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10/22/2022 Dr.

Dr. Fauci Funded the Wuhan Lab When it was BANNED to Fund Gain of Function Research | A Brief Timeline of the Wuhan Lab Dr…

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Dr. Fauci Funded the Wuhan Lab When it was BANNED to Fund Gain of Function Research | A
Brief Timeline of the Wuhan Lab Dr. Fauci Funded for Coronavirus Experiments
Posted on April 29, 2020 by



And How Dr. Fauci Funded Gain of Function Research for Coronavirus Experiments

Even When It Was Illegal!

I had messaged the President at the White House saying Investigate Fauci! He funded the lab 3.7 million and it
has been four months and he never mentioned it. And he started funding it in 2014, the year it became illegal in
the US. And he continued to fund it after the 2018 cables that said the lab was unsafe.

I got an email confirmation that they received my message.

I assumed it was someone’s job to read all the messages and pass on anything important.

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10/22/2022 Dr. Fauci Funded the Wuhan Lab When it was BANNED to Fund Gain of Function Research | A Brief Timeline of the Wuhan Lab Dr…
Then the next day Trumps lawyer, Guiliani, said everything my message said:

“Dr. Fauci Gave $3.7 Million to Wuhan Laboratory… Something Is Going On” – Rudy Giuliani Drops a Bomb on
NIAID Director Dr. Tony Fauci

“Rudy Giuliani questioned Dr. Anthony Fauci’s involvement in grants from the United States to a
laboratory in Wuhan, China, that has been tied to the coronavirus pandemic. According to a
report, the U.S. Intelligence Community has growing confidence that the current coronavirus
strain may have accidentally escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology rather than from a
wildlife market, as the Chinese Communist Party first claimed. During a Sunday interview on The
Cats Roundtable, Giuliani questioned why the U.S. gave money to the lab. “Back in 2014, the
Obama administration prohibited the U.S. from giving money to any laboratory, including in the
U.S., that was fooling around with these viruses. Prohibited! Despite that, Dr. Fauci gave $3.7
million to the Wuhan laboratory — even after the State Department issued reports about how
unsafe that laboratory was, and how suspicious they were in the way they were developing a virus
that could be transmitted to humans,” he claimed. He added, “We never pulled that money.
Something here is going on, John. I don’t want to make any accusations. But there was more
knowledge about what was going on in China with our scientific people than they disclosed to us
when this first came out. Just think of it: If this laboratory turns out to be the place where the virus
came from, then we paid for it. We paid for the damn virus that’s killing us.”

Rudy Giuliani said, “You could say [China’s experimenting] … was for the purpose of weaponizing
it,” Giuliani told host John Catsimatidis. “Back in 2014, the Obama administration prohibited the
U.S. from giving money to any laboratory, including in the U.S., that was fooling around with
these viruses. Prohibited! Despite that, Dr. Fauci gave $3.7 million to the Wuhan laboratory. And
then even after the State Department issued reports about how unsafe that laboratory was, and
how suspicious they were in the way they were developing a virus that could be transmitted to
humans, we never pulled that money. So, something here is going on, John. I don’t want to make
any accusations. But there was more knowledge about what was going on in China with our
scientific people then they disclosed to us when this first came out. I mean, just think of it, if this
laboratory turns out to be the place where the virus came from — we paid for it. We paid for the
damn virus that’s killing us.” “Today, if I were U.S. Attorney, I’d open an investigation into the
Wuhan laboratory,” he added. “And I’d want to know what did we know? How much did we know
about how bad the practices were there? Who knew about it? And who sent them money anyway?
And that person would sure as heck be in front of a grand jury trying to explain to me — what are
you asleep?”[1]

Here is a question Rudy Giuliani asked:

Here is a timeline showing that Fauci continued to fund Gain of Function Research at the Wuhan Lab and
elsewhere despite the Obama Moratorium against such research… 2/13
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elsewhere despite the Obama Moratorium against such research.

October 30th 2013:


Dr. Fauci funded the Wuhan Lab to find and collect coronaviruses.
“Ten years after the SARS outbreak, EcoHealth Alliance scientists and an international group of collaborators
have uncovered genome sequences of a new virus closely related to the SARS coronavirus that erupted in Asia in
2002 – 2003, which caused a global pandemic crisis. For the first time ever, the group was able to isolate the live
SARS-like virus from bats… ”[2]
The team included Dr. Daszak of Ecohealth Alliance, Ralph Baric, Professor for Epidemiology at UNC Chapel Hill,
and Dr. Zhengli Shi of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Wuhan China.
EEID grant (R01TW005869), the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at NIH (R01AI079231), the
Department of Health and Human Services (R56TW009502), the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID), Emerging Pandemic Threats PREDICT initiative. The State Key Program for Basic
Research and the National Natural Science Foundation of China also provided support.

June 1, 2014:
Dr Fauci gives the Wuhan Lab their first grant for Gain of Function Research (3.7 million).
Notice the first grant said:
“Predictive models of host range (i.e. emergence potential) will be tested experimentally using reverse genetics,
pseudovirus and receptor binding assays, and virus infection experiments across a range of cell cultures from
different species and humanized mice.”[3]

The reverse genetics and pseudoviruses for receptor binding and infection experiments is Gain of Function
Also, there was a PREDICT program that they were funding that went to the Wuhan Lab. Trump defunded the
program of 200 million dollars just 2 months before the pandemic started. Yes, that is suspicious.

October 16th, 2014:

The US Government and NIH issue a Memorandum and bans funding for “Gain of Function” experiments and
prohibit risky virus studies with influenza and coronaviruses that cause MERS and SARS, while the risks and
benefits of this research are debated and discussed and a Federal policy is developed regarding the funding of
such research.[4] [5]

October 21, 2014:

UNC Chapel Hill received a letter from NIAID about their Gain of Function Experiment, that said since their grant
was already funded they could go ahead despite the pause.
The letter from Dr. Fauci’s Institution (NIAID) said:
“NAIAD has determined that the above referenced grant may include Gain of Function (GoF)
research that is subject to the recently-announced U.S. Government funding pause…. Issued on
October 17, 2015. The following specific aims appear to involve research covered under the pause:
Project 1: Role of Uncharacterized Genes in High Pathogenic Human Coronavirus Infect – Ralph
S. Baric, PhD – Project Leader. Specific Aim 1. Novel Functions in virus replication in vitro.
Specific Aim 3. Novel functions in virus pathogenesis in vivo… As your grant is currently funded,… 3/13
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this pause is voluntary. Organizations conducting GoF research supported by the NIH have an
opportunity to transition the applicable research to research that is not covered by the funding
pause; halt the applicable GoF research until the outcome of the deliberative process is known; or

continue to conduct the applicable GoF research until the end of the currently active budget
Notice Fauci’s Institution (NAIAD) said, “As your grant is currently funded, this pause is voluntary” and “continue
to conduct the applicable GoF research until the end of the currently active budget period.” That means Fauci said
they could ignore the ban against Gain of Function Research. Since the Wuhan Lab grant was from 2014 until
2019, the Wuhan Lab didn’t have to stop any Gain of Function experiments at all during the Obama years, despite
the Moratorium, according to Fauci’s Institution.

November 2, 2014:
President Barak Obama visits the NIH and is given a tour and presentation by Dr. Anthony Fauci. “Obama heard
about the latest science under the watchful eye of director Anthony Fauci.”[7]

January 31, 2015:

Construction of the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory is completed, funded in part by the United States.
Safety tests are done to prepare for a Level 4 rating in 2017. China celebrates with an inauguration of the new
biosafety lab.[8]

September 1st, 2015:


Ralph Baric and Shi Zhengli did a Gain of Function Experiment with MERS.
Ralph Baric, infectious disease researcher at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (UNC), along with Dr.
Zhengli-Li Shi of the Wuhan Institute of Virology and others, publish their findings from an experiment on the
MERS-CoV, Funded by the NIH, NIAID, through EcoHealth Alliance.
Their paper was called, “Two Mutations Were Critical for Bat-to-Human Transmission of Middle East Respiratory
Syndrome Coronavirus” in which they studied why MERS was able to infect humans. They said two mutations
that were present in the MERS Spike Protein is what enabled human infection. They described how they
“produced retroviruses pseudotyped with HKU4 spike” and “To evaluate the potential genetic changes required
for HKU4 to infect human cells, we reengineered HKU4 spike, aiming to build its capacity to mediate viral entry
into human cells… These results reveal that HKU4 spike needs only two single mutations at the S1/S2 boundary to
gain the full capacity to mediate viral entry into human cells.” They also said, “To investigate the functions of the
two human protease motifs in MERS-CoV-spike-mediated entry into human cells, we reengineered MERS-CoV
spike in the opposite way, aiming to reduce or eliminate its capability to mediate viral entry into human cells.” [9]
Ralph Baric and Shi Zhengli concluded, “ the two mutations adaptive to human cellular proteases transformed
MERS-CoV spike from completely lacking to fully possessing the capacity to mediate viral entry into human cells,
and thus they likely played the most critical role in the bat-to-human transmission of MERS-CoV, either directly
or through intermediate hosts” and then they gave thanks the NIH for their funding grant. They said, “This work
was supported by NIH grants R01AI089728; (to F.L.) and R01AI110700 (to R.S.B. and F.L.).”
The first grant was for Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance, for “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus
Emergence,” which we just saw was $666,442.[10]
The second grant was for UNC Chapel Hill for the amount of $754,420, for “Mechanisms of Mers-Cov Entry,
Cross-Species Transmission and Pathogenesis”[11]

November 9th, 2015:… 4/13
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Ralph Baric and Shi Zhengli publish their Gain of Function Experiment with SARS, entitled, “A SARS-like cluster
of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence.”[12]
Funded by the NIH, NIAID, through EcoHealth Alliance, Ralph Baric, infectious disease researcher at the
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (UNC), along with Dr. Zhengli-Li Shi of the Wuhan Institute of Virology
and others, engineered a synthetic chimeric coronavirus that can penetrate human cells with S Spike Protein and
created severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in mice.
On the team for this research were members of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, run by the Chinese Academy of
Sciences, from Wuhan China. The name of this new virus was SHC014-CoV because they had given a SARS-CoV
virus a SCH014 Protein – the Spike Protein which enabled it to enter human cells through ACE2 enzymes.
“The emergence of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East Respiratory
Syndrome (MERS)-CoV underscores the threat of cross-species transmission events leading to outbreaks in
humans. In this study, we examine the disease potential for SARSlike CoVs currently circulating in Chinese
horseshoe bat populations. Utilizing the SARS-CoV infectious clone, we generated and characterized a chimeric
virus expressing the spike of bat coronavirus SHC014 in a mouse adapted SARS-CoV backbone. The results
indicate that group 2b viruses encoding the SHC014 spike in a wild type backbone can efficiently utilize multiple
ACE2 receptor orthologs, replicate efficiently in primary human airway cells, and achieve in vitro titers equivalent
to epidemic strains of SARS-CoV. Additionally, in vivo experiments demonstrate replication of the chimeric virus
in mouse lung with notable pathogenesis. Evaluation of available SARS-based immune-therapeutic and
prophylactic modalities revealed poor efficacy; both monoclonal antibody and vaccine approaches failed to
neutralize and protect from CoVs utilizing the novel spike protein. Importantly, based on these findings, we
synthetically rederived an infectious full length SHC014 recombinant virus and demonstrate robust viral
replication both in vitro and in vivo. Together, the work highlights a continued risk of SARS-CoV reemergence
from viruses currently circulating in bat populations.”[13]

American funded scientists, working together with Communist Chinese funded scientists, successfully modified a
natural coronavirus, from the caves in China, which in its natural form could not be infectious to humans, and
turned it into a Potential Pandemic Pathogen (PPP). This is the very process that in 2011 sparked concerns could
cause an accidental pandemic or could potentially enable our enemies for bioterrorism.
“Researchers from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have discovered a new SARS-like virus that can
jump directly from its bat hosts to humans without mutation. However, researchers point out that if the SARS-like
virus did jump, it is unclear whether it could spread from human to human. The discovery, reported in Nature
Medicine, is notable not only because there is no treatment for this newly discovered virus, but also because it
highlights an ongoing debate over the government’s decision to suspend all gain of function experiments on a
variety of select agents earlier this year. The move has substantially limited the development of vaccines or
treatments for these pathogens should there be an outbreak.”[14]
“The results demonstrate the ability of the SHC014 surface protein to bind and infect human cells, validating
concerns that this virus—or other coronaviruses found in bat species—may be capable of making the leap to
people without first evolving in an intermediate host, Nature reported. They also reignite a debate about whether
that information justifies the risk of such work, known as gain-of-function research.”[15]
Simon Wain-Hobson, a virologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, “If the [new] virus escaped, nobody could
predict the trajectory.”[16]
Ralph Baric argued for the need for labs like the one in Wuhan to continue to find new bats with new viruses by
searching the caves and turn them into human pandemic pathogens so as to know how to develop a vaccine to
fight them, in case they naturally evolve the ability to infect humans and a natural pandemic ever begins infecting
Ralph Baric said, “This virus is highly pathogenic, and treatments developed against the original SARS virus in
2002 and the ZMapp drugs used to fight Ebola fail to neutralize and control this particular virus,” Baric said. “So
building resources, rather than limiting them, to both examine animal populations for new threats and develop
therapeutics are key for limiting future outbreaks.”[17]

Baric and Zhengli said, “However, further testing in nonhuman primates is required to translate these finding into… 5/13
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Baric and Zhengli said, However, further testing in nonhuman primates is required to translate these finding into
pathogenic potential in humans. Importantly, the failure of available therapeutics defines a critical need for
further study and for the development of treatments.”[18]

In other words, they need to inject this chimeric virus into animals, also known as Animal Passage Experiments,
in order to develop any types of therapeutic treatments or vaccines.

October 21-31, 2016:

Nature Conference in Wuhan organized by the Wuhan Institute of Virology, to discuss topics like Viral
pathogenesis and Epidemiology of emerging viral disease, with guest speakers from Dr. Fauci’s Institution (Nancy
Sullivan, Kanta Subbarao) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH, USA.[19]

December 19, 2016:

Donald Trump Elected President to the United States by electoral college to Make America Great Again.[20]

January 9th 2017:

The Obama White House Office of Science and Technology issues policy for reviewing Gain of Function Research
funding projects for approval, entitled “Recommended Policy Guidance for Departmental Development of Review
Mechanism for Potential Pandemic Pathogen Care and Oversight.”[21]

January 10th, 2017:

(NIH) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the Institute Dr. Fauci is the Director of,
began funding Gain of Function Research, which take viruses that cannot infect humans and makes them
infectious for humans for vaccine research. Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka in the United States had his grant approved for
Gain of Function Research and Dr. Ron Fouchier in the Netherlands expected his grant to be approved after
inspection of his lab.[22]

January 11 2017:
Dr. Fauci said, “There will be a surprise outbreak… There’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that they [the Trump
Administration] will be faced with the challenges that their predecessors faced.”[23]

January 20th, 2017:

The inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States [24]

January 23, 2017:

News In Focus reports about the Wuhan lab, “Maximum-security biosafety facility nears approval, sparking
excitement and concern.”[25]

February 22, 2017:

Some researchers are concerned that the Wuhan lab is poised to become a Level 4 lab and will handle the world’s
most dangerous pathogens. And China reveals plans to build 5-7 more high risk labs by 2025.[26]

August 2017:… 6/13
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“In August 2017, the National Health Commission of China approved research activities involving Ebola, Nipah,
and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever viruses at the Wuhan BSL-4 laboratory”[27]

December 19th, 2017:

The NIH Lifts Ban on Research that Makes Deadly Viruses Even Worse and The US Department of Health issued
Guidelines for “Framework for Guiding Funding Decisions about Proposed Research Involving Enhanced
Potential Pandemic Pathogens”[28]

January 2018:
U.S. Science Diplomats sent to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) had dispatched two diplomatic cables back
to Washington which “warned about safety and management weaknesses at the WIV lab” and “also warns that the
lab’s work on bat coronaviruses and their potential human transmission represented a risk of a new SARS-like
pandemic” and stated that they had meet with Shi Zhengli. The Wuhan Institute of Virology has since erased the
newsletter which made mention of these visits.[29]

April 4 , 2018

Shi Zhengli published an article called, “Fatal swine acute diarrhoea syndrome caused by an HKU2-related
coronavirus of bat origin” describing a Gain of Function experiment with a novel SADS-CoV virus at the Wuhan
Institute of Virology funded by Dr. Fauci and the PREDICT program.
“Here we provide virological, epidemiological, evolutionary and experimental evidence that a novel HKU2-related
bat coronavirus, swine acute diarrhoea syndrome coronavirus (SADS-CoV), is the aetiological agent that was
responsible for a large-scale outbreak of fatal disease in pigs in China that has caused the death of 24,693 piglets
across four farms. Notably, the outbreak began in Guangdong province in the vicinity of the origin of the SARS
She described the experiment, “Reverse transcription was performed using the SuperScript III kit (Thermo Fisher
Scientific)” and “Construction of expression clones for human  ACE2.” The experiment involved, “Amplification,
cloning and expression of human and swine genes” and the creation of a “Pseudovirus” for a “Pseudovirus
In other words, they found a new virus, brought it to a laboratory, enhanced it so it could penetrate human cells,
created a chimeric virus of this mutant that could infect humans, and  infected human cells in a petri dish, all in
the name of vaccine research.

And who funded this risky Gain of Function Research at the Wuhan lab? Once again, Dr. Fauci.
Zhengli said the funding came in part from the “United States Agency for International Development Emerging
Pandemic Threats PREDICT project (AID-OAA-A-14-00102), National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
of the National Institutes of Health (Award Number R01AI110964) to P.D. and Z.-L.S.”[30]
Dr. Fauci repeatedly funded the Wuhan Institute of Virology to find coronaviruses and make them infectious and
deadly to humans.

July 24, 2019

Dr. Fauci gives a second grant to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (another 3.7 million) for gain of function
The grant said, “We will use S protein sequence data, infectious clone technology, in vitro and in vivo infection
experiments and analysis of receptor binding to test the hypothesis that % divergence thresholds in S protein
sequences predict spillover potential.”[31]… 7/13
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October 25, 2019:

President Trump cuts $200 Million Dollars from the PREDICT Program, which was funding Peter Daszak, Shi
Zhengli, the Wuhan Lab, and others.[32]

November 18th, 2019:

The Wuhan Institute of Virology posted a job for coronavirus research as it relates to human infection.[33]

December 18, 2019:

The Wuhan Institute of Virology posted online offering a job, “asking for scientists to come research the
relationship between the coronavirus and bats.”[34]

December 24, 2019:

The Wuhan Institute of Virology posted another job posting: “long-term research on the pathogenic biology of
bats carrying important viruses has confirmed the origin of bats of major new human and livestock infectious
diseases such as SARS and SADS, and a large number of new bat and rodent new viruses have been discovered
and identified.[35]



And then the outbreak begins in Wuhan with a novel coronavirus that has no vaccine and no treatment and has
killed nearly a quarter million people worldwide. This is the worst lab leak in the history of the world and Dr.
Fauci funded it.

April 3, 2020:
Fauci and Peter Daszak, who fund the Wuhan Lab, both blame the wet markets – the Communist Chinese
propaganda cover story.
Dr. Fauci says it’s ‘mind-boggling’ that any of China’s wet markets are still operating.”
“It boggles my mind how, when we have so many diseases that emanate out of that unusual human-animal
interface, that we just don’t shut it down,” Fauci told “Fox & Friends.” “I don’t know what else has to happen to get
us to appreciate that,” Fauci said.[36]

“You’ve got live animals, so there’s feces everywhere. There’s blood because of people chopping them up,” Peter
Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance, which works to protect wildlife and public health from emerging
diseases, told the Associated Press last month.”[37]
The fact that they keep blaming this novel virus on evolution and the wet markets, when they were literally
making horrible coronaviruses in the lab, is suspicious to say the least. And they never even told the world about
their Wuhan lab in all of their media interviews.



For Doctor Fauci to fund Gain of Function Research during the 2014-2017 Federal Government Ban is a crime.… 8/13
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For Doctor Fauci to fund the Wuhan Lab even after the 2018 U.S. Diplomat Cables said the lab was unsafe, is
gross criminal negligence, considering the 250,000 people who are now dead worldwide from a potential lab leak.
President Trump & Congress need to launch a THOROUGH Investigation into Dr. Fauci and the Wuhan Lab.


The case for the lab as the origin is that:
1. The virus came from horseshoe bats,
2. The lab had horseshoe bats with coronaviruses,
3. The lab was making novel coronavirus mutants for which there are no vaccines,
4. The outbreak was in Wuhan near the lab,
5. The bat caves are 1,000 miles away from Wuhan in Yunnan (a 25 hour long drive)
6. The bats hibernate in winter, (Wuhan in December is 51° / 36°)
7. The wet markets didn’t have bats,
8. The virus jumped from bat to human,
9. The first patients had no connection to the wet markets,
10. The lab posted a new job before the outbreak,
11. Patient zero is suspected to be a lab worker.

The case for the lab originating in the wet markets is that:

1. Communist China, who has been trying to cover up the virus since the outbreak, says it originated in the wet

If the outbreak started in the villages around the bat caves I’d believe a natural origin. But it started in winter
1,000 miles away from the hibernating bats, in a city with labs doing enhanced experiments on these viruses. This
was a lab leak. The worst lab leak in history.China is a huge country and yet the outbreak started in the one city
that has the only lab that studies coronaviruses from bats. And what a horrible location to put a Pandemic
Pathogens lab! In a city with a population of 11.08 million people and an international airport with thousands of
international flights going around the world. If you are going to have a lab that takes harmless viruses from nature
and turn them into human killing monsters, at least put it deep underground to protect against accidental lab
leaks that cause a global pandemic killing millions of people.

Ih DETAILED i li f b h j f h hi hli h Th f ll… 9/13
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I have a 175 page DETAILED timeline of events but these are just some of the highlights. The full
document has over 350 sources I’ll post soon.



[3]… 10/13
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[23] Gerogetown Speech, “Pandemic Preparedness in the Next Administration”







[34]… 11/13
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New Book!

When asked if he saw any evidence that the coronavirus came from a Wuhan Lab, President Trump said, “Yes, I

Mike Pompeo said there was “enormous evidence” that the novel coronavirus originated in a lab in Wuhan.

Here is “The Wuhan Lab & The Mad Science Dr. Fauci Funded” with 760 pages with 2,300 sources!

This book contains well documented facts that some people want to keep secret.

The question of the origin of the pandemic is not a political one but a scientific and historical one.

Senator Tom Cotton said that “all the evidence” points to the Wuhan labs.

Examine all the evidence and see the big picture and come to your own conclusion.

Communists, spies, mad scientists, government cover ups and billionaires; it sounds like a movie but this is true

Did Covid-19 come out of a Wuhan laboratory?… 12/13
10/22/2022 Dr. Fauci Funded the Wuhan Lab When it was BANNED to Fund Gain of Function Research | A Brief Timeline of the Wuhan Lab Dr…

Is this virus a communist bioweapon?

Is Bill Gates associated with Communist China?

Is Dr. Fauci a plant in the White House?

Is war with China coming?

These are the questions that this book seeks to answer.


This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged Bill Gates Wuhan Lab, Covid-19 Wuhan Lab, Dr Fauci, Dr Fauci Bill Gates, Dr Fauci Brad Pit, Dr Fauci Coronavirus, Dr
Fauci Covid-19, Dr Fauci FUnded Wuhan Lab, Dr Fauci Gain of Function Research, Dr Fauci Predicted Surprise Outbreak, Dr Fauci Shi Zhengli, Dr Fauci SNL, Dr Fauci Wuhan
Institute of Virology, Gain of Function Research, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institute of Health, Obama Wuhan Lab, Ralph Baric, Ralph Baric
Shi Zhengli. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Dr. Fauci Funded the Wuhan Lab When it was BANNED to Fund Gain of Function
Research | A Brief Timeline of the Wuhan Lab Dr. Fauci Funded for Coronavirus Experiments says:
April 29, 2020 at 1:49 pm

In all this time, four months since the pandemic started, Fauci forgot to mention that he was funding the Wuhan Lab to
experiment with coronaviruses and make them infectious to humans.

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