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How useful is the bispectral index

in the management of ICU patients?

I f you want to objective ly quantify the level of F rom the Lecturer in Intensive Care
sedation the intuitive solution must be to monitor Medicine
the brain dire c t ly. H oweve r, due to the complexity St George’s Hospital Medical School,
of this organ, and our limited understanding of
consciousness, this remains a daunting challenge.
For many ye a rs, re s e a rchers have inve s t i gated the
electrical activity of the brain and its re l ationship ampli tude) pr edomi nant i n r el axed con-
with conscious leve l . O ver the last few ye a rs, a sci ous subj ects; theta ( 4-7 Hz, l ow-
d e r ived va r i able from the EEG, the Bispectra l medi um ampl itude) and delta ( 0.5- 3.5
Index (BIS), has been developed, which appears to H z, hi gh ampl i tude) both of whi ch
correlate quite well with the level of pharmacologi-
cal sedation. become i ncr easi ngl y pr omi nent wi th
decr easin g consci ous l evel . For neur odi -
Key w or ds: I n t e ns ive care units - Bispectra l
index - Critical care - Electroencephalography. agnostic pur poses up to 19 channels ( -
scal p el ectr odes) are r ecor ded sim ul ta-
neously . I nterp r etati on of the ra w data i s
a hi ghl y compl ex task, whi ch i s i mpos-
From basic EEG to BIS 1, 2 si bl e i n r eal ti me wi thout the ai d of
compl ex computer pr ocessi ng. B y
The el ectri cal acti vi ty of the br ai n can
employin g such analy sis, the prop or-
be measur ed by pl acin g el ectr odes on the
tion, power and coherence of the el ectr i -
scal p. However the tr ansduced si gnal
cal activ ity wit hi n each fr equency band
al so contains the electri cal activi ty of
can be measur ed, and thi s br oadly cor -
the scal p muscl es, the hear t and even
re l ates wi th the l evel of consci ousness.
el ectr i cal devi ces ar ound the pati ent and
B I S was devel oped by per for mi ng
EEG monitor . Despi te thi s, the brain ’s
electrical activi ty can be identi fied by detailed analysis on the EEGs of 1,5 00
i ts char acter i sti c ampl i tude and fr e- patients undergoing general anaesthe-
quency patter n s. Th ese h av e been sia, induced and maintained by a varie -
grouped i nto four bands: beta ( 14-30 ty of hypnotics and analgesics. By sta-
Hz, ver y l ow ampli tude) associ ated wi th ti sti cal l y anal ysi ng the str ength of
mental activity and the earl y stages of cor r el ati on between a number of the
descr i pti ve par ameter s gener ated by
or other proprietary information of the Publisher.

anaesthesi a; al ph a ( 8 - 1 3 Hz, l ow
the EEG analys is, and the detail ed cl ini-
cal assessment of the depth of sedation,
Address reprint requests to: J Ball - St. George’s
Hospital Medical School - Cranner Terrace, london, r esear cher s i denti fi ed 3 par ameter s,
UK. whic h, in weighted combina tion, mir-


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BIS 100 Awake EMG and suppre ssi on ra tio) and a ra w,

single channel, continuous, EEG wave-
Response to normal voice
form , al l of which provi de useful in for -
mation. The commonest art efact affect-
i ng the BI S is EM G fr om the fr ontal i s
Response to loud commands muscl e. Unfor tunatel y, EM G si gnal fr e-
or mild-moderate physical quencies ( 30- 300 Hz) over l ap with the
stimulus top end of the EEG fr equenci es. These
signals therefore cannot be completely
60 separa ted and hence if a patient gener-
Low probability of explicit recall
Unresposive to verbal stimuli
ates an EMG si gnal i n the 30- 50 Hz band
this wi ll i ncrease the BIS . I n order to
aler t the cl in i cian to thi s possibil it y,
40 the str ength of any si gnal in the 70- 110
Hz fr equency band i s i ndi cated by an EM G
bar on the monitor. The complex r ela-
tionshi p between EEG and EMG si gnal s i s
Burst suppression such that typicall y, as a patient’s depth
of sedati on i ncr eases, thei r EMG activi ty
fal ls .3 However , as sedati ve drugs pr e-
domi nantly affect the hi gher br ai n cen-
0 Flat line EEG tr es and movement ( EM G activi ty) i s to
a si gni fi cant extent contr ol l ed by the
Fig. 1.—BIS range guidelines. spin al cor d, ci r cumstances can ar ise ,
especi al l y i n r esponse to a nox i ous
stimul us, wher eby pr ofoundl y sedated
ror ed the depth of sedation. They went pati ents ex hi bi t hi gh EM G acti vi ty
on to develop a complex algorithm util- re sulti ng fr om spi nal re flexes. Thus an
isi ng these three parameters to derive esti mate of the str ength of EMG activi ty
a sin gle measure of the depth of seda- is vital in the i nterpr etation of the BIS
tion, whic h they terme d the Bis pectral i n non-paralysed patients.4 Last year ,
Index; a non- line ar scale from 0-1 00 the BIS hardware and software under-
(Fig . 1). They then prospectively vali- went a maj or upgr ade ter med BI S XP
dated the algorithm on a furthe r group ( ex panded per for mance) . Thi s has
of p ati ents u n der goi n g gen er al i mpr oved the detection and filtering of
anaesthesia. EMG and other ar tefacts, though by no
means removed them enti r el y.
The suppr ession ra tio ( SR) quanti fi es
BIS, EMG and SR the perc entage of the last 60 seconds in
whi ch the EEG was is oel ectr i c. The SR i s
The onl y commer ci al l y avai l able stand most useful in monit oring neurological
alone BIS monit or is the A- 2000 pr o- pati ents, i n whom one of the goal s of
duced by Aspect Medi cal Systems (N ew- sedati on i s barb i tur ate coma. I t can al so
ton, M A, U SA; h ttp:/ / w w w .- pr ovi de val uabl e i nfor mati on i n l ess
aspectms.com) , al though a number of heavi l y sedated pati ents. The SR tends to
I CU moni tor s now have B I S modul es be zer o until the BI S fall s i nto the 20s.
avai labl e. All employ a bi frontal sensor The SR then in cr eases r apidly as the BIS
or other proprietary information of the Publisher.

that connects to an anal ogue to digi tal fal l s fur ther . Devi ati ons fr om thi s
si gnal conver ter ( DSC) . I n addition to expected patter n, such as a pati ent wi th
the BIS , the moni tor s di splay three oth- an SR of 35% and a BI S of 55, can alert
er par ameter s ( si gnal qual i ty i ndex, the cl i nician to the possi bi l i ty of a fals e-


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l y el evated BI S or the pre sence of or gan- Monitorin g a patient’s BI S in the I CU

i c br ai n pathol ogy. per mi ts a conti nuous and obj ecti ve
assessment of their level of sedation. It
is ar guabl y, r elativel y easy to detect i f a
Validation patient i s under sedated, as one or more
of the i denti fie d goal s of sedation wi l l
Si nce i ts development, BIS has been have fai l ed, the obvi ous ex cepti on to
r epeatedl y v al i dated as a depth of thi s bei ng a pati ent who’ s r ecei vi ng
anaesthesia monitori ng tool . Unsur pri s- neuromuscl ular blockade. Under these
i ngl y, B I S l evel al so cor r el ates wel l ci r cumstances, concer n for the pos-
with the phases of nor mal sl eep 5 and i n si bi li ty of patient awar eness commonly
addi ti on, cor r el ates wel l wi th gl obal r esul ts i n del i ber ate over sedati on.
brain metabolic activity. 6 BIS has also
However , by uti l is i ng a BI S moni tor ,
been vali dated agai nst a number of seda-
tion scor in g systems in a di ver se r ange sedation can be titr ated to achieve a tar-
of ICU patients.7-9 Its val idity i s l ar gel y get BIS of <60, ensur ing that the pos-
unaffected by the extr emes of age, at si bi l i ty of awar eness i s effecti vel y
l east i n anaesthesi a.10-12 BI S has been re moved (p robabi lit y of re cal l <5% 21,
22 but al l owi ng the mi ni mal dose of
successfull y empl oyed in moni tor i ng the
depth of sedation with a wi de varie ty of sedation to be admini stered to achie ve
agents, although appears to be unreli- thi s. Over sedati on i n non- par al ysed
abl e when uti l i sed wi th ketami ne 13, 14 or pati ents can si mi l ar l y be r educed by
xenon.15 There i s also a complex rela- targetin g specifi c ra nges of BI S values.
ti onshi p between BI S and opi ates.16, 17 I t However, the int erpre tation of the BIS
appear s that l oss of consci ou sn ess scal e shown i n Figure 1, shoul d be con-
i nduced by pr opofol , benzodi azepi nes si dere d a gui del i ne and not defin i ti ve.
and vol ati le agents occur s at l ower doses Any B I S val ue must be i nter pr eted
and at hi gh BI S l evel s when pati ents are al ongside both the tr aditi onal assess-
pr e tr eated with opiates, thus i mpl yi ng ment tool s ( pati ent behavi our and
that BI S mer el y r eflects the concentr a- physiologic al para meters ) and the SQI,
ti on of hypnoti c dr ug. However , for a EM G and SR. BI S offers useful additional
given dose of a hypnotic dr ug, the BI S
i nform ation and should not be consid-
level re sponse to a noxious stim ulu s is
damped by opi ate admi ni str ati on.18 A er ed a stand alone r eplacement. For a ny
si mi l ar set of phenomena may ex i st i ndi vi dual pati ent, the maxi mum BI S
durin g co-adm i nistration of hypnotics l evel that corr elates wit h the sedation
and neuromuscular bl ocker s, 19 al though goals for that patient need to be deter-
thi s i s compli cated by the in abil i ty to mi ned. Star tin g targets can be taken as a
di ffer enti ate between hi gh fr equency “ r esti ng” B I S of 4 0 - 6 0 and a “ -
EEG and l ow fr equency EM G. Thi s i s r esponse to noxi ous sti mul us” BI S of
compl i cated fur ther , i n cr i ti cal l y i l l 60-8 0. Usi ng these tar gets, together
patie nts, as they tend to have l ow EEG wi th the tr adi ti onal goal s descr i bed
power that r enders the BIS algori thm above allo ws contin uous monit ori ng and
more susceptibl e to EMG ar tefact.20 In hence aggressi ve tit rat ion of hypnotic
essence, the effect on BI S of r educi ng and anal gesi c dr ugs. I n addi ti on, the
affer ent cort i cal i nput remai ns uncl ear . obser ved patter n of BIS and haemody-
or other proprietary information of the Publisher.

namic par ameter s (Ī other s) can, for

exampl e, i ndi cate that an i ncr ease i n
How can you use the BIS an al gesi c r ather th an h y p noti c i s
in clinical practice? re qui re d to achi eve the sedation goals .


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Potential other uses for BIS monitoring gia.

Par ole chiave: Sedazione - Terap ia intensiva
Though cur r en tl y th e su bj ect of - Bispe ctral index.
r esearch i nter est only , BI S monit or -
i ng may pr ove to be a useful tool for
br ai n moni tor i ng i n pati ents wi th a References
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or other proprietary information of the Publisher.


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