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The Role of Human Resource Management on Enhancing the Teaching Skills

of Faculty Members

II. The highlight of the readings

Human resource management are used as way of utilizing individuals in improving

their skills and developing more abilities in an organization. The organization helps to
bring out a better performance and productivity level by investing on the education
and development of the workforce. The purpose of the reading is to assess the
influence of the structured workshops by the human resource management in
different levels of skills, and competencies in the field of education. The role of
human resource management is to put on emphasis on the practices of the faculty
that they are more focus on the trainings.

III. Analysis

Human resource management are dependents on the policies, operations and the
system of behavior, attitude, and the performance of the members of the
organization. It is also a process of attracting, developing, motivating, and retaining
human resources. In the readings it aims to answer the main questions on which of
the five components of effective teaching before and after workshop of the teachers
is not clear, and which of the five components of effective teaching before and after
the workshop for teachers is clear. It shows that there is a significant difference on
the first question which shows the educational workshops or trainings increases the
teachers’ basic skills in teaching methods, evaluation, planning, but it doesn’t show a
significant difference on the organizational component. Familiarity with the
conceptual model and the organizers makes the material reasonable and bring a
meaningful connection on the subject and on the learner’s familiarization. While on
the second question it shows that the knowledge of the rules and regulation before
and after the workshop shows a significant difference as to the introduction and
organization of the expectations. There is an increase of individual empowerment a,
knowledge on rules and regulations, and it also shows an increase in the
collaboration. This only tells us that if a training is planned accordingly and with a
clear goal for all the educators it will bring an increase in the performance of each

IV. Conclusions

Training and development are one of the integral parts of giving quality education to
the learners, it is also the most important function of the human resource
management. The human resource management of a certain institution is the one
responsible in the organization of the workforce in terms of training requirements,
programs, and the career development needs of everyone. It is very important to
update the skills and knowledge of the faculty members of the school for them to
increase their work efficiency and the productivity of their students. Once this training
and development plan are crafted appropriately this will ensure the performance of
each member to be better. Whether the training is before starting the work or after
the work of it is crafted well and executed accordingly and there is a proper
monitoring of the skills learned therefore the organization will sing the same song
and provide a quality of service to its stakeholder.

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