Expressing Condition

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Let’s Practice:
Task01:Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets:

1. Our economic situation (to change) providing thatwe (to work)hard and avoid
2. As long as you (to keep) your probity and transparency, your business (to continue)
to prosper.
3. Algeria(to attract) more foreign investments provided that it(to pass) stricter anti-
corruption laws.

Task02:Complete the following sentences using your own ideas:

1. Providing thatpupils work seriously, ……………………………………………….
2. As long asall citizens clean the environment, ……………………………………….
3. Workers will be rewarded as long as…………………………………………………
4. Provided thatyou eat healthy food, ………………………………………………….

EXTRA PRACTICE:Selected taskfrom BAC EXAMS 

Combine each pair of sentences with the connectors given between brackets. Make
changeswhere necessary:

a. The manager and the workers trust each other. The company’s productivity increases.
(provided that)
b. Fans have trust in sport. Sport is clean. (as long as)
c. Intellectuals do not leave. The sending countries improve the socio-economic
situation. (provided that)
d. Your business prospers. You behave ethically. (as long as)
e. Governments of different countries cooperate. Governments of different countries
eradicatemoney laundering. (provided that)
f. Archaeologists continue digging in the site. Archaeologists will find more sarcophagi.
(provided that)

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