Eso 4 - SDG 1

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Group members: Lucía Martínez, Mariam El Bakkali, Paula Paz, Irene


1) Intro Video:

● How does it feel to see this?

● Do you think this is an isolated event or something common in our
● Why do you think people react in one way or another to the same
● What are stereotypes? Have you ever felt like a victim of
● What do you think are the causes of these thoughts?
● What are the causes of social and economic inequalities?

2) What did I see on my way today? (30 minutes)

1. Have you met or seen poor people?

2. What makes you think those people are poor?
3. Were those people doing something that made them classified as
4. What kind of houses do you think these people live in?
5. What do you think they work on?

3) Creation of a political campaign (90 minutes)

Carry out an investigation on the most common case of poverty within

your local reality with the purpose of looking for possible solutions to face
the problem. Review the main local newspapers and select stories or
cases of poverty if necessary.
acion-de-pobreza-severa-en-espana )

Write down:

The 21,5% of people who lives in monoparental house-hold are in situation

of severe poverty, the most of the cases are in charge of womans.
● The causes of that situation: The principal cause is unemployment
or not having a steady job. Also not being able to deal with
principal expenses.
● Is it extreme poverty? Or what kind of poverty speaks? Speaking
of severe poverty, this poverty occurs in households whose total
equivalent disposable income is less than 40% of the median
income and this is what happens in this case.
● Which basic human right is being breached with this situation of
poverty? Article 23: Everyone has the right to work, to free choice
of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to
protection against unemployment.
● What consequences could this situation have if it is not solved?
What could happen is that families would not be able to sustain
themselves, which would lead to them not having their full rights
such as education of children, food and full health.
● What solutions can we offer to put an end to this situation? We
think that the State should offer jobs to the persons that are in this
situation. Another way to put an end to this case is that the
government gives the family economic help until the person in
charge of the house finds a job.

Afterwards, the students will establish a debate through two

spokespersons in which the groups will have to debate with the aim of
proposing their ideas on how to face the phenomenon of poverty. It is
important that students justify their ideas with local data, also to give
more force to the argument. It is important to frame it in an international
answer if possible (solutions that have been applied in other countries
and their effects can be proposed).
4) The tree of change (30 minutes)

Draw a tree identifying the causes of poverty at the roots (e.g. lack of
education, economic conditions, political situations, gender inequality...).
The trunk identifies the channels with which these situations can be
improved, for example by changing social and economic policies, with our
voluntary actions, buying sustainable products ... And in the branches, the
effects on society will be written if they reduce the phenomenon of


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