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Chapter 2 Activities

Activity 1  Finding an Example


1. Secure a copy of a sample Lesson Plan

2. Using the matrix given below, analyze the sample, you found and give your suggestions based on the principles and concepts you learned in this


Title of the Lesson Plan Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics VI The Lesson Plan is very detailed and well-

Intended Learning Outcome/ Objective At the end of the lesson the students should be able The objectives are presented well. Cognitive,
to: affective, and psychomotor skills was clearly
manifested in the objectives. Furthermore, the
a. define pie graph;
SMART principle was depicted in making the
b. construct a pie graph based on a given
intended learning outcomes
set of data; and
c. interpret data presented in a pie graph.

Contents/ Subject Matter Topic: Pie Graph The content or the subject matter is relevant to
the outcomes of the curriculum. It is also
References: 21st Century Mathletes textbook, pages
appropriate to the level of the lesson or unit.
324-333 Algebra/ Geometry Institute Summer
Meanwhile, the reference were stated in detailed
2015 Lesson Plan 3: Pie Graph
and it bears the author of the material,
publications, etc. However, it is lacking. The
Materials: Visual Aids, TV, laptop and activity reference shown is inadequate. It doesn’t have
sheet the reference from different materials like books,
module, or any publications.

Methods/ Strategies A. PRELIMINARIES The methods or strategies is quite good. It

Prayer contains individual and group activities.
Classroom set – up
Evaluation/Assessment According to the National Statistics Office, the It utilized self-assessment and peer assessment
number of Overseas Filipino Workers(OFWs) who at the same time where the students learn to
worked abroad at any time during the period evaluate their own learning and provide feedback
of April to September 2018 was estimated on each other’s learning too.
at 2.3 million. Given that:
Australia = 10%
North and South America =25%
Africa =5%
Asia =50%
Europe = 10%
A. Construct a Pie Graph using the data.
B. How many OFWs are working in Europe
and Asia.
I will give you 10 minutes to answer the
problem. Your time start now.

Based on the matrix you prepared, answer briefly the following;

1. Which one principles of Oliva is reflected in the Lesson Plan? Explain briefly
The principle of Oliva that is reflected in the Lesson Plan is curriculum development is more effective when it follows a systematic process
because the lesson plan clearly manifests a systematic process from the desired outcomes to subject matter content complemented with references
to set of procedures to evaluation procedure.
2. If you were to improve the design, what will you add, or subtract or modify? Write your re-design suggestion.
If I were to improve the design, I will add some references from books, modules, and/or publications. I will add more activities that focuses on
the topic. Also, I would modify the activities into a more interactive one with the integration of technology
Activity 2  Approaches to Curriculum Designing

The K to 12 Curriculum: What Design?

Get hold of materials about K to 12. Read carefully and understand what you read so that you will be able to answer the following;
1. What kind of curriculum design influence mostly the K to 12 curriculums? (A) Subject-Centered? (B) Learner-Centered(C) Problem-Centered? (you
may have more than one answer)


Subject-Centered xxx

Learner-Centered Learner centered influences mostly by the K-12 curriculum in a way

that the learner is the center of educative process and everything that
runs into a curriculum always takes into consideration the learners.

Problem-Centered Problem-centered design also influences the K-12 curriculum mostly in

a way that the K-12 curriculum/K-12 program emphasizes/draws
social problems, needs, interests and abilities of the learners which allows
them to solve a particular problem which can be used and can be
applied into the real life situations.

2. Cite illustrative example that relates to your choice.

3. Place your answer on a matrix like the one below;


Subject-Centered Design/Approach

Learner-Centered Design/Approach The lessons and activities include: Being clear about how you will
promote, measure, and celebrate understanding; Modeling ‘how to think‘
for students; Helping students understand what’s worth understanding;
Diversifying what you accept as evidence of understanding; Creating
curriculum and instruction around a need to know; Collaborating with
students to create the rubric or scoring guide and many more. Each
learner will arrive at an individual conclusion after collaboration is
completed. Learning tasks should have a real-world application that allows
learners to connect personally with what they are learning.

Problem-Centered Design/Approach The curriculum leads the learners in the recognition of concerns and
problems and in seeking solution. Most of the school activities revolve
around solutions to problems like poverty, drug problems, deterioration of
positive values, environmental concern and many more. Since the school
is using the problem centered approach, case study as a method of
teaching is popularly utilized.
Activity 3  Curriculum Mapping

1. Using the sample A1 for Science Curriculum Map, what knowledge and understanding have you learned? Analyze the matrix and answer the questions
that follow:
What are the main clusters of science content that students should learn from G3 to G10?
The main clusters of science that the students should learn from G3 to G10 are Matter, Force, Motion, Energy, Living Things and Their
Environment and lastly, the Earth and Space.
How does science content progress from Grade 3 to Grade 10?
In G3 to G10, the content were aligned horizontally and the process in each level remained the same through following the timeline.
Looking at the table given, it shows that they had to accomplish the same learning outcomes. The remaining grade level had different
content to make more learning relevant.
When you look at and analyze the map, what summary ideas can you give?
Primary science education (G3-G6) follows the order of science material for these main groups quite clearly. This lasts until the first year of
secondary education (G7) but remains different with each of the terms G8, G9 and the last grade as mentioned above. Therefore, the type
of spiral sequence that is commonly recommended in the design of K-12 curriculum material is followed.
Science Curriculum is spiral. How do you explain that in terms of what you see in the map?
As indicated, the science curriculum in the Spiral Education Preference is structured such that the key clusters of scientific material have been
the same over the years, differing only in how they are organized, distributed, and subdivided in content. It reflects the incremental mastery
of a subject determined by the way it was structured, starting from its fundamental foundations and ending with its very abstract subjects,
such as: Instead of focusing on shorter hours, the time it takes for the learning process to spread will prompt students to revisit, study, and
relearn the subjects they had lost in their minds.
2. Using the Sample B, analyze and answer the following questions briefly.
What is the meaning of Practiced with a green background for subject Teaching Profession and PO1 Apply basic and higher 21st century
It might suggest that the student/s studied and practiced the subjects of Teaching Profession, the Applied Basic and Higher 21st Century
skills. As a scholar myself of the aforementioned subject, competencies which includes crucial reasoning, creativity, communicative
competencies etc. are to taught and learnt withinside the gaining knowledge of process.
What is your interpretation of the colored cell with Learned that cross between subject Social Dimension and PO5, Facilitate learning of
different types of learners in diverse learning environment?
Seeing this block-colored in the Social Aspects gives one an understanding that it has mastered the basic principles and skills of Promoting
Learning for all groups of learners in multiple learning environments. By that point, students can learn about various learning theories that
endorse different ideas.
What does the colored Opportunity in the cell of the subject Curriculum Development that crosses with the PO6 Direct experience in the
field and classroom (observations, teaching assistance, practice teaching).
Just like in last two items, the colored block affirms that a desired outcomes for a professional education course was achieved, and this time is
having to learn, and practice a knowledge and skills of curriculum development through an opportunity offered in an informal classroom
setting like teaching demonstration and teaching assistance, and practice teaching.
The Highlighted colored block asserts that a desired result for a professional education course has been attained. Informal means of
teaching methods to incorporate and develop necessary skills for curriculum development such as teaching demonstrations, student teaching,
practice teaching and teaching apprenticeship are needed to foster and develop these skill.

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