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Safety Student Tracking Application


We are now hearing about several missing children due to van-catchers, thus we want to ensure
student safety using our GPS tracking application so that parents may feel comfortable returning
to their homes. Therefore, we now need to protect our students from outside threats, which is
why we came up with this idea. With the help of this app, you can find out where your child is.
The only drawback is that it won't function if your data is not open, but it will automatically
update the location when you do. Another issue is that you must continually charge your phone
when the battery is low. It differs from other GPS tracker applications in that it features an SOS
button that, when tapped, causes a notice to display on your parent's phone. The most popular
applications of GPS technology, like mapping and surveying, finding directions, and monitoring
kids, are known to the majority of people. However, there are a lot of different applications that
you might not have known about. All applications utilized by the military, first responders, as
well as various business and private usage, heavily rely on GPS.
Mental Health Declaration Form: MHDF


Many of us now experience anxiety and depression, especially among students, but our school is
unaware of this and doesn't keep track of how many people have been affected. As a result, we
mistakenly believed that this form was similar to the health declaration form, even though it is
specifically about your mental health problem. As a result, we can immediately identify those
who have been harmed. This form is used each month to track changes in the number of people
who have experienced anxiety, depression, and other disorders. The mental health declaration
form is easy to fill out since it is identical to the health declaration form, which is how our notion
differs from e-counseling. Another benefit is that more students will fill out our MHDF since it is
simple to do, as opposed to e-counseling, which is not publicly known on our portal. Another
distinction between MHDC and e-counseling is that MHDC will be aware of the number of
persons affected, whereas e-counseling entails offering mental health services and support over
the internet. Email, text messaging, video conferencing, online chat, messaging, and internet
phone can all be used to provide services. It is also necessary to count people who have suffered
so that appropriate action can be done.

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