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Repuiic ofthe Pillpines ITY oF OA Office of the Sangguniang Panlungsod + Temporary Presiding Officer CCounclor — Bonifeci€, Miter ‘ORDINANCE NO. 0333-20 ‘Series of 2020, ENACTING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 5008, WOMEN AND CHILOREN i Poge 2 oF 45 Ord No. 0333.29 Be it ordained by the Monorable sangguni ‘Session assembled, that 04 Of Davan City, in BOOK I~ GENERAL PROVistons, CHAPTER T- Basic: PRINCIPLES ARTICLE T Title and Gener GESTION 2. TE. hig Oran PEVELOPMENT cone Gta AS ANE MOMN 38 the “WoMey ‘AO CITY, AS AMENDED" SECTION 2, ‘Women shall be recognized as ful ‘ation building and men shall share ea ‘activities, wey contbute tothe esta based on Tava hs en we cx Soverient orousy gender responsive develop ‘develop rams and ects for ‘women in Development and Naton Buln At ye part jents and agencies deportm women. Page 4 of 4 s Ort No. 0332-99 evaluation, £2 Cybercrime — that oak ih ete to cyoersex, cyberomnoaranhy, and 4. Differently-abled Women ~ refer to women susivors of physica Impairments and have diferentl needs and potenti rence of ee cee econ eines ERG bY, imesoectve-of ther manta siatus.on the bas cr ealalty af ann women, of human-totts_and_findamertal-fizedam in Thole, sonomc socal cual cv, eran other el, cludes any_act or omission, including by law, soc, atinisatve ‘measure, or practice that drecth-ocindreGly exudes or fests women {n-the recpanition and promotion of tei-natts and thei acess to and enjoyment of opportunities. benefs, or ouleses. SS Page 7 of 45 Ord No, 0333.29 Mattson 99, "isthe 8S foto the sak oF LY, PSA Board Reston Np US ofan individual erson whos ath of hisfher spouse, ‘or by drectpartipaton, lercourse with 2 young git Fora intercourse wit a boy "9 Women as sex ‘cumstances Scandaious Reproductive Heath Care ~ refers to the ac rea ties, service og Supplies that con Dealth and well-being by 2essing reproductive 380 Includes seni ean fe urpose of wi 2nd Personal relations The following: 1 Page 9 of Page 10 of 45 Rist fa omit, SeOSiamoneaes Hipetual Harassment. Sous! harassment is commit, through any, : ? be -Smconment 25 rescrbed in Regubic A No. 7877, Saale shal aso be nlf in sees, ube spaces, anda nine 5 provided by Republic Act No 11313. ‘am. Survivor's Support Group ~ ian organized group of wamen to wham @ romen-survr of volence voluntary agrees to etabsh a profesional Reng process. Page 11 oF 45, a Ord. No, 0333-20 feeute ar aABaInsWomen-rofars to ary ct of gendered vlenen at Setocng agit 12, esl in physical, seul or pyceteneck nat ‘string to women, inctucing teats or SUC) act. coanSon rata depanicn ‘of liberty, whether occuring in public or private fe eles ‘PP Women ~ refers to bilaialyassianed female at ich, ‘CHAPTER TI ~ DEVELOPMENT CONCERNS anricuer Miolence Aasinst Women and Their Childeen SECTION 1, ACTS OF VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND THEIR CHILDREN. Vislence agsinst women and thee thitren stat te ‘commited treugh any ofthe flowing ads. '3. Causing physical harm tothe woman or he eid; , Thretering to cause the woman or her eh physical harm; Altering to cause the woman or her child physical ham; 4. Placing the woman or her chil fn fear of imminent ysl harm; SS Page 12 0f 45 (rd Ho, 0333-20 €. Atemting to compel or competing the woman or her child to engage In conduct which the weman or her hd has the right to desist from or to desist fram conde which the woman or her child has the right to engage in, or attempting to restrictor restricting the woman's or her chids freedom of movement or conduct by force or threat of force, physical or other harm or threat of physical or other harm, or Intimidation directed against the woman or her chi. ‘This shal inde, but not lites t, the following acts commited withthe purpose or effect of controling or restricting the womans or her chid's movement or condoct: “Trestening to deprive or actually depriving the ‘woman or her chid of austody or acess to hers fay; Deprivng or threatening to deprive the woman ‘or her chien of Francia support legaly due her or her family, or deliberately providing the womans chien insufient franca support; Depevng or threatening to deprive the woman ‘orher child of legal ight; Prevetng the woman in engaging in any leguimate profession, cxupatin, business or acy, oF controling the win’ own mney properties, o solely controling the conugal ‘conron money, © properties; 4. Inficting or threatening to inflict physical ham on nese forthe purpose of controling her actions decisions; 9, Causing or attempting to cause the woman er her hid to engage in any sexual activity which doesnot femmtiute rape, by force or treat of fore, physical harm, oF through intimidation rected against the ‘wean or hrc rhs inmedate fail, hi Engaing in purposeful, knowing, or reckless conduct, personaly o trough anther tht alams or causes Substantial emotional or psyctoogcal stress to the Weman or er cid. Ts shall include, but not be limited to, the folowing as: Staking flonng the woman or her chil in Public or private places; Peering in the window or kngerng ouside the resgence ofthe woman or her chi; ‘Ord. No. 0333-20 li, Entering or remaining in the dweling or on the property of the woman or her child. against her/his wil; 'w. Destroying the property and personal belongings or inflicting harm to animals or pets ‘ofthe woman or her child; and ¥. Engaging in any form of harassment or violence; |, Causing mental or emotional anguish, public ridicule or humilaton to the woman or her chil, including, but not limited to, repeated verbal and emotional abuse, and

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