Rizal Module 1

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1. Explain Why Rizal works and writings is a mandated subject to be taught to all schools in the country?
Rizal works and writings is a mandate to be thought to all schools in the country because we must learn
about his thoughts behind his acts, his reasons, experience and his works that relevant in our time, place,
generations to appreciate him. It is of great importance that students understand the rationale behind
having to take up a Rizal course in college. And it is mandate by law.
2. Definition of Nationalism
Nationalism is an ideology that emphasizes loyalty, devotion, or allegiance to a nation or non—state.
3. Differentiate nationalism from patriotism.

Nationalism means to give more importance to Patriotism pertains to the love for a nation, with
unity by way of a cultural background, including more emphasis on values and beliefs.
language and heritage.

Activity 1
1. Why is RA 1425 important?
The Rizal Law, also known as RA 1425, mandates the study of Rizal's life and works, as shown in

1. This Republic Act calls for an increased sense of nationalism from the Filipinos during a time of a
dwindling Filipino identity.

Self-evaluation: True or False. Write T if the statement is true and F if the

statement is false.
F 1. Rizal Law does not necessarily apply in private school.
F 2. Rizal Law is also known as 1435.
F 3. Rizal law was published on 1935.
T 4. August 16, 1956 was the date effectively promulgate Rizal law.
F 5. Author of Rizal law was Juan Ponce Enrile.

1. Describe briefly the content of RA 1425.
Mandates the study of Rizal's life and works.
2. Explain this statement “The Pen is Mightier than the Sword”
"The pen is mightier than the sword" is a saying that many people learn as children. Of course, it means
that ideas that are expressed in writing can be much more consequential than violence. Words can
influence and inspire countless people, and they can live on indefinitely.

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