Gutiérrez - 358052 - 21 - Fase3 - Ingles

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Fase 3

Parques eólicos como proyecto limpio

Lesly Karime Gutiérrez Naranjo

Código: 1057 489 419

N.º grupo: 358052-21

Nombre Tutor

Cesar Augusto Guarín

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia – UNAD

Programa Agronomía

Bogotá, octubre del 2022


For a long time, the implementation of renewable and clean energies has been carried out,

in these energies we can find solar, hydraulic, wind energy, among others. The use of these

energies is carried out since these energies mitigate CO2 pollution as well as other pollutants that

can be generated by today's energies, another advantage of these energies is that they use

inexhaustible resources that do not depend on any machine. Therefore it is important that day by

day the implementation of these is carried out in our homes, our work.


❖ Wind Farm

❖ Wind

❖ Environmental pollution

❖ Inexhaustible resources

In the following document, the importance of the implementation of wind farms in the

Boyacá region is disclosed, since its strong winds make it favorable for their implementation. The

implementation of these parks in Duitama, Tunja, as well as in other departments, has been under

way for some time. Although the implementation of wind farms is known to be a clean

alternative source that will help with the reduction of CO2 emissions. These parks use wind

energy, therefore they would be inexhaustible and clean resources, on the other hand, they would

have a disadvantage that would obstruct a small part of the green area and would be obstacles for

migrating birds.
1. Link Canva



2. The area where the development of the wind farm is located is in the municipality of


Image 1. Source: Own

Image 2. Source: (National University of Colombia, 2018)

For the measurement of the winds in the department of Boyacá, it was taken from 26

meteorological stations, establishing the indices from 1969 to 2015, and in daily-monthly

The investigation also specifies that 23 units are from the Institute of Hydrology,

Meteorology and Environmental Studies (Ideam) and the other three from the Cundinamarca

Regional Autonomous Corporation (CAR).

The content highlights the peak of the daily wind speed in most of said department, which

coincides with point one of the average demand curve for energy in Colombia between 11:00

a.m. and 1:00 p.m. m.

Boyacá is one of the ideal sites due to the high levels of wind speed, its location also

allows for space to land solar initiatives for power generation.

3. I live in the city of Bogotá, in the Bosa neighborhood. For a long time we have been

hearing that the implementation of the metro in the city of Bogotá will be carried out, for

this they use various tools and machines to carry out these activities of this project. For

this reason, in the workshop patio of the first line of the Bogotá metro, in Bosa, a solar

plant is being implemented in order to reduce pollution, where it does not produce noise,

does not require fuel and does not generate CO2 emissions. . The new plant, which has

three LED lights, 24,000 lumens, 600 meters of coverage and up to 10 meters high, 12

hours of autonomy and 900 watts generated by photovoltaic solar energy.

For this reason, it would seem to me that in some of the metro stations a wind

farm could be adapted, since it would help with the reduction of emissions and obtain less

consumption of electrical energy. Which would be of great contribution both for the

metro since it would have a reduction in its expenses; It would be a tourist site where it

would also be of great benefit to both the city and the company, since day by day the

implementation of renewable or clean energies is generated and it is a great contribution

to our environment since more and more is seeing more affected as the air, rivers, the

ozone layer, among other factors. That is why it seems important to me to carry out the

implementation of renewable energies to mitigate all these impacts that are affecting us

and are killing us every day.

Let us let our families or close friends know the importance of these energies so

that they help in their jobs or at home to reduce energy use and propose ideas that can

help the environment.

´´If we act on time we can enjoy it longer´´


❖ It can be concluded that the implementation of wind farms in our city or region is a way

to help the environment and the population since with this innovative idea pollution is

mitigated and some expenses are reduced that can be used for other necessary things, and

Day by day, new innovative ideas will be implemented to have a clean and healthy


La nota positiva . (s.f.). Obtenido de Para el año 2021 Boyacá será uno de lso departamentos que

proveera energía eólica al país.:


Metro Bogotá. (Marzo de 2022). Obtenido de Con energia renovable se avanza en la adecuación de

terrenos en el patio taller del metro de Bogotá:


Portafolio . (17 de julio de 2019). Obtenido de Boyacá, Nuevo foco para las fuentes de energías



Universidad Nacional de Colombia. (16 de Julio de 2018). Obtenido de Tres municipios de Boyacá con

potencial para generar energia eolica:


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