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The Renaissance is said by many to be the golden

age of painting.

Abby: During the Renaissance, painters embraced classicism (simplicity, balance, clarity. A major strain
of Renaissance was mannerism : the deliberate pursuit of novelty and complexity.

In painting, mannerism entailed distortion of physical forms (e.g. elongated human

anatomy), unnatural colouring and lighting, in addition arrangement of figures in complex poses, and
somewhat called imbalanced,

(Here are the most famous painters of the period

Leonardo da Vinci,
 Leonardo has often been described as the archetype of the "Renaissance
man", a man whose seemingly infinite curiosity was equalled only by his
powers of invention. He is widely considered to be one of the greatest
painters of all time and perhaps the most diversely talented person ever to
have lived.
 It is primarily as a painter that Leonardo was
and is renowned. Two of his works, the Mona
Lisa and The Last Supper occupy unique
positions as the most famous, most
reproduced and most parodied portrait and
religious painting of all time.


 Michelangelo became one of the most influential artists of the High Renaissance period.
 Michelangelo painted with traditional techniques instead of creating new or implementing complex
painting techniques

 Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino known as Raphael,[5] was an Italian painter and architect of
the High Renaissance. His work is admired for its clarity of form, ease of composition, and
visual achievement of the Neoplatonic ideal of human grandeur.

 Tiziano Vecelli or Vecellio
1. Titian was one of the most versatile of Italian painters, equally adept with portraits, landscape
backgrounds, and mythological and religious subjects. His painting methods, particularly in
the application and use of colour, exercised a profound .
The Last Supper

 The Last Supper is a painting produced in
 This painting exemplifies the
three years 1495-1498. by Italian artist belief that figures should express
Leonardo da Vinci. emotional and psychological
 One of the most representative and realism. The Last Supper is
analyzed masterpieces of The a visual interpretation of the
Renaissance and has considered as one of night Jesus is tells his disciples
the most controversial works of all time. It’s
that he will be betrayed. Jesus
one of the most recognizable pieces of art in
history. gathered them all and tell them he
know what was coming and to
wash their feet.

MONA LISA Mona Lisa is one of the most

prominent and recognizable paintings in the

world and is considered the greatest masterpiece

 Leonardo da Vinci began
painting the Mona of its author, Leonardo da Vinci.
Lisa about 1503
 revolutionizing
contemporary portrait The painting is a half-length
painting portrait painting and depicts a woman
 It was painted around
whose facial expression is frequently
1504, and has been
considered one of the described as enigmatic.
best known and most
valuable masterpieces
The ambiguity of the subject's expression, the monumentality of the composition, and the
every created.
subtle modeling of forms and atmospheric illusionism were novel qualities that have
contributed to the continuing fascination and study of the work.
 begin around 1600 and continuing throughout the 17th century, painting is
characterized as Baroque.
 the greatest painters of the Baroque are Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Rubens, Velázquez,
Poussin, and Vermeer.

 Baroque painting is the painting associated with the Baroque

cultural movement, which began in Italy in the 17th century. In its
most typical manifestations, Baroque painting is characterized by
great drama, rich, deep color, and intense light and dark shadows.

1. The Calling of St. Matthew

 The subject traditionally was

represented either indoors or out,
sometimes saint matthew is shown
inside a building with christ outside.
Following the biblical text, summoning
him through a window.

The Calling of Saint Matthew is a

masterpiece by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, depicting the
moment at which Jesus Christ inspires Matthew to follow him.

painting shows a group of tax collectors
gathered around a table in a dimly lit, ordinary
room. A dash of light sweeps the canvas from
right to left and illuminates the scene, creating
Caravaggio's signature lighting technique
known as chiaroscuro. (the contrast of light
and shadow

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