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Aerospace Science and Technology 65 (2017) 54–61

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Aerospace Science and Technology


Optimization of solar-powered hybrid airship conceptual design

Lanchuan Zhang, Mingyun Lv ∗ , Junhui Meng, Huafei Du
School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper aims to develop a high-altitude solar-powered hybrid airship, which combines aerodynamic
Received 12 November 2016 lift and buoyancy with buoyancy force and cruises continuously. A multi-lobed configuration is employed
Accepted 17 February 2017 and the solar irradiance and photovoltaic array model are proposed. After introducing all the parts mass
Available online 27 February 2017
of the hybrid airship and design procedure, an optimal problem with the constraint of energy and the
equilibrium between buoyancy and weight are proposed. Through a hybrid optimization search method,
Hybrid airship the solution is obtained and the sensitivities of geographical location and seasons are discussed. The
Solar array results show a comprehensive influence of the constraint both in latitude and wind field environment.
Conceptual design © 2017 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.

1. Introduction days flight using photovoltaic array panels for propulsion power.
However, the efficiency of the flexible solar cell is only 8% [15],
Development of hybrid airships has been an important stream though the rigid one has a nearly 30% efficiency [16]. And the
in both the military and civil aviation industries for decades and energy supply during the night is also a tough challenge for stor-
will continue to draw great attention in the future. The novel age [17]. It is noteworthy that the fuel cells have more than
projects develop rapidly in decades such as Lockheed Martin Sky- 1000 w h/kg [18] specific energy density than lithium battery with
Tug, Hybrid Air Vehicles Airlander 50 [1] which can carry dozens a 200∼300 w h/kg, which will be a great potential application and
of tons cargo for remote transportation. In addition, hybrid airship weight reduction in energy storage system during night [17]. With
as a high altitude platform can cruise and loiter in the stratosphere an aerodynamic advantage and potential energy system, high alti-
for remote reconnaissance and ground surveillance mission [2,3]. tude hybrid airship design and manufacture are undergoing rapid
Generally, the hybrid airship is a new configuration combining development accordingly.
static buoyancy with aerodynamic lift produced by lifting body and A methodology for sizing of high altitude unconventional air-
vector thrust. One of the important differences from conventional ship was proposed by Ceruti [19], the methodology presented a
airship is an improved aerodynamic configuration which generates parametric approach considering the evolution in materials and
a considerable amount of lift such as delta lifting body, winged technology, new configurations, and modern power and demon-
and multi-lobed shapes [4–9]. With a multi-lift source and high strated a graphical and straightforward mathematical operations
lift–drag ratio, hybrid airship has an adjustable buoyancy ratio (BR) to obtain the solutions. A Multi Disciplinary Optimization (MDO)
which plays an important role distinct from the conventional one. [20] was also presented with heuristic algorithms to optimize the
Based on an great improvement on changeable lift, hybrid air- aerodynamic shape. A comparison among these algorithms has in-
ship can adjust the altitude flexibly to overcome different weather, dicated that the genetic algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Op-
wind field and mission requirement. And the performance is also timization(PSO) had better results than Simulated Annealing (SA)
distinctly different among various configurations such as winged and Monte-Carlo method. Song et al. [2] demonstrated a high al-
and multi-lobed ones. titude winged airship with solar array atop the body and wing.
In addition, as a result of the development of regenerative
A Non-dominated Sorted Genetic Algorithm optimization has been
power lately, clean energies are gradually applied as more durable
carried out to determine the configuration parameters with differ-
and stable power for high altitude hybrid airship such as solar
ent cruise modes for day and night. Jenkins et al. [21] proposed
energy which seems to be inexhaustible [10,11]. Regardless of air-
an optimization design method using a genetic algorithm (GA)
craft types, HAA [12] and HALE [13,14] can both achieve several
for High Altitude Reconnaissance Vehicle (HARVe) which can be
launched from a missile. The power generation system is optimized
subject to constraints on vehicle buoyancy and energy balance.
* Corresponding author at: School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering, Beihang
Alam et al. [22] presented a methodology for conceptual design
University, No. 37 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
E-mail address: lv503@buaa.edu.cn (M. Lv). of a high altitude airship with an improved optimization process.

1270-9638/© 2017 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.
L. Zhang et al. / Aerospace Science and Technology 65 (2017) 54–61 55

By coupling with other optimizations, the methodology sizes the

airship to obtain an optimal solution for some user-defined ob-
jective function. However, it was rare in these studies to discuss
optimization design for a high altitude solar-powered lifting-body
hybrid airship for different flight strategies.
This paper presents details of an optimization design and anal-
yses for initial sizing of solar powered hybrid airship with different
flight conditions. The rest of this paper include: a solar irradiance
and the geometric photovoltaic array on multi-lobed configuration
model is proposed. After introducing the mass distribution and the
design process, an optimization method was used to search the op-
timum solution of the minimum total mass as an objective. Then
the sensitivity analysis is established to research the effects of date
and latitude on the optimal mass of hybrid airship. The obtained
conclusions provide a valuable reference for the preliminary design Fig. 1. Envelope and solar array configuration.
of high altitude hybrid airship.
y 2 + z2 = r 2 (x) 0≤x≤L
2. Conceptual design
Considering the sufficiently small grids as tilted planes instead
2.1. Solar irradiance model of the curved surface of solar panels, the length of each section is
dx along the direction of the rotation axis. And the width along
Ignoring the sky scattering and earth radiation, the solar irradi- the span can be represented as the length of small circular arcs
ance I 0 at the stratospheric altitude can be calculated with: along the circumferential direction. The area of tilted element i j is
 2 defined as A i j , which can be described as [23,24]:
1 + e 0 cos λe 
I = I0
1 − e 20 A i j = rdθ dx 1 + r  (x)2

where I 0 is the solar constant that has a value of 1367 W/m2 , e 0 is where θ is the rotation angle along the circumferential direction.
the orbital eccentricity, for earth e 0 = 0.0016708, the true anomaly To simplify the calculation model, assuming θ0 is the central
λe is given by: angle of solar array for each lobe and the solar array is only laying
on the top surface, l0 is the length of the solar array atop the hull,
λe = θday + 0.0344 sin(θday ) + 3.49 × 10−4 sin(2θday ) the total area of solar array can be expressed by:

θday is the day angle of the sun and is given by: A array = N L Ai j
yi θj
θday = 2π ( N − n)/365.24
where the N L is the number of lobes.
where N is the day number in a year which means N = 1 repre- In the inertial coordinate system, the unit vector of solar di-
sents January 1st and N = 365 December 31st in a non-leap year.  s is a function of elevation angle and azimuth angle
rect radiation n
And the sun radiation power density received by hybrid airship which can be expressed as:
 s = (cos θele cos θazi , − cos θele sin θazi , − sin θele )
P sun = I sin β
While in the body reference frame, the incident solar radiation is
where solar altitude β , the angle between the vector pointing to changed with the different position on the panel attached to the
the sun and its projection on horizontal plane is calculated by: envelope when the time is certain. Therefore, the solar direct radi-
ation on the elements i j can be expressed by
sin β = sin θ sin ϕ + cos θ cos ϕ cos ω(t )
where θ is latitude, ϕ is declination angle: qi j = αproj · I · A i j
   where αproj is the projection coefficient of solar direct radiation
284 + n
ϕ = 23.45π sin 2π × /180 on the grid normal vector through a coordinate transformation.
Assuming the azimuthal angle of the hybrid airship is zero, the
And the ω(t ) is solar hour angle, t is the time of day. average solar irradiance per unit area is calculated using MATLAB
as shown in Fig. 2.
ω(t ) = π − π t /12 Considering the added mass of collector grid network and other
auxiliary components, the mass of the solar array can be expressed
3. Photovoltaic array model as:
As for conventional shape a double ellipsoid and a cylinder in mpanel = ρpanel S panel = ρpanel α S ref R
the middle body to place the solar array, the multi-lobe shape can 2
be considered as several conventional bodies paralleled with the where R is the ratio of the solar cell area atop the HA, α is a factor
photovoltaic array on the top surface as shown in Fig. 1. which is only relevant to the shape of hybrid airship.
Similar to conventional layout, the three portion of solar array
are installed on the upper surface of lobes in symmetric form. As- 3.1. Fuel cell model
suming the lobe is an ellipsoid shape, the curved envelope and
solar panel can be described as a rotating surface. The equation is Energy management monitors and controls the charge and dis-
given by: charge loops of the fuel-cells modules. Power conversion generates
56 L. Zhang et al. / Aerospace Science and Technology 65 (2017) 54–61

Fig. 2. Solar irradiance in different latitude and date.

Fig. 4. Power balance between day and night.

Fig. 3. Hybrid energy management.

area of hybrid airship, the motor and propeller mass can be ex-
pressed by:
the required voltage for the motor and avionics systems. Details of
the components of the energy system are presented in Fig. 3. P max
mmotor+propeller =
Fuel cells as a storage system combine fuel cell stacks, hydro- S P motor+propeller
gen storage container and attachments. The energy balance is per-
formed between the energy produced by the solar array and the ρair ( v max )3 C D S ref
energy consumed by the hybrid airship during the 24-h period as 2S P motor+propeller ηmotor+propeller
shown in Fig. 4, where Q1 represents the power available for stor-
age which is the sum power of Q2 and Q4 for night consumption. 3.3. Structure
Q3 is the power supplied for the power consuming function during
the daytime. At the summer solstice, the average required power The mass of the envelope and structure is computed from the
in a day for solar panels is approximatively 460 W per square me- wetted area and the specific mass:
The fuel cells are weighted by the nighttime endurance. As- menvelope = ρenvelope S wetted
suming the flight condition is straight and level with a constant where ρenvelope is the density of envelope with some modification
velocity, the mass of fuel cells is: in view of ballonets and internal structural frames. The mass of tail
E fuel-cells P required T night can be computed in a similar way using the following expressions:
mfuel-cells = =
ρfuel-cells ρfuel-cells mtail = ρtail S tail = λtail ρtail S ref
1 ρair v 2 S ref C D
= + P others T night The ratio of tail λtail is referred to the Lockheed Martin design
ρfuel-cells ηfuel-cells 2ηmotor+propeller [16]. Therefore, the total mass of the HA:
The ηfuel-cells represents the efficiency of fuel cells round-trip.
mtotal = mpanel + mbattery + mmotor+propeller + menvelope
3.2. Propulsion system + mtail + m payload .

In this design, propulsion system consists of motor propeller 3.4. Process of design
and accessories, the power requirement is in turn based on the
thrust power required from the propeller and the efficiency factor. As for a traditional design flow, weight balance is an initial rule
According to the maximum speed drag coefficient and reference for routine flight. In a steady level flight of hybrid airship, the total
L. Zhang et al. / Aerospace Science and Technology 65 (2017) 54–61 57

Fig. 5. Design flow chart of hybrid airship.

weight is balanced by static buoyancy and aerodynamic lift with- The aerodynamic configuration design of a hybrid airship is
out vector thrust: more complicated than a traditional one which has been analyzed
in early study [25]. As for a solar-powered aircraft, the power ob-
mtotal g = B + L = (ρair − ρhe ) gVol + ρair v 2 S ref C L tained from upper surface solar cell panels is directly proportional
2 to the pave factor R and surface area, which, in turn, affects most
Aerodynamic lift and aerostatic force can be expressed as a of the aircraft performance parameters, such as lift, drag, weight,
fraction of total weight: and cruise speed. In addition, because of most of the design pa-
rameters interrelated, one parameter is adjusted usually causing
B = BR · mtotal g L = (1 − BR) · mtotal g the reevaluation or recomputation of all other parameters. Tradi-
tionally, iteration of certain design procedures is used to obtain a
Assuming that BR changes little during a continuous flight at a
compromise solution. The design procedures are usually tedious.
fixed level altitude.
The design flow chart is shown in Fig. 5.
The reference platform area S ref can be expressed as a multi-lobed
This process begins with an initial volume, cruise speed and ini-
tial BR, then the both static and aerodynamic lift and weight of the
propulsion and structure are computed, and the area of the solar
S ref = N L Vol2/3
cell panel and the mass of solar array and fuel cells are obtained.
Where Vol is the volume of the envelope. Therefore the total required power for hybrid airship operation and
58 L. Zhang et al. / Aerospace Science and Technology 65 (2017) 54–61

Fig. 6. Configuration of hybrid airship.

available power from panels are evaluated. If the supplied power is

lower than the consumed power, the solar panel area is increased.
If the sum of lift and buoyancy is less than the weight, the cruise
attack angle and initial volume is decreased but if the combination
is higher, the attack angle and volume is increased correspond-
ingly and the design process repeated. If the lift is equal to the
total weight of hybrid airship, the iteration is complete.
Fig. 6 shows the preliminary configuration view of the solar-
powered hybrid airship. The photovoltaic array is paved on the
upper surface of each lobe. And the distributed X-tails are installed
to ensure the stability and flight control not merely the inner bal-

4. Optimization formulation

Fig. 7. Optimization process of hybrid method.

The aim of this section is to optimize the weight of multi-lobed
hybrid airship with a given payload so that the length and the
size of hull are as small as possible. After the parameterization,
where v local is the wind velocity for different local wind situation.
the optimization process can be initiated to search for the opti-
Optimization problems are solved using a hybrid algorithm con-
mum solution. The object is to search for the optimal cruise speed,
sisting of the genetic algorithm (GA) treated as global search algo-
referenced area and BR that satisfy the constraints and minimum
rithm and the gradient-guided search method [26] used for opti-
weight. The reference area is a dimension parameter sizing the air-
mizing possible solution.
craft and the BR is ambivalent parameter between the lift and
buoyancy, or an airplane and airship. The cruise velocity deter- GA has been applied broadly in the aeronautic field [11,21,
mines the platform flight and wind resistance performance, further 27–30]. GA attempt to minimize the objective function by simulat-
directly influence the propulsion power and general parameters. ing the process of evolution. In the GA, the design points are called
Therefore it has been set as the third variable that is restricted by genes, the objective is the fitness function. Unlike other optimiza-
the local wind speed. Note that the stability and control of hybrid tion techniques, GA is a population-based search algorithm, which
airship are not taken into consideration during the optimization works with a population of strings or real variables that represent
process. different potential solutions. Therefore, GA has implicit parallelism
The optimization model is shown as follows. that enhances its search capability and the optimal solution can be
located more quickly for many complex problems.
Objective: Although GA is very efficient at exploring the entire search
Min mtotal
space, its ability to find the precise location of the optimum solu-
Constraint (s.t):
tion was poor [31]. And other problems such as premature conver-
gence and uncertainty have also been serious in some situations.
Therefore, combining with other algorithms is a feasible way for
B + L = (mpanel + mbattery + mmotor+propeller + menvelope GA to solve these problems [26,32–34]. Considering the gradient
method is a traditional optimization algorithm with quick conver-
+ mtail + mpayload )g
gence and high accuracy, the gradient-guided search method has
g2: a high efficiency to search the neighbor extremum. Therefore, we
propose a hybrid optimizer that takes advantage of the GA’s abil-
Q sun P payload T day − P proplusion T day − P fuel−cells T night ≥ 0
ity to perform a global search and gradient method to efficiently
g3: find the nearest local optimum and enforce constraints. The block
diagram of the hybrid optimizer is shown in Fig. 7.
0≤C L ≤C L max
Finally, The following results are obtained after the completion
Initial variables: of the optimization search routine. The minimum mass is 19946 kg
with v = 19.7 m/s, S ref = 8829 m2 and BR = 0.615 at 40◦ north
v ∈ ( v local , v max ) (m/s) latitude on the summer solstice. The optimal results are listed in
  Table 1 and the weight components are shown in Fig. 8. It can be
S ref ∈ (3000, 15000) m2
seen that the mass of structure subsystem and energy subsystem
BR ∈ (0, 1) are the most part of the total mass.
L. Zhang et al. / Aerospace Science and Technology 65 (2017) 54–61 59

Table 1
Optimal results of hybrid airship.

Variable Value
v 19.7 m/s
S ref 8829
BR 0.615
mpaylaod 1000 kg
mfuelcell 10396 kg
msolar array 2589 kg
mproplusion 1600 kg
mstructure 4061 kg
mtail 300 kg

5. Results and discussion

Fig. 8. The mass distribution of the optimization result.

Assuming the flight altitude of airship is 20 km during the

simulation process. Due to the local wind speed as an initial con- An important influence of seasons and latitude on the results
straint in the iteration process, the wind field profile becomes an of optimization is displayed in Figs. 10–11. Note that all other pa-
essential requirement for optimization design. Based on the NASA rameters are kept the same.
wind field investigation [35], the wind magnitude and direction As is shown in Figs. 10–11, the designed cruise velocity and BR
at different elevation at five coastal observation stations (Port- have the same tendency with the optimal total weight of hybrid
land, Maine 43.4◦ , Washington DC 38.53◦ , Charleston SC 32◦ , Cape airship for different seasons. As results of varying local wind speed
Kennedy Florida 28.5◦ , Miami Florida 25.46◦ ) on the East Coast of and solar irradiance condition which have distinct effects on opti-
the United States were obtained. And the mean wind and the 95 mization solutions, a wind variation trend is not indicated a higher
percentile of wind value by interpolation are shown in Fig. 9. cruise velocity and total weight.

Fig. 9. Wind speed at 20 km in different latitude (a)average value (b) 95% level value.

Fig. 10. Results sensitivity at different latitude in spring and summer.

60 L. Zhang et al. / Aerospace Science and Technology 65 (2017) 54–61

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