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School: BatStateU-ARASOF Grade Level: Grade 9

Teacher: Khunakene Facullo Learning Area: English 9
Lesson Plan Teaching Quarter: 1st Quarter
Teaching 2:00- 3:00 pm No. Of Days: 1

 Content The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ he
Standards understanding of British-American Literature, including Philippine Literatur
and other text types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and thos
of other countries.
 Performance The learner actively participates in a speech choir through using effectiv
Standards verbal and non-verbal strategies based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice
Delivery, Facial Expressions, Body Movements/ Gestures and Audienc

 Learning MELC: Express permission, obligation, and prohibition using

Competencies modals. (Eng9_Q1_W1):

At the end of the lesson the student should be able to:

1. Differentiate the use of modals of permission,

obligation, and prohibition
2. Create a sentence using modals and
3. Appreciate the use of modals in communication.

II. CONTENT Modals: Prohibition, Obligation Permission

A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide
Pages Quarter 1 lesson 1 module pages 1 to 12
b. Learner’s
Material Pages Quarter 1 lesson 1 module pages 1 to 10
Value Focus: Faith, Responsibility, Innovation, Goal-Oriented, Optimism
B. List of Learning
Think Global, Study English
Resources for
Development and prohibition-obligation-no-obligation
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary A. Prayer
“Good afternoon class.”
" Good afternoon,
“Before we start our today’s discussion, may I ask ma'am."
someone to lead the prayer.” "The student will lead
the prayer."
B. Greeting/Checking of Attendance
“Good afternoon, everyone.” “Good afternoon,
"Class secretary, may I know who is absent today?" (Class secretary will
stand up)
“Thank you, that’s good to hear. Are you ready for
our lesson for today?" “No one is absent toda
C. The setting of Classroom rules “Yes, ma’am.”
“Before we proceed to our class discussion, I would
like to remind everyone that you have to use the “Yes, ma’am.”
raise hand button before you turn on your
microphone to raise questions or clarification. You
may also use our in-call message box. Understood?”

"Now, let us start."

D. Review
Let's have a short review before we proceed to our
next topic. I have here a video presentation and I
want you all to observe it.
(The teacher will present a video.)

“Okay, class, after watching the video, what is your


“Yes, Ms. Alamag”

“So, after watching th

video, I noticed th
"That’s right, those involve modals." different modals.”

“So, what are modals? Anyone from the class”

“Yes, Ms. Gamez”

"Modals are a specia

kind of auxiliary o
helping verbs. It uses
“Very good, Ms. Gamez” verb that cannot wor
without another verb."
"Who can give some examples of modals from the
video you watched?"

“Yes, Ms.Liwanag”

"Excellent!" “Can, could, would, will”

"Thank you to those who actively participated in our

review. I can see that you all have prior knowledge
about what we’re going to discuss today. "

E. Lesson Objectives
(The teacher will present the learning objectives.)
"Kindly read the learning objectives for today's
discussion Ms./Mr. "

At the end of the lesson the student should be able

At the end of the lesso
1. Differentiate the use of modals of permission, the student should b
obligation, and prohibition able to:

1. Differentiate th
use of modals o
2. Create a sentences using modals and permission, obligation
and prohibition
3. Appreciate the use of modals in 2. Create
sentences using moda
communication. and
3. Appreciate th
use of modals i
B. Activity “So, before we start our lesson, let’s have an activity
(The teacher will present the activity and will read
the directions.)
Directions: Create a sentence utilizing modal verbs
by using the images below.

“So, who wants to try to answer in the first picture?”

“Yes, Ms. Francisco”
1. “Sir, may I go out?”

“Yes, very good.”

“How about the second picture, who wants to try?”

“Yes, Ms. Adoptante” “I can dance.”

“Okay, very good.”

“Okay, so let’s proceed to the next picture. Who
wants to answer?”

“Yes, Ms. Baustista”

“I should work out

“Nice answer”
because I’m getting fat
“Who wants to answer the next picture?”
“Yes, Mr. Aninao”
“Can I borrow your
4. notebook?”

“Very good.”

“For the last picture, who wants to answer?”

“Yes, Mr. Nodora” "My room is getting dirty
5. so I should clean it."

“Okay, very good class. Thank you for your active

participation. So now let’s dig deeper into our topic
which is “Modal verbs”.
C. Analysis "When we want to express permission, prohibition
(not allowing something), and obligation, we use
modal verbs. A while ago, some of you already gave
an example and were able to use it in a sentence
that expresses ability and polite request. Now, let us
see what the other uses of it are. Situations would
be given to you and all you have to do is to create a
simple conversation/dialog.

“Let’s start! Who wants to try the first situation?”

Situation number 1.
“Ma’am can I take th
You have an online exam this afternoon but due to quiz tomorrow? M
power interruption, you know you can make it until phone will shut dow
afternoon because you only have 9% of battery left. soon and it can’t make
What will you say to your teacher? until afternoon. We st
don’t have electricity
our area. Thank yo
“Okay, very good. Now, what modals did you use in “The modal ‘Can’”
your sentence?”
“Why did you use the modal ‘can’?” “I use it because I wa
to ask my teacher
permission about gettin
the exam the other day

“That’s right. If you observed, ‘can’ is the most often

used to ask for or give permission. It could be in a
form of question or a simple statement like:”

“Can I sit here?

“Can you be my date?
“You can use my room if you need a silent place”

“Aside from ‘can’ and ‘may’ what do you think are “May and could”
the other words we can use to ask permission?”
“That’s right. Thank you for your answers”

The use of ‘may’ and ‘could’ are also possible even

though they are not used as often as can. ‘May is
formal and used to express actions that are more
likely to happen, while might is informal and use with
less likely events. While ‘could, on the other hand
can be used to refer to past actions and express

Now let us try to use another verb.

(The student w
“I need two students who can give a sentence using answer)
can’t and mustn’t. Who wants to try?”
(Students will raise their hand)
Ms. Sanggalang: “W
“Yes Ms. Sanggalang, you are going to use ‘can’t’ in can’t allow you to driv
a sentence base on the situation below and ‘mustn’t’ Sir, it’s too dangerous”
for Mr. Aninao.
Mr. Aninao: You mustn
Situation 2: You see a jeepney driver which seems drive if you are drun
drunk but he still insists to drive. What will you say to Sir.

“A sentence that doe

not allow something
“What type of sentence you think you have said?” happen”

“That’s correct; therefore, we can say those “Yes, Ma’am”

sentences is an example of prohibition. ‘Can’t and
‘mustn’t (must not) are used to show that something
is prohibited (not allowed). ‘can’t’ usually gives the
idea of something that is against the rules. On the
other hand, ‘mustn’t’ usually means that it is the
speaker who is setting the rule. Understood?”
(Students raise the
“Now let’s try other modal verbs. During pandemic 1. “You must wear
(hard lockdown) everyone do the following: “Can you face mask.”
please read Ms. Alamag” 2. “You have to
make sure that
1. “You must wear face mask.”
you are negative
of the virus.”
2. “You have to make sure that you are negative
of the virus.”

“Yes Ma’am, becaus

that is for our safety”

That’s right. Now based on what you have read, do

you think those things are important? Why do think “Must and have to”
“Of course, also, that is our obligation as a citizen.
To obey the law and other protocols specially when
Covid-19 came. So, what verbs did we use to “Must is use if it
express obligation? important and “have to
if it’s not that important.

What do you think is the difference between the

“Okay that’s quite correct. Thank you.
“’Have to’ and ‘must’ are both used to express
obligation. There is a slight difference in the way that
they are both used. ‘Have to’ shows that the
obligation comes from someone else, not the
speaker. This is referring to a rule or law.
Ex. My doctor said that I have to stop smoking, or I’ll
risk serious problems. (I have to choice)

While ‘Must’ shows us that the obligation comes

from the speaker.
Ex: I must stop smoking. It’s costing me too much “Yes Ma’am”
money. (It’s my decision)

“No Ma’am.”
Are we all clear?

Do you have any question?

“Okay, now we are going to test your understanding”
D. Abstraction (The teacher will ask question/s about the topic
leading to the achievement of the objective.)
"Now that you have asked me everything you
wanted to ask, I guess this is the time for me to
check your understanding. Are you ready?" “Yes Sir!”

“What are the different uses of modal of permission,

obligation and prohibition?”
“We use the modal o
permission whe
making requests o
permission. Next, w
use modals o
obligation, those tha
recommendation o
moral obligation. Lastly
we use the modal o
prohibition to show tha
something is prohibite
—it is not allowed.

“Very well-said Ms.Ilao”

“Why do you think it is important for us to know and

appreciate the use of modals in communication?”
"I think it is important fo
“Yes, Ms. Gamez” us to know the variou
uses of modal verbs i
permission, obligation
and prohibition i
different situations
Thus, we will be able t
know what type of ver
we are going to use

“Very well-said!”
“Thank you everyone for your active participation.”
E. Application “Do you have any questions or clarifications
regarding on our lesson?”
“None, Sir.”

“So, if none, we can now proceed in our activity.”

“(The teacher will present the activity.)

"Directions: Complete the given paragraph about

COVID-19 by supplying the right modal. Choose the
correct modal inside the box. "

Must Have to (The students w

participate in a
don’t have to Must have to interactive activity.)

In our day-to-day living with the outbreak of Corona

Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), we are advised (1. Must)
that we 1. _________ always wear a mask when
going out of our homes. We 2. _________ always
abide by the protocols in order to be safe and away (2. Have to)
from harm. The government is working very hard so
that we 3. ________be always outside looking for
food and essential needs. We 4. _______ wash our (3.don’t have to)
hands regularly and observe social distancing. We 5.
__________ensure that we are doing our part to
keep ourselves healthy. COVID-19 has created a (4. must)
global health crisis that has completely changed the
way we perceive our world and our everyday lives.
We 4. _________ wash our hands regularly and (5. have to)
observe social distancing. We 5. _______ see to it
that we will be doing our roles in keeping ourselves
healthy. COVID-19 has created a global health crisis
that has completely changed the way we perceive
our world and our everyday lives. "
“Very good class! Give yourself a very good clap.”

“This is how it goes: Clap!,clap!,clap!, clap!, clap!

Very good! Very Good!”

“Now, it’s your turn.”

“Clap!,clap!,clap!, clap!
clap! Very good! Very
“Great job! Thank you for all your active participation
in our activity. I hope that you learned something.”
F. Assessment For your assessment, I'll send the link here in our
google meet. For part one, you are going to choose
“None, Ma’am”
the letter of the correct modal used in the sentence.
For part two, read the sentences carefully and (The student will answe
choose the appropriate modal in italics, and please the assessment i
type your answers in all caps. Is there any provided google form.)
1. You _____ answer at least one question.
A. may B. must C. have
2. _____I borrow your notebook?
A. may B. must C. have
3. You _____ go into that restaurant without a
A. can’t B. may C. have
4. You _____ use your phone in class.
A. should B. must C. mustn’t
5. I really _____ call my parents.
A. can B. must C. may
Fill in the blanks. Read the sentences and choose
the appropriate modal in italics. PLEASE TYPE
6. Look at my new mobile phone. It must / can
play movies!
7. What's your new phone number? I
can't/mustn't remember it.
8. Can you change my appointment? I'm busy
so I won't be able to / don't have to come at eleven
o'clock tomorrow.
9. Janine can/must be in the office now. I saw
her go in ten minutes ago.
10. My wallet's gone! Someone can/ must have
stolen it!

V. Assignment As part of your assignment, you will conduct an

interview with a family member and outline at least
ten house rules using modals. You may submit your
work via pdf format or document format. “None, Ma’am”
“Do you have questions or clarifications about your
“Thank you Ma’am/Sir!
“If none, then I will take a screenshot of today's
attendance. Thank you!”

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