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by Carlos Palada

Master Carlos Palada is a spiritual guide of Mayan/Spanish descent. Raised by his

Mayan medium mother, who had paranormal intuition, his 30 years living in
Australia contains a touch of eastern/western inspired spiritualism.

This prayer helps dissolve all negativity within yourself and prepare your body to
receive more light. The Mayan prayer is very useful when aspiring to reach higher
frequencies of light.

We use this ancient Mayan ritual when we want to elevate our consciousness to a
higher dimension, when we need to go into the light. Do not be worried if you
have any suppressed feelings of anger or fear, just be present in the moment,
enjoy the eternal now.

The light is coming, and the light is here only to remind us that there are other
forces reaching the light. There is no reason to go back into fear anymore.

It is important to abandon all fear before doing the prayer.

The moment the fear comes use the

three fingers on your right hand,
which represents a mudra, and do the
following ritual:
This is the time of the Serpent, so just move your right hand upwards in a
snakelike motion, all the way to the top, while producing the sound ‘SSSSS’ (the
sound of the snake). Then move your hand downwards, and then flick it. When
flicking it use the sound ‘SSSSSP’

1st mudra and mantra 2nd mudra and mantra

We use two mudras in this ritual, one with the three fingers on the right hand
going upwards in a snakelike motion and then down. The second mudra is done
by flicking the hand upwards. We also use two mantras with the two mudras, the
first one being ‘SSSSS’ used with the first mudra, and then ‘SSSSSP’ with the
second mudra.

The Mayan prayer ritual is performed

in a standing position, and the first
posture we have to take is with the
hands and legs spread apart like a
star. The hands are facing the sky.
Your legs - apart. Your right leg – your father, connected with the five filaments of
light to the center of Earth. Your left leg – your mother, connected with the five
filaments of light to the center of Earth. Your father and mother connected to the
Mother Earth. Same applies to the arms, your right arm represents your father,
and your left arm your mother, connected with the Father Universe.

The next movement is done by

bringing the arms together above
your head, forming the trinity
(triangle shape) with your hands.

At the same time bring your legs

together in a standing position. It
doesn’t matter which leg you will
stand on to bring them together.
These two movements should be
done simultaneously with a fluent

Then slowly bring your hands behind

your head, your fourth eye (Bindu),
still holding them in trinity. Clear all
the history, all the past experiences,
everything that you have been
carrying for years.
Then slowly open your arms, and move
them gently towards your chest. Put the
left hand on your chest (the mother
comes first), and then put your right
hand on top of it (the father comes

For the next movement, keep the left

hand on your chest, and raise the right
hand above your head, with the three
fingers mudra. Say the following: in the
name of the SUN. Then move your right
hand down pointing to the ground and
say: in the name of the EARTH.

Finish this movement by making the sign

of the cross on your chest with the right
hand holding the three fingers mudra,
first touch your left shoulder (with the
thumb) and then touch your right
shoulder. Say the following: in the name
of the MOON.
The last part of this movement is to
touch your forehead (third eye) with the
thumb on your right hand (still holding
the trinity – three fingers), at the same
time saying: OM.

This movement represents the sign of

the cross.

Then, with the right hand and the three

fingers still forming trinity, make a
circular movement starting from the left
side, then downwards, moving counter-
clockwise, and then completing the
circle by touching your forehead with
the thumb on your right hand. During
this movement say the following words
representing the 5 elements, and the 5
names of the first gods we had on this
Earth: In the name of the TE-TRA-GRA-

For the next movement, put your right

hand forward, still holding the three
fingers representing the trinity pointing
Use the ‘SSSSS’ mantra and form a circle
of golden light above your head with
your right hand. Move your hand
several times above your head by doing
the mantra to protect the place where
you live, to protect your country, to
release anything that is not love, to
protect the whole planet Earth, the
whole Universe.

Close this movement by moving your

right hand downward (with the three
fingers of trinity pointing out) in a zig-
zag movement resembling a lightning,
still producing the sound ‘SSSSSS’.
Touch the ground with your fingers on
the right hand.
Then gently put your hands on your
chest, first the left than the right on top
of it. The last part – gently bow your
head to the left and say OM, then in
front of you and say OM, and finally to
your right-side saying OM.

With this movement the Mayan prayer

is concluded.

The last part is important to align your body and mind with the divine love. Form the
trinity symbol (triangle) with both your hands, and put it on your forehead (your third
eye), saying: WHATEVER I THINK, then move your hands to your mouth and say:
WHATEVER I SAY, then down to your chest saying: WHATEVER I FEEL, and conclude it
by gently spreading the arms, saying: I MANIFEST, and you open your arms with the
most divine love.
This final movement can be done in a different way. Put your two hands together
forming the trinity (triangle) on your forehead and say: I HAVE LOVE IN WHAT I THINK,
then move on to your chest, put the trinity on your heart and say: I HAVE LOVE IN
WHAT I FEEL, then put your hands on your mouth and gently spread them open saying:
THAT’S WHY I’M SAYING IT, with the most divine love.

If you are thinking about something and then you feel the same, then say it. If you are
thinking about something and you don’t feel right about it, don’t say it, because you
will destroy it. Allow the trinity to be connected – what you think, what you feel and
what you say.

Never forget - ALL WE NEED IS LOVE!

Thank you!

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