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A arrive (u-rīv)  v.

When you arrive, you get to a

ability (u-bil-ut-ē) n. If you have ability, you have place. Some people like to arrive early at a party.
the skill to do something. A gymnast has the ability đến
to balance.
artery (art-u-rē)  n. An artery is a
khả năng
type of blood vessel. Arteries carry
accept (ak-sept)  v. When you accept something, blood away from the heart.
you admit that it is true. The team accepted that they động mạch
had lost.
• assignment (u-sīn-mint)  n. An
chấp nhận
assignment is a task or job given to
accident (ak-sud-ent)  n. An accident is a sudden someone. An assignment is often
event that causes damage to people or things. The more fun to do in pairs.
car accident caused $1,000 in damages. phân công
tai nạn
• associate (u-sō-shē-āt)  v. When you associate
• adjust (ud-just)  v. When two things, you connect, or relate, them in your mind.
you adjust to something, you Tina will always associate her backpack with school.
become used to it. You can liên kết
adjust to cold weather when you
• assume (u-süm)  v. When you assume, you guess
go outside.
something is true. I assume you’ve finished your
điều chỉnh
homework since you’re watching TV.
• affect (u-fekt)  v. When you affect someone or giả định
something, you cause a change. Loud music can
atmosphere (at-mus-fear)  n. The atmosphere is
affect your hearing.
the air that surrounds Earth. Airplanes fly through the
ảnh hưởng đến
• aid (ād)  v. To aid someone is to help or give khí quyển
support. The nurse had to aid the patient in getting
• attach (u-tach)  v. When you attach something,
out of bed.
you stick it to something else. Use tape to attach a
hỗ trợ
poster to your wall.
• analyze (a-nu-līz)  v. When you analyze something, đính kèm
you study it closely. Mark analyzed the piece of grass
attention (u-ten-shun)  n. When you give someone
under the microscope.
your attention, you listen to what they say or watch
phân tích
what they do. Pay attention to your teacher so you
• appeal (u-pēl)  n. An appeal is a strong request for can learn.
something. The lawyer made an appeal to the judge. sự chú ý
kháng cáo
awkward (aw-kwurd)  adj. Someone who is
• approach (u-prōch)  v. To approach means to awkward feels nervous or clumsy. The boy feels
come toward someone or something. The librarian awkward at the dance.
approached the student to offer help. lúng túng
tiếp cận
• area (air-ē-u)  n. An area is a section of a place B
often set aside for special use. Fences are often backward (bak-wurd)  adv. To move backward is
used to mark areas where people are not allowed to move toward the back. You can move some chess
to go. pieces backward.
khu vực về phía sau

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battle (bat-ul)  n. A battle is a fight. During the • category (ka-tu-gor-ē)  n. A category is a group

American Civil War, the North did battle with the of items that have something in common. Snakes are
South. not part of the rodent category.
trận chiến loại
• benefit (be-nu-fit)  v. When you benefit from celebrate (sel-u-brāt)  v. To celebrate means to do
something, it improves your life or helps you. You will something fun because of an important event. Every
benefit from brushing your teeth two times a day. year you celebrate your birthday.
lợi ích ăn mừng
blend (blend)  v. When you blend things, you mix cell (sel)  n. A cell is the smallest working part of a
them together. In cooking, you blend the ingredients. living thing. People are made up of millions of cells.
pha trộn tế bào
blizzard (bli-zurd)  n. A blizzard is a strong • challenge (chal-unj)  n. A challenge is something
snowstorm. It’s hard to see where you’re going in a that is hard to do. It is a challenge to run a race.
blizzard. thách thức
bão tuyết
champion (cham-pē-un)  n. A champion is a
bloom (blüm)  v. To bloom winner. She became champion by winning first place
means to open up or turn into in a contest.
a flower. Flowers usually bloom nhà vô địch
in spring.
nở hoa, ra hoa • chapter (chap-tur)  n. A chapter is one part of
something. A book usually has several chapters.
• bond (bahnd)  1  n. A bond is something that chương
unites two or more people. The family bond between
Lisa and Raul is very strong. 2 v. When you bond with • characteristic (kair-ik-tu-ris-tik)  n. A
someone, you form a close relationship with him or characteristic is a quality of something. One
her. Teammates bond with each other when playing characteristic of a giraffe is its long neck.
sports. đặc điểm
sự liên kết choice (chois)  n. A choice is a decision. You make
a choice about what to eat each day.
C sự lựa chọn
• capable (kā-pu-bul)  adj. When you are capable, circulate (sur-kū-lāt)  v.
you have the qualities needed to do something. When something circulates,
George is capable of climbing the mountain. it moves along a path that
có khả năng returns to the place it started.
Blood circulates throughout
capital (kap-ut-ul)  n. your body.
A capital is the city where lưu thông
a government is located.
Washington, D.C., is the capital clever (klev-ur)  adj. A clever person uses
of the United States. intelligence to do something tricky. A magician is
thủ đô clever.
thông minh
captive (kap-tiv)  adj. A captive animal is not free
to leave. Animals in cages are captive. clueless (klü-lis)  adj. To be clueless means to
bị nhốt be confused or not to know something. The girl was
clueless about how to answer the question.
career (ku-rēr)  n. A career is the type of work a bối rối
person does. She wants a career in architecture.
sự nghiệp

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• communicate (ku-myū-nu-kāt)  v. When you conquer (kahn-kur)  v. To conquer means to win
communicate, you give and get information. The control of people through force. Adolf Hitler tried to

telephone is the easiest way to communicate with my conquer all of Europe in World War II.
relatives in Spain. chinh phục
giao tiếp
contact (kahn-takt)  n. Contact is the act of
• community (ku-myū-nu-tē)  n. A community meeting or communicating. The friends stay in
is a group of people who live in one place. A contact over the phone because they live so far apart.
neighborhood is a kind of community. liên lạc
cộng đồng
contest (kahn-test)  n. A contest is a game or
• compare (kum-pair)  v. When you compare two test to see who is the best at something. The winner
things, you tell how they are alike and different. We of a contest often gets a prize.
have to compare a hill to a mountain in our social cuộc thi
studies class.
so sánh • context (kon-tekst)  1 n. Context is the
surrounding text near a word or phrase that helps
compete (kum-pēt)  v. When you compete, you explain its meaning. 2 adj. A context clue helps you
take part in a contest. The athletes compete to win figure out a word’s meaning. Use context clues to
the race. help you understand the word.
tranh đua ngữ cảnh
• compound (kom-pownd)  adj. When something is continue (kun-tin-yū)  v. To continue means to
compound, it is made of two or more parts. He has a keep doing something. The runner continues the race
compound fracture in his leg. for his team by grabbing the baton from the previous
ghép runner.
tiếp tục
• concentrate (kon-sun-trāt)  v. When you
concentrate, you think about what you do. You have • contrast (kun-trast)  v. When you contrast things,
to concentrate when you read. you tell how they are different. Please contrast a
tập trung desert and a rainforest in your report.
đối chiếu
confidence (kahn-fu-dints)  n. When you have
confidence, you believe you can do something. He • convince (kun-vints)  v. When you convince
has confidence that he will win the game. someone, you make the person agree with you. I
sự tự tin convinced my friend to go to the movies with me.
thuyết phục
• conflict (kahn-flikt)  n. A conflict is a problem or
a disagreement. A conflict often leads to anger. council (kown-sul)  n. A council is a group of
xung đột people who gather together to make decisions. The
student council decides where to go for the class trip.
congratulate (kun-grach-u- hội đồng
lāt)  v. When you congratulate
someone, you let that person creature (krē-chur)  n. A creature is an animal.
know you are happy for The platypus is an interesting creature that is found in
something they have achieved. Australia.
This woman is congratulated sinh vật
for finishing school.
chúc mừng • credit (kred-ut)  n. When you are given credit, you
are noticed for something you have done well. You
• connect (ku-nekt)  v. When you connect things, want credit from your parents for a good grade.
you show how they are related. Connect the printer to lòng tin
the computer with the cable.
kết nối

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crop (krop)  n. A crop is a type of plant grown in dependable (di-pen-du-bul)  adj. A dependable

large amounts to eat or use. The farmer has a good person can be trusted to do the right thing. Parents
crop of corn this year. want dependable babysitters.
cây trồng, thu hoạch đáng tin cậy
cross (kraws)  v. When you • design (di-zīn)  v. When
cross something, you go from you design something, you
one side to another. The hikers plan how to make it or do
crossed the bridge. it. People design things by
đi qua making drawings first.
thiết kế
custom (kus-tum)  n. A custom is something that
a certain group of people usually do. In the U.S., it is desire (di-zī-ur)  v. When you desire something,
a custom to shake hands when meeting someone. you really want it. The child desired the bike in the
tục lệ store window.
mong muốn
D destination (des-tu-nā-shun)  n. A destination
damage (dam-ij)  v. To damage means to cause is a place you plan to go. The destination for our
harm. Wind and water from a storm can damage a summer vacation is New York City.
building. điểm đến
thiệt hại destroy (di-stroi)  v. When you destroy something,
dangerous (dān-jur-us)  adj. it cannot be repaired. Our dog destroyed the
Something dangerous is not newspapers.
safe. The sign warned people phá hủy
that swimming might be determined (di-tur-mind)  adj. When you are
dangerous. determined, you try very hard to do something. Each
nguy hiểm runner in the race is determined to win.
• data (dā-tu)  n. Data is factual information. The quyết tâm
data in my report was gathered from library books. • device (di-vīs)  n. A device is a tool. A remote
dữ liệu control is a device that changes channels on a TV.
decide (di-sīd)  v. When you decide, you make a dụng cụ
choice about something. He cannot decide what to difficult (dif-i-kult)  adj. Something that is difficult
wear. is hard to do. Gymnastics is very difficult.
quyết định khó
defeat (di-fēt)  n. A defeat is a loss. He felt disaster (diz-as-tur)  n. A disaster is a very bad
responsible for his team’s defeat. event. Weather sometimes causes terrible disasters.
sự thất bại thảm họa
• definition (de-fuh-ni-shun)  n. The meaning of a • distinguish (di-sting-wish)  v. To distinguish is
word is its definition. Please look up the definition of to recognize and understand the difference between
five words in the dictionary. two or more things. The children need to distinguish
định nghĩa between right and wrong.
department (di-part-ment)  n. A department is a phân biệt
part of a larger group or business. You get a driver’s dream (drēm)  n. A dream is a thought or an image
license at a motor vehicle department. in your mind when you sleep. I had a good dream last
bộ phận, sở night.
giấc mơ

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E • energy (e-nur-jē)  n. Energy is the power or force
to do things. Young children have lots of energy.

education (ej-u-kā-shun)  n. Your education
is everything you learn. Education can come from năng lượng
books, people, or experiences. • evaluate (ē-val-yū-wāt)  v. To evaluate is to
giáo dục decide how good or useful something is. The
teachers will evaluate the new math program.
effort (e-furt)  n. When you put effort into
something, you try harder. A runner puts effort into đánh giá
winning a race. • evidence (e-vu-dens)  n. Evidence is facts or
nỗ lực information that show that something is true.
There is evidence that sharks have been around for
• element (e-lu-ment)  n. An element is a basic part
thousands of years.
of something. A light bulb is one element of a lamp.
yếu tố bằng chứng

• emerge (i-murj)  v. When you emerge from a • exact (eks-zact)  adj. Something that is exact is
accurate and specific. The thermometer gives an
place, you come out of it. A swimmer emerges from
exact reading of the temperature outside.
the water for air.
nổi lên từ chính xác

emergency (i-mur-jen-sē)  adj. An emergency examine (eks-zam-un)  v.

When you examine
service helps people in serious situations. The
something, you look at it very
emergency medical team rides in an ambulance.
closely. A doctor examines
trường hợp khẩn cấp
you to make sure you are
emperor (em-pur-ur)  n. An emperor is a ruler. An healthy.
emperor once ruled Vietman. kiểm tra
Hoàng Đế
excellent (eks-su-lent)  adj. When something is
empire (em-pī-ur)  n. An excellent, it is very good. The audience thought the
empire is a large group of play was excellent.
areas ruled by one person. tuyệt vời
The Romans had an empire
that included lands from
exercise (eks-sur-sīz)  n. Exercise is an activity
you do to stay fit and healthy. Many people ride
Europe to Africa.
bicycles for exercise.
đế quốc
tập thể dục
employee (em-ploi-ē)  n. An employee is a person
who works for someone else. I asked the store
exist (eks-zist)  v. To exist means to be real. Most
people don’t believe that ghosts exist.
employee for help.
nhân viên có thực

• encounter (en-kown-tur)  n. An encounter is experience (eks-spēr-ē-uns)  n. Experience

is knowledge or skill that comes from having
a meeting. The photographer took pictures of his
already done something. A chef has a lot of cooking
encounter with a bear.
cuộc gặp gỡ
kinh nghiệm
encourage (en-kur-ij)  v. When you encourage
people, you give them hope that they can do
• experiment (eks-sper-i-ment)  v. When you
experiment, you try an idea. You can experiment in
something. The father encouraged his son to play
science class.
khuyến khích thử nghiệm

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F glacier (glā-shur)  n. A
glacier is a huge body of
fan (fan)  n. A fan is
moving ice. Many mountains are
someone who supports a
formed by moving glaciers.
particular team or person.
Fans go to games to cheer for sông băng
their teams. glory (glor-ē)  n. Glory is a moment of great
người hâm mộ success. Winning the science award was my greatest
moment of glory.
• feature (fē-chur)  n. A feature is a part of
something that stands out or is noticeable. My sự vinh quang
sister’s eyes are her best feature. • goal (gōl)  n. A goal is a purpose or what you want
tính năng to happen. Tim has a goal to read seven books this
foreign (for-in)  adj. When something is foreign, it
is from somewhere else. Last summer, my family and mục tiêu
I traveled to a foreign country.
nước ngoài H
forever (for-e-vur)  adv. Forever means for a time healthy (hel-thē)  adj. Someone who is healthy is
without end. The road looks like it goes on forever. not sick. Exercise will help keep you healthy.
mãi mãi khỏe mạnh
forget (fur-get)  v. When you forget something, you honest (ahn-ust)  adj. An
no longer know it. My sister often forgets where she honest person tells the truth.
puts her keys. Abe Lincoln was known as
quên Honest Abe because of his
forward (for-wurd)  adv. To move forward is to trung thực
move ahead or to the front. A sign can tell you to
move forward. honor (ahn-ur)  n. An honor is a symbol of high
về phía trước praise from others. It is an honor to be given an
future (fyū-chur)  n. The future is a time that has niềm vinh dự
not yet happened. Tomorrow is in the future.
tương lai human (hyū-man)  1 adj. To be human means
to have the qualities of a person. The gorillas at the
zoo almost look human. 2 n. People are also called
G humans.
gather (gath-ur)  v. To gather means to bring con người
together. All my relatives gather at our house on
thu thập
• identify (ī-den-tu-fī) v. When you identify
genius (jēn-yus)  n. A genius is someone who is something, you recognize or discover it. The fireman
very smart. A genius named Thomas Edison invented was glad to identify the cause of the fire.
the lightbulb. nhận diện
thiên tài
• illustrate (i-lus-trāt) v. To illustrate is to use
gesture (jes-chur)  n. A gesture is an action done pictures or examples to make something clear. I will
to show how you feel. Our neighbor made us dinner illustrate a book for art class.
as a friendly gesture. minh họa
cử chỉ

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• image (im-ij) n. An image is a mental picture of journey (jur-nē)  n. A journey is a long trip. People
something. Matthew laughs at the image of his dog take a journey across the ocean in a ship.

eating an ice cream cone. cuộc hành trình
hình ảnh
• judgment (juj-mint)  n. A judgment is a decision
• immigrant (im-i-grint)  n. An immigrant is or ruling. In a court, a judge makes a judgment about
someone who moves from one country to another who is right.
country to live. Many immigrants come to the U.S. to phán quyết
start new lives.
người nhập cư K
improve (im-prüv)  v. To improve something knowledge (nah-lij)  n. Knowledge is what you
means to make it better. Painting a house improves know. When you learn new things, you add to your
how it looks. knowledge.
cải thiện kiến thức
• interpret (in-tur-prit)  v. To interpret means to
figure out or explain what something means. The L
woman interpreted the speech through sign language.
league (lēg)  n. A league is
giải thích
a group of teams that play the
interrupt (int-u-rupt)  v. To interrupt means to same sport. My friends and
break into a conversation or activity. It is impolite to I all play in our neighborhood
interrupt a conversation. baseball league.
ngắt liên đoàn
introduce (in-tru-düs)  v. To introduce means to local (lō-cul)  adj. Local means nearby. My family
present someone by name. You may introduce one goes to the local farmers’ market every weekend to
friend to another. buy fresh vegetables.
giới thiệu địa phương
invention (in-ven-shun)  n. An invention is • logical (lah-ji-kul)  adj. Something that is logical
something that is made for the first time. The seems believable or reasonable. It is logical to wear
telephone is an invention that lets people talk. a coat when it is cold outside.
phát minh hợp lý
invitation (in-vu-tā-shun)  n. An invitation is
a request for you to do something. People getting M
married send wedding invitations. machine (mu-shēn)  n. A machine is a tool made
lời mời of parts that does some kind of work. You can make
clothes with a sewing machine.
• involve (in-vahlv)  v. To be involved means to be
part of something. A team involves people working máy
together. marry (mair-ē)  v. To marry means to join together.
liên quan đến When two people marry, they join together to make a
J kết hôn
• job (job)  n. A job is work melt (melt)  v. To melt means to change from a
you do. This person has a solid to a liquid. When the sun is out, the snow begins
job in a restaurant. to melt.
công việc làm tan chảy

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mighty (mī-tē)  adj. To be mighty means to be organ (or-gun)  n. An organ is a body part that

powerful and strong. Crocodiles have mighty jaws. has a certain job to do. Your heart and lungs are
hùng vĩ important organs.
cơ quan
• model (mod-ul)  n. A model is a copy of
something. He builds models of motorcycles as a • organize (or-gu-nīz)  v. To organize means
hobby. to arrange things in a certain order. Mr. Holmes
mô hình organizes his books in alphabetical order.
tổ chức
monster (mahn-ster)  n. A
monster is a scary creature. • original (u-rij-in-ul)  adj. Something that is original
The dinosaur was a terrifying is the first of its kind. The artist created an original
monster. painting for her neighbor.
quái vật nguyên bản
muscle (mus-ul)  n. A muscle is an organ that • outcome (owt-kum)  n. An outcome is the result
gives you strength to move. You can see and feel the of something. A scoreboard shows the outcome of
muscles in your arm. a race.
cơ kết quả
museum (myū-zē-um)  n. In a museum, people oxygen (ahk-si-jen)  n.
can look at art or other valuable objects. Our class Oxygen is the air we
saw paintings at the museum. breathe. We use extra
bảo tàng oxygen to exercise.
nonsense (nahn-sens)  n. Nonsense is something P
that makes no sense. Sometimes riddles are pastime (pas-tīm)  n. A pastime is an activity that
nonsense. you often do for fun. Cooking is my favorite pastime.
vô nghĩa trò tiêu khiển
notice (nō-tis)  v. To notice something is to see or patiently (pā-shent-lē)  adv. When you do
hear it. You may notice the colors in a piece of art. something patiently, you do not get upset. My dog
thông báo waits patiently outside while I buy a cup of coffee.
kiên nhẫn
O peasant (pe-zint)  n. A peasant is a European
obedient (ō-bē-dē- small farm worker. Peasants worked hard for the
int)  adj. When you’re things they had.
obedient, you do what nông dân
you are told to do. An • perspective (pur-spek-tiv)  n. A perspective is a
obedient dog listens to way of thinking about something. The teacher and her
commands. student have a different perspective on homework.
vâng lời quan điểm
obey (ō-bā)  v. To obey means to do what you are popular (pop-yū-lur)  adj. To be popular means to
told. The dogs obeyed their owner by sitting. be liked by many people. Popcorn is a popular snack
tuân theo eaten at the movies.
odor (ō-dur)  n. An odor is a smell. The trash can bình dân
has a strong odor.

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• position (pu-zish-un)  n. Your position on an issue proud (prowd)  adj. To be proud means to feel
is what you think or believe about it. Her position is good about yourself. You feel proud if you win a

that recycling is a good thing to do. trophy.
vị trí tự hào
possession (pu-zesh-un)  n. A possession is pump (pump)  1 v. To pump something is to push
something that belongs to someone. A toy may be a liquid from one place to another. In some places,
child’s favorite possession. people pump water from wells. 2 n. A pump is also
sở hữu something that pushes liquid. People also use pumps
to deliver water.
poverty (pah-vur-tē)  n. Poverty is the state or bơm
condition of being poor. People who live in poverty
may not have enough food to eat. • purpose (pur-pus)  n. A purpose is a reason for
đói nghèo doing something. His purpose for going to the store
was to buy milk.
powerful (pow-ur-ful)  adj. People are powerful mục đích
when they are strong. The weightlifter showed off his
powerful strength in the competition.
mạnh mẽ R
practice (prak-tis)  v. To practice means to do realize (rē-u-līz)  v. To realize means to understand
something in order to become better at it. People something. I realized the correct answer too late.
must practice to become good musicians. nhận ra
luyện tập • record (ri-kord)  v. When you record, you make a
preserve (prē-zurv)  v. To preserve means to keep copy. The singer recorded her song in a studio.
something from being lost. People celebrate certain ghi lại
holidays to preserve their culture. recycle (rē-sī-kul)  v. To recycle means to use
bảo tồn again, usually in a different way. People usually
prevent (prē-vent)  v. To prevent something means recycle glass, paper, and plastic.
to keep it from happening. Airbags can prevent tái chế
injuries in a car crash. reef (rēf)  n. A reef is a
ngăn chặn series of plant life near
problem (prah-blum)  n. A problem is something the surface of the ocean.
to be figured out. He thought about the problem A reef is home to many
before he answered it. ocean animals.
vấn đề rạn san hô

• professional (prō-fesh-un-ul)  adj. A professional • refer (ri-fur)  v. Refer means to relate to something

is someone who does a job for money. My aunt is a that came before. I will refer to the last chapter if I
professional dancer. have trouble understanding this one.
chuyên nghiệp tham khảo

protect (prō-tekt)  v. • reflect (ri-flekt)  v. To reflect means to be a sign

To protect means to keep of something. Manuel’s good grades reflect his
safe. Mothers will do intelligence.
anything to protect their phản ảnh
young. • region (rē-jun)  n. A region is a specific area.
bảo vệ The Arctic region is covered in snow and ice.
khu vực

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• release (ri-lēs)  v. When you release something, S

you let it go. The woman released the balloon into scientist (sī-en-tist)  n. A
the air. scientist studies things in
thả nature. The scientist used a
microscope to look at cells.
remember (ri-mem-bur)  v. When you remember
nhà khoa học
something, you think of it again. My sister always
remembers where she puts her keys. search (surch)  1 v. To search for something
nhớ means to look for it. 2 n. A search is the act of
looking for something. They are on a search to find a
• research (rē-surch)  v. When you research
missing person.
something, you look for information about it. I went to
tìm kiếm
the library to research butterflies.
khảo sát • section (sek-shun)  n. A section is one part of
something. I cut the sandwich into equal sections.
• resource (rē-sors)  n. A resource is something you
can use. Trees are a natural resource for wood used
in house building. segregate (se-gri-gāt)  v.
tài nguyên Segregate means to separate
or keep apart. Gym classes
respect (ri-spekt)  n. When you have respect for
usually segregate the boys and
someone, you have a good opinion of that person.
You show respect by being polite.
cách ly
tôn trọng
• sequence (sē-kwens)  n. The sequence of events
• response (ri-spons)  n. A response is an answer or
is the order in which the events happen. I do the
reply. A response can be either spoken or written.
same exercises in the same sequence every morning.
câu trả lời
trình tự
riddle (rid-ul)  n. A riddle is a puzzle or tricky
serious (sear-ē-us)  adj. When you are serious
question. A person solves a riddle by finding the
about something, you feel that it is important. Many
people are serious about their work.
câu đố
nghiêm trọng
• role (rōl)  n. A role is a position someone has in a
service (sur-vis)  n. A service is something done
certain situation. Luke does a great job in his role as
to help someone else. Free gift-wrapping is a service
the class leader.
some stores provide.
vai trò
dịch vụ
• route (rowt)  n. A route is a path that leads
settler (set-lur)  n. Settlers are people who move
somewhere. The bridge is the quickest route to the
to a new area to live. American settlers worked hard
other side of the river.
to survive in their new homes.
tuyến đường
người khai hoang
ruler (rü-lur)  n. A ruler is a person who runs a
shelter (shel-tur)  n. A shelter is something that
country. Elizabeth I is known by many as England’s
covers and protects you. A bus shelter can protect
greatest ruler.
you from the weather.
người trị vì
nơi trú ẩn
shore (shor)  n. A shore is the land beside a large
body of water. A shore can be rocky or made of sand.
bờ biển

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• similar (si-mu-lur)  adj. Things that are similar stranger (strānj-ur)  n. A
are almost the same. The sisters look very similar to stranger is someone you do

each other. not know. Everyone at the party
như nhau, tương tự was a stranger to her.
người lạ
• situation (si-chu-wā-shun)  n. A situation is the
context in which a word is used. Some words have • structure (struk-chur)  n. The structure of
different meanings in different situations. something is its arrangement or organization. The
tình huống structure of the bridge was very complex.
cấu trúc
soil (soil)  n. Soil is the dirt that covers the ground.
Most trees and plants need rich, wet soil to help them suggestion (sug-jes-chun)  n. A suggestion is an
grow. opinion or idea. Some restaurants have boxes to leave
đất suggestions on paper.
đề nghị
• solve (solv)  v.
To solve a problem • survive (sur-vīv)  v. To survive means to get
means to find the through something difficult. Surgery wasn’t fun, but I
answer. The girl solved survived.
the math problem on tồn tại
the board.
giải quyết • symbol (sim-bul)  n. A symbol is an object that
represents something else. A red octagon is a symbol
• source (sors)  n. A source is where something meaning “stop” in the United States.
comes from. Lakes are the source for much of our biểu tượng
drinking water.
nguồn system (sis-tum)  n. A system is a group of parts
that work together to do a job. People use a system
special (spe-shul)  adj. When something is of roads to drive to places more quickly.
special, it is different and important. Your birthday is hệ thống
a special day.
đặc biệt T
spirit (spear-ut)  n. Your spirit is the kind of • team (tēm)  n. A team is a group that works
person you are. Everyone likes my brother for his fun- together. The baseball team practices together in
loving spirit. order to improve.
tinh thần nhóm
spread (spred)  v. When something spreads, it temperature (tem-pur-u-
moves across a larger area. Milk spreads all over the chur)  n. The temperature is
floor when spilled. how hot or cold something is.
lây lan The temperature in the United
squeaky (skwē-kē)  adj. A squeaky noise is a high- States is usually at its highest
pitched sound. Mice make squeaky noises. during the summer.
kêu cót két nhiệt độ

starve (starv)  v. To starve means to not have tend (tend)  v. When you tend something, you take
enough food to live. If you do not eat for a long time, care of it. The man tends a plant by watering it.
you will starve. có xu hướng
đói test (test)  v. When you test something, you try it.
You should test your flashlight to see if the batteries
kiểm tra

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throne (thrōn)  n. A throne is a special chair where vessel (ves-ul)  n. A vessel

a royal person sits. Kings, queens, and emperors sit is a tube through which liquid
on thrones. travels in a living thing. The
ngai vàng vessels in a leaf deliver water to
the plant.
tool (tül)  n. A tool is something that makes work mạch máu
easier. A saw is a tool used to cut wood.
dụng cụ
• topic (tah-pik)  n. A topic is something that you
talk or write about. The topic of the fireman’s speech warning (wor-ning)  n. A warning lets you know
is fire safety. that there is danger ahead. Traffic signs are warnings
chủ đề to drive carefully.
cảnh báo
train (trān)  v. When you train someone, you teach
that person how to do something correctly. A coach waste (wāst)  n. Waste is something that is left
trains athletes. over or thrown away. People put their waste outside to
đào tạo be picked up each week.
chất thải
• trait (trāt)  n. A trait is a quality or characteristic of
something. Honesty is an important personality trait. weight (wāt)  n. A weight is a heavy object used
đặc điểm for exercise. People lift weights to make their muscles
transplant (trans-plant)  1 n.  A transplant is trọng lượng
something taken from one place to another. Heart
transplants are becoming more common. 2 v. To welcome (wel-kum)  v. When you welcome
transplant something means to take it from one someone, you greet that person kindly. We all
place to another. Trees are sometimes transplanted welcome our relatives.
from a forest to a park. chào mừng
trust (trust)  v. To trust someone means to believe
that they will do what is best for you. The girl trusts
her friend to catch her.
tin tưởng

• unique (yū-nēk)  adj. Something that is unique
is unusual or one of its kind. That hairstyle is very
độc nhất

vein (vān)  n. A vein is a blood vessel that carries
blood to the heart. You can see veins in your wrist
through your skin.
tĩnh mạch
ventricle (ven-tri-kul)  n. A vetricle is a lower area
of the heart. The ventricles pump blood out of your
tâm thất

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