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Conceptualisation, development, and evaluation of a

measure of unplanned pregnancy
G Barrett, S C Smith, K Wellings

J Epidemiol Community Health 2004;58:426–433. doi: 10.1136/jech.2003.014787

Study objective: To develop a measure of unplanned pregnancy that is valid, reliable, and appropriate in
the context of contemporary demographic trends and social mores and can be used in a variety of
situations, including the production of population prevalence estimates.
Design: A two stage study design: qualitative (inductive) methods to delineate the construct of pregnancy
planning, and quantitative/psychometric methods to establish the means of measurement.
Setting: Eight health service providers (comprising 14 clinics, including antenatal, abortion, and one
See end of article for general practitioner) across London, Edinburgh, Hertfordshire, Salisbury, and Southampton in the UK.
authors’ affiliations Participants: Samples comprised a mixture of pregnant (continuing pregnancy and opting for abortion)
and recently pregnant (post-abortion and postnatal) women. At the qualitative stage, 47 women took part
Correspondence to: in depth interviews (20 of whom were re-interviewed after the birth of their baby). Items were pre-tested
Dr G Barrett, Department with 26 women, and two psychometric field tests were carried out with, respectively, 390 and 651 women.
of Health and Social Care, Main results: A six item measure of unplanned pregnancy was produced. Psychometric testing
Brunel University, Borough
Road, Middlesex TW7 demonstrated the measure’s high reliability (Cronbach’s a = 0.92; test-retest reliability = 0.97) and high
5DU, UK; geraldine. face, content, and construct validity. Women’s positions in relation to pregnancy planning are represented by the range of scores (0–12).
Accepted for publication
Conclusions: A psychometric measure of unplanned pregnancy, the development of which was informed
10 December 2003 by lay views, is now available. The measure is suitable for use with any pregnancy regardless of outcome
....................... (that is, birth, abortion, miscarriage) and is highly acceptable to women.

he concept of ‘‘unplanned pregnancy’’ is widely used in study in 1998 to develop a new measure of unplanned
health research and policy. Attempts to measure it have pregnancy for use in Britain. We describe here the develop-
been numerous, varying from studies in which the ment and psychometric validation of the measure.
concept is assumed to be self evident to those in which more
sophisticated measurement strategies have been used.1–5 The METHODS
approach taken by large national surveys has tended towards The overall aim of the study was to develop a measure of
the latter, eliciting planning status by means of multi- pregnancy planning/intention that is valid, reliable, and
dimensional questions, probing (in various combinations) appropriate in the context of contemporary demographic
intentions, contraceptive use, reactions to pregnancy, timing trends and social mores, and can be used to establish
of pregnancy plans, and family size intentions.6–12 The most population estimates of unplanned pregnancy. To achieve
influential of these surveys has been the US National Survey this we used a two stage study design: (1) qualitative
of Family Growth12 whose forms of measurement have been methods to delineate the construct of pregnancy planning;
widely adopted.13–15 and (2) quantitative/psychometric methods to establish the
In recent years, however, there has been growing aware- means of measurement.
ness of the limitations of existing questions.5 16–21 No new
estimates of unplanned pregnancy have been produced in Conceptualisation
Britain since 1991, and in the US National Survey of To develop a conceptual model of pregnancy planning/
Family Growth items have been added incrementally to intention, we used depth interviews (that is, flexible inter-
ensure validity.12 22 As most questions currently used to views that use normal modes of conversation) to elicit
assess unplanned pregnancy were developed several women’s accounts of the circumstances in which they
decades ago, before legal abortion was available and when became pregnant. The aim was to build a model based on
the primary concern was with excess fertility in marital the key elements of the interviews through which an
relationships,20 it is not surprising that such questions are understanding of women’s experiences could be gained.
becoming dated. Also, as therapeutic advances have effec- (Details of the methodology and qualitative findings have
tively raised the upper age limit for pregnancy and as previously been reported.23 24)
employment opportunities have increased for women, the As previous evidence had suggested that answers elicited
social context of childbearing has changed. Furthermore, before and after birth may be different,25 26 we conducted
measurement to date has tended to assume congruence follow up interviews with women who continued their
between intentions and behaviour despite evidence to the pregnancies after they had their babies. The aim was to
contrary.4 6 7 17 assess if, or how, women’s accounts changed over this time
Calls are now being made for a reconsideration of the period
conceptual basis of unplanned pregnancy.17–19 Improvements
to the yield of national fertility surveys will only come, it is Item development and piloting
said, from ‘‘intensive work to refine the measurement of The conceptual model produced during the qualitative stage
often elusive concepts’’.10 In this spirit we began a three year informed item development; items were developed, without
New measure of unplanned pregnancy 427

limit, until the dimensions of the model were adequately Validity

represented. The items were piloted with a small sample of Content validity was assessed by comparing items in the final
women and qualitative interviews were used to check item reduced instrument with the conceptual model.
women’s understanding. Amendments to the items were Two methods were used to assess construct validity:
made incrementally during piloting. principal component analysis for within scale analyses; and
hypothesis testing. We used principal component analysis
(using varimax rotation and requesting as many factors as
Item analysis and selection (first psychometric field
there were eigenvalues .1) to test the hypothesis that all
variables would load onto one factor.37 For hypothesis testing
We screened items for homogeneity27 using inter-item
there were two levels of hypotheses, from the qualitative
correlations and Cronbach’s a.28 We then devised a five step
findings and from the literature (table 1).
strategy for item analysis and selection: (1) Remove items
Although construct validity is also sometimes tested by
with more than 5% missing data29; (2) Remove any item with considering the relation between the new measure and an
a maximum endorsement frequency of >80% on any established measure of a similar construct (convergent
response option30 31; (3) Remove any item with an item-total validity) or with a known measure of a different construct
correlation of ,0.230 31; (4) Rank the remaining items (discriminant), not enough is known about the nature of the
according to the item-total correlations and then, starting construct of ‘‘pregnancy planning’’ to enable these hypoth-
with the lowest rank, remove items if they correlate eses to be formulated. Criterion related validity is usually
highly (that is, .0.75) with another question27 30–32; (5) established by comparing a new psychometric measure with
Return items to the scale, in reverse order of removal, until an an established measure (ideally a ‘‘gold standard’’) of the
a of .0.90 is reached.27 32 (Although a criterion of 0.7 is often same construct. However, as the absence of an existing
cited for internal consistency, we used a more stringent measure was the reason for developing this measure, testing
criterion to allow for the possibility that the Cronbach’s a (concurrent or predictive) criterion related validity was also
might be lower in future samples.27 32) The strategy enabled not possible. Responsiveness refers to an instrument’s ability
us to maximise homogeneity while still maintaining content to detect change (over time) in a dynamic construct (for
validity. example, change in health status); as conception is an event
at one point in time and therefore not a dynamic construct,
Evaluating the item reduced measure (second testing responsiveness was not appropriate.
psychometric field test)
A second independent field test was carried out to establish Interpreting the scores
the psychometric properties of the final, item reduced, Interpretation of scores is normally an ongoing process over
measure (appendix, available to view on the journal web the life of a measure. As a first step in this process, we used a
site content based method of interpretation,38 using the item
Before analysis, missing data from this field test were score patterns in the second field test and data from the
imputed for the 18 women with missing data using the qualitative stage, to provide the contextual detail necessary
method applied to the SF-3633 (that is, where a subject has for initial interpretation of the scores.
completed at least 50% of items of a scale, the mean score of
their completed items can be substituted for the missing Sampling
items). As we aimed to develop a measure that could be used to
produce population estimates, women who were (or had
Acceptability of the measure been) pregnant were our target population. Although many
Acceptability was assessed by examining rates of missing men clearly have an important role in pregnancy planning,
data for the overall score and the distribution of scores. The we did not include them on the grounds that not all men
reading level of the measure was assessed using the Flesch- know about the pregnancies of their partner (or ex-partner),
Kincaid grade level scale.34 Field notes were kept by and because relying on information collected from couples,
researchers of women’s experiences of completing the rather than women alone, would introduce substantial biases
measure; notes were based on the researchers’ observations into a population sample.
and informal questioning of women in clinics. All samples were constructed to include women of all ages
whose pregnancies were continued and those which ended in
abortion. Recruitment of study participants was from eight
Reliability health service providers (comprising 14 clinics, including
Internal consistency was assessed using the Cronbach’s a antenatal, abortion, and one general practitioner) across
statistic (.0.7 indicating acceptable reliability28 35), and test- London, Edinburgh, Hertfordshire, Salisbury, and
retest reliability was examined in two ways: (1) a standard Southampton in the UK.
test-retest where a sub-sample of women were required to The qualitative sample was purposively sampled according
complete the repeat measure 7 to 14 days after first to the above criteria, and for follow up, all women who were
completion (an interval comparable to that used for other eligible and could be contacted were re-interviewed. The
measures31); and (2) a long term test-retest that only pilot/item development sample was also purposively sampled.
included women who had completed the measure initially As psychometric field test samples must reflect the
when they were pregnant, and then completed the repeat populations for whom the measure is designed,27 30 un-
measure some months later, after the birth. The rationale for selected clinic populations were invited to take part until the
this second test was to assess the stability of scores before ratio of abortions to live births in the samples was consistent
and after birth in light of existing evidence which suggests with that in the national population39–42 (that is, abortions
that women’s reporting is unstable over this period.25 26 In comprise 22% of conceptions). Women who were continuing
both instances, test-retest reliability was measured using the their pregnancy or opting for abortion were recruited in
weighted k (the non-parametric equivalent of the intra-class hospital clinics. Three researchers (led by GB) carried out the
correlation coefficient), a score of 0.61–0.80 indicating recruitment. Women were approached directly by the
‘‘substantial’’ reliability and .0.80 indicating ‘‘almost per- researcher in a waiting room or a side room at some time
fect’’ reliability.36 during their appointment; only occasionally women declined
428 Barrett, Smith, Wellings

Table 1 Construct validity hypothesis tests

Score range Mean Significance test
Hypothesis Variable (median) rank and p value

Level 1: Strong hypotheses from qualitative findings:

Higher scores will be associated Pregnancy outcome:
with continued pregnancies and continued pregnancy 0–12 (11) 393.53 Mann-Whitney U,
lower scores with pregnancies abortion 0–12 (2) 98.48 p,0.0001
ending in abortion.
‘‘Living with husband’’ status Marital status/live with:
will be associated with higher husband 0–12 (11) 431.83 Kruskal-Wallis,
scores, other categories partner 0–12 (6) 283.25 p,0.0001
associated with lower scores. not husband or partner 0–12 (2) 145.68
Older age will be associated Age group:
with higher scores (although ,20 0–12 (3) 154.90 Kruskal-Wallis,
the full range of scores likely 20–24 0–12 (4) 240.18 p,0.0001
on all ages). 25–29 0–12 (9) 307.57
30–34 0–12 (11) 398.96
35–39 0–12 (11) 397.37
40+ 0–12 (10) 365.29
Higher educational status will Educational level:
be associated with higher school 0–12 (6) 278.92 Jonckheere-
scores (although full range of post 16 0–12 (7) 297.97 Terpstra,
scores likely for all levels of higher/further 0–12 (11) 367.32 p,0.0001
educational status).
Level 2: Hypotheses from the literature, neither proved nor
disproved by qualitative findings:
Black women will have lower Ethnicity:
scores. White British 0–12 (10) 335.59 Kruskal-Wallis,
White other 1–12 (10) 331.37 p = 0.013
Asian/Asian British 1–12 (10) 331.63
Black/Black British 0–12 (5) 246.75
Mixed/other 1–12 (8) 272.32
The second child (actual births) Child order:
will have the highest scores, Continued pregnancies only:
and the third-plus child lowest was/will be first child 1–12 (10) 251.09 Kruskal-Wallis,
scores. was/will be second child 1–12 (11) 283.62 p,0.0001
was/will be third or more child 0–12 (9) 197.32

to participate. Postnatal women were recruited in two ways. interview and six could not be recontacted. The mix of ages
Firstly, women (14 in first field test and 170 in second field and personal circumstances in the sample was, however,
test) were identified from records of recent births at the maintained. At the time of follow up, the infants’ ages ranged
participating hospitals and were sent the questionnaire via from two to six months, and the time between interviews
post; response rates were 79% (11) and 67% (112) respec- was seven to ten months.
tively. Secondly, postnatal women were recruited at commu- Twenty six women, aged 16 to 42, took part in the piloting
nity clinics run by health visitors. Sample sizes complied with of the items. Seventeen were continuing their pregnancies,
guidance.43 five were about to have abortions, and six had had babies in
For the test-retest samples, women were invited to the past three months.
volunteer to complete a second questionnaire at home. Altogether 390 women took part in the first field test
Because of issues of confidentiality (particularly the problem and 651 in the second field test. Table 2 shows the
of sending material about pregnancy to women’s homes), characteristics of both field test samples. The samples were
women undergoing abortion were excluded from this consistent with national data in terms of birth/abortion ratio
process, and therefore from the standard test-retest. Of the and were largely consistent in terms of age distribution and
467 women invited to participate, 340 (73%) agreed. For both marital status, although women born abroad were slightly
test-retests, 121 women were selected (on a quota basis to over-represented45–47 (table 3).
include a range of ages) to achieve the sample sizes necessary Ninety eight women (81%) completed the repeat measure
for repeated observations.44 for the standard test-retest; 90 (74%) were in the seven to
14 day window eligible for analysis.
Ethical approval Ninety women (76%) completed the repeat measure for the
Multi-centre ethical approval was obtained for the study. long term test-retest; 87 (72%) were eligible for analysis.
(Two women had become pregnant again and one woman
RESULTS was still pregnant at 39 weeks). The interval between the two
Samples questionnaires was six plus months for most women.
The qualitative sample comprised 47 women: 28 were
continuing their pregnancies (although one had a miscar- Conceptualisation
riage a couple of days before the interview), two were about The circumstances in which women became pregnant
to have abortions, and 17 had recently had abortions, most are summarised by six thematic areas: (1) expressed
within the past two weeks. Women’s ages ranged from 15 to intentions; (2) desire for motherhood; (3) contraceptive
43. Women’s educational and occupational levels and use; (4) pre-conceptual preparations; (5) personal circum-
marital/relationship situations varied widely. stances/timing; and (6) partner influences. These areas
Of the 27 women in the qualitative sample who subse- formed the dimensions of the conceptual model (fig 1). The
quently had a baby, 20 were re-interviewed. One declined an model reflects the complexities of women’s accounts by
New measure of unplanned pregnancy 429

Table 2 Characteristics of the women in the psychometric field test samples

Field test 1 Field test 2

Variable % (n) % (n)

Pregnancy situation n = 390 n = 651

continuing pregnancy* 63.8 (249) 47.3 (308)
abortion 18.5 (72) 22.9 (149)
postnatal` 17.7 (69) 29.8 (194)
Age n = 385 n = 648
under 20 7.0 (27) 11.8 (77)
20–24 13.5 (52) 15.6 (101)
25–29 24.4 (94) 21.0 (136)
30–34 29.6 (114) 30.1 (195)
35–39 20.8 (80) 17.7 (115)
40+ 4.7 (18) 3.7 (24)
range 14–47 14–47
Number of children n = 388 n = 651
0 37.4 (145) 37.5 (244)
1 34.8 (135) 36.1 (235)
2 19.1 (74) 17.8 (116)
3 5.7 (22) 5.7 (37)
4 2.1 (8) 1.5 (10)
5+ 0.8 (4) 1.4 (9)
Who women live with n = 387 n = 651
husband 55.6 (215) 50.4 (328)
partner 20.9 (81) 19.8 (129)
husband and parents 2.6 (10) 2.0 (13)
partner and parents 1.8 (8) 2.3 (15)
parents 5.1 (20) 9.5 (62)
alone 9.5 (37) 10.0 (65)
other relatives or friends 4.1 (16) 4.3 (28)
other 0.3 (1) 1.7 (11)
Woman’s place of birth n = 388 n = 648
Britain 73.5 (285) 77.6 (503)
elsewhere 26.5 (103) 22.4 (145)
Ethnicity n = 389 n = 650
white British 65.0 (253) 71.7 (466)
white Irish 3.1 (12) 2.3 (15)
white other 9.5 (37) 8.9 (58)
mixed—white and black Caribbean 0.5 (2) 0.6 (4)
mixed—white and black African 0.5 (2) 0.2 (1)
mixed—white and Asian 0.5 (2) 0.6 (4)
mixed-other 0.8 (3) 0.3 (2)
Asian—Indian 2.1 (8) 1.4 (9)
Asian—Pakistani 1.8 (7) 4.5 (10)
Asian—Bangladeshi 1.3 (5) 0.8 (5)
Asian—other 2.6 (10) 1.7 (11)
Black/Black British
Black Caribbean 4.4 (17) 3.5 (23)
Black African 5.4 (21) 4.0 (26)
Black other 0.3 (1) 0.3 (2)
Chinese or other
Chinese 1.5 (6) 0.8 (5)
Other 0.8 (3) 1.4 (9)

*Field test 2 includes one woman who was continuing her pregnancy but miscarried in the 24 hours before
completing the measure. In field tests 1 and 2, 68 (94%) and 147 (99%) respectively were currently pregnant and
about to terminate their pregnancies. `In field tests 1 and 2, 54 (78%) and 177 (91%) respectively had a child
under 1 year.

encompassing a range of positions on each dimension (for Development and piloting of items
example, positive, negative, ambivalent) and by neither Eleven items were developed from the conceptual model:
requiring, nor assuming, congruence between dimensions. contraceptive use was represented by two items, personal
In the follow up interviews, women were, overall, circumstances/timing by four, partner influences by two, and
extremely consistent in their descriptions of the circum- the remaining dimensions by one item each. During piloting,
stances in which they became pregnant; confirming many one item (relating to contraception) was separated into two
features of their earlier interviews spontaneously. Only one items, and minor changes to the wording and layout were
woman modified an aspect of her account (her contracep- made.
tive use) relating to the conceptual model. (In contrast,
greater change was noted regarding decision making after Item analysis and selection
confirmation of pregnancy, and the interviews showed that No item failed the threshold of .5% missing data. One ques-
women could clearly distinguish between their thoughts and tion failed the criterion of an endorsement frequency of over
feelings about events leading to their pregnancies and their 80% on any one response option, hence was removed. Table 4
thoughts and feelings about these events later, in light of shows the inter-item and item-total correlations of the remain-
their new experiences.) ing items. No item had an item-total correlation of ,0.2, and
430 Barrett, Smith, Wellings

Table 3 Comparison of field test samples with national data

Field test 1 sample Field test 2 sample England and Wales, 2000*

Age Women opting for abortion (n = 71): Women opting for abortion (n = 146): Age at abortion (n = 175542):
% (n) % (n) % (n)
under 20 15.5 (11) 24.7 (36) 21.1 (36966)
20–24 29.6 (21) 26.7 (39) 26.8 (47099)
25–29 29.6 (21) 28.1 (41) 21.6 (37852)
30–34 15.5 (11) 9.6 (14) 16.4 (28735)
35–39 5.6 (4) 8.2 (12) 10.6 (18589)
40+ 4.2 (3) 2.7 (4) 3.6 (6253)
Age Women continuing Women continuing Age of mother at live birth
pregnancy (n = 247) pregnancy (n = 307): (n = 604441):
under 20 % (n) % (n) % (n)
20–24 5.7 (14) 11.4 (35) 7.6 (45846)
25–29 10.9 (27) 14.3 (44) 17.8 (107741)
30–34 24.7 (61) 18.6 (57) 28.2 (170701)
35–39 31.6 (78) 32.2 (99) 29.8 (180113)
40+ 23.5 (58) 20.2 (62) 14.1 (84974)
3.6 (9) 3.3 (10) 2.5 (15066)
Women continuing Women continuing Proportion of live births
pregnancy/postnatal pregnancy/postnatal women registered by married
women (n = 311): (n = 500): proportion who parents:
proportion who were were married:
% (n) % (n) % (n)
66.6 (207) 64.4 (322) 60.5 (365836)
By age group
under 20 0 (0) 9.8 (4) 10.3 (4742)
20–24 32.3 (10) 29.5 (18) 37.4 (40262)
25–29 63.0 (46) 66.0 (62) 65.4 (111606)
30–34 78.0 (78) 76.2 (138) 75.6 (136165)
35–39 81.6 (62) 84.5 (87) 73.8 (62671)
40+ 73.3 (11) 65.0 (13) 69.0 (10390)
Women continuing Women continuing Proportion of births
pregnancy/postnatal pregnancy/postnatal women registered by women who
women (n = 316): (n = 499): proportion who were born in the UK:
proportion who were were born in the UK:
born in the UK:
% (n) % (n) % (n)
76.9 (243) 79.4 (396) 84.5 (510835)

*Office for National Statistics 200145 46; figures for Scotland similar but not shown.

applying the strategy of considering the inter-item correlations Acceptability

resulted in eight items (2, 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 6, 7, 8) being removed. After imputation of missing data, scores were available for
Cronbach’s a of the remaining three items was 0.78. To achieve all women in the sample. All scores were represented; 2.3%
an a of .0.90, three items (4b, 6, 7) were returned. of women scored the minimum (0) and 25.0% the maximum

Figure 1 Conceptual model of

pregnancy planning/unplanned
New measure of unplanned pregnancy 431

Key points We developed a six item measure of unplanned pregnancy.
Psychometric testing demonstrated the high internal con-
N A new, psychometrically evaluated, measure of sistency, high stability (standard and longer term), and
unplanned pregnancy is now available for use. excellent face, content, and construct validity of the measure.
N The new measure is based on lay views, rather than One limitation is that for reasons of confidentiality, the
standard test-retest only included women who continued
professional conceptualisations, of pregnancy plan-
their pregnancies, thus our assessment of test-retest relia-
bility does not provide any information about the stability
N The measure is suitable for use with all women of the scale when used with women whose pregnancies
regardless of (intended or actual) pregnancy outcome. ended in abortion. Interestingly, the findings of the long
term test-retest (and the qualitative follow up interviews)
directly contradict previous evidence concerning the
stability of women’s reports of pregnancy planning after
(12). The skew statistic was 20.4, however visual inspection of birth.25 26 The reason for this may be that the items of the
the distribution suggested that the scores were negatively measure permit women a wider range of answers and
skewed, possibly bimodal (with peaks at scores 2 and 12). The therefore do not force women into categories that may be
readability level of the measure was 6.7 on the Flesch-Kincaid invalid. The measure was developed in Britain and is
grade level score (that is, suitable for an 11 year old), and most therefore appropriate for use with this population. As with
women completed the measure in 60–90 seconds. The measure other measures, re-validation would be required before
was well received and did not cause offence. application to other countries.
Compared with previous questions used to assess preg-
nancy planning, the measure has a number of advantages: it
Reliability makes no assumptions about the nature of women’s
The Cronbach’s a was 0.92. (Item-total correlations ranged relationships; it does not rely on women having fully formed
from 0.60 to 0.89 and inter-item correlations ranged from childbearing plans; it does not assume a particular form of
0.44 to 0.83.) For the standard test-retest the weighted k was family building; and it is suitable for use with any pregnancy
0.97, and for the long term test-retest it was 0.86. regardless of outcome. Because of its conceptual basis, the
measure does not presume that women have clearly defined
Validity intentions and/or behaviour consistent with intentions.
Comparison of the six item measure with the conceptual model Women may occupy a range of positions in relation to
showed that content validity had been maintained, with one pregnancy planning, and these are represented by the range
question representing each dimension of the model. All of scores from zero to 12. The scores also provide more
hypotheses to test construct validity were supported (table 1), sophisticated information about pregnancy planning than the
suggesting that the scale is indeed measuring the degree to which
a pregnancy is planned. The results of principal component
analysis confirmed that all variables loaded onto one factor Policy implications
(eigenvalue 4.33), with high factor loadings for each item: qu1-
0.70; qu2-0.90, qu3-0.93, qu4-0.90, qu5-0.89, qu6-0.75.
N Unplanned pregnancy is often used as a proxy
indicator of poor sexual health, and reducing the
Interpreting the scores number of unplanned pregnancies is a policy aim of
The increasing scores of the measure (zero to 12) represent many countries around the world, including the USA
increasing degrees of pregnancy planning/intention and there and the UK.
are no obvious cut points in the scale; each score provides
additional information. In terms of producing population N Existing methods of eliciting pregnancy planning status
have become dated.
estimates, we suggest (on the basis of preliminary inter-
pretation) the division of scores into a minimum of three N A new measure will facilitate the production of reliable
groups—that is,10–12 (planned), 4–9 (ambivalent); and 0–3 estimates of unplanned pregnancy.

Table 4 Inter-item and item-total correlations

Inter-item correlations:

q1 (1)* 1.0
q2 0.7924 1.0
q4a 0.4792 0.4636 1.0
q4b (2) 0.4998 0.4228 0.7811 1.0
q4c 0.5268 0.4858 0.7503 0.7481 1.0
q4d 0.4328 0.4164 0.7458 0.7064 0.8317 1.0
q5 (3) 0.6080 0.5808 0.7172 0.7453 0.6815 0.6633 1.0
q6 (4) 0.5170 0.4688 0.7317 0.8140 0.6870 0.6859 0.8137 1.0
q7 (5) 0.5292 0.4955 0.7225 0.7592 0.7285 0.6670 0.8042 0.7645 1.0
q8 0.4807 0.4395 0.7025 0.6934 0.6784 0.6303 0.6976 0.7259 0.7824 1.0
q9 (6) 0.4134 0.3790 0.5125 0.5351 0.4773 0.4646 0.6241 0.5464 0.5564 0.5446 1.0
q1(1) q2 q4a q4b(2) q4c q4d q5(3) q6(4) q7(5) q8 q9(6)
Item-totals 0.6369 0.5915 0.8210 0.8354 0.8157 0.7716 0.8641 0.8429 0.8498 0.7892 0.6165

*Figures in parentheses correspond to item numbers of the measure (appendix, available to view on the journal web site
An item-total correlation is the correlation of the individual item with the scale total omitting that item.
432 Barrett, Smith, Wellings

dichotomous categories of planned and unplanned. The 11 Macro International. Women’s lives and experiences: a decade of research
findings from the Demographic and Health Surveys. Program Calverton, MD:
measure is short (only six items) and highly acceptable Macro International, 1994.
(that is, easy to understand, inoffensive, and quick to 12 London K, Peterson L, Piccinino L. The National Survey of Family
complete), attributes that make it suitable for use in large Growth: principal source of statistics on unintended pregnancy:
scale surveys. supplement to chapter two. In: Brown SS, Eisenberg L, eds. The best
intentions: unintended pregnancy and the well-being of children and
The measure, with its conceptual basis, represents a families. Washington: National Academy Press, 1995.
clear break with the forms of measurement found in 13 Adams MM, Shulman HB, Bruce C, et al. The Pregnancy Risk Assessment
the previous British surveys and the current US and Monitoring System: design, questionnaire, data collection and response rates.
Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 1991;5:333–46.
Demographic and Health Surveys (the last being the main 14 Kost K, Forrest JD. Intention status of U.S. births in 1988: differences by
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27 Nunnally JC, Bernstein IH. Psychometric theory. 3rd edn. New York:
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28 Cronbach LJ. Coefficient alpha and the internal structure of tests.
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29 Loewenthal KM. An introduction to psychological tests and scales. 2nd edn.
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doi: 10.1136/jech.2003.008730
Influential women in occupational health
Lynn R Goldman, MD—Paediatrician, Professor, and Epidemiologist

April 1951–, Country of birth: USA

ynn Goldman has extensive background in pesticide and environmental risks to children.
During her tenure as Assistant Administrator for Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic
Substances at the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), she was responsible for
the nation’s toxic chemicals regulatory programmes. There she expanded citizens’ right to
know under the Toxics Release Inventory, and updated the US pesticides laws. Goldman made
progress on testing of high volume industrial chemicals and identification of chemicals that
disrupt endocrine systems. She was also successful in promoting children’s health issues,
furthering the international agenda for global chemical safety.

‘‘The environment has been taken out of public health and put into environmental
agencies, and environmental agencies have lost touch with health.’’

With globalisation, Goldman recognises the increasing importance of chemical safety and
biotechnology to public health. Her work involves development of policy. At Johns Hopkins
University, she co-chairs the school-wide taskforce on bioterrorism.

D F Salerno
Clinical Communications Scientist, Pfizer Global Research and Development, Ann Arbor
Laboratories, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
I L Feitshans
Adjunct Faculty, Cornell University, School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Albany, NY, USA

Correspondence to: Deborah F. Salerno, 2800 Plymouth Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105, USA;

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