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2006 - 2007



I, Mr. Shrikant Rane ,student of Ramniranjan Jhunjhunwala College of TYBMS [Semester V] hereby declare that I have completed my project, titled Tourism Industry in the Academic Year 2007-2008. The information submitted herein is true and original to the best of my knowledge.

_______________________ _ Signature of Student [Shrikant Rane]

CERTIFICATE I, MR. J.C.SABOO, hereby certify that Mr. Shrikant Rane, student of Ramniranjan Jhunjhunwala College of TYBMS [Semester V] has completed her project, titled Low Cost Airlines in the academic year 2007-2008. The information submitted herein is true and original to the best of my knowledge.



Signature Of The Principal [Dr.Usha Mukundan]

Signature Of The Project Co-ordinator



As the students of TY BMS we would like to express our warm gratitude to our respected Prof. Chitnes and Prof. Manju, who aided us in the undertaking of the completion of this work. It seems appropriate to say thank you in the end rather than at the beginning because it is actually the omega of the project, which they helped to bring about. And finally to all our devoted group members for their wholehearted support and continually bringing statements of urgent issues with their compassionate viewpoint and deep insights As always.


Executive Summary

Sr. No.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.


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1-2 3-4 5-7 8-9 10 11-13 14 15-21 22-23 24-26 27 28-29 30-39 40-45 46-49 50 51 1-3

Tourism is the act of travel for the purpose of recreation and business, and the provision of services for this act. Tourists are people who are "traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited" (official UNWTO definition). The distance between these two places is of no significance.

A more comprehensive definition would be that tourism is a service industry, comprising a number of tangible and intangible components. The tangible elements include transport systems - air, rail, road, water and now, space; hospitality services - accommodation, foods and beverages, tours, souvenirs; and related services such as banking, insurance and safety and security. The intangible elements include: rest and relaxation, culture, escape, adventure, new and different experiences. Many countries depend heavily upon travel expenditures by foreigners as a source of taxation and as a source of income for the enterprises that sell (export) services to these travellers. Consequently the development of tourism is often a strategy employed either by a Non-governmental organization (NGO) or a governmental agency to promote a particular region for the purpose of increasing commerce through exporting goods and services to non-locals. Sometimes Tourism and Travel are used interchangeably. In this context travel has a similar definition to tourism, but implies a more purposeful journey. The term tourism is sometimes used pejoratively,

implying a shallow interest in the societies and places that the tourist visits. Wealthy people have always traveled to distant parts of the world to see great buildings or other works of art, to learn new languages, to experience new cultures, or to taste

new cuisine. As long ago as the time of the Roman Republic places such as Baiae were popular coastal resorts for the rich.


One of the earliest definitions of Tourism was given by the Austrian Economist Hermann Von Schullard in 1910. He defined it as, "Sum total of operators, mainly of an economic nature, which directly relate to the entry, stay and movement of foreigners inside and outside a certain country, city or a region."

Hunziker and Krapf, in 1942, defined Tourism as, "Tourism is the totality of the relationship and phenomenon arising from the travel and stay of strangers, provided that the stay does not imply the establishment of a permanent residence and is not connected with remunerative activities." In 1976, Tourism Society of England defined it as "Tourism is the temporary, short-term movement of people to destination outside the places where they normally live and work and their activities during the stay at each destination. It includes movements for all purposes." In 1981,International Association of Scientific Experts in

Tourism defined Tourism In terms of particular activities selected by choice and undertaken outside the home environment.


The terms tourist and tourism were first used as official terms in 1937 by the League of Nations. Tourism was defined as people traveling abroad for periods of over 24 hours. The origin of the word tourist date back to 1292 AD. It has come from the word tour. A number of experts have defined the term: Tourist is a person who makes a journey for the sake of curiosity for the fun of traveling. Tourists are the voluntary temporary travelers, traveling in the expectations of pleasure from the novelty and change experienced on a relatively and non-current round-trip. Tourists are:

traveling for pleasure, health and domestic

Persons arriving in the sea of sea cruise. Persons traveling for convention


Tourism emerged as the largest global industry of the 20th century. In the new millennium global economy will be governed by Technology, Telecommunication and Tourism. Tourism has a potential to create the maximum number of jobs. According to an assessment, in India alone, 100 million additional jobs will be created by the Tourism industry in the next 25 years. It helps to earn valuable foreign exchange. The tourism industry comprises of the following main and distinctive sectors:








transportation industry which comprises of airlines, cruise and ferry lines, passenger railways, coach and bus travel, car hire. Thanks to the increase in tourist traffic, over the years, the range of airline services has considerably, not only in terms of frequency of flights and number of destinations, but also in terms of different services, and differing levels of service to meet different passenger needs. This shows the important role marketing plays as competition and demand intensifies.

Accommodation includes hotels, ranging from the biggest international chains recognizable worldwide such as Hilton and Holiday Inn to small independent establishments. In order to

gain recognition in an increasingly competitive marketplace, many smaller independent hotels have grouped together, adopting a consortium approach. Under a central brand name, they can offer central reservations services, for e.g. and present a recognizable identity to consumers which enables them to compete against the larger, more established chains. Other types of accommodations are also well established in tourist markets, notably self-catering apartments and club type complexes.
Tour operators

Tour operators are the firms which specialize in providing the whole holiday package, incorporating travel and accommodation needs for the consumer. They range from highly specialized operations such as, who customize every kind of trip that you can dream of, to large operators offering services at all different levels to cater for budget, family, or singles holidays to near or faraway destinations. Thomas Cook is one of the best known of such operators; they also offer travel agency and financial services to their consumers. An independent local coach firm may also be a tour operator, and many transportation companies also offer holiday packages.
Tourism Destination Operators/ Destination Management

This is new category in many senses, as it is an area of the tourism industry which has seen a massive growth in the development of theme parks and other types of artificial tourist destinations in the recent years. However Disneyland and Disneyworld in America were the forerunners of this development in tourism marketing, and they have been well established for decades. It is due to the recent growth, and the continuing trends, which make it area which should be considered separately as a tourism industry. The new Euro Disney theme park in France is an example of a tourism destination operation. On a smaller scale, heritage parks which being developed from Britains industrial wasteland such as Wigan Pier, which attracted over half a million tourists in 1991, and similar attractions now represent a significant amount of tourism activity.




The tourism industry is highly inflexible in terms of capacity. The number of beds in a hotel or seats on a flight is fixed so it is not possible to meet sudden upsurges in demand similarly restaurants tables, hotels beds and flights seats remain empty and unused in periods of low demand.

An unused hotel bed or empty flight seat represents an immediate loss of that service as a means of earning profit. Tourism product is used as a time of availability. It cannot be preserved. Incase, the tourist cannot visit the place the opportunity is lost. Hence, this becomes one of its important characteristics.

Tourism destinations are fixed locations so effort must be taken in communicating the facility to the potential consumer. Relatively large financial investment; every modern tourist establishment and facility requires large investment frequently over a long time scale.

Every modern tourist establishment and facility requires large investment, frequently over a long time scale. This means that the level of risk and the rate of return are critically important to tourism management.

Tourism Services are high contact services, as people interact with people at virtually EVERY stage of the way. Tourism services are very people-oriented services, and the service people are plenty and have high contact with the consumers. The consumer interacts with a myriad of service people starting from when he books his ticket and throughout the course of his holiday.

Since the economy opened up in 1991, several foreign chains have entered the Indian market, including Hyatt, Four Seasons, Hilton, Regent, Radisson and Holiday Inn. The result is that the quality of service has improved. The overseas players have brought in efficient systems and service standards from Europe and the US. Competition has forced Indian hotel groups to improve their standards. The customer has benefited in many ways. The influx of foreign players has led to major price wars in the industry. In an attempt to woo customers, Indian hotels have reduced their tariffs significantly. According to one hotelier, "India has become a

normal market - like others in the West or in Southeast Asia with demand and supply determining the price".

Tourism may be classified into the following types: INBOUND INTERNATIONAL TOURISM: It means visiting


to a country by non-resident of that country. OUTBOUND INTERNATIONAL TOURISM: It means


visiting by the residents of a country to another country. INTERNAL TOURISM: It means visiting by residents of


a country to their own country. DOMESTIC TOURISM: It consists of inbound


international tourism plus internal tourism. NATIONAL TOURISM: It consists of internal tourists


plus outbound international tourism.


For the past few decades many forms of tourism are becoming more popular, particularly: 1. ADVENTURE TOURISM This type of tourism involves travel in rugged regions, or adventurous sports such as mountaineering and hiking (tramping). 2. CULTURAL TOURISM It includes urban tourism, visiting historical or interesting cities, such as Delhi, Amritsar, Mumbai, Banglore, Chennai, Ahmedabad, etc. and experiencing their cultural heritages. This type of tourism may also include specialized cultural experiences, such as art museum tourism where the tourist visits many art museums during the tour, or opera tourism where the tourist sees many operas or concerts during the tour. 3. EDUCATIONAL TOURISM It may involve travelling to an education institution, a wooded retreat or some other destination in order to take personal-interest classes, such as cooking classes with a famous chef or crafts classes. 4. GARDEN TOURISM It means visiting botanical gardens, famous places in the history of gardening, such as Versailles and the Taj Mahal.


It is visiting historical (Rome, Athens, Cracow) or industrial sites, such as old canals, railways, battlegrounds, etc. 6. HEALTH TOURISM It means usually to escape from cities or relieve stress, perhaps for some 'fun in the sun', etc. often to "health spas". 7. MEDICAL TOURISM It is used for advanced care that is not available in one's own country, in the case that there are long waiting lists in one's own country for use of free or cheap health care organisations for what is illegal in one's own country, e.g. abortion, euthanasia; for instance, euthanasia for non-citizens is provided by Dignitas in Switzerland. 8. HOBBY TOURISM Tourism alone or with groups to participate in hobby interests, to meet others with similar interests, or to experience something pertinent to the hobby. Examples might be garden tours, square dance cruises, etc. 9. POP-CULTURE TOURISM This tourism refers to tourism by those that visit a particular location after reading about it or seeing it in a film.

10. PERPETUAL TOURISM It is mainly for wealthy individuals who are always on vacations; some of them, for tax purposes or to avoid being resident in any country.

11. PILGRIMAGE TOURISM Pilgrimage tourism refers to ancient holy places (Rome and Santiago de Compostela for Catholics, Temples and stupas of Nepal for the Hindus and Buddhist, Mount Athos or Painted churches of northern Moldavia for the Orthodox), religious sites such as mosques, shrines, etc. 12. SPORT TOURISM Skiing, golf and scuba diving are popular ways to spend a vacation. Also in this category is vacationing at the winter home of the tourist's favorite baseball team, and seeing them play everyday. ECO TOURISM It means sustainable tourism which has minimal impact on the environment, such as Safaris (Kenya), Rainforests (Belize) and Hiking (Lapland), or national parks. 14. GAMBLING TOURISM This tourism refers to tourism to Atlantic City, Las Vegas, Macau or Monte Carlo for the purpose of gambling at the casinos there.


One such way of classifying the users is by dividing them into categories such as General, Sex, Region, Education, etc. General: Domestic, Foreign Students, Executives, Artists Sex: Men, Women Region: Rural, Urban Education: Literate, Illiterate Status: Rich, Poor Profession: Executives, Academics, Sportsmen, Artists Occupation: White collar, Blue collar. Another method of classifying users of tourism services is on the basis of the frequency of usage of services: Non-users: They lack the willingness, desire and ability (income & leisure time). Potential Users: They have the willingness but the marketing resources have not been used optimally to influence their impulse. Actual Users: They are already using the services generated by the tourist organizations Occasional Users: They have not formed the habit of traveling Habitual Travelers: They have formed a habit and avail of the services regularly. Kids, Teens, Youths, Seniors Politicians, Movie stars

Marketing Mix

Product is the combination of tangible and intangible elements. The tourism product, which is mainly the destination, can only be experienced. The views of the location travel to the destination, the accommodation and facility as well as the entertainment at the destination all form the tourism product. Thus it is a composite product combination of attraction, facilities and transportation. Each of these components has its own significance in the product mix and in the absence of even single components, the product mix is incomplete. Components Of Tourist Product. BENEFIT MEANING WITH RESPECT TO THE TRAVEL AND TOURISM INDUSTRY


The fundamental benefit or Traveling service that the customer is buying Basic, functional attributes Ticketing, hotel reservation Set of attributes/conditions Customer friendliness, the buyer normally expects good food Prompt services, comfortable and convenient trip, spectacular sights, music Totally customized tour packages, A grade service at every stage

4 That meets the customers AUGMENTED desires beyond PRODUCT expectations 5 POTENTIAL The possible evolution to PRODUCT distinguish the offer


Pricing in tourism is a complex process. Pricing includes the prices of other services like Air travel, Bus, Railways, Hotels, etc. All are included in tourism package. Pricing also depends on the Geographic location of the destination. Pricing also depends on Seasonality. Seasonality is the most important factor in pricing. To match demand and supply tourist managers try to get either discount. E.g. Taj is the tourist attraction in India. Pricing is also based on competitors pricing. Pricing is also subject to government regulations. E.g. Air price changes tourism package also changes, if Hotel charges change then also tourism package changes. Pricing of the tourist product is a complex matter because of its composite nature. Geographical location of the destination affects the pricing decision. At the same time, seasonality factor and varying demand cannot be overruled. The objective of pricing in any other firms is to fetch a target market share, to prevent competition, and to take care of the price elasticity of demand. A very important way, in which the travel and tourism business responded to their highly complex pricing circumstances, is to operate at two levels. The first level is corresponds with the marketing strategy, which concerns with the product positioning, value for the money, long run return

on investments etc. The second level corresponds to the marketing









manipulated to match the current demand and competition.








Tourism marketing. Tourism as a product is distributed as a travel. Internet is also used widely. There is also small agents spread all over the town who plays a role of place. Large travel companies like Thomas Cook, Cox & Kings, SOTC, etc they act as a wholesalers and these wholesalers also act as a retailer. The tourism marketer may not have adequate choice of the tourist center, because in most of the case the tourist destinations infrastructure many be natural, historical attraction. But, are facilities, transportation, communication

important for the development of the tourist center. The major decision that the tourism marketer takes regarding distribution is relating to the channel of choice and channel members. The uniqueness of tourism industry is predominant position of intermediaries. The two major functions performed by the distribution system in tourism marketing are: To extend the number of points of sales or access,

away form the location at which services are performed or delivered To facilitate the purchase of service in advance

Different distribution strategies may be selected to reflect the companys overall objectives. The middleman may be tour operators, who buy tourism products in bulk and make them available to travel agents who are retailers. The range of tourist products, which are bought by the tour operators are airline seats, hotel accommodation, bus for local sight seeing, etc. they may also sell directly to customers. The latest mode of reaching the tourist is through Internet. Ticket booking can also be done through the Internet and payment is made with credit card.

Advertising and sales promotion in Tourism can be very effective when supplemented by publicity and personal selling. They use electronic, print all sorts of media they use; and it is highly promoted industry. Public or PR (Public Relation) plays an important role in tourism. It is also through recommendation of friends and relatives this is a biggest promotion. Creation of awareness is an important factor in the formulation of marketing mix for the tourism industry. The promotion task simplifies the activities of informing, persuading and influencing the decisions of potential tourists. The promotion mix plays a vital role as the users of service feel high degree of involvement and uncertainty about the product and their role in buying process. Some of the important aspects

of promotion are advertising, publicity, sales support and public relation. Advertising and sales promotion activities in tourism can be very effective when supplemented by publicity and personal selling. Advertising messages may range from subtly attractive visual messages and symbols designed to appeal and stimulate travel desire and needs to simple sales announcements drawing attention to specific product offers. Word-of-mouth is a very important tool of promotion in tourism. Research shows that about 80% of the tourist visited different places on the persuasion of their friends and relatives and also their own judgments. Brochures are another form of communication provided by tour operators to stimulate customers and motivate them to buy. They are used to demonstrate in pictures and words the images and positioning of the product and the organizations.

It plays a most important part in tourism. In people local people are very important, that how they treat tourist. The travel agents, guides, staff of travel companies, sales staff, etc they are the people. Travel Company also like Railways, Air, etc. is included in people. Normally a tourist assures a tourism quality like hotels, Travel Company.

The personnel who attend to the needs of the tourists form an essential ingredient in tourism marketing. The sales personnel are responsible for dealing with the customer behind the counter. The airline and transportation crew interact with customers while traveling. The resort or hotel representatives enter to the needs of the tourist when they reach the destination. The tourist guides, who interact with the customers at the tourist location, all form the people element in tourism marketing. These contract persons must be trained on interpersonal skills as well as knowledge of the product. In the tourism industry the travel agents and the travel guides are the two most important people who speak a lot about the industry. Hence it is imperative that they have to be at their best at all times. Travel guides especially, are expected to have a lot of patience, good sense of humor, tact to transform the occasional tourists into habitual ones, thorough knowledge of the places, linguistic skills etc.

The operation process of the tourism firm will depend on the size of the tourism firm. The sequential steps involved in the delivery of the tourist products are: Provision of travel information --- The information

regarding the travel is provided at a convenient location

where the potential tourist seeks clarification about his proposed tour. Preparation of itinerates------ It is a composition of

series of operations that are required to plan a tour. Liaison with providers of services--- Before any form of be entered with the providers of various services


travel is sold over the counter to a customer; contracts have including transportation companies, hotel accommodation, coaches for local sightseeing etc. Planning and costing tours------ Once the contracts and

arrangements are entered into, then the task of planning and costing the tour, this will depend on the tour selected as well as individual requirements. `Ticketing----- The computerized reservation system

has in recent years revolutionized the reservation system for both rail and air travel. Provision of foreign currency and insurance--- In case of

foreign travel the final task provide foreign currency as well as insurance

The tourist attraction, which is an expensive for the customer must be tangibilised with the help of tangible items

like, comfortable seats while traveling, layout, and design of the resort, natural service scope, etc. the sign posts that indicate directions, route maps, information regarding rules and regulations of the tourist spot and the sign regarding the public utilities like toilets, telephone booth also form a part of the physical evidence. Printed matters such as brochures also play an important role in the development of tourism. As the product, in tourism is intangible. There is a need to describe fully the product, which is done by providing an elaborate brochure, which shows how different elements of the programmes are carefully planned to include all necessary information to make holiday establishes expectation of quality value for money, product image and status, which must be matched when the product is delivered.

Though there are a number of bases for segmentation of tourists, one of the most important is Lifestyle. Traveling decisions are fantastically influenced by changing lifestyles. They are also affected by other factors such as level of income, availability of leisure time, etc. BASE OF SEGMENTATION Holiday CATEGORIES Mass market Popular market Individual market Primary Secondary Opportunity International On the basis of regions, cities, etc. Lifestyle Personality motive Knowledge Age Sex Religion Rich, Poor Rural, Urban Literate, Illiterate Business Travel Cultural Tourism Common Interest Convention Teens Youth Seniors








Such segmentation is useful when deciding the offerings to target a particular segment. For example,

The mass market consists of vacationists that travel in large

groups and prefer all-inclusive tours. They are generally conservative. The popular market consists of smaller groups going on

inclusive or semi-inclusive tours. This group includes pensioners and retired people. The individual market consists of chairmen, senior executives,


As the lifestyle changes, consumption of services might

change. For example, a newly married couple might prefer romantic holidays, but once they have children they would prefer family vacations where there are plenty of activities to entertain kids. Teens and youth might prefer adventure holidays whereas senior citizens would probably prefer more relaxing vacations.


Indias geographical location,a culmination of deserts, forests, mountains and beaches: India is not only a vast country but also a beautiful country with world famous natural locations, which attracts lots of foreign tourist everyday. India has all types of seasons at the same time because of its tropical nature, as you will find the climate hot, humid, cold and warm all at the same time in different locations. Also its location is not very out of reach but easy to travel, as there are many modes of transport to reach here. Diversity of culture, a blend of various civilizations and their traditions: Indias diversity is its greatest strength. There is so much to explore in India. One cannot be tired of exploring its diverse culture, heritage and locations. The different languages, dialects and other religious and cultural customs and traditions are all the sources of attraction in India.

Lack of adequate infrastructure: It is a major drawback. It is not the case of less money but the money is not being utilized in the right places and in the right manner. The airlines in India, for example, are inefficient and do not provide basic facilities at airports. The road condition in India is very bad. An intolerant attitude among certain sections of people: This is among the people who do not like the foreigners and their entry into the Indian Cultures as they feel that they will change the Indian Culture and attitude and replace it with foreign culture. No proper marketing of Indias tourism abroad: Foreigners still think of India as a land of snake, villages, beggars and elephants. The Indians have not made any efforts to change this image and this has proved very costly as foreigners still think of Indians as illiterates and narrow-minded


More proactive role from the government of India in terms of framing policies: The government is supporting India tourism industry with the recent appointment of Mrs. Renuka Chaudhary a very intelligent and practical woman who would like to develop India tourism. The Indian tourism industry should take this as an opportunity and push forward its plans. Allowing entry of more multinational companies into the country giving us a global perspective: This is going to develop and build the confidence in the minds of the foreigners who would like to explore India. Growth of domestic tourism: Indian tourism will only develop if the roots are strong. So if the Indians themselves travel around India the foreigners will feel confident to come to India.For eg: Thomas Cook says Travel Now Pay Latter. Affordable traveling at leisure, plenty of job opportunities.

Economic conditions and political turmoil in the other countries affects tourism: As a result of this people are afraid to venture outside their own homes for fear of terrorist attacks and threats to their lives. Aggressive strategies adopted by other counties like Australia, Singapore in promoting tourism: There are hardly any tourists who confidently come to India and if the other countries offer better packages and places then there is no reason why the tourists should visit India The important task is to get tourism accepted as an instrument of development and national integration. For this it is necessary to create awareness of Indias charms as a tourist paradise and simultaneously addressing the important issue of toning up infrastructure and then getting down to marketing the product in a pragmatic and result oriented manner. All

segments of the tourism trade should get together ands hammer out a strategy taking into account the ground realities and demands of the future.

Environmental influences can be analyzed by using the PEST analysis.

Political factors are the main driving force of the industry. Govt. support & cooperation to Indian Tourism Industry, railways and roads, hotel industry, airline industry, tourist operators. Downfall of tourism industry because of unconducive political environment e.g. Kashmir, Law is different for different country & is the major determinant for the industry. Tax paid by tourists in India is the highest in the world. Indian hotels charge about 40% tax compared to other Asian countries where it varies between 3% and 6%".

The criteria here is the more the people spend the more the industry grows. As we are concentrating on the International tourists, this has led to the tourism boom. Increase in spend has led to increase in the number of luxury hotels, & increase in air industry.

The general perception for tourism destruction of the social fabric of a place. The more the tourists coming at the place the more the risk of that place loosing its identity.

Better technology in cheaper cost to remote and inaccessible area. It can help the country to get connected to the world. It is very much necessary to have better technology to have that place on world tourist map.


The New Tourism Policy released in May 2002 has outlined the following policy initiatives for the tourism sector: 1. The new policy is built around the 7-S Mantra of Swaagat (welcome), Surakshaa Soochanaa (security), (information), Sahyog Suvidhaa (facilitation), Sanrachnaa (cooperation),

(infrastructure) and Safaai (cleanliness). 2. The new policy envisages making tourism a catalyst in

employment generation, wealth creation, development of remote and rural areas, environment preservation and social integration. The policy also aims to spruce up economic growth and promote Indias strengths as a tourism destination that is both safe and at the same time exciting. 3. The policy proposes the inclusion of tourism in the concurrent list of the Constitution so as to enable both the central and state governments to participate in the development of the sector. 4. No approval is required for foreign equity of up to 51 per cent in tourism projects. Enhanced equity is considered on a case-to-case basis. NRI investment is allowed up to 100%. 5. Approvals for Technology agreements in the hotel industry are available on an automatic basis, subject to the fulfilment of certain specified parameters. 6. Concession rates on customs duty of 25% for goods that are required for initial setting up, or for substantial expansion of hotels.

7. 50% of profits derived by hotels, travel agents and tour operators in foreign exchange are exempt from income tax. The remaining profits are also exempt if reinvested in a tourism related project. 8. Approved hotels are entitled to import essential goods relating to the hotel and tourism industry up to the value of 25% of the foreign exchange earned by them in the preceding licensing year. This limit for approved travel agents/tour operators is 10%. 9. Hotels located in locations other than the four major metro cities are entitled to 30% deduction from profit, for a ten-year period. 10. The expenditure tax has been waived in respect of hotels

located in the hills, rural areas, places of pilgrimage or specified place of tourist importance.

India is one of the popular tourist destinations in Asia. Bounded by the Himalayan ranges in the north, and surrounded on three sides by water (the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, and the Indian Ocean), with a long history and diverse culture, India offers a wide array of places to see and things to do. In 2004, foreign tourists visiting India spent 15.4 billion USD - the ninth highest in the world. India is also ranked among the top 3 adventure tourism destinations. One can expect to spend about $1,750 in 2005 dollars for a two week visit, staying in accommodations equivalent to Western ones. Perhaps India's best-known site is the Taj Mahal, one of the world's greatest architectural achievements. It was built between 1631 and 1653 by Emperor Shah Jahan in honor of his wife, Arjumand Banu, more popularly known as Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal serves as her tomb.

One of the popular tourist circuits is called the Golden Triangle: the cities Delhi; Agra (site of the Taj Mahal); and Jaipur. Delhi is approximately 200 kilometers away from Agra, and 250 kilometers from Jaipur. India also has a large variety of protected wildlife. The country's protected wilderness consists of 75 National Parks of India and 421 Sanctuaries, of which 19 fall under the purview of Project Tiger. Its climatic and geographic diversity makes it the home of over 350 mammals and 1200 bird species, many of which are unique to the subcontinent. Some well known national wildlife sanctuaries include Corbett, Kanha, Sariska, Periyar, Ranthambore, and Bharatpur.

Some of the popular tourists places are as follows:

JAMMU AND KASHMIR-THE LAND OF HEAVENS The Manasbal Lake near Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir is 2000

meters above sea level.Tourist destinations in Jammu and Kashmir include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Srinagar Jammu Leh Amarnath Vaishno Devi Other cities of interest in Northern India include Gwalior, Khajuraho, Varanasi, Mathura, and Haridwar.


Delhi,known in India as the "Lotus Temple", the Bah' House of Worship is one of the most famous landmarks in the Delhi. Delhi, the capital of the vast, mystic subcontinent that is India. A fine blend of old and new, ancient and modern in every stream of life is the soul of Delhi. A melting pot of cultures and traditions, religions and castes Delhi is true to its democratic nature. Delhi has ruled always from the mythological days to the present, the Aravali ridges and the Yamuna river stand a mute witness to it. The rulers left behind their trade marks in the architecture. Tughlakabad fort and the Qutab Minar, the Jama Masjid and the Lotus temple, The Humayun's tomb and the Red Fort, and India Gate and the Magnificent President's house. Delhi is famous for its wide roads and crisp winters. One of the few places in India where colours of nature changes with the seasons. Kerala to Kashmir and from Gujarat to Assam all the mouth watering delicacies and shopping goods are found in Delhi. The cosmopolitan nature of the city has only added to the beauty and glory of it. Big gardens, wide roads, ancient structures, and power of politics is what Delhi is all about.


The sunny beaches of Goa attracts millions of tourists every year.Goa is another popular destination, famous for its excellent beaches, churches, and temples. Goa, a tiny emerald land on the west coast of India situated between the borders of Maharastra and Karnataka, is better known to the world at large as the former Portuguese enclave on the Indian soil. With the rule of the Portuguese for over 450 years and the consequential influence of the Latin culture, Goa presents a somewhat different picture to the foreign visitor than any other part of the country. Not only the proportion of Christians (almost all of whom are Catholics) in the total population of Goa much higher than that obtaining in most of the other States; the general way of living is also markedly different. Western influence is evident in the dress and food habits, and the general life of the people is quiet and peaceful. A striking feature of Goa is the harmonious relationship between the two principal religious communities, the Hindus and the Catholics, who have lived together peacefully for generations.


Rajasthan has a rich history and culture making it one of the most popular tourist destinations in India. Shown here is the Hawa

Mahal in Jaipur, Rajathan.Rajasthan, the "Land of the Kings", is one of the most attractive tourist destinations in Northern India. The vast sand dunes of the Thar Desert attract millions of tourists from around the globe every year. Major visitor attractions in Rajathan include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. outpost. 6. Mount Abu is also one of the world famous tourist place. Jaipur - The capital of Rajasthan, famous for its rich Jodhpur, fortress-city at the edge of the Thar Desert, Jaisalmer is famous for its golden fortress. Barmer and surrounding areas offer perfect picture of Bikaner is famous for its medieval history as a trade route

history and royal architecture. famous for its blue homes and architecture.

typical Rajasthani villages.



Orissa has been a preferred destination from ancient days for people having interest in spirituality, religion, culture, art and beauty

of the nature. Ancient and medieval architecture, pristine sea beaches, nature at her beautiful best, the classical and ethnic dance forms and a variety of festivals, all in combine attract tourists from far off places to explore this state to a have a divine exposure of love and hospitality. Orissa has kept alive Buddhism and the Buddha in its ancient womb. The spirit of Buddhism still haunts the very air of Orissa. Rockedicts that have challenged time stand huge and over-powering by the banks of the river Daya. The silent stones sing out songs of peace and non-violence. The torch of Buddhism is still ablaze in the sublime triangle at Udayagiri, Lalitgiri & Ratanagiri, on the banks of river Birupa. The surrounding hills of Langudi and Kayama stand as mute witness to the quirks and twists of history. Precious fragments of a glorious past come alive in the shape of stupas, rock-cut caves, rockedicts, excavated monastries, viharas, chaityas and sacred relics in caskets. Rock-edicts of Ashoka are a bonus for your eyes.

TAMIL NADU Tamil Nadu has a rich culture and offers a wide selection of

temples famed for their architectural beauty. Some of the more popular temple tour destinations include: 1. 2. Meenakshi temple. 3. corridor in the world. 4. Kanyakumari, located at the tip of India, is at the confluence of the Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea and the Rameshwaram is famous for the longest Chennai - The capital of Tamil Nadu has Madurai is known for the beautiful the second longest beach in the world, the Marina Beach.

Indian Ocean. Recently a massive statue of Thiruvalluvar has been installed here. 5. Kumbakonam, known for the numerous temples in the town. The Mahamaham festival is held here once in every twelve years and attracts millions of devotees to the place. 6. 7. temple. 8. climate in the state. KARNATAKA The southern state of Karnataka offers: 1. Bangalore, the IT capital of India, is also significant for its history; 2. Mysore, about 140km from Bangalore, has palaces, KRS Dam, several temples, a Hindu temple atop Chamundi hills; 3. Srirangapatna, where nearby fortresses can be found (Tipu's); 4. Hampi the city of ruins (1500's when the Muslim kings destroyed the prosperous Vijayanagar empire); 5. The Belur and Halebid temples are famed for their sculptural beauty; 6. Sravanabelagola has a Jain temple dedicated to king Bahubali. The statue is massive and a Maha Masthaka Abhishekham performed one every year, attracts a huge number of pilgrims; 7. Sringeri, located in the western ghats, has a wonderful temple dedicated to Sarada devi; The famous hillstations Kodaikanal and Nilgiris offer the visitors a welcome relief from the usually hot Tiruchirapalli known for its Akhilandeshwari temple and Rockfort temple. Thanjavur has the famous Brihadeeswara


The Western Ghats offer many other places of exceptional

beauty like Agumbe, Horanadu etc.; 9. Madikeri, Kodagu, Talakaveri, Kemmanagundi all places of immense natural beauty.

KERALA-GOD'S OWN COUNTRY Kerala, nicknamed as "God's own country", is one of the most

beautiful states in Southern India. Shown here is Munnar, in Kerala.Kerala is an evergreen lush state, tucked away in the southern corner of India. It is one of the most haunted visits of tourists in India. The state has its own tourism brand name - "God's Own Country", which has super-brand status. Kerala is famous for its backwaters and lagoons. Kerala is also known for its Ayurveda. The state was nicked as one of the "10 paradises of the world" by the National Geographic traveller. The government of Kerala offers tourism packages related to Ayurveda also. The major attractions in Kerala include: 1. farms. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Hill stations at Thekady and Munnar Enchanting waterfalls at Athirapilly and Vazhachal An exquisite flora and fauna at its wildlife santuries. Its historical monuments. The housboats of Alapuzha. MAHARASHTRA Maharashtra with its diverse geographical features provides a range of tourist centres. The state has a 720km coastline dotted by rugs standing as mute witnesses down the ages to Backwaters, lagoons, tropical beaches and spice

the march of warrior kings, foreign trading vessels and invaders from across the seas. The beauty of Maharashtra is in its forts, caves and temples, so much so that it is called 'Dagd-Ancha Desh', meaning the Land of Rocks. It has a lot to offer to a visitor, its features are such that any tourist will definitely find something of his interest from among its beaches, forts, caves, temples, cities, wildlife sanctuaries, bird sanctuaries etc. The intricately carved caves of Ajanta, Ellora and Elephanta highlight the Indian heritage and the spellbinding Indian Culture. Religious places like Pandharpur, Nashik, Shirdi, Trimbakeshwar, Tuljapur, Ganapatipule, Bhimashankar etc are a refreshing experience and make a fascinating whole. Mumbai, the capital, can well claim to be (after Kolkata) the second cultural centre of India. Also known as the First city of India, it is one of the world's truly great cosmopolitan metropolises. Being the economic powerhouse of India Mumbai is the most affluent and industrialised city in the country today. Its tradition of glamour and showbiz makes it the city of dreams. Lively and pulsating, Mumbai is India's answer to Hollywood, producing more films each year than any other county in the world. It is also the centre of a healthy theatre culture.


SOTC-A DIVISION OF KUONI TRAVEL INDIA LTD. A pioneer and market leader in outbound group travel, this


division markets and operates foreign holiday packages under the SOTC World Famous Tours brand in India and in the big NRI markets

of the Middle East, USA and UK. It is also active in the Incentive Tours and the Trade Fair Tours segments. SOTC operates from 26 branches with over 400 employees in India. Highlights of SOTC

1. Pioneered Package Tours in India. Today, India's largest Outbound

Tour Operator with a distribution network of 116 points across the country.

2. First to introduce package tours to NRI's. Today, 13 General Sales

Agents in 14 countries abroad: USA, Canada, UK, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Kenya, Qatar, Tanzania, Hong Kong and Singapore.

3. Turnover in excess of Rs.200 crores. 4. Has a special tour for Pure Vegetarians and Jains. 5. Launched Happy Holidays in 1997. Customers Holiday Abroad and
Pay Later in easy monthly installments.

6. Has a Customer Club called SOTC Holiday Club patronized by over

20,000 frequent travelers.

7. Introduced Namaste India Holiday Club in year 2002 giving

opportunity to NRI's to discover India.

8. Awarded for Outstanding Performance in South Asia at the World

Travel Mart 1999.

9. Honoured by Switzerland with the renaming of Engel berg town as the

' SOTC Indian Village '.

In the afternoon conversation started with Mr. Hemant

Manchekar, Assistant Manager, Retail Service of SOTC. Speaking about Tourism, he explained us how important it is to provide best services and make the tourist satisfied. According to his views, tourism sector is fast booming resulting in market competition among tour operators, he spoke about various services offered like individual tours, group tours to various destinations like Europe, Australia, New-Zealand, Egypt, China and so on , also about the special packages that are packages as per the schemes. Further about the segmentation of the company, he informed us that they have to look at the market level, strategy, age-group, seasons, and so on. They provide the customer services as per the tourists desires. About the additional value to tourists, he said that they apply various strategies, like wishing them on the occasions like Birthdays, aniversies and so on. And also providing extra facilities and special packages to regular customers. He informed about their Strength of the company that Sky is their Limit as they are based on multinational support from Swiss company, they have huge turnover and has captured almost a big part of the tourism industry. In India, their major competitors being Thomas Cook, Coxs And Kings, Raj Travels and so on. Asking about the competitors strategy, he replied that they provide various incentives and facilities like Group Tour, Incentive Tour, Awards, Cricket Matches, corporate Travel. Etc. are provided to customers. At last, talking about the Indian economy, he stated that, it is resulting in higher growth level of economy. Also other important factors contributing to rising tourism sector are fall in air fares, ease getting of visas, embassy support and give-take relations. on discounts for families individuals


COX & KINGS Cox & Kings is the longest established travel company in the

world. Its distinguished history began in 1758 when it was appointed as general agents to the regiment of Foot Guards in India under the command of Lord Ligonier. By 1878, C&K were agents for most British regiments posted overseas, including the Royal Cavalry, Artillery and Infantry, as well as the Royal Wagon Train and the Household Brigade. The Royal Navy was next and in 1912, The Royal Air Force came under its wings. Between 1750's and 1950's, Cox & Kings was witness to an exciting era in Indian history, and, in its own way, helped to shape it. In 1947, the British administration departed, but bound by strong ties to India, Cox & Kings stayed on and flourished. Today, Cox & Kings is a premium brand in all travel related services in the Indian subcontinent, employing over 800 trained professionals.


Thomas Cook is one of the world's leading international travel and financial services groups and serves over 20 million customers a year. They provide services to customers at 4,500 locations in more than 100 countries and employee over 20,000 people. The Thomas Cook Holiday comes with a 150-year-old guarantee of eternally sunlit memories. They couldn't expect any less from the people who invented travel for leisure. They offer the world's most enjoyable holidays, to exotic destinations in India and abroad where everything is taken care of from beginning to end. Customers don't have to do a thing except, of course, have a good time.

They strategic mergers and alliances with the world's leading leisure travel agencies allow the company to offer the Indian travelers a choice of world-class international holidays. The tempting array of choices includes budget tours with Cosmos; resort holidays with Club Med and luxury cruises with Star Cruises, Cunard and others. For those customers traveling in India, they provide the entire gamut of services from customizing guided tours to arranging theme evenings.

Established in 1984, Kesari Tours is a premium travel company, which offers world-class holidays in India and around the world. Kesari have perfected their tour itineraries to meet the special needs of the Indian tourist abroad.The motto of organization is 'No compromise on quality'. At Kesari Tours, they have made a promise to us; if they make a promise to their customers, they honor it. They believe in honest, transparent deals. No hidden costs and no compromise on sightseeing. They strive for 100% satisfaction of tourists. Immense goodwill. That's what they earned out of their beliefs. Whether travelers visit their corporate office or any of their branches across Maharashtra and India, they will experience the same level of service and commitment. All their business associates, branch offices and preferred sales agents are connected online and each one has complete access to the sophisticated reservation system for up to date information.Totally dedicated, hard working team strives for total customer satisfaction. Their team has a way of winning over hearts effortlessly with their professionalism and warm behavior. At Kesari tours, from youngsters to senior citizens, from couples to families, everyone enjoys their tours to the fullest. Their personal

touch ensures maximum repeat passengers. Many lifetime friendships begin on a Kesari tours holiday. RAJ TRAVELS A passion for Travel & a vision for creating innovative travel packages, two driving forces saw the beginning of a Travel Company in a very modest way in Mumbais Masjid Bunder. Raj travels started with conducting & managing tours to Srinagar (the Switzerland of India) & to South India. The aggressive marketing combined with several add-on features like inclusions of maximum sightseeing, using top class hotels, catering to good food, innovative ideas, a pre-departure get-together, games on tour, library, mobile T.V & intercom, were some of the inclusions, which were unheard of. This was their Unique Selling Point & it spoke for itself. A quality product had to be with a high price tag. Customers chose it. In 3 years time (1979), Raj Travels introduced International tours. PATTAYA, BANGKOK, HONGKONG, MACAU, MANILA, SINGAPORE, PENANG, and KUALA LUMPUR-the maiden tour was fully packed with 44 people!!! A big number in those days. The tremendous success & satisfaction of this tour paved way for Raj to hold its banner high & it continues to do so till date. They are proud to say that year after year they new have improved on the product, marketing, adding & new destinations, attractions, pro-active building

customer confidence. The growth & success can be attributed to its constant improvisation and introducing new features - be it the choice of Hotels, choice of Airlines, or choice of Destinations. Awareness of the growing trends in travel trend, up to the demands of the more educated and savvy travelers.

Orlando, Madame Tussauds, Kukenhof Gardens, Fantasia land, Holiday Park, TGV train ride, Hovercraft ride Safari, Helicopter ride, Balloon ride, Ski flight, Dinners at Planet Hollywood, Hard Rock Caf, Rainforest Caf, James Bond Breakfast at Schilthorn, Mt Titlis, Mt Rigi, Dinner on 107th floor of World Trade Center, Para Sailing, Submarin ride, Ride on MTR, the Singapore Zoo, Night all these and more were brought to the discerning traveller, only in a Raj Tour.


The year 2004-05 saw tourism emerging as one of the major sectors for growth of Indian economy, the foreign exchange earnings increased from Rs. 16,429 crore to 21,828 crore up to December. Similarly in the last year, tourism industry registered a growth rate of 17.3% in foreign tourist arrivals, which has been the highest in last 10 years. Foreign exchange earnings grew at an even higher rate 30.2%. India's tourism industry is thriving due to an increase in foreign tourists arrivals and greater than before travel by Indians to domestic and abroad destinations. The visitors are pouring in from all over the world: Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia and Australia. At the same time, the number of Indians traveling has also increased. Some tourists come from Middle East countries to witness the drenching monsoon rains in India, a phenomenon never seen in desert climates. Domestic tourists are also fueling the industry's revival. Many of them escape from the summer heat on the plains to resorts in the Himalayan Mountains. One of the major beneficiaries this year is Kashmir, where a cease-fire between India and Pakistan has reduced violence, if not completely, at least enough to help revive the state's sagging tourism industry. Among the most favoured tourist destinations in India, Kerala for its scenic beauty, Agra for Taj Mahal, Khujraho for its sculptures and temples, Goa for its beaches and some pilgrimages are the most important. Interesting feature of this growth is that it has come even as global tourism has dropped, due to the September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States, the outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in East Asia, and the Iraq war. Even the disastrous tsunami didn't affect India's tourism industry, as tourist arrivals in India rose

23.5 percent in Dec 2004 and tourist arrivals crossed 3 million mark for the first time in 2004. The disaster was expected to have a negative impact on India's tourism in terms of large-scale cancellations of tourists to India but nothing of that sort was seen.

There could be several reasons for the buoyancy in the Indian tourism industry. First, the upward trend observed in the growth rate of Indian economy has raised middle class incomes, prompting more people to spend money on vacations abroad or at home. Also, India is booming in the information technology industry and has become the IT center. Aggressive advertising campaign "Incredible India" by the government has also had contribution in changing India's image from that of a land of snake charmers, and sparking new interest among overseas travellers.

It is not hidden that tourism is among India's important export industries. Even with comparatively low levels of international tourist traffic, tourism has already emerged as an important segment of the Indian economy. Tourism also contributed to the economy indirectly through its linkages with other sectors like horticulture, agriculture, poultry, handicrafts and construction. Foreign exchange earnings from tourism during 2003-04 were US $ 3,533 million ( Rs 16,429 crore). Besides being an important foreign exchange earner, tourism industry also provides employment to millions of people in India both directly and indirectly ( through its linkage with other sectors of the economy.) It is estimated that total direct employment in the tourism sector is around 20 million.


Recently, Indian government adopted a multi-pronged approach for promotion of tourism, which includes new mechanism for speedy implementation of tourism projects, development of integrated tourism circuits and rural destinations, special capacity building in the unorganized hospitality sector and new marketing strategy. A nation wide campaign, for creating awareness about the effects of tourism and preservation of our rich heritage & culture, cleanliness and warm hospitality through a process of training and orientation was launched during 2004-05. The aim was to rebuild that sense of responsibility towards tourists among Indians and re-enforces the confidence of foreign tourist towards India as a preferred holiday destination. More than 6500 taxi drivers, restaurant owners and guides trained under the programme. Government also took several other initiatives to promote Indian tourism industry and increased the plan allocation for tourism i.e. from Rs 325 crore in 2003-04 to Rs. 500 crore in 2004-05. Road shows in key source markets of Europe, Incredible India campaign on prominent TV channels and in magazines across the world were among the few steps taken to advertise Indian tourism. In addition a task force was set up to promote India as prominent health tourism destination. However, in order to attract more visitors, India still needs to upgrade its airports, roads and other infrastructure to global standards. Even with the recent surge, tourist arrivals are just a mere percentage of those in such popular Asian destinations like Bangkok and Thailand.

India Tourism office at Tokyo won two International Awards in Tour Expo held at Daegu in Korea for excellent tourism promotion. Indian Pavilion won the Best Booth Design Award as well as Best Folklore Performance Award competing with major players in tourism such as China, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia and Canada. The theme of pavilion was the Buddhist pilgrimage in India. Multi promotional activities undertaken by Tokyo office drew a large crowd to India Pavilion, which added colours to the entire travel show. The Koreas leading newspapers published on the front page the Incredible India booths photographs highlighting various aspects. The live Yoga performance and Indian traditional snacks at the pavilion were enjoyed very much by the visitors.


A religious Englishman called Thomas Cook in 1841 arranged, for a fee, a one day rail excursion from Leicester to Lough borough for 540 members of a temperance league. Thus the first bona fide travel agent was Thomas Cook. While Cook himself did not make a profit on this first venture, he was a man of vision and was convinced that there was a need for a skilled travel arranger. So by 1845 he had become the first fulltime travel agent, operating train excursions from Leicester. The next year he chartered a train and steamer for an excursion to Scotland for 330 people. In 1851 Cook arranged ocean steamship travel and accommodations for more than 1,50,000 visitors to the World Exposition in London and in 1856 he operated the first escorted grand tour of Europe. Tours to Europe and Middle East were also conducted and, in 1872, the first around the world tour was conducted.

Wars, tsunami and bird flu etc. are serious problems that have a significant affect on tourism. But, these are not the elementary problems. Infrastructure is one primary problem to many industries in India. Infrastructure in India has improved but still it is far from what is required to become a world tourist destination. Another one is the infamous corruption of India, which is a major obstacle to the tourism industry.Resolving these issues will itself help in overcoming other smaller problems mentioned above. Government of India has a target of 10% GDP growth rate, with the present growth rate at around 8%. To maintain such a high growth rate and increase the employment opportunities also at the same rate, it has to exploit the highly potential and growing sectors like Tourism. And, to fully exploit these sectors, problems related to these sectors should be addressed along with the fundamental issues like infrastructure and corruption.


1.WEB SITES: 2.Newspapers : Times of India DNA 3.Magazines: Business World India Today 4. Books: Indian tours: A Great Pleasures

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