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Contract Law Defined

A contract is an agreement giving rise to obligations which are enforced by law.

Contract law covers specific agreements that parties make amongst each others.

Contract law developed significantly in the 19th century. This expansion of industrial and
commercial activities led to an increased demand for clearer rules and enforceability of private
agreements between parties.

Printing and Numerical Registering Co. v

Sampson (1875): "If there is one thing more
than another which public policy requires, it is
men of full age and competent understanding
shall have the utmost liberty in contracting,
and that their contracts, when entered into
freely and voluntarily, shall be held sacred and
shall be enforced by Courts of Justice. "
Classifying Contracts
Deeds - Formal legal documents whihc require certain formalities to be
observed, such as to be signed, witnesses and delivered.

Simple Contracts - Contracts which can be made orally or in writing and

which do not require the formalities of a deed.

Bilateral Contracts - Contracts that involve two parties who make

promises to each other.

Unilateral Contracts - These types of contracts involve one party making

a promise.
Forms of Contracts


Oral Hybrid
Anatomy of a Contract
Type of Contract - Eg. Sale of Land
Description of the Parties
Definitions/ Interpretation Section (Optional)
Main Clauses - consideration + subject matter of the agreement
Provisos and Exceptions
Testimonium and attestation clauses
Signatures or Marks
Witnesses (Optional)
Elements of a Valid Contract
Offer Acceptance Consideration

Intention to Create Legal Relations

Capacity of Parties
Resource Corner
Introduction to Contract Law:

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