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Page-77 ( I write)
Q1. What might have made early humans change their lifestyle from hunter-gatherers to farmers?
Ans-Early humans changed their lifestyle from hunter gatherers to farmers because of changing
climatic conditions. Moreover, the situation of food crisis arose. Human population was increasing and
animals were decreasing due to massive hunting so they had no other option but to look for new
sources of food.

Q.2 What do you think would have changed when early humans discovered farming?
Ans-Early humans started leading a settled life as they had to take care of the crops.He started
building better and permanent houses. They started domesticating animals and made new farming
tools which helped them finishing their task in less time.

Q.1 Why did early humans domesticate animals?

Ans- When early human started doing farming and leading a settled life they observed the skills and benefits of animals. For example cat
ate mice. In this way they were able to protect their crop from mice. Moreover, animals gave them a sense of companionship. They
domesticated animals for work, clothing, fresh meat and manure for crop production.

Q.2 How did domestication help early humans live a settled life?

Ans-2 Domestication helped early humans live a settled life as they had to take care of the crops by giving them water at the right time
and driving away animals and birds. Also they started domesticating animals which resulted in a settled lifestyle.

Q.3 What role do you think domesticated animals played for early farmers?

Ans-The domesticated animals played an important role in early man’s life as they provide us:

1.Fresh meat


3.Sheep provide wool

4.Manure for crop production.

5.They helped in farming activities like pulling an ard in the field.

Page-82 (I write)

Q.1 Why did early farmers need to invent pots?

Ans-1 Early humans invented pots for the following reasons:

1. They allowed easy portability.

2. They allowed long time storage of materials.

3. They served as cookware.

4. These were used to serve food and liquid.

5. Liquids such as water could be transported in clay pots.

6. Grains were stored in clay vessels to keep them dry away from pests.

7. Pots also protected food from other animals.

Q.2 What changes do you think early farmers might have felt after inventing clay pots?

Ans-2 The changes felt by early farmers might be :

1. Portability, transporting, serving and storing food and liquids became easy.

2. They could grow surplus crops.

3. Crops were protected from moisture, insects and rodents

Q.3 Do we still use clay pots? If yes, then for what purpose?
Ans-3 Yes, we still use clay pots for decoration, storing food and water,
potting plants.
Q.4 What differences do you notice between early
and contemporary clay pots?
Early pots Contemporary clay pots
1.They were handmade 1They are made using potter wheels
which is operated using motor

2.They were made using clay 2. They are made up of terracotta,

porcelain and ceramic clay.

3.They didn’t have a definite shape 3. They come in different designs, sizes,
shapes and colours.
PAGE-84 (I Write)
Q.1 What purpose did the ard serve for early farmers?
Ans-1 Ard is used to prepare the soil for sowing the seeds by early humans
Q.2 What impact did the ard have on crop production and farmers’ lives?
Ans 2- Ard helped farmers to do farming. The crop production increases
because of the use of cows to pull the ard. This helped early farmers to work
faster and resulted in reduced efforts. They could produce surplus crops. As the
work was completed in lesser time farmers had spare time to look after other
activities like making better houses, building irrigation ditches, making new
harness for the cows. This led to improved standard of living.
Q.3 What difference you notice between tools of hunter-gatherer and early farmers?

Hunter-gatherer tools Early farmer’s tools

1. Tools had a tough 1. Tools had a polished
surface surface

2.They used natural sharp 2.The tools were more sharp

tools and pointed

3.Eg spear 3. Eg. Ard

Q.What are the advantages and disadvantages of both kinds of lifestyle of early humans i.e hunter-gatherer and
Ans Advantages:

Hunter gatherer Early farmers

1.They were well versed with environment. 1. They had a settled life.

2. They lived a free life. 2. They could grow crops.

Ans: Disdvantages:

Hunter gatherer Early farmers

1. They had to migrate. 1. They struggled and invested a lot of

time in farming.

2.They had constant fear of predators. 2.They worked hard to make polished tools
and pots.
Q. Write the differences between
tamed and domesticated animals.

Tamed animals Domesticated animals

1.It refers to one individual from entire species. 1.It refers to entire
2.The animals might have some contact with 2.The species are in contact with humans and do
humans but still have a wild nature. not have a wild nature

3.For eg: Bear, giraffe 3.For eg: Dog,cow

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