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Inermatina Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 127 (2018) 359-380, * r Contents lists available at ScienceDirect $ International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer ELSEVIER journal homepage: Review Heat and mass transfer for compact heat exchanger (CHXs) design: ® A state-of-the-art review Muhammad Awais, Arafat A. Bhuiyan* cg Department of Mechanical and Chemica Engineering, lami Univers of Telogy (UT), Bord Bar, Gacpu-1704, Dhaka, Bares ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT ‘rice to Received # March 2018 Received in revised for 1 August 2018, Deceped 7 Agus 2018 ‘eaable online 20 August 2018 ‘This review presents @ comprehensive analysis on diferent ways of enhancing heat transfer rate and pressure loss rection in various types of compact heat exchangers (CH). The sole objective ofthis Study is to acumlate major thermodynamic features of CHX presented by experimental and numerical investigation for innovative des shape on heat transfer performance are widely discussed, The effect of diferent fins types and their ning purpose. The influence of fins and tubes spacing, geometry and Patter, height, pitch/spacing on heat transfer augmentation and pressure drop reduction is also eywont: Hee anf enhancement Compact Hest Exchungers (CXS) ilustrated. Overall, this review will help researchers and academicians for designing modern and innovative eompact heat exchangers with ight size, moderate cost, augmented heat ra istics and pressure loss performance, and enhanced thermo-hydraulic features meee cece ae es ae a Teh alge = So atciaes a eee 7 tance dens oe rs = ERS eats hes rs oa alpen = a... = 7 ndtv gone tl pss = a. Concha at 7 ee 7 1 tmroducion surface separates two fis which may var wth life ypesot Heat exchanger (HX) is @ heat transmission device that allows, heat transfer between two fluids which are at different tempera- tures [1]. Heat transfer occurs from higher temperature uid 10 lower temperature fluid. In most heat related devices, heat transfer * Goresponding author. mal odes st dake (AA. Bhan. naps: 6 heatmasstransfer201808.026, (01 7-9910/0 2018 Elsevier Ld Al righs reserve Xs, The classification of HX is based on their types of construc- tion, flow arrangements, surface compactness, ancl transfer pro- ess, pass arrangement, phase of fluids, and heat transfer ‘mechanism. Depending upon the flow arrangement, heat exchang- cers can be parallel flow, counter flow, cross flow, cross- counter flow etc. In parallel low heat exchanger, flow direction of both hot and cold fluid remains same while in counter flow heat exchanger, flow direction of both fluid is reversed which yields x60 Awa AA Bhiyn/Iternatonl journal of Heat and Mass Taser 127 (2018) 359-380 Nomenclature A atea(m?) ‘Ao total surface area (m") ‘At extemal tube surface area (m) De fincollar outside diameter (m) Do, dy outside tube diameter (mn) 4,” inside diameter of bare tube (mm) f fanning friction factor Fp, 5, FH, y fn spacing or fin pitch (mm) Fy fin height (mm) h heat transfer coefficient (Wim. K) ij Colburn factor jv Colburn factor for baseline L ‘avy fin wavelength (mm) Ld wavy fin length (mm) La louver angle () Ln louver height (mm) Lp louver pitch (mmm) Nu Nusselt number ‘Nusg Nusselt number with span wise combination of top and bottom plates N Number of tube rows Re Reynold number Reo; Reynold number based on fin collar outside diameter St” Stanton number Sfp Stanton number for baseline St transverse pitch (mm) SL Jongitudinal pitch (mm) tf fin thickness (m) Vir frontal velocity (m/s) Vh height of vortex generator, (mm) VE length of vortex generator, (mm) AP pressure drop (Pa) Abbreviations ‘AR Fins Aspect Ratio CFU common flow up CFD common flow down DWLVGs Delta Winglet longitudinal vortex generators DWVGs. delta wingiet vortex generators HX heat exchanger Lvs longitudinal vortices LCT liquid crystal thermography LVGs longitudinal vortex generators TLC thermo chromic liquid erystal ‘TVGs transverse vortex generators, TP triangular Prism VGs vortex generators Y" coordinate axis Greek letters 3 fin thickness (mm) 1 attack of angle (°), B area to volume ratio better heat transfer performance (2), According to the pass ‘arrangement classification of HX, the most common shell and tube HX can be one shell pass and two tube passes or two shell passes and four tube passes depending upon the industrial requirements ‘The construction and performance features of diferent types of hheat exchanger [3-5] are documented in Table 1, It is seen from table that there are various type CHXs such as Shell and tube heat ‘exchanger (STHXs), Plate and fin heat exchanger (PFHX), Spiral plate heat exchangers (SPHX), Plate and frame heat exchangers (PFHX), Printed circuit heat exchanger (PCHEs), Marbond Heat Exchanger, Continuous smooth fins and circular tube HX, wavy fins ‘and circular tube HX, Continuous smooth fins and non-circular Tube HX ete. Among these, shell and tube heat exchanger (STHXs) is widely used due to its flexibility and innovative design. But it requires larger area to be placed and great amount of space during removing baffles, PFHXs are preferred over extended surface HXs ‘due to ils highly effective thermal performance which handles ‘multiple streams quite well. That's why PFHXs are used in com- pressor coolers, conditioning plant, and in others cryogenic appli- ‘ation. While considering the applications in chemical industries, Fuel processing, Power and energy and refrigeration systems, PCHEs are widely used. PCHEs are made of Stacks of plates of Stai less steel and titanium material bonded together through diffusion in the pressure and temperature range is 300-500 bar and 200°C ‘and 900°C respectively. ‘An effective and efficient heat transfer is the fundamental requirement in many industries where gas to gas and gas to liquid hheat transfer is involved, For the enhancement of convective heat transfer rate three mechanisms can be considered as developing boundary layer, swirl or vortices and flow disruptionjdestabiliza- tion or turbulence intensification [6]. Heat exchangers (HXs) can be named as a compact heat exchanger (CHX) when their area to volume ratio is quite significant i. ratio of heat transfer surface ‘area to the heat exchanger volume is high. Area density of CHXS is quite dependent on phase of fluids. As for gas to gas and gas to liquid CHXs threshold value of area to volume ratio (}) is greater than or equal to 500 m?/m:? or 700 m?/m?, while for liquid to iquid type CHX, this ratio is greater than or equal to 200m"/m? or 400 m}m? [7.8]. These HXs can further be classified into several types such as plate HX, plate fin HXs, printed circuit exchanger, spiral exchangers, shell and tube heat exchangers etc. Moreover, Plate heat exchanger (HXs) is further divided into several cate- goties such as brazed plate HX, plate and frame HX, partially ‘welded plate HX, the platular welded plate HX etc. While plate fin heat exchanger can also be brazed plate fin and diffusion bonded plate fin heat exchanger as demonstrated in Fig. 1. These ‘CHXs are widely used in every sector of industries such as reriger- ation, power, automotive, aerospace, process and cryogenic, waste ‘gas heat recovery, seawater applications, technical applications, petrochemical industries and vegetable oil refinery et. (4,7) ‘The excessive use of CHXs in almost every sector of industries ‘coerced researcher to improve innovative ways of augmenting heat transfer performance by obtaining all above-mentioned heat trans~ fer mechanisms, Installation of extended fins in heat exchangers is ‘one of the most developed techniques that significantly mend the hheat transfer performance. Fig. 2 depicts different types and geom- ceury of fin and tube heat exchangers and their influence on heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics is widely demonstrated in this study. Extended surfaces with turbulence promoters like louvers. vortex generators, corrugation could provide better heat transfer results. However, a compact heat exchanger surface incor- porated with turbulence promoters (such as delta wings and wing- lets, rectangular winglets and iangular prisms ete.) and ‘corrugation tends to yield significant influence on both heat trans~ fer enhancement and flow resistance. As winglets and corrugated surface augment turbulence intensity by inducing various types ‘of vortices and significantly reduces wake regions behind the tubes ‘which leads to the higher heat transfer rate. Moreaver, along with, Ava AA Bhajan International fora of Heo and Mass Transfer 127 (2018) 359-380, 61 Constrcton and Peformance features of dierent ypes of Hea Exchangers, Types ofheat Construction atures Peformance features ethane ‘Sell and tube eat» This s the most notorious type OFF As round 90% of the Bet Aang petri cet oe keene SE ety wed de ots Medi snd innovative design. (smixs) + Teis consid of Shell Tubes, Balls, font hes, rear Hea and, Dadra Fnned tube heat ‘exchanger Plate an in eat ‘exchanger ony) Spiel plate heat ‘exchanger (serx) et exchangers con) Printed ru eat ‘xchangst (rents) “The Maond Hest changer Comtnvous smooth fe and cecular te Hk Wovy fins and ‘cole te HX. Comino mach ‘evr tube HX. oes «+ Shell ameter 6-200) 1 Operating temperature: 20°C to 500:C { Mimo presse: 600 bor {These HX are made of ol which are expand ether mechan cally or yal + Fin rou the tubes may be noma or longitudinal to the ebes. 1 tese ns canbe wa. at, louver of lnterrupted and 35 well as tubes shape con be elie, cela at + In PPAK stack of plate (pring sheet) and ins are aranged ina Snwchconsrction Fin eypes vary way 8 plan tngular,ecinghone, sete and perforated louver) 1+ For EHX > 600 mn. whih five tes higher than he area ‘dens of conventinal shel 3 tbe het exchangers, + thermally operate ap a 650°C 1 can operate up to 120 but + sare constructed by allng metal tips around ental cre severtng concent eenle, + The width of the channel maintained ron 5-30 mm, {For large flaw rate and low presse drop double channel spo see yma ig oe pls 2 + PK ate constructed by compeesing pes conrgated pats together ito frame Cathet ae ill with cach plate which ‘he ewo cull purposes re material sual stainless sel, tanium and Haseley FrHX metal plates can olerate temperature 35 200-C and pressure up 1 25 bat Heat ranser surface ae varied from 0.02? 0 445 a. ¢ stacks of plates re bonded together through ison bonding 1 Staines ste and tamu materi used 1 ressure ad temperature range 300-500 bar and 200°C an 900°C respectively 4 This is the modern ype of PCHES with similar constructional procedure. The main diference is hat several thinner and ltd plates re ‘ded inorder to fer gle sub tear I pssesse ow hydra dante. (0s) fe ean operate at Wery vast ange of pressure and temperature ot bar and 200° and 900°C respectively + Inne oF Staggered aangement of cicla tbes is wed with smooth as + Arangement of eues omincsly influences Now fel Behave. + Smathfns impact on thermodynamic eaturesis not quite notice able compared to wavy fins + Optimally designed cormgited fins are the incorporated ere witht abes + Wavy fn pates cetily inuence therme-tygraulic perfor mance of. + Moiiaion ‘of bes is considered wile Keeping fins smooth Instead fusing wary pattems + Flat tates ae icorpcated with continous fis in this type of Ha sin-abe 1 + To examine ts inoence on heat transfer characteristics and pres sre dop perfrmance. + Terequies rg area tobe placed and great amount of pace dur- removing Bales. 1s constructions heavy Advantages Finn tbe heat exchanger re desieed for ying higher heat ‘tanta perfomance and les ressie reduction. + Flan te heat exchangers af crcl components of residential heat pimp, radars for ineralcomburtion engine. and at conitoning ‘vantages THiS are preferred over extended surface HXS de ko iy elective theta! perfomance 40% handle multiple streams gute well that’s why they are sed {i campressorcolers and condoning plan. + Highly eetve (round 9 or more) cryogenic appiation Disadvantage + Narow"pisages in PFHAS makes cleaning lificult by any schon mess 1 SPH are self-cleaning and made of highly grade alloy which pre- ‘en corrson and eresion, 4 Used In the cma nr, fod Industry (slur. saves) and wine making + SPHKS can be casi installed, pressure losis comparatively less and large lowers Secton. Dlenrane 4 Nocsuitable when heat guid, however can appliation. + PPE are widely used in food and dink industries. chemical Induties where heating ahd cooing f chemicals demanded + Cooling of Supra Kerosene, sal ston s doe by PKS teaser proces i equi from qui 10 ‘sed oF lgu-vapor and gids Advantages: ‘These Hke ae widely usd in folowing sectors, Ghemcat ists = 1 Feet procesing {ewer and ensy 1 etigeration vant sed single pase and as well as two phase steams 1 Comte wsed im same sectors where POHES i se + Gircular tubes provide large poor heat transfer zone behind the {tubes due wots geomet pater «+ Staggered arrangement of ular tubes provide better het tans fer performance than inline ones 3 undoubtedly impact Mh flow intense Fins geome and pater sgnifianty ats air side peor. mance of CHR 1 Widely used in reigeation ana covoning industry flat tubes possess ess strength against inter) and external peesure + Hea ransferpelormance cetaily dependent Revol! aus ber fo tub. + Flat ues ye smaller wake eon compare to eine bes 1 Continuous sooth is yell wer eat anserpevtormance ad fessure drop compare to other wavy Bs Widely used for india alrcondioning, and reigeratr spp (conduct on nest ae) a Awa AA Biiyn/Iternatonl journal of Heat and Mass Taser 127 (2018) 359-380 Table 1 coin) Types ofheat—_consructon fates formance fates ‘Way ine and fat» Mdifiation of bath bes and nee considered ~ Wavy fis continuously break and develop thermal boundary ayer {lat ubes wlth avy fs ae incorporated inthis which sigs comparavely higher hestcansfer performance {wavy fins height wavelength, pth fee is thermal than smooth is 1 Widely used or autometeradlatrs automobile al condoning sapotatrs and ondensers et Classification of Heat Exchangers Pioteandshet || Pret | | finand | | Pokmer |) | Shetland | | SoialHeat || Printed crt is Wis, | | Tabewts | | exchangers |/ | Tobe es | | changers ta trated Pate Fin Difion Bonded Pit eat plate fin HXs he casteted | eramarate || Pateana || Paty Prataor || ooube wal eet Pte ms framers || Weldedpite || Welded || plate tas pies HXs plate HXs, Fig. 1. Flow diagram demonstrating diferent types of heat exchangers Louver fins Convex louver fins ig. 2. Schematic diagram of various patlers fr finan tube eat exchanges Awa AA. Bhaiya/lnverational journal of Heat ond Mas Transfer 127 (2018) 359-380 a6 the enhancement of heat transfer performance, rise in flow resis- tance also appears. As both tubes and protrusions offered resis- tance to the flowing fluid and certainly increase the noticeable amount of pressure drop, To acknowledge the impact of various crucial parameters such 4s fins and tubes type, geometry and pattern, fin spacing. tube Tows, waffles height and thickness on thermal and hydraulic fea~ tures ie, heat transfer augmentation and flaw resistance of com- pact heat exchangers lot of researchers have deducted both experimental and numerical studies and evaluated significant results. The impact of fin spacing on heat transfer augmentation and flow resistance of CHXs is quite confounded and monotonic. ‘An experimental study in Ref. [10] concluded that by decreasing fin spacing Nu increases to a significant value and then starts decreasing by further reducing fin spacing. In Ref. [11] an exper :mental study was performed to acknowledge the impact of various types of tape inserts (such as single twisted tape, twin countered ‘wit] twisted tape, four counter switl twisted tapes etc.) on heat transfer and pressure loss performance of circular tubes. An experimental study in Ref. [12] demonstrated heat transfer enhancement and pressure drop reduction of fin-and-tube heat ‘exchanger by increasing turbulence intensity. To avail optimum designed wavy fins for inducing better heat transfer performance at lower pressure drop a numerical study ‘was performed using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in Ref. {13}, The numerical study in Ref. [14] investigated the thermal- hydraulic performance of a louvered-fn and flat tube heat exchan- ger. The optimum attack angle and pitch of louver fin was found to avail enhancement in aif-side performance of heat exchanger. A ‘3D-numerical investigation in Ref. (15) elucidated the influence of various winglets location, aspect ratio and attack angle on heat transfer characteristics of fin-and-tube heat exchanger. The ‘mumerical study in Ref. [16] investigated the impact of annular ‘grooved fins on heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics of fin- and-tube heat exchanger. The comparison of numerical and exper- imental study was made in RefS. [17,18] to acknowledge the impact of louvered fins on thermo-hydeaulic performance of fin- and-tube heat exchanger. The studies in Refs, [19,20] elucidate the application of Bees and multi-objective Algorithms to design ‘optimal plate-fin heat exchangers and results were compared with recent studies to acknowledge its accuracy and effectiveness. In Ref [21], a numerical study investigated the impact of curved delta ‘winglet vortex generators on thermodynamic features of fin-and- tube heat exchanger. It was noticed that winglets play crucial role ‘in augmenting heat transfer performance by diminishing the wake regions and enhancing fluid flow intensity [22 ‘Various authors have reviewed substantial experimental and ‘numerical studies on thermodynamic features, pressure drop, designing, manufacturing, and industrial applications of heat exchangers [23-26]. A comprehensive review study based on experimental and numerical work in Refs [27,28] extensively elab- ‘rated the significance of various types of enhanced surfaces and their influence on thermal and pressure drop performance of heat exchangers. The importance of passive techniques was profoundly scrutinized by demonstrating the impact of various inserts such as Tull length twisted tape (FLTT), short length twisted tape (SLIT), multiple short length twisted tape (MLSTT) and wire coil on heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of heat exchangers. In Ref, [29] a review study evaluated the optimal parameters of twisted tape inserts to advance thermal performance of heat exchangers by developing augmented turbulence intensity. In Ref. [30], utilization, application and performance of various types of heat pipes was reviewed with the inclusion of both experimen- tal and numerical studies (31,32). A review study im Ref. [33] {depicted the fabrication, application and thermo hydraulic petfor- ‘mance of micro[mini channel heat sinks and heat exchangers [24]. In Refs, [23,35-39] inclusive and wide-ranging studies reviewed the designing, industrial applications and thermal performance of ‘conventional and specific types of heat exchangers such as Polymer 1%, Ground coupled HXs, Compact HXs and Helixchangers. It was concluded that regardless of polymer material's low thermal con- ‘uctivties, polymer heat exchangers possess noticeable impor- tance due to their light weight, low cost, fouling coefficient, and corrosive resistance features; however more research is requited to acknowledge their thermo-hydraulic performance features and finally implement them in practical industrial applications. Fur- thermore, ground couple HXs are drawing lot of attention due to their significant application in space conditioning, water heating, and agricultural drying et. [40] and also Helixchangers impart sig- nificant role in overcoming fouling problem and low thermal per- formance in shell and tube heat exchanger as compared to the conventional shell and tube heat exchanger with serpentine baf- fles. A review study in Ref. 41) demonstrated the application and thermal performance of helically coiled tube heat exchangers by considering two phase lows using nanofluid as a working fluid and reported that nanofluid has monotonic effect on heat transfer and pressure drop performance of these heat exchangers. ‘Moreover, the crucial heat transfer mechanisms which imparts, significant role in obtaining desired thermodynamic features of CCHXs are as follows, (i) Introducing interrupted surfaces to create secondary and swit! flow, (ii). Augmenting turbulence intensity by incorporating corrugated and rough surfaces i). Development and reduction of boundary layer by using fins and vortex genera- tors, (iv) Mixing the flow along the wall regions by using passive techniques [6.42] Overall this review will summarize the recent progress of enhancement in heat transfer and pressure drop performance of CCHXs by considering the variation in important parameters, The primary objective is to focus on elucidating all possible techniques fof augmenting heat transfer performance at the expense of mini :mum pressure loss in compact heat exchangers (CHXS) after care- {ul and thorough study of different researchers and scholar’s work. The influence of varying fins and tube alignment, geometsy and pattern, fins spacing, number of tube rows, waffle height and thick- ness on heat transfer enhancement, low resistance and pressure drop of CHXs is thoroughly reviewed. The effect of different fins types and their pattern, height, pitchjspacing on heat transfer aug- ‘mentation and pressure drop reduction will be considered, The influence of fin spacing on heat transfer performance and pressure {drop will be discussed. The impact of elliptical and circular tubes with inline and staggered alignment on heat transfer enhancement and pressure loss is also being widely discussed. This review will be useful to design compact heat exchangers with even smaller area to volume density, low thermal resistance on both air and liq- id side, effectively efficient with higher heat transfer and thermal performance, less pressure drops and pumping power and finally enhanced thermodynamic performance of HX. 2. Techniques for enhancing heat transfer For the last several decades, rising energy value and higher material cost coerced researchers all around the world to discover innovative ways of increasing heat transfer performance in all kinds of heat exchangers (HXs). Since then augmentation of heat twansfer and pressure loss reduction has been the major concern of all researchers which led to the development of two comerstone techniques named as passive and active techniques [3.743 2.1, Passive technique Passive technique does not require any type of direct applica~ tion of external power which makes it more preferable over active techniques. As thermal resistance on gas side is comparatively lot ‘more than on the liquid side as expressed in Refs. [4445]. Thu- lukkanam [3], mentioned that heat transfer coefficient of gas side is around 1/50-1/10 of the liquid side. The implementation of ‘extended surfaces on both liquid and gas sides leads to the reduc- tion of thermal resistance. In fin-tube heat exchanger, where tubes ‘are circular, on gas side fins are installed around the tubes. These fins disguised in several geometries such as, wavy fins, louver fins, plan circular fins, offset fins, slotted fins, segmented fins etc, The Sole objective ofthese interrupted fins isto enhance the heat trans- Fer surface area and hence improve heat transfer coefficient by ‘overcoming high thermal resistance. On liquid side, the insertion of twisted tape or star-shaped in plain tube is generally used [46.47], Furthermore, making finned tubes internally spiral and corrugated, heat transfer coefficient can be improved. The effec- tiveness of micro-fin tubes in refrigerators is quite predominant as they can significantly improve heat transfer rate at the expense fof lower pressure drop and material requirement for micro-fin tubes is comparatively less than that required for other internally finned tubes. Moreaver, treated surface used in boilers and con- ‘densers which involves fin-scale alternation of surface finish or ‘coating such as hydrophobic coating and porous coating also yields better heat transfer rte [48]. The addition of various types of vor- tex generators such as rectangular delta winglets, curved rectangu- lar winglets, triangular winglets and prisms etc. in heat transfer surface area significantly improves the thermodynamic Features ‘of compact heat exchangers [49]. Along with the horse shoe vor~ tices induced by tubes, vortex generators also develop longitudinal ‘and comer vortices. Which signifies better flow mixing, fuid inten- sity and interruption and development of thermal and hydraulic boundary layers (50), The manufacturing of these swil inserts is Awa AA Biiyn/Iternatonl journal of Heat and Mass Taser 127 (2018) 359-380 ‘quite easy witch also makes passive techniques more sultable than active techniques [32]. For single phase flow, rough surfaces (rang- ing from random sand-geain type roughness to discrete protuber- ances) are introduced in channels, These rough surfaces are not intended to increase the heat transfer surface area but their sole ‘objective is to intensify turbulence intensity, hence better flow ‘mixing. Additive for liquid (solid particles and gas bubbles) and ‘ga8 (solid particles and liquid droplets) are also used for better improvement of heat transfer performance (51). Moreover. com- prehensive review studies performed in Refs. [32.52] insinuate all the crucial details regarding use of significant passive techniques in HY, 2.2. Active techniques ‘Active techniques are carried out with the help of external pow- cers. The most innovative Active techniques which are mostly used in many industries to improve heat transfer rate are electrostatic fleld, id vibration, mechanical aids, surface vibration and bound ary layer suction, The electrostatic fields (A.C or D.C) are applied in several ways to dielectric fluids which leads to the greater bulk mixing of fluids in the vicinity of heat transfer surface and improvement of heat transfer rate. Moreover, combination of elec- tticand magnetic feld yield force convection ar also called electro- magnetic pumping (45). Fluid vibration is the most practical technique particularly for single phase flow. Its pulsation value ‘changes from 1Hz to ultrasound depending on the mass of the hheat exchangers. This technique is carried out where our main con- ‘cern is about boiling, condensing or single-phase low [7 Mechan- ical aids involve stirring of the fluid by mechanical means or by rotating the surface or by surface scraping. Surface scraping is ‘Applications of heat ‘exchangers Commercial industrial and ‘domestic Utilization Se So a a aaa Chemical processing, solar ‘refrigeration and power Conventional heating and cooing system through ground source heat pumps [GSHP) or borehole heat ‘Chemical and petroleum industries for heat recovery and heat rejection processing Locomotive radiators, charge airenaling, steam condensers, Air conditioning and ‘exchangers (8HE) Fefrgeration ystems Fig. 4. Application of diteret types of het exchanges 1M. Avais AA hain Inerationl oral of Hea and Mass Tafr 127 (2018) 359-380 es carried out for viscous liquids [3]. Surface vibration involves vibrat- ing the heat transfer surface at either high or low frequencies for ‘manipulating the boundary layer by dotetiorating and restarting it and inducing secondary low to develop better single-phase heat ‘ansfer [7 Boundary layer suction involves temoval of boundary layer and restarts the boundary layer in the downstream region by removing vapor through porous heated surface in nucleate or film boiling [3]. Compound techniques ate obtained by mixing above techniques together to achieve highly effective turbulent flow pat- term and weak wake region behind the tubes for better results [7] In Ref. [53], comprehensive review study further elucidates these techniques to obtain optimal and enhanced performance of CHYs. 3. Applications of heat exchangers Heat exchangers possesses significant importance in every sec- tor of industries due to their innumerable applications and requite- :ments. For the past few decades the extensive classification of heat ‘exchangers has prominently augmented their importance for both commercial and residential utilization. For example, the develop- ment of ground source heat pumps (GSHP) or borehole heat ‘exchangers (BHE) has diminished conventional heating and cooling, problems in worldwide due to their higher thermal performance (eg, growth rate of GSHP in Sweden is 30,000 installations per yeat) 41]. The vast classification of plate type heat exchangers based on their size, applications and service applicability (gas- 2s, liquid-liquid, gas liquid, condensation and evaporation), com- ppactness and thermo-hydraulic performance has enhanced their consumption in various sector of industries such as HVAC & R industries, food processing industries, pulp and paper industries tc. [54] Finned-tube heat exchangers yield lower ar side thermal resistance because of the inclusion of various types of extended surfaces which provides higher heat transfer surface area and hence enhanced thermal performance. These heat exchangers are extensively employed in chemical engineering and refrigeration such as air conditioning, compressor intercooler, refrigeration sys- tems, charge air cooling etc. [95). Shell and tube heat exchangers (STHXs) and double pipe heat exchangers are vastly utilized in ‘every industry due to theit wide classifications based on transfer process, numberof fluids and surface compactness and also higher ‘operating conditions such as from high vacuums to ultra-high pressure (over 100 MPa) and from cryogenics to high temperatures (about 100°C) [55:57]. Fig. 3 depicts numerous applications of various crucial heat exchangers in details, 4. Different configurations of finned tube heat exchanger By using external or internal short fins in fin-and-tube heat exchangers, wavy fins, offset strip fins, louvered fins, spiral fin, crimped spiral fins, convex louver fins, slit fins, herringbone wavy fins, sinusoidal wavy fins in plate fin heat exchangers could signif- ‘cantly improve heat transfer rate by decreasing thermal resistance ‘on gas side [14]. However, fin efficiency starts decreasing, with increasing its area (A) which leads to the limitation of fin sizes, Therefore, optimized design of heat exchanger is mandatory for better performance and higher efficiency. Southall [58] discussed the most common factors that certainly influence design of HXs such as, selected material must qualify desired pressure, tempera- ture and process fluid, moderate pressure drop and thermal effec- tiveness should always exist. Moreover, less cost, weight, installed height, Footprint and higher thermodynamic Features are the opti mum conditions for designing all kind of HXs [59]. In order to Configuration and Designing of finned tube heat exchangers Crear Oval Etipsiat Inne oF Stopnered Wavy fins, offset strip Material y Tubes fins, Louwerea fn, Spiral fins, Crimped Spiral ins, Longitudinal tube pitch, Transverse tube piteh Fin pitch, Wavy angle, Wave amplitude and height, Fin thickness Fig. 4. Schematic of Configuration snd Designing of ned tube hea exchange. erences rea) lator eortation Tite ©) EA) “actor creation ‘Wavy fin and at tube heat exchanger ConvexcLawver and To_ Hen exchanges PE Wavy Finan Tube Het Exchangers 2 Conelations fer diferent ype of compat het exchangers [1453-90 Awa AA Bhiyn/Iternatonl journal of Heat and Mass Taser 127 (2018) 359-380 1871 Iss) 189} [o0] (fem < 1000) (oye 1000 q g § @ Z a z i : : : 5 22 BE q z 22254 7H fini a ay eeghed @ fs abaige 3 soa EREEEE E attain these properties, several optimization techniques and mod- els were developed by researchers. The most crucial and innova- tive optimization technique and model is genetic algorithm (GA) technique and 6-NTU model respectively. Both are extremely help- {ul to design effective and efficient HXs with minimum annual cost, capital cos, total pressure and total weight of heat exchanger. The introduction and details of GA technique was explicitly demonstrated by [60,61]. Furthermore, several studies given in Refs. (62-65) used GA technique to investigate optimized parame- ters that are used for designing purpose of heat exchangers (HXs) such as fin length, fin height, in pitch and fin thickness etc. to for- tify designing consideration and compactness condition of HX. The use of ¢-NTU model was also demonstrated by [66,67] to esti- _mate pressure drop and effectiveness of heat exchanger. However, in past several decades, researchers have been finding out innova~ tive ways of augmenting heat transfer at the expense of minimum pressure drop and pumping power and developed several correla~ tions based on their findings. Fig. 4 shows different configuration and designing parameters of finned tube heat exchanger. A list of developed correlations is documented in Table 2. ‘The studies [1,68-71] conducted by the authors comprehen- sively investigated the performance of finned tube heat exchangers (H0%) considering plain and wavy configurations, different tube arrangements such as staggered and inclined, effects of different ‘geometric parameters such as longitudinal tube pitch, transverse tube pitch, fin pitch, wavy angle, wavy height for laminar, turbu- lent and transitional flow regime. A numerical study in Ref. [72] evaluated the modified configuration of fin-and-tube heat exchan- ger by manipulating the thickness at base and tip of the fins to make it more compact and thermally effective in terms of heat transfer and pressure loss performance. The experimental and numerical studies in Refs. [73-81] investigated the conspicuous role of delta wings and winglets type vortex generators in augmen- tation of heat transfer rate and pressure loss performance of fin- and-tube heat exchangers. The VGs parameters such as location, length, height, and attack angle prominently influence thermal performance of CHXS. It was found that delta winglets type VGs yield comparatively higher heat transfer performance at the ‘expense of pressure drop penalty as comer and longitudinal vor- tices induced by these winglets significantly improve heat transfer rate by guiding fluid towards center from the edges and eradicat- ing the poor heat transfer zones behind the tubes. However, ow resistance offered by these winglets leads to the higher pressure ddrop compared to HX without VGs. The comparison was made between bare tube heat exchanger and fin-tube heat exchanger through a numerical study in Ret. (82) It was acknowledged that ‘optimally designed fin-and-tube HXs provide better thermal per- formance than bare tube HXs. The experimental and numerical investigation performed in Ref. [5] deducted that louvered fin and round tube heat exchangers yield higher thermo-hydaulic performance than wavy fin and round tube heat exchangers, as louver fins continuously deteriorate thermal boundary layer which, significantly heat transfer rate. 5. Effect of fin spacing on heat transfer Fin spacing refers to the distance between fins. The impact of fin, spacing on heat transfer performance and pressure loss is stil ‘obscured in compact heat exchangers (CHXs) as many researchers studied the influence of fin spacing on heat transfer coefficient and extracted results accordingly but the contradiction in their result is ‘uite obvious. Rich [91] and Wang [9| demonstrated that fn spac- ing do not impart any significant impact on heat transfer perfor~ mance but it was investigated that at Reynold number (Re) lower than 1000 fin spacing impact an heat transfer performance is quite Awa AA. Bhaiya/lnverational journal of Heat ond Mas Transfer 127 (2018) 359-380 ia © © Fx200mm Lye6Smm 28k a 25mm Em a2 tn 7 “oo 60m ig. 5 Efe of fi pth onthe and aes fr wavy and be heat exchanger 4, elfective while as the Reynold number (Re) reaches up to 1000 fin spacing influence on heat transfer performance begin to diminish Romero-Méndez [92] conducted a flow visualization and numer cal study to acknowledge the effect of fin spacing on convection in plate fin and tube heat exchanger. Their results depicted that nature of flow is quite dependent on fins spacing, as for higher fin spacing vortex starts to appear at upstream region which leads to the higher Nu number. The studies given in Refs. [68,69] pre- sented the numerical investigations for the prediction of heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics for plate finned tube hheat exchangers and concluded the significance of fin spacing effects Also, similar type of observations were predicted for the ‘wavy cases [70,93]. Jungi [94] concluded that by increasing the fin pitch, the Colburn’s (j) and friction (0) factor increases while keeping the fin’s length and height constant 65mm and 8 mm respectfully at the Reynolds number (Re) in the range of 800- {6500 and as the Reynolds number (Re) increases, j factor decreases as shown in Fig, 5. It was also observed that better mixing of air flow takes place in the corrugated flow channel when the size of the fin pitch increases at same Reynolds number (Re) which leads to the enhancement of heat transfer coefficient. The experimental study of Ref. [95] investigated the influence of various fins spacing on heat transfer coefficient of annular finned- tube heat exchanger and elucidated that incteasing the fin spacing heat transfer coefficient rises. Wang |96] performed an experimen- tal study to acknowledge the effect ofthe fin spacing of both louver and plain fin on the heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop at different air frontal velocities. It was noticed that at low ai frontal velocity the heat transfer coefficient decreases with increasing the size of the pitch and finally the effect of in pitch starts to disappear at greater air frontal velocities. Moreover, at higher velocities flow becomes unsteady and vortex formed by tubes starts disappearing, and the effect of fin pitch on heat transfer coefficient does not remain noticeable anymore. This is because the vortex shedding caused by the tube starts to take effect. Furthermore, comparison ‘was made between louver fin and plain fin surfaces for better heat transfer performance and it was observed that fin spacing effect on the plain fn is smaller than the louver fins because of better mix- ing of air ow occurs in louver fins. The experimental and numer- ‘cal study in Ref. [97] investigated the impact of off-strip fin arays ‘on heat transfer characteristics and pressure loss performance of ‘compact heat exchanger by varying the spacing. length and bend- ing distance of fins. It was concluded that as the fin pitch increases Colburn j factor decreases which in result reduces the fin effi- ciency. It could be explained as the distance between fins increases, air side heat transfer area decreases. While the corre- sponding pressure drop decreases as more fin spacing yield larger flow area and lower low resistance ‘The study in Refs. [98,99] demonstrated the fin spacing influ- fence on thermal hydraulic features of annular finned-tube HX through flow visualization method and Taguchi method. The experimental study was performed in Ref. [84] to acknowledge the impact of convex louver and wavy fins on fin-tube heat exchanger, It was noticed that heat transfer performance is higher at lower fin spacing and poor when the fin spacing is large. While the effect of the fin pitch on wavy fin was found almost negligible ‘with multiple row configuration as compared to louvered fin, This could be explained by the phenomenon that at higher fin spacing recirculation zone is larger as compared to the lower fin spacing, eat transfer performances for Fp = 2.54 mm is quite lower than those of Fp = 1.69 mm and 1.21 mm. However, the study in Ref. {98] claimed through numerical study that fin pitch has significant role in inducing horseshoe vortex and developing boundary layer at higher frontal velocities which leads to the better heat transfer performance. ‘While considering large fin pitch, Kim (89] elaborated the effect, of fin pitch on heat transfer characteristics of flat plat finned-tube ~ Pee ee) re - come « Sy : a - =e, | : = : ; - $ > = $ t = ty a @) 6) © Fig. 6 fect of fin pitch on the jan actors ofthe samples Raving Lower ands a ptem HX of) row, (8) 2 row ade) 3 raw [0 es Awa AA Bhiyn/Iternatonl journal of Heat and Mass Taser 127 (2018) 359-380 hheat exchanger. It was found that with the rise of the fin pitch, factor increases in the low Reynolds number (Re) region while the fin spacing impact diminishes as the Reynolds umber (Re) increases, which is contradicted to the previous studies shown in Ref, [84]. It could be explained by a phenomenon presented in Ref. [100] through flow visualization study as, for larger fin spacing vortex formation was quite dominant as compared to the smaller fin spacing. So, when the fin spaces were smaller, poor perfor- ‘mance of heat transfer was achieved as compared to greater fin spacing due to the formation of vortices. Fig. 6 depicts the fn spac- ing effect onj factor while changing the row number from N= 1 to 44and keeping the tube alignment inline. Itcan be seen that j Factor increases with the rise of the fin pitches as the interruption of boundary layer is delayed to the next row. The numerical and flow visualization study in Ref, [92| insinuated the influence of fin spac- ing on fin and! tube heat exchangers. It was concluded that smaller fin spaces induce flow resistance which leads to the higher pres- sue drop, however with larger fin spacing, number of fins reduces and effective heat transfer is obtained. While a 3-D numerical study in Ref. [101] evaluated the influence of fin density and Reynold number on thermodynamic features of CHXs, It was ‘demonstrated that at low Re number viscous effect reduces the ‘extent of switl flow induced by fins waviness, however counter- rotating vortices strongly appears by overcoming the viscous effect at higher Re number which in result reduces the flow resistance ‘and augment heat transfer performance, Moreover, it was depicted, that higher fin density. yield enhanced thermal hydraulic performance. ln the experimental study of Wang in Ref. [95] of fin-tube heat ‘exchanger with louver fin, the heat transfer and friction character~ isties were presented. It was established that for multiple tube row ‘number the effect of fin spacing on the convex louver fin configu- ration’s heat transfer performance is higher at Fp= 2.54 mm. as ‘compared to Fp=1.69mm and Fp=127 mm at low Reynolds number (Re) and reverse trend is exhibited in higher flow region. It was determined that at higher value of fin spacing the friction factor starts decreasing at Re < 2000, While fin spacing effect is ‘not pronounced at higher Re number region. But the study con- ‘ducted experimentally by Kim [102] concluded that effect of the fin pitch has no influence on the heat transfer performance and Friction factor. It was noticed that louver fin heat exchangers have higher j and f factor as compared to the slit fin heat exchangers ‘The comparison was performed between the louver, slit and plain fin experimentally to observe the heat transfer and friction charac- teristics of theses heat exchangers, It was found that the j factor of louver fin was 87% larger than that ofthe plain fin and the average F Factor is 155% larger while forthe slit fins the j factor was 84% lar- ger than the plain fin and the average f factor was 71% larger than the plain fin. Similar type of observations was determined in the study of Ref. [103]. It was concluded that as the in pitch increases | factor decreases forthe plate fin surface but proper trend was not appeared for louver fin surface. The experimental study in Ref. [4] ‘elucidated the influence of different shapes and density of pin fins ‘on pressure drop and friction factor of rectangular channel. It was ‘deducted that at Re > 300 and same fin height and transverse pitch, ‘liptial pin fins yield lower flow resistance as compared to trian- gular pin fins. Moreover, it was found that at Re < 300, triangular pin fins with lower density provides smaller ftiction factor (0) and elliptical fins with comparatively larger density yield higher flow resistance. While at Re>300, the reverse trend was acknowledged. Fig, 6 clearly depicts the effect of fin pitch on louver and slit fin, pattern HX with various tube row configurations. It was seen that louver fin provides better performance at any row configuration as ‘compared to slit fin pattern HX and fiction factor ratio between slit fin and louver fin for one, two and three tube row configura- tions was 0.88, 0.87 and 0.75 respectively and j factor ratio was 0.72, 0.80 and 0.78 respectively which exhibits that the effect of fin pitch is negligible on j and f factor | 104} The study of Wang, |105] illustrated the heat transfer perfor- ‘mance in the form of j factor against Re. The tube rows (N) are 1, 2,4 and 6 and corresponding Fp are 2.05 mm, 2.05 mm, 2.08 mm ‘and 2.07 mm. It was found that as the tube row number increases, Indecreases at Re «2000 and his not effected by tube number at Re > 2000. It can be explained by a phenomenon that at low Reynolds number (fe) downstream turbulence tends to eradicate and weaker, hence less effective vortices come in play. While it is reversed at higher Re and better flow mixing takes place at down- stream region. As far as the f factor is concerned, it was noticed that tube row numbers have negligible influence on f factor which ‘could be explained by channel flow effect. Moreover, the study in Ref. [106] demonstrated the effect of fin pitch on heat transfer and friction characteristics of staggered layout with two rows ‘and three different fin pitches and concluded that heat transfer 2.1 mm. This phenomenon was explained in [108] when flow visualization method was used to ‘determine the maximum heat transfer condition for louver fin arrays. They reported that higher mixing angle leads to the higher hneat transfer performance. Mixing angle can be defined as angle formed by the dye as measured from the louver ofthe first contact. ‘The impact of various tube rows with the variation of fin spac- ing (1.41 mm, 1.81 mm and 2.54 mm) on the heat transfer perfor- ‘mance with two different fin thickness (0.115 mm and 0.250 mm) are illustrated in Ref. [109]. It was demonstrated that fin pitch has ‘quite negligible impact on the j factor regardless of different fin thicknesses, When the fin spacing. increases atthe same Re the bet- ter flow mixing takes place in the corrugated channel flow which leads to the enhancement of heat transfer coefficient. While at the same time rise of the fin spacing create a recirculation zone at the downstream of the wavy apexes which in result reduces the heat transfer coefficient (h). So both effects cancel each other and keeping the effect of fin spacing on the j factor unchanged. ‘The corresponding ‘fiction factor showing that fin spacing increases, f factor increases at higher Re. However, at very low Re fin spacing has no influence on f factor. The study in [44] deducted the same result through experimental investigation and found that hheat transfer and friction factor is quite independent of fn pitch. A ‘comparison was made between herringbone wavy and plain fin HX and it was concluded that for 2 row tube number j factor for both fin is same while corresponding fiction factor of herringbone wavy fin is 3-4% greater than the plain wavy fin. They have also dis- ‘cussed the effect of fin spacing on j and f factor of the sinusoidal wave fin while keeping the waffle height constant approximately same as the herringbone wavy fin (1.5 mm) with one, two and three row tube numbers. It was found analogous to the herting- bone wavy fin the f factor of sinusoidal wavy fin is not influenced by the fin pitch. A comparison was made between sinusoidal wavy and plain wavy fin It was found that j factor of sinusoidal wave fin is 6-13% greater than the plain fin at low Reynold number (Re). while the difference is increases at as the Reynold number (Re) rises. The corresponding f factor of sinusoidal wavy fin is 18-35% ‘greater than those of the plain fins. The impact of the fin pitch on j and f factor with various tube row number can observed in Ref. [110] that both j and f factor ‘decreases as the Reynolds number (Re) increases ard as the tube Awa AA. Bhaiya/lnverational journal of Heat ond Mas Transfer 127 (2018) 359-380 ‘ow number increases the effect of fin spacing tends to diminish on the heat transfer performance. As greater the tube row number, the better the flow mixing, However, the corresponding friction factor trend is not quite explicable but for N=8 friction factor slightly 6. Influence of different number of tube rows Along with the effectiveness of fin spacing, tube rows number (8) [71] is another important parameter which can't be ignored ait certainly possesses large amount of impact on heat transfer land pressure loss characteristics of fin-tube heat exchangers too. Ref. [89] illustrated the impact of tube row number (N=2 and 4) and fin spacing (Fp= 1.7 mim and 3.1 mm) on j and F factor with constant waffle height (Pd = 1.18 mm and 1.58 mm), It was found ‘that for larger fn spacing influence of tube row number on j factor is quite negligible while for smaller fin spacing j factor rises asthe tube row number decreases at low Reynolds number. The neg ble influence of tube rows number on heat transfer performance ‘was also demonstrated by the studies [111,112], which could be explained by a phenomenon that, inthe region of lower (Re) for smaller fin spacing and less tube row number the flow is steady, so the effect of vortex shedding caused by the tube is not quite noticeable which leads to the higher j factor. It was observed that rise of the fin spacing or tube row number would result in ‘unsteady wake flow which leads tothe lower j factor. And the cor- responding friction factor does not influence by the fin spacing and tube row number (N). The experimental study in Ref. [113] acknowledged the air side performance of fin and tube heat exchanger by varying the various important perimeters. It was noticed that as the number of tube rows increases the influence of fin spacing on heat transfer characteristies starts diminishing, ‘Moreover, it was observed that the influence of tube diameter on heat transfer performance is also quite dependent on fin spacing. ‘The 3D-numerical study in Ref. (1 4] investigated the impact of delta winglet vortex generators on thermodynamic features of fin-and-tube CHXs with three rows of staggered and inline tubes. I was concluded that horseshoe and longitudinal vortices induced by tubes, fins and winglets significantly improved the heat transfer performance. It could be explained by a phenomenon that induced vortices increases the turbulence intensity and reduces the poor heat transfer zone or wake region behind the tubes. Moreover, fow resistance offered by tubes, fins and winglets yield moderate pressure drop. in Ref. [115] the influence of number of tube rows fon heat transfer performance of inline finned-tube bank was elucidated. To acknowledge the impact of tube row number on the ar side performance of finned-tube HX, j factor was plotted against Rey- nnolds number (Re) with different row numbers and two different fins spacing as shown in Fig. 7. Fig. 7(a) illustrated that as the ‘row number increases j factor decreases at low Reynolds number, while the decreasing rate tends to diminish as the tube row increases at fixed Reynolds number. However, more tubes seemed to make the flow field uniform at the rear of the HX [116 ‘The study in Ref. [84] conducted a comprehensive analysis of compact heat exchanger incorporating convex louver and wavy fins and deduced the impact of tube rows number (N). Their results showed that effect of number of tube rows on friction factor is not {quite pronounced for both wavy and! convex louver configurations But it was clearly reported that heat transfer performance is influ- enced by the numberof tube rows. As the tube rows increases heat transfer performance starts decreasing. At Re <2,000, 4-row coil hhas 15% lower heat transfer performance as compared to 1- row coil. While at Re> 2000, the effect of tube row number is not noticeable. Experimental studies in [85,113] presenting the same remarks regarding tube rows (N) and fin pitch impact on j and £ factor i. at higher Re number (+2000) effect of tube rows on jfac- tris vanished while f factor is not influenced by tube rows aum- bber and it decreases as the Reynolds number (Re) increases. Also, ‘other studies /$7,102] provided the same results after performing, experimental investigation on the air-side performance of fin- and-tube heat exchangers with radial slit fins (1.5 mm thickness) and plane fins (0.2 mm thickness) respectively ie, as at low Re number tube rows has quite significant impact on j factor while AC higher Re this effect stars to disappear. It can be explained as at high Reynolds number (Re) downstream turbulence eddies tend to diminish which leads to the better flow mixing appearance at downstream region and low Reynolds number (Re). the effect is ‘The contribution of Chi-Chuan Wang, [105,106,110,117] in the development of innovative ways of augmenting heat transfer per- {formance in compact heat exchanger is quite impeccable. Without ignoring the influence of fin spacing and tube rows number on j and f factor, he has focused on elaborating this effect through Several experimental and numerical techniques eg. In Ref {105,106,110,117], the author clearly elucidates effectiveness of cy “ anterftbeow one ons 3 sow. som z ow. one on ae Re Re @ ® Fig. 7. Variation of factor with numberof abe rots (N= 1,2, 3a 4 fn pte (a) 75 eam an (15 nm [16 x0 Awa AA Biiyn/Iternatonl journal of Heat and Mass Taser 127 (2018) 359-380 : ggg beee - Sf £ : : BSEE . im 8 ito wo Tie os ibe Reynolds number Reynolds number @ ©) ig. fect of numberof inline transverse ube on (a heat transfer enhancement atop and (6) ton factor ati if with respet ro Reynolds number (78). fin pitch and number of tube rows with respect to Re. Their result and formation and breakup of thermal boundary layer at lower ‘can be summarized in this way: as higher number of tube rows can and higher Re tespectively tends to create difference between ‘only significantly impact heat transfer performance when Renum- inline and staggered arrangements. ber is high (>2000). While at low Re number (<2000) and tubes Fig. 8 depicts the impact of number of transverse tube rows with one row (N= 1) provide comparatively higher heat transfer with inline arrangement on the heat transfer enhancement ratio rate than tubes with more than one row (N> 1), which is mainly (jij) against Re. At Re < 1000, the ratio of jljo decreases but for ‘due to the fact that tube rows blockage, prone to cause additional higher ‘Reynolds number (Re> 1000) this effect is reversed vortex shedding. Moreover, the influence of Fp on j factor was [78,118]. At low Re, vortex strength caused by the tubes is less noticed quite negligible at higher Reynolds number. It could be which can't dominate the poor heat transfer wake region behind explained as, at higher Re downstream turbulence eddies tends the tubes. However, asthe Re increases, vortex strength increases to diminish and better flow mixing occurs which in results leads i.e. turbulent intensity increases which lead to the better flow mix- to the enhancement of downstream turbulence intensity and heat ing by overcoming the poor heat transfer wake region behind the transfer coefficient. However, for particularly slit fins with smaller tubes. Moreover, at higher e, turbulence intensity increases which length, the impact of greater tube rows on h is negligible at Re> strengthen the horseshoe vortex induced by the tubes and also 1000. Because at higher Re number, turbulent intensity becomes reduction of the wake region behind the tubes leads to the better almost uniform and does not quite affect the heat transfer perfor- augmentation of heat transfer rate and at higher Re the impact of| mance. While the corresponding friction factor is independent of tube row number tends to diminish on factor due to the high tur- tube rows and fin spacing. Refs. (89.91, 109] also concluded the bulence intensity. Itcan be seen that 3 tube rows can play signifi- same remarks and explained them with the same phenomenon. cant role in augmentation of heat transfer enhancement ratio but Moreover, it was noticed that tube rows with staggered arrange- with increased number of tube tows vortex strength generated ment yields quite better performance than tube with inline by fist tube row gets affected by the wake of the front row of arrangement, It could be explained as smaller bypass air flow the tubes. When inline tube arrangement is replaced with Slit fins ee ed SE A, PE Louver fin Convex louver fin array Fig. 9. Fin rays ferent yp of ea exchange 10). Awa AA. Bhaiya/lnverational journal of Heat ond Mas Transfer 127 (2018) 359-380 m staggered one, the enhancement in j factor is observed at the expense oF greater pressure loss. AS vortex induced by staggered arrangement of tubes are quite stronger than the vortex induced by inline arrangement of tubes, For inline arrangement of tubes corresponding friction factor ratio (fff) increases more than heat transfer ratio jp at the same Re number because ofthe form drag, ‘brought about by the tubes shown in Fig. Sb as discussed in previ- ‘us Ref. [105] 7. Effects of fin and tube’s pattern and alignment ‘Along with the fin spacing and tube rows number, their pattern and dimension is also crucial to impatt significant influence on hheat transfor characteristics of heat exchangers. Therefore, fins and tubes of heat exchangers are classified into several types and categories. Each type has its own effect on heat transfer and fric- tion characteristics. That's why its very important to study the afectivity of each pattern and elaborate them with help of dfer- tent researchers and scholar’s work Fig. 6 is depicting different arrays of fins of heat exchanger. The study in Ref [118] conducted both experimental and ‘numerical study of 3D laminar flow and heat transfer in plate-fin and tube heat exchanger. Their numerical study showed that tubes arrangement significantly affects heat transfer coefficient. As stag- sgered array yields higher heat transfer performance than inline array at the expense of 20-25% pressure drop as explained in Ref. [89]. It was also deducted that as tube row number increases (N>4) their influence on heat transfer performance starts 10 iminish as discussed in previous Ref. [105] ‘The numerical study in Ref. [119] investigated the impact of curved winglets and tube pitch on heat transfer characteristics and pressure loss performance of fin-and-tube heat exchanger. It ‘was concluded that both winglets and tube pitch significant influ- fence the heat exchanger performance. As curved vortex generators attached across the tubes enhance the heat transfer performance at the expense of moderate pressure drop by inducing longitudinal vortex generators and eradicating the wake regions and poor heat transfer zones behind the tubes |120]- Moreover, as the tube pitch decreases the Colburn j factor increases which signifies improve- ‘ment in heat transfer rate. While the corresponding pressure drop rises due to the augmentation in low resistance offered by reduc- tion in tube pitches. The experimental and numerical study in Ref. 1121] insinuated the influence of louver fin and tube pitches along, ‘with other crucial parameters on thermo-hydraulic performance of louvered fin-and-flar tube heat exchanger. It was deducted that both longitudinal and transverse tube pitch have no influence on heat transfer performance, while the corresponding pressure drop increases by increasing tube pitch due (0 rise in un-louveted surface area. A numerical study in Ref. [122] demonstrated the {improvement of air-side performance of fin-and-tube heat exchan- ser by the combination of both elliptical and circular tube at the expense of higher frictional resistance. ‘The experimental data regarding influence of fin and tube aign- ment on fin-tube heat exchanger having larger fins spacing was illustrated [116] Fig. 10 is taken from [116] which illustrated the impact of fin alignment on heat transfer performance. i can be seen that wavy alignment enhances heat transfer performance 7% as compared to the inline alignment of fins, while 15% more than the continuous lat plate finned-tube HX. It elucidated that by implying both staggered and inline fin alignment heat transfer performance can be increased by 20% as compared to continuous flat plate type finned-tube. In general, discrete type fin provides higher heat transfer performance than Continuous fin type. As cor- rugation pattern of discrete type fins leads to the higher turbulence intensity and flow mixing of hot and cold fluids as compared to the continuous fins. Similar type of results were also found by Ref. 11234 Louver fin surfaces are capable of outperforming plain fin and foffset-strip fin surfaces when it comes to the heat transfer enhancement as demonstrated by studies [124,125]. Ref. [96] also claimed through experimental study that louver fin has 70% higher hheat transfer performance than plain fin at Reoc * 2000 and found ‘that friction factor for louver fins is 52% higher than the plain fins at Reynolds number (Re) of 5000. t could be explained as louver fins surfaces impatt significant role in intensifying turbulent inten- sity and flow mixing rate than plain fin offse-strip fins. The exper- imental and numerical study in Ref. [126] investigated natural convection from rectangular interrupted fins. It was found that addition of interruptions to continuous fins leads to the higher thermal performance due to the distuption of thermal and hydrau- lic boundary layers. Efficiency index (fis defined as the ratio of Colburn factor ()) to the friction factor (f) for any type of heat exchanger (HX) [68] The significance of efficiency index (jf is to do good balance or 07 ua. [=e= Ftp ines (=o Finype 1 Slaggeed on. we. Dacrtotype | Fntpe2 Many |e Fnype3 ines a |mr—Fype3, Sages ons. erntoes i File: 120m iu Naber of be ow: 2 oe. i ous. ww. 00) continuous fate ype om aon. ot soo om NO em) an amo no) - Re @ >) Fig 10. fect fin alignment on the hest transfer performance for inlined And staggered tube arangement wih an incest of tube ow (N) [116 m Awa AA Bhiyn/Iternatonl journal of Heat and Mass Taser 127 (2018) 359-380 {a). Louver (6), Corrugated 1 .good choice based on the requirements of the designers as well as the overall heat transfer performance. The contribution of experi- ‘mental study in Ref, [104] was to investigate the effect of nonsym- ‘metrical slit fins on air side thermal resistance of fin-tube heat ‘exchanger and also compared it with louver fin surface. The results| were expressed in the form of efficiency index against Re number (500 < Re < 3000) with different tube configuration. It was con- ‘luded that for one row configuration ratio of j/f for louver fin was 21% greater than slit fin pattern and for two and three row configurations it was 10% and 3.2% greater than slit fin pattern ‘Which implies that slic fin pattern is better than Iouver fin geom- ‘etry at larger tube row number (N). In Ref, [127], experimentally investigated the heat transfer and. friction characteristics of several types of interrupted and wavy fins in fin-tube heat exchanger. Fg. 11 is showing the configuration of louvered and wavy/corrugated fins. It was deducted that louver fins provide comparatively higher heat transfer performance as ‘compared to wavy fins at the expense of additional pressure loss. However, extended louver fins yield exceptionally higher j factor 3s compared to other corrugated, wavy, louver and louver + wing, let fins. It could be explained as extended louver fin surfaces ‘develop more vortexes shedding than any other fins. Moreover, slit fins provide higher heat transfer rate than plane fins and vortex ‘generator fins atthe expense of greater frietion and pressure drop ‘which is depicted in Fig, 13(a) and (b) in the form of jfactor, Nu number, factor and AP against air frontal velocity Vj, at (N= 12) 128} ‘Wavy fins provide higher heat transfer performance over plate fins without any doubt. Ref. [129] performed an experimental study to backup this statement by incorporating different types of fins such as plate fin, wavy fin and compound fin in compact hheat exchanger shown in Fig. 12. They reported that compound and wavy fin depicts better heat transfer coefficient as compared to plate fins at the expense larger pressure drop as discussed in previous Ref. [123]. As the enhancement of heat transfer perfor- mance is penalized by the pressure drop. It was noticed that as the air velocity increases the pressure drop rises regardless of fin patterns. But compound and wavy fin gives higher pressure drop (@). Corrugated 2 Fig. 1. Visualzaion of erent types of fn contiguraton: (a) Lauver,(b tended louver, (6) louver wings, ()Corugaed 1, (e) Comrgated 2 (9 Wavy (127. 34,1-62.9% and 11-32.1% as compated to plate fin pattern. It could be explained by the phenomenon that at higher velocity fluctua- tion and higher acceleration in the circulation region appears in ‘compound and wavy fin which leads to the better h factor and higher peessure drop. Similar types of results were obtained by the numerical works in [130-12]. An experimental study in Ref. [133] investigated the influence of plain fins, louver fins and semi-dimple vortex generator configurations on air-side perfor- mance of fin-and-tube compact heat exchangers. It was concluded that for smaller fin pitch and higher ai inlet velocity, louver fins yield comparatively higher heat transfer performance than semi- ‘dimple vortex generators and plain fin configuration. However, for larger fn-pitch semi-dimple vortex generators dominate louver fin geometry in terms of heat transfer performance. In Ref. [134], ‘an experimental study elucidated the impact of wavy channels, ‘on thermo-hydraulic performance of plate fin heat exchanger. It ‘was found that corrugated wavy channels yields better heat trans fer performance than parallel plate channel due to better flow mix- ing and intensity with periodically interruption of thermal boundary layer. While the corresponding pressure drop appears ‘due to the presence of flow resistance offered by corrugated chan- nels. In Ref, (135) am experimental study was performed to ‘acknowledge the impact of perforated rectangular fin arrays on thermal performance of CHXs. The enslavement of heat transfer ‘enhancement on orientation, diameter and angle of perforation ‘was noticed. ‘Wavy fins can also be classified as sinusoidal wavy fins and her- ringbone wavy fins. Both types have their own influence on heat transfer performance. Refs. [14] and [126] compared the perfor- ‘mance of both fins through conducting an experimental study at 700 < Re < 4000. They reported that sinusoidal wavy fins impart preferable heat transfer over herringbone wavy fins when the tube row increases. Herringbone wavy fins are further classified in two parts depending upon their corrugation pattern shown in Fig. 13. ‘Type 1 yields comparatively larger heat transfer rate (5.25— 15.39%) and pressure drop (0-6.61%) than type one. Because corr gation pattern of the type 2 fin can reduce the size of the wake Which improves the better air flow mixing behind the tubes, in 1M. Awais A Bijan Inertial fora of Heat and Mass Tanfer 127 (2018) 359-380 mm ii). Compound fin (@) ee = ge . a : . , : st .. : ooo af $ SSnS. ent oe wh x = . ty FE (b) Fig. 12 (3) Plate, wavy and compound fin configurations pd (ther eects on heat transfer ceticent and pressure drop with averaue ine veloity Mu for the ferent test fs 129, a | | Air ow Tube Fin lection Fin pattern pe Fig. 12. Chsiaton of herringbone wany ns of wit ferent pattern ype 65 result better heat transfer performance and also corrugated pattern ‘of fin type 2 forces the airstream inside the corrugated channel to change the flow direction immediately after passing aver the tubes. Ref. [106] experimentally studied the characteristics of wavy fin, and tube pattern and tube rows number in fin-tube heat 12 “4 10 on: a Fig V4. Heat tan oft owe a 5 impating angles [127 va Awa AA Bhiyn/Iternatonl journal of Heat and Mass Taser 127 (2018) 359-380 ‘exchanger. It was illustrated that at low Reynolds number (Ke) the Factor reduces as the tube row number increases and becomes independent at higher (Re > 2000). Ic can be explained that in the inline arrangement when the Reynolds number (Re) is low (Re-< 2000) boundary layer thickness is strong because bypass alr flow ‘effect, which in result leads to the reduction of j factor with the rise of tube row number. While in the region of higher Reynolds num- ber (Re), boundary layer gets broken up by the air flow in the fin passage. Refs. [109] anc [68] concluded the same remarks about inline and staggered tube arrangements. They also reported that staggered tube arrangement provides higher heat transfer perfor- ‘mance as compared to inline tube arrangement because the turb- lence intensity increases in case of staggered tube arrangement. It ‘was also found that staggered tube arrangement with 4 row tube number gives more j factor as compared to 8 row number or the staggered layout may cause downstream turbulence and hence the increase of heat transfer coefficients with the increase in the rhumber of tube rows. A numerical study in Ref. [137] evaluated the influence of tubes inclination on heat transfer and pressure ‘drop performance of fin-and-tube heat exchanger. Fi 14 depicts, the effect of various impact angles of tubes inclinations on ratio ‘of Nuof each tube row to the overall average Nu of tube banks with ‘different number of tube rows at 20,0000 Reynold number. It can be seen that after N=2, impact angle has negligible effect on Nu number ratio. ‘The impact of corrugated fins and oval tubes on tchermo- hydraulic performance of fin-and-tube heat exchanger was investi- {gated through a numerical study in Ref. [138]. The crucial objective ‘of this attempt was to acknowledge the impact of modified fin ‘geometry and availing higher heat transfer performance without incorporating any kind of winglets. It was found that corrugated fins with oval tubes yield comparatively higher Nu number atthe ‘expense of moderate pressure drop penalty. As longitudinal vor- tices induced by modified fins and weaker wake region behind the tubes leads tothe higher thermal performance of HX. A numer- ical study in Ref [139] indicated that flat tubes yield comparatively 7 co © Revonmiesanm scr i , S 9: Fedtnm acon $ LeSinm 800m oar 18 Rettontetonm a os , | le i 3 8 : : ais i oe jo oa a oa a a as ca (a) (b) 15. neg and) eg on abun aor (fr vais “0 x % 3 wo} Sistsun gration - s ef, = 10mm 2 x0 oof See as » 6 os g™ Ly = é: oe cele é ae is 3 20 w 0 » » s 7 10 7 ° ° ° ° ee iG Frontal Velocity (m/s) Frontal Velocity (mis) @ ® Fig. 16, eect of in eight an the aiid pvtrmance or (2) nine arrangement and () staggered arrangement 4, Awa AA. Bhaiya/lnverational journal of Heat ond Mas Transfer 127 (2018) 359-380 ms higher thermo-hydraulic performance for fin-and-tube heat exchanger than oval and circular tubes. Ret. [94] presented the effect ofthe fin length on the jana fac tor. It was observed thar the size ofthe fin’s length increases j and f factor decreases against Reynold number while keeping the fin height and pitch constant 8 mm and 2 mm respectively. It also pre sented the effect ofthe fin height on the j and F factor which is elu- cidated in the Fig. 15. If was observed that when the fin height increases, j factor increases and also fin length seemed to have 1a influence on friction factor (1). In Ref. [740], numerical study showing the influence of fins and tube’s geometrical parameters on plate fin and tube heat exchan- ger. It was shown that fin spacing and height has significantly effect on heat transfer rate and pressure drop. Ref. (86) presented the influence of the effect of height on heat transfer performance performed experimentally and depicted in graph where heat trans- fer coefficient and frontal velocity are plotted as shown in Fig. 16, while keeping the fin spacing (3.85 mm), outside diameter d= 21 7mm and transverse and longitudinal tube pitch 71.4 and 50.0 ‘mm respectively constant. It can be seen from the Fig. 16, that fin height has significant effect on heat transfer performance. As the fin height rises, heat transfer reduces as discussed in Ref. [94]. Itcould be explained by phenomenon that fins having greater height (Fp ~ 15 mm) has larger resistance on ait side as compared to fins having smaller height (Fp = 10 mm) which leads to the air- flow bypass effect. A numerical study in Ret. [141 investigated the Jmpact of important fins geometric perimeters and Reynold num- ber on thermal performance of fin-and-tube heat exchanger. The tise in averall heat transfer rate was noticed with increasing Rey- rnold number. Fins density positively influence heat transfer rate, while the corresponding pumping power reduces as fins density Inorder to understand the effect of tube diameter on heat trans- {er performance for the inline arrangement of tubes, heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop is plotted against air frontal velocity while keeping the fin spacing (3.85 mm), fin thickness (0.4 mm), fin height (10 mm) constant as shown in Fig. 17. It was detected that heat transfer coefficient rises with the reduction of tube diam- eter. However, pressure drop increases with the rise of the tube diameter, The reason for reduction of heat transfer performance and enhancement of pressure drop is that for the inline arrange- ‘ment of tubes huge flow circulation appears in behind the tubes ‘When size ofthe tubes increases, the wake region behind the tubes gets bigger which increases the poor heat transfer rate across the tubes (40). The effect ofthe tube diameter on heat transfer perfor- ‘mance and pressure drop for staggered arrangement is compara- tively less analogous to the inline arrangement of the tubes as shown in Fig. 19a. It was observed that recirculation zone is not (quite stronger in case of staggered arrangement. From figure itis ‘obvious that fin height on the heat transfer coeficient for stag- gered arrangement is similar to the inline arrangement of tubes Dut the fn height has quite negligible effect on the pressure drop _ . =. Cares « apa : TEES 7 60 . o> ac . z aod 30 op}? 5 ig. 17, eet of tbe dlameter (on alr side performance with (a) saggred rangement (b) ilinearangement (140. Waffle height Fig. 1, Schematic gram of wale height or wavy Bn conigurtion [2 v6 Awa AA Bhiyn/Iternatonl journal of Heat and Mass Taser 127 (2018) 359-380 in staggered arrangement of tubes as compared to inline arrange- ment of tubes that’s because subsequent tube rows has quite noticeable effect on pressure drop [10 8. Impact of different waffle height and fin thickness 81. Efects of waffle heights and thickness ‘The influence of waffle height and fin thickness on heat transfer ‘and pressure drop characteristics of heat exchangers has also been investigated by numerous researchers. As these are other impor- tant geometric perimeters like fin length, fin height fin and tube pattern that could certainly affect thermodynamic features of FHXs. Waffle height of wavy fin is shown in Fig. 18. The variation in walle height and fin thickness could bring subtle change in cru- ial factors which are directly related to the heat transfer perfor mance such as, intensity of flow mixing of fluids, wake region behind tubes, recirculation zones etc. That's why it’s very impor- tant to consider this perimeter along. with other fin’s perimeters during optimum designing of heat exchangers. Here, following paragraph is elucidating the major findings of several researchers’ work regarding affectivity of waffle height and fin thickness on hheat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of heat exchangers ‘The impact of waffle height on thermodynamic Features of CHXs ‘was analyzed by several authors. In Ref, [42], an experimental Jnvestigation was carried out to determine the impact of different waffle heights on heat transfer performance and friction character- istics of fin-tube heat exchanger with wavy fins and compared their result with plain fin-tube heat exchanger. Ie was found that for small fin spacing and larger waffle height, the effect of waffle height on heat transfer enhancement ratio is prominent but at the expense of large pressure drop. The influence of walle height ‘on heat transfer coeficient, overall thermal conductance (formula) ‘and pressure drop against air fontal velocity was also demon- strated by Ref, [39] and concluded the same results. It was reported that for constant fin pitch of 1.7 mm and two tube row numbers, when the wafile height increases both the pressure drop and heat transfer coefficient of wavy fin type rises as compared to plain fin type. It was concluded that for the wavy fin type with the waffle height of Pd 1.18 and. 1.58 mm heat transfer coefficient rises 45 and 24% and the corresponding pressure drop increases 38 and 60% respectively at 2.5 m/s air frontal velocity compared t0 the plain fin type. The study in [9| also deducted the same results ¢ e | + §-0sm 5 o, : + 5-020 é 0 a te g 5 2 3 é é zo o 5 os é é i i & & ‘on 0 wv 0 Reynolds aumber (Re) Reynolds mumber Rep) @) (b) eo Tatm) oo. + 501s : : + jum] #50200 2 7 o5. 3 j § = é 3 : $s ga : En 2" lnc d & fsasiim i 8 8 vino 10 ve Reynolds umber (Rey) Reyols number Rep) © @ Fig. 19, tect of in thickness onthe aside pelormance of wavy Kean tube hea exchanges with deren ns spacing, tbe rs an fn tikes | 1M. Awas AA. Bhaiya/nverational journal Heat ond Mas Transfer 127 (2018) 359-380 m trough experimental study and acknowledged a strong relation ‘between heat transfer enhancement and ratio of wale height to ‘wavelength. However, another study |4) conducted an experi- ‘mental study of fin-tube heat exchanger by using sinusoidal fins with specific geometric perimeters and found that influence of waffle height on heat transfer performance and pressure drop is not quite pronounced, £82. Ffects of fins and tube’s geometry and pattern Refs. [111,143] discussed the importance of fins and tube's ‘geometry and pattern on heat transfer and friction factor of plate finned-tube heat exchanger based on experimental study. It was noticed that fin thickness imparts significant impact on j-factor fr heat transfer at the expense of low pressure drop. The exper ‘mental study in Ref [144] elucidated the impact of tube diameter ‘on heat transfer characteristics of CHXs. It was noticed that tubes with larger diameter compare to smaller ones reduces the heat transfer performance and also increases the flow resistance which augment significant pressure drop. The experimental study in Ref. 145} investigated convective heat transfer from cam shaped tube banks arranged in inline manner while keeping the Reynold ‘number in the range between 27,000 and 42,500. It was concluded that tubes position and shape has significant influence on drag coefficient and heat transfer rate. It was noticed that cam shaped tubes yield comparatively higher thermo-hydraulic performance factor than circular tubes due to its preferable aerodynamic shape. ‘While the corresponding friction factor for cam shaped tubes was {ound noticeably lower than circular tubes. In Ref. [146] an empit- ical investigation was performed to acknowledge the impact of flatting tubes and nanoparticle on boiling heat transfer. It was found that flatter tube yield higher heat transfer augmentation ratio as compared to round tubes. A comprehensive review study in Ret. [52] extensively demonstrated the importance of curved tubes with conventional and Nanofluid as working fuid in aug- ‘mentation of thermo-hydraulic performance of compact heat exchangers. An experimental study in Ref. [147] evaluated the effect of dimples in flat tubes on heat transfer performance of com- pact heat exchanger. It was noticed that dimples in flat tubes leads to the higher heat transfer augmentation Tactor Ref. [48] worked our the effect of the fin thickness on the j and ‘factor with different fin pitches (1.41 mm, 1.81 mm and 2.54 mm) by keeping the number of tube rows constant (N = 2) It was found that as the fin thickness increases, j factor increases regardless of Fp. The rise ofthe fin thickness leads tothe formation of horseshoe vortex at the leading edge of the fin to the upstream rows of the 180} ¥ continuous wavy fin(eomparison) 160} 4 discontinuous fin ‘© staggered fin '40> a fin with vortex-generator ° 120 ” 2 eo HX. Which leads to the better air flow mixing and in result heat transfer performance increases. For N > 2 the effect ofthe fin thick- ress is depicted on the j and f factor against Re in Fig. 19. At Re-< 1800, j factor decreases with increasing the fin thickness while at Re> 2500 J factor increases with increasing the fin thickness, It could be explained as the fin thickness increases for 4 and 6 row tube configurations, the reduction in free flow area occurs caused by reduction of fin spacing. So, better low mixing does not occur ice. fluid exchange tends to vanish at the inside and outside of the wake region behind the tubes. However, when the Reynold ‘number inereases downstream turbulence eddies tends to disap- pear which leads to a better flow mixing so heat transfer perfor- ‘mance rises. In Ref. [97] experimental and numerical study investigated the impact of crucial fins parameters on thermody- namic Features of compact heat exchangers. It was noticed that 4s the fin length decreases both Colburn (j) and friction (f) factor increases. A numerical study in Ref. [149] evaluated the impact of different crucial parameters of staggered pin fin on heat transfer performance of fin-and-tube heat exchanger. It was noticed that thermo-hydraulic performance is positively influenced at the expense of higher friction factor by various pin-fin length, pin-fin height and pin-fin number around N tubes. ‘While Refs. [87,150,151] claimed that fin thickness do not play any significantly role in improving sufficient amount of heat trans- {er performance. Furthermore, rise in fin thickness could lead to the higher pressute drop. The formation of complex flow pattern and recirculation zones is the main reason of negligible influence ff fin thickness on heat transfer coefficient and quite significant impact on pressure drop of heat exchangers. However, optimum fin thickness could increase surface area and increase mean veloc- ity. After examining above discussion carefully, it can be noticed that contradiction between different authors wark is quite obvious Which directly relates to the fact that individual impact of waffle hheight and fin thickness on thermodynamic efficiency of heat exchanger is not quite prominent ie. by varying other crucial perimeters such as Reynold number, fin spacing, tube rows num- ber, pattern and alignment of fins and tubes along with varying ‘waifle height and fin thickness values, heat transfer performance is certainly influenced. An experimental study in Ref. [152] demon- strated the impact of fin pattern on thermal performance of fin- and-tube heat exchanger. Fg. 20 depicts the impact of continuous fins, discontinuous fins, staggered fins and fins with vortex genes- ators on overall heat transfer coefficient (h) and pressure drop (AP). It can be seen that staggered fins yield comparatively higher heat transfer coefficient than other fins as the Re number increases, while the corresponding pressure drop penalty is also significantly continuous wavy fin(comparison) 1000), Fy has no effect on j and f factor and at Tower Reynolds number (Re< 1000) j factor decreases with the reduction of fin spacing. ‘Staggered alignment as compared to inline alignment of tubes Jn CHXs leads to the higher heat transfer performance at the expense of larger pressure drop. ewas reported by many investigators that number of tube rows thas negligible impact on friction factor (0). Elliptical tubes provide lesser drag as compared to circular ‘tubes which is the main reason that aval tubes yield better heat transfer characteristics. Position of tubes in downstream region instead of upstream region is preferred as higher heat transfer enhancement appears due to the significant horseshoe vortex formation, Fin thickness and waffle height along with the variation of other important perimeter like tube row number, fin spacing, align- ‘ment and pattern of fins and tubes etc. have significant influ- cence on thermo-hydraulic performance of heat exchangers. Genetic algorithm (GA) technique, Bees algorithm, multi- ‘objective algorithm and z-NTU model can play significant role in finding out most crucial optimized parameters for better ‘designing of compact heat exchangers (CHXS). Conflict of interest ‘The authors declared that there is no conflict of interest. References [NY AA, mayan, AS. 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