Atomic Structure Notes

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~~ ~ ~~~ ; ATOMIC RTRUCTURE 4. Heisenber's Poet principle 2 Bolwodings wove euotion, (dime ‘independenk) 8. dnterpretation of wane: dunetion + foatide in one-dimentional box 2 Quorum numbers - 6 ~ H- odew pane Gunctions - shapes of Zh and 4d orbitals - | ee eel eet lat ae andivisible « fostulodes - 4, Gren veers componeh Sf ve minute particles Called atoms + a AMems are indivisible» 2. Moms. of dijoent elements dir pro ec other in dhe proporties and masses + ems cm metiner be ceahed nor destwped- duceets - 7, dh successpully explains davo of Consewation of mass, tow of constant comgesition , Jouwo ot muliple propertien - + Brawbadu _— 1. fodled to explain the ‘intemal steuchpe atemy and assumed that atoms ame no éhuchire . a. Covad nok explain tow atoms of ditherent dlement, dikber fom each other . Could nok loin tow odoms of different elements Combine (sith ene Another . & . ee cleetso (Cothode Roy Tube Experiment »J-J- Momson (189'F). 7 eae tar ) + Vaceurn pump +p phos pet Pluovescenk =a Gai qo iuaide the sube - Fig : ae * Prepure — ool mm Ha (a Sow ure ) . Vottoge applicd — loo000 welt (eng hgh vag) + Bledvic cuveent ftowss and Sake A omitted toy dhe gas - * Gurcent Hows — cathode (-) do Amade (+) - : : dbcovered Roya emitted by CoMnade — calnede voxys Cottam Sata) + Phosphorescence material — Zinc sulphide f Thommen - phypics Noble Rrige (106 Prvportin of cottnode rays » for his work en conductor oh 1. Trt in Shomighk dine | detrethy ba qraet- A. Yeakin tk - when cathode rays are docused om a din metal foil 3b gets eat ap - & They produce mechanicol a small paddle wheel placed in hel, path indicating Fhak Hey ane material particles. b. ete of eeewic fold -_ deklects fovardl te plate means - negatively changed) &: Sect of magnetic field — “ek deeded in the divection expected qr vegarive peakicles : 6. Tey produce gaint Greenish Srorescence- 4%. Tey tonite dhe GO» Srrouple cahich they Pas: 8. Cotmode vays prvcluce K vays when Shey fall on ymetal auch as -tumpten , Copper ee. 9. Charge mass volio of ‘panhiles. in cathode ‘is Independent ot nature of She gps ‘nm discharge er Reema Gime * Beebe shorge = Agchgt dt maT me vey b Pe = = HE X10 Coboumd ] ky . —> Jostide noture ot cotmode waa Was proved by oe Meir ability 4 cause mech. wstion - — Photo~ eleehic Sheer a Cerpten ebkeck - ‘ chonge ™ deen so 1.608NE 12 Cotounb ( Mullikan'’s of) dap Se emia oak baie ¢ me inact Magnitude of elechic charge (a) Asopleks Is absous an integ 70d multiple of alechic change (e) . : Wve don i. v7 Mavs decker an 18g, ( fap b) 2 1-604 x10°'9'¢ [F0FC Xj 9! ong! ITI = Ruthertord coipy Geiger amd Marsden - a poakles en Bem folonium Por . Bource oP shige Lend pate eer is energy A- potictes, si ; Photographic plabe Fig. Rutherford ls ng + t Rutherford. chemithy Noble , 1708, fir cremiviry of radioatkine substances Most of x- particles: (» 934)-) passed Soroush, dhe god Pil undeHecréct (“met ch space in.atom is ernpty) « 2. A aman fraction. of a- paditides was. deYerked by Smal! angles. ( volume ocupted by nucleus & neghigibly cmall as a ( comnpared to {otal volume at tne ted a. A very fons x- poshes (2 im Bo,000) bounced back (180°) « ( tve cherge of atom is concentrated fn a ven €wa volume — Nucleus) Observotions - a 1. Moin. pestudotes oF Hie Model ! 1. Moat of the mass amd Gl + ve dnaaye of odo is concertroded in a very Amal reflow. cauied necleus * & Sige xf nucleus — 10’fm —-_ o” = > ~» —> — > Ss > > > > > > > ) ) ) ) -|o «Atom = lo m: (2A)- B. Positive charge en deus is due Se ental 4. Nudeut & cusrounded by eledso™s , | whe nudeus ab a vow Aigh speed in chroular porns | cated osbits tM ak greok disronces) S devon and nudeus one held Fozether by 2echrestotic fers of adrracion « 6. Total -ve charge on @5 is equol do Setal +ve Chary2 om tre mudeus Aca result akon ov the whee Cle cri cay neutda) F Most a the space imide anatem is emphy : @- The centeituyo4 Fate avizing due to He Aigh: ape of es Volonies the Cotomble frrce of. attraction of Hhe wudeus, and eledson remains mw He posh » 4 Cohen a body moves in an. obit; it undergoes accelervotion « According do eleromognetic thesry ft Maxwell charged particles when acceterated , | er emit radiotion - Therebrre an eledro inom osbik coe will-emit radiation the energy coried by. : vodiation cemet Cechomic motion: Me osbit coll Huu continue do Abrvink ; due 40 whida de ° “alechom could, wbkimatly. ta Tih dhe nucleus - @ } | aladlottens Ghow that It should dake an elechn owly 1 10% sec to €piva ink the madeuss - This means on ake | Should collopse lout Huis does wot Ahappen + Ths this motel Jeled > explain dhe eailty of an atom: © Hq. Pn electron omitting energy and plunging ‘wo mubleus. ones doa of energy i Lu eT, GAGE ae in = Oseular motion ° ¢ becomes ei dew ot rae = pee a “Ths, Actording do Rutnertord Model , ah atoms are unstable # O_ceskain exhowt - 1, Our debe sibs eo ( neanbg 1s¢ wudie are Boble ) : $M ako Foiled do explain Ihe He atom. spechurn - ( Memic meum is actually net cowtiureus and it PEEK bo mows Sines of dekinite Pesuency) »Dia eOtoA Pmede | Comal raj expoimerd E- Goldstein ( 1996) charge en proton — 1.60810 Coloumb « Moss of - 14093. x15 7F hg. edit chara e of prten — a.sax ot clgm- ¢ Not comtant) _ mox. when aus & Hydsogen - - Ptcovenss of Newborn: + Tames Chadwick - 1939. bolien Seryltium ox “boron 2 bembazded by a- Podides j mew pasticles whith Cosmy mo charge one emilted = Neulsong . 1 Mast oh petro 2 ‘hors Xion hy. . Seafic Charge — Zero -* Neutron ia heawiett and Seat sable paskcle donna ol demenkoy porticles : = Sige af mwodeu, — ran Cb Fermi ) Volume « : = 1824 ond nl Volume * abo 24 gd 7% : ‘ (A-2) 7 Nudleene — Neutrons + proton > Atomic Number No- of pavtens iy, nudes ct an afer woul * * elechrons in g neutral ofem . — Moxnumber = = protons + vrewhromns i" la) ig Me Fe Rh a. ae + Seme other gub-atenic icles 2 ee Bub atone panticles 2 1 bie oe 1V93Q. ( They are highy Unctable and combine with electrens producng sy. ) fanling — (agp a Neubinos ond anti-newhinos - (0%) ~ Permi, 1934 - imines and anhi-newkrinos _ &. Pi-mecons (pions) and Jt- merpnt (Comuenes) — - Mese one housing Qa max intermediate between that th detron oma _proten - 27 tvely, -wely charged meson — Yukawa, ae (tw) 7 lesion) meione kemmer, Cor’) . a Antiproton — Segre _t9s6 C-17°) — > Asctoper — ay! o*, 73 ( S357 Ant sect area) cob cel gull TOP—> bottom game FEN * déeotenes — ne ane (dome np- of neutrons) ’ Teodiaphere =A (m- P) + Zame » deostere COg, Ngo (dame no- ef atoms and same wo- af electrons) . SS Bowelenatn = determines Colour of beam Amptitude Intensity or brighmess of beam > Frequency and wav murober | ate Yoo veo 1 @ > _Spechurn — Tre pattems of bande sltoined by duapersion, of dig dhrough a picm is kum as apeceum : > Bomic sperm — Pe dine epechrurn ruulting, FO™ She emiction ot wadiations om dhe otems TH She cements ie called odomic spethum - > Arm — temic epethum |dine eth Mofecsles — Bang spectra |pmsteeular spectra — No two clemenk howe tdenhical Line spe . —> Grder of Borlensys — ( Elecromay malic agectum) Comic rouge < Trap mays C UV ros K : Me eae et aieretoae < radiowave, —> AE = Eng-En, narn, (emistion spectra) 4b 2+ yg. En, ni>na CAbsorption ny 3 No- of specbral dines Fo" Hound stoke fo y orbit Te) fhe 2 > Noob spechol Lines from vn, and Ng ovbit ig a Fig . Phstodlechte ebyek ecperimnent + Perkpren eal by Hs Herty — 1994. + When a beans of sight do aubicienHy Nigh frequeny u AUowed Jo steike a mek} -surkoce Im vacoum | elechons are aejected from ‘he metal aurtace . Wis Pherwmenm is knonn as phate elect’ abbetk » dbser-vasions : 4: The energy ot phstoelerhronk is Proportimasal to the Founy ct vediahtn felling upon Ane mekod surface « a. ‘The number ct thntoclechent emitted per cecond & proportional do dhe iwtenaity of dhe ‘incident yadiakion. % Light of and freqeenuy ib wat able fo case emiesion ot elechons frou metal surfaces , This _unininwm _frequengy a called _Sherahola frequonvy valida can just Come the ection of electrons: Snskin'k _ecplowation of photoeleyic elect * When a photon auypident ene Chs,) shikes OM" ddeeho~ In aw ate ot Me mekal it drariker its energy ‘makenbanenutly do Bhe elecven auwivyp she catisiien and: he electron ig Bjecked without MY Hime bog thy energy enables the eledsrn do break, Quso.y rem she adem toy overcoming the abra dhive inpPuence of the nucleus . + bine She aii he minimum is -hvo (Me = ng photon fas energy Spal 40 hv and energy required do ger sthe electaey) Shreehoid deequeny hay, = work fundien) hen the dikternce in energy’ (tho — Awe) is dranakerved os the kinetic energy of She Photoelechon - ry), Physics Noble, 1921 : "Einstein Opydying quantum Sheory showed Mak aryrere funckion po deteed en ratite of or KE = hv-hvo = Wi(v-vey or lke = fe — hs = he(- 4) Que. f photon of Mondenglr 40008 thiket a metal auatace , She womk-fundion of the metal being 13 eN. Caleulate GQ) enerqy of photen im et . j di) kinetic energy of dhe Omitted phsto- eleckron and - Qi) velocity ot the Phisto-elechsons . Given Mes Quoaxie ts. Bne: ) Energy of photen Echo OA We know, y= o 2. gs he A ey -l0 -34 c= axe Mite, At 4000X\0 ™. h= 6626x100 Thee ~34 cy “B= BY 1 (Cegex 15 Taec) x (xd M/eee) UE #000% \9!° wy Bb = Hotes Toule 2. ag Since, LEN = ).602x10 g. -\ ers dare lig = Bloev. / \oax [old g diy kinetic energy of emitted phsto- electren KEES" — hy fer Re -d Since é = alsey CE -#) KG = S1oev- Rie = OBEN “34 Gy Velocity of photr-clevon > Kimce Sng > guingxte Ky ; -(9 aa KE > bmen™ = OBFEN = o,g2x i. gogxia’s -19 Ss RK OVEX 140K 19 = S-BSXI0 (see, ; Ne S109 x (07) ky Introduction of Quantum chemict Cc Physics) C Chemistry) Classico} Quantum mechanit& ocr : a mechanics ape Pic weale Reroviowd of Gale) when tt %,E, KE. pe . (fe _) cm. am. ¥, ; CH sRe Nib) (7, RE Nib, Eletront) Classical Mechanica | Quavtum smechanic& b- Mikvoscopic ale 1. Microscopie scale &. Swvicible world - 3. Based en Newtentan 3. Based en 6 tulotes mechanics , Maxwell . elect dynamics ¢ Unproven,, Wall -eacented Einstein Reladivttny No Longe. A Nistdble costal QUttioned + Formulas ane there to “i. 3 derormine de values of | Pe; Sreglie eq. observables . : Sdnreclingsr, y, ) > Values of Sbserablet iW Gm. ia determined by | OPPying _ pre-deternnitned Operodert on ne WAVE CONCTION. obtained fo dhe portiowor motion HM he mosleds Provided in @.m. ’ ® | ‘ a> Tronslotieonal = —>. forttle in Box (AD, 90,30). b7 Rotakon oh a gid Vibra . P atieinad ae Simple Hovmorfiic «°° Ogeilloter cso) * dy Elechrenic — Planck's Hypotnesr (1a00)2 ( for EMR , nok for & ete) + Max Planck — expldmed He phenomonen of black body radiation » + Charackeruho Ours" 1., Fos each temp , Shere a. 4) Z000k partionlar wondenytn at chi 32° dhe ener iy rodinkes is the wos BS Igvor doook. & The positien of She max: shite — cree Apwards Jower wowlen with 4} jn demp- Sie Fy. Umicsion of radiationtem a ™p block. body ok dikternt devp-s. 2. Me higher addne der peradure 5 dhe more pronounced ig che Max. Planck's Q@uantum debe vf radiation > Ls Atems or molewtles emit or absoxb energy digcountinuous| im the per of ny bundles of, energy Kaowm a * Guonita! © Packet” t dt means ener quantized} : Cemr) © gy of Alecrymoymatic radiation is * Quantum — gmadiest quantity ot energy Ghat cance omitted (or absorbal) ‘in the dgom of EMR. % Gach quantum “& astociated with a definite amourt eT energy & = MO Sopa $ selintinn energy m joules v detesmiine rime Mesring of quankgatiens "4 xpefmentty > 4. Energy C gece") Planck's constant i (h = 6.626y ight T Se.) of each. wey duccessive atate “yy N23 integra) omliple dome smavler energy yp which & nd} ¢ energy @. ; cab Trans for of Cominysyy; nee ee Eg: Eq-B,2 hv 4hv shu 7 Eg= hv N=! ground state Ter ere thy energy called ag 23,4 - quantum mechanical state energy (ce. Air) eae ot. 4 quantay G Quantigation of eneegy ) fred position = Pred prynical Parameker (energy , Momentum eo) for n= 3, €=shv 8 Discontinuity in enewy = Quantization : see Vaccum be N= Dig- conti puity @ ae She Tew] tem) : ae + Cilon- Additive enesay due ( Additive eneray due tv ‘6 diaconbnudty ne aesean de sain, “| Ee ht . n tine Temperature | and dime (abio due do dis, Cowmtinalty ) ' Even dienbinueus system vepresenk quantization and vice- versa. wet Cy Thotle hy we put eowneani conditions Quavrtum, mechanics, (te make system discontinuous) t Aasurmptions of Plomde theory: L. Bach radiation e olvays amociated with a definite amount of energy — Radiant energy Q. Radiant energy ig emitted ox abeorbed discontinuously ‘ntform of quanta + [dm ease of sipht , quamturn ‘ hoten 4 [Ea Fey See pe hv = he a . Steen mubiiple where n = 1,2,3,4- ‘oF @ [wave FUNCTION MUST VANISHES AT Bownary } *(Bobr's Atomic model fer H-atom 11913) ae ( demi - quanhim mechanical Model | approadn ) * Peswmnptions / festulaten | 1 Eleven revelve around Jhe nudews fn aration Prostar path oh. Fixed radius’ and cnergy - Mere paths Ore cauled obits (or energy devel energy shells ) » Mae are mumbered ag N=1,2,3, 93 KjL, M,N ----ee: ghelle . These ant now termed as , my) ae (‘B Nudews Prinaple juantum numbers . The fanther the enersy fom By as cn rthe Prete iw dhe energy : AHociated with it - -Ramd deignated A elechon doo not Lote os goin energ as tong on it remain in a porteulan eebit bub lore or in energy toke place whenevor electran Jump — fen Rightr Jo Lower 08 jower to hightr obit . Reapectivly , ‘ — : rt tons of energul(ae) =. EfnFiniial) © . d energy oo ndivecHy planck's Hypottresay’ 2 houamiy ‘paaigation nt TE 4 _Pnpslar mermentuen. of moving € %& also duortiged. Thus an elecksen can move in dhose orbits dee whida ‘Yes angular momentum “wan whegral omublple of Slam , thak w why only certain fixed osbicals are allowed - Mee = ng | or nti (ahere b= Be Where N= 4 2,3,----7 lv m= moss OF olectoen (oe vos velocity Heiss ath Air A= wading of Me oebit Notes Tit. ~~ aysumption was nok proved mathematically by Bohr - ( Gaticisym) Cos ier poured By De- Broglie + On she bars of Shese asaurnptions , Bohr derived sodia of ovvit , enexgy of clectyen ‘m an oxbit , velodty of € and op erage prauenyy of e ar well ak explained tne atomic specho of u-Sike ate - + hile deriving dhe esuations | the amumed thak é& remains in ‘its osbit because She electvestadic lowce of attraction exeaked by he mycleus ix exactly balanced by dhe centrifugal feece arising em tks croular motien - ( As suggested by Pun esterd ) * Bohr's Squation fos she energy of Elecksen in Hydrogen and H- Sike atoms Lie u . ( we" ate) f= + Suppose ,an elechron of yneas ™ umoving onound She rucleus in a ctreulah oybit maintaining a distance 7 with He velocity of v Big. Bohs’: W-atern When accordin: dd She Jans ‘ of aca srchavieh iy Sota fons consi. (73 aching en the olechan ine icg, H- dike atom Ww Fe , tends do pull the em tornrds She nucleus. ee Ze — i) uTe.1> However the conkeitugal force acting on the olechen given by mvt me tends do dake it aay gem HS oobst . Fy = ow - (iy Under She Inbluente of Shore two oppesings fovces , dhe & keept on vevolving in Hs orbit -- - According do Me conditiow stotion orbits | these ex_wust sual yus fN = Fe : mor 2 zee e (4 Gos - lo yw permitivity factor = MUIR6UK 1G." cyan? oe mot = Zee UT e+ Aecortding do Bohs postulake, whe avgular momenkun M7 an “mtegrol multiple of Van te: — iy mor = ah dv) a1 oe mA yh = Phe . 4 : mn Cequaring 23.¢v) both side) } A,r or yw = af — WwW) an mr ed uation ay and (1) spe trove eet mth UTC un?’ms*— a = mehe (umes) atm (ze) neh eo We _ 1) wm ze 3 H ow). 3 — vii) TT mmMe whee, A, = 0-S8r hh ( Cobv's fixt radio) = S29 bm Sige decreates OY «x. at z M< mg < Na ; a y Sige increases Thus, Bohr choory Bin cankirmation wih periodic Veoation of atemic size. Giy bneny of em and Hy 4 © potenti al energy (sae). Recording ly E> KG + pe =, 3 ? attractive peierHial (-ve sign) amt as ( fzer W a oo . UT ee > Buk according do ass ; [ Da a maureeption of Stationary ovbib UTTes © at e= 27 ze) _ zee 2 Cane z) un eox ee 2h f-2e2, 5 a ( walt ee Buk, aceowdking do Bolle modd, a = eben® Timez putting she value ot vin 8g. OY) ,we hove gn oe efpsteh Himes & une Gh? n& a met =-13-6eV hy B&rh =-g1axiorr ; =ABID KT ome} Za per 1g ae ator [rev = [-o0ak[o s) > TE newer becomes a \ Bn AZ . positive _ -Ne sign in She enerqy explain that an electron - ig alwous stable “in dre vent of nucleus oe iret Nee wey wey emyy) )) )) ‘ as © gate destabilized. 7” buk will never ‘oecome -Id-6ey rey us -0-86 ° 42 —> Joni | eee a > sin means that ( deniged H- atem) eneyy of the elechon fn ihe | atom, Jower than’ che onorgy oe @ free oledrm | ab rest . ® A fre elecron at wert 13 an elecen infivitdy for amy fem dhe nucleus and ‘A axigned dhe cnegy value of 300 AS lechron gers closer Jo the nudes, En becemer Sorgen in absolute value and more and more n ive : ~Vgev 35 V5) 0-80 ev \ev ev ~ 2 yY)y-_) WE) Met ne3 wil n=o ene becoming move —ve . OW a Ci) Weouty ob em. . According do Bohy’s assumption i Eh WY, | an \ = (ata [is 2 aWrd oe ‘J ‘ tim eX z. - =f nh nmers) anv) ( Sink oe GSk ‘e [rt = talon] : = AlBexig = Y= A109 zy, ae) & oe sae the angular Pe queny of renelution for an echon moving around the mat aseuning ae Model ‘y plicable to 7 gel, Cro vot tena per gec in ‘nth osoik = Veoury st € in nth orbit angutes, eed (@) 5, oe Chraumberente of rPhovbile anY On = an a On = (2-190x 108 mn|ser)- 2/7 at (.0-s04x10'°™) = ATA =, (en ze (Jinear pegueney) osoaxto J nS i = : Vv = Chis x ins 4 ect used 4 DV greta Pngulor UL 16 7 rs vind (®) = _wrsxi0 zt geal QRS1Y n Te = 0-6s¥ x10 =e sea! | used in EsR 2 Celechan spin veronance ) Gusiiy Li? foto Bohr's Mode) . Deberrine energysand gach of ard oeit - ot fs 15, 2 = 3, Tarchore, = 0(2%) ez 40(93) > 340 v3, = 3X eeeaA, =) tS8EA En = -\peev 22 = 12-6 €N nr e : S Ne4- Gi) Suppose 27 moke a seamitiont yom nea & : Determine the ene vined for dhis ate Sek: generally im Toutes “19 y En = = Q1@%10 See’ 22 ma > (Es- Eg) Toute “|¢ sen) [-suene'*)}-2 Toole 16 4+ 1 = =f seen - saei5"3 )xg Toute ie 4 23x 0% (4 -1)« 3 : Bp yey = &\8X 10 (4Q)*3 =(218x10) 329 gute (6 18 dE 36FxXI0 TF Cliiy IE gas energy i@ supplied by electromag nehic Tadiokien , then detowmine maneegi, of mdiation ik we present in visible aonge 9 : = be et AE a a -3y =(6-686x10 t9x @xi8 m]sec) eee eee eee see oe ht aby = (Ges msceENE Ie? mm 36H A= suneis® m (CNet in visible vegion of elecho-mamnelic radiation) Se og ond engin of ygen seed * When an clechic dischorge passed Snrough hydrygere (3 . . jample) ey Ve molecules dissociate inte Hythro gen, atoms . 4 ions * From dhe gample , geome of the H- etre abeorb subbrdenk energy do chit heir clectront dp the sewn Chery Level erly while seme others mo absotb more energy and max be able do shit} dain’ leche do 374 ov even -higher energy devels Te electrons thon dend 4p tou) back Odynott trnmediately )3> ene or other of dhe Lower energy Devels . “Me yonious postibilities by which the elechens Jal back from various oxcited etube enerty Aewels. do dower energy devel are cabled electronic transitions. Dusing each Sransition , energy 8 welared which abpears in dhe gem at radiotion of specific frequency and. hence of specific wavelength - Frinciple Suanhim lumber (n) Humphiry feries_( far IR) LY Radiation with Leng wave 4 ae = D__tenptig 0 ehrort frequenu es 71 Taschen denies (near TR) (eatin with intermediate varedensth or e-> mediate prequenvy 4 Babmer gesicr (Visible Region) erin, YF Radiation with short wave Leng Lm _ deen, sine ( al hah Aoi y Lyman ales ( uv Region) Fig : Origin ot She 90, echum in Low serolution ( dbsence sf ae) eledvical oF Suppose an elechon maker Bo Setittien from y Sor 0, She change in energy Bw se = Es -E; fe ef mele NL eh Zh, ger We ng? Bes h? nj? te > ~ _meh2’ Bet pe Gre ap) ik . we kwnoto , this energy ts quawhzied energy @ Pag MSA Z 3. fete. cde : Barns (nik ng a) _ ps SafeMart ee. | 2 Bene <) (we nfs r or} Mos R 2k ( he Pydlberg Constant oe rae ee Mal A 7 ma nga) 42 Ry = 109690 “) (PsP) : Retberg formula a ca where gee 4 ot 10948 F nav Ry = MES cr! (wiki) Ber hac o* 109334x toh = wz] Note + ae tl ml feast Af most onematic | °% aaexio™’s called “Stwriting dine eo Que: —' Coleulate the hset and dhe Seng wowelentth Siwiits eh of Lamon Series in Ihe epedttum ef Hydrogen. Given Ry = 109,691 cm! Sel: As per Rydberg foomuba 1 -J > aes nf4) ( fos H-ofem) for short wave dength dimit g=ds nes "gs o me te Hence, t= sogeat (5, cra eve toscana aa eel As = Biwiloty , 109641 = 4leénm for Jong owe Jeng divi, Azada, Neat, MEA ree i 1 1+ torent [ats as = A094! (3)4) = O12 (2. “nm Note : Alfa Ine ( & dine) = from (ng 1) > AE Beta dine (Bp dine) —» from (2 +8) np garema dine (rv Line) —> doom (mg 48) —> Mp a Note + WE Coleutake the 4 of ard dine of Balmer Series in ty dos a Q ee panel ae) ae : mo eo Ry (Ff | = ab A n (3y fea ae ‘ ——, 37d gine of Balmer at Mx ax(s- +] (nes) ae = RX 4X 21 ASKY “P= toast x 189 oye! {Oo A =z _lee =. hoo ll WK 10Ft Teoage A = 0.00000482153 tm! el; »,'= A= Ypaisa xi on! A = yee-is3 A Rohv'a eet boos gives dott Jenizatien energy. mesits of Bohs's Sheory + 1 dE fist mod ‘natical dheory cohide apply She concept of bot Classical and quaxtum mednanics £0 explain dhe bLehaviun of e- in an akem - & Wi theory provides mathelneticol data fos various pasameter Uke energy , velocity of & og well os vada ot sbi - 3. Te explains dhe spechra of H- Jike atom whidh Bb experi menicatny wenified - Domenits of Bohrls Yneory * 2° Bohs's Hheovy 3 only applicable to H- dike atom ce a system of eingle eledwon (1H, He, UP. 82" -er) & It introduces Ihe concept of quoudi gation of angudos momenkum coitioul any explanakion anal mathemotico} verification + 3. Precodling ko Goba!s Hrenry , position’ and momentum of an electron ts fed . Tip comtodids Heiseribexd ¢ uncetainky prndple , acording to which both position and momentum of 2 is umcextpin - 4: “The further epuiting ot each spectral dines dhe presence of magnetic tied ( Zeeman ekfect) and iy She presence of elechic field (Stark eltel) could. aot be explained by, Bohsle Model - 1 ner ae oar = ne) lis b=0 t Eto @+0 oO. Brog\te suggested that ©) bike Light “has duro) Chavacker - Jt has pasticle as well ax wave nahise - Bohr hod drrechea| © ony as a particle - 6- Boho's mode) could nok explain the grameley and shapes of matecules . EC Mosdifieation and edension ot Bohy'e theory 4 1. Replacement of mast with reduced mars of Cleon proton system » eech — No significant ebheck ginte ™> >>> Me (af gub-atomic ser) Ey fA= 5 mers8 Bok V3 vd weduced mass Y= Mp me Mp + Me man 6 proton = beri? ky wet lechoy 34x 162! kg y= (bt 18 Fag y Cqnis?l ty) [C04 x15 Fey) + @axie tg) ] “oe (ernie * hy y Cannio’ ky) (eae 1188 ig) + Ba ms%y) a = Ceegxrd™* He) (aero tly) Ciszora 15 OF hg y= qx 10 ig = Me + dornmerfeld in (91S extendet Bohrle Model by popesing dak eledrons in on. atomn howe diptical etbtte - «dn one, to explain dhe motion af an elechon in eliptical osbil , jo quantum, numbers ane vieeded in place of ene employed by Bohs This nea quardum number pas been called Aximathal quantum wmmber and is denoted. by K- ee oS Where k = = 1, 2,3,4 ----- 7% a Songtn of major anit K : : Senge of omimnor oxi Hoos hen (ee Mee, ay Chen) Kaa » Le 47Q. and ir 4,2,3 4 Oh ne 1 dhe othit is chrular Ales ae eer u * eMiptical x v Y N we { f 0 Rw nz3 Ke peor Hy. Bohr - femmerfald ovbitt for n= 2 * Crwdar and ebbiptical exit aemain, degenerate” becouse energy depends only en dhe value of n & We gt only one antition . i Bud im pretence of external elechic and 7 mognetic fretd dure do unequal interaction of. drauter and alipti co} osbits this d enerory broken and therefore toe get duo dines ie spiating of atemic spectra cakes place - + Sommerfeld extension ia dimtted by eeverc} unutuol foe sn aha "> whot &*k. Wy df we accep this mechanism of spitting han wo: daner alter splitting may be even, may be odd . Suk WE expormentolby observed Shak ageney 6 aban 044 4 ie see =s “That's cob Tris Model ig "a also not accepted - nee, ne2,Ke) 7 Her e227 ec ne, | | £0 E Fo Zzo Bo ® A$ tka a quantum wurmber, chen which physical quankity ta peprerented by His - @ * dorrmeerd's shen could mok give the wore murber Mes cbsermed in dhe fine ehucture * Dual Nodure ot matter ( Wave-pasticle Duality) 4 Phyrics Noble, 1929. . According to Lous de brogtie : Pevvomognelic wodiation (emer) in assocdiaked with bot wore as Wel as porice chonactes Mathemoticalty | Mais ub represented ox — B= meh o_ up (energy ot a pastide)) es : = re — ty (eneagy of a wave) foo awe - poxrhde duabity - oy Ax p =h = Cnttonk procdy ck of *otal character remain cmttont . As wowe character increases (A%), particle draracter. decreareg Ce) and vice-veca . Que: Coleudate dhe de bro mass gn, moving with o velog: @| Fe wovlenarh do honey bee ty of sia ae ‘4 + fol. oy ae 6ba6x IGT Tec (ax 108 9) Cov-ae mee) A= osx eee m QUE : Lu 19) ¥ soy’) “-_ porticle chanather dominate Coleuate A of moving € mon Bak 10 Ag ith Woodty Go-A5 MH pee. A ae A zh ay GoAEx Io T See (aaxio? ky) (eas miter) ar* ou m $s (om am ae, oR Region ~ vince . West's, a gub-adtemic particles are associated with ama mass that's why woowe- pantid)-e duality : Q fact for aM gub-ctomic poodicles . que: G@lutate A tera posticle which is accelerated by a potenk al of Ag 9 A= fol Suppose Pete ee” Shen A= h x I amee ag -3y = 6 6a6xX1o Ts x ax anne 13" ig X PER 8 e \ NOG volt A= pasiee? (Ag V2 A ~ 18-8) A ee Applicable fo é] ier rf ag A 400 BQ A lo KV O-1Ra) A Gohenever an em y actelevoted in a vaccum tube by : 40 volt we gee warlenyh ct 1921 a. Tha g Ckperimentod evidence of wave - posticle eluslity “ * Theseetical evidence — One of dhe Majer drodback, « Derivation of Bohr'e angulas, momentum fostutate fron a Morglic Relation. a Bohr’ dhosry Ok Quamtigation, of an omentum . Bole #44 unable do explain the quovtigation of Ongtan momentum - Concept of tat 4 wane oroit > a © 0) Woven di) Wove out phase phase Toit vnayy be taken On Genewaded ‘oy motion a & in Bhat Fig. owe troim et on elechon ina crew path ompund 9 madens, "don electron hos dD yemain nm ao pont aulan Biotienany Git , Shen clacumference of Mat oxbit musk be equal do interval multiple of wanelenath - Met &, AIM = VA ANYn = “t) = mh Px%m = op Very 2 nh > Mein Bohr's pottulake Go + De Croplie ARCO expleing the quontigahion. of angular momentum fntroduted-by Bohs and his eatoblished the four Shak e- i aysodoted with Wave a3 well os particle chavacter - for ev. os a> Atemic epectro = paatide nature (transition of paside) — [ Gahr explained’) Bub Spitting ot dina — wow nature L@ohe coulds't explain) b» Pied petition — patie mature (explained ) Probability *puttion qa CA elaine) * &paimentol verttication tt the dual Chanacter of elechrnnt a> Veificahen of wave characker + C> Davison and _CGermer's ecperiment (1987) * Beam of &¢ —» fall on surfaced? a diffraction Ni cugst od Pattemen a Photog eaphic plate Simi jar beam sinh aw x Gad Phatagsop hie EMR es plate v nq Four 2 ‘treresting Fach - TT Tomion was iba for ded the Nobel ge : 4houng dha the syestigadion gt € tt o pantie and tion 4 2 & P- Women ris zen O4 awarded the e an : Noble prize foo aowing Shak He elechon ie sa wow - Gi) GP: Thomesn'e experiment £1428) ems’. experiment (1928). + Same ax Davisen and Germer . b> Valtication of de aaticle charocket : i> Specific charge (elm) A> Millikan of] deep experimen HS Black body vacation Physics Noble — (922 Heieenberg's uncertain} principle (HuP) 19R#) . According do Se principle — dtu impossible Jd determine the eath petition and momentum (©F welouity) of a*%madt moving particle , precisely h * : ie [ince m = Constant) 2 [Ax Avy, > he. umm QE? Cateutode the product of uncestainity of @ cricket batt having m = os kg, eee reults 2 eres ont tne venulis s, -3 -' ask Are dy = 934 —> Ht equal av =15!* os ave 1g 'F = ol eo Ax = 10" "8100 = 10 s : cre Vou Lens velluce te Av = Jolt xiep'= 15 ) @ Comparing Wis volue (ay = 15" mlen) With the dypteol velodty a hoker batt swe find Shat Hhis uncedaini in velodty ‘8 tea measilyible + Thi means rot we can diaresard dhe uncestainty principle for dhe matione of macroscopic bodies » We can Sus soy Sak for such cases, both Me position and wdlocity can be derermine| do gq rertmable degree Note Gy of precision . Smalter Ie max move dhe uncertainity * Gi) AN gubatemte Particles ane assoviated with fmnalt mars , Hus uncerkainity ua fock - “The ebferk of pup is significant euly for dhe maton of microscopic objets and is megsigible for shat of Macwscepic olejects j Sustificakiew of Hvp 1. _gpro poink energy of o almple Hanmente grill ahr ib ae (#0). guro point energy a even ab OK demp-, a posticle is wok “A it is UTeralings (rotation! motion stepped , ‘panalational motion cop ) with enesgy of Yow - And due dp fe vibrakion, “its momentum and position not precisely detomined + “Thus, occurance at. gpo-point energy wa manifestatiow of the YUP: a ‘2 Nen- commuting operotorn abacyps give uncertain eigen value whenever Cpesaked sivnultanesualy ~ Ques A paride of nas Ie by ‘we tenfined to a Ene dimentional box of. Jewptr Anm - Catoulate dhe minim uncerkainity tn tie dinear mementum “in gpeund aoe. Lises) écin: Energy xf o particle im ene dimensional bow fs = nthe aa Sm ok For ne gen sabe y=1 Veet ein hay ——® ama? Paumphon: Ge in box VEO , £0. wE~ —@ Squading aoe @ eo he 3m Bak or = 7. a Mitel P Wak oo / = oa s ee ae = bh = _beexto Ts 10-3 m OP = 6 aK oS ace @ tHen-and | replated toy akokemarts thos ot a. given + dn wp, the predse statement of the mementum ot clecent have do be of pocbability shot dhe leche pesitien and memenkum . * One ot She importamk fmplicotions of dhe HUP “U Shot it suler out dhe existence ot detinite pains ox Sraj ectowtes ot elechens and other similar portider . S ing. ch Ae at 2h Que. Bosting with HUP god thal eT Sol etait ph a _ 2aPAP 4E = 3m 1 DE = Pap Sigriffoance o E= Wp (br vee be’) oe = he av OA we kno,’ AE-ate 2 bh 7 hens. at = Rone lee » funda extol of ume Apecbroccopy Slr Ov = Bandwidth of apechra AE = Relaxation dime or Lite dime » Oxive zh on @ - Hup was the final blow do the classico) mechanics : How? in classicol im clessio} B= ma ( Heats ard a) OP 2 we a) differential equation of 34 order | tle fat solution will give & (wlouty) — ne ad getulis en X (position) - we cong Pe. : Yr , be need initial condition shat & at t=0 van» + Stmmiloriy , tahen we ‘meyrake she abeve Qustion and dime, we gek onsther constant CQ. Appoying ‘mitiol condition we get gk t=9, L=%o- Bur: Ok. t's0 0 = Vo, bso , %=%o not garafy sinudtanenuily and that Limite the soln oh ditfereral cquahion f Haake oslay Kup aegponsible tor cromition (rem ‘chawicol to quantum mechanics - + dew dhe Hup dhok resteict whe gatesehit initial condition ond divtprottial oyuation of nloutonion mechanic can't be wlved fix shose posticler oshich. fotlod “HOP - , both Mere conditions will ® (KenarSiingar wome equation * Basin keerodingss derailed Ye behaviour of. ebectoorn ansund She nucleus by a mathemotital equation knoum gg Sduerdiinger vaove equshion - ey , Fp , oy 5 anime . Der aye ag ye Where wy = wore fundion (isptnae et wave) Yb = Conrdinate positions mM = max of dhe particle B= dotol energy of. partide N= potential energy h = planek’s cewitane Gut: Derive Eehrrodiingsr wave . equation q + bhaodin wowre equation can be desived by using the fort of wave mechanics - Consider a standing wome ae prep agoting between a0 poms im x-divection with a epeed 0 % oy. 4f yw amplitude of wane unchion than according ato wove mean - ey) = ay) a Sf), i. w OE De @ where x # peed of waowe cahide does nok depard on dime + Amplitude of ware melon (sp) must be produtk of. wo funcione P= Pa PE diy where Yu fundion of position ees to 8" Hide Sime, it “w a wove, time qfuncion rut be periodic. “wis &m(anst) oohese v4 vibrotienal freency ~ Deing &- Gly | tre Amplitude fumdion i - ai y= Yx- Sin (anvt) w) pusting the volue of py in eg. dy we ge ja yx sin a 2 al a soyanot)| i, eek ey oF Pe oe Aince Here t “we cowant LHS eile and x in RHE. a 2.8 2 ssosensy) (Ze) = A Me Sew) | far ut (4) ia Ye | — Aetertind to wame mechanis , ve know Hot Us vd Wip where A i dhe Corresyending cowelengh from SY) amd yiy ride gk , a % LL unte’ Px 3x8 vad ee une. . “pet 7 Ge —— bi Now , Srdroducing whe wawe - Pasticle duakity principle at i (iil) From ey. wit) ¢ Witty , Be gk Q Oh Me (tee umd pa ye io axe he The dotad energy of o austen a given og E= T+v ———_ (*) where T= KE- ond Vz pe. Now , ‘es, Pa ovo E JB +y or PA = gm(E-v) eo) Pulting the value of Be in ey. (ix) ,we gee 2 Ye = ~4T? ance-v) ae Ya "FEB eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee a = a 2 7 one arimlEW yw 2 9 tb —— + ax& ne * Cquation in ene dimension: Bimi\or 23. cam be aaitten in 4 and 3- divetion. Since OW divections ave wurtuoddy ‘independert » dhesebtre ‘mdividuol Ruation con be added - Thus, woe yk Sdrodin ges Woe equation in 2- dimension « DAY, BA Ver age ie) -o| \G * aya “aus + BS) + Nien where YP = Composite vont findion in adrdiredion $ explain yopicel behaviour ef gatide regardless diredion - QUE! Brite down Braodingss wave aguatin and identify, Faplacian and Hamiltenion Gpesott t fmt ony , aty , yp 4 srimiew) y -5 a) axe aye —-ag& ne sohuti fogiempgive unas doutiplying Bch PY onu=m - Wa (ee, Re, =) u-B)Y =o ——a) gmem aek | yh ” OgR + Ve)? We 24 + a+ v 7 Gram aa ay sat t x: Ey —ep cy) a 5 “Bis dee @ aches et ce ( de} squared) i dhe Joplaian epeatts decline as a2, 284 a2 V = 337 pon Now, ” (LR oe = ep es wy Hop = ‘Homittenian opexotor =48 @ 7 Opesotor of gi [ am 7 ad —? Whenerty Hop eperate over a wave fundion, ft repenerobe owe funtion giving Yhe dota! energy of She aptem . buch ov fumelion which regenesade after operating OVA a Gperdor 3 vegonded as Bigen function of opestdtor - QUE: Wahod propeation must be axocioted cotthe wave function obe accepted af quamhim mechanical come funtion ? Sra: PAL dumetion can't be accepted ag quantum mechanical weowe fundion buk -for acceptance as quanti medianical tame function, sBare Pnction wut sobiefy Plowing conditiens — de mut be tentinysus Horouplout Hhe quarhim mechani cal space - @ iy dtl fiat and gecond derivative mut be cenkiweus - : Tk can be Integraked over quantum mech: Space - Ally Dove Function must be nenmolized to itself and thogono} 0 other wane funckiin - Gv) Wave function must vanich at oundony (od infinity): Cy —— 0) Syua complex function , then [-# | CER + yyp* wut vari at afinity « (NX) The vane fancteve mwat be dingle-walued ve: pre eath. value oh She variables xy and y there oruset ony be one value of wy, { ———— By \bohot 8 the pryaical alaynifi cance of wove function 2 OR Give he Bom ‘mtexpretation of O wave funtion : ' These & no pryticod signifi cance of wove undion y; excep te define she phase of pastile (+e or -ve): But wat = |ya] represent athe probability of finding: postive (M quamkum vnedhranical space - This fark was interpreked by max Bom bat der dhe clawico) wore T 4 AZ . gn athe came bart ,we can 404 shat tor a quentum mechni cal wae T ok py, bout quaukum mech: wore it of cove of poskide cmd trenatty of Posticle wave & propertienal to np -of padtider prac in de cane. & Tot's waly, Bom engined Frok probobility ot Frding postide mut be uot do yy* and overall probabil thy i) Pe = fyyt dt Space LC Small volume element © 40 +0) ei - ax ad - dudy i dw dady-dg. — The Prooloility of Fini the paahide within ronge fom x od xedx Y given J x. podde = yy de = tv] dx where * Pooda = probability pix) probabiiity density yt What do you undesttand by normalization + Why i w ae a normative a cawrdhunction 7 As.» Nosmnabigation ‘a dekned as ceskaluatty that @ probability of Finding paste tn the quantum med ware iy ejuok do A - Moknematicalyy , ibis ia. r p> f YY deat {ope » 0 ty Space too do waemolize Khe woe uncley belpre vaing iM quantum mech- Space to ensure the pverolt cuitence ot the Poahle in Hhe Ty ie necess quevtum mech erate 60 dhol whabwor prying quantity & coleulated must be rove and more Qeeurode + ¢ fostide iu one-dimensional box 3, * Consider a paride of mass M is moving in x- diretion in a box oh sengen and aig infinite’. + Potential ot the bound ia) fo pan oe iq. Potential for a. le 4 finite 20 Shak os soon 4 in a eme- dimemienal bor. % Ppornele reaches at je oo co 1 ' } i boundary rit bounce back fnside She box. “Snide box poteutiol it gexo go Shak particle move on “ts KE: - Under guch o situation, there & no existence of paride auiside box. . Sehmndin yer auction fre y-p com be writen as — az BtmiES) yo cake Ye 97 Qukside box » vy = 00 FO UE NS Sb Boo te 00 2 1 dy an®m 00) = 0 uf 4 = dx& hk ¢ 2 = 1 fy ay Y ba (em dx hay ay ’ ox anim) om ie erenysshere outside the box ae [Fe] pty => &) dnside box - aly Bry - ofim (E-)y =o Putting v=o, EB att m (E=9)¥ . cs dxa he or day. gms i oe y =o Making Homogeneous eubstituhion Az Pa aT HE woe gb, By 4 8 z dxdt TRE, = * Ban owdinamy And oder dipterential eatin which fas general dolahen — y= A 8in(dx) + B Cae (Ax) @ Here we get ‘ninite Fiat Boundary condition + ak z=0, =o (must) 6 = Asino + BCetO we = Asin (ax) Wh and Boundary condition! - of mee, po vo. Asin (el) =° A +0] (bee 8 & already Yeo) 2. Binal) =o or aL = nT N= 1,2,3,----N S to, —> P=o Grok acceptable inside Hence, dhe ohieines eolutions one dhe box *) | As we kno aa ante na nigh _ amen * La at ha 2 Gregy in 1D box: G tt depend on 71, means Cragy Sevels are quantized » or @ = Normoligation, et wave fundion do determine the co-efficient A in dhe wawefundion : otk. L ovoid + 5 wge=) — [ Boon's orn Pave. function J 5 {rsin( BT) | astn(mmayfax = 1 2 aig = oR 5 SPEND = Gaiue sfe = 1 oe] L or aT 3 ‘i Cor (pM x) b de ey york L or SEY fan =f coe (20 xan] =| s 6 Hence tH ‘integral oil] yo + ‘ov togono} muon — or AR ep ~ [Ge am (am J] ]s 6 (L-o) - ane (0-0) | =) x» Chorocteristic of particle in ap box : : a: = na Wn = 2 3in (22x) Yn 2 4in (42x) tb) Probability densities in (@). wove functions in 1-D bon - L-D box a> Pashtle in ene-dimemtionol box contain botn apmmektic and asymm ekric owe bunctienk in abteanate manner - et. g- orvitad - symmnebrico| ee Aayramedsicad -, aa ag ayrremedrico} $e le Rayrametrico| b> There & no ppsicol signif cance at wove function (Yn) uk gquore of oxawe function represen probability firing porticte . As eney ‘increases , n0- of probability moxima increases - @ Hence : Probability become more ond more -hemo os umntuen mo: Intrease - fo dhat at wou higher wilue st on there & continous exdtence of paxicle Sven poet Sel ee Naish, Hay academe og - Pandple of torrespendante” : Pecording do dhis , at veuy Nav-quamntmn number weet of quantum medranicr merge «ith the classical mechanics betause Continuous system w Aossical austen. 4k SD for N71, Shere wa portion ‘inside bax jwhere wove dunction becomes sero , this position ig called % Node. PE Node, probabitity af finding poskcte Ze: & it v detined a“ the point where bSove function Changes “ths ign Nov ot Nodes inside box = ML here 2 quanti np. become d> brerqy of particle in ene dimentionsal box te QWankized that & Awociated est x Value , not olf cevtinuew values. Ey = ef) ome specific i given as - Tras only foo pesmittable volue of Energy allowed - +," dew boundary condition dot is resporuible tor quankization, of energy i. ey Me energy gap bekseen -hoo odjacen energy doves B given os - AE = Eng — En AE = ante, - nXE, 4E = @n+) &) 2) Ae = (ant hd BmL& > For wustence of pore ‘m any quavtum mech + Gtote ot posticle im 1p bor sdengta of box mut be quoi do half Sutera multiple of De Groglie worelengir axcocioked wit motion of dhe particle : foe hao, by a ath ho Ex = 2 diy For a quawtum mech posite, C According v De he) primaple ~ he = oe vy @ | A, 4 WR i : Ex is pad oy) ty AALS HY Qn gh amAad or ne 4a& aa Que Coletabe eegy of 2 im yp box of. length JOR M N= 123 , mom of oy a-1K 107 by el: Ey = maha Bm 28 E = ha -68 1 sate 1 = Wessas Teer B*Q-Ix\0 Fg x (6m B= 's.49x 10) toute = exyol®e. oe “18 1 = S49% ¢ ae = tee tex iol? Tex eg 4B, = 4x%87%6 ev = \Sd- 4 ey Eg = GE, = Oxabev = Buyy.cyev fe Iso -Yew SY m2} Le] st eew @ Qe. Coledtabe pinta Secl_eaeo @ orickek boll vf mass os bey mg sing with & theed at 66-86 mirec Ina boundary of Jengin Loom - Pesurcing paride in 2D ‘3 opphy cable. Comment pr your result 2 Be \ Eyes go® — Gy | Eye nah? ( Patie in) ama? mand - —cy TAMA liens? Smik a ow «Ont = Amsrue nd n= Bndv te yn = Bkos X 100 MX 66+ oM/eer 686% [oo qaee. n= 10% _ Aeeosding to‘ principle of corretpendente’, ax quaxhim nuwber & High , dhe behaviour . of poste Comnpletedy chowsical . Wesexonsider a prten ‘m ab box ot gength ja!Sm. Coeubecke the energy sequired dos mai de n= Q dromsition . Sxprers your result tn Soule. ron AE = £g-&, OE = 4e,-6) = 8Ey -68 af °= ax hd _ ax usesxig Traut mia Ox OK 10°F ey xa Soe AE = 9-80% 15"! Toutel EMR required fir Huts OO 2) totutete wowdlenyn obMdrantition 9 qh: ae = he. a a che. AE : =) CA a, GbE LE Tse x Bx? wy ect F-8x ol @. A = 2.026% 10'S m + A T- roM'u reyuired foe such a Souneition. ( wed for canter Jhenpy 7 Mosbatier ebteck) 02] Calculate. wardlensth for Lovest energy dhuntition in She case ot Ng -Oatuming 5k belnawe Like Posticle in 1D box faving Senatn aatpm - Soh. ~ AE = (antty ha Bms& ne Qnty ha 4 amit smurc Qnt ph © | Az _Bmike n= ty, Lumo Ish nee nebgo-4— womo n2Sy—4e— = ~al _ WE a= SxGixic 2.87% 0 wy ge bmid 22 UA 13x 6-6a6K JoeU eo CASK IIR ta SAE neared ney Hh A = 18-06% (a3m a. A = (806x101 m A= 120.00 WO A particle of onan 15° kg ie associated toith energy 4-axio'* g in gnd excited state of 10 box: Colualste dhe dena ot box 2 &\: 24 excited ctobe te N= 2B. OH: - Catewlate Bhe dengat woe pramition tm, ethane Molecule (eHg=cHa) with eee = 198 P™: ae: A= Bmakc Gannyn a wd ib Ze Cth XN h We i ot oe 4 4 exdted ethene molewle 0 “o, : In this molecule, Jnere one 2 p-osbitals | 80 2 mo oil jo - = A= Bmaie Bh a= aX? AE 6686x1534 Toe Qu: Ze Colutade the Jongost wsowe trantition in 1.2 -butadione Chg = CH — Ch = Ha L CoC = 1sapm de-e = Is$¢pm - 6 : -3 x = (Qt 10s) (1880 13!2 oh CaS ge @ Que: how dhat the A ot dongut dramition tov a auyslic Conjugated polyene given by (azanm)_n 2 ushere Qn+t ws RB She no: of deuble bond ‘m, Conjugakion . * The sime ~indeendene Sdrodingr equation fos the poxtide B- . ty, aay + atime fet Saray Sts, Since ali dirediens are fndependut ot eath other (or eutually perpendicular’) Wherefowe ; Y = Xe Zig ae a cia) ») Yi Zs) dom a. iy and thy , we gee yz x + zy day 4 xy BZ 4 aaimelxyz) 29 x8 dy aga n& ---& > Pividing this equation Ui) wit) xyz ke 1 3 x ar ral a a (Ex+&y+Es) = 0 ——®@® The si uation con be separated into 2 inidependew equations . Ta, 8x 4 antm =0 + Om ey x fy 4 anim =0 . ye BLY and dez 4 gum anim 432 ae Eyz =9 ae och” independently &e\ved to give 5 n a wt 1 ( i a] pees a i Ye - m4 = i en GE 4) Ey ; ‘ af FN in (77, EG, - 3 2 : aCe 2 *s 7 anid Toto} tase function a Given by product of al wove functions (K sYondz ) Thus, e 2 ih = H le . hye alg, & (FEE) so(2e2 a) tans) 2 Tost ony ee = [ayy GR] a da = dy = =J Yeanie = JR etn (2ETE) ain (May) tn ("y-2) E uubie = (7 + oty + ny) EL (fer Be) J Relation behaeen 3-D box and 1D box. me Ny, 13 con nenth be goro ) "WT ras) Gray Gans) Cony Canay Caan) Me ee P 12 or waa) We, ° a f " Gp Tian ina) NEI) Degenerade: hs g means , z (2.2) (2,29) Tana) ae) Same energy fe r pes egg JY 8 tot eS f Cine) (1249) (amy OF! qenerary é‘ a 3 Goound stake 3E1_, goro-poink energy. oO ’ . Energy Qeval — energy axociaked with o portfiular Quantum Y mech: Lee} « ; ‘ nergy tobe - defined as dota no: of ‘dole anocacked with a posttenlar energy feels Ste ako ; regarded on ‘ degeneracy ». Z Rox sf pst energy devel is not » anq v Aa 2: tote dlegenerode - . tH 3_v box gives: concept of degeneracy - y ; yr = TR Nye Ny =Ng 7 L fold degenevarp >» any g ~~ 3-Fold >» ny # Ny FZ o~ 6 old : (morivuuyn ) Postutocres Quantum Mechanics ! + Quantum mechanics &% based en seme mathemakcot fromewar which are cated oy pottulocter of am. ‘There ore F porrulokes of Gum. {> Phypsicod behaviour of amy a.m. poahicle tt explained by 0 tonne duttion CoMed as bei and reprcrented as y. 4 Woe tundion mut be Lontinupus its Hak and 2nd dowotive must be conkwuyous , can be integrated Ovex the space Single valued anal must vanich at ‘boundary : 87 Wave function a0 sebeched must be nemmoalised do ‘Veeelf ane} oethogenal_ se other wae Spodion i S sar = ‘ (Nowmatliged| )- means Conbaivity spare Smn ol ye de =0 ( orthogonal )-mukualty exclusive ¢ o 4 men lesa C_ { oO mtn ontangen af +) for even observable prysical quantity ‘in dhe cm. here exist o @.mehoperactor in @.m- faving &imilar meaning : kawmec kor, delta ae uy repruanted of A os Mop 5) J& operoder , operate over wowe function and wave quntion ye wegeneraked , Phan it Ww called a3 Eigen value qundion and dhe allowed values of an observable are whe et . e agen values eigen Value Regie On yee , A ed : Rigen dyndion - Peroge value 6> o petotion volue of a prgstcel quomsity ean be coleulated boy - . é Ken Al Pn > * ee Son? Zan ye > there Luan [ALD = (mpAW AT on = Sete ae ‘spate Twas fpr 0 woemaliged vsane aunution Spare Hy Expectation volue 20 coleuloted must ke greater than or agua do eigen value: This stokement & called as “Sfosiation theowm_- OO ® Que: that ik Une dikberence blo id) wave dundion and WA- wehowed wove tendon 2 fre Trial wane dunction & Hak ware dundtion laity % nok dhicled upen dhe variation, Meas? Whenener a wae function succesfully sobishy She voriotion dese jit become quantum mech. wor fanition om dimalele wove fendi . Afrer pasting Shout dhe veratien dreo™ » Mhe wove jymeton Us catted well-babaired want fnchion (dues en_and portulote WYOProof tok ie $in (Mx) & o valid voaure tumefiow, tos patide in 10 lox, a. Hepa - since ka ain funtion ree Comtinn ous - Sepa. Boundary condition ( ac) Ynto) = LE Bin (0) =o Yn W) = Ja (mt) ae Bince tk satiety the 8c, ditt wom function ig Accepted woe futon hy porticle in 2d bor. O ke, Ons —aogn< +00 ws saticfy ac at beh x =-c and x> + Tris iz canefonckion- 9[% o[2 alB = q e-l ax ie Jee Normalize Py i. S 0< 6 Loo or e Gimn dt = unetdy and n -ax nt ze } nts where a So [10 m) bel: : 5 Yn ¥y qt =1 Space ("4 ‘in = C exp Qo we = oC ep a on C48) df any © exp (SE) de =f unc I exp [" AE) dr =t “ea ) nm aK a alo zk une: x (fas) ney oF x3 ze Quer Normalize the woe function — $n = 8 exp (img) 0peam we: $n = A (Cosme + i sind ) an na f (cot mg + sin mp Ag =I 6 _ ay pe [idg = 4 or w® [an] = ° or ati #8 _povtulate._ : + For observable quantity in the closical mechanics Hhere wart a quantum mec operotor in 2m. dang Biwi Jor meaning : oR + They wre vnathematical avot i quantum mechanjeg ‘raving Similar. meoning as in clasricoll mechanics . Represented 4 — A gr A of : deme Wnportont operotor ore at fellows - “Tapia ontiy ——eymtel ofetor Mig > Pocition a a ae Sdentity, * o> rd z. E 3 é ® diy slope a B= a ‘a a Moke at oe dx 84 dz devivabive of -fnhb Gly cumcdure = dR fs aa oa & =A 1a dk) Bradetectve aod (dr ax) tf derivate Gy) momentum — =a tgs AK (¥) Kinedt oe of Lanta melic energy Tes fee Tx = “gm “pat © Potendiol enegy q 2 ber sino vedas Y= ent Aedrottattc oo ek = L - zet ay porentiog er NF “aes (=) . A Wii) Toto enerqy Ee fe ant BS am dxk * que: Ueing she opexator , deive sehrrodings wane Quation 9 Af osked ‘in Biio mars) dy Bs Tey — Ww C Ee " Za (bos Pit Be) +N 4 ip a H " Va ae A on gm (ryt ye) tv — tid He pelted e (mays ray] +8 i zx 32 52 ‘Sa A 4H = h + =o, am [ ox aya u Er of a 2 a A ho=> oo 4 am oY omabdiphying beth side by yn he ee 4 _ “2 f} = Operodor Byte t)y = hy fea open) a (By) Yn = E'nbs sderodinges same pation : fooperttes of on _oberatos_: 4> - Gperator operates over the function to generate neo {urdion. dn ote words , operator wittouk fendion a Teaninglest - Operator never operate ever cenrtanl, Ae = any d$ Operator operates and reqenerate (ioinc}tunchion Shen tindion & known os eigen qurdion of operator . 7 o Cigen Vou AYn = any gen Value Lib Gaen tundion ys gle> We Sinax A Operate ws eo% @ | = Bloser ? : x = ay" (Noka eigen fundien) Aone om Aves 4 (e) 7 5s =sy ( eiguy jandion) A Ho Beer af Operator) dnd A s+heyn @y = a4 (Gina) 5 4 Ges) = - a fine = - op na RK a Both one * BP = Ad OX 25. d eX \digenvalues dx dx ax : functions = as-e =-asy Que: Consider postide in 10 box a 2 Ain (2%) ofndd HE Sit dundion u ebyen *- - foro. of momento sperokes , Yive he physical significance * on nh Stk 4 feee(eh) AN )\ . rex (2) { [Fes (E9) = Uh en Bigen value ‘i ; 7 Een av Unique value agen velue & single Jor paste iv one-p. bon, {oe every e = pe am Vol, e 4 energy | 192 howe suo values of- Momentum bu = (+ Jame do, wok: 0, momentum "ts wok ‘unique ir podiricle in 20 box, atl, then i con ¢ oe mere te ~e wok a eigen function. Sheking fos ft pa = Ha 4 x Py nH Bol Ean (224 -¥K2 7 nn? CEY ONE «mega Bee Che A una * a ) Yn Ry mo (72) Yn 4 es mR = nth? 498 e= be Drm] Qu. Determine eigen volue dpe energy fpr parkile in Ap box 2 Soh. ie ny ry Oo ic Sea aa ae A ry = KA 52 ¥ ns [Ee (22. »)| Ble) PEs | ” tonide box 9 > tn A? fre Ae, nee, ee From ea. @ “er ras &> _Operotor algdona is _ossouioke “ A A+@ = @B4+A Nn A-& =%-A &-. Hop = Top + Nop = Nop + Top or [A BJ =0 ( Commute with each other ) #9 (Non commure a ) BDO cheek the commugosion of. [Z 97 = step i: take a function CX 91. - (289-92) % "2 CG4)-§ Er) = 2( ye) 9 (2) go . [@ oJ =? (Gormuke endh other ) ane @ Rol: aue® @: Colculate Mire value f eermmutalion Lz" a. [en are = (and ec 3 te) h = an ave 7 a mY) = y" oot (#2 Yn ne a) > (ar w=) > Caleulage Bre tommursion Of [fe LR] a, [2 wid) oki fe a) a hi [e A) = he From up ax ap > aT ac ap > a : 2AITe Plf * + Non cemnmutin operotor give uncertain eigen Vole ; Shere Produck of untestainity it rolf ob she reod modulus value ot Crmutah'n - Ths stoctement v called os HUP. Nor commutation eons unvertainity ° Kotion means certain’: : Wwe er Exploin commutation ia advays certain and NEN commutotion ‘v glio uncesiim 9 oly & ( Mothematico) explanahion of. HPS Te Ry = on, 5) anid & Yh = by ‘bn diy here Gn and lon One corresponding dawn. voles , Now, wudiplying of. Gah ® and ey. ci by 4. Yn = OnB hy ay @A AG Y,, = bn RY, wy) substrasing 24. Giiy pom (yy Roy, — BAY, = bady, — 3%, LE B1Yn = by (amp,)- On (bn) Laat = bran - On by Case}. ca Bl] =0 (matt an and by Vous are cextain) agen Hence, commuting operates choos give cextoin' value « Grease TA BT +o (Hordenytt , oth an and bn valuct ane nok certain J~ Heme, non commuting Operate abs aya give uncextain tigen vobue - auc: detesmine cemmutotien ot following functions. wb ce 23] ay [sine ded ii) CRM] om [hk AD _operorte may be Linear and nen- near a> ALK ty) = Ay + Ady (tincar operator condition) ce Ae 2 Ap dy re Goo Ws . A 4 (wrt e a) = = Binge oo A 4 tosx = — Sinn }) 8ame ye 4 ax ax $e Ft Ore 4 4 ax DA wosx +a ot 2 Gres ae a dx Hence, 4 ope rotor Ba Smor operator by 4 Ccey) =. ¢ A yp ( Linear opewates) rym opening used ‘in chat one Linear operators . ” A A er. fe A, 4, a 8 ek. > Useful in Linear Combination of Atomic Grbitali (Leno) menod to kyow whe energy, (Hamiltonian operator ts wsed for energd ) ot molewtor obitals - Nen- dineor operates : ef. os “8 (éepeeret se 2+ F fo S> Hermitian Operators (algo! quanturn meshant col postulate) n a Jw agar = [ea wae * Hesmitian Opexcdhrs abvous ewe real eigen value - Suppore 5 Ay = hay —— 6 é AT yA = oy Pa maltipty eq. cy by ee diy and e4. (iy by %, wee eA x ws Yo An = ona Yq Ot i) BRE = ot wap ‘nteg nosing ® Gid and divy, we get S@ Aw, \dt = on [pa inde oo Sra yt ac = a | ya by dukshracting @- Cy and Wi) J Ge Benya ~ fx dP agate = (an-en) | Yea ity If operator ‘u Heamitian , then (an-an) J Yah dT =0 * but J%ide =) (duets normalization ) Meretrse , don ae ie which 8 enby possible ain an = an “Ww real - @® Expectation value J Average value t * hy expectation value — because actonding do HUP, auc} volues can't be tind suk - : Expectation value
here function y whqacumed ko be newmalised « =f (YA Pa) AT pace Lynpee> = J deta at space = for nosmolised coove fendion, Lony = { (pnd HF) at | soomabiged - space Notes We oom veomedumehon * alnoayt neemaliced + , Expectation value ie alusoys coleulated when a funchin B&B nota eigen function 40 that cigue value can'é be calutored - + Sxpecration value & calculated to verity variation theo « caper ony 2 An (eigen value ) re OV. e —————————————————————— WED Coluttate SMHpectation value of position for, ye xd o = <2 }R\xk>

6 - ob ee 6 = S208 ete oe ee OF Go dimes, postidle 0 1 Wil be chore do 0-8 value Aw@ pouide in 1D box, nowmoliced wave funchion & diven b gen Yn Jz en (2x) OLxed Colourlotre the ecpectation value of . 27 KxaD |< Ped Ch > and (E> ‘maide dhe box - Given teat , “|x siA(nn) 2 ar o + 9) Rain’ [nm 2 02 _ a3 ae ee © eke BA: Rxpectotien value of position % — ce> = SBIR Lt = J JE sin (BEX) 2 | { JE sin( tx) J dx ni50 J x sine (2%) dye a Re 2 Bs ad ato 8 + a ere a ie el Q * [isin (at) | #2] { Esmee te “(2 “J ztemt (BBx)de : alt - = Hs ee "OE feted * (Dew 22F a) | int (Oe = mang yak a >e I Bolte WM = Cwyacyy = [Je am (222) \z a? |] AE sierpajin a 6 am Ix = (4 Cat ) (= y (4) ‘ sink (abxjdx oe Ale a4 AGRE = + nant on ry) Key SO ene > Ey “Bmad A) Lincertaintty & debined ar deviation dom mean positien . an = 1 ny capt (unctrininiy ‘niRquatity ) Now, Uncertoinity ‘m position Ax = | £28>- Gad = | ak th A Similarly , A W 23 PS — ! & tt el els Prptying , Hup fx. Ap, > a Hence > h An A mT ba 2 zt t> foatile In 1d box sohify Hup - (. stooted with com- ———> ended walt am: * General {ponte for probols thy + ay [ Yay de a there 9, = Lower Simit dg wpper Limit Rg Eee (D ! Sink ( Mx) he ~ 1 -if% a . zr [ Je - 1 oe (2x4 | - aR Te DR ae te (2 ] ) We: Caleubate probability in care of ) o— Le ( debt otf) ervuyre? Gp ity try W) My (vit) Slag — 8 (right dat y Llp — 2a 2 + 2 Be (contre twit) a _— (att Yara > ge (apt te) 3 ® Sebrodin wave eyustion H-atom + 4. Hydrogen atom ‘& oo aystem cl single aleckn and single poten - Sdraodinys wowe Suation can be written a3 Hop Y = En, [3 (oes) tohere vi . bap operodvs for mudear movemed ve . 7 “ deckmic 4 8) Since welative man of Prten mp >>> me ( Ze - 78) is meorty ovo dimes greater Hran me - TB amumed dhat poten remains static ond elechon Teretves Creund Me oychens . 80, i ve 7 v] Ye = EeVe ene Ye = dechenic awe fumebionn ( shidty) Fe = Sechontc cheng ; € + Schroding wont eguation doen't explain cw property df nycheut .

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