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Journal of South American Earth Sciences 96 (2019) 102362

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Late Pleistocene meso-megamammals from Anagé, Bahia, Brazil: Taxonomy T

and isotopic paleoecology (δ13C)
Juliana de Almeida da Silvaa,∗∗, Luciano Artemio Lealb, Alexander Cherkinskyc,
Mário André Trindade Dantasa,d,∗
Programa de Pós-graduação em Genética, Biodiversidade e Conservação, Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia – Campus Jequié, Jequié, BA, Brazil
Laboratório de Geociências, Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia – Campus Jequié, Jequié, BA, Brazil
Center for Applied Isotope Studies, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, 30602, USA
Laboratório de Ecologia e Geociências, Universidade Federal da Bahia (IMS/CAT), Vitória da Conquista, BA, Brazil


Keywords: The fossils of Pleistocene megafauna are commonly found in tanks and cave deposits in the State of Bahia,
Brazilian intertropical region northeastern Brazil. In general, studies on these materials have focused mainly on taxonomic aspects, but more
Tanks recently, there has been an increase in paleoecological studies based on stable isotopes. The present paper
Isotopic paleoecology describes fossils recovered from a tank deposit in Lagoa de Pedra (Anagé municipality, Bahia State). The material
was identified as: Eremotherium laurillardi, Panochthus sp., Holmesina paulacoutoi, Palaeolama major,
Notiomastodon platensis, and Toxodontinae indet. Stable isotope analyses were performed in order to estimate
their diet and the paleoenvironment in which these taxa lived. The results indicate the occurrence of two guilds:
grazers (Panochthus sp.) and mixed-feeders (H. paulacoutoi, N. platensis and E. laurillardi). These animals lived in
a more open environment where N. platensis possibly had a major role in the community organization.

1. Introduction The studies on the fossil material recovered from the aforemen-
tioned localities have focused mainly on taxonomic identification.
Fossils of Pleistocene mesoherbivores (body mass between 100 and However, more recent studies (e.g.: Dantas et al., 2017 and references
750 kg) and megaherbivores (body mass > 800 kg) are commonly therein) have intended to better understand the paleoecology of these
found in “tank” and cave deposits (e.g.: Cartelle, 1992; Lobo et al., animals through isotopic analyses.
2015) in the State of Bahia, northeastern Brazil (Coe et al. 1976). The In the last two decades there has been an increase in studies on the
tanks are depressions naturally excavated in Neo-Mesoproterozoic paleodiet of the South American megafauna based on isotopic (δ13C)
crystalline rocks that contain the remains of animals and plants that data. The published studies characterized the feeding patterns and the
were carried into the tanks during rainy seasons. These fossil records paleoenvironment in which some megafauna taxa lived (França et al.,
from Bahia were already found in Toca dos Ossos (Ourolândia muni- 2015).
cipality; Cartelle, 1992), Toca da Boa Vista (Campo Formoso munici- In this sense, the present paper has the following objectives: (i) to
pality; Cartelle, 1994), and Toca das Onças (Jacobina municipality; present the taxonomic identification of the material discussed here; (ii)
Cartelle and De Iullis, 2006) caves, and in the tanks of Fazenda Suse II to assess the diets and niche width of the studied taxa through carbon
(Vitória da Conquista municipality; Dantas and Tasso, 2007); Fazenda isotope (δ13C) analysis; and, (iii) to reconstruct the paleoenvironment
Caraíba (Coronel João Sá municipality; Dantas and Zucon, 2007), Fa- in which these taxa lived.
zenda Tuquinha (Palmas de Monte Alto municipality; Dantas et al.,
2008), Lagoa do Rumo (Baixa Grande municipality; Ribeiro and
Carvalho, 2009), Povoado Sítio (Quinjingue municipality; Bertoni-
Machado et al., 2011), Sítio Novo (Matina municipality; Lobo
et al.,2015), and Guanambi municipality (Scherer et al., 2017).

Corresponding author. Programa de Pós-graduação em Genética, Biodiversidade e Conservação, Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia – Campus Jequié,
Jequié, BA, Brazil.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.A.T. Dantas).
Received 10 January 2019; Received in revised form 25 August 2019; Accepted 11 September 2019
Available online 12 September 2019
0895-9811/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.d.A.d. Silva, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 96 (2019) 102362

Fig. 1. Location map of Anagé Municipality, Bahia, and the delimitation for the Brazilian Intertropical Region (modified from Dantas et al., 2013).

2. Material and methods composition of fossils. Since bone was the only material of Holmesina
paulacoutoi and Panochthus sp. available to perform this analysis, the
2.1. Study material interpretation of these results were made more carefully.
The stable isotope analyzes were performed at the Center for
The studied material was recovered from a tank located in the Lagoa Applied Isotope Studies of the University of Georgia (Georgia, USA). All
de Pedra site, Anagé municipality, Bahia State (Fig. 1; coordinates UTM samples were cleaned with distilled water in ultrasonic bath and then
24L 0271258 E; 8382652 S, Datum WGS84). left to dry naturally. The samples were then crushed into smaller
All material is currently housed at the scientific collections of the fragments to be treated with diluted 1N acetic acid to remove surface
Laboratory of Geosciences (Jequié campus) and of the Laboratory of adsorbed and secondary carbonates. This solution was periodically re-
Geology (Vitória da Conquista campus), Universidade Estadual do newed to ensure that diagenetic carbonates were removed from the
Sudoeste da Bahia – UESB, Bahia State, Brazil. The fossils were analyzed interior of the sample and that fresh acid was allowed to reach all
in these laboratories and, when necessary, the specimens were me- surfaces uniformly.
chanically prepared with the aid of proper instruments. The fragmented The chemically cleaned samples were then reacted under vacuum
specimens were glued with multipurpose instant adhesive and water- with 100% phosphoric acid to dissolve the mineral fraction and release
proofed with shellac. carbon dioxide from the hydroxyapatite. The resulting carbon dioxide
was cryogenically purified with other reaction products and catalyti-
2.2. Taxonomy cally converted to graphite (Cherkinsky, 2009).
Graphite 14C/13C ratios were measured using a CAIS 0.5 MeV ac-
The specimens were anatomically identified following, whenever celerator mass spectrometer. The sample ratios were compared to the
possible, Paula-Couto (1979). The taxonomic identification was made ratio measured from the standard Oxalic Acid I (NBS SRM 4990). The
in accordance with the groups: Order Tardigrada (e.g. Cartelle, 1992), C/12C ratios were measured separately with respect to PDB standard
Order Cingulata (e.g. Porpino and Bergqvist, 2002), Order Notoungu- values using a stable isotope ratio mass spectrometer.
lata (e.g. Roth, 1898), Order Cetartiodactyla (e.g. Scherer, 2013), and The isotopic composition of hydroxyapatite can be preserved with
Order Proboscidea (e.g. Mothé et al., 2012). minimal or no significant diagenetic alteration (e.g. Bocherens et al.,
1996; Sánchez et al., 2004). All results are reported using the delta
2.3. Isotopic paleoecology notation, δ = [(Rsample/Rstandard − 1)*1000] (Coplen, 1994). The re-
ference standard for carbon isotope values (R = 13C/12C) is V-PDB, and
Samples of adult individuals of Eremotherium laurilardi (Lund, 1842) for oxygen isotope values (R = 18O/16O) is V-SMOW.
(one dentin sample), Holmesina paulacoutoi (Guerra & Bohórquez, 1984) The interpretation of carbon isotope values in meso-mega-
(one osteoderm fragment), Panochthus sp. (one osteoderm fragment), herbivorous mammals is based on the known average values of C3
and Notiomastodon platensis (Ameghino, 1888) (one enamel sample) (μδ13C = −27 ± 3‰), C4 (μδ13C = −13 ± 2‰), and CAM plants
were used to obtain stable carbon and oxygen isotope values (δ 13C, (δ13C values intermediate between C3 and C4 plants).
δ18O) from bioapatite structural carbonate. It is known that bone is We estimated carbon enrichment (Ɛ*diet-bioapatite) for Holmesina
more susceptible to diagenetic processes that affect the stable isotope paulacoutoi (Ɛ = 13‰), Eremotherium laurillardi and Panochthus sp.

J.d.A.d. Silva, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 96 (2019) 102362

(Ɛ = 14‰), and Notiomastodon platensis (Ɛ = 15‰) following Tejada- Table 1

Lara et al. (2018). By considering these enrichment values, δ13C values Number of Identifiable Skeletal Parts (NISP), Minimum Number of Individuals
lower than −12‰ to −14‰ are typical of animals with diets that (MNI) and ontogenetic stage for taxa found in “Lagoa da Pedra”, Anagé, Bahia.
consist exclusively of C3 plants, while δ13C values higher than −1‰ to Taxa NISP MNI Ontogeny
+1‰ are consistent with diets based mainly on C4 plants.
The relative proportion of different plant types ingested (C3 and C4) Eremotherium laurillardi 99 3 adult and subadult
Panochthus sp. 20 1 adult
by the analyzed specimens was determined by the following mixed
Holmesina paulacoutoi 1 1 –
mathematical model (1; Phillips, 2012): Palaeolama major 2 1 adult
Notiomastodon platensis 3 1 adult
δ 13Cmix = δ 13C1f1 + δ 13C2 f2 1 = f1 + f2 (1) indeterminated Toxodontinae 1 1 –

In order to estimate the ecological measurements, we calculated the

isotope niche breadth (B) using the equation described by Levins
result of the high resistance of its skeletal elements (Araújo-Júnior
(1968), where pi is the relative proportion of individuals in isotope bin I
et al., 2013) and the likely abundance of extant individuals during the
(2). The result was then standardized (BA) from 0 to 1 following
equation (3), where n is the total number of available isotope bins.
All materials were found disarticulated and most are fragmented or
Values lower or equal to 0.5 are compatible with a specialist diet
fractured. A total of 117 specimens are partially complete, which al-
strategy while values above 0.5 are compatible with a generalist diet
lowed their anatomical identification. Other 80 specimens are uni-
dentified fragments. The fragmentary condition of the material might
1 be explained by the transportation of the carcasses and their long ex-
Σpi2 (2) posure to environmental conditions, which eventually lead to the dis-
articulation of the skeletal elements (Araújo-Júnior et al., 2013) before
BA =
B−1 the final burial.
N−1 (3)

In addition, the average niche overlap (O) was also calculated fol- 3.1.1. Eremotherium laurillardi (Lund, 1842)
lowing Pianka (1973) index (4), where pi is relative proportion of in- Most of the specimens belongs to this taxon. The identified material
dividuals in bin i. Results between 0 and 0.3 indicate a low niche consists of two partial skulls (UESB 318PV29; UESB 318PV30), two
overlap, between 0.3 and 0.7 there is a moderate overlap, and above fragments of maxilla (UESB 318PV32; UESB 318PV38), isolated teeth
0.7 there is a high niche overlap. (e.g.: UESB s/n; UESB 318PV98), and other several postcranial elements
(Fig. 2A–E).
Σpij . pik The presence of bones with epiphyses fused to the diaphyses in-
Ojk =
Σpij2 . Σpik2 (4)
dicate that this is an assemblage composed of both adult and subadult
individuals (fragments of bone epiphyses are not anatomically identi-
As the isotopic data do not reflect seasonal diet shifts, we followed fiable; UESB 318PV71, UESB 318PV72, and UESB 318PV74 has circular
Dantas et al. (2017) to interpret the overlapping values as the effect of depressions caused by growth cartilage).
competition for food resources during dry seasons. We also followed The material was assigned to Eremotherium laurillardi due to the
this study to interpret that taxa presenting higher body mass values following characters: presence of four prismatic molariforms in the
were better competitors for food resources and, thus, when niche mandible (Fig. 2D–E), maximum height of the mandibular body lower
overlap was moderate or high between taxa, the ones with higher body than the lengths of the m1-m4 (Fig. 2D–E), mandibular symphysis
masses were more likely to prevail in that niche. ending close to the m1 (Fig. 2D–E), and tibia-fibula fused only proxi-
Although there are no datings for the studied locality, the paleoe- mally (not figured). In addition, the locality where this material was
cological data from other tanks in northeastern Brazil indicate en- found falls in the area of occurrence of that taxon, as recognized by
vironmental stability and the available datings suggest a small time Cartelle and De Iullis (1995). Cartelle and De Iullis (1995, 2006) also
variation within the fossils in those tanks (~32 ka, Poço Redondo, reinforce that E. laurillardi is a single intertropical species with Pan-
Sergipe; França et al., 2014). Hence, based on this information, we American distribution, from southern Brazil to northeastern United
estimated the niche overlap of the studied taxa and proposed a pa- States.
leoenvironmental reconstruction (through carbon isotopic data) for the
Lagoa de Pedra site. 3.1.2. Panochthus sp.
The materials assigned to this taxon consist of the distal portion of
3. Results and discussion one left humerus (UESB 318PV174) and 19 isolated osteoderms (UESB
318PV175 – UESB 318PV194; Fig. 3A–D). The humerus belonged to an
3.1. Taxonomic composition, NISP, MNI and ontogenetic stage adult individual, since the epiphysis and the diaphysis are completely
The Lagoa de Pedra tank was excavated before the collection of the The group Panochthini is composed by glyptodonts endemic to
fossil material, making it impossible to know which specimens were South America. In Brazil, this taxon occurs in the southern and north-
buried in the same stratum or period. The Anagé fossil assemblage is eastern regions (Ferreira et al., 2015). There are four Panochthus species
multitaxon and monodominant. Eremotherium laurillardi is the dominant described to northeast Brazil (P. greslebini, P. jaguaribensis, P. oliveira-
species and has the highest Number of Identifiable Skeletal Parts - NISP roxoi, and P. rochai). According to Porpino et al. (2014), P. greslebini and
recorded (91) here, followed by Panochthus sp. (NISP = 20), P. major P. jaguaribensis are valid species within Panochthus and their diagnoses
and N. platensis (NISP = 2), and H. paulacoutoi, indeterminate are based on the characters of the caudal tube. The authors also argue
Toxodontinae and Equidae (NISP = 1) (Table 1). The Minimum that P. rochai is a synonym of P. greslebini and that P. oliveira-roxoi is a
Number of Individuals - MNI of E. laurillardi was three, represented by nomen dubium.
three left radius (UESB 318PV06, UESB 318PV19, and UESB 318PV61) The osteoderms studied here exhbit homogeneous ornamental fig-
and three right ulnas (UESB 318PV04, UESB 318PV07, and UESB ures randomly distributed and no central figure, similar to those of
318PV20). All other taxa have MNI equals to one (Table 1). Panochthus greslebini described by Porpino and Bergqvist (2002).
The prevalence of E. laurillardi compared to other taxa may be the However, isolated osteoderms cannot be identified at the species level

J.d.A.d. Silva, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 96 (2019) 102362

Fig. 2. Eremotherium laurillardi. Skulls fragments (A) 318PV29 and (B) 318PV30 in dorsal view; Dentary fragment (C) 318PV32 in occlusal view; Right dentary UESB
s/n in lateral (D) and occlusal (E) views.

(Porpino et al., 2014) and, thus, the material was regarded as Pa- 3.1.4. Toxodontinae Trouessart, 1898
nochthus sp. The specimen assigned to this taxon is a complete and well pre-
served cuboid (UESB 318PV199; Fig. 3F–J).
Nasif et al. (2000) proposed a classification for Toxodontidae based
3.1.3. Holmesina paulacoutoi (Cartelle & Bohorquez, 1984) on cladistic analysis and using two subfamilies, Nesodontinae and
The presence of this taxon in the assemblage is based on an osteo- Toxodontinae. Guérin and Faure (2013) acknowledge two genera of
derm fragment of the moveable bands (UESB 318PV198; Fig. 3E). Toxodontinae in the Late Pleistocene of Intertropical Brazil: Toxodon
According to Cartelle (1992), H. paulacoutoi is an autochthonous and Piauhytherium.
species in the Brazilian Intertropical Region (BIR). Two genera of The cuboid has characters similar to those described for Toxodon
pampatheriids are recognized in the Pleistocene deposits of South burmeisteri (= Toxodon platensis) by Roth (1898). Yet, because this
America: Pampatherium and Holmesina. Both genera are distinguishable anatomical component is not considered diagnostic for this species or
by the morphology of their osteoderms (Rincon and White, 2007). The genus, we assigned it as an indeterminate Toxodontinae.
osteoderm described here has a depressed marginal area and lacks a
central figure, which is morphologically similar to those already de-
3.1.5. Palaeolama major (Liais, 1872)
scribed for Holmesina paulacoutoi.
The material assigned to this species is a right humerus (UESB

J.d.A.d. Silva, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 96 (2019) 102362

Fig. 3. Panochthus sp., left humerus UESB 318PV174 in ventral (A), (B) dorsal and distal (C) view, and osteoderms UESB 318PV194 (D); Holmesina paulacoutoi
fragment of mobile band osteoderm UESB 318PV198 (E); indetermined Toxodontinae, cuboid UESB 318PV198, proximal (A); lateral (B–D); dorsal (C) and distal (E)

318PV172) and a right femur (UESB 318PV173; Fig. 4A–D) that be- Although we lack any specific diagnostic material, the morphology
longed to adult individuals as the diaphyses and epiphyses are com- and size of the humerus and femur (UESB 318PV172 and UESB
pletely fused. 318PV173; Table 2) indicate that these specimens belonged to Palaeo-
The humerus exhibits in its proximal diaphisys a wide and small lama major.
tuberosity separated by a condyle and a well developed delto-pectoral
crest that ends nearly halfway through the diaphysis. In anterior view, 3.1.6. Notiomastodon platensis (Ameghino, 1888)
the distal epiphysis presents a shallow pseudocoronoid fossa. In lateral The material assigned to this taxon consists of two complete right
view, there are condylar crests and the olecranon forms a deep fossa – metacarpals II (UESB 318PV195) and III (UESB 318PV196) (Fig. 4E–H)
shaped as an inverted “V” – that articulates with the ulna. and 1 M fragment (UESB 318PV197). The metacarpal II is longer than
The femur is incomplete, lacking the lateral and medial condyles of the metacarpal III, but both are robust (Table 2). The molar tooth
the distal trochlea. In anterior view, it is possible to observe the prox- fragment presents a thick whitish enamel layer.
imal articulation (head of the femur). The family Gomphotheriidae is a Proboscidea group that arrived in

J.d.A.d. Silva, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 96 (2019) 102362

Fig. 4. Palaeolama major, right humerus UESB 318PV172 in ventral (A) and dorsal (B) views; right femur UESB 318PV173 in ventral (A) and dorsal (B) views.
Notiomastodon platensis, right metacarpal II (UESB 318PV195) in dorsal (E) and ventral (F) views; right metacarpal III (UESB 318PV196) in dorsal (G) and ventral (H)

Table 2
Measurements (in mm) of poscranial bones for Palaeolama major and Notiomastodon platensis from “Lagoa de Pedra”, Anagé, Bahia. Labels. (1)
Cartelle (1992);
Molena (2012); ∗incomplete measurement.
Taxa specimen (n) mean ± sd

length Breadth of

proximal end distal end

P. major Humerus (UESB 318PV172) (1) 353.75 (1) 97.80 (1) 75.30
Humerus(1) (8) 327.75 ± 21.40 (8) 105.13 ± 5.00 (8) 76.75 ± 5.26
Femur (UESB 318PV172) (1) 422.60* (1) 106.20 –
Femur (1) (8) 422.88 ± 10.20 (8) 103.38 ± 4.31 (8) 89.63 ± 4.63
N. platensis Mc II (UESB 318PV195) (1) 144.00 (1) 67.30 (1) 75.10
Mc II(2) (5) 123.28 ± 13.22 (5) 59.96 ± 8.94 (5) 71.00 ± 9.75
Mc III (UESB 318PV196) (1) 124.75 (1) 79.87 (1) 77.16
Mc III(2) (7) 148.31 ± 21.69 (7) 74.49 ± 13.67 (7) 75.56 ± 9.47

South America during the Great American Biotic Interchange (GABI) the non-diagnostic molar fragment. Therefore, UESB 318PV195, UESB
(Mothé et al., 2012). The diagnostic characters that define the genus 318PV196 and UESB 318PV197 could possibly belong to Notiomastodon
and species of Gomphotheriidae are mainly based on the morphology of platensis, but this inference needs to be considered carefully.
their incisive and molar teeth. The only dental material in our study is

J.d.A.d. Silva, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 96 (2019) 102362

Fig. 5. (A) Principal Component Analyses (PCA) using δ13C and δ18O values for meso-megaherbivores from Anagé, Bahia; (B) Dendogram with clustering of taxa
according to their ecological guilds (Bootstrap test, N = 10.000).

3.2. Isotopic paleoecology The carbon isotope data of Panochthus sp. and H. paulacoutoi from
other localities are not available for comparison. However, the data of
Based on the observations of Dantas et al. (2017) for extant meso- E. laurillardi and N. platensis are similar to those found in other fossi-
herbivores and megaherbivores from Africa, and in the cluster and PCA liferous localities from Bahia, such as Quijingue (E. laurillardi,
analyses performed here with the carbon and oxygen isotope values δ13C = −5.52‰; BA = 0.91) and Ourolândia (N. platensis,
(Fig. 5), we suggest that the taxa from Anagé belonged to two guilds: μδ13C = −6.60 ± 1.77‰; μBA = 0.72 ± 0.35) (Sánchez et al., 2004;
grazers, that consumed more than 80% of C4 plants; and mixed-feeders, Dantas et al., 2017). These results support the interpretation of Dantas
with some taxa that had a higher consumption of C4 grasses and other et al. (2013) that in the lower latitudes of the BIR these taxa used to
taxa that consumed more C3 plants. consume more C3 plants.
Panochthus sp. (δ13C = 0.51‰) was assigned to the grazer guild and Overall, the niche overlap between taxa was high, varying from
considered as a specialist mesoherbivore (BA = 0.07; body 0.75 to 1.00, due to the high consumption of C4 grasses. The only ex-
mass = 785 Kg) with a diet consisting of 96% of C4 plants. The group of ception was E. laurillardi and Panochthus sp., which presented a mod-
mixed-feeders was divided in two subgroups based mainly on the erate niche overlap (0.28; Table 3).
oxygen isotope values. Holmesina paulacoutoi (δ13C = −6.86‰; In Africa, megaherbivores like Loxodon africana (bm = 5000 Kg)
piC4 = 51%; BA = 1.00; bm = 120 Kg) and Eremotherium laurillardi that have a mixed-feeding diet are key species in the community or-
(δ13C = −9.20‰; BA = 0.47; piC4 = 20%; bm = 2212 Kg) had δ18O ganization. Their generalist diets allow them to feed both on C3 and C4
values near 30‰, while Notiomastodon platensis, with had a major plants. Thus, these animals occupy a broad niche breadth
consumption of C4 grasses (pi = 52%; δ13C = −4.72‰; BA = 1.00; (BA = 0.71 ± 0.29; Dantas et al., 2017), which suppresses the popu-
bm = 4940 kg) showed δ18O values higher than 32‰ (Table 3). lation of taxa that are exclusively grazers or browsers.

Table 3
Body mass (kg), Carbon (δ13C) and oxygen (δ18O) isotopic values, proportional contributions (pi) of food sources (C3 or C4 plants), standardized isotopic niche
breadth (BA) and niche overlap (O) for Late Pleistocene megamammals from Anagé/BA. (1) our data.
Taxa bm (kg) δ13C (‰) δ18O (‰) pi BA O

C3 C4 El Hp P Np

Anagé/BA El 2,212(1)
−9.20 30.54 0.80 0.20 0.47 – 0.85 0.28 0.84
Hp 120(1) −6.86 30.05 0.49 0.51 1.00 0.85 – 0.75 1.00
P 785(1) 0.51 29.11 0.04 0.96 0.07 0.28 0.75 – 0.76
Np 4,940(1) −4.72 32.66 0.48 0.52 1.00 0.84 1.00 0.76 –

Legends. El - Eremotherium laurillardi, Hp - Holmesina paulacoutoi, P - Panochthus sp., Np - Notiomastodon platen.

J.d.A.d. Silva, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 96 (2019) 102362

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