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Reference BookS

Introduction to Quantum Mechanics - D J Griffith

Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics and Solid

State Physics : Chattopadhyay D. & Rakshit P.C
Basics of Quantum Mechanics
- Why Quantum Physics? -

Classical mechanics (Newton's mechanics) and Maxwell's equations

(electromagnetics theory) can explain MACROSCOPIC phenomena such
as motion of billiard balls or rockets.

Quantum mechanics is used to explain microscopic phenomena such as

photon-atom scattering and flow of the electrons in a semiconductor.
QUANTUM MECHANICS is a collection of postulates based on a huge
number of experimental observations.

The differences between the classical and quantum mechanics can be

understood by examining both
The classical point of view
The quantum point of view
Basics of Quantum Mechanics
- Classical Point of View -
In Newtonian mechanics, the laws are written in terms of PARTICLE
A PARTICLE is an indivisible mass point object that has a variety of properties
that can be measured, which we call observables. The observables specify the
state of the particle (position and momentum).
A SYSTEM is a collection of particles, which interact among themselves via
internal forces, and can also interact with the outside world via external forces.
The STATE OF A SYSTEM is a collection of the states of the particles that
comprise the system.
All properties of a particle can be known to infinite precision.
TRAJECTORY state descriptor of Newtonian physics,
EVOLUTION OF THE STATE Use Newton's second law
PRINCIPLE OF CAUSALITY Two identical systems with the same initial
conditions, subject to the same measurement will yield the same result.
Basics of Quantum Mechanics
- Quantum Point of View -

Quantum particles can act as both particles and waves

Quantum state is a conglomeration of several possible
outcomes of measurement of physical properties Quantum
mechanics uses the language of PROBABILITY theory
(random chance)
An observer cannot observe a microscopic system without
altering some of its properties. Neither one can predict how
the state of the system will change.
QUANTIZATION of energy is yet another property of
"microscopic" particles.
Basics of Quantum Mechanics
- Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle -

It is impossible to mention accurately and simultaneously the values of both the

members of particular pairs of physical quantities that dictate the behaviour of an
atomic system
One cannot unambiguously specify the values of particle's position and its
momentum for a microscopic particle, i.e.

Position and momentum are, therefore, considered as incompatible variables.

The Heisenberg uncertainty principle strikes at the very heart of the classical
physics => the particle trajectory.
Some Applications of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle

● Measurement of the position of a particle and its momentum in a

Gamma ray Microscope is in accordance with the Heisenberg’s
uncertainty principle
● It explain why free electrons cannot reside inside an atomic nucleus
● The diffraction of electrons through a narrow slit takes place in
accordance with Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.
● We can estimate the ground state energy of a linear harmonic
● Natural broadening of the spectral line
Basics of Quantum Mechanics
- The Correspondence Principle -
When Quantum physics is applied to macroscopic systems, it must
reduce to the classical physics. Therefore, the nonclassical
phenomena, such as uncertainty and duality, must become
undetectable. Niels Bohr codified this requirement into his
Correspondence principle:

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