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Application to tackle Filter bubbles issues

Problem description:
A filter bubble is basically when a user can get isolated into only the information he/she
searches usually as the algorithms only put up that stuff on their interface. Happens a lot on
social media- when you consume one type of content, you’re going to keep getting
recommended the same type of content regardless of whether the information you are
consuming is inaccurate/biased because that is a way to keep users engaged with the
platform. To combat this, we can develop a system that recognizes each time a news topic is
being discussed through social media, whether it’s through posts or vids, and a link that
contains more information about the topic in the form of reliable sources pops up, enabling
users to form more informed opinions on the topic.

System Capabilities

• Identify whenever a post containing news content is created with the help of language
processing technology
• Identify viral posts and predict their performance
• Work with a local network of reliable fact-checkers to apply disclaimers on posts
• Disclaimers on posts will lead to different links on dependable and reliable sources of
information about the topic at hand
• Identify claims in a variety of different languages
• Monitor and record data about previously checked accounts
• Flag the accounts of repeated offenders
• Its scope extends across twitter, TikTok, Facebook and Instagram
• The app itself will be able to act as a hub for accurate information on news topics
• The app will be able to display common misinformation being spread about on current

Business benefits:
• This system will help in improve customer experience and increase customer
• Increase the customers' loyalty towards a brand as it keeps in mind the customers'
• It will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the system by showing a preference
for the customer.
• Through this system, the customers will only spend time searching for stuff they like and
not random things that are not to their preferences.
• The system will solve the problem of Filter bubbles causing cognitive prejudices and
shortcuts to exemplify, intensifying their negative influence on the ability of the
customer to judge rationally and critically.
• This system will help reduce the website traffic and advertisers that are unnecessary to
the customer.
• The system will build rapport for businesses and drive engagement on their pages.
• This system will be solely tailored toward consumers, and this will help people view
different pages based on the different reviews.
• Organization’s word of mouth will have a positive impact too due to all users having a
great experience on their platform

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