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There are received 68,000 kg/h of steam by an ideal regenerative engine, having only
one heater, of which the heater receives 15,400 kg/h; the condenser receives the
remainder at 0.007 MPa. If the heater pressure is 0.96 MPa, find the state (quality or
°SH) of the steam (a) at the heater entrance and (b) at the condenser entrance. Ans.
(a) saturated (b) 78.5% quality.
2. A turbine with one extraction for regenerative feedwater heating, receives steam with
an enthalpy of 3373 kJ/kg and discharges it with an exhaust enthalpy of 2326 kJ/kg.
The ideal regenerative feedwater heater receives 11, 338 kg/h of extracted steam at 345
kPa (whose h = 2745 kJ/kg). The feedwater (condensate from the condenser) enters the
heater with an enthalpy of 140 kJ/kg and departs saturated at 345 kpa (hf = 582 kJ/kg).
Calculate the turbine output in kW. Ans. 18,116 Kw
3. A 10,000-kW turbogenerator operating at rated capacity receives 52,000 kg/h of steam
at 2.90 MPa and 3100C, exhaust is at 0.007 MPa. At 1.20 MPa and 2300C, there are
actually extracted 20% of throttle flow for regenerative heating of feedwater. The
generator efficiency is 95%. For an ideal engine, find (a) the quantity of steam
extracted, kg/h (b) W and (c) e. For the actual engine, find (d) the temperature of
feedwater from the open heater, (e) ηk and (f) the approximate enthalpy of exhaust
steam and its quality. Ans. (a) 12,428 kg/h; (b) 787.3 kJ/kg, (c) 35.48%, (d)
167.50C, (e) 87.9%, (f) 2143.8 kJ/kg, 82.2%.
4. A 25,000 kW turbo-generator is supplied with 128,000 kg/h of steam at 2.50 MPa and
4000C when developing its rated load. There are actually extracted 10,400 kg/h at 0.3
MPa and 8300 kg/h at 0.06 MPa. The condenser pressure is 0.007 MPa and actual
feedwater temperature is 1270C. For the ideal engine find (a) various percentages of
extracted steam and (b) e. For the actual engine, find (c) the various percentages, (d)
mk, (e) ek, and (f) ηk, (g) Find the approximate enthalpy of the exhaust if the generator
efficiency is 96%. Ans. (a) 8.5%, 7.8%; (b) 37.1%; (c) 8.12%, 6.48%; (d) 5.12;
(e) 26%; (f) 70.7%; (g) 2460 kJ/kg

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