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Assalamualaikum wr.



All praises to Allah, The lord of All Human and every creatures, who has bless us
with his mercies and grant us a beautiful life under the light of Iman and Islam.
Peace always be given to our guide, our leader, our prophet Muhammad SAW who
has guided us from the darkness into the lightness, from the wrong path to the right

I am Dina Nurul Adyan, the participate of SMA Informatika Nurul Bayan Cimerak,
Pangandaran. I’m going to speak about “Love to prophet Muhamad SAW”

My honour all judges, The chair of SMA Informatika Nurul Bayan and all my
teacher who give me chance.

Ladies and gentleman

We have to know clearly that the ultimate paragon of all Muslims in this world, in
all eras is without any doubt of our prophet Muhammad SAW, however it is still
very few of us, who is really understand how did he lived and how is the struggle
throughout the years, spreading the teachings of islam while maintaining its
follower faith, all of the ordeal the pain and the torment that he got from all of his
enemies, even from his own family and neighborhood.
Even something that is basic such as where did our prophet was born, when did he
lived, who is his parents, to whom did he married, and names of his children, and
many more about our prophet that we still didn’t know about it.

This is why many ulama at that time trying their best to educate and to introduce
our prophet life and struggles through bioghraphy books that called Sirah and
maulid books, while educating people to know more and teach them to love our
prophet through poems and songs about our prophet that call Nasyid or Qasidah.

Ladies and gentleman

All of this efforts and contribution that our ulama and habib created, through siroh
books, maulid books, and qosidah, is no other than to express their love for their
prophet Muhammad Shallalahu alaihi wassalam, while also educate other people to
love and know more about our prophet’s struggles and life.

It is ironic that we know many things about musician, actress, and such things, while
we know nothing about our own prophet, who has contribute his life, soul and
blood for the sake of our happiness in this life.

That’s why we need to start reading the life of our prophet either through maulid
books or siroh books or both of them, and always reciting the qosidah and
understand them so we can deepen our love to prophet Sallalahu alaihi wasallam,
and then try to do just as he do in his life as best as we can. Then we can get close to
our god Allah Subhanahu wata’ala and become beloved by him through our prophet
Muhammad Sallalahu alaihi wasallam.
Al habib Muhammad Al Habsyi ever said:

‫ق فِى ْالبَ ِريَّ ِة َمحْ ُموْ د ِإالَّ َوه َُو ُمتَلَقًّى ع َْن زَ ي ِْن ْال ُوجُوْ ِد‬
ٍ ُ‫َو َما ِم ْن ُخل‬

There are no good manner and attitude, except from our God
Allah subhanahu wata’ala.

We hope that we can become beloved by our God and our prophet and be able to
follow his theachings and his way of lif

I think that’s all my speech. I’m sorry for any mistakes,


Wasallamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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