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The Innovation of Human Resource Management in Education to Improve

School Quality

II. The highlight of the readings

Human resource management in education serves different functions in the institution which
includes staff maintenance, staff development, relations, procurement, and performance
reward. Human resource management in education brings an effort in different activities,
policies intended for school educators and personnel to prosper and work fully in achieving
the educational goal. The purpose of the research is to know what the necessary
improvements are needed to maintain the school quality. The study will have to analyze the
human resource management of the Madrasah Aliyah an Islamic School using the qualitative
descriptive analysis. As the study is conducted it resulted that the Islamic School has
executed the process of human resource management of education. It is very evident that the
execution is managed well, and it can be seen through the learning process, school
development, the competence of the teachers is well developed. In terms of school
leadership, it also shows an evident result that the headmaster of the school has a good
governance and provides a good leadership. It was very evident that the academic staff are
well motivated and have their best performances.

III. Analysis

The human resource innovation is the implementation of new sets of ideas and
methodology, with the use of technology to meet the evolving needs of the
organization or workforce. It is where the organization anticipates the needs and the
different circumstances than simplifying the response in changing the situation.
Innovation is one of the key elements in solving problems in different organization
specially in the education. Innovation in education means an encouragement to the
teachers and to the student to stand and explore the changes in a favorable way.
Moreso, it involves a unique way of looking and solving the challenges ahead of the
organization. In the readings it tells how the school head or the principals works
constructively by giving directions, encouragement and coaching the teachers with
that the teachers as well becomes motivated and perform their job with a heart and
pass it on to their student and that makes a big change in the life of every learner.

IV. Conclusions

Innovation brings change in perception, environment, and meaning to an

organization. the teachers should understand things about innovation for them to
reflect and apply a meaningful learning. School heads are to employ teachers who
have the characteristics of idealism, dedication to work, and a high commitment in
performing their task beyond what is asked for. Innovation helps to improve and
strengthen an organization to achieve an optimum level of satisfaction to each
stakeholder. Likewise, the schools must be able to recruit wise and intelligent school
heads to perform different roles as to administrator, manager, and an educator as
well as being a supervisor, leaders and the one who is creative and capable to bring
the school in excellence. Innovation will start from the top to bottom, if the school
head knows how to perform his job and was able to optimize his roles as a school
head the support and efforts to improve the quality education down to the teachers,
and down to the students. Everything work together for good is a long-lasting
success in an any organization.

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