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Carlos Sánchez Criado

Humans are what they are due to experiences from past, present and future. It is
thanks to experiences that people are able to learn, from exact situations that they can
act accordingly. Despite them being positive or negative, their importance should not
be underrated.
On the first text, the main point of view is of past as a positive subject, which value
must not be forgotten. A very strong argument given is that memories themselves
allow us human to not make the same mistakes twice, as we learn from them. But not
only they should be taken into consideration in negative circumstances, but in positive
ones as well, good times with friends from past days that could have marked lives.
On the other hand, the second text talks about past with from a negative point of view.
Memories should no be thrust worthy, using the example of policemen depending of
memories from witnesses to solves cases and identifying suspects. It is also mentioned
that memories shape people, although this idea does not seem to be the main idea of
the author, just to balance the text and not being so negative.
As a conclusion, past must no be forgotten. Liked or not, it is part of what we humans
are, for good or bad, it shapes us, our personality and the decisions we will make in the
future, even though memories are not always as reliable as expected, with failures
every now and then.

Strictly speaking, clothes are just pieces of fabric (most of the times) used to cover skin
in order to protect ourselves from cold and to avoid showing our most intimate parts
to the rest of the world. But, depending on the kind of clothing, different information
could be received.
The first text refers to the dress code as something that must give confidence to the
customers, meaning that trust can be perceived and that the job will be taken seriously
and professionally and that there is nothing else to be worried about. Cases like this
one can be found in workplaces such as a bank office or at a law firm, where it is most
weird seeing employees wearing casual clothes.
Meanwhile, the second text treats clothing in a slightly different way. Instead of
providing safety and comfort, uniforms should be used to impose fear, intimidation
and respect, but exactly this could make some people uncomfortable, and being
therefore, a disadvantage for such clothing carriers. On occasions were dealing with
people is mandatory, informal clothes might be a better choice.
At the end, to ensure that buyers or customers in general are comfortable, suits should
not be mandatory, as they are usually used in places where something bad is about to
happen, like when going to a bank, and usually money is taken from them, jus like in
law firms, as mentioned before. Also, many forms of media and pop culture have
depicted these businessmen as evil, only caring for money and self-benefit, so, in my
opinion, a compromise should be reached when talking about dressing codes, and if
they are designed to attend the audience or not.

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