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Chapter 4 Pharmacokinetics (LO 4.


 Pharmacokinetics- steps by which

drugs are (1) absorbed (2) distributed
Overview of Psychopharmacology (LO 4.1) within the body (3) metabolized and
 Psychopharmacology- is the study of (4) excreted.
the effects of drugs on the nervous
system and behavior. ROUTES OF ADMINISTRATION OF
 Drug- refers to a medication; refers to
a chemical; effective in low doses  Intravenous Injection (IV) – vein;
drug is absorbed and distributed
 Exogenous- produced from outside of immediately; reach the brain within a
the body, ruling out chemical few seconds.
messengers produced by the body,
such as neurotransmitters, Disadvantage- care and skills are
neuromodulators and hormones. really necessary in performing this:
entire dose will go to the bloodstream
 Drug effects- changes we can observe at once.
in an individual’s physiological
processes and behavior.  Intraperitoneal Injection (IP)-
abdomen; commonly used to
administer to laboratory animals
 Sites of action- the points at which
molecules of drugs interact with
Disadvantage- rapid but not as
molecules located on or in cells of the
rapid as an IV injection.
body, thus affecting some biochemical
processes of these cells.
 Intramuscular Injection (IM)- Large
muscle such as those found in the
 Site of action of the opiates-
upper arm, thigh, or buttocks.
specialized receptors situated in the
membrane of some neurons.
 Subcutaneous Injection (SC)- space
beneath the skin.

 Oral Administration- mouth; most

common form of administering
therapeutic drugs to human.

 Sublingual Administration-
administering beneath the tongue.

 Inhalation- many general anesthetics

are gases and administered this way.

 Insufflation- Sniffed, so that they can

come in contact with nasal mucosa.

 Topical administration- absorbed

directly through skin.
 Intracerebral administration- drug Drug Effectiveness( LO 4.3)
directed into the brain- injecting into a
cerebral ventricle.  Dose response curve- measure the
effectiveness of a drug.
 Intracerebroventricular
administration (ICV)-deliver  Therapeutic Index- measure of a
antibiotics directly to the brain; used drug’s margin of safety; 2 numbers are
rarely in human. being obtained.
 50%- dose that
produces the
desired effect.
 Some chemicals cannot be
administered orally because they are
 50%- dose that
destroyed by the stomach acid or
produces toxic
digestive enzymes or because they are
not absorbed from digestive into the
 Higher doses of a drug cause
increasingly larger effects until the
 Sniffing or “snorting” is different from
point of maximum effect is reached.
inhalation, they enter circulation
through the mucous membrane of the
 Drug margin of safety is reflected by
nasal passages, not the lungs.
the difference between the dose
response curve for its therapeutic
 Mucous membrane of the nasal
effects and that for its adverse side
passages also provides routes for
topical administration.
 Drug varies on their effectiveness
Distribution: Entry of drugs into the brain because of these 2 reasons.

 Lipid Solubility- determines the rate  Different drugs-

at which a drug reaches site of action even those that
within the brain; ability of fat-based produce the same
molecules to pass through cell behavioral
membrane. effects- may
have different
 Some deactivating enzymes are also sites of action.
found in blood.
 Drug vary in
 Brain also contains enzymes that their
destroy some drugs. effectiveness has
to do with the
 Enzymes transform molecules of a affinity of the
drug into other forms. drug with its site
of action.
 Sometimes, the transformed molecule
is even more active than the drug  Affinity- the readiness with which the
administered. two molecules join together- for the
sites to which they attach.
 The most desirable drug has a high forms of learning such as classical
affinity for sites of action that produce conditioning.
therapeutic effects and a low affinity
Sites of Drug Action
for sites of action that produce toxic
sides effect.  Most drugs that affects behavior do so
by affecting synaptic transmission.

Effects of repeated administration( LO 4.4)  Drugs that affect synaptic

transmission are classified into two
 Tolerance- When drug administered general categories.
repeatedly and its effect diminish.
1.) Antagonist- Block or
 Sensitization- When a drug inhibit the postsynaptic effects.
administered became more and more
effective. 2.) Agonist- facilitate the
 Withdrawal Symptoms- primarily
the opposite of the effects of drugs  Acetylcholine- neurotransmitter that
itself. is responsible for signaling muscle
contraction in the PNS.
 When the effects of a drug alter these
systems for a prolonged time, Effects of production of neurotransmitter
compensatory mechanism begins to (LO 4.6)
produce the opposite reaction, at least
 Precursors- where most
partially compensating for the
neurotransmitters are produced;
disturbance from the optimal value.

 Physical dependence- when a person

 L- DOPA- precursor for dopamine
has repeatedly used a drug enough to
 Neurotransmitter synthesis is
produce withdrawal symptoms when
controlled by enzymes.
they stop using it.

 2 compensatory mechanism Effects on Storage and Release of

 Involves a decrease in the Neurotransmitter (LO 4.7)
effectiveness of such
binding.  Vesicle transporter- pump molecules
of the neurotransmitter across the
 Involves the process that vesicle membrane, filling the vesicles.
couples the receptors to
ion channels in the  Vesicle transporters are different from
membrane or to the the transporters found on the terminal
production of second membrane
 Some drugs can block vesicle
transporters by binding.
Placebo Effects( LO 4.5)
 Some drugs act as antagonists by
 Placebo- an inactive substance preventing the release of
neurotransmitters from the terminal
 Placebo responses can be the result of button.
changes in motivation, expectation or
 Glycine- secondary inhibitory amino
acid neurotransmitter; found in the
Effects on Receptors (LO 4.8)
spinal cord and lower brain stem.
 Effects depend on where the receptor  Most activity of local circuits of
is located. What’s its normal effects neurons involves balances between the
are, Whether the drug activates the excitatory and inhibitory effects of
receptor or block its actions. these chemicals, which are responsible
for most of the information
 Receptors are the most important and transmitted from place to place within
complex site of action of drugs in the the brain.
nervous system- both in pre and post
synaptic.  All sensory organs transmit
information to the brain through axons
 Direct agonist- drug that mimics the
effect of neurotransmitter.

 Drugs that bind with postsynaptic

receptors can also serve as antagonist.

 Receptor blockers/ Direct whose terminals release glutamate.

antagonist- Molecules of drugs bind
with the receptor but block them from
being activated. They prevent the Neurotransmitter system
neurotransmitter from activating
 Particular drugs can selectively affect
 Noncompetitive binding- molecules neurons that secrete particular
does not compete with molecules of neurotransmitters, they can have
the neurotransmitter for the same specific effects on behavior.
binding site.
 Not all types of neurons are affected
 Indirect antagonist- drug attaches to by all types of drugs.
one alternative site and prevent ion
channel from opening.
Amino Acids (LO 4.10)
 Ultimate effect of an indirect  Amino acids are used for protein
antagonist is similar to direct agonist synthesis.
the only difference is its site of action
is different.  It is a challenge to prove that a
particular amino acid is a
Neurotransmitter and Neuromodulators
 Most synaptic communication in the
brain is accomplished by 2 amino acid  At least 8 amino acids may serve as
neurotransmitters neurotransmitters in the mammalian
1.) Glutamate (excitatory effect)
2.) GABA (inhibitory effect)  Two specific amino acids that are
important because they are the most
common neurotransmitter in the CNS.
– Glutamate and GABA.
 Glutamate by itself cannot open the
calcium channel.


 Neurotransmitter, Production,
Reuptake and Destruction
Storage and Release
 Glutamate is removed from the
 Synthesized from a precursor synapse by excitatory amino acid
(glutamine) by enzyme transporters and broken down into its
(glutaminase) building block precursor by the
enzyme glutamine synthase.
 Vesicle glutamate
transporter- package  Failure to remove glutamate from the
glutamate into vesicles. synapse can have negative
 Receptors
 Too much glutamate stimulation in the
4 major types of glutamate receptors synapse can produce glutamate
3 receptors are Ionotropic/ direct
 Neurotransmitter, Production,
Storage and Release
 Kainate
1 metabotropic  Is an inhibitory
neurotransmitter, and it
 Metabotropic glumate appears to have widespread
receptor. distribution throughout the
brain and spinal cord.
 AMPA receptor- is the most common
glutamate receptor. When glutamate  GABA is produced from a
attaches to binding site, it produces precursor (glutamic acid) by
EPSP the action of an enzyme
(glutamic acid
 NMDA receptor- has special and decarboxylase, or GAD).
very important characteristics.
Contains at least 6 different binding  Reduction in GABA
sites: 4 are located on the exterior of contributes to the like hood
the receptor and 2 located deep within of seizures.
the Ion channel.
 GABA is packaged into
 Calcium serves as a second vesicles by the vesicle
messenger, binding with and GABA transporter, where it
activating various enzymes within the is stored until being released
cell. following an action potential.
 Inhibitory influence is  Various steroid hormones are
supplied by GABA secreting normally produced in the body, and
neurons, which are present in some hormones related to
large numbers in the brain. progesterone, act on the steroid-
binding site of the GABA A.

 Brain does not produce valium.

 Receptors  Reuptake and Destruction

 Several GABA receptors have  GABA is removed from synapse

been identified. More by GABA transporters.
specifically, many drugs
interact with the GABA A  Tiagabine (Gabitril) is a GABA
transporter antagonist used to
 GABA system here. GABA A increase availability of GABA and
receptors are ionotropic and reduce the likelihood of seizures.
control chloride channels.
 Vigabatrin (Sabril) blocks the
 GABA A receptors are activity of GABA
complex -they contain at least aminotransferase to increase the
five different binding sites. amount of GABA available in the
synapse. Also used as a
 muscimol- serves therapeutic treatment for seizures
as direct agonist. and epilepsy.

 Bicuculline-
blocks GABA Acetylcholine (LO 4.11)
binding site.
 Pathways
Direct antagonist.
 Neurotransmitter and are
 Benzodiazepines-
located throughout the brain.
second site of
GABA A receptor
 Most acetylcholine-releasing
bind with this
neurons are found in specific
drug. Diazepam
locations and pathways in the
and Alprazolam
drug are included.
 Three pathways that received
 Alcohol binds with an as yet-
the most attention, those
unknown site on GABA A receptor.
originating in the
 Benzodiazepines are very effective
anxiolytics, or “anxiety-dissolving”
drugs. 1. Dorsolateral Pons- plays a role in REM
sleep (dreaming occurs)
 zolpidem (Ambien) and eszopiclone 2.Basal forebrain - activating cerebral cortex;
(Lunesta), are effective sleep facilitating learning especially perceptual
medications. learning.
3.Medial Septum- control the electrical  Two ACh receptors are referred to as
rhythms of the hippocampus and modulate its nicotinic receptors and muscarinic
functions: include the formation of particular receptors.
kind of memories.
 Muscarinic receptors- metabotropic
in nature; control ion channels thru the
production of second messenger; their
actions are slower and more prolonged
than those of nicotinic receptors;
 Neurotransmitter, Production,
Storage and Release
 Nicotinic receptors- found at
axoaxonic synapses in the brain,
where they produce presynaptic
 Acetylcholine is composed of two facilitation.
precursors: choline and acetyl
coenzyme A.  Ach receptors can be block by these 2
 choline acetyltransferase (ChAT),
is required to produce ACh from 1. Atropine- blocks muscarinic
the precursors. receptors; one of its effect is reducing
saliva production.
 ACh is loaded into vesicles by the
vesicle Ach transporter. 2.Curare-blocks nicotinic
receptors; one that founds in muscle;
 Botulinum toxin (Botox)- is like botulinum toxin, this can cause
produced by Clostridium paralysis and effects are faster.
botulinum, is an extremely potent
poison because the paralysis it can
cause leads to suffocation.

 Botox treatments involve

injections of very dilute solution
of botulinum toxin into facial
muscles to stop muscular
contractions that are causing
wrinkles in the skin.

 Receptors Reuptake and Destruction

 There are two types of Ach receptors:  Drugs that deactivate AChE are used
Ionotropic and Metabotropic for several purposes.

1. Ionotropic ACh is stimulated  If the person is given an AChE

by nicotine. inhibitor such as neostigmine, the
person will regain some strength
2. Metabotropic Ach is stimulated because the ACh that is released has a
by muscarine. more prolonged effect on the
remaining receptors.
 Mesocortical system- located in the
The monoamines (LO 4.12) ventral tegmental area. Their axons
project to the prefrontal cortex.
 The monoamine neurotransmitters
are produced by several neuron in  Substantia nigra- this region is
the brain. called “black substance” because
this region is normally stained
 Monoaminergic neurons thus serve black with melanin.
to modulate the function of
widespread regions of the brain,
increasing or decreasing the
activities of particular brain Neurotransmitter Production, Storage,
functions. and Release

 Monoamines are considered  Catecholamine synthesis- is

“classical” neurotransmitters. somewhat complicated, but each
step is a simple one. The precursor
molecule is modified slightly, step
 Dopamine, norepinephrine,
by step, until it achieves its final
epinephrine, serotonin and
histamine are five chemicals that
belongs to the family of
monoamines.  The major precursor for two
catecholamine neurotransmitters.
 Catecholamines- subclass of
1. Tyrosine-essential amino
monoamines where dopamine,
acid that we must obtain for our
norepinephrine, and epinephrine
diet: modified by the enzyme
are belong.
tyrosine hydroxylase.

Dopamine  Reserpine- prevents the storage of

monoamines in synaptic vesicles
by blocking the vesicle
 Three most important dopamine monoamines transporter.
pathways originate in midbrain
structures- substantia nigra and
ventral tegmental area.  Five metabotropic types of
dopamine receptors. (D1, D2, D3,
 Neo striatum- important part of D4, D5)
basal ganglia which involved in the
control of movement.  D1 and D2- most common
 Mesolimbic system- located in the
ventral tegmental area and project  D1 and D5- stimulation of
their axons to several of the limbic these receptors increases the
system. production of the second
messenger cyclic AMP.
 Norepinephrine is synthesized from
 D2, D3, and D4- stimulation dopamine by the enzyme dopamine
of these receptors decreases β-hydroxylase.
production of cyclic AMP.
 Fusaric acid- inhibits the activity of
 Chlorpromazine- blocks D2 dopamine β-hydroxylase and
receptors and alleviate some blocks the production of
symptoms of hallucination. norepinephrine without affecting
the production of dopamine.

 Axonal varicosities- beadlike

swellings of the axonal branches.
Reuptake and Destructions
 Dopamine transporters- are
responsible for removing dopamine
from the synapse.  All adrenergic receptors are
 Cocaine and methylphenidate
simply block dopamine reuptake.  Yohimbine- blocks the adrenergic
Because cocaine also blocks auto receptors, resulting in
voltage-dependent sodium symptoms of anxiety and increased
channels, it is sometimes used as a heart rate and blood pressure.
topical anesthetic, especially in the
form of eye drops for eye surgery.  Clonidine(catapres)- agonist at
the norepinephrine auto receptor,
 Methylphenidate- used to enhance decreasing the activity of this
attention and impulse control in system and reducing heart rate and
attention-deficit/ hyperactivity blood pressure.
disorder (ADHD).
Reuptake and Destructions
 Moclobemide- specifically blocks
Pathways MAO- A and hence serves as a
noradrenergic agonist.
 Norepinephrine is found in both the
CNS and PNS.
 Locus coeruleus- cell bodies most
important noradrenergic system Pathways
begins here: a nucleus located in
the dorsal pons.  Serotonin plays a role in the
regulation of mood; in the control
Neurotransmitter Production, Storage, of eating, sleep, and arousal; and in
and Release the regulation of pain.

 The two most important clusters of

serotonergic cell bodies are found
in the dorsal and medial raphe
nuclei, and we will restrict our
discussion to these clusters. The
word raphe means “seam” or Pathways
“crease” and refers to the fact that
most of the raphe nuclei are found  The cell bodies of histaminergic
at or near the midline “seam” of the neurons are found in only one
brain stem. place of the brain called
tuberomammillary nucleus.

Neurotransmitter Production, Storage,  Plays an important role in

and Release wakefulness.
 Precursor for serotonin is the
amino acid tryptophan.
 The enzyme tryptophan Neurotransmitter Production, Storage,
hydroxylase acts on tryptophan, and Release.
producing 5-HTP (5-  Histamine is produced from the
hydroxytryptophan). The enzyme amino acid precursor histidine by
5-HTP decarboxylase converts 5- the action of the enzyme histidine
HTP to 5-HT (serotonin). decarboxylase.
 All 5-HT receptors are Receptors
metabotropic except for the 5-HT3
receptor, which is ionotropic.  Diphenhydramine- sleep aids that
contain this goal, is to cross the
blood brain barrier to produce
Reuptake and Destructions drowsiness.

 The serotonin transporter is

responsible for removing 5- HT Peptides( LO 4.13)
from the synapse.
 Peptides consist of two or more
 Fenfluramine- cause the release of amino acids linked together by
serotonin as well as inhibits its peptide bonds.
reuptake. Neurotransmitter Production, Storage,
and Release.
 MDMA(methylenedioxymethamph
etamine or ecstasy) binds with  Peptides are produced from
norepinephrine and 5-HT precursor molecules.
transporters and causes them to run
backward, releasing these  There is no mechanism for
neurotransmitters and inhibiting reuptake and recycling of peptides.
their reuptake, resulting in
excitatory and hallucinogenic
 One of the best-known families of  THC produces analgesia and
peptides are the endogenous sedation, stimulates appetite,
opioids. reduces nausea caused by drugs
used to treat cancer relieves asthma
 Opium, morphine, heroin and attacks, decreases pressure within
oxycodone reduce pain because the eyes in patients with glaucoma,
they have direct effects on the and reduces the symptoms of
brain. certain motor disorders.

 Anandamide- first natural ligand

Receptors for the THC receptor.

 Enkephalines-natural ligands for

these receptors.

 3 different types of opiate

receptors- μ (mu), δ (delta), and Κ

 Many synthetic opiates, including

heroin, methadone, and oxycodone,
have been developed, and some are
used clinically as analgesics.

Lipids (LO 4.14)

 Endocannabinoids- natural
ligands for the receptors that are
responsible for the physiological

effects of the active ingredient in


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