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Roll no.

:2020F-BMCS-004 Name: Laraib Shahzad

Department: Mobile Communication and Security Program: B.S (MCS)

Assignment 3
MCS-251 Introduction to Security and Cryptography

Announced date: 15-06-22 Due Date: 20-06-22 Total Marks = 3

Marks Obtained =
Teacher Name: Madiha Abbasi

Sr. No Course Learning Outcomes PLOs Blooms Taxonomy

CLO_3 PLO_1 C2
Explain the concepts related to system security. (Engineering
Knowledge) (Understanding)

1. Describe the system and the components of the system. Reflect on the statement” encryption
provides system security”
2. Describe the importance of trust in context to system security.

Answer # 01:
A system is a vague entity that comprises the totality of the computing and communications
environment over which the developers have some control.
A system boundary demarcates between the protected and unprotected components of a system.
It defines the interface between the system and the outside world if the definition of the
boundaries is not changed system security principles try to provide security of information
within the system from threats that originate in the world outside the boundary.

Security Relevant:
These components are crucial to security. A malfunction or penetration of these components can lead to
security violations. The operating system and computer hardware are examples here:
These are objects that the system control and protects examples are programs (note not processes), data,
terminal, modem, etc. The line of demarcation between the security-relevant components and others are
called the security parameter.

Answer #:02
Trust in the system is built using the techniques of identification and authentication. Systems in a network
authentication as other systems, or programs impersonating other programs in serious security threats
trusted systems enforce a given security policy based on this trust. Trusted systems classify programs
based on the level of trust in them. Trusted programs are those upon which the security system relies.
These programs are responsible for the security of the system.

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