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Carlos Sánchez Criado

For the last decades, if not centuries, the origin of food was not a matter of concern. This
changed when the appearance of new diseases, like the so called “mad cows’ disease”. As a
result of an act of negligence, thousands of people around the globe ended up intoxicated, and
from then on, many studies were performed to make sure that processed food would no
longer be a danger.

On the first text, the writer suggests that many organic food shoppers, don´t even know what
genetic alteration really is, and that they buy organic food for the sake of it being new and
trendy. Another concern is the real origin of food, some producers even lying about the
production method just to adopt new costumers on the expense of tricking consumers. Then,
there is the price, reachable to a few.

On the other hand, the second text is all about the benefits of organic food, health specifically,
with the avoidance of chemicals, as many and many farmers nowadays decide not to add them
into their products. The concern raises every day, although it is not entirely necessary, as the
benefits and the harms of these chemicals have not been proven, therefore, most worries are
based on conspiracies and the true ignorance really shines.

As a conclusion, buying organic food has its pros and cons. It is supposed to be healthier and
trust-worthy, but on the other hand, it lasts less and prices are way too high. It would be worth
for those able to afford it.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is an open world, role game set on the Holy Roman Empire, more
specifically on the Kingdom of Bohemia (actual Czech Republic), on the 15 th Century. Your
character is Henry, the son of a blacksmith whose village is destroyed by Luxembourger
soldiers and it is on that point, when your adventure begins.

The game is an RPG (Role Playing Game) and that includes features such as inventory
management, difficult controls and different kind of stats (health, strength, stamina, hunger…).
The difficulty of it, varies on its different forms of playability. What may be mundane actions
on other games like riding a horse, using a sword or defending yourself using a shield are way
too hard, almost uncomfortable, but one could say that is the appealing of it, to make you feel
like a mere peasant, just like your character.

Talking about the context of the game, there have been many complaints and it has been a
controversy about races of the characters in-game. No, there are no black characters in this
game, but simple because in 1403, there weren´t any back then. As a result of this, lots of
accusations of racism have been made against the game director. However, the depiction of
this medieval Europe is spot on. Clothes, constructions and other kind of art are recreated with
an astonishing level of detail, delighting any historian.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a difficult game and definitely not for everyone, but through
patience and enthusiasm, a masterpiece of a videogame comes to the eyes of the history
enthusiasts. For those gamers who play on a PC, be warned, this game is not very well
optimized and it may mean not having the most fluent experience, specially with many items

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