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Task 1. Understanding the Nature of Explanation Texts

Statements True False
1 Explanations answer the questions on “ how” something √

works or “why” something happens.

2 An example of nature explanation text would have a title √

like “How rain is formed?

3 The Sun has got hidden and it’s really dark out called Rainy. X

4 There are three major parts during a Solar Eclipse are √

Umbra, Antumbra, Punambra.

5 Penumbra is when the Total Solar Eclipse occurs. X

1. What is the title of that Video?
The tittle of the video is Solar Eclipse.
2. When does the Solar Eclipse occur?
The Solar Eclipse occurs when the moon comes in between the earth and the sun causing
a shadow of the moon to fall on certain portions of the earth.
3. There are three major parts during a Solar Eclipse! Explain each part clearly!
a) Umbra : The portion of the moon’s shadow where the moon completely covers the sun.
This when the total solar eclipse occurs.
b) Antumbra : Where the moon completely in front of the sun, but doesn’t cover the entire
sun. The outline of the sun can be seen around the shadow of the moon. That’s when
annular solar eclipse happen.
c) Punambra : The area of the shadow where only a portion of the moon is in front of the
sun. This is when the partial solar eclipse occurs, which can only be seen a part of the
Task 2. Watch and Analyze the Video
Answer the following questions!
1. What is the Corona Virus? COVID-19 is a disease that causes respiratory problems and
attacks the immune system.
2. What are the symptoms of the Corona Virus?
The symptoms are fever, respiratory symptoms such as cough and difficulty breathing.
3. How long someone get risk after having close contact with someone who’s been
confirmed to have the Virus? It takes two weeks.
4. What we use if there’s no soap to wash hands? We still can use hand sanitizer.
5. How to protect yourself from Corona Virus?
- Keep the distance
- Don't touch your nose, eyes and mouth before washing your hands
- Wash your hands with soap or use a hand sanitizer
- Stay away from animals and animal market

Task 3. Getting the General Picture of Explanation Text

Generic Structure Explanation

General Statements Water is very important for human, animal, and plant.
Water moves from one
place to another. Do you know how water cycle works?

A Series of Explanations Solar energy evaporates exposed water from seas, lakes,
rivers and wet soil, the
majority of this evaporation takes place over the seas.
Water is also released into the
atmosphere by the plants through photosynthesis. During
this process, known as
evapotranspiration, water vapour rises into the atmosphere.
Clouds are formed when air becomes saturated with water
vapour. The two
major types of cloud formation are stratified or layered
grey clouds called surutus and
following white or dark grey cloud called cumulus clouds.
Precipitation as rain or hail ensures the heated water reruns
to earth’s surface in a fresh form. Some of this rain,
however, falls into the seas and is not accessible to
humans. When rain falls, it either washes down-hill slopes
or seeps underground, when snow and hail melt, this water
may also shrink into the ground.
Closing Rain fall also replenishes river water supplies so does
underground water. Snow
fall may consolidate into glaciers and ice sheet which,
when they melt, release their water into the ground, into
streams or into the seas.
Task 5. Do the following project
1. List five natural phenomena and five social phenomena that you know!
 Natural phenomena : How Hurricanes Form, How Meteors Form, How Decay Occurs,
How Does The Height Of Mountains Increase, How Is Lightning Made.
 Social phenomena : Child Marriage, Underage Driver, Sexual Harassment on Religious
Schools, College Hazing, Citayam Fashion Week.
2. Write a short explanation text about one of the phenomena you have mentioned

Early Marriage
Early marriage is a marriage that happened by a young couple who are still under the age of 18, who
should not be ready for marriage considering their young age. You could say this early marriage was
carried out at the age of adolescence.

Some of the factors that cause early marriage include the education factor, where the children has
chosen a job over school, so usually the children consider themself able to support themself and choose
to get married. Then the economic factors, namely the family's economic conditions that could cause
children to marry at a young age. There are also social and cultural factors, which is the habits of the
local community that lead to marriage at a young age. Not infrequently also due to the impact of
promiscuity such as sex before marriage which can also lead to early marriage.

The impact from early marriage in terms of health, especially for women who are married under the
age of 16 are at high risk for cervical cancer. Then from a psychological and social point of view, it can
have an impact on major depression or neurotic depression due to early marriage. This can occur in
different personality conditions such as the teenager withdrawing from the association.

The fate of the children for the future does not guaranteed them to feel happier, because of this early
marriage, children must lose their chance to play along on their youth. Children can not gain the
education that they should have gotten and can not achieve their dreams.

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