Anderson Barnwell Germination PD

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Laboratory Manual

Skill: Planning and Designing (PD)

Title: Investigating the action of mould on bread
The laboratory report requires a hypothesis that is based on the observation given, an aim, a method, a
list of apparatus & materials, a table which will be used to record data, an accept/reject statement
which describes what data will cause the hypothesis to be accepted or rejected, limitations and
precautions. Each section will provide details for guidance.

When saving this document use this naming structure: Your full name Germination Plan and Design
example “Daniella Grant Germination PD”

Observation: When Peri was in primary school, he forgot to eat the sandwiches in his bag. He
realized that the bread from one sandwich did not grow mold even after having been in his bag for
a while. He is not sure whether it was the brown bread his mother makes, the store bread that his
brother bought, or the rye bread his aunt sent. Design an experiment that will help Peri figure out
which bread type likely was used for his sandwich.

Based on the observation you will create a hypothesis. A good hypothesis has four basic characteristics 1) it deals
with only one condition or variable, 2) can be tested, 3) relates directly to the observations made, 4) makes
common sense

Rye bread will have the highest amount of mold cover than the other types of bread if left over the
same period of time under the same conditions

An aim is usually a restatement of your hypothesis that includes the word “to” and a verb.

To determine which bread will have the highest amount of mold cover compared to the other types
of bread if left over the same period under the same conditions

Apparatus and Materials:

Be specific with quantities, laboratory apparatus can be used here.

A quadrat
all 3 types of bread(x3)
(rye), (brown) and (store-bought)
9 Ziplock bags
3 lunch bags

This must be in command tense and numbered. It must include all apparatus and materials you listed above. The
method must be appropriate for your hypothesis. The method must include the measurements you will do to collect
results. Under your step-by-step method the variables in the method must be listed. The variables are 1) controlled
variables 2) responding variable (dependent) 3) manipulated variable (independent). The control set-up must also
be described. This is the set-up without the manipulated/independent variable.

Step 1
Prepare 3 cheese sandwiches each using 2 slices of rye bread, store bought bread and brown bread.

Step 2
Place each of the sandwiches in a zip lock bag.

Step 3
Label all the Ziplock bags and the lunch bags with the type of bread.

Step 4
Place all 9 sandwiches in 3 lunch bags. 3 of each bread type in each of the following bags.

Step 5
Wait 7 days to see significant mold growth.

Step 6
Remove the bread from the lunch bags
Step 7
Observe the mold coverage

Step 8
Measure the mold coverage using the quadrat

Expected Results
A well-constructed table that will be used to collect data is required here. The table will not have actual results.
Units of measurement must be included where applicable in the column headings in the table. An appropriate title
is required. This table can be digitally prepared and inserted in the document.



Area(mm2 ) Area(mm2 ) Area(mm2 )
Day 3 0.5 1 0.25
Day 5 0.75 1.25 0.3
Day 7 1.6 1.5 0.3
Day 10 2.1 1.75 0.275

This section also requires an accept/reject statement. This statement reveals what data will allow you to accept or
reject your hypothesis. Example “If this happens then the hypothesis will be accepted.”

If the rye bread has the highest amount of mole cover, then the hypothesis will be accepted.

It is expected your experiment will have limitations for several reasons. Therefore at least one limitation needs to
be provided here. You should explain why the limitation is a limitation to your experimental plan and design.
The quadrat would not cover the sides and be able to measure the depth of the bread.

Replicating the same conditions

Describe measures that should be taken to ensure accurate results as far as possible

The expiration date.


Hypothesis Aim

Clearly stated 1 Related to hypothesis 1

Testable 1


Materials/Apparatus Variables stated 1

Appropriate 1 Control mentioned 1

Suitable 1

Expected results

Suitable format 1 Limitations/precautions

Accept/reject hypothesis 1 Stated 1

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