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International Journal of Solids and Structures 46 (2009) 3894–3901

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Pseudo-potential of elastoplastic damage constitutive model and its application

Changjiang Shao *, Jianzhong Li, Yonghong Wu
State Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention in Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Damage pseudo-potentials, from which the damage evolution equations can be acquired, are usually
Received 26 April 2009 expressed as scalar functions of irreversible thermodynamic variables. A lower potential for an action
Received in revised form 8 July 2009 with the dissipation property corresponds to a Helmholtz free energy function in classical mechanics;
Available online 28 July 2009
therefore, pseudo-potential acts as a cornerstone of the damage constitutive relationship. According to
the analysis on state and process of a damage system, the authors study the connection between damage
Keywords: action, pseudo-potential and free energy function. Next a general method to define the pseudo-potential
of damage process is discussed. The discrete elementary equations of continuum damage mechanics are
derived from the action functional. Subsequently, the numerical implementation of the aforementioned
Action functional damage model is given. Comparison between experimental evidences and numerical results verifies the
Calculus variation soundness of the theoretical model and the numerical framework.
Numerical implementation Crown Copyright Ó 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction indicators. However, the mathematical feature of the potential

function was supplied by Mariano and Augusti (1997, 2001). Mari-
This article considers some fundamental issues on a damage ano and his cooperator defined a damage pseudo-potential which
constitutive model in order to supply a general strategy to con- was action inf-boundedness along the path from admissible state
struct the theoretical model and the corresponding numerical to the remote horizon of ultimate failure. Similarly, Francfort and
technology. A proposed framework includes the definition of dam- Garroni (2006) postulated that the material seemed to minimize
age state and process, of which the direct product induces damage the energy in which the stored elastic energy competed with the
action and pseudo-potential. Next a free energy comes into being damage induced dissipated energy every time. A quasi-static dam-
based on the analysis of the pseudo-potential function and the age evolution could be given by means of a discrete time approxi-
generalized standard material model. Accordingly, the Gateaux dif- mation in a compact metric space. The assumption is that the
ferentiable free energy admits the existence of stationary state dissipation potential is positively homogeneous within one degree
variables which are solutions of the damage system. The previous in the internal variables. Or explicitly, it can be expressed as a func-
variational approach leads to the elementary equations of the dam- tion of the thermodynamic state and its material flow rate (Hou-
age initial-boundary value problem in a time-discrete form. lsby and Puzrin, 2000). Therefore research concerned with
For an irreversible damage course, the energy dissipation is dissipative potential has already been the focus of damage theory
independent of approaching paths, which cause the invalid exis- (Lubarda and Krajcinovic, 1995a,b; Mariano and Augusti, 1997,
tence of potential function along the loading path. However, we 2001).
name dissipative damage function as pseudo-potential along the Although the theory has reached a high level of development
classical mechanical way. Research on damage potential includes and usefulness by now there is a fair amount of arbitrariness when
several key points such as the definition of damage state, process it comes to the choice of dissipation potential functions for distinct
and action. Coleman and Owen (1974) thought that the potential knowledge and presumption about damage mechanism, this
was a scalar function (a function defined on the state space R necessitates comprehensive disquisition on this topic. There are
and process space PÞ defined in a mechanical system. Therefore, now a growing number of papers that construct damage models
the characterization of state and process should be first investi- from free energy functions based on the thermodynamic orthogo-
gated to understand the potential function. Krajcinovic (1996) told nal condition (Ortiz, 1985; Simo and Ju, 1987; Chow and Lu, 1989;
us that damage potential was a real-valued functional of the affin- Ju, 1989; Lemaitre, 1992; Honein et al., 1994; Lubarda and
ities conjugated thermodynamically to the cumulating damage Krajcinovic, 1995a,b; Zhu and Cescotto, 1995; Krajcinovic, 1996;
Murakami and Kamiya, 1997; Hayakawa et al., 1998; Wu and
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 21 65983116 2408; fax: +86 21 65980455.
Nanakorn, 1999; Ragueneau et al., 2000; Miehe et al., 2002; Kratzig
E-mail addresses:, (C. Shao), lijianzh and Polling, 2004; Markovic and Ibrahimbegovic, 2006; Shao, (J. Li), (Y. Wu). 2007). The generalized standard media model is considered a

0020-7683/$ - see front matter Crown Copyright Ó 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Shao et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 46 (2009) 3894–3901 3895

general methodology to overcome the previous trouble (Hackl, scalar, a vector or a tensor, depending on the aspects of the
1997; Mielke, 2006). This kind of constitutive model needs revers- phenomenon put in evidence. The increment of x’s components
ible and irreversible terms of the free energy function. When the is a function of current state and internal variables. As r is con-
dissipative function is given, the evolution of damage variable cerned, the finite set of independent field of a continuum B occu-
and the other constitutive equations could be induced. Numerical pying M0 is called a state at the moment of t. In the case of
technology is another key problem encountered after the damage isotropic brittle elastic damage, r can be thought of a function of
constitutive model is obtained. Among various existing methods, deformation gradient F, temperature h and damage tensor x.
those based on variation framework are most favored (Simo and
Honein, 1990; Ortiz and Stainier, 1999; Kane et al., 2000; Armero
r ¼ rðF; h; xÞ ð2:1Þ
and Perez-Foguet, 2002; Lall and West, 2006). Here we give the deformation tensor as
The use of potentials is closely related to variational and extre-
mum principles. So we can get the minimum incremental energy 1 T
E :¼ ðF F  IÞ ð2:2Þ
sequence. The variational method based on the principle of maxi- 2
mum plastic dissipation shows that the Euler–Lagrange equations where I is the unit second-rank tensor.
would induce the fundamental numerical formulations of the elas- For ductile damage, r depends on deformation tensor E, plastic
to-viscoplastic constitutive model (Simo and Honein, 1990). And stretch tensor Ep , temperature h and dipole approximation of mi-
then a time-discretized version of the variational expression could cro-crack density j.
also be induced (Ortiz and Stainier, 1999) which has good numer-
ical behavior in terms of obtaining the correct amounts (Kane et al., r ¼ rðE; Ep ; h; jÞ ð2:3Þ
2000). There is a clear variational structure behind the closest-
Now we express the process space by P and the state space by
point projection algorithm. This means the minimization of the
R. The interaction process between continuous body B and the
distance in the proper metric between the trial state and the
external surrounding is given as P ¼ P t , where t 2 ½t1 ; t2 ; P 2 P.
admissible elastic set defined in stress space (Armero and Perez-
The process can be history of loading course, deformation or tem-
Foguet, 2002). Similar publications on this topic, such as discrete
perature. Let D  DðPÞ be the domain of P in admissible set A and
variational Hamiltonian mechanics, can be found in the essays by
T  TðPÞ be the set of all paths in R generated by using some real
Lall and West (2006) and Magnenet et al. (2007). There a canonical
number for parameterization. For the model of internal variables,
choice of a Hamiltonian theory corresponding to the theory of dis-
the process can be expressed by measurable variables as follows:
crete Lagrangian mechanics was presented. The above work shows
that variational approach automatically keeps symplectic and P : DðPÞ ! TðPÞ; DðPÞ # R; TðPÞ # R
preserves all momenta in the case of recoverable processes or
There is a decomposition operator of the process set P onto it-
dissipative ones.
self: P  P ! P. Then exists process pairðP 0 ; P00 Þ such that a state
In the second section of this essay, the authors will describe the
transformation qp along the path is
essential concepts and theories concerned with dissipative poten-
tial such as state, process, and action according to the achieve- qp0 ðDðP0 ÞÞ \ DðP00 Þ–;; DðP0 P00 Þ  q1 0 00
p0 ðqp0 ðDðP ÞÞ \ DðP ÞÞ–;;
ments of Owen (1984), Mariano and Augusti (1997) and Mariano
and Augusti (2001). In the third section the relationship between
qp00 p0 r ¼ qp00 qp0 r
damage action and pseudo-potential will be analyzed in succes- For unloading case, we have
sion. In the fourth section, the damage action functional will be
constructed based on dissipative potential. In the fifth section the P : D  ½t1 ; t 2  ! T; P  P ! P:
numerical elementary equations of the system will be given In the case of relaxation P ¼ fP ½r jr 2 Rþþ g, there exist stagnant
according to the variational technology. In the sixth section the state r0 and relaxed state r such that (Coleman and Owen, 1974)
algorithm technology of the damage beam element will be given
and the user material subroutine will be compiled based upon P½r1  P½r2  ¼ P½r1 þr2  ; r0 ¼ lim P½r r:
the commercial software ABAQUS. In the seventh section, compar-
ison between experimental evidence and FE results will be made to According to the arguments of Coleman and Owen (1974) deal-
show the reasonability of the theoretical model and the numerical ing with the notions of state, process, action and potential, the def-
algorithms. Lastly, in the eighth section some conclusions and po- initions can be rephrased as follows (Mariano and Augusti, 1997,
tential extension of this work will be presented. 2001; Mariano, 1998):
Admissible set: there exist two nonempty and nonintersecting
2. Damage state and process sets A and G in R, which satisfy:

Here, we assume that M0  Rd is the predefined initial manifold (i) Admissible state, if 9t 1 such that qPt1 r 2 A, then qPt<t1 r  A.
occupied by the body B in its reference place. Then the deformation (ii) Failure state, if 9t2 such that qPt2 r 2 G, then qPt>t1 r  R n A.
gradient F ¼ ru will be derived from the deformation (iii) Nonadmissible state, if 9t  such that qPt r 2 R n A, then 9t 0
u : M0 ! M1  Rd . Let A and G represent undamaged and damage such that qPt<t0 r  A and qPt>t0 r  R n A.
admissible set respectively in a state space. We suppose the state (iv) Damage approach, 8r 2 A; 9P 2 P such that qP r 2 G.
of material points could be described by the deform F 2 Rd  Rd
and the internal variable q 2 A (or q 2 GÞ, where q maybe a damage Definition of damage: if r0 is a damage state in respect to r,
or a plastic parameter. Consequently, the admissible sets (A and G) then states r and r0 can be connected to only by paths induced
are submanifolds with boundary in Rm ðm  NÞ. When damage oc- by damaging processes qP0 P r0 ¼ r0 .
curs in the set G, we consider it as degradation of the current man- Base state: all base states of R included in A.
ifold M1 referring to the initial manifold M0 . There are a variety of According to the previous statement, there exists a base state
methods to depict the damage behaviors in engineering materials, r 2 R at least such that Pr def
¼ fqr jP 2 P; r
 2 DðPÞg is dense in R.
such as the maximum dipole approximation of micro-crack density The irreversible thermodynamic states of a damage system, in
or fracture energy density. The quantificational characterization of general, are described by a set of observable and internal variables.
damage change can be expressed by a variable x which can be a After the damage state and process are known, the damage action
3896 C. Shao et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 46 (2009) 3894–3901

or the dissipative energy can be given as a direct product of the which the stresses, the general force, and the quality of entropy
state variable and the process. can be derived from the corresponding partial derivatives.
The free energy includes by definition the elastic strain energy
3. Damage action and pseudo-potential and the thermodynamic dissipative energy because it is the differ-
ence between the internal energy and the product of the entropy
The action of a thermodynamic system can be generally defined and the temperature. It can be considered as the potential of some
as a scalar product of thermodynamic state variables and their con- action. The usual expressions of it are of two typical kinds of equa-
jugates. From the property of action, we can see that the potential tions such as Helmholtz’s and Gibbs’. According to their hypothe-
should be part of the product of action according to the first law of sis, the dissipation energy makes up of the plastic and the
thermodynamics. So the pseudo-potential subsumes abundant damage parts (Chow and Lu, 1989; Zhu and Cescotto, 1995; Hayak-
physical information from the action of a system. awa et al., 1998; Kratzig and Polling, 2004; Miehe et al., 2002; Biel-
Suppose P}R ¼ fðP; rÞ 2 P  Rjr 2 DðPÞg are a comparable ski et al., 2006). And also many writers considered the irreversible
pair, then the real-valued function að ; Þ : P}R ! R is called an ac- behavior as a plastic hardening mechanism (Ju, 1989; Murakami
tion when it is additive on processes and continuous over state and Kamiya, 1997; Lubarda and Krajcinovic, 1995a,b; Krajcinovic,
(Coleman and Owen, 1974). For an action, a lower potential / is de- 1996; Wu and Nanakorn, 1999; Ragueneau et al., 2000; Cimetiere
fined as (Owen, 1984) et al., 2005; Shao, 2007). On the other hand, Simo and Ju (1987) in-
cluded plastic relaxation in the free energy function in his model.
qP r1 ¼ r2 ) aðP; r1 Þ P /ðr2 Þ  /ðr1 Þ Markovic and Ibrahimbegovic (2006) implied the strain energy as
For damage case, an action has a lower potential, which is called the sum of elastic, damage, and plastic parts according to decom-
dissipative property. The above definition can be rephrased as that position of total deformation. However, the above proposed mod-
there exists qP r 2 r; aðP; rÞ > e in a neighborhood /ðrÞ of r for els can probably be summarized into two kinds of formulations:
any e > 0. damage-plastic coupling and uncoupling. Notwithstanding their
Action, executed on the system in isothermal processes, is generality, these models are only special cases in the whole range
bounded below by the change in the lower potential (Owen, of possible candidates used by many authors to derive evolution
1984). The damage potential is dissipative and infimum of the ac- laws of damage in terms of orthogonality rules of generalized stan-
tion along the path from the admissible state to the remote horizon dard materials in analogy to the classical plasticity theory. To in-
of ultimate failure. clude more physical effects and give a general mathematical
Finite damage action (Mariano and Augusti, 2001): there exists model, we can give a general Helmholtz equation here as
at least an action að ; Þ so that  
  W ¼ W eij ; T; epij ; p; aij ; x ð4:1Þ
inf far2A ! Gg < 1 ð3:1Þ
where eij is strain variable, T is temperature, epij is plastic strain, p
When að ; Þ is known, we will have some useful theorems as fol- represents equivalent plastic strain, aij is plastic hardening effect
lows (Mariano and Augusti, 2001): and x is the damage variable.
When variable x is a vector or tensor, the elastic part of the free
Theorem 1. When action að ; Þ is bounded from below it is calculated energy function W can be given as in (Lubarda and Krajcinovic,
on paths in A, When 8P 2 P0 and 8r 2 A are met, then aðP0 P; rÞ > 0. 1995a,b). The infinitesimal deformation setting it can be a polyno-
mial of tensor eij and damage variable x.
Theorem 2. The state function v : A [ G ! Rþ ; vðrÞ ¼ Here, we suppose the state space R ¼ A  G is the direct product
inf far2A[G ! Gg is a weak lower potential (or pseudo-potential) in A. of two Hausdorffian topological spaces; hence, the compactness,
P2P closure, and continuous properties are met naturally. Especially,
Theorem 3. The state function v is the largest one of all possible for an isothermal case, after the admissible function of strain, de-
pseudo-potentials referring to G. This is a generalization of Owen fined in an affine Sobolev subspace, is given, the previous state
(1984) method to get action functional from dissipative weak variables can be derived. We definite the admissible set of the
potential. other variables (damage variable and plastic parameter) as a sub-
manifold in the Euclidean space. And we will induce the potential
Krajcinovic (1996) and Lemaitre (1992) proposed two different function from the product of admissible function as the action re-
general forms of the so-called damage potentials based on different sult on the process. Then the evolution laws are given by the max-
thermodyamic assumptions. They are the special cases of the gen- imum dissipation principle corresponding to the classical
eralized standard materials or, more generally, complex bodies normality rule of the dissipation potential (Simo and Ju, 1987;
(Mariano and Augusti, 2001). For example, two simplifications con- Houlsby and Puzrin, 2000; Cimetiere et al., 2005). Based on the
sist in assuming that the dissipative function is of a positive-defi- incremental minimization principle, the convergent solution of
nite quadratic form in terms of the dual variables as well as a numerical analysis can be obtained. This method of standard dam-
decoupling of intrinsic and thermal dissipation (Lemaitre et al., age models, leading to a fixed damage convex, brings back the rate
1990). response to an incremental behavior relevant to the generalized
standard formalism.
4. Free energy of damage theory To a great extent, the method of Ziegler (1985) is consistent
with what has been later proposed in (Mielke, 2006). According
Owen (1984) was of the opinion that a lower potential for an ac- to the theory of Hackl (1997), the generalized standard mediums
tion with dissipative property corresponded to a Helmholtz free possess three advantageous properties; therefore, the generalized
energy function in classical mechanics. The Caratheodory theorem standard material model supplies us with a wonderful tool to de-
pointed out that there exist a state variable of entropy for any irre- fine the free energy function. We call the sum of the energy terms
versible thermodynamic process. The free energy state function, of a generalized standard material model ‘‘free energy” in the usual
which is the internal energy part of external power in the isother- way in damage mechanics. The term ‘‘dissipation” can be thought
mal course, can be deduced from the entropy equation. Free energy of as the result of interaction between plastic and damage behavior
function is essentially a kind of general potential model, from occurring in the material. When there exists no coupling action
C. Shao et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 46 (2009) 3894–3901 3897

among the dissipative potentials, the dissipated function can be gi- 5. Variation of damage action
ven in linear superimposition of potentials such as
When the generalized convex potential is defined beforehand,
W ¼ We ðee ; xÞ þ Wp ðqÞ þ Wx ðbÞ: ð4:2Þ
the time-integrand of it will induce the action functional due to
where the first term indicates reversible elastic energy, the last two the approach of Simo and Honein (1990) as follows:
terms represent irreversible free energy induced by the kinetic Z t Z  Z
hardening of damage and plastic behaviors: a¼ T ðDp þ Dt ÞdB dt  N dB ð5:1Þ
0 B B
Wp ðqÞ ¼ q : H : q ð4:3Þ The action functional is stationary on the real kinetic process.
For the above nonconservative system, the Hamilton’s principle
x 1
W ðbÞ ¼ b : K : b ð4:4Þ of least action is not reasonable any more. However, when the state
2 is not far away from equilibrium, the energy expression would be
And H is the plastic hardening modulus tensor and K is the found resting upon the local equilibrium assumption if the plastic
damage hardening modulus tensor. The foregoing free energy and damage potentials were known (Li, 1986).
function is similar to that of Ju (1989), Murakami and Kamiya If the inertial effect were excluded, we could get the Lagrange
(1997), Lubarda and Krajcinovic (1995a,b), Krajcinovic (1996), action functional from Eq. (5.1):
Wu and Nanakorn (1999), Ragueneau et al. (2000), Cimetiere Z t

et al. (2005) and Shao (2007), which included the hardening effects L¼Nþ ðDp þ Dt Þdt ð5:2Þ
of plastic and damage responses.
Here we introduce the admissible variation (virtual displace- Here the authors introduce a plastic-damage Lagrange action
ment) on the degradation of manifold M1 : functional at the current time t 2 Rþ , and then the discrete action
will be expressed as the time integrand (Simo and Honein, 1990).
    The Lagrangian action at the instant t nþ1 can be given as
V :¼ g : B ! RdN g 2 ½X1 ðBÞN ; g ¼0 ð4:5Þ Z
Z h
@u B t nþ1   
Lpd pd
nþ1 :¼ Ln þ k_ n f @ ee W ðe  ep Þn ; xn ; qn
tn B
where N 6 3 is the spatial dimension, X1 ðBÞ denotes the space of  
function with derivatives bounded in energy, and @ u B 2 @B is the þe_ pn : @ ee W ðe  ep Þn ; xn þ x_ nrn  l_ n gðr n ; bn Þ
part of @B, the boundary of the body B 2 RdN , on which the displace-
ment field is defined as uj@ u B ¼ u  . At the same time, we have q_ n Hqn  b_ n Kbn dn dB  Nn dB ð5:3Þ
@ r B 2 @B as the part of boundary where the stress tensor is specified
as rnj@ r B ¼ t. It is known that the potential at the nth step is the sum of plas-
If we supply the elastoplastic stress–strain and the kinetic equa- tic part and the dissipative term at the ðn þ 1Þth step, as follows:
tions as _ h i
Nn ðvnþ1 Þ ¼ Nnþ1 ðvnþ1 Þ þ Lpd pd
nþ1  Ln ð5:4Þ
r ¼ @ ee Wðe  e Þ ð4:6Þ According to formulation (5.3), the above expression can be
e ¼: @ sbfX u ð4:7Þ transformed into
Z _
e p
where e ¼ e  e in the case of small strain, then for an isothermal Nn ðvnþ1 Þ ¼ Lnþ1 ðvnþ1 ÞdB þ Next ðunþ1 Þ ð5:5Þ
damage process, the action functional can be expressed as follows:
1 1
N :¼ We ðee ;xÞ þ q : H : q þ a : K : a þ r : ðrs u  eÞ dB þ Next _

B 2 2 L nþ1 ðvnþ1 Þ ¼ eenþ1 @ ee W ðe  ep Þnþ1 ; xnþ1

ð4:8Þ  k_ nþ1 f @ ee W ðe  ep Þnþ1 ; xnþ1 ; qnþ1
where 1 1
þ qnþ1 Hnþ1 qnþ1 þ bnþ1 Knþ1 bnþ1
Z Z 2 2
Next ¼  qb u dB  t u dC ð4:9Þ þ rnþ1 ðrs unþ1  enþ1 Þ þ rnþ1 ðxnþ1  xn Þ
B @r B
 l_ nþ1 gðr nþ1 ; bnþ1 Þ  qnþ1 Hðqnþ1  qn Þ
The formulation is a typical kind of Hu-Washizu mixed varia-
tional form. It represents the potential energy of the external load-  bnþ1 Kðbnþ1  bn Þ ð5:6Þ
ing. Also, it is the expression of the damage action power of the
In a discrete system, the general Euler–Lagrange kinematics
structural system.
equation can be obtained from a generalized Hamilton’s principle
We suppose, at the current moment t, that the damage harden-
based on conservation and symmetry of a Lie group transformation
ing parameter is bt , and l represents the consistent damage
of the action functional. Now, the evolution of the first variation of
parameter and the damage criteria is gðrt ; bt Þ, then the variation
the energy functional can be developed by exploiting Gateaux
equation of local damage action is as follows:
Z derivative which is the weak form of the Frechet differentiable
Dd ¼ ½l_ gðr t ; bt Þ þ x
_ r t dB ð4:10Þ
Z n h io
d Nn ðvnþ1 ; nÞ ¼ n : ½rnþ1 þ @ ee W nþ1  þ Cnþ1 : epnþ1  epn  k_ nþ1 @ r fnþ1 dB ¼ 0
When the plastic evolution is included, the corresponding vari- B
ation can be given as ð5:7Þ
Z h i
Z h i Z _
_ ð@ ee Wðe  ep ; xÞ; qÞ þ e_ p r dB  d d Nn p
vnþ1 ;n ¼  p
n : Cnþ1 : enþ1  e  k_ nþ1 @ r fnþ1 dB ¼ 0 ð5:8Þ
DP :¼ kf Wp ðqÞdB Z B

B dt B _
d Nn ðvnþ1 ; qÞ ¼  q : ½H : ðqnþ1  qn Þ  k_ nþ1 @ q fnþ1 dB ¼ 0 ð5:9Þ
ð4:11Þ B
3898 C. Shao et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 46 (2009) 3894–3901

d Nn ðvnþ1 ; kÞ ¼ k_ nþ1 fnþ1 dB ¼ 0 ð5:10Þ Depnþ1 ¼ Dknþ1 rnþ1 ð6:7Þ
Dqnþ1 ¼ Dknþ1 hnþ1 ð6:8Þ
d Nn ðvnþ1 ; bÞ ¼ bnþ1 : K : ½ðbnþ1  bn Þ  l_ nþ1 @ b g nþ1  dB ¼ 0 ð5:11Þ
ZB where rnþ1 ¼ rðrnþ1 ; qnþ1 Þ ¼ @F=@
rnþ1 indicates the direction of
d Nn ðvnþ1 ; rÞ ¼ ½xnþ1  xn  l_ nþ1 @r g nþ1 dB ¼ 0 ð5:12Þ plastic flow, and hnþ1 ¼ hðrnþ1 ; qnþ1 Þ represents the direction of
ZB the internal variable. Then the rate of plastic strain will be
d Nn ðvnþ1 ; lÞ ¼ l_ nþ1 g nþ1 dB ¼ 0 ð5:13Þ
B e_ pnþ1 ¼ k_ nþ1 rnþ1 ð6:9Þ
Further algebra allows one to get the following conditions: p p
Now we let De and Dh represent deviatoric tensor and spheri-
 div rnþ1  qb ¼ 0 ð5:14Þ cal tensor plastic strain respectively. The strain increment could be
divided into two parts as
rnþ1 n  t ¼ 0 ð5:15Þ
@ v unþ1  enþ1 ¼ 0
ð5:16Þ Depnþ1 ¼ Depnþ1 þ nþ1 I ð6:10Þ
rffiffiffi 3
 rnþ1 þ @ W nþ1 ¼ 0
ee ð5:17Þ
p 3 Dknþ1 snþ1
epnþ1  epn  k_ nþ1 @ r fnþ1 ¼ 0 ð5:18Þ Denþ1 ¼ ð6:11Þ
2 1  a ksnþ1 k
H : ðqnþ1  qn Þ  k_ nþ1 @ q fnþ1 ¼ 0 ð5:19Þ where
fnþ1 6 0; k_ nþ1 P 0; k_ nþ1 fnþ1 ¼ 0 ð5:20Þ
3a snþ1 strial
xnþ1 ¼ xn þ l_ nþ1 @r g nþ1 ð5:21Þ Dhpnþ1 ¼ Dknþ1 ; ¼ nþ1 ;
1  a ksnþ1 k kstrial
 nþ1 k
K : ðbnþ1  bn Þ  l_ nþ1 @ b g nþ1 ¼ 0 ð5:22Þ
l_ nþ1 P 0; g nþ1 6 0; l_ nþ1 @g nþ1 ¼ 0 ð5:23Þ and snþ1 is the equivalent deviatoric tensor, strail
nþ1 represents the devi-
atoric tensor of trial stress, and ðI1 Þnþ1 represents qffiffithe equivalent
When uncoupling is considered between damage and plastic ef- spherical tensor of stress. If we let b1 ¼ 11 a ; b2 ¼ 32 11 a, the previ-
fects, we get the incremental stress from Eq. (5.18): ous terms can be formulated as

rnþ1 ¼ C : enþ1  epnþ1 ¼ rtrail p
nþ1  C : Denþ1 ð5:24Þ ksnþ1 k ¼ kstrail
nþ1 k  2b2 G0 Dknþ1 ð6:12Þ
nþ1 ¼ rnþ1 þ knþ1 C : @ r fnþ1 ð5:25Þ ðI1 Þnþ1 ¼ Itrail
1  6b1 aG0 Dknþ1 ð6:13Þ

where the stress is usually expressed in the equivalent form r . In where strail trail
nþ1 ; I 1 represent deviatoric tensor and first invariant of
the case of scalar damage, the equation is rnþ1 ¼ ð1  xÞ rnþ1 . Eq. trail stress.
(5.24) is the closest projected algorithm of stress update which The equivalent stress tensor of a spatial beam can be as follows:
maps the projection point of the trail stress onto the updated dam-  
age criteria surface along the shortest path. The above contents are nþ1 ¼ rtrail
r  2G 0 D k nþ1 b2 þ 3b1 aI ð6:14Þ
the general framework of damage constitutive model. In order to ksnþ1 k
verify the soundness of our model, we will supply the numerical After the current stress is calculated, the numerical result must
implementation of a three-dimensional beam element used in engi- be projected on the updated damage yielding surface. This step is
neering structural analysis. generally done through return-mapping framework.

6. Implementation of the constitutive model 6.2. Return-mapping method

6.1. Discrete algorithm for plane stress Here, the discretization of the yielding function is given as fol-
lows (Shao, 2007):
For the spatial beam element, there exists the initial stiffness rffiffiffi
matrix as follows: rnþ1 ; xnþ1 Þ ¼ aðI1 Þnþ1 þ
f ð ksnþ1 k  ð1  aÞcnþ1 ð6:15Þ
E0 E0 When the current stress state is elastic, the trail stress is the
C0 :¼ diag E0 ð6:1Þ
2ð1 þ mÞ 2ð1 þ mÞ solution

where E0 is the initial elastic modulus of material and m is the pas- r trail
nþ1 ¼ rnþ1 ð6:16Þ
sion ratio.
The current damage variable and plastic strain are also the solu-
The trail stress tensor is represented in strain decomposition as
tions of the damage mechanics system:

rtrail ¼ C0 : enþ1  epn ð6:2Þ xnþ1 ¼ xn ð6:17Þ
When the current stress state converges to a theoretical result, epnþ1 ¼ epn ð6:18Þ
the update of plastic strain, plastic parameter and internal variable
When the current state is plastic, the iteration is prerequisite to
are expressed as
calculate the stress and damage variable. The consistent condition
rnþ1 ¼ rn þ Dr ð6:3Þ requires that the returning stress should project onto the updated
yielding surface, which suggests
enþ1 ¼ en þ De ð6:4Þ
rnþ1 ¼ ð1  xnþ1 Þ
rnþ1 ð6:5Þ rnþ1 ; xnþ1 Þ ¼ 0
f ð ð6:19Þ
nþ1 ¼
r rtrail
nþ1  2G0 ðDe þ mDh IÞ p
ð6:6Þ The damage variable can be obtained from the evolution equation:

where rtrail ¼ C0 : ðenþ1  epn Þ.

Dxnþ1 ¼ hðr
 nþ1 ; xnþ1 ÞDknþ1 ð6:20Þ
According to the associative plastic flow law, the incremental
plastic strain and internal variable can be given as xnþ1 ¼ xn þ hðr nþ1 ; xnþ1 ÞDknþ1 ð6:21Þ
C. Shao et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 46 (2009) 3894–3901 3899

" !
When the Newton–Raphson iteration is applied to the expres- drnþ1 @2f
sion (6.21), the resultant can be given as ¼ ð1  xnþ1 Þ I  v Dk 
denþ1 rnþ1
@ nnþ1 @

R ¼ xnþ1 þ xn þ hðr
 nþ1 ; xnþ1 ÞDknþ1 ð6:22Þ dxnþ1 d rnþ1
rnþ1  v anþ1 Þ
ð ð6:35Þ
rnþ1 denþ1
The total differential of the resultant is as follows:
    here F ¼ Fð
n; xÞ is the yielding function based on the associative
@R @R dr
 nþ1 @R dðDknþ1 Þ
dR ¼ þ þ dxnþ1 flow assumption.
@ xnþ1 @r
 nþ1 dðDknþ1 Þ @ðDknþ1 Þ dxnþ1 The above numerical framework based on the discrete variation
ð6:23Þ calculus approach will be coded using FORTRAN language and used
to simulate the experimental behavior of a simply supported con-
then crete beam.

@R @h
¼ Dknþ1 I ð6:24Þ
@ xnþ1 @ xnþ1 7. Experimental evidence and simulation
@R @h
¼ Dknþ1 ð6:25Þ According to the algorithm depicted previously, the author
@r nþ1 @r
compile a user material subroutine based on the commercial soft-
¼h ð6:26Þ ware ABAQUS. A user variable output subroutine is supplied,
@ðDknþ1 Þ
through which the evolution of damage variable could be retrieved
The complete deferential of the yielding function is from the resultant database. As convincing evidence of the pro-
posed model, deformation and damage of a simple support beam
rnþ1 was investigated with monotonic concentrated force at the central
rr f dðDknþ1 Þ þ rx fdxnþ1 ¼ 0 ð6:27Þ
dðDknþ1 Þ point of the beam (see Fig. 1). Ngo and Scordelies (1967) completed
many loading experiments on reinforced concrete beam. These
then rx f ¼ @ x@fnþ1 , therefore experiments were widely accepted by the researchers to test their
model due to its good consistency between the experiment and the
dðDknþ1 Þ rx f
¼ ð6:28Þ truth. One of these tests is of 3.6576 m length and sectional size
dxnþ1 rr f drnþ1 55.25 cm22.86 cm with four longitude reinforcement (area
dðDknþ1 Þ
25:8 cm2 Þ and without web reinforcement being considered. The
The ðk þ 1Þth iteration of step ðn þ 1Þ through Newton–Raphson material constants of concrete are as following: compressive
method strength fc0 ¼ 24:5 MPa, initial elastic modulus E0 ¼ 21:3 GPa, strain
 ðkÞ corresponding to the compressive strength ec ¼ 0:002, tensile
@R strength ft0 ¼ 2:45 MPa, elastic modulus of reinforcement. The
dxnþ1 ¼ RðkÞ ð6:29Þ
@ xnþ1 experimental loading capability is 258.1 kN.
The delimitation mechanism of the structure was analyzed,
Updating of the damage variable during which course some parameters were referred to the refer-
ences (Shao, 2007; Ngo and Scordelies, 1967). The three-dimen-
xnþ1 ¼ xn þ dxnþ1 ð6:30Þ sional Timoshenko beam element was used simulate the simply
According to the consistent condition at the time t nþ1 , Eqs. supported beam under monotonic static loading with the softening
(6.12) and (6.13) are substituted into (6.15), then the consistent property not being included. Here, the contribution of reinforce-
parameter will be ment in the material could be considered as equivalent stiffness
qffiffi in the constitutive matrix.
a Itrail þ 3 trail
ks k  ð1  aÞcnþ1 It can be seen that when deflection at the mid-point of the span
1 2 nþ1
Dknþ1 ¼ nþ1
pffiffiffi ð6:31Þ is slightly larger than the experimental result for the local role of
6b1 2 G0 þ 6b 2 G 0 longitude steel bars being neglected (see Fig. 2). From the curve
The equivalent stress is expressed as a function of the plastic of the force and deflection, one can conclude that the degradation
incremental strain progresses rapidly in the tensile section, which results in bearing
degradation and failure in the effected section when the internal

r nþ1 ¼ C0 : enþ1  epnþ1 ¼ rtrail  C0 : Depnþ1 ð6:32Þ force exceeds 130 kN. As the capacity limit is approached, injury
and deformation of the component increases sharply and debase
We update stress to include damage effect according to the the load-bearing capacity greatly and causes structural collapse
expression (6.5). Therefore, the following is the rate-independent (see Fig. 3). Fig. 3 shows us the relation between the stiffness deg-
consistent tangent modulus: radation coefficient and the force of a beam element considered,
  which is calculated through Guassian integration on the section.
drnþ1 dxnþ1 d
rnþ1 The stiffness degradation includes the tensile and compression
¼ ð1  xnþ1 ÞI  r
nþ1 ð6:33Þ
denþ1 rnþ1 denþ1
When the kinetic hardening effect of the material is considered,
the updating equation of stress turns into be

rnþ1 ¼ ð1  xnþ1 Þðnnþ1 þ anþ1 Þ ð6:34Þ

where the equivalent stress tensor is nij ¼ n ij ð1  xÞ, and

ij ¼ r
n  ij  a
 ij , the linear hardening incremental term is
da ij ¼ v depij ¼ v Dk @F
Now we can induce the consistent tangent modulus from the
formulation (6.34): Fig. 1. Load of the concrete beam.
3900 C. Shao et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 46 (2009) 3894–3901

Fig. 2. Force–deflect curve of the mid point. Fig. 4. Force–damage variable curves (tensile on lower and compressive on upper

effects simultaneously. On the mid-span section of the beam, Fig. 4

shows that tensile damage on the lower margin of the beam ap- plastic damage system. The test simulation gives satisfactory re-
pears earlier and increases more rapidly than the compressive sults similar to those of laboratory experimental phenomena of
one. We find that the failure come into being first on the lower the concrete structure.
margin of mid-span for much higher tensile stress than the The fundamental issues described previously constitute a gen-
strength. eral framework of the damage theoretical. These ideas are also
Degradation of material properties can be regarded as the micro applicable to dynamical degradation system with some compatible
damage mechanism of concrete structures, which introduces modification to include initial effect. Then the corresponding mod-
macro behavior of structures with stiffness delimitation and bear- els are reasonable to analyze seismic weaken behaviors and to as-
ing loss of structural system (see Figs. 2–4). Usually, the deteriora- sess damage status of engineering structures.
tion effects can be found at unloading stage in the cycle loading
experiments of the concrete materials. But damage appears when Acknowledgements
the loading level is above some damage criteria even at the stage
of plastic hardening. Here the stiffness degradation and the dam- The support of China Postdoctoral Fund Committee (Grant No.
age variable curves (Figs. 3 and 4) suggest the damage process of 20080430691) and Shanghai Postdoctoral Fund Committee (Grant
plastic status. No. 08R02141152) is gratefully acknowledged. The authors also of-
fer sincere thanks to Mr. Sullivan for his exhaustive revision on the
grammars. And the reviewers’ comments are highly appreciated.
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