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Educational Assessments “An educational psychology assessment An educational psychology

involves a series of different activities to assessment involves a series of
help identify a child’s” or a young different activities to help identify
person’s specific learning style, strengths, a child’s or a young person’s
and areas of need. specific learning style, strengths,
and areas of need.
A. Educational Program
B. Educational Psychology
C. Educational Assessment
D. Educational Behavior
Psychological Assessments “Psychology refers to the overall study of Psychology refers to the overall
human condition and behaviour.” study of human condition and
Psychology helps to understand the behaviour.
complexities of human behaviour and A. Psychological Assessments
mental wellbeing and to overcome these B. Psychology Program
issues.. (Upen, 2019) C. Assessments of Psychology
D. Program of Psychology
Paper-and-Pencil assessment “In the classroom, paper-and-pencil compared with performance-
assessment frequently refers to tests based assessment, which is meant
scored objectively”, which are meant to to measure deeper understanding
measure memorized knowledge and through skills and ability.
lower levels of understanding, as A. Pencil Assessment
compared with performance-based B. Paper Assessment
assessment, which is meant to measure C. Pencil and Paper
deeper understanding through skills and Assessment
ability. (Dan He & Hong ling Lao) D. Paper and Pencil
Performance -based assessment “Measures students' ability to apply the Measures students' ability to
skills and knowledge learned from a unit apply the skills and knowledge
or units of study.” Typically, the task learned from a unit or units of
challenges students to use their higher- study.
order thinking skills to create a product or A. Performance Task
complete a process. B. Performance based
C. Activity Performance
D. Performance Activity
Teacher-made Tests “A teacher-made test is one of the most It is very much flexible so that, it
useful tools at its disposal for can be adopted to any procedure
accomplishing its goals.” It is created to and material. It does not require
address the issue or specifications of the any sophisticated technique for
class for which it is created. It is prepared preparation.
to measure the outcomes and content of A. Teacher made test
local curriculum. It is very much flexible B. Teacher test
so that, it can be adopted to any C. Teacher Task
procedure and material. It does not D. Teacher Tools
require any sophisticated technique for
Standardized Tests “A standardized test is any form of test any form of test that requires all
that requires all test takers to answer the test takers to answer the same
same questions,” or a selection of questions, or a selection of
questions from common bank of questions from common bank of
questions, in the same way, and that is questions, in the same way.
scored in a “standard” or consistent A. Standardized Tests
manner, which makes it possible to B. Test
compare the relative performance of C. Standard Quiz
individual students or groups of students. D. Exam
(Partnership, 2015)

Achievement test “An achievement test is a test of Is a standardized test developed to

developed skill or knowledge.“ The most measure skills and knowledge such as
common type of achievement test is a training or classroom instruction
standardized test developed to measure A. Achievement Test
skills and knowledge learned in each B. Test
grade level, usually through planned C. Essay
instruction, such as training or classroom D. Exam
instruction. Achievement tests are often
contrasted with tests that measure
aptitude, a more general and stable
cognitive trait. (Education, 1999)
Aptitude Tests “An aptitude test is an exam used to to determine an individual’s skill or to
determine an individual's skill” or succeed in each activity.
propensity to succeed in each activity. A. Aptitude Test
Aptitude tests assume that individuals B. Exam
have inherent strengths and weaknesses C. Reporting
and have a natural inclination toward D. Individual Activity
success or failure in specific areas based
on their innate characteristics. (KAGAN,
Speed test “Speed tests are designed to assess how A test taker can complete the items
quickly a test taker can complete the within a set time period to measure the
items within a set time period.” The person’s ability and accurately.
primary objective of speed tests is to A. Speed test
measure the person's ability to process B. Test
information quickly and accurately, while C. Exam
under duress. D. Quiz
Power Test “A Power Test is a statistical calculation to determine the minimum sample size
performed before a study to determine needed for the study to have enough
the minimum sample size needed for the power.
study to have enough power.” In other A. Power test
words, the minimum numbers of B. Essay
participants you need to have in your C. Test
study. D. Quiz
Norm-Referenced test “A norm-referenced test is a type of used in education which assesses student
assessment used in education that allows progress compared to some
teachers to compare a student’s results predetermined standard.
to someone else in their peer group.” A. Norm-Refered test
Often used in conjunction with a B. Quiz bee
criterion-referenced test, which assesses C. Activity group
student progress compared to some D. Reporting
predetermined standard, a norm-
referenced test allows an educator to see
how a student measures up against
someone in a similar cohort. (Not stated
in the book)
Criterion-Referenced tests “Criterion-referenced tests and to measure student performance against
assessments are designed to measure a set of what students are expected
student performance against a fixed set A. Criterion-Referenced Test
of predetermined criteria or learning B. Written description
standards”—i.e., concise, written C. Essay
descriptions of what students are D. Concise
expected to know and be able to do at a
specific stage of their education.

Mode of Response (Written, Oral and Demonstration)

Oral Written Demonstration

Oral is less formal. Written is formal, planned, Increase grasping power of
and detailed. students
It produces a prompt It causes a response after Stimulates all senses
response of some kind. lapse of some time.
Oral communication is not It carries more authority and Maximum Participation
valued much for legal is proof of a transaction.
Oral communication is highly It is rigid and inflexible. Very interactive
It is an active transfer of It is precise and direct. Triggers coordination among
information. students
Here the speaker can get the It is less personal.
audience engaged

(Blogs, 2022)
INDIVIDUAL “For individual testing your child will typically see an examiner on a one-
ADMINISTRATION typically see an examiner on a one-to-one to-one basis for several hours
basis for several hours (usually three)”, (usually three)”, and you will receive
and you will receive a detailed report of a detailed report of several pages
several pages offering an interpretation of offering an interpretation of test
test results with recommendations. You results with recommendations.
will also have a 30-minute feedback where A. Individual Test
the examiner will explain the results and B. Practical Test
answer any questions you may have. The C. Group Task
child does not have to be present. D. Individual Administration
GROUP ADMINISTRATION “For group testing your child will typically For group testing your child will
take tests in a classroom with other typically take tests in a classroom
children”, and you will receive a one-page with other children”, and you will
printout of results. receive a one-page printout of
A. Group Test
B. Group Task
C. Group Administration
D. Group Exam
OBJECTIVE TEST “It is a test paper and pencil test where in where in students’ answer can be
students’ answer can be compared and compared and quantified a
quantified to yield a numerical score”. This numerical score.
is because it requires convergent and A. Objective Test
specific response. B. Multiple choice
C. Paper and pencil test
D. Paper Test
SUBJECTIVE TEST “It is a paper-and-pencil test which is is not easily quantified as student
not easily quantified as students are given are given to write their answer .
the freedom to write their answer to a A. Subjective Test
question, such as an essay test”. Thus, the B. Essay Test
answer to this type of test is divergent. C. Problem Solving
D. Performance Test

CareQuality Commission (2022).

Upen (2019).

Dan He & Hongling Lao .


Chun (2010).

Ajeetyadav. (2022, August 23). ADDA 247 Teachers. Retrieved from Teachers Made Test vs Standardized Tests:

Education, H. D. (1999, November 19). Wikipedia . Retrieved from Achievement test:
KAGAN, J. (2022, August 11). investopedia. Retrieved from Aptitude Test:

M, D. (2007, September 26). Your Article Library. Retrieved from Teacher Made Test: Meaning, Features and Uses | Statistics:

Partnership, G. S. (2015, December 11). edglossary. Retrieved from GLOSSARY OF EDUCATION REFORM:

Eduardo Estrada (2000).

Eduardo Estrada (2000).
Blogs, B. (2022). Retrieved from Characteristics of demonstration method of teaching:

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