ (0) − + (1 ) + 4 (2) - & c . =11/11
{ 1 -
— — + 4 - & c . } $ (0 ) .

By this formula , a series of the given type may often be trans

formed into one much more convergent .
1 1 1 1
PROOF. The left = $ (0) = 2 + 1 $ (0) = - (0),
1 +E 21 + 14
the expansion of which is the series on the right.

- 1 1 - 1
+ &c. Summing the first six terms,
3830 Ex.-To sum 1 2 + 3 4
37 1 -1
it becomes + + &c. Taking $ (0 ) = ( 0 + 7) ´¹,
60 7 8
1 1 1 (1 1 2 2.3
+ &c . = + + +
7 8 2 7 2.7.8 + &c. }.
The sum after six terms converges rapidly by this formula, and more rapidly
than if the formula had been applied to the series from its commencement .



4001 In this system (Fig . 1 ) * the position of a point P in a

plane is determined by its distances from two fixed straight
lines OX, OY, called axes of coordinates . These distances
are measured parallel to the axes . They are the abscissa PM
or ON denoted by a, and the ordinate PN denoted by y . The
axes may be rectangular or oblique. The abscissa a is
reckoned positive or negative according to the position of P
to the right or left of the y axis , and the ordinate y is positive
or negative according as P lies above or below the a axis
conformably to the rules (607 , ' 8) .

4002 These coordinates are called rectangular or obliqué

according as the axes of reference are or are not at right
angles .


4003 The polar coordinates of P ( Fig. 1 ) are , the radius

vector, and 0, the inclination of r to OX, the initial line ,
measured as in Plane Trigonometry (609) .

4004 To change rectangular into polar coordinates , employ

the equations x = r cos 0, y = r sin 0.

4005 To change polar into rectangular coordinates , employ

r = √x² +y² , 0 tan

See the end of the volume.

4 C


4006 The trilinear coordinates of a point P (Fig . 2) are

a, ß, y, its perpendicular distances from three fixed lines which
form the triangle of reference , ABC, hereafter called the trigon .
These coordinates are always connected by the relation
4007 aa + bB + cy = Σ ,

4008 or a sin A +B sin B +y sin C = constant,

where a , b, c are the sides of the trigon , and Z is twice its


4009 If æ, y are the Cartesian coordinates of the point

aßy, the equations connecting them with the trilinear
coordinates are, by (4094) ,

a = x cos a +y sin a -P₁ ,

B:= cos ẞ +y sin ß —p2,
= x cos y + y sin y -P3.

4010 Here a has two significations . On the left, it is the

length of the perpendicular from the point in question upon
the side AB of the trigon . On the right, it is the inclination
of that perpendicular to the a axis of Cartesian coordinates.
Similarly ẞ and y.

4011 The angles a , ẞ, y are connected with the angles

A, B, C by the equations
y — ß = π— A , a ―y = π - B, a - B = π + C,

only two of which are independent.

4012 P1, P2, P3 are the perpendiculars from the origin upon
the sides of the triangle ABC.


If A , B , C (Fig . 2) be the trigon as before , the areal co

ordinates a' , ẞ ' , y' of the point P are
4013 a' = = B' = = y=Y:=

The equation connecting the coordinates is now

4014 a' + B' + y' = 1 .

4015 To convert any homogeneous trilinear equation into

the corresponding areal equation .

4016 Substitute aa = Σa' , bß = ΣB' , cy = Σy'.

cy =

Also any relation between the coefficients l, m , n in the

equation of a right line in trilinears will be adapted to areals
by substituting la, mb, nc for l , m, n. Similarly for a, b, c,
f, g, h, in the general equation of a conic (4656), substitute
aa², bb², cc², ƒbc , gca, hab.

In either the trilinear or areal systems , a point is deter

mined if the ratios only of the coordinates are known .
Thus , if a ẞß :: y = P : Q : R, then , with trilinear co
ordinates ,
4017 α= ; and, with areal , a =
aP +bQ +cR ' P+ Q+ R®


4019 In this system the position of a straight line is deter

mined by coordinates , and the position of a point by an
equation. If la + mẞ + ny = 0 be the trilinear equation of a
straight line EDF (Fig . 3) ; then, making a , ß, y constant,
and l, m, n variable, the equation becomes the tangential
equation of the point 0 (a , ẞ , y) ; whilst l , m , n are the co
ordinates of some right line passing through that point.
Let λ , μ, v
(Fig. 3) be the perpendiculars from A, B, C
upon EDF, and let P1 , P2, P3 be the perpendiculars from A , B ,
Cupon the opposite sides of the trigon ; then, by (4624) , we

4020 Rλ = lp19 = mp29

Rµ = Rv = nps ,
where R = √ ( l² +m² + n² — 2mn cos A - 2nl cos B - 2lm cos C') .
Hence the equation of the point O becomes
sin 0₁ sin 02 sin 0,3
ra ta B + 2= 0 or λ = 0,
τμ +v
Pi P2 P3 Pi P2 P3
where p₁ = OA, 0, = ▲ BOC, &c. , and 2ABOC = P2P3 sin 0.

Formula (4021 ) shows that, when the perpendiculars A, μ, v

are taken for the coordinates of the line, the coefficients be
come the areal coordinates of the point referred to the same

4023 Any homogeneous equation in l, m, n as tangential

coordinates is expressed in terms of λ , μ , v by substituting for
λ μ ‫ע‬
l, m, n, " " respectively. By (4020).
P1 P2 P3

4024 An equation in A, μ, v of a degree higher than the first

represents a curve such that λ , μ, v are always the perpen
diculars upon the tangent. The curve must therefore be the
envelope of the line (A, μ , v) .


Let λX = AD, μ BE (Fig. 4) be variable distances from

two fixed points A , B measured along two fixed parallel lines ,

4025 ad + bµ + c = 0

is the equation of a fixed point 0 through which the line DE

always passes . This may easily be proved directly , but we
shall show that it is a particular case of the system of three
point tangential coordinates .

Let one of the vertices ( C) of the trigon in that system be at infinity

(Fig. 3) . Then equation (4022) becomes
A sin 01 μ sin 02
+ + sin COE sin 0, = 0.
P1 P2
For : P, sin COE always. Divide by sin COE ; then λ ÷ sin COE = AD,
&c., and the equation becomes
sin 01
AD + sin 02 AЕ + sin 03 = 0 .
P1 Pa
The only variables are AD and AE. Calling these A and μ, the equation
may be written aλ + bµ + c = 0,
the form taken by aλ + bµ + c'v = 0) when v∞ and c' vanishes.


4026 Let a, b be the Cartesian coordinates of the point O

(Fig. 5) ; and let the reciprocals of the intercepts on the axes

1 1
of any line DOE passing through O be = η
Then, by (4053 ) ,

4027 a + bm = 1

is the equation of the point 0, the variables being § , n.

This is a case of the system of three-point tangential coordinates in which

two of the vertices (B, C) of the trigon are at infinity. Equation (4022)
A sin 0,
now becomes + sin BOD sin 0, + sin COE sin 0, =: 0,
sin 0, sin 0, + sin 0,
or + = 0,
which is of the form a +bn = 1.


4028 This name has been given to the system last described
when the two fixed lines are at right angles (Fig . 6) .
The coordinates E, n, which are defined as the reciprocals
of the intercepts of the line they determine, have now also the
following values .

4029 Let x, y be the rectangular coordinates of the pole of

the line in question with respect to a circle whose centre is
the origin and whose radius is k ; then
& and = y
8= 1/2 η
k ??

since x.OM = y.ON = 2; for M, N are the poles of y = 0,

it =
= 0.

4030 The equation of a point P on NM whose rectangular

coordinates are OR = a, OS = b, is

a +bm = 1 , by (4053) ,

this equation being satisfied by the coordinates of all lines

passing through that point.

4031 In all these systems an equation of a higher degree

in , represents a curve the coordinates of whose tangents
satisfy the equation.




Coordinates of the point dividing in the ratio nn' the

right line which joins the two points ay, ay' .

ntn ny
' +n'y
4032 Š= η =
n + n' n + n'
PROOF. (Fig . 7. ) = x + AC = x + " ( -a). Similarly for n.

§= x + x'
4033 If n = n' , n = y +y
2 2

4034 Length of the line joining the points ay, x'y'

= √ (x − x')² + (y — y')².

The same with oblique axes

4035 √(x - x ) ² + (y —y')² + 2 (x − x') (y — y') cos w.

PROOF.-By (Fig. 7) , Euc. I. 47 , and ( 702) .

Area A of a triangle in terms of the coordinates of its

angular points 11 , X2 Y2, x3Y3 .
4036 A = { x₁₂ − X¿Y₁ + X2Y3 − X3Y2 + X3Y1 — X₁Y3 } .

PROOF. (Fig. 8. ) By considering the three trapezoids formed by y₁ , Y , s

and the sides of the triangle, we have
A = } (y₁ + Y½) ( x, −x₁ ) + } (Y₂ + Y3 ) (X3 −X2) — § (Ys + Y1) (Xg — X1) .

Area of the triangle contained by the axis and the lines

y = m₁x + c₁, Y = M 2x + C2 , (4052)

(c₁ - c₂)2 = (B₁C₂ - B₂C₁ )²

4037 A= (4056)
2 (m₁ — m₂) 2B¸В¸ (¸¸—АA¸B₁)'
PROOF. (Fig. 9.) Area = (c - c ) p, and p is found from
pm2 —pm, =— C1 — Cg. The sign of the area is not regarded .

COR.-Area of the triangle contained by the lines

Y = m₁x + C1, y = M2X + C2, Y = MzX +C3,

4038 A ´ (C1 — C2 ) ² + (C2 — C3) ² + (C3 — Ci) ²´

^=} {
mi-m2 Momz M3 -M1

4039 = { c₁ (m, —m3) +c₂ (m¸ — m¸) + c¸ ( m, —m,) } ²

2 (m¸ — m²) (m, —m3) (m3 — m¸)

= (B₁C₂ - B₂C₁ )²
4040 + &c.
2B¸B¸ (¸¸—A,B₁)

4041 Square of Determinant (A 1, B, C3)

- 2 3-
2 ( A¸В¿— ¸) ( A,B, —A¿B₂) ( A¸Â¸ —¸¸
PROOF. (Fig. 10. ) ABC = AEF+ CDE - BED. Employ (4037) .

Area of Polygon of n sides.

First in terms of the coordinates of the angular points
X1 Y1 X2 Y2, ... xn Yn.
4042 24 = (x₁Y2 − X2Y1) + (X₂Y3 —− X3Y2) + ... + (Xn Y\ — X₁Yn)
= X₁ (Y2 ― Yn) + x₂ (ys — y₁ ) + .....
...... + x'n (Y1 — Yn − 1) .

Secondly, when the equations to the sides are given, as in

(4037) .

4043 2A = (C₁ - C2) ² + (C₂ - C3)2 + ... + (cn -c₁)2

mim₂ M2 M3 mn -m1

4044 Also three values similar to ( 4039 , '40 , '41 ) .

PROOF.- By (4367) , adding the component triangles.

4047 Each expression for the area of a triangle or polygon

will be adapted to oblique axes by multiplying by sinw .


4048 To transform the origin to the point hk.

Put x = x' +h, y = y' +k.

To transform to rectangular axes inclined at an angle

to the original axes .

4049 Put
x = x' cos ♦ -y' sin 0 , y = y' cos 0 + x'sin . ( Fig. 11. )
PROOF . Consider a' as cos and y' as sin 4. Then a = cos ( +0) and
y = sin (p + 0) (627, '9) .

Generally (Fig . 12) , let w be the angle between the original

axes ; and let the new axes of x and y make angles a and ß
respectively with the old axis of a.

4050 Put a sin ∞ = x' sin ( w − a) + y' sin (w − ß)

and y sin w = x' sin a +y' sin ß.

PROOF.- (Fig . 12. ) The coordinates of P referred to the old axes being
OC = x, PC = y, and referred to the new axes , OM = a', PM = y', we have,
by projecting OCP and OMP at right angles first to CP and then to OC,
CD MF - ME, PN = ML + PK,
which are equivalent to the above equations.

To change Rectangular coordinates into Polar, hk being

the pole O, a the inclination of the initial line to the x axis
(Fig. 13) , and ay the point P.

4051 Put x = h + r cos ( 0 + a) , y = k + r sin ( 0 + a) .



4052 y = mx + c ...... . (1 ) ,
x y
4053 == 1 .
22 + 1/2 = .... (2) ,

4054 x cos a +y sin a = p (3) .

4055 Ax + By + C = 0 (4) .

PROOF. (Fig . 14. ) Let AB be the line. Take any point P upon it,
coordinates ON = x, PN = y. Then, in ( 1 ) ; m = tan 0, where 0 = BAX,
the inclination to the X axis ; therefore mx = -
− OC, and c is the intercept
OB. In (2) , a, b are the intercepts OA, OB. In (3) , p = OS , the per
pendicular from O upon the line ; a = ▲ AOS.
p = OR + LP = x cos a + y sin a .
(4) is the general equation.

A b
4056 m = tano = = -cot a.
B a

4060 sin@ = cos
√A² + B² √ A² + B²

с C
4062 p = c sin a =
√1 + m² √A²+B²

Oblique Axes.

Equations (4052 , 53 , '55 ) hold for oblique axes , but

(4054) must be written
4065 a cos a +y cos B = p. (Fig. 14 )

m sin w A sin w
4066 tan 0 = =
1 + m cos w A cos w < B'

being the angle between the axes .

PROOF. From msin 0 ÷ sin ( w − 9 ) .

c sin w C sin w
4068 p =
✓1 + 2m cos w + m² √ A² + B² −2AB cos @

PROOF .---From pc sin ( w − 0 ) and ( 4966 ) .

The equations of two lines being given in the forms (4052 )

or (4055 ) , the angle , p , between them is given by
m - m' AB' -A'B
4070 tan & = or
1 + mm' AA' + BB'

PROOF . (Fig. 15) tantan (0-0 ) . Expand by (632) .

4 D

To oblique axes :

tan = (m - m ' ) sin o

1+ (m + m ' ) cos w + mm'
PROOF. As in the last, employing (4066) .

Equation of a line passing through a'y' :

4073 y — y' = m (x − x') , (Fig. 8)

4074 or -
y — mx = y' — mx' ,
4075 or Ax + By = Ax' + By

PROOF. From Figure (13) , m being tan 0.

Condition of parallelism of two lines :

4076 m = m', or AB' = A'B .

Hence the equations differ by a constant .

Condition of perpendicularity :

4078 mm ' = -1 or AA' +BB' = 0. (4070)

The same to oblique axes :

4080 1+ (m + m') cos o + mm' = 0. (4072)

4081 or AA' + BB' = (AB' + A'B) cos w,

1 + m cos w
4082 or m'
m + cos w

A line passing through the points a₁₁ , y2 :

4083 y -yi = Y₁ -Y2 = m.

X -X1 X1 -X2

PROOF. ( Fig. 16. ) By the similar right-angled triangles PCA, ADB.

Or X1Y2 -X2Y1
4084 y = mx + "
4085 or (x− x₁) (y — y₂) = (x − x₂) (y —y₁) .

PROOF.This equation represents a straight line because it is of the first

degree ; and the coordinates of each of the given points satisfy the equation.

A line passing through 'y

' and perpendicular to a given
line (m):

4086 - (4073, '78)

y -y' = 1 (x —x').

4087 -
or Bx - Ay = Bx' — Ay

The two lines passing through a'y and making an angle

B ( = tan - ¹m ) with a given line (m₁) :

y-y' = mi-m2 m₁ + m²
4088 and (4073, '70)
x -x 1 + m₂m² 1 - m₁m₂

A line passing through hk and dividing the line which

joins xy, and ay in the ratio n₁ : n :

4089 y - k = n₁ (y₂ - k) + n₂ (y₁ — k)

(4073, '32)
x -h n₁ (x₂ ― h) + n₂ (x, —h)

Coordinates of the point of intersection of two lines :

C1 - C2 = B₁C₂ - B₂C₁
4090 x=
mo-mi A₁B₂-AВ₁
C₁m 2―C₂m1 == A₁C₂- A₂C₁
4092 y - (4116)
M2 M1 A₁В-AB₁

Length of the perpendicular from a point x'y' upon a

given line
4094 = x' cos a +y'sin a —p.

PROOF. - Let AB (Fig. 14) be the line, and Q the point x'y' . Then, by
(4054), a' cos a + y' sin a = OT, the perpendicular from O upon a parallel line
through Q, and p = OS.

Otherwise , the same perpendicular

4095 = Ax + By + C (4060, '61 , '94)

√ò + В²

The same with oblique axes

= (Ax' +By + C) sin w

√(ò+ B² −2AB cos w)'
obtained in a similar way from (4065-69 ) .

Condition of three lines intersecting in one point :

4097 -
c₁m₂ — c₂m₁ + c¿mç − c¿m₂ + cçm₁ — c¸m² = 0 .
The area in 1009 must vanish.

4098 Otherwise.- If certain values of the constants l , m, n

make the expression

1 ( A¸x + B₁y + C₁) + m ( Ax + By + C₂) + n ( A3x + By + Cs)

vanish identically, the three lines indicated intersect in one


PROOF.- By (4099 ) , for then values of x and y which make ( 1) and (2)
vanish also make ( 3) vanish.

A line passing through the point of intersection of the

lines Ax +By + C = 0 and A'a + By + C = 0 is
4099 Ax + By + C = k ( A'x + B'y + C') ,

4100 or ( Ax + By + C) —m ( A'x + B'y + C') = 0 ,

k, l , and m being any constants .

4101 RULE . If the equation of a right line contains a third
variable k in the first degree, the line always passes through a
fixed point.

PROOF. For the values of x and y, which satisfy simultaneously the given
equations, also satisfy (4099) , whatever k may be. See (4604).

4102 If in the equation of a line Ax +By + C = 0, the co

efficients A, B, C involve a' , y' , the coordinates of a point
which moves along a fixed right line, then the first line passes
through some fixed point.

PROOF. -By means of the equation of the fixed line, y' may be eliminated ,
and then remains a third variable in the first degree (4101 ) .

4103 To find the point in which the line Ax + By + C inter

sects the line joining the points xy , x'y' ; substitute

Ax +By +C for n , and Aa' + By +C for n' in (4032) .

PROOF. - By (4095) , since the segments intercepted are in the ratio of the
perpendiculars from xy, x'y' upon the line Ax + By + C.

Equations of the line with 1, m for direction- ratios , hk a

fixed point on the line, and r the distance of the variable
point ay from hk.
x -h y-k
4104 r =

sin (w - 0) sin 0
4105 where l = m = . (Oblique)
sin w sin ω

4106 or ι = cos 0, m = sin 0. (Rectangular)

Polar Equation of a Straight Line.

4107 r cos (0 - a) = p .

(Fig. 17.) Here p is the perpendicular to the line from the

pole O , and a is the inclination of p to the initial line OA .

When the line passes through the pole , the equation is

4108 0 = constant.

A line passing through the two points 101 , 02 .

- -
4109 rr, sin (0—0₁ ) + r₁₂ sin ( 0₁ — 0½) +r₂r sin ( 0₂— 0) = 0 .

PROOF. (Fig. 18. ) APOA + AOB- POB = 0. Then by (707).


The homogeneous equation of the nth degree ,

4110 x” +P¸x”¬¹y +P²x” ¯²y² + ... +P„ y” = 0 ,

represents n right lines , real or imaginary, passing through

the origin .

For it is resolvable into n factors of the form (x - ay ) , by (405) .

For the case of two right lines represented by the general equation of the
second degree, see (4469) .

Equation of two right lines through the origin :

4111 ax² +2hxy + by² = 0.


If be the angle between the lines ,

4112 tan = √ (h² — ab)

= or 2 sin w√ (h² - ab)
a+ b a +b - 2h cos w

according as the axes are rectangular or oblique.

PROOF. Assume (y - m,a) (y - mat) = 0, and apply (4088).

Equation of the bisectors of the angle :

4113 hx² - (a — b) xy— hy³ = 0 .
PROOF. Let yμe
У μα be a bisector (μtan ) ; then, since 240, +0 ,
2μ m₁ +m₂ 2h
= = by (4111 ) ; and µ = Y
1- μ 1 - m,mg a -b' x
The roots of this equation are always real .



4114 Let F (x, y) =

= 0 ...... ( i .) and f(x, y) = 0 ...... (ii . )

be the equations of two curves of any degree.

4115 To find the intercepts on the x and y axes .

Put y0 in (i . ) , then x becomes the intercept on the x axis.
Similarly, put x = 0 for the intercept on the y axis.

4116 To find the points of intersection of (i .) and (ii .) .

Solve as simultaneous equations. Each pair of values ofx
and y so obtained gives a point of intersection . Imaginary
values give an imaginary point.

4117 To determine equation (i . ) so that the line may pass

through certain fixed points , ay₁ , x2 y2 , & c .

Substitute Xy1, Xy2, &c. for xy successively, so forming

as many equations as there are points . From these equations
the constants in (i . ) must be determined in terms of X1 , у1 , X2, y2,
4118 The number of arbitrary points cannot exceed the
number of constants in the equation .

4119 Condition that (i . ) and (ii . ) may touch .

At a point of contact two or more points of intersection
must coincide , and therefore the equation for x or y , obtained as
in (4116) , must have two or more equal roots for each point of
contact. The contact is said to be of the second order when
there are three coincident points ; of the third order when
there are four, and so on.

4120 To find the equation of the tangent at a point x'y' on

the curve f(x , y) = 0 .
Form the equation to the secant through two adjacent points
Y₁ -Y2
X₁у₁, Xaу2 (4083 ) , and determine the limiting value of
X1 -X2
when the points coincide by means of the equations f (x1 , y₁) = 0,
f (x2, y2) = 0.
4121 Otherwise m by (5101 ) .

4122 For the equation of the normal, change m of the

tangent into - (4086 ) .

4123 To express the equation of the tangent, or normal , in

terms of m and the constants of the curve .

From the equation of the tangent or normal, the equation to

the curve, and the equationfurnished by the value of m, eliminate
x'y' , the coordinates of the point of contact of the tangent.


4124 Let F (x' , y' , x , y) = 0 represent the equation to the

tangent of a curve at the point x'y' .
Then F(x, y, x , y') == 0, the equation obtained by inter
changing the constants a' , y' with the variables x, y , represents
the polar of any fixed point x'y' not on the curve .

Let xy1 y2 ( Fig . 19 ) be points A, B on the curve, and let the tangents
at those points intersect in a'y . Consider the equations
F(x , y , x, y) = 0 ... ( 1 ) , F(x , y , x, y) = 0 ... (2 ) , F (x, y, x' , y ) = 0 ... (3) .
Here ( 1 ) , (2) are the tangents, and ( 3) is some straight line or curve
according to the dimensions of x and y. Also ( 3) passes through the points

of contact 11, 22, and may therefore be called the curve of contact ; or, if a
right line, the chord of contact of tangents drawn from a', y' , i.e., the polar.

4125 Hence the coordinates of the points of contact of

tangents from an external point a'y' will be determined by
solving (3) and the equation of the curve simultaneously.

4126 Again, let ' y' ( Figs . 20 and 21 ) be any point P not on the curve.
Then, from the equations
F(x , y , x, y) = 0 ... (4), F (x, y , X3,
xg, Y3) = 0 ... ( 5 ) , F (x , y , x , y ) = 0 ... (6) ,
we see that (4) is some straight line ; that, if ay and xy, are any two points
upon it, (5 ) and (6) are the curves of contact of tangents from those points ;
and that these curves of contact pass through the point x'y' .

4127 If the points as, y, are taken at A, B, where (4 ) intersects the

curve, ( 5) and ( 6) then become curves touching the given curve at A and B,
and passing through a'y. We may call these lines the curve tangents
from x'y'.

4128 Lastly, let a'y' in (3 ) be a point within the given curve ( Fig. 22) ,
then the equations
F (x, y , x', y') = 0 ….. ( 7 ) , F ( X3, Y3, x, y ) = 0 ... ( 8) , F (X , Y₁, x, y ) = 0 ... ( 9 )
show that ( 7) is the locus of a point, the curve tangents from which have
their chord of contact always passing through a fixed point. When 'y' is
without the curve, as in Fig. ( 19) , the same definition applies to every part
of the locus (3) from which tangents can be drawn .

4129 If the given curve be of a degree higher than the

second, the line of contact of the tangents from a point is a
curve , and the line of contact of the curve tangents from a
point is a straight line ( Figs . 19 and 20) . A similar converse
relation is exhibited in Figures ( 21 ) and ( 22 ) .

If the curve be of the second degree , equations (3) and

(4) become identical . The line of contact or the polar is
always in this case a straight line, and so is the locus ( 7) .
Figures ( 19 ) and (20) now become identical, as also (21 )
and (22) .

4130 The polar of the point of intersection of two right

lines with regard to a conic passes through their poles .
PROOF. — As in ( 4124) . Let ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) be the two lines, ( y₁) , (x₂Y₂)
their poles, and 'y' their point of intersection .

4131 To find the ratio in which the line joining two given
points xy, x'y' is cut by the curve ƒ(x , y) = 0 .
Substitute for x and y, the supposed coordinates of the
point of intersection, the values

nx' + n'x ny' + n'y

" by (4032 )
n + n' ' n + n'
and determine the ratio n : n' from the resulting equation .
The real roots of this equation correspond to the real points of

4132 To form the equation of all the tangents that can be

drawn to the curve from a point x'y' .

Express the condition for equal roots of the equation in

(4131 ) , and consider xy a variable point.

4133 To form the equation of the lines drawn from a'y' to

all the points of intersection of two curves .
Substitute nx' + n'x, ny' + n'y for x and y in both curves ,
and eliminate the ratio n : n'.

PROOF.-Take any other point ay on the line through a'y and a point of
intersection . The ratio n : n
' (4131 ) is the same for each curve, and there
fore may be eliminated .

4134 To find the length , r = AP or AP' (Fig. 23 ) , of the

segment intercepted between the point A or x'y' and the curve
f (x, y) = 0 on a straight line drawn from A at an inclination
0 to the X axis . That is , to form the polar equation with
x'y' for the pole and the initial line parallel to the x axis .
Substitute for x and y, the assumed coordinates of the point
of intersection, the values x = ON or ON ' , y = PN or P'N ' ,
that is , x = x +r cos 0, y = y' + r sin 0,

and determiner from the resulting equation . That is, put

a = 0 in (4051 ) .
The real values of r are the distances of the points of inter
section from x'y' .

4135 When an equation has been obtained for determining

a the length of a line , important results may frequently be
arrived at by applying theorem ( 406) respecting the sum and
product of the roots .

4 E


Equation with the centre for origin .

4136 x² +y² = r². (Fig. 24.)

Equations of the tangent at the point P or x'y' .

4137 - (4120)
y — y' = — — (x —x').
4138 xx' +yy' = r².

Also , by (4124) , the polar of x'y ' , any point not on the curve.
4139 y = mx + r√1 +m² ; m = · (4123)
4140 x cos a +y sin a = r,
a being the inclination to the x axis of the radius to the point
x'y' .

Equation of the circle with a, b for the coordinates of the

centre Q. (Fig. 24.)
4141 (x − a)² + (y — b)² = r² .

Tangent at x'y ' , or Polar,

4142 (x − a) (x
' — a) + (y — b) (y' —b) = r², (4138)

4143 or (x - a) cos a + (y — b) sin a = r,

a being the inclination of the radius to the point x'y' .

General equation of the circle :

4144 x² +y² +2gx + 2fy+ c = 0.

4145 Centre (-g, -f) . Radius ( +ª³ —c).

PROOF. - By equating coefficients with (4141 ) .

Equation of the circle with oblique axes : (Fig. 25.)

4146 ( -a)² + (y — b ) ² + 2 (x - a) (y — b ) cos ∞ = r², (702)

4147 or x² + 2xy cos w + y² − 2 (a + b cos w) x

-2 (b +a cosa) y
+ a² +2ab cos w + b² = r².

General Equation .

4148 x² +2xy cos w + y² + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0.

The coordinates of the centre are

4149 α = fcos w - g" b = g cos w -f

sin² w sin² @

4150 Radius = √ {g² — 2fg cos w +ƒª —c sin² w}

sin w

PROOF. -By equating coefficients with (4147) .

Polar Equation.

4151 r²+ l² —2rl cos ( 0 — a) = c², (Fig. 26)

4152 or 2-21 cos a r cos 0-21 sin a r sin 0 + l² — c² = 0.

PROOF.-- By ( 702) , the coordinates of P being r and 0.

General form of the polar equation :

4153 r²+2gr cos 0 +2fr sin 0 +c = 0.

4154 tan a = £ 1 = √g²² +f2.

PROOF. By equating coefficients with (4152) .

4156 Equation of the circle passing through the three

points x₁₁ , Y2, X3Y3 •

(x² +y³) | x₁ y₁ 1 | — (x² + y²) | x2 y2 1 | + (x² + y²) | x3 Y3

y3 1 | − (x² + y?) | x y 1
X2 Y2 1 X3 Y3 1 x y1 X1 Y1 1
x3 y3 1 x y 1 X1 Y1 1 X2 Y2 1
PROOF.-Eliminate g, f, and c from (4144) by ( 4117) .

Equation of the chord joining xy1, x2, two points on the

circle a² +y² = 7¹² ;

4157 x (x1 + x2) +Y (Y₁ +Y2) = X₁X₂ +Y₁₂ + r², (4083, 4136 )

4158 or a cos ( 0₁ + 0½) + y sin ½ ( 0₁ + 0½) = r cos ½ (0₁ — 0½) ,

where r cos 0₁ = 1, r sin 0₁ = y1, &c .

4159 NOTE .- The coordinates x, y of a point onthe circle a² +y = may

often be expressed advantageously in this way in terms of 6, a single variable.

4160 Let S = (x - a)² + (y— b ) ² — r² = 0

be any circle ( Fig . 27) . Then , if ay be a point P outside the

circle, S becomes the square of the tangent from P. If ay be
a point P' within the circle , S becomes minus the square of
the ordinate drawn through P' at right angles to the radius
through P'.

(See also 984 and 1021. )

4161 If S = x² +y² +2gx + 2fy + c = 0,

S' = x² + y² + 2g'x + 2ƒ'y + c' = 0

be two circles , the equation to the radical axis is

S- S'= 0.

If a 0 be taken for the radical axis , the equation to any

circle (radius ) of the system of coaxal circles (1021 ) is

4162 x² +y² − 2kx + 8 = 0 and k² - r² = ± 8²,

+ in Figure ( 1 ) , — in Figure ( 2 ) . Here = IR a constant,

and k = IO
10 a variable.

4164 The polar of a'y' for any circle of the system passes
through the intersection of

xx' +yy' ± 8² = 0 and x + x' = 0.

PROOF. Its equation is xx' + yy' − k ( x + x'′) ± d² = 0 ( 4121 ) . Then by
(4099) .

4165 When k = 8, then k = ID = ID' . D and D' are

Poncelet's limiting points .

4166 The polar of D with respect to any of the circles

passes through D' , and vice versâ , by (4164) .

4167 Tangents from any point on the radical axis to all

circles of the system are equal (4160 , '61 ) .

4168 The radical axes of three circles , S1 , S2, S3, meet in a

point called their radical centre .

4169 The reciprocals with respect to the origin D or D' of

the system of co-axal circles are all confocal conics (4558 ) .

The equation of the circle, centre Q, cutting the system of

circles orthogonally is , putting IQ = h,

4170 x² +y² -2hy - 8² = 0 . (1230, 1236)

This circle passes through D and D' .

The common tangents to the two circles

(x − a) ² + (y — b)² = p² and (x - a') ² + (y — b ') ² = r'² .
(See also 1037. )
The equation for a in ( 4143 ) is
4171 (a - a') cos a + (b - b') sin a + rr' = 0.

PROOF.-Assume (4143) in a, b, r, a, and also in a', b' , r', a' as coinciding

lines. Then tan a tan a' ; therefore aa or + α. Take the difference
of the two equations .

The chords of contact are

4172 (a - a')(x − a ) + (b − b ) (y− b ) + r ( r = r') = 0,

4173 (a - a')(x − a') + (b − b') (y — b') + r (r Fr') = 0 ,

with - for exterior tangents , + for transverse .

PROOF. For these are straight lines, and they pass through the points of
contact of each pair of tangents respectively, by (4171 ).

The centres of similitude 0, Q are the intersections of the

external and transverse tangents respectively.
a'r-ar' b'r- br'
4174 Coordinates of 0, "
r-r r-r

a'r+ar' b'r+br'
4175 Coordinates of Q, .
r+ r' r + r'

PROOF. By equating coefficients in (4172 ) and (4142), the polar of O

or Q.

4176 The six centres of similitude of three circles lie on


four straight lines called axes of similitude. See the figure

of (1046 ) .
PROOF. The coordinates of the three centres of the forms (4174, '75)
will in each case satisfy equation (4083 ) .

4177 The equation of the external axis of similitude is , in

determinant notation ( 554 ),
( 1r.bз) x — (1г‍.αз) y + (r‚b‚α3) = 0 .
PROOF. By forming the equation of the right line passing through two
of the centres of similitude whose coordinates are as in (4174 ) .

4178 The remaining three axes are found by changing in

turn the signs of 71, 72 ; T2, T3 ; 13, 14.

4179 If one of the circles touches the other two , one axis of
similitude passes through the points of contact.

4180 The angle 0 , at which the circle F (x, y ) = 0 , radius

r ( Fig. 29) , intersects the circle whose centre is hk , and
radius R is given by the equation

R2-2Rr cos 0 = F (h, k) .

PROOF: 0 = OQP, R - 2Rr cos 0 + r² = PT² + p² = F ( h, k) + 7³,
( 702) and ( 4160 ) .

4181 COR . 1.- If the circles are given by the equations

x² + y² + 2g'x + 2ƒ'y + c' = 0 , x² + y² + 2gx + 2ƒy + c = 0 ,

the equation for cos 0 becomes , since hg , k = −f,

2Rr' cos 0 = 2gg' + 2ff' —c - c' . (4145 )

4182 COR . 2.-The condition that the two circles may cut
orthogonally is
2gg' + 2ff' - c - c' = 0.

4183 COR. 3.- By solving three such equations , we can

find the circle cutting three given circles orthogonally (4186).

4184 COR. 4. -The condition that four cgfl

circles may have a common orthogonal C₁ gi fil
circle is the determinant equation = 0.
C2 g₂ f2 1
C3 g3 fs 1

4185 COR . 5. - If the circle a² +y² + 2Gx + 2Fy + C = 0 cuts

three other circles at the same angle 0, we have, by (4081 ) ,
three equations to determine G, F, C. The resulting deter
minant equation may be written
x²+y² -X -
y 1 0 - -x - y 1
C1 g₁ fil 21 g₁ fil
+ 2R cos 0 = 0.
C2 82 f21 r2 82 f21
C3 83 f 1 13 g3 fs 1

4186 The first determinant, put = 0, is the orthogonal

circle (4183) , and the second, expanded , is the axis of
similitude .

4187 The locus of the centre of a circle cutting three given

circles at equal angles is a perpendicular from their radical
centre on any of the four axes of similitude .
PROOF. By eliminating R and cos a between three equations, like (4180) .

4188 Each of these four perpendiculars contains the centres

of two circles touching the three given circles .
PROOF. -Consider a = 0 or 180° , in (4180 ) .

To draw the eight circles which touch three given circles ,

see (946) and (1049) .
4189 The equation of the fourth degree of two of the
touching circles is

23 / S₁ ± 31 / S₂ ± 12 / S, = 0,

where 23 signifies the length of the common tangent of the

second and third circles , & c .

PROOF. - By first showing that, if four circles are all touched by another
circle, the relation
4190 12.3414.23 ± 31.24 = 0
will subsist, and then supposing the fourth circle to reduce to a point .


4200 DEF. -A conic is the locus of a point which moves in

one plane so that its distance from a fixed point S, the focus,

is in a constant ratio ( e) to its distance from a fixed right line

XM (the directrix).
When e = unity , the curve is a parabola . (See also p . 248,
et seq.)

Equation of the Parabola with origin of coordinates at the

vertex A.

4201 y² = 4ax.
Here a = AS, x = AN, M
y = PN.

PROOF. -Geometrically, at (1229) . 7

Analytically, from
PS² = y² + (x − a)² = PM² = (x + a)³.

The equations with the T X S N G

origin at Sand X respectively
4202 y² = 4a (x + a) ,
y2 := 4a (x — a) . (4048)

Equations of the tangent at x'y' :

4204 y —y
' = 29 (x — x'). (4120)

4205 yy' = 2a (x + x').

a 2a
4206 y = mx + = , m = (4123)
m y

4207 (4204) is also the polar of any point a'y

' , by (4124) .
Its intercepts are -x' and y'.

Equations of the normal at ay :

4208 - y (4122)
y — y' = — 2a ·(x —x') .

4209 y'x +2ay— (y'x' +2ay') = 0 .

4210 y = mx - 2am - am³. (4123)


Equation of the parabola

with a diameter and tangent for
axes of coordinates . R

4211 y² = 4a'x,

where T

4212 a' = a cosec² 0 = SP ;

x = PV; y = QV.

PROOF.-Geometrically, at (1239) . Otherwise, let VQ - VQ' be equal

roots of opposite signs of the quadratic ( 4221 ) , V being the point a'y',
therefore y' or r² = (y - 4ax') cosec² 0 = 4a cosec² 0.2,
since y" = 4a × abscissa of P.

4213 Equations (4204-10 ) hold good for these axes , with a'
written for a in each.
For the polar equation of the parabola , see (4336 ) .

4214 Quadratic for n₁n , the ratio of the segments into

which the line joining two given points ay , ay, is divided by
the parabola y² - 4ax = 0,

n} (y² −4ax₂) +2n¸n₂ {y₁y₂ —2a (x1 +x₂) } + n² (y² — 4ax₁) = 0.

(4131 )

Equation of a pair of tangents from any point x'y' :

4215 (y² -4ax') (y² —4ax) == { yy'—

yy' — 2a ( x + x') } ² = 0.
The condition for equal roots in (4214).

Quadratics for the coordinates of the points of contact of

tangents from x'y' :
4216 ax³ — (y'² — 2ax') x — ax²² = 0 .
4217 y² —2yy' +4ax' = 0.

PROOF.- Solve simultaneously the equations of the curve and the polar
(4205) and (4125) .

Coordinates of the point of intersection of tangents at æ₁₁

and xy2 :

4218 x = Y1Y2 Y ₁ + y2
y =
4 F

Quadratic for m of the tangent from x'y


4220 ' + a = 0.
m²x' —my (4206)

4221 General polar equation of the parabola, or quadratic

for r, the segment intercepted between a point, x'y ' , and the
curve on a line drawn from that point at an inclination 0 to
the x axis (4134) ,

r² sin²0 +2r (y' sin 0-2a cos 0) +y² - 4ax' = 0 .

Quadratics for the coordinates of the points of intersection

of the line Ax + By + C and the parabola y = 4ax : (4116)

4222 A²x² -2 (2B³a - AC) x + C² = 0 .

4223 Ay +4Bay +4Ca = 0.

Length of intercepted chord,

4224 4√ { (B²a²- ACa) ( A² + B²) } ÷ A³. (4034)

Equation of the secant through ₁₁, 22, two points on

the parabola :

4225 y (Y₁ +Y2) = Y₁Y₂ +4ax, (4083)

4226 or y (m₂ + m2) = 2a +2m¸m¸x.

4227 The subtangent NT 2x. Fig. of (4201 )

4228 The subnormal NG = 2a.

PROOF. Put y = 0 in (4205) and (4208) .

4229 The tangent PT2 = 4x (a +x).

4230 The normal PG² = 4a (a + x) .

The perpendicular p from the focus upon the tangent at xy :

4231 p = √a (x + a) = √aa'. (4212), (4095)


The part of the normal intercepted by the curve is equal to

4a (1 + m²) * 4a
4233 = (4221 ) , (4135)
m² sin²0 cos 0

4234 The minimum normal = 6a√3 and m = √2 .

Length of a chord through the focus

4235 = = 4a '. (4212)
sin2 0

Coordinates of its extremities , with the focus for origin :

2a cos 0 2a sin 0
4237 x= - y =
cos 01' cos 01

Coordinates of its centre :

2a cos20
4239 x= > y = 2a cot 0.


(See also p. 233, et seq.)

4250 Referring to the definition (4200) ; when e is less than

unity, the conic is an ellipse ; when greater than unity , an
hyperbola .

Equation of the ellipse with the origin of coordinates at X

and SX = p .

4251 y² +(x -p) ² = e²x².

PROOF.- By the definition in (4200) .

Abscissæ of vertices : (Supply A' in the following figure.)

XA = p XA' = Pe (4115 )
1+ e

M' M


2 )

4254 Focal distances of vertices :

SA = ep ep
SA' = Pe (4251 )
1+e' 1

4256 SL = l1 = ep = a (1 — e² ) = · (4251)
4260 b² = a² (1 — e²) ; e² 2

4262 CX =

CA = ep
4264 = a.
1 - e²

CS = e²p
4266 = ae. (4252)
1 -e2

4268 If b = a tan a, then e sec a in the hyperbola.

Equation with the origin at A :

4269 y² = (2ax- x²) Ell .

4270 y² = (2ax + x²) Hyp .

PROOF. -By (4200) , y² + ( x - SA) ² = e³ (x + AX) ³, & c.

Equations with the origin at the centre C :

4271 y² = · ( a² — x²) = ( 1 — e²) (a² — x²) . (4269)

4273 = 1.
a² +1
2 b2 =

PROOF.-By (4200) , y³ + (x + CS) ² = e² (x + CX) ², &c.

4274 PN : QN :: b : a . (4271 )

B 까


4275 DEF .- QCN is the eccentric angle , ø , of the point P.

x and y in terms of the eccentric angle :

4276 x = a cos p, y = b sin 4. (Ell . )

4278 x = a sec &, y = btan p. (Hyp .)

Five forms of the equation of the tangent or polar of the

point x'y' :
4280 y-y' ; (x — x') . (4120)
4281 yy = 1.
a +

4282 y = mx + √a²m² +b³. (4123)

x cos y sin & = 1 . (4276)

4283 + (Ell.)
a b

x seco - ytan =
4284 (Hyp . ) (4278)
a b

4285 x cos y+y sin y = √a² cos³y + b² sin³y,

y being the inclination of p. (4054) & (4372)


Five forms of the equation of the normal at x'y' :

y —y' = a y' (x — x') ·
y (4122)

a²x by
4287 = a² -b², or hx - ky a³ —b³ ,
x' y
where h and I are the intercepts of the tangent .

m (a² -b²)
4289 y = mx (4123)
√a² +b²m²

4290 ax sec p- by cosec = a² -b². (4276)

4291 X₁X —Y₁Y = (x₁x' —y₁y') , (4352)

where X1Y1 is the extremity of the conjugate diameter.

Intercepts of the tangent or polar on the axes :

a² b2
4292 and -
. (4115) , (4281 )
Ꮳ y

Intercepts of the normal : (4287)

a² -b2
4294 On the x axis, X or e2x.

a² -b² e²
4296 On the y axis , y or - y
b2 e .

Focal distances r, r' of a point ay on the curve :

4298 (aex) in Ell .

4299 (exa ) in Hyp .

PROOF. From r³ (aex) + y', and (4272) .

Perpendiculars from the foci upon the tangent :

4300 (4095, 4282)

p = b√
√ , p = b√


b b
4302. (p . 588) sin SPT = =P = = (4365)
r Jrr T

4306 b² = pp'. (4300)

Segments of tangent and normal :


L G'

n n


√ '.
4307 PT = ay √rr
', Pt = bx rr (4292)
bx ay
h bb₁ a ab₁
4309 PG = √rr = PG
' = rr = (4294)
a a

Right Line and Ellipse.

Quadratic for the ratio n₁n , in which the line joining

two given points ay , ay, is cut by the ellipse (4131 ) .
ni Y2Y1
( +41) + 2 n2( b2
+1 ) + ( + |−1)
1) =
= 0.

Equation of the two tangents drawn from x'y' :

'xx' 2
y -
4311 (Z + Z - 1 ) + Z - 1) — ( ~
a 2 + 2 − 1) = 0.

PROOF. -By the condition for equal roots of (4310) .


Quadratic for abscissæ of points of contact of the tangent

from x'y

4312 x² (b²x² + a³y'²) —2a²b²xx′ + a¹ (b²³ —y'²) = 0. ( 4282 , 4125)

Quadratic for m of the tangent from xy :

4313 m² (x² — a²³) — 2mxy +y² — b² = 0. (4282)

General polar equation of the ellipse, or quadratic for r,

the segment intercepted between the point ' y' and the curve
on the right line drawn from that point at an inclination to
the major axis and a axis of coordinates.

4314 (a sin²0 +b² cos³0) r²

+2r (a³y
' sin 0 +b²x′ cos 0) + (a²y² + b²x²² —a²b²) = 0 .

4315 Length of intercepted chord = difference of roots.

4316 Distance to middle point of chord = half sum of roots.

4317 Rectangle under segments = products of roots .

COR.- If two chords be drawn to a conic at two constant
inclinations to the major axis, the ratio of the rectangles under
their segments is invariable .
For, if a'y be their point of intersection , the ratio in ques
tion becomes a² sin²0 + b² cos20 : a² sin²0′ + b² cos ' , which is
constant if 0 and 0 are constant .

Locus of centres of parallel chords :

4318 a'y sin 0+b²x cos 0 = 0. (4314)

Quadratic for abscissæ of points of intersection of the line

Ax +By + C = 0 and the ellipse b²x² +a²y² - a²b² = 0 . (4116)

4319 (A²a² +B²b²) x² + 2ACa²x + C²a² —B³a²b² = 0.

-A Ca² Bab√òa² + B²b²— C²

4320 x=
A²a +Bb³

4321 For the ordinates transpose A, B and a, b.


Length of intercepted chord :

2ab√ (A² + Bº) ( A²a² + B²b² — C²)

4322 (4034)
A²a² +B2b2

Hence the condition that the line may touch the ellipse is

4323 A²a² + B²b² = C³.

The chord through two points ayı, Xay2 is

4324 x (x1 + x2) Y (Y₁ +Y₂) X1X2

+ = + 12 + 1 ;
a² b2 a²

or, denoting the points by their eccentric angles a, ß, the

chord joining aß is

4325 ― COS = COS 1
a a +B+
+ 4/4
2/4 sin a +B 2

The coordinates of the pole of the chord or intersection of

tangents at xyi , y2 (or aß as above) .

4326 x = X₁Y2+ X₂Y1 a² (y₁ —y₂) = a cos (a + B)

Y ₁ +y2 X2Y1-X1Y2 cos (a - B)

2 1 _ b² (x1 —x2)
X₁Y2 + x½Y¹ sin (a + B)
4329 y = = b
x1 + x2 X1Y2 -X2Y1 cos (a - B)

The following relations also subsist

a²b⁹ a² sin a sin ẞ b² cos a cos B

4332 2
b²x² +a²y² a²-x² b²-y²

b (sin a + sin ẞ) = a (cos a + cos B)

B) ,
2y 2x

" which are of use in finding the locus of (x, y ) when a , ß are
connected by some fixed equation ."
(Wolstenholme's Problems, p . 116. )
4 G

4334 a, ẞ,
If a, y,, & are the eccentric angles of the feet of the
ẞ, y
four normals drawn to an ellipse from a point ay, then
a +B + y + 8 = 3″ or 5π.

PROOF.-Equation (4290) gives the following biquadratic in z = tan 1 ,

byz* +2 (ax + a³ - b²) ≈³ +2 (ax - a³ + b³) z - by = 0.
Let a, b, c, d be the roots. Eliminate d from ab + ac + &c . = 0 and abcd = -1
1 1 1
(406) . Thus ab + be + ca = + + ab i from which, since a = tana,
bc ca
& c. , we get sin (B +7) + sin ( y +a) + sin (a + ẞ) = 0 ;
and, since 1- (ab + ac + &c . ) + abcd = 0,
tan (a +ẞ + y + d) = ∞ , .. a + ẞ + y + 8 = 3 or 5π.

4335 The points on the curve where it is met by the

normals drawn from a fixed point x'y' are determined by the
intersections of the curve and the hyperbola

a²x'y - b³y'x = c²xy. (4287)


The focus S being the pole (Fig . of 4201 ) , the equation of

any conic is

4336 r (1 +e cos 0) = 1,

being measured from A , the nearest vertex .

For the parabola, put e = 1 .
r = SP ; 0 = ASP; 1 = SL ; r = e ( SX + SN) (4200) = 1 + er cos 0.

The secant through two points , P, P', on the curve , whose

angular coordinates are a +ẞ and a - ẞ (Fig. 28) , is

4337 r { e cose + secẞ cos (a — 0)} = 1.

PROOF.- Let ASQ = a, PSQ = P'SQ = ß.
Analytically. Take (4109) for the equation of PP. Eliminate r, and r
by (4336), and substitute 2a for 0, +0, and 2ẞ for 0, -0 .
Geometrically. Let PP cut the directrix in Z ; then QSZ is a right angle,
by ( 1166 ) . Take C any point in PP' ; SC = r ; ASC = 0. Draw CD, CE,
CF, CG parallel to SL, SP, SQ, SX, and DH parallel to XL. Then
1 = SL = SH+ HL.
SH = SD er cos 0. = =
.. HL = CE = r sin CSF sec 6 = rcos (a -0) sec ß,
.. l = er cos ẞ +r sec ß cos (a — 0).

The equation of the tangent at the point a is , conse

4338 r {e cos 0 +cos (a − 0)} = 1 .

A Focal Chord.

4339 Length = (4336)
1 - e² cos² 0

Coordinates of the extremities , the centre C being the

origin :
I sin 0
4340 x = a (e + cos 0) y=
1 ± e cos ' 1 ±e cos 0

4342 The lines joining the extremities of two focal chords

meet in the directrix . [By (4337)

Polar equation with vertex for pole :

4343 ² ((1
1—- e²
e³ cos² ) = 2l cos 0. (4200)

Polar equation with the centre for pole :

4344 r² (a² sin²0 +b² cos² 0) = a²b³ ,

4345 or r√ (1 — e² cos² 0) = b.

PROOF. -By (4273) . Otherwise, by ( 4314) , with x ′ = y′ = 0 .




Equation of the ellipse referred to conjugate diameters for

coordinate axes :

x2 y²
4346 + = 1,
a¹2 b's

a²b³ a²b³
4347 a²² = b2 =
a² sin² a +b² cos² a' a² sin² ẞ +b² cos' B

Here a' = CD, b' = CP, a is the angle DCR, and ẞ the angle

PROOF. -Apply (4050) to the equation (4273) , putting w = and

tan a tan ẞ = by (4351 ) .

When a = b' , a +ẞ , and equation (4346) becomes

4349 x² +y² = a²² = } (a² +b²) .

Let the coordinates of D be a' , y' , and those of P x, y ; the

equation of the diameter CP conjugate to CD is
4350 + yy 0.

4351 tan a tan ẞ or mm' (4318)

xy in terms of x'y' , &c .

a b
4352 x =- =

-1 , y = x' . Ell.

4354 x = y 2x. Hyp .

PROOF.-Solve (4350) with (4273) .

4356 x = dR , • a = pN. (4274, 4352)

4358 x² + x²² = a² , y² +y² = b². Ell . (4352 )

4360 x² -
— x²² = a³ , y'²-y² = b². Hyp . (4354)

4362 a² + b² = a² + b². Ell . (4358)

4363 a² -b² a²² - b'². Hyp . (4360)

4364 a²² = b² +e²x². (4271, '61)

4365 b'² = a² - e²x² = rr' . (4298)

The perpendicular from the centre upon the tangent at

xy is given by
4366 2 (4281 , 4064)
===a¹ + =

The area of the parallelogram PCDL ( Fig . of 4307) is

4367 pa'ab a'b' sin w ,

where p = PF, a' = CD, b' = CP, w = ¿ PCD.

PROOF.- From (4366) , and (4352) , and a² = x² +y" .

Other values of p² :

a²b⁹ a²b⁹
4369 = =
p² (4362)
a'2 a² +b² —b'³°

4371 p³ = a² sin³ 0 +b² cos² 0.

PROOF.- From (4344, '67) , putting r = a .

4372 på = a² cos² y + b² sin³ y, (4371)

y being the inclination of p.

4373 p² = a² ( 1 — e² sin² y) . (4372, 4260)

Equations to the tangents at P and P' , the coordinates of

D being a' , y' :

4374 xy -yx
' = ab (4073) m =


4375 pCd = · Fig. p. 595. (4356)

4377 tan PCD = (4070, 4352-3)
where c =
√ (a² - b²) = CS.

62 1 +e cos 0
4378 tan (SPT) = = " (4070, 4256, 4336)
cy e sin
where 0 PST. [See figure on page 588.

If be the inclination of the tangent to the x axis ,

b2x e + cos 0
4380 tan y ==
= = (4280)
a²y sin

PROOF: 0 + SPT. Then by (631 ) and (4379) .

2b cy
4382 tan SPS' = (652, 4378)
b* —c²y³°

26⁹ e²xy
4383 tan APA' = − . tan CPG =
aey' b2

If OP, OP' are tangents to an ellipse,

CO² -a² -b²

4385 cos POP' =

PROOF. -By figure and construction of (1180), POP' MOS. Therefore

OS +OS"-S'M 200 +20S -4a
cos POP
'= = = &c.
20S.OS' 208.OS

If a' , y' are the coordinates of 0,

4386 tan POP' = 2√ (b²x²² +a²y” —a²b²)

x² +y'³ —a² —b²

PROOF.-BY (4311), taking terms of the second degree for the two parallel
lines through the origin and tan from (4112).

It is worthy of remark that the substitutions (4276-8)

may also be usefully employed when the axes of reference are
conjugate diameters : though, in that case, the geometrical
signification of no longer exists.




4387 xy = { (a²+ b²).

PROOF.-By (4273) and (4050) . Here x = CK, y = PK.



Τ u

Equations of the tangent at P, (x', y') .

4388 xy
' + x'y = (a² +b²) . (4120)

4389 y = mx + √ m (a² +b²) . (4123)

4390 m ==

4391 Intercepts on the axes Cl = 2x' , CL = 2y'.


4392 Here a = b, e = √2 ; and the equation with the

ordinary axes is

4393 x² —y² = a². (4273)

4394 Tangent xx' —yy' = a². (4281 )


Equation with the asymptotes for axes :

4395 2xy = a². (4387)

4396 Tangent ' + x'y = a².

xy (4388 )


The general equation of the second degree is

4400 ax² +2hxy + by² + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0,

4401 or ax² + by² + cz² + 2fyz + 2gzx + 2hay = 0 , with z = 1 .

The equation will be denoted by u or p (x, y) = 0 .


When the general equation ( 4400) , taken to rectangular

axes of coordinates , represents a central conic , the coordinates
of the centre, O
' (Fig. 30) , are

x = hf-bg _G ' = gh — af_

y =F
4402 = (4665)
ab-h² C' ab-h2 C

PROOF .-By changing the origin to the point x'y' and equating the new
g and ƒ each to zero (4048) .
For the case in which ab = h³ , see (4430) .

4404 The transformed equation is ax² +2hxy + by² + c′ = 0,

4405 where c' = `ax²² +2hx'y

' +by² +2gx' +2fy
' +c.

4406 = gx' +fy

' +c.
abc + 2fgh - af² —bg² —ch² = Δ
4407 (4466)
ab -h²

The inclination of the principal axis of the conic to the

a axis is given by
4408 tan 20 =

PROOF.-(Fig. 30. ) By turning the axes in (4404) through the angle

(4049) and equating the new h to zero.

The transformed equation now becomes

4409 a'x² + b'y² + c′ = 0 ,

4410 in which a' = {

} { a + b + √4h² + (a − b)³ } ,

4411 b' = {
} { a + b − √ 4h² + (a − b)² } ,

a' and b' are found from the two equations

4412 a' + b' = a + b, a'b' ab - h². [ Seo (4418 ) .

The semi-axes and excentricity are

4414 - " and e= (4273) (4261 )
=1/ √(1-8)

For the coordinates of the foci , see (5008 ) .

4416 NOTE .- If @ be the acute angle determined by equation

(4408) , we have to choose between 0 and 0+ for the inclina
tion in question, since tan 20 is also equal to tan (20+ ) .

RULE. *-For the ellipse, the inclination of the major axis

to the x axis of coordinates will be the acute angle 0 or 0+ ,
according as h and c' have the same or different signs. For the
hyperbola , read “ different or the same.'

PROOF. -Let the transformed equation (4409) be written in terms of the

semi-axes p, q ; thus q'x² +p³y² = p'q', representing an ellipse. Now turn
the axes back again through the angle -0, and we get
(q³ cos³ 0 +p² sin² ( ) x² -
— ( p² — q³ ) sin 20 xy + ( q² sin² 0 +p² cos²0) y² = p²q².
Comparing this with the identical equation (4404 ) , ax² + 2hxy + by³ = −c',
we have (p² — q³) sin 20 = —-2h , p²q² = — c′ ;
sin 20 = 2h p²q² Hence is <<
when h and c' have the same sign, p being > q. A similar investigation
applies to the hyperbola by changing the sign of q².

• This rule and the demonstration of it are due to Mr. George Heppel, M.A. , of
4 H


4417 Transformation of the origin of coordinates alone

does not alter the values of a, h, or b, whether the axes be
rectangular or oblique . This is seen in (4404).

When the axes are rectangular , turning each through an

angle does not affect the values of

4418 ab - h², a + b, g²+f , or c.

When the axes are oblique ( inclination w) , transformation

in any manner does not affect the values of the expressions

ab-h2 a +b - 2h cos @
4422 and
sin² w sin² w

These theorems may be proved by actual transformation by the formula

in (4048-50 ) . For other methods and additional invariants of the conic , see
(4951 ) .

4424 If the axes of coordinates are oblique , equation (4400)

is transformed to the centre in the same way, and equations
(4402-6) still hold good . If the final equation referred to axes
coinciding with those of the conic be

4425 a'x² + b'y² + c' = 0 ,

and the inclination of the new axis of a to the old one , we

shall have c' unaltered ,

2h sin w - a sin 2w
4426 tan 20 =
2h cos w — a cos 2w — b

a = a+ b = 2h cos w + √Q ; b = a + b - 2h cos w√Q ;

2 sin² w 2 sin² w

where Qa² + b² + 2ab cos 2w + 4h (a + b ) cos w + 4h2 .

PROOF.-(4404) is now transformed by the substitutions in (4050),

putting 60 + 90°, and equating the new h to zero to determine tan 20.
a' and bare most readily found from the invariants in (4422) . Thus, putting
the new h = 0 and the new w = 90°,
a + b - 2h cos w ab -h¹
a + b' = and a'b' =
sin' ω sin' w
equations which determine a' and b'.

The eccentricity of the general conic (4400) is given by

the equation
e¹ (a +b − 2h cos w)2 -4
4429 = .
1—e² (ab- h²) sin² w

PROOF.-By (4415) , and the invariants in (4422) .


4430 When ab - h² = 0 , the general equation (4400) repre

sents a parabola .
For a' , y' in (4402 ) then become infinite and the curve has
no centre , or the centre may be considered to recede to
Turn the axes of coordinates at once through an angle
(4049) , and in the transformed equation let the new coeffi
cients be a' , 2h' , b′ , 2g' , 2ƒ' , c' . Equate h' to zero ; this gives
(4408) again, tan 20 = If be the acute angle deter
mined by this equation , we can decide whether 0 or 0+ is
the angle between the a axis and the axis of the parabola by
the followin rule .

4431 RULE.- The inclination of the axis of the parabola to

the x axis of coordinates will be the acute angle 0 if h has the
opposite sign to that of a or b, and 0+ if it has the same

PROOF. Since ab - h³ = 0, a and b have the same sign. Let that sign
be positive, changing signs throughout if it is not. Then , for a point at
infinity on the curve, x and y will take the same sign when the inclination is
the acute angle 0, and opposite signs when it is 0+ . But, since
ax² + by² = + ∞o , we must have 2hxy = ∞ , the terms of the first degree
vanishing in comparison. Hence the sign of h determines the angle as stated
in the rule.

b a
4432 sin @ = V cos 0 =
a+b' a+b

PROOF. From the value of tan 20 above, 0 being the acute angle obtained,
and from h² = ab.

4434 Also a =0 and b' = a + b.

For a'b' ab - h² = 0 , and we ensure that a' and not b' vanishes by
(4431 ). Also a' + b′ = a + b (4412) .

4436 g′ = g cos 0+ƒ sin 0 = £√a+ƒ√ /√b

√ (a + b)

4438 f' = ƒ cos 0 —g sin 0 =£√

/a - g√✓
√(a + b)

4440 But if h has the same sign as a and b , change into

0 + 1π . (4431 )
PROOF. -By (4418, 4432–3) .

The coordinates of the vertex are

4441 ' =
x y
'== -5
26'g ' b

Obtained by changing the origin to the point x'y' and equating to zero
the coefficient of y and the absolute term . The coefficient of a then gives
the latus rectum of the parabola ; viz .:

4443 L = -24 - 28√a +f√b (4437)

√ (a + b)³


4445 Let the general equation (4400 ) be solved as a quad

ratic in y. The result may be exhibited in either of the forms

4446 y = ax + ß ± √µ (x² −2px + q) ,

4447 y = ax + B ± √ µ { (x − p) ² + (q −p²) } ,

4448 y = ax + ß ± √µ (x − y) (x − 8),

h h² -ab
4449 where a= - B = -—,
β μ =
b' b2

4452 hf- bg or bc-f2

p= &, (1642) q= or 4
ab - h² C ab -h²

- ъд
b (abc + 2fgh - aƒª² — bg² — ch²)
4454 q-p² = =
(ab - h²)² C²

4456 y and 8 = p ± √ (p² − q) .

4458 Here y = ax +ẞ is the equation to the diameter DD


(Fig . 31 ) , y and 8 are the abscissæ of D and D

' , its extremities ,
the tangents at those points being parallel to the y axis . The
surd = PNP'N when x = OM. The axes may be rect
angular or oblique .

When ab - h² = 0 , equation (4446) becomes

4459 y = ax + B ± b √q − 2p'x,

4460 where p' = bg- hf, ' = f² -bc.


4462 In this case , is the abscissa of the extremity of

the diameter whose equation is y = ax +ẞ and the curve has
infinite branches .


First examine the value of ab - h², and, if this is not zero,

calculate the numerical value of c' (4407) , and proceed as in
(4400) et seq. If ab - h² is zero , find the values of p' and q'
(4459). The following are the cases that arise.

4464 ab - h² positive-Locus an ellipse .

Particular Cases.

4465 A = 0 - Locus the point x'y' .

See (4402 ) . For, by (4404) , the conjugate axes vanish.

4466 b▲ positive- No locus .

By (4447-54) , since q -p³ is then positive.

4467 h = 0 and ab- Locus a circle.

By (4144) . In other cases proceed as in (4400–14) .

4468 ab - h2 negative- Locus an hyperbola .

Particular Cases.

4469 A0- Locus two right lines intersecting in the

point x'y' .

By (4447) , since g-p³ then vanishes. In this case solve as in (4447) .


4470 ba negative- Locus the conjugate hyperbola .

4471 a + b = 0-Locus the rectangular hyperbola.

By (4414), since a'b'.

4472 a = b = 0 - Locus an hyperbola , with its asymptotes

parallel to the coordinate axes . The coordinates of the centre

are now and , by (4402 ) . Transfer the origin to

the centre, and the equation becomes

2fg -ch
4473 xy =

In other cases proceed as in (4400-14) .

4474 ab - h² = 0-Locus a parabola .

Particular Cases .

4475 p'0 - Locus two parallel right lines . By (4459).

4476 p' = q' = 0-Locus two coinciding right lines .

By (4459) .

4477 p = 0 and q' negative- No locus.

By (4459) . In other cases proceed as in (4430-43) .

Ex. 1 .: 2x² - 2xy + y² + 3x − y − 1 = 0 .

Here the values of a , h , b, g, f, c are respectively 2, −1 , 1, 3 , -1, -1 ,

ab- h³ = 1 ; / = abc +2fgh - af -bg -ch'

c'´ == 9
== (4406)
ab -h³ 4
The locus is therefore an ellipse, none of the exceptions (4465-7) occurring
here. The coordinates of the centre, by (4402) , are
x = hf-bg -1,
y':_gh- af__
ab -h² ab - h²
Hence the equation transformed to the centre is
2x² -2xy + y³ — — = 0.

Turning the axes of coordinates through an angle 0 so that tan 20 = -2

(4408), we find the new a and b from
a' +b' = 3, a'b'1 ; (4412)

therefore a' = (3/5) , b′ = 1 ( 3 + √

/5) ,
and the final equation becomes 2 ( 3 − √5 ) x² + 2 (3+ √
/ 5) y² = 9 .
The inclination of the major axis to the original x axis of coordinates is
the acute angle tan -¹ (-2), by the rule in (4416) .

Ex. (2) : 12x² + 60xy + 75y² - 12x - 8y - 6 = 0.

The values of a, h, b, g, ƒ, c are respectively 12, 30 , 75 , -6, -4 , -6,
ab- h² = 0 ; p' = bg - hf = -330 ; q' = ƒ³ — bc. (4460)

Since p' does not vanish (4475-7) , the locus is a parabola. Proceeding,
therefore, by (4430-43) , we have
2h 20 5 2
tan 20 = = ; sin 0 = cos 0 =
α--b 21 √29' √29 (4432)
By the rule (4431 ) , we must take 0+ for the angle, instead of 0. There
fore g′ = −g sin 0 +ƒcos 0 = −9√b +ƒ√a =
√ (a + b) √29'
f' = -fsin0-g cos 0 = f√b -ga = 32
√ (a + b) √29
and b'a + b = 87 (4435).
Consequently the transformed equation is
44 64
87y2+ ·x + y - 6 = 0.
√29 √29
The coordinates of the vertex are computed by (4441 ) , and the final
equation with the vertex for origin is y = 87/29 x .

Ex. (3) : x² + 6xy + 9y² + 5x + 15y + 6 = 0 .

5 15
The values of a, h, b, g, f, c are respectively 1 , 3, 9, 6,
2' 2'
ab-h² = 0 and p' = bg - hf = 0,
therefore, by (4475-7) , if there is a locus at all, it consists of two parallel or
coinciding lines . Solving the equation therefore as a quadratic in y, we
obtain it in the form (x +3y + 2) ( x + 3y + 3) = 0,
the equation of two parallel right lines .

The equation of the tangent or polar of x'y' is

4478 ux+ u₁y + u₂ z = 0 or uxx' + u,y

' + u₂z
' = 0 ;
(4401 , 1405 ) obtained by (4120) in the form

4479 (ax + hy +g) x + (hx' + by +f) y + gx' +fy

' + c = 0,

4480 or (ax +hy +g) x' + (hx + by +f) y

' + gx +fy + c = 0 ,

4481 or

' + x'y) + byy' + g (x + x' ) +f (y + y') + c = 0.

axx' +h (xy

When the curve passes through the origin, the tangent at

the origin is

4482 = 0.
gx +fy = (4479)

And the normal at the same point is

4483 fx-gy = 0.

4484 Intercepts of the curve on the axes , -20, -21


4486 Length of normal intercepted between the origin and

the chord

= g² +f2
a+ b

Right Line and Conic with the general Equation .

4487 Quadratic for n : n', the ratio in which the line joining
xy, x'y' is cut by the curve.
Let the equation of the curve (4400 ) be denoted by
(x, y) = 0 , and the equation of the tangent (4479) by
4 (x, y , x' , y') = 0 ; then the quadratic required will be found,
by the method of (4131) , to be

n²p (x', y') +2nn'↓ ( x, y, x' , y') + n²²p ( x, y) = 0 .

The equation of the tangents from x'y' is

4488 $ (x', y') $ (x, y) = { 4 (x, y , x', y') } ².

PROOF. By the condition for equal roots in (4487) .

COR.-The equation of two tangents through the origin is

4489 Bx² -2Hxy + Cy² = 0. (4665)

The equation of the asymptotes of u ( 4400) is

4490 au‡ +2hu¸u, + bu² = 0.


The equation of the equi - conjugates of the conic

ax² + 2hxy + by² = 1 is

4491 (a + b) (ax² + 2hxy + by²) 2 (ab - h²) (x² +y³) .

PROOF.- When the conic is a + by² = 1 , the similar equation is

(a + b) (ax² + by² ) = 2ab (x² +
= 2ab +y²)
y²) or (ax² - by³ ) = 0 ,
given by the intersections of the conic and a circle. Transformation of the
axes theu produces the above by the invariants in (4418 ) .

4492 When the coordinate axes are oblique , the equation


(a −b) (ax³ — by³) + 2x ( hx + by) (h — a cos w) + 2y (ax +hy) ( h − b cos w) = 0 .

General polar equation :

4493 (a cos² +2h sin 0 cos 0 + b sin² 0) ²

+2 (g cos 0 +fsin 0) r + c = 0.

Polar equation with (x, y) for the pole : (4134)

4494 (a cos²0 + 2h sin 0 cos 0 + b sin² 0) r²

+2 { (ax +hy+g) cos 0+ (by + hx +f) sin 0 } r + F (xy) = 0.

Equation of the line through a'y parallel to the conjugate

diameter :

4495 (x − x′) (ax' +hy

' +g) + (y − y') (hx' + by' +ƒ) = 0 .

PROOF. By the condition for equal roots of opposite signs (4494) .

Equation of the conic with the origin at the extremity of

the major axis, L being the latus rectum.

4496 y² = Lx— (1 — e²) x². (4269, '59)

Equation when the point ab is the focus and

Ax +By + C = 0 the directrix :

Ax +By + C
4497 √ { ( x − a) ² + (y — b)°³ } = e (4200, 4095)
√ { A² +B²}*
4 I


The equation of a conic passing through four points whose

intercepts on oblique axes of coordinates are s , s' and t, t' , is

4498 SS + 2hxy + x + — ) − y ( ÷ + — ) + 1 = 0.

Equation of a conic touching oblique axes in the points

whose intercepts are s and t :

$2 + 2hxy + 224
t +1 = 0 ,

4500 or
(- + } − 1) + ery = 0 .

Comparing with the general equation ( 4400) , we have

hc² -gf.
4501 t - 2 =2
v = 2h
==== st c²

Perpendicular p from xy, any point on the curve , to the

chord of contact :

vs²ť²xy sin² w
4505 p² = (4096, 4500)
s +t -2st cos w

Equation of the tangent at x'y' :

4507 2 S + 1) ′ + x'y) = 0.
t −1) +v (xy

4508 The equation of the director - circle is

(1 + 4stv) (x² + y² + 2xy cos w ) -h ( x + y cos w) —k (y + x cos w ) + hk cos w = 0) .

The parabola with the same coordinate axes as in (4499) :

4509 ( +1 ) = ry
st √² + √4/4 = 1 .

PROOF.-From (4500), putting h =- 1 (4174) , and therefore v = — 4

st st

Equation of the tangent at a' , y' :

4510 = 1, (4509)
√(sx') + √(ty
4511 or y = mx + m = - (4123)
ms + ť SXx

Equation of the normal at x'y' :

set - m³st2 ¡ sx'
4512 y = mx + m = (4122)
(mt + 8)2 ' ty

4513 Normal through the origin xvs = yvt.

The equations of two diameters are, with any axes ,

x y =1 x Y ==.1 .
4514 and

PROOF.-Diameter through Ot, y- t = by the property OR = RQ, in
x S
the figure of (4211 ) .

Coordinates of the focus :

st2 s2t
4516 x= , y (5009)
s2+12 +2st cos s2+12 +2st cos w

Equation of the directrix :

4518 x (s +t cos w) +y (t + s cos w) = st cos w.

PROOF.-Expand (4509) , and form the equation of the polar of the focus
by (4479) and (4516).

When the axes are also rectangular , the latus rectum

4519 L= (4095, 4516-8)

4520 Locus of the centre of the conic which touches the

axes at the points s0 , Ot :
tx = sy. (4500, 4402)

4521 To make the conic pass through a point a'y' ; substi

tute x'y' in (4500) , and determine v.


4522 DEFINITION.- If two radii , drawn from two fixed

points , maintain a constant ratio and a constant mutual
inclination, they will describe similar curves .

4523 If the proportional radii be always parallel , the curves

are also similarly situated.

If there be two conics (1 ) and (2) , with equations of the

form ( 4400) , then—

The condition of their being similar and similarly

situated is
a h b
4524 - =
a h b

PROOF.- By (4404) , changing to polar coordinates, rr = constant.

The condition of similarity only is

(a +b)² =
_ (a' +b')" .
4525 ; (4418-9)
h2-ab h2-a'b'

or, with oblique axes ,

(a + b - 2h cos w)2 = (a +b' - 2h' cos w)

4526 (4422-3)
h2 -ab h2 -a'b



4527 DEF.- When two points of intersection of two curves

coincide on a common tangent, the curves have a contact of
the first order ; when three such points coincide , a contact of
the second order ; and so on. To osculate, is to have a con
tact higher than the first .

4528 The two conics (Fig. 32 ) whose equations are

ax² + 2h xy + by² + 2g x = 0 ....... . (1) ,

a'x² + 2h'xy + b'y² + 2g'x = 0 ........... . (2) ,


touch the y axis at the origin , O, by (4482) . Eliminate the

third terms from ( 1 ) and ( 2) , and we obtain a = 0 , the line
through two coincident points , and

4529 (ab' - a'b) x + 2 (hb' —l'b) y − 2 (bg' —b'g) = 0 ,

the equation to LM, the line passing through the two remain
ing points of intersection of (1 ) and ( 2) . (4099)

Again, eliminate the last terms from ( 1 ) and ( 2) , and we


4530 (ag' - a'g) x² +2 (hg' — h'g) xy+ (bg' — b'g) y² = 0,

the equation of the two lines OL, OM. [By (4111 ) and (4099)

4531 If the points L, M coincide , the conics have contact

of the first order . The condition for this is that (4530) must
have equal roots ; therefore

4532 (ag' - a'g) (bg' - b'g) = (hg' — h'g)².

4533 If the conics ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) are to osculate , M must

coincide with O. Therefore , in (4529) , bg' = b'g.
If in (4532) bg'b'g, the conics have a contact of the
third order.

(See also 1254 et seq.)

The radius of curvature at the origin for the conic

ax² + 2hxy + by² +2gx = 0,

the axes of coordinates including an angle w, is

- g
4534 p =
b sin w

PROOF.- The circle touching the curve at the origin is


x² +2xy cos + y² - 2rx sin w =

by (4148) , and the geometry of the figure, 2r sin being the intercept on
the x axis. The condition of osculating (4533 ) gives the value of p.
Р is positive when the convexity of the curve is towards the y axis.

Radius of curvature for a central conic at the extremity

P of a semi-diameter a' , the conjugate being b'.

b'2 b² a²b² b's

= =
4535 P 3 = (4367)
a' sin w p p³ ab

PROOF. -Take the equation and figure of (4346 ) ( a' = CP) . Transform
to parallel axes through P. Then by (4534).

The same in terms of x, y , the coordinates of the point P.

(b*x² +a*y*);
4539 p=

PROOF.-By (5138) , or from (4538) and the value of b at (4365) .

The coordinates of the centre of curvature O for P, the

point xy, are
c²xs - cy ,
4540 ૐ= n ? where c² = a² - b².

OD x PD y-n Y
PROOF. (Fig. 33. ) From = and = =
OP ρ PG' OP ρ PG'
with the values of p, PG, and PG' at (4535 ) and (4309) .

Radius of curvature for the parabola.

Taking the diameter and tangent through the point for
2a' 2a 2SP2
4542 P 3 = (Fig. of 4201)
sin sin SY

By (4534 ) , and equation (4211 ) .

Coordinates of the centre of curvature at ay (rectangular

axes) :
4545 ૐ = 3x + 2a ,
¿ n =—

PROOF. From y − n : p = y : PG and p = 2a cosec³ 0, PG = 2a cosec 0

and y = 2a cot 0.

The evolute of a central conic ( Fig. 33) :

4547 (ax) ³ +(by) ³ = (a² — b²) } ,

4548 or (a²x² + b²y² — c¹) ³ +27a²b³c¹x²y² = 0,

where ca² — b².

PROOF. -Substitute for a, y in the equation of the conic (4273) their

values in terms of E, ʼn from ( 4540) . Otherwise as in (4958) , or by the
method of (5157) .
The curve has cusps at L, H, M, and K.

The evolute of the parabola :

2 -
a (1) = (x =


PROOF. As in (4548) , from the equations (4201 ) and (4545) .


x2 X2 y²
4550 +5=1 and 1
a² a'z + b'2

are confocal conics , if

a² —a²² = b² — b′²,

b’² may be changed.

or the sign of b'2
For the confocal of the general conic, see (5007) .

4551 Confocal conics intersect , if at all , at right angles .

PROOF . -If u, u are the two conics in (4550), changing the sign of b" to
make the second conic an hyperbola, u - u' = 0 will be satisfied at their point
of intersection ; and (by a - a = b +b ) this proves the tangents at that
point to be at right angles (4078, 4280) .
Otherwise geometrically by ( 1168 ) .

4552 Tangents from a point P on one conic to a confocal

conie make equal angles with the tangent at P. [Proof at ( 1291 )

4553 The locus of the pole of the line Ax + By + C with

respect to a series of confocal conics in which a² - b - λ, is
the right line perpendicular to the given one,

BCx - ACy + ABλ = 0 .

PROOF. -The pole of the line for any of the conics being xy ; Aa² = —
and Bb³ - Cy (4292) ; also a² — b² = λ . Eliminate a² and b².

4554 COR. - If the given line touch one of the conics , the
locus is the normal at the point of contact.

4555 Graves' Theorem. - The two tangents drawn to an

ellipse from a point on a confocal ellipse together exceed the
intercepted arc by a constant quantity.

PROOF.-(Fig. 132. ) Let P, P ' be consecutive points on the confocal from

which the tangents are drawn . Let fall the perpendiculars PN, P'N'. From
(1291 ), it follows that PP'N = P'PN', and therefore P'N = PN'. The
increment in the sum of the tangents in passing from P to P' is
RR' - QQ' +P'N— PN' = — RR' — QQ'.
But this is also the increment in the arc QR, which proves the theorem.

4556 If the tangents are drawn from a confocal hyperbola ,

as in (Fig. 133) , the difference of the tangents PQ, PR is
equal to the difference of the arcs QT, RT.

The proof is quite similar to the foregoing.

4557 At the intersection of two confocal conics , the centre

of curvature of either is the pole of its tangent with respect
to the other.
y2 x² y²
PROOF. -Take + = 1 (i. ) and 2 ― = 1 (ii .) for confocal conics .
a² b2 a
a²a' b2b72
At the point of intersection , a² = and y == (where ca = ² - b²) ;
c² c²
by a² - a²² = b² +'sb . The coordinates of the centre of curvature of x'y' in
ca c²y's
(i. ) are x" = " y" =
a¹ b4 (4540-1 ) . The polar of this point with
respect to (ii. ) will be " + yy" = 1. Substitute the values of æ” , y " ; and
a12 b22
we see, by the values of x' , y', that this is also the tangent of ( i . ) at P.

4558 A system of coaxal circles (4161) , reciprocated with

respect to one of the limiting points D or D ' , becomes a
system of confocal conics .

PROOF. -The Origin D is one common focus of the reciprocal conics, by

(4844) . The polar of D with respect to any of the circles is the same line,
by (4166) . D and its polar (both fixed ) reciprocate (4858) into the line at
infinity and its polar , which is the centre of the conic. The centre and one
focus being the same for all, the conics are confocal .



For a description of this system of coordinates , see (4006 ) .

The square of the distance between two points aßy, a'ß'y is ,
with the notation of (4008 ) ,

{ a (ß − ß
') (y — y') + b (y − y
' ) (a − a') + c (a − a') (B − ß
') } ,

{ à cos A (a − a')² + b cos B (ß − 8) ² + ¢ cos C
' (y — y')³ } .

PROOF.- Let P, Q be the points. By drawing the coordinates y, B'y',

it is easily seen, by (702), that
PQ² = [ (B − ß') ² + ( y -
− y ′) ² + 2 (ẞ — ß′) (y — y′) cos A ] cosec³A………….. ( 1) .
Now, by ( 4007) , a (a − a') + b (ẞ −ẞ - ′) + c ( y −y') = 0,
from which b (B — ẞ ′) ² = —a (a - a') (ẞ — ß ′) — c (B — B') (y — y') ,
and a similar expression for c (7-7) . Substitute these values of the square
terms in ( 1 ) , reducing by ( 702) .

Coordinates of the point which divides the straight line

joining the points aßy, a'ß'y in the ratio : m:

la +ma lB+ mB ly+ mý.

4603 By (4032) .
1+ m l+ m 1+m

ABC being the triangle of reference , and a = 0 , B = 0,

y = 0 the equations of its sides, the equation of a line passing
through the intersection of the lines a = 0, ẞ = 0 is

4604 =
la - mB 1
=0 or a - kB = 0.
4 K

PROOF. For this is the locus of a point whose coordinates a, ß are in the
constant ratio ml or k ( 4099) .
When I and m have the same sign, the line divides the external angle C
of the triangle ABC ; when of opposite sign , the internal angle C.

The general equation of a straight line is

4605 la + mB + ny = 0 ,

and it may be referred to as the line (l , m, n) .

PROOF : la + mp = 0 is any line through the point C, and ( la + mß) + ny

= 0 is any line through the intersection of the former line and the line y = 0
(4604) , and therefore any line whatever according to the values of the arbi
trary constants l, m, n .

The same straight line in Cartesian coordinates is

4606 (l cos a + m cos B +n cos y) x

+ (l sin a +m sin ẞ + n sin y) y— (lp₁ +mp₂+np3) = 0 .

PROOF. By substituting the values of a, 6, y at (4009) .

Or, if the equations of the sides of ABC are given in the

form A +By + C₁ = 0, &c. , the line becomes

4607 (lA₁ + mA¸ + nA3) x + (lB₂ + mB₂ + nВ3) y

+ IC₁ + mC₂ + nC3 = 0 .

PROOF. -By (4095) , the denominators like √ (A + B ) being included in

the constants l, m, n.

4608 If u = 0 , v = 0 , w = 0 are the general equations of

the lines a, ẞ, y, then it is obvious that lu + mv = 0 is , like
(4604 ) , a line passing through the intersection of u and v , and
lu + mv + nw = 0 represents any straight line whatever.

To make an equation such as a = p (a constant) homo

geneous in a, ẞ, y ; multiply by the equation Σ = aa + bB + cy
(4007) , thus

(ap ) a + bpß + cpy = 0,

which is of the same form as (4605) .


4610 The point of intersection of the lines

la + mẞ + ny = 0 and l'a + m'B + n'y = 0

is determined by the ratios

a β Y
== = and ( 4017) .
mn' —m'n nl' —n'l lm' —I'm

The values of a , ß, y are therefore

Σ (mn' ― m'n) Σ (nl' — n'l) Σ (Im' - I'm)

4611 .

where D = a (mn' —m'n) + b (nl’— n'l) + ¢ (lm' — l'm) .

PROOF. -By (4017) , or by solving the three equations

aa + b + cy = Σ, la + mẞ + ny = 0, l'a + m²ß + n'y = 0.

The equation

4612_aa +bß + ry = 0 or a sin A +ẞsin B +y sin C = 0

represents a straight line at infinity.

PROOF. ― The coordinates of its intersection with any other line
la + mẞ + ny = 0 are infinite by (4611 ) .

4613 NOTE : aa + bB + cy = Σ, a quantity not zero. The equation

aa + bB + cy = 0 is therefore in itself impossible, and so is a line infinitely
distant. The two conceptions are, however, together consistent ; the one
involves the other. And if, in the equation la + mß + ny = 0, the ratios
1 : mn approach the values ab : c, the line it represents recedes to an
unlimited distance from the trigon.

4614 The equation corresponding to ( 4612) in Cartesian coordinates is

Ox + Oy + C = 0, the intercepts on the axes being both infinite. Cartesian
coordinates may therefore be regarded as trilinear with the x and y axes for
two sides of the trigon and the other side at an infinite distance.

4615 The condition that three points a₁ B₁ Y₁

a₁B171 , a2ß272, aзßsys may lie on the same az B₂ Y2 = 0.
straight line is the determinant equation , as B3 Ys

PROOF. - For it is the eliminant of the three simultaneous equations,

la₁ + mẞ₁ + ny₁ = 0, la₂ + mß₂ + ny2 la₂ + mß₂ + ny¸ = 0. ( 583)

4616 COR . - The above is also the equation of a straight line

passing through two of the fixed points if the third point be
considered variable.

4617 Similarly, the condition that the three following

straight lines may pass through the same point, is the deter
minant equation on the right,

1₁a + m₁B + n ,y = 0 l, m. n1
lą No = 0.
l₂a + m₂ß + n₂y = 0 mą
l¸a + m¸ß + n¸y = 0, 13 M3 nz

4618 The condition of parallelism of the two straight lines

la + mẞ + ny = 0, ι m n

l'a + m'B + n'y = 0, I'm'n' = 0,

is the determinant equation a b C|

PROOF. By taking the line at infinity ( 4612 ) for the third line in (4617) .

4619 Otherwise the equations of two parallel lines differ by

a constant (4076 ) . Thus

la + mẞ+ ny + k ( aa +bB + ty) = 0 (4007)

or (l +ka) a + (m + kb ) B + ( n + kc) y = 0

represents any line parallel to la + mẞ + ny = 0 by varying

the value of k.

The condition of perpendicularity of the two lines in

(4618) is

4620 ll' + mm' + nn' — (mn' + m'n ) cos A- ( nl' + n'l) cos B

- (Im' + l'm ) cos C = 0,

4621 or l' (l - m cos C ― n cos B) + m' (m — n cos A - l cos C)

+ n' (n − l cos B - m cos A ) = 0 .

PROOF.-Transform the two equations into Cartesians, by (4606), and

apply the test AA' + BB' = 0 (4078 ) , remembering that
cos (3-7) -cos 4, &c. (4011) .

When the second line is AB or y = 0, the condition is

4622 n = m cos A + l cos B.

It also appears, by (4676) , that (4620) is the condition that

the two lines may be conjugate with respect to the conic
whose tangential equation is

4623 ² + m²+ n² - 2mn cos A - 2nl cos B - 2lm cos C = 0.

The length of the perpendicular from a point a'ß'y

' to the
line la + mẞ + ny = 0 :
la + mẞ + ný
√ { l² +m² +n² — 2mn cos A — 2nl cos B- 2lm cos C}

PROOF.-By (4095 ) the perpendicular is equal to the form in (4606 ) , with

x' , y' in the place of x, y, divided by the square root of sum of squares of
coefficients of x and y. The numerator = la + mẞ' + ny'. The denominator
reduces by cos (ẞ — y ) = —cos A, &c .

4625 Equation of the same perpendicular :

α a' l- m cos C - n cos B

' m- n cos A ― l cos C = 0.

Y Ý n - l cos B ― m cos A
PROOF. This is the eliminant of the three conditional equations
La +Mẞ +Ny = 0, La' + Mẞ' + Ny' = 0, and equation (4621 ) .

4626 Equation of a line drawn through a'ß'y parallel to the

line (l, m , n) :
a a' cm - bn

' an - cl = 0.
Y Y bl - am

PROOF. It is the eliminant of the three conditional equations

la + mß + ny = 0 , la' + mß' + ny' = 0 , and the equation at (4618) .

4627 The tangent of the angle between the lines (1, m, n)

and ( l' , m' , n') is

(mn' - m'n) sin A + ( nl' — n'l) sin B + (lm' - l'm) sin C

ll' +mm' +nn' — (mn' + m'n) cos ▲ — (nl' + n'l) cosB— (lm' + l'm) cosC

PROOF. -By (4071 ) applied to the transformed equations of the lines,

(4606) , observing (4007) .



4628 Bisectors of the angles A, B, C :

B-y = 0, y- a = 0, a- B = 0.

4629 Centre of inscribed circle (or in- centre) * 1 : 1 : 1 .

The coordinates are obtained from their mutual ratios by the formula
(4017) .

4630 Bisectors of the angles A , π - В , π - C :

B-y = 0, y + a = 0, a + B = 0.

Centre of the escribed circle which touches the side a (or

a ex-circle) -1 : 1 : 1 .

4631 Bisectors of sides drawn through opposite vertices :

ẞ sin B = y sin C, y sin C = a sin A , a sin A = ẞ sin B.

4632 Point of intersection (or mass - centre) :

cosec A cosec B : cosec C.

PROOF. -Assume mẞ - ny = 0, by (4604 ) , as the form of the equation of

a line through A, and determine the ratio mn from the value of yẞ
when a 0.
The coordinates of the point of intersection may be found by (4610) , or
thus :
α : β = sin B : sin A cosec A cosec B,
By sin C : sin B = cosec B : cosec C,
therefore a: B: y = cosec A : cosec B : cosec C.

4633 Perpendiculars to sides drawn through opposite

vertices :

B cos By cos C, y cos Ca cos A , a cos AB cos B.

4634 Orthocentre : sec A sec B : sec C.

* This nomenclature is suggested by Professor Hudson, who proposes the following :

"In-circle, circum- circle, a ex-circle ... mid- circle for inscribed circle, circumscribed circle,
circle escribed to the side a, and nine- point circle ; also in-centre, circum- centre, a ex
centre, mid-centre, for the centres of these circles ; and in-radius, circum-radius, a ex
radius, ... mid-radius, for their radii ; central line, for the line on which the circum-centre,
mid-centre, ortho-centre, and mass-centre lie ; and central length for the distance between
the circum-centre and the ortho-centre."

If the Cartesian coordinates of A, B, C be x₁y₁ , xyz , x3Y3 ,

the coordinates of the centre of the inscribed circle are

4635 x = ax₁ + bx2 + cx3 y =

ay₁ +by + cy
a+ b + c a+ b+ c

PROOF.- By (4032 ) . Find the coordinates of D where the bisector of

the angle A cuts BC in the ratio b : c (VI. 3) , and then the coordinates of E
where the bisector of B cuts AD in the ratio b + c : a.

4636 For the coordinates of the centre of the a ex-circle,

change the sign of a in the above values of x and y.

4637 The coordinates of the mass - centre are

x = } (x1 +x2 +X3) , = { (Y₁ + Y₂ +Ys) .

4638 The coordinates of the orthocentre are obtained from

the equations of the perpendiculars from ay , ayз, viz . ,

(X₁ − X3) x + (Y₁ —Y3) Y = X2 (X1 — X3) +Y₂ (Yı —Y3) ,

(x₁ − x2) x + (y₁ — Y₂) Y = X3 (X₁ — X2) +Y3 (Y₁ — Y2) .

Perpendicular bisector of the side AB :

4639 a sin A - ẞ sin B + y sin ( A − B) = 0 ,

4640 or a cos A -ẞ cos B- sin ( A — B) = 0,

G2 si
4641 or
a sin B sin C b sin C sin A
A− (B + cos B = 0.
(a + 2 sin A 2 sinB 1)

4642 Centre of circumscribed circle (or circum- centre) :

cos A cos B : cos C.

PROOF. -A line through the intersection of Y and a sin A - ẞ sin B (4631 )

is of the form a sin A- ẞ sin B +ny = 0, and, by (4622 ) ,
n = -siu B cos A + sin A cos B = sin ( A— B) .
Otherwise, by (4633) and ( 4619 ) ,
a cos A- ẞ cos B + k = 0
is any line perpendicular to AB ; and the constant k is found by giving a : ß
the value which it has at the centre of AB.

4643 Centre of the nine-point circle ( or mid- centre) :

cos (B - C) : cos (C - A) : cos ( A - B) .

PROOF .- By (955 ) the coordinates are the arithmetic means of the corres
ponding coordinates of the orthocentre and circum- centre. Therefore, by
(4634, '42) and ( 4017 ) , α=
sec A cos A
k +
sinA secA +sinB secB + sinC secC ' sinA cosA + sinB cosB + sin C cosC1},
which reduces to cos ( B - C ) × constant.

4644 Ex. 1.-In any triangle ABC ( Fig. of 955 ) , the mass-centre R, the
orthocentre O, and the circum- centre Q lie on the same straight line ; * for the
coordinates of these points given at (4632, '34, '42) , substituted in (4615),
give for the value of the determinant
cosec A (sec B cos C - cos B sec C
') + &c.,
which vanishes.
Similarly, by the coordinates in (4643 ) , it may be shown that the mid
centre N lies on the same line.

Equation of the central line :

Ex. 2. To find the line drawn through the orthocentre and mass
centre of ABC. The coordinates of these points are given at (4632 , '34) .
Substituting in the determinant (4616 ) and reducing, the equation becomes
a sin 24 sin (B - C) +ẞ sin 2B sin ( C - A) + y sin 2C sin (A - B) = 0.

Ex. 3. Similarly, from (4629, '42) , the line drawn through the centres
of the inscribed and circumscribed circles is
a (cos B - cos C) +6 ( cos C — cos A) + y (cos A — cos B) = 0 .

Ex. 4. -A parallel to AB drawn through C :

a sin A +B sin B = 0.
For this is a line through aß, by ( 4604) , and the equation differs only by a
constant from 70, for it may be written
(a sin A + sin B +y sin C) -y sin C = 0.

Ex . 5.-A perpendicular to BC drawn through C is

a cos C +B = 0 .
For a perpendicular is ẞ cos B − 7 cos C = 0 (4633) . ( 1) ,
and a line through C is of the form la + mß = 0. Hence, by (4619 ) , the
constant k (a sin A + ẞ sin B + 7 sin C) must be added to ( 1 ) so as to elimi
nate y. Thus
B sin C cos B + a sin A cos C + 6 sin B cos C = 0,
ẞ sin (B + C) + a sin A cos C = 0 or ẞa cos C = 0.

* The central line . See note to (4629).



For the definition , see (1052) .

4648 The three ratios of that article are the values of the
ratio kk' in the three following pencils of four lines respec

a = 0, kß = 0,
— kẞ
a- B = 0, a + k'ß = 0 ... (i . ) ( Fig . 34 ) ,

a = 0, a - kß = 0, a - k'ß = 0, B = 0 ... (ii . ) ( Fig. 35 ) ,

a = 0, B = 0, a + kß = 0 , a + k'ß = 0 ... ( iii . ) (Fig. 36 ) .

4649 The anharmonic ratio (i . ) becomes harmonic when

kk'. Hence the lines a +kß, a - kß form a harmonic pencil
with the lines a , ß, the first dividing the external and the
second the internal angle between a and ẞ (Fig. 37) .

4650 Similarly, the anharmonic ratio of four lines whose

equations are

a - µ₁ß = 0 , a — µ₂ß = 0 , α - µs ß = 0 , а — µ‚ß = 0,

(*π —εn) (³N — ¹N)
is the fraction
(µ₁ — µs) (µ2 — µ3)

PROOF. -Let OL be the line a = 0, and

OR, B = 0. L
H ", = difference of perpendiculars from
A and B upon OL, divided by p.
Similarly, μ- , &c. These differences
are proportional to the segments AB, CD,
AD, BC, and p is a common divisor. R

4651 Homographic pencils of lines are those which have the

same anharmonic ratio . Thus the two pencils

α -
– μ ,β , α – μοβ , a -μzß, α = μβ,

and a' — µ‚ß', a' --

-μ₂ß' , a' — µ‚ß' , á' -µ‚ß' ,

are homographic pencils .

4 L


4652 DEF. - Any four right lines together with the three,
called diagonals , which join the points of intersection , make a
figure called a complete quadrilateral .

4653 Let O be any point in the plane of the trigon ABC .

Draw AOa, BOb, COC , and complete the figure. The equa
tions of the different lines may be written as under , with the
aid of proposition (4604) , the ratios l : m : n being arbitrary
and dependent upon the position of 0.


Aa, mẞ - ny = 0, AP, mẞ + ny = 0,

Bb, ny -la = 0, BQ, ny + la = 0,

Cc , la -mẞ = 0 , CR, la + mß = 0 ;

be, mẞ + ny —la = 0 , OP, mẞ + ny -2la = 0,

ca , -
ny + la mẞ = 0, OQ, ny + la -2mß = 0,
ab, OR, la + mẞ - 2ny = 0,
la + mB ― ny = 0,

PQR, la + mẞ +ny = 0.

PROOF. -Aa, Bb, Cc are concurrent by addition . bc is concurrent with

Bb and 3, and with Cc and y, by (4604) . AP and OP are each concurrent
with bc and a. PQR is concurrent with each pair of lines be and a, ca and
ß, ab and y. Similarly for the rest.

4654 Every pencil of four lines in the above figure ( supply

ing AP, BQ, CR) is a harmonic pencil.

PROOF. By the test in (4649 ) , the alternate pairs of equations being the
sum and difference of the other two in every case.
Otherwise by projection. Let PQRS be the quadrilateral, with diagonals
RP, QS meeting in C. (Supply the lines AC, BC in the figure. ) Taking the
plane of projection parallel to OAB, the figure projects into the parallelogram
pqrs ; the points A, B pass to infinity , and therefore the lines AC, BC become

lines harmonically divided by the sides of the parallelogram, the centre,

and the points at infinity.


4655 Theorem (974) may be proved by taking a, ß, y for the lines BC,
CA, AB, and l'a + mẞ + ny, la + m'ß + ny, la + mẞ + n'y for bc, ca, ab, the last
form being deduced from the preceding bythe concurrence of Aa, Bb, and Cc.


The general equation of the second degree is

4656 aa² + bẞ² + cy² + 2fBy + 2gya + 2haß = 0 .

This equation will be denoted by (a , ẞ, y) = 0 or u = 0 .

Equation of the tangent or polar :

4657 ua+ ußß + u+ y = 0 or ' = 0,

ua + uẞ + u„ ý

the two forms being equivalent and the notation being that of
( 1405 ) . The first equation written in full is

(cả thế + r) a +(lá + b tối ) B + (giá +ftay ) y = 0 .


PROOF. By the methods in (4120 ) . Otherwise by (4678 ) ; let aßy
be on the curve ; then (a, ß, y) = 0. Next let the point where the line cuts
the curve move up to aẞy. Then the line becomes a tangent and the
ration n' vanishes ; the condition for this gives equation (4658) .

COR . The polars of the vertices of the triangle of refer

ence are

4660 aa + hẞ +gy = 0 , ha + bB +fy = 0 , ga +fß+ cy = 0 .

4661 The condition that u may break up into two linear

factors representing two right lines is , by (4469) , A = 0,

4662 abc +2fgh - af -bg -ch². (4454)

4663 The general tangential equation a h g λ

of the conic (4656) expresses the condi h bf μ
tion that the line Xa +uß +vy may touch = 0.
gf c

the curve and is the determinant equation
annexed . The same written in full is

4664 (bc -f2) ² + (ca - g²) µ² + (ab - h²) v²

+2 (gh − af) µv+2 (hf— bg) vλ +2 (fg — ch) λµ = 0,

4665 or Ax² + Bµ² + Cv² + 2Fµv + 2Gvλ + 2Hλµ = 0 ;

writing, as in ( 1642 ) ,

A = be-f", B = ca ―g², C = ab - h²,

F = gh - af, G = hf- bg, H = fg - ch.

The tangential equation will be denoted by (A, µ , v) = 0 or

U = 0, to correspond with (4656) .
PROOF. ――――――――― The determinant is the eliminant of the equation of the line
λa + μẞ + vy = 0, and the three equations obtained by equating λ, u , v to the
coefficients of a, ẞ, y in ( 4659 ) .
Otherwise.-Assume λa + uß + vy = 0 for the tangent. Substitute the
value of the ratio ẞ y obtained from it in the equation of the curve, and
express the condition for equal roots (4119) .

4666 Conversely, if the line λa +uß A H Ga

+vy has the coefficients A , μ, v con H_B F B
= 0.
nected by the equation of the second GF CY
degree U0 (4664) , then the enve a β
lope of the line is the conic in the γ

determinant form annexed corresponding to (4663) , or in full

4667 (BC — F²) a² + ( CA - G²) B² + ( AB - H³) y²

+2 (GH- AF) By + 2 (HF— BG) ya + 2 ( FG − CH) aß = 0.

4668 or A ( aa² +bB² + cy² + 2ƒBy +2gya +2haß) = 0 .

PROOF. -Eliminate from U = 0 and the given line. The result is of
the form LX2 +2Rλµ + Mµ² = 0 , and therefore the envelope is LM = R², by
(4792) . This produces equation (4667) . The coefficients are the first
minors of the reciprocal determinant of ▲ ( 1643 ) , and therefore, by ( 585) ,
are equal to a▲, b▲, &c.

4669 The condition that U may consist of two linear factors

is , as in (4661 ) , D = 0 , where

4670 D = ABC ÷2FGH- AF² - BG²- CH² = ▲² . ( 1643 )

In this case U becomes the equation of two points , since the

line λa +uß +vy must pass through one or other of two fixed
points . See (4913) .

4671 The coordinates of the pole of λa +uß + vy are as

Aλ+ Hµ + Gv : Hλ + Bµ + Fv : Gλ + Fu + Cv,

4672 or Ux : Uμ : U,.
PROOF.-By (4659) we have the equations in the aa +hB + gy = kλ
hu +b + y = ke
margin, the solution of which gives the ratios of a : ẞ : y.
ga +fß + cy = kr.

= β = Y = k
Αλ + Ημ + Gr Hλ +Bu + Fv Gλ + Fμ + Cv Δ΄

Hence the tangential equation of the pole of X'a +uß + vy,

i.e., the condition that Xa +uß +vy may pass through the
pole ; or, in other words , that the two lines may be mutually
conjugate , is

4674 λUx +µUµ + vUv = 0 or μ + v' U, = 0 ,

X'Ux + µ'Uµ

the two forms being equivalent, and each

4676 = Αλλ ' + Βμμ ' + Ονν

+ F (µv' +µ'v) + G (vλ' + v´λ) + H (dµ' + d'µ) .

The coordinates of the centre a。, ẞo , yo are in the ratios

4677 Aa + Hb + Gc : Ha + Bb + Fc : Ga + Fb + C¢,

where a, b, c are the sides of the trigon .


PROOF.- By (4671 ) , since the centre is the pole of the line at infinity
aa + bB + cy = 0 (4612 ) .

The quadratic for the ratio n n' of the segments into

which the line joining two given points aẞy, a'ẞ'y
' is divided
by the conic is , with the notation of (4656–7) ,


' , y') n² +2 (Þ„a´ + ¢ßß + Þ‚y') nn' + $ ( a, ß, y) n'² = 0 .
PROOF.- By the method of (4131 ) .

The equation of the pair of tangents at the points where Y

meets the general conic u (4656 ) , is

4679 au +2huu + bu² = 0 .

PROOF. The point a' ' , where y meets the curve, is found from
aa”² + 2ha'ß′ + bß ″² = 0 [ y = 0 in ( 4656) ] . The tangent at such a point is
u_a' + uzß' = 0 (4658) . Eliminate a' , 3'.

The equation of a pair of tangents from a'ß'y is

4680 (a'B'y') (aẞy) = (Þ „ a' + ¢ßß

′ + Þ‚y')² .

PROOF. - By the condition for equal roots of (4678 ) .

By actual expansion the equation becomes
(By² + Cß² — 2Fßy ) a”² + ( Ca² + Ay³ − 2Gya) ẞ²² + (Aß² + Ba³ − 2Haß) y′
+2 ( −Aẞy + Hya + Guß — Fa³) ẞ'y′
4681 +2 (Hẞy - Bya + Faß - Gẞ ) y'a'
+2 (GBy + Fya - Caß - Hy² ) a'ß′ = 0.
In which either a', B', y' or a, ß, y may be the variables, for the forms are

Otherwise the equation of the two tangents is

4682 Þ (By
' — B'y, ya' — ya, aß
' —a'ß) = 0 . (4665)

PROOF. -By substituting By' - 3'y, &c. for λ , µ , v in (4664) , the condition
that the line joining a'p'y' to any point aßy on either tangent (see 4616 )
should touch the conic is fulfilled . The expansion produces the preceding
equation (4681 ) .

The equation of the asymptotes is

4683 $ (a, ẞ, y) = $ (α., Bo, yo) = kΣ (1) ,

where ao, Bo, yo are the coordinates of the centre.


Otherwise the equation, in a form homogeneous in

a, ẞ , y , is

4684 (aa +Bo+ ty ) ¢ (a , B , Y) k ( a + bß + ty ) ...... ( 2 ) ,

where a, b , c are the sides of the trigon.

And , finally, if the tangential equation ( 4664 ) be denoted
by (A, μ, v) = 0 , the equation of the asymptotes may be
presented in the form

4685 $ ( a , b , c)
Þ £) ¢ (a , B , y) := ( a + ňB + y) A ......... (3) .

PROOF. (i . ) The asymptotes are identical with a pair of tangents from

the centre ; therefore, put ao, Bo, Yo for a', 6', y' in (4680) ; thus
o (a, ß, y) & (α
(ao,, Bo, Yo) = k² ( aa + bß + cy) ² = k²² ............ (4) ,
since the polar becomes the line at infinity.
Now, multiplying the three equations in (4672 ) by a, ẞ, y respectively,
and adding, we obtain ( a, ß, y) = k (λa + µß + vy) , and therefore
& (α , Bo, Yo) = k (aa + bß + cy) = kΣ .. ...... (5),
since the line at infinity (4612) is the pole of the centre.
From (4) and (5) , by eliminating k, equation ( 1 ) is produced ; and by
dividing (4) by (5) , we get equation ( 2) .
Again, taking the values of a, ß , y from (4673) , we have
la + µß + v¥ = Φ ® (λ , μµ,, ») , and therefore a +b + cy₁ = (a, b, c)
k k
By the last equation, (2) is converted into (3) . See also (4966) .

COR. Since the centre (ao, Bo , Yo) is on the asymptotes ,
we have

4686 $ (αo, Bo, yo) = Σ² ▲ ÷ & ( a , b, c) .

4687 The semi- axes of the general conic (4656 ) are the
values of obtained from the quadratic

as cos h, g, a
(a+ 202 bs cos BY f, b

h, (b+ 2.2 Es cos C = 0,

g, (c+ 2.2
( ) f.
a, b, [,

where a , b , c are the sides of the trigon , and

s = abe▲ ÷ Þ (abr) .

PROOF . The centre being aẞo , put a - a, x, ß - ß₁0 = y, 7- % = z.

aßy being a point on the conic, and the radius to it from the centre, we
have, by (4602) ,
r² = ªbe ....... ****.. (1) .
V2 (x²a cos A + y²b cos B + z²¢ cos C)
Also (4656), (a, ß, y) = (a + x, ß₂ + y, % + ) = 0.
Expand and write l, m, n for aa + hß。 + g¼‰, ha + bß, +ƒ¥‰, g« +ƒß。 + c %•
The terms in x, y, z become
lx + my + nz = 1 (a− a ) + &c . = - = 0 (4007) ........... (2 ) ,
and we obtain ø (x, y , z ) = − ¢ (ao, ẞo, Yo) = Σ²A ÷ ♣ (a, b, c) (4686 ) ...... (3 ) .
The maximum and minimum values of and therefore of
a'a cos A + y2b cos B + zc cos C ...... (4)
are required, subject to the equations (2 ) and (3). By the method of unde
termined multipliers ( 1862 ) , the quadratic above is found.-Ferrers's Tril.
Coord., Ch. 4, Art. 18.

4688 The area of the conic =
{o (a, b, c) } }*
PROOF. If the roots of the quadratic (4687) are r ', r ', the area
will be . The coefficient of r reduces by trigonometry to -2's , and
the absolute term is — ( a , b , c) . Hence the product of the roots is found.

4689 The conic will be an ellipse, hyperbola, or parabola,

according as (a , b , c) (4664) is positive, negative, or zero .

PROOF. - The squares of the semi-axes have opposite signs in the hyper
bola. Therefore the product of the roots of the quadratic (4687) must for
an hyperbola be negative, and therefore negative in (4688) .
( a, b, c) = 0 makes the curve touch the line at infinity (4664) , a pro
perty which distinguishes the parabola .

The condition that the general conic (4656) may be a

rectangular hyperbola is

4690 a + b +c = 2f cos 4 +2g cos B + 2h cos C.

PROOF. - Let the asymptotes be

la + mẞ + ny = 0, l'a + m'ẞ + n'y = 0.
Forming the product, equating coefficients with (4685 ) , and denoting
(a, b, c) by p, we get the proportions
ιι' '
mm' nn' mn ' + m'n
= = =
a4 -a's bp -b²A co - cA 2 (fp -bcA)
= nl' + n'l =
Im ' +1'm
2 (go - cn▲) 2 (ho - abA)

We may therefore substitute these denominators in (4620 ) for the condition

of perpendicularity of the asymptotes . The result reduces to the equation
above, by (837) .
For another method , see (5002) .

4691 The general conic (4656) will become a circle when

the following relation exists between the coefficients :

b sin C +c sin B - 2f sinB sinC

= c sin³4 +a sin C - 2g sinC sinA

= a sin²B+ b sin²A - 2h sinA sinB.

PROOF. - Equate coefficients of the equation of the conic (4656 ) with

those of the circle in (4751 ).

4692 The equation of the pair of lines drawn from a point

' to the points of intersection of the conic and the line
L = λa + μß + uy = 0 is, writing L' for λa' +uß' + vy , with the
notation of (4656-7 ) ,

L'² (a, ẞ, y) — 2LL' (Þaa' + $ßß

′ + Þ‚y') + L² $ ( a' , B
', y
') = 0 .

PROOF.-By the method of (4133) .

4693 The Director- Circle of the conic , that is , the locus

of intersection of tangents at right angles , is , in Cartesians ,

C (x² +y³) —2Gx − 2Fy + A + B = 0 .

PROOF. - Let the equation of a tangent through xy be

m² ― n + (y — mx) = 0.
Therefore in the tangential equation (4665) put λ = m , µ = −1 , v = y — mx,
and apply the condition, Product of roots of quadratic in m = -1 (4078 ) .
The equation of the same circle in trilinears is
4694 (B+ C + 2F cos 4) a² + (C + A + 2G cos B) B² + (A + B + 2H cos C) y²
+2 (A cos A - H cos B - G cos C— F) By
+2 (-H cos A + B cos B- F cos C - G) ya
+2 ( -G cos A - F cos B + C cos C - H) aß = 0 ;

or, in the form of (4751 ) ,

(B + C +2F cos A = (a, b, c)
a + &c.) = (aßy + bya + caß).
( a+ b + c ) ( B + 0 + 2 abe
4 M

PROOF. The equation of a pair of tangents (4681 ) through a point aẞy

in trilinears, when the tangents are at right angles, represents the limiting
case of a rectangular hyperbola. Therefore the equation referred to must
have the coefficients of a", B2 , &c. connected by the relation in (4690) ,
which thus becomes the equation of the locus of the point aßy ; i.e., the

4696 When the general conic is a parabola, C = 0 in (4693)

and (a, b, c) = 0 in (4695) , by (4430) and (4689) , and these
equations then represent the directrix.


4697 A conic circumscribing the quadrilateral, the equa

tions of whose sides are a = 0, B = 0 , y = 0 , 8 = 0 , ( Fig. 38)

ay = kßs.
PROOF. -This is a curve of the second degree, and it passes through the
points where a meets ẞ and d, and also where y meets ẞ and d.

4698 =
The circumscribing circle is ayẞ8 ; or , as
the origin of coordinates lies without or within the quadri

PROOF. -Transform (4697) into Cartesians (4009) ; equate coefficients of

x and y and put the coefficients of ay equal to zero.

4699 A conic having a and y for tangents and ẞ for the

chord of contact : (Fig. 39)
ay = kB².

PROOF .-Make & coincide with 6 in (4698).

4700 A conic having two common chords a and ẞ with a

given conic S: (Fig. 40)
S = kaß.

4701 A conic having a common chord of contact a with a

given conic S: (Fig. 41 )
S = ka².

4702 COR. - If RPQ be drawn always parallel to a given

line, PN2 RP . PQ, by (4317) .

4703 A conic having a common tangent T at a point x'y'

and a common chord with the conic S : (Fig. 42)

S = T (lx + my +nz) .

4704 A conic osculating S at the point a'y' where T touches

at one extremity of the common chord (x - x ) + m (y — y') :
(Fig. 43)
S = T (lx + my ― lx' — my') .

4705 A conic having common tangents T, T' at common

points with the conic S : (Fig. 44)
S = kTT'.

4706 A conic having four coincident points with the conic

S at the point where T touches : (Fig. 45)

S = kT².

4707 The conics S +L = 0, S+ M² = 0 , S + N² = 0,

(Fig 46) having respectively L, M, N for common chords of

contact with the conic S, will have the six chords of inter
L ± M = 0, M ± N = 0, N ± L = 0,

passing three and three through the same points .

PROOF. -From (S + M²) - ( S + N²) = (M+ N) (M− N) , &c.

By supposing one or more of the conics to become right lines, various theorems
may be obtained .

4709 The diagonals of the inscribed and circumscribed

quadrilaterals of a conic all pass through the same point and
form a harmonic pencil .

PROOF. (Fig. 47.) By (4707) , or by taking LM = R and L'M' R'

for the equations of the conic by (4784) .

4710 If three conics have a chord common to all, the other

three chords common to pairs pass through the same point .

PROOF. (Fig. 48. ) Take S, S +LM, S + LN for the conics, L being the
chord common to all ; then M, N, M- N are the other common chords.

4711 The hyperbola xy = (0x + 0y + p)²

is of the form (4699) , and has for a chord of contact at infinity

Ox + 0y +p = 0 , x, y being the tangents from the centre .

4712 The parabola y = (0x +0y +p) x

has the tangent at infinity Ox +0y +p = 0 .

4713 So the general equation of a parabola may be put in

the form of (4699) . Thus

(ax +By) ² + (2gx +2fy + c) (0x + 0y + 1) =

= 0.

Here ax +By is the chord of contact, that is, a diameter ; 2gx +2fy +c is
the finite tangent at its extremity, and Ox + 0y + 1 the tangent at the other
extremity, supposed at infinity.

4714 The general conic may be written

(ax² +2hxy + by²) + (2gx + 2fy + c) (0x + 0y + 1) = 0.

δ being at infinity.
For this is of the form ay + kßd, d

4715 The conics S and S - k (0x +0y + 1 )²

have double contact at infinity, and are similar.

4716 The parabolas S and S - k⁹

have a contact of the third order at infinity.

PROOF. - For S and S- (0x + 0y + k) have the line at infinity for a chord
of contact ; and, by (4712) , this chord of contact is also a tangent to both
curves .

4717 All circles are said to pass through the same two
imaginary points at infinity (see 4918) and through two real
or imaginary finite points .

PROOF.-The general equation of the circle (4144) may be written

(x + iy) (x − iy) + (2gx + 2fy + c) ( 0x + 0y + 1 ) = 0 ;
and this is of the form (4697) . Here the lines iy intersect Ox + 0y + 1
in two imaginary points which have been called the circular points at infinity,
and 2gx +2fy +c in two finite points P, Q ; and these points are all situated
on the locus a² + y² + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0.

4718 Concentric circles touch in four imaginary points at


PROOF.The centre being the origin, equation (4136) may be written

(x +iy) (x- iy) = (0x + Oy + r) , which, by (4699) , shows that the lines xiy
have each double contact with the (supplementary) curve at infinity, and the
variation of r does not affect this result. Compare (4711 ) .

4719 The equation of any conic may be put in the form

x² +y² = e²y³.

Here x = 0, y = 0 are two sides of the trigon intersecting at

right angles in the focus ; y = 0, the third side, is the directrix,
and e is the eccentricity .

The conic becomes a circle when e = 0 and y = ∞ , so that

ey = r, the radius , (4718) .

4720 Two imaginary tangents drawn through the focus

are, by (4699) ,
(x + iy) (x − iy) = 0 .

These tangents are identical with the lines drawn through

the two circular points at infinity (see 4717) . Hence , if two
tangents be drawn to the conic from each of the circular
points at infinity, they will intersect in two imaginary points,
and also in two real points which are the foci of the conic .
All confocal conics , therefore , have four imaginary com
mon tangents, and two opposite vertices of the quadrilateral
formed by the tangents are the foci of the conics .

4721 If the axes are oblique, this universal form of the

equation of the conic becomes

x² + 2xy cos w + y² = e²y² .

The two imaginary tangents through the focus must now

be written

{ x +y (cos + i sin w) } { x +y ( cos w - i sin w) } = 0 .

4722 Any two lines including an angle form, with the

lines drawn from the two circular points at infinity to their
point of intersection , a pencil of which the anharmonic ratio
is ei ( -20)

PROOF. Take the two lines for sides 3, y of the trigon. The equation
of the other pair of lines to the circular points will be obtained by elimin

ating a between the equations of the line at infinity and the circum-circle,
a C
viz., aa + b + cy = 0 and 4+ 5+ = 0. (4738)
α B Y
The result is 6 +26y cos 0+y² = 0 ;
or, in factors, (B + eley) (B + e-iºy) = 0.
The anharmonic ratio of the pencil formed by the four lines B, B +ety,
7, B +e- y is, by (4648, i. ) ,
— eio : e- io = — ei20 = ei(x−29).

4723 COR. -If 0 = , the lines are at right angles , and the
four lines form a harmonic pencil . [ Ferrers' Tril. Coords., Ch. VIII.


4724 The equation of this conic (Fig. 49 ) is

ι m n
Iẞy + mya + naß = 0 or 1 + 1+1 == 0.

PROOF. The equation is of the second degree, and it is satisfied by

a = 0, 60 simultaneously. It therefore passes through the point aß.
Similarly through ẞy and ya .

The tangents at A, B, and C are

m n n ι m
4726 + = 0, + = 0, = 0.
B a +B

PROOF.-By writing ( 4724) in the form

mya +ẞ (ly + na) = 0,
ly + na = 0 is seen, by (4697) , to be the tangent at ay ; for the intersections
of a and y, with the curve, now coincide, and d ( now ly + na) passes through
the two coincident points.

4729 The tangent, or polar, of the point a'ß'y is , by (4659) ,

( mytnB) at (nát lý ) B + ( 8 + má ) y = 0 .

4730 The tangents at A , B , C ( Fig . 49) meet the opposite

sides respectively in P, Q, R on the right line
a β +Y =
0. By (4604) .
ι + m n

a Թ
4731 The line passes through (D) , the intersection
ι m
of the tangents at A and B.

4732 The diameter through the intersection of the tan

gents at A and B is

naa - nbẞ + ( la — mb) y = 0.

PROOF. - The coordinates of the point of intersection are m - n, by
(4726-7) , and the coordinates of the centre of AB are ba : 0. The
diameter passes through these points, and its equation is given by (4616) .

4733 The coordinates of the centre of the conic are as

1 ( −la +mb + nc) : m ( la — mb + nc) : n ( la +mb − nc) .

PROOF .- By (4610) , the point being the intersection of two diameters
like (4732 ) . Otherwise, by (4677) .

4734 The secant through (a, ẞ.71) , (aßay ), any two points
on the conic , and the tangent at the first point are respectively,
la mB ny = 0
+ and la + m² +my = 0.
a₁a + B.B₂ Y₁Y₂
+ Y1Y2 a Υ

PROOF . The first is a right line, and it is satisfied by a = a,, &c. , and
also by a = a , &c., by (4725) . The second equation is what the first be
comes when a, = a,, &c. For the tangential equation , see ( 4893) .

4735 The conic is a parabola when

l²a² +m²b² + n²c² -2mnbc - 2nlca — 2lmab = 0,

4736 or √ (la) + √ (mb) + √/ (nc) = 0 .

PROOF. Substitute the coordinates of the centre (4733) in aa + bß + cy = 0,
the equation of the line at infinity ( 4612 ) .
Otherwise, the conic must touch the line at infinity ; therefore put a, b, c
for λ, u, v in ( 4893) .

4737 The conic is a rectangular hyperbola when

I cos 4 + m cos B +n cos C = 0,

and in this case it passes through the orthocentre of the

PROOF.-By (4690) , and the coordinates of the orthocentre (4634) .


4738 By sin A +ya sin B + aß sin C = 0,

sinA sinB sinC

or + + = 0.
a β Y

PROOF. -The values of the ratios lmn, in (4724) , may be found geo
metrically from the equations of the tangents (4726-8) .
For the coordinates of the centre, see (4642 ) .


4739 l'a² + m²ß² +n³y³ — 2mn ẞy —2nl ya — 2lm aß = 0.

4740 or √ (la) + √ (mß) + √ (ny) = 0 .

PROOF. (Fig. 50. ) The first equation may be written

ny (ny -2la - 2mß ) + ( la - mẞ) ² = 0.
By (4699) this represents a conic of which the lines y and ny - 2la — mẞ are
the tangents at F and f, and la - mẞ the chord of contact. Similarly, it may
be written so as to shew that a and ẞ touch the conic.

4741 The three pairs of tangents at F, f, &c. , are

2mB +2ny - la . 2ny + 2la - mß ? 2la +2mß― ny

and a and B s' -ny },
and Y

and they have their three points of intersection P, Q, R on

the right line la + mẞ + ny. By (4604).

4742 The coordinates of the centre of the conic are as

nb +me : le +na : ma + lb .

PROOF. By putting a and ẞ zero alternately in (4739) , we find, for

the coordinates of the points of contact,
2Δη 2An
at D, ẞ = - ; and at E, a = ;
nb + mc na + le
therefore the equation of the diameter through C bisecting DE is, by (4603) ,
= β
nb + me le +na
Y a
Similarly the diameter bisecting DF is =
ma + 76 nb + me
Therefore the point of intersection, or centre , is defined by the ratios given
Otherwise, by (4677 ) , and the values in (4665) , writing for a, b, c, f, g, h
the coefficients in (4739) .

4743 The secant through aẞiyi , aß₂y any two points on

the curve .

a√ ( √ B₁y₂ + √ B₂y₁ ) + ẞ√ ( √y, α + √7 )

+ y√n (√a‚ß₂ + √
/a‚ß₁) = 0 .

PROOF.-Put aẞ₁y, for aßy, and shew that the expression vanishes by
(4740) .

4744 The tangent at the point a₁ẞıyı :

= 0.
a√√ ₁ + B √~ ~ + √√~√~

PROOF. - Put a₁ = a₁, &c . , in ( 4743) , and divide by 2√ (α₁ẞ₁₁) .

4745 The equation of the polar must be obtained from

(4739) by means of (4659) .

4746 The conic is a parabola when

ι m n
+ 7 + 2 = 0.
a b
PROOF. Similar to that of (4736) .


4747 a³ cos¹ ++ß³ cos¹ + y² cos¹
2 2
-2By cos cos - 2ya coscos 4-2aß cos²4 cos

4748 or cos 4√a + cos√B + cos√y = 0 .

4749 The a- escribed circle : (4629)

COS √a + sin√ẞ + sin√7.
PROOF. -At the point of contact where y = 0, we have, in (4740) , geo
metrically, r being the radius of the circle,
l : m = ß : a = r cot 4 sin Arcot sin Bcos 4 : cos' B;
2 si 2
for the inscribed ; - for the escribed circle and π-B instead of B.

4750 The tangent at a'ß'y' , by ( 4744) , is

A α B B с
COS + cos + cos = 0.
2 Ja 2 √B 2 Ji

The polar is obtained as in (4745) .


4751 (la + mẞ + ny) (a sin A +ẞ sin B +y sin C)

+k (By sin A + ya sin B + aß sin C ) = 0 .
4 N

PROOF. The second term is the circumscribing circle (4738 ) , and the
first is linear by (4609 ) ; therefore the whole represents a circle. By varying
k, a system of circles is obtained whose radical axis (4161 ) is the line
la +mẞ + ny, the circumscribing circle being one of the system.

4752 If l'a + m'ß + n'y be the radical axis of a second system

of circles represented by a similar equation , the radical axis
of any two circles of the two systems defined by k and k'
will be

k' (la + mẞ + ny) —k ( l'a + m'ß + n'y) = 0 .

PROOF. By eliminating the term
By sin A + ya sin B +aß sin C.

4753 To find the coefficient of x² +y² in the circle when

only the trilinear equation is given.
RULE.- Make a, ß, y the coordinates of a point from which
the length of the tangent is known , and divide by the square of
that length ; or, if the point be within the circle, substitute
"half the shortest chord through the point" for "the tangent."
PROOF. If S0 be the equation of the circle, and m the required co
efficient ; then, for a point not on the curve, S ÷ m square of tangent or
semi-chord, by (4160).





4754 a² sin 24 +ẞ² sin 2B +y² sin 2C

-2 (By sinA +ya sin B + aß sin C ) = 0.


PROOF. The equation represents a circle because it may be expressed in

the form
(a cos A +B cos B + y cos C) (a sin A +ẞsin B +y sin C)]
-2 (By sin A +ya sin B + aß sin C) = 0.
See Proof of (4751 ) . Now, when a = 0, the equation becomes
(ẞ sin B - y sin C) (B cos B - y cos C
') = 0,
which shews, by (4631 , ' 3) , that the circle bisects BC and passes through D,
the foot of the perpendicular from A.

4754a The equation of the nine-point circle in Cartesian

coordinates , with the side BC and perpendicular on it from A
for x and y axes respectively, is
x² + y² — R sin (B - C) x - R cos (B - C) y = 0 ,
where R is the radius of the circum- circle .


47546 * Let the point S (Fig. 165 ) be chosen , so that its

trilinear coordinates are proportional to the sides of the trigon .
Draw lines through S parallel to the sides , then the circle in
question passes through the six points of intersection , and the
intercepted chords are in the triplicate- ratio of the sides .

[ The following abbreviations are used, a, b, c, and not a, b, c, being in

this article written for the sides of the trigon ABC. ]
Ka² +b² + c² ; λ= √ (b²c² + c²a² + a²b²) ; A = ABC ;
μΞ w = LBFD = DE'F', &c.; 0 = DFD' = DE'D', &c.
a =B = Y 24 2A
By hypothesis , = (4007) = K (1),
a b a²+ b²+ c²
BD' a = a BF
= (1) = BD'
BF с Υ
therefore BF.BF' = BD.BD' , therefore F, F', D, D' are concyclic.

If AS, BS, CS produced meet the opposite sides in l, m, n,

Bn a sin BCn aa a²
- = = (2) .
An b sin ACn bß 629 by (1 )

* The theorems of (1 to 36) are for the most part due to Mr. R. Tucker, M.A.
The original articles will be found in The Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,
Vol. XIX., No. 76, and Vol. xx. , Nos. 77 and 78 .
Other and similar investigations have been made by MM. Lemoine and Taylor and
Prof. Neuberg, Mathesis, 1881 , 1882 , 1884 .

Y = 2CA ac² ca²

SF = BD = (1) = Similarly BF' = &c. ... (3) .
sin B K sin B K K
sin A ca² a as
DD' DP = = &c. ..... (4).
sin C K с K'
a·(c² + a²) , &c .
BD'BD + DD' = ...... ... ( 5).

FD = √ (BD² + BF² — 2BD . BF cos B) = C , by (2 ) and ( 5 )…………..( 6 ) .

Hence DEF and D'E'F ' are triangles similar to ABC, and they are equal
to each other because ESF = E'SF = E'SF ', &c. (Euc. I. 37.)

' cos B) = K
DF' = √ (BD + BF-2BD.BF .... (7) .

Hence DF' = FE' = ED'.

b +a²) &c.
==/ BD' = b (c²
D'F = ...... .. (8).
a K
BF2 + FD² - BD² = a² + c²+ b² K
COS @ = (5 & 6) = 2 (9) .
sin w = ...... (10).
λ (708)
√ ( 1-1 ) = 24
a² cos A + bc
cos = cos ( A — w) , &c. = (11).
AF.AE' sin A
AFE' + BDF' + CED' = + &c. = µ³A = DEF, by ( 6) ... ( 12) .

Or, geometrically, by Euclid I. 37.

Radius of T. R. circle, p = μR, by (6) (R = circum-radius) ...... (13) .

The trilinear equation of the T. R. circle is

abc (a² +ẞ² + y²) =
K (aa + bẞ + cy)² + a³ßy + b³ya + c³aß ...... (14) ,

3202) By
or (b² + c²) a² + (c² + a²) f² + (a² + b²) y² = { (a² + b²) (a² +c²) + b²c² bc
γα αβ
+ { (b² +c³) ( b² + a³) + c²a² } Yª (15).
ca + { (c² + a²) (c² + b²) + a²² } aß

Obtained by substituting the trilinear coordinates of D, E, F, through

which points the circle passes, in (4751 ) , to determine the ratios l : m : n
and k. The coordinates of D are
a (a² + b²) sin C ac² sin B
Similarly those of E and F.


4754c Let lines be drawn through A, B, C (Fig . 165 )

parallel to the sides of the triangles DEF, D'E'F" , as in the
figure, intersecting each other in P, P', L, M, N. Let Q be
the circum -centre ; then the seven points P, P', L, M, N, Q, S
all lie on the circumference of a circle concentric with the
T. R. circle. (16)

The proof depends on Euclid III . 21 , and the similar triangles DEF,

The radius p' of the seven-point circle is

ρ 2PP' sin 20 S (17) ,
p' = √ √ (K² -
— 3x²) =
λ 1-3 tan² w { (18) ,
obtained from p2 = p² + SD2-2pSD cos (B- TDD') .
DD' a³
Expand and substitute cos TDD' = = by ( 3) and (5) ,
2p 2pK'
c²+ a² - b² sin 2A b²+c²- a²
sin TDD' = cos 0 (11 ) , cos B = B= " cos A =
2ca ac 2bc

é= cos 3w
3p + p' = R², by (17) and (13) ; "
ρ COS W by (17) and (9) ... { (19),

The trilinear equation of the seven-point circle is

abc (a² +ß² + y²) = a³ßy + b³ya + c³aß *****..... (21 ) ,
or aby toyatea = ( ca + cab + ab )( a +b + c ) ......... ( 22) .

If the coordinates of P are a₁, ẞ₁, Y₁, and those of P' aí, Bí, ví ; then
αγαί = βιβί = γιγ ........
... (23) .
The equation of STQ is, by (4615 ) ,
a sin (B - C) + ẞ sin ( C - A) + y sin ( A - B) ............... ( 24) .
And the equation of PP' is
(b* — c³a²) ½ (c* —a²b²) = 0.……………………… .. ( 25 ) .
a (a* —b³c²) + £
b (b * —c²a²) + с

The point S has been called the Symmedian point of the

triangle. It has also this property. The line joining the mid

* This circle was discovered by M. H. Brocard, and has been called " The Brocard Circle, "
the points P, P' being called the Brocard points.

point of any side to the mid-point of the perpendicular on that

side passes through S.

PROOF.- Let X, Y, Z ( Fig. 166 ) be the feet of the perpendiculars ; x, y, z

the mid-points of the same, and X' , Y', Z' the mid- points of the sides. Now
the trilinear coordinates of X' , S, and a in order are proportional to
0, C, b This determinant vanishes ;
a, ს. с therefore the three points are on
1, cos C, cos1 B1
. the same right line, by (4615 ).
That the three lines X'x, Y'y, Z'z are concurrent appears at once by ( 970 ) ,
since CX2Y'x, &c.

The Symmedian point may also be defined as the intersec

tion of the three lines drawn from A, B, C to the corresponding
vertices of the triangle formed by tangents to the circum
circle at A, B, C.
Let Ba , CB, Ay be taken = CX, AY, BZ respectively .
Then Aa, BB, Cy meet in a point Σ, by (976) , and this point
by similarity of figure is the Symmedian point of the triangle
formed by lines through A, B, C parallel to the sides BC,
If the sides of X'Y'Z' be bisected , similar reasoning shews
that σ, the Symmedian point of the triangle X'Y'Z ' , lies
on SΣ.
It can also be shewn that, if A'B'C ' be any triangle having
its sides parallel to those of ABC and its vertices on SA, SB,
SC, the sides of the two triangles intersect in six points on a
circle whose centre lies midway between the circum- centres
of the same triangles . When A'B'C' shrinks to the point S,
the circle becomes the T. R. circle .

A more general theorem respecting the triangle and circle

is the following

Take ABC any triangle, and let DD'EE'FF ' be the points in order, in
which any circle cuts the sides.
Let BD = pc, CE = qa , AF = rb
. (26) .
CD′ = p′b, AE' = q'c, BF' = r'a S
From BD.BD' = BF. BF ', &c. , Euclid III . 35 , we can write three equations
which are satisfied by the values
p = r' = tac, q = p' = tab, tbc ............
r = q = tbc. ........ (27) ,
and from these equations it appears that
DF = oc ; D'F ' = oa, &c., where σ = √ (ť²X²—tK+ 1) ………….. (28) ,
so that DEF and D'E'F' are both similar to ABC.

Also DF' = tabc,therefore DF' =— FE ' = ED' ....... (29) .

tac sin B
From sinBFD = we can obtain
tK- 2
cot BFD = cot & = F (30).
The radius of the circle = σR ....... ( 31 ) ,
and the coordinates of its centre are

a=R t (Ka² -a - b— c¹)

cos A + Similarly ẞ and y ...... (32).
{ 2bc 5* −0³) }.
The equation of the circle is
aßy + bya + caß = t (aa + bß + cy) { abc (1 — ta²) + &c. } ......
... (33),
or tabc { a³ (1— ta²) + ß² (1 — tb²) + y² (1 — tc²) }
aßy { ( 1 — tb³) (1 —tc²) + tb²c² } + &c....... (34) .
When t = 0, σ = 1 and the circle is the circum-circle ……………. ......... (35) .
When tK = 1 , σ = tλ = circle is the T. R. circle ...... ( 36) .
K and the


When the sides of the trigon are the polars of the opposite
vertices , the general equation of the conic takes the form

4755 l² a² + m²ẞ² — n²y² = 0.

PROOF. (Fig. 51. ) The equation may be written in any one of the
three ways,
l'a² = (ny + mß) (ny — mß) , m²ẞ² = (ny + la) (ny - la),
n'y² = (la + imẞ) (la - imẞ).
Hence, by (4699) , a or BC is the chord of contact of the tangents
ny ± mB (AQ, AS) drawn from A, and ẞ is the chord of contact of the
tangents nyla (BR, BP) drawn from B. Hence a, 6 are the polars of A, B
respectively ; and therefore y or AB is the polar of C (4130) . Also y may
be considered to be the chord of contact of the imaginary tangents laimß
drawn from C.

4756 If the points of intersection of a and ẞ with the conic

be joined, the equations of the sides of the quadrilateral so
formed are

QR, la + mB + ny = 0, SP, la + mẞ - ny = 0,
-- RS, la ― mB + ny = 0 .
PQ, la + mẞ + ny = 0,

Hence QR, SP and PQ, RS intersect on the line y in A

and B'.

4757 Each pencil of four lines in the diagram is a harmonic

pencil, by the test in (4649) .

4758 The triangle A'B'C is also self- conjugate with regard

to the conic .

PROOF. The equations of its sides CB', CA', A'B' are

la - mẞ =: 0, la + mẞ = 0, Y = 0.
Denote these by a', B' , y, and put a, ß in ( 4755) in terms of a', B' . The
equation referred to A'B'C thus becomes a" +B -2n²y² = 0, which is of the
same form as ( 4755) .

4759 It is clear that the triangles AQS and BPR, formed

by a pair of tangents and the chord of contact in each case,
are also self-conjugate .

4760 Taking A'B'C for the trigon, and denoting the sides
by a, B, y, the equations of the sides RS, PQ, QR, SP of the
quadrilateral become respectively

ny ± la = 0, mB ± ny = 0.
Ex. As an example of (4611 ) , we may find the coordinates of P from
the equations
aa + bB + cy = Σ a = 2lm ÷ (amn + bnl + clm)
0+ mẞ- ny = 0 from which B = 2mn ÷ (amn + bnl + clm)
-la + 0 + ny = 0 y = 2nl ÷ (amn +bnl +clm) .
To obtain the coordinates of Q, R, and S, change the signs of m, n, and l


4761 LEMMA I.-The right line passing through two con

jugate imaginary points is real , and is identical with the line
passing through the points obtained by substituting unity for
-1 in the given coordinates .
PROOF. - Let (a + ia', b + ib′) be one of the imaginary points, and therefore
(a - ia', b- ib') the conjugate point. The equation of the line passing through
them is, by ( 4083 ) and reducing, b'x — a'y + a'b — ab' = 0, which is real.
But this is also the line obtained by taking for the coordinates of the
points (a + a', b + b') and (a — a', b — b').

LEMMA II. —If P, S and Q, R are two pairs of conjugate

imaginary points , the lines PS and QR are real , as has just
been shown , and , therefore , also their point of intersection is

real. The other pairs of lines PQ, RS and PR, QS are

imaginary. But the points of intersection of each pair are
real, and are identical with the points which are obtained by
substituting unity for 1 in the given coordinates , and
drawing the six lines accordingly.

PROOF.- Let the coordinates of the four points be as under

P ...... atia', b + ib', Q ...... a +ia', B + iß',
S ...... a- ia', b - ib', R ...... a - ia', ß - iß'.

The equations of PR and QS, by (4083) , are L + iM and L - iM, where

L = (b - ß) x (a - a) y + aẞ - ab + a'ß' - a'b',
M = (b' + ß') x− (a' — a') y + a'ẞ - ab - aẞ' + ab'.
Now the lines LiM = 0 intersect in the same real point as the lines
L +M = 0, because the values L = 0, M = 0 satisfy both equations
simultaneously. Hence, to determine this point, we have only to take i as
unity in the given coordinates.

LEMMA III .—If P, S are real points, and Q, R a pair of

conjugate imaginary points , the lines PS and QR are both
real, by Lemma I., and consequently their point of intersec
tion is real. The remaining pairs of lines PQ, RS and PR, QS
and their points of intersection are all imaginary . But the
line joining these two imaginary points of intersection is real ,
and is identical with the line obtained by substituting unity
for √ - 1 in the given coordinates and drawing the six lines

PROOF.--Let the coordinates of the four points be as under—

P ..... … 21Y19 Q ...... atia', B + iẞ',
S ...... Roy 29 Ꭱ
R ...... a-ia', B - iẞ'.
Since the coordinates of R are obtained from those of Q by merely changing
the sign of i, the equations of the four imaginary lines will take the forms
PQ ...... A - iB, SQ ...... C - iD,
PR ...... A + iB, SR ...... C + iD.
Now let the coordinates of the point of intersection of PQ and SR be
L + iM, L' + iM', then will L - iM, L' — ¿M' be the coordinates of the intersec
tion of PR and SQ, for the equations of this pair of lines are got from those
of PQ and SR by merely changing the sign of i. The points of intersection
are therefore conjugate imaginary points, and the line joining them is real,
by Lemma I. Also, since that line is obtained by writing 1 for i in the co
ordinates of those points, it will also be obtained by writing 1 for i in the
original coordinates of Q and R and constructing the figure as before.
4 0

4762 To find a common pole and polar of two given conics :

(i. ) If the conics intersect in four real points P, Q, R, S,
construct the complete quadrilateral (4652) . Then A'B'C
(Fig. 51 ) is a self-conjugate triangle for each conic , by
(4758) , and therefore each vertex and the opposite side form
a common pole and polar to the conics .
(ii. ) If the conics do not intersect at all in real points , the
triangle A'B'C is still real, by Lemma II. ( 4761 ) , and can be
constructed in the manner shown .

(iii. ) If two of the points (P, S) are real , and two (Q, R)
imaginary, then, by Lemma III., the vertex A' and the side
B'C are real , and may be constructed , and they form a common
pole and polar of the given conics.

Returning to the triangle of reference ABC ,

4763 Let la = ny cos p , mẞ = ny sin ; then the chord
joining two points 1 , 2 is

la cos 31 ( 1 + 2) + mß sin § (4₁ + 2) = ny cos † (†1—42) ,

and therefore the tangent at the point p' is

4764 ' + mẞ sin d

la cos & ' = ny.

4765 Putting l² = L, m² = M, n² = -N, the conic (4755)

La² +MB² +Ny² = 0 .. (1) .

4766 The tangent or polar of a'ß'y is

' = 0 .....
Laa +MBB' + Nyy (2) .

4767 Hence the pole of λa +µß + vy = 0

is μ
(3) .
( M'N

4768 The tangential equation is

እ። v2
1 +十~ + ~~ 0 ....... . (4),

and this is the condition that the conic ( 1 ) may be touched

by the four lines.
λα ± μβ ± w = 0 .

4769 In like manner,

La² +MB² + Ny² = 0.....

0. . ... (5)

is the condition that ( 1 ) may pass through the four points

(a', ± ẞ, ± ý) .

4770 The locus of the pole of the line λa +μẞ + vy with

respect to such conics is
+ + = 0.
a β Y
PROOF.-By ( 3) , if ( a , ß, y ) be the pole, a = A✈
} &c., .. L = 1 , in (5 ),
the equation of condition.

4771 The locus of the pole of the line la + mB +ny, with

respect to the conics which touch the four lines da ± µß ± vy
λα μ²ß v²y
is = 0.
τ+ m + n
PROOF.- By (3) , if (a , ß , y ) be the pole, a = & c. , .. L = , &c. , in
L a
(4) , the equation of condition.

4772 The locus of the centre of the conic is given in each

case (4770 , ' 1 ) by taking the line at infinity

a sin A +ẞ sin B + y sin C

for the fixed line , since its pole is the centre .

4773 Thus the locus of the centre of the conic passing

through the four points (a' ±± y ) is
a²² sin A B2 sin B y sin C = 0.
+ +
a β Y

4774 The coordinates of the centre of the conic (1 ) are

given by = = Ny
a b C

PROOF. - Let the conic cut the side a in the points (0ẞ171) , (0ẞY2). The
right line from A bisecting the chord will pass through the centre of the
conic, and its equation will be ẞ : y = ẞ₁ + B₂ : 71 + 72. Now ẞ + ß, is the
sum of the roots of the quadratic in ẞ obtained by eliminating y and a from
the equations La³ + MB² + Ny³ = 0, a = 0, and aa + bB+ cy = Σ. Similarly
for y + y, eliminate a and B. The equation of the diameter through A being
found, those through B and C are symmetrical with it.

4775 The condition that the conic ( 1 ) may be a parabola is

a² h2 r²
+ M 0.
L +Ñ

PROOF. -This is, by (4), the condition of touching the line at infinity
aa +b +cy 0.

4776 The condition that (1) may be a rectangular hyperbola

is L+ M + N = 0 , and in this case the curve passes through
the centres of the inscribed and escribed circles of the trigon.

PROOF. - By (4690) , (a, b, c are now L, M, N). (1 ) is now satisfied by

a = ±ß = ±y, the four centres in question.

4777 Circle referred to a self- conjugate triangle :

a² sin 24 +ẞ² sin 2B +y² sin 2C = 0.

PROOF.- The line joining A to the centre is = (4774) . Therefore
b C
= N
b cos B C cos C' the condition of perpendicularity to a by (4622). Similarly
= therefore (1 ) takes the form above.
C cos C a cos A'



4778 If A, B, C (Fig. 52) are the angles of a triangle, and

if the opposite sides intersect a conic in the pairs of points
a, a' ; b, b' ; c, c' ; then

Ac . Ac' . Ba . Ba' . Cb . Cb' = Ab.Ab' . Bc .Bc' . Ca. Ca'.

PROOF. - Let a, ẞ, y be the semi-diameters parallel to BC, CA, AB ; then,

by (4317) , Ab . Ab' : Ac : Ac' = 6 y . Compound this with two similar

4779 COR.- If the conic touches the sides in a, b, c, then

Ac² . Ba². Cb2 = Ab². Bc². Ca².


4780 The reciprocal of Carnot's theorem is : If A , B, C

(Fig . 52) are the sides of a triangle, and if pairs of tangents
from the opposite angles are a, a' ; b, b' ; c , c' ; then

sin ( Ac) sin ( Ac´) sin ( Ba) sin ( Ba') sin ( Cb) sin ( Cb')

= sin ( Ab) sin ( Ab′ ) sin ( Bc) sin ( Be') sin ( Ca) sin ( Ca') ,

where (Ac) signifies the angle between the lines A and c.

PROOF .- Reciprocating the former figure with respect to any origin 0,

let A, B, C (i.e., RQ, QP, PR) be the polars of the vertices A, B, C. Then,
by (4130) , Q, R will be the poles of AB, AC ; and b, b' , the polars of the
points b, b', will intersect in R and touch the reciprocal conic. Similarly, c, c'
will intersect in Q. A, b' are perpendicular to OA, Ob', and therefore
▲ Ab′ = 2 AOb', and so of the rest.


4781 The opposite sides of a hexagon inscribed to a conic

meet in three points on the same right line .

PROOF.-(Fig. 53. ) Let a, ẞ, 7, 7 , B' , a' be the consecutive sides of the

hexagon, and let u be the diagonal joining the points aa' and yy . The
equation of the conic is either ay - kou = 0 or a'y' - k'ß'u = 0 , and , since
these expressions vanish for all points on the curve, we must have ay - kßu
= a'y' - k'B'u for any values of the coordinates . Therefore ay - a'y '
= u (kß — k'B') . Therefore the lines a , a' and also y, y' meet on the line
kß- k'ẞ'; and ß, B' evidently meet on that line .
Otherwise, by projecting a hexagon inscribed in a circle with its opposite
sides parallel upon any plane not parallel to that of the circle. The line at
infinity, in which the pairs of parallel sides meet, becomes a line in which
the corresponding sides of a hexagon inscribed in a conic meet at a finite
distance (1075 et seq.) .

4782 With the same vertices there are sixty different

hexagons inscribable in any conic , and therefore sixty dif
ferent Pascal lines corresponding to any six points on a conic.

PROOF.-Half the number of ways of taking in order five vertices B, C,

D, E, F after A is the number of different hexagons that can be drawn , and
the demonstration in (4781 ) applies equally to all.


4783 The three diagonals of a hexagon circumscribed to a

conic pass through the same point (Fig. 54) .

PROOF.-Let the three conics S+L, S + M', S + N', in (4707) , become

three pairs of right lines, then the three lines L- M, M- N, N - L become
the diagonals of a circumscribing hexagon.
Pascal's and Brianchon's theorems may be obtained, the one from the
other, by reciprocation (4840) .



Let L = 0, M = 0 , R = 0 ( Fig. 55 ) be the sides of the

trigon ; L, M being tangents and R the chord of contact.

4784 The equation of the conic is LM R². (4699)

4785 The lines AP, BP, and CP are respectively

μL = R, µR = M, μL = M. [By (4604).

Since the point P on the curve is determined by the value

of μη it is convenient to call it the point μ.

4788 The points μ and -μ (P and Q) are both on the line

μ²L = M drawn through C.

4789 The secant through the points µ, µ' (P, P') is

µµ'L- (µ +µ') R + M = 0 .
PROOF. - Write it μ (u'L - R) - (μ'R- M) , and, by (4604) , it passes
through the point μ' . Similarly through µ
μ.. Otherwise, determine the co
ordinates of the intersection of μL - R and μR - M, and of μ'L - R and
µ'R- M by (4610) , and the equation of the secant by ( 4616) .
4790 COR. - The tangents at the points μ and —µ (P, Q)
are therefore
µ³L = 2µR + M = 0 .

4791 These tangents intersect on R. [ Proof by subtraction .

4792 Theorem . -If the equation of a right line contains an

indeterminate μ in the second degree, it may be written as
above, and the line must therefore touch the conic LM = R.

4793 The polar of the point (L' , M' , R') is

LM' -2RR' + L'M = 0 .
THE CONIC LM = R². 655

PROOF. - For μ +u' and μu', in (4789) , put the values of the sum and
product of the roots of µ'L' - 2µR' + M′ = 0 (4790) .

4794 Similarly the polar of the point of intersection of

aL - R and bR - M is

abL -2aR + M = 0 .

4795 The line CE joining the vertex C to the intersection

of two tangents at μ and u' , or at -μ
μ and -u , is

μμ L- Μ = 0.

Otherwise, if two tangents meet on any line aL- M, drawn

through C, the product of their μ's is equal to a.
PROOF. - Eliminate R from the equations of the two tangents (4790) .

4796 The chords PQ

' , P'Q and the line CE all intersect in
the same point on R.
PROOF. The equations of PQ', P'Q are, by (4789) ,
µµ'L± (µ -
— µ') R — M = 0 ,
and, by addition and subtraction, we obtain pµ'L- M = 0 (4795) , or R = 0.

4797 The lines μμ'L + M (CD) and R intersect on the chord

PP' which joins the points μ , ; or-The extremities of any
chord passing through the intersection of aL +M and R have
the product of their μ's equal to a.

4798 μ tan p, μ cot

The chord joining the points u touches a
conic having the same tangents L, M and chord of contact R.

PROOF.-The equation of the chord is, by (4789) ,

µ³L-μR (tan + cot ) + M = 0,
and this touches the conic LM sin' 24 = R3 at the point μ, by (4792) .

4799 The tangents at the points μ tan p , μ cot intersect

on the conic LM = R² sin² 2p.

PROOF. Write the equations of the two tangents, by (4790) , and then
eliminate μ.

4800 Ex. 1.-To find the locus of the vertex of a triangle circumscribing
a fixed conic and having its other vertices on two fixed right lines .
Take LM = R³ for the conic ( Fig. 56 ) , aL + M, bL + M for the lines CD,
CE. Let one tangent, DE, touch at the point μ ; then, by (4795) , the others,

a b
PD, PE, will touch at the points. " " and therefore, by (4790) , their
equations will be μ
2a b2
L- R+ M , L-2R + M.
μ² μ μ² μ
Eliminate μη and the locus of P is found to be ( a + b )²LM = 4abR³.
[ Salmon , Art. 272.

4801 Ex . 2. - To find the envelope of the base of a triangle inscribed in

a conic, and whose sides pass through fixed points P, Q.
(Fig . 57.) Take the line through P, Q for R; LM - R for the conic ; aL— M,
bL- M for the lines joining P and Q to the vertex C. Let the sides through P
and Q meet in the point μ on the conic ; then, by ( 4797) , the other extremi
α b
ties will be at the points. - and - " and therefore, by (4789) , the
μ μ
equation of the base will be abL + (a + b ) µR + μM = 0. By (4792 ) , this
line always touches the conic 4ab LM = (a + b) ² R². [Ibid.

4802 Ex . 3.- To inscribe a triangle in a conic so that its sides may pass
through three fixed points. (See also 4823. )
We have to make the base abL + (a + b ) µR + µM (4801) pass through
a third fixed point. Let this point be given by cL = R, dR = M. Elimi
nating L, M, R, we get ab + (a + b) μc + µ³cd = 0, and since, at the point μ,
µL = R, µ²L = M, that point must be on the line abL + (a + b) cR + cdM.
The intersections of this line with the conic give two solutions by two posi
tions of the vertex . [Ibid.


4803 A conic having double contact with the conics S and

S' (Fig. 58) is
p²E2-2µ (S + S′) + F² = 0 ,

where E, F are common chords of S and S' , so that

S- S'EF.

PROOF. -The equation may be written in either of the ways

(µE + F)² = 4µS or (μE - F) ² = 4µ S',
showing that EF are the chords of contact AB, CD. There are three
such systems, since there are three pairs of common chords.

4804 COR. 1.-A conic touching four given lines A, B, C, D,

the diagonals being E, F (Fig. 59) :

p²E2-2µ (AC + BD) + F² = 0 .

Here SAC and S' = BD, two pairs of right lines.

Otherwise, if L, M, N be the diagonals and L ± M + N the

sides , the conic becomes

4805 -
µ³L² —µ (L² + M²— N²) + M² = 0 .

For this always touches

(L³ + M² —N²)² —4L³M³ or (L + M+ N) (M+ N− L) (N + L − M) (L + M− N) .
[ Salmon, Art. 287. ]

4806 COR. 2. - A conic having double contact with two

circles C, C' is
µ² − 2µ (C + C') + ( C − C') ² = 0 .

4807 The chords of contact become

μ+ C- C = 0 and µ
μ−- C+
+ C'
C′ = 0 .

4808 The equation may also be written

√C ± √C = √μ,

which signifies that the sum or difference of the tangents

drawn from any point on the conic to the circles is constant.


4809 The anharmonic ratio of the pencil drawn from any

point on a conic through four fixed points upon it is constant .

PROOF. - Let the vertices of the quadrilateral in Fig. ( 38) be denoted by

A, B, C, D, and let P be the fifth point. Multiplying the equation of the
conic (4697) by the constants AB, CD, BC, DA, we have
AB.CD ABa.CDy PA.PB sin APB . PC . PD sin CPD
k = =
sin APB.sin CPD
sin BPC.sin DPA'
Compare (1056) .

4810 If the fifth point be taken for origin in the system

(4784, Fig. 55) , and if the four lines through it be

L-PR, L - µR , L - µR, L - µ,R,

4 P

the anharmonic ratio of the pencil is , by (4650 ) ,

(*rl — Srl) (³rl — ¹rl)
= .(εrt — <rl) (³rl — Tr )

4811 COR . 1.- If four lines through any point , taken for
the vertex LM, meet the conic in the points μ1 , M2, M3, M49 the
anharmonic ratio of these points , with any fifth point on the
conic , is equal to that of the points -μ1, -2, -µg, —µ4, in
which the same lines again meet the conic.

4812 COR . 2. - The reciprocal theorem is-If from four

points upon any right line four tangents be drawn to a conic,
the anharmonic ratio of the points of section with any fifth
tangent is equal to the corresponding ratio for the other four
tangents from the same points.

4813 The anharmonic ratio of the segments of any tangent

to a conic made by four fixed tangents is constant.
PROOF. - Let μ , 1, P2, P3, P₁ ( Fig . 60 ) be the points of contact. The
anharmonic ratio of the segments is the same as that of the pencil of four
lines from LM to the points of section ; that is, of µµ‚L - M, µµ‚L— M,
µµ¸L— Μ, µµ¸L - M, a pencil homographic (4651 ) with that in (4810) .

4814 If P, P' are the polars of a point with respect to the

conics S, S' , then P+ P will be the polar of the same point
with respect to the conic S +kS'.

4815 Hence the polar of a given point with regard to a

conic passing through four given points (the intersections of
S and S' ) always passes through a fixed point, by (4101 ) .
If Q, Q are the polars of another point with respect to
the same conics, Q + Q is the polar with respect to S + S'.

4816 Hence the polars of two points with regard to a

system of conics through four points form two homographic
pencils (4651 ) .

4817 The locus of intersections of corresponding lines of

two homographic pencils having fixed vertices ( Fig. 61 ) is a
conic passing through the vertices ; and, conversely, if the
conic be given, the pencils will be homographic .

PROOF. For eliminating k from P +kP' = 0, Q + kQk' , we get PQ' = P'Q.


4818 COR.- The locus of the pole of the line joining the two
points in (4816 ) is a conic.

PROOF. For the pole is the intersection of P+kP' and Q + kQ'.

4819 The right lines joining corresponding points AA' , &c .

(Fig. 62) of two homographic systems of points lying on two
right lines , envelope a conic.
PROOF. This is the reciprocal theorem to ( 4817) ; or it follows from
(4813) .

4820 If two conics have double contact (Fig . 63) , the an

harmonic ratio of the points of contact A, B, C, D of any
four tangents to the inner conic is the same as that of each
set of four points (a , b , c , d) or ( a' , b' , c' , d') in which the
tangents meet the other conic .

PROOF. - BY (4798) . The u's for the points on the latter conic will be
equal to the u's of the points of contact multiplied by tan for one set, and
by cot Φ for the other, and therefore the ratio ( 4810 ) will be unaltered.

4821 Conversely, if three chords of a conic aa' , bb' , ce' be

' moves so that { abcd} = { a'b'c'd' } , then
fixed , and a fourth dd
dd' envelopes a conic having double contact with the given

For theorems on a right line cut in involution by a conic, see (4824-8 ) .



4822 If a polygon inscribed to a conic (Fig . 64) has all its

sides but one passing through fixed points A, B, ... Y, the
remaining side az will envelope a conic having double contact
with the given one.

PROOF. - Let a, b, ... z be the vertices of the polygon, and a , a', a" , a””
four successive positions of a. Then, by (4811 ) ,
a, a', a'', αa
' "' } = { b, b' , b″ , b'"' } = &c. = { ≈, x', z″, z''' } .
Therefore, by (4821 ) , the side az envelopes a conic, &c.

4823 Poncelet's construction for inscribing in a conic a

polygon having its n sides passing through n given points .
Inscribe three polygons, each of n + 1 sides , so that n of
each may pass through the fixed points, and let the remaining
sides be a'z', a" z" , a" z"" , denoted in figure ( 65 ) by AD, CF , EB .
Let MLN, the line joining the intersections of opposite sides of
the hexagon ABCDEF (4781 ) , meet the conic in K ; then K
will be a vertex of the required polygon .

PROOF . { D.KACE } = { 4.KDFB } , each pencil passing through

K, P, N, L ; therefore the anharmonic ratio KACE } = { KDFB } for any

vertex on the conic , by (4809 ) ; i.e. , { Ka'a"a" } = { Kz'z"z" } . But, if az

be the remaining side of a fourth polygon inscribed like the others, we have
by (4811 ) , as in ( 4822 ) , { aa´a″a" } = { zz'z″z" } . Hence K is the point
where a and z coincide.

4824 Lemma .- A system of conics passing through four

fixed points meets any transversal in a system of points in
involution (1066 ).

PROOF. - Let u, u' be two conics passing through the four points ; then
u +ku' will be any other. Take the transversal for a axis, and put y = 0 in
each conic, and let their equations thus become a + 2gx +c = 0 and
a²x² + 2g'x + c' = 0. These determine the points where the transversal
meets u and u'. It will then meet u +ku' in two points given by
ax² + 2gx + c + k (a'x² + 2g'x + c ') = 0 , and these points are in involution with
the former, by (1065).
Geometrically (Fig. 66) ,

{ a. AdbA' } = { c. AdbA´ } (4809) ,

therefore { ACBA' } = { AB'C'A' } = { A′C´B´A } , therefore by ( 1069) .

4825 COR. 1. - One of the conics of the system resolves

itself into the two diagonals ac, bd. Hence the points B, B',
C, C' are in involution with D, D' , where the transversal cuts
the diagonals .

4826 COR. 2. -A transversal meets a conic and two tan

gents in four points in involution , so as to meet the chord of
contact in one of the foci of the system.
For, in (Fig. 66) , if b coincides with c, and a with d, the
transversal meets the tangents in C, C ' , all
', while B, B' , D, D
coincide in F (Fig. 67) , one of the foci on the chord of

4827 The reciprocal theorem to (4824) is-Pairs of tangents

from any point to a system of conics touching four fixed lines ,
form a system in involution (4850 ) .

4828 The condition that Xa + μy + vz may be cut in involu

tion by three conics is the vanishing of the determinant

a₁ b₁ c₁ 2f 2g₁ 2h,
aq b₂ C2
C₂ 2f2 292 2h2
A₁ H₁ B₁
az b3
bз C3 2fs 2g3 2h3
A₂ H₂2 B₂ = 0
λ 0 0 ‫ע‬ μ
A3 H3 B3
0 μ 0 V 0 λ
0 0 v μ λ 0

where A₁, H₁, B₁ belong to the first conic and have the values
in (4988 ) .

PROOF. -The quadratic A₁x² + 2Hxy + B₁y² = 0 , obtained in (4987) , deter

mines the pair of points of intersection with the first conic. The similar
equation for the third conic will have A, = A₁ + λA₂, &c., if the points are
all in involution ( 1065 ) . The third equation is therefore derived from the
other two ; therefore the determinant vanishes, by ( 583) .
By expanding and dividing by 3, the second determinant above of the
sixth order is obtained.

Newton's Method of Generating a Conic.

4829 Two constant angles aPb, aQb ( Fig. 68 ) move about

fixed vertices P, Q. If a moves on a fixed right line, b de
scribes a conic which passes through P and Q.

PROOF.- Taking four positions of a , we have (see 1054 ) ,

{'b" b""'} = { P.aa'a'a'"'} = { Q. aa´a " a""'} = {′b″ b'"''} .
Therefore, by ( 4817) , the locus of b is a conic.

Maclaurin's Method of Generating a Conic.

4830 The vertex V of a triangle ( Fig . 69 ) , whose sides pass

through fixed points A , B, C, and whose base angles move on
fixed lines Oa , Ob, describes a conic passing through A and B.

PROOF.-The pencils of lines through A and B in the figure are both

homographic with the pencil through C, and are therefore homographic with
each other. Therefore the locus of V is a conic, by (4817) .


Otherwise, let a, ẞ, y be the sides of ABC' ; la + mẞ + ny, l'a + m'ß + n'y

the fixed lines Oa, Ob ; and auß the moving base ab .
Then the equations of the sides will be
(lµ + m ) B + ny = 0 , ( l'µ + m ) a + n'µy = 0 .
Eliminate μ; then Im'aß = (mẞ + ny ) ( l'a + n'y) , the conic in question, by
(4697) .

4831 Given five points , to find geometrically any number of

points on the circumscribing conic, and to find the centre.
Let A, B, C , D, E (Fig . 70) be the five points . Draw any
line through A meeting CD in P. Draw PQ through the inter
section of AB and DE meeting BC in Q ; then QE will meet
PA in F, a sixth point on the curve, as is evident from Pascal's
theorem (4781 ).
To find the centre, choose AP in the above construction
parallel to CD, and find two diameters, as in ( 1252) .

4832 To find the points of contact of a conic with five right

lines .

Let ABCDE (Fig. 71 ) be the pentagon . Join D to the

intersection of AC and BE. This line will pass through the
point of contact of AB, and so on.

PROOF.- By (4783) , supposing two sides of the hexagon to become one

straight line.

4833 To describe a conic , given four points upon it and a

Let a, a , b, b' (exterior letters in Fig. 52) be the four
points. Then, if AB is a tangent, c, c' coincide, and Carnot's
theorem (4778) gives the ratio Ac : Bc . Then by (4831) .
Since there are two values of this ratio, ± ( Ac : Bc) , two
conics may be drawn as required .

4834 To describe a conic, given four tangents and a point.

Let a, a , b, b' (interior letters in Fig. 52) be the four
tangents. Then, if Q be the given point on the curve, the lines
c, c' must coincide in direction, and (4780) gives the ratio
sin² (Ac) : sin² ( Bc) , by which the direction of a fifth tangent
through Q is determined. Then by (4832) . The two values
(sin Ac : sin Bc ) furnish two solutions.
Otherwise by (4804) , determining μ by the coordinates of
the given point.


4835 To describe a conic , given three points and two

tangents .
Let A, A', A" be the points (Fig. 67, supplying obvious
letters) . Let the two tangents meet AA' in the points C, C'.
Find F, F' , the foci of the system AA' , CC' in involution (1066)
determining the centre by ( 985) . Similarly, find G, G' , the
foci of a system on the line AA". Then, by (4826) , the chord
of contact of the tangents may be any of the lines FG , FG' ,
F'G , F'G'. There are accordingly four solutions, and the
construction of (4831 ) determines the conic.

4836 To describe a conic , given two points and three

tangents .
Let AB, BC , CA ( Fig . 167) be the tangents , and P , P′ the
points. Draw a transversal through PP' meeting the three
tangents in Q, Q' , Q" . Find F, a focus of the system PP ', QQ'
in involution ( 1066 , 985) ; G a focus for PP', QQ" , and H for
PP' , Q'Q" . Construct a triangle with its sides passing through
F , G, H, and with its vertices L, M, N on BC, CA, AB,
by the method of (4823) , which is equally applicable to a recti
lineal figure as to a conic. L , M, N will be the points of
contact. The reason for the construction is contained in
(4826) . There will, in general, be four solutions .

If the conic be a parabola, the foregoing constructions

can be adapted by considering one tangent at infinity always
to be given .

4837 To draw a parabola through four given points a , a , b, b' .

This is problem 4833 with the tangent at infinity.
In figure ( 52) , suppose cc' to coincide and AB to remove to infinity so as
to become the tangent at c, the opposite vertex at infinity of a parabola, and
therefore to be perpendicular to the axis. Ce then becomes a diameter of
the parabola, and Carnot's theorem (4778) shows that
Ca.Ca' Ac² Ba² sin² ACc
Cb.Cb' Ab² Bc² sin' BCC
since the points C, a, a , b, b' are all on the axis of the parabola relatively to
the infinite distance of AcB. This result, however, is at once obtained from
equation (4221 ) , Ca. Ca' : Cb . Cb' being the ratio of the products of the roots
of two similar quadratics. Thus a diameter of the parabola can be drawn
through C by the known ratio of the sines of ACc and BCc.
Next, describe a circle round three of the given points a, a', b. By the
property ( 1263) and the known direction of the axis, the other point in
which the circle cuts the parabola can be found.
Five points being known, we can, by Pascal's theorem, as in ( 4831 ) ,

obtain two parallel chords, and then find P, the extremity of their diameter ,
by the proportion, square of ordinate o abscissa (1239) .
Lastly, draw the diameter and tangent at P, and then, by equality of
angles ( 1224) , draw a line from P which passes through the focus. By
obtaining in the same way another pair of parallel chords, a second line
through the focus is found, thus determining its position.

4838 To draw a parabola when four tangents are given.

This is effected by the construction of (4832 , Fig. 71 ) . Let AB, BC, AE,
ED be the four tangents, and CD the tangent at infinity. Then any line
drawn to C will be parallel to BC, and any line to D will be parallel to ED.

4839 To draw a parabola , given three points and one

tangent .

This is effected by the construction of (4835, Fig. 67) . Let b ' be the
tangent at ; then the centre of involution O must be at C, so that
CC.CO' = 0.∞ = CA.CA' = CF , determining F. F', another point on
the chord of contact, being found by joining AA" or A'A", FF' will be the
diameter through a, since the other point of contact b is at infinity.

4840 To draw a parabola, given one point and three

tangents .
This is the case of (4834) , in which one of the given tangents b' is at
infinity. R must therefore be at infinity, and QR, PR and the tangent b,
since they all join R to finite points, must be parallel . The ratio found
determines another tangent, and the case is reduced to that of (4838 ) .
4841 To draw a parabola, given two points and two
tangents .
This is problem (4836 ) . Suppose AC in that construction to be the
tangent at infinity. F, G, H will be determined as in ( 4839) by mean
proportionals . The chords LM, NM will become parallel, since M is at
infinity ; and we have to draw LN and the parallel lines from L and N to
pass through F, G, H in their new positions, so that the vertices L, N may
lie on BC and AB.
Otherwise by (4509), the intercepts s and t can readily be found from the
two equations furnished by the given points.

4842 To describe a conic touching three right lines and

touching a given conic twice .

Let AD, CF, EB (Fig. 65) be the three lines as they cut
the given conic. Join AB, AF, BC , BE , and determine K by
the Pascal line MLN . K will be one point of contact ofthe
two conics, by (4822 ) and the proof in (4823) , since AD, CF,
EB, and the tangent at K are four positions of the " remaining
side" in that proposition . The problem is thus reduced to

(4834) , since four tangents and K the point of contact of one of

them are now known .

4843 To describe a conic touching each of two given conics

twice, and passing through a given point or touching a given
Proceed by (4803) , determining μ by the last condition.

To describe a conic touching the conics S +L³, S + M²,

S +N² (4707 ) and touching S twice. [ Salmon, Art. 387.


DEF. -The polar reciprocal of a curve is the envelope of

the polars of all the points on the curve, or it is the locus of
the poles of all tangents to the curve , taken in each case
with respect to an arbitrary fixed origin and circle of recipro

4844 Thus , in figure ( 72) , to the points P, Q, R on one

curve correspond the tangents qr, rp, and chord of contact pq
on the reciprocal curve ; and to the points p , q, r correspond
the tangents QR, RP, and chord PQ.
The angle between the tangents at P and Q is evidently
equal to the angle pOq, since Op, Oq, Or are respectively per
pendicular to QR, RP, PQ.

4845 THEOREM . -The distance of a point from a line is to its

distance from the origin as the distance of the pole ofthe line
from the polar of the point is to its distance from the origin.

PROOF.- (Fig . 73. ) Take O for origin and centre of auxiliary circle, PT
the polar of c, pt the polar of C, CP perpendicular on polar of c, cp perpen
dicular on polar of C. Then
² OC. Ot Oc . OT Therefore, by subtraction, = Oc.MT,
and OC . Om = Oc . OM Š or OC.cp = Oc . CP;
that is, CP : CÓ :: cp : 0 . Q. E. D.

COR.-By making CP constant, we see that the reciprocal

of a circle is a conic having its focus at the origin and its
directrix the polar of the circle's centre .
4 Q


4846 A point becomes the polar of the point, and a right line
becomes the pole of the line .*
4847 A line through a fixed point becomes a point on a fixed

4848 The intersection of two lines becomes the line which

joins their poles .
4849 Lines passing through a fixed point become the same
number ofpoints on a fixed line, the polar of the point.
4850 A right line intersecting a curve in n points becomes n
tangents to the reciprocal curve passing through a fixed point.
4851 Two lines intersecting on a curve become two points
whose joining line touches the reciprocal curve.
4852 Two tangents and the chord of contact become two
points on the reciprocal curve and the intersection of the tan
gents at those points.
4853 A pole and polar of any curve become respectively a
polar and pole ofthe reciprocal curve ; and a point ofcontact and
tangent become respectively a tangent and its point of contact .
4854 The locus of a point becomes the envelope of a line.
4855 An inscribed figure becomes a circumscribed figure.
4856 Four points connected by six lines or a quadrangle
become four lines intersecting in six points or a quadrilateral.
4857 The angle between two lines is equal to the angle sub
tended at the origin by the corresponding points. (4844)
4858 The origin becomes a line at infinity, the polar of the
4859 Two lines through the origin become two points at
infinity on the polar of the origin.
4860 Two tangents through the origin to a curve become two
points at infinity on the reciprocal curve.
4861 The points of contact of such tangents become asymptotes
of the reciprocal curve.
4862 The angle between the same tangents is equal to the
angle between the asymptotes . (4857)

* That is, with respect to the circle of reciprocation , and so throughout with the excep
tion of (4853) .

4863 According as the tangents from the origin to a conic are

real or imaginary, the reciprocal curve is an hyperbola or

4864 Ifthe origin be taken on the conic, the reciprocal curve

is a parabola.
For, by (4860, ' 1) , the asymptotes are parallel and at infinity.

4865 A trilinear equation is converted by reciprocation into

a tangential equation.
Thus ay = kẞo is a conic passing through four of the intersections of
the lines a, ẞ, y, d. Reciprocating, we get a tangential equation of the same
form AC = kBD, and this is a conic touching four of the lines which join
the points whose tangential equations are A = 0 , B = 0 , C = 0, D = 0 .
See (4907 ) .

4866 The equation of the reciprocal of the conic a²y² + b²x²

= a2b2 with the same origin and axes is

a²x² + b²y² = k¹,

where k is the radius of the auxiliary circle whose centre is
the centre of the conic.

PROOF. Let p be the perpendicular on the tangent, 0 its inclination ;

then kr² = p² = a cos 0 + b² sin' (4732).

4867 The same when the origin of reciprocation is the

point x'y' ,
(xx' +yy' +k²)² = a²x² +b²y² .
PROOF : r = p = √a² cos²0 + b² sin² - ( x' cos 0 + y' sin () .

4868 The reciprocal curve of the general conic (4656) , the

auxiliary circle being a +y = k² or x² + y² + z² = 0 in tri
linears, will be symmetrically

A§² + Bn² + C5² + 2Fŋ %+ 2G¿§+2H§ŋ = 0 ,

replacing by -k².

PROOF. Let En be a point on the reciprocal curve, then the polar of En,
namely, +yn - k = 0, must touch the conic, by (4853 ) . Therefore, by
(4665) , we must substitute &, n , —k² for λ, µ , v in the tangential equation
AX² + &c. = 0.

4869 From the reciprocal of a curve with respect to the

origin of coordinates , to deduce the reciprocal with respect to
an origin x'y' , substitute in the given reciprocal equation
k²x ky
for x and for y.
' + k²
xx +yy xx' +yy + k²

PROOF. Let P be the perpendicular from the origin on the tangent and
PR = k². The perpendicular from x'y' is P -x' cos 0 -y' sin 0,
k2 k2 k2 xx' +yy′ + k²
= -x' cos 0 -y' sin 0, = ;
ρ R Ꭱ Р

.. R cos 0 = k²p cos 0

xx' +yy′ + k² '


4870 By employing these coordinates , theorems which are

merely the reciprocals of those already deduced in trilinears
may be proved independently . See (4019) for a description
of this system .

The following proposition serves to transform by recipro

cation the whole system of trilinear coordinates of points and
equations of right lines and curves , into tangential coordinates
of right lines and equations of points and curves .


4871 Given the trilinear equation of a conic ( 4656) , the

tangential equation of the reciprocal conic in terms of λ, µ, v,
the perpendiculars from three fixed points A' , B' , C' upon the
tangent ( Fig. 74) will be as follows, O being the origin of
reciprocation and OA' , OB', OC′ = p , q, r : —

αλε , bp
4872 a\ + + cư + | 22gvà + 2hp = 0.
_ 2fur +
p q² 2.2 qr rp pq

PROOF.- Let a = 0 , ß = 0 , y = 0 be the sides of the original trigon ABC.

The poles of these lines will be A', B', C', the vertices of the trigon for the
reciprocal curve. Let RS be the polar of a point P on the given conic ;
a, 6, 7 the perpendiculars from P upon BC, CA, AB ; i.e., the trilinear co
ordinates of P. Let A, u, v be the perpendiculars from A', B', C' upon RS;
i.e., the tangential coordinates of the polar of P referred to A', B', C'. Then,
α λ B μ Y
by (4845) , OP = OA" OP = OB" OP = C Substitute these values
O .
of a, ß, y in ( 4656 ) and divide by OP².

4873 The angular relation between the trigons ABC and

A'B'C' is

B'OCπ - A, C'OB'π - B, A'OВ' = π - C.


4874 If ABC be self-conjugate with regard to the circle of

reciprocation, it will coincide with A'B'C'.

4875 Now let O be the circum-centre (4629) of A'B'C'

(Fig. 74) , then it will be the in-centre of ABC, and , by (4873 ) ,
= - A,
2A'π 2В' = π - В, 2С′ = π - С.
Also p = q = r in (4872) , which becomes Φ (λ , μ
μη, v) = 0, so
that the conic and its reciprocal are represented by the same
equation. Consequently any relation in trilinear coordinates
has its interpretation in tangential coordinates . We have
then the following rule :

4876 RULE .- To convert any expression in trilinears into

tangentials, consider the origin of the former as the in- centre of
the trigon, change a, ẞ, y into X, μ , v, and interpret the result
by the rules for reciprocating (4846-65) . Ifthe angles of the
original trigon are involved, change these by (4875 ) into the
angles ofthe reciprocal trigon, of which the origin will now be
the circum-centre.

4877 Referring trilinears and tangentials to the same trigon

ABC, the equation of a point, as shown in (4021 ) , becomes
aλ + = μt V = 0;
Pi P2 P3

4878 or, by multiplying by 2,

BOCλ + COAµ + AOBv = 0. (Fig. 3)

The equation of a point can generally be obtained directly

from the figure by means of this formula .


For direct demonstrations of the following theorems, the reader may

consult Ferrers' Trilinear Coordinates, Chap. VII.

4879 The point dividing AB in the ratio a : 6, that is , the

intersection with the internal or external bisector of C, is

aλ ± bµ = 0. Centre of AB λ+µ = 0 .

The point 0 in (4878 ) is now on the side AB.

4881 Mass -centre , λ+µ + v = 0. [For BOC = COA = AOB.


4882 In- centre , By (4878) , for

aλ + bµ +cv = 0 .
= =
4883 a ex-centre, −aλ +bµ +cv = %
. a 6 C

4884 Circum- centre A sin 2A +µ sin 2B + v sin 2C = 0 .

PROOF. For BOC = R² sin 2A, &c. in (4878). Otherwise. - By recipro
cation ( 4876 ), a sin A +B sin B + y sin C = 0 is the line at infinity referred
to the trigon ABC ; therefore
Asin A +μ sin B + v sin C = 0
is the equation of the pole of that line referred to A'B'C' ; that is,
A sin 24' + sin 2B' + sin 2C' , by (4875) .

4885 Foot of perpendicular from C upon AB,

λ tan A +μ tan B = 0.

4886 Orthocentre Atan A +μ tan B + tan C = 0.

4887 Inscribed conic of ABC, [Proof below.

Lµv+ Mvλ + Nλµ = 0 .

4888 Point of contact with AB,

M\ + L| = 0 .

4889 In- circle (4629 ) ,

(s — a) µv + (s — b) vλ + (S − c) dµ = 0 .

4890 Point of contact with AB , ( s — b ) λ + ( s — a) µ = 0 .

4891 a ex-circle , (s — b) λµ + ( S − c) vλ — Sµv = 0 .

PROOF . Since the coordinates of AB of the trigon are 0, 0, v, the equa
tion of the inscribed conic must be satisfied when any two of the coordinates
λ, µ, v vanish, therefore it must be of the form (4887) . Otherwise by
reciprocating (4724) .
If the circle touches AB in D (Fig. 3 ) , λ : —µ = AD : BD = 8 — a : s —b
(Fig. of 709), which proves (4890) .
(4888) is the equation of the point of contact, because the line (0, 0, v)
passes through it and also touches the conic (4887) .
(4889) is the in-circle by (4887) and (4890) and what precedes .

4892 Circumscribed conic , [ By (4876) applied to (4739, '40) .

L²x²+ M³µ² + N2v -2MNpv - 2NLvλ - 2LMλµ = 0 , (4740)


4893 or √(Lλ) + √Mµ + √Nv = 0.

4894 Tangent at A, Μμ = Nv.


4895 Circum- circle

a¹λ³+b¹µ² +c¹v² − 2b²c³µv — 2c²a²vλ — 2a²b²λµ := 0 ;

4896 or a√λ+b√µ+ c√
/v = 0.

PROOF. --- By (4876) applied to (4747, ' 8) , and by cos14 =

= sin A' (4875 )

4897 Relation between the coordinates of any right line :

a² (λ — µ) (λ — v) + b² (µ — v) (µ − λ) +c² (v− λ) (v − µ) = Σ³ ,

4898 Coordinates of the line at infinity :

λ = μ = ν.
PROOF. The trilinear coordinates of the origin and centre of the re
ciprocal conic are a ẞy, (4876 ) . It is also self- evident.

4899 The point lλ + mµ + nv = 0 will be at infinity when

l + m + n = 0.

PROOF .- By ( 4876 ) , for the line la + mß + ny = 0 will pass through the

origin aẞy when l + m + n = 0.

4900 A curve will be touched by the line at infinity when

the sum of the coefficients vanishes .

PROOF.-By (4876) , for this is the condition that the origin in trilinears,
a = ẞ = y shall be on the curve.

4901 The equation of the centre of the conic (A , μ , v) is

x + 4μ +&v = 0,

4902 or (a + h+g) λ + (h + b +f) µ + (g +f+ c) v = 0 .

PROOF. -The Coordinates of the in- centre of ABC (4876) are a' = ß' = y',
therefore the polar of this point with regard to the conic (a, ß, y) is
Pa + B + y = 0 (4658 ) . This point and polar reciprocate into a polar and
point, of which the former, being the reciprocal of the in-centre, or origin, is
the line at infinity, and therefore the latter is the centre of (λ, µ , v) , while
its equation is as stated.

4903 The equation of the two points in which the line

(A', ', v) cuts the conic is

: (4680)
φ (λ ', μ ' , ν ') φ ( λ , μ , ν ) = ( φιλ ' +φμ +φ ») .

4904 The coordinates of the asymptotes are found from the

¤ (λ, µ, v) = 0 and ++ &v = 0.

PROOF. -These are the conditions that the line (λ, µ, v) should touch the
curve and also pass through the centre (4901 ) .

4905 The equation of the two circular points at infinity is

a² (λ — µ) (λ — v) +b² (µ − v) (µ − λ) + c² (v − λ) (v − µ) = 0.

PROOF.- Put = µ' = v′ in (4903 ) to make the line at infinity, and for
the conic take the in-circle (4889) .

4906 The general equation of a circle is

a² (\ —µ) (λ — v) + b² (µ − v) (µ − λ) + c² (v— d) (v — µ)
= (D + me + n )……..... (1 ),

where la + mu + nv = 0 is the equation of the centre .

PROOF. The general equation of a conic in trilinears may, by (4601 ) , be

put in the form
a (ß − ßo) (x − 7%) + b (y — y ) (a − a ) + c (a − a¸) (ß — ß«) = ( la + mß + ny)²,
where la + m + ny = : 0 is the directrix, and a,Boy, the focus. Now let the
focus be the in-centre of the trigon, and therefore aẞ == 28 -¹ (709) .
By this relation and aa +b +cy = 2, the equation is expressed as
a (8 — a) (a − ẞ) (a− y ) + &c. = ( l'a + m'ß + n'y ) ²,
or (a-ẞ) (ay) cos² 14+ &c . = ( l'a + m'ß + n'y)².
Reciprocating by (4876) , this becomes
(\ —µ) (λ — v) sin² A′ + & c. = ( l + mµ + nv)²,
the constant factor introduced on the right being involved in l, m, n ; and
sin A' = cos A, by (4875) . And we know that this is a circle by (4845
Cor. ) , and that the directrix of the conic reciprocates into the centre of the
Otherwise .—The left side of ( 1 ) represents the two circular points at
infinity (4905 ) , and, if for the right we take the equation of a point, the
whole represents a conic, as in (4909 ) , of the form AC = B². In this case,
A, C, the points of contact of tangents from B, being the circular points, the
conic must be a circle with B = 0 for its centre.

Abridged Notation .

4907 Let A = 0 , B = 0 , C = 0, D = 0 ( Fig . 75) be the

tangential equations of the four points of a quadrangle , where
A = a₁λ + b₁µ + c₁v , В = a₂λ + b₂µ + c₂v, and so on. Then
the equation of the inscribed conic will be AC = kBD.

PROOF. The equation is of the second degree in A, μ, v ; therefore the

line (λ, µ, v) touches a conic. The coordinates of one line that touches this
conic are determined by the equations A = 0, B = 0. That is , the line
joining the two points A, B touches the conic, and so of the rest.

4908 If the points B, D coincide ( Fig. 76) , the equation

becomes AC = kB2 ; and A = 0 , C = 0 are the points of
contact of tangents from the point B = 0.

4909 Referring the conic to the trigon ABC ( Fig . 78 ) , and

taking AC = 2B2 for its equation , let a tangent ef be drawn ,
and let Ae : eBk : m. The equations of the points e and
ƒ will be
mA +kB = 0, mkB + C = 0.

PROOF. The first equation corresponds to ( 4879) . For the equation off,
eliminate A from mA +kB = 0 and AC = k²B².

4910 Let e, h ( Fig . 77) be two points on AB whose equa

tions are mA +kB = 0 , m'A + B = 0. The equation of the
point p, in which tangents from e and h intersect , is

mm'A + (m + m') kB + C = 0 .

PROOF. - The equation may be put in the form

(mA + kB) (m'A + kB) = 0 ,
because k²B² = AC if the line touches the conic. The equation being of the first
degree in A, B, C, must represent some point. That is, the relation between
λ, μ , v involved in it makes the straight line Xa + µß + vy pass through a
certain point. But the equation is satisfied when mA + kB = 0, a relation
which makes the straight line pass through e. Hence a tangent through e
passes through a certain fixed point. Similarly, by m'A +kB = 0, another
tangent passes through h and the same fixed point.

4911 COR. - Let m'm , then the equation of the point of

contact of the tangent joining the points ma +kB and mkB +0
(4909) ( e and ƒ, Fig. 78 ) will be

m²A +2mkB + C = 0.

4912 If in Fig . ( 78) the trilinear coordinates of the points

4 R

A, B, C are x1 , Y1 , Z1, X2, Y2 , Z2, X3 , Y , Z , the coordinates of the

point of contact p of the tangent defined by m will be

m²x₁ +2mkx2 +x3, m²y₁ + 2mky₂ + Ys , m²z₁ + 2mkz2 +23,

and the tangent at p divides the two fixed tangents in the

ratios km and mk : 1 , by (4909) .

4913 NOTE.- The equation U or ♣ (λ , µ , v) = 0 (4665 ) expresses the

condition that λa + uß + vy shall touch a certain conic. When U is about
to break up into two factors, the minor axis of the conic diminishes (Fig. 79) .
Every tangent that can now be drawn to the conic passes very nearly
through one end or other of the major axis. Ultimately, when the minor
axis vanishes, the condition of the line touching the conic becomes the con
dition of its passing through one or other of two fixed points A, B. In this
case, U consists of two factors , which, put equal to zero, are the equations
of those points . The conic has become a straight line, and this line is
touched at every point by a single tangent.

4914 If U and U' (Fig. 80) be two conics in tangential

coordinates , kU+ U' is then a conic having for a tangent
every tangent common to U and U' ; and kU+AB is a conic
having in common with U the two pairs of tangents drawn
from the points A, B.
The conic U' in this case merges into the line AB, or,
more strictly, the two points A, B, as explained in (4913) .

4915 If either kU+ U' or kU+ AB breaks up into two

factors , it represents two points which are the opposite ver
tices of the quadrilateral formed by the four tangents .



Geometrical meaning of √ ( -1) . *

4916 In a system of rectangular or oblique plane coordinates, let the
operator 1 prefixed to an ordinate y denote the turning of the ordinate
about its foot as a centre through a right angle in a plane perpendicular to
the plane of ay. The repetition of this operation will turn the ordinate

* [The fiction of imaginary lines and points is not ineradicable from Geometry. The
theory of Quaternions removes all imaginariness from the symbol √ − 1 , and, as it appears
that a partial application of that theory presents the subject of Projection in a much clearer
light, I have here introduced the notion of the multiplication of vectors at right angles to
each other.]

through another right angle in the same plane so as to bring it again into
the plane of xy. The double operation has converted y into - y. But the two
operations are indicated algebraically by √ - 1.√ - 1.y or ( √ − 1) ²y = —y,
which justifies the definition .
It may be remarked, in passing, that any operation which, being per
formed twice in succession upon a quantity, changes its sign, offers a con
sistent interpretation of the multiplier -1.

4917 With this additional operator, borrowed from the Theory of

Quaternions, equations of plane curves may be made to represent more
extended loci than formerly. Consider the equation x² +y2 = a . For values
of x < a, we have y = ± √a²x², and a circle is traced out. For values of
xa, we may write y = i√x² - a², where i√ - 1 . The ordinate
√x²-a is turned through a right angle by the vector i, and this part of the
locus is consequently an equilateral hyperbola having a common axis with
the circle and a common parameter, but having its plane at right angles to
that of the circle. Since the foot of each ordinate remains unaltered in posi
tion, we may, for convenience, leave the operation indicated by i unperformed
and draw the hyperbola in the original plane. In such a case, the circle may
be called the principal, and the hyperbola the supplementary, curve, after
Poncelet. When the coordinate axes are rectangular, the supplementary
curve is not altered in any other respect than in that of position by the
transformation of all its ordinates through a right angle ; but, if the coordi
nate axes are oblique, there is likewise a change of figure precisely the same
as that which would be produced by setting each ordinate at right angles to
its abscissa in the xy plane.
In the diagrams, the supplementary curve will be shown by a dotted line,
and the unperformed operation indicated by i must always be borne in mind.
For, on account of it, there can be no geometrical relations between the
principal and supplementary curves excepting those which arise from the
possession of one common axis of coordinates . This law is in agreement
with the algebraic one which applies to the real and imaginary parts of the
equation x²- (iy) = a³. When y vanishes, a = a in both curves.
If either the ellipse b²x² + a'y² = a2b2 or the hyperbola b²x² -a²y² = a²b²
be taken for the principal curve, the other will be the supplementary curve.
It is evident that, by taking different conjugate diameters for coordinate
axes, the same conic will have corresponding different supplementary curves.
The phrase, " supplementary conic on the diameter DD," for example, will
refer to that diameter which forms the common axis of the principal and
supplementary conic in question.

4918 Let us now take the circle x² + y² a² and the right line = b.
When b is > a, the line intersects the supplementary right hyperbola in two
points whose ordinates are i -a . By increasing b without limit, we
get a pair of, so - called , imaginary points at infinity. These lie on the
asymptotes of the hyperbola, and the equation of the asymptotes is
(x +iy) (x - iy) = 0.
We can now give a geometrical interpretation to the statements in (4720).
The two lines drawn from the focus of the conic b²x² + a²y² = a²b² to the
" circular points at infinity " make angles of 45° with the major axis , and
they touch the conic in its supplementary hyperbola b²x² -a² (iy)² = a²b³.
An independent proof of this is as follows.

Draw a tangent from S ( Fig. 81 ) to the supplementary hyperbola, and

let x, y be the coordinates of the point of contact P. Then
a² a² b2
x= (1170) = and y = b_ √ (x² —a²) = √ (a² —b³)'
CS √ (a²-b²) a
by the value of x. Also
as - √a² - b² = b3
SNx - CS =
√(a²- b²) √ (a³ — b³)*
Therefore y SN, therefore SP makes an angle of 45° with CN.

The following results are required in the theory of projec

tion, and are illustrated in figures (82) to (86). Two ellipses
are taken in each case for principal curves, and the supple
mentary hyperbolas are shown by dotted lines . As the planes.
of the principal and supplementary curves are really at right
angles , the intersections of the solid lines with the dotted are
only apparent . The intersections of the solid lines are real
points , while the intersections of the dotted lines represent
the imaginary points .

4919 ―
Two conics may intersect

(i. ) in four real points ( Fig. 82) ;

(ii.) in two real and two imaginary points (Fig . 83 ) ;

(iii.) in four imaginary points (Fig. 84) .

[When the two hyperbolas in figures (83) and ( 84) are similar and
similarly situated, two of their points of intersection recede to infinity (Figs .
85 and 86) . Hence, and by taking the dotted lines for principal, and the
solid for supplementary, curves, we also have the cases]

(iv.) in two real finite points and two imaginary points at

infinity ;

(v.) in two imaginary finite points and two imaginary

points at infinity ;

(vi.) in two imaginary finite points and two real points at


(vii.) in two real finite points and two real points at


4920 Given two conics not intersecting , or intersecting in

but two points , to draw the two supplementary curves which
have a common chord of intersection conjugate to the

diameters upon which they are described , or in other words ,

to find the imaginary common chord of the conics .
Poncelet has shewn by geometrical reasoning (Propriétés des Projectives,
p. 31 ) that such a chord must exist. The following is a method of deter
mining its position
Let (abcfghxy1 ) ² = 0 and (a'b'c'ƒ'g'h'Xxyl ) ² = 0 ............
...... . (i. )

be the equations of the conics C, C' (Fig. 89 ) , the coordinate axes being
rectangular. Suppose PQ to be the common chord sought. Then the
diameters AB, A'B' conjugate to PQ bisect it in D, and the supplementary
curves on those diameters intersect in the points P, Q. Now, let the coor
dinate axes be turned through an angle 0, so that the y axis may become
parallel to PQ, and therefore also to the tangents at A, B, A' , B'. This is
accomplished by substituting for a and y, in equations (i .) , the values
a cos 0-y sin and y cos 0 +≈ sin 0 .
Let the transformed equations be denoted by (ABCFGHXay 1 ) ² = 0 and
(A'B'C'F'G'H'Xay 1 ) = 0, in which the coefficients are all functions of 0 ,
excepting c, which is unaltered . Solving each of these equations as a quad
ratic in y, the solutions take the forms
y = ax + ß ± √µ (x² − 2px + q) , y = a'x + ß' ± √ µ ' ( x² — 2p´x + q′) ….. (ii.) ,
with the values of a, ß, µ , p , q given in (4449-53 ) , if for small letters we
substitute capitals. Thus, a, ß, μ, p, q are obtained in terms of ✪ and the
original coefficients a, h, b, f, g, h.
Now, the coordinates of D being ¿ = ON, n » = DN, we have = a +ß
and n = a + ẞ' , therefore až + ß = až + ß' ......... (iii.) .
The surd in equations ( ii. ) represents the ordinate of the conic conjugate
to the diameter AB or A'B' . For values of a in the diagram > OM and
< OR, the factor √ - 1 appears in this surd, indicating an ordinate of the
supplementary curve on AB or A'B'. Hence, equating the values of the
common ordinate PD, we have
- .... (iv.) .
µ (¿² −2pë + q) = µ ' (§² — 2p′E + q′) …………..
Eliminating between equations ( iii. ) and (iv . ) , we obtain an equation for
determining 0 ; which angle being found, we can at once draw the diameters
AB, A'B'.


4921 PROBLEM. - Given any conic and a right line in its

plane and any plane of projection, to find a vertex of projec
tion such that the line may pass to infinity while the conic is
projected into a hyperbola or ellipse according as the right
line does or does not intersect the given conic ; and at the
same time to give any assigned proportion and direction to
the axes of the projected conic .

Analysis.-Let HCKD be the given conic, and BB the right line, in

Fig. (87) not intersecting, and in Fig . (88) intersecting the conic. Draw
HK the diameter of the conic conjugate to BB. Suppose O to be the
required vertex of projection. Draw any plane ECGD parallel to OBB,
intersecting the given conic in CD and the line HK in F, and draw the
plane OHK cutting the former plane in E, F, G and the line BB in A ; and
let the curve ECGD be the conical projection of HCKD on the plane parallel
to OBB.
By similar triangles,
= and = .. (1) .

Let a , 6 be the semi-diameters of the given conic parallel to HK and CD ;

CF2 62 CF2
then = = 62. HA.AK .......... (2) .
HF.FK a²¹ EF.FG a² . OA²

Now, since parallel sections of the cone are similar, if the plane of HCKD
moves parallel to itself, the ratio on the right remains constant ; therefore, by
(1193) , the section ECGK is an ellipse in Fig. (87) and an hyperbola in
Fig. (88). Let a, b be the semi-diameters of this ellipse or hyperbola
parallel to EG and CD, that is, to OA and BB ; then, by (2) ,
b2 = B² HA.AK a²B²
.. OA² = HA..AK ........ (3) .
a a OA2 b2a2
But HA.AK = AB2, where AB in Fig. (88) is the ordinate at A of the

given conic, but in Fig. (87) the ordinate of the conic supplementary to the
given one on the diameter conjugate to BB. Therefore

A0² = AB2 ***** ******** (4) .
Hence AO, AB are parallel and proportional to a and b . And , since AB
is given in magnitude and direction, we have two constants at our disposal,
namely, the ratio of the semi- conjugate diameters a and b and the angle
between them, or, which is the same thing, the eccentricity and the direction
of the axes of the ellipse or hyperbola on the plane of projection.

4922 The construction will be as follows :

Determine the point A as the intersection of BB with the

diameter HK conjugate to it. Choose any plane of projection,
and in a plane through BB, parallel to it, measure AO of the
length given by equation (3) or (4) , making the angle BAO
equal to the required angle between a and b. O will be the
vertex of projection, and any plane LMN parallel to OBB will
serve for the plane of projection.

4923 COR. I. - If AO = AB, the projected curve in Fig. (88)

will in every case be a right hyperbola.

4924 COR. 2. - If BAO is a right angle , the axes of the pro

jected ellipse or hyperbola are parallel and proportional to
AO and AB. Hence, in this case , the eccentricity of the
hyperbola will be e OB : 0A.

4925 COR. 3.- If AO = AB and BAO = a right angle ,

the ellipse becomes a circle and the right hyperbola in Cor . 1
has its axes parallel to AO and AB.

4926 To project a conic so that a given point in its plane

may become the centre of the projected curve .
Take for the line BB the polar of the given point, and con
struct as in (4922) . For, if P be the given point , and BB its
polar (Fig. 87 or 88) , p the projection of P will have its polar
at infinity, and will therefore be the centre of the projected
ellipse or hyperbola, according as P is within or without the
original conic.

4927 To project two intersecting conics into two similar

and similarly situated hyperbolas of given eccentricity.

Take the common chord of the conics for the line BB ( Fig.
88) , and project each conic as in (4922) , employing the same
vertex and plane of projection . Then, since the point A and
the lines AB and AO are the same for each projection , corres
ponding conjugate diameters of the hyperbolas are parallel and
proportional to AO and AB ; therefore, &c.

4928 To project two non-intersecting conics into similar

and similarly situated ellipses of given eccentricity.
Take the common chord of a certain two of the supple
mentary curves of the conics (4920 ) , in other words , the
imaginary common chord of the conics, for the line BB, and
proceed as in (4927) .

4929 To project two conics having a common chord of

contact into two concentric , similar and similarly situated
hyperbolas .
Take the common chord for the line BB, and construct as in
(4922) . The common pole of the conics projects into a common
centre and the common tangents into common asymptotes .

4930 To project any two conics into concentric conics .

Find the common pole and polar of the given conics by

(4762) , and take the common polar for the line BB in the
into a
construction of ( 4922) . The common pole projects
comm on centre.

4931 Ex. 1. - Given two conics having double contact with each other,
any chord of one which touches the other is cut harmonically at the point of
contact and where it meets the common chord of contact of the conics .
[ Salmon's Conic Sections, Art. 354 .
Let AB be the common chord of contact, PQ the other chord touching
the inner conic at C and meeting AB produced in D. By (4929) , project
AB, and therefore the point D, to infinity. The conics become similar and
similarly situated hyperbolas , and C becomes the middle point of PQ ( 1189 ) .
The theorem is therefore true in this case. Hence, by a converse projection ,
the more general theorem is inferred .

4932 Ex . 2.- Given four points on a conic, the locus of the pole of any
fixed line is a conic passing through the fourth harmonic to the point in
which this line meets each side of the given quadrilateral. [Ibid., Art. 354.
Let the fixed line meet a side AB of the quadrilateral in D, and let
ACBD be in harmonic ratio. Project the fixed line, and therefore the point
D, to infinity. C becomes the middle point of AB ( 1055 ) , and the pole of
the fixed line becomes the centre of the projected conic. Now, it is known
that the locus of the centre is a conic passing through the middle points of
the sides of the quadrilateral. Hence, projecting back again, the more
general theorem is inferred .

4933 Ex . 3. - If a variable ellipse be described touching two given

ellipses, while the supplementary hyperbolas of all three have a common
chord AB conjugate to the diameters upon which they are described ; the
locus of the pole of AB with respect to the variable ellipse is an hyperbola
whose supplementary ellipse touches the four lines CA , CB, C'A, C'B, where
C, C' are the poles of AB with respect to the fixed ellipses.
(Salmon, Art. 355.)
PROOF . -Project AB to infinity and the three ellipses into circles . The
poles P, C, C' become the centres p, c, c' of the circles . The locus of p is a
hyperbola whose foci are c, c'. But the lines Ac, Be now touch the supple
mentary ellipse of this hyperbola (4918 ) . Therefore, projecting back again,
we get AC, BC touching the supplementary ellipse of the conic which is the
locus of P. Similarly, AC', BC' touch the same ellipse.

4934 Any two lines at right angles project into lines which
cut harmonically the line joining the two fixed points which
are the projections of the circular points at infinity.
PROOF. This follows from (4723 ) .

4935 The converse of the above proposition (4931) , which is the theorem
in Art. 356 of Salmon, is not universally true in any real sense. If the lines
drawn through a given point to the two circular points at infinity form a
harmonic pencil with two other lines through that point, the latter two are
not necessarily at right angles, as the theorem assumes .
The following example from the same article is an illustration of this
Ex. -Any chord BB (Fig. 88) of a conic HCKD is cut harmonically by
any line PKAH through P, the pole of the chord, and the tangent at K.
The ellipse BKB here projects into a right hyperbola ; B, B project to
infinity. The harmonic pencil formed by PK and the tangent at K, KB and
KB projects into a harmonic pencil formed by pk and the tangent at k, kb
and kb, where b, b are the circular points at infinity : but pk is not at right
angles to the tangent at k of the right hyperbola . The harmonic ratio of the
latter pencil can, however, be independently demonstrated, and that of the
former can then be inferred . (Note that k is G in figure 88. )
If we may suppose the ellipse to project into an imaginary circle having
points at infinity, the imaginary radius of that circle may be supposed to be
at right angles to the imaginary tangent. The right hyperbola, however, is
the real projection which takes the place of the circle in this and all similar
instances ; and it is only in the case of principal axes that the radius is at
right angles to the tangent.


4936 Let u = (abcfghXxyz)², u' = ( a'b'c'f'g'h'Xxyz)²

be two conics as in (4401 ) with the notation of ( 1620 ) .
The three values of k, for which ku +u'0 represents two
right lines, are the roots of the cubic equation

4937 Ak³ + Ok² + O'k + A' = 0 ,

4938 where ▲ = abc + 2fgh - aƒª² — bg² — ch²,

4939 = Aa' + Bb' + Cc' + 2Ff

' + 2Gg' +2Hh' ,

and A = bc -f", F = gh - af, &c. (4665)

For the values of A' and ' interchange a with a' , b with b' ,
PROOF. The discriminant of ku + u', which ka + a' , kh + h' , kg + g'
must vanish (4661 ) , is evidently the determi kh +h' , kb + b', kf +f'
nant here written, and it is equivalent to the kg +g' , kf +f' , ke + c'
cubic in question .

4940 ▲, e, e' , and A' are invariants of the conic ku+u' .

4 s

That is , if the axes of coordinates be transformed in any

manner, the ratios of the four coefficients in (4937) are
unaltered .

PROOF. - The transformation is effected by a linear substitution , as in

(1794 ) . Let u, u' thus become v , v' . Then ku + u' becomes ku + v', and
k is unaltered . If the equation ku + u' = 0 represents two right lines, it will
continue to do so after transformation ; but the condition for this is the
vanishing of the cubic in k ; and k being constant, the ratios of the coeffi
cients must be unalterable .

4941 The equation of the six lines which join the four
points of intersection of the conics u and u' is

Au³ - Ou²²u + O'u'u² —▲'u³ = 0.

PROOF.-Eliminate k from (4937) by ku + u' = 0.

4942 The condition that the conics u and u' may touch is

(MM' —9▲▲′) ² = 4 ( 0² — 3A0') ( ℗´² — 3A′O) ,

4943 or 440³ +4A′0³ +27A A -18AA´ØØ´— زش².

PROOF. -TWO of the four points in ( 3941 ) must coincide . Hence two out
of the three pairs of lines must coincide. The cubic ( 4937) must therefore
have two equal roots. Let a, a, ẞ be the roots ; then the condition is the
result of eliminating a and ẞ from the equations
▲ (2a + ) = - 0, ▲ (a² + 2aß) = 0' , Aa³ß - A' (406) .

4944 The expression (4943) is the last term of the equation

whose roots are the squares of the differences of the roots of
the cubic in l , and when it is positive , the cubic in k has two
imaginary roots ; when it is negative , three real roots ; and
when it vanishes , two equal roots .

PROOF. - By ( 543 ) or ( 579) . The last term of ƒ ( x) in ( 543) is now

= 27F (a) F (3) , a, ß being the roots of 34x² + 20x + 0′ = 0. When this
term is positive, f(x) has a real negative root (409) , and therefore F (x) has
then two imaginary roots ; for, if ( a — b) := c, a - b = ic, and a and b are
both imaginary. When the last term of f (x) is negative, all the roots of
f (x) are positive, and therefore the roots of F (2) are all real.


4945 When u = ax² + by² + cz² and u' = x² + y² + z² ,

▲ = abc, ✪ = be + ca + ab, ' = a + b + c, A' = 1.

4946 When u = (abcfghXxyz) and u' = x² + y² +z² ,

O = A + B+ C, O′ = a + b + c, A' = 1 .

4947 When u = x² + y² — 7² and u' = ( x− a) ² + (y — ẞ) ² — s²,

A = —p², A' = —- s²,

℗ = a² + ß² — 2r² —s², ©′ = a² + ß³ — r² —2s² .

4948 The cubic for k reduces to

(k +1) {s²k² + (y² +s² — a² —ẞ²) k + r² } = 0 .

4949 When

u = b²x² +a²y² — a²b² and u′ = (x− a) ² + (y — ẞ)² — 1º,

▲ = —a¹b¹, © = a²b² { a² +ß² — a² — b² — p² } ,

℗' = a³ß² + b²a² — a²b² — r² (a² + b²) , A′ = —p².

4950 When u = y² - 4mx and u' = (x− a) ² + (y — ẞ ) ³ — ‚·²,

▲ = —4m² , 0 = -4m ( a + m) , ✪' = ẞ² —4ma — r², A' = — p².

4951 When u = (abcfghXxyz ) ² and u' = x² + 2xy cos w + y² ,

▲, A' = 0 , ℗ = c (a +b) —f² - g² +2 (

fg - ch) cos ∞ ,
→' = c sin² w.

Hence the following are invariants of the general conic ,

the inclination of the coordinate axes being w .

4952 abc +2fgh —af² —bg² — ch² =
(1) ,
c sin² W

4953 c (a + b) −ƒ² — g² +2 (fg − ch) cos w =

(2) ,
c sin² w

ab -h2 a + b - 2h cos w
4954 ..... (3), and ....... (4) .
sin² w sin² w

For these are what ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) become when the axes are
transformed so as to remove ƒ and g.

If the origin be unaltered , c is invariable, and transforma

tion of the axes will then leave invariable

2fgh -af -bg2 and f +g² - 2fg cos w

sin² w sin² w

as appears by subtracting (3 ) from ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) from (4) .

4958 Ex. (i . ) -To find the evolute of the conic b²x² + a²y²
= ab². See also (4547 ) .

PROOF.-Denote the conic by u, and by u' the hyperbola c²xy + b²y'z - a³x'y
(4335 ), which intersects u in the feet of the normals drawn from x'y' . Two of
these normals must always coincide if x'y' is to be on the evolute . u and u'
must therefore touch . We have
▲= a *b *, = 0, ' —a²b² (a²x² + b²y² — c¹) , ▲
A' = - 2a²b²¿²xy.
Substitute in (4942) , and the equation of the evolute is found to be
(a²x² + b²y² —c¹)³ + 27a²b²c*x*y² = 0.

4959 Ex. (ii . ) - Similarly the evolute of the parabola is

obtained from

u = y² - 4mx, u ' = 2xy +2 ( 2m - x ') y - 4my',

A = -4m² , = 0, 0' - 4 (2m - x) , ▲' = 4my,
producing the equation 27my2 = 4 (x - 2m) . See also (4549) .

4960 Ex. (iii . ) - The locus of the centre of a circle of radius

R, touching the conic b²x² + a²² — a²b² , is called a parallel to
the conic. Its equation is

R*c* — 2R°c² { c² (a² + b²) + ( a² — 2b²) x² + (2a² — b²) y²}

+ R* { c* (a* + 4a²b² + b¹ ) — 2c² (a* — a²b² + 3b*) x² + 2c² ( 3a* —a²b² + b¹) y²
+ ( a* — 6a²b² + 6b¹) x* + ( ba * —6a²b² + b¹) y* + ( 6aª — 10a²b² + 6b¹) x²y² }
+ R² { −2a²b³c¹ (a² + b²) + 2c² (3a* — a²b² + b¹) x² — -
2c² (a* —a²b² + 3b¹) y²
— ( 6a* — 10a²b² + 6b¹ ) ( b²x¹ + a²y¹) + ( 4a® -
— 6a¹b² — 6a²b¹ +4bº) x²y²
+2 (a² −2b²) b²x® +2 ( b² —2a² ) a³yº —2 (aª —a²b² + 3b¹) x¹y²
−2 (3a¹ — a²b² + b¹) x²y* }

+ (b²x² +a²y² —a²b²)² { (x − c) ² + y² } { ( x + c ) ² + y² } = 0,

PROOF. If the curves in (4949 ) be made to touch, aẞ will be a point on

the curve parallel to u at a distance r. Therefore put the values of A, E, д,
and in equation (4942) . [Salmon, p. 325.

4961 When u of (4936) represents two right lines , A

vanishes , and

4962 e' = 0 is the condition that the two lines should

intersect on u ;

4963 00 is the condition that the two lines should be

conjugate with regard to u.
PROOF. -Transform u 0 into 2xy = 0, so that the axes x, y are the
right lines. This will not affect the invariants (4940) . We now have, by
(4937) , A' = 0, 0 = 2 (fg - ch) , ' —c.
c = 0 makes u pass through the origin xy ; fgch makes x and y conjugate.
For in ( 4671 ) , if λx + µy + becomes y = 0, then λ == 0, and the pole
is given by H : B: F But a = 0 at the pole, therefore =
fg — ch = 0.

4964 The condition that either of the lines in u' should

touch u is , by (4943) ,
Θ = 4ΔΘ' or AB = 0 ,

with the above values of → and e' .

4965 The equation of the two tangents to u, when λx + uy + v

is the chord of contact, is, with the notation of ( 4665) ,

uÞ (λ, µμ,, v) = (λx + µy + vz) ² A. ▲.

PROOF. The conic of double contact with u, ku + ( x + µy + ) ² (4699) ,
must now become two right lines . In (4937 ) A' = 0 and O' = 0, therefore
k▲+ 0 = 0 . But 0 = Þ (λ , µ , v) . Hence eliminate k.

4966 COR.- Taking the line at infinity ax +by + cz , we obtain

the equation of the asymptotes (4685) .

The invariant → of the conic ku +u

' vanishes

4967 (i . ) Whenever an inscribed triangle of u' is self- con

jugate to u.

4968 (ii . ) Whenever a circumscribed triangle of u is self

conjugate to u'.

4969 e' vanishes under similar conditions , transposing u

and u' in (i . ) and (ii.)

PROOF.- (i . ) u becomes ax2 + by + cz2 (4765 ) , and f = g = h = 0 . There

forein (4937) vanishes if a' = b ' = c' = 0 ; i.e., if u' is of the form
f'yz + g'zx + h'xy (4724) .

(ii. ) In this case, f'g' = h' = 0 and 0 vanishes if bcf , &c., i.e., if
the line x = 0 touches u, &c.

4970 If u , u' be two conics, and if 0° 4▲0' , any triangle
inscribed in u' will circumscribe u, and conversely.

PROOF. Let u = x² + y² + z² — 2yz - 2zx - 2xy and u'

u′ = 2fyz + 2gzx + 2hxy,
both referred to the same triangle, ( 4739) and (4724) . Then
A = −4, 0 = 4 (f + g + h ) , 0 ′ = − (f+ g + h) ³, ▲' = 2fgh ;
therefore →² = 4A0', a relation independent of the axes of reference (4940) .

4971 Ex. (i.) —The locus of the centre of a circle of radius r, circum
scribing a triangle which circumscribes the conic ba +ay' = a²b², is

(x² + y² — a² — b² + r²) ² + 4 { b²x² + a²y² — a²b² — r² (a² + b²) } = 0 ,

from 0 440' and the values in (4949) .

4972 Ex. (ii.) —The distance between the centres of the inscribed and
circumscribed circles of a triangle is thus found, by employing the values of
e, e', and ▲ in ( 4947) , to be D = √ (r²² ± 2rr′) , as in (936) .

4973 The tangential equation of the four points of intersec

tion of the two conics u = 0 , u' = 0 is

√² = 4UU' ,

with the meanings

4974 U = (ABCFGH Xλµv)² ; (4664)

U'= ( A'B'C'F'G'H
' Xλµv)² .

4976 V = ( A″B" C" F" G" H" Xλµv)².

4977 A = bc -f², &c .; A' = b'c -f

" , &c. ,
as in (4665) , and

4978 A" be' + b'c - 2ff

", F" = gh' +g'h - af -a'f,
4979 B" ca' + c'a - 2gg' , G" = hf + h'f- bg - b'g,
4980 C" ab' +a'b — 2hh' , H" =fg' +f'g- ch' — c'h.
PROOF. The tangential equation is the condition that λa +uẞ +vy may
pass through one of the four points of intersection of u and u' . The tan
gential equation of the conic u + ku' is obtained by putting a +ka' for a, &c.
in U (4665) , and is U+ k▼ + k²³U' = 0. The tangential equation of the
envelope of the system is V4UU ' (4911 ) . This is the condition that the
line (A, μ, v) may pass through the consecutive intersections of the conics
obtained by varying k. But these conics always intersect in the same four
points. The above is therefore the tangential equation of the four points.

4981 The equation of the four common tangents of two

conics u , u' is
F² = 4▲▲'uu',

where F = (a"b"cf"g" h" Xaẞy ) ",

and a" BC +B'C - 2FF" , & c . ,

f" = GH' + G'H- AF' - A'F, & c . ,

as in (4978-81 ) .

PROOF . This is the reciprocal of the last theorem . U+ kU' is a conic

touching the four common tangents of the conics U and U' . The trilinear
equation formed from this will, by (4667) , be u ▲ + kF + k²u´A' = 0. The
envelope of this system of conics is the equation above, which must therefore
represent the four common tangents.
The curve F passes through the points of contact of u and u' with the
locus represented by (4981 ) .

4982 Hence the eight points of contact of the two conics

with their common tangents lie on the curve F.

4983 The reciprocal theorem from equation (4973) is

The eight tangents at the intersections of the conics envelope
the conic V.

4984 F = 0 is the locus of a point from which the tangents

to the two given conics u, u' form a harmonic pencil .

PROOF. ― Putting 70 in (4681 ) , we get a quadratic of the form

aa² + 2haß + bß = 0, which determines the two points in which the line y is
cut by tangents from a', 6' , y' . Let the similar quadratic for the second conic
be a'a² + 2h'aẞ + b'g² = 0. Then, by ( 1064) , ab ' + a'b = 2hh' is the condition
that the four points may be in harmonic relation. This equation will be
found to produce F = 0 .

4985 The actual values of a, h, b, suppressing the accents

on a' , B' , y' , are

CB +By² -2Fẞy, GBy + Fya - Caß - Hy² ,

Ay² +Ca² - 2Gya ;

and similarly for a' , h' , b' , with A' written for A, &c .

4986 If the anharmonic ratio of the pencil of four tangents

be given , the locus of the vertex will be F2 = kuu' . If the
given ratio be infinity or zero, the locus becomes the four
common tangents in (4981 ) .

4987 V = 0 is the envelope of a conic every tangent of

which is cut harmonically by the two conics u , u' ; i.e. , the
equation is the condition that la +uß +vy should be cut har
monically by the two conics .

PROOF.--Eliminate y between the line (A, µ, v) , and the conics u and u'
separately, and let Aa +2Haß + BB = 0 and A'a ' +2H'aẞ + B' = 0 stand
for the resulting equations. Then, by ( 1064 ) , AB' + A′B = 2HH ' produces
the equation V = 0, which, by ( 4666) , is the envelope of a conic .

4988 The actual values of A, H, B are respectively

av² + cλ² - 2gvλ, hv² - gµv -fvd + cdµ, cử thở 2fur;

and similarly for A' , H ' , B' , with a ' for a, &c .

4989 F² = 4AA'uu' is a covariant ( 1629) of the conics u, u'.

For the four common tangents are independent of the axes of reference.

4990 U = 0 and V0 (4973 ) are both contravariants

(1814) of u and u' .

PROOF. - For U = 0 is the condition that λa + µß + ry = 0 shall touch the

conic u ; and V0 is the condition that the same line shall be cut har
monically by u and u'; and if all the equations be transformed by a recipro
cal substitution ( 1813 , '14) , the right line and the conditions remain
unaltered .

4991 Any conic covariant with u and u' can be expressed in

terms of u , u ' , and F ; and the tangential equation can be
expressed in terms of U, U ' and V.

4992 Ex. ( 1 ) . The polar reciprocal of u with respect to u'

is Ou' = F.

PROOF. -Referring u, u' to their common self-conjugate triangle,

u = ax² + by +cz², u ' = x² + y² + z²,
F = a ( b + c ) x² + b ( c + a) y² + c (a + b ) z².
The polar of , n, with respect to u ' is Ex + ny + z, and the condition that
this may touch u is be +can + ab ¿² = 0 (4664) , or, which is the same
thing, (be +ca + ab) (x² + y² + z²) = F or Ou' = F (4945) .

4993 Ex. (2) .-- The enveloping conic V in (4987) may also
be written
Ou ' +0'u =
= F.

PROOF. With the same assumptions as in Ex. ( 1 ) , ▼ in ( 4973 ) becomes

(b + c) x² + (c + a) µ² + ( a + b ) v² = 0. The trilinear equation is, therefore,
by (4667) ,
(c +a) (a + b) x² + ( a + b ) ( b + c) y² + (b + c) ( c + a) z³ = 0 ,
or (bc + ca + ab) (x² + y² + z²) + ( a + b + c ) ( ax² + by² + cz²) = F.

4994 Ex. (3) .— The condition that F may become two right
lines is
ΔΔ' (00 ' – ΔΔ ) = 0 .
PROOF. -Referring to Ex. ( 1 ) , A = bc, B = ca, Cab, F = G = H = 0,
A'B'C' = 1 ; therefore, in (4981) , a" = B + C = a (b + c), &c. Hence
the discriminant A of F = abc ( b + c ) ( c + a ) ( a +b) ,
or abc { (a + b + c) (bc + ca + ab) —abc } = the above, by (4945 ) .

4995 To reduce the two conics u, u' to the forms

x² + y² + ≈² = 0, ax² +By² + y≈² = 0 .

By (4945) , a , ß, y will be the roots of the cubic

Al³ - Ək² + '% -— ▲′ = 0 (1) ,

and x² , y² , z² will be found in terms of u , u' and F, by solving

the three equations a² + y² +z² = u , ax² +ẞy² + yz² = u' and (by

4994) , a (B + y) x² + ß (y + a ) y² + y ( a + ẞ) z² = F (2) .

4996 Ex . (1 ) : Given æ² + y² + 2y + 2x + 3 = 0 ; x² + 2y² + 4y + 2x + 6 = 0 ;

to be reduced as above. To compute the invariants , we take
a b с f g h
=1 1 3 1 1 0 in the first equation.
and =1 2 6 2 1 0 in the second.
therefore A B с F Ꮐ H
=2 2 1 --1 - -1
1 in the first equation .
and =8 5 2-2-2 2 in the second .
Therefore (4938, '9) ▲ = 1 , 0 = 6, 0' = 11 , A' = 6. The roots of equa
tion ( 1 ) are now 1 , 2, 3. Therefore (2) becomes 5X +8Y² + 9Z² = F.
Computing F also by ( 4981 ) with the above values of A, B, &c ., we get the
three equations as under, introducing z for the sake of symmetry,
X²+ Y²+ Z² = x² + y² + 3x² + 2yz + 2zx,
x²+2Y²+37² = x² + 2y² + 6x + 4yz + 2zx,
5X2+8Y²+972 5x² + 8y2 + 222 + 16yz + 10zx,
The solution gives X = x + 1, Y = y + 1 , Z = 1 , and the equations in the
forms required are ( +1 ) + (y + 1 ) ² + 1 = 0 , ( x + 1 ) +2 (y + 1 ) ² + 3 = 0.

4997 Ex. (2) . - To find the envelope of the base of a triangle inscribed
in a conic u' so that two of its sides touch u.
4 T

Let u = x² + y² + z² -2yz - 2zx - 2xy - 2hkxy,

and u' = 2fyz + 2gzx +2hxy,
and y being the sides touched by u. Then u + ku' will be a conic touched
by the third side z . By finding the invariants, it appears that e —440′
4AA'k, whence k is determined , and the envelope becomes
(0³ -4A0 ') u' + 4AA'u = 0.
Compare (4970) .

4998 The tangential equation of the two circular points at

infinity (4717 ) is
x² +μ² = 0.

PROOF. This is the condition that λx +µy + v should pass through either
of those points, since xiy := c is the general form of such a line.

4999 U0 being the tangential equation of a conic, the

discriminant of U+ U
' is

A³½³ + 4Ø´k² + A'®k + A²².

PROOF. The discriminant of kU+ U' is identical in form with (4937),

but the capitals and small letters must be interchanged . Let then the dis
criminant be Ãk³ + Ōk² + 0′k + A′ = 0 . We have
A = A² (4670), Ō = ( BC - — F²) A ′ + &c. = A'a▲ + &c. (4668) = ▲O '.
Similarly ' = A′0, Ã' =´A” .

5000 If e, e' be the invariants of any conic U and the pair

of circular points + (4998) ; then = 0 makes the conic
a parabola , and ' = 0 makes it an equilateral hyperbola .
PROOF. The discriminant of kU+ X + µ³ is k² ▲ ² + k ( a + b ) ▲ +ab- h³.
For, as above, AA ; = A'a ▲ + B′b▲ = (a +b) A since A' = B' = 1 ,
C' &c. = 0; ' = (A'B' - H² ) C = Cab - h' ; and A'0. The rest fol
lows from the conditions (4471) and ( 4474).

5001 The tangential equation of the circular points is , in

trilinear notation (see the note at 5030) ,

x² +µ² +v² - 2µv cos A - 2vλ cos B- 2λμ cos C.

PROOF : + = 0, in Cartesians, shows that the perpendicular let fall
from any point whatever upon any line passing through one of the points is
infinite. Therefore, by (4624) .

5002 The conditions in (4689) and (4690) , which make the
general conic a parabola or equilateral hyperbola, may be
obtained by forming and e' for the conic and equation
(5001 ) and applying ( 5000) .

5003 If 0 = 40 , the conic passes through one of the

circular points .

5004 When u' in (4984 ) reduces to 12 +u², that is , to the

circular points at infinity, F becomes the locus of intersec
tion of tangents to u at right angles, and produces the equa
tions of the director- circle (4693 ) and ( 4694) .

5005 The tangential equation of a conic confocal with U is

k U+ λ² +µ² = 0 ;

5006 And if the left side , by varying k, be resolved into

two factors , it becomes the equation of the foci of the system.
PROOF. Since λ3 + 3 represents the two circular points at infinity (4998),
kU+ λ² + µ² = 0, by (4914) , is the tangential equation of a conic touched by
the four imaginary tangents of U from those points . But these tangents
intersect in two pairs in the foci of U (4720 ) ; and, for the same reason, in
the foci of kU + λ² +u², which must therefore have the same foci.
If kU + 2 +μ consists of two factors, it represents two points which, by
(4913), are the intersections of the pairs of tangents just named, and are
therefore the foci.

5007 The general Cartesian equation of a conic confocal

with u = 0 (4656) is

k² ▲u + k { C (x² + y³) −2Gx − 2Fy + A + B } + 1 = 0 .

PROOF.-(5005 ) must be transformed . Written in full, by (4664 ) , it
becomes (k + 1 ) λ² + (kB + 1 ) μ² +kCv². Hence, by (4667), the trilinear
equation will be

{ (kB + 1) kO − k²F²} a² + &c. = k² ( BC — F²) a² + kCa² + &c.

= k²aAa² +kCa2 + &c. , (4668)
and so on, finally writing x, y, 1 for a, ß, y.


(First Method .)
5008 Substitute in kU + λ² + µ² either root of its discriminant
k²▲² +k (a + b) ▲ + ab - h² = 0 ( 5000) , and it becomes re
solvable into two factors ( x1 +μy₁ + v ) (λx₂ +µy₂ + v) . The
foci are xy, and X2y2, real for one value of k and imaginary
for the other.

PROOF.- By (5006) the two factors represent the two foci, consequently
the coordinates of the foci are the coefficients of λ, μ, v in those factors .

(Second Method. )

5009 Let xy be a focus ; then, by (4720) , the equation of an

imaginary tangent through that point is ( -x) +i (n − y) = 0
or & + in− (x + iy) = 9. Therefore substitute , in the tangential
equation (4665) , the coefficients λ = 1 , µ = i, v =:-(x + iy) ,
and equate real and imaginary parts to zero. The resulting
equations for finding x and y are, with the notation of (4665),

5010 2 ( Cx - G)² = ▲ [ a − b + √ { 4h² + (a − b)² } ] .

5011 2 ( Cy - F)² = ▲ [ b − a + √ { 4h² + ( a − b) ² } ] .

5012 If the conic is a parabola, C = 0 , and the coordinates

of the focus are given by

(F² + G²) x = FH+ } ( A − B) G,

(F² + G³) y = GH− 1 ( A— B) F.

5013 Ex. - To find the foci of 2x² + 2xy + 2y² + 2x = 0. By the first
method, we have
a, b, c, ƒ, 9, h from which A = -2. The quad
= 2, 2, 0, 0, 1, 1 ratic for k is
and A, B, C, F, G, H k²A² +4kA + 3 = (2k - 3) (2k - 1) = 0,
= 0, -1 , 3, 1 , -2, 0 therefore k or 1.
- 3
Taking , kU+ λ ³ + µ² = § ( −µ³ + 3v² + 2µv −4vλ) + λ² + µ² = 0 ,
or 2x²-12vλ - µ² + 9² + 6μv = 0.
Solving for A, this is thrown into the factors

{ 2\ + µ √
/2−3 (2 + √2 ) » } { 2x − µ√2−3 ( 2 − √2) ► } .
Therefore the coordinates of the foci, after rationalizing the fractions, are
- 2 - √2 - √2-1 and - 2+ √2" √2+ 1
3 3 3 3

5014 Otherwise, by the second method , equations (5010, ' 1 ) become, in

this instance, (3x + 2 ) ² = ± 2, ( 3y − 1 ) ² = ± 2, the solution of which pro
duces the same values of x and y.

5015 When the axes are oblique , the coordinates x, y of a

focus are found from the equations
{ C (x +y cos w) -F cosw - G} A (√T² −4J+2a − I)
= {4

(Cy- F) sin² ∞ = }▲ (√Iª —4J— 2a + 1) ,

where I and J are the invariants (4955) and (4954) respec


tively. The equations may be solved for x = x + y cos w and

y' = y sin w , which are the rectangular coordinates of the focus
with the same origin and x axis .
PROOF. Following the method of (5009) , the imaginary tangent through
the focus is, by (4721 ) , −x + (n− y ) ( cos w + i sin w) . The two equations
obtained from the tangential equation are, writing Aa for BC - F², &c.
(4668) ,
X - Y'A (a + b - 2h cos w - 2a sin² w ) , XY = ▲ (h sin w - a sin w cos w) ;
where X = C (x + y cos w) - F cos w - G and Y = (Cy – F) sin w.

5016 If the equation of the conic to oblique axes be

ax² +2hxy + by² +c = 0,

the equations for determining the foci reduce to

y (x + y cos w) =
___ x (y + x cosw) = C
a cos @ -
-h b cos w - h ab -h2

5017 The condition that the line Ax + y +vz may touch the
conic u +(X +uy + v'z )² is

U + φ (μι ' – μ'ν , νλ ' -νλ , λμ ' -λμ ) = 0 . (4656, 4936, '74)

5018 or (A+ U') U = IT², (4938)

where μ +v´U„.
211 = X' U₂ + µ'U„ (4674)
PROOF.- Put a +λ" for a, &c. in U of (4664) . The second form follows
from the first through the identity
Ap (µv' —µ'r, &c. ) = UU ' — II².

5019 Otherwise , let P'ux, X + U„ Y + Uz‚ %, the polar of

x', y' , z' (4659) , then the condition that P' may touch u +P"2
becomes, in terms of the coordinates of the poles ,

5020 (1 + u″) u' = $xx"″ + $vy″ + $z≈". (See 4657) .

PROOF. If we put ur, u , uz, from (4659 ) , for λ, μ, v in U to obtain the

condition of touching, the result is Au' ; and similar substitutions made in
II give ▲ ( " + &c. ) , therefore ( 5018 ) becomes ( 1 + u” ) u' = ($xx' + &c.).

5021 The condition that the conics

u + (X'x + µ'y + v'z )², u + ( \″x + µ ″y + v″ z) ²

may touch each other is

(A+ U') (A+ U'') = (A ± II) ². (4938-74)



PROOF.-Make one of the common chords

(X'x + µ'y + v'z) ± (\ ″ x + µ″ y + v ″ z)

touch either conic by substituting A'A" for A, &c. in (5018 ) . The result
is (A + U') ( U' ± 2ÑÏ + U ″ ) = ( U' ± II ) ² , which reduces to the form above.

5022 The condition , in terms of the coordinates of the poles

of the two lines , is found from the last , as in ( 5019 ) , and is

(1 + u') (1 + u″) = { 1 ± (Þ.xx″ +4, y″ + Þz≈″) } ².

5023 The Jacobian, J, of three conics u, v, w, is the locus

of a point whose polars with respect to the conics all meet in
a point. Its equation is

a₁x+ h₁y +g₁ %, a₂x + hy +g,≈ , a3x + hy + g3≈

h₁x +b₁y+f₁ %, h₂x + b₂y +f₂z , h¸x + by +f; ≈ | = 0.

g₁x +f₁y + c₁z, g₂ x +f2y + c₂z, g3x +f3y+ cz z

PROOF .-The equation is the eliminant of the equations of the three

polars passing through a point En , viz., u¿ + un + u₂5 = 0 , v¿¿ + v»n + v₂% = 0,
w¸¢ + w₁n + w₂< = 0. See (4657) and (1600 ) .

5024 The equation of a a² B² y² By ya a ß

conic passing through five αC βይ γ βιγ για αιβι
points aßiyi, a₂ß₂y2, &c. is 2
α β γ βγ. για αβα
the determinant equation 2 2 = 0.
0-3 B₁ Ys Bsys ys as asB3
annexed ; and the equation
2 2
of a conic touching five α β γ β.γ. για α ,β ,
2 2
right lines A₁₁₁ , λμgv₂ , & C.
α β γ β.γ. για , αβ
is the same in form, λ , μ, v
taking the place of a, ß, y.

PROOF.- The determinant is the eliminant of six equations of the type

(4656) in the one case and (4665 ) in the other. By ( 583 ) .

5025 If three conics have a common self- conjugate triangle,

their Jacobian is three right lines .

PROOF. -The Jacobian of a,x² + b₁y² + ç₁²², αx² + b₁y² + Cq²², ¿ zx² + b3y² + Cg²²
is, by (5023), xyz = 0 .
For the condition that three conics may have a common point, see
Salmon's Conics, 6th edit. , Art . 389a, and Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., Vol. IV. ,
p. 404, J. J. Walker, M.A.

5026 A system of two conics has four covariant forms

u , u', F, J, connected by the equation

J² = F³ — F² ( © u' —O´u ) + F ( ▲´Ou² + AO´u´²)

+Fuu' (00' - 3▲▲′) — ▲▲¹²u³ — A´A³u'³
+ A´u³u' (240´ — O²) + ▲u'³u (2A´O — O'²) .
PROOF.- Form the Jacobian of u, u', and F. This will be the equation of
the sides of the common self-conjugate triangle (4992 , 5025) . Compare the
result with that obtained by the method of (4995) .

5027 By parity of reasoning, there are four contravariant

forms U, UV , T where I is the tangential equivalent of J,
and represents the vertices of the self- conjugate triangle. Its
square is expressed in terms of U, U ' , V and the invariants
precisely as J is expressed in ( 5026) .

5028 The locus of the centre of a conic which always

touches four given lines is a right line.
PROOF. Let U = 0, U' = 0 be the tangential equations of two fixed .
conics, each touching the four lines ; then, by (4914 ) , U + kU' = 0 is another
conic also touching the four lines . The coordinates of its centre will be
G + kG' F+kF
C + kC' C +kC" by (4402 ) . The point is thus seen, by (4032) , to lie
on the line joining the centres of the two fixed conics and to divide that line
in the ratio kC' : C.

5029 To find the locus of the focus of a conic touching four

given lines.
In the equations (5010, ' 1 ) for determining the coordinates of the focus,
write A +kA' for A, &c., and eliminate k. The result in general is a cubic
curve. If , be parabolas, 2 + k2' is a parabola having three tangents in
common with Σ and Σ' . If CC0 the locus becomes a circle. If the
conics be concentric, they touch four sides of a parallelogram, and the locus
is a rectangular hyperbola.

Note on Tangential Coordinates.

5030 It must be borne in mind that a tangential equation in trilinear
notation (that is, when the variables are the coefficients of a , ß, y in the
tangent line la + mẞ+ ny) will not agree with the equation of the same locus
expressed in the tangential coordinates A, μ, of (4019) . Thus, to convert
equation (5001 ) , which, for distinctness, will now be written
l² + m² + n² - 2mn cos A - 2nl cos B - 2lm cos C = 0
into tangential coordinates, we must substitute, by (4023) , aλ, bµ, cv for
l, m , n. The equation then becomes
a²λ² +b³µ² + c³v³ -
— 2bc cos Apv -2ca cos Bvλ - 2ab cos Cλμ = 0.
Put 2bc cos 4 = b² +c² - a², &c., and the result is the equation as presented
in (4905) .
Corrigenda.- In (4678) and (4692) erase the coefficient 2 ; and in (4680) and (4903) supply
the factor 4 on the left of the equation.


5100 Let P ( Fig. 90) be a point on the curve AP ; PT, PN,

PG, the tangent, ordinate, and normal intercepted by the r
axis of coordinates . See definitions in ( 1160 ) . Let PTX
= 4.
5101 tan y = dy, by (1403) ; sindy; cos =
dx' ds ds

5104 Sub-tangent NT = yx,, Sub- normal NG = yy₂•

5106 PT = y√ (1 +x;) , PT' = x√ (1 +yž)•

5108 PG = y √(1 +y ) , PG' = x√ (1 + x* ) .

Let OP (Fig. 91 ) , u = r¹ , AOP = 0, OPT = 4 ;

Arc APs. Then, by infinitesimals ,

de dr do
5110 sin & =r
= cos & = s' tan & = rr

5113 (dx)² + (dy) ² = (ds)², x = √ (1 +y?) .


r, sin e +r cos
5114 tan = (1768)
r. cos 0 - r sin @

dr dr
5115 Intercepts ofNormal OG = r² OG' = r (Fig.90)
dx' dy

r sin OPG dr
PROOF : OG = = r cos =" =r
sin PGN sin NPT 28 dx

5116 Se = √ (x² + r²) ,

8。 8, = √ (1 +r²0²) .

PROOF. By 10,8 = sin and tan = r0, (5110) .


The equation of the curve being y = f (x) or u = p (x, y)

= 0, the equation of the tangent at ay is

5118 nay = dy (§—x), (4120)

5119 or -
xn = y −
5120 or }ux + ŋu„ = xux +yuŋ· (1708)

5121 If (x, y) = v₂n + Vnvn - 1 + ... + vo, where v, is a homogeneous function

of x and y of the nth degree, the constant part forming the right member of
equation (5120 ) takes the value
→ Vn -1-2vn -2—
-Un-1-2vn -2 -... --
— (n - 1 ) v, -nv。
By Euler's theorem ( 1621 ) and 4 (x , y ) = 0 .

The equation of the normal at xy is

5122 -
n-y (§— x) , (4122)

5123 or §x, +n = xx„ +y,

5124 or -- (1708)
§u¸ — ŋu¸ = xu - yux


Let r, be the coordinates of P ( Fig. 91 ) , and R, → those

of S, any point on the tangent at P ; and let u = r¹, U = R -¹,
70-0; the polar equation of the tangent at P will be
5125 R= or Uu cos T + u, sin T.
d. (r sin T)'

The polar equation of the normal is

rre -u²0₁ sin т .
5127 R= or U = u cos r —
d. (r COST)'
7° = OP sin OSP sin (4-7) , and from tan 4 = 70,
PROOF.-From =
R OS sin OPS sin
(5112) . Similarly for the normal.
4 U

Let OY = p be the perpendicular from the pole upon the

tangent, then

5129 p = r sin & = (u² +u³) ¯¹ . (5112)

5131 = x+x + yoy (4064 & 5119 , '20)
√ (1 +y ) √(6 +1)

OS, drawn at right angles tor to meet the tangent, is

called the polar sub- tangent.

5133 Polar sub-tangent = r²0

,„. (5112)


Let , be the centre of curvature for a point xy on the

curve, and p
ρ the radius of curvature ; then

5134 (x —§) ² + (y — n) ² = p² . (1).

5135 (x − §) + (y − n) Yx =
= 0
0 .... ( 2),

1 +ya + (y − n) Y2x = 0 (3) .

PROOF .- (2 ) and (3) are obtained from (1 ) by differentiating for a, con

sidering , η constants.

The following are different values of p :

(1 + y ) * (0232+ 2)=
5137 P= - -
Y2x 30
24xуÞxÞy − 2x¤ž — Þzy Px
(x² + y²) 1
5139 =
Yzt XtXztYt Y28X8X28Ys
1 = X's Ys
5141 =
√(x² +y²s) Y28
( 2+2 ) + u²)2
= (u
r² + 2r² + rr20 u³ (u + U20)

5146 = 84 = p + p24 = rrp •

PROOFS . -For ( 5137) , eliminate x- and y - n between equations ( 1 ) ,
(2 ) , and (3) .
(5138) is obtained from the preceding value by substituting for y, and

Yar the values ( 1708, ' 9) . The equation of the curve is here supposed to be
of the form (x, y ) = 0.
For (5139) ; change the variable to t. For (5140 ) ; make t = s.
For (5141-3 ) ; let PQ QRds (Fig . 92) be equal consecutive elements
of the curve. Draw the normals at P, Q, R, and the tangents at P and Q to
meet the normals at Q and R in T and S. Then , if PN be drawn parallel
and equal to QS, the point N will ultimately fall on the normal QO. Now
the difference of the projections of PT and PN upon OX is equal to the pro
jection of TN. Projection of PT dsa,; that of PN or QS = ds (x, + x2, ds)
(1500) ; therefore the difference = dsx , ds = TN cos a. But TN ds =
ds : p, therefore p₂ = cos a. Similarly py2 = sin a.
For ( 5144) ; change ( 5137) to r and 0, by ( 1768, ' 9) .
(5145 ) is obtained from p = rr₂ = − Up and ( 5129) ; or change (5144)
from r to u by ru¹ .
( 5146.) In Fig. ( 93) , PQ = p, PP' = ds, and PQP′ = d¥.
(5147. ) In Fig. (93) , let PQ, P'Q be consecutive normals ; PT, P'T'
consecutive tangents ; OT, OT , ON, ON' perpendiculars from the origin
upon the tangents and normals . Then, putting p for OT = PN, q for
PT ON, and do for 4 TPT' = PQP', &c. , we have
dp QN = dq and pPQ = p + QN = p + P24.
dy dy'
(5148. ) dp = r cos pd and cos r.. Eliminate cos p.

5149 DEF. - The evolute of a curve is the locus of its centre

of curvature. Regarding the evolute as the principal curve ,
the original curve is called its involute.

5150 The normal of any curve is a tangent to its evolute .

PROOF . - By differentiating equation ( 5135) on the hypothesis that & and
7 are variables dependent upon 2, and combining the result with (3 ) , we
obtain yn = −1.
In ( Fig. 94) , the normal at P of the curve AP touches the evolute at Q.
Otherwise the evolute is the envelope of the normals of the given curve.

If xy and En are the points P, Q, we have the relations

x de
5151 §—º d§+ ?—Y dn
dŋ = dp, = dn = dp
ρ Р E- x n- y P
PROOF. Take Qn de and ns = dn, then Qsdp. The projection of
Qn, ns gives dp in ( 5151 ) and proportion gives ( 5152 ) .

5153 The evolute and involute are connected by the for

mulæ below, in which r' , p', s' in the evolute correspond to
r, p, s in the involute.

5154 pts := constant ; p²² = r² -p² ; r'² = r² + p² → 2pp.


PROOF. -From Fig. ( 94) , dp = ± ds ', &c., s being the arc RQ measured
from a fixed point R. Hence, if a string is wrapped upon a given curve, the
free end describes an involute of the curve. (3155 , ' 6 ) from Fig. (93) .

5157 To obtain the equation of the evolute ; eliminate x and

y from equations ( 5135 , ' 6) and the equation of the curve .

5158 To obtain the polar equation of the evolute ; eliminate

r and p from ( 5156) and (5157) and the given equation of the
curve r == F(p).

5159 Ex .- To find the evolute of the catenary y = (ee + e³ ) . Here

Y₂ = } (e® — e ® ) = √ (y² —c²) ; Y2x = (e + e ) = 1 ; so that equations
с 2c
(5135, ' 6) become
(x −5) + (y -
— n) √ (y² — c³) = 0 and % = 0.
1 + 2² =c² + (y — n) ¼
n nη
), x = -
From these we find y = ½ −24c √ (n² - 4c²). Substituting in the

equation of the curve, we obtain the required equation in § and ŋ.


An inverse question occurs when the arc is a given func

tion of the abscissa , say s = (x) ; the equation of the curve
in rectangular coordinates will then be

5160 y = √√ (s² - 1) dx. [ From (5113) .

5161 The intrinsic equation of a curve is an equation inde

pendent of coordinate axes. Let y = (x) be the ordinary
equation , taking for origin a point 0 on the curve ( Fig. 95) ,
and the tangent at O for a axis . Let s = arc OP, and the
inclination of the tangent at P ; then the intrinsic equation of
the curve is

5162 s = S secvx, dv ;

where X4 is found from tan = ' (x).


To obtain the Cartesian equation from the intrinsic equa

tion :

5163 Let s = F (4) be the intrinsic equation . Eliminate

between this and the equations

= S cos yds, S sin yds.
y = √

5165 The intrinsic equation of the evolute obtained from

the intrinsic equation of the curve , s = F (4) , is

a constant. (5154)
dy + s' = 1,

5166 The intrinsic equation of the involute obtained from

s = F (4 ) , the equation of the curve, is

= S { l — F (4) } dy.

For d is the same for both curves (Fig. 94) , only differing
by , and 8 = Spdy.


5167 DEF.- An asymptote of a curve is a straight line or

curve which the former continually approaches but never
reaches. (Vide 1185) .


5168 RULE I.- Ascertain if y, has a limiting value when

x = ∞ . If it has, find the intercept on the x or y axis, that
is, x-yx, or y - xy, (5104) .
There will be an asymptote parallel to the y axis when yx is
infinite, and the x intercept finite, or one parallel to the x axis
when yx is zero and the y intercept finite.

5169 RULE II .- When the equation of the curve consists of

homogeneous functions of x and y, of the mth, nth, &c . degrees,
so that it may be written

xm = 0 ....... (1) ;
** ( 2/2 ) + a* x ( 2 ) + &c. = 0

put µx +ß for y and expand 4 ( µ + £), &c. , by (1500 ). Divide

(1 ) by x™,
xm, and make x infinite ; then ø ( µ ) := 0 determines p.
Next, put this value of µμ in ( 1 ) , divide by x -1, and make x
infinite ; thus Bo' (u) + x ( u ) =
= 0 determines ß. B. Should the
last equation be indeterminate, then
¹²ß³p" (µ) + ẞx' (u) + 4 (u) = 0
gives two values for B, and so on.
When n is < m - 1 , ẞ = 0 , and when n is > m - 1 , ß = ∞ .

5170 RULE III. — Iƒ p ( x , y) = 0 be a rational integral equa

tion, to discover asymptotes parallel to the axes , equate to zero
the coefficients of the highest powers of x and y, if those co
efficients contain y or x respectively.
To find other asymptotes - Substitute µx + ß for y in the
original equation , and arrange according to powers of x. To
find μ , equate to zero the coefficient of the highest power of x.
To find B, equate to zero the coefficient of the next power of x,
or, if that equation be indeterminate, take the next coefficient in
order, and so on.

5171 RULE IV .- If the polar equation of the curve be r = f (0)

and if r∞ makes the polar subtangent r²0, = c , a finite quan
tity, there is an asymptote whose equation is rcos ( 0 — a) = c ;
where af- 1 (∞ ) = the value of 0 ofthe curve when r is

5172 Asymptotic curves.-- In these the difference of corres

ponding ordinates continually diminishes as æ increases .

4 (2 ) + a are asymptotic.
As an example, the curves y = ¢ (r ) and y = ¢ x

5173 Ex. 1.- To find the asymptotes of the curve

(a + 3x) (x² + y¹) = 4x³ (1) .
The coefficient of y², a + 3x = 0, gives an asymptote parallel to the y axis.
Putting yμx = +B, (1) becomes
(a + 3x) (x² +µ²x² + 2µßx + ß³) -— 4x³ = 0 ..... (2) .
The coefficient of x³, 3 ( 1 + µ³) -4 = 0 gives μ = ± Substituting this
4a 63
value of μ in (2) , the coefficient of a³ becomes ㄓ ; and this, equated
2a √3 √3
to zero, gives ẞ == · Hence the equations of two more asymptotes
are 3y /3 (3x - 2a).

Ex. 2. -To find an asymptote of the curve r cosa cos 20. Here
do a² cos 20
зав =
dr a cos 20 sin 0—2a sin 20 cos 0
When r∞ , 0 = π, and r²0, = —a. Hence the equation of the asymp
tote is r cos 0 = -a.


5174 Concavity and Convexity. -A curve is reckoned convex

or concave towards the axis of a according as yy2r is positive
or negative .


5175 A point of inflexion (Fig. 96) exists where the tangent

has a limiting position , and therefore where y, takes a maxi
mum or minimum value .

5176 Hence y
Y2x must vanish and change sign , as in (1832) .

5177 Or, more generally, an even number of consecutive

derivatives of y = p (x) must vanish , and the curve will pass
from positive to negative, or from negative to positive , with
respect to the axis of a, according as the next derivative is
negative or positive. [ See (1833) .


5178 A multiple point, known also as a node or crunode,

exists when y, has more than one value , as at B (Fig. 98 ) . If
• (x, y) = 0 be the curve, and 4 , must both vanish, by
( 1713). Then , by (1704) , two values of y determining a
double point, will be given by the quadratic

Þ2yyx +2xyYx + 2x = 0 ..... (1).

5179 If 2x, Pay Pay also vanish ; then, by (1705 ) , three

values of y , determining a triple point, will be obtained from
the cubic
P3yys + 32yx yz + 3y2x Yx + 3x = 0 ...... (2) .

5180 Generally, when all the derivatives of of an order


less than n vanish, the equation for determining y. (put = z)

may be written
(zd, + dx)” p (x, y) = 0 .
PROOF .-Let ab be the multiple point. Then, by (1512) ,

$ (a + h, b + k) = n-1;! (hd¸ +kd,)* ¢ (x, y)

+ terms of higher order which vanish when h and k are small.

And = $x = dy in the limit.
Φυ dx


5181 When two branches of a curve have a common tan

gent at a point, but do not pass through the point, they form
a cusp , termed also a spinode or stationary point.

5182 In the first species, or ceratoid cusp (Fig. 100 ) , the

yr have opposite signs .
two values of Y2x

5183 In the second species , or ramphoid cusp (Fig . 101 ) ,

they have the same sign.


5184 A conjugate point, or acnode, is an isolated point whose

coordinates satisfy the equation of the curve . A necessary
condition for the existence of a conjugate point is that ⚫I and
, must both vanish.

PROOF. For the tangent at such a point may have any direction, there
fore is indeterminate ( 1713 ) .

5185 There are four species of the triple point according as

it is formed by the union of

(i.) three crunodes, as in (Fig. 102) ;

(ii. ) two crunodes and a cusp, as in (Fig. 103 ) ;
(iii .) a crunode and two cusps, as in (Fig. 104) ;
(iv. ) when only one real tangent exists at the point.

5186 Ex. - The equation y² = (x− a) (x — b) (x − c) * when

a < b < c represents a curve, such as that drawn in ( Fig. 97 ).

* Salmon's Higher Plane Curves, Arts. 39, 40.



When bc the curve takes the form in (Fig. 98) . But

if, instead, b = a, the oval shrinks into a point A ( Fig. 99 ) .
If a = b c the point A becomes a cusp , as in ( Fig. 100) .

A geometrical method of investigating singular points.

5187 Describe an elementary circle of radius r round the

point x, y on the curve p (x , y) = 0 , intersecting the curve in
the point x + h, y + k. Let hr cos 0, k = r sin 0. Expand
(x + h, y + k) = 0 by ( 1512) , and put = K sin y , Py
₁ ==
K cos y. We thus obtain
xy = 0
K sin ( y + 0) + ½
2 ( ₂, cos²0 + 24.x, sin 0 cos0 + 2, sin³0) + r
....... ( 1) ,
R being put for the rest of the expansion
According as the quadratic in tan 0,
P2x + 20.xy tan0 + 2y tan² 0 = 0 ,
has real, equal , or imaginary roots ; i.e., according as
Pay -P2x2 is positive , zero , or negative, ay will be a crunode ,
a cusp, or an acnode. By examining the sign of R, the
species of cusp and character of the curvature may be deter
mined .
Figures ( 105 ) and ( 106) , according as R and 2 have
opposite or like signs , show the nature of a crunode ; and
figures (107) and (108 ) show a cusp .
PROOF.-At an ordinary point the circle cuts the curve at the two points
given by 0 = y, 0 = π - y. But, if . and , both vanish, there is a
singular point. Writing A, B, C for 2x , xy , P2y , equation ( 1 ) now becomes
A 2R
C cos² 0 { tan² 0 + 2B tan 0+ + = 0 ...... .......... (2) .
(i .) If B² > AC, this may be put in the form
C cos² 0 (tan 0 — tan a) (tan 0 — tan ß) + 22.2 = 0 ,

and the points of intersection with the circle are given by 0 = α, ß, π + α ,

and +6. (Figs. 105 and 106.)
(ii.) When B³ AC, we may write equation (1)
C cos 0 (tan 0 -tana) + 2.2 = 0.

If R and C have opposite signs, there is a cusp with a for the inclination of
the tangent (Fig. 107) . So also, if R and C have the same sign, the inclina
tion and direction being +a ( Fig. 108) . The cusps exist in this case
because R changes its sign when is added to 0, R being a homogeneous
function of the third degree in sin 0 and cos 0.
(iii.) If BAO, there are no real points of intersection, and therefore xy
is an acnode.
4 x


5188 A contact of the nth order exists between two curves

when n successive derivatives , y ... Ynx or re ...· rne , corres
pond. The curves cross at the point if n be even. No curve
can pass between them which has a contact of a lower order
with either .

Ex. The curve y ( x) has a contact of the nth order, at the point
¢ ( a) + (x −a) 4′ (a) +... + (x —a) " q″ (a ) .
where a = a, with the curve y = 4

5189 COR .- If the curve y = f(x) has n parameters , they

may be determined so that the curve shall have a contact of
the (n - 1 )th order with y = ( ).
A contact of the first order between two curves implies a
common tangent, and a contact of the second order a common
radius of curvature .

Conic of closest contact with a given curve.

5190 Lemma .— In a central conic ( Fig. of 1195) ,

tan CPG = 1 dp
3 ds

PROOF. -Putting PCT = 0, CPT = ¢ , CP = r, CDR, we have, by

(1211), r² + R² = a² + b², . rr, - RR, …………….. (i.) .
Also Rr sin ab, by ( 1194) , .. Rr³0, = ab, by ( 5110 ) ……………………. (ii. ) .

Now tan CPG = —cot & = —

− ( 5112 ) = —r, = — ᎡᎡ
R³R,, by (i.) and (ii. ) .
go 760 . ab
R³ 1 do = R&R,
But p= (4538) , .. = tan CPG.
ab 3 ds ab

5191 To find the conic having a contact of the fourth order

with a given curve at a given point P.
If O be the conic's centre, the radius r = OP, and the
angle v between and the normal are found from the equations

COS V 1 dv
tan v = 1 dp = --- --
3 ds ጥ P ds

and these determine the conic .


PROOF.- In Fig. 93, let O be the centre of the conic and P the point of
contact. The five disposable constants of the general equation of a conic
will be determined by the following five data : two coordinates of O, a com
mon point P, a common tangent at P, and the same radius of curvature PQ.
Since > = POT, do = POP', d↓ = TOT', and ds = PP', we have, in
passing from P to P', dv = P'OT - POT = dy - de. Now rde = ds cos v,
COS V d↓—dv = 1 dv
therefore = ; and tan has been found in the
T ds cos 0 Р ds
lemma .

The squares of the semi-axes of the same conic are the

roots of the equation

(9 +b² -3ac) ³ x² -9a² (18 +262-3ac) (9 + b² − 3ac) x+ 729a¹

= 0,

a, b, c being written for p, P., P28. The eccentricity is found

from 9 (e²- 2) ² (18 + 262-3ac)2

1-e 9+b² -3ac

Also the equation of the conic referred to the tangent and

normal at the point is

Ax² +2Bxy + Cy² = 2y,

1 2p
4 = 1 , B = – Ps
where A C= +
P ·3p P 9p 3

Ed. Times, Math. Reprint, Vol. XXI . , p. 87, where the demonstrations by
Prof. Wolstenholme will be found.


5192 An envelope of a curve is the locus of the ultimate

intersections of the different curves of the same species , got
by varying continuously a parameter of the curve ; and the
envelope touches all the intersecting curves so obtained .

5193 RULE .— Iƒ F (x, y, a) = 0 be a curve having the para

meter a, the envelope is the curve obtain by elimin a
ed ating
between the equations

F (x, y, a) = 0 and d.F (x, y, a) = 0.


PROOF.- Let a change to a + h. The coordinates of the point of intersec

tion of F (x, y, a ) = 0 and F (x, y , a + h ) = 0 satisfy the equation
F (x, y , a + h) − F(x, y, a) = 0, i.e., dF (x, y, a) = 0. (1404 )
h da

5194 If F (x, y , a , b , c , ... ) = 0 be the equation of a curve

having n parameters a, b, c , ... connected by n - 1 equations,
then, by varying the parameters , a series of intersecting
curves may be obtained. The envelope of these curves will
be found by differentiating all the equations with respect to
a, b, c, &c . , and eliminating da , db , ... and a, b , ...

5195 Ex. -In ( 2) of ( 5135 ) , we have the equation of the normal of a

curve at a given point xy ; , being the variable coordinates, and x, y the
parameters connected by the equation of the curve F (x, y) = 0. By differ
entiating for a and y, ( 5136 ) is found, and the elimination as directed in
(5157) produces the equation of the evolute which, by (5194), is the envelope
of the curve .



5196 s = (5113)
=Sds = S√ ( 1 + y ;) dx = S√1 + a; dy

5200 (5116)
= S√(x² +yï) dt =S√(r²+r²) d©
5201 (5111 )
= √√ (r°0; +1) dr = √√ (x² =p³)

5203 Legendre's formula, s = Pe

= Py +
+Spdp .

5204 The whole contour of a closed curve =


PROOF. In figure ( 93) , let P, P' be an element ds of the curve ; PT, P′T'
tangents, and OT, OT the perpendiculars upon them from the origin ; OT= p,
PTq. Then ds +P'T' -PT = TL, i.e., ds +dq = pdy ; therefore s +9
= Spdy. But qdy -dp ; therefore sp +Spdy. Also, in integrating
all round the curve, P'T
' -PT taken for every point vanishes in the summa
tion , or dq = 0.
0. Therefore ds =
√dq = 0 I pd .


5205 If y = (x) be the equation of a curve, the area

bounded by the curve, two ordinates (x = a, x = b) , and the a
axis , is , as in ( 1902) ,
=√a (x) dx.

5206 With polar coordinates the area included between two

radii (0 = a , 0 = ẞ) and the curve is
pr dr
A = ↓ Scra ²do = + Spds = ↓ S

PROOF. From figure ( 91 ) and the elemental area OPP'.

5209 The area bounded by two circles of radii a , b , and the

two curves 0 = ¢ (r ) , 0 = 4 (r ) ( Fig. 109 ) .
A d0
4 = (° C* * r dr do = ['a r {4 (r) −4 (r ) } dr .
a √p (r)

Here_r { 4 (r) — $ (r) } dr is the elemental area between the

dotted circumferences .

5211 The area bounded by two radii of curvature , the curve,

and its evolute ( Fig. 110).

4 = †Sp³d↓ = 3Spds.

PROOF. From figure (93) and the elemental area QPP'.


The following results may be added to those given in Arts. ( 1000-15) .

5212 Let ", " be corresponding radii of a curve and its

inverse, so that rrk² ; s , s' corresponding arcs , and p , p′
the angles between the radius and tangents , then
ds r
= and $ = '.
ds P

PROOF.- Let PQ be the element of arc ds, P'Q' the element ds', and O
the origin.
Then OP . OP' OQ . OQ', therefore OPQ, OQ'P' are similar triangles ;
therefore PQ : P'Q' :: OP : OQ'r : r' ; also 4OPQ OQ'P'.

5214 If p, p' be the radii of curvature,

= 2 sin 4.
27272+ 2/2/2

PROOF. From p = rsin p, p' = r' sin o, we have

k2 2, therefore dp' = k³ r²p, — 2rp ……………….….
p' = k² ... (i.) .
k2 dr 72
Also r= therefore == (ii.).
dr'Hla 2'2
1 = 1 dp' dr r
Now p´ = r'dr ', ( 5148 ) , therefore = 2p - by (i.) and (ii.) .
dp dr dr' rr Pr"

Therefore 2p
+ = 2 sin p.

5215 To find the equation of the inverse of a curve in

rectangular coordinates , substitute

k²x k²y
x²+y² x² +y²

for x and y in the equation of the given curve .

5216 The inverse of the algebraic curve

Un + Un- 1 + Un- 2 + ... + U₂ + U₂ = 0,

where u, is a homogeneous function of the nth degree , will be

k²un +k² (#−¹)un - 1 ( x² +y²) + k² (n− 2) Un-2 (x² +y²) ² + ...

.. +u。 (x² +y²) " = 0 .

5217 The inverse of the conic u₂ + u₁ + u₂ =: 0 is

k*u₂ +k²u₁ (x² +y² ) + u。 (x² +y²) ² = 0.

5218 If the origin be on the curve, this equation becomes

k²u₂ +u₁ (x² +y²) = 0 .

5219 The angle will also be unaltered in any curve ,

r = ƒ(0) , if the inversion be effected by putting
r = kr'n and 0 = no.

tan 4′ = r′0;; ( 5112 ) = r′0‚r, = r²²
n± knr' *-1 = kr'"0„ = r0, = tan 4 .


5220 The locus of the foot of the perpendicular from the

origin upon the tangent is called a pedal curve. The pedal of
the pedal curve is called the second pedal, and so on. Re
versing the order, the envelope of the right lines drawn from
each point of a curve at right angles to the radius vector is
called the first negative pedal , and so on.

5221 The pedal and the reciprocal polar are inverse curves
(1000, 4844. )


5222 Let C, P, Q be the respective areas of a closed curve,

the pedal of the curve , and the pedal of the evolute ; then

P − Q = C, P + Q = ‡fr³d¥, 2P = C + }fr°d¥ .
PROOF. With figure (93) and the notation of ( 5204) , we have, by (5206),
P = } [ p²d¥, Q = q'd ; therefore P + Q = (p² + q³) d¥ = § § r³d¥.
Also, taking two consecutive positions of the triangle OPT = A, we get
OPT- OP'T ' = dA = dC + dQ — ¿P. Therefore, integrating all round,

dA0 = C + Q - P.
Saa =

5225 Steiner's Theorem. - If P be the area of the pedal of a

closed curve when the pole is the origin , and P' the area of
the pedal when the pole is the point xy,

P' — P = }π (x² +y³) —ax — by,

27 2π
where α=
SP p cos ede and b= p sin o de ;
being the inclination of p.

PROOF.-(Fig. 111.) Let LM be a tangent, S the point xy, perpendiculars

OM = p and SR = p' . Draw SN perpendicular to OM, and let ON = P₁ ;
P' pp₁dų
then P′ = † [ p ” d↓ = } { (p −p₁) ² d¥ = ‡ [ p²à¥ + § [p ; d¥ — [ pp¸à¥
T 2
= P+ OS' - 0 p (x cos 0 + y sin 0) de, by (4094), and de
dɩ = dự .

= twice the area of the circle whose diameter is OS.

And §Spid↓

5226 COR. 1 .-—If P' be given , the locus of xy is a circle

whose equation is ( 5225) , and the centre of this circle is the
same for all values of P', the coordinates of the centre being
a b
π π

5227 COR. 2.-Let Q be the fixed centre referred to , and

let QS = C. Let P" be the area of the pedal whose origin is

Q; then P' - P" = c².

For a and b must vanish in (5225) when the origin is at the

centre Q, and a² +y² then = c².

5228 COR . 3.-Hence P" is the minimum value of P



5229 DEF. -A Roulette is the locus of a point rigidly con

nected with a curve which rolls upon a fixed right line or
curve .


5230 When a closed curve rolls upon a right line , the area
generated in one revolution by the normal to the roulette at
the generating point is twice the area of the pedal of the
rolling curve with respect to the generating point .
PROOF.- (Fig. 112.) Let P be the point of contact of the rolling curve
and fixed straight line, Q the point which generates the roulette. Let R be
a consecutive point, and when R comes into contact with the straight line,
let P'Q' be the position of RQ. Then PQ is a normal to the roulette at Q,
and P is the instantaneous centre of rotation . Draw QN, QS perpendiculars
on the tangents at P and R. The elemental area PQQ'P', included between
the two normals QP, Q'P', is ultimately equal to PQR + QRQ'. But PQR
= dC, an element of the area of the curve swept over by the radius vector
QP or r round the pole Q ; and QRQ' = r²d ; therefore, whole area of
roulette = C + } [ " r³d↓ = 2P, by (5224) .

5231 Hence, by ( 5228) , there is one point in any closed

curve for which the area of the corresponding roulette is a

* For a discussion of the pedal curves of an ellipse by the Editor of the Educ. Times and
others, see Reprint, Vol . 1., p. 23 ; Vol. xvi., p. 77 ; Vol . xvii., p. 92 ; and Vol. xx., p. 106.

minimum . Also the area of the roulette described by any

other point, distant c from the origin of the minimum roulette,
exceeds the area of the latter by Tс².

5232 When the line rolled upon is a curve , the whole area
generated in one revolution of the rolling curve becomes

C + tf*~
0 r² (1 + £) dv ,

where P, p' are the radii of curvature of the rolling and fixed
curves, and C is the area of the former .

PROOF.—( Fig. 113. ) Instead of the angle dy, we now have the sum of
the angles of contingence at P of the rolling curve and fixed curve , viz . ,

dy + dự = dy ( 1+ du
dy ) = d¥ (1+ º),
since pdy ds = p'dy', by ( 5146 ) .


5233 If and be corresponding arcs of the roulette and

the pedal whose origin is the generating point ; then , when
the fixed line is straight, σ = ; and when it is a curve,

São = √(1+ £) as.

PROOF . (Fig. 112. ) Let R be the point which has just left the straight
line, the generating point, N, S consecutive points on the pedal curve.
Draw the circle circumscribing RQNS, of which RQr is a diameter, and
let the diameter which bisects NS meet the circle in K. Then, when the
points P, R, P' coincide, KN and RQ are diameters, and SKN = SPN == dy
= QRQ' ; therefore SN or d = rdy := QQ' or do. When the fixed line is a

1+ º ) , as in (5232) .
rdų ( 1+
curve, dø = rd4


5235 Let a (Fig . 113 ) be the angle between the generating

liner and the normal at the point of contact ; p, p' the radii
of curvature of the fixed and rolling curves, and R the radius
of curvature of the roulette ; then,
PP cos a - r
P +p
4 Y

PROOF.-- Let consecutive normals of the roulette meet in O ; then

OQ = R, PQ = r, MPT = a .
R -r = PM = ds cos a
R " and do = r (d4 + d4 )
' = r ( ds + ds),
QQ' do
from which R is obtained . If the curvature of the roulette is convex to
wards P (Fig. 114) , we must write R + r instead of R - r above.

5236 The curvature is convex towards P when R is posi

tive , that is , when the carried point Q falls within the circle
whose diameter measured on the normal of the rolling curve
= Pp' When Q falls without this circle, the curvature is
concave ; and when Q falls upon the circumference, the point
is one of inflexion. The circle has for this reason been called
the circle of inflexions .

5237 In figure ( 163 ) let PA = p , PB = p' , PQ = r, OQ = R,

as in (5235) . Draw PCD, the circle of inflexions , with its
diameter PC_pp
= and therefore PD = COS a . From
P+ p" p +p
these values and proportion it follows that BC : BP : BA and
QD : QP QO. Also , if the circle on diameter PE = PC be
drawn, AE : AP : AB and OF : OP : 0Q.

5238 A simple construction for the centre of curvature of

the roulette is the following. ( Fig . 164 , with letters as in
5237.) At P draw a perpendicular to PQ to meet QB in N.
Join NA, which will meet QP produced in 0, the required

PROOF. From equation ( 5235) , assuming O to be the centre of curvature,

we can deduce the relation (BA : AP) (PO : OQ) ( QN : NB) = 1 , therefore,
by (968), A, O, N are collinear points.


5239 When a curve is rigidly connected with a rolling

curve , it will have an envelope . The path of its point of
contact with the envelope is a tangent to both curves, and
therefore the normal, common to the carried curve and its
envelope, passes through the point of contact P of the rolling
and fixed curve .

5240 The centre of curvature of the envelope is obtained as

follows .

In Fig. (163) , from P draw a normal to the carried curve meeting it in

Q, and let S on PQ be the centre of curvature of the envelope for the point
Q; and O that of the carried curve. Then PS is found from
1 1 1
+ = cos a
Р (25
•( PO
Ps +20).

5241 When the envelope is a right line, the centre of curva

ture lies on the circle of inflexions (5236 ) . When the carried
curve is a right line, the same point lies on the circle PEF
(Fig. 163) , and if the right line always passes through a fixed
point, that point lies on the circle PEF.

5242 If p be the perpendicular from a fixed point upon a

carried right line whose inclination to a fixed line is ; the
radius of curvature of the envelope is p = p +P2 , by (5147) .


5243 When a plane figure moves in any manner in its own

plane , the instantaneous centre of rotation is the intersection
of the perpendiculars at two points to the directions in which
the points are moving ; and a line from the instantaneous
centre to any point of the figure is the normal to the path of
that point .
Ex.-Let a triangle ABC slide with its vertices A, B always upon
the right lines OA, OB. The perpendiculars at A, B to OA, OB meet in Q,
the instantaneous centre, and QC is the normal at C to the locus of C.
Since AB and the angle AOB are of constant magnitude , OQ , the
diameter of the circle circumscribing OAQB, is of constant magnitude.
Hence the locus of the instantaneous centre Q is a circle of centre 0 and
radius 0Q.

5244 Holditch's Theorem.- If a chord of a given length LM

moves completely round a closed curve , the area enclosed
between the curve and the locus of a point P on the chord is
equal to Tee' where c = LK, c' = MK.

5245 If the ends of LM move on different closed curves

whose areas are λ , μ, while the area described by K is K, then
_πεί .
λέ + με -

PROOF.-(5244) . Let the innermost oval in figure (134) be the envelope

of LM, e its area, and E the point of contact. Let EL = l, EM = m,

EK = k, l + ma = c + c' ; 0, the inclination of LM. Then, integrating

in every case from 0 to 2π,
- a
18 -€
1 Srao = λ -ε d0
| :: ± S(r − m³) do = & S (l — m) d0 = \ —m.
+Sm²do = μ - e ) Also 2 S ( + m ) do = wa',
- с
... aSide = ña²+ λ — µ ...... (i.) . Similarly eSide = πc² + λ — к ...... (ii .) ,
the last being obtained from (P- 12) do = λ —k. K is then found by
eliminating the integral between (i .) and (ii . ) .
(5245. ) If the curves A, μ coincide, λ = μ and therefore A — K = πсс'.


5246 DEF. -A trajectory is a curve which cuts according to

a given law a system of curves obtained by varying a single
The differential equation of the trajectory which cuts at a
constant angle ẞ the system of curves represented by
(x, y, c) = 0 is obtained by eliminating c between the

(x, y , c) := 0 and tan ß =

tan B x + yYz,
- xYx

the derivatives of being partial, and y referring to the

trajectory. *
PROOF. - At a point of intersection we have for the given curve
m = 9x ÷ 319, and for the trajectory m'y . Employ (4070) .

If the trajectory is to be orthogonal, tan ß = ∞ , and the

second equation becomes

Pur = 0 .

Ex. To find the curve which cuts at a constant angle all right lines
passing through the origin.
Let y = ca represent these lines by varying c ; then, writing n for tan ß,
the two equations become y - ca = 0 and n ( 1 + cyx) = yx - c. Eliminating
c, xyz - y = n (yyx +x) . Divide by a² +y and integrate ; thus

tan - ¹ = n log√ (x² + y³) + C,


which is equivalent to r = aen, the equation of the logarithmic spiral ( 5289) .

* For a very full investigation of this problem, see Euler, Novi Com. Petrop. , Vol. XIV.,
p. 46, xvI . , p . 205 ; and Nova Acta Petrop. , Vol. I., p . 3.
CAUSTICS, &c. 717


5247 DEF. - A curve of pursuit is the locus of a point which

moves with uniform velocity towards another point while the
latter describes a known curve also with uniform velocity .

Let f(x, y) 0 be the known curve , ay the moving point

upon it, in the pursuing point, and n : 1 the ratio of their
velocities . The differential equation of the path of En is
obtained by eliminating a and y between the equations

f(x, y) = 0 .....………. (i .) , y— n = n; (x —§) ……………………. (ii . ) ,

√ (x² +y ) = n√ (1 +n?) (iii.) .

PROOF.-(ii . ) expresses the fact that xy is always in the tangent of the

path of En.
(iii. ) follows from 1 : n = √ ( de³ + dn³) : √ (dx² + dy') ; the elements of
arc described being proportional to the velocities .

Ex. The simplest case, being the problem usually presented, is that in
which the point xy moves in a right line. Let x = a be this line, and let
the point En start from the origin when the point xy is on the x axis. The
equations (i .) , (ii. ) , (iii . ) now become, since x = 0,
x = a, y = n + n; (a − E) , Y₂ = n√
/ (1 + n?) .
From the second y = n₂ ( a− ) , therefore ( a− ) 2x = n √ ( 1 + n²) .
dp nde
Putting 7₁ = P, =
√ (1 +p³) (a- E)*

Integrating by ( 1928) , we find

log (p + √1 +p³) = −n log ( a − ¿) + n log a,
so that p and vanish together at the origin ;
therefore √1 +p² +p =
a ) ";
(~~ ) ", and therefore √1 +p² —p = ( ª ~²
1 a n
therefore dn
de = 2 { (~~~) " - (~~~
d a )" } ,
1 - an
therefore " = 2
η } { a " ( a = 2) ² = " + a " ( a = 5) ** } + 1 -
n- 1 n+ 1 ~~n

the equation of the required locus, the constant being taken so that =n=0
together. If, however, n = 1 , the integral is
ξ2αξ a log
4a 2


5248 DEF. -If right lines radiating from a point be reflected

from a given plane curve, the envelope of the reflected rays is
called the caustic by reflexion of the curve.
Let 0,, 4 (x, y) = 0 be the equations of the
(x, y) = 0
tangent and normal of the curve , and let hk be the radiant
point ; then the equation of the reflected ray will be

(h, k) (x, y) +4 (h , k) $ (x, y) = 0 ,

and the envelope obtained by varying the coordinates of the

point of incidence, as explained in (5194) , will be the caustic
of the curve .

Ex.-To find the caustic by reflexion of the circle x² + y² = r² , the radiant

point being hk.
Taking for the tangent and normal, as in ( 4140) , a cos a + y sin a = 7,
and x sin a -y cos a = 0, the reflected ray is
(h cos a +k sin a — r) (x sin a—-y cos a)
+ (h sin a --k cos a) (x cos a + y sin a ― r) = 0 .
Reducing this to the form
A cos 2a + B sin 2a + C sin a ― D cos a = 0,
and differentiating for a,
-24 sin 2a + 2B cos 2a + C cos a + D sin a = 0.
The result of eliminating a is
{ 4 (h³ + k²) (x² + y³) —r² ( x + h) ² -
— r² (y + k) ² } ³ = 27 (kx — hy) ² (x² + y³ — h² —k³) ²,
the envelope and caustic required.

5249 Quetelet's Theorem . -The caustic of a curve is the

evolute of the locus of the image of the radiant point with
respect to the tangent of the curve .

Thus, in the Fig. of ( 1178) , if S be the radiant point, W is the image in

the tangent at P. The locus of W is, in this case, a circle, and the evolute
and caustic reduce to the single point S' .

Since the distance of the image from the radiant point is

twice the perpendicular on the tangent, it follows that the
locus of the image will always be got by substituting 2r for r
in the polar equation of the pedal, or for in the polar

equation of the reciprocal of the given curve with respect to
the radiant point and a circle of radius k .


THE CYCLOID .* (Fig. 115 )

5250 DEF.-A cycloid is the roulette generated by a circle

rolling upon a right line , the carried point being on the cir
cumference. When the carried point is without the circum
ference , the roulette is called a prolate cycloid ; and , when it is
within, a curtate cycloid.

5251 The equations of the cycloid are

x = a (0 + sin 0) , y = a (1 - cos 0) ,

where is the angle rolled through, and a the radius of the

generating circle.

PROOF.- ( Fig. 115. ) Let the circle KPT roll upon the line DE, the
point P meeting the line at D and again at E. Arc KP = KD ; therefore
arc PT = AK = OT. Also 0 = PCT, the angle rolled through from A, the
centre of the base ED. Then
x = OT + TN = a0 + a sin 0 ; y = PN = a - a cos 0.

5253 ρ the radius of curvature at P,

If s be the arc OP and p

s = 2PT = √ (8ay) , p = 2PK.

PROOF.- (i . ) The element Pp ==

= Bh = 2 ( OB− Ob) ultimately ; therefore,
by summation , s = 20B. Also OB = PT = √ (TK.TR) = √ (2ay ) .
(ii.) Let two consecutive normals at P and p intersect in L. Then PL,
pl are parallel to BA, bA ; therefore PLp is similar to BAi. But Pp = 2Bi ;
therefore P or PL = 2BA = 2PK.

5255 COR . - The locus of L, that is the evolute of the

cycloid , consists of two half- cycloids as shown in the diagram.

5256 The area of a cycloid is equal to three times the area

of the generating circle, and the curve length is four times
the diameter of the same circle .
PROOF. (i . ) Area PpmN = PprR = BbqQ ultimately. Therefore, by
summation, DE. AO - cycloid Ta³. But DĒ.AO = 2 ″ α.2a = 4ñа² ; there
fore cycloid = 3πα.
(ii. ) Total curve length = 8a, by ( 5253 ) .

The earliest notice of this curve is to be found in a MSS. by Cardinal de Cusa, 1454
See Leibnitz, Opera, Vol. II. , p. 95.

5257 The intrinsic equation of the cycloid is

s = 4a sin y.

PROOF : s = 2PT = 4a sin PKT, and PKT = PTN = 4.*


5258 This curve is the locus of the point R in Fig. (115 ) .

Its equation is

y = a ( 1 - cos
a )-

PROOF. From x = a0 and y = a ( 1 —cos 6) .

5259 The locus of S, the intersection of the tangents at P

and B, is the involute of the circle ABO.
PROOF : BS BP = arc OB.


5260 The equations in every case are

x = a (0 + m sin 0) , y = a (1 ― m cos 0) .

The cycloid is prolate when m is > 1 (Fig . 116) , and curtate

when m is < 1 (Fig. 117) , m being the ratio of CP to the
radius a.


5262 These curves are the roulettes formed by a circle

rolling upon the convex or concave circumference respectively
of a fixed circle , and carrying a generating point either within
or without the rolling circle.
The equations of the epitrochoid are

5263 x == ( a +b) cos 0 - mb cos a+bo,

5264 y = (a +b) sin ✪ — mb sin 0,

0— mỏ sin

For other properties, see Pascal, Histoire de la Roulette ; Carlo Dati, History ofthe
Cycloid ; Wallis, Traité de Cycloide ; Groningius, Historia Cycloidis, Bibliotheca Univ.; and
Lalouère, Geometria promota in septem de Cycloide libris ; Bernoulli, Op., Vol. Iv. , p. 98 ;
Euler, Comm. Pet., 1766 ; and Legendre, Exercice du Calcul. Int., Tom. 1, p. 491.

where a, b are the radii of the fixed and rolling circle

( Fig . 118 ) , 0 is the angle OCX, Q is the generating point
initially in contact with the x axis , and m is the ratio OQ : b.
The dotted line shows the curve described. For the hypo
trochoid change the sign of b.
PROOF : x = CN + MQ ;
CN = (a + b ) cos 0 ;
MQ OQ cos OQMOQ cos ( +0) , where = POR and bo = a0.

5265 The length of the arc of an epitrochoid is

s= cos b
(a +b )S{ 1 +m² —2m

which is expressed as an elliptic integral E (k, p) by substi

tuting a02bp .
For the arc of a hypotrochoid , change the sign of b .
PROOF : 8 =·Ss, do = √ √ (x² + y?) do (5113 ) . Find a. and Yo from (5263-4).


5266 For the equations of these curves make m = 1 , in

(5263 , ' 4) . P is then the generating point, and the curve is
shown by a solid line in Figure (118 ) . *

5267 If be the inclination of the tangent at a point P on

any of these curves ,
a+ b
cos 0 - m cos
tan y = = tan❝ +260, if m = 1 .
a+ b
sin 0 - m sin 0

a + 2b0,
5268 Hence, in the epicycloid , ¥ =
and the equation of the tangent is
x sin a+ 2b 0 -y cos a +2b
0 = ( a + 26) sin20.
26 26

5269 The equation of the normal will be

a+ 2b a + 2b a
x cos 0+y sin 0 = a cos
26 26 20
26 .

* Prof. Wolstenholme has investigated these curves considered as the envelopes of a

chord whose extremities move on a fixed circle with uniform velocities in the ratio : nor
m : ( -n).—Proc. Lond. Math . Soc. , Vol. Iv. , p . 321 .
4 z

5270 The length of the arc of an epicycloid or hypocycloid

included between two successive cusps is

8b πb2
(a + b ) , and the included area is ·(3a ± 2b) .
a a

PROOF. -Putting m = 1 into (5265) and a0 = bp, the length becomes

26 2# 86
20 (a ±
+ b ) (* sin 2 dø = a (a ± b) .
a 0
Otherwise by (5234) ; the pedal being the cardioid whose perimeter = 8a
(5333) .
(ii .) The area, by ( 5232) , is #b² + (* " 46' sin' 2
2 ( 1+ ) do ; since , in

Fig . ( 118 ) , dự of ( 5232) = dPOR = dø and r = PR = 2b sin 2.

5271 The evolute of an epicycloid is a similar epicycloid .

PROOF. The equation of the tangent referred to an x axis drawn through
the summit ofthe curve will be (by turning axes through an angle bra) ,
x cos a + 26 0 +y sin a + 26' 0 = ( a + 2b ) cos 260.
26 26
Comparing this with ( 5270) , which is the equation of the tangent of the
evolute, we see that the epicycloid and its evolute are similar curves having
their parameters in the ratio a + 2b : a ; and that the radius drawn through
a cusp of either of the curves passes through a summit of the other.

5272 When b = -a , the hypocycloid becomes a straight

line, namely , a diameter of the fixed circle .

THE CATENARY . (Fig. 119)

5273 Characteristic .- The perpendicular TP from the foot

of the ordinate upon the tangent is of a constant length c , and
therefore equal to OA, the perpendicular from the origin on
the tangent at the vertex. c is the parameter of the curve.
The equation is

5274 y = 2 (e⁰ + e¯³) .

dx C
PROOF : tan PCT = .. x = c { log (y + √y² —c³) —log c}
dy = √(y²—c²)'
(1928 ) , since x = 0 when y = c. Therefore
ec === { y + √
/ (y² —c²) } therefore e¨¤ = -—-_ { y − √
/ (y ' - c') } .

ac x
5275 If sarc AC, s= (e —e¯ ) = CP.

S√ (1 + y2) dx (5197)
2 (e³ — e´¹ ) = √
= √ √ ( 1 + 2² = 0 °) da = [ 1с dx = ¦ /(y
' − c ) = OP .

5276 The area OACT = cs . (5205)

5277 The radius of curvature at C = 1 , and is therefore

equal to the tangent intercepted by the axis of a.

с y2
PROOF : COS = , .. —sin 44, ➖ ➖ Yn '. p = 8 = 2²
y C ( 5146 ) .

5278 The catenary derives its name from a chain, which,

when suspended from its extremities, takes the form of this
curve .
For the equation of the evolute of the catenary , see ( 5159) .

THE TRACTRIX . (Fig. 119)

5279 Characteristic . - The length of the tangent intercepted

by the x axis is constant. This curve is the involute of the
catenary, being the locus of P in Figure ( 119 ) .
The equation of the tractrix is

5280 x = c log { c + √
/ ( c² − y³) } −c log y — √
/ (c² — y²) .
PROOF. Let the tangent_PT = c, then the differential equation of the
curve is therefore yx, = - c² - y . Substitute z = √c² — y², and integrate

by (1937) .

5281 The area included by the four branches TC².

PROOF.-Area = 4 ydx =-4 [' √c² –y³dy = wc², by (1933 ).

= 4fyda = 0


5282 This curve is the locus of a point Q on the tangent of

the tractrix in Fig. (119) . Let QT be equal to a given con
stant length d ; then the equation of the syntractrix will be

5283 x = clog { d + √ ( d² — y³) } —c log y— √✓

/ (d² — y³) .


5284 Characteristic . - The subtangent is constant.
The equation of the curve is either
5285 y = ae " , or x = n log 1,

where n =
NT, the constant subtangent , and a is the intercept
on the y axis .

5287 If n be an even integer, y may take negative values .

The most general form of the equation may perhaps be
assumed to be

y = e = ( cos 2 + i sin 2 ) .+


5288 Characteristic . - The angle OPS between the tangent

and radius is constant. The equation of the curve is either

5289 r = aen or 0 = n log².

5291 tan & = n, s = r sec &,

measuring s from the pole.

PROOF.-By ( 5112 ) and (5200) .

5293 Hence the length of the spiral measured from the pole
O to a point P ( Fig . 121 ) is equal to PS, the intercept on the
tangent made by the polar subtangent OS.

5294 The locus of S is a similar spiral , and is also an invo

lute of the original curve.

5295 The pedal curve, which is the locus of Y, is also a

similar equiangular spiral.

PROOF. The constancy of the angle makes the figure OPYS always
similar to itself. Therefore P, Y, and S describe similar curves. Hence, if
ST is the tangent to the locus of S, OST == OPS ; therefore PST is a
right angle ; therefore the locus of S is an involute of the original spiral . ‡

* Originated by James Gregory, Geometria Pars Universalis, 1668.

See Euler, Anal. Infin ., Vol . 11. , p. 290 ; Vincent, Ann . de Gergonne, Vol. xv., p. 1 ;
Gregory, Camb. Math. Journal, Vol. 1., pp. 231 , 264 ; Salmon, Higher Plane Curves, p. 274 .
For additional properties, see Bernoulli, Opera, p . 497 .


5296 Characteristic . - The distance from the pole is propor

tional to the angle described . Hence the equation is

5297 r = a0. Also tan o = 0. By (5112) .

5299 The intercept, PQ, on any radius between two succes

sive convolutions of the spiral , is constant and = 2α .

5300 The area swept over by any radius is one third of the
corresponding circular sector of that radius.

5301 This curve is one of the class the general equation of

which is
r = a0", with tan o =


5302 The equation is r = 0.

5303 An asymptote is the line y = a. (5171 )

5304 The spiral is also an asymptote to itself.

For when the radius is of the first order of smallness, the distance
between two successive convolutions is of the second order. Hence the
distance to the pole measured along the curve is infinite .

The area between the radiants r₁, r₂ is = ža ( r₁ — T₂).

5305 The equation of the Lituus is r =


5306 The equation is

√ (r² — a²) = a ((0+cos-1

0 + cos

: = OPY = cos and √ (r² - a²) = BP = arc AB = a (0 + ¢ ) .

5307 The pedal of the involute is the spiral of Archimedes .

* Invented by Conon, B.c. 250.


PROOF. - Let r' , ' be the coordinates of Y on the pedal curve . Then
r' = BP = arc AB = a ( 0 ' + }π ) . (See 5297) .

5308 The reciprocal of the involute is the hyperbolic spiral.

PROOF .-( Fig. 124.) Let P' on OY correspond to P, and let r', 0′ be the
polar coordinates of P'. Then r' = OP' =
But OY = BP = arc AB = a (0 ′ + } ″ ) , _.. r' = See (5302).
0' +1π

THE CISSOID . * (Fig. 125)

5309 Characteristic . A line drawn from the end, 0, of
a fixed diameter of a circle to the end , Q, of any perpendicular
ordinate intersects the parallel ordinate equidistant from the
centre in a point, P, whose locus is the cissoid . The equation
of the curve is
dy (6a - 2x) √x
5310 y² (2a -x) = x³ and =
dx 2 √(2a -— x)³ °

PROOF.--By similar triangles, y : x = √ (2ax − x² ) : 2a - x. Two mean

proportionals between the radius a and CS are given by the curve, for it
appears that a² : CT :: CT : CS, and therefore a CT : ✓CS.CT : CS.

5311 The tangent of the circle at B, the other end of the

diameter, is an asymptote to both branches of the cissoid .

5312 The area between the curve and its asymptote is equal
to three times the area of the circle .
PROOF : In y de substitute a = 2a sin² 0 .


5313 Characteristic . - The product PA.PB of the distances

of any point on the curve from two fixed points A, B is con
stant ; the equation is consequently

{y² + (a +x)² } { y² + (a — x)²} = m*

or (x² +y² +a²)² —4a²x² = m³,

where 2a = AB. The equation in polar coordinates is

r¹ -2a²r² cos 20 + a¹ — m¹ = 0 .

* Diocles, A.D. 500 .


5314 If a be > m, there are two ovals, as shown in the

figure. In that case, the last equation shows that if OPP'
meets the curve in P and P' , we have OP.OP ' = √ (a* —m¹) ;
and therefore the curve is its own inverse with respect to a
circle of radius = √ (a* —m¹) .

5315 O being the centre, the normal PG makes the same

angle with PB that OP does with PA.

PROOF. - From ( r + dr) (r' — dr′) = m² and rr' = m² ; therefore rdr = r'dr
or r : r = dr : dr' = sin 0 : sin 0' , if 0, 0' be the angles between the normal
and r, r'. But OP divides APB in a similar way in reverse order.

5316 Let OPR, then the normal PG, and the radius of
curvature at P, are respectively equal to

m²R 2m²R$
R2+a2 3R* + a* + m*

THE LEMNISCATE . + (Fig. 126)

5317 Characteristic. - This curve is what a Cassinian be

comes when m — a . The above equations then reduce to

(x² +y²)² = 2a² (x² - y²) and r² = 2a² cos 20.

5318 The lemniscate is the pedal of the rectangular hyper

bola, the centre being the pole.

5319 The area of each loop = a². (5206)

THE CONCHOID . ‡ (Fig. 127)

5320 Characteristic . - If a radiant from a fixed point 0 in

tersects a fixed right line, the directrix , in R, and a constant
length , RP = b , be measured in either direction along the
radiant, the locus of P is a conchoid . If OB = a, be the per
pendicular from O upon the directrix , the equation of the
curve with B for the origin or O for the pole is

5321 x²y² = (a +y)² (b² - y²) or r = a seco ± b .

* B. Williamson, M.A. , Educ. Times Math. , Vol. xxv. , p . 81.

+ Bernoulli, Opera, p . 609.
Nicomedes, about A.D. 100.

5323 When a < b , there is a loop ; when a = b , a cusp ;

and when a > b, there are two points of inflexion .

5324 To draw the normal at any point of the curve, erect

perpendiculars , at R to the directrix , and at O to OP. They
will meet in S the instantaneous centre , and SP will be the
normal at P (5242) .

5325 To trisect a given angle BON by means of this curve,

make AB - 20N, and draw the conchoid , thus determining
Q ; then AON = 3AOQ .

PROOF .- Bisect QT in S ; QT = AB = 20N, therefore SN = SQ = ON ;

therefore NOS = NSO = 2NQO = 2AOQ.

5326 The total area of the conchoid between two radiants each making
an angle 0 with OA is
a² tan 0 +26³0 +3a√ (b² - a²) or a² tan 0 + 26¹0,
according as b is or is not > a.
The area above the directrix
between the same radiants } = 2ab log tan (
( +
+ )
The area of the loop which exists when b is > a is
a + √ (b² — a³)
¹³ cos -¹ - 2ab log +a√ (b²- a³).
a- √(b² - a²)

THE LIMAÇON. * (Fig. 128)

5327 Characteristic. - As in the conchoid , if, instead of the

fixed line for directrix , we take a fixed circle upon OB as
diameter. This curve is also the inverse of a conic with
respect to the focus . The equation, with OB for the initial
line and axis of a is

5328 r = a cos 0 ± b or (x² +y² - ax) ² = b² (x² +y³) ,

where a = OB, b = PQ.

5330 With b > a, O is a conjugate point.

With ba, O is a node. [ For ma, see (5332) .

5331 The area = π ( } a² + b²) .

When a - 2b , the limaçon has been called the trisectrix.

* Blaise Pascal, 1643.


THE VERSIERA.* (Fig. 130)

(Or Witch of Agnesi.)

5335 Characteristic . - If upon a diameter OA of a circle as

base a rectangle of variable altitude be drawn whose diagonal
cuts the circle in B, the locus of P, the point in which the
perpendicular from B meets the side parallel to OA, is the
curve in question . Its equation is

5336 xy = 2a √ (2ax — x²) ,

where a 0C the radius .

5337 There are points of inflexion where a == 3a.

The total area is four times the area of the circle .

THE QUADRATRIX .† (Fig. 131 )

5338 Characteristic .-The curve is the locus of the inter

section , P, of the radius OD and the ordinate QN, when these
move uniformly, so that xa :: 0 : , where x = ON,
a = OA, and 0 = BOD. The equation is

a --x π
y = x tan
a 2

5339 The curve effects the quadrature of the circle, for

OC : OB :: OB : arc ADB.

PROOF : OC : OB :: CP : BD. But CP = x in the limit when it is small,

therefore CP : BD :: a : ADB.

5340 The area enclosed above the x axis = 4a²¯¹log 2 .

PROOF . —In the integral ( ≈ tan ( a≈≈ 7 ) de substituto ≈ (a - x) = 2ay,

and integrate Sy tan y dy by parts, using (1940) . The integrated terms
produce log cos - log cos at the limit , which vanishes though of
the form ∞∞ . The remaining integral is log cos y dy, and will be found
at (2635) .


5341 Characteristic . -The sum or difference of certain fixed

multiples of the distances of a point P on the curve from two

* Donna Maria Agnesi, Instituzioni Analitiche, 1748 , Art . 238. † Dinostratus, 370 B.C.
5 A

fixed points A, B, called the foci, is constant. The equations

of the inner and outer ovals are respectively

5342 mr₁ +lr₂ = ncs,

ncz, mr - lr₂ = nc3 ,

where r₁ = AP, r½ = BP, c¸ = AB, and n > m > l.

ι ncs
5343 To draw the curve, put m = μ and m = a ; therefore r₁ ± µr, = a,
where a is > AB and µ < 1 ( 1 ) . Describe the circle centre A, and radius
ᎪᎡ = a. Draw any radiant AQ, and let P, Q be the points in which it cuts
the ovals, then, by ( 1) ,

5344 PR = µPB and QR = µQB ……………………… . .. ( 2) .

Hence, by ( 932 ) , we can draw the circle which will cut AR in the required
points P, Q. Thus any number of points on the oval may be found.

5345 By (2) and Eac. VI. 3, it follows that the chord RBr bisects the
angle PBQ.
Draw Ap through r, and let PB, QB produced meet Ar in p and and q. The
triangles PBR, qBr are similar, therefore grµqB = ; therefore q is on the
inner oval. Similarly p is on the outer oval . By Euc. vi. B., PB . QB
= PR. QR + BR ; therefore, by ( 2 ) , ( 1 - µ³) PB.QB BR . Combining
this with PB : Bq = BR : Br, from similar triangles, we get
BR . Br a
5346 BQ.Bq = 2 = - 2 . (3) .
1- μ³ ·μ

5347 Draw QC to make 4BQC = BAq ; therefore , A, Q, C, q

being concyclic , we have, by (3 ) ,
a² --c3
BQ.Bq = AB.BC = (4) .
1 - μ²

Hence C can be found if a, μ, and the points A, B are

given . C is the third focus of the ovals , and the equation of
either oval may be referred to any two of the three foci .

Putting BC C₁, AC = C₁, AB = c,, 2the equation between l, m, n is

obtained from (4) thus : cc₁ (1 - µ³) = a² - c ; therefore c; (c, + c, ) = a² +µ³ñ‚ © •
Nc3 μ =
But C + = C₂, a = " and the result is
m m

5348 F°c₁ + n°c, = m²c₂ or l²BC + m²CA + n²AB = 0 ….. (5) ,

where CA - AC.

Putting 1 , 72, 73 for PA, PB, PC, the equations of the

curves are as follows

Inner Oval. Outer Oval.

5349 mr. +lr₂ = nc3 ... (6) , 2
mr₁ - lr₂ = nc3 ... (7) ,
5351 + lrs = mc2 ... (8),
nr₁ +lr₂ nri - lrs = mc2 ... (9) ,
5353 mrs - nr₂ = lc₁ ... ( 10) , nr₂ —mr₂ = lc ... (11 ) .
That (6) and ( 7) are equations of the curve has been shown . To deduce
the other four, we have APB = AqB = ACQ (5347) ; therefore ACQ,
APB are similar triangles. But, by (6), mAP + IBP = nAB, therefore
mAC + ICQ = nAQ or nAQ - 1CQ = mAC, which is equation ( 9 ) . Again,
ABQ, APC are similar. But, by (7) , mAQ - IBQ = nAB ; therefore
mAC - ICP = nAP or nAP + 1CP = mAC, which is equation (8) .
Equations ( 10) and ( 11) are obtained by taking (6 ) from ( 8) and ( 7)
from (9), and employing (5).

5355 AP.AQ AB . AC constant.

PROOF. Since A, Q, C, q are concyclic, QCA = QqA = ABB ; there

fore P, Q, C, B are concyclic ; therefore AP.AQ AB . AC constant ( 12) .
5356 CP.CP' = CA. CB constant.

PROOF: PCB = PQB = Bpq = BCq. Hence, if CP meets the inner

oval again in P' , CBq, CBP' are similar triangles . Again, because ▲ BPC
= BQC = BAq = BAP', the points A, B, P , P are concyclic ; therefore
CP.CP'CA . CB constant. Q. E. D.
Hence, by making P, P' coincide, we have the theorem :

5357 The tangent from the external focus to a series of tri

confocal Cartesians is of constant length , and = √ (CB.CA) .

5358 To draw the tangents to the ovals at P and Q. De

scribe the circle round PQCB, and produce BR to meet the
circumference in T ; then TP, TQ are the normals at P
and Q.

The proof is obtained from the similar triangles TQR, TBQ, which show
that sinTQA sin TQB = 1 : m, by (2) , and from differentiating equation ( 7),
which produces dr . dra = l : m .*
ds ds

5359 The Semi- cubical parabola y = ax is the evolute of a

parabola (4549) . The length of its arc measured from the
8 9
origin is s=
7a { (1 +2 ax) ' -1 }.

* For the length of an arc of a Cartesian oval expressed by Elliptic Functions, see a paper
by S. Roberts, M.A. , in Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. , Vol . v., p. 6.

5360 The Folium of Descartes , x³ -3axy +y³ = 0, has two

infinite branches , and the asymptote x +y + a = 0.

For the lengths of arcs and for areas of conics, see (6015) , et seq.


5400 A plane linkage, in its extended sense , consists of a

series of triangles in the same plane connected by hinges , so
as to have but one degree of freedom of motion ; that is , if
any two points of the figure be fixed , and a third point be
made to move in some path, every other point of the figure
will , in general , also describe a definite path. With two points
actually fixed, the linkage is commonly called a piece-work,
and if straight bars take the place of the triangles , it is called
a link-work.


5401 Mr. Kempe's fundamental five-bar linkage is shown

in Figure ( 135) . A, B, D' are fixed pivots indicated by small
circles . C, D, B' , C' , in the same plane, are moveable pivots
indicated by dots . The lengths of the bars AB, BC, CD, DA
are denoted by a, b , c , d. The lengths of AB′ , B'C' , C'D
' , D'A
are proportional to the former, and are equal to ka , kb, kc , kd,
respectively. Hence ABCD, AB'C'D ' are similar quadri
laterals , and LAD'C' = ADC. P being any assigned point
on BC and BP = λ , P' must be taken on DC so that
D'R' = λ Draw PN, P'N' perpendiculars to AB. Then,
throughout the motion of the linkage in one plane , NN' is a
constant length .

PROOF : NN' = BD' - (BN + N'D') . But BD'

a - kd, and
cd A
BN+N'D' = λ cos B-λ cos D = (2ab cos B- 2cd cos D)
ab 2ub
= ·(a² + b² -
— c² —d³) (702) . Hence

5402 NN
' a- kd
Qab (a² +b² — c² —d³).

5403 CASE I.- (Fig. 136.) (a - kd) ab

If λ = then
a² + b² -
— c² — d² '
NN' = =
2 ; consequently, if the bars PO BB and P′0 =

P'D' be added , the point O will move in the line AB.

If, in this case , dka and b = c, then λ = b and P coin

cides with C, P' with C', and B' with D, O as before moving
in the line AB.

5404 CASE II .- (Fig. 137. ) If, in Case I. , kd = a and

a² + b² = c² + d², A is indeterminate ; that is , P may then be
taken anywhere on BC. D' coincides with B, and ÑN' = 0 .
PP' is now always perpendicular to AB. If the bars PO,
P'O be added, of lengths such that PO² - P'O² =· P.B² — P'B²,
O will move in the line AB. If, on the other side of PP', bars
POP'B and P'O' = PB be attached, then O ' will move in a
perpendicular to AB through B.

5405 CASE III .— ( Fig. 138. ) If, in Case I. , kd = a, b = s
and ca , the figure ABCD is termed a contra- parallelogram .

BPA is indeterminate, BC ' = kc = — and BP' — λ.
Hence BC and BP' are measured in a reversed direction ;
PP' is always perpendicular to AB, and if any two equal bars
PO, P'O are added, O will move in the line AB.

5406 If three or more similar contra-parallelograms be

added to the linkage in this way, as in Figure ( 139) , having
the common pivot B and the bars BA, BC, BE, BG in geo
metrical progression ; then, if the bars BA, BG are set to any
angle , the other bars will divide that angle into three or more
equal parts .

5407 If, in Figure ( 138 ) , AD be fixed and DC describe an

angle ADC, then B'C' describes an equal angle in the opposite
direction. Mr. Kempe terms such an arrangement a reversor,
and the linkage in Figure ( 139 ) a multiplicator. With the aid


of these, and with a translator ( Fig. 140) , for moving a bar

AB anywhere parallel to itself, he shows that any plane curve
of the nth degree may, theoretically, be constructed by link

5408 CASE IV .-- ( Fig . 141. ) If, in the original linkage

(Fig. 135) kda, D' coincides with B. Then, if the bars
' be added by pivots at P, P
', and R ; and if
OPPR = BP' and O'P'P'R = BP ; the points 0, 0
will move in perpendiculars to AB. For by projecting the
equal lines upon AB, we get NL = BN ' and BN = N'L ',
therefore BL = BL = NN' = a constant, by (5402 ) .

5409 CASE V.- (Fig. 142. ) Make kad and λ = b. Then

B' coincides with D, P with C, and P
' with C. Replace D'C
CD by the bars DK, KD ' equal and parallel to the former.
Also add the bars CO = DK and OK = CD. Draw the per
pendiculars from O, C and C' to AB. Then by projection ,
NL = N'D' ; therefore BL = BN+ NL = BN+ N'D = BD '
-NN' constant . Hence the point 0 will move perpendi
cularly to AB.

5410 CASE VI .— ( Fig. 143. ) In the last case take k = 1 .

Therefore da , D ' coincides with B, BK = BC, and CDKO
is a rhombus . This is Peaucellier's linkage.

5411 CASE VII.- ( Fig. 144. ) In the fundamental linkage

(Fig. 135 ) , transfer the fixed pivots from A, B to P, S, adding
the bar SA, so that PBSA shall be a parallelogram. Then,
since NN' is constant (5402 ) , the point P' will move perpen
dicularly to the fixed line PS.

5412 Join AC cutting PS in U, and draw UV parallel to AD.

Then UV : AD = PU : AB = CP : CB = constant ; there
fore PU and UV are constant lengths . Hence it follows that
the parallelism of AB to itself may be secured by a fixed pivot
at U and a bar UV instead of the pivot S and bar SA.

5413 In Case VII . ( Fig . 144 ) , with fixed pivots P and S

Proc. of the Lond. Math. Soc. , Vol. vII., p. 213.


and bar SA, make b = a , dc , kad, λ = b . Then B' coin

cides with D, N' with N, P with C and L, and P' with C′ ;
and we have Figure 145. DC, DC' are equal, and they are
equally inclined to AB or CS ; because, in similar quadri
laterals , it is obvious that AB and CD and the homologous
sides DC and AD ' include equal angles . Therefore CC' is
perpendicular to CS, and C' moves in that perpendicular only.

5414 If two equal linkages like that in (5413 ) , Figure ( 145) ,

but with the bars AS, CS removed , be joined at D ( Fig. 146 )
and constructed so that CDy ' , yDC
' form two rigid bars , then
AB, aẞ will always be in one straight line . Let A, B be made
fixed pivots, then , while C describes a circle , the motion of
the bar aß will be that of a carpenter's plane.

5415 On the other hand , if the linkage of Figure ( 145) , with

AS and CS removed as before, be united to a similar inverted
linkage ( Fig . 147) , with DC, DC ' common , then , with fixed
pivots A, B, D ' , the motion of the bar aß will be that of a lift ,
directly to and from AB.

5416 The crossing of the links may be obviated by the

arrangement in Figure ( 148 ) . Here the bars C'B, C'D, C'D'
are removed, and the bars FD, FE, FG added in parallel ruler

5417 CASE VIII.— ( Fig . 149. ) In Case VII . , substitute the

pivot U and the bar UV for S and SA. Make da , and
therefore 1. Then b' = b and c c , making BCDC ' a
contra-parallelogram ; D' coincides with B, and B' with D.
The bars AB, AD are now superfluous . Take BP = λ ; then

′ = \ { ; therefore PP
' is parallel to CC' , therefore to BD,

therefore to PV ( 5412 ) ; therefore V, P, P' are always in one

right line . P' , as in Case VII . , moves perpendicularly to PU
and AB. This arrangement is Hart's five-bar linkage.

5418 When a point P (Fig . 152) moves in a right line PS,

it is easy to connect to P a linkage which will make another
point move in any other given line we please in the same

plane. Let QR be such a line cutting PS in Q. Make Qa

fixed pivot , and let OQ , OP, OR be equal bars on a free pivot
O. Then, if the angle POR be kept constant by the tie-bar
PR, PQR, being one half of POR (Euc. III. 21 ) , will also be
constant, and therefore , while P describes one line , R describes
the other.
If the bar PO carries a plane along with it, every point in
that plane on the circumference of the circle PQR will move
in a right line passing through Q.


5419 If in the linkwork ( 5410 , Fig. 143) the bar AD be

removed , and D be made to describe any curve , O will describe
the inverse curve , just as, when D described a circle , O moved
in a right line which is the inverse of a circle.
PROOF. Let BOD and CK intersect in E. Then BO.OD = BE - OE
= BC² - 00² = a constant called the modulus of the cell.


5420 Two jointed rhombi ( Fig. 150) having a common

diameter AB form a double Peaucellier cell termed positive
or negative according as P or Q is made the fulcrum. We
have PQ.PR = PQ.QS = AP2 -AQ , the constant modulus
of the cell.


5421 If, on the bars of a contra - parallelogram ABCD

(Fig. 151 ) four points p, q, r, s be taken in a line parallel to
AC or BD, then in every deformation of the linkage, the
points p , q , r , s will lie in a right line parallel to AC ; and
Pq⋅ pr = pq . qs a constant modulus . Thus , if p be a ful
crum and describes a curve, q will describe the inverse
curve. If q be the fulcrum, p will describe the inverse curve .

PROOF. Let Ap = mAB, therefore pq = mBD, and pr = ( 1 − m) AC ,

therefore = m ( 1 — m) AC.BD = m ( 1 — m) ( AD²—AB²) = constant.

* Since the curve described is the inverse and not the polar reciprocal of the guiding curve,
it seems better to call this linkage an invertor rather than a reciprocator.


5422 Let the bars of the contra-parallelogram invertor

( 5421 , Fig. 151 ) carry planes , and let P, Q, R, S be points in
the planes similarly situated with respect to the bars which
contain p, q, r , s respectively, so that PAp = QAq and
AP: Ap AQ : Aq ; and similarly at C. Then , if P be the
fulcrum and R traces a curve , Q will trace the inverse curve
and the angle QPR will be constant .
PROOF.- Let PA = nAB and PB = n'AB, therefore, by similar triangles,
PAQ, BAD, PQ = nBD. Also, by the triangles PBR, ABC, PR = n'AC ;
therefore PQ.PR = nn´AC.BD = ·(AD - AB²) , a constant.
Again, the inclination of PQ to BD = that of AP to AB, which is con
stant. Similarly, by the triangles PBR, ABC, the inclination of PR to AC
= that of BR to BC, which is also constant ; therefore QPR, the sum of
these two inclinations , is a constant angle.


5423 Let ABCD ( Fig . 153) be a jointed parallelogram, A, B

fixed pivots, q a tracer placed at any assigned point in BC
produced ; then a pencil at p will evidently reproduce any
figure traced by q diminished in linear proportions in the ratio
of Bq to BC.


5424 In the same figure, make an angle qBQ = pDP,

BQ Bq, and DP = Dp, and let a tracer Q and pencil P be
rigidly connected to the arms BC and DC. Then P will pro
duce a similar reduced figure as before, but no longer similarly
situated . It will be turned round through an angle QBq.
This is Prof. Sylvester's Plagiograph .

PROOF. -Let BC = k. Bq ; therefore AD = kBQ, DP = kAB, and ABQ

= PDA ; therefore ( Euc. vi . 6) AP = kAQ. Also PAQ is a constant angle,
for PAQ = BAD- BAQ- PAD = BAD- BAQ - BQABAD- (π - ABQ)
= BAD- + ABC + QBq = QBq.


5425 This linkage ( Fig. 154) accomplishes the division of

an angle into any desired number of equal parts . The dia

* Invented and so named by Prof. Sylvester.

5 B

gram shows the trisection of an angle by it. A number of

equal bars are hinged together end to end, and also pivoted
on their centres to the same number of equal bars which
radiate , fan- like, from a common pivot. The alternate radial
bars make equal angles with each other.
The same thing is accomplished in a different way by
Kempe's Multiplicator ( 5406 , Fig . 139) .


5426 In the arrangement of (5413 , Fig . 145 ) the locus of

any point P, on DC' , excepting D and C' , is an ellipse.
PROOF. -Take CS, CC' for x and y axes ; P the point xy ; SCD = 0,
and therefore CDC' = 20 ; PD = h. Then we have x = (c - h) cos 0,
x2 y³
y = (c +h) sin 0, therefore + 1 is the equation of the locus.
(c - h)² ' (c + h)²
Any point on a plane carried by DC also describes an ellipse round C ; but
if the point lies on a circle whose centre is D and radius DC, the ellipse be
comes a right line passing through C, as appears from (5418) .



5427 (Fig. 155. ) Let four bars AP' , AQ' , BC, CD be

pivoted at A, B, C, D, and let AB = BC = BQ '= a AD
= DC DP'b. Take a fulcrum F on BC, a tracer at P,
and a follower at Q, so that PQ is parallel to BD. Let FP = p,
FQ ; then, if P traces out a circle passing through F, Q
will describe a limaçon .

PROOF.- Let BQ = ma, therefore PD = mb ; r = 2m . BN, Р =(m + 1 ).DN

+ ( 1 − m) BN. Also BN - DN² = a² - b². Eliminate BN and DN, and the
equation between r and pρ is
² + (1 ― m) rp - mp² = m (m + 1) ² (a² — b²) = k³.
If P describes the circle pc cos 0, Q describes the locus
r² + (1 − m) cr cos 0 - mc² cos² 0 = k²,
which is the inverse of a conic, that is, a limaçon (5327) .
If C be made the fulcrum, the equation reduces to -p² = 4 (a² —b²).

5428 With the same fulcrum F, drawing FH parallel to

AC, if a tracer at H describes the circle , then a follower at K
on CD will trace out a bicircular quartic .

* W. Woolsey Johnson, Mess. of Math., Vol. v., p. 159.


PROOF. - Draw FL, LK parallel to BA, AD. Let FH = p, FK = r,

CK = B, CFanFB, and therefore CL = np. Now
2 (a² +(²) = r² + n²p² +
Therefore, if I moves on the circle p = c cos 0, K will describe the curve
+n²²² cos20−2 ( a² + ẞ²) r² + (a²²)² = 0,
or (x² + y²) ² + (n²c² — 2a² — 2ẞ²) x² ----
—2 ( a² + ß³) y² + (a²— (3²) ² = 0 .


5429 Let the three-bar linkwork (Fig . 156 ) have the bars
AB, DC produced to cross each other. Let AB = AD = a,
BC = b, CD = c ; and let b and c be adjustable lengths .
Suppose a -qx +r = 0 a given cubic equation.
Make c =
} √ (2 + 2 ), 6 = + √ ( 2− 2 ) ; then deform the
quadrilateral until EC = CD ; DE will then be equal to a real
root of the cubic .
- _ (x + a) ³ +4c² —a²
PROOF : cos E = x² +c² — b³ =
2cx 4c (x + a)
from which x³-2 (c² +b²) ∞ + 2a (c² — b²) = 0 .
Equate coefficients with the given cubic.t


5430 If a triangle ABC (Fig. 157) be connected by the

bars AO, BO ' to the fulcra O, O
' , the locus of C is called a
three -bar curve .
OA, O'B meet in Q, the instantaneous centre of rotation of
the triangle, since QA, QB are perpendicular to the movements
of A and B respectively. Therefore CQ is the normal to the
locus of C.

5431 If a triangle similar to ABC be placed upon 00 '

(homologous to AB) , the circum- circle of the triangle will
pass through the node, and the vertices of the triangle are
called the foci of the curve.

* M. Saint Loup , Comptes Rendus, 1874.

+ The foregoing account of linkages is taken chiefly from a paper by A. B. Kempe,
F.R.S. , in the Proc. of the Royal Soc . for 1875 , Vol. XXIII . Other results by the same author
will be found in the Proc. of the Lond. Math . Soc. , Vol . Ix. , p . 133 ; and by H. Hart, M.A. ,
ibid., Vol. vI. , p. 137, and Vol . VIII. , p. 286. See also The Messenger of Mathematics, Vol. v .

Figures ( 158 ) and ( 159 ) exhibit different varieties of the

curve according to the relative proportions between the lengths
of the bars . *


The Mechanical Integrator .+

5450 This instrument computes not only the area of any

closed plane curve , but the moment and also the moment of
inertia of the area about a fixed line. The principle of its
action is shown in Figure ( 160 ) . OP is a bar carrying a
tracer at P, and a roller 4 at some point of its length. The
end is constrained to move in the fixed line ON. When
the tracer P moves round a closed curve, the length OP mul
tiplied by the entire advance recorded by the roller is equal to
the area of the curve.
PROOF. - Let the motion of the tracer from P to a consecutive point Q be
decomposed into PP' and P'Q parallel and perpendicular to ON. Let
OP = a and PON = 0. When the pointer moves from P to P', the roll
accomplished is PP' sin 0. The roll due to the motion from P' to Q will be
neutralized by the exactly equal and opposite roll in the motion of the pointer
from q to p', since the bar will there have again the same inclination . Con
sequently the product of the entire roll and the length a is equal to the sum
of such terms as aPP' sin 0. But this is the area ÕPP′0' = NPP'N' . The
algebraic addition of such rectangles gives the entire area, and the instru
ment effects this, for the area SN is subtracted, by the motion of the roller,
from the area QN which is added.

5451 The instrument itself is shown in Figure ( 161 ) . A

frame moving parallel to OX by means of the guide BB
carries two equal horizontal wheels geared to a central wheel
which has two circumferences , such that its rate of angular
motion is half that of the lower wheel and one third of that of
the upper. The latter wheels carry two rollers , M and I, on
horizontal axles ; and the middle wheel carries an arm OP, a
pointer at P, and a roller A. In the initial position , the

The curve is a tricircular trinodal sextic, and is completely discussed by S. Roberts,

F.R.S. , and Prof. Cayley, in the Proc. ofthe Lond. Math. Soc. , Vol. vii . , pp. 14, 136 .
† Invented and manufactured by Mr. J. Amsler-Laffon, of Schaffhausen. The demon
strations (which in clearness and elegance cannot be surpassed) of the action of this instru
ment, and of the Planimeter which follows, were communicated to the author by Mr. J.
Macfarlane Gray, of the Board of Trade.

rollers A and I are parallel, while M is at right angles to A.

The frame is thus supported above the paper on the three
rollers ; and if the arm OP be moved through an angle AOA',
the axles of the rollers M and I will describe twice and three
times that angle respectively . Putting OP - a as above, and
A, M, and I for the linear circumferential advances recorded
by the three equal rollers respectively , we have the following

I.—The area traced out by the pointer P = Aa .

II .—The moment of the area about OX =M

III . - The moment of inertia about OX = (3A +I):

PROOF. - I. Since O moves in the line OX, while the pointer P moves round
a curve, the roller A will, as shown above, make the rolling Eh sin 0, where
h = PP' in Figure ( 160 ) , and the area of the curve = aΣh sin or a × roll .
II. The moment of the area about OX
a sin 0 a²
= Σ ( ah sin 0 × 2 9 = ( h - Σh cos 20) .
)= 4
Now Σh vanishes when P returns to the starting point, and -Σh cos 20 is the
roll recorded by M. For, when OP makes an angle 0 with OX, the axis of
M will make an angle -( 90° + 20) with OX. In this position, while P makes a
parallel movement h, the roll produced thereby in M will be -h sin ( 90° +20)

=-h cos 20. Therefore x roll of M = moment of area.
III. Lastly, the moment of inertia of the area about OX
= Σah sin 8 x a² sin²0 ) =
(ah 12 (3h sin 0 - h sin 30) .
Now, when OP makes an angle with OX, the axis of I makes –30 ; there
fore --Eh sin 30 is the entire roll of I. Hence the moment of inertia
as as
= x roll of 4+ X roll of I.

The Planimeter. (Fig. 162)

5452 This instrument * is a simpler form of area computer .

O is a fixed pivot ; OA, AP are two rods having a free pivot
at A ; C is the roller , and P the pointer. The area of a closed
curve traced by the pointer is equal to the total roll multiplied
by the length AP.

* Like The Integrator, the invention of Mr. Amsler.


PROOF. Decompose the elementary motion PQ of the pointer into PP',

effected with a constant radius OP, and P'Q along the radius OP' , and so all
round the curve . The roll of C accomplished while P moves from P' to Q
will be neutralized by the equal contrary roll when P moves from q to p' on
the radius Op' = OP. Thus the total roll recorded will be the sum of the
rolls due to the movements PP', QQ', &c.
Draw OB perpendicular to AP, and, when P comes to R, let B' be the
altered position of B. The area PQSR = } ( OP² - OR²) w, where w = POQ.
But OP² = 04² + PA² - 2PA . AC - 2PA.BC (Euc. II . 13) ; therefore, since
BCis the only varying length on the right, we have PQSR = PA(BC ~ BC ) w.
But BC is the roll of C due to the angular motion w of the rigid frame OAP,
and the subtraction of the area OSR from OPQ is effected by the instrument,
since when the pointer moves from S to R the direction of the roll must be
reversed . Hence the total area = PA × the total recorded roll.


5453 In the figure of (1178) , the biangular coordinates of a

point P are defined to be = PSS
' and Φ = PS'S, or
a = cote and ẞcot p.

5454 The equation of a right line YY' is

aa + bB = 1,

where a cot SYS

' and b = cot SY'S'.

PROOF.- Supplying the ordinate PN in the figure and denoting the angle
S'SY by 4, the equation is obtained from CN cos +PN sin = p the per
pendicular on the tangent, SS' sin & YY' and SS' cos = SY- SY'.

5455 cota - b.

5456 Equation of a line through C : a- ẞ

ß = const.

5457 Equation of the line at infinity : a +ß = 0 .

5458 Let SS'c, then the distance between two points

αιβι , α , β , is
1 2
= c² { ( a + B. a
, + B₂
8.) ² + (a, 48, -a, 78.)
a₂+ B₂ "}

* Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, Vols. 9 and 13 ; W. Walton, M.A.


5459 The equation of a line through the two points is

a -a1 α1 -α₂
B-B₁ B₁ - B₂

5460 The length of the perpendicular from a'ß' upon the

line aa +bẞ = 1 is
P= aa' +bB - 1
' +ß
a ' ` √ { (a − b)² + 1 } '

5461 COR. - The perpendiculars from the poles S, S' are

bc ac
SY = S'Y' =
√{(a− b)² +1 } ' √{ (a− b)² + 1}'

5463 When the point a'ß' is on SS' at a distance h from S,

(a - b) h + bc
p = √ { (a − b)² + 1 } '

With two lines aa + bẞ = 1 , a'a + b'ß = 1 , the condition

5464 of parallelism is a - ba - b' ,

5465 of perpendicularity (a - b) (a' —b') + 1 = 0 .

5466 The equation of the line bisecting the angle between

the same lines is

aa + bB- 1 a'a + b'ß - 1

✓ { (a −b)² + 1 } = √{ (a' — b')² + 1 } '

5467 The equation of the tangent at a point a'ß' on the

curve F (a , ẞ) = 0 is

(a - a') F + (B - B
') F = 0.

5468 And the equation of the normal is

a - a' B- B
' −1 ) Fp + ( 1 +a²) F。 (a’'B
' −1) F. + (1 +ß³) F„

5469 The equation of a circle through S, S' is

aß− 1 = m (a +B),

where m cot SPS' the angle of the segment.


5470 If C be the centre, the equation becomes

αβ = 1 .

5471 And , in this case, the equations of the tangent and

normal at a'ẞ' are respectively

å +B = 2 and a - ẞ = a' - 8

5472 The equation of the radical axis of two circles whose

centres are S, S' , and radii a , b , is

(c² — a² + b²) a = (c²+a² —b³) B.

PROOF. By equating the tangents from aß to the two circles, their

lengths being respectively
c² (1 + a²) -a² and c² (1 + ß³)
-b', by (5458 ) .
(a + B) (a +B)¹

5473 To find the equation of the asymptotes of a curve

when they exist ,
Eliminate a and ẞ between the equations of the line at

infinity a +B = 0,
the curve F (a, B) = 0,

and the tangent (a - a') F + ( B — B') Fg = 0.

Ex. The hyperbola a' +6 m³ has, for the equation of its asymptotes,
a− B = ± m√2.



5501 The position of a point P in this system (Fig . 168 ) is

determined by its distances , a = PA, y = PB, z = PC, from
three fixed planes YOZ, ZOX, XOY, the distances being
measured parallel to the mutual intersections OX, OY, OZ of
the planes , which intersections constitute the axes of coordi
nates . The point P is referred to as the point xyz , and in
the drawing x, y , z are all reckoned positive, ZOX being the
plane of the paper and P being situated in front of it, to the
right of YOZ and above XOY. If P be taken on the other
side of any of these planes , its coordinate distance from that
plane is reckoned negative .


5502 In this system the position of a point is determined

by four coordinates a, ß, y, 8 , which are its perpendicular
distances from four fixed planes constituting a tetrahedron of
reference . The system is in Solid Geometry precisely what
trilinear coordinates are in Plane . The relation between the
coordinates of a point corresponding to (4007 ) in trilinears is

5503 Aa + BB + Cy + D8 = 3V,

where A, B, C, D are the areas of the faces of the tetrahedron

of reference, and V is its volume.


5504 In this system the coordinates of a point are the

volumes of the pyramids of which the point is the vertex and
5 C

the faces of the tetrahedron of reference the bases : viz. , Aa,

BB, C , D. The relation between them is

5505 ' + y + 8 = V.
a²+ ß


5506 Let O be the origin ( Fig. 168 ) , XOZ the plane of

reference in rectangular coordinates , then the polar coordi
nates of a point P are r, 0, p , such that r = OP, 0 = ▲ POZ,
and XOC between the planes of XOZ and POZ.


5507 The coordinates of the point dividing in a given ratio

the distance between two given points are as in (4032 ) , with a
similar value for the third coordinate Z.

5508 The distance P, Q between the two points xyz , x'y'z' is

PQ = √
/ { (x − x') ² + (y — y') ² + ( ≈ — ≈') } . ( Euc. I. 47) .

5509 The same with oblique axes , the angles between the
axes being A, µ, v.

PQ = √
/ { (x − x') ² + (y — y
' ) ² + (≈ — ≈' ) ² + 2 (y — y' ) (≈ — ≈') cos à

+2 (≈ —≈') (x − x') cos µ +2 (x − x') (y — y') cos v } . (By702).

5510 The same in polar coordinates , the given points being

rop, r'e'p',

PQ = √ [r² + r'² −2rr { cos cos + sin sin & cos (4 — ☀') } ] .

PROOF.- Let P, Q be the points, O the origin. Describe a sphere cutting

OP, OQ in B, C and the z axis in A ; then, by (702), PQ = OP² + OQ³
-20P.OQ cos POQ and cos POQ, or cos a in the spherical triangle ABC, is
given by formula (882) , since b = 0, c = 0', and  = ¢ — ¢´.


5511 Through any point Q on a right line QP (Fig. 169) ,

draw lines QL, QM, QN parallel to the axes, and through any
other point P on the line draw planes parallel to the coordi

nate planes cutting the lines just drawn in L, M, N ; then the

direction ratios of the line OP are

5512 1
ι = m = n=

The angles PQL, PQM, PQN are denoted by a , ß , y ; and the

angles YOZ, ZOX, XOY between the axes by λ, µ, v.

5513 When λ, μ, v are right angles , the axes are called

rectangular , and the direction-ratios are called direction
cosines , being in that case severally equal to cosa, cosß ,
cos y.

5514 When L, M, N are the direction-ratios (or numbers

proportional to them) of a line which passes through a point
abc, the line may be referred to as the line (LMN, abc) , or, if
direction only is concerned , merely the line LMN.


5515 The relation between the constants of a line with

rectangular axes is
l² + m² + n² = 1 ;

and with oblique axes , it is

5516 I cos a + m cos B + n cos y = 1.

PROOF. The first by (Euc. 1. 47) . The second by projecting the bent
line QLCP ( Fig. 169) upon PQ, thus PQ = QL cos a +LC cos ẞ + CP cos y,
and QL = PQ.1, &c. , by ( 5512) .

5517 Also , when the axes are oblique ,

cos a = 1 + m cos v + n cos μ,

cos B = m + n cos λ + cos v,
cos y = n + l cos μ + m cos λ.

PROOF. By projecting QP in figure ( 169) and the bent line QLCP upon
each axis in turn, and equating results ; thus PQ cos a = QL + LC cos B
+ CP cos y, applying ( 5512) .

5518 The relation between l , m, n and λ , µ , v is

l² + m² + n² + 2mn cos λ +2nl cos µ + 2lm cos v = 1 .

PROOF.-By eliminating cos a, cos ß, cos y between (5516) and ( 5517) .

5519 The relation between cos a, cos ẞ, cos y and λ, μ, v is

cos² a sin² + cos² ß sin² μ +cos y sin² v

+2 cos ẞ cos y (cos μ cos v- cos λ)

+2 cos y cos a (cos v cos λ - cos μ)

+2 cos a cos ẞ ( cos à cos μ - cos v)

= 1 - cos²λ - cos² μ - cos² v + 2 cos à cos μ cos v.

PROOF. By eliminating l, m, n between the four equations in (5516) and

( 5517) .

5520 The angle between two right lines lmn, l'm'n' , the
axes being rectangular :

cos = ll' + mm' + nn'.

PROOF. -In Figure ( 169) , let QP be a segment of the line lmn. The
projection of QP upon the line l'm'n' will be QP cos 0. And this will also
be equal to the projection of the bent line QLCP, upon I'm'n' , for, if
planes be drawn through Q, L, C, and P, at right angles to the second line
I'm'n' , the segment on that line intercepted between the first and last plane
will be QP cos 0, and the three segments which compose this will be
severally equal to QL . , LC.m', CP.n', the projections of QL, LC, CP.
Then, by ( 5512 ) , QL = QP.l, &c.

5521 sin² 0 = (mn' —m'n) ² + (nl' — n'l)² + (lm' — l'm)³.

1 — cos³ 0 = (l² +m² + n³ ) ( l'² +m²² + n'²) — ( ll' + mm' + nn')' (5515 , '20) .

5522 With oblique axes ,

cos 0 = ll' + mm' + nn' + (mn' + m'n) cosλ

+ (nl' +n'l) cos µ + ( lm' + l'm) cos v.

PROOF. As in ( 5520 ) , substituting from ( 5517) the values of cosa, &c.


x-a - 2--C - a 2- c
= y-b
5523 = or
Ꮮ M N x7ª = m n

Here abc is a datum point on the line, and if r be put for the
value of each of the fractions , r is the distance to a variable
point xyz. L, M, N are proportional to the direction ratios of

the line, which ratios must therefore have the values

5524 1= m =
√ (L' + M² + N ')' V (E +M +N
√(L* +M³ +N®)'

5525 NOTE. - Instead of a, b, c in the equation we may use

kL + a, kM+ b , kl + c, where k is an arbitrary constant.

5526 The equations of a line may also be written in the

forms x = λz + a, y = μz + B.

5527 These are the equations of the traces on the planes of

xz and yz, and are equivalent to

x -a y- B ≈-0
= =
ī μ

5528 If the line is determined as the intersection of the two

planes Ax + By + Cz D and A'x + B'y + C'z = D ' , we may
write equations (5523 ) by taking

L = BC' — B'C, M = CA' - C'A , N = AB

′ - A'B,

DB' -D'B DA' -D'A

@ = b = " c = 0.

PROOF. Eliminate z between the equations of the planes, then the

reciprocals of the coefficients of x and y will be L and M.

5529 The projection of the line joining the points xyz and
abc upon the line Imn is

1 (x− a) + m (y — b) +n (z − c) .

5530 Hence , when the line passes through abc , the square
of the perpendicu lar from xyz upon it is equal to

(x — a)² +(y —b)² + (≈ — c)³ — { l (x − a) + m (y — b) + n (≈— c) } *.

5531 Condition of parallelism of two lines LMN, L'M'N' :

L : LM : M'N: N'.

5532 Condition of perpendicularity :

LL +MM' +NN' = 0. (5520)

5533 Condition of the intersection of the lines (LMN, abc)

and (L'M'N', a'b'c') (5514 ) :

(a - a') (MN' - M'N) + (b − b') (NL

' — N'L)
+ (c - c') (LM' - L'M) = 0 .

PROOF. - Eliminate x, y, z between the equations

x-α a = y =b = 2 - c x -a' y —b′ — z — c′ = r ',
= = r and = =
L M N L' M' N'
by subtracting in pairs, and then eliminate r and r'.

5534 The shortest distance between the same lines is

(a - a') (MN' - M'N) + (b − b') ( NL' — N'L) + ( c— c' ) (LM' — L'M)
√ { (MN' — M'N)² + (NL ' — N'L)² + (LM' — L'M)² }

PROOF. -Assume λ, μ, for the dir- cos. of the shortest distance . Then,
by projecting the line joining abc, a'b'c' upon the shortest distance, we get
p = (a − a ') x + ( b − b ') µ + (c − c ) v. Also, by (5520) , LX + Mμ + Nv = 0 and
L'λ+ M'µ + N'v V = O, giving the ratios μ : v = MN' - M'N : NL' — N'L
: LM' - L'M ; and ( 5524 ) then gives the values of λ, µ, v.

5535 The equation of the line of shortest distance between

the lines (Imn, abc) and ( l'm'n' , a'b'c') is given by the inter
section of the two planes
u + u' cos
1ι (x − a) + m (y — b) +n (≈ — y) = ....... (i .) ,
sin² 0

u' + u cos 0
l' (x − a') + m' (y — b') + n' (≈ — y') = ... (ii .) ,

where u = 1 (a' — a) + m ( b' — b) + n ( c' — c) ,

u' = l ' (a — a') + m' ( b − b' ) + n' ( c - c') ,

and cos 0 = ll' + mm' +nn' .

PROOF. (Fig. 170. ) Let O be the point xyz on the line of shortest dis
tance AB ; P, Q the points abc, a'b'c' on the given lines AP, BQ. Draw BR
and PR parallel to AP and AB ; RT perpendicular to BQ ; and QN, TM per
pendicular to BR. Then RBQ = 0, RN = u, QT = u' , therefore NM
= u' cos 0 and RM = RN + NM = u + u' cos 0, and in the right-angled tri
angle RTB, RM cosec² = RB, the projection of OP upon AP, that is, the

left member of equation (i.) . Similarly for equation (ii.) . Itshould be

observed that (i. ) and (ii. ) represent planes through AB respectively per
pendicular to the given lines AP and BQ.

5536 Otherwise , the line of shortest distance is the inter

section of the two planes whose equations are

l' (x − a) + m' (y — b) + n' (z − c) = cos 0

1 (x− a) + m (y — b) + n (≈ − c)

= 1 (x - a) + m (y — b') + n (z — c')
l' (x − a') + m' (y — b') + n' (≈ — c')'
For these equations state that cos is the ratio of the projections of OP
or of OQ upon the given lines, and this fact is apparent from the figure.

5537 Equations of the line passing through the two points

abc, a'b'c' :
x -a y - b = ལ་
- 7=
a b-b ' C

5538 A line passing through the point abc and intersecting

at right angles the line lmn :

--a y- b = 2 - c
Ꮮ = "M N'

where_L = lm (b — b') + nl (c — c′) — (m² + n²) (a — a'),

and symmetrical values exist for M and N.

PROOF.-The condition of perpendicularity to Imn is

Ll +Mm + Nn = 0 ; (5520)
and the condition of intersecting the line is
(a - a') (Mn - mN) + ( b − b′ ) ( Nl — nL) + (c — c′) ( Lm — IM) = 0 .
These equations determine the ratios L : M : N.

5539 Equations of the line passing through the point abc ,

parallel to the plane La + My + Nz = D, and intersecting the
line ( l'm'n' , a'b'c') :
x-a y-b 2- c
= =
ι m n

where l, m , n are found , as in the last, from

Ll +Mm +Nn = 0, and

(a — a') (mn' — m'n) + (b − b') ( nl' — n'l) + ( c — c') (lm' —l'm) = 0 .


5540 Equations of the bisector of the angle between the

two lines 1m , n , lmn :
X y ≈
= =
l₁ +l₂ m₂ + m² n₁ + n₂
PROOF.-Taking the intersection of the lines for origin, let x, y,,, yz, be
points on the given lines equidistant from the origin ; then, if xyz be a point
on the bisector midway between the former points, x = { ( x, + x9) , &c.
(4033) ; and the direction-cosines of a line through the origin are propor
tional to the coordinates.

5541 The equations of a right line in four plane coordinates

a-á - B-
B-B 8-8
are a- a² - B = 2y ==R (i.) ,

where aßyd is a variable point , and a'ß'y's' a fixed point on

the line. The relation between L, M, N, R is

5542 AL + BM+ CN+ DR = 0 ..... ..... (ii .).

PROOF.- For, since equation (5503) holds for aßyd and also for a’ß'y'd',
we have A (a - a') + B (B − ß ') + C (y — y') + D ( d — d′) = 0.
Substitute from (i.) a - a' rL, 6 - ẞ' = rM, &c.

5543 In tetrahedral coordinates the same equation (i . ) sub

sists , but the relation between L, M, N, R becomes , by
changing Aa into a , &c . ,
5544 L + M+ N+ R = 0 .


5545 General equation of a plane :

Ax +By + C + D = 0.

5546 Equation in terms of the intercepts on the axes :

+ 32 = 1.
a +3
/ с

5547 Equation in terms of p, the perpendicular from the

origin upon the plane, and l , m, n , the direction- cosines of p :

lx+my + nz = p.

PROOF. If P be any point xyz upon the plane, and O the origin, the pro
jection of OP upon the normal through O is p itself ; but this projection is
lx + my + nz, as in (5520) .

5548 The values of l , m, n, p for the general equation

(5545) are
A –D
1= &c . , p =
√(A²+B²+ C²)' √ (A²+B² + C³)*

PROOF. - Similar to that for (4060-2) : by equating coefficients in (5545)

and (5547) and employing ' +m² + n² = 1 .

5550 The equation of a plane in four-plane coordinates is

la + mẞ+ ny + rd = 0 ,

with l : m : nr = αι . βι . γ . δι
Pi P2 P3 P4
where a₁, B1 , 71, & ar th pe
e e rpendiculars upon the plane from
A, B, C, D, the vertices of the tetrahedron of reference , and
P1, P2, P3, P₁ are the perpendiculars from the same points upon
the opposite faces of the tetrahedron .
PROOF.-Put y= = 80 for the point where the plane cuts an edge of the
tetrahedron, and then determine the ratio : m by proportion.
See Frost and Wolstenholme, Art. 81 .

5551 The equation of a plane in tetrahedral coordinates is

also of the form in ( 5550) , but the ratios are, in that case ,

l : m : n : r = а₁ : ß₁ : Y₁ : §₁ .

The relation between the three-plane and four- plane coor

dinates is a = p ― lx - my— nz.

5552 The equation of a plane in polar coordinates is

{ cos e cose +sine sine cos (4-4) } = p .

PROOF. Here p is the perpendicular from the origin on the plane, and
p, 0', o' the polar coordinates of the foot of the perpendicular. Then, if ↓ is
the angle between p and r, we have pr cosy and cosy from ( 882) .

5553 The angle between two planes

lx +my +nz = p and l'x + my + n'z = p'′

5 D

is given by formula ( 5520) , and the conditions of parallelism

and perpendicularity by (5531 ) and ( 5532) , since the mutual
inclination of the planes is the same as that of their normals .

5554 The length of the perpendicular from the point x'y'

upon the plane Ax + By + Cz +D = 0 is

Ax +By + C + D
± = p - lx' — my
' — nz'.
√(A + B + C )
PROOF . As in (4094) .

5556 The same in oblique coordinates

(Ax + By + Cz + D)
= p - x cos a - y cos B- z cos y,

where p is found from ( 5519) by putting A , B, C for p cos a ,

ρ cos ẞ, p cos y.
p This gives

{ A² sin³ \ + B² sin μ +C sin v +2BC (cos μ cos v -cos λ)

+2CA (cos v cos λ — cos µ ) + 2AB (cos à cos µ — cos v)
5558 p² =
1 - cosλ- cos² μ - cos² V + 2 cos è cos μ cos

5559 The distancer of the point ' y' from the plane
Ax + By + Cz + D = 0 , measured in the direction Imn, the axes
being oblique :

r = Ax' + By + C + D
Al + Bm + Cn

PROOF. - By determining r from the simultaneous equations of the line

and the plane, viz.,
-x'x' = Y — Y = = =2' =
= r and Ax +By + Cz + D = 0.
ι m n

Otherwise, by dividing the perpendicular from x'y'z' (5554) by the cosine of

Al +Bm + Cn
its inclination to lmn, viz.,
√(A² +B²+ C²)


5560 A plane passing through the point abc and perpen

dicular to the direction Imn :

l (x − a) +m (y— b) +n (z − c) = 0.

5561 A plane passing through two points abc, a'b'c' :

x -a
+ y b
μ b-b' + == = 0,
a- a c

5562 with λ+ μ + v = 0.
PROOF. By eliminating n between the equations
1 (x - a) + m (y - b ) + n (z − c) = 0, 1 ( a − a') + m (b − b ′) + n ( c − c') = 0,
and altering the arbitrary constant.

5563 A plane passing through the point of intersection of

the three planes u = 0, v = 0, w = 0 :

lu + mv + nw = 0.

5564 A plane passing through the line of intersection of the

two planes u = 0 , v = 0 :
lu + mv = 0.

5565 A plane passing through the two points given by

u == 0 , v = 0 , w = 0 and u = a , v = b , w = c :

lu +mv +nw = 0 with la + mb + nc = 0.

5566 The equation of a plane passing x y z 1

through the three points a₁y11 , X2Y2Z2, X3Y 3 Z 3
X1 Y1 1 1
= 0.
or A, B, C, is given by the determinant X2 Y2 Z2 1
annexed , in which the coefficients of x, y , z
X's Y3 Z3 1
represent twice the projections of the
area ABC upon the coordinate planes .
PROOF. The determinant is the eliminant of Ax + By + Cz = 1 , and
three similar equations. Expanded it becomes
∞ (YqZ3 —YsZg + Y3Z1 — Y13 + Y₁₂ — Y₂1) + y ( &c. ) + z ( &c . ) + x1Yq%3− &c . = 0 .
Hence, by (4036 ) , we see that the coefficients are twice the projections of
ABC, as stated .

5567 The sum of squares of the coefficients is equal to

four times the square of the area ABC.
PROOF.- For, if l, m, n are the dir- cos . of the plane, and ABC = S, the
coefficients are = 281, 28m, 2Sn, by projection .

5568 The determinant ( ~1 , 2, 3) , that is, the absolute term

in equation (5566) , represents six times the volume of the
tetrahedron OABC, where O is the origin.

PROOF.-Writing the equation of the plane ABC, Ax +By + Cz + D = 0,

we have for the perpendicular from the origin, disregarding sign,
p= = (5567) ,
√ (A² + B³ +C²) 28
therefore D = 2pS = 6x the tetrahedron OABC.

5569 If xyz be a fourth point, P, not in the plane of ABC,

the determinant in (5566) represents six times the volume of
the tetrahedron PABC.

PROOF. By the last theorem the four component determinants represent

six times (OBCP + OCAP + OABP + 0ABC) for an origin O within the

5570 A plane passing through the points abc, a'b'c' , and

parallel to the direction Imn :

x ∙a y-b z- c
a --·a' b- b
' c-c
= 0.
ι m n
PROOF. Eliminate A, μ, between the equations ( 5561-2) and
ἰλ = ημ nv
a- a b- b' + c - c' = 0, the condition of perpendicularity between lmn
and the normal of the plane (5561) .

5571 A plane passing through the point abc and parallel

to the lines lmn , I'm'n' :
x -a ι ľ
y- b m m' : 0.
2- c n n'

PROOF. The equation is of the form ( -a) + µ (y — b ) + v (z — c) = 0,

and the conditions of perpendicularity between the normal of the plane and the
given lines are lλ + mµ + nv = 0, l'λ + m'µ + n'v = 0. Form the eliminant
of the three equations .

5572 A plane equidistant from the two right lines (abc, lmn)
and (a'b'c' , I'm'n') :
x- (a + a') l ľ
- m m' = 0.
y = 1 (b + b')
- n'
x − 1 (c +c') n By (5571) .

5573 A plane passing through the line (abc, lmn) and per
pendicular to the plane l'x +m'y + n'z = p :
The equation is that in (5571 ) .
For proof, assume λ, μ, v for dir- cos . of the normal of the required plane,
and write the conditions that the plane may pass through abc and that the
normal may be perpendicular to the given line and to the normal of the
given plane.


5574 To change any axes of reference to new axes parallel

to the old ones :

Let the coordinates of the new origin referred to the old

axes be a, b, c ; xyz and x'y'z', the same point referred to the
old and new axes respectively ; then

x = x' + a, y = y' + b, z = 2
′ +c.

5575 To change rectangular axes of reference to new

rectangular axes with the same origin :
Let OX, OY, OZ be the original axes , and OX' , OY' , OZ'
the new ones ,

l₁ m₁n₁ the dir- cos . of OX' referred to OX, OY, OZ,

lg Mg ng do . OY' do . do.

l my ns do . OZ' do. do.

xyz, En the same point referred to the old and new axes
respectively. Then the equations of transformation are

5576 x = l₁ &+ l₂ n +ls s ...... (i.) ,

y = m₁§ + m₂n + mb (ii .) ,
z = n₁ š + n₂ n + ns b (iii .) .

And the nine constants are connected by the six equations

5577 li + mi +·n₁
ni = 1 ... (iv. ) , ll +m¿m¸ + n‚nç = 0 ... (vii .) ,
l₁₂+ m² + n² = 1 ... ( v .) , ll₁ +mm₁ +n¸n¸ ... (viii.) ,
l} +m} + n} = 1 ... (vi.) , ll₂ +m¸m¸ + n¸n₂ = 0 ... (ix. ) ,

so that three constants are independent.


PROOF.- By ( 5515 ) and ( 5532) , since OX', OY', OZ' are mutually at
right angles.

5578 The relations (iv. to ix . ) may also be expressed thus

4 m1 ni
= = = ± 1 ...... (x.),
nglz―nzlą -
mənz―msn l₂m — l¿m²

l2 Me Նջ
= = ± 1 ...... (xi. ) ,
mgN1-myns ngl1—nils Içm₁ -
— l₁m³

13 Ms Ng
- = ±1 ....... (xii .).
m₁ng-mqn1 n¸lɔ— nål Im₂ - l₂m₁

Obtained by eliminating the third term from any two of equations

(VII.-IX. ) . Also, by squaring each fraction in (x. ) and adding numerators
and denominators , we get
l² + m²1 + n²
= 1, by (5577) .
( l² + m² + n²) ( l² + m² + n²) − (lls + m«m« + NgNg)

5579 If the transformation above is rotational , that is , if it

can be effected by a rotation about a fixed axis , the position
of that axis and the angle of rotation @ are found from the

equations 2 cos 0 = l₂ +m₂ + n3−1 ,

cos² a cos² B cos² Y

5580 = =
- - -
m₂+nç − l₁ − 1 n +h −m − 1 l₁ + m¿ — nç— l '

where a, B,, y are the angles which the axis makes with the
original coordinate axes .
PROOF. (Fig. 171. ) Let the original rectangular axes and the axis of
rotation cut the surface of a sphere, whose centre is the origin O, in the
points x, y , z, and I respectively. Then , if the altered axes cut the sphere in
E, n,, we shall have 0 = 4 x in the spherical triangle ; Ix = I = a ; Iy =
In = ß ; Iz = I = y, and by ( 882) applied to the isosceles spherical triangles
IE, &c., l₁ = cos x = cos' a +sin a cos 0, m₁ = cos yn = cos* ß + sin² ß cos 0,
ng = cos z = cos² y + sin² y cos 0. From these cos 0, cos a, cos ẞ, and cos y
are found.

5581 Transformation of rectangular coordinates to oblique :

Equations (i . to vi . ) apply as before , but (vii . to ix . ) no

longer hold, so that there are now six independent constants.


5582 The equation of a sphere when the point abc is the

centre and r is the radius ,

(x — a)² + (y — b)² + (≈ — c)² = r².

5583 The general equation is

x² +y² +z² + Ax + By + Cz + D = 0 .

The coordinates of the centre are then , -N
2' 2
and the radius = } √ ( A² + B² + C² —4D) .

PROOF.-By equating coefficients with ( 5582) .

5584 If xyz be a point not on the sphere , the value of

(x − a)² + (y — b) ² + ( - c)2-2 is the product of the segments
of any right line drawn through xyz to cut the sphere.
PROOF. -From Euc. III . , 35 , 36.


5585 The radical planes of the two spheres whose equations

are u = 0, u' = 0 , is
u- u' = 0.

5586 The radical planes of three spheres have a common

section , and the radical planes of four spheres intersect in the
same point.

PROOF.- By adding their equations, and by the principle of (4608)

extended to the equations of planes.


5587 DEF. -A pole of similitude is a point such that the

tangents from it to two spheres are proportional to the radii.

5588 The external and internal poles of similitude are the

vertices of the common enveloping cones .

5589 The locus of the pole of similitude of two spheres is a

sphere whose diameter contains the centres and is divided
harmonically by them .


5590 DEF. -A conical surface is generated by a right line

which passes through a fixed point called the vertex and
moves in any manner.

5591 If the point be at infinity, the line moves always

parallel to itself and generates a cylindrical surface.

5592 Any section of the surface by a plane may be taken

for the guiding curve.

5593 To find the equation of a cylindrical or conical surface.

RULE . -Eliminate xyz from the equations of the guiding

X -a Ꮓ
curve and the equations = y-ß - =
1 m n of any generating
line ; and in the result put for the variable parameters of
the line their values in terms of x, y, and z.

5594 Ex. 1.- To find the equation of the cylindrical surface whose
generating lines have the direction Imn, and whose guiding curve is given
by b'x +a'y' ab and z = 0.
x -α y-B 2
At the point where the line ==== ι m n meets the ellipse, z = 0,
x = a , y = ß. Therefore b'a² +a²ßª = a²b². Substitute in this, for the
lz mz
variable parameters, a, ß, a = x—-la , ẞ = y - m² ; and we get, for the
n n
cylindrical surface b' (nx - lz)2+ a² (ny - mz)² = a²b³n².

5595 A conical surface whose vertex is the origin and

guiding curve the ellipse ba +a²y² = a²b² , z = c , is

- 0.
a² +21/2

PROOF.--Here the generating line is = У = 2. At the point of inter

m N

lc b212c2 a2m²c²
section of the line and curve z = c, = —, y = mc ; + = a²b².
n n n² n2
Substitute for the variable parameters l m n the values ay : z , and the
result is obtained.


5596 RULE .- To find the circular sections of a quadric curve,

express the equation in the form A (x² + y² + z² + c²) + & c . = 0.
If the remaining terms can be resolved into two factors, the
circular sections are defined by the intersection of a sphere and
two planes.

5597 Generally the two quadrics

ax² + by² + cz² + 2fyz + 2gzx + 2hxy :1

and (a + λ) x² + (b + λ) y² + ( c + λ ) z² + 2fyz + 2gzx + 2hxy = 1

have the same circular sections .

PROOF.-Let r, p be coincident radii of the two surfaces having lmn for a

common direction . Then = al² + bm² + cn² + 2fmn + 2gnl + 2hlm and
171 =10 ρ
= the same + λ. Therefore, if r has a constant value throughout any
section, p is also constant throughout that section .

5598 Ex.- An oblique circular cone whose vertex is the point a , 0, b,

and guiding curve the circle + y² = c² ; z = 0 ; is
(az- bx)² + b²y² = c² (z — b) ².
The equation may be written
b³ (x² + y² + z² -
— c³) = z≈ { 2abx + ( b² + c² — a²) z — 2bc² } ,
and therefore the cone has two series of parallel circular sections, z = k and
2abx +(b +c - a ) z - 2bc2 = p² (5583). (Frost and Wolstenholme. )


5599 DEFS. - A conicoid is a surface every plane section of

which is a conic .
The varieties are the ellipsoid, the one-fold and two-fold
hyperboloids, the elliptic and hyperbolic paraboloids , the
spheroid of revolution , the cone, and the cylinder .
5 E

In any of the following equations of a conicoid, by making one of the

variables constant, the equation of a section parallel to a coordinate plane is
obtained, and the equation of the surface is by that means verified . Thus,
in the equations of (5600 ) or (5617) , Figs . ( 172) and ( 173 ) , if z be put
= ON, we get the equation of the elliptic section RPQ, the semi- axes of
= b -
which are NQ = C √ ( c² — ON¹ ) and NR = с √ (c² — ON³) , a , b , c being the
principal semi-axes of the conicoid ; that is, OA , OB, OC in the figure .


5600 The equation referred to the principal axes of the

figure is

= 1. (Fig. 172 )
b* + 2
a² + 4

5601 There are two planes of circular section whose

equations are
№2 - - ~2 - 1
~ (1
b2 − a²
1 ) — ~ ( 1 − 1 ) = 0,
with a > b > c.

1 - - -
PROOF : x² = 0
( 2 − 1 ) + v'² ( B −- 1 ) + ²² ( 1 − 1 ) =
is a cone having a common section with the conicoid and a sphere of radius
r. If the common section be plane, one of the three terms must vanish
in order that the rest may be resolved into two factors .
Since a > b > c, the only possible solution for real factors is got by
making r = b.

5602 Sections by planes parallel to the above are also

circles , and any other sections are ellipses .

5603 The umbilici of the ellipsoid (see 5777 ) are the points
whose coordinates are

a²-b² b2
x = ±a y = 0, ~ = ± cv
a² C²' a² —c²*

PROOF . - The points of intersection of the planes ( 5601 ) and the ellipsoid
b2-c² a² -b²
(5600 ) on the az plane are given by a' = ± a z =±c
a² -C2 a²-c²
Since, by (5602) the vanishing circular sections are at the points in the s
a с
plane conjugate to x' and z ', we have, by (4352) , x = - 응 2 , z = a x' .

5604 If a = b , in (5600 ) , the figure becomes a spheroid , and

every plane parallel to ay makes a circular section . Hence
the spheroid is a surface of revolution . It is called prolate
or oblate according as the ellipse is made to revolve about its
major or minor axis .


5605 The equation of a one-fold hyperboloid referred to its

principal axes is
x2 y² ༧
= 1. (Fig. 173)
a² +4-3

5606 The planes of circular section , when a > b > c , are all
parallel to one or other of the planes whose equations are

- = 0.
- · ཆུ
v³ (
y a² — ~ (
-1) a² ) =

PROOF. As in ( 5601 ) , putting r = a.

5607 The generating lines of this surface belong to two

parallel systems (i . ) and (ii . ) below, with all values of 0.

x 2 x ≈
= cos 0+ sin 0 = cos 0 sin
a a C
... (i .) , ….. (ii .) .
y = sin 0.-- cos y
92/4 Y = sin 0 + / COS 0
b C b

For the coordinates which satisfy either pair of equations ,

(i . ) or (ii . ) , satisfy also the equation of the surface . The
equations may also be put in the forms
-_____ a cos e y-b sin o
5610 = =
a sin 0 -b cos 0 응.

5612 If z = 0, x = a cos 0 and y = b sin 0. Hence 0 is

the eccentric angle of the point in which the lines ( i . ) and (ii. )
intersect in the ay plane.

5613 Any two generating lines of opposite systems intersect ,

but no two of the same system do,

5614 If two generating lines of opposite systems be drawn

through the two points in the principal elliptic section whose
eccentric angles are 0 + a , 0 — a , a being constant , the coordi
nates of the point of intersection will be
x = a cos 0 sec a, y = b sin 0 sec a, z = ± ctana,

and the locus of the point , as 0 varies , will be the ellipse

№2 y²
5615 + = 1 ; 21 + c tan a .
a² sec² a b² sec² a
PROOF . - From (i . ) and ( ii. ) , putting a for 0. *

5616 The asymptotic cone is the surface given in (5595) .

PROOF.-Any plane through the z axis whose equation is y = mx cuts the
hyperboloid and this cone in an hyperbola and its asymptotes respectively.

5617 The equation of a two- fold hyperboloid is

32 y ~2
= 1. (Fig. 174)
a ² b2 c²

and the equation of its asymptotic cone is

5618 -- = 0.
a² b?
PROOF. -Any plane through the x axis, whose equation is y = mz, cuts
the hyperboloid and this cone in an hyperbola and its asymptotes respec
There are two surfaces, one the image of the other with regard to the
plane of yz. One only of these is shown in the diagram.

5619 The planes of circular section when b is > c are all

parallel to one or other of the planes whose joint equation is

X2 •22 0.
G b2)-23( 1-0)
b2 = 1
PROOF. -As in ( 5601 ) , putting r² = —

5620 If b = c , the figure becomes an hyperboloid of revo



5621 This surface is generated by a parabola which moves

with its vertex always on another parabola ; the axes of the
two curves being parallel and their planes at right angles.
* The surface of a one-fold hyperboloid, as generated by right lines, may frequently be
seen in the foot-stool or work-basket constructed entirely of straight rods of cane or wicker.

The paraboloid is elliptic or hyperbolic according as the

axes of the two parabolas extend in the same or opposite
directions .

5622 The equation of the elliptic paraboloid is

= x,
1/2+==== (Fig. 175)

b and c being the latera recta of the two parabolas .

PROOF : QM = b.OM ; PN² = c.QN ; .. + = OM+ QN = x.
b с

If bc , the figure becomes the paraboloid of revolution .

5623 Similarly the equation of the hyperbolic paraboloid is

y ≈2
- x. (Fig. 176)*
b2 c2

5624 The equations of the generating lines of this surface

y y x
are =m and = "
3/6 ± 7
/c // F с m

the upper signs giving one system of generators and the lower
signs another system .

5625 The equations of the asymptotic planes are

y ལྔ
= 0.
1/2 ± 老



y2 x²
5626 Taking the equation of a central quadric + +
a² b?
d e s o i d r b o l oids
= 1 to incl u both the ellip and the two hyp e

The curvature of this surface is anticlastic, a sort of curvature which may be seen in
the saddle of a mountain ; for instance, on the smooth sward of some parts of the
Malvern Hills, Worcestershire,

according to the signs of b and c², the equation of the tangent

plane at xyz is
ny = 1.
² + 2 +3+ By ( 5679).

5627 If p be the length of the perpendicular from the origin 56

upon the tangent plane at xyz ,
1 2
= = = +2 + 3
p² b¹

PROOF. From ( 5549 ) applied to (5626 ) .

5628 The length of the perpendicular let fall from any
point n upon the tangent plane at ayz is

p (5554 & 5627)
a² ++ 警 -1)

5629 Direction cosines of the normal of the tangent plane

at xyz, ι =
= pay, m = py n = pz
a² b? c²

PROOF.- By ( 5548 ) applied to ( 5626) and the value in (5627) .

5630 If l , m, n are the direction cosines of P,

p = lx + my + n≈ and p² = u²l² + b²m² + c²n².

PROOF.- (5630 ) By projecting the three coordinates x, y , z upon p.

(5631 ) By substituting the values of x, y, z , obtained from ( 5629) , in
(5630 ) .

5632 The equation of the normal at xyz is

a² b2 -
(E — x) — = (n− y) —— = (8— =) —,
x y

since the dir- cos . are the same as those of the tangent plane
at ( 5626 ) .

5633 Each term of the above equations

= p √ { (§ − x)² + (n − y) ² + ( 5 — ≈)² }

or p multiplied into the length of the normal .


PROOF.- Each term squared (n ----

( -x)³ − y)² = (5-2)²
x y²
a¹ b₁ #
Add numerators and denominators, and employ ( 5627) .

5634 Equation (5631 ) is the condition that the plane

lx + my + nz = p may touch the conicoid ; and if p = 0, we
have for the condition of the plane la + my + nz = 0 touching
æ² 72
the cone + + = 0,
a2 b2 c²

5635 a²l² + b²m² + c²n² = 0 .

5636 The section of the quadric made by a diametral plane

conjugate to the diameter through the point ayz has for its

equation By (5688) .
a² + 7 +2= 0.

5637 Hence the relation between the direction cosines of

two conjugate diameters is

+ =" mm' nn'
+ = 0.
b2 c²


5638 These are defined to be

x = aλ, ybp, ≈ = cv, with λ² +μ² + v² = 1 .

5640 , μ, are the dir-cos . of a line called the eccentric

line ; and = rλ , n = 1µ , & rv are the coordinates of the
corresponding point upon an auxiliary sphere of radius r .

5641 The eccentric lines of two conjugate semi-diameters

are at right angles . By (5637) .

5642 The sum of the squares of three conjugate semi

diameters is constant and = a² + b² + c².

PROOF. - Let a' , b' , c' be the semi- diameters , and ₁₁₁ , yZ2, 333 their
extremities. Put the eccentric values in the equations +y + = a , &c. ,
and add. By ( 5641 ) , λ; + λ² + x² = 1 , & c.

5643 The sum of the squares of the reciprocals of the same

is also constant .

PROOF. - Put r, cos a₁, r₁ cos ₁, r₁ cos y₁ for x₁ , y₁, %, in the equation of the
quadric . So for x , y , z, and 3, 3, 23. Divide by r1 , 72, 73, and add the results.

5644 The sum of squares of reciprocals of perpendiculars

on three conjugate tangent planes is constant.

PROOF. For each perpendicular take ( 5627) , and substitute the eccentric
values as in (5642) .

5645 The sum of the squares of the areas of three con

jugate parallelograms is constant.

PROOF. By the constant volume of the parallelopiped p,4, = P₂A₂ = P3A3

(5648) and by ( 5644) .

5646 The sum of the squares of the projections of three

conjugate semi-diameters upon a fixed line or plane is
constant .

PROOF. With the same notation as in ( 5642) , let ( Imn) be the given line.
Substitute the eccentric values ( 5638 ) in ( la, + my₁ + nz₁ ) ² + ( læ₂ + my₂ + nz₂) ²
+ (lxz + myz + nzz) . In the case of the plane we shall have
a²² - (lx₁ + my + nz₁ ) ² + &c .

5647 COR ________

COR .. The extremities of three conjugate semi
diame ters being ay₁₁ , 2 , 333, it follows that , by pro
jecting upon each axis in turn ,

2 +x² = a² ; y} +y + y = b² ; ~ + ~ + ~ = c².

5648 The parallelopiped contained by three conjugate semi

diameters is of constant volume = abc.

PROOF. -By ( 5568 ) , the volume = X1 Y1 Z1 = abcμy

X2 Y2 Z2 λ με νε
X3 Y3 Z3 Аз μз 1'3
by the eccentric values (5638 ) . But the last determinant = 1 by
(584, I.) .

5649 COR .- If a' , ' , c' are the semi- conjugate diameters ,
w the angle between a' and ' , and p the perpendicular from
the origin upon the tangent plane parallel to a'b' , the volume
of the parallelopiped is pa'b' sin w = abc.

5650 Hence the area of a central section in the plane of a'b'

Ta'b' sin ∞ = T

5651 Quadratic for the semi-axis of a central section of the

x² y³ ‫دارم‬
quadric + 2 + ² = 1 made by the plane la + my + nz = 0 :
a² b c

a²12 b2m² c²n²

+ = 0.
a² -p² --
b² — p² + c² —

PROOF. The equation is the condition, by (5635), that the plane

lx + my + nz = 0 may touch the cone

x² +y
( 1-1
a ) +00 (10-1) + (1-1 ) = 0,

as in the Proof of ( 5600 ) . For another method , see ( 1863) .

5652 When the equation of the quadric is presented in the

ax² +by² + cz² +2fyz + 2gzx + 2hxy = 1 ,

the quadratic for takes 1

a h g ι
the form of the determi
nant equation annexed . 1
h -
b m
Or, by expanding, and f
2.2 = 0.
writing for the same 1
g f C n
determinant , with the 202
fraction erased, the ι m n
equation becomes

A'r' + { (b + c) l² + (c + a) m² + (a + b) n² - 2fmn - 2gnl - 2hlm } r²

-12 - m² - n² = 0.

PROOF. The equation of the cone of intersection of the sphere and

quadric now becomes

- ' -
(a − 1 ) x² + ( b − 1 ) y² + ( c− 1 ) ² + 2fyz + 2gzx + 2hay = 0,

and the condition of touching (5700) produces the determinant equation .

5 F

5654 To
find the axes of a non- central section of the
quadric x² + y² + 22 = 1 .
a² b2 c²
Let PNQ (Fig. 177) be the cutting plane. Take a parallel
central section BOC, axes OB, OC, and draw NP, NQ parallel
to them. These will be the axes of the section PNQ, and NQ
ON² , NQ²
will be found from the equation + =: 1 .

5655 The area of the same section

р (1

where p' and p are the perpendiculars from 0 upon the cutting
plane and the parallel tangent plane.

PROOF .-The area NQ²

= TNP.NQ = π .OB.OC

* ( 1— ON³) OB.OC = (1–2 ) , by ( 5650) .
abe (1-7),


DEF.-A sphero -conic is the curve of intersection of the 4

surface of a sphere with any conical surface of the second
degree whose vertex is the centre of the sphere .
Properties of cones of the second degree may be investi
gated by sphero- conics , and are analogous to the properties
of conics .

A collection of formule will be found at page 562 of Routh's Rigid

Dynamics, 3rd edition .


5656 DEFINITION .--The two quadrics whose equations are

x2 Xx2
++ = 1 and 1,
a² a² + λ+++
+ b² + λ + c² +λ = 1

are confocal. We shall assume a >b > c.

5657 As decreases from being large and positive , the

third axis of the confocal ellipsoid diminishes relatively to the

others until λ ==
= -c², when the surface merges into the
focal ellipse on the xy plane,

22 y2
+ 2 = 1.
-- b -c²

A still diminishing , a series of one-fold hyperboloids appear

until λ = -b² , when the surface coincides with the focal
hyperbola on the za plane ,

X2 ≈2
- 1.
a² -b² b² - c²

The surface afterwards developes into a series of two -fold

hyperboloids until λ = -a² , when it becomes an imaginary
focal ellipse on the yz plane.

5658 Through any point xyz three confocal quadrics can be

drawn according to the three values of furnished by the
second equation in ( 5656) . That equation , cleared of frac
tions , becomes

5659 λ³+ (a² +b² +c²− x² — y² — ~²) λ²

{b°c² +c²a² + a²b²— (b² +c²) x² — ( c² + a²) y° — ( a² +b²) z² } λ

+ a²b²c² —b²c²x² - c²a²y² — a²b²~² = 0 .

These three confocals are respectively an ellipsoid, a one

fold hyperboloid , and a two-fold hyperboloid . See Figure
(178 ) ; P is the point ayz ; the lines of intersection of the
ellipsoid with the two hyperboloids are DPE and FPG, and
the two hyperboloids themselves intersect in HPK.

PROOF. --- Substitute for A successively in (5659) a², b² , c², -∞ ; and the
left member of the equation will be found to take the signs + , 2 +₂
accordingly. Consequently there are real roots between a² and b², b² and c²,
c² and -∞ .

5660 Two confocal quadrics of different species cut each

other everywhere at right angles .

PROOF. Let a, b, c ; a', b', c' be the semi-axes of the two quadrics ; then,
at the line of intersection of the surfaces, we shall have
1 - 1
-72 (1-1 ) = 0,
~ ()
/ − 1 ) + y² (0
(} − ) +
) ( − 1 ) = 0,

which , since a² — a² = b²² — b² = c²² - c² = λ , becomes the condition of per

pendicularity of the normals by the values in ( 5629) . Thus, in ( Fig. 178 ) ,
the tangents at P to the three lines of intersection of the surfaces are
mutually at right angles.

5661 If P be the point of intersection of three quadrics

a₁₁₁, abc , аžbзes confocal with the quadric abc ; the squares
of the semi -axes , d₂, d , of the diametral section conjugate to
P in the first quadric are (considering a, > a, > ag, and writing
the suffixes in circular order)
d₁ =: a₁ ~ a d₁ = aj ~ az,

In the second , d₁ = a² ~ až d₁ = a; ~ a₁ ,
2 2
in the third , d² = až ~ aj di = až ~ a².

Or, if for a , a , as we put a² +λ₁, a² + λ², a² + λ3, the above

values may be read with A in the place of a and the same
suffixes .

PROOF .- Put a - a² = µ ; then

x² 1/2 z3
+ + = 1 and + + 1
b2 a²- b2-μ c²- μ

are confocal quadrics . Take the difference of the two equations, and we
obtain, at a common point x'y'z', + &c. 0. Comparing this with .
a² (a² -μ)
(5651 ) , the quadratic for the axes of the section of the quadric by the plane
lx + my + nz = 0, we see that, if l, m, n have the values &c., μ is identical
with ; the plane is the diametral plane of P ; and the two values of µ are
the squares of its axes. Let d , d be these values ; then, since there are but
three confocals, the two values of μ must give the remaining confocals, i.e.,
a - da = and a — d = a .

The six axes of the sections are situated as shown in the

diagram ( Fig. 179 ) . Either axis of any of the three sections
is equal to one of the axes in one of the other sections , but
the equal axes are not those which coincide . O is supposed
to be the centre of the conicoids , and the three lines are drawn
from O parallel to the three tangents at P to the lines of in
tersection .

5662 Coordinates of the point of intersection of three con

focal quadrics in terms of the semi-axes :

2 2 2 2
ajaa bibb
x² = y² =
(a - b₁) (a₁ -ci) ' (a₁ — bi) (bi— ci) '
2 2 2
~2 = C1 C2 C3

(ai - ci) (bi - ci)

The denominators may be in terms of any of the confocals

since a -ba= — b₂ = a3 — b3, &c.
x2 ya z3
PROOF. -The equation of a confocal may be written a² + 2 -h2 + a² -k²
1 1 1
= 1 , producing a cubic in a2, the product of whose roots a², a , a²3 gives a².

5663 The perpendiculars from the origin upon the tangent

planes of the three confocal quadrics being P1 , P2, P3 :
2 2 22
abe a bc
P₁ = P₁₂ =
(a — a²) (a — a³) ' (a₁—a²) (až— a ) '
2 2 2
p3 =
(a — až) ( a — a³)

PROOF.- By (5649) , p₁d₂d¸ = a¸b₁₁ ; then by the values in (5661 ) .


5664 DEF .-A right line drawn through a fixed point always
perpendicular to the tangent plane of a cone generates the
reciprocal cone.
The enveloping cone of a quadric is the locus of all
tangents to the surface which pass through a fixed point
called the vertex.

5665 The equations of a cone and its reciprocal are respec

·Ax² + By² + C≈² = 0 ...... (i .) , and 4 = 0 ……………
. (ii .) .
A +2/3+ C

PROOF. - The equations of the tangent plane of ( i . ) at any point xyz, and
of the perpendicular to it from the origin, are
ૐ = η = Հ
Ax + Byn + Cz¿ = 0 .........
.. ( iii . ) , and (iv.) .
Ax By Cz
Eliminate x, y, z between (i . ) , ( iii . ) , and (iv. ) .

5667 The reciprocals of confocal cones are concyclic ; that


is , have the same circular section ; and the reciprocals of con

cyclic cones are confocal .

PROOF.-A series of concyclic cones is given by

Ax² + By² + Cz² + λ ( x² + y² + z² ) = 0
by varying λ ; and the reciprocal cone is
x² y² 23
+ + = 0. (5665)
A+λ B +λ C +λ

5668 The reciprocals of the enveloping cones of the series

x2 y2 22
of confocal quadrics + + = 1 , with fgh for
a² + λ b²+ λ c² + λ
the common vertex , P, of the cones , are given by the equation

a²x² +b²y² + c²≈²− (fx +gy + hz)² + λ ( x² +y² +z²) = 0 .

PROOF. - Let Imn be the direction of the perpendicular p from the origin
upon the tangent plane drawn from P to the quadric. Equate the ordinary
value of p² at (5631 ) with that found by projecting OP upon p ; thus
(a² + λ) l² + ( b² + λ ) m² + (c² + λ ) n² = (fl + gm + hn)².
Now p generates with vertex ( a cone similar and similarly situated to the
reciprocal cone with vertex P, and l, m, n are proportional to x, y, z, the
coordinates of any point on the former cone. Therefore, by transferring the
origin to P, the equation of the reciprocal cone is as stated.

5669 COR . These reciprocal cones are concyclic ; and

therefore the enveloping cones are confocal ( 5667) .

5670 The reciprocal cones in ( 5668) are all coaxal.

PROOF. - Transform the cone given by the terms in ( 5668 ) without A to

its principal axes ; and its equation becomes A + By² + Cz² = 0. Now, if
the whole equation, including terms in A, be so transformed, a + y² + z² will
not be altered . Therefore we shall obtain
(A + λ) x² + (B + λ) y² + ( C + λ ) z² = 0,
a series of coaxal cones.

5671 The axes of the enveloping cone are the three normals
to the three confocals passing through its vertex.
PROOF. The enveloping cone becomes the tangent plane at P for a con
focal through P, and one axis in this case is the normal through P. Also
this axis is common to all the enveloping cones with the same vertex, by
(5670 ) . But there are three confocals through P ( 5658) , and therefore
three normals which must be the three axes of the enveloping cone.

5672 The equation of the enveloping cone of the quadric


x2 y² 22
+ + 1 is , when transformed to its prin
a² + λ b² + λ c² + λ
cipal axes ,

x² y² ≈2 x2 y2 ~2
+ =0 or + = 0,
λαλι πλ
-λg Χ +X
' + dX + d

where A1 , A2, A, are the values of for the three confocals

through P, the vertex , and d₂, d, are the semi - axes of the
diametral section of P in the first confocal (5661 ) .

PROOF. -Transform equation (5668) of the reciprocal of the enveloping

cone to its principal axes, as in ( 5670 ) . Let A , A , A be the values of X
which make the quadric become in turn the three confocal quadrics through
P. Then the reciprocal (4+ ) x² + ( B + λ) y² + ( C + λ ) z² = 0 must become
a right line in each case because the enveloping cone becomes a plane.
Therefore one coefficient of x , y , or z must vanish. Hence A + ₁ = 0,
B +λ = 0, C + λ = 0. Therefore the reciprocal cone becomes
(^—λ₁) œ² + (^ —λ₂) y² + (^ —λg) z² = 0,
and therefore the enveloping cone is
x2 y³ +
+ = 0.
λ- λ λ- λα λα- λ


5673 This equation will be referred to as f(x, y , z ) = 0 or

U = 0 , and , written in full , is

ax² +by² +cz² +2fyz + 2gzx + 2hxy + 2px + 2qy + 2rz + d = 0.

By introducing a fourth quasi variable t = 1 , the equation

may be put in the homogeneous form

5674 ax² +by² + cz² + dw² + 2fyz + 2gzx + 2hxy

+2pxt +2qyt +2rzt = 0,

abbreviated into

(a, b, c, d, f, g, h, p , q, r(x, y , z , t) ² = 0 ,
as in (1620) .
Transforming to an origin a''z' and coordinate axes
parallel to the original ones , by substituting a' + E , y' + n , % + ¿
for x, y, and z , the equation becomes , by (1514) ,

5675 a§² + bm² + c5² + 2ƒn $ + 2g$$ + 2h&n

+ §U₂ +ŋU„ + ¿ U₂ + U = 0 ,

where Uf(x , y , z) (omitting the accents ) .

5676 The quadratic for r, the intercept between the point

a'y' and the quadric surface measured on a right line drawn
from 'y' in the direction Imn, is

r² (al² + bm² + cn² + 2fmn +2gnl +2hlm )

+r (l₂ +mU, + nU₂) + U = 0 .

Obtained by putting & = rl, n = rm , L = rn in ( 5674) .

5677 The tangents from any external point to a quadric are

proportional to the diameters parallel to them.

PROOF . From ( 5676) , as in ( 1215 ) and (4317) .

5678 The equation of the tangent plane at a point ryz on

the quadric is

(§− x) U¿ + (n −y) U, + (¿ −≈) U, = 0

5679 or §U¿ +nʊ„ + ¿U₂ ++U; = 0,

with T and t made equal to unity after differentiating.

PROOF. From ( 5676 ) . Since xyz is a point on the surface, one root of
the quadratic vanishes. In order that the line may now touch the surface,
the other root must also vanish ; therefore IU₂ + mU„ + n U₂ = 0 . Put
rl = ¿ −x, rm = n − y, rn = 6-2 ; En being now a variable point on the
line, and therefore on the tangent plane.

5680 Again, x Uz + y Uy + z U₂ + tU, 2U, by ( 1624) ,

therefore æUx + y U₁y + zU₂ = − t Ut
which establishes the second form ( 5679) .

5681 Equation (5679) also represents the polar plane of

any point xyz not lying on the quadric surface. Written in
full it becomes

(ax + hy + g + p) or x (a + hn +g +p)

+n (hx + by+fz +q) +y (h§+ bn +ƒ$ + q)

+ $ (gx +fy + cz + r ) + ≈ (g§+fn + c$+ r)

+ px + qy + rz + d = 0, + pš+ qn + r$ + d = 0.

5683 That is , the forms

§U₂ +nʊ, + ¿ U₂ + U = 0 and U¿ + yU„ + zUç + U = 0

are convertible, U standing for f(x, y, z) in the first, and for

f( , n, ) in the second .

5685 The intersection of the polar planes of two points is

called the polar line of the points .

5686 The polar plane of the vertex is the plane of contact

of the tangent cone.

PROOF. If En be the vertex and xyz the point of contact, equation

(5683 ) is satisfied . If x, y , z be the variables and En constant , the second
form of that equation shows that the points of contact all lie on the polar
plane of the point in .

5687 Every line through the vertex is divided harmonically

by the quadric and the polar plane.

PROOF. In equation ( 5684) put a = & + Rl, y = n + Rm , z = 5 + Rn_to

determine R, the distance from the vertex to the polar plane. This gives
R= 9 employing (5680) .
IU¿ + mU₂ + nU
Now, if r, r' are the roots of the quadratic ( 5676) , with §, n , written for
x, y, z, it appears that = R, which proves the theorem.
r+ r'

5688 Every line ( mn) drawn through a point ayz parallel

to the polar plane of that point is bisected at the point, and
the condition of bisection is

IU₂ + mU¸ + nU₂ = 0 .

PROOF. -The equation is the condition for equal roots of opposite signs in
the quadratic (5676) . Since l, m, n are the dir. cos . of the line and Ur, Uy,
U₂ those of the normal of the polar plane (5683 ) , the equation shows that
the line and the normal are at right angles (5532) .

5689 The last , when x, y , z are the variables , is also the

equation of the diametral plane conjugate to the direction Imn .
Expanded it becomes

(al +hm +gn ) x + (hl + bm +fn ) y + (gl +fm + cn ) z

+pl+ qm + rn = 0.
5 G

For the point xyz moves, when x, y , z are variable, so that every diameter
drawn through it parallel to lmn is bisected by it, and the locus is, by the
form of the equation , a plane.
If the origin be at the centre of the quadric , p, q, and r of course vanish.

5690 The coordinates of the centre of the general quadric

U = 0 (5673) are
Δ ', Δ Δ
x= y = ལྤ =
2A 2A 2A

PROOF. -Every line through xyz, the centre, is bisected by it. The condi
tion for this, in ( 5688 ) , is U₂ = 0 , U₁ = 0 , and U₂ = 0, in order to be inde
pendent of Imn. The three equations in full are
a h g P
ax + hy + gz + p = 0 ) a h g
h b f q
hx + by + fz + q = 0 ; and A' = A = hb f
gf c
gx + fy + cz + r = 0 d gf c
p q r⠀ --
Solve by (582).

5691 The quadric transformed to the centre becomes

a5ª + bn³ + c8ª + 2ƒn6+ 2g65+ 2h5n + ÷ = 0.

PROOF. By the last theorem, the terms involving E, n , in (5675) vanish.

The value of U or ƒ (x, y , z) , when xyz is the centre, appears as follows :
′ (1647) .
U = §U₂ (5680) = px + qy + rz + d = p²p + q¹ + rA; + d (5690 ) = =

The last equation , being again transformed by turning the

axes so as to remove the terms involving products of coordi
dinates, becomes

5692 ax² + By² +yz² + —

' = 0,

5693 where a, ẞ, y are the roots of the discriminating cubic

R³ — R² (a +b + c) + R (bc + ca + ab —ƒ² — g² — h²) — A = 0,

or ( R — a) (R — b) ( R — c) — ( R — a) ƒª² — (R — b ) g²— (R — c) h

-2fgh = 0.

PROOF. It has been shown , in ( 1847-9 ) , that the roots of the discrimi
nating cubic ( multiplied in this case by -- are the reciprocals of the
maximum aud minimum values of +y +z . But such values are evidently

the squares of the axes 2of the quadric surface. Let the central equation of
x² y³ 1 Δα
the surface be + + = 1. Therefore 2 = -- producing
a² bi A" &c.,
the equation above.

5694 The equations of the new axis of a referred to the old

axes of E , n , are

(F + af) x = (G + ag) y = (H+ah) ≈ ;

and similar equations with ẞ and y for the y and z axes .

PROOF. -When Imn, in ( 5689 ) , is a principal diameter of the quadric, the
diametral plane becomes perpendicular to it, and therefore the coefficients of
x, y, z must be proportional to l, m, n . Putting them equal to Rl, Rm, Rn
respectively, we have the equations
(a − R) 1 + hm + gn = 0 ...... ( 1) The eliminant of these equations is
hl+ (b - R) m +fn = 0 ...... ( 2) the discriminating cubic in R al
gl+fm + (c - R) n = 0 ..... (3) ready obtained in (5693) .
From (1 ) and ( 2) , l : m = hf— g (b − R) : gh —ƒ (a − R),
and from (2) and (3) , m : n = fg - h (c - R) : hf- g (b - R) ;
therefore (gh - af + Rf ) l = (hf- bg + Rg) m = (fg ― ch + Rh) n,
which establish the equations, since xyz = 1 : m : n and F = gh - af,
&c., as in (4665) .

5695 The direction cosines of the axes of the quadric .

If the discriminating cubic be denoted by $ ( R) = 0 , and
its roots by a, ß, y ; the direction cosines of the first axis are

- Φαa ( α) " - Φι(α ) - pcC (a)

Pa (a) P.(a)' Φα ( α )

For the second and third axes write ẞ and y in the place of a .
PROOF . Let F + af= L, G+ ag = M, H + ah = N ...... ...... (i.) ,
(a − b) ( a — c) —f² = λ , ( a − c) ( a− a) — g² = µ, (a — a ) (a − b) — h³ = v... (ii. ) .
Then the equation ( a) = 0 may be put in either of the forms
L2 = µv, M³ = vλ, N³ = λµ .... ...... (iii.) .
Now the dir. cos. of the first axis are, by (5694) , proportional to
1 1 1
: = √λ : √µ : √v, by (iii. ) .
Their values are, therefore,
√ νομ √v
√ ( +µ + v)' √ (^ +µ + v)' √ (x + µ + v)`

But λ = do (a) and λ+ µ + v =- do (a) , by actual differentiation of the

da da
cubic in (5693) .

5696 Cauchy's proof that the roots of the discriminating cubic ( 5693)
are all real will be found at (1850 ) .

5697 The equation of the enveloping cone, vertex xyz, of

the general quadric surface U = 0 (5673 ) is

4 (abcfghlmn) U = (IU¸ + mU„ + nU₂)²,

with -x, n - y, -z substituted for l , m , n.

PROOF. -The generating line through xyz moves so as to touch the

quadric. Hence the quadratic in r (5676) must have equal roots . The equa
tion admits of some reduction .

5698 When U takes the form ax + by + cz² = 1 , equation

(5697) becomes

(al² + bm² + cn²) (ax² + by² + c≈² - 1) = (alx + bmy + cnz)².

5699 The condition that the general quadric equation may

represent a cone is A' = 0 ; that is , the discriminant of the
quaternary quadric, (5674) or ( 1644) , must vanish.

PROOF. - By (5692 ) . Otherwise A' = 0 is the eliminant of the four

equations U = 0, U, = 0, U₂ = 0, U = 0, the condition that equation
(5675) may represent a cone.

5700 The condition that the plane a h g ι

lx + my + nz = 0 may touch the cone h bf m
(abcfghXxyz) = 0 is the determinant = 0.
g fc n
equation on the right . ι m n

PROOF.-Equate the coefficients l, m, n to those of the tangent plane

(5681) , p, q, r being zero, and xyz the point of contact . A fourth equation
is lx + my + nz = 0, which holds at the point of contact. The eliminant of
the four equations is the determinant above.
P4T2 *

5701 The condition that the a hg P Z


plane lx + my + nz + t = 0 may h b f q m
touch the quadric = 0.
gf c
(abcdfghpqrXxyz1)² = 0 r d t
p 9

(5673) is the determinant equation ι m t

on the right.
PROOF. As in (5700).

5702 If the origin is at the centre, p = q = r = 0. In that

case, transposing the last two rows and last two columns , the
determinant becomes

a h g l 0 = 0, or, d a h g ι = t² a h g

h bfm 0 h b fm h b f
gfcn0 g fc n gƒ c
l m n 0 t I m n
0 0 0 td

5703 The condition that the line of intersection of the


lx + my + nz + t = 0 ... (i . ) and l'a + m'y + n'z + ť′ = 0 ... (ii . )

may touch the general quadric (abcdfghpqrXxyz1 )² = 0 , is the

determinant equation deduced below.

Multiply equation (i . ) by E and (ii. ) by ʼn to obtain the plane

(lE + l'n) x + (me + m'n) y + (në + n'n ) z + t + t'n = 0 ......... (iii . ) ,
passing through the intersection of (i. ) and (ii. ) . The line of intersection
will touch the quadric if (iii. ) coincides with the tangent plane at a point
xyz, and if xyz be also on ( i . ) and ( ii . ) . Therefore, equating coefficients of
(iii.) and the tangent plane at ryz ( 5681 ) , we get the six following equa
tions, the eliminant of which furnishes the required condition ,


ax + hy + gz + pw = 15+ l'n a h 9 P ι ι

hx + by + fz + qw = m² + m'n b f q m'

gx + fy + cz + rw = në + n'n g f с 2° n'
= 0.
px + qy + rz + dw = t¿ + t'n q r d ť
1x + my + nz + tw = 0 m n t
l'x + my + n'z + t'w = 0 m' n' t'


5704 The method of reciprocal polars explained at page 665

is equally applicable to geometry of three dimensions.

Taking poles and polar planes with respect to a sphere of

reciprocation , we have the following rules analogous to those
on page 666.


5705 A plane becomes a point.

5706 A plane at infinity becomes the origin.
5707 Several points on a straight line become as many planes
passing through another straight line. These lines are called
reciprocal lines.

5708 Points lying on a plane become planes passing through

a point, the pole of the plane.
5709 Points lying on a surface become planes enveloping the
reciprocal surface.
5710 Therefore, by rules (5708) and ( 5709) , the points in
the intersection of the plane and a surface become planes
passing through the pole of the plane and enveloped both by
the reciprocal surface and by its tangent cone.
5711 When the intersecting plane is at infinity, the vertex
of the tangent cone is the origin.
5712 Therefore the asymptotic cone of any surface is
orthogonal to the tangent cone drawn from the origin to the
reciprocal surface. The cones are therefore reciprocal.
5713 The reciprocal surface of the quadric is a hyperboloid,
an ellipsoid, or a paraboloid, according as the origin is without,
within, or upon the quadric surface.
5714 The angle subtended at the origin by two points is equal
to the angle between their corresponding planes.
5715 The reciprocal of a sphere is a surface of revolution of
the second order.

5716 The shortest distance between two reciprocal lines

passes through the origin.

5717 The reciprocal surface of the general quadric

(abcdfghpqrXxyz1 ) = 0 (5674) , the auxiliary sphere being
x² + y² + z² = k² , is

a h g p ૐ or, if p = q = r = 0,

hb f զ

dah g | -k* | a h g
gf c 1° r = 0, h b fn h b f
p q r d -k² 1g f c
g fc l
ξ η C - k² § η ८०

PROOF. The polar plane of the point n with respect to the sphere is
Ex + ny + 5z — k² = 0. This must touch the given surface, and the condition is
given in (5701) .

5718 The reciprocal surface of the central quadric

x² y² 22
+ + = 1 , when the origin of reciprocation is the
a³ b2 c²
point x'y'z' , is
(§x' +ny
' + ¿z' — k²) ² = a²§² + b²n² + c²5³ ,

or, with the origin at the centre ,

5719 a²§² + b²n² +c²¿² = k¹.

PROOF. -Let p be the perpendicular from a'y'z' upon a tangent plane of

the quadric, and in the point where p produced, intersects the reciprocal
surface at a distance p from x'y'z' . Then
k²p - ¹ = p = lx' + my' + nz′ — √✓ (a³l³ + b³m³ + c²n³). (5630)
Multiplying by p produces the desired equation .


5721 DEFINITIONS. - The osculating plane at any point of a

curve of double curvature, or tortuous curve, * is the plane
containing either two consecutive tangents or three consecu
tive points .

5722 The principal normal is the normal in the osculating

plane. The radius of circular curvature coincides with this
normal in direction.

5723 The binormal is the normal perpendicular both to the

tangent and principal normal at the point.

5724 The osculating circle is the circle of curvature in the

osculating plane, and its centre, which is the centre of circular
curvature, is the point in which the osculating plane intersects
two consecutive normal planes of the curve .

5725 The angle of contingence , dy, is the angle between two

consecutive tangents or principal normals . The angle oftorsion,
dr, is the angle between two consecutive osculating planes.

* Otherwise named "' space curve."


5726 The rectifying plane at any point on the curve is per

pendicular to the principal normal ; and the intersection of
two consecutive rectifying planes is the rectifying line and
axis of the osculating cone.

5727 The osculating cone is a circular cone touching three

consecutive osculating planes and having its vertex at their
point of intersection .

The rectifying developable is the envelope of the rectifying

planes , and is so named because the curve, being a geodesic
on this surface, would become a straight line if the surface
were developed into a plane .

5728 The polar developable is the envelope of the normal

planes , being the locus of the line of intersection of two con
secutive normal planes . Three consecutive normal planes
intersect in a point which is the centre of spherical curvature :
for a sphere having that centre may be described passing
through four consecutive points of the curve .

5729 The edge of regression is the locus of the centre of

spherical curvature.

5730 The rectifying surface is the surface of centres ( 5773 )

of the polar developable .

5731 An evolute of a curve is a geodesic line on the polar

developable. It is the line in which a free string would lie if
stretched between two points , one on the curve and one any
where on the smooth surface of the polar developable .

5732 In Figure ( 180 ) A , A' , A ”, A"" are consecutive points on a curve.

The normal planes drawn through A and A' intersect in CE ; those through
A' and A" in C'E', and those through A" and A"" in C" E". CE meets C'E'
in E, and C'E' meets C" E" in E' . The principal normals in the normal
planes are AC, A'C', A" C" , and these are also the radii of curvature at
A, A' , A", while C, C' , C" are the centres of curvature. LACA' =du and
CA'C' dr.
The surface ECC'C"E' is the polar developable, CC'C" being the locus
of the centres of curvature, and EE'E" is the edge of regression .
EA is the radius and E the centre of spherical curvature for the point
A. hн, ÍÍ', H'H " are elemental chords of an evolute of the curve, AhH
being a normal at A, and A'HH' a normal at A' , and so on . The first
normal drawn is arbitrary, but it determines the position of all the rest.


5733 The equation of the osculating plane at a point ayz on

the curve is
(§− x) λ + (n − y) µ + ( 5 — ≈) v = 0 .

5734 λ, μ, v are the direction cosines of the binormal, and

their complete values are

P (Ys28 - Y2ss) , p (≈s X25 - Z28 X3) , P (XsY2s — X25Ys) .

5735 The angle of contingence

d¥ = √ { (Ys≈2s —Y2s≈5) ² + (≈5X28 − ≈2, X¸) ² + ( X¸Y23 — X25Ys)²} ds .

PROOF. - Let the direction of a tangent be lmn, and that of a consecutive

tangent l + dl, m + dm, n + dn . Since the normal of the plane must be per
pendicular to both these lines , we shall have, by ( 5532) ,
lλ + mµ + nv = 0 and ( l + dl) λ + ( m + dm) µ + (n + dn) v = 0 ,
therefore λ :: µ : v = mdn — ndm : ndl ― ldn : ldm ― mdl,
and the denominator in the complete values of λ, μ, v is
√ { (mdn − ndm) ² +&c. } = sin dų,
by (5521 ) ; that is, = dy . Also l , m, n = x , y , z, and dl = x²ds, &c.
Therefore λ = (y₁ =28 - Y27 ) Similarly, μ and v ; and s = p, by ( 5146) .

5736 The radius of curvature p at a point xyz .

X22t + Y₂t
2t + ≈2t• $2
2 = x² +y² +≈28 =
B st

PROOF : d¥ = √ { (Ys7qs— Y2878)² + &c. } ds , in ( 5735) ,

therefore = √ { ( x² + y² + z² ) (x² + y² + 223) − (í „X28 + YoY 28 + Zg%28) ³ }
= √ (x²28 + y² + z2 ) ; since +y + = 1 ;
and differentiating this equation makes a, 2, + &c. = 0.
Otherwise, geometrically, precisely as in the proof of ( 5141 ) , we find the
direction cosines of the principal normal to be

5737 cos a = px287 cos B = py281 cos y = p2s.

Therefore p² ( x² + y²28 + z2 ) = cos² a + cos² ß + cos³ y = 1 .
The change to the independent variable t is made by ( 1762) .

5738 The angle of torsion, in terms of λ , μ , v of ( 5734) , is

35 + µY3s + v≈38) pds

dr = √ (x² +µ² + v² ) ds = (λX38

·√ { (µv¸ — µ‚v) ² + (vλ¸ — v¸λ)² + (dµ, —d¸µ)2} .

5 H

PROOF. -By (5745 ) , we have (dr) ³ = (dλ) ³ + (dµ ) ² + (dv ) ³ ............ (i .) ,

which gives the first form. The third reduces to this by the method in
(5736) . For the second form put u = Y , Z28 - Y287 , &c. , then
λ μ บ 1 ds du udK
= = = = (5734), dλ = &c.
u ย w K dự K K
Substitute in (i. ) , reducing by K² = u² + v² + w² and KdKudu + v dv + wdw.


ds 1 du
5739 Radius of curv. , p = Curvature =
dy P ds

ds 1 dr
Radius of torsion , σ = ; Tortuosity =
dr ds

If T, changes sign while passing through the values

zero or infinity, there is a point of inflected torsion or
a cuspidal point, respectively. If 7 , without changing sign,
passes through zero or infinity, there is a point of suspended
torsion or infinite torsion respectively.
Ts is zero , identically, the curve is plane.
If 7,

5740 The radius of spherical curvature,

R = √ (p²+ pr).

PROOF.- In Fig. ( 180) R = p² + EC and EC = p, by analogy with q =P

n a plane curve (see proof of 5147) .

5741 The element of arc of the locus of centres of circular

curvature is
ds' Rdr , and therefore R = 87 .

PROOF. - In Fig. ( 180 ) ds' = CC′ = pdr sec = Rdr.

5742 The radius of curvature of the edge of regression

= S4 = RR, = p + p₂r 9

S" being the arc of the edge of regression .

PROOF. An inspection of Figure ( 180) shows that R and p stand in the

same relation to the edge of regression that r and p occupy with regard to a
curve in the standard formula. In fact we may substitute R for r, p for p,

for 0,7 for 4, and remains . The chosen line of reference AB being
always parallel to the tangent EC, then AEC = BAE = $. Also the angle
of contingence CEC' = CAC' - dr, by the right angles at C and C' . Ac
cordingly, we have the formula p = s = rrp = p + P24 from (5146-8) , and the
values above corresponding to them .

5743 A method of estimating the variation in direction of a

right line whose position is given as depending upon the form
of a tortuous curve at every point.
Let x, y, z be the direction cosines of the line referred to a
fixed principal normal , tangent , and binormal of the curve
[x, y, z may either be constants with respect to the varying
principal normal , tangent, and binormal, or they may be func
tions of the angle between the binormal and the spherical
radius ] .

5744 The complete changes in x, y , z, with respect to the

fixed origin and axes , will be

Sx = dx +yd↓ —zdr ,

Sy = dy - xdy ,

Ez = dz + xdr .
Let a
PROOF.- In Figure ( 180) AC , AB are the fixed axes of a and z.
line AL of unit length be drawn always parallel to the line in question ; then ,
if x, y, z be the coordinates of L, x, y, z will also be the direction cosines of
AL, and therefore of the given line.
Now, suppose A to move to A' , and consequently AL to take the position
A'L'. Then the changes in æ, y, z will be the changes da, dy , dz relatively to
the moving axes, plus the changes due to the rotations du round the
binormal and dr round the tangent. With the usual notation , we shall have
dx = dx + w₂z— w₂y, dy = dy + wzx - w₁z , dz = dz + w₁y — wzx,
with w₁ = 0 , w₂ = −dr, w₂ = —dy.

5745 If dx be the angular change in the direction of the

right line ,
dx = √ { (8x) ² + (dy)² + (d≈) ? } .

For dx = LL' since AL is a unit length.


5746 The angle between two consecutive radii of circular

curvature being dɛ,
(de)² = (d¥)² + (dr)².

PROOF. Here, in ( 5744) , x = 1 , y = 0 , z = 0 , therefore dx = 0 , dy = —d¥,

dz dr. Substitute these values in (5745 ) .

5747 The angle , dn, between two consecutive radii of

spherical curvature, being the inclination to the binormal ,

(dn) ² = (dy.sin 4)² + (do — dr)².

PROOF. - In (5744 ) the direction cosines of R (Fig. 180 ) are x = sin ¢,

y = 0, z = cos &,
therefore da cos o (do - dr) , dydy sin p, dzsin ø (do - dr).
Substitute in (5745).

5748 The angle of contingence of the locus of the centres

of circular curvature ,

(dx) = (dy.cos ) ² + (do + dr )².

PROOF. The dir. cos. of the tangent at C to the locus (Fig. 177) are
x = cos p, y = 0 , z = sin & ;
therefore desin ø (do + dr), dydy cos p, dz = cos ¢ (do +dr) .
Substitute in (5745) .

5749 The osculating plane of the same curve has its

direction cosines in the ratios

dy - do dr - dy cosp .
sino cos : dx
dx dx + dx

PROOF. As in the Proof of ( 5735) , the dir. cos . of the normal to this
plane are proportional to yez - zdy, zòx - xồz , xòy — yềx. Substitute the
values in last proof.

5750 The angle of torsion of the same curve is found from

(5745) and (5744) as above , x, y , z being in this case the dir.
cos. of the normal of the osculating plane as given in (5749).

5751 The direction cosines of the rectifying line are

dr dy
de de

PROOF. The rectifying plane at A' ( Fig. 180 ) is perpendicular to the

normal A'C'. Therefore its equation is a − yd¥ +zdr = 0. The ultimate
intersection of this plane with the rectifying plane at A (that is, the plane
of yz ) is the rectifying line. Hence the equation of the latter is ydy = zdr ;
and the dir. cosines reduce to the above by ( 5746) .

5752 COR. - The vertical angle of the osculating cone

-1 dy
= 2 tan

5753 The angle of torsion of the involute of the curve is

== √ (4² + r² ) de.
PROOF . This angle is also the angle between two consecutive rectifying
lines. Therefore, taking the dir. cosines from (5751 ) , we must put in (5744)
x = 0, y = z = dy ;.
de' de
dr d y
therefore dx = dy
de de dr = 0; by T₂de ; dz = 42de.

5754 The angle of torsion of an evolute of the curve

= dy sin (a —T).
PROOF. (Fig. 180.) Let HH'H" be an evolute of the curve, AH the
tangent to it in the normal plane of the original curve at A, and let a = CAH,
the inclination of AH to the principal normal. At any other point H" of
the evolute, where its tangent is A″H'H ", let the corresponding angle be
0 = C" A"H". Then α -7, 7 being the sum of the angles of torsion
between A and A", or the total amount of twist of the osculating plane. Now
the normal of the osculating plane of the evolute at H", is perpendicular to
HH' and H'H ", two consecutive tangents . Therefore its dir. cosines in
(5744) must be
x = -- sin (a - T) , y = 0, z = cos (α - T) ;
therefore dx = cos (a - 7) dr + 0 — cos ( a − 7) dr = 0,
dy = sin (a −7) d↓ ; dz = sin (a −− 7) dr — sin ( a -− r) dr = 0.
Hence the angle required = dy = d↓ sin ( a — 7) .

5755 Approximate values of the coordinates of a point on a

tortuous curve near to the origin in terms of the arc , the axes
of x, y , z being the principal normal , tangent, and binormal ,
and the arc s being measured from the origin :

$2 3 S4
x0 - S "Ps
(1-2p + PP2 ) + & c. ,
2p 6p² 24,

53 Ps σs
y = s + + &c.,
6p² + 8p³ Upo - 2/4 po + 2p.) + &c. ,

ρ and σ being respectively the radii of circular curvature and

torsion .

PROOF. - By Taylor's theorem ( 1500 ) , since x, y, z, s are the same as

dæ, dy, dz, ds initially, we have a = x« s + } x2,8² + Z3 + &c . , and similar ex
pansions for y and z. The dir. cosines of the principal normal at the point
ayz will be, from (5737) ,
cos (-4) = P289 COS COS = p228 ;
(++ 4 ) = P! 289 ( -)
↓ = dy and 7 = dr being estimated positive as drawn in Figure ( 180 ) for
positive values of x, y , z.
Differentiate these equations for s, and in the results put the initial values
2,2,0, y , = 1 , = r = 0, 4, = " T8=11 / & c. ,
to determine the derivatives in the above expansions.


5756 The helix is a curve traced on a cylinder of radius a ,

so that its tangent preserves a constant inclination , = 17 - a,
to the axis . Taking the axis of the cylinder for the z axis of
coordinates , the equations of the helix are

x = a cos 0, y = a sin 0, ≈ = a0 tan a.

5757 The radius of curvature p = a sec²a.

5758 The radius of torsion = 2a cosec 2a .

PROOF. -p from (5806) ; since p₁ = a , P₂ = ∞ , and 0 = a at every point.
By (5739) , σ = s . But dz = ds sin a and adr = dz cos a.

5759 The helix of closest contact with a given curve may

be found as follows .

Determine the constants a and a from equations (5757-8) , with the

known values of p and for the given curve ; then place the helix to have a
common tangent with the curve at the point, and make the osculating planes


5770 DEFINITIONS . -A tangent plane passes through three

consecutive points on a surface which are not in the same
right line.

5771 The normal at any point of a surface is perpendicular

to the tangent plane .

5772 A normal plane is any plane through the normal.

5773 A line of curvature on a surface is a line along which

consecutive normals to the surface intersect. At every point
of a surface there are usually two lines of curvature at right
angles to each other ; and to these correspond two principal
radii of curvature . The two lines of curvature coincide with
the principal axes of the indicatrix at the point. See (5778) .

5774 The surface of centres is the locus of the centres.

of principal curvature . There are two such surfaces , for
there are two centres on each normal , and the normal is a
tangent to both surfaces . Either surface may be regarded as
generated by the evolutes of the lines of principal curvature.

5775 A geodesic is a line traced on a surface along which

the osculating plane at every point contains the normal to
the surface. See (5779) .

5776 The radius of geodesic curvature of a curve traced

on a surface is measured by the ratio of the element of arc of
the curve to the angle between consecutive normal sections
of the surface drawn through consecutive tangents of the
curve. Geodesic curvature, being the reciprocal of this , is
therefore the rate of angular deviation of the normal section
per unit length of the curve.

5777 An umbilicus is a point on a surface where a section

parallel to and close to the tangent plane is a circle ; in other
words, the indicatrix is a circle.
For a definition of Indicatrix , see (5795) .

5778 In Figure ( 182 ) OCD is the normal at O to a curved surface ;

AOA', BOB' are the lines of curvature, therefore the normals to the surface
at A and O intersect in the centre of curvature radius p₁ (5773 ) , and the
normals at B and O, in the centre, radius 2. The normals to the line of
curvature BOB' at B and O, drawn in the osculating plane BOB', intersect in
K, and those at B' and O intersect in H. HOD is the angle between the
osculating plane of the line of curvature and the plane of normal section .
Similarly for the line of curvature AOA'.
5779 If POP' be a geodesic, its osculating plane POP' contains OD the
normal to the surface at O, and therefore p = OD, the radius of curvature
of this section at 0 ; but PE, the normal to the surface at P, does not inter
sect OD, the consecutive normal at O, unless the geodesic coincides with one
of the lines of curvature , OA or OB. The angle DPE is the angle of torsion
which vanishes in the latter case.

* Not to be confounded with the radius of curvature of a geodesic.



5780 Let the general equation of a surface be represented

by (x, y, z ) = 0.

5781 The equations of any tangent at a point xyz are

x n- y
= = with lo + mo +n &₂ = 0 .
m n

PROOF. -At an adjacent point x +rl, y + rm, z + rn , we have

(x + rl, y + rm, z + rn) = 0 ,
therefore, by ( 1514 ) , p (x, y , z ) + r ( lox + mp, + noz) = 0,
the rest vanishing in the limit . But p (x , y , z ) = 0 , therefore
19x + mpy + noz = 0.
But l, m, n are the direction cosines of the line joining the two points, which
becomes a tangent in the limit ; and if ¿ŋ be any point on this line distant p
from xyz, x = pl, n − y = pm, 5 — z = pn , &c.

5782 The equation of the tangent plane at xyz is

(§− x) Þx +(n − y) 4, + ( 5 − ≈) 4; = 0 .
PROOF. -Eliminate l, m, n from lo̟₂ + mp, + ng₂ = 0 by -x = pl, &c. , as


5783 If, in the expansion in ( 5781 ) by Taylor's theorem, all the deriva
tives of (x, y, z ) of an order up to n inclusive vanish , we have
JN +1
(x + rl, y + rm , z + rn) = (x, y, z) + (ld₂ + md + nd₂) n + ¹ (x, y, z) = 0 .
n+ 1
There are in this case n + 2 coincident points at xyz in the direction Imn,
and since the equation (ld, + md, + nd₂ ) n + ¹ (x, y, z ) = 0 is of the n + 1th
degree in l, m , n ; n + 1 tangents to the surface at xyz can, in general, be
drawn in any given plane through that point. This equation now takes the
place of the conditional equation in (5781 ) .

5784 Equation ( 5782 ) is now replaced by

{ (§ − x) d¸ + (n − y) d, + ( ¿ —≈) d. } " $ ( x, y , z) = 0 ,

the equation of the locus of all tangents at the point xyz , and
representing a conical surface generated by the motion of
those tangents .

5785 The equation of the normal at xyz is

ε—x -
= n- y = (5782)
Px y Pz

5786 The equation of the tangent at a point a'y'z ' on the

curve of intersection of the tangent plane at ayz with the
surface is

§— x' = ___ ? — ~
_ n —y' =

with the two conditions

λφ + μφ ,ย + νφ = 0 , λφ + μφ +νφ = 0.

For these are the conditions of perpendicularity to the normals of the

tangent planes at xyz and x'y'z' respectively.

There are three exceptional cases in which the ratios

Aμ have more than one set of values ; namely—

5787 P , y, z vanish simultaneously, there is a
tangent cone at xyz .

5788 II.- When ', ', ' vanish simultaneously, x'y'z' is

a singular point on the surface .

5789 III ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _When Pr = у = P.
ቀ In this case the point
Px Py' Pz,
x'y'z' coincides with xyz , and the tangent there meets the curve
in more than two coincident points , the condition for which is

(\d + µd, + vd )² p (x, y, z) = 0 (i .) ,

with λφ . + μφ + νφ . = 0 (ii .) .

These equations furnish two sets of values of the ratios

Aμv, giving thereby the directions of two inflexional
tangents (tangents to the curve of intersection ) at xyz , each
meeting the surface in three coincident points . If all the
derivatives of an order less than n vanish at xyz , equation (i .)
will be replaced by (Ad +ud + vd. ) " p (x, y , z ) = 0 , which ,
together with (ii . ) , will determine n inflexional tangents at
the point.

5790 The polar equation of the tangent plane at the point

r0p, r' , ' , ' being the variables , is , writing u for r¹,

u = ( u cos 0 —u, sinė) cos✪ + ( u sin @ + u, cos ) cos (p
' — 6) sinơ

+ u , cosec 0 sin ( − ¢) sin @ .
5 I

PROOF. Write the polar equation of the plane through paß, the foot of
the perpendicular on the plane from the origin ; thus
pu = cos 0 cos a + sin sin a cos (4 — ẞ) .
Differentiate for 0 and to find puo and риф , and eliminate p, a, and B. This
elimination is troublesome.

5791 The length of the perpendicular from the origin upon

the tangent plane at xyz,

xox + y + zz ne
p= or , (5782, 5549)
√ {& + & + 6 } { +6 +6 }

the second form being the value of p when the equation of

the surface is 4 ( x , y , z ) = c , a constant , and when is a
homogeneous function of the nth degree ( 1624) .

5793 In polar coordinates ,

1 r²+r +r cosec² 0
= u² +u² +u¿ cosec² 0 =
p 204

PROOF.-Add together the values of the squares of pu, puo and риф found
in (5790 ) . 1
For a geometrical proof, see Frost and Wolstenholme, Art. ( 314) .


5795 DEF . -The indicatrix at any point of a surface is the

curve in which the surface is intersected by a plane drawn
parallel to the tangent plane at that point and infinitely near
to it .

5796 The following abbreviations will be employed—

The derivatives of p
Φ (x, y , z), Par , Pay, Paz, Pyz , Pzx, Pxy , Pz› Py, Pz›
will be denoted by a, b, c, f, g, h, l , m, n.

5797 PROP.- The indicatrix at a point xyz of a surface

p (x, y , z ) = 0 is the conic in which the elementary quadric

5798 I.
a² +bn² + c5² + 2ƒn ( + 2g¢§ + 2h§n = √l²+m² +n² = N
is intersected by the tangent plane at xyz , whose equation is 1
5799 II . l§ + mn + n { + } N = 0 .

The origin of coordinates is the point wyz in both equa

tions . R is an indefinitely small radius from the centre of
the quadric (I. ) to a point n on the indicatrix , and p is the
radius of curvature of the section of the surface & by a normal
plane drawn through R ; the ratio Rp being constant for
all such planes .
PROOF. - Let O, in Fig. ( 181 ) , be the point xyz on the surface ; x + ³,
y+n, z + an adjacent point P. Then
• (x + E, y + n, z + 5) = 4 ( x, y , z ) + lĘ + mn + n5 + 1 ( a§² + ... + 2h &ŋ ) + &c.
With xyz for origin, draw the quadric surface
a² +bn² + c + 2ƒn % + 2g5€ + 2h&n = N.. . (i. )
and the plane l& + mn + n $ + 1 N = 0 …………........ ...
.. (ii. ) .
Since §, n , are very small, N is likewise . Also the unwritten terms in the
above expansion may be neglected in the limit. Hence, any point En lying
on the intersection of the quadric (i . ) and the plane (ii. ) will also lie on the
original surface ( x + E, y + n , z + 5 ) = 0 .
To determine N, we have the perpendicular from xyz upon the plane (ii.) ,
p= (5549) . The radius of curvature of the section of the
2 √ (1² + m² + n³)
surface made by a normal plane at O drawn through P being p, we have
R2 R2
p= " and therefore N :—— √ (l² +m² +n³) .
2p ρ
In the Figure, R = OP, p = OL, and the intersection of (i . ) and (ii. ) is
the conic PSQ. Since p is indefinitely small, we may put N = 0 in equa
tion (ii. ) . This amounts to taking the parallel section of the quadric by the
tangent plane at O instead of the section PSQ. But these two will be equal
in all respects , since the section of the quadric is a central one.

5800 If m = 0, equation ( II . ) becomes l + n = 0 , and if

the inclination of the indicatrix plane to the plane of ay be a,
tan a = To obtain, in this case , the equation of the
indicatrix in its own plane, put = E' cos a , = ' sina , and
n = n', in equation ( I. ) .
5801 When none of the three constants l , m , n are zero ,
the quadric (I. ) simplifies as follows
From (II . ) we have l + mn - n and two similar equa
tions. Square these, and by the results eliminate the terms
in nl, ¿E , Eʼn from (I. ) , which then becomes

5802 III. H&² + Kn² + LC² = N,

where H = a+
mn (lf-mg- nh) , K = b + m²
nl (mg− nh — lf),
L = c + Im
2 (nh ― lf— mg).

This is the equation of another quadric intersecting the

plane (II . ) in the indicatrix.

5803 The equation of a surface for points near an origin (

(Fig. 182) , the normal at O being taken for z axis, is

X2 y²
+ = 2%,
Pi P2

where P1, P2 are the radii of curvature of the normal sections

through the x and y axes , and those sections will be proved to
be the lines of curvature at 0.

PROOF. Let AC = a and BC = b be the semi-axes of the indicatrix conic

at a small distance z from 0 ( 5795) . The equation of the conic will there.
x² a³ b2
fore be + = 1 ; but = 2p₁ and - = 20 giving the equation
a² b2 Z 2
Secondly, on a line of curvature, the normal to the surface at a point ryz
will intersect the z axis ( 5773) . The condition for this , by ( 5533 ) [ with
xyz for abc, the origin for a'b'c',
L, M, N = $x, $y, 4z (5785) = 2 , 24 , -2, and L′ , M ′, N' = 0,0,1 ] ,
Pi Pa
gives xy ( 1, − 1) = 0, therefore x = 0 or y = 0 on a line of curvature.
Q. E. D.

5804 If the equation of the surface with the same axes be

z = ax² + 2hxy + by² + 2fyz + 2gzx +cz² +higher powers ,

1 1
then P₁ = P2 =
2a' 26*

PROOF. - Put y = 0 and divide by z, therefore 1 = a 2² + 2gx + cz + &c.

When a and z vanish, we have 1 := 2api.

5805 For a normal section making an angle 0 with AC,

-= =
- 2 (a cos²0 +2h sin cos 0 +b sin³ 0) .

PROOF.-Turning the axes in ( 5804) through the angle ℗ by ( 4049) , the

coefficient of "2 becomes a cos²0 + as above.

5806 Euler's Theorem .— If Р be the radius of curvature of


any other normal section at O, making an angle ACP = 0 with

AČ ( Fig . 182 ) ,
1 cos² 0 sin² 0
P P1 P2

PROOF. - Let = CP ; then x = r cos 0, y = r sin 0, and r² = 2pz, which

substitute in ( 5793) .

5807 COR. - The sum of the curvatures of two normal

sections at right angles to each other is constant ; or, if p, p'
be the radii of curvature for those sections, and Pa, Pb Po the
radii for the principal sections ,

1 1 1 1
+ = + •
РР Pa Pb

5808 The radius of curvature of a normal section varies as

the square of the radius of the indicatrix in that section .

PROOF. From = 2pz, in Figure (182).

5809 Meunier's Theorem. -The radius of curvature of an

oblique section of a surface is equal to the radius of curvature
of the normal section through the same tangent multiplied by
the cosine of the inclination of the planes .
PN2 PN2 ρ NO
PROOF. (Fig. 183. ) p' = NO' p = NO' therefore ρ == NO = cos p,
when NO and NC vanish.

5810 Quadratic for y, at a point on the surface z = p (x , y)

giving the direction of the principal normal sections , and ,
therefore, of the lines of curvature (notation 1815) .

{ pqt— (1 + q²) s } y¿ + { ( 1 +p²) t− (1 + q²) r } Yx

+ { (1 +p²) s −pqr } = 0 .

PROOF.- (i .) The equations of the normals at the consecutive points xyz

and x + dx, y + dy, z + dz of the surface (x, y, z) = 0 are
E-x n- y 5-2
= = and E- (x + dx) = n− (y + dy) = <- (z + dz)•
9x Py Pz Pz+ doz Py + doy P:+ do₂

5811 The condition of intersection is, by (5533),

dx dy dz 1 Yx p + qyx
ቀ =

ቀ. Φυ or P q -1 == 0,
dozx doy do r + syx s +tyx 0

by dividing the first row by da, and putting = $x + ¢y ¥x, d$x = $2x + Oxy Yz»
& c. The form of 4 ( x, y, z ) being, in this case,
( x, y ) -z, z becomes -1 ,
and do, becomes zero. The determinant equation produces the quadratic.
(ii .) Otherwise. -Consider in the point of intersection of consecutive
normals . The equations of a normal being
E- 20 = n- y =
-=747 or -xp ( - ) and n - y = q (z — 5) .
p q
Differentiate both equations for x, considering E, n, constant and p, q func
tions of x and y ; the results are
1 + ( r + syx) (z − 5 ) + p (p + QYx) = 0 and yx + (s + tyx) (z − 5 ) + q (p + QYx) = 0.
Eliminate - to obtain the quadratic in yx.

5812 If the equation of the surface be in the form 4 ( x, y, z ) = 0, the

quadratic for y, may be obtained in the same way. The requisite substitu
tions in the first determinant are found from 9 x + Oy Yx + $ z ² = 0, giving zei
dox = P2x + Oxy Yx + xzx, &c. , and with the notation of (5796 ) the determin
ant equation and quadratic for y, becomes
n nyx − (1 +myx)
ι m n = 0.
an ― gl + (hn ― gm ) yx hn -fl + ( bn -fm ) yx gn - cl + (fn — cm) yx

5813 The above determinant, or the corresponding one in ( 5810) , is the

differential equation of the lines of curvature.

5814 The radii of curvature of the principal normal sections

of the surface (x, y , z ) = 0 at a point ayz are given by the
following quadratic, in which A' is the bordered determinant
in (5700) , and the notation is that of ( 5796 ) and ( 1620) .

A'p² + { (a +b + c) (l² + m² + n²) — (abefgh) lmn)²} kp — k¹ = 0,

where 2 == 12+ m² + n² .

PROOF. - The quadratic in ( 5653) applied to a section of the quadric (I. )

(5798) by the plane ( II. ) , becomes
A'R' + { (b + c) l² + ( c + a) m² + ( a + b ) n³ — 2fmn - 2gnl - 2hlm } NR
- (1² + m² + n²) N° = 0,
whose roots , being the two values of R³, are the squares of the principal
semi-axes of the indicatrix. Put R = Np? as in the Proof of (5797) .

5815 Otherwise, the quadratic in ( 5651 ) might be applied to a section of

the quadric (III. ) (5802) by the plane (I. ).

5816 If the equation of the surface be given in the form


z = p (x, y) , the quadratic becomes [ writing , as in ( 1815 ) ,

p , q , r, s , t for zx, Zy , Z2x , Zxy , Z2y ] ,

(rt —s²) p² — { (1 +p²) t − 2pqs + (1 + q²) r } kp +k* = 0 ,

where k² = p² + q² + 1 .

Otherwise, this equation may be found from the two equations obtained
in the second proof of (5810 ) , by eliminating y, instead of 2-4.

5817 The radius of curvature at a point xyz on the surface

• (x, y , z) = 0 of the normal section whose tangent has the
direction cosines λ , μ , v is , with the notation of ( 5796 ) and
(1620) ,
✓ (1² + m² + n²)
P = ·
(abcfghχλμ . )"
PROOF. From equation (I.) (5798), since E, n, are respectively equal
to RX, Ru, and Rv.

5818 The curvature at any point of a surface + (x, y , z) = 0

is termed elliptic or synclastic, hyperbolic or anticlastic, and
parabolic or cylindrical, according as the indicatrix is an
ellipse, hyperbola, or two parallel right lines , or according as
the principal curvatures have the same signs , opposite signs ,
or one of them vanishes ; and this will be according as the
determinant A' , in ( 5814) , or s² - rt , in ( 5816) , is negative,
positive, or zero .
PROOF. The rule follows at once from the consideration that the two
values of p in the quadratic of ( 5814) must have the same sign in the first
case, different signs in the second, and that one value must be infinite in the
third case .

5819 The condition for an umbilicus is that the indicatrix

must be a circle ; therefore, either (III . ) ( 5802 ) must be a
sphere , or, if it be a quadric surface, the plane ( II . ) must
make a circular section of it , and therefore either l , m , or n
must vanish .

5820 Otherwise, the quadratic in (5814) or ( 5816 ) must

have equal roots.

5821 Otherwise, the conditions for an umbilicus on the sur

face (x, y , z) = 0 are the two equations

bn² + cm² -2fmn cl² +an² - 2gnl am² +bl² - 2hlm

= =
m² + n² n² + 12 1²+ m²

PROOF. -The radius of the indicatrix, and therefore also p in ( 5817) , is

constant for all values of X, μ , v. Now, by ( 5817) ,
aλ²+ &c. = ;
(a − 1 )
(2-1 + (( 0-0
) x² + b — ¹² )) µ² + ( c — ¹² ) v² + 2ƒµv + 2gvλ + 2hλµ = 0,

and lλ + mµ + nv = 0, since Aµv is always tangential, and Imn is normal to

the surface. As these equations are true for all values of A, μ , y, the second
expression must be a factor of the first. The quotient, by division, is there
k λ k
(0-0ρ ) 슬 ι + (0-0 ρ) + (0- 쯤 ) 음
Equating to zero each of the three coefficients of the remainder, and elimi
nating p, we obtain the above conditions .

5822 If a common factor of the three fractions in (5821 )

exists , that factor equated to zero is the differential equation
of a line of spherical curvature at every point of which there
is an umbilicus . If the fractions are identically equal , the
surface has an umbilicus at every point, and must therefore
be a sphere .

5823 The number of umbilici on a surface of the nth degree

cannot exceed n ( 10n² - 25n + 16) . Salmon , p . 208 .

5824 The condition that the indicatrix may be a rectangular

hyperbola is
(a + b + c) ( l² + m² +n²) = ( abcfghXlmn)².
PROOF. The quadratic in (5814) must have equal roots of opposite
signs .
Similarly, when z = (x, y) is the equation of the quadric, the condition
becomes (1 +p³) t − 2pqs + ( 1 + q³ ) r = 0 . (5816)

5825 The condition that the indicatrix may become two

coinciding lines .

Here equation I. ( 5798) must represent a cone, and the plane ( II. )
must touch it. Hence N ==
= 0 , and , if be eliminated , the quadratic for the
ration obtained is
(an +cl - 2gnl) +2 (clm -fnl - gmn + hn³) Eŋ + (bn² + cm² —2ƒmn) ŋ² = 0,
and this must have equal roots.


5826 DEFS. -Integral curvature of a closed surface is equal

to the area of that part of the surface of a sphere of unit
radius which is intercepted by radii drawn parallel to the

normals at all points of the given surface. This area also

measures the solid angle of the cone generated by the radii.
The curve on the sphere is called the horograph of the curve
on the original surface . In other words , integral curvature
of a closed surface is the area of the horograph of its

5827 Average curvature is the integral curvature divided by

the area of the surface .
Specific curvature is the average curvature of a small
(ds)2 1
element at the point ; i.e. , ÷ (ds )² =

5828 The last is the usual measure of curvature at a point ,

and its value in coordinates of the point is given by

1 Δ rt- s2
or (5796)
PIP2 (l² + m² + n²) ² (1 + p² + q²) 2

according as (x, y, z ) = 0 or z = (x, y) is the form of the

equation to the surface.

PROOF. From the product of roots of the quadratics in (5814) and

(5816 ).

5829 In a plane curve integral curvature is the plane angle

contained by the terminal normals , and average curvature is
the integral curvature divided by the length of the curve .

5830 Another measure of curvature at a given point of a

surface is the ratio of the area of the indicatrix to the area of
the indicatrix cut off by the same plane on a sphere of unit
radius which touches the surface internally at the point . This
measure is = √PIP₂.

PROOF. - Putting AC = R₁, BC = R₁, in Fig . ( 182 ) , and OC = % , the area

of the indicatrix of the surface is RR, at an ellipsoidal point. But
R₁ = 2p, and R2 = 2p,z , therefore RR₂ = 2πz (P₁₂) . Also the indicatrix
of the sphere = 2πz since P₁ = P₂ = 1 for the sphere.

5831 The radius of curvature of any normal section at a

point P of an ellipsoid (Fig. 184) is equal to the square of
the semi-diameter parallel to the tangent of that section,
5 K

divided by the perpendicular from P upon the diametral

plane conjugate to OP.

PROOF.- Let AOB be the plane parallel to the tangent plane at P ;

OA = d, the semi-diameter in it parallel to the given tangent PT. Draw
PR perpendicular to OA and PN = p perpendicular to the plane AOB. The
radius of curvature at P of the elliptic section PA = (4536 ). Therefore,
by (5809) , the radius of curvature of the normal section through the same
d ᏢᎡ ď
tangent PT, will be p = X ==

5832 The principal radii of curvature at P, viz . P1 , P2, are

found from their sum and product thus : putting y for OP,
and a, b, c for the semi-axes of the ellipsoid ,

a² +b² + c² —y² , a2b2c²

P₁+P₂ = PiP₂ =
p p*
PROOF. Let a, 6 be the semi-axes of the section AOB ( Fig. 184) , then
a² + 3² + y² = a² + b² +c² ( 5642 ) and paß = abc ( 5648) . By these values
a² +33 a3
eliminate a, ẞ from P₁ +P₂ = and 010. = (5831 ) .
P pi

5833 The lines of curvature on a quadric surface are its

intersections with the confocal quadrics .

PROOF.Let the quadric and confocal be the ellipsoid and one-fold

hyperboloid in (Fig. 178) intersecting in the line DPE, and let their equa
tions be, as in ( 5656 ) ,
x² y² x2 y2 22
+ + = 1 ...... (i. ) and a²+x+ =1 (ii. ).
b2 32353
c² a²+ λ 1 +
+ λ c² + λ
At any point P on the line of intersection x, y, z satisfy the three following
equations :
xdx zdz
First, the differential of ( ii. ) , + ydy + = 0.
a²+λ b²+λ ²+λ
Second, the difference of ( i . ) and (ii . ) ,
x² y¹ z²
+ +
a² (a² +λ) b² (b² +A) * c² (c² +A) = 0.
Third, the difference of their differentials,
x dx y dy zdz
+ + = 0.
a² (a² + λ) b² (b² + λ) ' c² (c² +λ)

The eliminant of these equations in x, y, z pro da dy dz

duces the determinant equation here annexed, which,

by (5811 ) , is the condition for the intersection of con = 0.

secutive normals. Hence this condition holds for

dx dy

every point of the line of intersection of (i . ) and (ii. ) .


The general method of determining the lines of curvature

of a surface from the differential equation in (5811 ) is here
exemplified in the case of an ellipsoid .
5834 The determinant just written gives for the differential equation of
the lines of curvature
(b²-c²) x dydz + ( c³ — a³ ) y dz dx + (a³ — b³ ) z dx dy = 0 ......... (i . ) .
To solve this, multiply by c² and substitute for z and dz from the equation
of the quadric. The result is of the form
Axy y² +(x² -Ay³ - B) y - xy = 0,
in which A = a² (b²-c²) B = a² (a² - b²) ; or, multiplying by 1,
b² (a²— c²) ' a² -c²

A YYx (xYYx — y²) — BYYx + (xyyz — y³) = 0,

x 2
which is of the form in (3236) . Solving by that method, we find that the
two equations yyz = α and xyy - y = ẞ have the common primitive
ax²-yẞ, = which, with the relation Aaß- Ba +B = 0, constitutes the
solution. The result is that the projections of the lines of curvature upon
the xy plane are a series of conics coaxal with the principal section of the
ellipsoid, and having their axes a, b varying according to the equation
a² (a² -
— c³) b² (b² -—c²) = 1 .
a² (a² -b²) b² (b² -
— a²)
At an umbilicus y = 0, therefore , equation (i. ) becomes [ ( 2 - c²) xdz
+ (a² - b²) zdx ] dy = 0. Here dy = 0, being a solution, gives y = C = 0,
showing that the plane of zx contains a line of curvature. The other
factor, equated to zero, taken with the differential equation of the curve
cx dx + azdz = 0, gives the coordinates of the umbilicus, as in (5603) .


5835 Let $ be the angle between the osculating plane and

the normal section through the same line of curvature, ds an
element of the other line of curvature , and p, p' their radii of
curvature respectively : then

tan 4 = dp ·
ds P -P

PROOF. Fig. ( 185 ) . Let OA, OB be the lines of curvature ; OP, AP

consecutive normals along OA ; and OS, BS the same along OB. Also, let
BQ, CQ be consecutive normals along the line of curvature BC. Then ,
ultimately, OP = p, OS = p', BQ = p + dp . Also , let QP produced meet the
osculating plane of AO in R. Join RO and RA, and draw QN at right angles
to PS. Since the tangent to AO at O is perpendicular to the plane OBQP
and that at A to ACQP, it follows that both tangents are perpendicular to
QP, which must therefore be perpendicular to the osculating plane ARO.
Hence or ROP = PQN.

Now NQ = SQ = p' — p - dp NP do ρ
" ... tan & = = ultimately.
ds SB ρ NQ ds -p

5836 At every point on a line of curvature of a central

conicoid pd is constant, where d is the semi-diameter parallel
to the tangent at the point and p is the perpendicular from
the centre upon the tangent plane.

PROOF .- Let the first and third confocals in (5661 ) be fixed, and there
fore a, and a constant. Draw the second confocal through the point of
contact P of the tangent plane ( Fig. 178 ) . Then, by ( 5663) , pd, and p¸d
are constant along the line of intersection of the first and third surface,
2 2
because, by (5661 ) , d = a - a, and d₁ = a — az.


5837 The equations of a geodesic on the surface (x, y, z) = 0

are Y2s
₂ = 4
+ фу = 3
PROOF.- The Osculating plane of the curve contains the normal to the
surface (5775) ; therefore, by (5737 ) and ( 5785) .

5838 A geodesic is a line of maximum or minimum distance

along the surface between two points .

PROOF . - The curve drawn in the osculating plane from one point to a
contiguous point is shorter than any other by Meunier's theorem ( 5809) ,
for any oblique section has a shorter radius of curvature and therefore a
longer arc. A succession of minimum arcs, however, may constitute a maxi
mum curve distance between the extreme points ; for example, two points on
a sphere can be joined by either of two arcs of a great circle, the one being
a minimum and the other a maximum geodesic.

5839 A surface of revolution such as the terrestrial globe affords a good

illustration . A meridian and a parallel of latitude drawn through a point
near the pole are the two lines of curvature at the point. The meridian is
also a geodesic, but the parallel is evidently not, for its plane does not
contain the normal to the surface.

5840 A geodesic is the line in which a string would lie if

stretched over the convex side of a smooth surface between
two fixed points .

PROOF .- Any small arc of the string POP' ( Fig. 182 ) is acted upon by
tensions along the tangents at P and P', and by the normal reaction of the
surface at 0. But these three forces act in the osculating plane (5775) ;
therefore the string will rest in equilibrium on the surface in that plane.

COR.- Two equal geodesics drawn from a point and in

definitely near to each other are at right angles to the line
which joins their extremities .

5841 If a geodesic has a constant inclination to a fixed line,

the normals along it will be at right angles to that line .
PROOF. - Let Imn be the fixed line and a the constant angle ; then
lx¸ + my + nz¸ = cos a, and therefore l₂ + mY2, + nz28 = 0 .
Therefore, by (5837) , the principal normal is at right angles to Imn.
EXAMPLE. The helix, the axis being the fixed line.

5842 On any central conicoid pd is constant along a geo

desic, where p is the perpendicular from the centre upon the
tangent plane and d is the semi-diameter parallel to the
tangent of the geodesic .

PROOF. (Fig. 186. ) Let AT, BT be the tangents at the two extremities
of a small geodesic arc AB, and let the tangent planes at A and B be ADC
and BCD. AT and BT make equal angles with CD, bythe property of
shortest distance, for if the plane BCD be turned about CD until it coincides
with the plane ADC, ATB will become a straight line, and therefore
LATD = BTC = i, say.
Let be the angle between the tangent planes ; let the perpendiculars
upon those planes from A, B be AM = q, BN = q' , and fromthe centre of the
quadric p, p' ; and let xyz and a'y'z' be the points A, B. Then
q = AT sin i sin w, q' = BT sin i sin w, .. q : q' = ᎪᎢ : ᏴᎢ ...... (i.) ,
q =p ( ++b2 - 1 ) (5628) ; q =p( ++
b2 -
therefore q : q'p' : p ..... (ii. ) .
Again, let d, d' be the semi- diameters parallel to AT and BT. Then, by
(5677) , AT : BT = d : d' ; therefore p' : p = d : d' or pd = p'd' ; that is ,
pd is constant.

5843 If a line of curvature be plane, that plane makes a

constant angle with the tangent plane to the surface.
PROOF. - Let PQ, QR, RS be equal consecutive elements of the line of
curvature. The consecutive normals to the surface bisect PQ and QR and
meet in a point. Therefore they are equally inclined to the plane PQR.
Similarly the second and third normals are equally inclined to the plane QRS,
and so on. Hence, if the curve be plane, all the normals are equally inclined
to its plane . Hence also the following theorem.

5844 Lancret's Theorem. -The variation in the angle be

tween the tangent plane and the osculating plane of a line of

curvature is equal to the angle between consecutive osculating

planes .

5845 COR. - If a geodesic be either a line of curvature or a

plane curve, it is both, but a plane line of curvature , as in
(5839) , is not necessarily a geodesic .


Theorem .-The square of the curvature at any point of a

curve traced on a surface is equal to the sum of the squares
of the normal and geodesic curvatures (5776) , or
1 1 1
5846 = + 112

where p' is the radius of curvature of the normal section and

p" the radius of geodesic curvature . Also , if be the angle
between the plane of normal section and the osculating plane,

5847 & = p' cos p.

p = p" sin p

PROOF. -Let PQ = QR ( Fig. 187) be consecutive elements of any curve

traced on a surface. Produce PQ to S, making QS PQ. Let QT = PQ
be the consecutive elements of the section of the surface drawn through
PQS and the normal at Q. Join RS, ST, TR. PQSR is the osculating
plane of the curve PQR. PQST is the plane of normal section, and there
fore PQT is a geodesic. QRT is the tangent plane, and STR is a right
Then, putting SQR = dy, SQT = dy' , RQT = dy" , RST = p, we have
ds ds ds
p= p':= p" = (5776)
dy' dy" d "
ds.d " ᎡᎢ
Therefore = = = sin 4.
P ds.dy ᎡᏚ
ds.dy' ST
Also = = cos , as in (5809) .
ds.dy ᏚᎡ
Thus both theorems are proved. Note that p' is the radius of curvature of
the geodesic PQT, while p" is the radius of geodesic curvature of PQR.


5848 If 0 be the angle between the geodesic and one of the

lines of curvature ; p₁ , p₂ the principal radii of normal curva
ture, and σ the radius of torsion ,

=( -1) sin cos 0.

PROOF. (Fig. 182. ) Let OP = ds be the geodesic, OA, OB the lines of

curvature, and 0 ACP. The angle of torsion dr measures the rotation of
the normal to the surface round OP = ds. But this angle is equal to the
sum of the rotations of the normal round OA and OB resolved along ds.
For, in travelling along each of the lines CN and NP, which are in the direc
tions of the lines of curvature, the normal rotates only about the other.
Therefore, if w₁ , w, be the rotations round OA , OB, dr = w₁ cos 0 + w, sin 0.
ds sin ds cos 0 1 dr 1 1
But W1 = Wq = ; .. = = sin 0 cos 0.
Pa Pi σ ds P1 -금)

5849 The product pd has the same value for all geodesics
which touch the same line of curvature.

PROOF. -By theorems (5836) and ( 5842) , since the product where they
touch it must be the same as that for the line of curvature.

5850 The product pd has the same value for all geodesics
drawn through any umbilicus on a conicoid .
PROOF. The semi-diameter d, in this case, is the radius of a circular
section, and therefore equal to the mean semi-axis b for all the geodesics ;
and p is the same for all.

5851 The geodesics drawn through any point on a conicoid

to two umbilici make equal angles with either line of curva
ture through the point.

PROOF.- pd is the same for each geodesic, by the last, and p is the same
for each ; therefore d is the same, that is, the diameters parallel to the two
geodesics at the point are equal ; therefore they are equally inclined to each
axis of their section ; but these axes are parallel to the lines of curvature
(5803) ; therefore, &c.

5852 Hence the geodesics joining any point to two opposite

umbilici lying on the same diameter are continuations of each
other .

5853 The sum of the distances of any point on a line of

curvature from two interior umbilici is constant ; and the
difference of the distances from one interior and one exterior
umbilicus is constant.

PROOF. -Geometrically, as in the analogous theorem for the focal distances

in a conic, if r, r' are the distances and r + dr, r' + dr' the distances for a
consecutive point on the line of curvature, it follows from (5851 ) that
dr - dr' for interior umbilici and dr = dr' for exterior ones.

5854 A system of lines of curvature and the umbilici on a


quadric surface has therefore analogous properties with a

system of confocal conics and their foci in a plane, the geo
desics corresponding to straight lines .

5855 In the same way, every surface has a geodesic geo

metry proper to itself ; spherical trigonometry, for instance,
being the geodesic geometry of the sphere.



5856 The constancy of the ratio R2 : p in equation ( 5798)

gives rise to the following invariant forms. Since the quadric
surface I and the tangent plane II are the same for all posi
tions of the coordinate axes , they have been called respec
tively the invariable quadric and the invariable plane. As a
consequence ,

5857 6 +8 + 02
is an invariant of p (x, y , z) .

PROOF. - By (5791 ) , since the perpendicular from the origin upon the
invariable plane is constant. Also, the coefficients of the discriminating
cubic (5693) of the invariable quadric will not be altered by transformation
of axes . Therefore the following are also invariant forms :—

5858 2x+ 2y +$2z9

- -
5859 22 +Þ2z P2x +Þ2x P24¬Þ³½ — Þžx — Þzy ,
- -
5860 yz — Þ24 Þzx— Þ2zÞzy•
2x222 + 2ÞyzÞzxÞxy ¬Þ2x Þjz

5861 A similar theorem applied to a function p (x, y) of

two variables gives the invariable conic and invariable line ;
§²Þ2x + 2§nÞxy + n² = 1 and §¢x + nd₁ = 1 ;
and from these the invariants ,

5863 $2 + 19 $2x + 2y ) 2x2 - xy

5866 xÞy −y+x› xy +y&x•


PROOF. The last two invariants are obtained from the cosine of the
angle between the invariable line (5862) and the fixed line y - an = 0 ,
joining the point xy with the origin, or the fixed line x + yn = 0.


5868 An invariant of the two functions (x, y) , 4 (x, y) is

$x¥x+ ¢y¥y •
PROOF. Form the cosine of the angle between the invariable lines
Ex + nov = 1 and 20 + n¥v = 1, observing ( 5863) .

Also the two following expressions are invariants ,

5869 42442x + 2x424-24xуxy

5870 $2x42x + 2y42y + 2xy ¥xy

PROOF. From the invariable conics (5861 ) of 4
Φ and 4, we get
(P2x + 2x) ² + 2 (Pxy + λ ¥xy) En + ( 2y + 2y) n²
invariable for any value of A. Hence the coefficients of the several powers
of A in the invariant
($2x + d¥2x) ($2y + λ ¥2y) − (Pxy + λ ¥xy)²
are also invariants. This gives ( 5869) . Subtracting the latter from the
invariant ( 2 + 2y ) ( 2x + 2y) produces (5870) .


5871 If V be the volume included between the surface

z = p (x, y) , three rectangular coordinate planes, the cylindri
cal surface y = (x) , and the plane = a, Fig. of ( 1906)

5872 √ =
= SSSdx dydz = SSzdxdy.
For the limits and demonstration, see (1906) .

5874 The area of the surface (x, y , z) = 0 or z = f(x, y)

will be

s = SS√( +6; + s=
) dxdy or S = SS√ (1 +2 +23) dxdy.

5 L

PROOF.-The area of the element whose projection is dady will be

dx dy secy, where y is its inclination to the plane of xy, and therefore the
angle between the normal and the z axis. Therefore
sec y = √ ( +92 + 2 ) ÷ ₂ = √ ( 1 + 23 + ≈2 ) , by (1708) .

5875 Let the equation of a surface APB ( Fig. 188) in polar

coordinates ber = f (0, 4) , and let V be the volume of the
sector contained by the planes AOB, AOP, including an angle
Φ = PHC, the given surface APB, and the portion OPB of
the surface of a right cone whose vertex is 0, axis OA, and
semi-vertical angle = AOB or AOP ; then

V = } [° ( r³ sin 0d0 dp.


PROOF. -Through P, any point on the surface, describe a spherical sur

face PCD, with centre O and radius r = OP. The volume of the elemental
pyramid, vertex 0, base Pe, = r.Pf. Pg = r.rdo.r sin Odp . Here the
error of the small portions, like PE, ultimately disappears in the summation,
since the volume of PE, being equal to dr.rdo.r sin @do , is of the third
order of small quantities ; and so in similar instances.

5876 The area of the same surface APB ( Fig. 188 ) is

S® S* r √ { (r² + r²) sin³0 + r3} d0dp.

PROOF .- Let the perpendicular from O upon the tangent plane at P to

the given surface be ON = p. The element of
OP r 78 sin 0
area PE area Pe . = rde.r sin @do . = do do .
Substitute the value of p in (5793 ) .


If y = f (x) ( Fig . 90) be the generating curve, and the a

axis the axis of revolution , V the volume , and S the surface
included between the planes x = a , x = b ;

5877 V = √ny'dx, S =√2

a ″y √
/ (1+y²) dx.

PROOF . The volume of the elemental cylinder of radius y and height da

is Ty'da. The element of the surface of revolution is
2пу ds = 2xу8dx = 2ñу √√ ( 1 + yz) dx. ( 5113)

Guldin's Rules .-When the generating curve of a surface

of revolution is a closed curve , and does not cut the axis of
revolution, a solid annulus , or ring , is formed .

5879 RULE I. - The volume of the solid ring is equal to the

area of the generating curve multiplied by the circumference of
the circle described by the centroid * of the area .

5880 RULE II . - The surface of the ring is equal to the

perimeter of the generating curve multiplied by the circum
ference described by the centroid of the perimeter.
PROOF.- Let A be the area of the closed curve, and dA any element of A
at a distance y from the axis of revolution . The volume generated

= ( 2xydA = 2x | y dA = 2″ÿA,
by the definition of the centroid ( 5885 ) , y being its distance from the axis.
Similarly, if P be the perimeter, writing P instead of A.

Quadrature of surfaces bounded by lines of constant

gradient .
5881 Defining the curve (y) as the locus of a point on the
given surface at which the normal has the constant inclina
tion y to the z axis ; let F (y) be the projection of the area
bounded by the curve (y) upon the xy plane ; then the area
itself will be found from the formula,

S= sec y F
" (y) dy.

PROOF.-The element of area between two consecutive curves (y) and

(y +dy) projected on the xy plane will be dF (y) = F' (y) dy ; and, since the
slope is the same throughout the curve (7) , this projected element must be
equal to the corresponding element of the surface multiplied by cos y.

5882 RULE . — Equate coefficients of the equation of the

tangent plane with those of 1 + mn + n? = p, and eliminate 1
and m from 12 + m² + n² = 1. The result will be an equation in
x, y and n = cos y, representing the projection of the curve (y)
upon the xy plane. From this F (y) must be found.

5883 Ex. Taking the elliptic paraboloid 2 a

2 +2/2/2 = 2z ; the tangent
Ex n!! -
plane at xyz is a² + b2 —¿ = z. Equating coefficients of the last with

l + my + n = p, and substituting for l and m in 12+ m² + n² = 1 , we obtain

x² y2
for the projection on the xy plane, + = tan³y. The area of this ellipse

* Centre of mass, or gravity.


is F (7) ab tany, and therefore F' (y) = 2лab tany sec³y. Consequently,

by (5881 ) , S = 2rab tan y sec³ ydyrab (sec³y - 1) .



5884 DEFINITIONS . -The moment of a body with respect to a

plane is the sum of the products of each element of mass of
the body and the distance of the element from the plane .

5885 The distance (denoted by a) of the centre of mass

from the same plane is equal to the moment of the body
divided by its mass .

5886 NOTE. If the body be of uniform density, as is supposed to be the

case in all the following examples, assume unity for the density, and read
volume instead of mass in the above definitions .

The definition gives the following formulæ for the position

of the centre of mass of a uniform body :

5887 For a plane curve ,

Sæds Sx / (1 +y? ) dx Sr cos 0 √ (r² +r²) do

x = = (5116)
Sds S√ (1 + y ) dx S√(r² +r²) do

For y , change x into y and cos into sin 0 ; but observe that in all cases,
if the body be symmetrical about the axis of x, y vanishes . The formula
gives the centre of volume of the portion of the curve included between the
limits of integration .

For a plane area,

5890 x = SSx dx dy_

= Sxy dx
SS dxdy Syda

The area is bounded by the curve, the x axis, and the ordinates = a,
ab, if such be the limits of integration.

For a plane sectorial area bounded by two radii SP = r ,

SP (Fig. 28) and the curve r = F (0) ;

* Also called centre ofgravity or inertia, and more recently centroid.


a = SSr² cos oᎾdedr Ss cos Odo

SSrdodr Sredo

r sin o dodr
SS 2² 3 Sr³ sin odo
5894 у
SSrdodr Sr² do
The second forms for x and y give the centroid of an area like SPP'
( Fig. 28 ) . The double integrals applied to that figure require the limits of
the integration for r to be from 0 to F (0) , and afterwards for 0, from
0, = ASP to 0, = ASP'. But, if applied to the area in ( Fig. 109) , the order
of integration must be reversed, as explained in ( 5209) .

For a surface of revolution round the x axis ,

Sxy √✅( 1 +y²) dx Sr² sin cos 0√ (x² + r²) d0

5896 x=
Sy√ (1 +y ) dx Sr sin 0 √ (r² +r²) do

PROOF.- By (5885), for the moment = and the area = 2ryds ;

the second form by (5116 ) . If x = a, x = b are the limits of integration, the
surface is bounded by the parallel planes xa, = b ; and in the second
form, the corresponding values of @ are the limits defining the same parallel
For any surface,
SS x √
/ ( 1 + z3 + ≈3 ) dx dy
5898 x = (5874)
SS√ ( 1 ++ ) dxdy

For a solid of revolution round the x axis ,

Sxy dx SS³ sin cos dedr

5899 π=
Sy³dx SS r² sin Odedr

PROOF. - By (5885) , for the moment = Sx.wy³dz and the volume

= ry'da . The limits as in ( 5896 ) .

5901 For any solid figure bounded as described in ( 5871 ) ,

the coordinates of the centroid are given by

Vx =
SSS xdxdydz = SSxzdxdy,

Vy =
=SSSydxdydz = SSyzdx dy,

Vz = SSS zdxdydz = ¥ SSz° dx dy,


where V =· SSSdx dydz = SSzdxdy,

as in (5872-3 ) , and the limits are as defined in ( 1906) .

5902 For the wedge shaped solid (OAPB, Fig . 188 ) defined
by the polar coordinates r, 0 , 4 , as in (5875) ,

Vã = ‡ SS'r* sin² 0 cos pd0do,

Vy = ‡SS'r ' sin² 0 sin 4d0dþ,

sin e cos e do do,

V≈ = ±SS

where 23 sin 0 dodo.

v = +SSr

PROOF.- By (5875) ; multiplying the elementary pyramid sin 0 dedo

separately by the distances of its centroid from the coordinate planes ; viz.,
ar sin cos p, ar sin 0 sin , and r cos 0.


5903 DEFINITIONS.-The moment of inertia of a body about

a given right line or axis is the sum of the products of each
element of mass and the square of its distance from the line.

5904 The square of the radius of gyration of the body about

the given line is equal to the moment of inertia of the body
divided by its mass .

5905 The moment of inertia of a body with respect to a

plane or point is the sum of the products of each element of
mass and the square of its distance from the plane or point.

5906 The product of inertia of a body with respect to two

rectangular coordinate planes is the sum of the products of
each element of mass and its distances from the two planes .

5907 Let A, B, C be the moments of inertia of a body

about three rectangular axes ; A' , B' , C' the moments of
inertia with respect to the three planes of yz , zx , and xy ; and

F, G, H the products of inertia with respect to the second

and third planes , the third and first, and the first and second
respectively. F, G, H are more frequently called the products
of inertia about the axes of yz, zx, and xy respectively.

By the definitions we have the values

5908 A = Σm (y² + ≈²) , F == Σmyz ,

B = Σm (x² + x²), G = Σmzx,

C = &m (x² +y²) , H = Σmxy.

5914 A' Σmx² = S - A where S = A + B + C

B' = Σmy S- B
Σm (x² +y² +x²),
C' = Σmz² = S - C

5920 Theorem I. — The M. I. of a lamina about an axis per

pendicular to its plane is equal to the sum of the two M. I.
about any two axes in its plane drawn through the foot of the
perpendicular axis and at right angles to each other.

PROOF.- By the definition ( 5903) , and Euc. 1. 47.

5921 Theorem II.- The M. I. of a body about a given axis ,

plane, or point is equal to the M. I. about a parallel axis or
plane through the centroid , or about the centroid itself
respectively, plus the M. I. of the whole mass , supposed col
lected at the centroid, about the given axis , plane, or point.

PROOF. In the figure, p . 168, let the given axis be perpendicular to the
paper at B ; let A be the centroid, and m an element of mass at C ; then, for
every thin section of the solid parallel to the paper,
M. I. Em.BO Zm (AC + AB-2AB.AD)
= Σm . 40² + Σm . AB² - 2AB.Σm.AD.
But Em . AD = 0, by (5885) , since A is the centroid of the body, which
proves the proposition. Similarly for the plane or point.

COR. I.- Hence , if the M. I. about any axis is known , that

about any parallel axis can be found without integration . For ,
let I be the M. I. about a given axis , whose distance from
the centroid is a , and let I, be the required M. I. about an
axis whose distance from the centroid is b ; then , by Theorem

.II . , . I₁ = I₁ — m (a² —b²).


COR. II. - The M. I. has the same value for all parallel
axes at the same distance from the centroid.

5922 Theorem III. - The product of inertia for two assigned

axes is equal to the product for two parallel axes through the
centroid of the body plus the product taken for the whole
mass collected at the centroid with respect to the assigned
axes .
PROOF. Let x = x+ x', y = ÿ + y' be the coordinates of an element of the
body with respect to the assigned axes ; x, y being the coordinates of the
centroid, and x' , y' the coordinates of the same element with respect to
parallel axes through the centroid, all axes being parallel to z . Then
Σmxy = 2m ( x + x') ( ÿ + y′) = xÿ Σm + Emx'y' + x Emy' + ÿ2mx'
= xÿ 2m + 2mx'y'.
Since Σmx' and Σmy' vanish by the definition of the centroid .

5923 The M. I. of a body with respect to a point is equal

to the M. I. for any plane through the point plus the M. I.
about the normal to the plane through the point.
PROOF. For the origin and yz plane,
Σmx² + Σm (y² + z³) = Σmr². (5908, '14, '19)

5924 Given the moments and products of inertia, A, B, C,

F, G, H, as above , about three rectangular axes , the moment
of inertia of the body about a line through the origin, whose
direction cosines are l , m , n, will be

' = Al² + Bm² + Cn² - 2Fmn +2Gnl +2Hlm.

PROOF.- (Fig . 11. ) Let xyz be a point P of the body, OM the line lmn,
and PM the perpendicular upon it. Then the M. I. about OM
= Σm (OP² - OM³) = Σm { (x² + y² + z³ ) ( l² + m² + n² ) — ( lx + my + nz ) } (5530)
producing the above result, by ( 5908–13 ) .


5925 The equation of the Momental Ellipsoid is

Ax² +By² + Cz³ —2Fyz - 2Gzx -2Hxy = Me* ,

obtained by putting IM . M being the mass of the body,

and &* a constant to make the equation homogeneous. Hence the
square ofthe radius ofthe momental ellipsoidfor anypoint varies
inversely as the moment of inertia of the body about that radius.

5926 If the products of inertia vanish , the axes are called

the principal axes of the body.

5927 At every point of a body there are always three

principal rectangular axes .
PROOF . -These are evidently the principal axes of the momental ellipsoid
of the point ; for if the coordinate axes be made to coincide with the former,
F, G, H will vanish .

5928 The equation of the momental ellipsoid referred to its

principal axes will be
Ax² + By + C² = Me¹.

5929 The moment of inertia about a line lmn will now be

I = Al² + Bm² + Cn².


5930 The equation of the Ellipsoid of Gyration referred to

principal axes is
A ++
B C = 1

It is the reciprocal surface of the momental ellipsoid (5719) ,

and its property is

5931 The moment of inertia about the perpendicular from

the origin upon the tangent plane varies as the square of the

5932 For any other rectangular axes through the point , the
equation of the ellipsoid of gyration is, by (5717) ,
A - H ――――――― G x = 0, being the reciprocal surface of
-H B --F y
the momental ellipsoid ,
-G -F C 2 (A, B, C, —F, —G, -HX xyz )²
1 = M,
x y 74
M with the radius of the sphere of
reciprocation 1. The equation when expanded becomes
5933 (BC - F²) x² + ... + 2 (FG + CH) xy = HB F
5 M


5934 The equation is

X2 y² 223 5
Α' + B' +C' = M'

with the values in ( 5914).

5935 The mass of this ellipsoid is taken equal to that of

the body, and it has the same principal moments of inertia .


5936 If A', B' , C' be the moments of inertia for the three
coordinate planes, as in ( 5914) , the M. I. for a plane through
the origin whose dir . cos . are l , m , n, will be

I' = A'l² + B′m² + C'n² + 2Fmn + 2Gnl + 2Hlm .

PROOF : I' = Σm (lx + my + nz) ² = Σmx² . l² + &c . = A'l² + &c.

5937 The momental ellipsoid for this plane will be

A'x² + By + C'≈² + 2Fyz + 2Gzx +2Hxy = Me*,

and its property is—

5938 The M. I. for any plane passing through the centre of

the ellipsoid is equal to the inverse square of the radius per
pendicular to the plane.

5939 If ጥ be a radius of this ellipsoid , and a , b , c its semi

axes , the M. I. about r
1 1 1 1
+ b² + 2.2

PROOF.- ( Fig . 11. ) M. I. about r, plus M. I. for the plane OM perpen

dicular to r
== 1 1
= ΣmOP² = Σmx² + Σmy² + Σmz² + 11 , by (5938 ) .


5940 The equation of the equi -momental cone at any point

of a body, referred to principal axes of the body at the point,

is (A — I) x² + (B− I ) y² + ( C− I ) ≈² = 0 ,

its property being that

5941 The generating line passes through the given point, and
moves so that the M. I. about it is a constant = I.

PROOF. - Let Imn be the generating line in one position , then

Al² +Bm² + Cn² = I (l² + m² + n2) . Therefore, &c.

5942 Theorem.- If two systems have the same mass, the

same centroid, principal axes and principal moments of inertia
at the centroid, they have equal moments of inertia about any
right line whatever, and are termed equi-momental . By ( 5906)
and (5929) .

5943 If two bodies are equi-momental, their projections are

equi- momental.

PROOF. If the projection be from the xy plane in the ratio 1 : n, the

coordinates x, y, z of a particle become x , y , nz, and the mass m becomes nm.
The conditions in ( 5942 ) will then be fulfilled .


5944 The M. I. of a triangle ABD ( Fig . 190 ) about a side

BD, distant p from the opposite vertex A , is

I = mp

PROOF. Let BD a and EF = y ; I -•

Pa (p - y = aps = m p?
y'dy 12
0 P 6

5945 The M. I. of a triangle ABC ( Fig . 190) about a

straight line BD passing through a vertex B, and distant p
and q from the vertices A and C, is

I = m p² +pq+q²
PROOF. -By (5944) , taking difference of M. I. of the triangles ABD, CBD.

5946 The M. I. of a triangle ABC about an axis through

its centroid parallel to BD, is

I = m‚p² —pq+q² By (5921 )


5947 COR .- If the triangle be isosceles , so that pq, the

last two moments of inertia become

mp and mp

5949 The M. I. of the triangle about axes perpendicular to

ABC through B and through the centroid, respectively, are

m 3 (c² + a²) —b² and m (a² +b² +c²) (5920)

12 36

5951 The M. I. about GF of the trapezoid ACGF (Fig.

190) , is

m p²+q².

5952 The moments and products of inertia of a triangle

about any axes are the same for three equal particles , each
one-third of the mass of the triangle , placed at the mid- points
of its sides .

PROOF. (Fig. 190. ) The M. I. of the three particles at the mid-points

of AB, BC, CA about BD, any line through a vertex, will be
M }S (p + q)² + 2 . 2²
3 2 },
4 4
which is equal to that of the triangle, by (5945) .


5953 If a, ẞ be the radii of gyration of a plane area to

principal axes Ox, Oy, where O is the centroid , the equation
of the momental ellipse for the point O will be

a²x² +B³y² = 2a³ß².

5954 Also the area is equi-momental with three equal

particles, each one one-third of its mass placed anywhere on
the ellipse so that O may be their centroid.

PROOF.- Let xy, x'y', x"y" be the coordinates of three equi-momental

particles then
m m
· (x² + x^2 + x²²) = mẞ² ; · (y² + y'² + y'²) = ma² ; xy + x'y' + x″y″ = 0 ;
3 3

and the two systems have the same centroid ; therefore

x + x + x" = 0 and y' + y + y ""' = 0 .
Eliminating a', y', a", y" between the five equations, we find the equation of
(5953) for the locus of xy.

5955 The momental ellipse for the centroid of a triangle is

the inscribed ellipse touching the sides at their mid-points .

PROOF.-(Fig . 189.) The inscribed ellipse, which touches two sides at their
mid-points, also touches the third side at its mid- point, by Carnot's theorem
(4779) . Now DF is parallel to AC, the tangent at E ; therefore BE, which
bisects DF, passes through the centre of the ellipse. Similarly, AD
passes through it ; therefore O is the centroid of the triangle.
Let OE a' , and let b' be the semi-diameter parallel to AC ; then
ON2 FN2 a' therefore FN = 36'2. The M. I. about
+ 1. But ON = "
a/2 62 2
OE, by (5954) , = 3m2b" sin' w = m where a, b are the semi- axes .
Hence the M. I. about OD, OE, OF varies inversely as the squares of those
lines, and therefore the ellipse in the diagram is a momental ellipse , since it
has six points which fulfil the requirements.

5956 The projections of a plane area and its momental

ellipse form another plane area and its momental ellipse. (5943)

5957 The M. I. of a tetrahedron ABCD about any plane

through A is
10 (a² +ß³ + y² + By + ya + aß),

where a, ß, y are the perpendiculars on the plane from B, C, D.

5958 The tetrahedron is also equi - momental with four

particles , each one - twentieth of the mass, placed at the
vertices , and a particle equal to the remaining mass placed at
the centroid (5942) .

5959 The equi-momental ellipsoid of a tetrahedron has the

same centroid , and touches each edge at its middle point.

PROOF. ― By projecting a regular tetrahedron and its equi-momental

sphere (for the centroid) of radius = √√3 × radius of inscribed sphere .

5960 To find the point , if it exists , in a given right line at

which the line is a principal axis, and to find the other prin
cipal axes at the point.

Let O be a datum point in the line. Take this for origin,

the given line for axis of z , and OX, OY for the other axes.
Then, if h be the distance from 0 to the required point O',
and the angle between OX and the principal axis O'X' ,

Σmyz Σmzx 2H
5961 h = = and tan 20 =
Zmy Ema A- B'

where A , B, H are the moments and product of inertia about

ΟΧ , ΟΥ.
PROOF. At the point 0, 0, h, Em (z - h) x = m (zh) y = 0, from
which h is found ; and the equation for @ is that for determining the prin
cipal axes of the elliptic section of the momental ellipsoid , whose equation.
is Ax² +2Hxy + By' = Me , as in (4408 ) .

5964 The equality of the two ratios in ( 5961 ) is the condi

tion that the 22 axis should be a principal axis at some point of
its length .

5965 If an axis be a principal axis at more than one point

of its length, it passes through the centroid of the system ;
and, conversely, if it be a principal axis at the centroid , it is
so at every point of its length .
PROOF . For h must be indeterminate in ( 5961 ) . Therefore myz = 0,
Zmy = 0, 2mzx = 0, 2mx = 0.

5966 The principal axes O'X' , O'Y' are parallel to the

principal axes of the projection of the body in the original
plane of xy. By (5962-3 ) .

5967 Given the principal axes of a body at its centroid, to

find the principal axes and moments of inertia at any point in
the principal plane of xy.
Let C in the Figure of ( 1171 ) be the centroid , CX, CY
principal axes , A, B the M. I. about them , and P the given
point. Find two points S, S' , called foci of inertia , such that
the X and Y moments of inertia there are equal , and therefore

A- B
B + m.CS² = A ; giving CS CS' = (i .) .

The internal and external bisectors of the angle SPS' will be

two of the principal axes at P, and the third will be the normal
to the plane.

PROOF . -The X and Y principal moments being equal at S, the moment

about every line through S in this plane is the same. [ For I = Al + Bm²
+ Cn' and n = 0 and A = B, therefore I = A. ] Therefore the moments
about SP and S'P are equal . Therefore the bisectors PT, PG of the angles
at P will be principal axes.

5968 Let SY, S'Y' be the perpendiculars on PT, and SZ,

S'Z' those upon PG ; then the M. I. about PT and PG will be
respectively ,
SP + S'P
A +mSY.S'Y' = B+m

SP - S'P\2
A - mSZ.S'Z
' = B+m

PROOF . - Draw CR perpendicular to SY. The M. I. about CR (0 = SCR)

= A cos 0 + B sin² 0 (5929) = A- (A - B) sin² 0
= A - m CS2 sin³ 0 (by i. ) = A - mSR².
Therefore M. I. about PT = A - m SR² + mRY ( 5921 )
= A + m (RY + SR) (RY— SR) = A + mSY . S'Y'
= A + m BC ( 1178 ) = B + m AC (by i. ) = B + m (SP+ S'P) .²
Similarly for the M. I. about PG.

5969 Hence, if an ellipse or hyperbola be described with

S, S' for foci , the tangent and normal at any point of the
curve are principal axes, and the M. I. about either is constant
for that curve .

5970 Similarly, for a point P in any plane through the

centroid 0, it may be shown that the same construction will
give the axes PT, PG about which the product of inertia
vanishes, OX, OY being the axes at O in the given plane about
which the product of inertia vanishes .

5971 The condition for the existence of a point in a body

at which the M. I. about every axis through it shall be the
same, is

There must be two principal axes of equal moment at the

centroid, and the M. I. about each must be less than the third
principal moment.

Two such points will then exist situated on the axis of

unequal moment, and equi-distant from the centroid.

5972 Given the principal axes at the centroid of a body and

the moments of inertia about them, to find the principal axes
and moments at any other point .
[ See ( 5975) for the result. ]

Let A, B, C be the given principal moments , and let the

mass of the body be unity. Then the ellipsoid of gyration at
the centroid 0, and a quadric confocal with it , will be
x² y x² y ≈2
= 1 and + = 1.
A + 6+ = A+λ B+λ C+λ

5973 PROP. I.—The M. I. is constant for all tangent planes

of the confocal , and is equal to the

M. I. for the origin O + λ = S +λ. (5919)

PROOF. - Let l, m, n be the dir. cos. of the tangent plane of the confocal,
p the perpendicular on the plane from 0. The M. I. for this plane
= M. I. for a parallel plane through 0 +p² (5921 )
= A′l² + B´m² + C′n² +p² ( 5936)
= ( S— A) l² + ( S − B) m² + ( S − C) n² + ( A + λ ) l² + ( B + λ ) m² + ( C + λ) n²
(5914 , 5631 ) = S + λ, which is independent of l, m, n .

5974 PROP. II.-All these planes are principal planes at

their points of contact , and if the three confocals be drawn
through any point P, the tangent planes at P to the confocal
ellipsoid , two -fold hyperboloid , and one- fold hyperboloid , are
respectively the principal planes of greatest, least, and mean
moments of inertia . The normal to the confocal ellipsoid is
the axis of least moment, and the normal to the two -fold
hyperboloid is the axis of greatest moment.
PROOF . - Draw any other plane through P. The perpendicular on it
from O is less than the perpendicular on the parallel tangent plane to the
confocal ellipse, and greater in the case of the two-fold hyperbola. Then,
by (5921) .
The solution of the problem at (5972 ) is now given by Proposition III.

5975 PROP. III . —The principal moments of inertia at P are

OP² - λ₁, OP² - λ2, OP2 - λs , and the normals to the three con
focals at P are the principal axes.
PROOF.-The M. I. about the x axis at P
= M. I. for the origin P- M. I. for the yz plane
= S + OP²— (S + λ₁ ) = OPª -
— λ , ( 5921–73) .

5976 The principal moments of inertia above , expressed in

terms of ₁ of the confocal ellipsoid and do, do , its principal
semi-diameters conjugate to OP, will , by (5661 ) , become

OP²- λ₁, OP²- λ₁₂ + ds, OP²―λ +ď².

5977 The condition that the line abc , lmn, referred to prin
cipal axes at the centroid , may itself be a principal axis at
some point of its length, is

a b b C с a
τ m m n n τ
= = =
A- B B- C A p

Here abc is any point on the line, and if a confocal quadric

of the ellipsoid of gyration at the centroid be drawn through
the stated principal point of the given line , p is the perpen
dicular from the origin upon the tangent plane of the confocal
at that point.
x- a y- b 2- c
PROOF. The given line = = .... ***...... (i.)
ι m n
x² y³ 22
must be a normal to the confocal + + = 1 ..........
…………………. (ii.) .
A+λ B +λ C +λ

px py n = pz
Therefore, by (5629) , 7 := A+λ' m = ........ (iii. ) .
B +X' 0+λ
Eliminate x, y, z from (i. ) by means of (iii.) , and from the resulting equa
tions eliminate p, and the condition above is obtained .
Also, by (5631 ) ,
p² = ( A + λ) l² + ( B + λ) m² + ( C + λ ) n² = Al² + Bm³ + Cn² + λ ... (iv.) .
The principal point xyz is now found by eliminating A and p from equa
tions (iii.), by means of (iv.) and ( 5977) .


By the definition (5903 ) , the following indefinite integrals

for moments of inertia are obtained :-

5978 For a plane curve , y = f (x) , the M. I. about the x and

y coordinate axes are

Jy'ds and fads ; and therefore ( (2² +y³) ds = [ rªds
5 N

is the M. I. about an axis perpendicular to both the former

through the origin (5920 ) .

5980 Observe that ds may be changed into dx, dy , or do

by the substitution formulæ ( 5113 , '16 ) .

5981 For a plane area bounded by the coordinate axes , the

ordinate y and the curve y = f (x) , the M. I. about the x and
y axes are

SSyºdxdy = \Syºdx and SSx²dxdy =Sx²ydx.

5983 And the M. I. about an axis perpendicular to both

the former drawn through the origin ,

=SS(x² +y°) dxdy = SSrªdrd0 = ‡Sr¹ão,

but in the last two integrals the area has the boundaries
described in (5894) .

5986 The M. I. of a solid bounded by three rectangular

coordinate planes and the surface z = f(x , y) about the z axis ,
will be

SS(x² +y³) zdxdy =SSSr* sin³ 0drd0dø ,

but in the last integral the solid is bounded as described in


5988 The volume , which represents the mass in all these

cases , has already been expressed (5205, 5871 ) ; and by
dividing by the volume, the square of the radius of gyration
of the solid is found ( 5904) .

PROOFS .-Formulæ ( 5981-3 ) are directly obtainable by geometry from

figures 90 and 91 , and formulæ (5986-7) from figures 168 and 188. The
transition to polar coordinates may also be effected by the formula of

5989 In expressing moments of inertia, the factor m will stand for the
mass of the body, and the remaining factor will therefore be the value of the
square of the radius of gyration.





For a rectangle whose sides are a, b , the moments of inertia

about the sides , and an axis perpendicular to both where they
meet, are respectively
b2 a²
6015 m 3' m m a² +b²
3' 3

abs b⁹
PROOF : ax² dx = =m The third by (5920) .
3 3

6018 Hence , for a right solid, whose dimensions are 2a,

2b, 2c,
M. I. about the axis of figure 2c = m .


6019 Let AB ( Fig . 191 ) be the arc of a circle whose centre

is 0 and radius r. Let the angle AOB = 0 ; then

Length of arc AB = re. (601)

6020 Huygens ' Approximation . - RULE.- From 8 times the

chord of half the arc take the chord of the whole arc , and divide
the remainder by 3.
r 0
2 sin
PROOF .—The rule gives 3 ( 16 sin 4 9)
Expand the sines by ( 764) as far as 0³, and the result is r0.

6021 Taking an axis OX through the mid-point of the arc

with origin 0, the centroid of the arc is given by ( 5889)

x = 2rsin 10• Hence for a semi- circle = 2r

0. π

* For M. I. of a triangle, see (5944-52) .


2r sin' a
6023 Also , for the centroid of BX, ÿ=
where a = XOB.

6025 The M. I. of the arc AB about OX and OY are

(1— and (1+ sin 6). (5978)
2 sine) 2

6027 M. I. about axes perpendicular to XOY, through O and

X the mid-point of the arc respectively, are

mr² and m.2r2 ( 1 - (5979)

(1 — sin 30).

6029 COR. - The M. I. of a mr2

circular ring about a diameter 2


2.2Ө 4r sin² a
6030 =
Area = π = 4r sin 10· For XOB, y =
2 30 3a

PROOF.- , ÿ are respectively of x, ÿ in (6021 , '3) ; since the centroid

of each elemental sector is distant r from O. Otherwise, by (5893, '5) .

6033 The M. I. about OX and Y are

mr²(1_sin9) mr²(1+ sin 6).

PROOF .- By ( 5981-2) ; or integrate (6025–6) for r from 0 to r.


2.2 4r sin³ 10
6035 Area = (0 - sin 0) , x=
2 3 (0 -sin 0)

6037 For CBX, y = r

y = " (2-3 cos a +cos³ a)
3 (a - sin a cos a)

PROOFS . From the sector and triangle ; otherwise , the centroid, by

(5893, '5) .

6038 M. I. about OX and OY, (5981-2 )

204 204
(30-4 sin 0+sin cos 0) and (0 - sin cos 0) .
24 8

6040 COR .- Hence, for a semi-circle, a =
Зп '

6041 Also , the M. I. of a circle about a diameter , and about

a central axis perpendicular to its plane, are respectively

mr2 mr.2
and (5920)
4 2


If h be the height, the radius of the base, and 7 the slant,

6043 Curved surface = Trl. Volume = }πr²h .

6045 Distance of centroid from vertex = 3h.

6046 M. I. about axis of figure = m 1³or².

6047 M. I. about cross axes through the vertex and centroid

respectively .
m 23
% (r² + 4h²) and m ³% (4y² +h²).


Let be the inclination of the cutting plane to the base,

and c the length of the axis intercepted .

6048 The distance of the centroid from the axis is

a² tan 0
x =

6049 The M. I. about the axis = m being the same as


that of a cylinder of height c . Hence , by ( 5921 ) and the value

of above, the M. I. about any line parallel to the axis can be


Let O be the origin of coordinates ; OA = r the radius ;

and OC = the abscissa of AB the plane of section .

6050 The curved area of AB = 2″r ( r − x) = the area of its

projection on the enveloping cylinder of the sphere .

PROOF : Area = 2πу dx = 2xr (r - x). (5878)

[2 y

6051 ≈ = { (r + x) .
For centroid of surface , π

6052 The M. I. about the axes OX , OY are

m m
(2r² - rx - x²) and (4r² + rx+ x²) .
3 6


6054 Area = 2πr², x= (6050-1)


6056 M. I. about OX or OY = m }r². (6052-3)


3 (r + x)²
6057 Volume = (2r +x) (r − x)², π=
3 4 (2r +x)*
6059 M. I. about OX = (r − x)³ (8r² + 9rx +3x²) .
6060 M. I. about OY
= (r − x)² (16r³ + 17r²x + 18rx² + 9x³) .

PROOF.-As in ( 6146–7) ; or put abc in the results .


6061 Volume = x = {r. (6064)

PROOF. - Vol . = surface ( 6054) ×
3' by elemental pyramids having their
common vertex at the centre of the sphere. Otherwise, make x = 0 in
(6057) .

6063 M. I. about OX or OY = m fr². (6059-60)


6064 Volume = r² (r — h) , x =
= 3 (r + h).
PROOF. - Vol . = surface (6050) × 3* = of x in (6051 ) , since the

centroid of each elemental pyramid is distant ths of r from the centre.

6066 For the M. I. add together the M. I. of the cone and

segment ( 6046 , '59) .

THE PARABOLA, y² = 4ax. (Fig. of 1220 )

6067 Rad. of curv. p = (4542)
SY = 2a (1 + 2)³.

6069 Coordinates of centre of curvature

3x +2a , 1 y³ (4545)

6071 ArcAP = s = √ (ax+ x²) + alog√x + √ (a + x)¸


6072 = a [ cote cosec @ +log cot (30) ] .

PROOF : s= (5197, 4206)

= √√ ( 1 + 2) dx.
Substitute , and integrate by ( 1931 ) .

6073 Arc AL = a√√

/2 + a log ( 1 + √2) .

Centroid of arc AP with above value of s .

a² 2x+ a +2√ (x² + ax)

6074 sπ = 2x +a √ ') + a log
/ (x² + ax
4 8 a

6075 sÿ = { √a (x + a)³ — a²} .

6076 For centroid of arc AL, putting a = a ,

x = 6 /2 + log ( 3 +2√2) a, 4 (2√2-1) a

= 1/3 ·•
8 { √2 +log (1 + √2) } √2 + log ( 1 + √2)*

Half-segment of parabola ANP.

6078 Area = 3xy, x = x, y = y.

6081 The M. I. about the x and y axes are

max and m 3x².


6083 The equation being ba + a²y² = a²b² , the length ofthe

arc AP (Fig . of 1205 ) , putting for the eccentric angle
of P, is

s = a (" √ (1 — e² cos² 4) d$.

PROOF. In (ds ) ² = ( dx) ² + (dy) (5113) , substitute de - a sin dø,
dyb cos p dp, by (4276) , and use (4260) .

6084 The length of the elliptic quadrant AB is

πα e² 3e¹ 32.5e6
- 3.5. € - & c. }.
2 { 1R 4 2 ! 2 ! 2¹ 313126 4 ! 4 !728

PROOF. -Expand the binomial surd above, and employ ( 2454) and (2472) .
Similarly, from ( 5887) and ( 5978 ) the three following values are found.

6085 For the centroid of the same quadrant,

2a 1- e² - e
x = O approximately.
π 3
1-4e² - 64

6086 The M. I. about the x and y axes are approximately,

mb² 1- e² - 4e¹ ma² 1-8e - 810

• and
2 1-4e² -634e 21 - e² . 3

6088 Fagnani's Theorem.-(Fig . 192. ) Let P be any point

on the ellipse, CY the perpendicular on the tangent at P ;
LACY = 0; Q the point whose eccentric angle == -0.

PY+AP = a √ √ (1 — e² sin² 0) d0 = BQ ;
and in the hyperbola ( Fig. 193)

6090 do.
PY— AP = a√ √ (1 — e² sin²0) «

6091 COR. The difference between the lengths of the

infinite curve and asymptote = a [" √( 1 - e² sin²0 ) de, where

tan a =

PROOFS. -By ( 5203) ,

AP +PY or s +q = (1 - e' sin' 0) do BQ, by (6083) .

= Spão = a S⋅
In the hyperbola we have q - s = pdo.

6092 Draw the tangent at Q and the perpendicular CU upon

it. Let x, x be the abscissæ of P, Q. The following relations
PY = = QU, CY.CU = ab , CP²+ CU² = a² +b².

PROOF. - Let = the eccentric angle of P, and let ACU = 6'. Then
tan = ay = --- tan 0. (4276-80)
bx a
--0 ) b ta
Similarly for Q, tan cot 0 = n 0' ,
(플 a
therefore tan = cot 0' or & = -0' ...... (i . ) .
The relation therefore between P and Q is reciprocal. Now PY = ex sin 0
(4295) and ' a sin 0, therefore PY = QU, by the reciprocity.
Again, CU² a² cos 0' + b² sin' 0′ ( 4372) = a² sin² + b² cos² ****** (ii.) .
Put Ф in terms of @ by the above, and we find
a2b2 a2b2
CU² = =
a² cos20 + b² sin20 CY
Lastly, CP² + CU² = x² + y² + a² sin² + b² cos² , by (ii) , = a² + b² (4276–7) .

6095 When P coincides with Q, the point is called " Fagnani's

point," CY = √ (ab) , PY = a − b , and x = a * (a + b) −§ .

6096 Griffiths' Theorem. * - If an ellipse of eccentricity e ,

and a hyperbola of eccentricity e - ¹, be placed as in the figure
of 1205 (the circle representing the ellipse) , P, p being con
sidered corresponding points ; then , calling PQ, in (6088) , a
Fagnanian arc, we have the following theorem : —

* J. Griffiths, M.A. , Proc. Lond. Math . Soc. , Vol . v. , p . 95 .


The ratio of the difference of two Fagnanian arcs on the

ellipse to the difference of the two corresponding arcs on the
hyperbola is equal to the product of e² and the four abscissæ
of the points on the ellipse.


6097 The formulæ for the sector and segment of a circle

may be adapted to the ellipse by writing a for r and multi
plying linear dimensions parallel to the minor axis by b : a.
But a will then represent the eccentric angle of the semi-arc ,
and twice that angle . Thus , in the figure of ( 1205 ) , if
ACP be the half sector , a = ACP, 0 = 2ACP .

Sector of ellipse ( 2ACP in fig. of 1205) :

abo 4a sin 10 4b sina , (6030-2)

6098 Area = x= " y =
2 30 3a

the last being for the half sector ACP. The M. I. about the
x and y axes are

6101 and (6033)
4 (1 - sin 6) ma²
4 (1+ sin
0 6).

Segment of ellipse (2ANP in same figure) :

ab 4a sin³ 10
6103 Area = ( 0 — sin0) , x= (6035-6)
2 3 (0 -sin 0)

6105 Fory of the half segment ANP, and for the M. I.

about the x and y axes , replace r by b in (6037-8 ) and by a
in ( 6039) .

6108 For the whole ellipse, the area = ab. (6103)

6109 For the half ellipse, x = (6104)
Зп '

6110 The M. I. about the x and y axes , and a third central

axis perpendicular to both,
mb2 ma2
and m (a² +b²) . (6041-2)
4 4 4

6113 The area of the ellipse whose equation is

(a b cfg hXxy1 )² = 0 , is = or
√(ab - h³)³ /C

PROOF. -If a, ẞ be the semi-axes of the conic, the area aß takes this
value, by ( 4414) and (4407) .

6114 Lambert's Theorem.-The area of a focal sector of an

ellipse, as PSP' (Fig. 28) , in terms of p, p , the eccentric
angles of P, P' , is

- ′-
ab {4—4 — e ( sin p— sin p') } == ub
{x - x- (sin x - sin x) } .

X 'r + r² ± c
In the second value , sin and sin are =
2 2 13 √
√ a
respect e r = SP , r' = SP', and c =
, wherm P P ' ,* a r e sult
no y
of use in Astro .


6115 The length of an arc of the hyperbola ba² -a²y³ = a2b2

and the abscissa of its centroid may be approximated to , as in
(6084) for the arc of an ellipse, by the substitutions from
(4278) ,
S'ds = aSsec 4 √
/ (e² sec² 4−1) dô

and = a² sec² √ (e² sec² 4-1) do.

Sæds = a²Ssec²

6117 Landen's Theorem. -This theorem gives any arc of an

hyperbola in terms of the arcs of two ellipses , as follows :

cos C) dC =
√√ (a² +b² + 2ab cos C)

S√ (aª—bªsin² A) dA +S√ (b² — a² sin³B) dB+ 2a sinB+ const .,

that is - Arc of ellipse whose semi- axes are a + b and a - b

= Arc of ellipse whose major axis is 2a and eccentricity b : a
+ difference between a right line and the arc of an hyperbola
whose major axis is b and eccentricity a b.t

* Williamson's Integ . Calc. , Art. 137. † Ibid., Art. 157 .


6118 Area ANP ( Fig. of 1183 ) bounded by a, y , and the

b x+ √√(x² — a³)
= / (x² —a²) — a² log
{ x √√ a²)}. (1931 )
2a a

6119 = (4271 )
} { xy — ab log ( 2
a + 2) }.

6120 Area of sector between CA, CP and the curve

= log( + )

6121 Area between two ordinates y1 , 2, when the asymptotes

are the coordinate axes
ab llog.
2 X1
2ab a² + b² dx
PROOF : sin 2ACO y dx = (4387)
of a²+b² 4 x

6122 The centroid of ANP, A being the area ( 6118 ) , is

given by
b b2
Añ = За
} (x² - a³) ² ; Ay = 277 (15a²x + 24) . .
4ÿ 2a2 3 3

6124 The M. I. of ANP about the x and y axes are

(2x³ —5a³x) √
/ (x² — a³) + ab³ log² + √ (x² — a³)¸
24a³ a

b a³b
6125 8a (2x³ —a³x ) √ - aº¹ logª + √
/ (x² — a²°) — /(x²— a²)¸
8 a


6126 Equation , 2 + 2/2 =

= = 2%.

6127 Vol. of segment = π / (ab) z², ≈ = } ≈.

6129 M. I. about the axes of x , y , and z respectively ,

az bz a+ b
3 + 5 ),
m(4 m (3 + - ), math .

6132 The surface S of the same segment may be found from

( √ (292) CV ( 262 - 12/2x²) 2

S= 4 y
0 200) ( 1+ a²tb?) Ledy .
V ( 5874 )

6133 If the surface of the paraboloid be bounded by a

curve of constant gradient y ( 5881 ) , the area becomes

S = Tab (sec³y — 1) . (5883)


6134 Equation, x² +y = 2az or r² = 2az.

6136 Surface of segment , S = } π√

/a { (2z + a) ¹ — a³ } . (5880)

6137 Volume = waz² = {wr²z, z = 3z. (5887, '99)

6140 M. I. about axis of figure = (6131 )

6141 For M. I. about OX and OY put a = b in ( 6129-30) .


x2 ≈2
6142 Equation, + + === = 1 , semi-axes a, b, c (5600) .
a² 2 c²
6143 The surface of the segment cut off by the plane whose
abscissa is x, will be found from
a² - x2 a*b* + b¹ (c² — a²) x² +a¹ (c² — b²) ¸
S= 4 Y° ³ dx dy.
4S"S a*b* —a²b¹x²— a¹b²y²

PROOF.- By (5874) and ( 5629, ' 7) , eliminating z by means of the equa

tion of the surface.

6144 The volume of the solid segment and the centroid are
given by
Tbc 3 (a + x)²
V = (2a +x) (a − x)² , π =
3a2 4 (2a + x)*
PROOFS.- Let ( Fig. 177) represent one octant of the ellipsoid ; OA, OB,
OC being the principal semi-axes . The elemental section.
-- C
4PNQNP . NQdx = π· b√a²x² -√a²x²d.x .
a a
bс mbe
Therefore Vol . = (2a³ - 3x²x + x³) = &c .
x³) dx = 3a²
a² [“x(a² —‚

The moment with respect to the plane of yz

= (a²x - x³) dx = (a² -x )²,
a² "x( a² 4a
and division by the volume gives ≈ as above.

6146 The M. I. of the solid segment about the axis a

πbс (b² +c²)
(a − x)³ (8a² +9ax +3x²) .

PROOF. (Fig. 177.)

NP² + NQ
M. I. = da (6112) = «bc (b² +c*) [ “ ( a² —x² )² dx = &c.
-SNP.NQ. 4 4a¹ x

6147 The M. I. about the axis b

The c²
= 15a²³ { a= (a − x) ³ (8a² +9ax +3x²) + 2aª — 5a³x³ +3xª }.
| વ
PROOF : M. I. =
= ['"* NP.NQ ( NQ² + ON³ ) da (5921 )
abc (a² —x²) ² dx + πbc ( ° (a² —x²) x² dx = &c.
4a¹ I a² x

6148 The volume of the whole ellipsoid = Tabc.

PROOF.-- By making a = 0 in ( 6144) .

Otherwise Let En be the point on the auxiliary sphere of radius r cor
responding to xyz on the ellipsoid . By ( 5638-9) , rx = až, ry = bn, rz = c5.
Therefore (6061)
[dødydz = abe [ dědydź = aber

6149 For the centroid of the semi -ellipsoid = (6145)
(b³ +c²)
6150 The M. I. about the axis a = m (6146)

6151 The volume of a segment cut off by any plane PNQ

(Fig. 177) , where OA = d is the semi- conjugate diameter , and
AN = h, is
h² (3d—h)
V = Tabe
PROOF. -Taking the area of the section from ( 5655 ) , the volume of the
segment will be
Tabc sin 0 - dr, where sine = P
P [ ( 1− 2 ) a d'
being the inclination of d to the cutting plane. Integrate, and put
x = d - h.


Put cb in equation ( 6142) of the ellipsoid ; then a will

be the semi-axis of revolution .
6152 The surface of the zone between the plane of yz and a
parallel plane at a distance a is
a -1 ex 30
S = πb { e a + a √ (a² = e²x²) } .

PROOF.-By ( 5878) . S = 2 be√( - 2ວ ) dar.

Then by (1933 ) . Otherwise, make bc in ( 6143 ) , and reduce.

6153 COR. -The whole surface = 2″b (b + sin- ¹e).

6154 The centroid of the surface of the zone in ( 6152 ) is

given by 2πbe as a²
3a S { e³ — (~ — x²) " }.

PROOF. -From Sx -
Sé = 2xbe
a (0 x√(2-2 ) de.

6155 The M. I. of the same zone is

1 sin-1 ex πb³3 x2
= Tab' ( e
1 - 4e³
=) a + a (1 ++/ −
4e2 2a2
x√(a² — e²x²) .

6156 And for the whole surface, by making x = a and

doubling, 1
M. I. = wab' (e 2 ) sin- 'e +
2e b² (1 + 22 ) .

2π — x²)
PROOF : M. I. = 2y / (1+ a³ ( (x² -
) de = 2rbe 2 ) √ ( 2-2 ) dz
2πb³e -
= 2 +a1 √√
√ (22
√√( )
22-22) dc 2010(
a³ = √ (~ − 2²) de.
The first integral by (1933) . For the second, by Rule VI. 2048, we obtain
the formula
2x² -a²
6157 (x²√( a²x²) dx = a
8 sin -12a 8 ·x √(x² —x²) ,
in which must now be written for a.

6158 For the volume, moment of inertia , and abscissa of

centroid of the solid prolate spheroid , make c = b in ( 6144-51 ) ,
a being the axis of revolution.


6159 Put ba in the equation ( 6142 ) of the ellipsoid ;

then c will be the semi-axis of revolution .
The surface of the zone between the plane of xy and a
parallel plane at a distance z , is
= ™ª ≈ √ ( c* + a²e²x²) + log ae≈ + √ (c¹ + a²e²x²)

PROOF. - By (5878 ) . S =
c² √√( + ) dz . Then by (1931 ) .

πρ- 1+
6160 COR. - The whole surface = 2″a² + -log
e 1- e

6161 The centroid of the surface of the zone in ( 6159) is

given by
2wa°e { ( + 2°)² -
=== a³e³

PROOF. As in (6154) . for the surface of half the spheroid is obtained

in this case by making z = c, but in ( 6154) put x = a.

6162 The M. I. of the same zone is

M. I. = (1-5
4a2e2 ) = √ (c° +a°c°z³)

πс² (4a² -30²) aez + √ (c² +a²e²x²)

+ log
4e³ c²

6163 And for the whole surface , by making z = c and

doubling ,
c² πс² (4а² —3c²) a (1 + e)
M. I. = Ħa ' ( 1 + log
2a2e2 2e³ C

2π | x³¸
PROOF : M. I. = 2x 小√ √√ ( 1 + 0 ) dz = 2xg C¹ *e [ (6—2°)
(c² √ ( $ 5 +2 °) dz.
The first integral involved is given at ( 1931 ) , and the second is obtained in
the same way as in the Proof of (6155) , giving
2x³ + a²x √ (x² + a²) − -
6164 ( x²√x² +a³dx = 8 — a² 8 log { x + √ (x² + a²)

6165 For the volume, moment of inertia, and abscissa of

centroid of the solid oblate spheroid, make ba in ( 6144-51 ) ,
c being the axis of revolution .









" There is an immense amount of knowledge lying scattered at the present day,
and almost useless from the difficulty of finding it when wanted. "
-Professor J. D. Everett,

Prefixed to each title will be found the symbol by which the work is
referred to in the Index . The words " with Vol." or "with Year," signify
that any number following the symbol in the Index denotes , respectively,
the Volume or Year of the journal . The year is given in all cases in which
the work consists of more than one series of volumes. In order to connect
the volumes with the years of publication , a Chronological Table is prefixed
to the Index ; in which table successive series of numbers in any column
indicate successive series of volumes of the publication .

A. with Vol. -Archiv der Mathematik ; 1843 to 1884 ; 70 vols.

[B. M. C.: P.P. 1580. ] *
Ac. with Vol.-Acta Mathematica, Zeitschrift Journal, herausgegeben
von G. Mittag- Leffler ; Stockholm, 1882 to 1885 ; 7 vols .
AJ. with Vol.- American Journal of Mathematics ; Baltimore. Editor :
J. J. Sylvester, F.R.S .; 1878 to 1885 ; 7 vols. [ B. M. C .:
P.P. 1575.b. ]
An. with Year. -Annali di Scienze Matematiche e Fisiche, compilati da
Prof. Barnaba Tortolini ; Rome , 1850-57 ; afterwards —Annali
di Matematiche pura et applica ; Rome, 1858-65. Series II . ,
Annali di Matematiche pura et applica, compilati da F. Brioschi
e L. Cremona ; Milan, 1868-85 ; 23 vols . in all . [ B. M. C. :
P.P. 1573 and 952.]
At. with Year. - Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Napoli ;
1819 to 1878 ; 15 vols. [B. M. C. : for 1819-55, 8 vols . ,
Acad. 2813 ; for 1863 to 1878, 7 vols ., Acad. 96. ]
C. with Vol. - Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie
des Sciences ; Paris, 1835 to 1885 ; 100 vols . [ B. M. C .:
Acad. 424 and R.R. 2099.c.] t
CD . with Vol . - Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal. Editor,
W. Thomson, B.A.; 1846 to 1854 ; 9 vols. [B. M. C.:
P.P. 1565. ]
CM. with Vol.- Cambridge Mathematical Journal ; 1839 to 1845 ;
4 vols. [B. M. C.: P.P. 1565. ]
CP. with Vol. — Cambridge Philosophical Transactions ; 1822 to 1881 ;
13 vols. [B. M. C .: Acad . 3008. ]

i.e., British Museum Catalogue, Press mark P.P. 1580.

R.R. signifies Reading- Room volumes within reach.

E. with Vol.- Educational Times Reprint of Mathematical Questions

and Solutions, with additional papers ; London, half-yearly,
1863 to 1885 ; 44 vols . Editor : W. J. C. Miller, B.A.
[B. M. C.: 2242.c.]
G. with Vol.- Giornale di Matematiche ad uso degli studenti delle univer
sità Italiane, pubblicato per cura del professore G. Battaglini ;
Naples, 1863-85 ; 23 vols . [ B. M. C .: P.P. 1572. ]
I. with Vol . - Journal of the Institute of Actuaries, or, The Assurance
Magazine ; London, 1850-84 ; 24 vols . [ B. M. C.: P.P.
1423.g.g. and 126. ]
J. with Vol. - Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik,
herausgegeben von A. L. Crelle ; 1826-1856 ; and Journal
als Fortsetzung des von A. L. Crelle gregrundeten Journals von
C. W. Borchardt ; Berlin , 1856-1884 ; 97 vols. [ B. M. C.:
P.P. 1585 and R.R. 2022.g.]
JP. with Vol.- Journal de l'Ecole Polytechnique ; Paris, 1796 to
1884 ; 34 vols . [ B. M. C.: T.C. 1.b. ]
L. with Year. - Journal de Mathématiques pures et appliquées, ou
Recueil mensuel de mémoires sur les diverses parties des
Mathématiques, publié par Joseph Liouville ; Paris, 1836 to
1884 ; 49 vols. [B. M. C.: P.P. 1575 and R.R. 2022.g. ]
LM. with Vol.-London Mathematical Society's Proceedings ; 1866 to
1885 ; 16 vols . [ B. M. C : Acad. 4265 , 2. ]
M. with Vol. - Mathematische Annalen , in Verbindung mit C. Neumann
begründet durch R. F. A. Clebsch unter Mitwirkung der
Herren Prof. P. Gordan, Prof. C. Neumann, Vols. 1-9 ; and
Prof. K. V. Mühl, gegenwärtig herausgegeben von Prof. F.
Klein und Prof. A. Mayer, Vols . 10, &c. Leipsig, 1869–1885 ;
25 vols . [ B. M. C .: P.P. 1581.b. ]
Man . with Year.- Manchester Memoirs, or, Memoirs of the Literary
and Philosophical Society of Manchester ; 1805 to 1884 ;
23 vols. [ B. M. C .: 255.d., 9-12 , and Acad. 1360. ]
Me . with Year. — The Oxford , Cambridge, and Dublin Messenger of
Mathematics ; 1862 to 1871 ; 5 vols. Continued as - The
Messenger of Mathematics. Editors : W. A. Whitworth,
M.A., C. Taylor, D.D. , R. Pendlebury, M.A. , J. W. L.
Glaisher, F.R.S .; Cambridge, 1872 to 1885 ; 14 vols.
[B. M. C .: P.P. 1565.b. and 463.]
Mél. with Vol. - Mélanges mathématiques de l'Académie des Sciences
de Saint Petersburg ; 1849 to 1883 ; 6 vols . [ B. M. C.:
Acad . 1125/9. ]
Mém. with Year. -Mémoires de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de

Saint Petersburg ; 1809 to 1883 ; 51 vols. [B. M. C .:

1809-30, T.C. 9.a., 14-20 ; 1831-59, Acad. 1125/2 ; 1859-83,
Acad. 1125/3 . ]
Mo. with Year. -Monatsbericht der Königlich- Preussichen Akademie
der Wissenschaften zu Berlin ; 1856 to 1881 ; continued as
Sitzungsberichte der Königlich , &c .; 1881 to 1885 ; 30 vols .
[ B. M. C. Acad. 855. ]

N. with Year. Nouvelles Annales de Mathématiques . Journal des
Candidats aux Ecoles Polytechnique et Normal. Rédigé par
MM. Terquem et Gerono ; Paris, 1842 to 1882 ; 41 vols.
[B. M. C.: P.P. 1544.]
No. with Year.-Nova Acta Regia Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis ;
1775 to 1884 ; 26 vols. [ B. M. C.: for 1775-1850, 14 vols. ,
T.C. 6.b. , 13-19 ; for 1851-1884, 12 vols . , Acad. 1076. ]
P. with Year. - The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of
London ; 1781 to 1884 ; 104 vols : i.e., vols. 71 to 174.
[B. M. C. R.R. 2021.g. ]
Pr. with Vol. - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London ; 1800 to
1885 ; 39 vols . [ B. M. C .: for vols . 1 to 23, Acad . 3025, 21 ;
for vols. 24, & c . , R.R. 2101. d .]
Q. with Vol. - Quarterly Journal of Mathematics ; 20 vols. Cambridge,
1857-78 ; Editors : J. J. Sylvester, F.R.S. , N. M. Ferrers,
F.R.S. , G. G. Stokes , F.R.S. , A. Cayley, F.R.S. , M. Hermite,
F.R.S.; 1878-85 , N. M. Ferrers, F.R.S. , A. Cayley, F.R.S. ,
J. W. L. Glaisher, F.R.S. [ B. M. C.: P.P. 1566 and 251. ]
TA. with Vol.- Transactionsof the American Philosophical Society ;
Philadelphia, 1818-71 ; 14 vols . [ B. M. C.: Acad . 1830/3
and T.C. 18. b. 11. ]
TE. with Vol.- Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh ; 1788
to 1880 ; 29 vols. [B. M. C .: T.C. 15.b. 1 and R.R. 2099.g. ]
TI . with Vol. — Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy ; 1786 to
1879 ; 26 vols . [B. M. C. Acad. 1540 and R. R. 2099.g. ]
TN. with Vol. - Transactions of the Royal Society of New South Wales ;
Sydney, 1867-83 ; 17 vols . [ B. M. C.: Acad. 1971. ]
Z. with Vol.-Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik, herausgegeben
von Dr. O. Schlömilch und Dr. B. Witzschel ; Dr. O. Schlö
milch, Dr. E. Kahl, und Dr. M. Cantor ; Leipzig, 1856-1883.
28 vols . [ B. M. C. : P.P. 1581. ]
Year. A Ac AJ An At C CD CM CP E G I JP Year.

1801 ... ... 3 1801




55xx 01232
8 8
9 9

10 10
11 11

12 12
13 9 13
14 14
15 10 15
16 16
17 17
18 18

19 I. 19
20 11 20
21 21

23 12

24 24

26 26

27 2
29 29
30 3 5,6 30
31 13
32 8, 9
33 4 10 14
34 11, 12 34
35 1 5 13, 14 15

36 2, 3 15 36
37 4, 5 37

16, 17
38 6, 7 6 18 16 38

39 8, 9 19 39
: ::

40 10 ... 40


20, 21
12 :3



41 22 17
42 14 , 15 23, 24 42

43 16, 17 25, 26 43
44 2, 3 18, 19 27, 28 44
: +:

45 4, 20, 21 29, 30 45
46 6,7 22, 23 1 31, 33 46

24, 25

*** 8566438563872 2 388 628 R R R R KRRER 28ZZZZZ

47 8, 9 34, 35 18
48 10, 11 26, 27 36, 37 19
49 12, 13 28, 29 38 49
50 14 , 15 I. 1 30, 31 39, 40 50

51 16, 17 2 32, 33 ... 41 , 42 51

52 18, 19 3 II. 1 34, 35 2 43, 45
53 20, 21 4 36, 37 3 46 , 47 20
54 22, 23 5 38, 39 4 48
55 24, 25 2 40, 41 5 49, 50
56 26, 27 42, 43 9 51, 52 21
57 28, 29 8 44, 45 6 53, 54

58 30, 31 II. 1 46, 47 55

59 32, 33 48, 49 56, 57 59

60 34, 35 50, 51 58 60
61 36, 37 52, 53 8 59, 60 22 61
62 38, 39 54, 55 9 61

63 40 III. 1 56, 57 10 62 23 63
64 41 , 42 58, 59 1, 2 11 63 64

65 43 , 44 7 60, 61 3, 4 64 24 65
: 22

66 45, 46 62, 63 5,6 12 65, 66 ... 66

67 47 64, 65 7,8 13 67 25
68 48 III. 1 66, 67 9, 10 68, 69
69 49, 50 2 68, 69 11, 12 14 70 69

70 51 3 70, 71 13, 14 8 15 71 , 72 26 70

71 4 72, 73 15, 16 9 73 71
72 53 74, 75 17, 18 10 16 74, 75 72
73 54, 55 5 76, 77 19, 20 11 76 73

74 56, 57 78, 79 21 , 22 77, 78 27 74


75 6 80, 81 23, 24 18 79,80 75

76 59, 60 82, 83 25, 26 81 76
77 61 8 84, 85 27, 28 82-8 4 77


78 7 86, 87 29, 30 20 85, 86 78

79 63, 64 88, 89 12 31, 32 21 87, 88 28 79
80 65, 66 90, 91 33, 34 18 89, 90 29 80
81 67 92, 93 13 35, 36 19 91, 92 30, 31 81
82 1, 2 94, 95 37, 38 20 23 93, 94 32

83 69 3,4 ... 96, 97 39, 40 95 33 83

84 70 5-7 98, 99 41 , 42 24 96, 97 34 84
1885 ... ... ... 100 43, 44 ... 1885

Year. L LM M Me Man. | Mém. | Mél. Mo N No Pr QTA TE TI TN Z Year.


www www *** *** *** 24. ... *** 91 www *** 1801

www 92 8 2

www *** *** www ***
*** *** 93 *** 9
21. www *** ... www 94 *** ***
*** www ... I.1 www *** *** 95 5
*** *** *** *** 96 10 ***
www 97 *** www 7
8 www ... www *** *** 98 www www 8

www www *** www I. 1 *** www *** 99 *** 9
10 www *** www ... *** *** 100 *** *** www 11 10
11 ... *** www www ... 24. 101 11
12 www www ... 41. 102 *** 12
13 *** ... www *** 2 4 *** 103 13
14 *** ... ... *** *** www 104 *** 14
15 ... www *** 5 www *** I. 7 105 7 12 www 15
16 *** ... www *** ... ... 106 *** *** 16
17 www ... www *** 107 17
18 22. *** 6 108 8 13 18
19 3 www *** 109 19

20 *** *** 7 110 20

21 .... 8 111 21
22 8 112 www 22
23 www *** 113 9 23
24 114

www *** 4 *** 24

25 www ... *** 115 14 25
26 www 10 116 ... 10 26

27 www *** ... *** ... 9 117 27

28 *** 118 15 28
29 ... 119 29
30 *** ... 11 120 2 3 16 30
31 www *** 5 II. 1 121 www www 31
*** *** 10 122 *** 32

3** ... www
33 *** 2 ... 123 *** 33
*** ... *** 124 *** www 34
www ... *** 125 35
I. 1 *** 126 36

37 *** *** 127 3 5 37

38 ... 3 128 www www 38

39 ... *** 129 *** 18 39

40 www 130 www www 40
41 4 131 *** 7 ... 41

I. 1 132 42
: 00 :

43 133 8 19 43
44 9 www 5 12 134 44
45 10 www www www www 135 20 www *** 45
11 ... *** 7 ... 5 136 *** 9 ... 46
47 12 *** 6 13 137 *** 47
48 13 ... 8 *** 7 138 21 www www 48
49 14 www www *** 8 139 *** *** 49
50 15 ... 6 9 14 140 5 *** 50
51 16 www www 10 141 ... *** 51
52 17 www 10 ... 11 142 52
53 18 *** 7 12 143 *** 10 22 www 53

54 19 11 *** *** 13 144 23 54

55 20 *** 12 14 I. 1 145 www 55
65082878 .

56 II. 1 13 ... 1 15 146


57 2 14 2 16 *** 147 8
58 3 15 3 17 2 148

59 4 III. 1 2 4 18 149 23 59
: 345

60 5 5 19 *** 150 10 11
61 6 20 3 151 www 61

62 152

7 I.1 II. 1 www 7 II. 1 11

63 8 5,6 8 2 4 153 12 12 *** *** 63

9 2 3 www 154 13 64

65 10 2 10 4 5 155 14 ***
66 11 3 3 11 5 www 156 *** 11 66

12 10 12 6 15 24

24. ... *** 157



13 3 11 *** 13 7 6 158 16 9
69 14 2 1 12, 13 14 8 159 17 13 25 14 69

70 15 2 14, 15 15 9 7 160 18 15 70

16 3 3.4 4 16 *** 16 10 www 161 19 10 14 16 71


72 17 5 II. 17, 18 4 17 11 162 20 26 www 17 72


73 18 6 18 21

19, 20 *** 12 8 163 *** ... 18 73

74 19 7 21 ... 19 13 164 22 24 19 74
75 III. 1 8 20 14 9 165 23 13 25 9 20 75

76 2 9, 10 5 22 ... 21 15 166 24 14 27 10 21 76
77 3 8 11, 12 www 23, 24 16 *** 167 25, 26 11 77
78 4 9 13 25 23 17 www 168 27 15 23 78

79 5 10 14, 15 6 26 24 18 10 169 28, 29 16 *** 28 26 24 79



11 16, 17 *** 27 25 19 www 170 30 29 *** 25 80


81 7 12 18 10 28, 29 5 26 20 11 171 31 , 32 17 *** *** www 26 81

82 13 19 11 7 30 *** 27 III. 1 *** 172 33 18 16 27 82
83 14 20, 21 12 31 6 173 34, 35 19 17 28 83
84 10 15 22, 23 13 8 *** 29 12 174 36, 37 84
1885 BALT 16 24, 25 14 23. www 30 www www ... 38, 39 20 1885
L LM M Me Man. Mém. Mél, Mo N No P Pr Q TA TE TI TN

a. c. = areal coordinates. i. eq. = indeterminate equation.

alg. = algebraic. imag . - imaginary.
ap . = application. 1. c. m . = lowest common multiple.
anal. = analytical. num . = numerical.
ar. P. = arith. progression. O. C. = oblique coordinates.
C. C. = Cartesian coordinates. p. c. = polar coordinates.
cn. = construction. p. d. e. = partial difference equations.
cond. = condition. p. e. = polar equation.
curv . = curvature. perp . = perpendicular..
d . c. = differential calculus. pl. = plane.
d. e. differential equations. pr. - problem.
d. i. = definite integral. q. c. = quadriplanar coordinates.
- equation. rad. = radius. I
ex. example or exercise. sd. = solid or 3- dimensional.
ext. = extension. sol. = solution .
f. = formula. sym . = symmetrically.
f. d. c. == finite difference calculus. ta . = table.
f. d. e. = finite difference equation. t. c. = trilinear coordinates.
geo . = geometrical. tg. c. = tangential coordinates.
g. p. = geometricalprogression. tg. e. = tangential equation.
gn . = general. th. = theorem .
gz. = generalization. tr. = treatise (ie., more than 50 pages) .
h . c . f. = highest common factor. transf. == transformation.
i . c. integral calculus.
153.-The suffix means that three articles under the same heading will be found in the volume.

18-21 .- Means that one article on the subject will befound in each of the four consecutive volumes.

References to the Synopsis stand first, and are the numbers of Articles,
not of Pages. An asterisk (* ) is prefixed where such numbers will be found .
The unclassified references following a principal title commonly refer to
papers on the general theory of the subject ; but some papers are occa
sionally included amongst these of which the titles are too long for inser
tion , and do not admit of abbreviation .
Subjects which might well have been included under the same head
ing appear sometimes under different ones, for the following reasons :
Exigencies of space have decided the insertion of the number of the volume
only of the particular work in question, and a subsequent examination of
the Index of that volume is required in order to find the page. It , there
fore , became desirable not to change the original title of the paper when
there was danger, by so doing, of making it unrecognizable. When, how
ever, the same subject appears in two parts of this Index under different
names, cross references from one to the other are given. Some changes,
however, have been made when the synonym was perfectly obvious ; for
instance, when a reference to a journal, published fifty years ago, is found
under the heading of " Binary Quantics, " the actual title of the article will ,
in all probability, be " Homogeneous Functions of Two Variables ," and so
in a few other instances.

Abacus of the Pythagoreans : L.39 . Alternants of 4th order, co-factors of :

Abelian cubics and symmetrical equa AJ.7.
tions : Q.5. Alternate numbers : LM.102.
of class ( 31 ) Mo.82 . Alternating functions : AJ.7 : C.12,
Abelian equations : A.68 : C.95 : J.93 : 22 : J.83 (Vandermond's) : Me .
M.18 : Mo.77,92. 82.
Abelian functions : see " Hyper-elliptic Altitudes , determination of : A.12,19 :
functions . " Mém.15 : N.45.
*Abel's formula for F(x +iy) + F(x - iy) : Amicable numbers : A.70.
2705. Me.73. Anallagmatic curves and surfaces :
*Abel's theorems : 1572 : C.94 : J.9,24, C.87 N.64 (quartic surface ).
61,90 LM.12 : M.8,17 : P.81 , Anallagmatic pavements : E.10.
83 : Pr.30,34. Analysis : A.1 : An.50 : C.3,11,12 :
$ (x) +$ (y) = ↓ { xf(y ) + yƒ(x) } : An . J.f7: P.14 : Q.6,7 .
57. ap to geometry : G.23 : JP.4.
*Abscissa : 1160 . Analytical : aphorisms : A.5 : J.10.
Acceleration : 65. combination theorem : J.11.
functions : Ac.6 : ths An.82 : La
*Algebra : 1-380 : 20.
application to geometry : JP.4. grange, trJP.3.
foundation , limitations : AJ.6 : CP.7, system of, and series from it : An .
82: Q.6. tr 84 .
history of, in Germany : Mo.67,70 . * geometry : 4001-6165 : A.2,11,38 :
Algebraic : Calculus : N.81 . C.6 : JP.9 : L.72 : M.2 : Mém.
definitions : C.37. 13 : Z.9 : tr11,12 .
forms : C.84,94 : M.15. theoremsand problems : A.8,52 : J.46.
coordination of : J.76. plane and solid in homogeneous co
whose Hessian vanishes identically : ordinates : Z.15,16.
M.10. of three dimensions : CM.4.
in theory of cubics : M.8. metrics : Q.7,8.
formula : G.12 : Q.5. theorems : A.8. treatise : C.13.
functions : A.10,31 : J.92 : L.50,51 : Angles : conterminal : Me.74.
M.10 : N.62. * of a central conic : 4375.
applied to geometry : G.22 : M.7. division into n and n + 1 parts : A.70.
number of constants : J.64. of five circles or six spheres : Me.79.
as partial fractions : Z.9. of two circles : 4180.
rationalization of : A.69. problems on : P.1791 .
representation by : J.77,78. two relations between five : A.20.
resolution into factors : A.46. trisection of : 5325 : A.4,34 : C.2,66,
theorems : J.82 : M.1,6. 81 : G.15 : Me.72 : N.56,76.
synthesis : C.163. Anharmonics : LM.2,3.
Algorithmic geometry : N.57. *Anharmonic pencils of conics : 4809
-21 .
Algorithm : ―re definition of (1/2)=: *Anharmonic ratio : 1052,4648 : GM.12.
corresponding to roots of a biquad
of higher analysis : Mo.75. ratic : N.60.
of arithmetical functions : G.23. * ofa conic : Q.4 : of four tangents : 4986.
5 Q
850 INDEX.

Anharmonic ratio (continued) : Arithmometer : I. 16-18.

of 5 lines in space : Me.76. Aronhold, theorems of : gzJ.73 .
of 4 points in a plane : A.1 : C.77. Associated forms systems of :
sextic : LM.2,60 : Q.37,38. gzAJ.1 : C.86 : CD.6.
systems : cnM.10. and spherical harmonics : Me.85 .
*Annuities : 302 : A.22 : Ac.1 : CP.3 : Astroid of a conic : A.64.
J.83 I. 1-24: P.1788, -89 , -91, *Astronomical distances : p 5 .
-94, 1800, -10 : N.47. *Asymptotes : 5167 : A.p. c 15,17 : CM .
Anticaustic (by refraction) of a parabola : 4: M.11 : N.68 : thsN.48 and
N.83,85. 73.
* Anticlastic surface : 5623,5818 . ** of conics : 1182 , 4490 , t.c 4683 : tg. c
Aplanatic lines, lemniscates, caustics, 4904, -66 Me.71 : Q.3,8.
&c.: thL.50 : N.45. of intersections of quadrics : N.73.
Apolarity of rational curves : M.21 . of imaginary branches of curves :
Apollonius's problem : A.37 : M.6. CM.2 .
Approximation : J.13 : N.66. Asymptotic : chords : A.12 .
algebraic J.76. cone of a quadric : 5616 : E.30, g.e 34.
to functions represented by integrals : curves : 5172.
C.202. lines of surfaces : A.60,61 : R.84.
of several variables : C.70. law of some functions : Mo.65.
successive : Mém.38. methods : M.82.
Apsidal surfaces : Q.16. planes of a paraboloid : 5625.
Arabs, mathematics of: C.39,60. planes and surfaces : CD.3.
Arbitrary constants : C.15 : L.80 : in Atomic theory and graphical represen
d.e and f.d.e, TI.13. tation of invariants and covari
*Arc, area, &c. :- -quantification of : ants of binary quantics : AJ.12.
1244, 5205 , 5874, 6015. Attraction of confocal ellipsoids :
relations of : G.16 : C.80,94 : L.46. Me.82 .
Arcs with a rectifiable difference and of ellipsoids : CD.4,9 : J. 12,20,26,31 :
areas witha quadrable difference : JP.15 : L.40,45 : M.10 : N.76 :
L.46. Q.2,7,17.
*Areas -and volumes in t.c and q.c : of ellipsoidal shell : J.12 : JP.15 : Q.17.
4688 : Q.2. of paraboloids : L.57.
* approximation by ordinates : 2991-7 : of polyhedra : J.66 .
C.78 : CD.9. of a right line and of an elliptic arc :
* between 3 lines : 4038 : Me.75. An.59 CD.3.
ext. of meaning : CD.5. of a ring and of elliptic and circular
Arithmetic : A.5,18 : L.59. plates : G.21 : Z.11 .
ancient : C.71 : N.51 . of spheroids : J.12 : JP.8 : L.76 :
degenre, ext. of the notion : C.94. Mém.31 : P. (Ivory) 12.
higher : J.35 . of solids of revolution, &c. : An.56 :
history of: C.17. CD.2 .
of Ibn-Esra : trL.41 . solid of maximum : TE.6.
of Nicomaque de Gèrase : An.57 . theorems : Q.4,17.
Arithmetico-geometric mean : Mo.58 : theory of : L.44,6.
Z.20. *Auxiliary circle : 1160.
*Arithmetic mean : 91 : CD.6 : of n Averages : 1.7,9.
quantities : 332 : L.39. *Axes of a conic : gn.eq 4687 : A.30 :
*Arithmetical progression : 79 : thL. E.36 : G.12 : Q.q.c4 ; t.c 5,8,15
39 : Pr.10. and 20 : Me.a.c 64,71 : N.43,48,58 :
and g. p when n (the number of terms) t.cQ.12.
is a fraction : A.35. construction of : 1252 : Me.66 .
when the terms are only known ap cn. from conj . diameters : 1253 :
proximately : C.96. A.13,20 Me.82 : N.67,78.
Arithmetical theorems : A.10 : C.93,972 : of a quadric : 5695 : A.30 : An.77 :
CD.6 : G.7,18 : L.63 : of 1. c. m ., G.9 : J.2,64,82 : N.43,51 , cn 68,
N.57: Gergonne, C.5. 69,74.
Arithmetical theory of algebraic forms : rectangular, nine direction cosines
J.92,93. for two systems : 5577-8 :
Arithmographe polychrome : C.51,53. L.449.
INDEX. 851

*Axis of perspective or homology : Binary cubics-(continued) :

975. automorphic transf. of : LM.14.
** of reflexion : 1007. and quadratic forms : G.21 .
* of similitude : 1046, 4177. system of two : E.7 : G.17 : LM.13 :
Axonometry and projective collineation M.7.
in space : M.25 : Z.12,21 . resultant : Q.6.
tables and classification of : A.31 .
Babbage's calculating machine : C.99 . transformation by linear substitution :
Barycentric calculus and right line con J.38.
struction : J.28. Binary forms : An.56,77 : At.65 : G.
Battement de Monge : L.82. 2,3,10,162 : J.74 : M.2,3,20 : Q.14.
Beltrami's theorem : A.44. and their covariants, geo.: M.23.
*Bernoulli's numbers : 1539 : A.3 : ap. to anal. geometry : L.75.
AJ.5,7 : An.59,77 : C.54,583,812 : ap. to elliptic functions : AJ.5 .
G.9 : J.20,21,28,58,81,84,85 (first ap. to Euler's integrals : C.47.
62) ,88,92 : LM.42,7,9 : Me.75 : canonical : J.54 : M.21 .
gzMém.83 : N.76 : Q.6,22. evectant : Q.11.
application to series : see " Series." geo. interpretation or ap .: C.78 : G.
and interpolation : C.86. 17 : M.9,222.
and their first 250 logarithms : CP.12. having the same Jacobian : C.94.
and secant series : A.1,3,35 : C.4,32. having similar polar forms : M.8.
bibliography of : AJ.5. in a cubic space-curve : J.86.
indeterminate representation of : Z. intwo conjugate indeterminates : C.97.
19. most general case of linear equations
new theory of : C.83. in : C.99.
theorems on : E.2,8 : N.77. (q) groups of: M.23 .
Bernoulli's series : 1510. with related coefficients : M.12 .
Bessel's functions (see also " Integrals transference of, when not of a prime
of circular functions ") : J.75 : degree : M.21 .
M.3,4,9,14,16 : Q.20,21 . transformation of : M.4,9 .
representation of arbitrary functions typical representation of : An.68,69.
by : M.6. Binary homographics represented by
squares and products : M.2. points in space, applied to the
tables : Z.2. rotation of a sphere : M.22.
Bonnet, two formulæ of : G.4. Binary nonics, ground forms : AJ.2.
Bicircular quartics : LM.3,99 : P.77 : Binary octics : thC.96 : M.172.
Pr.25 Q.192 : TI.24. Binary quadrics : C.47 : G.3 : J.27:
focal conics of : LM.11 . L.59,77 : M.15,172.
with collinear triple and double foci : construction of, through a symboli
LM.12,14. cal formula : C.57.
nodal, mechanical cn . of : LM.3. indeterminate, integral sol.: J.45.
Bifocal variable system : M.16. for a negative determinant : No.81 :
Bilinear forms : J.682,84,86 : L.74: C.60 (table) : L.57 : M.172,21,25 .
Mo.66,682,74. partition table : AJ.4.
congruent transformation of : Mo. representing the same numbers : L.59.
74. transformation of: C.41 .
four variables : G.21 : Mo.83 . with two conjugate indeterminates :
relation between two and their C.96.
quadric and quartic system : M.1 . *Binary quantics : 1636 : An.56 : C.52 :
reciprocals : G.22. CD.9 .
reduction of : C.78,92. (2n - 1 )-ic, canonical form of : Q.20.
Bilinear functions : GM.11 . derivatives of: Q.15.
polynomials : C.77. discriminant of: 1638 : Q.10.
trilinear and quadrilinear systems : reduction of : J.36 : L.52 : Q.7.
E.5 . transformation of : CM.1 : thE.28.
Billiards, theory of : L.83. in two polynomials U, V, prime to
Bimodular congruences : G.21 . each other and of the same de
Binaryand ternary quadratics : N.64,65. gree : N.85.
*Binary cubics : 1631 : A.17 : C.92 : G.17 : Binary quartics : -and their invari
J.27,53,41 : Q.1,11 . ants A.18 : G.14 : J.41 : M.19 : Q.7.
852 INDEX.

Binary quartics- (continued) : *Brachistochrone : 3037, 3044 : L.48 :

condition for perfect square : E.36 . Man.31 : Me.80 : Mém.22 : N.
or quintics, with three equal roots or 77,80.
two pairs of equal roots : P.68. Brahmins, trigonometrical tables of the :
and ternary cubic, correlation be TE.4.
tween : An.76. *Brianchon's theorem : 4783 : A.53 : C.
Binary quintic : G.14. 82 : CM.4 : G.2 : J.84,93 : gzN.
canonical form for : Q.19. 82 : Z.6.
Binary sextics : taAJ.4 : C.64,87,963 : and analogues : CD.7 : Q.9.
G.14: M.2,76,77. on a quadric surface : C.98 : E.19 .
syzygies of : AJ.7. on a sphere : A.60.
Binet's function : L.75. * Brocard circle and Lemoine's point :
Binodal quartic with elliptic function 4754c : gzN.85.
coordinates : AJ.5. * Burchardt's factor tables p. 7 : erra
*Binomial :-coefficients : 283,366-7 : tum , A.23.
A.1,2 : G.14 : Mém.24 : N.th60 , *Burmann's theorem, d.c : 1559.
61,70,85 : Z.25.
sum of selected : Me.85. Calculating machine : Pr.37.
* equations : 480 : A.10 : At.65,68 :
Calculus algebraic, which includes
C.10,44: G.52,10 : L.57 : LM.11 , the calculus of imaginaries and
12,16. quaternions : C.91 .
irreducible factors of : An.69. of chemical operations : Pr.25.
x - 1 = 0 : see " Roots of unity.” of direction and position : AJ.6 : M.
equivalences to any modulus : C.25. pr 6.
theorem : 125-36 : A.8, geo . 61 : C. of enlargement : AJ.2 .
45 : CD.7 : CM.3 : G.12 : J.1,4,5, of equivalent statements : see " Logic."
28,55 : Me.71 : N.423,47,50,71,78 : of forms (Invariant theory) : CD.72,
P.16,16,95,96 : TI.12. 8,92.
generalization of : J.1 : N.572. of infinitesimals, third branch of :
*Binormal : 5723. viz., given y and yr , to find ≈ :
Bipartite functions and determinants : TE.24.
LM.16. oflimits, ap. to a system of d.e : C.156.
Bipartition, repeated : Mel.4. of Victorius : Z.16.
* Biquadratic : equation (see also of other subjects : see the subject.
" Cubic and biquadratic " ) : 492 Calendar : J.3,9,prs 22.
-501 : A.1,12,16,23,31,39,40,41 , Jewish J.f 28.
45,69 AJ.1 : CM.1,46,47 : G.5 Canal surfaces : A.1,10.
-7,13,21 : J.90 : Me.62 : N.44,582, Canon-arithmeticus of Jacobi . C.39,63 :
59,60,63,78,81,83 : Q.7,28 : Z.6,8, L.54.
18. Cantor's theorem : M.22.
cond. for two equal roots : E.44. *Cardioid : b = a in 5328, Fig.129 :
and elliptic functions : C.57 : L.58. A.59,63,68 : LM.4 : Me.64 : N.81.
reduction to canonical form : G.5. and ellipses : Pr.6.
reduction to a reciprocal equation : *Carnot's theorem : 4778.
L.63 . *Cartesian oval : 5341-5358 : A.69 : C.
solution of : A.51,56 : C.49,82 : L. 97 : LM.1,32,99 : Me.75 : Q.1 : Me.
73 : Q.19 : numerical, C.61 : with 74 : Q.12,cn15.
out eliminating the 2nd term, area of: E.21 .
A.39 : 4 variables , J.27 : trigono eq. with triple focus as origin : E.9,23.
metrical, A.19,70 . foci : E.7.
and sextic eqs. in the theory of functional images : Q.18.
conics and quadrics : J.53 . mechanically drawn : LM.5,6 : Q.13.
values which make it a square : perimeter : E.21 .
496 : G.7 : E.22 . rectific. by ellip. functions : C.80,87 :
function with four variables : An. 59. LM.5.
involutions : C.98 . through 4 points on a circle : LM.12.
Biquaternions : AJ.7 : LM.4. with 2 imaginary axial foci : LM.3 .
Biternary forms with contragredient * Cassinian oval : 5313 : Me.77,83 : N.57.
variables : M.1 . analogous surfaces : An.61.
Borchardt's functions : J.82 . radial of : E.26.
INDEX. 853

Cassinoid with n foci, rectif. of : L.48. Centroid-(continued) :

Catacaustic and diacaustic of a sphere : of a frustrum of a pyramid : Me.79 :
JP.17. N. 762.
Catalecticant of a binary quantic : E. of oblique frustrum of a cone : E.33 .
37,38. of a perimeter: A.51 .
Catenary : 5273 : Me.64,66,68. of plane curves : 5887 : J.21 : G.12 .
by parabolic trigonometry : Pr.8. of spherical and other areas : 5898,
revolving : E.22. 6051 J.50 : L.39,422.
*Cauchy's formula i.c : 2712. of surface and solid of revolution :
closed curve theorem : Mo.85. 5896-9: AJ.3 : L.39.
various formula : C.2710 of a trapezium : Q.9 .
*Caustics : 5248-9 : Ac.4 : L.46 : P.57, * of a triangle : 951 : A.52,58 .
67 : Pr.8,142,15 : Q.1,2,3 cn8,9,12. *Change of independent variable : 1760—
by successive reflexion from spheres : 1816 : AJ.3 : CM.1 : G.2 : L.40,58 :
J.13. Q.1,2,10 : Z.17.
identity with pedals : Z.14. * from x, y tor, 0 : 1768.
of a cardioid : Me.83. * from x, y, z to r, 0, : 1783.
of a circle : 5248 : CD.2 . in a definite multiple integral : 2774—
of a cycloid : A.30 . 9 : A.22,41 .
of an ellipse, focus at centre : J.44. in transcendent definite integrals :
of infinitely thin pencils : J.98. C.23.
of refraction at a plane surface : N.47. in thetheory of isotropic means : C.34.
radii of curvature : N.65. Characteristics : E.5 : J.71 : M.6.
surfaces and singularities : J.76. of conics : A.1 : C.67,72,76,832 : JP.28 :
Cells of bees : N.56 : Q.2. LM.9 : M.15 : N.666,71.
Cell structure : LM.16. of conics of 5-point contact : E.27.
Centimetre - gramme - second system : of cubic systems : C.742.
p.1 . of curves and surfaces : C.73.
Centrals, theory of : J.243. of quadrics : C.67 : JP.28 : N.68.
Centre of: curves and surfaces : L. relation between two characteristics
46 : Q.10. in a system of curves of any de
a circle touching two : A.24. gree : C.62.
geometrical figures : A.16 . surface groups defined by two : C.79 :
harmonic mean : J.3. µ = 1, v = 1 , C.78.
mean distance of curves and surfaces : Chart construction : Mél.2 : N.60,783.
N.ths 85 : Q.33. Chemico-algebraic theory : AJ.1 .
mean distance of points of contact of Chemico-graphs : AJ.1.
parallel tangents, ext. of th .: L. Chess board, ths and prs : A.56 : E.34,
44. 42,44.
* similarity : 947 . Chessmen, relative value of : E.39 :
* similitude : 1037. Mél.3.
similitude of 3 circles : 1046 : 4176. Chinese arithmetic and algebra : C.51 :
similitude of 2 quadrics each of which N.63.
circumscribes the same quadric : *Chord : —— joining two points on a
J.31 . circle : 4157 : A.43,44 : E.22.
Centres, theory of : J.24. * of contact for two circles : 4172.
Centro-baric methods in anal . geometry: Chronology : J.26.
J.52. *Circle : 4136-90 c.c : A.1,3 th 4,9,25,27,
*Centroid :--formulæ for : 5884-5902, th47 : C.94 : J.14,17 : Q.19 : TE .
6015 : JP.26 : L.43. th6.
and its use in stereometry : A.39. approximate rectification and quadra
of common points of two conics : A.3. ture : 6019 , & c : A.2,6,geo13,14,
* of circular arc : 6021 : E.13. 43 : J.32 : Me.75,85 : N.45,47 :
of a dice : N.63. Q.4.
* of frustrums : 6048, &c.: A.33. arc of: see Circular arc.
of a gauche curve after development area of segment : 6035 : A.27,39,44.
on a right line, locus of : C.88. * chord of: 4157-8.
of algebraic curves and surfaces : * chord of contact : 1017 : 4138, -72 .
An.68. * coaxal : 1021-36 : A.23.
of a frustrum of a prism : L.39. configuration of : C.932.
854 INDEX.

Circle (continued) : Circle-(continued) :

* cn. from 3 conditions : 937 : JP.9. * touching 3 circles, cn : 946,1049 :
Cotes's properties : 821 : A.11 , ext. to A.24,26,28,35 : An.68 : C.60 : Me.
ellipse 30 : P.13 : TI.7. 62 : N.63,65,66,84 : Q.8.
** touching the 4 circles which touch
cutting three at given angles : 4185 :
LM.3,5 : N.83 . the sides of a spherical triangle :
division of : A.27,37,41 : At.19 : E.1 , A.4.
31 : G.6 : C.85,93 : J.27,54,56 : and triangle, ths and prs : A.30,57 :
N.53,54. LM.15 : Q.4.
and theory of numbers : J.30,84,87 : * two; eq. for angle of intersection :
N.56. 4180-1 .
ths. on sum of sqs . of perpendicu theorems : 984-1045 : Q.11 : see
lars, & c.: 1094-8. " Radical axis " and " Coaxal cir
eight circles touching three, cn : cles. "
4189 : Mél.3 : Q.5. and two points ; Alhazen's pr : AJ.4.
eight through 6 points of intersection Circulants: final expansion of: Me.85.
of 3 conics : Q.10 . of odd order: Q.18.
* equation of : 4136-48, p.c 4151 : *Circular -arc : length, centroid, &c.:
Pr.27 : TI.26 . 6019.
general eq. t.c, 4691,4751 : tg.c, with real tangents : Z.1.
4906. graphic rectification and trans
Euler's th. extended to ellipse : A.51 . position of : Z.2.
five-point th.: E.5. cubics, involution of : LM.1,7.
four pairs of circles through 6 points chord of curvature of : E. cn 36.
common to 3 circles : Q.9. and elliptic functions in continued
four points concyclic, condition : A. fractions : CD.4.
44 : N.84. functions : 606 : A.17 : J.16.
geometry of : A.67 : Z.24. points at infinity : see " Imaginary
groups of points on : A.14. ditto ."
** in tri-metric point-coordinates : Z.27. relation of Mobius : LM.8 : N.76 : Q.2.
and in-quadrilateral : 733 : CD.9 . segment : arc, chord and area : 6035 :
lines of equi-different powers in two N.63.
circles : A.19. Circulating functions : P.18.
of curvature : 1254,5134 : A.31,63 : J. * Circum-centre of a triangle : 4642 : tg.
45 : p.cN.84. eq 4883.
* polar of 'y' : 4138, -64. *Circum- circle : -- of a triangle : 713,
rectangles of : Z.14. 4738 : tg. eq 4895 : A.51,58.
ring of, touching two fixed : J.39 : coordinates of centre : 4642 .
Me.78. hypocycloidic envelope of Ferrers :
six points th.: Q.8. N.70.
and self-conj . triangle : A.41 . and in-conic : N.79.
and sphere, geo.: Mo.82 . of a polygon : 746-8 : A.19 .
system through a point on a plane or of a quadrilateral : 733 : N.79.
sphere : G.16. Circum-cone of a quadric, locus of
* tangents : 4137-43,4160 : L.56 : P.14. vertex : N.52.
common to a circle and conic : * Circum-conic --of a triangle : 4724 :
cnA.69. tg. eq 4892 : An.57 .
common to two circles : 953,4171 : of a quadrilateral : 4697 : At.54.
cnA.34. locus of centre : E.1.
locus of a point, the tangents from Circum cubic of a complete quadri
which to two circles have a given lateral : G.10 : Q.5.
ratio : geo.965-6. * Circum - parallelogram of an ellipse :
* three : 997-9,1036,1046-51,4183-7. 4367 .
* prs.(Gergonne) : 1049 : At.19 : L.46. Circum-pentagon of a conic : M.5 : N.67.
through mid-points of sides of a tri Circum - polygon : ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ of a circle :
angle : see Nine-point circle . 746-8 CD.1 : Me.80 : N.66.
* through 3 points : 4156,4738. of a conic : M.25.
through 3 points on a conic : A.2 : of a parabola : CM.2 .
J.39 . • of a cuspidal cubic : LM.13 : ditto
touching a conic twice : J.56 : N.65. quartic : LM.14 .
INDEX. 855

Circum-quadrilateral : : of a circle : Combinations-(continued) :

E.35 : N.48. * problem or theorem : 105-7 : A.21 :
of two circles : N.67. C.97 : CD.2,4,7,8 : Lũ : J.3,45,50 :
Circum-rhombus of an equil . triangle : L.38: Mém.11 : N.53,73 : Z.15.
A.45. of Euler and its use in an eq. : L.39.
Circum-triangle of a conic : N.70. of 1 , 2, ... n, each c. having a sum
locus of vertex : 4800 : E.35. a: G.19,20.
of a triangle: J.30. of dominoes : An.73.
*Cissoid : 5309-12 : A.62,69 : N.43,85. of n dice each with p faces : TE.21 .
tangents of: LM.2 . of n points in space : L.40.
Cissoidal curves : A.56 . of observations : L.50.
Clairaut's function and equations : Pr . of planes through a system of
25. points : N.57.
Clinant geometry : Pr.10,11,12,15 . Combinatorial : -products : A.34.
Closed curves : Me.77 : geo th Q.4. systems : L.56.
and moving chord , Holditch's th: 5244: Combinatory analysis : A.2,50,70 : J.11 ,
gzMe.78 : Q.2. 22 : Mém.50 : N.80.
ext. to surfaces : Me.81.
quadrature of : A.61 : N.43 : Crofton's Commensurable quadratic divisors : N.
ths A.55 : C.65,68 : E.362. 47.
@ Commensurables : TE.23 .
sin *Commutative law : 1489.
tť dedy, t = 0, t = 0 being the
*Companion to the cycloid : 5258.
tangents from xy : LM.2.
Complanation formula : A.48.
rectification of : 5204.
Complementary functions : C.19 : J.11 .
Closed surfaces : JP.21 .
Complete functions : C.86 : J.482.
*Coaxal circles : 1021-36 : 4161-70 : Q. Complete numbers : Mo.62 .
52 reciprocated, 4558. *Complete primitive : 3163.
Poncelet's limiting points : 4165 : Complex axes of a quadric : Z.19.
thJ.86 .
Complexes : L.44,47: M.2,4.
Coaxal conics : Q.10.
of axes of a quadric : N.83.
Cochleoid, ( +y2) tan - 1 = ry : A.70. in combinations and permutations :
x A.21 .
*Coefficients ::---detached : 28. of 1st and 2nd degrees and linear
* differential : 1402. congruences : An.76 : L.51 : M.2,
* indeterminate : 232 . 9: N.85 : trZ.27.
*Cogredients : 1653. linear : N.85 : Z.18 : of an in- conic of
*Collinear and concurrent systems of a quadrilateral : G.21 .
points and lines : 967 : A.69 : G.21 . of 2nd degree : G.8,17,18 : cn J.93 :
Collineation and correlation : M.22 : M.7 : N.726.
prM.10. of 2nd degree with a centre : L.82.
and reciprocity : M.23. of 2nd degree of right lines which cut
"gleichstimmigkeit " of, in space : two quadrics harmonically : M.23.
quadratic ray- & web-complexes : J.98.
multiple c. of two triangles : A.2,70. of nth degree, singularities : M.12 .
of plane figures, ground forms : J.74 . and congruences, spherical of 2nd
paradox : Z.28. degree, their circles and cyclides :
*Combinations : 94-107 : trA.15 : CP.8 : J.99.
G.18 : J.5,13,212,34,38, th53 : M.5 : and spherical complexes, ap. to linear
p . d. e : M.5.
ap. to determinants : JP.28. tetrahedral in point space : Z.22.
complete, i.e., with repetitions : C.92 : Complex numbers : A.28 : C.90,99 : G.11 :
J.22,35,67,93 : L.54,75,80 : M.22 :
compound : Man.79 . Mo.70 : Q.4.
C (n , r) an integer : 366 : L.42. from the 31st roots of unity : Mo.70.
C (n, r) when n is fractional : A.70.
from the nth roots of unity : J.40 :
* C (n, r) = C (n − 1 , r- 1 ) + C (n − 1 , r) : Mo.70.
index and base of a power, geo : Z.5.
C (m + m', p) = & C (m, r) . C (m, p − 1') : prime and from roots of unity : J.35 :
L.42 . taMo.75.
856 INDEX.

Complex numbers-(continued) : Confocal surfaces : Me.66.

prime and from the 5th roots of unity: Conformable figures : A.59 : LM.10 : M.
Mo.ta 59. 19 : Z.17.
resolution of A" + B + C" = 0, and Congruences : C.51,88 : th and ap.J.19 :
when n5 : L.47. thMe.75 : N.50 : P.61 .
from the roots of unity ; class num binomial : AJ.3 : C.61 : expon . to base
bers : J.65 : Mo.61,632,70. 3, Mél.4.
in theory of residues of 5th, 8th, and classification of roots : C.63.
12th powers : L.43. Cremonian : LM.14.
Complex unities : C.96,99 : J.53. irreducible : J.40.
Klein's groups : J.50. and irreducible modular functions :
Complex roots of an algebraical_eq : C.61.
M.1 : N.443 of " 1 , Mo.57. linear : LM.4 : of circles in space : C.93.
Complex variables , functions of : An. numerical : An.60 ; multiplication of,
59,68,712,82,83 : G.3,6 : J.54,73,83 : 61.
M.19 Z.82,10. of 1st degree : A.32.
especially of integrals of d.e : J. in several unknowns : L.59.
75,76. sol. by binomial factorial : Mém.44.
Composite functions of a higher order : transformation of modulus : Mél.
G.2 . 2 : N.59.
Composite numbers : -for construc with composite modulus : E.30.
tion of factor tables : A.45. of 2nd degree : C.62 : Mém.31 : re
groups of: J.78 : LM.8 : Me.79 . duced forms : C.74.
66 of 3rd order and class : LM.16 .
Compteurs logarithmiques " : C.40.
*Concavity and convexity: 5174. higher, with real prime modulus :
Concentric circles : LM.14. An.83 : J.31,54,99.
3 quadrics, intersection of : E.39. resultant of systems of linear : C.88.
*Conchoid : 5320 : A.55 : N.439. and trigonometrical functions : J.19.
Concomitants of a ternary cubic : x²+y = 1 (mod . p ) : J.19 .
AJ.4. 1 (mod. p) : J.31.
*Concurrent lines and collinear points Congruent divisors of a number, no. of :
967-76 : A.69. A.37.
th. on conic and triangle : E.35. Conical functions : M.18,19.
*Concyclic conicoids : 995 : Q.11. *Conical surfaces : 5590 : A.63 : Ac.5 :
*Cone : 1150-59, 6043 : A.16 : L.61 : Me. LM.32 : M.3.
62. through 6 points , locus of vertex : J.92.
and cylinder, superfices, tr : An.57 . *Conicoids : 5599 : A.48 :, q.c
general d.e of : Ê.18 . and t.c 10.
intersection of two : N.64. 50-point : Me.66.
oblique : eq 5598 : J.2 : Me.80. *Conics : 4032-5030 : A.15,17,31,32,60,
sections of: 1150-9 . 68 : C.83 : G.1,2,3,21 : J.20,30,32,
** and sphere : 5652 : ths Me.64. 45,69,86 : M.17,19 : N.42,43,44 ,
superfices of oblique frustrum : J.2. 45,712,752,82 : P.62 : Q.8 , tg.c 9 :
through m points and touching 6 -m Z.18,21,23.
lines : LM.4. anharmonic correspondents, problem
volume of frustrum : Ac.41 : N.13 . of 5 conics and 5 lines : N.56.
Configuration of 16 points and 16 planes : of Apollonius : L.58.
J.86 . angles connected with : 4375.
(3,3) , and unicursal curves : M.21 . arcs similar to : N.44.
*Confocal conics : 4550-8, 5007, tg.e areas of (see also " Sectors " ) : 4688,
5005 : J.54 : LM.12,13 : Me.66,68, 6097-6121 : N.46 : t.cQ.2.
73 : N.80 : Q.10 : TE.24 : Z.3. * auxiliary circle : 1160.
* Graves' theorem : 4555 : Griffith's ext. * centre : coordinates of 4402, 4267,
LM.15. t.c 4733 and 4742 : tg.eq of 4901 :
* tangents of : 4555. ths and prs N.45 .
* locus of 4520, 5028.
*Confocal quadrics : 5656-72 : A.3 : CD.
4,5,92: G.16 : M.18 : thMe.72 : Q.3. chords of: 4315, 4322 ; p.c 4337 and
relation to curves and cones : CD.4,9. CD.1 : Me.66 : see also " Focal."
volume bounded by three and the co cutting an ellipse at a given angle :
ord. planes : A.36. E.28.
INDEX. 857

Conics - chords of-(continued) : Conics : equations of-(continued) :

intersecting : 1214, 4317. intercept : 4498.
moving round an ellipse : A.43,44 : * equations of parabola : 4201 ; t.c
E.22. 4775 ; p.c 4336.
* chord of contact : 4124,4281 ; 4699 general : 4430,4713 ; t.c 4656 with
4721 . 4689 ; tg.c 4974 with 5000 .
* and circle, intersection th : 1263 : * ay = k88 and derived equations : 4697
A.59 : N.64. -4719 : Q.4.
collinear relation to circle : Z.1 . * ay = kẞ² or LM = R2 : 4699, 4784 : N.
and companion quadric : An.60 : JP.7. 44: S + L = 0, &c.: 4707.
conjoint lines of: L.382. * La² + MB² + Ny² = 0 : 4755 , '65 : Me.62 .
conjugate diameters : 1193-1213 , equation in p and p : Q.13.
4346 ; ths 1278-85 : CM.1 : L.37 : equi-conjugates, gen.eq : 4491 .
N.42, ths 44,69 : Q.3 . formula : J.39 : N.62.
* parallelogram on : 1194 : 4367. from oblique cone : L.38.
relation to ellipse when equal : A.18. * general equation ; cond . for a circle :
conjugate points : Q.8. 4467 : t.c 4691 and Me.68 : Q.2 :
construction of : 1245,4822 : A.28,43 : from eq. of axes : N.57.
E.29 Q.4 : N.59,73 : with help of cond. for an ellipse : 4464 ; t.c 4689.
circle of curv. A.24. cond. for a hyperbola : 4468 ; t.c
* from conj . diameters : 1253 : A.52. 4689 : A.39.
contact of : 4527—33 : A.1,60 : C.78 : cond. for a rectangular hyperbola :
Pr.34. 4737 ; t.c 4690 ; tg.c 5000.
at 2 points : Q.3 : N.74. cond. for a parabola : 4430 ; t.c 4696,
do. with each of 2 conics or circles : 4735, 4746 and 4775 ; tg.c 5000.
4803-6 : CD.5,6 : E.31,34. cond. for two right lines : 4469,
4- pointic with a quartic : M.12. 4475, t.c 4662.
5-pointic : 5190-1 : C.782 : E.52,23 : generation of : N.75 : Z.23.
J.21 : P.59. by a moving chord of a circle : A.34.
with surfaces : C.912 : P.70,74. Maclaurin's method : 4830 : LM.4.
convexity from focal property : N.56. Newton's method : 4829.
criterion of Mobius : J.89. graphic problems : N.80.
* criterion of species : 4464-77 ; t.c Halley's pr : N.76 .
4689 : 5000. harmonically in- and circum - scribed :
* curvative : -centre and radius of : Q.18.
4534-49 geo 1254-66 : ths Me. intersecting in 4 points : J.23.
73 : N.79,85. intersecting a surface in 5 points :
geo cn: 1265 : A.17. C.63.
chord of: 1259, -64 : Q.6 : locus of with Jacobian - 0 : M.15 .
mid-point A.70. limiting cases : 4465--77 : Me.684 .
as curves in space : tr A.37 : M.64. * normals : 1171 ,sd5629-32 : A.16,24,32,
* definitions : 1160 . cn 43,47 : An. cn 64,78 : C.72,84 :
degenerate forms : LM.2 . J. cn 48,56,62 : Me.66 : Mél.2 : N.
* 70,81 Q.8 : Z.11,18,26 .
diameters : 1214,-35 : eq 4458 : cn
Me.66 : N.65. circle through feet of : N.80 .
* director circle : geo 1217, eq 4693—5 : cutting off the min. or max. arc or
o.c E.40 : LM.13 : N.79. area : N.44.
* directrices : 1160 : trA.63 : LM.11 . dividing ellipse most unequally :
* eccentric values of coordinates : 4275 : E.29.
CM.4 . eccentric angles of the feet of four,
eccentricity : 1151,4200. th : 4334.
elementary formula : G.9. equations of : 4286, 4483, 4512.
* ellipse and hyperbola : 4250-96. intercepts : 4294 : segments ; 4309,
** 4486 .
equations of : 4251,4273 ; p.c 4336 ;
tg.c 4663,4870 : J.2. least distance between two : A.21,38.
general : 4400,4714,4719 ; t.c 4755 number of real : J.59 : N.70,722.
and 4765 ; tg.c 4664 and 4872 ; number cut by 8 lines in space : J.
p.c 4493 : t.c A.51 : CP.4,5 : t.c 68.
G.6,7 Mém.52 : N.43,45,65 . ( See number under double conditions : C.
also " Conics, general equation .") 59.
5 R
858 INDEX.

Conica - continued) : Conics: targents- continued :

octagram : LM.2. two from y : 4511 : geq 4488
passing through given points and 4965, A57 : the 4080-2, en 1161:
touching given lines : en 4831 A.33
46. do. for parabola : 4215, en 1222 :
5 points: en 4531 , eq 5024 : A.27 : ratio of lengths, 1243.
A.9,24,64 : An.59: N.57. quadratic form : 4913 : parabola.
4 foci of a conic : Q.5. 4220.
4 points: N.66 : Q.2,8 : Z.9. quadratic for abscissæ of points of
4 points, envelop of: E.28 : Do. of contact : 4312 : parabola, 4216.
axes, N.79. subtend equal angles at focus :
4 points, locus of pole of a line : 1181, 1234 : CM.2.
4770. locus of ' y' : A.69.
4 points and touching a line : cn segments of: 4307.
4833 : A.65. at the points μ, tano, cot :
3 points and touching a circle 4799.
twice: N.80. tangent curves of: Z.15.
3 points and touching a line : Q.6. theorems : 1267 : A.54 : J.16 : L.44 :
3 points with given focus : cu A.54. M.3: N.45,48,72,84 : Q.4.67 te :
2 points and touching a line : Q.2. by Pascal, Desarques, Carnot, and
2 points and touching 2 lines, locus Chasles , A.53 .
of centre: G.7. conic and triangle, Q.5.
four such conics, th : Q.8. 3 circles touch a conic in A.B.C and
1 point and touching 3 lines : Q.8. all cut it in D ; A, B, C , D are
parameter of: N.43 . concvelic, J.36.
perpendicular from centre on tan three : 4707 , 4710 ; in contact, 4803.
gent : 1195 , 4366-73. Jacobian of : 5023.
ditto from foci : 1178 , 4300. touching : —a conic and line, cond. :
of 8 points : J.65. 5017.
of 9 points : A.43 : G.1 . a curve twice : J.45.
of 9 points and 9 lines : G.7,8. curves of any order : C.59.
of 14 points : Me.66. five curves : C.58 .
pencil of: M.19. four lines : 4804 : locus of centre,
and polar, Desarques' th : N.64. 4772, 5028 : locus of focus, 5029 :
* N.45,67.
pole of chord joining y , y : 4326 :
parabola, 4218. n lines : N.61 .
* a group of lines, and having a given
properties of: 1274 : A.4,25,70 : p.cJ.
38. characteristic and focus : A.49.
quadrature of: TE.6. a quintic curve in 5 points, no. of :
and quadrics : A.30 : L.42 : N.58,662, N.66.
ths 73 : geo interpretation of two circles twice : 4806.
variables, N.66 . two conics twice : 4803.
* rectification of : 6071 , 6084 : P.2 :
two sides of the trigon : 4784
TI.16 : Z.2. 4808.
* reduction of u , u' to the forms transformation of : G.10.
x² + y² +z² = 0, ax² +By² + yz² = 0 : two : 4936-5030 : N.58.
4995. with common chords or tangents :
series of A. cn 67 and 68. 4700-5.
seven points of : C.94. common elements, cn : A.68.
similar : 4522. with common points and tangents :
six points of: A.62 : J.92. 4701-7 : LM.14 : Z.18.
systems of: C.62,65 : M.6 : N.66 : of 2, at infinity : 4715—6.
Q.7 of 4, L.54. common pole and polar, cn : 4762.
and orthogonal lines : N.71 . condition of touching : 4942, t.c
and quadrics : Z.6. 5021 .
tangents or polar : 1167-9, 4280-5, intersecting in 4 points : 4700 : A.
4790 : gn.eq 4478 : A.61 : cnCD. 32 : ato, A.16 .
3 : CM.1, p.eq 4 : N.79. points of intersection : tg.e 4973 :
intercepts on the axes : 4292. cn A.69.
* two at the origin, eq : 4489. reciprocal properties : E.29.
INDEX. 859

Conics - two- (continued) : Continued fractions -- (continued) :

1 1
reduction to x² + y² + z² = 0 and and 1 1 1 1 : A.42 : J.3.
ax² +By² + yz² = 0 : 4995 . a+ a + a+ b + a + b+
* six chords of, eq : 4941 .
* b b+1
tangents of, four : eq 4981 : J.75 : Q.3. b >a +1 : Mél.1 .
* under 5 conditions : 4822-43 : L.10,59. a + a + 1 + a + 2 + &c.
6 conditions, cn : C.59. 1 1
7 conditions in space : C.61 . x+ x+ 1 + x+2 +
Conjugate : functions : apLM.12 : 1 1
TI.17. : A.302.
2x + 1 + 2x+ 3 + 2x + 5 +
lines of surfaces : CD.9.
1 1
* points : 1066, 5184 : in ellipse, A.38. 2+ and a+P P : E.36,33.
point-pair of a conic : Z.17. 2+2+ q+ q+
tetrahedrons of a quadric, each ver ascending : A.60 : Z.21 .
tex being the pole of the opposite algorithm p, = apn 1 + bpm - 2 : 168 : J.
side : N.60,83. 69,75.
triangle of a conic : N.83. do. ap. to solution of trinomial eq :
Connexes ( 1 , n) corresponding to d.e: A.66 .
A.69. combinator representation of the ap
in space : Mél.6. proximation : A.18.
linear : M.15. development : Ac.4 : C.87 : Mém.9.
of 1st order and class in simple invo for e and log ( 1 + x) : CM.4.
lution : G.20. for e exp. a +be +ca² + : C.87.
of 2nd order and class : G.19. -x-¹ + x⋅ -2-16 +
analoguein anal.geo. of space : M.14. for x-1 : J.27,28.
Cono-cunei : A.2. 1 - x -¹+ x-4- x - 9 +
Constant coefficients , theory : 1.23. for U sin a +V cos + W ; U, V, W,
Constant functions and their deriva polynomials in æ : J.76.
tives : A.15. for (m + n) ÷p : N.45.
*Contact and circle of curvature : 4527, for powers of binomials : CM.4 : Mém .
5188, 5134 : A.30. 18.
*Contact of curves :--5188 : cir. of curv. infinite : A.332.
A.53 C.32 : J.66 : P.62 : Pr.11 : numerical values : Q.13 .
Q.7. Eisenstein's, TE.28 : Wallis's , Mém .
with a parabola : Z.2. 15.
with faisceaux of doubly infinite periodic A.19 (2 periods ), 33 : G.16 :
curves C.83. J.53 : N.42,43,45,462.
with surfaces : L.78 : with triangles, reduction of : J.46.
M.7. * reduction of a square root to a : 195 :
Contact : of lines with surfaces : L. A.64 : J.31 .
37 : Q.1,17 : Z.12. do. of a cube root : A.8.
of an implexe with an alg. surface : do. of an nth root : A.64.
C.84. Contingence, angle of : 5725.
of quadrics : LM.5. Continuity, principle of: CP.8 : in rela
4- pointic on an algebraic surface : M.9. tion to Taylor's and Maclaurin's
of spheres : JP.2. theorems, L.47.
of surfaces : J.4 : JP.15 : P.72,74,76 : *Continuous functions : 1401 : A.15 :
Q.12. Ac.52 : C.18,20, and discontinuous
of 3rd order between 2 surfaces : C.74 . 40, of integrals of d.e 23 : TA.7.
problem: of Apollonius , A.66 : spheri Continuous manifoldness of 2 dimen
cal, At.192. sions : LM.8.
transformation : C.85 : M.23. *Contragredients : 1813.
Contingence angle of see 66 Torsion." Contraposition : E.29 .
Continuants : AJ.1 : Me.79. *Contravariants : 1814 : G.12, of 6th deg
* Continued fractions : 160-87 : A.18,33, 19 .
* of two conics : 4990 and 5027.
55,69 An.51 : gzC.99 : CM.4 : th
E.30 : G.10,15 : J.6,8,11 , and ap, *Convergents : 160-87 : gzC.98 : CD.5 :
18,53,80 : L.50,58,65 : LM.5 : Me. J.37,57,58 : N.46.
77: Mém. ap to i.c 9,13 : Mo.66 : N. Convex polygon, intersection of diags :
42,tr49,56,66 : Q.4 : geo Z.12. N.80.
860 INDEX.

*Coordinates, transformation of : 4048 Correlative or reciprocal pencils : M.12.

51, 4871 , 5574-81 . Correspondence : principle of geo
*Coordinate systems : 4001-31 , 5453, thAn.71 : extC.78,80, ex83,852 :
5501-6 : G.16 : J.5,45,50 : LM.12. N.46.
ap. to caustics : An.69. of algebraic figures : M.2,8.
* areal : 4013 : Me.80,82 , gn eq 81 . application to Bezout's th C.81 ; to
axial : N.844,85 : Q.10. curves, C.72 ; to elimination, N.
* biangular : 5453-73 : Q.9,8,13 . 73 ; to evolute and caustic, N.71.
bilinear ap 5341 : A.32. complementary theorem to : C.81 .
bipolar : N.82 . determination of the class of the en
bipunctual : AJ.1 . velope and of the caustic of a
Boothian : see tangential . curve : C.72 .
Cartesian : 4001 . determination of the degree of the
dual inversion of c.c and t.c : Q.17. envelope of a curve or surface of
central : Z.20. n parameters with n-2 relations :
curvilinear : A.34 : An.57,64,683,70, C.832.
73 : C.48,54 : CP.12 : G.10, and determination of no . of points of inter
i.c 15 : L.40,51,82 : Mém.65 : Q.19 : section of 2 curves at a finite
on a surface and in space, An.692, distance : L.73 : C.75.
71,73 : including any angle, J.58. determination of the number of solu
eccentric values of : 4275, 5638 : CM.4. tions of n simultaneous algebraic
elliptic A.34,402 : J.85 : Q.7 : Z.20 . equations : C.78.
Fuchsian functions of a parameter : determination of the order of a geo
C.92. metrical locus defined by alge
hyperelliptic coordinates : J.65 . braic conditions : C.82,84
one-point intercept : 4026 . forms : M.7.
* two-point intercept : 4025. multiple in 2 dimensions : G.10.
linear Z.21 . of curves : C.62 : P.68 : Q.15.
mixed coordinates : A.13. of two planes : LM.9.
parabolic : C.50. of points : LM.2 : C.62 on a curve :
parallel N.844,85 . Q.11 on a conic : M.18 on two
pedal : Me.66. surfaces.
pentahedral : Me.66. for groups of n points and n rays :
of a plane curve in space : LM.13. M.12.
* polar : 4003, sd5506 : Me.76. of two variables (2,2) : Q.12.
polar linear in a plane : Z.21 . of 2nd deg. between 2 simply infinite
quadrilinear : Me.62,64 . systems : An. 71.
quadriplanar or tetrahedral : sd5502, Correspondent values , method of : P.
ap A.53 : Q.4. 1789.
surface : C.65,81 . Corresponding points :-in some in
* tangential : 4019 , 4870-4915 , 5030 : volutions : LM.3.
Me.81 : Pr.9 : Q.2,8. on two curves : M.3.
* tangential rectangular, or Boothian : on two surfaces : C.70.
4028. Corresponding surface elements : M.11.
tetrahedral point coordinates : Z.8. Cosmography, graphic method : N.82,79 .
triaxial : A.64 . *Cotes's theorem : circle, 821 ; areas, 2995.
trigonal : G.14 : Q.9. analogous ths : CM.3.
** trilinear : 4006 : A.39 : Me.62,64 : N. Counter-pedal surface of ellipsoid : AJ.4.
63 : Q.4,5,6 : conversion to tan Coupures of functions : C.99 .
gential, 4876. *Covariants : 1629, 4936-5030 : C.80,81 ,
trimetrical point : A.67. th 90 : G.1,20 : Q.5,16 : J.47,87,
Coplanation: Z.11 . 90 : thM.5 : N.59, : ap to i.c C.56.
of central quadric surfaces : Z.8. binary : G.2.
of pedal surfaces : Z.8. of binary forms : An.58 : C.82,86,87 :
Coresolvents : Q.6,10,14 : non - linear, G.17 : L.76,79 : M.22.
TN.67. of binary quadrics, cubics, and quar
Correlation of planes : J.70 : An.75,77 : tics : An.65 : J.50 : Q.10.
LM.5,6,8,10 . of binary quantics : E.31 : Q.4,5,17.
Correlative figures, focal properties : of abinary quartic : J.53 : quintics, An.
LM.3. 60.
INDEX. 861

Covariants-(continued) : Cubic curves-(continued) :

and contravariants of a system of 48 coordinates of: P.81 ii.
simultaneous forms in n varia with cusps A.68.
bles ; to find the number of: C.84. degeneration of : A.4 : M.13,15 .
of quantics : An.58 : binary, Me.79. derivation of points : LM.2.
of a septic, irreducible : C.87. with a double point : M.6 : with two,
sextic : G.19. M.3.
of a system of binary cubo-biquadra with double and single foci : Q.14.
tics ; number of irreducible co Geiser's J.77g.
variants : C.872. generation of G.11 : J.36 : M.52,6 :
of a system of 2 binary quadratic by a conic pencil and a projective
forms ; number of : Č.84. ray pencil , Z.23 : linear, J.52 .
of ternary forms : G.192. and higher curves : A.70 .
of two conics : 4989, 5026 : of three, mechanical construction of : LM.4.
Q.10. number of cubic classes which belong
Covariants and invariants : An.60. to a determining quadratic class :
of binary forms : An.58,59,61,83 : C. A.19.
66,69 reciprocity law, C.86. nodal, tangents of : LM.12 .
of a binary octic, irreducible system : of third class with 3 single foci : Q.
C.86,93. 14,169.
of a binary quintic : C.96. 18 points on : E.4.
of a binary sextic : C.962. inflexion points of : J.38 : M.2,5 : N.
as criteria of roots of equations : An . 73,th83,85.
68. 12 lines on which they lie in threes :
Cribrum or sieve of Eratosthenes : N. E.29.
43,49. rational : A.58 : G.9.
Critical functions : see" Seminvariants ." referred to a tetrad of corresponding
Criticoids and synthetical solution : E. points : Q.15.
9,26,32. represented by elliptic functions :
*Cubature of solids : see " Volumes." JP.34.
Cube numbers , graphic cn of: E.43 : and residual points : E.34 .
Me.85 tables to 12000, J.42. resolved into 3 right lines : M.14.
Cube root extraction : A.22,64 : J.11 : and right lines depending on given
N.44,583 TI.1. parameters : J.55.
*Cube roots, table of (2 to 30) : p.6. 16 cotangential chords of : Q.9.
Cubes of sums of numbers : N.71 . and surfaces : J.89.
Cube surfaces : Pr.17. synthetic treatment : Z.21 .
Cubical parabola : Q.6,9. tangential of : P.58 : Pr.9.
metrical properties : M.25. tangents to : cn E.25-7,ths28 : LM.3 :
*Cubic and biquadratic equations : 483 Q.3.
501 A.45 : No.1780 : An.58 : with a double point or cusp : M.1 .
C.geo41,90 : JP.85 : L.59 : M.3 : forming an involution pencil : LM.
N.79 Z.8 ; Arabic and Indian 132.
methods , 15. their intersections with cubics or
Sturmian constants for : Q.4. conics C.41 : TI.26.
mechanical construction : LM.22. through 9 points : C.cn36,37 : L.54 :
Cubic and biquadratic problems : An.702. two cubics do. , CD.62.
Cubic classes which belong to a deter through 8 points : Q.5.
mining quadratic class, number through 2 circular points at co : cnZ.14.
of : A.19. transformations of : C.91 .
Cubic curves : An.73 : AJ.5,15,27 : C. *Cubic equations : 483-91 : A.1,3—7,11 ,
37 : thCD.7 : CP.11 : G.1,2,14, 22, 252, 32, 37,41,42,442, prs47 , 68 :
23 : J.11,32,34,ths42,63.geo78,90 : An.55 C.num46,85 : CD.4,6 : E.
L.13,44,45 : M.15 : t.cMe.64 : Mo. 35 : G.12,16 : J.27,56,90 : LM.8 :
geo56 : N.50,67,geo72,: P.57,58 : M.3: Mém.26 : N.45,th52,th56,64,
Pr.8,9 Q.4,5 Z.geo15,22. 66,703,75,78,81,84 : TE.24 : TI.7.
classification of: Q.16. See also " Cubic and biquadratic
and conics which touch them : J.36. equations."
coordinates, explicit functions of a and division of angles : A.15.
parameter : J.82. in a homographic pr of Chasles : C.54.

862 INDEX.

Cubic equations- (continued) : Curvature- (continued) :

irreducible case : A.30,39,41,42 : No. at a cusp : 5182 : N.71 .
1799 : AJ.1 : C.58 : J.2,7 : L.79 : at a double point : 5187 : Q.3. 1
N.67 in real values, A.49 : by dual, evolute and involute : Q.10.
continued fractions , A.2. of an evolute of a surface : C.80.
roots - condition ofequality : E.30. of higher multiplicity (Riemann) :
definition of : thA.31 . Z.20,24.
geometrical construction of: C.44, of higher order : 5188-91 : M.7,16 .
45 : Arab. m.s.s , J.402. of third order : C.26 .
integral : N.752. of intersection of 2 quadrics : An.63.
power-sums of : C.54,55. mean : C.92.
squares of differences of : An.56 : Q.3. at a multiple point : 5187 : C.68.
solution of : — Cardan's formula : of orthogonal lines : JP.24.
484: A.14,40 , gz22 : Me.85 . parabolic : 5818 .
Cockle's CM.2,3 . of a plane section of a surface : C.78 :
trigonometrical : 489 : A.19 : N.61 , 2.17.
67,71 : TE.5. spherical : A.25.
by differences of roots : J.42. *Curvature of surfaces : 5818-26 : A.4,
by continued fractions : A.10,39. 20,41,57 : An.fand ths61,64 : C.
by logarithms : C.66. th 25,49,602,ths66,67,68,geo74,84 :
1 J.1,3,7,8 : JP.13 : L.44,722 : p.c
by x = -+ h : C.60. Me.71 : Mél.3 : Q.12 : Z.27.
mechanical : 5429 or C.79. average, specific, integral, &c.: 5826
numerical: C.44.
Cubic forms (see also " Binary cubics "): axis of curvature of envelope of a dis
thsJ.27. placed plane : C.70.
ternary : J.28,29 : JP.31,32 . approach of 2 axes of finite neigh
quaternary transfJ.58 : P.60 : Pr.10 : bouring curves : C.86.
division into five, J.78 . circular and spherical : see "Tortuous
curves ."
Cubic surfaces : Ac.3,5 : thsAn.55 : C. constant : J.88 : G.3 : mean, C.76, L.
972,98 : G.22 : J.53,65,68,69,88,89 :
M.6 : Mo.56 : N.69 : P.69 : Z.20. 41,53 ; neg. , C.60,M.16 ; pos. , G.20 ;
total, C.972.
classification of : M.14. Euler's theorem : gzC.79.
double sixers of : Q.10.
Gauss's thC.42 : analogy M.21 : Q.
with 4 double points : M.5. 16.
gobbe " : G.14,17,21 . ap. to aneroid barometers : C.86.
hyperboloidal projection : G.2 . indeterminate : CD.7.
27 lines of : C.52,68,70 : J.62 : L.69 : and inflexion : trA.19.
M.23 : Q.2.
integral : 5826.
27 lines and 45 triple tangent planes and lines : An.53,59 : L.41 .
of : An.84 and 36 double sixers mean zero throughout : Mo.66.
Q.18. and pencils of normals : C.70.
locus of centre of quadric through 8 and orthogonal surfaces : P.73 .
points : Me.852. of revolution : L.41 : Z.21,22.
model of CP.12 . skew : Z.26.
polar systems : M.20 .
properties of situation : M.8. sphere of mean curvature of ellipsoid :
in quaternions : AJ.2 . * Curves (see also " Curves algebraic "
reciprocal of Steiner's surface : N.722, and " Curves and surfaces ") :
5100 : A.2,16,32,66 : An.53,54, :
singular points of : P.63 . C.geo72,91 : J.14,31,342,63,64,70 :
triple tangent planes : CD.49. L.38,44,ths57 and 61 : M.16 : N.
Cubo-biquadratic eqs., no. of irreducible p.c61 , 71,77,85, en from p.c.
forms : C.87. from Abel's functions, p = 2 : M.1.
* Curvature : 1254-8 : 5134, 5174 : A.1, Aoust's problem : A.2,66.
28,43 : J.81 : Me.622,f64,72,75 : arcs of, compared with lengths : JP.
N.th60,69 : Q.t.c8,12 . 23.
* circle of: 1254-5, 5134 : A.cn30,37 : of" allineamento " : G.21 .
J.68. analytical method : LM.9,16.

INDEX. 863

Curves-(continued) : Curves-(continued ) :
whose arcs and coordinates are con a family of : N.72.
nected by a quadratic equation : four, with two common points : Q.9.
J.62 . generation of : geoJ.58,71 : M.18 .
whose arcs are expressible by elliptic by_intersections of given curves :
or hyperelliptic functions of the Z.14.
1st kind : Z.25. by collinear ray-systems : Z.19.
argument of points on a plane curve : geometrical : A.37 : two laws, C.84.
LM.15. relation to harmonic axes : C.734.
bicursal : LM.4,7. " gobbe" : of zero kind , G.11 : rational,
with branches : imaginary, CM.1 , Q.7 : G.9,12 ,
infinite, Q.3. higher plane : A.70 : L.61,63 .
2 characteristics defining a system homofocal : N.81 .
of algebraic or transcendental defined by intersecting conics : C.37.
curves : C.78. intrinsic equation : CP.8 : Q.5.
least chord through a given point : joining two points : pr L.63.
A.23. with multiple points : C.62 : L.69.
class, diminution of : N.67. with three of higher degrees, cn
closed : see " Closed curve." An.58 .
of 2-point contact with a pencil of n-tic with m.p of n- 1th order : C.
curves : M.3. 80 : N.76.
of 3- point contact with a triply infinite network of : C.67.
pencil of curves : M.10 : 4-point pencils of: A.65 of 3rd order, Z.13.
do ., LM.8 . P +P2 = 84: E.11 .
whose coordinates are functions of a
with a constant polar subtangent : N.
variable parameter : Me.85 : ellip 62.
tic, J.64 : N.68. with several " points d'arrêt " : N.
cutting others in given angles or in 60.
angles whose bisectors have a in a power-series of sines : J.3.
given direction : C.58,83. of pursuit : 5247 : C.973 : N.83 .
and derived surfaces : An.59,61 . of " raccordement " : JP.12.
derived from an ellipse : A.10. rational : A.56 : G. th15,16 : M.9,18 .
determination from their curvature : generation of : G.12 .
P.83,84. reciprocal of: J.42 .
from property of tangents : A.51 . pd : J.1 .
determination of the number of curves in
of degree r which have a contact
of degree n < mr, with an m -tic, of section : A.43 .
and which satisfyr (r +3 ) —n of a series of groups of points, ths :
other conditions, and similar C.732.
problems : C.63 . with similar evolutes : Me.66 .
defined by a differential equation : C. * singularities of : 5187 : An.71 : C.78,
81,90,93,98 : L.81,82. 80 : CP9 : J.64 : JP.7 : L.37,45 :
do. algebraic and an analogous LM.6 : M.8—10,, 16 : N.50,80,81 ,:
space theorem : L.762. Q ,2,7 higher singularities, J.64 :
P2x + 2y = - 0, Pr.15 : p x r², Mém . L.70.
24: p" = A sin o , N.76. of the species 1 : C.973
diameters of : L.49 : N.71 : and sur sextactic points of : P.65.
face, C.60. on surfaces : see 66 Surface curves . "
eq obtained from tangent : N.45. systems of : An.61 : G.13 : Mo.82 :
whose equations are : y = x, A.14, theory, C.632,94.
and surfaces : A.73 : Ac.7 : L.65.
16 : v³ u (u — 1 ) (u — x) (u —y),
x and y constants , C.93 . tangential polar eq of: Q.1.
ra sin o, A.48 : y = r (x) , 2323 . theorems or problems : A.pr1,313 ,prs
linear functions of the coordinates : 37 and 42 : G.1g : J.1 : M.14 : Q.3.
N.65 . re arc CP and chords CP, PM, CM
equidistant, tangents to : cn Z.28. Mém.10.
whose evolute and involute are equal : to describe curves which shall have
C.84 . equal arcs cut off by a fixed pen
extension to space : C.85. cil of lines : Mém.10.
864 INDEX.

Curves-(continued) : Cusps-(continued) :
re lines drawn at all points of a construction of 8 cusps of 3 quadric
curve at the same inclination to surfaces when 7 are given : J.26.
it : C.74. keratoid : 5182 .
tracing apparatus : LM.4. * ramphoid : 5183.
transformation of : CD.8 : LM.1 : Cyclic - curves : A.37 : Z.cn2,26,27.
scalene Q.13 : M.4,20,21 of 14 functions : A.69, and hyperbolic 37.
ics which cut a quartic in the interchanges (higher algebra) : Man.
points of contact of its double 62.
tangents : J.52 . projective groups of points : M.13,20 .
and transversals : J.47. number of do. in a space transf.:
under given conditions : P.68. C.90.
Curves algebraic (see also " Curves and surfaces : Z.14.
surfaces ") : C.99,ths60 and 80 : systems : C.76.
CM.4 : G.1,4,5 : J.12,47,59 : N.50 , Cyclides : N.66,70 : Pr.19 : Q.9,12.
81 , cn83 . reducible : LM.2.
represented by arcs of circles : JP.20 . and sphero-quartics : P.71 .
with axes of symmetry : N.80. *Cycloids : 5250 : A.13 : N.52,82.
of 2nd class and 2nd order : G.1 . and trochoids on surface of sphere :
of 3rd class and 4th order : G.4. Mém.22 : Q.19.
of 3rd class and curves of 3rd order : surface of, th of Archimedes : Me.
J.38 : L.78. 84.
of 4th class with a triple and a single Cycloidal curves : Z.9.
focus : Q.202. Cyclosis in lines : LM.2 .
of 6th class : Ac.2. Cyclotomic functions : C.90 :
of class n and order m, two laws : *Cylinder, frustrum of : 6048.
C.85. circumscribing a torus of revolution :
common points , a system of : J.54. C.45 .
generation by right lines : J.42. and cones, intersection by spheres,
and homothetic conics, ths : J.53. ths : J.54.
lemniscatic : An.58 . and hemisphere : P.12 .
manifoldness of : M.10. Cylindrical functions : A.56 : An.73 :
mechanical construction of an n -tic : M.5,16 and d.i M.8.
5407 LM.7. of 1st and 2nd class : M.1 .
with a mid-point : J.47 . J (x) analogous to the spherical func
number of points of contact : C.82 . tion P" (cos ) u : M.3.
number of intersections : C.76 : M.15. representing a function of 2 variables :
projective involution : M.3. M.5.
remarkable group of M.16. *Cylindrical surfaces : 5591 : LM.32.
species determined : M.23. quadrature of: A.9.
symmetrical expression of constants : Cylindroids : At.19,39 : Me.80 : Z.25.
theorems two metric, M.11 : Mac Decimal fractions : approximation
laurin's, N.50. by : N.51 .
Curves and surfaces :-M.8 : N.59 : error in addition of non-terminating :
gn thsC.45 and G.4 : algebraic, C.40 : N.56.
An.77 ; J.49 and L.55. repeating : A.16,33,56 : G.9 : Me.85 :
66 Mél.5 : N.42,49,74.
arguisiane ": G.12.
curves having the same principal 1 where P is one of the first 1500
normals and the surface which P
the normals form : C.852. primes : A.3 .
of same degree, a common property : Definite integrals : see " Integrals."
G.8. Deformation :-of conics : Ž.25 .
satisfying conditions of double con of a cache-pot N.81 .
tact : C.89. of a one-fold hyperboloid : E.30 .
Curvilinear angles, ths : L.44,45. of surfaces : C.68,70 : G.16 : JP.22 :
Curvilinear triangles : A.612 : N.45 . L.60.
Curvital functions : C.60. *De Moivre's theorem : 756 : A.6,11.
Curvo-graph : A.1. Demonstrations, reduction to simplest
*Cusps : 5181 : Mém.22 : Q.10 . form : C.83.
INDEX. 865

Derivation : -applied to geo prs : Determinants-(continued) :

An.54. function in analysis for a certain de
of analytical functions, gz : G.229. terminant of n quantities : C.70.
of a curve : An.52. gauche (αpq = —Aqp ) : C.88,892 : CD.9 :
Derivatives : see " Differential coeffi J.32,38,50,th55 : L.54.
cient." involving 1, &c.: Q.15,16,17.
* Arbogast's : 1536 : CD.6 : I.12 : L. of lower determinants : J.61.
82 : extMe.78 : P.61 : Pr.11 : Q. of minors of given determinant : C.86.
4,7. minor : 554 : G.1 .
Schwarzian : CP.132.
* multiplication of : 562, 570 : A.14,59 :
Descriptive Geometry : An. 63 : L.39 : L.52.
N.522,56. number of terms in : LM.10.
*Detached coefficients : 28.
partial : C.97.
Determinants : 554 : A.44,56,65 : apAn. persymmetric : Me.82 .
57 : J.22,tr512,72,73,74,89 : Č.86 : with polynomial elements : Me.85.
CP.8 : G.1,4,8,9,10 : L.84 : LM. of powers : AJ.4.
10 : Me.62,78,794,83 : N.51,69,ap quadratic forms of : J.53,89 : L.56 :
70 : Pr.8 : Q.8 : TE.28 : Z.16. N.52.
and algebraic " clefs " : C.36. ditto of negative dets.: J.37 : L.60 :
of alternate numbers : LM.11. M.22 : Mo.62,75.
application to : ―――――― algebra and of rational fractions : Me.82 .
geometry, A.51,50,53.
resolution into quadratic factors of a
contact of circles and spheres : N. det. formed from two circulants :
60. Me.82.
cylindrical surfaces : A.58. of the 16 lines joining the vertices of
equations : Q.19. two tetrahedrons : J.62.
geometry : J.403,492,77 . of sixth order : Me.84.
surfaces of revolution : A.582. signs of the terms : 557 : E.29 : Me.
arithmetical : G.23 : LM.10 : Me.78 : 80.
Pr.15. skew : Q.8,18 .
of binomial coefficients : Z.24.
of squares of distances of points : Q.
catalogue of papers and treatises : Q. 11.
Sylvester's det. and Euler's resultant :
of Cauchy ("aleph ") : G.17 . An.59.
combination of : CD.8. symmetrical : G.1 : J.82 : M.16 : th
combinatory analysis of : C.86. Me. 85 : Q.14,18.
* composite : 555 : J.88,89.
and Lagrange's interpolation : LM.
* compound : 555 : AJ.6 : LM.14 : Me. 13.
ap to a pr in geo : Z.20.
in conics : J.89,92.
of nth order and n-1th power X
with continued fractions : J.69.
sq. of a similar determinant :
cubic : G.6 : LM.13 : and higher, 11 . AJ.4.
cycle of equations : G.11. theorems and problems : AJ.3 : An .
of definite integrals : L.52 : Z.11 . pr60 : G.2,4,62,12,16 : J.pr66, pr
development of : An.58 : N.85 : in 84: L.51,54 : M.13 : Me.79 : N.65 :
binomials, G.10 : in polynomials, Q.1 ,pr2,15 : Z.7,prз18 .
G.13,15 and ap to resultant of transformation of : An.73 : G.10,f16 :
2 eqs, G.21 . of product, L.60.
division problems : A.59. unimodular, cn : Z.21.
double orthosymmetric : Z.26.
and duadic disynthemes : AJ.22. for verifying a system of d.e : C.23.
elements of : G.10,15. with a diagonal of zeros : Me.73.
equation in which apq = aqp : C.41 . Developable cylinders, motion of : Man.
of even order, analogy between a class 84.
of : J.52. Developable surfaces : A.69 : M.18 : Me.
of figurate numbers : G.9. 77 : Q.6.
functional : CD.9 : J.22,69,70,77,84 : circumscribing given surfaces : Z.13,
M.1,18 : Me.80 : Q.1 : of binary 15.
forms, C.92 : of a system of func circumscribing 2 quadrics : C.67, ths
tions, L.51 . 54,gz63 CD.5.
5 s
866 INDEX.

Developable surfaces- ( continued) : Differential coefficients of nth order

of a conical screw : A.69. (continued) :
edge of regression : L.72. 1- x
of (a + ²)" : 2860 ; " 1467.
of first 7 degrees : J.64 . 1+x
through a given curve which develops (1 - x )" (Jacobi ) : 1471, A.4 ;
into a circular arc : L.56.
√ (a²—b²x²), A.3.
through a gauche curve : C.97. 1 x
mutual : J.19. : 1469 ; 1+229 1470, J.8 ;
quintic : C.54: CD.5 : G.32. 1+x²
of surfaces having principal lines of (a + be +cx )", 2858 ;
curvature plane : C.36. (x²+ax +b) , A.8.
Development of tortuous curves : prs sin
tana : A.12 ; cos " , A.9 ; COS ax,
Mém .
Diacaustic of a plane : N.75. 1461 , N.62.
Diagonal scales : LM.6. sin
Diametral curves : CM.2. COS x2, 2862 ; sin- ¹x, 2854-5 ;
of constant sectional area, prs : N.43. tan - ¹ , 1468, apN.9.
Didon, proposition of : C.86. ear, eazy : 1463-4 ; ex", CM.2.
Differences : — and differential -quo
tients : A.49,53 : N.69 . ear : 2861 , A.30 ; e cos bx, 1465.
equations of mixed : JP.6 : N.85. -1 loga : 1466 ; ezcosa cos (z sin a),
parameters of functions : C.95. 2856.
*Differential Calculus : 1400-1868 : J. of nth order with x = 0 in the result :
11,12,13,14,152,16 : Me.662 : Q.4. tan - ¹æ, sin-¹æ, ( sin - ¹æ)2, 2865—9 ;
reciprocal methods : CD.7,8 . COS COS
sin -¹ , sin m cos - ¹æ, 2871-7 ;
* Differential coefficients or differential sin m
66quotients or derivatives (see also (1 +x2) ± ™ sin m tan -læ, 2883-7 ;
Differentiation ") : 1402, 1422— COS
46 : Pr.12. ac
of algebraic functions : Mél.1 . 2889-91 ;
ex -1' Pear cos bx,
of log and a : A.1 ; of a" and a* : N.
53. sin (a or y) + cos
9 A.3.
of {f(x)}" : M.3 ; of y exp (z ) : A.22. 1 +2y cos x + y²
calculated from differentials : AJ.16. * Differential equations (D.E. ) : p.460 ,
* 3150 - 3637 : A.1,52,67 : AJ.4 :
of a composite function : 1420 : nth,
G.13 . An.502 : C.8,15,23,29,42,54,70,83 :
* of exponentials and logarithms : 1422 CM.3 E.9 : J.1,36,58,64,66,74,75 ,
-7: A.11 : N.50,52,85. 76,78,86,91 : L.38,52,56 : LM.4.10 :
* of a function of a function : 1415 : A.9 : M.8,12,25 : Man.79 : Me.81 : Mém.
in terms of derivative of inverse 30 : Mo.84: N.72,80 : Pr.7 : TI.13 :
function, Mém.57. Z.4,16,27.
of a function of two independent Abel's theorem : J.90.
variables : 1815. algebraic : An.79 : C.86.
of irrational functions : P.16. with algebraic integrals : J.84 .
of products whose factors are con approximate solution : C.5.
secutive terms ofa series : Me.31 . by equations of differences : L.37.
ratio to the function at the limit : by Taylor's theorem : 3289.
J.74. of astronomy : C.9,29 : P.4.
successive or of nth order : 1405 , 1460 asymptotic methods : C.94 : Q.5.
-72, 2852-91 : A.1,4,7 : An.57 : Bessel's numerical solution : Ž.25.
G.18 : M.4: Z.3. * Complete primitive : 3163-6 : J.25.
of a sum, product, or quotient : 1411 . no. of constants : CP.9.
independent repres. of: M.4. with complex variables : Mo.85.
of a function of a function : G.13 : of a conic : E.38.
n = 4, 1419. continuous and discontinuous integ
of functions of several variables : rals of : C.29.
C.93. for a conical pendulum : A.84.
of a logarithmic function : A.8. relation between its constants and
of a product : 1460 , 1472. the constants of a particular
and summation symbols : J.33,ths32 . solution : C.92.
INDEX. 867

D. E.-(continued) : D. E.-(continued) :
of curves having the same polar sur Parseval's theorem : 3628.
face : An.76. and p.d.e of first order : J.23.
* depression of order by unity : 3262-9. particular integrals of : CM.2 : alge
with different. total integrals : L.84. braic, C.86.
of dynamics : C.5,26,40, : CD.2 : G.1 , relations of the constants : C.93 :
4: L.37,49,52,553,72,74 : M.2,17, J.10 JP.6.
25 : Mél.4 : Pr.122 : P.54,55,63 . in problem of n bodies : An.83.
ap. to engineering : JP.4. of perturbation theory : Mém.83.
and elliptic functions : L.49. with quadratic integrals : J.99.
elliptic : G.19 : M.21 . for roots of algebraic equations : P.
elliptic multiplier : M.21 . 64 : Pr.13 .
exact : 3187, 3270-5 : G.12 : C.1,10,11 . * rule for equivalence of two solutions
of families of surfaces : Me.77. 3167.
with fractional indices : JP.15. singular solution of : 3169-78 , 3301
of functions of elliptic cylinders : M. 6, 3401-3 : C.19,94 : CM.2 : JP.
22. 18 : M.22 : Man.83,84 : Q.12,14.
general methods : L.81. of sources : AJ.75.
* generation of : 3150. of a surface : G.2.
geometrical meaning of : Q.14. satisfied by the series 1 +2q +2q* ±
* homogeneous : 3186, 3234, 3262-8 : 2q' +&c. . 24/q + 2¥ / q° +2÷/q² +
C.13 CM.4 : J.86. &c.: L.49 : J.36.
hyperelliptic : J.32,55 : Mo.62. satisfying Gauss's function F ' (a,‚ß‚y,x) :
of hypergeometrical series : J.56,572, L.82.
73. synectic integrals of : C.40.
integrability of : Z.12 : immediate, and tortuous curves : L.53.
C.82. transformation of : An.52 : CD.9 : in
whose integrals satisfy relations of curvilinear coords : J.85.
the form F [ x ] = чx Fx : C.93. D. E. linear : A.28,35,40,41,43,45,46,53,
whose integrals are satisfied by the 59,65,69 : Ac.3 : AJ.7 : An.50,85 :
periodicity modulus of elliptic At.75 : C.72,293,58,73,84,88,903,913,
integrals of the first kind : J.83. 922,94 : CD.3,49 : CP.9,10 : G.
integrating factors : pp468 - 471 , 15 : J.23,24,25,40,42,55,63,70,76,
3394 : C.682,97. 79,80,81,83,87,88,91,98 : L.38,64 :
of Pdx +Qdy + Rdz : Q.2. M.5,11,12 : Me.75 : P.48,50,51 :
integration : by Bessel's function : Pr.55,18,193,20 : Q.8 : Z.3,7,9.
Me.80. without absolute term, condition of
by Gamma function : TE.20. solutions in common : C.95.
by definite integrals : 3617-28 : with algebraic integrals : C.96,97 : J.
C.17 : J.74. 80,90 : M.21 .
by differentials of any index : C.17 : determination of arbitrary constant :
L.44 . At.65 : Q.192.
by elimination : CP.9. argument & parameter interchanged
by elliptic functions : An.79,82 : C. in the integral : J.78 .
41 : JP.21 . bibliography of : AJ.7.
by separation of operative symbols : with coefficients that are algebraic
Z.15. functions ofan independent varia
by series : 3604-16 : C.10,94 : LM. ble : C.92,94.
6: Me.79 : Q.19 : TI.7. with constant coefficients : 3238-50 :
by theta-functions : C.90 . An.64 CM.1,2 : E.34 : JP.33 :
irreducibility of : J.92. L.42 : N.47,84.
isoperimeters, pr : Mém.50. with periodic coefficients : C.91,92 :
of Lamé : J.89. doubly periodic : C.902,92,982 : J.
of light : M.1 . 90.
in linear geometry : M.5. with rational coefficients, algebraic
of motion : C.55 : of elastic solids , integrals of: C.96 : JP.32,34.
Q.13 of fluids, CP.7 : of a point, with rational coefficients , upon
C.26. whose solution depends the quad
with integrals " monochrome and rature of an irrational algebraic
monogène " : C.40 . product : C.913, 922.
868 INDEX.

D. E. linear-(continued) : D.E. of first order, linear-(continued) :

with variable coefficients : C.92 : * P₁dx + P₂dy + Q ( xdy — y dx) = 0 ; P₁,
J.66,68,76 : L.80,81 . P being homogeneous and of the
which connect a complete function of pth deg. in æ, y ; Q homogeneous
the 1st kind with the modulus : and of the qth deg.: 3212.
C.86. P1, P2, Q different linear functions
homogeneous : Ac.1 : J.90 : Mo.82 . of x, y : C.78,83 : L.45 : J.24.
integrating factors of : C.97,98. Y₂ + Py = Q, where P, Q involve a
integration by Abelian functions , C. only : 3210.
92 : J.73 ; by finite differences,
Y₂ + Py = Qy" : 3211 .
Q.1 ; by series, J.76 .
which admit of integrals whose loga yy +Py +Q: Mém.11 .
rithmic differentials are doubly A
Yx +y² = where P,
periodic functions : L.78. (P+2Qx +R2)2 '
whose particular integrals are the Q, R are functions of a : Mém.11.
products of those of two given
linear d.e : A.41 . Y₂ + a + by + y² = 0 : J.25.
irreducibility of: J.76. Y=√ (m + x) = λy√m - x : A.42.
Landen's substitution , geo : J.91 .
Malmsten's theorem : J.40. y =f(y) : J.9 ; y = f (x, y) : An.73 :
singular solution : J.73,83,84.
transformation of : C.91,96. Yx = 3y (y +1) -4x: C.88.
n variables, 1st order : 3320-32 : C. x (8y- 1)
14,15 G.13 : J.20,80 : L.38.
yx +f(x) sin y + F(x) cos y +4(x) = 0 :
n variables, 2nd order : L.37 : 2 varia L.46.
bles , C.70. * u₂ + bu² = ca™ ( Riccati's eq .) : 3214 :
n variables, any order : Mém.13. A.40 C.11,85 : (m = -6 ) E.7 :
* Pdx + Qdy + Rdz = 0 : P, Q,R involving ext28 : JP.14 : L.41 : P.81 : Q.7,
x, y, z, 3320 ; geoM.16 ; Z.20 : P, 11,16.
Q, R, integral functions of a only, allied eqs : L.51 : Me.78 : Q.12.
Q.19 : P = (ax" + bx" -1 + &c.) ", sol. by continued fractions : Mém.18.
Q, R similarly with y and z, Q.20 . by definite integrals : J.12.
* transformation of : Me.83.
Xd + Ydy + Zdz+ Tat = 0 : condition
of being an exact differential, *D. E. of first order : 3221-36 : A.29 :
3330. C.40,45,66 : M.3.
two variables : An.76 : J.40 : Mém.
ædt+ydx +zdy + tdz = 0 : A.30.
62 N.50 : singular solution, J.38.
* D. E. of first order, linear : p467 : C.86 : Clairaut's equation, y = pe +ƒ(p) :
G.13 algG.18 ; M.23. 3230 CM.32 : Me.77.
* exact : 3187.
* homogeneous : 3186. integration by second order d.e : A.46.
homogeneous in and y : 3234.
integration by a particular integral : reduction to alinear form with respect
C.86 . to the derivatives of an unknown
reduction to a continued fraction of a function : C.87.
fraction which satisfies a : C.98. related transcendents : Ac.3 .
* separation of variables : 3185 CM.1 . separation of variables : CD.9.
* Mdx +Ndy = 0 : 3184 : N.74,77. singular solution : 3230 : A.56,58 :
(ax +by + c) dx + ( a'x + by + c') dy = 0 : CP.9 : J.48 : Me.73,77.
3205,p471 : L.59. solution by differentiation : 3236.
solution by factors : 3222 .
(ax +by+ c)"dx + ( a'x + b'y + c') " dy : A. transf. by elliptic coords : J.65.
d. verified by a reciprocal relation be
tween two systems of values of
JP + VQ = 0; P, Q being quartics in variables : Č.15.
æ, y C.66 : LM.8 : ME.79 . de2 +dy2 := ds2 and analogous eqs :
f(x) def (y) dy = 0, f(x) of 1st deg..
F(c) F(y) F( a ) of 5th deg." * adx + bdy = ds : 3287.
C.92. dx2 +dy² + dz2 = ds2 : L.48.
INDEX. 869

D. E. of first order- (continued) : D. E. of 2nd order, linear- (continued) :

da2 +dy2 + dz² = λ (da2 + dp2 + dy ) : L. sy" + (r + qx) y' + (p + na + mx²) y = 0 :
50. A.23 : Z.8,9.
F(u, u,) = 0 : C.93. (1 - x2) y" - xy' + q2y = 0 : 3282.
* x$ (p) +y¥ (p) = x (p) : 3226. (1 +ax2) y" + axy' ± q2y = 0 : 3283,3594.
D. E. of second order, linear : A.29 , 2x (1 -x ) y" -y + n (n + 1 ) y = 0 : Q.18.
32,55,64 : An.63,79,82 : C.822,90, (1 - x) y" 48 y = 0 : Me.
-fx) y' + az
91,93,97 J.51,74 : L.36 : Me.14 : 82 : Q.17.
M.11 : Mo.64 : Z.5.
(m +x) (n + x) y' + (m— n) y'
with algebraic integrals : C.90 : J.81 , -λ² (m + x)2y = 0 : A.42.
85 : L.76.
with doubly periodic coefficients : (mx² + nx +p) y" + ( qx + r) y' + sy = 0 :
JP.13 : Z.4.
homogeneous : M.22. Xuý +1 + Buy = 0, uý” +1
integration by Gauss's series : Z.19. Buy = 0, and μy" +Aly' + Bμ
transformation of : An.52. = 0 ; with λ = a + bx + cx2 and
* y" = a : 3288. μ = b + 2cæ: A.423.
y" = Py : C.9. dz {(x- x³) y } -xy = 0 : L.54.
y" + a²y = Q : 3522 ,'5 : geoMe.66 : y" + Py² + Qy + R = 0, P, Q, R being
Q = cos nx, 3526 : Q = 0,3523-4. functions of a : 3280.
y" = Ay (a +2ba +cx2) -2 : L.44. Py" + Qy' + Ry = 0 : Ac.1 .
y":= ax +by: 3281. zy" 2x + azy² +f (y) = 0 : Me.71.
xy" = y : Z.2. D. E. of second order : Ac.1 : An.79 :
(1x2) y" my = 0, &c.: CM.32. JP.29 C.67,69,80,91 : J.90 : L.39 :
LM.11,12,13,16 : Z.15.
x² (y" +q²) = p ( p - 1) y : CM.2 .
with algebraic integrals : C.82.
y" = {h + n (n + 1 ) k²sn²x } y (Lamé's derived from linear eq : Me.73.
eq.): C.85. with elliptic function coefficients :
y" = po + y + y2p +&c. , when &c. Ac.32.
are trigonometrical series : C.98. in the neighbourhood of critical points :
y":= y (e² +e - *) - 2 : L.46. C.87.
polynomials which verify : Ac.6.
y" + axmy = ƒ (m) : E.6. solution by definite integrals : A.27.
y" = ay+ (x ) : A.45. by factors : C.68.
y" =ƒ(y) : 3257. by Challis's method , and application
y' =ƒ(x, y) (Jacobi) : 3285 . to Calc. of Variations : A.65,66.
y" + py' +ry = 0 : C.85,90 : Q.19. yy" = ¹y'2 + 2py2 : L.73.
ý” = ý —ng: A.53. Myy" +Ny'ƒ (a) : N.79.
xy" +my' +nxy = 0 : L.45,78. * y' + Py' + Qy'³ = 0, P, Q functions of
xy" +y' + Ax™y = 0 : C.39. x: 3276.
x²y" +rxy' (bx +8) y: An.51 : CD . y" +Py' + Qy"" = 0 : 3278.
5. * y" + Py² + Qy'" = 0 : 3279.
xy" +2x3y +f(y) = 0 : A.28,30. * y" + Qy'2 + R = 0 : 3277.
y" +f(x) y' + F (y ) y′2 = 0 : 3284 : L.42. 1
12x+ L +I = 0, where I is Bessel's
* (a + bx) y" + (c + dx) y' + (e +fx) y = 0 : x
A.58. function : J.56.
(a + ba") x2y" + ( c + ex" ) xy' + (f+ gæ") D. E. of third order, linear : C.882 : Q.
y = Q (Pfaff) : 3598 : J.2,54 : and 7,8,14 : M.24.
like eqs., Z.2,3 : with b = 0, A.38. y' = y'"' : JP.15 : Ut = U3x : C.3.
x2 (a-bx) y" - 2x (2a - bx) y' x²y""' -y = 0 : Z.8.
+2 (3a- bx) y = 6a² : A.28,30. y"" = 3mx2y" + 6m (µ + 2) xy' + 3m(µ +2)
xy" + y +y (x + 4) = 0 : Me.81,84. (µ +1 ) y : A.42.
cos (x +1) : Me. y"" = x ( Ax²y" + Bey' + Cy) : A.58.
sy" +y +y (x - 4) = dr
x+1 D. E. third order : An.832 : C.982 : M.23.
*D. E. of higher order, linear : 3237-50 :
xy" -2xy +2y = x2yf-2 : A.28,30. A.65 C.972 : J.16 : M.4 : Q.18 .
870 INDEX.

D. E. of higher order, linear-(cont.) : D.E. , simultaneous system of : An.69 ,

of orders p and m +p, th : C.43. 82,84 : C.10,432,47,922 : CM.1 : LM.
Ysx = xYx - y : A.1 . 14 : Me.13,80 : Pr.12.
* Ynxf(x): 3256. Hamiltonian : Q.14.
integration and inversion of the in
Ynx = xy: L.39 .
tegrals : C.23 .
Ynz = (a + Be) y : J.10 . Jacobi's : CD.3.
2m Ymx = amy : A.32 .
method of multipliers : 3353.
x² Y2mx = y : A.42 . number of arbitrary constants : Me.
xynxy : A.26 . 77.
reduction of order : 3350.
xynx = ± y : by definite integrals :
C.482,49 : J.57. redaction to a P.D. eq : C.44.
theorem of Abel : C.24.
Ynr = "y: by definite integrals : J.19.
theorem analogous to Lagrange's
x + y 2m + 1 ) x = ± y : by Bessel's func in the Perturbation theory : L.
tion : M.2. 51.
Ynx = xy + A + Bæ + Сx² + ... +Næ" : theorem of a new multiplier : J.27.
2.10. transformation and integration of:
YurAxy + Bam-ly : A.28,38 . L.45.
x²ynx = Axy + By : A.33. x = ax +by and y2 = cx +dy : 3354
Ynxxy = Y2x + aba"y : by definite in and a similar example.
tegrals : J.17. *D.E. , simultaneous linear : 3340-59 :
Ynx = Ax²y2 + Bxyx + Cy : A.53 : M.3 . AJ.4: C.9,92 : E.5 : N.66,84.
Ynx Axy + Bx - y + Cam - 2y : A. Pfaff's method : C.14 : J.2 :
29,30,33,38. transformation of : J.98 .
XYnx + ay (n - 1) x = bxy : J.2 : Z.10. dx = dy dz
= R : 3346 : Q.14.
XYnx—Y(n − 1) x + mx²y = 0 : A.40. P Q
antry --D = a( tui): A.86 . dx = dy = dz
: 3347.
Axynz + By( n - 1 ) = x"' (Axyz + By ) : Z.8. P₁-xP P -yP P - P
x²ymx + q" x²y = p (p - 1 ) ym - 2) : J.2. * x + P(ax + by) = Q and y, + P(cx + dy)
Ax²y ( +2 ) + Bxy( n + 1 ) z] + Cynz = R : 3348.
= x" (ax²y2x + bxy, + Cy) : A.38. tæ¿ +2(x −y) = t and ty; + (x + 5y) = t² :
# Ynx + A₁Y (n - 1) x + ... + any = 0 : 3239 : A. 3349.
40. equations in 2, X21, Xst, &C. . Yt , Yu , Yst,
ditto f(x) : 3243, 3516 : ar ... an &c.: 3357.
functions of æ, 3237 : J.39. * homogeneous in x , y, z ... and their
n fractional and all lower orders
second derivatives only : 3358.
integral : L.36.
*D.E. , simultaneous first order : 3340—
(d, + a)"y = f(x) : CM.4. 49: C.43 : J.48 : Pr.62 .
* ditto ea : 3528 : ditto = sin mæ :
3529. * D.E., symbolic methods : 3470-3636 :
CD.1 P.61 : Q.3,172.
(p + qx ) " ynz + a₁ (p + qx )" -¹y( n - 1) x + ... * F (de)u = Q : 3515.
+ any = ƒ (x) : 3250 : with p = 0,
C.96. u2x + a²u = Q and similar : 3522.
Am + nY( m + n ) x + ... + ( am + x) Y mx + ... * exceptional case of the inverse pro
cess : 3526.
+ay = 0 : A.47.
reduction of an integral of the nth
x- (a + bx) Ynz + x" -2 (c + d) y( n − 1) x + ... order : 3530.
+ty = 0: J.39. * ax"уme +bx"Yr + &c. := Q : 3531 .
Y + my z + ny z + py = q : L.44.
yz ayms + by + &c . f(e ', sine, cos8): 3535.
2 2
*D. E. of higher order : 3251-69. аπ " z + bπ " % + &c . = u₁ + us + &c.:
* Ynz = F (Y(n - 1) ) : 3258 .
** * F( ) u = Q : 3541.
Ynz = F (yn -2) ) : 3260. Reduction to the form (II" +4„IT”~' +
Pynx +Q = 0, where P, Q are func
... + An ) u = Q, where II Mdx +
tions of x, y , and the first n - 1
derivatives of y : J.31 . Ndy +&c.: 3546 .
INDEX. 871

D.E., symbolic methods-(continued) : Directrix of a conic : 1160 : gn.eq

* F (xdr, ydy, ...) uΣAx" y" ... : 3558. A.25 : E.36 : Me.80 : t.cQ.13 .
* of in - parabola of a triangle : Me.80 .
to transform (a + bx + ... ) Unx + ( a' +b'x of a curve : A.20 : J.2.
+….. ) U(»−1) x ++ ...&c . = Q into the
of a parabola gn.eqE.29.
symbolic form : and the con of a quadric : N.74,75.
verse : 3571 , 3573. Discontinuity -in curves : CM.4 :
* u + a₁$ Z.26.
(D) eu + &c . = U : 3575.
* to transform u +9 (D) e¹³u = U : in fractions : Man.48.
3579-80. in maxima and minima : CD.3 .
* Discontinuous functions : A.7 : C.153 ,
to reduce a homog. eq. to the form 28 : G.19 : J.7,10 : LM.6 : Man .
matquy = X: 3585. 48 : TI.21 .
*Differential expressions : 1407 : prAn. Discriminant : 1627 , 1638-9, 1644 : Ac.
85. 1 : J.90 : LM.2 : M.12 : N.59 :
algebraic : An.79 : M.9, by homog. Pr.14 : Q.10,11.
coords . of an algebraic d.e of 1st order in 4
transf. of : J.85 : Q.162 : Mo.69 . variables, and of its complete
: -formulæ, theory of : L.
Differential :- primitive : An.84.
52. of alg. eqs ., resolution into factors :
functions, theory of : C.60. M.24.
expressions, linear : J.85 . of alg. functions : J.91.
parameters of functions : C.66,78. applied to conics and quadrics : A.
quadratic forms : An.84 : transfor 58.
mation of, A.16. of binary quantic : An.56.
* of a binary sextic : An.68.
resolvents of alg. eqs : 3631-7 : An.
83 : C.91 : LM.1,9,14 : M.geo4,18 : of a quartic : N.83.
Me.75,82 : Man.65,84 : Q.6,11 . of a ternary quadratic form : Me.68.
of y" -ny" +(n - 1 ) x = 0 , &c. : * Discriminating cubic : 1849, 5693 : G.
16 : J.26,71 .
3633-6 : Man.65.
* proof of real roots : 1850 : A.29.
of ym +by + c = 0 : Q.17. Displacement theory of : N.82.
of 12 (y++ ay² +xy) = a² : Me.82 . of plane figures : C.80 : N.73.
Differentiants in terms of differences of of an invariable dihedron : Me.85 :
roots of parent quantities : AJ.1 . infinitesimal ditto, C.84.
*Differentiation : ( see also ' Differential of an invariable figure : C.51,523,66,
coefficients ' ) 1402-82 : CM.1 . 922 : JP.26 : L.74,75.
* formulæ 1411-72 : An.59 : CD.2 : of a figure, two of whose points slide
CM.1 : Pr.9. on two curves : C.82.
of a solid L.40 : determination of
by the method of " Rates " : Me.75. the normals to the lines or sur
general, i.e. , with any index fractional
faces described : C.62 .
or imaginary : An.58 : AJ.3 : CD.
3,4,5 : J.12 : JP.13 : L.55 : N.84 : of a system of points : C.78.
Q.3,4: TE.14,15 : Z.16 : change virtual displacement : J.11 .
of independent variable, JP.15. infinitesimal : of an alg. surface : C.
under the sign S : 2253 : A.17. of bodies only defined by 4 coordi
successive : A.20 : Q.12. nates : C.73.
when the function becomes infinite : of a parallelogram : C.97.
C.88. *Distance :- -between 2 points : 4034—5,
Digits : calculus of : Sbonimsky's t.c4601 : Q.7 : sd5508, 5510 : some
th : J.30. relations , G.9.
frequency of in numbers : AJ.4. correspondences for quadric surfaces :
origin of: L.39. LM.16.
of a point from a line and from a
Diophantine analysis : see " Partition
of numbers." plane : A.57.
of a point from a plane in a given di
Di-polar geometry : Z.27. rection : 5559.
*Direction ratios and cosines : 5511-14. relations : Z.27.
Directive algebra : N.68. *Distributive law : 1488.
872 INDEX.

Divisibility : C.96 : E.8 : M.39 : N.67,74. Dual relation between figures in space :
of decadic numbers : Z.22. J.10.
of numbers of the form 22" +1 : Mél.52. Duplication of the cube, approx.: Pr.20.
of a quotient by the powers of a fac (see also " Expansion ") : 151 : N.67,
torial : C.94. 68 : geo meaning E.4 : N.55.
of (x + y )" + ( -x )" + ( - y) " : Me.79. combinatorial definition of : A.12.
Division prJ.47 : prL.56. incommensurable : 295 : CM.2 : L.40 :
* abridged : 28 : arithJ.31 : N.452,463, Me.74.
52,54,57,81 : algN.42. and , numerical th : Q.15.
by 73 or 47 ; rule for remainder : E.22. ea +bx+cx²+ in fractions : L.802.
** effected by determinants
: 581 . 1
Fourier's rule : N.52. e **, & c.: CP.6 .
of planes and spaces : J.1,2. eDrDe 00 E.37.
of a rectilineal figure and of a spheri
cal polygon : J.102. *e : 766 : AJ.7 : in transformations :
of a right line into equal parts : 950. CM.4 .
and transformation of plane figures : ea +ib : A.33.
A.42. * Edge of regression : 5729 : tg.eC.71 .
* radius of curvature of : 5742.
of trapeziums, pyramids, and spheres :
A.11 . Eisenstein's theorem : G.16.
of triangles : A.11,17. Elastic curve : C.18,19 : JP.34.
Divisors of an integer, number of : Elementary calculation : N.45.
374 : C.96 : N.68. *Eliminants : 583 , 1626.
ofintegral rational functions : Mém.57. and associated roots : LM.16 .
* Newton's method of : 459. of two cubics : J.64.
of a polynomial with commensurable degree of: G.11 , two eqs 12 : J.22,31 .
coefficients : N.75. *Elimination : 582-94 : A.23 : Ac.6,7 :
rational, of 2nd and 3rd degree : N.45. C.12,87,90 : CD.3,6 : CM.3 : G.
** sum of: 377 : Ac.f4 : L.56,57. 15,17 : J.34,43,60 : JP.4 : L.41,44 :
sum of powers of: L.58. LM.11 : M.5,11 : N.42,45,46,80,
of x2 +Ay2 : L.49 . 82,83 : Q.7,th12 : Z.23.
Double algebra : LM.15. problems : C.84,97 : J.58 : M.12 : Q.
Double function, laws of change of 8,11 in metrical geo, A.63.
higher order : A.21 . * Elimination of a between two equations :
*Double points : 5178 : n-tic with 586-94 : C.12 : CM.2 : J.15,27 :
In (n - 3), C.60 ; with (n - 1) Mo.81 : N.432,763,77.
(n -2) , M.2 ; Clebsch's ths of these * by Bezout's method : 586 : A.79 : J.
quantics, C.84 : n -tic with (m −1) 53 : Me.64 : N.74,79.
(m-2)-2 double points, L.80. by cross multiplication : CM.1.
of plane curves in cubic space : Z.28 . * by the dialytic method : 587 : N.79.
in a locus defined by alg. conditions : in geodetic operations : Z.3.
C.88. * by h.c.f : 593 : JP.8.
of a pencil of curves : An.64. by indeterminate multipliers : CM.1 .
of plane curves in cubic space : Z.28. * by symmetrical functions : 588.
in the projected intersection of 2 quad degree of the final equation : J.27 :
rics : N.84. L.41 .
of tortuous curves : M.3. Elimination : ap to alg. curves : M.4.
Double relations : A.60. ap to in- and circum -conics of a poly
Double tangents : An.51 : J.49 : P.59 : gon : At.63.
Q.4 : Z.21 . calculation of Sturm's functions : C.
of a Cartesian : E.30. 80.
of an n-tic : M.7 : number = \n (n — 2) of functions : 3153 : C.84,87 : Me.73,
(n2-9) , J.40,63 ; N.53. 76.
of a quartic : C.37 : J.49,55,68,72 : M. with linear equations : At.53.
1 : N.67 : P.61 : Pr.11 : with a with linear differentials : L.36.
double point, M.4,6 : reciprocity with n variables : CP.5.
of 28 double tangents . resultants, comparison of : J.57 : and
to the surface of centres of a quadric : interpolation, J.57.
C.78. transformation and canonical forms :
Drilling, shape of hole : Pr.35 . CD.6.
INDEX. 873

*Ellipse (see also " Conics ") : 1160 , Elliptic functions-(continued) :

4250 : cn1245: geoQ.9. of first and second kind : C.10.
theorems : A.30,47 ,prs49 : N.76 : Mc as functions oftheir amplitude : JP .
Cullagh's, N.72. 14.
eq.r+r = 2a : A.2. representation in a simple form :
equal chords : tg.eE.22. Z.21.
of maximum surface : N.65. series by which they are computed :
as the projection of a circle : 4921 : J.16,17.
N.752. of second kind : J.93.
* rectification of : 6083-96 : A.3,22,27, mechanical representation : Me.75.
30: At.39 graphic : Mél.1 : N. reduction to first kind from same
43 : TE.4 : Z.6 : when e is very modulus A.56.
small, TI.9 . of second and third kind, expression
representation by a circle : An.70. by function : Z.10.
* quadrature of : 6108, 6113 ; t.c4688 : of third kind : C.94,96 : CD.8 : J.14,
A.46 : of sector 6098, A.20 : of 47 : LM.13 .
segment, 6103. addition of: A.47, geo64 : AJ.7 : C.59,
and triangle : thQ.4. 78 : J.35,41,44,54,88,90 : LM.13 :
*Ellipse and hyperbola : 1160, 4250 : A. M.17 : Me.80,84 : Q.18 : Z.1.
24,28. of 1st kind, Z.26 : 3rd kind , Me.81 .
theorems : A.23 : CM.3 : N.85. 2nd kind by q series : Me.83.
sectors : TE.14. application of : C.857,865,892,90,93,946.
*Ellipsoid : 5600, 6132 : A.28 : thCD.2 : to algebra : J.7.
prC.20 : L.38 : cnM.20 : P.9. to arithmetic : C.98 : L.629.
centro-surface : CP.12 : LM.3 . to confocal conics : Z.72.
cubature of some derived surfaces : to geometry : G.12 : J.38,53.
A.12. to in- and circum- circles of a poly
* and enveloping cone : 5664-72 : Q.6. gon : L.45.
generation of (Jacobi) : CD.3. to rectification : L.45.
*** of gyration : 5930 : of inertia : 5925 to spherical conics : Z.22.
39. to spherical curves and quadrature :
and plane of constant segment, th : An.50.
E.32. to spherical polygons with in- and
of revolution : 5604 : area, N.42. circum-circles : L.46.
a locus in space : Q.16,172. to spherical trigonometry : Q.20.
* quadrature of : 6143 : J.17 : Z.1 : of approximation to : 2127-32 : P.60,62.
zone, A.22. arithmetical consequences : Ac.5.
* volume 6144,-8 : A.46. arithmetico-geometric mean : J.58,85,
Ellipsoidal geometry : A.10 : LM.4. 89.
surfaces : G.17. arg sn a and (arg sn a)2, as def. inte
*Elliptic functions : 2125 : A.1,122,16,21 , grals : Q.19.
35,48 trAc.5,62,ths72 : An.61,84 : in complex regions : Z.282.
C.46,506,90,96,97 : CD.2,32,5 CM. development of : 2127-32 : J.81 : 1st
32 : E.23 : G.14 : J.2,3,4,6,8,16,26, and 2nd kind, C.92 : with respect
27,302,32,35,37,39,46,72,83, : JP. to the modulus of λ (x), µ (x) and
25 : L.55,56,61 : LM.7,10,29 : M. their powers, C.86.
3,11,12 , pr25 : Me.79,80,81,822 :
development of an imaginary period
Mo.81,82,832,85 : N.773,784,792: when the modulus is small
P.31,34,75,78 : Pr.6,9,10,12,232 : enough: An.70.
Q.11,17,19 : Z.2,, 11,27.
of first kind : A.12,21 : C.16 : J.93 : differentiation by periods and invari
L.43. ants : J.92 .
discriminant of modular equations :
with complementary moduli exten M.8,9.
sion of a theorem of Lagrange :
An 832. double substitution : J.15.
normal forms of 3rd and 5th de Ar am 2K COS ± 8 am 2K sin
gree : M.172. π π π
replaced by one of second kind : J.55.
represented by gauchebiquadratics : ada : J.37.
C.83. × xSs²am π
5 T
874 INDEX.

Elliptic functions—( continued) : Elliptic functions- (continued) :

eqs. for the division of : Mo.75. spherical triangle of : Q.19.
formula: AJ.5 : J.15,36,50 : LM.13 : and spherical trigonometry : Q.17.
Me.78,80,85 : Jacobi Mél.1 : Q.16, substitution of 1st order : J.34.
19: from confocal conics , LM.14 ; and theory of numbers : L.58.
differential,Me.82 ; for sn , cn , dn, transformation : An.573,58,60 : Ac.3 :
of u +v + w, Me.82. C.49,f79,f80,82 : CD.3,5 : J.3,34,
Galois ' resolvent : M.18 . 35 ,f55,55,87,88,89 : LM.9,11 : M.
geo. problems : M.19 . 14,192,22 : Me.83, tr84 : Pr.27 : Q.
geo. properties : L.43,45 : P.52,54 . 13,20.
geo. representation : A.22,61 : An.60, of 1st kind : A.33 .
61 : At.53 : C.19,213 : J.63 : L.44, of 1st and 2nd kind as functions of
78 : in solid geo , M.9 : of 1st kind, the mod : L.402.
An.53 : C.70 : CD.1 : JP.28 : L. of 3rd order : J.60 : Me.83 .
43,454,46,78 of 3rd kind, A.24 . of 7th order, square of mod : J.12 :
identities : Me.77. LM.13.
imaginary periods : AJ.6. of 11th order : At.5.
infinite double products, A.14 : with of the orders 11 , 13 , 17, and 19 : J.
elliptic functions as quotients, 12,16.
J.35. cubic C.64 : Q.13.
inversion of : J.4: JP.34 : L.69. and division : J.76 : M.25.
KE +K'E- KK'π : Me.75 . of a double integral, &c.: Me.75.
of K: Me.85. Hermite's ; tables : J.72.
modular equations : C.472 : J.58 : Jacobi's : LM.153,16 : J.87.
LM.9,10 : M.12 . linear : J.91 .
modular functions : A.11,13 : G.12 : modular, of Abel : ap to geom : C.
J.72,83 : L.402 : M.17,18 : differen 58: to conics, C.79.
tiation for modulus of am, LM. modulus of in a function of the
13 : expansion in powers of modu. quotient of the two periods : An.
lus, J.41 : formulæ, L.64 : relation 70.
between the modulus and the pertaining to an even number : J.
invariant ofa binary quartic, Z.18 . 14.
multiplication of : C.882 : J.14,39,41 , quartic : Q.12.
74,76,81,86,88,: M.8 : Mo.57,833 : by roots of unity : J.6.
and division, Z.7,: formulæ, trA. of rectangular coordinates : LM.15.
36 : C.59 : J.39,48 : complex , M. and of functions in theory of Cate
25 : Mo.62 : Q.19,20 : mod.- √ , nary : A.2.
J.48 . triple division of and ap. to inflex. of
periodicity moduli of hyper-elliptic cubics : A.70.
integrals as functions of a para Weierstrass's method : AJ.6.
meter : J.71,91 . *Emanents : 1654.
subsidiary, pm (u, k) : LM.15. Empirical formulæ, calculation of : Me.
products of powers : Mém.71 . 73.
quadriquadric curve : M.25 . Engrenages : L.39,40 .
q-formula for sin am : LM.11 . " Ensembles," theory of : Ac.2 .
π 2G * Envelope : 5192 : A.24 ,prs56 : C.45,86.
q-series : and f852: for + coeffs.: p.d.eCM.4 : G.11 : M.84 : Me.64,72 : N.
2K π
Q.21 . 44,59,68,74.
reduction of : An.64 : in canonical application to perspective : A.9.
class of (Chasles) , th : C.85.
forms, J.53. from ellipse and circle : LM.15.
relations : A.67 : J.56 : between E' of a carried curve : 5239.
(k) and F' (k) : J.39 . of conics, theorems : N.45.
representation by power series : J.54. of chords of a conic : N.48 : subtending
representation of quantities by sin a constant angle at the focus,
am (u + w, k) : J.45 . CM.3.
series : C.95. of chord of a closed curve : E.28 : cut
sn 8u, cn 8u, dn 8u in terms of snu, ting of a constant area, E.31 .
tables : Pr.33. of curves in space : L.83.
sn, cn, and dn of u + v +w : LM.13. of a curve with n parameters : 5194.
INDEX. 875

Envelope (continued) : Equations (continued) :

of directrix of a parabola : E.34. 47,59,62,68,91,97,99 : CM3 : CP.
of geodesics M.14,20 . 4: G.1 J.13,16,34 : L.672,69 : M.
imaginary, of the conjugates of a plane 14,21 : Me.76 : Mo.79,f80 : N.67,
curve : C.75. 68,ths55,67, and 80 : P.1799.
of pedal line of a triangle : Q.10 : do. (For Binomial, Biquadratic, Cubic,
of in-triangle of a circle, Q.8,9. Cubic and biquadratic, Linear,
of perpendiculars at extremities of Quadratic, Quintic, and Trans
diameter of an ellipse : N.46 . cendental equations, see those
of a plane : C.35. headings. Other kinds will be
of planes which cut a quartic gauche found below.)
curve of the 2° in 4 points of a Abel's properties : C.91 .
circle : An.71. algorithms for solving : M.3.
of planes perpendicular to radiants of whose coefficients are rational func
an ellipsoid at the surface : An. tions of a variable : J.74.
59 : Pr.9. of degree above the 4th not soluble :
of plane curves : G.11,12 : singulari J.83.
ties of, LM.22. whose degree is a power of a prime :
of polars of a curve : J.58. An.61 C.48 : L.68.
of a quadric : Q.11. derived : 424-31 : A.22 : in d.c,
of a right line : N.63,79,83 : Q.13. 1708-12 .
cutting two circles harmonically : developments : An.61 .
N.85. differential operators in : LM.14.
sliding on two rectangular axes : Eisenstein's theorem : LM.7.
N.45. extension of theory of : C.58.
of a Simson line : E.29,34. fundamental principles or theorems
of a sphere : C.67 : J.33 : touching 3 A.1,11 : C.96,97 : L.39,40 : J.23.
spheres, N.60. Galois' theory : C.60 : G.12 : M.18,23.
of a surface : CM.1 : M.5 : degree of, of geometry : C.68 : homogeneous ,
N.60. N.64 .
of a surface of revolution : L.65. generic : Q.4,5 .
of tangent of 2 variable circles : N. Hariot's law of : J.2 : extC.98.
51 . homogeneous, reduction of a princi
Enveloping asymptotic chords and pal function which verifies a
polars : A.14,16,17. characteristic homog. eq.: C.134,
*Enveloping cone : 5664-72. 149.
of an n-tic surface : CD.4. identical : J.27.
* of a quadric : 5697 : th of Jacobi, J. impossible : Man.51 .
12 and CD.3. in geo. mean of roots : N.45.
of a twisted hexagon, locus of vertex : in quotients of roots : N.45.
A.10. in sums of the C (n , 2) roots ofanother
Enveloping line of class cubic invo eq.: N.43.
lution th, E.29 . insolubility of quintics, &c .: J.1 .
Epicycloids : J.1 : Mém.20 : N.45,46,60 : irrational : Man.51 .
TE.24 : thsZ.15. with integral coefficients : 503 : C.24 :
centre of curvature : N.59 : plane and J.53: complex, J.53.
spherical, JP.14 . irreducible : An.51 : Mo.80 : of prime
double generation of : N.69. degrees, AJ.7 .
reciprocal polar of geoE.19. linear : see " Linear equations."
*Epi- and Hypo-cycloids : 5266-72 : LM. miscellaneous : 214.
4 : Z.18 . numerical : C.10,123,32,78,81 : G.13 :
and derived curves : Z.17. J.10 : L.36,38,41,83 .
tangential properties of : abs Pr.34. and commensurable quadratic fac
* Epi- and Hypo-trochoids : 5262-5 : tors : L.45.
LM.4. of nth degree with two real roots :
Equality and similarity of figures : J.52 . C.98.
*Equations (see also " Linear equa from observations : A.21 .
tions ") : 50-67 , 211-222 , 400 * with only one positive root : 411 :
594 : A.6,18,57,58,60,61,62,67 : tr C.98.
Ac.32 AJ.6 : An.51,54 : C.44, of payments : A.34,36 : CD.1 : CM.2 .
876 INDEX.

Equations-(continued) : Equations-(continued) :
reciprocal : 466 : A.44 : C.162 : of a x -px+ q = 0 : number of real
quartic, N.66. roots : C.98.
reduction of : C.97 : CD.6 : to recipro x² +qx" +p" = 0 and derivatives :
cal eqs. , A.35 . N.652.
relation to linear d.e and f.d.e : L.36 . 20-1 + 20-2 + ... + 10 irreducible
roots of: see 66 Roots of equations ."
if n be a prime : L.56.
simultaneous (see also " in two or Ax2m +n'+ bæ ™ + n + cœ² + d = 0 : G.14.
three variables " ) : 59 , 211 , 582 :
C.25 LM.6 : thsN.48 and 81 : (x-1) ! + 1 = x : L.56.
quadratics, N.60. ( P-a ) (x) = 0 : N.82.
deducible the one from the other : (1 + x)™ ( 1 + bæ) = 0 when xa is small :
C.22. A.2.
of the form a + y™ + zm = a : N.46. in two variables : 59-67,211,217—8 :
solution of 45,54,59,211,466-533 ,
582 : A.64 : trAn.52 : C.32,53,62, A.20,25 CM.2 : J.14 : N.473,48,
643: J.4,272,87 : Mo.56,61 . 63 : Pr.8 : Q.18.
by approximation : 506–533 : A.30 : of any degree with a variable para
meter : L.59.
Ac.4: C.11,17,45,60,79,82 : E.4 : implicit : Mém.30.
G.8 : J.14,22 : Me.68 : N.51,62,783, numerical solution : Z.20.
80,84 : No.58 : P.5 : Q.3 : TI.7 :
Z.23. 23 +y³ = a and x²y + xy² = b : A.48.
Horner's method : 533 : P.19. in three variables : gn.sol , 60 : A.1,64 :
* Lagrange's method : 525 : C.91. N.47: M.37: by acubo-cycloid, C.69.
* Newton- Fourier method : 527-8 : (y — c) (z — b) = a2, sym in x, y, z :
AJ.4: G.2 : Me.66 : N.46,56,60, 219.
Weddle's method : Z.7,8. y² +z² +yz = a², &c. , sym : 220.
by continued fractions : J.33. 2-yza², &c. , sym, and x = cy + bz
by definite integrals : Me.81 : P.64 : &c., sym : 221–2.
Z3. 1
xyz = ± a√ { (1 — y²) (1 — z²) } , &c. ,
by diminishing the powers of the sym : A.35.
roots : C.41 . ax + by + czl, a'x + by + c'z l',
by elimination of integers : N.70. 2+y + 2 = 1, by trigonometry :
by geometry : C.87. A.6.
by imaginary values : J.20. *Equiangular spiral: 5288 : Me.62 : N.69,70 .
by infinite series : J.33. Equilateral hyperbolic paraboloid and
by interpolation : C.5. derived ray-system : 2.23.
by logarithms : C.95 . Equimultiples in proportion : G1 .
the one by the other : C.72 : L.71. Equipollences, method of : N.69,70,737,
by radicals : C.58 : Q.15. 743.
by series : An.57 : C.49,52 : J.6 : Equipotential curves : Me.82 : Pr.24.
Mém.33. Equipotential surfaces : G.20 : geoJ.
by transcendents : An.63 : Q.5. 42 : M.8.
by trigonometry : 480 : A.1 . of ellipsoid : L.82 .
a nonic eq. which has this charac Equivalence of forms : C.88,90 : JP.29.
teristic : A given rational sym Equivalent representation : Z.23.
metrical function ( a, 3) of two Equivalents, theory of : A.44.
roots, gives a third root y, such Eratosthenes' crib or sieve : N.43,49 .
that a = 0 (B, y) , B = 0 (y, a), Error in final digit of decimals : C.40 :
y= - 0 (a, ẞ) : J.34. Me.74: N.56.
symbolic, non-linear : C.22. Errors of observation : A.18,19 : An.58 :
systems of: C.67 : G.11,18 : LM.2,8 : C.93 : JP.13 : N.56 : P.70 : TE.24.
Q.11 : M.19 : Z.14,18 (see also Errors of constants : Mo.83.
" Linear equations ." ) *Euclid, enunciations : p . xxi.
transformation of : C.64. axiom 11 : J.1 ; 147 : new proof, C.60.
in one variable : 45-58, 214-16, 400 II. 12 and 13 : Me.80 ; VI.7 : Q.11
-550 : approx A.20. new proof, Q.9.
graphic solution : C.65 . XI., &c., Me.71 : XI.28 : A.10.
2n +1 - x - k = 0 : An.59. XII. , &c. , G.9 ; criticism on : Q.7,9.
INDEX. 877

Euler's algorithms : A.67. Expansions of a function in a series

*Euler's constant : 2744 : Pr.15,16,18,19, of circular functions : 2955 : A.11 :
20, Table 27. CM.3 : J.43 : L.36 : Q.12 : of
and Binet's function : C.77 : L.75. imag. arcs, J.6.
Euler's equation : N.72 : integration of coefficients of : gn form, C.85 : gn
it by the lines of curvature of a property, J.41 .
ruled hyberboloid, N.75. connected with a 2nd order d.e : C.5 :
Euler's equations of motion solved by L.36,372.
elliptic integrals : Q.14. of denominators of convergents :
Euler's formula for (1+ )" : L.44. C.46 : JP.21.
* Euler's integrals : 2280-2323 : A.41 : of exponentials : J.80 .
Ac.1,2 : An.54 : C.9,17,94,95,th96 : of explicit functions : 1500-47.
J.15,21,45 : fL.43 : Me.83 : Z.9. extended class of : C.82 : approxi
B (l, m): 2280 : An.69 : G.9. mating to functions of very large
г (n) : see " Gamma function." numbers, L.782.
ap. to series and functions of large of faculties of the variables : Mém.31 .
numbers : JP.16. of implicit functions : 1550-73 .
sum formula and quadratic residues : of Jacobian functions : An.82.
An.52. of Legendre's functions, X,: An.75.
Euler's numbers : AJ.5 : An.77 : C.66, with limits : C.34.
83 : J.79,89 : prsL.44 : Me.78,80. of another function : 1559 : C.95,96.
Evectant of Hessian of a curve : E. of periodic quantities : C.52,53 : JP.11 .
32. of powers of the variable : At.57 :
*Even and odd functions : 1401 . C.19 : L.46 .
*Evolute : 5149-59, 5165 : An.53,61 : of powers of a polynomial : C.86 : J.53,
C.30 : Q.3,11. 882.
analogous curves : L.76. of powers of another function : Mém .
of a catenary : 5159. 33 : N.74.
of a cubic curve : Q.11. within a given interval according to
of a cycloid : A.30. the mean values of the function
of an evolute, in inf.: L.59 : Me.80. and of its successive derivatives
of an ellipse : 4547,4958 : C.84 : N.52, in this interval : C.90.
63 . by Bessel's function : J.67 : M.10,17 :
and involute in one : L.41. 2.1 .
of the limaçon, rectif. and quadr. of: * by binomial theorem : 125.
E.40. * by factorials : 3730.
of negative focal pedal of a parabola : by generating functions : 3732.
E.29. * by indeterminate coefficients : 232 ,
oblique, direct and inverse of differ 1527-34 : A.3.
ent orders : C.85. by logarithmic method : C.92.
of a parabola : 4549,4959 : Q.5 : N.65. * by Maclaurin's th : 1524.
rectification and quadrature of : A.4. by a series : C.93,95.
of surfaces : C.74. Expansion of : alg. functions : C.89
of symmetrical bicircular quartics : Z.45.
Q.18. Eisenstein's th : J.45.
of a tortuous curve : 5731 : A.25. n, alg. functions from n eqs : G.11 .
angle of torsion of evolute : 5754.
integrable equations : L.43. (1 +ax ) in an integral series : A.65 .
*Evolution : 35. (1 - x) ( 1 — x2) ( 1 - x³ ) ... : C.92 : J.21 :
E (x) = integral part of x : C.50 : L.57. L.42.
*Ex-circle of a triangle : 711,953 :
( 1 -x) ( 1 - x²) ( 1-4) ( 1-8 ) ... : Me.80.
4749 : A.54: thN.60.
locus of centre, th : Q.9. (1 +x)(1 + 2x) ... ( 1 + n − 1x) : C.25 : J.
*Expansions of a function "" in a series
(see also " Series' and " Sum (1 +ax + bx² + ... + læn - ¹) -¹ : AJ.6.
mation ") : A.31 : An.7 : thsAJ. { (x - a₁ )2 + ... + (x- a )2} -1 : C.95 .
3 and 4 : C.7,13,17,20 : CM.4 : (1 + ax + bæ ) : Q.18.
J.90 : L.38,46,76 : M.16 : Mél.3 : (1—2ax +x2) - : L.37 .
Mém.33 : N.82,83 : num, Q.3 : 27+1
2.2. (1-2ax +a²a²) 2 : C.86 .
878 INDEX.

Expansion of (continued) : Expansion of (continued):

(1 - ax - bx2) - : J.43. do. when a = logy : 1570 .
2" (1
(1– ) : 3.40. cot in powers of sin20 : Q.6.
(x-z) in powers of 2-1 : C.86. cot - 1 (m - 1 ) - cot - ¹ ( m + 1 ) : A.47 .
differential coefficients by f.d.c and
(x+y)(") ; CM.3 . the converse : J.16.
nth derivative of √ (a2 - b²x²) : A.42. elliptic functions : A.19 .
and of their powers : C.83 : cos amx,
−√ ( 1—4t) L.64.
(1= √(1-4 )) " in powers of t , when
equations : L.50.
2 exponential functions : N.82.
y= : 1565.
1 + √ (1 − x²) ' 1
Bernoulli's numbers : 1545. e = limit of ( 1 + x) * : 1590 : A.3,23 : Q.7.
circular functions : J.24 : Q.5. e : C.30 : N.48.
an arc in linear functions of sines or x e -1
tangents of fractions of the arc . : 1539 , 1543—4.
e²± 1' e² + 1
in gp: L.43. * ev in powers of yeb : 1571 .
powers of arc in powers of sines : J.11.
T: 2931-2 , 2945, 2960-2 : Me.78 . (ae - 1) -1 : At.57.
powers of : Me.78 : 2, 858 : π - ¹, ear-e-ar
Me.83. : 2962.
sin and cos in powers of : 764,
1531 : A.5,29 : Č.16. e exp. (λæ + x ) : Z.3.
sin" and cos" in sines or cosines of
multiple arcs : 772-4 : A.24,55 : ear cos ba : 798.
C.12 : CD.3 : J.1,5,14 : N.71 : TI.7. sin
sin no and cos no in powers of sine or Se-ar COS bæ de, and summation of
cosine : 758, 775-79 , 1533 : C.82 : the series : J.41 .
CM.2 Me.76 : Mém.13,15,18 : N.
732,83 : Q.4 : convergency of the e exp. sina : 1529 .
series, J.4. e exp. a sin-læ : 1535.
cos no in powers of cos 0 : 780 : Q. e exp. log (z + sin y) : 1557.
12. e exp.- (x ,y, z ... ) : C.58 .
sin -l : 1528, -64 : J.25 : N.74 : re a exp .[x exp .[x exp, &c.: J.28.
mainder, Z.12. fractions : 248.
cos"ax : A.11 . functions : ———
tana : 1525, 2913, -17 : A.16 : C.88 : Al(x), Al (x), Alg(a ) (Weierstrass's func
N.57. tions) in powers of the modulus :
* cota : 2911 , -16 : C.88 : Q.17. C.822,85,86 : L.792.
** seca: 1526 : A.16 : C.88 : J.26 : N.57 :
Q.17. f (x), by Taylor's th : CM.4 .
coseca : 2914, -8.
** tan -¹ : 791 . * f(x +h) (see Taylor's th) : 1500-9,
tan no: 760. 1520 : Abel's th , 1572 ; Stirling ,
* a sina in differences of sin : 3749. 1546 ; Boole, 1547 : AJ.3.
sin f( ) ( Maclaurin ) : 1507 : 3759 .
COS nx / cos æ" : A.4. f(x +h, y +k) : 1512 , 1521 .
(1 — µ cos p) −¹ = Σa, cos 2np : A.21 . f(x,y) : 1516, 1523 : Me.3.
(a +b2-2ab cos p)exp.- (m + ) :TE.5 . f(0) (Bernoulli ) : 1510.
(a + b cos +c cos p') -" in cosines of * (a + bx + cx² + ...) (Arbogast) : 1536 :
multiples of and ø' : J.15 . CD.1,6.
COS k cos-1 (cos +a) : C.15 . 1
sin (Cayley) : 1555.
$ (%)
COS (0 +01 +... + 0-1) : A.34.
* sin y f {z + x (y) } in powers of a ( La
Y in powers of a when = grange) : 1552 : Laplace's th
796,1558. sin (y + a) * 1556.
INDEX. 879

Expansion of-(continued): Factorials- (continued) :

* f(y) in powers of (y) (Burmann) : reciprocal : C.17.
1559 . treatment by limits : J.39.
* f{ (x)} and -1 (a) : 1561-3. 1,22,33...n" : Me.78.
*** (e ) (Herschel) : 3757 . n ! = г (1 + n) : 2290.
* Ux+n : 3740 ; ▲"u : 3761 . approx. to when n is large : C.9,50 :
* ▲"ux and ▲"us : 3741-2. J.25,27 : L.39.
* in differential coefficients of U : n ! = n″ e¯ ”√ (2nπ) ( Stirling) : Q.15.
3751 . { 22p + 1p ! mp + 1 ) } - 1 : CM.3.
A" and A"0" : 3743-4. * 1.3.5 ... theorem : 339.
* Unx in differences of u : 3752. 2.4.6
* C (n, r) when n = a + iß : J.43.
* Souda in terms of u , u₁ , U2, &c. : 3778 . Factors : 1-27.
a function of a complex variable : M. in analysis of integral functions : M.
19. 15.
a function of a function : AJ.2,3. application to rotations to indicate
functions of infinitesimals : G.12. direction : J.23.
a function of a rational fraction : At. of composite numbers : 274 : J.11 .
65. complex : C.24.
a function of n variables : C.604 : J. equal, of integral polynomials : C.42 :
66. L.56.
* of an equation : 400 : J.3 : condition
a function of y,y' in ascending powers
of a , ' when y = z +xø(y ) and y' : for a factor of the form "—a”,
' + 'o(y ) as in 1552 : J.48. A.55,63.
holomorphic functions : M.21 : by irreducible, of an integral function ac
arcs of circles, C.94. cording to a prime modulus p
* implicit functions : 551 , 1550 : L.81.
integrals : A.1 : of linear d.e, An.71 : linear, resolution into : N.822.
of log æ, A.4. of polynomials and geo.ap : J.29,89.
* logarithms : 152–9 : N.82 . product of an infinite number of : A.
* log ( 1 ), log 1 + x &c.: 155-9. x coscos x
1-x' COS : N.70.
2 8
* log y and log y" in powers of a¹ when
y3 -ay + b = 0 : 1553-4. radical, of numbers : C.24,25.
* log (a + be + cx² + ... ) : 1537. of Ax2 + By + Cz², th of Lagrange :
* log (1 +2 a cos x + a2) : 2922.
* log (1 +n cos x) : 2933 . of x2 -fgy2 = ± 1 : A.33.
COS of(x +y) n — xn — y" : thQ.15,162 .
* log 2 sin : 2927.
(22) * of 2-2x"y" cos no + y " : 807.
* log г (1 +x) : 2294, 2773. of a"-2n cos ne +x " : CP.11 : Me.76.
higher integrals of log : A.4. (1 — x) ( 1 — ∞²) (1 — æ³) ... : C.96 .
numbers : M.21 . tables of (Burchardt's ) p.7 : to 4100,
* a polynomial : 137 : Z.26. J.46.
a quartic function : A.35. geo. properties : J.22 .
Exponents : N.57 : P.1776. transformation of: A.57.
reduction for d.i : C.16. of 100 ... 01 : Me.79.
Exponential, th : 149 : N.52. Faculties, analytical : J.7,11,334,35,40,
functions : P.16. 44,51.
replaced by an infinite product : C.99. coefficients of : A.9,11 : At.75.
Exponentials, successive of Euler : L.45. divisibility of : A.48.
numerical, of 2nd order : Mém.38.
Factorials : calculus of : L.57 : N. series : Z.4.
60 : Pr.22 : Q.12 : Q.f8. *Fagnani's theorem : 6088 : A.26 : LM.
geom. i.e (1+ ) ( 1 + ræ) ( 1 + r²x) ...: C. 5,13,23 : Z.1.
17. curves having Fagnanian arcs : LM.11 .
* notation : 94, 2451 : Q.2. stereometric analogy : Z.17.
880 INDEX.

Faisceaux : of binary forms having Finite difference eqs. (continued) :

the same Jacobian : C.93.
of circles : C.76. of the kind u,,, = Ux - y, z + y : CM.4.
of conics Z.20. linear : AJ.7 : An.50 : At.65 : Q.1 .
curvature relations : Z.15. first order, constant coefficients :
formation of : C.45 CM.3 . C.8.
intersections of : N.72 : degree of the determination of arbitrary con
resulting curve, J.71 . stants : A.27 : At.65 : G.7.
of lines and surfaces : N.53,83. integration to differences of any
plane : N.53 defined by a first order order : J.12.
d.e, C.86 . with variable coefficients : C.17.
of tortuous cubics in connection with partial :
ray-complexes : Z.19. constant coefficients : C.8.
Fan of Sylvester : E.33. linear of 2nd order : C.98.
Faure's theorems : G.1,19 : and Pain of physics : C.73.
vin's, N.61 . Finite differences :-exercises : No.
Fermat's theorems :- of (N - 1) 44,47.
+p : 369 : A.32 : AJ.3 : J.8 . formulæ CD.9 : Q.2 .
sum and difference : J.58.
of " +y" = " being insoluble when of functions of zero : TI.17.
n is an odd prime, &c : An.57 :
C.gz84 and 965,91 : J.40,87 : TE . H (n, r) value of: Q.9.
21. integrals : C.39,57 : JP.42 : L.44.
analogous theorem : J.3 . expressed by definite integrals :
case of n = 14 : J.9. An.53.
and periodic functions : Me.76 . Zety : A.6: No.44.
x + y = □ , x² + y2 = 2 : Mém.26 . inverse method : C.74 : P.7.
of the semicircle : A.27,30,31 : gzA.31 . involving 1 : Me.78.
method of maxima : C.502. of powers converted into d.i : JP.17.
Feuerbach's : th of the triangle, Me.84 : Fleflecnodal planes of a surface : Q.15.
circle, A.59. Flexure AJ.22 : Me.2.
of ruled surfaces : An.65.
Fifteen girl problem : E.34,35 : Q.8,9.
66 Fifteen puzzle of spaces : LM.9. 1
' " : AJ.29. I
* Figurate numbers : 289 : A.5,69 . of spherical surfaces : Me.77.
*Finite differences, calculus of : 3701– *Fluctuating functions : 2955a : LM.5 :
M.20: TI.19.
3830 : A.13,18,24,63 : C.70 : J.112, Fluents : P.1786.
12,133,142,152,16 : Me.82 : Mél.5 :
Mém.13 : N.69 : thsP.16,17 . of irrational functions : P.16.
*Focal : chords of conics : 1226 , 4235,
ap. to complex variability : An.82 : 4339.
ap . to i.eq, An.50.
* first and nth differences : 3706. circle of conics : Mél.2 .
distances : 4298 : N.64.
Au0: An.73 .
* pedal of a conic : N.66 .
▲"0" : 3744 : Q.5,8,9 : Herschel's table, *Focal properties :- -of conics : 1163,
N.54. 1167-9, 1181 , 1286-8 , 4298—
▲" 0" ÷ II (m), table of : CP.13. 4306, 4336-45 , 4378 , 4382 , 4516,
duo, du , & c., in a function of Au , 4550-58 , 4719-21 , 5008-16 :
A2uo, &c.: N.61 . CD.7.
* Au in successive derivatives of u : of curves : CD.7.
3761 : N.73. of homographic figures : N.71 .
Al" and Bernoulli's numbers : An.59. of a parabola : 1220 , 1223–6 , 1230—4,
h Bh2 4231 , 4235-8 : G.22.
hu'r = Aux - Aus + Au- &c.: of a quadric surface : An.59 : N. 58.
2 12
Ac.5. Focal quadrics of a cyclide : Me.85 .
Foci : J.64: N.42,44,53,85 : Q.2,a.c9 .
A sina and Acos a : CM.1 . ** of conics : 1160 : trA.25,63,64 , cn69 :
Finite difference equations : AJ.4 : An . gzC.22 and L.39 : CP.3 : N.69,74,
59 : CD ,2 : CM.1,3,4 : CP.6 : JP . 78,81,82 : t.cQ.8,13,12 and 45 : gen.
6: L.83 : P.60 : Pr.10. eq , N.48.
of integrable form : C.54. analogous points in higher plane
of mixed differences : Q.10. curves : J.10.
INDEX. 881

Foci: -of conics- (continued) : Functional equations-(continued) :

coordinates of: 4516. px + y = (xfy + ufx) : J.2.
eq . of: LM.11 : o.cE.40 . fy +fy . + &c.
exterior : N.79.
to findthem : Q.25 : fromgn.eq, 5008. = fix . Py +fox . Pay + &c.: J.5.
through four points : N.833. ¤œ +¢y = 4, Îy · Fx +ƒx . Fy : J.46.
of four tangents : 5029 : N.83. x (xy)
locus, a cubic : M.5.
negative: A.649. S'ƒ(x, 0) ¢ ( x + 8) d0 = F
' (x ), to find ø :
under three conditions : Q.8 . Pr.8.
of curves : C.82 ; nth class , 86 : N.59,79. ax+ b
of cones : N.79. 4x-4 = &c.: Q.15.
cx+ d
of differential curve of a parabola :
f(x ) =ƒ ( sin ) : C.88 .
of in conic of an n-tic, locus of : E.21 .
of lines of curvature of an ellipsoid : Functional images in ellipses : Q.17.
Z.26. in Cartesian ovals : Q.18.
of quadrics : N.42,66,74,75,78. Functional powers : Mém.38 .
of quartics : J.56. symbols : Q.4.
of the section of a quadric by a plane : Functions : A.28 : AJ.6 : An.79 : C.43,
N.64,70. 91 CP.1 : J.16,prs71,74,84,87,
by another quadric : N.47. 91 : L.45 : Me.7 : Mo.80,81 : P.15,
of surfaces : C.74 of revolution, N. 16,17,62 Pr.112 : prsZ.26.
74. algebraic, alternating, analytical, cir
*Folium of Descartes : 5360 : N.44. cular, circulating, conjugate, con
Forms, theory of : M.18 : of higher de tinuous, curvital, cyclotomic, de
gree, Mo.83 : Pr.38. rived, discontinuous , elliptic, even
reciprocity principle : An.56. and odd, exponential, Fuchsian,
Formulæ G.15,19. gamma, generating, hyperbolic,
for log 2, &c.: Me.79. implicit, infinite, imaginary, in
in the Fund. Nova : Me.76. tegral, irrational, irreducible,
* of reduction in i.c : 1965 : Me.3. isotropic, iterative, monodrome,
Four colors problem : AJ.22. monogenous, monotypical, non
Four-point problem : E.5,6,82. uniform , periodic, polyhedral ,
Four right lines not 2 and 2 in same quantitative, rational , representa
plane : J.5 . tive, transcendental, trigono
Fourier- Bessel function : J.69 : M.3. metrical : see the respective
*Fourier's formula in i.c : 2726-42 : headings .
CM.3 : J.36,69 : L.36 : M.4 : Me. analogous to algebraic functions :
73 : Q.8 : gzZ.9. C.89 .
ap. to calculation of differentials : J.13. to circular functions : C.84.
*Fourier's theorem : 518 : 528 : An.50, to Euler's : C.89 : M.19 .
75 : J.13 : M.192 : Me.77,82,83. to functional determinants : J.75.
ap. to a function of a complex varia sine and cosine : Q.16.
ble : M.21 . to modular functions : Ac.2 : C.93.
Fractions : AJ.32 : G.9,pr16 : J.88 : L.10. connected by a linear eq.: C.17.
continued, decimal, partial, vanishing, condition off (x, y) being a function
&c.: see each title. of p (x, y ): A.21 .
number expressible by digits n: development of : see " Expansion."
C.96. defined by d.e : JP.21,28 .
reduction to decimals : A.1,25 . differing very little from zero : L.74.
transformation into decimals : A.11. errors of geometricians : J.16.
*Frullani's formula : 2700 : LM.9 . expressed by other functions , remain
Fuchsian functions : C.927,93,94,95,96. der : C.98.
Fuchs's theorem on F(x , y , y: ) = 0 : C.99 . fractional : J.8 : the variable being
Functional equations : CM.3 : J.90 : the root of an equation , N.56 .
TE.14. from functional equations : M.24.
f.oxfx: C.88. from Gauss's equation : C.92.
f.px =1 +fe : C.99. with lacunæ : C.96.
p.fx, to find : Mém.31 . Lagrange, tr : JP.5,7.
5 U
882 INDEX.

Functions- (continued) : Functions-(continued) :

linear: C.90. which relate to the roots of the equa
with linear transformations inter se : tion of division of a circle or of
M.19,20 . n"-10: J.17.
whose logarithms are the sums of representation of : C.923 : M.17 : one
Abel's integrals of the 1st and valued, Z.25.
3rd kind : C.92. approximate : Z.3.
with non-interchangeable periods : by an arbitrary curve : M.22 .
M.20, ,21,25. by Bessel's functions : M.6.
number of values of : C.48. by definite integrals : Ac.2.
do. through permuting the variables : by elliptic functions : An.82.
JP.102,18 : L.50,60. by Euler's sum-formula : J.56.
of two variables : Ac.3 : C.90,962. by Fourier's series : Mo.85g.
made constant by the substitution by graphic methods : A.2 : imag.,
of a discontinuous group : C.97. J.55.
which arise from the inversion of by infinite products : Z.24.
the integrals of two functions :
C.92 . y= e , constant and r a positive
whose ratio has a fixed limit : G.5. integer: A.42.
f(x, y) such that f{ zf(x, y) } is sym y = x"e : A.52.
metrical : J.1. reproduced by substitution : C.19.
of three variables satisfying the d . e, resolution into factors : Ac.65 : C.19,
AF - 0: Ac.4. 30 : CP.11 : J.18.
of three angles , th . re 1st derivatives : satisfying the eq . ▲F = 0 : C.96 .
J.48. singularities of : M.19.
of 4 and 5 letters : L.56. whose successive derivatives form an
of 4, 5, and 6 letters : L.50. arith. prog.: An.71 .
of 7 letters : C.57,953. systems of: Mo.78 : of two inter
of 6 variables which take only 6 diffe connected, C.98.
rent values through their permu of two systems of quantities , cor
tation, not including 5 symmetri relative and numerically equal :
cal permutations : A.68 . C.98.
of n variables : C.21 : Mo.83 : with which are neither rational nor reduci
2n systems of periods, C.97. ble to irrational algebraic ex
analogous to sine and cosine : Q.16. pressions : C.18 .
number of values : J.85. do. by which are of use in elliptic functions
permutationofthe variables : C.21 . and logarithms : No.58.
obtained from the inversion of the which take a given value in a given
integrals of linear d. e with position : An.82.
rational coefficients : C.90 : J.89. which have noderivative throughout a
of an analytical point, ths : C.952. certain interval : An.77.
of a circular area from a given inte which vanish with their variables :
gral condition : Z.26. TI.162.
of imaginary variables : C.32,48 : JP. *: An.63.
21 : L.58,593,603,613,62 : LM.geo
8. { (x*)* }* and so on, and the corres
of large numbers, approx.: C.203. ponding inverse function : J.42.
of a real variable, connexion with arising from (4—2xz + z²) : J.2.
their derivation : M.23,24. ax + b
of real arguments, classification ac (a)= : LM.9.
cording to their infinitesimal
variation : J.79. f(u, z), u being an implicit function
of the species zero and unity : C.95. of an imaginary variable z : Pr.42.
of a variable analogous to the poly f( ), formula of analysis : J.53.
nomials of Legendre : C.95 .
allied to Pfaffians : Q.16. f(x) = 0, y = f (x), th. re (y) : E.36.
rationally connected : L.59. (x) = d, log r (x) : 2743.
with_recurring derivatives : LM.4 : (a) of Jacobi : J.93.
TE.24. Q( ): Ac.2.
INDEX. 883

Functions (continued) : Functions- (continued) :

Bessel's, I(x) = == " cos (∞ cos é) dê [ / {1 +ax³ } de : J.92.
π 0
E (p, o) do
x2 24 26 Y (p, 4) = √ √ {1 - p² sin² +}
= 1—
22 22.42 22.42.62 +
X, Y, &c., such that SXYdo = 0 and
Cauchy's numbers ; N-kjp and that any function can be ex
= 1 (2 ´e- kui (eiu +e - iu); × panded in theform aX +BY + &c.:
(ein-e-iu) du.
( cos x * Gamma function, T (n) : 2284 : A.4,6,61 :
cosine integral ; Ciq =f° x dx : An.69 : C.35,92,96 : J.35,82,90,
taP.70. 00
ap 57 : L.42,46,52,55 : Q.9 : Z.1 ,
Dirichlet's function, 25.
application of this and other trans
F(x) :ΕΣ ( 22)1/1/20: Z.27. cendents : C.86.
of a complex : Me.84.
elliptic ; curve y = F (x) : 2323.
deductions : 2286-2316 : A.10.
[x²¬» -1 & ( P) { R (x²)} * " dæ : J.23. derivatives of : Q.6. *
* Euler's ; B (l, m) : 2280. of equidifferent products : J.36.
of an infinite product : J.39.
expon-integral ; Ei q =[ ‫=ہی‬de : A.
‫ں‬-9x * = limt. of ! n : 2293 : A.30.
10 : taP.70.
N( +1)
En = En " sin " w cos (e cos w ) do : An . * logarithm of : 2294, 2768 : C.9.
1(n)πJo numerical calculation : 2771 .
70. as a definite integral : 2768.
E ( ) : Mél.6. n, negative : CD.3.
1 1 numerical calculation of : 2317.
G= Stan da = 1- + - &c. * the function (x) = dx log г (∞) : 2743
32 52 -70.
= 915965 ... : Mém.8 . reciprocal of Z.25.
66 ,594177function." 3
T (x) : see Gamma reduction of : J.40.
Jacobi's * transformation of : 2284, 2318 : J.57.
a-1 г (n + 1 ) = √ (2π) e¯ ”n” + ¹ ( 1 + e) (Stir
(a 4 ) = (-1) expΣee( bi): ling) : C.50 .
C.592,60 : L.47,50. π
*r (m) r (1 - m) =
Laplace's Y ") : M.14. sin mπ : 2313 : Ac.3.
9 da
log-integral ; Liq =| " log *r (∞) r ( x + n
1 )... r ( x +
Jologa n ¹ ) : 2316 :
x2 x3 L.55,56.
L” (1 +x) = x—.
2" + 3" - &c . г (x) = P (x) + Q (x) : Ac.2.
Legendre's X, see " Legendre." 1
T F(x): G.6 .
P, where fee
e exp (−3) dx = h√ :
e ( 一 ) 4 Gauche cubics : C.82 : J.60 : N.623.
Q.10. 3rd class, theorems : J.58.
P" (cos y), n = 0 : G.22. number of common chords of two :
p (αβγ An.70.
P((a BY
, ', x) : Z.14.
a'B'y through five points : N.83.
through six points, cn : N.66.
II (z) = Jo x*e *dx ; ↓ (z) = d₂ log II (z) : Gauche curves : C.70,77,903 .
Mo.82 : thsN.532.
Q.1. classification of : JP.32.
sin a
sine-integral ; Si q = da : taP. on a cubic surface : C.62.
70. 70 x of a developable surface, singulari
ties : An.70.
≥ С e exp (−z²) F (z) dz = 0 : C.93. differential invariants of: JP.28.
884 INDEX.

Gauche curves- (continued) : Geodesics-(coutinued) :

intersection of two surfaces having flexure of: C.66.
common multiple points, singu forms from cn of their polar systems :
larities of : C.80. Z.242.
on a one-fold hyperboloid : An.1 : C. geometry : 5855.
52,53. problems : A.8 : An.65 : CP.6 : J.53 :
metric properties of, in linear space of L.49 : TN.73.
n dimensions : M.19. on a quadric or ellipsoid : C.22 : CD.4 :
representative curve of the surface of J.19 : L.42,41,44,48,57 : M.35 : N.
principal normals of : C.86 . 76.
of the zero species : C.80. Joachimsthal's theorem : J.42.
Gauche helicoids : rad. of curv.: N.45. and corresponding plane curves
in perspective : JP.20. C.50.
Gauche - in-polygons of a quadric : and lines of curvature : L.463 : N.
C.822. 82.
perspective of algebraic curves : C.80. pd constant along such : 5842.
projection : N.65. shortest lines : J.26.
quadric : N.67 : and orthogonal tra through an umbilic : 5850.
jectory of generatrices : thN.48. on a right cone : A.69.
quartic : A.62 : C.82 : L.70. radius of torsion of : 5848 : RR'P₂ +
9 points of, 7 points of a gauche P = 0, Me.75.
cubic and 8 associated points : sections : Z.2.
C.98. shortest lines on surfaces : 5838 : J.
unicursal, a class of : C.83. 20.
surface : N.61 . on a spheroid : J.43.
sextic curve: C.76. triangles : Mo.82 .
surface : JP.17 : L.37,72. best form of : N.55.
deformation of: C.57. reduction of arc of a small one : An.
whichcan be represented by a p.f.d.e 50.
of the 2nd order : C.61. Geodesy, spherical problems : A.25,63.
Gaussian periods of congruent roots representation of one surface upon
corresponding to circle division : another : An.70.
J.53. Geodetica, integration of its eq : An .
* Gauss's function : see " Hypergeometric 53.
function." Geography, comparative : A.57.
Gauss's theorems : J.3.
* Geometrical conics : 1150-1292 (see
* General methods in anal. geometry :
4114. Contents p. xviii) : G.1 : Me.62,
General numerical solution of any 64,71,73 : Q.10.
Geometrical - constructions : LM.2 .
problem : LM.22. definitions : J.1 .
*Generating functions : 3732 : J.81 : N. dissections and transformations : Me.
81 : Pr.5
and ground- forms of binary quantics drawing : A.23.
of first ten orders : AJ.23,3.
do. of binary 12-ic and of irreducible figures, general affinity of : J.12.
syzygies of certain quantities : forms : G.1 of 2nd species, G.3,4.
AJ.4. mean : 92: CD.8 : Pr.29.
of some transcendental series : At.55. approx. to by a series of arith. and
harm. means : N.79.
for ternary systems of binary forms,
ta : AJ.5. paradoxes : Z.24.
*Geodesics : 5775, 5837-55 : A.39 : C. progression : 83 : A.pr2,6 : G.11 : N.
40,41,96.p.c97 : CD.5 : G.19 : J. 54.
50,91 : M.20 : Me.71 : N.45,65 : Q. a property of 1,3,9,27 ... : A.33.
1,5 Z.18,26. proportion, theory of pure : A.62.
of cubic surfaces , loci : CD.6 . quantities and algebraic eqs : C.29.
curvature : 5846 : C.42,80 : L.12. reckoning (Abzählenden ) : M.10.
on an ellipsoid : M.20 . relation of the 5th degree : M.2.
radius of 5776 , 5846. relations, ap of statics : J.21 .
duals of Q.12. signs : Z.14.
equations of : 5837. theorems and problems : 920-1102,
INDEX. 885

Geometrical- (continued): Groups : AJ.1 : LM.9 : M.13,20,22 .

theorems : J.11 : L.46 : N.743 : Law cyclic, in Cremona's transf. of a plane
son's, Man.13. An.82.
method of discovering : J.8. in a quadratic transformation : An .
from a principle in alg.: LM.11 . 82.
problems : At.25,32. discontinuous : C.94.
transformations : A.32. of linear substitutions : Ac.1 .
and ultra-geometric quantities : C.52, of finite order contained in a group of
55. quadratic substitutions : C.97,98.
Geometry : of the Ancients : At.22 . of finite order contained in the semi
comparative, ap. to conics : N.653. cubic groups of Cremona : C.99.
of derivation : An.543. Fuchsian : Ac.13.
* elementary : 920-1102 : J.6,10 : A.2 : formed from a finite number of
N.623. linear substitutions : C.83.
principles of: A.40 : C.56 : G.11,14, of interchangeable elements : J.862.
20 : LM.16 : Me.62 : Z.20. introduction to the theory of : Me.62 .
enumerative : Ac.1 . Kleinean C.93.
higher : A.20 : No.73 : prsA.55. of many-valued functions : Man.62.
instinct of construction : N.56 : Q.2. modular eqs. (Galois) : M.14,18 .
der Lage : Z.6. non-modular : Man.65 .
linear : A.27 : ap. to quadrics, M.10 . of points G' on a sextic with 5 double
linear and metrical : M.5. points : M.8.
of masses : JP.21 . primitive : C.72,78,96 : L.71 .
and mechanics, on their connection : for the first 16 degrees : C.75
L.78. degree of, containing a given sub
organic, of Maclaurin : L.57. stitution : J.79.
plane, new anal. foundation : M.6. (P)360 ( II) 360 of the figure of six linear
plane and solid, analogies : L.36 : N. complexes of right lines two and
653. two in involution : An.83.
plane and spherical, ths : Mém.15. principal, classification of : C.73.
of position : J.50 : Q.1 : analTE.9. of substitutions : C.67,84,94 : M.5 :
theorems An.55 : J.31,34,38,412 : isomorphism of, G.16.
TE.28. of 168 substitutions and septic equa
5 points in space : CM.2 . tions : M.20.
in lieu of proportion : CP.10. transitive : G.22 : J.83 : N.84.
of space, abstract : Pr.14,18 : aphor *Guldin's theorems : 5879 : Me.85.
isms, J.249.
* of three dimensions : 5501-6165 : N. Harmonic axes : of curves : C.743.
63. of a system of right lines and planes :
Glissettes : -problem: Q.11 . G.4 .
centre of curv.: JP.21 : rad. of curv., Harmonic centre for a system of 4 points
L.45. in relation to a given pole : Z.20.
Golden section : A.4. Harmonic division : -of a conic : G.10.
Goniometrical problems : Q.7,15. of a quadric : G.10.
Graphic calculus : C.89. * of a right line by a circle and chord of
Graphs (Clifford's) : LM.10. contact : 948.
application to binary quantics : LM. Harmonic :-hexhedron and octahe
172. dron Z.18.
to compound partitions : AJ.96. pencils and ranges : 933, 4649 : Q.6.
Grassman's life and works : M.14. of 4 tangents to two conics, locus of
Greatest common measure : see " Highest vertex 4984.
common factor." points, system of four : 1063 : N.51 .
polar curves : A.50 : M.2.
Greatheed's theorem, D.C : CM.1 . progression or proportion : 87 : ext
Grebe's point : A.58. of th , A.31,43, tr41 : C.43 : Me.82 :
Green's theorem, &c.: J.39,44,47 : TE. N.85 Z.3,14 : sum of, Pr.20.
26. divergency of: A.1 .
*Griffith's theorem (Conics) : 6096. section by a quadric and polar plane :
Ground figures, single and double rela 5687.
tions : J.88 . Harmonics in a triangle : A.57,
886 INDEX.

Hermite's function , linear transf. of : *Homogeneous products, H (n, r) : 98—

M.3. 9: Q.6,9,10.
*Helix : 5756 : A.64. and sums of powers : 538 : E.39,40.
conical : N.13,53 : rectif. of : N.45. Homographic division of three tangents
on a twisted cone : A.16. to a conic : Mél.2 .
relation with cycloid : C.51 . Homographic figures : threeC.94 : thQ.
*Hemisphere, volume, &c.: 6061 . 3: N.58,68,pr61 .
Herpolode of Poinsot : C.99. corresponding points, th : L.45.
Hesse's surface, &c .: Z.19 . focal properties : LM.29.
* Hessian 1630 : J.80 : curve, M.13 . relation of roots : N.73.
covariant of binary quintic form : M. *Homographic :-pencils : 4651 .
21. systems of points : 1058-73.
of a quaternary function : Q.12 : on quadric scrolls : Q.9.
cubic, Q.7. theorem of a conic : N.48,49.
of a surface : nodes of, J.59 : con transformation : N.70 : of angles,Q.14.
stant of, M.23. Homography : Me.62 : N.60 : Z.21 .
Hexagon : thN.65. and perspective : N.69.
Pascal's : see " Pascal." and rotations, correspondence of : M.
in space : J.85,93. 15.
*Hexahedron : 907. Homological polar reciprocal curves :
Higher algebra : An.54 : N.55, (Serret) : ET.44.
Q.45. *Homology : 975 : G.3,8: N.44 : E.24.
Higher -analysis : A.25 : G.14. conic of: C.94.
arithmetic J.6,9 : N.81 . of sets : Q.2.
geodesy: Z.19 : trZ.13 . * of triangles : 975 : Me.73.
geometry A.10 : N.57 : Z.6,17. *Homothetic conics : 4523 : N.64,th68 .
planes : A.47. with the same centre : C.66.
variation of simple integrals : Z.22. *Horograph : 5826.
*Highest common factor : 30 : A.3 : M. *Hyperbola : - theorems : A.27,46 :
72 : N.42,44,452. CD.1 : N.424 .
of 2 complex numbers : no. of divi with asymptotes for coord. axes :
sions : L.46,48. 4387 : Me.73.
of 2 polynomials : CM.4. asymptotic properties : 1182.
remainder in the process : C.42. conjugate : 1160.
Holditch's theorem : see " Closed construction : 1247, 1289.
curve ." eccentric circles : A.44.
Holomorphic functions : C.99 : G.22. * quadrature of, &c .: 6118 : A.25,26,27 :
development in series : C.94 : M.21 . N.44 : TI.7 (multiple areas).
Homalographic projection : N.61. rectangular : 4392 : 2.26 : under 4
Homaloidal system, n-tic surface and conditions, A.3.
an (n-1)-ple point : G.13. segment of: 6118 : N.61.
Homofocal : conics : thN.492 : loci *Hyberbolic arc, rectification of: 6115 :
relating to parallel tangents, C. J.55 P.2,11,59 .
62,639. * Landen's theorem : 6117 : LM.11,13 ,
quadrics C.50 : L.th51,60 : N.th64, * Hyperbolic functions : 2180 A.19 : G.
79 : Pr.332. 15 : Mém.30 : N.64.
paraboloids : A.35. analogy with the circle : An.51 .
and conjugate surfaces, tr : Z.73. ap. to evolution and solution of eqs.:
common tangents of: C.22 : L.46. A.38 .
quartic surfaces, triple system of, in construction of tables of : J.16.
cluding the wave surface : N.85. generalization of : A.35.
sphero-conics : L.60 . *Hyperboloid : 5605 : J.85 : Me.66.
surfaces, and μ sin2i +v sin²i" = a² : theorems geoG.4 : J.24,86 .
C.22. one-fold : 5605 : of rotation, A.70 :
Homogeneity of formula : C.96 : thsN. L.39 M.18 : N.58.
49. parameter of a parabolic section of :
Homogeneous coordinates : G.13,8 : Z.15. N.75 .
metrical relation : G.11. two-fold : 5617 : A.18,ths27.
Homogeneous functions : see Quan conjugate : CD.2.
tics." equilateral and of revolution : Ac.5.
INDEX. 887

Hyperboloid-(continued) : Hyper-Fuchsian functions from hyper

generating lines of : 5607. geometric series of two variables :
and relation to ruled surfaces : Z.23. C.99.
of revolution : N.72. Hyper-Fuchsian groups : C.98 .
Hyperboloidic projection of a cubic Hyper-Jacobian surfaces and curves :
"gobba ": An.63 . LM.9 : P.77 : Pr.26.
Hypercycles : C.945. Hyper-geometric functions or series :
Hyperdeterminants : CD.9 : J.34,42 . 291 : A.55,57 : J.152,75 : M.3 : Q.
16 : Z.8,26,27.
Hyper-elliptic functions : A.16 : AJ.53, as continued fractions : 291-2 : J.66 .
7 : An.70 : C.408,622,67,92,94,97 :
of two variables : C.902,91,95 : L.822 ,
CD.3 : J.25,27,30,40,47,52,54,75 , 84.
76,81,85: L.54: M.3,11,13 : Q.15,19 . extension of Riemann's problem :
of 1st order : J.12,162,35,98. C.90.
containing transcendents of 2nd
and 3rd kind : J.82 . of nth order: C.96 : J.71,72 : M.2.
multiplication of : Ac.3 : M.17,20 . and Jacobi's polynomials : C.89.
square of: J.3.
transformation of : Ac.3 : (p = 2),
M.15. Hyper- geometric integrals : J.73 : Z.22.
*Hypocycloid : 5266.
transf. of 2nd degree : M.9 : Mo.66.
transf. of 3rd degree : M.1,193. with 2 cusps : Z.19.
transf. of 5th degree : M.16,17,20. with 3 cusps : J.64 : Me.83 : N.703,75.
Hypsometric tables of Bessel : Pr.12.
of 3rd order (p = 4) : M.12.
of 1st order and 3rd kind : J.65,68,88. *Icosahedron : 907 : M.12,25 and star
of 1st and 2nd kind : An.582 : J.93 : dodecahedrons, Z.18.
in series, M.9 . Icosian game : Q.5.
of 3rd kind, exchangeability of para *Imaginary quantities : 223 : A.20,
meter and argument : J.31 . 22 8 square, AJ.4 : C.18,24,25,
of nth order, algebraic relations : C. 88,94 : JP.23 : N.63,64 : P.1,6,31 .
993. ap. to primitive functions of some
Göpel's relation : An.82. derived functions : N.63 .
addition theory : M.7. conjugates : 223 : modulus of, 227.
addition th . for 1st order in a system logarithm of : 2214 : LM.2 .
of confocal quadrics : M.22. curves : Q.7.
approximation to : P.60,62. exponents : A.6.
choice of moduli : C.88 . integrals of d. e : C.23.
division of : C.68,98 : L.43 : M.1 . prime factors of complex numbers
bisection : C.702 : trisection , An.76 : formed from the roots of irreduci
M.2. ble rational equations : Z.10.
generalisation of: C.84,98. transformation of coordinates : Q.7.
geo. representation : L.78. variables : C.962 : polygons of, C.92 .
inversion of : C.99 : J.70.
Va+ib in the form a +iy: A.55.
in logarithmic algebraic functions : 1
M.11 . tan-¹ (§+ in) in the form +iy : A.49 .
and mechanics : J.56. (x, y) + i (x, y) = F (x + iy), to deter
mine and : A.10.
periodicity moduli : A.68 : An.70. geometry : 4916 : A.32,61 : C.61 :
periodic : J.32 of the 1st class , LM. CD.7,8 : J.55,70 : M.11 : Me.81 :
12; with four periods , An.71 . N.702,72 : TE.16.
with quartic curves, 4 tables : M.10. of Lobatschewski : G.5 : J.17 : N.
reduction of, to elliptic integrals : 683.
Ac.4: C.855,93,99 : J.55,76,79,86, of Standt : M.8.
89 : M.15 : TI.25.
use in geometrical drawing : J.1 .
transformation of 2nd order, which, circular points at infinity : 4717 , 4918,
applied twice in succession, pro 4935 : tg.eq4998 , 5001 : Me.68 : Q.
duces the duplication : C.88. 3,8,32 .
transformation : M.7, pr13. coordinates : 4761 : C.75 : Man.79 :
of two arguments, complex mult. of : homog.Q.18.
M.21 . elements in geometrical constructions,
Hyper-elliptic 6-functions, alg. charac and apparent uncertainty there
teristics : M.25. from : Z.12.
888 INDEX .

Imaginary-(continued) : Indeterminate equations-(continued) :

* lines through imaginary points : 4761 , and congruences : Pr.11 .
4722-3. quadric J.45 : in n unknowns, N.84.
problem, Newton- Fourier : AJ.2. quartic : geo.cnL.63.
tangents through the focus of a conic : quintic : J.3 .
4720-1 , 5008 : A.22. quadratics in two unknown integers :
variables, generating polygons of a x² —ay² = ± 1 : A.12,52 : E.23,28 :
relation between several : JP.30 . J.17 ; by trig.: L.64-66 : N.78.
x+iy = X+iY, and the lemnis x²-a y² b : C.69 : L.37,38 : Mém.
catic coordinates of the nth order. 28.
Implexes of surfaces : C.80 . x²-ay = ± 4, a = 5 (mod 8) : J.53.
*Implicit functions : of one independ x² + y² = (a² + b²)* : C.36 : An.53.
ent variable, (xy) ; values of or,
p² , P3 : 1700-6. x² + y² = 0 : geoA.55.
* (n + 4) x²- ny² = 4 : N.83.
the same when (x, y) = 0 is also
given : 1718-9. ax² + bx = y² : L.76.
Yr, Yar Yar when (x, y) = 0 : 1707 ax² + bx + c = y² : G.7.
16 : Ynz, An.58. 2x²+2x + 1 = y : N.78.
Px (U, Y, Z), P2x ( u, y, z) : 1720-1 . ax² + bxy + cy = 0 : geoC.9.
P (x , y, z, έ) when 3 eqs. connect x² + nxy − ny² = 1 : N.83.
x, y, z, έ : 1723. x²-y = xy impossible : N.46 .
* ax² + bxy + cy² + dx + cy +f = 0 : C.87 .
of two independent variables :
Yr when (x, y, z) = 0 : 1728. quadratics in three unknown integers :
Px (x y z), Por, Orz, when (x, y, z) x² + y² + z² = 0 : geoA.55.
* · 0 : 1729-32. x² + y² -
= z² : A.22,33 : E.30 : G.19 :
(x, y, z, έ, n) when 3 eqs. connect solution prior to Diophantus,
x, y, z,, : 1735.
* of n independent variables : 1737 : +ay : N.78.
An.58. ax +by : G.8
transf. into isotropic means and trig. x² + ay² =z:
= N.78.
series : C.38. x² +ay = 4z : N.72 .
transf. into explicit functions : C.38. x²+ a (x + b)² = y : N.78 .
defined by an alg. eq. C.47.
(x²+ ky ) = ax + bky: J.49.
determined by the infinitesimal cal
culus C.34. (a, b, c, d, e,fxyz)² = t : Pr.13.
*Increment : 1484. x² + y² + 16z² = n² : Mél.4 ; = 4n + 1,
Incommensurable : numbers : JP. L.70.
15 : N.43 .
limits of numbers : N.81. quadratics in four unknown integers :
lines : N.44 : in ratio √3 : 1 , A.3. x² + y² ± z² = t² : C.66 : N.48 ; a² + 2y³
*Indeterminate coefficients : 232, 1527 : +3z2t, L.69.
A.3 : J.5. y² = z² + t (z + 8) : N.78 .
*Indeterminate equations (see also
" Numbers "" and " Partition ") : quadratics in five unknown integers :
188-94 : C.10,th78,88 : G.5 : J.92. x² + by² + cz² + du, with the follow
Mém.44 : N.44,45,pr57,592,71,78, ing values of b, c, d : 1,1,1 ; 2,3,6 ;
81 , prs81,85 : TE.2. L.45 1,1,2 ; 1,1,4 ; 1,1,8 ; 2,2,2 ;
ap. to a geo. problem : Mém.20 : Z.20 . 2,4,8 ; 4,4,4 ; 3,4,12 ; L.61 : 1,2,4 ;
impossible class of : N.63 . 1,4,8 ; 2,2,4 ; 2,4,4 ; 2,8,8 ; 4,4,8 ;
linear : JP.13 : L.41 : N.43 : P.61 : 4,4,16 ; 4,16,16 ; 8,8,8 ; 8,8,16 ;
Z.19. 8,16,16 ; 16,16,16 ; L.62 : 2,3,3 ;
with 2 unknowns : 188-93 : A.3,7 : 3,a,3a ; L.66 : 1,3,3 ; L.603, 63 :
J.42 : L.63,69 : Mém.31. 1,1,3 ; 1,2,6 ; 2,2,3 ; 2,4,6 ; 4,4,
with 3 unknowns : 194 : G.2. 12 ; 1,1,12 ; 2,2,12 ; 1,4,12 ; 1 ,
with n unknowns : C.94 : N.52. 3,4 ; 3,4,4 ; 4,12,16 ; 3,6,6 ; 3,3,3 ;
x₁ +2x + ... + nxn := m : G.1. 3,3,12 ; 3,12,12 ; 12,12,12 ; L.63 :
INDEX. 889

Indeterminate equations-(continued) : Indeterminate equations-(continued) :

1,1,5 ; 2,3,6 ; 5,5,5 ; L.64 : 1,5,5 ; n-tic solution by alg. identities :
1,6,6 ; 1,9,9 ; 1 ,n, n ; 2, n,2n ; L.65, C.873 .
59 : with cab, C.42 and L.56. " y" = " impossible if n >2 (Fer
ax² + by² + cz² + dt2 = u, with the follow mat's last th .) : A.26,58 : An.64 :
ingvalues of a, b, c, d : 2,2,3,4 ; 2,3,
3,6 ; 3,3,3,4 ; 1,2,6,6 ; 2,3,4,4 ; C.24,89,90,98 : J.17.
L.66 : 2,2,3,3 ; L.65 : 3,4,4,4 ; æ² —y² = 2œ” : L.40.
3,4,12,48 ; L.63. am' .+by” = cz" : N.79 .
x² + y² + z² + t² = 4u : L.56. " y" +1, impossible : N.50,70,71 .
ax² + by² + cz² + dt² + exy +fzt = u, with x² - ay² = " : C.99.
the following values of a, b, c, d, simultaneous :
e, f: 1,2,-2,2,1,2 ; L.63 : 1,2,3,3, x = u² ; x + 1 = 2v2 ; 2x + 1 = 3w2 :
1,3 ; 2,2,3,3,2,3 ; 1,1,6,6,1,6 ; L.64 : N.78.
2,3,2,3,2,2 ; 2,5,2,5,2,2 ; L.64 : 1,1 ,
2,2,0,2 ; 1,1,1,1,0,1 ; 1,1,1,1,1,1 ; x² + a = y² ; y² -a = z2 : An.55 : C.78.
2,2,3,3,2,0 ; 1,1,3,3,1,0 ; L.63 ; 3,5 , x² + x + 2 = y² ; x2 - x - 2 = 22 : N.76.
10,10,0,10 ; 2,3,15,15,2,0 ; 2,3,3,3, ax +by +cz = 0 ; Ayz + Bzx + Сxy
2,0 ; L.66. = 0 : A.28.
x² +2y² + 2x² + 3t² + 2yz := u : L.64.
2 +y2 —
x² z² = 0 ; x²
-z2 x2 —y² +z²
- y² + z2 = 0 ;
2x² + 3y² + 3z² + 3t² + 2yz = u : L.66. −x² + y² + z² = □ : E.20 .
x² + y² + z² + Qu² + 2uv + 2v² + t² = w :
x²+ axy + y = 0 ; y² + ayz + z² = 0 ;
L.64. z²+azx +x² = □ : E.20,21 .
x² + y² + 2z² + 2zt + 2t² + 3u² + 3v² = w :
x+ y + z = 0 ; x² + y² + z² = 0 ;
2(x² + xy + y²) + 3 (z² + t² + u² + v²) = w : w3 + y³ +z3 = 0 : E.17.
L.64. six eqs. in nine unknowns : N.50 .
xy + yz + zt + tuv : C.622 : L.67. exponential, ay* : A.6 : Z.23.
2 a - by = 1 : N.57.
y² -= x + x² + ... + x : G.7.
quadratics in seven unknown inte *Indeterminate forms : 1580-93 : A.26 :
AJ.1 exponential : J.1 : Me.75 :
gers : 0 00
x² + ay² + bz2 + ct² + du² + ev² = w, with N.48,77 : 8, A.21 ; Z.1 : ∞0 ; L.41 ,
the following values of a, b, c, d, e :
4,4,4,4,4; 1,4,4,4,4 ; 2,2,4,4,4 ; 1,1 , * 42 : N.46 :.ƒ (∞) when x = ∞ , 1592:
4,4,4 ; 1,2,2,4,4 ; 1,1,1,4,4 ; 1,1,2 , x
2,4 ; 1,1,1,1,4 ; 4,4,4,4,16 ; L.65 : 0º, J.11,12 : 0 exp 0º, J.6 .
1,1,1,1,1 ; 1,1,1,1,2 ; 1,1,1,2,2 ; * with two variables : 1592a.
1,2,2,2,2 ; 2,2,2,2,2 ; 2,2,2,2,4 ; 3,3, *Indeterminate multipliers : 213 , 1862 ,
3,3,3 : L.64. 3346 : N.47.
higher degrees : *Index law : 1490.
cubic : AJ.2 . Indian arithmetic, th : L.57 : calculation
a3y²= +a : N.782,83 : with a = = 17, of sines, N.54.
N.77. *Indicatrix : 5795 : C.92 : Mc.72 : N.74.
a3y3uz3: N.78,80. a rect. hyperbola, condition : 5824.
* two coinciding lines : 5825.
x3 + y³ + z3 + u³ = 0 : A.49 . an umbilicus : 5819.
ax¹ + by+ = z2 : C.87,91,94 : N.79 : to determine its axes : L.78,82.
a = 7, b = -5, L.79. determination of a surface from the
x+ 2y = z2 and similar eqs : L.53. indicatrix : A.59.
x++ ax²y² + y+ z2 : Mém.20. * Indices : 29 : N.765,779,78 .
in relation to conics : N.722.
ax¹ +bæ²y² + cy¹ + dx³y + exy³ = fz² : of functions , calculus of : JP.15.
C.883. *Induction : 233 : C.39 : G.15 : L.48.
x5+y5 = az5 : L.43. *Inequalities : 330-41 : A.1,24.
x7 +y7 = z², impossible : C.823 : in integrals : Mél.3 : f.d.c. Mém.59.
L.404 . ( n) >n" : N.60.
5 X

890 INDEX.

Inequalities-(continued) : In-polygons-(continued) :
a > : A.14. two stars , one double the other : U
A.61 .
if æ² + y² = z², æ™ + ym zm² : A.20. of a circle and conic (Poncelet) : G.1 .
geo. mean of n numbers < arith . of a conic : 4822 : thsN.47 : cnTN.69.
mean : 332 : N.42. with sides through given points, ·
Infinite -equalities : M.10 : prG.22. cn : 4823 : An.512.
functions : An.71 : J.54 . semi-regular : N.63.
from gnomonic projection : Me.66. of a cubic (Steiner) : M.24.
linear point-manifoldness : M.15,17 , of a curve: Q.7.
20,212,23. of a polygon , th : CD.5 .
point-mass : M.23. of a quadric with sides through given 3
products : J.27 : N.69. points : LM.22.
value expressed by r functions : In-quadrics --of a developable : Q.10 :
Ac.3. quartic, An.59.
exhibiting circular arcs, logarithms 6 of a quadric, 2 touching 4 : An.69.
and elliptic functions of the 1st *In-quadrilateral : of a circle : 733 :
kind : J.73 : Ac.4. A.5 : cnE.21 area, N.44 : P.14.
use of in mathematics : C.73 . * of a conic : 4709.
*Infinitesimal calculus : 1407 : M.11,18 . of a cubic : N.84. I
Infinitesimal geometry : An.59 : C.82. In-sphere of a tetrahedron : A.61 .
of a surface, formula : G.13. In-spherical quadrilateral : N.49 .
Infinity, points at on alg. surfaces : C. In-square of a circle : J.32 .
59. of a quadrilateral : A.6.
* Inflexional tangents : 5789 : A.35. In-triangles of a circle : P.71 .
of a cubic curve : E.30 : J.38,58. with sides through given points :
Inflexion curves : Z.10. J.45 N.44.
*Inflexion points : 5175 : CM.4 : J.41 . of a conic : J.7 : Maccullagh's th, N.65.
of cubic curves : J.28 : axis , E.31 . with given centroid : G.23.
Herse's equation : N.81 . similar : A.9.
Inscribed figures : of a triangle : thsQ.21.
In-circle - of a quadrilateral, locus of two ( Steiner's " Gegenpunkte ") :
centre: A.52. J.62.
* of a triangle : 709, 953, 4747—50 : tg.e In- and circum-circles of a poly
4889 : CM.1 . gon : N.45.
in-centre : 709 , t.c4629 , tg.e4882 . distance of centres : A.32.
In-conic of a circle : thJ.91 . of a quadrilateral : Fuss's prMél.3 .
four of a conic : prJ.39 . of a triangle : 935 : A.38 .
of a developable quartic : An.59. distance of centres : 936, 4972 : eq,
of a polygon : M.25. 4644.
of a quadric : J.41 . In- and circum-conics : of a pentagon :
of a quadrilateral : tg.e4907 : N.63 : N.782.
four, N.56. of a polygon : J.64,70 : regular, Z.14.
of a triangle : 4739-46 , tg.e4887 : of a quadrilateral : 60 theorems , N.
A.2 : N.50 ; max, A.8 : Q.2 : lat. 453 : N.76.
rect ., E.34. of a self-conjugate triangle : Me.81 .
In-cubic of a pencil of six lines : Q.9. of a triangle: 4724, 4739 : An.52 :
In-hexagon :- -of a circle : A.22. G.222.
of a conic : 4781 : N.57,82. In- and circum-heptagons of a conic :
In-parabola of a triangle : CD.7. A.3.
In-pentahedron of a cubic : Ac.5 : M.5 . In- and circum-pentagon : of a circle :
* In-polygons :--of a circle : 746 : CM.1 : A.22,43.
J.35 : N.50. In and circum- polygons (see also
regular of 15,30,60,120, &c. , sides : " Regular polygons ") :- of a
A.62. circle : L.16 : N.80 : P.11 : Q.11.
do. 9 and 11 sides : LM.10. sum of squares of perps., &c.: ths
do. 17 sides : TI.13 . 1099.
do. four of 30 sides : N.78. difference of perimeters, ths : N.433.
do. 5, 6 and 10 sides , relation : A.40, of two circles, respectively : C.53 :
43,45,48. G.21 : L.78.
INDEX. 891

In- and circum-polygons-(continued) : Integrals or Integration- (continued) :

of a conic : A.4 : ellipse An.52 : An. from orthogonal surfaces' theory :
57 : J.64 : N.57,84. L.38.
of two conics : C.90. by Pfaff's method : A.47.
of a curve: C.78. by series : Me.71 .
of a homonymous polygon : A.50. by substitution : A.18.
In- and circum-quadrics of a tetra by Tchebychef's method : L.74 : M.5 .
hedron : eqsN.65 . comparison of transcendents : Me.79 :
In- and circum-quadrilaterals :-of a Pr.8.
circle : A.48. complex, representing products and
of a conic : 4709 and pentagon ths, powers of a definite integral : J.
N.48. 48.
In- and circum - spheres :- -of a tetra connected with trinomial integrals :
hedron : N.73. L.55.
of a regular polygon : A.32. convergency of : M.13.
* definite :- -applied to Euler's, & c .:
of a regular polyhedron : 910.
In- and circum- triangles : -of a circle J.16.
(Castillon's pr) : Q.3. with finite differences : J.12.
equilateral, of another triangle : Me. from indefinite : J.41,51,52.
74. whose derivatives involve explicit
and square of an ellipse : A.30. functions of the same variable :
of two conics : 4970 : N.80. C.12.
envelope of base : 4997. determination of functions under the
respectively of two conics having a
common pole and axis : CD.4. sign : JP.15.
*Instantaneous centre : 5243. difference between a sum and an
*Interest : 296-301 : and insurance, A. integral : 2230 : G.9.
26. division into others of smaller inter
Integrability of functions : An.50,73 : vals : A.4.
C.28 : J.59,79 : JP.17 : L.492. * eight rules for definite integration :
criterion for max. and min . values of 2245.
a primitive : An.52 . equations for obtaining functions as
*Integral calculus : 1900-2997 : A.ext integrals J.79.
18,26 Euler's, A.20 : C.14,42 : expressible only by logarithms : An.
Newton, CD.8 : G.19 : L.47 : Me. 76.
72,74,75 : Mém.18,36. extended independently of the con
paradoxes : C.44. ception of differentials : A.61 .
theorems , &c.: 2700-42 : A.45 : C. formulæ of: A.1 : J.18,19 : M.4 : Me.
13: L.geo.ap50,56 : Me.77 : Mém. 76 : Mo.85 : N.85 : failure of f,
prs15,30. CM.2 .
Integral functions : C.88,89,98 : G.4,22 : and gamma-function : LM.12 : Z.9,12.
h.c.f of G.2 . higher, of composite functions : A.20 .
with binomial divisors : J.70. with imaginary limits : C.23 : J.37.
and continued fractions : An.77. use of imaginaries in : M.14.
reciprocal relation of: A.67. inverse method : CM.4 : CP.4,5 : L.78.
* Integrals or Integration : 1908 : A.1,2, involving elliptic functions : Pr.29 :
4,5,6,10,23 : Ac.1,32,44 : C.90 : Q.19.
CD9 : CP3 : J.2,4,8,17,25,36,39 , limits of: 2233-44 : L.74.
61,92 : JP.9,10,11 : L.39 : M.6,16 , multiplication of : Pr.23.
73,75 : Mém.31 : P.14,36,37 : Pr. number of linear independent of 1st
7,39 : Q.11,13 : Z.7,11,15,18,22,23. kind : An.82.
approximation to : 2127, 2262, 2991 : of alg. differentials by means of
A.9,14 : C.97 : CM.2 : G.3 : J.1 , logarithms : Mo.57 : An.75 : C.
16,18,37,48 : L.80 . 902 : J.12,24,78,79 : Mo.84 : N.81
Gauss's : 2997 : C.84 : M.25. (see " Integrals ").
by the principle of Abel's derivative : of algebraic surfaces : C.993 : J.26 :
J.23. octic, An.52 : cubature, C.80.
by differentiating under the sign of of circular functions : 1938-97 : 2453
integration : 2258. -2522 : No.1799 : LM.4 : M.6 :
by elliptic functions : G.11 : L.46 . Mém.9.
892 INDEX.

Integrals or Integration-(continued) : Integrals or Integration- (continued) :

sine and cosine : G.6 : M.11 . * transformation of : 2245-52 : A.10 :
* of exponential and logarithmic func CM.4 : J.f15,22,36 : L.36 : Mél.3 :
tions : 2391-2431 : E.17,18. Q.1.
** of circular, logarithmic variation of arbitrary constant : 2247 :
and expo
nential functions : 2571 - 2643 J.33 .
(see " Integrals " ) . whose values are algebraic : J.10 :
of a complex function : A.66 : th of JP.14 : L.38.
Cauchy, Ac.84.
* of a closed curve : 5204 : C.23 : E.28 : ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS . Indefinite :
2.17. unclassified : An.75 : C.90 : J.12,24,
of differentials containing the square 78,79 : Mo.84 : N.81.
root of a cubic or biquadratic : * simple functions of a² + a2 : 1926-37 :
Me.57. 1
of discontinuous functions : 2252 : x", A.4 : √ (a² — x²) , A.38 :
ວ2 + aº”
C.23 LM.6. am
of dynamics : L.52,55,58. N.82 : An.68.
of explicit functions , determination of √ ( 1 -x ) '
algebraic part of result : An.61 . fractions involving a binomial surd :
of functions which become infinite 2008-19 .
between the limits : 2240 : J.20 : 1
: Mém.13.
JP.11 : Q.6. (1 +x) / (2x - 1 )
of infinite relations : M.14. æm
of irrational alg. curves by loga :*
(x" -a) √(x" —b) Q.18.
rithms : An.61 .
** of irrational functions : 2110-20 : √(1 +24)
: 2015 : L.80 : Z.8.
AJ.2 : An.56 : C.322,89 : L.53,64 : 1 - x4
Mém.30. (1 + 2)2
: Mém.10.
limits of 1903, -6 , 2233 , 2775. (1x ) ( 1 + bx +x+)?
* for
quadrature of curves : 5205—11 : x
C.68,70 circle, J.21,23 : JP.27. : A.3 .
triple integrals : J.59. (x + 8) √ (x3—1) '
of rational functions : 2021-32 , 2071 ** xm
and deductions : 2021-8.
-2103 : L.27 : N.73. " ±1
* of rational fractions : 1915 : CD.3 : ** x"(a + bx") : 2035-60 : A.36 : Mém.11 .
Mém.332 : N.72. 1
of total differentials : C.992. : 2061-5 : J.36.
of transcendental functions : JP.26 . x²+a2
of two-membered complete differen 1 1
: A.40 ; : 2007.
tials J.54. (x-a)P (x — b)я' x" (x - 1)"
periods of: C.36,38,752 : G.753 : JP.274 . functions of (a + bx +cx²) : 2071-80 :
principal values of infinite definite : 2103-9.
2240 : A.68 . xm
properties by elliptic coordinates : : A.55.
(a + be +ca²)" '
functions of (a + bx²+cæ¹) : 2081—5 .
quotient of two d.i of the form ** functions of (a +bx" +cx²" ) : 2086
Jdx dy... dz : J.67.
rational algebraic functions of irra
reduction to elliptic functions : An. tional ones :
60 : LM.12 : Me.77,78 . *
residues of : JP.27. integrated by rationalizing : 2110
Riemann's of first kind : An.79 .
reducible to elliptic integrals, viz. :
singular values of : A.11 .
* successive : 2148 : L.62 : 2nd order, rational functions of X4, X, and
M.20 and Z.11. ✓X6:
* summation of : 2250 : J.47 : JP.12,21 . where X is a quartic in æ : 2121
tables of definite, by B. de Haan, note -41 .
on : C.47. F(x, √X ) : 2121 : LM.8.: L.57.
and Taylor's theorem : Me.84. F (x) :, 2133-6 : J.36 : LM.14.
theorems L.48 : P.55 : Q.10,12. √X₁
INDEX. 893

ALGEBRAIC— ( continued) : Integrals ·ALGEBRAIC— (continued) :

Integrals :
x+ a : L.64 : Mél.3. *
" F { ( ax− 1 ) * } (Cauchy) : 2712 :
√X₁ A.9.
1 : C.59 : CD.1 : E.36 : J.10.
√x :: A.12 : E.41 .
1 +2x cos +x² °
f(x) : C.51.
F (x) X dedu ctions from this involving in
te grals of the forms
1 : 2141 : J.17 : Man.79 .
√X3 1-æn de and sin
n : A.35.
F ( X ): L.57. SH •æ sin ar
: Me.82 .
(1 — œ³) ³ Other limits :
1 &c., reduced to F (x) da b F (x) dæ : 2368-9 .
(æ³ — 1 ) .√/ (æ³ —b³)' -1 √(1 -x ) ' S ( -c)"
Jacobi's functions : Q.18. D
f(x) ////// xm-1dx : A.35.
: J.32. (a -bx) x
√ ( 1-28) ‫م‬0 ‫ہ‬
sundry : CM.2 : L.47 . sin a
dx =f(a) : geoN.85.
Limits 0 to 1 : -2x cos a + x2

Euler's see " Euler's integrals.”

* x² - ¹ ( 1 - x)m-1 : 2280 : A.40 : C.16 : CIRCULAR FUNCTIONS . Indefinite :
J.11,17.3. sin æ, sin- ¹æ, &c .: 1938-49 : sin" x, &c.,
x²-1+xm - 1 : 2341 : C.55 . 1954-7 : cos" , N.74.
1 1
(1+2) +m : 1951 : J.9; (a
similar forms : 2342-4, 2352 , 2356 a+b cos x +bcos x)"
-67. 1958 : Me.80.
x a -1 nana -1 products and quotients of sine and
** : 2367 : A.10 .
1 -x 1 - xn cosine and their powers : 1959
am (1- x)" : L.59. 80, 2066-70 : A.49 .
(1 + ax) * binom . funcs . of sin and cos : 1982-92 .
x² (1 -x) * ditto of tangent : 1983, 1991 .
{1 + √ (1 + ax)} ² + 29 +2 : L.57.
F (sin x, cos x) : 1994-7 : A.12 :
xm + (1 − x) m - } a cos x +b sin x +c
(a +bx+cæ²) m+1 : L.56—7. J.19,32.
1 * (a + 2b cos x +c cos 2a) -1 : 1993 ;
: J.42 .
(a − bx)" (1 - x)¹- " æ” xm 2029.
x²2n -2x" cos no +1 '
Limits 0 to ∞ :
F (cos x) : 1996.
æm -, &c.: 2309-12 , 2345-55 : A.38 : (a +b₁ cos x)(a + b₂ cos x) ... &c .
1 ±x a function of sine or cosine in a ra
J.24 : L.41 : Q.12 : Z.19. pidly converging series, and suc
1 : 2364 . cessive integration of it : J.4,15 .
(x²+a²)" sin" : A.11 .
Xnx-r: Me.83 . (1 —k sin þ ) √ (1 —k² cos²p)
xa-1 2n > a > 0 : N.48. (sin amx) : J.81 .
1 + æ" +æ² '
{1-k2 sin (a +x) sinº (a- x) } :
xa -1 &c.: A.16 . J.39.
1 + x² + ... + æ² (N −1) '
sin" x : A.17 : with m =
= 1 , G.7.
-1(1 + x2) and 12 similar : A.35.
An+2 . xm

Integrals : -CIRCULAR. Indef.—(cont.):

sin kæ Integrals : ∙ CIRCULAR. 0 to ∞ —(cont.):
+ m sin ba 2579-8
æ or sin æ f(x) (Fourier) : 2726-42 : x±
COS : 1.
A.382. cos bæ COS &
9,also da : A.10.
Limits 0 to: x+ a ∞D æ
2 sin" x
sin": 2453-5, 2458 , 2472 : E.29 :
ap : 2510 : A.30 : E.26 : Z.5 : n = 2
n = 1, E.28.
tan22m-1 : 2457. and 3, 2511-2.
sin" a cosa : 2459-65 . cos qx -cos p ; 2513-5.
x or x2
* COSP sin n : 2481 , 248492 : L.43 .
COS sin ax sin bæ
and similar : 2514-22.
cos" -1 sin ux π x
sin a = and similar : A.59. cos 2ax sin" x
2 : 2722-5.
a cos"-2 sin næ : 2494. Xm
** 1 (sin ax, cos bæ), reduction of : J.15.
and similar : 2496
a2 cos2a + b² sin² • (sin ax, cos bæ) ,
æ : J.23,25.
-2501 , 2344.
sin ræ
-n- ] æ sin" -1 æ sin
COS px ; and æ : 2572 : L.49 : Z.7,8.
sin -2 sin pe : 2585-8. * COS re
2573 : A.10,11,59 : J.33 : Me.
a cot ax : A.34 : No.19 ; a²+x2;:
72,76 : Z.7,8.
æ tan (1 — bæ) : 5340.
æ sin ræ
Limits 0 to : : 2575 : A.10 : J.33.
a²+ x²
* sin" cosa : 2459 .
COS ræ : L.40 : Q.18 .
* sin na sin (a²+x²)"
COS px : 2467-9 . sin
** sin " sin (n) rx
COS x COS nx : 2474-82, 2493. a2 +x2 : A.11 : with $ (x) = x”,
sin " dnrf(cos x) : 2495. L.46 : (x) = tan -¹ce, A.11.
cos n (x -a sin x) : L.41 : 0 to 2π, C.39. sin
COS (ax)2
cos (a +na) cos (b +px) cos (c +qx) : C. and similar : Z.13.
54. a2 +x2
æ sin æ sin ax
: Pr.25 : with a = 1 , 2506 and related integrals :
1 +a2 cos2 x (1 +x2) sin be
and Q.11 . Ac.7.
a sina or sina sin ræ or cos rx 1 - cos" a
: 2623--9. x2 : Z.7,8.
1-2a cosx + a²
sin " or cos pr 1 or a sin ca
Q.11 : LM.11 : n = 1, : 2630-2 .
(1—2a cos x + a²)" * (1 +x2) ( 1—2a cos cx +a²)
L.74. * tan -¹ax 1
: 2503 ; tan -1 x tan -1 x
F (sin x cos x ) : JP.27. x ( 1 + x²) x2 a b'
about 250 integrals with limits chiefly 2504.
from 0 to π, some from 0 to ∞ : tan‍¹ax- tan -¹ bæ
Pr.252,26,27,29,30,31,322,33. æ : 2505.

Limits 0 to ∞ : Other limits :

COS X da
cos x2, cos (ax)2 : 2507-9 : Q. So a+beosetc sin æ lim . 0 to
√x A.55.
12 : 2602.
tan -1 x
sin Star dæ, deduced from ( 2416) :
(sin)%:: Q.13 ; COS x" : Me.72. 1+x
INDEX. 895

Integrals : CIRCULAR- —(continued) : Integrals : LOGARITHMIC. Indef.

* tan -1 ax dæ (continued) :
: 2502 . xm log
S x√(1 - x²)
type of several : Mém.18.
(1- ") '
° F(a) da, where F (x) is a rational
00 x" Limits 0 to 1 :
integral circular function : CM.3. 1 1
sine-integral, &c. : see 66 Functions." * log
: 2284 ; at ( log 2291 .
) , 25
EXPONENTIAL FUNCTIONS. Indefinite : involving loga or log (1 + x) : 2391
* e*, a* : 1924 ; xm + x, 2004. 2403, 2416-22.
* log ( 1+ ) , 2416 : C.59 : J.6 : L.43,44.
e* { (x) + ' (x)} : 1998. 1 +x2
e exp ( 2) : E.34.
log & 2-1logæ
X being a rational integ. funct . of a : : 2636 : Q.12 ; "
eX : J.13 ; ex, Mém.83 ; e exp √( 1-2) 1 +xm
(-x ) , Q.1 . and many cases , J.34.
e exp (-x2) or the same X x2 or *
1log 1+ : 2403 : L.73 .
√(a +bx2)
+ (c + dx²) : L.52. x" (x - 1)" Z.3 xm-1 A.3
: ; 9 7.
Limits 0 to ∞ : log æ log x
* e-kzx" : 2284-91 : about 540 expressions chiefly formed
see " Gamma from log ( 1 ) or log (1 ± xn)
function." orlog (1 +x +x2) or log ( 1 + x² +x¹ ),
* e exp (-kx2) : 2425 : evaluation by a joined to a single factor of the
continued fraction, J.12. 1 ± æm
* other forms : 2426-31 , 2595, '8, 2601 . form amor (1 ± æ”) or
1 + xm
* e exp : 2604-5 : L.56. with integral values of m and n :
( x²-02) A.39,40 .
Z.6 ; ditto xx", L.46 . about 280 expressions, nearly all
1 +x2 comprised in the form
e -nx
and the same xx : A.10 . a (1 -x")" (loga)',
e -ax ei (x² +bx) : Mél.2. with integral values of m , n, p, q,
and t: A.40.
e exp (ax") . Ei ( ± ax") : Q.18. about 130 expressions of the forms ,
Other limits : a (1 -x )" (log x)2 or 3,
expon-integral : see " Functions." 2m (1 - x ) loga, and

am ( n -1)
e exp (-2) = Erfc & (Glaisher)] : loga , with integral
See x -1
Me. 76.
values of m , n, p, q, and r : A.40 .
e-k F (x) dx : C.774. Limits 0 to ∞ : 2423-4.
a2 Other limits :
02" eе exp(-21 : C.12.
) log (1 - x) : 2408-12 : L.73 : Z1.
F(resi) e - noi : A.15.
Oa 1+x limits 0 to
1 log 2-1 : 2415.
x 1-x'
LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Indefinite : log -integral : see " Functions ."
loga : 1950 ; am (log ) ", 2003-6. CIRCULAR-EXPONENTIAL FUNCTIONS. In
am log (1 +x) , &c.: A.39. definite :
F (x) log : G.12. ear
(log x)" and a similarform : 2030-2. COS )"ba : 1999 ; e sin" x cos" æ,
∞ ±1 2000.
896 INDEX.


(continued): (continued):
(eiz sin x) -1 : L.74. log COS e and log (1- k sin x), each
with the above denominator : J.92.
Limits, 0 to 0 :
e-ar sin ræ Limits 0 to π :
: 2571 , 2591.
x * log (1-2a cosx +a²) : 2620—2 : L.38 :
** e-ax sin be : 2583 : 0 to 1, Mém.30. Q.11.
cos re log (1-2a cos x +a2) : 2625 : A.
** e-arm sin bx: 2577, 2589 : J.33 : Z.7. 13.
COS a log sin æ : 2637 ; a log sin² æ, 2638.
e-ax a: 2608-11 : A.7 : Limits 0 to :
(sin ) cos ax
log 2cx : A.11.
with limits - to , 2612 . b2 +x2
log (1-2 a cos cx+a²) : 2631 .
* ear +e-ax sin ma, & c.: 2593-2600. 1 +x2
e** +e-**
Other limits :
* e- kx cos ma sin" x : 2717-20 .
a +b cos de: A.53 .
* e exp (-a-x2) COS 2be, and similar : (0 a6-b00320
2614-8 : Z.1,10 . F (cos nx) log sind : Z.10.
a2 x & c. :
e exp
{ - (x² + x2
a² ) cos 0 }
cos ( -1)x log tan æ dæ : A.16 .
2606 : Q.12 . 0
COS x-e-ax
: 2619. x log (1-2 a cos x +x²) dx, and
æ 0
similar : J.403.
x" (log x)™ 00 -ar
: 2033. ear.
2-2x" cos no +1 - log (x² + u²) dx, &c . : J.38.
Limits 0 to 1 : e- log ( 1-2a cos x +a²) de : J.40.
sin 0
COS (m log x) / log æ, and similar : 2641 MISCELLANEOUS THEOREMS :
-3. * formulæ of Frullani, Poisson, Abel,
log ( 1—2x cos +x²) , &c . , &c .: A.34. Kummer, Cauchy, &c.: 2700—13.
x [" ƒ
′ ( x) =ƒ(b) —ƒ(a) : 1901—3 : A.16 .
log 1—2x cos +x², & 13 similar : L.732. -
x ( 1 - x2) [º º (ax)XN
—• (bæ) dx : Me.81 : n = 0, 2700.
log sina log cosa, &c. ( limits 0 to * f (x) {√ (x)} ±" de : 2001-2.
E.22. de (0 of Taylor's th) : LM.13 .
Limits 0 to 7:
F (x) de, approx. to : C.97.
* log sina : 2635 : CM.2 : E.23 : Q.12 :
O to no and similar integrals , A. [ƒ(x−R) dx = [ƒ(y) dy : CD.4 .
16 .
√ 汁 1 )f (x) dx , and similar :
* log (1 +ccosa) : 2633 : 0 to π, 2634.
COS & Me.75,76,77.
tan a log cosecx : E.27. [f(x) (x) dx : L.49.
log (1 +n² sin² x) :, L.46 .
✓ (1 - k² sin² x) Lwyde Sude [' vde : AJ.7.
INDEX. 897

Integrals : MISCELLANEOUS TH. Interpolation-(continued) :

(continued): by method of least squares : C.373 :
f. (u), du : Z.25. * by a parabolic curve : 2992 : C.37.
Stirling's series : Me.68.
S', (u + k)k+2 du = ( −1)¢ [
', (u)2+2du : and summation : I.11,12,14.
A.38. tables : I.113.
of values from observation : Mél.2 :
[ Pm (x) Pn (x) dx (Pm ∞ = Legendre's tr, Mém.59.
Intersection :- of circles and spheres :
coeff. ) : Pr.23. L.38.
+ * of 2 conics : 4916 : CD.5,6 : N.66.
uU4 (u) = log ( u) C : J.19.
of 2 curves : 4116, 4133 : CM.3 : J.15 :
(x +p) (x +q) do L.54 by rt. lines , Me.80.
= pos integer : of 2 planes : 5528.
am + 1 (x +p + q)" +1 ?
C.78. of 2 quadrics : C.62 : N.684 .
of right line and conic : see " Right
(sin 2a) cos a da of successive loci, ths : N.42.
2 of surfaces : J.15 : L.54 : by rt. lines,
= (cos2x) cos x dæ : A.21 : Me.80.
[0 *Invariable line, plane, conic,and quadric :
L.532. 5856-66.
f (x ) sin wred (log ) : Mo.85 . * Invariants : 1628 : An.54 : C.853 : E.42 :
I' COS sin2 G.1,2,15 : J.62,68,69 : L.55,61,76 :
r2+x2 sin cos2 x, transf. of: M.3,5,17,19 : Me.81 : N.58,592,69,
70 : P.82 : Pr.7 : Q.12 : Z.22.
J.36. of binary cubics : An.65 .
integrals deduced from of binary forms of 8th deg. , C.84 :
G.2 M.5 : simultaneous, M.1 .
z" + Pz' + Qz = 0, and y" +
of higher transformations : J.71 .
(P + 2R) y' + { Q + R (P + R) + R'} superior limit to number of irre
y = 0 : J.18. ducible : C.86 .
f (x, y) da : J.61 : Mo.61 : Q.7. of a binary quadric : M.3 .
of a binary quantic : 1648 : E.40 :
if f(x +iy) = P + iQ, th : 2710. Me.79 of two, 1650.
[ Upwards of 8,000 definite integrals have of a binary quartic : M.3 : Q.10 .
been collected and arranged in a 4to of a binary quintic, table of irreduci
volume by D. Bierens de Haan ; ble : AJ.1 .
Leyden, 1867 (B.M.C.: 8532. ff.) ] of a bi-ternary quadric : J.57.
*Integrating factors of d.e : pp.468–471 , of a conic : 4417 : 4936-5030.
3394. * of two conics : 4936 : N.75.
*Integrator mechanical : 5450. ** of three conics : Q.10 .
Intercalation : CM.3. of particular conics : 4945.
*Intercepts, to find : 4115. of a correspondence : G.20.
*Interest : 296 : N.48,61,64. differential : M.24 : of given order
Interpolating functions : C.11 . and degree belonging to a binary
*Interpolation : 3762 : A.32,61,62,70 : 10-ic, C.89.
AJ.2 : C.19,48,68,92 : J.5 : L.37, of d.e linear : C.88 : of 4th order, Ac.
46 : Me.78 : N.59,76 : Q.7,8 . 3.
of algebraic functions, Abel's th : J.28. and covariants of f(x2, y2) relative to
Cauchy's method : A.2 : C.373 : L.53. linear transformation : G.17.
by circular functions : N.85. of linear transformations : M.20.
by cubic and quintic equations : C.25 . mutual relation of derived invariants :
formulæ : J.2 : C.99, Mo.65 . J.85.
Lagrange's : 3768 : J.1,84 : N.57,61 . of an orthogonal transformation : J.
Newton's : N.57,61,71 . 65 : LM.13 .
for odd and even functions : C.99. of a pair of homog. functions : Q.1 .
* and mechanical quadrature : 3772 : partial : LM.2 .
A.20. of points, lines, and surfaces : Q.4.
5 Y
898 INDEX.

Invariants- (continued) : Irrational functions : M.4 : of the 2nd

of a quadric : J.86 : oftwo, M.24 : Q.6 . degree, C.98 .
of a quintic of 12th order, Q.1 : of Irreducible functions with respect to
18th order, C.92 : J.59 . a prime modulus : C.70,90,93 : L.
related to linear equations : C.94. 732.
of sixth order : G.19. Isobaric : calculus, N.85 : homog.
skew, of binary quintics, sextics, and functions, G.22 : algorithm , N.84.
nonics , relations : AJ.1. Isogonal relations : A.60 : Z.18 , 20.
of ternary forms : G.19 . do. represented by a fractional func
transformation theorem : M.8 : Me.85. tion of the 2nd degree : M.18 .
Inverse calculus of differences : N.51 . representation of X and
* Inverse equation of a curve or inverse
method of tangents : 5160 : No. *Vax"+b : Z.26.
1780 : J.26 : Mém.9,26 .
*Inversion : 1000, 5212 : An.59 : C.94,pr transformation of plane figures : N.69.
90 : LM.5 : Me.66 : thsN.61 : Pr. Isomerism , pr : AJ.İ.
34: problems by Jacobi, J.89 : Isoperimeters, method of : N.47,74,82.
geo.ths, Q.7. problems : J.18 : M.13 : Mél. 5.
formula: An.53 : Lagrange's , J.42,54. triangle with one side constant, and
of arithmetical identities : G.23. a vertex at a fixed point : C.84.
of a curve : 5212 : G.4 : J.14 : Pr.14. Isoptic loci : Pr.37.
angle between radius and tangent : Isosceles figures : C.87 : JP.30.
5212 , 5219 : E.30 . Isotherms , families of: Z.26.
of 2 non-intersecting circles into con Isotropic functions : C.262,272.
centric circles : E.39. Iterative functions : L.84.
** of a plane curve : 5212 : G.4 : Pr.14. *Jacobian : ths 1600-9 : AJ.3 : thZ.10.
of a quadric : J.52,76 : Q.11. of 3 conics : 5023 : LM.4.
of a system of functions : An.71 . formulæ d.c.1471 : J.84 : Mo.84.
and stereographic projection : E.35. function : one argument, G.2.
*Involute : 5149 , -53, -66. of several variables : Mo.822.
* of a circle : 5306 : C.26 : successive , modular eq. of 8th degree : M.15.
E.34. and polar opposites : Me.64.
and evolute in space : CD.6. sextic equation : Q.18.
integrals of oblique : C.85. system, multiplicator : M.12 .
* of a tortuous curve : 5753.
Jacobi- Bernoulli function : J.42.
* Involution : 1066 : A.55,63 : gzAn.59 :
At.63 : CD.2 : thCP.11 : thE.33 : Kinematics : A.61 : AJ.3 : G.23 : L.
G.10,20 : J.63 : N.53,64,65. 53,80 : LM.th17 : N.82, ths 83
and application to conics : A.4,5 . and 84.
of a circle : Me.66. of plane curves : A.55 : N.82 : caus
of a cubic space and the resulting tics, Z.23.
complex : Z.24. paradox of Sylvester : Me.78 ..
of higher degrees : C.99, JM.72 : of of plane figures : Mél.26 : N.78,80 :
3rd and 4th , An.84 : Z.19. of a triangle, N.53 .
of numbers, machine for : P.15 . of a point : N.49,82 : barycentric
of n-tic curves : C.87. method, Mél. 5.
relation between a curve and an n-tic, of sliding and rolling solids : TA.2.
the latter having a multiple point Kinematic geometry : of space : J.
of the n- 1th order : C.96. 90.
pencils with problems in conics and of similar plane figures : Z.19,20,23.
cubics : N.85. Knight's move at chess : C.31,52,74 :
of points on a conic : N.82 . CD.7 : CM.3 : E.41 : N.54 : Q.14.
of 6 lines in space : C.52. Knots : TE.28 : with 8 crossings , E.33.
of right lines considered as axes of *Kummer's equation, i.c.: 2706.
rotation : C.52. rational integrals of: M.24.
systems of points in : 4826, 4828. an analogous eq.: C.99.
ditto , marked on a surface : C.99. Kummer's 16-nodal quartic surface :
Irrational fractions : decomposition of, C.92 : J.84.
J.19 : irreducibility of, Mém.41 : figures of : M.18.
rationalization of, A.18. lines of curv. of: J.98.
INDEX. 899

Lamé's equation : An.79 : C.86,90,91 , | * Limaçon : 5327 : C.98 : N.81 .

ths92. Limited derivation and ap. thereof :
Lamé's functions : C.87 : J.56,60,62 : Z.12.
M.18. Limiting coefficients : C.37.
*Lagrange's theorem (d.c) : 1552 : Limits theory of, Me.68.
C.60,77 CD.6 : CM.3 : Mél.2 : of functions of two variables : M.11 .
gzC.96 and Me.85 : gzQ.2. x
*Lambert's th. of elliptic sector : 6114 : of when ∞ L.40 :
( 1+ 12/)
of a parabolic sector, A.16,33,48 : N.85 : Q.5.
Me.78 : Q.15.
*Landen's th. of hyperbolic arc : 6117 : Life annuities : A.42 : cn of tables , P.
E.21 . 59.
Laplace's Linear associative algebra : AJ.4 .
66 coefficients or functions : see construction : Man.51 .
Spherical harmonics."
Laplace's equation : and its analogues, coordinates in space : M.1.
CD.7 : and quaternions, Q.1. dependency of a function of one vari
able : J.55.
Laplace's th. (d.c) : 1556.
Last multiplier, Jacobi's th . of : L.45. dependent point systems : J.88.
Lateral curves : A.58 . forms : L.84 with integral coeffi
*Latus rectum : 1160. cients , J.86,88.
function of n variables : G.14.
*Law of reciprocity : N.72 : d.e,3446.
ext. to numbers not prime : C.90. U² = V² where U, V are products of n
*Least divisors , table of, from 1 to 99000 : linear functions of two variables :
page 7. CD.5.
Least remainder (absolute ) of real geometry , th: M.22.
quantities : Mo.85. identities between square binary
Least squares , method of : A.11,18,19 : forms : M.21 .
AJ.1 : C.34,37,40 : CP.8,11 : systems, calculus of : JP.25.
G.18 : J.26 : L.52,53,67,75 : Linear equations : A.512,70 : Ac.4 : C.
Me.80,81 : Mél.1,4 : gzZ.18. 81 ,th942 : G.14 : J.30 : JP.29 : L.f
Legal algebra (heredity) : N.63. 39,66 Mo.842 : N.51,75,802 : Z.
*Legendre's coefficient or function , X : 152,22.
2936 : C.47,91 : L.76, gz79 : analogous to Lamé's : C.98.
Me.80 : Pr.27 . with real coefficients : M.6.
and complete elliptic integral of 1st similar: N.452.
kind : Me.85. solution by roots of unity : C.25.
* systems of : 582 : A.10,22,52,57 : G.
rth integral of and log integral of:
Me.83. 15 : C.81,96 : L.58 : N.469.
product of any two expressed by a in one unknown : C.90 : G.9.
series of the same functions : of nth order : J.15 .
Pr.27. standard solution : 582 : Q.19 : gen.
th, A.122.
Legendre's symbol ( ~ ) : Mél.4,5 . symbolic solution in connexion with
Leibnitz's th . in d.c : 1460 : N.69 : a the theory of permutations : C.21 .
whose number exceeds the number of
formula, Mo.68. variables : N.46 .
* Lemniscate : 5317 : A.55 , cn3 : At.51 : Linesalg. representation of : C.76.
thsE.4 : L.46,47 : Me.68 : N.45. " de faîts et de thalweg " in topo
chord of contact, en : Z.12. graphy : L.77.
division of perimeter : C.17 : L.43 :
generated by a moving plane figure :
into 17 parts, J.75 : irreducibility C.86.
&c. of the partition equation , of greatest slope : A.29 : and with
vertical osculating planes, C.73.
tangents of: J.14 : cnZ.12. loxodromic : J.11 .
Lemniscatic geometry : Z.212 : coordi six coordinates of : CP.11.
nates, Z.12 ; of nth order, J.83 . * Lines of curvature : 5773 : A.34,37 :
Lemniscatic function : biquadratic An.53 : C.74 : CD.5 : L.46 : M.2,
theorem, multiplication and 32,76 : N.79 : Q.5.
transformation of formulæ, J.30 . of alg. surfaces : Z.24.
** and conics, analogy
Lexell's problem : LM.2. : 5854 : Me.62 .
900 INDEX .

Lines of curvature- ( continued) : Linkage and linkwork—(continued) :

dividing a surface into squares : C. the Proportionator : 5423.
74: LM.4 : Mo.83 . * the Quadruplane : 5422.
of an equilateral paraboloid : N.84. * the Reciprocator : 5419.
of an ellipsoid : A.38,48 : An.70 : ths * the Reversor : 5407.
CD.3 : CM.2,3,4 : JP.1 : N.81 . * the Translator : 5407.
comparison of arcs of, by Abel's th : * the Versor-invertor : 5422.
An.69. * the Versor-proportionator : 5424.
and of its pedal surfaces : Q.12 . Lissajons' curves : A.70 : M.8.
projection of : Z.2. *Lituus : 5305.
rectification of : An.73. Loci, classification of : C.83.85 : P.78 :
generation of surfaces by : J.98 : N. Pr.27.
77. Locus of a point :—the centre of a circle
and geodesics of developables : L.59. cutting 3 circles in equal angles :
* near an umbilic : 5822 : A.70 : Q.10 . N.53.
osculating plane of : 5835. the centre of collineation between a
plane, condition for : 5843 : An.68 : quadric surface and a system of
C.363,422,96 : G.22 : Me.64. spherical surfaces : A.65.
plane or spherical : An.57 : C.46 : JP. dividing a variable line in a constant
20 : L.53. ratio : gzAJ.3.
of a quadric : 5833-4 : C.222,49,51 : of intersection of common tangents
G.11 : J.26 : Me.1 : N.632 : Pr.32 : to a conic and circle : N.63,79.
TI.14. of intersection of curves : CM.2.
pd constant along it : 5836. ditto of two revolving curves : N.64.
projected from an umbilic into con on a moving right line : L.49.
focal Cartesians : E.19 . on a moving curve : Mém.18.
quadratic for y , giving the direc the product of2 tangents from which,
tions : 5810. to 2 equal circles is constant :
of two homofocal quadrics : L.45. An.64.
of quartic surfaces : C.59 : L.76. at which 2 given lengths subtend
of ruled surfaces : C 78. equal angles : A.68.
spherical : C.362,422. whose sum of distances from 3 lines
and shortest distance of 2 normals is constant : A.17,46 : from 2
one of which passes through an lines, N.64 from lines or planes,
umbilic : L.55. A.19 ,prs and ths31 .
of surface of the 4th class , correlatives whose distances from 2 curves have a
of cyclides which have the circle constant ratio : An.58 : or satisfy
at infinity for a double line : C.92. a given relation, A.33 symbolic f.
of the tetrahedral surfaces of Lamé, Locus of pole of one conic with
& c.: C.84. respect to another : N.42.
and triple orthogonal systems : M.3. of remarkable points in a plane tri
*Linkage and linkwork : 5400—31 : E. angle : A.43.
28,30 : Me.75 : N.75,78. of vertex of constant angle touching
* 3-bar : 5430 , E.34 ; 4 -bar, Me.76. a given curve : N.61.
conjugate 4- piece : LM.9. of vertex of quadric cone passing
* for constructing :- an ellipse : 5426. through 6 points : N.63.
a lemniscate : AJ.1 . *Logarithmic -curve, 5284 : quadra
* a limaçon : 5427 : Me.76. ture, N.45 .
2 and x : AJ.1 and 3. integral : A.9 , , 19 : J.17 : Z.6.
*** root of a cubic equation : 5429. numerical determination : A.11 .
* Hart's : 5417 : LM.6,8%. of a rational differential : J.3.
* Kempe's : 5401 Pr.23. parabola : CD.7.
* Peaucellier's : 5410 : E.21 : LM.6 : N. potentials : M.3,4,8,13,16 : Z.20.
82. rational fractions : A.6.
the Fan of Sylvester : E.33. systems : A.14.
* the Invertor : 5419. transcendents : P.14.
* the Multiplicator : 5407. waves : LM.22.
* the Pentograph : 5423. *Logarithms : 142 : P.1792 , 1787, 1806 ,
N the Plagiograph : 5424. 17 : TE.26 .
* the Planimeter : 5452 .
and anti-logarithms, cn : 1.12,,24.
INDEX. 901

Logarithms- (continued): Malfatti's problem, to inscribe 3 circles

* calculation of : 688 : A.24,27,42 : LM. in a triangle touching each
1,5 : Me.74 N.51 : Pr.31,32 : other : A.15,16,20,55 : J.10,452,76,
TE.6,14 : TI.6,8. 77,84,89 LM.7 : M.6 : P.52 : Pr.
Huyghen's method : C.662,682. 6 : Q.1 : TE.24 : Z.21.
and circular functions from definite Malfatti's resolvents of quintic eqs : A.
integrals : A.65 . 4.5.
common or Briggean : A.24. Malm's surfaces, th : J.84,88.
constants in integral : 60. Mannheim, two theorems : G.8.
of different orders of numbers : L.45. Martin's measure of distance : A.19 .
higher theory of : trA.15.
Matrices : E.42 : LM.4,16 : thMe.85 :
impossible : CM.1. P.58,66 : Pr.9,14.
natural, or Napierian, or hyperbolic :
A.25,26,57. a, b = ax+b
of commensurable numbers or of a; d
c, and function f(x) = ca + d :
algebraic irrationals : C.95. Me.804.
base of: see 66 e."
modulus of : 148 : A.3. Cayley's th : LM.16 : Me.85 .
of negative numbers : No.1784. equation, pa = xq : C.992.
new kind of : J.70. of 2nd order : linear eq., C.992 : quad
powers of: CM.2 . ratic, Q.20 .
of sum and difference of 2 numbers : of any order : linear eq., C.994.
A.45. notation of : J.50.
with many decimal places : N.67. persymmetrical , th : E.34.
of 2 , 3, 5, 7, 10 and e all to 260 decimal product of : G.5,11 .
places : Pr.27. roots of a unit matrix : C.94.
of 2, 3, 5, 10 and e to 205 places : Pr. whose terms are linear functions of e :
6,20. J.50.
of primes from 2 to 109 : table viii.,p.6. | * Maximum or minimum : 58, 1830 : A.4,
tables of log sines, &c. cn : Q.7. 13,22,35,49,53,602,70 : C.17,24 : J.
Logic, algebra or calculus of : A.6 : AJ. 48 : JP.25 Me.1, geo5,72,76,81 ,
3,72 : CD.3 : M.12 : Man.71,76,823 : 83 : N.43 : Z.13.
Q.11. problems on : 1835-40, 1847 : A.2,
of equivalent statements : LM.11 . geo19,38,39 geoL.42 : Mém.11 ,
Logic of numbers : AJ.4. a paradox, N.63.
Logocyclic curve : Pr.9 : Q.3. of an arc as a function of the abscissa :
Longimetry applied to planimetry : J.52. J.17.
Loto, game of : L.42. continuous : 1866.
Loxodrome : eqA.21 : N.61,: Z.5. of a definite integral : 2.21.
of a surface of revolution : N.74. discontinuity in : CD.3.
of cylinder and sphere : A.2. distances between points, lines , and
of ellipsoid and sphere : A.32. surfaces, geo : At.65.
of paraboloid of rotation : A.13. duplication of results : Me.80.
Loxodromic triangle upon an oblate ellipse which can pass through 2
spheroid : A.27. points and touch 2 right lines :
Lucas's th : G.14 : analogous f., G.13. A.14.
Ludolphian number : Mo.82 . elliptic function method : Mél.5.
Lunes : J.21 . of figures in plane and in space : CM.
* Maclaurin’s th . (d.c ) : 1507 : A.12 : 3: L.41 : J.242 : Z.11 .
CM.32: J.84 : N.70. * functions of one variable : 1830 : ditto.
symbolic form : CM.4. with an infinity of max. and min.
Maclaurin -sum -formula : J.12. values : J.63.
Magical equation of tangent : Q.6. functions of 2 variables : 1841 : Mém.
Magic : cubes , Q.7 : CD.1 . 31 : Q.5,6 : Lagrange's condition,
cyclovolute : TA.5,9. CM.2 .
parallelopiped : A.67. * functions of 3 variables : 1852 : CD.1 :
rectangles : A.65,66. prs 1860-5 .
squares : A.21,57,66 : CD.1 : CM.4 : * functions of n variables : 1862 : L.43 :
E.8 J.44 Me.73 : Pr.15,16 : Q. Mém.59 : Q.12 symmetrical,
6,10,11 TA.5,9. Mél.2.
902 INDEX.

Maximum or minimum-(continued) : *Measures of length &c.: page 4.

of in- and circum-polygon of a circle : exactitude of: Z.6 : do. with chain,
A.29,30 : do. of ellipse, and analo Z.1.
gous th. for ellipsoid, An.50. Mechanical calculators : C.28 : I.16 :
indeterminates : CM.4. P.85 .
in-polygon (with given sides) of an for " least squares ” : Mél.2.
ellipse: A.30. Mechanical construction of :-curves :
by interpolation , f : A.25. M.6 : N.56.
method of substitution : A.23. Cartesian oval : AJ.1 .
of multiple definite integrals : Mél.4. conics : An.52 : three, N.43.
planimetrical groups of : A.2 . ellipse : A.65 : Z.1 .
of single integrals between fixed lemniscate : A.3.
limits J.54,69 M.25. conformable figures : AJ.2.
of the sum of the distances of a point cubic parabola : N.58.
from given points , lines, or curves for duplication of roots : A.48.
planes : J.62 . (a2 -x )/y : E.18.
of the sum of the values of an integral surfaces of 2nd order and class : J.34.
function and of its derivatives : Mechanical :-division of angles : Q.4.
L.68. measurement of angles : A.61.
solids of max. vol. with given surface integrators : 5450 : C.92,94,95 : Pr.244.
and of min. surface with given for Xdx +Ydy : Me.78.
vol. C.63. involution : AJ.4 .
* of f F(x, y) ds, &c., to find 8 : 3070-2. quadrature : 3772 : A.58,59 : J.6,63
gzA.66 and C.99.
solution of equations : Me.73 : N.67.
* of SS F (x, y, z) dS, &c . , to find S : 3078 linear simultaneous : Pr.28.
-80 .
cubic and biquadratic, graphically :
Maximum : ellipse touching 4 lines : A.1 .
A.12 . Mensuration of casks : A.20.
ellipsoid in a tetrahedron : Z.14. Metamorphic method by reciprocal
of a factorial function : Me.73. radii N.54.
polyhedron in ellipsoid : A.32. Metamorphic transformation : N.46.
of a product : N.44. Metrical - system : E.30.
of a sphere, th : N.53. properties of figures, transf. of : N.
solid of revolution : 3074. 58,59,60 : J.4.
tetrahedron :-in ellipsoid, A.32 : properties of surfaces : AJ.4 .
whose faces have given areas, C. * Meunier's theorem : 5809 : gzC.74.
54,66 : N.623. Minding's theorem : Quaternion proof :
* volume with a given surface : 3082 . LM.10 .
sin Minimum : -theory of : L.56 : prM.20.
of : A.362 : of /x, &c., A.42.
x angle between two conj . tangents on
a positive curved surface : A.69.
of ax +by + &c., when x2 +y2 + & c. = 1 : area : J.67.
N.46. of circum-polygon : CD.3.
Mean centre of segments of a line cross of a hexagonal " alvéole," pr : N.
ing three others : A.40 . 43.
Mean distance of lines from a point : Z. circum-conic of a quadrilateral : A.
11. 13 : An.54.
circum-tetrahedron of an ellipsoid :
Mean error of observations : A.25 : C. Z.25.
377 : TI.22. circum-triangle of a conic : Z.28 : of
in trigonometrical and chain measure an ellipse, Z.25.
ments : A.46 : Z.6. curves on surfaces : J.5 : see " Geo
Mean proportionals between two lines : desics."
A.31,34. distance of 2 right lines : G.4 ; of a
Mean values : C.18,20,23,26,272 : L.67 : point, ths : A.8.
LM.8: M.6,7 : Z.3. ellipse through 3 points and ellipsoid
of a function of one variable : G.16 : through 4 : L.42.
of 3 variables , C.29 . ellipsoid, th : Mo.72.
and probabilities, geo : C.87 : L.79. N. G. F. of a binary septic : AJ.2.
INDEX. 903

Minimum : —theory of―(continued) : *Momental ellipsoid : 5925, 5934 ; for a

numerical value of a linear function plane, 5936.
with integral coefficients of an *Moment of inertia : 5903 : An.63 : At .
irrational quantity : C.53,54. 43 : M.23.
* of ellipsoid : 6150 : CD.8 : J.16.
perimeter enclosing a given area on a
curved surface : J.86. by geometry of 4 dimensions : Q.16.
questions relating to approximation : * principal axes : 5926, 5967, 5972 : At .
Mél.2 : Mém.59. 43.
sum of distances from two points : * of a quadrilateral : 5951 : Q.11.
920-1 . of solid rings of revolution : Q.16 .
* of a tetrahedron : 5957.
sum of squares of distances of a point
* of a triangle : 5944 : Me.4 : Q.6 :
from three right lines : Z.12.
sum of squares of functions : N.79. polar, N.83.
Minimum surfaces : eqA.38 : G.14, * of various laminæ and solids : 6015—
22 : J.81,85,87,ext78 : Mo.67,72 : 6165.
projective, M.14 : metric, M.15. Monge's theory "des Déblais et des
algebraic M.3 : lowest class-number, Remblais " : LM.14.
An.79. Monocyclic systems and related ones :
not algebraic and containing a succes
sion of algebraic curves : C.87. Monodrome functions : C.43 : G.18.
arbitrary functions of the integral eq. Monogenous functions (Laurent's th) :
of : C.40. Ac.42 C.32,43.
between 2 right lines in space : C.40. Monotypical functions : C.32 .
generation of : L.63. Monothetic equations : C.99.
representation of by elliptic functions : Mortality : A.39.
J.99. " Mouse-trap " at cards : Q.152.
Movements : JP.15.
of a twisted quadric : At.52.
limits of (Calc. of Var.) : J.80 on a elliptic and parabolic : JP.30.
catenoid, M.2 : determined by groups of : An.692.
one of the edges of a twisted of a plane figure : thAn.68 : JP.20 ,
quadrilateral, Mo.65. 28 : LM.3.
variation of surface, capacity of : Mo. of an invariable system : C.43.
72. of a point on an ellipsoid : AJ.1 : J.54.
Minimum value of relative : JP.19 : of a point, L.63.
of a right line : C.89 : N.63.
of a solid : JP.21 .
(_¸ (4+Bæ + Cx² + &c.) dæ : N.73 . transmission of and the curves result
of √ √ (dx² +dy² + ... ) when the varia ing : JP.3 .
bles are connected by a quadric of "ahnlich veränderlicher " and
equation : J.43. " affin-veränderlicher 99 systems :
Models : LM.39 : of ruled surfaces , Z.24 and 19.
Me.74. *Multinomial theorem : 137 : Me.62 .
Multiple-centres, geo. theory : L.45.
Modular -equations : An.79 : of 8th Multiple curves of alg. surfaces : An.73.
degree, 59 : C.483,493,66 : M.1,2 : Multiple Gauss sums : J.74.
Mo.65 : see also under " Elliptic * Multiple integrals : 1905, 2825 : A.64 :
An.52 C.8,11 : thsCD.1 : thE.
degradation of : M.14. 36 : J.69 L.39,433,452,46,th48,56 :
factors of integral functions : C.24 . LM.82 : Me.762 : Z.13,3.
functions and integrals : An.51 : J. double : 2710, 2734-42 : A.13 : Ac.5 :
184,19,20,21,23,25 : M.20. An.70 J.272: G.10 : L.58 : Mém .
indices of polynomials which furnish 30.
the powers and products of a approximation to : J.6.
binomial eq: C.25. Cauchy's theory, ext. of : C.752.
relations : At.65. change of order of integration :
Modulus of functions, principal : 2775 : A.19.
C.20. expressing an arbitrary function :
of series : C.17. J.43.
* of transformations : 1604 : A.17. reduction of : J.45 : Z.9.
*Momental ellipse : 5953. residues of : C.752.
904 INDEX.

Multiple integrals , double- (continued) : Multiple integrals-(continued) :

( 2-2) dxdy volume integral of
SS -
— b²) ( c² —œ²) (b² —y²) (c²—y²) }
' { (x² — : 2.14 .
π a )² + ( t)²+ (~C )' ··
= : L.38.
SSSeе exp (-x² -y2 - z²), æ”yª z dx dy dz :
same with log of numerator : L.50. N.54.
(x' —x) ( dy dz' —dzdy') + sym SSS ... $ (ax• + by® + &c.) œ” y¹ ... dx dy ...
SJ( x = x)(✓ { (x - x)² + ... }3 with limits 0 to ∞ in each case
= 4mπ : C.66. (Pfaff) : J.28.
do d↓ dx dy ...
transf. of ... by dis
(sin² -sin² cos²↓) SS {(a - x)² + (b -y)² + ... } "
J.20. continuous functions : TI.21 .
1 2x m
cos ix cosje de dy do. with n = and with a numerator
-pp 2
T²Jo Jo √ { 1 + a² +2a (µcosa +vcosy) } *
C.96. (a—x) F ( 2 y2
h2 + k2 + .) : CM.3.
SSF (a + be +cy) dx dy : A.37.
SS ... F (x, y, z ...) PQ dx dy dz … where
SSF' (x + iy) dx dy : J.42. P = (1 − a )^ -1 (1− y) -
SS (w, t, z) dt du : C.96. Q ya za + b fa +b + c... : L.59.
G (u , t, z) arising from (2604) , viz :
၂၂ မှ (ax +by") x - ya - ¹ de dy : J. -¢ — dx : Pr.42.
37. Se exp (−22—3) dz
evaluation : A.5 : by Fourier's th, *Multiple points : 5178 : CM.2 : thG.15 :
CM.4. Me.2 : Q.2,6.
expansion of Q.8. on algebraic curves : An.52 : L.42 :
Frullanian : LM.15. N.51,59,81 , at ∞ 643.
limits of LM.16. on two curves having branches in
reduction of : An.57 : L.41,39. contact : C.77.
on a surface : J.28.
by transf. of coordinates : C.13.
* Multiplication : 28 : J.49 ; abridged, N.
S” F (x² +y² + ...) (ax + by+ ... ) dxdy 79.
...: L.57. by fractions : Me.68.
of theory of attraction : CD.7. Multiplicator equations : M.15.
* transformation of : 2774 : A.10 : An . Multiplicity or manifoldness : J.842,86 :
thAc.5: Z.20.
53 : No.47 : CM.4 : Mél.2 : Mém .
Music : E.273,28 : Pr.37.
38 : Q.4,12.
an indef. double : J.8,10 .
Nasik squares and cubes : Q.8,15 .
a triple integral : 2774-9 : J.45.
Navigation, geo. prs. of use in : A.38.
y₁dæ₁ + ... + ynda, LM.11 . Negative in geometry : No.1792 .
** triple : 2774 : A.30 : J.45. Negative quantities : At.55 : N.443,67 :
which are unaltered in form by trans
formation of the variables : J.15, Nephroid : LM.10.
91. Net surfaces : J.1,2 : M.1 : any order,
SSS ... dx dy dz ... Q.23. quadric : J.70,82 : M.11 .
* quartic : M.7.
SSS ... x² - ¹y - 12 - ¹ ... dx dy dz ... with and series : C.62.
different limiting equations : trigonometrical : Z.14.
2825 CM.2 : L.51 . having a 3-point contact with the
some other integrals evaluated by r intersection of two algebraic sur
functions : 2826-34. faces : G.9.
Newton, autograph m.s.s of : TE.12.
SSSF (ax +by +cz, a'x + b'y + c'z , *Nine-point circle : 954, 4754 : A.41 : E.
a" x + by + c" z) dx dy dz, limits 7,30,th35,pr39 : G.1,ths4 : Me.64,
± ∞ : A.30. 68 : Q.5-8.
INDEX. 905

Nine-point circle-(continued) : Notation-(continued ) :

an analogous circle : A.51. * (aẞy) = u : 4656 ; (λµv) or U, 4665.
* contact with in- and ex-circles : 959 : *Gux: 3732.
Me.82 : Q.13. *H (n , r) : 98.
and 12-point sphere, analogy : N.63. *J : 1600 .
Nine - point conic of a tetrahedron :
Me.71 . N.G.F = numerical generating func
Nonions (analogous to Quaternions) :
C.97,98. N= b (mod r) signifies that N- b is
Non-uniform functions : C.88. divisible by r.
Nodal cones of quadrinodal cubics : Q. n = n(") = n ! : 94, 3713.
10. Tas operator : 3500 .
Node cusps : Q.6.
* P (n, r) or Pn,, = n " ) : 95. Also ,
Nodes, two-plane and one-plane : M.22.
*Normals : 1160 : 4122-3, 5122 : A.13, P (n, r) number of triplets of n
things , &c.
53 : LM.9 : p.eMe.66 : Z.cn2 and 3.
of envelopes : Me.80. * ¥ (x) or Z' (x) = d, log г (x) : 2743.
* plane of a surface : 5772. * R, r, ra : 909-13.
* principal : 5722 : condition for being * Sm, Sm, p : 534 ; Su, 2940.
normals of a second curve, C.85. * sin - 1, &e.: 626 ; sinh,đc., 2180.
of rational space curves : J.74. * Σ : 3781-3.
* Un : 3499.
section of ellipsoid (geodesy) : A.40.
* of a surface : 5771 , 5785 : C.52 : CD.3 : Si (n)= sum of divisors of n.
CM.2 : L.39,47,72 : M.7. In or f
coincident : L.48. d 23
d or E (2 ) = integer next
transformation of a pencil of : C.882.
*Notation (see also " Functions ") : < ጎ
A,B, C,F,G,H : 1642 . d'
* A.P., G.P. , H.P.: 79,83,87. n n
= integer next >
* (α₁becз) : 554. Ta d'
(n) (2 ) , Jacobi's function (see = rth coeff. of (1+ )".
" Functions "). = not less than ;
1 not greater
* ab or a" : 2451 . than.
* 1 1 : 160. (÷) = denominator to be stated after
b+c + wards.
* Ban, Bernoulli's nos.: 1539. ( X ) and ( X ) : 1620.
* C (n ,r) or Cnr : 96. Otherwise algebraic : CP.3 .
C (n,3) = number of triads of n things, for some developments : C.98.
& c. continuant contd. fraction determi
(2) = rth coeff . of nth power of (1+«) : median = bisector of side of a triangle
also Jacobi's function (see " Func drawn from the opposite vertex.
tions " ). subfactorial : Me.78 .
* D: 3489 : dr,dne, &c.: 1405. suggestions : Me.73.
*Numbers (see also " Partition of," and
* d³y , dæ³, dy, &c.: 1407. "Indeterminate equations") : 349 :
' de'
A.2,16,26,58,59 : Ac.2 : AJ.4,6 :
* d (uvw) : 1600. C.f12,43,442,454,f60 : CM.1 : G.16,
d (xyz ) 32 : J.93,39,404,48,77 ; tr,273,28 and
*A: 582, 1641 , 3701 ; ▲', 1645. 292 : JP.9 : L.37-39,41,45,58,59,
*E : 902, 3735. 60: LM.4 : Mém.22,24 ; tr (Euler),
*e : 150, 1151. 30 : N.443,62,79 : Q.4 : TE.23.
1 1 ap. of algebra, JP.11 ; of r function ,
e exp + or ea + 1= = e= == No.81 ; of infinitesimal analysis,
x x
J.19,21 .
*f(x): 400, 1400 ; f-1 (x) , 430. formulæ L.642,652.
' (x)f (x) : 424, 1405. relation of the theory to i.c : C.82.
5 Z
906 INDEX.

Numbers-(continued) : Numbers-(continued) :
approximation : to N, E.17 ; to representation of by forms : C.92 ; by
functions of large numbers , C.82. infinite products , A.1 .
binomial eqs. with a prime mod : C.62. square having prime factors of the
cube : Q.4. form 4n +1 : N.78.
cubic binomials : ³ ± ³ : C.612. squares of : J.84 : M.13 : Pr.63,7.
determined by continued fractions : three in ar.p : N.62.
LM.29. sums depending upon E (x) : L.602.
digits, calculus of, th : J.30. sums of digits : Me.66 : TE.16 .
digits terminating a power : A.58 : sum and difference of two squares :
N.46. thsN.63 .
sums of divisors : 377 : Ac.6 : G.7 :
Σ L.632 : Mél.2 : Mém.50.
Dirichlet's th. (m ) = $ (m ) : L.57.
sums of powers of (see also " Series ") :
Dirichlet's f. for class numbers as 276, 2939 : An.61,65 : thCD.5 :
positive determinants : L.57. Me.75 : N.42,56,70 : Q.8.
division of : A.26 : J.13 : Mél.3 : Pr. of cubes : An.65 : L.66 ; of the odd
7,10 ; by 7 and 13, A.25,26 ; by nos . , A.64.
me2 +ny2, Mém.15 : P.17,88 : Q. of n primes : N.792 ; 4th powers,
19,20. A.54.
divisors of y2 + Az2 when A = 4n + 3 of squares : A.67 .
a prime : J.9. of uneven orders : Mo.57.
divisors arising from the division of symmetrical functions of : Q.7.
the circle : L.60. systems : 2.14 ; history of, by Hum
4m +1 and 4m +3 divisors of a num boldt , J.4 .
ber : LM.15. theorems : A.7,10,20,49 : An.70 : C.
factors of: Mém.41 . 252,43,83 : CM.2 : G.8 : L.48,52 :
Gauss's form : L.56. N.75 ; Cauchy's , gzC.53 ; Eisen
integral quotients and remainders : stein's, J.27,50,83 : LM.7 : Q.5,6.
large, analysis of : A.2 : C.2,29. Gauss's on XP -y❞ ; C.98 .
method with continuous variables : x-y
J.41 . Lagrange's arithmetical : A.47.
multiples of: C.2. p"+q" in terms of pq : N.75.
on 21 : C.85,86 : Me.78.
non-pentagonal th : J.31 .
number of integers prime to n in 2, biquadratic character of : C.57,
66 : L.59.
n ! = ¢ (n) : L.57 . on (n + 1 )" ― n " ; N.44 ; p. (n) , L.69.
odd : A.1, : and prime to all squares, on n' ― n (n - 1) + , &c. : 285 : A.30.
C.67. on 2m positive numbers : N.43.
Pellian equation : prA.49 : LM.15 :
sol. by ell. functions, Mo.63. on P (m) +E ( 1 ) P (1) + : Q.3.
perfect : C.81 : N.79.
polygonal , Fermat's th . of : P.61 . on the greatest product in whole
polynomials havingdeterminate prime numbers of given sums : J.57.
divisors : C.98. on an odd sum of 12 squares : L.60.
powers of, 12 theorems : N.46. on products of sums of squares : G.2.
prime to and < N: A.3,29 : E.28 : on 4 squares : N.57.
J.31 : N.45. on 2, 4, 8, and 16 squares : Q.17.
prime to and the product of the on (a) + (a ) + , &c. = n, where a,
first n primes : A.66 . a ' , & c., are the divisors of n: Cm.3.
prime with respect to a given ar.p : Numeration, ancient decimal : C.6,8 ,.
C.54. Numerical approximations : N.423,53.
prime to the radix having multiples Numerical functions : L.57 : Me.62.
made up of repeating digits : simply periodic : AJ.1 .
Me.76. sums of, approximately : C.96.
products of divisors of : Q.20. which express for a negative deter
quadratic forms of : Mém.53 . minant the number of classes of a
rational linear functions taken with quadratic form, one at least of
respect to a prime modulus, and whose extreme coefficients is odd :
connected substitutions : C.483. C.622.
INDEX. 907

Obelisks : A.9,11. Orthogonals, algebraic system of : C.69.

Oblique :-bevilled wheels , cn : J.2. *Orthogonal :-circles : 4170, 4182-4 ;
coordinates : 4050, 5511-9 : fN.54. of in- and circum-circles of a tri
cyclic surface : TI.9. angle, Q.18.
and osculating circle of a conic : G.22. circle and conic : E.7.
Octahedron function : Q.16. coefficient system : A.2,61 .
Octahedron, centroid of : LM.9. coordinates : C.60 ; curvilinear, JP.
Octic equations : G.7,10 ; and curves, 26.
M.152. conics : N.84 ; families of, A.63.
Octic surface : G.13: M.4 : Q.14. curves : J.35 : N.52,81.
* Operative or symbolic calculus : 1483, system from logarithmic repre
3470-3628 : AJ.4 : C.17 : G.202 : sentation : Z.16.
J.5,59 :: LM.123 : Me.82,85 : P.37, * lines of a triangle : 4633.
44,60-63 : Pr.10,11,12,13 , : Q. lines and conics : C.72.
4,5,8. * projection : 1087.
applications : G.19 : Me.82 . in metrical projective geometry :
algebraic : TE.14 ; ap. to geometry, GM.14.
CM.1,2 ;, CM.3. of a circle into an ellipse : A.2.
expansions : Pr.142. of a triangle : E.30,31,36,37.
formula : C.393. substitution : J.67 : M.13 : Z.24.
index symbol : 1485 : CD.6 . surfaces C.29, spheres 36,542,59,72,
integration : CD.3 : exMe.76. 79,87,ths17 and 21 : J.84 : JP.17 :
representation of functions : C.43 : L.43,44,46,47,63 : N.51 : P.73 :
CD.2 . Pr.21 : Q.19.
seminvariant operators : Q.20. cubic eq. for : C.762.
on the symbols a", log , sin æ, cos æ, with elliptic coordinates : C.53 :
sin- , cos a : A.9,11 . J.62.
theorems : A.57 : CD.8 : LM.11 : Q. and isothermal : C.84 : JP.18 : L.
32,15,163 ; from Lagrange's series, 43,49.
Q.16; from рu -pwu = pu, CD.5. systems : C.67,754 : M.7 ; condition ,
J.83 ; quadric, J.76 ; parallel,
* Operators : de, 1405 ; endr, 1520—1 , Q.92. M.24.
* (d. - m) -1, &c. : 3470-85 ; gz of 3474, triple : A.55 - 58 : An.63,77,85 :
* C.alg58,67 ; cyclic, G.21,22 : J.84 ;
D (D- 1) ... (D- n + 1) : 3489. quartic, 82 : Ž.23.
* = adt ,+ & c.: 3500. trajectories : L.45 : Me.80 : Z.17.
expansions and formulæ for : of circles : Me.85.
of circular sections of an ellipsoid :
* F (xd ) U, where U = ƒ (x) = a + bx + L.47.
cx² + : 3486.
of a moveable plane : Pr.41 .
* ƒ(D) uv, 3494 : uf (D) v , 3495, with f of a moveable sphere : C.42.
as above. of a surface : Mém.20.
Daf(xD) U: E.36 . Orthomorphic projection of an ellipsoid
{ (D) er " Q: 3491 . on a sphere : AJ.3.
e*+DF (x), &c.: E.34. Orthomorphosis of a circle into a para
D+ 1 bola : Q.20.
e x x +1 Orthoptic :- -lines of a conic : A.57.
** F (x ) = " x
+ ¹ F (x + 1 ) : E.36 . loci of : LM.13 : Pr.37 ; of 3 tangs.
QF (a, x) : Q.13. to a quadric, E.40.
+1 surface of a quadric : J.50.
2 +/{ a√v ± b√(wi)} , &c.: C.96. Orthotomic circles : Me.64,66 : Q.2.
f(x +hD) .1 : E.39. *Osculating circle : 5724 : L.39.
* фо = $ (d, +x) ↓y : 3498.
(d, + y) $x of conics : A.70 : N.60.
* reduction of F (π₁ ) : 3503. of a family of curves : N.70.
of a parabola, ths : N.66.
* F (T) U and F -¹ (π) U : 3509—10 . of quadric curves N.43.
* C (u, m) u,/m !: 3514. of tortuous curves : N.81 .
transformation of Vdr . Ud ..., &c : G. ** cone : 5727 : angle of, 5752.
21 . conic : L.39 : triply, A.69 : Z.19.
Orthocycle : Q.17. of a cubic curve : J.68 :: 2.17.
908 INDEX.

Osculating-(continued) : Paraboloid-(continued) :
curves : Q.11 . quadrature of : 6127 : An.55 .
helix : N.71 . segment of : 6127-33 : A.29.
line of a surface : C.82 : J.81 . hyperbolic : 5623 : A.11.
parabola N.81 . of revolution : 6134.
paraboloid : JP.15 : N.82 : of a quadric, Paradoxes of De Morgan : J.113,12 , 13,
L.382. 16 .
* plane : 5721 , eq 5733 : and radii of Parallels : A.8,47 : At.51 : J.11,73 : Mél.
curv . at a multiple point of a 1,3 : Mém.502 : Z.21,22 : Thibaut's
gauche curve : An.71 : C.68. proof, A.15 .
of a tortuous curve : C.96 : J.41,63. in analytic geometry : A.44.
sphere - Mém.20 : N.70 : of curve Parallel curves : J.55,ths32 : LM.3 : Q.
of intersection of two surfaces , 11 : Z.5.
cn : C.83. closed : A.66.
of two curves having a common of ellipse : 4960 : A.39 : An.60 : N.442:
principal normal : LM.16. Q.12.
surfaces C.792, degree of 98 : L.41 , Parallel surface : C.54 : LM.12.
80 : of quadrics , N.60 . of surface of elasticity : An.57.
Oval of Cassini : see 66 Cassinian oval." of ellipsoid : A.39 : Ăn.50,60 : E.17 :
Oval of Descartes : see " Cartesian J.93 .
oval." Parallelogram with sides through four
given points : A.39.
Pangeometry : G.5,15. Parallelogram of Watt : A.8 : L.80.
*Pantograph : 5423 : Mém.31 : TE.13 . *Parallelopipeds : on conjugate diame
Paper currency : A.42. ters : 5648.
Pappus , prs in plane geometry : A.38 : diagonals, &c.: CM.1 .
Z.5. equality of: A.4.
*Parabola : geo. 1220-44 : anal . 4200 analogues of parallelograms : LM.2 :
39 : eqCM.2 : N.42, , 54,70 : geo Me.68.
CM.4 : Me.71 : cn1249 : thsN.60 , on a spherical base : N.45.
63,71,76,802. system of: LM.8 .
circum-hexagon and triangle : CM.1 . Partial differences : question in analysis :
circle of curvature of : 1260 : A.61. J.16.
chords of : 1239, 4224. *Partial differential equations ( P.D.E. ) :
two intersecting : 1242. 3380-3445 : C.3,11,16,78,95,96 :
determination of vertex and axis : thsCD.3 : J.58,80,prs26 : JP.7,10,
N.58. 11 : L.36,80,83 : M.11 : Z.6,8,18.
eq. deduced from eq. of ellipse : 1219. *P.D.E. , first order : 3399-3410 : A.33 ,
focus and directrix : N.49. tr50 : An.55,69 : C.146,533,545 :
* focal chord : 4235-9. CD.7 : CM.1 : J.2,17 : trJP.22 :
** latus rectum : 1222 : Me.75. L.75: M.9,11 ,th20 : Z.22.
normal, length of : 4233-4. complete primitive connected with
plane and spherical : A.60 . any solution : 3405.
quadrature of : 1244 : A.32. derivation of the general primitive
and right line : see 66 Right line." and singular solution from the
segment of: 6078 : A.26,29. complete primitive : 3401 .
solid generated by it : N.42 . derivation of a singular solution from
sector : E.30 : N.57 : Lambert's th , the differential equation : 3403.
J.16. with a general first integral : Me.78.
in space : A.3. integration by : - Abelian func
** tangents : see under " Conics." tions : C.94.
* through 4 points, cn : 4837 : J.26 . Cauchy's method : C.81 .
* triangle of 3 tangents : 1237, —68 : A. Charpit's method : 3399.
47 : Me.75. Jacobi's first method : C.79,82 : and
trigonometry of : CD.8 . ap. to Pfaff's pr, J.59.
*Paraboloid : 5621 , 6126-41 : N.61 : Q. Jacobi-Hamilton method : M.3.
13. Lie's method : M.6,8.
* generating lines of : 5624. Weiler's method : M.9.
of eight lines : C.84. law of reciprocity : 3446.
* elliptic : 5622 : A.11 : L.58 : P.96 . and Poisson's function : C.912.
INDEX. 909

P.D.E., second order-(continued):

P.D.E., first order— (continued) :
simultaneous : C.68,76 : L.79 : M.4,5. da (p sin x) + t +n (n + 1 ) z sin² = 0 :
* singular solution : 3401-3 : J.66. L.46.
systems of: A.56 : M.11,17. r (1 +q²) = t ( 1 +p²) : J.58 .
theorem of Jacobi : C.45. 42
3 variables : J.64. q²r—A²t + ny q =0: E.22.
* n variables : 3409 : A.22 : J.60 : LM. η
10,11. dr (px) + dy (qx) = 0 : Z.28.
with constant coefficients : Mél.5.
construction of explicitly integrable
integration by calc . of variations : equations ofthe form 8 = zλ (x,y) :
C.14. JP.28.
z =px +qy + F (p , q) : Z.5.
2f (x)F " (y) z : C.81 .
wa y z p m q"
x A : CM.1 . 8=
(1 + P₁ + ... + P (dz , dy )" Z = Q: Z.13 . {ƒ (x) + F (y)}2
a dry log A +λ = 0 : L.53.
*P.D.E . , first order, linear : 3381-95 :
reduction to , C.15 : J.81 : Me.78 . 8+ Pp + Qq + Z = 0 : Me.76 .
* PZx + Qzy - = R : 3383 : extension to * 8 + ap + by + abz = V: 3444.
n variables , 3384. (ax +by+ c) s + aλq + bµp = 0 : A.33.
L(px +qy-z)-Mp - Nq+R = 0 : (x+y)²s + a (x +y) p + b (x + y ) q +cz
C.83. = 0: A.33,38.
a(yu. - zu ,) + b (zu, -xu, ) + c( xu, —yu,) z2 (28 -pq)² +q = F (y) : A.70.
= 1 : Q.8. rt-82 : geoQ.2 .
* Ptx+ Qty + + RtS: 3387.
* P = (rt—s2)" Q, Poisson's eq.: 3441 .
* 2x= Y ; xy = x² +y2 : 3390-1 . (1 +r) t+(1 + t) r— 2pqs = 0 : An.532 .
√ (y²—x2) * q (1 +q) r+p (1 +p) t− (p + q +2pq)
* (x−α) %x + (y — b) %y = c — z : 3392.
80: 3432 .
* x² + y2 + z2 = 2ax : 3393 .
* simultaneous : 3396-7 ; ex. 3398 : 48² +(r −t)² = 4k2 : approx. integn .,
J.81 . C.74.
u = vy and u₁ = — Vx : J.70 . As +Bq + (r , p , q , x, y , z) = 0 : C.93 .
*P.D.E . , second order : 3420-45 : A.33 : (log )xy + az = 0 : C.36.
C.544,702,78,98 : JP.tr22 : L.72 : U r dr
M.15 : Me.762,77 : Mél.3 : N.83 : U2t = Rr where t =
r √(2 Rr² +42)
P.46 transf . of, C.97.
in two independent variables : trA. L.38.
54 : trNo.81 : C.92 ; transf . of, 97 : * U2x +U2y + U23 = 0 (see also " Spherical
M.24. harmonics ") : 3551 , 3626 , J.36 :
in ,4 and 5 variables : Mém.13 . Mo. 78.
* Rr + Ss + Tt = V, Monge's method : ** Ustu tu = =yz : 3552 .
3423 CM.3 : N.76 : Q.6. * aux + buy + c uz = xyz, &c.: 3554.
* Rr + S8 + Tt + U (rt — s² ) = V : 3424, * xuzx +aux - qxu = 0 : 3618 .
3434-40 : J.61 . ** a² (Uzx + U2y + U2z) = U21 : 3629 : C.7 :
* Rr + Ss + Tt + Pp + Qq + Zz = U : LM.72.
3442. integration by change of variables :
r +t = 0 : A.2 : CM.1 : J.59,73,74 : C.742.
L.43 . P.D.E. , third order, two independent
variables : LM.8 : N.83.
r+t+ k²z = 0 : M.1 .
P.D.E. , fourth order : ▲▲u = 0 : C.69.
* r-ast0 : 3433.
P.D.E., any order : No.73 : C.80,89 :
* r—a²t = $ (x , y) , &c.: 3565. M.11,13.
(r-a2t) = 2np : E.13. 28
x² %nx = Zny : Z.7.
r-a2y2t = 0 : E.27,28 .
two independent variables : C.75 :
r = q²mt : C.98.
r = q:: J.72 .
910 INDEX.

P.D.E. , any order (continued) : Partition of numbers-(continued ) :

any number of functions and inde into ten squares : C.60 : L.66.
pendent variables : C.80. into p squares : C.39,90 : L.61 : N.
and ap. to physics : JP.13. 54.
of cylinders : Me.77. and an integer : L.57.
and elliptic functions : J.36 : hyper into the product of two sums of sqs.:
ell. , J.99. L.57.
integration by definite integrals : An. into parts, the sum of any two to be a
59 : C.94 : L.54. sq.: Mém.9.
of dynamics : C.5 : J.47. into 2 cubes : L.70.
Hamiltonian : M.23 : Z.11. into sum or difference of 2 cubes :
of heat: L.48 ; of sound, L.38. AJ.2.
integrated in series : C.15,16. into 4 cubes : N.79.
of Laplace : G.23 . into maximum nth powers : C.95.
linear : An.77 : C.13,90 : CD.92 : CM. into 10 triangular numbers : C.62.
2 : J.69 : JP.122 : L.39 . formation of numbers out of cubes :
of orthogonal systems of surfaces :
Ac.4 : C.77. 2 squares whose sum is a sq.: E.20 :
with periodical coefficients : C.293.
of physics : L.72,47. 3 squares, the sum of every two being
a sq.: E.17.
P.D.E. , simultaneous : C.92,th78 : LM.9 :
M.23 : Z.20. 4 squares, the sum of every two being
linear : J.65. a sq.: E.16.
3 nos., the sum or diff. of two to be a
P.D.E. , system of : C.13,74,81 . sq.: Mém.18.
am %mt = x²mzmx : A.30,31 , by z = eªtf(x). 2 sums of 8 sqs. into 8 sqs.: Me.
Znx = x*%(m + n) y + F₁ ( y ) + xF2 (y) + ... +
x - ¹Fm(y) : A.51 . a sum of 4 sqs . into the product of 2
sums of 4 sqs.: TI.21 .
Aznt + (d2x + day + ….. ) " z = 0 : C.94. n nos . whose sum is a sq. and sum of
dz Hdx + Kdy + Ldp + Mdq + Ndr + sqs. a biquadrate : É.18,22,24.
& c.: J.14. a quadric into a sum of squares : N.
Partial differentials of x : J.11 . 80,81.
x²+y² ns-m³ into 3p² +q² : N.49.
a square into a sum of cubes : N.67.
*Partial fractions : 235, 1915 : A.30,66 :
a cube into a sum of cubes : E.22,
C.46,492,783 : CM.1 : G.2 : J.1,5,9, 23.
10,11,22,32,50 : JP.3 : L.46 : Mém. into 4 cubes : N.77 ; into 3 or 4
9: N.452,64,69 : Q.5 . cubes, A.60.
Partition of numbers ( see also " Num n12-9m12 or its double into 2 cubes :
bers " and " Indeterminate eqs ." ) : N.81 .
AJ.2,5,6 : An.57,59 : At.65 : C.80, 3 nos. whose sum is a cube, sum of
86,90,91 : CP8 : J.13,61,85 : M. sqs. a cube, and sum of cubes a
14 : Man.55 : Me.78,79 : Mém.13, sq.: E.26.
geo.ap20,44 : Mél.1 : N.69,85 : P. 5 biquadrates whose sum is a square
50,56,58 : Pr.7,8 : Q.12,2,7,15 : Z. E.20.
20,24. of n into 1 , 2, 3, &c. different num
by Arbogast's derivatives : L.82 . bers : E.34.
of complex numbers in Jacobi's th : of pentagonal numbers : C.96.
C.96. a series for the : AJ.6.
by elliptic and hyper-elliptic func tables , non- unitary : AJ.7.
tions : J.13. theorems : AJ.6 : C.40,96 : Me.76,80,
formula of verification : Pr.24. 83 : pr. symm. functions , G.10.
into 2 squares : An.50,52,54 : C.87 : J. Partitions :- -in theory of alg. forms :
49 : LM.8,9 : N.54,78,alg65 : odd G.19.
squares , Q.19. number of for n things : E.10.
into 3 squares : J.40 : L.59,60 . in planes and in space : J.1.
into 4 squares : C.99 : L.68 : Pr.9 : Q.1. Sylvester's theorem : Q.4.
4 odd, or 2 even and 2 odd : Q.19,20. trihedral of the X-ace and triangular
into 5 squares : C.97,98 : J.35. of the X-gon : Man.58.
INDEX. 911

*Pascal's theorem : 4781 : AJ.2 : CD.3, Periodic functions-(continued) :

4 : CM.4 : J.34,41,69,84,93 : LM. of 2nd species : M.20 .
8 : Me.72 : N.44,52,82 : Q.1,4,5,9 : of several variables : C.43 : J.71.
Z.6,10. in theory of transcendents : J.11 .
extension of and analogues in space : of 2 variables with 3 or 4 pairs of
C.82,98 : CD.4,5,6 : G.11 : J.37,75 : periods : C.90.
M.22 : Me.85 . with non-periodic in def. integrals :
ap. to geo. analysis : A.18. C.18.
on a sphere : A.60. Periodicity theory : M.18.
Steiner's " Gegenpunkte " : J.58. Periods : cyclic, of the quadrature
Pascal lines : E.30 . of an algebraic curve : C.80,84.
Pedal curve : A.35,36,52 : J.48,50 : M.6 : of the exponential e* : C.83.
Me.80,81 : Q.11 : Z.52,21. of integrals : see " Integrals."
circle and radius of curvature : C.84 : law of: C.963.
Z.14. in reciprocals of primes : Me.733.
of a cissoid, vertex for pole : E.1 . *Permutations : 94 : Al .: C.22 : CD.7 :
of a conic : A.20 : LM.3 : Z.3. L.39,61 LM.15 : Me.64,66,79 : N.
central : A.9 : Me.83 : N.71 . 44,71,763,81 : Q.1 : Z.10 .
foci and vector eq.: LM.13. alternate : L.81 .
negative central : E.20,29 : TI.26. ap. to differentiation and integration
negative focal : E.16,17,20 . A.21 .
nth and n - 1th : E.18. of n things : C.95 : N.83 ; in groups,
of evolute of lemniscate : E.30. L.65 .
inversion and reciprocation of : E.21 . of 3q and 2q letters , 2 and 2 alike :
of a parabola, focal and vector eqs.: N.74,753.
LM.13. number of values of a function
rectification of difference of arcs of : through the permutations of its
Z.3. letters : C.20,21,46,47 : L.65.
which is its own pedal : L.66. successive (" battement de Monge " ) :
Pedal surfaces : A.22,35,36 : M.6 : J.50 : L.82.
Z.8. with star arrangements : Z.23 .
counter : AJ.5. *Perpendicular from a point : upon
volumes of: C.55 : A.34 : An.63 : J. a line length of : 4094, t.c4624 :
62 : Pr.12. eq4086, t.c4625 : sd5530.
Pentagon, ths : A.4 : J.5,56 : N.53. upon tangent of a conic : 4366-73.
diagonals of: A.57. * upon a plane : 5554.
Pentagonal dedecahedron : A.25. upon tangent plane of aquadric : 5627.
Pentahedron of given volume and mini ditto for any surface : 5791-3.
mum surface : L.57. Perpetuants : AJ.72.
Periodic continued fractions : A.62,68 : * Perspective : 1083 : A.692 : G.3 : thsL.
C.96, J.20,33,53 : N.68 : Z.22. 37 : Me.75,81 .
closed form of : A.62. analytical : A.11.
representing quadratic roots : A.43. of coordinate planes : CM.2 .
with numerators not unity : C.96. drawing : 1083-6.
Periodic functions : A.5 : J.48 : N.67 : figures of circle and sphere : A.57.
gzC.89 : Mo.84. isometrical : CP.1 .
cosx- cos 3x + cos 5a : CD.32. oblique parallel : Z.16.
doubly : C.32,40,70,90 : J.882 : L.54. projection : A.16,70.
of 2nd kind : C.90,98 : gzL.83. relief : A.36,70 : N.57.
of 3rd kind : C.97. * triangles : 974 : E.29 : J.89 : M.2,16 :
monodromic and monogenous : in a conic, A1.
C.40. Petersburg problem : A.67.
with essential singular points : C.89. Pfaff's problem : A.60 : C.94 : J.61,82 :
expansion in trig. series : N.78. M.17 th of Jacobi, J.57.
4- ply, of 2 variables : J.13. Pfaffians, ths on : Me.79,81 .
2n-ply, of n variables : Mo.69 . (see also " Expansion of ") : C.95 : E.
multiply: C.57,58 . 30 : N.42,45.
integrals between imaginary limits : calculation of : A.6,18 : E.27 : G.2 :
A.23. cnJ.3 : Me.73,74 : N.50,56,66.
real kind of: Mo.66,84. by equivalent surfaces : N.48.
912 INDEX.

π: - calculation of―(continued) : Points-(continued) :

by isoperimeters : N.46 . four, or lines, ths : CD.8.
by logarithms : N.56. at infinity on a quadric : N.65.
to 200 decimal places : J.27 ; to 208, roots in a closed curve : N.68.
P.41 ; to 333, A.212 ; to 400, A.22 ; in space, represented by triplets of
to 500, A.25 ; to 607, Pr.6,11,22. points on a line : LM.2.
formulæ for, or values of : A.12 : systems : JP.9 : M.6,25 : N.58.
J.17 : L.46 : M.20. of cubic curves : Z.15.
√2 three : coordinates of, N.42 ; pr, A.8.
T=3+ approx .: Me.66 ; *Polar : 1016 , 4124 : A.28 : J.58 : gzLM.2 :
10 Me.64,66 : N.72,79 .
= 2 log i, J.9. * of conics : 4762 : thsN.58.
2 of cubic curves : J.89 : L.57 : Mél.5 :
functions of p.6 : A.1 : C.56,74. Q.2.
¹ : E.27 ; to 140 places, LM.4 . curves, tangents of : N.43.
hyperbolic logarithm of : LM.14. * developable : 5728.
inclined : N.59.
powers of and of π 75 -¹ : LM.8 .
incommensurable : 795. line of two points with respect to a
quadric : 5685.
series for : Q.12 : TE.14. plane : Q2 : Z.22.
theorem on and e : Q.15 . of a quadric : 5678, 5687 : An.71 ;
II ( ) =1 (1 + ) ... { 1+ ( n - 1 ) x } : A.12 : of four, LM.13.
J.43,67. of a quartic : L.57.
II (a) and imaginary triangles and of 3 right lines : A.1 .
quadrangles : A.51 . * subtangent : 5133.
Piles of balls and shells : N.72. Polar surface :- -of a cubic : J.89 ;
Pinseux's theorem : Mo.84. twisted , Z.232,24.
Plane : J.20,45 : Mém.22 . of a plane : C.60 : N.66.
* equations of : 5545, q.c 5550, p.c 5552 : of a point : N.65.
2.1. tetrahedron : J.78 : N.65 : Z.13.
* under given conditions : 5560-73. of a triangle : A.59 ; perspective, J.
** condition for touching a cone : 5700 . 65.
* Pole : of chords joining feet of nor
ditto for a quadric : 5635, 5701.
cond. for intersection of two planes mals of conic drawn from points
touching a quadric : 5703. on the evolute : N.60.
figures, relation between : A.55 : J.52 : * of the line λa +µß + vy : 4671 .
M.3. * of similitude : 5587.
kinematics of : Q.16. *Pole and Polar : 1016, 4124.
and line, problems : CD.2 : J.14. Political arithmetic : trA.36-38.
motion of JP.2 : LM.7. Pollock's geo. theorems : Q.1 .
point-systems : J.77 ; perspective, Poloids of Poinsot : CD.3.
Z.17. Polyacrons, A-faced : Man.62.
representing a quadric : N.71 . Polydrometry : A.38,39.
* Plane coordinate geometry : 4001-5473. * Polygonal numbers : 287 : Pr.10,11,12 ,
Planimeter A.58 : Mél.2,3 ; Amsler's, 13.
5452, C.77 ; Trunk's, A.44 ; polar, Polygonometry : thsAn.52 and J.2,47 :
A.51 : N.80. Mém.30.
Planimetrical theorems : A.37,60 . Polygons (see also " Regular poly
Plücker's complex surfaces : M.7. gons ") : An.cn53,63 : JP.4,9 : Ñ.
Plückerian characteristics of a curve 74 : Z.11 ; theorems : A.1,2 : C.
discriminant : Q.12. 262 : prsCD.52 : Mél.2 : N.58.
Plückerian numbers of envelopes : C.782. area of: 748, 4042 : J.24 : N.48,52.
Point-pair, absolute on a conic : Q.8. articulated and pr . of configuration,
harmonic to two such : Z.13. tr : An.84.
Point-plane system : M.232. centroid : N.77.
Points - in a plane, relation between of circular arcs, cn : A.3 : J.76.
four : A.2,26. classification : Q.2.
tg.eq of two : 4669, 4913. division into triangles : A.1,8 : L.38 ,
on a circle and on a sphere : N.82. 39 : LM.13 : Pr.8.
of equal parallel transversals : A.61 . of even number of sides : LM.1.
INDEX. 913

Polygons-(continued) : Potential-(continued) :
family of: N.83. of cyclides : C.83 : J.61 ; elliptic , Me.
maximum with given sides : J.26. 78.
of n +2n sides , numbers related to : cyclic-hyperbolic, tables : J.4,63,72,83 ,
A.62 . 94.
of Poncelet, metrical properties : L.79. of ellipsoids : J.98 : Me.84 : Q.14 ;
semi-regular : JP.24 ; star, A.59 and two homog., J.63,70.
L.79,80. elliptic : J.472.
sum of angles of : A.52 : N.50 . of elliptic disc, law , r -³ : Q.14.
Polyhedral function (Prepotentials) : Gauss's f. and theory : Z.84.
CP.132. gz. of first and second : L.79.
*Polyhedrons : 906 : C.462,60-62 : J.3 : history of : J.86.
JP.4,92,15,24 : L.66 : Man.55 : N. of homogeneous polyhedra : J.69.
83 : P.56,57 : Pr.8,9,112,12 : Q.7 : Jellett's eq. and ap .: Q.16.
Z.11,14 ; theorems : E.39-42 : J. Newton's : M.11,13,16.
18 : N.43 ; F+ S = E + 2 : 906 : one-valued : J.64 .
A.24 : E.20,272. p.d.e of : C.90.
classification of : C.51,52 . Poncelet's ths : Z.3.
convex : angles of, C.74 ; regular, A. a related integral : L.45.
59. of a right solid : J.58 .
diagonals, number of : N.63. of a sphere : Me.81 ; surface of, Me.
Euler's theorem : J.8,14 : Mém.13 : 83: Q.12 : Z.7.
Z.9. surfaces : J.54 ; conicoids, &c ., 79.
minimum surfaces of : A.58. vector : Me.80 .
maximum : regular, C.612 ; for a given Pothenot's problem of the sphere : A.
surface, M.2 : Mél.4. 44,47,542.
regular ellipsoidal, C.27 ; self-conj . , Powers : angular functions, &c .: J.72.
A.62 ; star, A.62 : thsC.26 . and determinants, relation : Z.24.
symmetrical : J.4 : L.49. of negative quantics : Me.73.
surface of: A.53 ; volume, J.24 : N.52. of polynomials : JP.15.
Power remainders : M.20 .
Polynomials : geometry of, JP.28 : th
Q.14. Prepotentials : P.75.
determined from its partial differen Prime divisors of quartics : J.3.
tial : A.4. Prime factors ofnumbers : J.51 : N.71,75.
product of two : N.44. Prime-pairs : Me.79 .
system of : L.56 . *Primes : 349-378 : A.2,19 : AJ.7 : fAn .
69 C.ths13,49,50,f63,962 : G.5:
oftwo variables analogous to Jacobi's :
A.16. J.th12 ,th14,20 : L.52,54, th79 :
value when the variable varies be LM.2 M.21 : Me.41 : N.46,56 : Pr.
tween given limits : C.98. 5: Q.5 : up to 109, M.3 .
in ar.p : Z.6 .
Polyzonal curves, √U + √V + = 0 : TE . calculation of : J.10 : in 1st million,
Porisms : L.59 : P.1798 : Q.11 : TE.3,4,9 . in a composite number : C.32 .
of Euclid : C.29,48,56-59 : L.55. distribution of, ap . of recurring series :
of two circles : Me.84. C.82.
Fermat's fourth : A.46. division of a prime 4n + 1 into sum of
of in- and circum-polygon : Me.83 : squares : J.50 : ditto of 8n +3,
P.61 . 7n +2, and 7n +4, J.37.
of in- and circum -triangle : LM.6,9 : even number = sum of 2 odd primes
Q.1. (P) : E.10 : N.79 .
Poristic equations : LM.4,5. Fibonacci's problem : LM.11 .
Poristic relations between two conics : of the following forms and theorems
LM.8. respecting them : 4k + 1 , 4k + 3 ;
Position, pr. relating to theory of num L.60 : 6k + 1 ; J.12 : 8k + 1 ; L.613,
bers : Mél.2. 62 : 8k +3 ; L.58,60,614,622 : 8k + 5
Potential : ths An.82 : C.88 : G.15 : J. or 7 ; L.60,61 : 12k + 5 ; L.61,63 :
20,32,63,70,th81,85 : M.2,3 : N.702 : 16k +3 ; L.61 : 16k +7 ; L.60,61 :
Z.17. 16k + 11 ; L.60-62 : 16k + 13 ; L.
of a circle : J.76. 61 : 20k +3, 20k + 7 ; L.63,64 :
6 A
914 INDEX.

Primes (continued) : *Principal axes of a body : 5926 ,'60 ,

24k + 1, 5, or 7 ; L.614 : 24k + 11 72,77 : J.5 : JP.15 : L.47 : N.46 .
or 19 ; L.60 : 24k + 13 ; L.61 : Prismatoids : A.39 : volume of, Z.23.
40% +3 ; L.61 : 40k + 7 or 23 ; L. Prismoids : A.39.
603,613 : 40k + 11 or 19 ; L.60 : Prism : volume of, A.6.
40k +27 ; L.613 : 120k + 31 , 61 , 79 , *Probability : 309 : A.12,19,47 : C.65,97 :
or 109 ; L.61 : 168k + 43, 67, or 163 ; CP.9 : E.274,30 : G.17 : I.15 : J.
L.63 : m² +kn2 with k = 20,36,44, 262,302,33,34,36,42,50 : L.79 : N.
56, or 116, and n an odd number ; 51,73 : Z.2.
L.65 : 4m² + 5n2 with m odd ; L. theorems Bernoulli's : LM.5 ; P.62 ;
66. TE.9,21 .
general formula for C.63. problems : A.61,64 : CD.6 : E. all the
of a geo. form, limit of : C.74. volumes G.16 : L.37 : Me.4,6 :
irreducibility of 1 + a + ... + - ' , when Q.9.
pis a prime : J.29,67 : L.50 : N.49. de l'aiguille, &c.: L.60.
law of reciprocity between two, ana in analysis : J.6.
logue : J.9 . on decisions of majorities : L.38,42.
* logarithms of (2 to 109) : page 6. duration of life : CM.4.
* number infinite : 357 : Mo.78.
rouge et noir : J.67.
number within given limits : A.64 : drawing black and white : I.14 : L.41 .
C.953 : M.2 : Z.5 .
number of digits in their reciprocals : errors in Laplace, p. 279, and Poisson,
Pr.222,23 . p. 209: CP.6
games : A.11 : head and tail ; C.94.
number in a given quantity : Mo.59.
product of n, th : N.74. of hypothesis after the event : 324 :
relative : 349-50 , 355, —8, 373 : J.70 : local : P.68 : exE.7.
notation : LM.12.
tables of from 108 to 100001699 : of
153 of the 10th million : position of double stars : Pr.10.
of cube roots of to 31 places : Me.78 . principal term in the expansion of a
factorial formed from a large
of sums of reciprocals and their number of factors : C.19.
powers : Pr.33.
Mab for a prime or composite random lines : Pr.16 : E. frequently.
modulus : Q.9. repeated trials : 317-21 : C.94.
totality of within given limits : AJ4 : statistics : L.38.
L.52 . testimony and judgment : TE.21 .
transformation of linear forms of into Products : continued : Me.772.
quadratic forms : C.87. of differences : thQ.15.
on that prime number λ for which the of 4 consecutive integers : N.62 .
class -number formed from the of inertia : 5906.
Ath roots of unity is divisible by infinite, convergency of : A.21 : transf.
λ : Mo.74. of, C.17.
Primitive numbers : thC.74 . of linear factors : C.9.
Primitive roots : C.64 : JP.11 : fL.54 : of n quantities in terms of sums of
taJ.45. powers : Me.71 .
of binomial eqs .: thsL.40 : N.52. of 2 sums of 4 squares ( Euler) : Q.
of primes : J.49. 16,17.
product of, for an odd modulus : J.31 . systems of: L.56.
of unity : C.92. *Progressions : 79-93 : An.64 : C.20 :
Abel's theorem : An.56. G.62,7,11 : of higher order, G.122.
divisors of functions of periods of : with n = a fraction : N.42.
C.92. *Projection 1075, 4921 : A.3,6,12 : prsJ.
period, Jacobi's method : C.70. 70 : Q.21 , pr13 .
of primes J.49 : and their residues , and new geometry : A.1 .
Me.85. central : G.13 : derivation from or
sum of, for an odd modulus : J.31 . thogonal, A.62.
table, for primes below 200 : Mém. central and parallel, of quadrics into
38. circles : A.52.
table of, for primes from 3 to 101 : * of conics : 4921-35 : A.66 : J.37,86.
J.9. of a cubic surface : M.5.
INDEX. 915

*Projection- (continued) : Pythagorean triangles : taA.1 : E.20 .

of curves : J.66 : Z.132 : loci of cen *Quadratic equations : 45 : A.24 : with
tres, A.6. imaginary coefficients , A.8.
on spheres : Q.14. graphic solution : Me.76 .
tangents to : cnL.37. real roots of : J.61.
of a curved surface on a plane : J.67. solution by continued fractions : L.40.
of an ellipsoid on a plane : J.59. by successive approximation : N.74.
of figures in one plane : A.1. 66 Quadric
Quadratic forms (see also
gauche : N.66 . functions " ) : trA.15 : Ac.7 : C.
of Gauss : Mél.2 . 85 : J.27,f39,54,56,76,86 : L.512,
map : Mercator's, 1093 : A.50 : G.18 : 73 : M.6,23 : Mo.682,74 : thsAn.
JP.24: N.793. 54 : J.53 : M.20 and Z.16,19.
* of one line on another : 5529 : on a
Dirichlet's method : Mo.64.
plane, A.6. having one at least of the extreme
* orthogonal : 1087. coefficients odd : L.67,69.
plagiographic : A.8 . Kronecher's : L.64.
of ruled quartics : M.2. multiplication of : An.60.
of shadows : N.56.
number of the genera of : J.56.
of skew hyperboloid : Me.75 . number which belong to a real deter
of solids : Man.84. minant in the theory of complex
of the sphere : 1090 : AJ.2. numbers : J.27.
stereographic : 1090 : A.30-32 : L. odd powers of sq. root of 1-2nU+n² :
42,54. Mél.5.
of surfaces on a plane : M.5. positive : A.112.
of surface of tetrahedron on a sphere : reduction of : J.39 : L.48,56,57 .
relation, anal. investigation : Z.14.
of two rectangular lines : 4934. Quadratic loci, intersection of : AJ.6.
Projective : correspondence between
*Quadratrix : 5338.
two planes and two spaces : G.22. tangent, cn : N.76.
equations of a surface, relation to
tg.e : E.2. of a curve : C.763.
Quadrangle : prA.55 : C.95.
figures on a quadric : A.18.
generation of alg. surfaces : A.1,2 : of of chords and tangents : A.2.
differential relation of sides : Me.77.
curve forms, An.14 : J.54 : M.25 :
Z.18. dualism in the metric relations on the
geometry : A.8 : An.75 : At.752,78 : sphere and in the plane : Z.6.
G.12-14,17 : J.84 : M.17,18 : ths and groups of conics : A.1 .
N.77 : ths of Cremona, G.132,14 : of two intersecting conics, area :
metrical and kinematical properties :
loci and envelopes : G.19. C.95.
and P.D. eqs.: A.1.
point series : J.91 . *Quadrature : 5871-83 : A.26 : An.502 :
CD.ths5,9 : E.6 : J.34 : L.54 :
and perspectivity of higher degree in
planes : J.42 . Mém.24,41 : N.42, f55,54 : N.75 :
*Proportion : 68 : A.8 : G.6,13 : TE.4. TI.1 .
Pseudosfera : G.10. approximate : C.95 : N.58.
Ptolemy's theorem : A.2,67 : At.19 : J. of the circle : Me.74 : Pr.7,20.
13 : LM.12 . Cote's method : N.56.
ext. to ellipse : A.30 : inverse of, A.5. with equal coefficients, f.: C.90.
Gauss's method : A.32 : C.84,90 :
Pure mathematics, address by H. J. S.
Smith, F.R.S.: LM.8. J.gn55,56.
from integrals of differentials in two
Pyramid triangular : A.1,3,21,28,32, variables : M.4 .
36: J.3 : volA.14.
vertices of : A.2. * Laplace's formula, f.d.c : 3778.
and higher n-drons : prs A.9. of a small geodesic triangle, Gauss's
and prism sections, collineation, & c .: th : J.16,58 .
A.9. by lines of equal slope : 5881 .
Pythagorean theorem : A.11,17,20,24 : quadrics : CD.1 : L.63 : formed by
gzJ.26 and N.62. intersecting cylinders, An.65.
spherical analogue : A.44 : N.52 . sphero-conic : J.14.
916 INDEX.

Quadratures (continued) : Quadric surfaces : -conjugate diame

which depend upon an extended ters-(continued) :
class of d.e with rational coeffi parallelopiped on them : vol. 5648 :
cients : C.92. sum of squares of areas of its
*Quadric cones : 5590,5618 ,'54 ,'97 : N.66. faces, 5645: do. of reciprocals of
locus of vertex : C.52 . the perpendiculars on its faces,
through six points : C.52. 5644.
Quadric functions or forms : A.13,38 : sum of squares of their reciprocals :
C.44,55,78,892,95 : J.472 : JP.28, 5643 : ditto of their projections
arith 32, positive 99 : algL.74 : on a line or plane, 5646 .
Mo.58 : see also " Quadratic
construction and classification by
forms. " projective figures : A.9.
bipartite : P.58. correlation of points and planes on :
in coefficients and in indeterminate CD.5.
complexes : J.24. * cubature of : 6126-65 : A.14.
equivalence of: C.93. diameters : 5677, -88.
in n variables : Me.2 : disappearance diametral plane : 5636 ; gn.eq, 5689.
of products, N.55. of constant sectional area : N.43.
quaternary : An.59 : L.54 : M.5,13 : director-sphere of : Q.8.
whose det. < 0 , C.96 ; and corres
duplicate CD.6.
ponding groups of hyperabelians, enveloping cones of : 5664-72, 5697.
reduction of : C.91,93,96 : G.5 : to equation between the coeffs .: J.45.
sum of squares , Mél.5 . without foci : L.36 .
represented by others : C.93. focales, a property from the theory
transf. of: C.86 : CD.4 : G.1 : LM.16 : of : L.45.
N.66 : Q.17 . * general eq.: 5673 : CD.5 : CM.4 : LM.
reciprocal : J.50. 12,13 : M.1 : Me.64.
condition for a cone : 5699.
invariability in number of pos. and
neg. squares : J.53. condition for a sphere : Q.2.
with two series of variables : C.94. coefficients : A.1 .
*Quadric surfaces : 5582-5703 : A.32,4, generation : 5607-24, N.47,75 ; Ja
12,16,45,56 : An.52, geo60 : At.51 : cobi's, J.73 .
C.76 : CD.3 : G.13,14 : J.1,18,38, homofocal : L.60.
f42,63,69,89 : JP.6 : L.39,43,50 : indices of points, lines, and planes ,
M.2.23 geoMe.74 : N.56,57,582, theory : N.704.
593,60,61,77 : Z.5, cn13. * intersection of two : 5660 , C.64 : G.
theorems : An.54 : CD.5 : J.54,85 : 6 : M.15 : Q.10 ; ruled , N.83 ; with
L.43 : Mo.79 : N.632,642 : Q.2,4. a sphere, ths , N.64.
problems : An.61 : C.60 : J.73 : N. parameter representation of: M.15.
58 : Q.10. tangent to : LM.13.
** intersection of three : 5661 , J.73 :
analogy with conics : Me.72.
anharmonic section of : G.12.
loci from : A.27.
bifocal chords of : CD.5.
normals of : 5629-32 : C.78 : J.73,83 :
* central equations : 5599-5672 .
* N.63,78 : Q.8.
central sections : 5650 : area, 5650 : oblique coordinates : N.82 .
axes, 5651. polar plane of : 5681-8.
locus of focus : N.66. Plücher's method : L.38.
* non-central sections : 5654.
* of revolution : N.72,81 ; through 5
centre : N.75 : area, 5655. points, 66 and 79.
centre, coordinates of : 5690 : A.16. self-reciprocal : M.25 : Z.22 .
circular sections : 5596, 5601 , ' 6,'19 : sections of: J.74.
C.43 : CD.1 : CM.1 : E.30 : J.47, similarity of two : CD.8.
65,71,85 : N.51. with a " Symptosen-axe ": A.60,61 .
common enveloping cone : G.6. system of: Q.15 ; reduc. and transf. ,
condition for a cone : 5699. L.74: Z.6.
conjugate diameters : 5637 : N.42,61 ; * tangents : 5677 : G.12.
parallel, G.1 ; rectangular sys tangent planes : 5626, -78 : CM.1 :
tem , L.58. cnJ.42: LM.11 : N.46.
INDEX. 917

Quadric surfaces- (continued) : Quantitative function, transf. of : CD.3 .

locus of intersect. of three : LM.15 . 66
Quartic equations : see Biquadratic.'
through 9 points or under 9 condi Quartic curves : An.76,79 : At.52 : C.37,
tions : A.17 : CD.4 : J.24,62,68 : ths64,65,77,98 : CD.5 : G.14,16 :
L.58,59 : Q.8 : Z.25 . J.59 M.th1,4,7,12 : prN.56.
under 8 conditions : C.62. aU+ 63H = 0 : M.1 .
through 12 points : G.17,22. and Abel's integrals : M.11.
through a twisted quintic curve : E. binodal, mechanical cn . of : E.18.
38. characteristics of a system : C.75.
transformation of two, by linear sub chord of contact, eq. M.17.
stitution into two others , in which classification by inf. branches : L.36.
the squares only of the variables with cuspidal conics : M.19.
remain J.12. with 3 cusps of 1st kind : An.52 .
principal axes : see " Axes." degenerate forms : LM.2.
principal planes of: L.36 : N.67,71 : developable reciprocated : Q.7.
Z.24. with a double line : A.2 : C.75 .
and their umbilics : C.54. with a double point : M.19 ; two, C.97.;
volume of segment : A.27 ; of oblique three, Q.18 ; three of inflexion,
frustum, E.19. N.78.
Quadricuspidals : L.70. with double tangents : J.66.
Quadrilateral : A.6,48 : Me.66 : thG.5 : and elliptic functions : J.57,59.
prsN.43. of 1st kind and intersections with a
area: N.48 ; as a determinant, N.74. quadric : An.692.
between two tangents to a conic and generation of C.45 : J.44 ; 3rd class ,
the radii to the points of contact : J.66 and Z.18.
A.532. 16 inflexion points of 1st species of :
bisectors, a property : N.75. trZ.28 : E.32.
* and circle, geo.: 733 : Q.5. and in-pentagon, th : M.13.
* complete : 4652 : A.24,69 : At.63 ; mid oblate : C.74.
points of 3 diagonals, collinear, parameter representation of : M.13.
Me.73. penultimate : Me.72.
* and conic : 4697 : N.75,76. with quadruple foci : Q.18 .
and in-conic : tg.c 4907 : Q.11. rectification : C.872.
cn. with given sides and equal diags .: and residual points : E.342.
A.5. and secants : M.12.
convex : A.66 ; area, Q.19. singularities of : L.75 : M.14.
Desargues' theorem : Z.24. synthetic treatment of : Z.23.
plane and spherical : A.2 : Z.6. through which one quadric surface
and quadrangle : A.1. only can pass : An.61 .
right-angled : A.2,3. trinodal : thE.30.
with sines of angles in given ratio : unicursal twisted : LM.14.
A.2 . Quartic surfaces : A.12 : C.70 : G.11,12 :
sum of sqs. of sides : th 924. LM.3,19 : M.1,7,13,18,20 : Mo.66 ,
th. extended to 3 dimensions : J.56. 72 : N.70,873 : Q.10,11 .
Quadruplane : LM.14. containing a series of conics : J.64.
*Quantics : 1620 : C.47 : J.56 : LM.6 : with a cusp at infinity : LM.14.
N.48 Cayley P. 54,56,58,59,61 , with double conic : A.2 : M.1,2,4 :
67,71 and 78 : Pr.72,8,9,11,15,17, Mo.68.
18,23 : thsCD.6 : J.53 : N.53 : with eq. Sym. det. := 0 : Q.14.
Q.14 ; Cauchy, Pr.42. generated by motion of a conic : J.61 .
derivatives , relation between 1st and Hessian of : Q.15.
2nd : E.39. and 2 intersecting right lines : M.3.
derivation from another by linear with 12 nodes : Q.14.
substitution : C.42. with 16 nodes : J.65,73,83,84,85,86,87,
of differentials : J.70,71 : Mo.69. 88 : Mo.64 ; principal tangent
index symbol of : CD.5. curves of, M.23 and Mo.64.
integration of a rational : C.97. Steiner's : C.86 : J.64 .
in linear factors : C.50 : L.ths61 : Q.6. with a tacnode at infinity at which
transf. of ax2 + by² + cz2 + dw2, by linear the line at infinity is a multiple
subst.: J.45. tangent : LM.13.
918 INDEX.

Quartic surfaces-(continued) : Radii of curvature of a surface : A.11 ,

with triple points : M.24. 55 : Q.12 : Z.8.
Quaternions : C.86,98,: CD.4 : G.20 : principal ones : L.47,82 : M.3 : Me.80 :
M.11,22 Me.623,64,81 : P.52 : Q. N.55.
6 : TE.27,28 : TI.21 . *Radii of curvature of a surface : 5795
ap. to linear complexes and congru 5817 : A.11,55 : Q.12 : Z.8 .
ences : Me.83. ellipsoid : 5831 .
ap. to tangent of parabola : AJ.12. flexible surface : L.482.
elimination of aßy from the conditions principal : 5814-6 : L.47,82 : M.3 :
of integrability of Suadp, &c.: Me.80 : N.55.
TE.27. constant : Me.64.
equations : C.98 ; linear, 99, : of sur for an ellipsoid : 5832.
faces, Joachimstahl's method, equal and of constant sign : C.41 :
E.43. JP.21 : L.462,50.
vp op = 0 : TE.28 : qQ - qQ' = 0, Euler's theorem : 5806.
Me.852. one a function of the other : An.65 :
finite groups : AJ.4. C.84 : J.62 .
f. for quantification of curves , sur product constant : An.57.
faces , and solids : AJ.2. reciprocal of product : An.52.
geometry of: CD.9 . sum constant : An.65 .
integration ths : Me.85 . sum = twice the normal : C.42 .
transformations : Man.82. * Radius of curvature of a curve : 5134 :
*Quetelet's curve : 5249. A.cn4,9,31,33 : CD.7 : J.2,45 : ths
Quintic curves : cnM.25 . M.17 : N.62,74 : q.c and t.c Q.12 :
Quintic equations : AJ.6,7 : An.65,68 : absolute : CM.1 .
C.462,48,50,61,629,73,802,85 : J.59 :
M.13,14,15 : P.64 : Pr.11 : Q.3 : circular : 5736 ; ang. deviation, 5746.
of conics : 1259 : A.9 : CM.1 : J.30 :
TI.19 Z.4.
L.36 : Me.66 : Mél.2 : N.45,682.
auxiliary eq. of : Man.152 : P.61 : Q.3.
at a cusp or inflexion point : N.54.
condition of transformability into a in dipolar coordinates : Me.81 .
recurrent form : E.35.
irreducible : AJ.7 : J.34. of evolutes in succession : N.63.
of gauche curves : N.66.
functions of difference of roots : An.
69. of a geodesic : L.44 : on an ellipsoid,
An.51 .
reduction of : Q.6. and normal in constant ratio : N.44.
resolvents of: C.632. of normal section of (x, y, z ) = 0 :
whose roots are functions of a varia 5817.
ble : Q.5.
of a parabola : 1261 , 4542.
solution of : An.79 : J.59,87 : N.42 : Q. of polar curves : A.51 : CM.2.
2,18. of polar reciprocal : N.67.
Descartes' method : A.27.
Malfatti's : An.63. of projection of a curve : N.61 ; of
contour of orthogonal projection
in the form of a symmetrical deter of a surface, C.78.
minant of four lines : An.70 . of a roulette : 5235 : N.73 .
Quintic surfaces : LM.3. transf. of properties by polar recipro
having a quintic curve : An.76. cals : L.66 .
Quintics, resolution of : Q.4. of tortuous curves : Mém.10.
Radial curves : LM.1 : of ellipse, Q.18 . of circum-sphere of a tetrahedron in
of conics , catenary, lemniscate, & c.: terms of the edges : N.74.
E.24. * Radius of gyration : 5904.
Radiants and diameters of a conic : C. Radii of two circles which touch three
26. touching two and two : A.55.
*Radical axis (see also " Coaxal Cir Radius vector of conic : J.30 : N.479.
cles " ) : 958, 984-99 , 4161 : LM. Ramifications : E.30,33,40, pr 37, th27.
2 : Me.66. sol. by a diophantine eq.: Mo.82 .
of symm. circle of a triangle : A.63 . Randintegral : J.71 .
of two conics : Q.15. * Ratio and proportion : 68 ; compound ,
*Radical centre : 997. 74.
*Radical plane : 5585. of ab : geo.cnN.44.
INDEX. 919

Ratio and Proportion- (continued) : Reciprocal (continued) :

of differences of geo. quantities : C.40. transformation, geo.: L.71 .
limits of: 753. triangle : th Q.1 ; and tetrahedron,
of segments of lines and triangles, Q.1.
geo.: 929-32. Reciprocants : LM.172.
of two distances, geo.: 926-8. Reciprocity : anal., A.7 : geo. , CD.3 .
Rational ::- derivation, cubic curve :
AJ.33. * Reciprocity_law : 3446 : AJ.1 ,th 2 : C.
divisors of 2nd and 3rd degrees : N. 902 : J.282,39 : LM.2 : Mo.58 : d.e,
45. 3446 and A.33.
in cubics : M.12.
functions, development of : AJ.5. history of: Mo.75.
Rationalisation of : alg. fractions :
A.13,33,35. for power residues : C.84 ; quadratic,
alg. equations : A.13 : CD.8 : J.14 : C.24,88 : J.47 : L.472 and Mo.80,
P.14 : TI.6. 84,85 ; cubic, in complex numbers
from the cube roots of unity, J.
alg. functions : A.69.
a series of surds ( Fermat's pr.) : A.35.
Rational functions :-of n elements : quadratic F2 system of 8th degree :
M.14. J.82.
supplementary theorem to : J.44,56.
infinite form systems in : M.18.
Ray systems (see also " Congruences ") : *Rectangle : M. I. of, 6015 .
J.57 : L.60,74 : Me.66 : N.60,613, * Rectangular hyperbola : 4392 : Me.62 ,
622 : Z.16. 66,72 : N.42,65.
of 1st order and class and linear pen *Rectification of curves : 5196 : A.26 :
cils : J.67,692 : Z.20. Ac.5 : An.69 : CR.95 : CD.9 : G.
1st and 2nd order : Mo.65 : M.15,17. 11 : J.14: L.47 : N.ths 53,64.
2nd order and class : J.92. approximate : M.4 : Mél.4.
3rd order and 2nd class : J.91 . by circular arcs : C.77,85 : L.50 : Mém .
6th order and 2nd class : J.93. 302.
2nd class and 16 nodal quartics : J.86 : by elliptic arcs or functions : J.79 :
Mo.64. Mém.30.
complex of 2nd degree and system of by Poncelet's theorem : C.94.
2 surfaces : M.21 . mechanical : Z.16.
and refraction theory : Q.14 : TI.15 on a surface : Mém.22.
-17. * Rectifying - developable : 5727.
forming a group of tangents to a sur * line : 5726 , -51 : N.73.
face : Z.18 . * plane : 5726.
infinite geometry of : Z.17. surface : 5730.
*Reciprocal polars : 4844, 5704 : A.36 : Reflexion : from a revolving line :
gzE.24 : J.77 : LM.2 : N.48,49 : TE.28.
num.fG.21 . from plane surfaces : A.60 .
* Reciprocal of a circle : 4845. from quadric surfaces : J.35 .
* cones : 5664, 5670.
Refraction curve : A.51 .
** of a conic : 4866-8.
* of a quadric surface : 5717-8. Règle à calcul : C.58 : N.69.
radii: M.13. *Regular polygons : 746 : A.21 ,cn24,39 :
relations : J.48,79,90 : M.19,20. L.38 : M.cn6,13 : N.42,44,47.
* spiral : 5302 . convex : Me.74.
* surfaces : 5704-19 : J.79 : M.4,10 : P. eqs. of and division into eqs . of lower
69. degrees, tr. : A.46.
curvature of: L.77. in and circum : N.45 : Q.2.
degree of: CD.2 : TI.23. in space : Me.75 .
of Monge: C.42. spherical : N.60,67.
of quadrics : gn 5705 ; central, 5706. star : J.65 : Me.74 : N.49.
of surface of centres o a quadric : funicular : N.49 .
Q.13. 5-gon : M.83.
of the same degree as their primi 7-gon : A.17.
tives : Mo.78. 7-gon and 13-gon : M.6.
theorems on conics and quadrics : L. 8-gon : A.6.
61. 12-gon : complete, C.95.
920 INDEX.

Regular Polygons- (continued) : Riemann's surface-(continued) :

17-gon : A.6 : J.cn24,75 : N.74 ; and irrationality of : M.17.
division of the circle, A.42. Riemann's function : A.68 : J.83 : M.21.
eqs . for sides and diagonals : A.40. ext. to hyper-geo .-functions of 2 vari
* Regular polyhedrons : 907 : A.112,47 : ables C.952.
Pr.34 : Me.66 : Q.15. e-formula, gz : Ac.3.
relation of angles : 909 : Me.74. *Right-angled triangles : 718 : prs A.2.
volumes by determinants : A.57. with commensurable sides : E.33.
Related functions : M.25.
Right cone : Me.72,73,75,76.
Relationship problems : E.35,382. Right line : A.49,57 : fQ.15 : t.c Me.62.
Relative motion : N.66 .
and circle : ths N.56.
Rents : A.40. coordinates of: G.10.
Representative functions : M.18 .
and conic : Q.7 ; cn. for points of sec
Representative notation : Q.6 . tion, A.59,66 : N.85.
Reproduction of forms : C.97.
Reptation : N.54. quadratic for abscissæ of the points :
Residues : A.26 : C.122,13,32, ap32,41,44,
49 : CM.1 : J.252,31,89 : L.38 : Mél. tg.e of the points : 4903 .
4: N.462, Mém 70. condition of touching : 4315, 4323,
t.c 5017.
ap. to infinite products : C.17.
ap. to integrals whose derivatives in * drawn from x'y' across a conic : quad
volve the roots of alg. eqs .: C.23 . ratic for the segments in an el
ap. to reciprocity law of two primes lipse, 4314 ; parabola, 4221 ; gen.
and asymptotes : C.76. eq., 4494 ; method , 4134.
of complex numbers : Mo.80. joining two points, coordinates of
primes of 5th, 8th , and 12th powers : point dividing the distance in a
J.19 . given ratio : 4032 , t.c 4603 , 5507.
biquadratic : C.64 : J.28,39 : L.67. tg. eq. of the point : 4879.
cubic : A.43,63 : C.79 : J.28,32 : L.76.
joining two points and crossing a
quadratic : Ac.1 : J.28,71 : Q.1. conic : quadratic for ratio of seg
ext. of Gauss's criticism : Mo.76. ments in an ellipse, 4310 ; para
of primes, also non-residues : L.42 : bola, 4214 ; gn. eq. , 4487 , t.c 4678 ;
Mél.4. method, 4131 .
and partition of numbers : J.612. constants, relations between : sd.
quintic : C.76 : Z.27. 5515.
septic : C.80.
coordinates of, relation between the :
of 9exp. (9exp.9) by division by 4897.
primes A.35.
Residuation in a cubic curve : Me.74. and curve : 4131-5 : ths. in which
Resultant alg.: M.16 : ext C.583. pairs of segments have a constant
and discriminants and product of dif length, C.836 ; a constant product,
ferences of roots of eqs ., relation : C.822,832 ; a constant ratio, C.83 ;
Me.80. ths. in which systems of 3 seg
ments have a constant product,
of two equations : J.30,50,53,54 : M.3 : C.839.
crystallography : A.34.
of two integral functions : Z.17.
of n equations : An.56. equations of : 4052-66, p.c 4107, t.c
of covariants : M.4. 4605-8 ; sd 5523, q.c 5541 .
of 3 ternary quadrics : J.57, N.69 . geometry of: A.64 : thsJ.8.
Reversible symbolic factors : Q.9. at infinity : 4612-4, tg.c 4898.
Reversion of angles : LM.6. cond. for touching a curve : 4900 .
Rhizic curves : Q.11 . pencils of : C.70 : L.72 ; quadruple,
Rhombus quadrisection by two rect J.67.
angular lines : Mém.11 . and plane : prs CD.1 and CM.2 : t.c
circumscribing an equil. triangle : A. and q.c Q.5.
45. pole of: t.c 4671 : tg.e 4674.
Riemann's surface : LM.8 : M.6,18,: and quadric : 5676 ; harmonic divi
thsZ.12 . sion , 5687.
of 3rd species : M.17. and quadric of revolution : N.82.
new kind of : M.7,10. six coordinates of : CP.11.
INDEX. 921

Right line-(continued) : * Roots of an equation (see also " Equa

system of : At.68 : G.9,10,16 . tions ") : 50,402 A.14 : CM.2 :
of 1st degree, G.6 ; of 2nd, G.7. CP.8 : E.36 : J.20,31 : N.42,56 :
in space : G.113,12 : L.46 . P.1798,37,64 : Q.1,5,6.
and planes, geo. of 2nd kind : At. of a biquadratic , en : N.44.
65. by parab. and circle : N.87.
* commensurable : 502 N.45
* three, condition of intersection : 4097 : ,th57.
t.c 4617. limits to the number : N.59.
* three points lying on, cond.: 4036, common : 462 : C.80,88 : N.55,69.
t.c 4615 . as continued fractions : CM.3.
* continuity of : N.76.
through a point : 4073, 4088-9, 4099,
t.c4608. in a converging series : C.23,38.
* condition : 4101 . of cubic : L.44 : N.42.
and perp. or paral. to a given line : of cubic and biquadratic : An.55 : L.
sd5538-9. 55.
as definite integrals : J.2.
* through two points : 4083 , sd5537 ; y" —xy" -¹— 1 = 0 : Me.81 : P.64.
t.c4616, 4789 ; p.c4109 : on a
as determinants of the coefficients :
conic, equation of, ellipse 4324, A.59,61 .
parab. 4225. * discrimination of : 409 : A.46.
through four lines in space : A.1 :
CM.3 : Gergonne's pr. J.2 and * equal : 432-47 : CD.5 : E.33 : Mél.1 :
N.17. P.1782 Q.9,18.
with equal differences : G.152.
touching a surface : condition , 5786. existence of : A.15 : CD.2 : CP.10 :
quadric : 5703. E.36 : G.2 : J.5,44,88 : LM.1 : Q.
planes or points through or on given 11 : TI.26 .
points, lines, or planes , number expanded in power series : J.48 .
of such : Z.6. of the form a + √b + √c + : N.45 .
* two :-angle between them : 4112 ;
forms for quadrics, cubics, and quar
sd5520, 5553 : CP.2 : N.66 . tics : Z.24.
** bisector of the angle : 4113 , sd5540 , functions of the roots of another eq. :
q.c5543. 425,430 ; products in pairs, Q.13.
cond . of parallelism : 4076 ; t.c4618 ; squares of differences : 541 : ap,N.
sd5531 . 50 : E.40.
cond. of perp.: 4078 ; t.c4620 : sd as functions of a variable parameter :
5532. C.30.
cond. of intersecting on a conic, gn. functions of : similar, L.54 ; relation
eq : 4962. to coefficients , TE.28.
cond. of either touching the conic : geo. cn of: JP.10 .
4964. in g.p : N.89.
cond . of intersection : sd5533. in a given ratio : J.10.
* imaginary : 408 : , A.15,45 : C.24,
coordinates : 4090, t.c4611 . 86–88 : JP.11 : L50 : N.46,47 ,
shortest distance : sd5534-6. 682 approx. N.45,53 : Q.9.
drawn to the points of section of a between given limits : A.21 : L.44.
right line and conic, eq. of : A.69. Newton's rule : Me.80 : N.67 : Pr.
through origin, eq. of : 4111 . 13 .
under given conditions : C.73,74 : Newton-Fourier rule : Q.16.
under four, C.68. Newton- Sylvester rule : 530 : C.
* Right solid : M. I. of, 6018 : thA.34. 994 : LM.1 : Me.66 : Pr.14 : Q.9 :
Rodrique's th .: Me.80,842. TI.24.
Rolling cones : L.53. incommensurable : 506 (see " Sturm's
Rolling and sliding solids : geo thsC.46 . th.")
Rosettes : N.48. infinite : N.442,45.
Rotation : CM.3 : LM.32 : infinitesimal, in infinite series : A.69.
C.78. integral, by Newton's method of
of system of lines drawn through divisors : 459.
points on a directrix, modulus least : M.9 : TE.28.
of : C.21 . * limits of 448 : C.58,60,93 : geo CP.
Roots of algebraic fractions : N.46 . 12 : N.43,45,592,72,802,81 .
6 B
922 INDEX.

Roots of an equation— (continued) : Roots of numbers-(continued ) :

number between given limits : A.1 : to 25 decimal places : Me.77.
G.9 : J.52 : L.40. cube root : Horner's method : 37:
the eq. containing only odd powers A.67.
of a : N.63. of 2 to 28 decimal places : Me.76,78.
Rolle's th.: 454 : AJ.4 : N.44 : ext and sq. root, limit of error : N.48.
L.64. fourth root : A.30.
Rolle, Fourier, and Descartes : A.1. nth root as a fraction : A.46.
number satisfying a given condition : *Roots of unity : 475-81 : C.38 : J.40 :
C.40. L.38,54,59 : Me.75 : N.432 : TE.
product of differences : Me.80 : P.61 . 21 : Z.22.
of a quadratic : 50-3. cubic roots, alg. and geo. deductions :
of a quartic and of a Hessian, rela C.84.
tion : E.34. function theory : Z.22.
of quintics : C.59,60 : LM.14 : TI.18. 23 roots, composition of number 47 :
rationalization of : P.1798,14. J.55,56.
real : A.36,58 : C.61 : J.50 : JP.10 : *Roulettes : 5229 : Ac.63 : C.70 : CP.7 :
N.50 : P.57. J.65 : L.80,81 : N.56 : TE.16 : Z.28.
of a cubic : N.72 : Z.2. areas of, and Steiner's transf.: E.35.
Fourier's th.: N.44. generated by a circle rolling on a
developed in a series : L.78 : N.56. circle : JP.21.
limits of: J.1 : N.53,79. by focus of ellipse rolling on a right
series which give the number of : line : A.48.
Z.2. by centre of curvature of rolling
to find four : An.55. curve : L.59.
rule of signs : 416-23 : A.34 : C.92, Ruled surfaces : An.68 : CD.8 : G.3 :
982,992 N.43,46,47,67,69,79. J.8: L.78 : N.61 .
separation of : A.28,70 : J.20 : N.682, areas of parallel sections : Z.20.
72,74,75,809. and guiding curve : A.18.
by differences : N.54. of minimum area : L.42.
for biquadratics : A.47. octic with 4 double conics : C.60.
for numerical : C.89,92 : G.6. P. D. eq. of: Me.77.
simultaneous eqs.: C.5. quadric : Me.68.
squares of differences : 541 : CM.1 : quartic : A.65 ; with 2 double lines,
N.42,44 : Q.4. A.65.
sums of powers : 534 : E.38 : thJ.9 : quintic : J.67.
N.53,75 : gzMe.85 : Q.19 . represented on a plane : C.853.
in sums of rational functions of the of species , p = 0 : M.5.
coefficients : Ac.6. symm. tetrahedral : C.62.
surd forms of : CM.3. torsal line : M.17.
symmetrical functions of : 534 : A.16 : transformation of : C.88.
AJ.1 : An.54,55,60 : C.44,45 : G. *Scales of notation : 342 : J.1 : L.48,5ry,
5,11 : J.19,54,81 : Me.81 : N.48, 10ry,20ry: Phil. Soc. of Glasgow,
50,55,66,84 : P.57 : Pr.8 : Q.4 : vol. 8.
TI.25. Screws : TI.25.
do. of the common roots of two eqs. : Scrolls : A.53 : CD.7 : CP.11 : J.20,67 :
N.60 : Z.15. M.8 : cubic, M.1 : P.63,64,69 :
do. of differences of roots : C.98. Pr.12,13,16 : Z.cn28.
which are the binary products of the condensation of: LM.13.
roots of two eqs .: An.79. cubic on a quadric surface : Me.85.
with a variable parameter : C.12. flexure and equilib. of : LM.12.
which satisfies a linear d.e of 2nd ruled : A.68 : z = mxy², A.55.
order : C.94. tangent curves of : M.12.
*Roots of numbers : 108 : A.17,26,35 : *Sections of the cone : 1150. I
C.58 : E.36 : Me.75 : N.61,70. *Sectors and segments of conics and L
* square root : 35 : conicoids : 6019-6162 : G.1 :
C.93 : N.452,46,61 ,
70. thsZ.1 .
as a continued fraction : 195 : A.6, Secular eq. has real roots : J.88.
12,49 CM.22 : L.47 : Me.85 : *Self-conjugate triangle : 4755, 4967 :
Mém.10 : TE.5 : Z.17. G.8 : N.67 : Q.5,10.
INDEX. 923

Self- conjugate triangle (continued) : Series ( continued) :

of 2 conics : Me.77 ; of 3 conics , 5025. a ±nb + C (n , 2) c + &c.: J.31.
and tetrahedron in conics and quad nr- n (n - 1) + C (n , 2) (n - 2) -... :
rics : Z.6.
Self - enveloping curves and surfaces : 285 ; rn, CM.1 .
1+ 1x+ a (a +1)x2+ ... : J.37 ; with
Self-reciprocal surface : Mo.78. b (b + 1)
* Self-reciprocal triangle : 1020. x = 1 , J.2.
Seminvariants : AJ.7 : E.th42,6 : Q.

19-21 . 1
Σ : N.59 .
critical and Spencian functions : Q.4,6. (a + nd)*
and symm. functions : AJ.6. deductions from
Septic equations : Mo.58. 99 (13) x2n
*Series : (see also " Summation and Az x =Σ
66 Σ = 171 ) -- ==
Expansions "): 125-9, 149 a(n) (a + 1)," 2"n !*
59, 248-95, 756-817 , 1460 , 1471 LM.9 .
-2, 1500-73, 2708-9, 2743—60,
2852-64, 2880 , 2911-68 , 3781 , 1 1 + 1
21/0 + 3n ± and 1 ±
1 ± 2n t. :
3820 : A.4,52,9,14,18,23,60 : No.39, 3n 5n
472 : C.29, pr92 : CP.9 : G.10 : J. 2940-4 : A.41 : LM.8 : Q.7 : with
3,17,34,38,th53 : L.th56,81 ,: Me. n = 1,2... 8; 2945 ; E.32,39 ; G.10 ;
64 : N.59, th62,70 : Q.3 : Z.15,16, N.79 ; Z.3. Note that by (2391 ),
1 1 + 1 - &c. =flogæ dæ
Useful summations : 32 52 +x2
+ ... = log: -x : 156. an


x+ +
3 : Mém.11 : with a = 1 , J.5.
}8 r༠


x =log (1 +x) : 155. n nx


Σ : A.61 . Σ A.41
+20 1 +æ n! an "
... = log 1 - x : 157. x13
X- x7 +

7! 13! ... E.44 ; with x = 1 ,

x tan-¹ : 791 . J.5.

x2 23
x+ ... e -1 : 150. Σ (n- 1) x" : A.50 .

2! 3! n ! a" -1
23 xn
x =1
= 1-1 : Σ (-1)" : Q.6.

3! (a +2n) (1 − x)"


x+ = Σ : E.36.
5! 2 x(")
第一 sina : 764. ― * Σ anx(") : 2709.

x2 x4 x n)
+ + + = e*+e-* : Σ ( -1 )" : A.26 .
2! 4! 6! 2 n+1!
x2 x4 x6 ― 1.3 ... 2n - 1
+ .. = 1 - cosa : 765. : L.60.
2 ! 4! 6! n ! 2" (2n + 1 )
* 1 +2 + +n : 2939 : A.65 : Me.78.
1+ (qª— 1) (q³— 1) x +
p = 1,2,3, or 4 : 276 : A.64 : E.34. (q - 1) (q - 1)
1P 2P +3P ―― ... & 1P -3P + 5P — ... : +1
(g - 1)(q1-1)(q - 1) (q +1-1 )x22
J.7. (q — 1) (q² — 1) (q'— 1) (q¹¹¹ — 1)
Enx" : A.27. + ... : J.32,70.
(a +n) " : N.56. Σ { ( " + 1 ) ( 53) + ... } : G.11 .
Σ (ɑn + b„x²) x¹¬n : Z.15. ε
n-3 + (n - 4) (n - 5) -...: J.20. x
Σ 1 : A.35 .
2.3 an + a₁nm - ¹+ + am
924 INDEX.

Series (continued) : Series (continued) :

Xha +B binomial (see " Binomial theorem ") :
Σ Κ B a pos. integer < a, analogous series : E.35 : J.32 : N.
na +B' 82 ; with inverse binomial co
K, = the general term of some efficients, Me.80 .
recurring series : C.86. coefficients independently deter
a mined : A.18.
Σ ni +a : A.34. whose coefficients are the sums of
N= 2 divisors of the exponents , sq. of
n : C.50. this series : Me.85.
Σ .# = 1 E (NL) : combination : A.26.
sin convergent : 239 : A.2,6,8,14,26,41,67 ,
* Σ 69 : No.44 : C.10,11,28,40,432 : J.
COS(2n + 110
¢ )) / n * : J.54 ; with k = 2,
2,32,11,13,16,22,42,45,76 : L.39
2960-1 , J.8. 42 : M.10,20-22 : Me.64 : N.45,
Σ sin³ (2n + 1 ) / (2n + 1 )+ : E.39. 46,67,69,70, : P.87 : Z.10,11 .
or 4 and of d.i with a periodic factor :
Σ (sin no)20 / nt and L.53.
sin power -series : A.25.
Σ representing integrals of d.e : C.403.
COS no )³ / n³ : L.73 .
representing functions : M.5,22.
* Σ sin in Kepler's problems : Ac.1799 .
ε (a" COS no) In : 2922—3 . multiplication of : M.24 .
sin n2 21π and products , condition : M.22.
Σ : L.40. whose terms are continuous func
COS P tions of the same variable : C.36.
n sin no with constant ultimate differences :
Σ : 2962 : M.5.
a²+n² Pr.52.
COS converted into continued fractions :
Σ An cos" sin no : Z.1 . J.32,33 : Mém.9 ; into products
of an infinite no. of factors, J.12 :
* Σ sin (a +nẞ) : 800 : Q.3 ; L.57 : N.47.
in cosines of multiple angles : C.44 :
* Σ c" sin (a +nẞ), 783 ; Mém.15.
and definite integrals : L.82 : Man.
sin 46.
n!cos (a + nẞ), 788. derived : A.22 ; from tan- ¹0, A.16.
sin developed in elliptic integrals of 1st
Σf (n ) no: J.42 : L.52. and 2nd kind : An.69.
sin difference : 264 : A.23,24.
Σ Η (m ,n ) æn COS no : J.41 . differential transf. and reversal of :
Σ 1 tan Φ . A.44. and differentiations : A.10 : J.36.
2n 2n
Σf(nx) : L.51 . Dirichlet's f. for Σ$ : C.21 : L.
ΣΑ , φ (n ) an, J.25,28. (1) n
m n 46.
1 ) : A.22 .
f (x + m discontinuous : CP.6 : L.54 : Me.78,
82 : N.85.
from (1-x)" da : A.47. divergent A.64 : No.68 : C.17.20 :
2 CP.8,10 : J.11,13,41 : M.10 : 2.10.
1+ sin x da : G.10. division of : AJ.5.
from cos2 x log
1 1 - sin double : C.63.
of Abel : C.93 : N.85. doubly infinite : CD.6 : M.24.
application : thA.48 ; to arith , G.7. ext. of by any parameter : A.48.
in a.p : see " Arithmetical progres factorial : 268 : Mém.20 : N.67 : TE.
sion." 20.
analogous series : N.69. of fractions : L.40.
a.p and g.p combined : A.9. Fourier's : A.39 : C.91,92,96 : CM.2 :
with Bernoulli's nos.: An.53 ; and bi Z.27.
nomial coefficients , A.23. of Gauss and Heine : C.73 : G.9.
INDEX. 925

Series (continued) : Series (continued) :

Gregory's : 791. self-repeating : CP.9.
harmonic periodic : J.23,25. of spherical functions : An.75.
of Hermite, a th.: E.29. of Sterling, for transformation : J.59 .
from infinite products : Me.733. with terms alternately positive and
integration of infinite : A.3. negative : C.64.
irrationality of some : J.37. whose terms are the coefficients of
involving two angles : L.74. the same power of a single vari
Klein's higher : An.71. able in a multiple integral : C.20.
of Lagrange: C.23,343,52 : L.57 : N. in theory of numbers : C.892.
76,gz85 : Q.2 ; remainder, C.53. transformation of : C.59 : J.7,9 : into
an analogous series : C.99. a continued fraction, Mém.20,
of Lambert ; & : A.10 : An.68 : Z.7 ; of Σ fƒ (x, t) dt and others,
1 - xn C.13.
J.9 : Z.6. in a triangle problem : A.64.
Laplace's (d.c) : C.68. trigonometrical (see above) : A.63 :
of Laplace's functions : EY , C.882 ; Ac.2 : C.95,97 : M.4-6,162,17,22 ,
En Yn, C.44. 24 J.71,722 : representing an
in Legendre's function X : An.76 : arbitrary function between given
C.44 . limits, J.4 ; conversion in mul
of Leibnitz : J.89. tiples of arc, L.51 ; symbolic
limits of : A.20 : Me.76 ; remainders , transf. of, Q.3.
C.34 ; by the method of means , triple : G.9.
J.13. two infinite, multiplication rule : J.79 .
from log (1 +x) , (1 +x)" and e* by in * Seven-point circle : 4754c.
termitting terms in the expan Seven planes problem : N.56.
sions : A.21 . Sextactic points of plane curves : Pr.
modular : C.19 . 13,14.
99 of,
multiple : C.192 ; " regulateur Sextic curves : ax + by + c = 0, Q.15 ;
C.44 ., LM.2.
neutral : CP.11. bicursal : LM.7.
obtained by inversion from Taylor's and ellipse, pr : J.33.
series : Mém.11 . Sextic developable : Q.7,9.
of odd numbers : A.64.
Sextic equation : C.64 : M.20.
a paradox : Me.72. irreducible : J.37.
periodic, critical values of : CP.8. solution when the roots are connected
of polynomials : C.96. by (a-3) (by) (c−a) +
of posterns : G.6. (a— b) (B — c) (y — a) = 0 : J.41 .
of powers (see also " Numbers ") : Sextic torse : An.699.
277 : C.87 G.2 : cubes, L.64 and Sextinvariant to a quartic and quart
65 : M.23 : Mo.78 : Q.8 : Z.1. invariant to a sextic : AJ.1 .
approximate fractions : J.90. *Shortest distance : between two
of a binomial : Mém.13. lines : 5534 : A.46 : G.5 : N.49,66.
in a convergent cycle, constants between two points on a sphere : A.
in : M.25. 14 : N.14,67,68.
like numbers : N.71,77. from the centre of a surface : A.63.
or multiples of 3 : A.272. of a point from a line or plane : N.44.
of terms in ar.p : L.46. Shortest line on a surface : A.23,37,64 ;
products of contiguous terms of: in spheroidal trigonometry, A.40.
Signs : CP.2,11 : J.12 : Me.73 ; ( = ) ,
of reciprocals : Q.8. Me.75 ; ( + ) , CD.6,7 : Me.85 : N.
recurring : 251 : doubly, An.57 : J.33, 48,49.
38 : Me.66 : Mém.24,26 : N.84 : of Similarity :- -of curves and solids :
circles and spheres , N.62 : f, Z.14. A.13.
represented by rational fractional Similarly varying figures : LM.16 .
functions : J.30 . Simson line of a triangle : E.29.
* reversion of : 551 : J.52,54 : LM.2 : *Simpson's f. in areas : 2992 : C.78.
TI.7. Sines of higher orders : C.914,922 ; ap.
of Schwab : N.59. to d.e, C.903,91 .
926 INDEX.

Sines, natural, limit of error : N.433. Space theories- (continued) :

Sin 0-0 -- 03 : geo.N.75. imaginary quantities : Z.23.
4 loci (anal.) : C.24.
Sin-1 (x +iy): Q.15. planes (4-dimen . ) : A.68 .
plane triangle : A.70 .
Sine and cosine :-extension of mean point groups : ths Ac.7.
ing : A.31 : C.863. polars and alg. forms : J.84.
* in factors : 807 : A.27 : J.27 : L.54. potential function : An.82,83.
of infinity : CP.8 : Me.71 : Q.11. projection ; M.19 ; 4-dim. into 3-dim.,
of multiple arcs (see also “ Expan AJ.2 .
sions ") : CM.4 : TI.7. quadric, super lines of ( 5-dim. ) : Q.12.
* of particular angles : 690 ; 3°, 6°, quaternions : CP.13.
90°, N.53. regular figures : AJ.3.
reversion of a closed surface : AJ.1.
sums of powers : An.1 .
tables, formation of : 688 : A.66 : N. representation by correlative figures :
simplicissimum of nth order : E.44.
values near 0 and 90° : G.9. screws, theory in elliptic space : LM.
of (a +b) : 627 ; A.6,21,36. 15,16.
Six-point circle of a triangle : Me.82 , 21 coordinates of : LM.10.
832. Sphere : geo, C.92 : ths and prs M.4 :
Six points on a plane or sphere : LM.2. q.c Me.62.
Skew surfaces : see 66 Scrolls." and circle : geo, A.57.
Sliding rule : LM.6. cn . from 4 conditions : JP.9.
*Small quantities of second order : 1410. cutting 4 spheres at given angles :
Smith's Prize questions , solutions : Me. An.51 : N.83.
71,723, -4, 77. cutting a sphere orthogonally and
Solid angle : A.42 ; section of, No.19. touching a quadric, locus of cen
Solid harmonics : Me.80. tre : TI.26.
Solid of revolution : A.60,67. diameters, no. of all imaginable : A.24.
between two ellipsoids : A.2. equation of: 5582.
cubature and quadrature of : 5877 5 points of: J.23 : N.84.
80 : A.68 : N.42. illumination of: Z.27.
Space homology : G.20. kinematics on a : LM.12.
Space theories : An.70 : LM.14 : P.70 : sector of (eccentric) : A.65.
Z.17,18. small circle of: Me.85.
absolutely real space : G.6. touching an equal sphere : E.31,32 ;
continuous manifoldness of two di as many as possible, A.56.
mensions : LM.8. 4 spheres, pr.: L.46 .
space of constant curvature : An.69, 4 touching a 5th : At.19.
73 : J.86 : M.12. 8 touching 4 planes : E.19 : N.50.
Plücker's " New geometry of" : G.8: 16 touching 4 spheres : J.37 : JP.10 :
L.66 : P.11 : Z.11,12. Me.cn82 : Mém.10 : N.44,47,65,
Grassmann's " Ausdehnungslehre " : 66,84 : Z.142.
AJ.1 : CP.13 : M.7,12 : Z.24 ; ap. volume, &c. of segment and zone :
to mechanics , M.12. 6050 : A.3,32,39 : An.57 : P.1.
non Euclidean or n-dimensional : A. *Spherical :- -areas : 902.
6,29,58 : ths64 : AJ.4,5 : An.71 : catenaries : J.33.
C.75 : G.6,10,12,23 : M.4,52-7 : class cubics with double foci and
Me.ths68,72 : Pr.37. cyclic arcs : Q.15.
3-dim. , J.83 ; 4-dim., J.83, M.24 ; 6 conics : thQ.3 ; and quadrangle, Q.13 ;
dim . , G.12. homofocal, L.60.
angles (4-dimen . ) : A.69. coordinates : CD.1 : CM.1 ,ap2 ; ho
areas and volumes : A.69 : CD.7. mogeneous , G.6.
bibliography of: AJ.1,2. curvature : 5728, '40,'47 : thE.34.
circle : G.12,16,18. curves : A.35,36 : Mém.10.
conics AJ.5. of 3rd class with 3 single foci : Q.
curves C.79 : M.18. 17.
Feuerbach's points : G.16. of 4th class with quadruple foci :
hyperboloid : Z.13. Q.18.
INDEX. 927

* Spherical :-curves-(continued) : Spherical triangle- (continued) :

of 4th order : J.43. and plane triangle : A.1 ; of the
with elliptic function coordinates : chords, A.33 : An.54 : Z.1.
J.93. right angled : 881 : A.51 ; solution
equidistant : An. 71 : J.25. by a pentagon, A.11 .
and polars : No.63. of very small sides : N.62.
rectification of: An.54. two, relations of sides and angles :
ellipse : t.cQ.8. A.2 .
quadrature, &c.: L.45 : N.484,54. trigonometry : 876 : A.ths2,11,13,28,
epicycloid : G.12. 37 : J.prs6,132 : LM.11 : N.42 :
excess : Mél.2 : cn , N.46 : f, Z.6. Z.16.
of a quadrilateral : Me.75 . d.e of circles : Q.20.
figures, division of : J.22. cot a sin b : Me.64 ; mnemonic, 895 :
geometry : G.4 : J.6,8,132,ths15 and CM.3 .
22 : M.15 : N.48,585,59 : Q.4 : TI.8. derived from plane : A.26,27.
harmonics or 66 Laplace's functions 99 : formulæ 882 : A.5,16,24,26 : N.45,
An.682 : C.86,99 : CD.1 : CM.2 : 46,53 : graphically, A.25 : ap. in
J.26,56,60, geo 68,70,80,82,90 : L. elliptic functions, A.40.
45,48 LM.9 : Me.77,782,85 : P.57 : geodetic reduction of a spherical
Pr.8,18 : Q.72 : Z.24. angle : A.512.
analogues of : J.66 : LM.11. Cagnoli's th.: 904.
and connected d.i : Q.19 . Gauss's eqs .: 897 : A.13,17 : J.7,12
as determinants : Me.77. LM.3,13.
and homogeneous functions : CM.2. Legendre's th.: C.96 : J.44 : L.41 :
and potential of ellipse and ellip M.1 : N.56 : Z.20.
soid : P.79. * Llhuillier's th.: 905 : A.20.
and ultra-spherical functions : Z.12 . Napier's eqs. 896 : A.3,17 : CM.3 :
P" (cos y), n = ∞ : J.90. LM.3,13 .
Napier's rules : 881 .
S¹¸ supplement to, and geodesy : A.36.
-1 P¡µ™ dµ, &c. : Q.17. * Sphero-conics : 5655a : tg.c, Q.8,99 : Me.3:
bby continued fractions : JP.28 ; Z:6,23.
homofocal : C.50.
Qn Qn : P.70. mechanical cn : LM.6.
S Sphero-conjugate tangents : An.55.
loci in spherical coordinates : TE.122. Sphero-cyclides : LM.16.
oblong : An.52 ; area, J.42 . Spheroidal trigonometry : J.43 : M.22 .
polygonometry : J.2. Spheroidic transformation f. of Bessel :
polygons in- and circum-scribed to A.53.
small circles of the sphere, by *Spheroids : 5604, 6152 ; cubature , 6158 ,
elliptic transcendents : J.5. A.2 .
quadrilateral : A.4,40 : th, E.28 : N.45. Spieker's point : A.58.
surface of: A.342,352. Spiral : A.28 : L.692 : N.79 : Z.14.
quartics : foci, Q.21 ; 4-cyclic and * of Archimedes : 5296 : A.65,66.
3-focal, LM.12. conical : N.45.
representation of surfaces : C.68,75, * equiangular : 5288.
944,96 : M.13. * hyperbolic : 5302 .
surface represented on a plane : Me.73. * involute : of circle, 5306 ; of 4th order,
triangle : A.9,11,20,ths50,65 : E.f30 : C.662.
J.10,pr28 : JP.2 . Squares : J.22.
ambiguous case : Me.77,852. whose diagonals are chords of given
angles of, calculated from sides : circles : A.64.
A.51 . maximum with given sides : J.25.
by small circles , area : N.53. maximum in a triangle : J.15.
and circle : 898 : A.29,33. whose sides and diagonals are
cos (A + B + C), f.: Me.72. rational : J.37.
and differentials of sides and whose sides pass through 4 points :
angles : A.10. A.43.
and ex-circles : 898 : E.30. 64 transformed into 65, geo.: Me.77.
graphic solution : AJ.6. sum of three : G.15 ; of four, L.57.
928 INDEX.

Standards of length : Pr.8,21 . Substitutions : —linear—(continued) :

Statistics : Z.26. of a determinant : An.84.
Steiner's ths. and prs.: A.53 : J.13,14,16, and integral : M.24.
18,23,25,36,71,73 : N.48,562,593,62 : powers and roots of : C.94.
Hexagon, A.6 : Ray · systems, reduction of : C.90 : JP.29.
CD.6. for reduction of elliptic functions
Stereographic projection : A.39 : JP . of 1st kind : An.58.
16 : L.46 . successive : A.38.
Stereograms of surfaces : LM.2 . which transform quadric functions
Stereometry : JP.14 : thsA.10,31,43,57 ; into others which contain onlythe
J.1,5. squares of the variables : J.57.
multiplication : J.49. of n letters : geo. for n = 3,4,5,6, and
quadric and cubic eqs. and surfaces : mystic hexagram : An.83.
J.492. no. of in a given no. of cycles : A.68.
Sternpolygon and sternpolyhedron : A. permutable amongst themselves :
13. C.21 .
Stigmatics see 66 Clinant." of equidistant numbers in an integral
Stewart's geo.ths .: CM.2 : L.48 : TE . function of a variable : N.51 .
2,15. of systems of equations : N.81 .
Striction lines of conicoids : Z.28. of six letters : C.63.
Strophoids : AJ.7 : N.752. a th. of Sylvester : AJ.1 .
*Sturm's functions : 506 : A.62 : C.36 , which admit of a real inversion : J.73.
62,68 : G.1,20 : J.48 : L.46,48 , which do not alter the value of the
67: Mo.58,78 : N.43,46,52,54,66, function : C.212.
67,81 : Q.3. which lower the degree of an eq. in
and addition th . for elliptic functions two variables and their use in
of 1st kind : Z.17. Abelian integrals : C.15 .
ext. to simultaneous eqs .: C.35. Sum and difference calculus : A.24 .
and H. C. F.: Pr.6. Sum of squares of lines drawn from a
and a quartic equation : A.34. point to cut a curve in a given
and their reciprocal relations : Mo. angle : J.11 .
73. *Summation of series (see also
remainders J.43,48. "Series " and " Expansions ") :
tables : P.57 : Pr.8. 3781 A.10-13,262,30,55,62 : No.
ap. to transcendental eqs.: J.33. 84 : C.87,88 : J.10,31,33 : LM.4,
ap. to transf. of binomial eqs .: L.422. 72: Mém.20,30 : P.1782,1784-7,—
Subdeterminants of a symm . system : 91 ,—98 , 1802, —6,—7,—11 , —19 :
J.93 : M.82. Pr.14.
Subfactorial n : Me.78. approximate : 3820 : J.5 : 1.24.
Subinvariants = seminvariants to bin of arcs : A.63.
ary quantics of unlimited order : Bernoulli's method : J.31 .
AJ.5. Cauchy's th.: M.4.
*Subnormal : 1160. C (n, r) products of a, a + b, ... a +
*Subsidiary angles : 726, 749. (n- 1) b : Q.18.
Substitutions : A.62 : C.ths66 and 67, by definite integrals : A.4,6,38 : J.17,
74,76,79 G.9,10,11,14,19 : L.65, 38,42,46,74 : Man.46 : Mém.11 .
72 : M.13. of derivatives and integrals : C.442.
ap. to functions of six or fewer vari * by differences : 264 : Mém.30.
ables C.21. by differential formulæ : L.31 : Mém.
ap. to linear d.e : C.78.
by approximation , of the ratio of the by (x) : 2757.
variables of a binary quantic to formula : A.47 : An.55 : J.30.
another function of the same Maclaurin’s , C.86 : f (A, D) DF ( n) ,
degree : C.80 . Q.8: Lagrange's, J.34 : P.60 :
canonical forms of: L.72. Vandermonde's, L.41 .
and conjugate substitutions : C.215,22. of terms of a high order : C.32.
n-3 Kummer's method : C.64.
-2 Lejeune Dirichlet's : CD.9 .
of the form (r) = e (r” −² +ar ² ) :
M.2. periodic : J.15 .
linear : C.98 : J.84 : M.19,202. selected terms : Me.75.
INDEX. 929

*Summation of series- (continued) : * Surface or surfaces-(continued) :

of sines and cosines : J.4.
++=== 1 : A.35 ;
a b с
theorem reXƒ(x, l) da : 2708.
a = b =c = 1 , A.21 .
of transcendents in alg. differentials : areas of: G.22 : N.52.
argument of points on : LM.16.
trigonometrical and infinite : Me.64.
complex : M.5 ; of 4th order and
Superposition : TE.21,23.
class, M.2 .
* of small quantities : 1515. whose coordinates are Abelian func
*Supplementary :-angles : 620.
* chords : 1201 . tions of two parameters : C.92 :
cones : thN.48 . M.19.
* curves : 4917-20 : Man.54. of corresponding points : M.4.
* cut orthogonally by spheres : 3393 :
Supplement integrals : J.98.
*Surds : 108 : N.47. C.36.
quadratic (see " Roots of numbers.") deficiency of : M.3.
* definitions : 5770.
↓ (a²+b²), √ (a2 -b2) approximately : determined from two surfaces of cen
tres : A.68.
✓ (a ± √b) : 121 : A.3,13 : J.17,20 :
Mém.10 N.46,48. Dirichlet's problem : An.71 .
* 3/ (a ± √b) : 122 ; / ( a ± √b ) , 124. Dupin's theorem : C.74 : CM.4 : Q.12 .
doubly circumscribing an n-tic sur
*Surface of centres : 5774 : A.682 : An . face : J.54.
57: C.70,71 ,: E.30 : L.41,58 : of elliptic cone : An.51 .
LM.4: M.5,16. of equal slope : C.98 : N.65.
curvatures of the two ; relation : C. equation of: gn5780 : A.3 ; for points.
74,79. near origin, 5803.
the two focal conics of a system of of even order : A.70.
homofocal quadrics : C.53 . families of : C.70 : Me.72 .
of a quadric : Q.2. flexure of: J.18 .
bitangents of: Q.13. Gaussian theory of : LM.12 : N.52.
model of : Mo.62. generation of : C.94,97 : G.9 : J.492 :
principal axes of : N.48. L.56,83 : M.18.
Surface curves : A.39,60 : An.54 : C.21 , implexes of : C.79,82.
802 L.66 G.19 : J.2 : N.54,84. of minimum area : C.57 : J.8,13 :
an an alg. surface : An.63. L.59 : Q.14.
on cubic surfaces : M.21 . of nth order : cnM.23 ; 2nd , 3rd and
curvature of : N.65. 4th, Mél.6.
on a developable : An.57 ; the oscu of normals : N.59.
lating plane making a constant whose normals all touch a sphere or
angle with it, L.47. conical surface : JP.4 ; do. for
on an ellipsoid : An.51 : CD.3 : geoL.50. surface of revolution , JP.5.
groups of rational : M.3. number under 9 conditions : C.62.
of intersection : M.2 : N.68 ; of 2 octic of zero kind : G.12.
quadrics, A.16. order determined : Me.83.
multiple: G.142 ; singularities of, M.3. one-sided : A.57.
on a one-fold hyperbola : CD.4. parabolic points of : CD.2 .
on quadrics : N.70. and p. d. e: C.13 : CD.2 : Z.7.
rectification of : A.36. and plane curves : J.54,72 : M.7.
relation to their tangents : C.82. and point moving on it : L.76,77.
on surfaces of revolution : Z.18,28. and point at ∞ on it : J.65.
and osculating sphere : C.73. relation of in Riemann's sense : M.7.
*Surface or surfaces : 5770 : A.14,f32,41 , representation of: J.83.
59,60,62 : An.51 — 3,55,60,61,65 , on a plane : An.68,71,76.
71 : At.57 : C.17,33,37,49 ,ths58, one upon another : An.77.
61,64,67,69,80,86,992 : G.3,21 : J. of revolution : C.86 : G.4.
9,ths13,58,63,64,85,98 : JP.19,24, areas and volumes : 5877,-9 : A.48.
25,33 : L.44,47,512,60 : M.2,4,7,92, of a conic about any axis in space :
cn19 : Mo.82,833,84 : N.53,652,68, JP.23 : L.63.
72 : TI.14 : Z.74,8,20. of constant mean curvature : L.412.
6 с
930 INDEX.

* Surface or surfaces- (continued) : Symmetrical- (continued) :

meridian of a lemniscate, G.21 ; of the common sol. of several eqs.:
generation of, C.85. An.58.
meridian and contour curves of: multiplication of : Me.85.
Z.21 . of any number of variables : C.82.
oblique : Q.6. simple and complete : M.18,20.
passing through a given line, tan tables of : AJ.5 ; of 12-ic , AJ.5.
gent plane of : N.84. points of 1st order : A.60 : cnA.64.
in perspective : JP.20. of tetrahedrons : A.60.
of reg. polygon about a side, vol . : of a triangle : A.583.
A.57. products : P.61 : Pr.11.
quadric A.55 : L.60. with prime roots of unity : Me.85.
shortest line on : A.38. tetrahedral surfaces : Z.11 .
superposable : C.80 : N.81 . Symmetry ; plane and in space : N.47.
Riemann's symmetrical ; and perio Synthesis : C.18.
dicity modulus of the related *Synthetic division : 28 ; evolution ,
Abelian integral of the 1st kind : Me.68.
Z.28. *Syntractrix : 5282 .
ruled, with generators part of a linear Tables : mathematical ; Sect . I., con
complex : C.84. tents , p . xi .
ruled octic with 5 quartic curves : of Bernoulli's nos., logarithms, & c .,
C.61. calculation of: J.2.
screw, parallel projection of : cnZ.18. for empirical formulæ : AJ.5.
section of, homogeneous eq .: LM.15. in theory of numbers : Q.1.
self-reciprocal : LM.2 ; quadric, E.36. of e*, e-*, log100 , log10 : CP.13.
sextic of first species : M.21 . Tac-loci : Me.83.
singularities of: A.25 : An.79 : CD.7 : Tamisage : LM.14.
CM.2 : J.72 : M.9 : N.64 : Q.9. *Tangencies (circles , points, and lines) :
cubics : M.4 ; and quadrics, A.17. 937 : Pr.9 : Q.2,8.
16 singular points : C.922. Tangential eq. with the intercept and
solutions by infinites of 3rd order : angle of inclination for coor
geoC.802. dinates of the line : P.77.
Steiner's : LM.5,14 : M.5. *Tangent cone at a singular point : 5783.
touching a plane along a curve : *Tangents : 1160 : cnA.4,33 : J.562,73 :
CD.3 : CM.2. N.42 : Z.23.
touchinga fixed surface always : G.20. and contact-point in loci and en
transformation of: M.19. velopes : C.85 : cnN.57.
and transversal, th.: N.49. conjugate (and Dupin's th. ) : An.60 .
trapezoidal problem : Z.14. construction of : M.22 : N.80.
two series of : prsAn.73. double : Q.3.
web-system : J.82. eq. of; to find it : 4120, -32 ; Me.66 .
which cuts the curve of intersection faisceaux of : N.50.
of two alg. surfaces in the point cut by lines at a constant angle : A.43.
of contact of the stationary oscu locus of intersections of three : LM.
lating planes : L.63. 15.
Surveying N.50, : geo. th.A.37. at a multiple point, cn .: JP.13.
Symbolic geometry : (Hamilton) , CD . and normals : 5100 ; relations, A.51 .
1-4. parallel : N.45.
Symbolical language : E.28 . segments of : 4307 ; equality of, C.814 .
Symmedian line : E.42 : N.83-5 : Q.20 . of a surface : 5781 ; at singular points :
* Symmedian point : 4754c. 5783 : M.11,15.
Symmetrical: -conics of triangles : *Tangent planes : 5770, -82 ; p.c5790 :
A.59. CM.4: N.45.
connections by generating functions : and surface ; intersection of : 5786
J.53 . -9 : L.58.
* expressions : 219. to equidistant surfaces : cnZ.28.
figures : J.44. triple : C.77 .
functions : C.76 : J.69,93,98 : LM.13 : tan 120° : P.8,18.
Q.20 : Z.4 . tan a as a continued fraction : Z.16 ;
Brioschi's th.: C.98. do. tan na, Me.74.
INDEX. 931

tan na : f. in N.53. Tetrahedron (continued) :

tan - 1 (x +iy): Z.14. of given surface : J.83.
* tanh S : 2213 . with opposite edges ; equal, N.79 ;
tantochrone : L.44 : An.53. at right angles , Me.82.
*Taylor's theorem : 1500 , -20 , -23 : A. with edges touching a sphere : N.74.
8,13 : AJ.4, ext1 : C.58 : CM.1 : and four spheres : LM.122.
J.11 : L.37,38,45,58 ,gz64 : M.212, homologous J.56.
23 : Me.724,73,75 : Mém.20 : N. and quadric : CD.8 : thN.71 ; 2 quad
52,63,70,743,79 : TA.7,8 : Z.gz 2 rics, Q.8.
and 25. 6 dihedral angles of, eq.: N.46,67.
analogues of J.6. theorems : A.9,10,31 : N.612,662 : Q.3,5.
convergence of : C.60,74-6 : J.28 : two : M.19 .
L.73 . volume : 5569 : A.452,57 : LM.2 : N.
Cox's proof : CD.6 . 67 : Z.11 .
deductions : G.12. volume and surface in c.c and g.c :
for an imaginary variable : Me.79. A.53 : CD.8 : N.68.
kinematic meaning of J.36. volume and normal, relation : N.54.
reduced forms of: C.84. Tetratops : A.692.
* remainder : 1503 : An.59 : C.13 : J.17 : Theoretical value function : J.55.
N.60,63 : Z.4. Theta-functions : Ac.3 : C.ths90 : J.61 ,
a transformation of : C.78. 66,74 : M.17 : Me.ap78 : P.80,82 :
Terminology : LM.14. analogues of : C.93.
Ternary bilinear forms : G.21 . addition theory : J.88,89 : LM.13.
Ternary cubics : AJ.2,3 : C.56,90 : CD.1 : ap. to right line and triangle : A.3.
J.39,55 JP.31,32 : L.58 : M.1,4,9. argument : J.73 : 4thM.14 : M.16.
in factors : An.76 : Q.7. characteristic of : complex AJ.6 : C.
as four cubes : LM.10 . 882 : J.28.
parameter of the canonical transf.: th. of Riemann : J.88.
LM.12. as a definite integral : Me.76.
reduction to canonical form : C.81 . double : LM.9 : Q. transf. 21 .
transformation of : J.63. and 16 nodal quartic surface : J.83,
Ternary forms : At.68 : G.1,9,18 . 85,87,88.
order of discriminant : LM.3. formula of Riemann : J.93.
with vanishing functional deter Jacobian, num. value : M.7,11.
minants : M.18 . modular integrals : trAn.52,54 : J.71 .
Ternary quadric forms : At.652 : C.92 , multiplication of : LM.1 : M.17.
94,96 : G.5,8 : J.20,40,70,77 ; transf. quadruple : AJ.6 : J.83.
of, 71,78 and 79 : L.59,77 : P.67 . reduction of, from two variables to
and corresponding hyperfuchsian one : C.94.
functions : Ac.5 . representation of : M.6 : Z.11.
indefinite J.47 ; with 2 conjug. inde transf. of: A.1 : An.79 : J.32 : L.80 :
terminates, C.68. M.252.
representation by a square : An.75. linear Me.84 : Q.21 .
simultaneous system : J.80. triple : J.87.
table of reduced positive : J.41 . in two variables : C.922 : J.84 : M.
Ternary quartic forms : C.563 : An.82 : 14,24.
M.172,20. Theta - series : constant factors of, J.98:
Terquem's th.: Q.4. Me.81.
Tesselation pr.: LM.2. n-tuple : J.48.
Tesseral harmonic analogues : CP.13.
Tetradrometry, differential f.: A.34 : Sea (c- x)/ { c (c - x) -b2} : Q.15.
Z.5. *Three - bar curves : 5430 : LM.7,9 :
Tetragon, analogue in space : CD.7. Me.76.
Tetrahedroid : J.87. triple generation of : Me.83.
*Tetrahedron : 907 : A.3,16,232,51,56 : Toothed wheels : cnTE.28.
J.65 : LM.4 : Me.62,662,82 : Mél . Topology with tables : M.19,24 .
2 : N.pr74,80,81 : Q.5: geo Z.27. Tore section of : G.10 : N.59,61,642,652
determined from coordinates of ver circular, 56 and 65.
tices : J.73. and bi-tangent sphere : N.74.
932 INDEX.

Toroid : A.8 : rectif. & c ., A.9 : N.44. *Tortuous curves—(continued) :

Toroidal functions : P.81 : Pr.31 . singularities of: C.67 : J.42.
Torse sextic : CP.112 : Q.14. spherical curvature : 5728, -40, —47 :
circumscribing two quadrics : Me.72. A.19 .
depending on elliptic functions : Q.14. triple, and their parallels : A.65.
and curve : Q.11 ; and sphere, G.12 . *Tractrix : 5279 ; area, E.35 .
*Torsion A.19,62,65 : J.60 : angle of, *Trajectory : 5246 : Mo.80 .
5725 ; of involute, 5753 ; of evo of a displaced line ; oscul . plane, &c.:
lute, 5754. C.70,76.
inflected, infinite and suspended : of 3 homofocal conics : An.64.
5739 : N.45. of meridian of surface of revolution :
constant : L.422. L.46 .
*Tortuous curves : 5721 : Ac.2 : C.19,43, surface of points of an invariable
58,cn62 G.4,5,21 : J.16,59,93 : figure whose displacement is
JP.2,18 : L.502, th51,522 : M.5,19 , subject to 4 conditions : C.76,77.
th25 : Mo.82 : N.60 : No.79 : Q. of a tortuous curve : L.43.
4,5,7. Transcendental : -arithmetic : J.29.
approximate coordinates of a point curves : 5250 : An.76 : M.22.
near the origin in terms of the equations : C.5.59,72,94 : G.6,10 : J.
arc : 5755. 22 : L.38 : N.55,56.
* circular curvature of : 5722 : An.60 : mechanical solution : CP.4.
CD.9 : J.60 : JP.152 : Q.6. 6.
separation of roots by compteurs
locus of centre of do.: 5741 , 5748 s
logarithmique " : C.44.
-50. without a root : J.73.
with circular and spherical curvature *Transcendental functions (see also
in a constant ratio : L.51 . 66
' Functions ") : 1401 : A.37 : C.
cn. upon ruled cubics and quartics : 86 : J.3,th9,20 : L.51.
C.53 . of alg. differentials : J.23 : L.44.
with coordinates rational functions of arithmetical properties : M.22 .
a parameter : M.3. classification of : L.37.
cubic J.27,80,: M.20 : Z.27. connected with elliptic : C.17.
definitions : 5721 . decomposition into factors by calcu
determined from relation of curva lus of residues : C.32.
ture and torsion : A.65 . and definite integrals : P.57.
cubics : An.58,59 : C.45 : L.57 : of expansion of : J.16.
3rd class, J.56 ; four tangents , integral : C.94,95 : G.23 : J.98.
M.13. reduction of: Me.72 .
and developable surfaces : CD.5 : squares of: Me.72 .
L.45 : M.13. theorem of Sturm : L.36 .
elements of arc : N.733. whose derivatives are determined by
generation of : C.94 : L.83 ; by two cubic eqs.; summation of the
pencils of corresponding right same : J.11.
lines, G.23. which result from the repeated integ
with homog. coordinates : Q.3. ration of rational fractions : J.30.
the loci of similar osculating ellip Transformation : -bilinear : M.2.
soids ; d.e of same : C.78. birazionale : G.7 ; of 6th deg. in 3
with loops : M.18. dimensions, LM.15.
with a max. or min. property: Mém.13. contact : M.8.
on a one-fold hyperboloid : C.53. of coordinates : pl.4048 ; cb.5574-81 :
with the same polar surface, d.e : A.13 : A.26 : CM.1 ,: J.2 : JP.7 :
C.783. N.63.
quadrics : J.20. in 3 dimensions : A.13 : Q.2 : J.8.
quartics C.543 ; 1st species , J.93. rectangular into elliptic : Mél.4.
cn. of two : C.53. Cremona's : M.4.
intersection of quadrics : C.54. of curves : L.49,50.
quintics C.54,58 . of differential equations : Me.82.
* radii of curvature and torsion : 5739 : of equations : A.40 : N.642 ; 3 vari
L.48 Mém.18 . ables, G.5 .
and right line method : 5743. of a characteristic eq. by a discri
sextics, classification of : C.76. minant : Au.56.
INDEX. 933

Transformation—(continued) : Transitive function-(continued) :

quadric : CM.2 : N.75 : M.23. reduction to intransitive : C.21.
simultaneous : Q.11 . *Transversals : 967-74 : A.13,18,27,30,
of figures in a plane : A.4 : N.64,774. 56 : CD.5 : CM.1 : J.84 : G.22 :
in space : C.94,952,96 : N.79,802. Me.t.c68,75 : N.432,48 : TE.t.c24.
double reciprocal by normals to a orthogonal : AJ.3.
sphere : C.56. of plane alg. curves : Z.19.
formulæ J.32. of two points : A.66.
of functions : An.50 ; in an inf. series , parallel : A.13,57.
A.3. of spherical triangle and quadrangle :
by substitution : Mém.31 . A.45.
quadric : Q.2 ; quadric differential, Trees, analytical : AJ.4.
J.70. Triads of once- paired elements : Q.9 .
(ay- ba)2+ (bz - cy) ² + (cx — az )2 : *Triangle 700 : A.17,19,22,29,33,36,43,
CM.1,2 . cn46,61 : G.21 : J.50 : M.geo17 :
two variables : Mém.11 . Me.q.c62 : N.42,,43.
homographic plane : L.61. angles of: 677 : 738–45 : A.65 : P.28 :
in geometry: C.71 : J.67 : JP.25. division, A.51,58 : sum, geo960 :
descriptive : G.13 : Z.9. C.69,70 difference , Q.8.
* linear : 582, 1794 : CD.1,6 : CM.3,4 : area : 707, 4036-41 : A.45,57 : CM.2
M.2 : Mo.84. Mém.13 .
groups of: M.12,16 . bisectors : of angles : 709, 742,
methods of : C.92 ; which preserve 932, 4628 , -30.
an invariable relation between * of sides : 738, 922 , 951 , 4631 :
derivatives of the same order, Mém.pr10,13.
C.82 : L.76. * central line : 957,4644.
which preserve the lines of curva and circle, ths.: A.9,40,47,60 : Q.7,8,
ture : C.92. 10.
* modulus of : 1604. and 3 concentric circles : Me.85.
orthogonal : 584, 1799. of 3 intersecting circles : Q.21 .
for equations of dynamics : C.67. circle and parabola : Q.15.
plane : M.5 ; and in space, G.16. and conic : N.70.
of powers into binomial coefficients : of constant species : 977.
No.75. construction of : 960.
of product of n factors : An.51 . * equilateral, sum of sqs. of distances
quadratic, of an elliptic differential : of any point from its vertices :
M.7. 923 : A.69 : gz1094.
in rational space : An.73 : LM.3. formed by joining the feet of bisec
rectangular LM.14. tors of a triangle : A.64 .
reciprocal : C.92 : G.17 : N.64,82,83. Gauss's equations for a plane tri
of rectilineal space coordinates : J.63. angle : A.5.
* notation : 4629 : E.44.
by series doubly infinite : An.56.
space, for representation of alg. sur orthocentre : 952, 4634.
faces : M.3. pedal line of : Me.83.
of surfaces : M.21 : N.69 : Q.12. perpendicular bisectors of sides : 713,
of symbolic functions into isotropic
means : C.43. * perpendiculars on sides : 952 , 4633 :
of tan -1 -c
+ symmet . y, z : and point : Q.5.
c+α and polars : circle, G.11 ; conic, Q.7.
CD.9. of mid-points of sides , t.cQ.8.
Tschirnhausen's : An.58 : P.62,65 : quadrisection of : Mém.9.
Pr.11,14 . rational : A.51,56.
ext. to quintics and higher : E.12,4 : * remarkable points of (see also " In
J.582. centre,"&c.) : 955-9 : A. four, 47 ;
unimodular : 1605 . two, 48 ; five, 52 ; 66,67 : E.28,
of variables : G.5 : No.78. 30,40 : LM. nine, 14 : N.70,73,83 :
Transitive function : of 24 quantities : Z.11,15.
L.73. of reference in t.c : 4006 .
doubly, of 5 or 6 variables : C.21,22. and right line : A.59.
934 INDEX.

Triangle-(continued) : Underdeterminants of a symm. deter

scalenity of: Me.66,68. minant (i.e., successive first
sides of: bisectors : A.17. minors) : J.91 .
division of : A.63 : N.83. Undeterminants , &c.: A.59 .
containing conjugate poles with Unicursal curves : A.60 : C.78,94,96 :
respect to four conics : An.69. LM.4.
cubic eq. for in terms of ▲, R, and cubics, ths. re inflexion : E.28.
r: J.20. quartics : LM.16 : N.84 : Z.28.
similar : C.792 ; under 3 or 4 condi surfaces, transf. of : M.66.
tions, C.782. Uniform functions : C.92,947,95,963.
solution of : 718, 859 : A.3,51 : J.44 : with an alg. relation : C.912.
TE.10. of an anal. point xy : Ac.1 : C.94.
six-point circle : Q4.5 . two points : C.96,97.
symmetrical properties : A.57 : Pr.11 . with 66 coupures ": C.96.
theorems : A.9,43,45,55,57,60,613,63 , with discontinuities : C.94.
68 J.68 71 ,pr28 : Q.9, t.c7 and 8, doubly periodic : C.94.
geo1,2, and 4. from linear substitutions : M.19,20.
relating to triangles of same peri with a line of singular points , decom
meter under four other condi position into factors : C.92.
tions : C.84. monogenous : Ac.4.
*Triangular - numbers : 287 : E.30 : in the neighbourhood of a singular
J.69 L.ths63. point : C.89.
prism : thN.42. of two independent variables : C.94,95.
pyramid : At.19 : No.pr32 . *Units of elasticity, electricity, and
Tricircular and tetraspheric geometry : heat : p.2.
An.77. *Vanishing fractions : 1582 : M.15 : Q.1 .
*Trigon. in t.c : 4006. Vanishing groups : CD.2,3,6,7,8 .
*Trigonometry : 600 : A.12,2,8,11,13,30 : ap. to quantics : CD.2,3,6 .
G.13 : extM.35. *Variation : 76 : C.17.
formulæ A.27,65 : Me.81 , gz1 : N.77 : of arbitrary constants : L.38.
geoQ.5,10. calculus of : 3028-91 : A.3 , prs42 :
* formulæ : 627,700,823 : A.33 : N.46,80. An.52 : C.16,50 : CD.3 : CM.2 :
functions : P.1796 ; in factorials , J.13,pr15,41,54,65 ,prs74,82 : JP.
A.43. 17 : L.41 : M.2,152 : Me.prs72 :
in binomial factors : L.43. Mo.57 : N.83 : Q.pr10 : and de,
in partial fractions and products : L.38 and C.49.
Z.13 . history : N.51.
functions closely allied to : A.27. immediate integrability : 3090.
tables, cn : A.1,232,25. and infinitesimal analysis : C.17,40.
theorems : A.2,50,51 : Q.pr7. relative max. and min.: 3069 : L.42.
on product of 4 sines : Me.81 . of multiple integrals : J.15,56,f59 :
ix Mém.38.
on ,16 .
(1 + in a ) (1 + ib ) ..... : Q.15 transformations : J.552.
cos²a sin¹ +2 sin a cos a sin cos two dependent variables : 3051 .
two independent variables : 3175.
+ sin² a cost = 0 : integral, of functions : C.403.
Trihedron : about a parabola, locus of parameters : th2714, 3243 : N.77.
of vertex : N.63. of second order : 3087 : A.4 : J.55 :
and quadric : N.71 . Q.14 : Z.23.
and tetrahedron : A.57. of higher order : 3089 : A.27 : Z.26.
Trilinear forms : C.92,93. * Versiera or Witch of Agnesi : 5335.
Trilinear relation of plane systems : *Volumes :-of solids : 5871-83 : A.
J.98. 31,32,36 : J.34 : N.f57,80.
*Triplicate-ratio circle : 4754b : E.40,42, approximate : C.95.
435,44 . of frustums : A.33 ; of conicoids,
Twisted surface : see 66 Scrolls." J.44 .
Twist of a bar : Me.80. of right cylinders and cones in abso
* Umbilics : 5777, 5819-23 : J.65 : JP . lute geometry : A.59.
18 M.9 : Q.3. of surface loci of connected points :
* of quadrics : 5603, 5834 : C.96. LM.14.
INDEX. 935

Volumes-(continued) : Wear of gold coins : E.43.

and surfaces by curvilinear coor Web surfaces : see " Net surfaces ."
dinates C.16.
Weierstrass's function Enb” cos а”xπ
*Wallis's formula : 2456 : A.39,gz39 : 0
JP.28. with a 1 and b < 1 : G.18 : J.
Waring's identity : N.49,62 : extMe.85. 63,90.
Wave surface : C.13,47,78, ge082,92 : expansion in powers of the modulus :
CD.7,8 : CP.6 : L.46 : Me.66,73 , C.822,85,86 : L.792.
76,78,79 N.63,82 : Pr.32 : Q.2,33, *Wilson's theorem : 371 : A.48 : CD.9 :
4,5,9,15,17. J.8,19,20 : Me.83 : N.43.
asymptotes : C.97. generalisation : J.31 : Me.64 : Mél.2 :
and cone : Q.23,26. N.45.
cubature of : An.61. Wronski's methods : C.92 : L.82,83.
generation and cn : C.90 . formula of 1812 : N.74 : Q.th12.
lines of curvature : An.59 : C.97.
normals and centres of curvature : Zetafuchsian functions : Ac.5.
geoC.64. Zonal conics of tetrazonal quartics :
umbilics, geo : C.882. Q.10.






Plate 2.

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21 .


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riate 5

a 53 .





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6 63-7534

65 .



73 .

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75 .
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78 .

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