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animals was conducted on more scientific principles.


United Kingdom, 1891-1905.

19m. P.M. At the Greenwich Observatory, by a Robinson

axes parallel, then by changing the signs of x, e, x,

1768-1792; Benjamin West (resigned), 1792-1805; James Wyatt

by the Rhone in the south-east of the depart- . ment. West

on physical and psychological grounds; and it may be said

have produced a similar effect, and have also provided a means

story, El Sombrero de tres picos, a most ingenious resetting

Original Sources of the Quran, passim (1905). (S. A. C.)

contained in MSS. at Paris and Leiden, are quite Aissimiiar

Bologna. After the death of her father in 1752 she carried

Number of Cash Share

Washington. Crossing the Potomac, he marched eastward, and,

details of which are quite uncertain--that three of the fanatic

and soon afterwards fixed the 1st of June as the date on

alloy. So long as the metal was principally regarded as a

ABATED, an ancient technical term applied in masonry and

under Arab control was that of Nubia, where a Christian

flowering plants. Enteromorpha, Asperococcus and Adenocystis

Towards evening it reveals its presence by a clear whistling

than three acres unless it produced at least $500 worth of

and a knowledge of French which afterwards stood her in good

supply, however, the root-crops, gross feeders as they are,

enabled Titus Salt (q.v.), then a young Bradford manufacturer,

body. The methods in use are as follows: (1) Inhalation

was ratified by a covenant. The description is particularly

philosophical reaction against Herbert Spencer, and by

the Moslem world, in Aleppo with Saif-ud-Daula (to whom he

father of mineralogy,'' was born at Glauchau in Saxony on the

exists, or to a statutory alien, i.e. one who has become

Singh, who is said to have ascended the throne in 1695. In

Charles became constable of France, and was killed at the

Plotinus. As Zeller points out, however, there is reason

catching ``the careless facility with which Anacreon appears to

has been brought so positively against him, cannot easily

Syriacum. Talmudico-Rabbinicci et Arabicum.

overtook the Portuguese expedition and warned its leader that

Braemar, the deer forest being the most extensive in Scotland.

of 365 days (366 in leap-year) begins on the 1st of Maskarram,

obtained grants of fairs at the feasts of St Giles (afterwards

wrought iron in the manufacture of edge-tools. (E. J. R.)

larger crater of the Alban volcano (see ALBANUS MONS) and more

crops been grown on gradually diminishing areas.

be inexpedient.'' For nearly twenty years the spirit of that

the presence of a Russian squadron in the Mediterranean. In

classic syntheses of benzene homologues. Aluminium bromide,

picturesque mountain scenery in the state. A short distance

El Motamid called in Yusef ibn Tashfin, the Almoravide (see

crown. If the proper patron fails to exercise his right within

held by the kings of Portugal, was first assumed by

moved forward towards one of the ends of the trough where

incident radiation its absorptive power would be 1. A body

resigned his position at St Bartholomew's Hospital in 1827,

cutlers and grinders, trencher-makers, tanners, curriers,

prominent men of that time. James Bowdoin was its first

R. Recte, Res, Respublica, Retro, Rex, Ripa, Roma, Romanus,

quarter of the 19th century) to the head of the Valtellina,

is throughout at Athens; the imaginary writers are country

Kolea. The Mejerda and its affluent the Mellegue, rivers

especially in law to call in the aid of a counsel or witness,

ended, and Abd-el-Aziz took the reins of government into his own

farm and was cultivated by the villeins and their oxen under

convenient. For the field-days of the combined arms, the

of the duke to the grand-duchess Marie Alexandrovna, only

quartzite is generally regarded as the highest member of the

these the Mont Genevre and the Brenner were the most frequented,

later. It was burned by the English king, Edward III., in

yeasts, and as the human body is, generally speaking, less

of the modern French word accolade), or a slight blow on

Paepe, in Rive gauche and La liberte (1867-1883). Many

AUTHORITIES.--Apart from the scattered references in the

any conspicuous part. To Metternich he was a madman to be

seminary under the superintendence of the professors. Both

and in the next year Leicester and York both submitted to

m., its greatest length is 59 m. and its greatest breadth 48 1/2

advantage to occupy a number of villages and towns adjudged

of the foremost men in state and church, though his ardent

It was the apparent triumph of the principles of disorder

enemy of all heretics, including his own countrymen. Allacci

preparatory to an alliance with France, which, however, was

Paris, and finally settled in Lombardy, where, thanks to the

gate of the Byzantine general Solomon. But all these ruins

in the same libel (Newell v. Norton, 3 Wallace 257; the

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