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Philippine in the 19th Century as Rizal Context ● To win the support of her overseas colonies during

the Napoleonic invasion, Spain granted them

The Filipinos in this time were unfortunate victims of the evils representation in the Cortes (Spanish parliament).
of an unjust, biased and deteriorating power. Accordingly, the Philippines experienced her first
1. Instability of Colonial administration period of representation in the Cortes from 1810 to
King Ferdinand VII 1813.History demonstrate that the first Philippine
 The instability of Spanish politics delegate, Ventura de los Reyes, took active part in
since the turbulent reign of King the framing of the Constitution of 1812.
Ferdinand VII (1808-1833) mark ● Spain’s first democratic constitution, and was one of
the beginning of political chaos in its 184 signers. Unfortunately, the representation of
Spain. the overseas colonies (including Philippines) in the
 The political instability in Spain Spanish Cortes was abolished in 1837. Since then
adversely affected Philippine Philippine conditions worsened because there was
affairs because it brought about frequent periodic no means by which the Filipino people could expose
shift in colonial policies and periodic rigodon of the anomalies perpetrated by the colonial officials.
colonial officials. Many Filipino patriots valiantly pleaded for the
 1835 to 1892 -5- Governor Generals each serving an restoration of Philippine representation in the
average term only one year and three months. Cortes. One of them, the silver-tongued Graciano
2. Corrupt Colonial Officials Lopez Jaena, implored in sonorous Castilian on
● With few exceptions, the colonial officials (governor- October 12, 1883,during the 391st anniversary of
general, judges, executives, etc.) sent by Spain to the the discovery of America by Columbus in Madrid: “
Philippines in the 19th century were a far cry from ● Until the end of Spanish rule in 1898, Philippine
their able and dedicated predecessors of the representation in the Cortes was never restored.
16th,17th, and18th centuries. They were either 4. Human Rights Denied to Filipinos
highly corrupt, in competent, cruel, or venal.  Since the adoption of the Spanish Constitution of
Apparently, they symbolized the decadent Spain of 1812. Such inconsistency was lamented by
the 19th century – not Spain of the Siglo de Oro Sinabaldo de Mas, Spanish economist and diplomat,
● (Golden Age) which produced Miguel Cervantes, who wrote in 1843:
Lope de Vega, Calderon de la Barca, El Greco, 5. No Equality before the Law
Velasquez, St. Theresa da Avila, and other glories of -The Spanish missionaries, who introduced Christianity into
the Hispanic nation. the Philippines as early as in the 16thcentury, taught that
General Rafael de Izquierdo (1871-73)
all men, irrespective of color and race, are children of
 a boastful and ruthless governor general, aroused
God and as much as they are brothers, they are equal
the anger of the Filipinos by executing the innocent
Fathers Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora, before God.
the “Martyrs od1872”. -They could not appeal to the law for justice because the
law, being dispensed by Spaniards, was only for the
Admiral Jose Malcampo (1874-77) white Spaniards.
6. Maladministration of Justice
 Was a good Moro fighter, but was -The courts of justice in the Philippines during Rizal’s time
an inept and weak administrator. were notoriously corrupt.
-Poor Filipinos had no access to the courts because they
could not afford the heavy expenses of litigation.
General Fernando Primo De River, 7. Racial Discrimination
governor general (1880-83 and 1897-
● Racial prejudice was prevalent everywhere
● Castilian lineage were a badge of vaunted superiority.
 Enriched himself by accepting
Hence, a Spaniards or a mestizo, no matter how
bribes from gambling casinos in
Manila which he's scandalously stupid or mongrel-born he always enjoyed political
permitted to operate. and social prestige in the community.
8. Frailocracy
General Valeriano Weyler (1888-91) -Owing to the Spanish political philosophy of union of Church
-a cruel and corrupt governor general of and State, there arose unique form of government in
Hispanic-German ancestry, Hispanic.
-Called him “tyrant” because of -Philippines called “frailocracy”, so named because it was “a
his brutal government by friars”.
- “The Bucher” because of his 9. Forced Labor
ruthless - Known as the polo service, it was the compulsory labor
imposed by the Spanish colonial authorities on adult.
General Camilo de Polavieja
-Filipino males from 16 to 60years old were obliged to render
forced labor for40 days a year. Later, the Royal Decree of
-an able militarist but heart less
governor general, was widely July12, 1883, implemented by the New Regulations
detested by the Filipino people promulgated by the Council of State of February3, 1885,
for executing Dr. Rizal. increased the minimum age of the polist as (those who
-They became rich by illegal means or by marrying performed the force labor) from 16 to 18 and reduced the
the heiresses of rich Filipino families. days of labor from 40 to 15. The same royal decree
provided that not only native Filipinos, but also all male
3. Philippines Representation in Spanish Cortes Spanish residents from 18 to 60 years old must render
forced labor, but this particular provision was never
implemented in the Philippines for obvious reasons. So LUCIA RIZAL (1857-1919)
actually the brown Filipinos did the dirty job of building or ● The fifth child. Married to Matriano Herbosa.
repairing the public works. The well-to-do among them
were able to escape this manual labor by paying the falla, MARIA RIZAL (1859-1945)
which was a sum of money paid to the government to be -The sixth child. Married
exempted from the polo. Daniel Faustino Cruz of
10. Haciendas Owned by the Friars Biñan, Laguna.
-During Rizal’s times the Spanish friars belonging to
different religious orders were the riches landlords, for
they owned the best haciendas in the Philippines CONCEPCION RIZAL (1862-1865)
11. The Guardia Civil ● The eight child. Died at the age of three.
-The last hated symbol of Spanish tyranny was the Guardia JOSEFA RIZAL (1865-1945)
Civil (Constabulary) which was created by the Royal ● The ninth child. An epileptic, died a spinster.
Decree of February 12,1852, as amended by the Royal JOSE RIZAL (1861-1896)
Decree of March24, 1888, for the purpose of ● The second son and the seventh child. He was
maintaining internal peace and order in the Philippines. executed by the Spaniards on December 30,1896.
It was patterned after the famous and well-disciplined ● Baptized by Rev. Rufino Collantes with Rev. Pedro
Guardia Civil in Spain, but later became infamous for Casañas as the sponsor. 22 June 1861
their rampant abuses, such as maltreating innocent ● 1864, three years old, Rizal learned the alphabet from
people, looting Carabaos, chickens, and valuable his mother.
belongings, and raping helpless women. ● 1865, when Rizal I 4 yrs. Old his sister died Conepcion
(3yrs old)
FRANCISCO MERCADO (1818- ● 1865 – 1867, his mother taught him how to read and
1898) write. . His father hired a classmate by the name of
-Father of Jose Leon Monroy who, for five months until his
Rizal who was (Monroy) death, taught Rizal the rudiments of Latin.
the youngest of ● 6 June 1868, Rizal and his father made a pilgrimage to
13 offs prings of Antipolo
Juan and Cirila ● 1869, age of eight, Rizal wrote his first poem entitled
Mercado. Born in Biñan, Laguna on April “Sa Aking Mga Kabata.” The poem was written in
18, 1818; studied in San Jose College, tagalog and had for its theme “Love of One’s
Manila; and died in Manila. Language.”
TEODORA ALONSO (1827-1913) ● Early Education in Calamba and Biñan
-Mother of Jose Rizal who was ● 4 R’s- reading, writing, arithmetic, and religion
the second child of Lorenzo ● Maestro Celestino and the second, Maestro Lucas
Alonso and Brijida de Quintos. Padua- private tutor
-She studied at the Colegio de ● June 1869, Jose and his brother goes to Biñan- rode
Santa Rosa. She was a business- in a carromata
minded woman, courteous, religious, hard-working ● Maestro Justiniano Aquino Cruz- teacher of PAciano
and well-read. (brother)
 She was born in Santa Cruz, Manila on November 14, ● A. Rizal Education in Manila(1872-1882)
1827 and died in 1913 in Manila. ● B. Rizal’s First Travel Abroad (1882-1887)
SATURNINA RIZAL (1850-1913) After finishing his medical course in University of
-Eldest child of the Rizal-Alonzo Santo Tomas, Jose Rizal then decided to go to Spain
marriage. Married Manuel Timoteo mainly for two reasons:
Hidalgo of Tanauan, Batangas. To finish his medical specialization.
To do his “secret mission” in preparation for his fight
PACIANO RIZAL (1851- in the Philippines.
1930) ● He arrived in Singapore on May 9, 1882.
Only brother of Jose Rizal ● He stayed in Hotel de la Paz.
and the second child. ● He then left Singapore on May 11, 1882 boarded the
ship Djemnah
NARCISA RIZAL (1852- ● Donato Lecha, captain of the ship defined Jose as a
1939) refined man.
-The third child. married Antonio ● Ceylon to Italy ( May 17 – June 11, 1882)
Lopez at Morong, Rizal; a teacher ● He arrived in Barcelona on June 16, 1882.
and musician. ● June 24, 1884- The Return of Rizal in Madrid. Rizal
was broke that he cannot afford to buy breakfast.
OLYMPIA RIZAL (1855- ● June 25, 1884 – a banquet was called for the
1887) illustrados for the double victory Filipinos achieved
--The fourth child. Married Silvestre in Madrid: Luna’s Spoliarium (1st place) and
Ubaldo; died in 1887 from Hidalgo’s Virgenes Cristianas Expuestas al Populacho
childbirth. (2nd place)
● November 20 – 22, 1884 – A bloody riot in Madrid
exploded by the students of Universidad Central.
● November 26, 1884 – Jose send a letter about the riot ● Jose in Hongkong ( February 3, 1888 – February 22,
that happened in Madrid explaining it detail by 1888)
detail. ● Jose in Japan (February 28, 1888 – April 13, 1888)
● June 21, 1884 – He earned the Licentiate in Medicine. ● Then he met Juan Perez Caballero, a Spanish
● June 19, 1885 – He finished his Philosophy and Letters ambassador in Japan.
as a Sobresaliente. ● Then he met, O Sei-san, Jose’s tour guide, translator
● France to Germany (1885 -1887) and lover.
● After graduating in Madrid, he went to Paris to ● He also learned judo and kabuki.
practice ophthalmology. ● United States in April 28, 1888. He saw America was
● He then met Juan Luna and his girlfriend, Paz Pardo marred with racial prejudice.
de Tavera. ● Reno, the biggest city in the world
● In Luna’s painting The Death of Cleopatra, Jose posed ● He wrote in his diary the beauty of Nevada while
as an Egyptian and posed a sandugo depicting travelling to Albany.
Sikatuna – Legazpi pact. ● May 13, 1888 – He arrived in New York where he
● Alin mang Lahi – a patriotic song written by Rizal called it as the “BigTown.”
which asserts freedom. ● Jose arrived in England on May 1888. He chose
● February 3, 1886 – Jose arrived in Heidelberg, where England as his new home to improve his English
he was considered an excellent chess player. language, to study Antonio Morga’s Sucesos de las
● Rizal met one of the authors he admired, Dr. Feodor Felipinas and knowing England was the safest place
Jagor. against the Spanish.
● Madame Lucie Cerdole – A professor in French ● May 25, 1888, Jose traveled in London, where he
language who enhanced the knowledge of Jose became a boarder of the Becket where Gertrude
about French language and culture. Beckett fell in love.
● Unter den Linden – a famous street in Berlin where ● He visited Paris in order to get some references in
Jose like to hang out. Bibliotheque Nationale.
● In his letter to Trinidad, he discussed about the ● He then traveled in Spain and there he met the
personality of German women: diligent, serious, superpowers of propaganda, Marcelo H. del Pilar
educated, friendly, not gossipy and not quarrelsome. and Mariano Ponce.
● Uncle Tom’s Cabin – A novel used by Jose as a ● La Solidaridad – a patriotic newspaper founded by
reference for Noli me Tangere. Graciano Lopez Jaena on February 18, 1889 in
● January 1884 – Jose suggested that the novel should Barcelona, Spain which aims to:
be done by a group of patriotic Filipinos To work peacefully for political and social reforms.
● In Berlin, He finalized the revisions in February 1886. To show the condition of Philippines so Spain may
● Maximo Viola funded the publication of the novel remedy them.
where 2000 copies were printed for 300 pesos. To oppose the evil forces in the Philippines.
● Noli me Tangere was not originally came from him To advocate liberal ideas and progress.
but from a Bible verse. ( John 20 : 13-17)He To prioritize Filipino life and happiness.
dedicated the novel to his fatherland- the ● In the first article of Jose in the newspaper, he
Philippines. discussed the situation of the Filipino farmers.
● May 11, 1887 – The two left Berlin in an express train. ● Writings of Rizal in London
● They visited different places in Europe like: Dresden ● La Vision del Fray Rodriguez - writing of Jose in which
(Germany), Teschen ( Czechoslovakia), Leitmeritz he discussed his newfound meaning of religion and
( Bohemia) his satirical comments.
● June 23, 1887 – Jose and Maximo parted ways, Jose ● Spanish considered Fray Rodriguez as dangerous as
went to Italy and Maximo returned in Spain. the Noli me Tangere.
● June 27, 1887 – he arrived in Rome, where he called ● This was the time he used the pen name. Dimas
“The City of Caesar.” Alang.
● Aug 5, 1887 – Jose arrived in the Manila. ● Letter to The Young Women of Malolos – Jose
● Upon arrival, he then treated young Filipinos and praised the bravery of women of Malolos.
introduced European culture. ● Because of the flirting of Rizal and Beckett, he left
● But one thing that Jose was not able to do, to meet London to pursues his mission on March 19, 1889
Leonor Rivera. ● This is where Jose Rizal started writing his second
● Second Travel Abroad ( 1888 -1892) most famous novel, El Filibusterismo. (September
● In September 1887, Jose suspended his trip to Europe 18, 1891)
because her sister, Olympia, died of internal ● He was accompanied by Jose Alberto and later by
bleeding due to her giving birth. Jose Alejandro.
● Even though his family was persecuted because of the ● Second Homecoming (1892) he persecuted and
uproar of Noli me Tangere, his family decided Rizal tortured by the Spanish government.
will stay in the Philippines. ● December 1890 – Rizal received a letter from Leonor
● December 29, 1887 – The Church ordered a Rivera.
prohibition in the publication and circulation of the ● June 26, 1892 – Rizal arrived in Manila together with
Noli me Tangere. Lucia.
● February 3, 1888 – After staying in the Philippines, ● Language learned by Rizal
Jose left Manila for Hongkong bringing 5000 pesos, Catalan Filipino
earning from his medical practice. GermanIlokano ArabicBisayan
Malay Subanon SanskritChinese
DutchLatin Nihonggo Spanish
PortugueseGreek ChavacanoEnglish
SwedishFrench Russian
● La Liga Filipina (Filipino League) – a civic organization
of Filipinos aimed for reforms under Spanish
Rizal entered in 1872
● Under Jesuit System of Education
● Ateneo Municipal- a college under the supervision of
the Spanish Jesuits
● Escuela Pia (Charity School)- formerly name of
Ateneo, a school for poor boys in Manila which was
established by the city government in 1817
● June 10, 1872- Rizal accompanied by Paciano went
to Manila
● • Father Magin Ferrando- was the college registrar,
refused to admit Rizal in Ateneo for two reasons
Scholastic Triumphs at Ateneo de Manila (1872-
● Scholastic Triumphs at Ateneo de Manila (1872-1877)
Manuel Xerez Burgos-because of his intercession,
nephew of Father Burgos, Rizal was reluctantly
admitted at the Ateneo Jose was the first of his
family to adopt the surname “Rizal”.
● November 25, 1881- the title was issued to Rizal for
passing the final examination in the surveying course
Medical Studies at the University of Santo Tomas

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