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Presentamos aquí un texto escrito en inglés. Responda a las consignas que

figuran a continuación del texto.

Heat flows from hot to cold

The first statement of the 2nd law of thermodynamics - heat flows spontaneously from a
hot to a cold body - tells us that an ice cube must melt on a hot day, rather than becoming

The flow of heat through conduction occurs when fast (hot) atoms collide with slow (cool)
atoms, transferring some of their kinetic energy in the process. One might wonder why the
fast atoms don't collide with the cool ones and subsequently speed up, thereby gaining
kinetic energy as the cool ones lose kinetic energy - this would involve the spontaneous
transfer of heat from a cool object to a hot one, in violation of the 2nd law. The answer lies
in energy and momentum conservation in a collision - one can show, using these two
principles, that in a collision between two objects which conserves energy (called an elastic
collision ) the faster object slows down and the slower object speeds up.

It is important to emphasize that this statement of the 2nd law applies to

the spontaneous flow of heat from hot to cold. It is possible, of course, to make a cool
object in a warm place cooler - this is what a refrigerator does - but this involves the input
of some external energy. As such, the flow of heat is not spontaneous in this case. The
generic way in which this works is pictured below. 
Figure 8.6: A generic heat pump

A useful analogy in this regard is to think of heat flowing from hot to cold objects as
running “down hill”, which is what objects naturally do in Newtonian mechanics. It is
possible to make objects go up hill, but only by doing external work on them. This
movement of heat from a cool to a warm reservoir through some external work is the basis
of the following three devices.

 In a refrigerator, the cool reservoir is the inside of the refrigerator, and the warm
reservoir is the room itself. From this, one can see that leaving a refrigerator door
open will not cool off the room that it is in.
 In an air conditioner, the cool reservoir is the inside of a house, and the warm
reservoir is the outside. This is used to cool a house in the summer.
 In a heat pump, the cool reservoir is the outside of a house, and the warm reservoir
is the inside. This can be used to warm a house in the winter. The heat pump is thus
just the reverse of an air conditioner, and indeed some heat pumps have a switch
which allows them to function as an air conditioner in the summer.

A practical refrigerator cycle uses a special liquid which, when the pressure is reduced,
evaporates to become a gas. Such a cycle is illustrated below.

Figure 8.7: A refrigerator cycle

In this cycle, liquid enters the refrigerator in a region of low pressure, where it evaporates
to become a gas, absorbing heat in the process. This gas then passes through a pump into a
region of high pressure, where it condenses to become a liquid, thereby releasing heat. This
cycle thus requires a special liquid which evaporates and condenses within the given
operating pressure and temperature regions. These liquids, such as Freon, usually require
special care in their handling and disposal.

Respondan las preguntas a partir de la información brindada en el texto.

Escriban todas las palabras que busquen en el diccionario en el siguiente
recuadro. Agreguen la traducción al español elegida por ustedes para este
texto. El texto contiene numerosas palabras transparentes, pero también se
utilizan palabras no transparentes que es importante conocer.

1) ¿Quiénes escribieron este texto? ¿Pueden averiguar el año de
Esta segunda ley fue publicada por Lord Kelvin y Ludwig Boltzmann en 1873

2) ¿Qué información ofrece el texto acerca de la segunda ley de termo-

El texto nos informa sobre: el principio sobre el cuál se basa la ley, como se generó
este principio, sobre qué condiciones se comprueba y ejemplos de situaciones que
rompen con la ley.

3) ¿Cómo se describe la conducción en este texto?

La conducción se describe como un choque entre partículas calientes y frías,
transfiriendo energía quinética y generando el traspase de unas a otras.

4) ¿A qué tipo de flujo se aplica el postulado de la segunda ley?

La segunda ley de termodinámica aplica para flujos de calor espontáneos, de
caliente a frío.

¿Conocen las siguientes palabras?:




Si no las conocen, búsquenlas en el diccionario y agréguenlas al Cuadro de
Diccionario junto con su traducción.

a) Anoten aquí las palabras que se refieren a la temperatura:

Warm, hot, cool, high, cold, heat

b) Anoten aquí las palabras referidas a la velocidad:

First, second, slow, speed

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